The Brussels Post, 1898-7-1, Page 7Juxx 1, 1395.
$R17SS 1.1S.
P 0 S T.
Tile 1Ynter or Jw'4•he Thus Dlseniee--Oen.
Andrea 11eeteeen Iniquity and Dirt -
The Newspaper's kII11ds er( -'I Ik srlto,I
(0011 ti Uu yr n /.'^ween ng inti (weer-..
Peed (he ►'Oozy Then 'remit Them the
A despatch from 'Washington says:
-Dr. Talmage preached from the fol-
lowing text: -",And the men of Lhe
city said unto Ensile, Behold, I pray
thee, the situation or this elle is pleas-
ant, an my lord Beeth; but the water
is naught, and the ground barren.
aim afford to Have unuttered hyenas voices. "Tho path we travel is steep themselves In luxuries and despised
Ignorance Is the lmetber of bydree ; dnw7l, and we eau`! slop. Too late l" the poor, shall come to shame and ev-
lenrled crime, Intense -tel darkness is , and we catch our 'breath and we 1nak0 orlasting contempt, 1 hops it may be
generally the precursor of morel dark- a terrific outcry. "Too late I" Is said of you and me that we gays
WHIP. 1 know there are educated out- ; echoed Prem the garret, and the cellar, bread to the hungry, and wiped away
laws -men, who, through their' s11a1'p- and the ginshop, •"1'no late I' It is the fear of the orphan, and upon lheo
0088, of ilhtellect, are made more toe late, and i hey go over. 'wanderer oC the arrant we 01 3nerl the
dangeroles. ]hey use their tine pen- J Istopped Lbe tither day in the st.pent ' l.riglltnes8 end benediction et a Chris-
nlanallip In signing other people's I and looked cut the face of one of !]lose elan home; and then, through our to
nu•res:e and their steene0 in ingenious little nems. have you ever examined 8Lrumlentality. it shall be known, on
b'wreleries, and their fine manners in the faces of the neglected children of earth and in ]]meets, that Illary Lost
atirail. lilartinisln. Thep go 'ihelr
the faces of the neglected Ohl 1dl'ou of 14ecoane Mary J�ouudl
round 01 810 331th wall -cut apparel the poor? Other children Have glad-
31nc1 dangling jewellery, end, ivetohes • nests fin their fames. When it grdu,p of
oC eighteen carats, are it gloves, then] ru.'h across the road, it name Wu11 paper is probably not doomed -
ore refined, educated, lnagnifie uerlthdu;gh a spring gust had unloosen- p pp y
cent' villains. Hill' there Is the 8xeep- ell an orchard of nipple blossoms. But it would take something of a revolu-
tion It fs generally the case t.ilat these cbil<lren of the poor. '.('here 1e tion in house decoration ideas to bring
the .riminal classes are as ignol'ant frill: little ring in their laughter, and that about• -but it bas a rival Di the
as they are wicked. For the proof of it stops quiok as though some Miter
white I say, go Into the prisons and memory tripped it. They hive an old affection8t of people who went some-
poniieutiaries,l and Melt upon the marl walk, They do not skip 9r run up on thing unique in the rooms of their new
and 30070011 incarcerated. Tee we. I the lumber just for the pleasure of houses. This rival is matting, especial -
honesty in the Rye, the low passim I leaping down. They never bathed in ]y Chinese mattings, and the idea is
and put salt th,arein. And they brought in the lip, are not more Conspicuous ' the mountain stream They never wad- to (over aa Wall from floor a idea s
it to 51im. And 330 went forth unto tiroan the ignorance in ibe forehead. (3d 3In the brook ,for pebbles. Once in
The ignorant classes are always the awhile .one of these children gets out. 1 with them. Nothing of, this sort has
the spring of the waters, and east the' dangerous 1.1118808. Demagogues mar- Dore' s one for instu.nce. Alton years ever been suggested by the decorators
salt in there, and said, Thus sailh 1110
Lord: I have healed these waters;
there shall not be from thence any
more ;death or barren land, So the wa-
ters were healed unto 111 ts day." -2
Jlinlgs 11. 10-22.
It is difficult to e8timltte bow much
of the prosperity acid bealth of a city
are dependent uinrn good water. The
day when, through well -laid pipes and
from safe reservoir, an abundance of
water is brought into the city, is ap-
propl'iat,ely oelebratett with oration
and pyrotechnic display, Thank God ev-
ery day for clear, bright, beautiful,
sparkling water, as it drops in the
shower, or tosses u!p in the fountain,
Or rushes out at the hydrant.
