HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-1, Page 5T 1 ;Nix 1, 1898 BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT G 7IEib wont, F.S. SCOTT, 13r008818. 11, Mea iAOKEN;`�-...��. 71 Y Ismer OMNarriage Wampum. . OMoe at Iris Ur Ooery,'1 nr11bOr1Y street, Brunets, N. 113ARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist^ Shop—Next door south of A. af, McKay & Co'8 hardware store, Ladles' and child re hair oohing a specialty PIANO OR ORGAN, blies Jean MoLauabliu, pupil of 0, T,, AL of Harris, Hamilton, Ontario,010 Conserv- atory to give iihstruetlous to lupus on either piano or organ. Spacial attention given to 10lln10. Lessons given either at the homes Of pupils or at teachers 'mune, Who ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1038)10A11003, • FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER I issue, of Marriage Licenses, O o.rou AT JEWELal S'ranu. No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels A LEX. HUNTER, tS. Olerlc of 1110 Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public Land Loan and. Insurance' Agent. Fonds Invested and to lotto • inGra am'sBlocic,BBen8Oolsua made 0Mae AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• 1.' • nun, will 0011 for better prions, to bettor man, iu 000 time and less °barges than any other Auatioueer in Beet Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and or by personalapplication.g0(1 at this oplo0 VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 5,1 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary 001)000, is prepared to treat all (B0088es of domesticated animate lu a com- petent Mannar, Partiouiar attention paid t0 veterinary dentistry. Oa1)8 promptly at. tended to. north of bridges 00 uunbo ry et,, Brussels. lloore LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VTM. SINOLAIR, BARRISTER • Solicitor Conveyancer ,Notary Pub- lic, &o. Otnoe_1Venst0ue's Block, 1 door ' o rof Central. Flat Solicitor for the north Standard Bank, !Y_F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • ��7ff Solicitor, &o. (late of Cerro), k Prmnlfoot'e 011108, Godorich.) °Moe over tr311Mtauk, Brussels. loney to Loan; 47 • MG'•. OAMEI1.ON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Bolt & Out, 011300—iluultlt0u St,and iaOpposite00 1, borne Dotal. MEDICAL CARDS. J, A. M'NAUGHTON, hI. D., C. IL, Trinity 'University, Fellow Triu- ity'kIedioal College, Member College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal College or Ph sio1aus and Lieeradate or Midwifery, 01ades, MlEdinburgh. E. T. SNIDER, M. D., 0. M., 000000000 to Dr, A. MoKeh'oy, Li0Outtete of Royal college of Pbysioiane and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Diseases of women and ohildron a specialty. Blight years' experience. r—Oilloo and res- idence that formerly (mouthed byDr.1)10- Aolvey, Turnberry street, Brussels, 20• DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, Pnxs0OrA0, SUMMON ANn A0001)0r]EnR, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. let Class Honor 610118ate of the Universi- ties of Trinity (Toronto), Q0Oeu's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow of Trinity Stedtoal College and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io, Post Graduate Course in Detroit and attention aid to Ms - oases Special o p Uhio g , 1 ,die- eases oases of'W o, en. V. so andThroanal 1nd Women. �ophone at lasideuce g POARS FOB SERVICE.—'JHI undersigned will keep for service, ou Lot 0, Con. 5, Croy, a thoro' bract improved Yorkshire boar and atho80' bred largo Eng- lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be seen en ap 0300,1iou. 'perms, 81,00„to be paid at time of service, with p111110ge of returning if it emissary. Ait1`IOUa 81015Hrlotor. 'pULLS FOR SERVICE.—TILE undersigned will Keep for service on d Here- there' bred Lot 10. Com 15, Grey, the . there' bred Dur- ham hull. Also a 1 m bulb nota are exceptionally pail ane an• Ia 1 yJun let U0 laid 10018 'Parma v1 of to 1 , 10011,.will privi LIpV 51 Ttliot I If ucooseary. 