The city of Jericho, notwithstanding
all i't's physical and commercial advan-
tages, was lacking In this important
element. There was enough water, but
pt was diseased, and, 1180 people were
crying out by .reason thereof. Elisha
the prophet conies to the rescue. Re
says : " Got me n new cruse; fill it
wPLh salt an11 bring it to ,n,e." So the Without calling any of thein by name,
cruse of salt was brought to the pro- I refer more especially to those which
phot, and I sae him walking out to recognize the physical as well as the
the general reservoir, and he takes the pathos
woes of the world, There was
pathos and a great deal of common
sun and throws it into the reservoir, sense' in what the poor woman said 30
and 301 all impurities depart, through Dr. Guthrie when he was telling her
a sut'ern3tural and Divine influence,
and the waters are good, and fresh,
ens clear, and all the people clap their
bends and lift up their faces in their
gladness. Water. for Jericho --clear,
bright, beautiful, God-given water 1
For several Sabbath mornings :them
pointed out to you the fountains o1
aiunioipal corruption, and this morn-
ing I propose to sbow you what are
the means for thereeti.fication of those
fountains. There are four or five kinds
of salt that flava n cleansing tendency.
So far as God. may help OW this morn-
ing, I shall bring a cruse of salt to
the worst, and empty it into the great
reservoir of municipal Crime, in,
1 d 1 ti
in this work of cleansing cue cities,
shill. them. •J'hey are holmloes, and aro Of ata he 'is sant nut by his parents, before, though straps 01 matting have
driven before the gale, 3.333,30 say to 1$01: "Drs is a basket -'often been used as friezes and even as
When parents 'are so bestial. as to now go off ttn'd beg and Ave." Tee
neglect the duty of eduoating their boy says; "1 can't steal," They kirk dados. To cover every inch 0f the four
ohildren, I say the law, with a. strong him 'into a corner, '('hat night he puts walled a room wiLb matting is a dis-
band, at the same time, with a gentle hie swollen head unto the straw; belt tinct novelty in the beautifying of
inl.q the light of intelligence and good a voles com0s from heaven saying: rooms, however, and tubera it has been
morals. IL ;Was a beautiful tableau "Colurage, pour boy, co'uage." Cover -
when in our city a few weeks ago, rt ting nil 11110 dread from the bestiality, 1 tried it has been bailed as a greatsuc-
swarthy policeman, having picked up and etdppiang his .wan from the cursing ' easy,
a lost child in the street, was found !ha gots do and :a'p batter and better. ] A special grade and special designs
appeasing its ory by a stick of candy 1118 wwiihes Ms fans glean at the public of meetings are, of course, awl, as the
he luta bought at the apple -stand. hydrant. \\'130h a Lew pennies got ut g
That was well done, and beautifully running erten in he gets a 'better coat. ordinary variety would present no at -
done. But, O1 these thousands of That night the hoy says; "Gott help tractiveness on a wall. In every case
little ones through our arrests, who me, I mmrn'1 go back ;" and qu,ioker than patterns that show extremely large
are crying 101 the bread of knowledge ewer mdther flew at the cry of a child's figures are the thing. Diamonds and
and Intelligence. Shall w'e not give paifu. tlho Lord responds from, the hea- stars are high in favor, and squares
11 to them? The officers of the law metas: "Coursige, poor l,oy, courage.'' and blocks made to imitate carpet de -
ought to go down into the cellars, and His bright facie gals him a petition. signs have bardly less popularity.
up into the (garrets and After awhile he is a second clerk. ' I all there are a dozen or more
bring out these beuighte dones, and Years pass on, and he is first clerk. new and fresh patterns peculiarly ad -
put them under educational influen- Years pass on. The glory of young apted to nailing up on wails. Red and
ccs; after they have passed through manhood is on him, 'isle comes into the 13.111te and green and white are the
the, bath and .under the comb, putting firm. ;He goes on from one business colors that are used. The blue and
before them the spelling book, and success to another. eta has achieved white matting has not come into vogue
teething them to tread the Lord's great fortutne. ;He is the friend of the yet for wait decoration, though it may
Prayer and the Sermon on t11e Mount: Church df (led, the friend of all good appear at any time.
"Blessed are the poor In spirit., for i:ntstilttltious, ,and one day be stands These inattings are (aid on in strips
theirs is the kingdom of 110acen,' talking to the Il,oard of Trade or to the 1cross the walls, not up and down. It
Still Leather ; reformatory' societies Chamber of Continence. People Bay : should be remembered that the ordi-
are an important element in this me- "Do you. know w•he that is'?' Why, nary floor mattings would not be at
tification of the public fountains, that is a merchant prince, he was once all the thing on walls, and tbat only
a .homeless boy." ,Bu't God says in re- the special varieties mentioned above
goad to him something better than should ever be used. With the proper
thee: "These are they which calve out matting laid on skilfully there is an
of great itritbu.latson, and had their admirable background for any sort of
robes washed and made white in the pictures, and a room is
mol ma a that will
t st
blood ot the Lamb." sort of wather. delightfully
Some years ago a roughly -clad, rag- For a matting -walled room window
ged boy came into ray brother's office shades of matting of the same kind, or
to New York, and said; "Hr. Talmage, at least of an harmonious pattern,
lend me five dollars." My brother said: should be used.
"Who are you 13' The boy replied: "1
am nobody. Lend me five dollars."
"What do you want to do with five
dollars'?" • Wel I," the boy replied, SUFFERED FOR YEARS.
"my mother is sick and, poor, and I ----
want to go into the newspaper liminess ]ferns and Limbs Were Swollen Three
and I seen ob a home for her( and pI
g 'nines Their Natural Size -The Sufferer
wi11 fray you back." My brother gave in Bed for a Year and a 01111E
him the five clatters, of course, never
e,pecting to see it again; but he said: From the Echo, Wiarton, Ont.
"When will you pay it?" Tho boy 1ers. Wlm. Tb tv, subs is well known
said: "I will 'pay it in six months, sit: in tles town of Weirton, was a sufferer
Time went by, and one day a la d, clime trent heart trouble and articular rhea -
into my brother's OtCice, and said :. statism for a period of fifteen years.
"There's your five dollars," "What do Latelyher condition has so mach ire -
mean? What five dollars?" in-ro� that are otter of the Echo
me red my brother, "Don't you re- `p p
member that a boy carne in here six ensiled upon her to ascertain to what
months ago and wanted to borrow five cause the change was due. Mrs. Thew
to be. '0," she said, if you were as
hungry and cold as I am, you could
think of nothing else." 1 believe the
great want of our city is the gospol
and something to eat 1 Faith and re -
'sentence are of infinite importance;
hut they 3111nnot satisfy an empty
slotneeh 1 You have to go forth in
this work with the bread of eternal
tlfe, in your right. handl and the bread
of this life in your left hand, and then
Yogi can 'touch them, imitating the
Lord Jesus Christ:, who first broke
the bread and ted the multitudes in
the wilderness, and then began to
preach, recognizing the fart that
While people are hungry they will
while people were hungry they will
not listen, and they will not: repent.
We want. more common sense in the
distribution of our obarities; fewer
magnifica'nt theories, and more hard
work. In the Lust war. a few hours
after the battle of Antietam, 'had a
ignorance an a,omina on. dollars to go into the newslatper LNusi-, while not courting publicity, consented
1 nese?" "O yes, I remember. Are you' to give a brief statement of her case in
friend who was moving over the field, the lad?" Yes," he replied, "I have , hope that some other sufferer might
1 h;tva aro, to remetltlt that here is a and who saw a good Christian 01511 cis- got along nicely. I have got a ,lee be benefited. She said:-" My joints
wprk for the broom and the shovel that tributtng tracts. filly friend said to tomo Lor my mdther, she is sick yet, were all swollen up three Limes their
nothing else can do. There always has him: "This is no time to distribute and ytto I rem as well he i ss as you . natural size and for a year and a heir
beim an intimate connection between tracts. There are three thousand are, and there's y we five dollars."0 I was unable to leave my bed. I sec -
mon around hero who are bleeding to wan he into, worth saving ? Why that tired medical treatment and the doctors
iniquity and dirt. The filthy parts of death, who have not bed bandages put lad. as worth fifty slob, tgoys as 1 bane told me I would never be able to walk
the great cities are always the utast oo Take care of their bodies, then sometimes seen moving in elegant cit-; again. I took medicine they prescrib