11.4 ULIVLtlt TUILNBPrOo Proyrietor, 31tdbri. Aria' ioori?s Phosphodias, Tho Great .Domicil .Remedy. Sold and recommended by ai druggists In Canada. Only reli able medicine discovered. at paokapa4 guaranteed to auto all forms of Sexual weakness, all emits of alley or 0x0088, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To, bane, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one paolca0011, six, 88. One 3(8115leas°, 150 Will cure. Pamphlets from to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Out Bold 30EDriggityBoo bolIoo&OY Dian. aizfrict `eti35. Mol dawv'Yo><�1C1►. Statute Labor is now the order of the day, A wedding is expeoted in Oa near future. Gang Bros. are busily engaged in talc. ing down and removing the 014 Proeby- terinn church. Geo. Brown has completed his barn and active preparations are being mltde' for raising Chas. Mitchell's. Quito a number of our people attended the exour0ion to theilfodol Farm, Guelph, on Monday of last week, They report a pleasant and profitable trip. The Molesworth annual pie tile \vitt be hold on July let in Jos. 119anz1WW' grove, A free dinner will be given on the greende, followed by an excellent pro- gram, in which the performance of the school children will form an attractive and interesting feature, and local must. col talent of no mean order will eon• tribute to the general entertainment. TM IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. ( tOo) t0]' service on 'ho (100. 51 1 s, I 1 Lot 20 (10ll. 0 moms, the thol•o'•brod Im• proved Yorkshire hoer 'flak Lodge 14008• 1011001,” No, t1d80, bred by 3,1'1.13ra thou, Bur. ford, to which a limited number of Woe will b0 taken, Terms, S1.08,to be paid ratline of service WW1 privilege of 1'060011101110080' o00ary, A member of choldo yGong 00w8 toraelo for breeding 51101 0800 wl1ieh 01111 bo 00111 at pr)oos to Butt the beanie, Al• 1103, N1011gti, l'oopelotar, Lulel3.no•w. The Kinloss cemetery is iu a very de- plorable condition. Mrs. D. R. McIntosh left an Weduee. day of last week fora trip to Duluth. Some forty Luoknow)tos went to Goderioh to hoar Godfrey's famous band. Many of our re0der0 will be pleased to learn that a movement is on foot here to have the usual annual Sottish games. J. U. MoWatero, of Watford, has 0e cured from Hay Bros., of Listowel, the oontreot for the erection of their new power grain elevator at Luoknow station. The members of No. 8 Company of Volunteers from this village left by the eight o'oloals train on Tuesday morning of last week for the brigade Damp at Walkerton. The membere of Old Light Masonic Lodge in this village attended service in the English church on Sunday morning at 11. o'olook, when a special sermon was pr80017ed to them by Rev. Bro. W. L. Armitage, of All Sainte' church, Teter- boro. The news received hereof the death of Mrs. \Volker, widow of the late Rev. Jno. Walker, at Mt. Brydges, was a sad our - prime to the many friends of the family in this vicinity. The remains were in. tarred in the St. Thomas remelery. D. O. Taylor and John Hildred, of Look - now, attended the funeral. A few days since J)55b'l'aybm, distrlat a1"Et for the (kE(h+d(uttiva life Assoc'. ego)), had the pleasure of handing 10 John Acheson, of Goderioh, to cheque for over 86,800, which wee a matured endow- ment 10 the above popular company, and which figured out it good inveotment, iudepondeot of the elate being carried. 131,o'1h. Itev.'T, E. Higley attended 111e Synod at London lest week. The evening service at Trinity ohurab now commune at 8.10. Reeve Wilford was visiting with friends in Halton County, John Kelly Is building a briolf kitchen to hie r001de000 on Icing street. - 42 meeio•loving citizens from Blyth ton!( in the Dan. 0041)0y Bond concert at Goderioh. The road grader has been at work on some of Illyth'o Aieets, and a great im- provement is noticeable, oopeoially on Queen and Dinelev streets. A horse belonging to J. B. Tierney, ran away from the Commeroial hotel stab lee. It broke loose from the buggy but the on ly damage done was to the harness. Chief Davis, who had been dangerous- ly ill with appendioitie during the past weak, died nu Sunday horning and \vas buried on Tuesday, under the direction of the Maccabee Older. On a repent evening Rev. T. E. 