ialiquatous parts. The first thing that glue theme tracts." 7.`hat was well dere never put to any use for God or ed but it failed to give any relief. I
mice Look flat the woe of the body Worth saving I I.go farther took ,patent medicines but they did
a bad mon dons who he is converted and then you& vill bave souse success 1n
thoroughlyto wash himself, There } than that, and tell yea they ere not not help me. Baying noticed an ad -
is tLs menL• m a paper for Dr
. Wil -
looking okin after the woes of the soul. 1 th a int huh they are being ver ' e
0 1 g only 0301 saying. g forms' Pink Pills, I concluded to give
were the morning, on the way to the Still eurther: the great remedial in- 88131041. In ane reform school, through
different churches, thousands ot men flnenm is the Gospel of Christ. Take
which two thousand of these littlecoes them a trial and they gave me relief
in proper apparel who, before their con- that down through the lanes of suf.- passed, one thousand nine hundred and from the ,tame I commenced using
version, were unfit in thole Sabbath 15110gt Take that down amid the ninety-five turned out well. In other thein about the first of January lust. I
dress. When on the Sabbath I see a man bevels of sin. Take that up amid the words, only GAM of the two thousand have taken ten boxes. I am now able
uncleanly in his dress, my suspicions mansions and palaces of. your city. turned out badly. '('here are thousands ' to go around without assistance and do
That is the salt thee can cure all the of them who, through C71restian settle- 1 all
lly housework." ';Dr. Williams'
in regard to his moral character are poisoned fountains of public iniquity. these have been translated to beautiful , Pink Pills euro by going to the root of
aroused, and they are always well IThink of the thousands of ohildren homes all over this land, and there are , disease. They renew and build up the
founded. lin as to allow no excuse for without any home They sleep under many who, lei rough 311e rich grace of 0u r blood, and strengthen too nerves, thus
the stoops, in the burned -out safe, in Lord Jesus Christ, have already won 31riving disease from the system. Avoid
leak of ablution, God has cleft the con -the waggons in the street, on the berg- the crown, A little girl was found in • imitations by insisting that every box
tinent0 with rivers and lakes, and has es, wherever they can get a board to the streets of Baltimore and takenlin- 1 yon purchasfull e is enclosed inawrapper
sunk five great oceans, and all the
cover them. And in the summer they to 0110 et the reform sooietiesland they I hearing
the Pills tortrade
i ,Wil-
elrep all night long in the pa1'ks. Their said to her : "What is your name?"
world ought to be clean. Away, thou, I dese.
titution is well set for by an She said : "My name i i 11IItry." "Wilall with the flirt freest our cities, not only incident. A missionary asked one of is your other name? She said: "I WISHED TO BE SUBS,
beca(tsa the physical health needs an them' "Where is your home?" Said ]1o: don't know." So they took her into the
ablution, because all t.110 great moral "L don't have no home, sir.' "Well, ' reform society, and as they did not Beth wee sent to the closet to get
where are your father and mother?" know her last name they always called a bottle of raspberry shrub. There tali
and religious interests of the cities •,•they are dead, sir," "1Jad ,you ever her "Mary Lost," sande she had been paned to be two bottles on rho shelf,
demand it as a positive necessity, A hear of Jeans Christ?" "Na, I don't picked up out of the street, But she one with a crooked neck and the other
fit thy city always has been and al- think I ever heard of Him?" 'Did grew on, and atter awhile the holy a demijohn. Being in doubt as to which
yolk ever hear of God')" 'Yes, I've Spirit came to her heart, and sho be- one to take, she galled to halt mother:
enro of Gad, Some of the poor pro- gams It Christian chilli, and sho .hang- you want the round-shouldered
bottle, mamma, or the one that's got
a dress on ?
Tata Laxative Bromo. ginning T8hlots, All Drug.
Oda refund the money. If it fails to euro, 25o.
Pr mpt Relief
Balt Rh03311 and Si Headaches Cured
by HDOd's Sarsaparilla,
Greet multi( udes buy and take
]food's Sarsaparilla with the ltlmo8i
confidence that it will do them good
Mrs, Robert , McAfee) of Desrburst,
Opt., says: "1 was troubled with sick
beadachea, and as my husband had beer
loured of salt. rheum by Flood's Sar.
iseparilla .be urged me to take it., I dit
Ise and it. relieved me.
'IIood's Sarsaparilla
70 Canada's Greatest' Medicine, $1; nix tor 35
• H ooree Pi118 care ell Liver Ins. 26 coat..
Quiokcore for Corrie, 15o, 25o, 50c,
Dobson -Did you know your wife's
first husband? 1fo118on (with a sighl-
Yes, but be never put me on to bis
domestic affairs, confound him.
Inhale Quickcure for Catarrh, leo,
25e, 50c.
It rains on an average of 208 days
in the year in Ireland, about 150 in
310gland, at Kevin about 90 days and
these are made effective by a thorough
in Siberia only 00 days.
w89's will he a wicked atty.
Another corrective influence that he p]o think it kind. of lucky at night ed. her mein; and when anybody ask -
would. bring to beer upon the evils to say something over about that 1.10- ed her what her name was, she sold:
fore they ggo to sleep, Yes, sir, I've "It used to be Mary Logi but now,
hoard oC IIIm." Think of a converse- since I have become a Christian, it is
tam like that in a Christian city t • Mazy Found,
new many are waiting for you to ;Ger this vast multitude, are we will -
Gone out in the spirit of the Lord Jesus ing to go forth from this morning's
Christ oral rescue them from wretched- service, and see what we can do, tini-
ness beret A man was 'trying to talk gloving all the agencies I have spoken
with a group of these outcasts, and
read the Bible, and trying to comfort
them, and he said; "My dear boys,
when your father and your mother for-
sake you, who will tale) you up?" They
shouted: "The per'Iioo, sir; the perlic81'
0 that the Church. of God had arms
long enough and heart warm enough
to take them up. Blow many of them
there atoll As 1 was thinking of rho
suhjcet this trimming, it seemed to me
as though there were a great brink,.
said that these little ones with out
and torn feet were earning on towards
it, And hone is a group of orphans,
0 fathers and mothers, what .do you
think of these fat:h<n'less and another -
less little aJ108.. NO halal at home to
take 0.320 of their apparel, no heart to
pity them. Said one to one, when the
mother died: 'Who will take care of
my clothes now?" The little ones are
thrown out in this greet, cold world.
They aro shivering on the brink like
lambs on the verge oC a precipice,.
Does not your talon,. run cold as they
go over it?
of our great cities is a Christian print-
ing times. The newspapers of any place
are the test of its morality on imnlor-
the. street with a roll of papers under
411,e street with a roll of papers under
this arm, is a ltr07nendpaa force that
cannot be turned aside nor resisted,
and at hie every step the oily is el-
evated or dogradod. The hungry, all -
devouring pubito mind must have some
thing to react, and epon editors, and
authors, and hoop -publishers, and par-
ents, and teachers rest the responsi-
bility of what they shall read. Almost.
every moat you meet has a hook in
,hie hand or a 310w8pap00' in baa peck -
eh. What book is it ,you have in your
hand? What newspaper Ls it you have
in your pocket? Ministers may prelude
ref01• may plan, philanthropists
Mee toil for the elevation of the suf-
fering and the criminal, but until all
thle newspapers of the land and all
the booksellers of the land sett them-
selves against an iniquitous literature
-lentil then we will be righting against
Iseulul odds.
Every time rho printing cylinders
turn, they make the earth quake. Prom
them goes forth n. thought like an
angel of light to teed end bless the
world, or like an angel of darkness
io smite it with 001'rup11n11, and sin,
and shams and death, May Goel, by
Dist omnipotent Spirit, purify end elc-
Pate' the printing press
I go further, end say that wemust
depend upon the school for (1, groat
deal of correcting influmnee. The
erne N11t' canno more afford to have
3,norsaat 811(e+n in.iis midst than it
th,nd here is another group that
013013,4 ooh low'ards tlh8 proofread They
nee the children of besotted ilarenis.
They aro 'worse off than orphans, Look
nt that pale cheek; woe bleached. it.