'Higley, rector ; J. B. Tierney and J. W. Bell, church wardone, followed by the majority of the members and adherents of Trinity church, marched to the Commercial Hotel, where they presented Mia% Allis Emig(], organist, with a beautiful gold ohain and jewel case, a000mpeuied by an address. Mr. Emigh made a few ap- propriate remarks, thanking the donors for the kindness they had shown Miss Allis, after which Mrs, Emigh invited all present to the dining room where a very pleasant time was spent in partak- ing or toothsome delicacies. Exeter. Exeter firemen pia•nioked at Grand Bend. While practising at lacrosse Charles Flyndman bad one of his fingers badly bruised. L. Hardy is shipping o large amount or rid a timber from hero to the vioinity of Komoka where he has aeaurod the con - brad for a number or bridges. The other night some mean thief en- tered Samuel Sandera' garden and stole a dozen or more fine tomato planta which had been sot oat only a few days before. The largest strawberry we have ever seen t0 our recollection, was that banded us by Miss Ida Gould, it weighing over an ounce. Ed. Dignan met with an aooident which might have Dost him bis life. He was taking a short pleasure ride and when near Devon, running at a pretty good rate of speed, he woe thrown from his wheel, his head coming in contact with a atone which rendered him unoon- 001050 for several hours. The grain store bouneof the estate of Dannoey eb Brown was sold by public auction and was purchased by W. H. Le - vett for A. J. Rollins. Mr. Rollins has also purahaeed Mr. Dauncey'e residence on Main street, and hue deoidetl to oon• tinge to reside here, and take a plane on the market to porobase grain. H. E. Pan!, who has been ledger•keep• er in the Matson Bank ;here for several months, has been removed to Woodatook 6o occupy a similar position in the bank there, end has left for that place. The menu here will be filled by a dlr. Shan- non, of Goderiah. CJlinto]u. Some of the grain fields in the vioinl65 of Clinton are painted yellow instead of green. W.Oudn]ore le shipping a couple of earetof bay. Ile says ho is going out of this business. Clinton lawn bowlers were three shote behind in a series of friendly matches in Kincardine on Friday. Snore, 70 to 87. The dry goods dealers have all agreed to close np their stores at 6 p. m. every evening except Saturday from July let to September let. J. B. Hoover has purchased the resi- dence of Inspector Robb be has secur- ed a very comfortable and cosy dwelling at a reasonable price. The Ontario Street Church has ap- pointed Rev, B, Clement a delegate to attend the Provincial Temperance Con- vention at 'Potent°, July 6th. Mice White left for Philadelphia, from which point she expecte to go to Ocean Grove for the Seminar. She ea10111ates to be away two or three years ab least. The municipal clerks of the oounty met in the Clouted' Chamber, Oliuton, on Tuesday and Wednesday of Chis week for the consideration of =Here that relate esa 'a 1Y to their department of Work. Two_ (enthe fenders ore revalued by Were Connell for digging and onr11in6 a well at the cattle pens, and the contract was awarded to Jae, Ferguson, bio tender of 70o. per foot for first 10 feet and a rise of No. for eaob additional 10 feet being con- sidered the lowest, The other day, while at work on the house of Ilugli Roes, Henry Stevens ao- oidoutally fell from a scaffold head first, and alighting on his head and ohocldero, woe stunned and severelyeatlen np. We are pleased to know that 0011)1ng more serious rcenitod, as it was a 30310(oww ea. cape, S. S. Cooper has re -commenced work on the Slavoly building. A petition for the removal of the building to another lot has been welt signed, and will be duly considered, To comply with the letter of the petition will entail considerable outlay. for new • plane will ahavo to be eootu'ed, the contractor re•imbureod, and a lot purohaeod, S. Halstead is driving a sorrel horse that has seen many years of faithful servioo, and still 800000 to be good for several more, 16 was owned originally by the late John S1aph8n0ou,, of the Lon- don road, and passed £tom lire posee00ion to that of IL Piumetool, and subsequent- ly to its present owner. Tt is nearly 80 years Of ago, L :stow el. The baud has been ougagod to Way at Knox church social, Gleuallen, July 1st, Rev. 11Ir,. Cleft, of Thorndale, oondnoted the services in Christ church on Sunday last, morning and evening. A quoit oltib with a membership of 40 has been formed by the hands at the piano faotory. The Linke are laid out on the factory lot adjoining. About 20 members of Court Listowel drove over to Atwood on Sunday and joined the Atwood brethren in attending service at the Methodist church there, and listened to au excellent sermon by Rev. Bro. MoBain. Rev. H. W. Jeanes, rotor of Christ church, was in London last week attend• ing the annual meeting of Huron Synod. Mrs. Jeanie a000mpanied him. They spent a week visiting old parishioners and friends at Thorndale. Italians, with their aggregation f Ital w The o monkeys and bears, finally left town for the coast, having been billed through by Tioket Ageub Hacking for $800. They went by train to Owen Sound, thence to Duluth, by boat, and taking there the Northern Paeifie to the coast. A Dietriot meeting of the I. 0. 