Look at that gush across the forehead;
the tether struck it. Dear that bead:-
piercing ory; a dru,uken mother's
(Aasphemy compelled it. And we come
out endive say: "0, ye suffering, peel-
ed end blistered) ones, we coma to help
you." "Too Ian I" cry thousands of (lay, when those who have wrapped
et for the rectification of the poisoned
city. The lines have fallen to us in
fountains? We live in a beautiful
pleasant places, and we haus a goodly
heritage; and any man who does not
like a residence in Washington, must
be a .must uncomfortable and unreas-
onable man. But, my friends, the ma-
teriel prosperity of a city is not ire
thief. glory. There may be film houses
and beautiful streets, and that all be
the garniture of a sepulchre, Some of
the most prosperous cities of the world
have gone down. not ono stone. left Up-
on another. But a city may be in
ruins long before a tower has fallen,
or a eolnann bas orumhlod, or t3. tomb
has been defaced, When in a city the
churches of God aro full or cold form-
alities and inanimate religion; when
the houses of commerce are the abode
of fraud and unholy tesiifie; when the
streets are filled with crime una.rrest-
ed, and sin unenlightened, mid help-
lessness unpi'1ae&-that city is in ruins,
though every chureb were a St. Pote1"s
and every moneyed institution were a
Bank of :Regime, and every library
were a Britisb Museum, and every
house had a porch 'like that of Rheims,
anti a roof like that of Amiens, and
tower like that of Antwerp, and tree-
erie(1 windows like those et Freiburg,
My brethren, nor pulses beat rapid-
apidly the Gine ,.way., and soon we will be
gone ; and, what we have to do for the
city in whidh wit live tee mese ,lo 3]3111,
speedily, or never do it et all. lir that
801, en
Hartford ' Vim Tiros
Head 0)3..-- - a Adelaide 81. w., Toronto.
Little Mike-Phwot is a contortion-
Mc ,uhberty-21sar that, now L Be-
gorra, ut looks as if yure wheelie' was
(loin yes moigltty little good. A con-
tortionist is a man tbat char-r-ges
more than th' lawful rate av interest,
d'yez maind?
Inhale Quickcdro for Asthma, 15e, 25c,
The prosaic individual who has out-
lived romance finds it hard to under-
stand how two people can dawdle away
hours and at their conclusion feel mor-
ally certain What anLy minutes have
taken flight.
The imagination of some small boys
is worth having. Tho other night,when
Mr. Wallypug was lying asleep on his
library eofa, end Snoring away for dear
life, Mrs. Wallypug remarked that sho
wished he would not snore no.
Pa ain't snorin', said Tommy Wal-
lypag. Flee dneentin' about a dorg, and
that's the does growling.
Inhale Quickcure for Hay fever, 150,
25c, 50c.
The man who is patient with a wo-
man when she is siok can be relied
upon to treat her all right when elle is
Apart from the foot that Earl Ras -
sell has entered his name for the Bar,
it is perhaps not widely known that
his training hitherto has been to the
profession of electric engineering, of
which he is a "consultant.' The pres-
ent Solicitor -General (Sir R. B. Fin-
1ay) forsook medicine for law; Lord
Arn1Btrong quitted the solicitors' ranks
to follow science and 003111 eeri11g as
a pro.fessiote Sir William elarriatt left
the pulpit for the leer, as did Dr. Rob-
ert Wallace, .hl,1., while General Sir
Evelyn Wood lidded to his other ao-
00mllliallmerit9 and military ncbievo-
raents by being calls(. to the Mlar.
Few people ere (were that Prince
Bismarck is of Jewish descent, He
derives his Jewish blood from his mo-
ther, whose father- Anitstasius von
ISIenken, one of the favorite bureau-
crats of Frederick the Great -was of
Hebrew parentage.
T11e, improvement in the accommoda-
tion fuanished ocean passengers go-
ing by the Canadian St:oitnlship Lines,
via efontreal and Quebec (luring the
past/ two years has been very ,larked
and has placed that port about on an
'0quali13' with New York. The im-
proelenlent is largely due to the new
fast steamships which have hem put
On the Dominion Line, and the tre-
mendous increase in has
first and
8.0130.1 cabin business as shnwm that
the Canadian people are ready and
willing to patronize !.heir own lines,
all things being equal. In no particu-
lar ie the. improvement.more noticeable
than in the steerage aperime0ts,
which! ore now all that con be desired,
being well lighted and ventilated, and
having, modern iron bedsteads. ,t, We
earl recommend our friends to make
enquiries from the ,Dominion Line
agent in town with 2egerd to the Can -
Minn service, belore making up their
minds, as to the route they intend to
Tile wife of the late Earl of Bradford
bad a sister, of whom it wag read she
was the only woman who refused offers
of marriage from two Prime Ministers,
Sbe wa6 a Miss Forester, and in her
3teuth she refused Lord Palmeratokto
She married the ]tier] of abesterfleid,
and as his widow refused Lord Ilea-
The Vlotor'e Crown
Should adorn the brow of tllei inventor
of the groutearn cure, Putnanr'siPain-
less Corn Iixtraolor. It works quick -
1y, never snakes u. sore spot, and is just
the thing you mint. See ]bat you( get
Putnalil's Painless Corn Extractor. the
sure, safe and veiniest; cure for coma.
There is said to be fewer 8uleid02
among miners then among any other
class of workmen.
The favorite sport of the mikado is
horse racing, bat he allows no betting,
and the price or admission to the rac-
es is placed so high that only the up-
per classes can attend. The miltado's
stables accommodate about 3,000 ani-
Inhale Qnickcure for Asthma„ 15c,254,
Papa, said Benny Bloembumper, hair
is sometimes called looks, isn't it?
Yes, Benny, it is quite common to
refer to looks of hair.
Then are wigmakers locksmiths(?
Bicycle Tires 4r,°QR PAIR,
Wiry P014id41VOliTTIt8. 11)11 • 901, 101051uiick.
A Good Dictionary for Throe 0onts. •
A dictionary containing the definitions of
10,000 of the most useful and inlportont Words
in the Ifngh+h language, is published by the
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
While it contains some advertising, It Is a mu -
pieta dictionary, concise and corrcoa
In compiling this book earn bas been taken
to omit none of those common words whose
spelling or ex0ot ono oocasione at times• a
momentary difficulty, oven to well educated
people. The main aim boa ]inn to give as much
useful information as po.elble In a limited'
spare. with this in V1ew, whero noun, miles.
tire and verb are all obviously connected in
mon lig.rl,mally ono only has bean inserted.
The volume will thus be found to contain the
meaning of very • m0n), morn words than it
professes In explain.
To those who already have a dictionary, this
book will commend itself, because It 10 coin.
pact oonvenieat; to those who have
no dictionary whatever, It will be invaluable.
Ono may he scoured by writing to rho above
concern mentioning this paper, and anciosing
e throo•aenb alalnp.
W. P. C. 925.
FAR R pp 9 AND ESTATCS bongbt, sold &
!'t71YIII0h estisengud. Torras mai1Od
fres. 1. 811)1Pre 1, Real Estate and
1•rinanolal Agent, Montreal, Que.
A bird's nest was found last sum-
ummer in the suburbs of Lille, France,
that was made of white wood and strips
of paper from a telegraph office sev-
eral miles away,
Qlcy'Uiesmew 000. wheel•for225. Ladies'
�"orgents. "Will be sent for tn.
lineation on receipt of Si, which will be allowed
if Wheel isrocained, Single or double tithe tires
$3.69 pair. Clapp Cycle Co., 483 Tonga St., Toronto.
STAT( OF OHIO, 01T1 05 308,000.1 .0,
LOOM( C06117.1%.FRANK. J 0011NR'r makes oath t Int fro is the
senior pertesr of the arm of F..7. (110101881St Co.
drang busineas in the O1ty ofTolodo,0ounty and
State aforesaid sol that geld firm will my the
01110 of ONE (HUNDRED DOLLA1(0 for each
and 0001'y moo of Catarrh that eannotbe oared
by the nsa of Itet,0'8 OATF.Sd,1[ rje, two ay,
Sworn to Were Inc and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D„ 1886.
sem,1 Notary Pubrle,
Hall's Oatarrh Gerais taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send fpr tosthmonlas froo.
F. a, CIIEN]0Y 8&C0., Telodo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 750.
Bell's Family fills are the best.
# should always please.
AGood I .vestm ` Try a package of
It its sure to give you the most perfect satisfaction.
LEAD PACI3AGSS, 25, 40, 80 and 600.
iNERALS TESTED wil3.01 rdjr)00.
16 SEt, Sacrament S.., Montreal, flue.
811118, 9111115 & Hades,
do.Hlg8mo 81WToronto,,
Its deliclou8 flavor and hoelthtul properties
makes every user an 0.dvertie0r of It a Morita,
ie put up In load paakots only. DropI, a pool
0we 0,, 7for a We111n1410sample3. paoket, Tile WOat, 'renown). TEA
TORONTO Cl111(N0 SCHOOL otters sp0elai
indu00ments to
(young mon desirous of
taking up .IRapDli'ig. Y300 ST. rOOVTO
ween, oa3 To0r 1888 P(moo
Fence, �'onoe--,,1051, 3, 3351). We ,lain,
we have the bosh end most praotlaal tenon on
earth. Four miles of ib In use at the ampere,
mental Farm, Gu01n91. k nt. Send tor 711' 00 ,
Address Toronto Pio t Wire Fence ,
3281.1{,iver St, Toronto, One
Dominion Life Steamships.