0. F. was held in the. Odd Fellows' Ball in this town on Tuesday of last week, which was attended by a large delegation of members from the different lodges in the district, and was also honored with the presence of Grand Master Young, of Thameeford. Meyers flouring mill has been closed down and all the old machinery removed. The new machinery with which the mill will be refitted throughout has arrived, and the millwrights are now at work plaoiog the same. The wooden ebruoture at the front of the mill is being torn down preparatory to building a new stone and brink addition. The Coanoii has instructed Oonetable Bartley to notify residents of the town to have the trees in front of their proper. ties, both on the streets, and where over- hanging the sidewalks, trimmed so as to improve lighting the streets, so far as eau be done withoub injuring the ap- pearance of the trees ; also to have them trimmed up so that the lower branobes will not interfere with travel on the side- walk. It is aatisfaotory to notice that the delay in getting to work on granolibhio walks will speedily come to an end, and that a considerable etretoh of new walks will be laid down this season. Tenders are now noted to build granolibhio walks on the South side of Mein street i East and West to the limits its of the car. paragon, or thereabouts, also on the east 0ide of M111 street to Elmo street, and on Pitman and Victoria street, east to Penelope. THE BRUSSELS POST Uuron'•l Seotlieh plper0, Dan. McKay, of Kllltail, who hen often gladdened the ofd chieftain's heart by hie stirring bag- pipe arable, and the eeleaticue on otrlug matrmnont0 by the Inembere of the Hollerith Mnolool Society, Besidee those already mentioned there were present also 6110 Mayor of Godorich, the County Crown Attorney, Ira A. Lewis, who is probably one of the oldest Bald- win Reformers in Ontario, H, E. Moore, of Kingeton, Jae, Smith, W. Coates and W. J. Paisley, of Clinton, A. Lamont, of Mount Forest, W, T. Pollow, of Mount Forest, and many others. The pleasant evening was ended with "God save the Queen," in which 011 joined to the leader- ship of the pipes. GoderiCir. M. 0. On0Eao' BANQUETTEE.---Tse oitizene of the town veil leading repre- Bentatives from all parts of West Huron assembled Wednesday night of last week to bangnet and address his Honor, 1M. C. Cameron, Lieutenant -Governor of the Northwest Territories. The gathering was ono of the largest and most entknei. ostia of its kind ever brought together in Huron. After It lnagnifloeut supper in the British Hotel banquet hall, where nearly 880 guests sat down, the National Anthem waw rung, and the chairman, Barrister Pro1dfoot, proceeded to read a highly complimentary address to his i to nt• over- ' 11 the Len na G Hauer, to whlo 's happiest ef• 'n ono o f 1 u ed i nor replied rr r forte reviewing his long resfdeuoa here, his connection with matters local and political, and thanking his friends for 80 magnificent a banquet. He was parbicn- larly pleased in observing that the 000a - Bion brought together not only the old stalwarts who fought side by aide with him in many a political encounter, but also his good friends the Conservatives, who nobly 00)000 forward now to do him honor upon his preferment to the poei, tion he now minuted. To.nigbt all politioal feelings bad evidently taken a back seat, and the Kindliest w)ehe0 and hand.ehakee from both parties were in- deed his friends, and he hoped to live to merit 00 Opoetemeona a go0(1.1150 from. moll warm friends, The usual toast list was taken op, beginnieg with "The Queen and Prince of Wales" John MoMitlan, 1\T.P., J. T. Garrow, and 1M, Y. MoLoaul of San forth, replied to the toast of"Our Dominion and Local Il0neee," Short eddreeses were also made by B. 11olmo0, of Clinton, Judges Masson and Doyle, E. Campion, J.lt. Shannon, ilorace 11011015 .and A. Saunders, of Goderioh ; Reeve McKee. ski and J. L- Grant, of Aehiiold ; lIogh Gllvin, L, 1L Morris, or Colborne, and Geo. Molywan, of Denten, the warden of Dom, and others. The addressee were intereper0ed with mink by ono of CT' oro 840, Merin Spotton, B. A., went to Smith's Falba last week on bneiness. Ed. Wright, of Oxford, Iklioh., 10 re- newing aagnaintanoes in town, No. 8 Company of the 1113rd Battalion loft on Tuee(lay morning of last week for the London Camp. A union pie nio of school sections 10 and 18 was held on Saturday, 25th, in John Maguire'e bush, lot 4, eon 4. Onrr.