Montreal and Opaline to Liverpool In nurdm00, Largp
and fast 38(0 .win, 6041111611114iLabfaIOr' yaw,.
couver,' • Dominton "800teman,' Yarksbire,'
Sb perlor accommodation for First Cable, Soo.
on d Cabin and passengers, Ireton of
passage -First Cabin, $62,60 ; Second Qabin,
$l4; Steerage $22.00 and upwards according to
steamer and berth. For all Information apply
to Local Agent, Or DAY111 TORRAN00 & 00.,
(sen 1 Agents, 17 St. Sacrament 1St., Montreal.
53111 Y0Ufl'. fit.
3E'a+aiit. Tau ttmre 17` �[�•,ts,
And other predate( to
PAID UP DAPITA1,, - - • 830,000.
Cor. West Market & doiborno'St., Toronta,.
Rubber Stamps and Shipping Cards 'sum
plied. Correspondence invited.
For Sale.ea.
Iron Turning Lathe, sixteen inch swing,
six foot bed, rod and gear full, counter -
shall complete, good as new, VERY
CHEAP. Apply,
73 to 81 Adelaide 8t. W., Toronto.
San parlor 800 feet long overlooking
ocean and beach esplanade. Vaowum
steam beating system. Elevator to
street level. Hot and cold, fresh' and
salt water la all baths. Rooms en
suite, bathe attached.
JAMES B. REILLY, Owner and Prop,
919'ft ^ . - Irk JUST WHAT 18 /MED,
ED fa every 0.1117-440r.
cla1atoole,destlypnelad in
oodeu poi, for repairingboots, rubbers barn tea ung
tinware. All tilesetool, aro
full Diced andpraotlaal,noY.
mere toys. gull direction,
accompany each out01. A
Brent money swear. Hun.
drada of thonsaa,di now to
use Delivered free 111431qq
currediae DI fif0 elle, 01
dtforl. rice s81.7a send
turd for 0x3300 of our sew•
log machines, wind mal,
pumps, guar, hardware,
tc e), ka.
The Salley on0
181. Pater 81., Montreal.
ebYouoraneeorlt)iodn onnar
buildings -treed 22 yeara (Melt rifoarI osad
m a11n, anhon1 ay. The Wood
ee & Paint Company, 875 Queen Week Tortgea,
THE T131UMPll' -
Easy put up nod token down. Cm
be cleaned, neaten, and pot away in
a small mace. Aak your dealers fur
them. Manufactured by
r60 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
8 Pombroke 8t., Toronto, Wade.
by agents, Do your own
thinking. We sell up•te•date
high -firmed sewing machines
at rectory micas $16.50 to $20,00
delivered 111, within 500 miles
of Montreal. Send for special
catalogue and forme.
THE 11.411,1(1 00NAL1)5ON
('0., :51oe1 teal,
Loyal Mail Steamship Co.,
Montreal to Liverpool.
Steamers sail from Montreal every Thursday,
morning on arrival of trains from Toronto an
the wean ,bout 9 o'clock.
Cabin 2552.50 and onwards; Second Oabfn
$34 and and $35.25: Steerage to Liverpool
London, Glasgow, Belfast, Londonderry or
Queenstown 122.50 and 523.50.
A reduotion of five per cont, is allowed on
round trip first arts second cabin tickets. For)
sailings of steamers or other information apply
to any authorised agent.
H, Bouriior, 1 King St. W. Toronto:
or H. & A Allan, Montreal,
eatalrllehee 1874
3111111 IS 000 Y00—
Clotho your family Nom 000 with our
Prices only $15, $20 $30.
GERMAN I OK,, Georgetown, Gilt
Over see arra bairn it 114 loo a11tinorm.
?adenl.r 1000 lag To113 o3P3® 6any1t1 iLor 6lo1r1,.
erg s'ves Dandruff lin One Week.
C:mres itching If the Scalp.
Vents Breaking of Haire
Stops Falling Out.
le, a'r'm
aide peg' Bottle ]Trots Druggist», or sa
receipt of price to
@b Conk Mfg Co., London, Ont.