—It is our painful duty to record the death of John 13, Day, which ocourred about half peat twelve on Mouths), morn• Ing of last week, from that great destroy- er, consumption. He had been sick for several years, at times getting better and thea worse, until some mouths ago, when he begun to fail rapidly, until his epirit took its flight to that brighter and better world. The funeral tool( plane on 'Wed- nesday afternoon, and wee o very large one, It waw oondnoted by the A. 0. U. W., of which deceased was a member. 300x50)1 Do' IN Goma—The Jubilee oelebrstlon on Wednesday of lost week proved to be a great enemies, as does all such undertakings in Gorrie, if favored with fine weather. Promptly at the hour appointed, the two masquerade pro. ueasions, which were! to open the day's sports, started from their reepeotive barracks and joined forces at the corner of Viotoria and John streets, and then paraded the principal streets of the vil- lage. The show was well gotten up and reflects groat credit on those who had ite management in hand. The game of foot- ball between the Gorrie Rangers and the Listowel Shamrooke was a close and ex- citing game. Although our boys had made up their minds to put up the best game in their power, it was expected that the visiting team would have an easy victory ; but when time was palled, it was a tie, neither teams having snored a goal. In the quoit pitching, A. Doan took 1st ; J. Hammond, 2nd ; and R. Bleak, 8rd. In the bioycle race, there were seven en- tries, Owing to the very heavy wind, very poor time was made, G. Fletcher, of Clifford, carried off let money ; D. Kaake, of Wroxeter. 2nd ; and R. Boguee, of Listowel, Ord. The bicycle parade was not what it should Have been very few of the town bioyoliets taking part. Wroxeter, however, was well represented. The prize for the beet outfit was award• ed to R. J. Andieon, and the oomia was won by R. Crawford. The base ball match wee a very good exhibition of Unole Sam's national game. Brussels took the lead, but in the aeoond and third innings, Clifford pulled up, and for a time it looked as if they were going to win, but they fall back, and Brneeele came out ahead by a score of 15 to 6. In the trap shooting contest, A. Young ear. tied off let prize ; W. Hammond, 2nd ; and R. Blow, 8rd. The lacrosse game between Wingham and Luoknow came off aa advertised, and it was the first time our National game was ever played in Gorrie. Although it was well contested, and some fine playing was done, it did not stir up much enthusiasm. Soore, 8 to 1, in favor of Wingbam. The Clifford braes band rendered music for the day. In the evening, the E. L. of C. E. held a lawn social on the church grounds. A varied program woe given. .Miss Stew- art, of Harrieton, rendered some whist- ling solos. Prooeede over $26. An old man named Tburloy fell off a Book at Barrie and was drowned. Robert Blyth, a Guelph township farmer, was badly gored by a Short born bull. PLYMOUTH s ■ l 1 el Wille Wins the Gold Medal. 10 TONS in stock this week. The best Twins and the Leat Prices in the market. Plymouth Twine is prized the Continent over for its purity, evenness, length and strength. t"S eCnrO it early and save money. clEAY ". CO. Buggies and Wagons. Always on hand and away down in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the next two months, second to noire in the town for Dither duality, finish or style, for $65, If yon want a Boggy you will find it to your interest to call and see lily stook and you will say my statement is correct, dii/O. WYNN Canton 1ViARl1t, NAVE YOU Looked in our ;; Show Window Lately ? . . Have you read my Advertieemeot ? Hay you glanced in our store to 1100 the New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints, New Silk and Cotton Laces, New Gloves, New Parasols, Now Shirtings, New Cottonades ? Everything New for Spring. In the Grocery Department Yon will find everything Fresh in Canned Goode and at old Prime. Teas and Ooffeee a Speoialty. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. MCL S'OD'S System Renovator —AND 0111ER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyapepeia, Sleepleesaese, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaiot,Ne0r. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MOLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jae, Fox. Druggist, Brussels. TAILORING! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. t "S11op in Garfield Block. A. COU.SLEY Real Estate & Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS, Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money ' Loaned on 'Notes and ' counted. good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire c& Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. GOUSLEY, OOioe over Deadman's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. NEW The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMi SLOCX, MIEN, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. Meat delivered to all parts of the town, Cesli PAID FOR Hoses. °Sa.iia)rew a®LjS .10P1RIS anairivavp ag1 dq paalnnaunf) 'i1O1.11ad 00•$$ pun oo'14 'oo•£% `pal(ant arnApaor) 'awl{inal 048 3noge Ire Boma) 2r; alos al{; uo padun:is aala,I '3003 30 0111.003 11.10 01814; ss sadags Quant se ut 0p8tu nae „s0otrS .111T01S7, 'e.1CAt 0,11 011111 12.13 0111 300,{ ono:11 1111 nt spualal 01(0th 3011 swop 30111 „'aog0 .rout.,, 0 004.3 Sou 0001(8 11 .101A1 .10naN •pojuaoa look o ff. 'Cum au Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent. 0111110...111111164110. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles attn.— North Shore Pine and Cedar FOB SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Liao Doors and Sash of all Pat terns an hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Farniehed for ell kinds of Buildings. Workfnan- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT. BRUSSELS PIMP WORKS. I wteh to inform the people of Brneeele and eurroundiog district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. M'0rdere taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Green, MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. Cooke Cotton Root Compound be eneoeeefully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cock's C•ttoa Root Com- posed. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and tnitstione are dangerone. Prise, No, 1, 51 per box; No. 8,1:0 degrees stronger, 50 per box, No. 1 or 2; mailed en receipt of price and two 3.eent stamps. The Oook Oompaay,wind8or Ont, re�neibbe Druggists in Coneds nonded ilp all Nos, 1 and 2 sold in 13ruoeole by 0, A, DEAD101AN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. HONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro. party at 6 & 631 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Covert Clerk, Brussels. PI. WMM matte' a well mall of Y9.1 1 plies P0808080 WIT .0008 850000 .le 0080 w•a0Ga _ MOM mean. an Nervous Diesases, 8(08ples.. UK 5'0%0 Memory, Nightly Emis.(ona Sporran. torrhoea Impoto8oy, oto„ caused by rade •0830 Tires rigor and sire to shrunken organa, .o quickly buteurely00010 5001Maanoon 17 01 cr p Dnp, Use , Sen I and yon will prow 419 and happyoly waled that Dy manor plana vrLIMIT and 4 (8 00 50000 P, o, 0). 0 package,tin. liaelly coria.' 8 d 300007 (8 0(1000a'lv1. • ttif 04001)8,. Addres. ell lotttoi, d0, , tort 1' Aa Druggist., of can d.9'rOC7[, Who MakesYour Clothes? WHY? E. C. DUNFORD, THE ONLY High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels. LEADER IN Worsteds, Bargee, ae, Cheviots and Fine W 000lens. HATS for boys and men at popular prices, from 600 to $2.50. NECKWEAR—All the newest effects in Knots, Derbys, Bows and Flowing Ends. SUSPENDERS that will hold you forever. In fact everything that eau be found in a first -elan Tailoring and Furnishing Establishment oan be found here at prime to suit the times. E. O. DUNFORD. DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this per before you conclude you are losing good money by not buyingyour DAIRY SUPPLIES from u0. W° 000 prepared to supply every person with Dairy Gans Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices aoomsding to quality, Gran iteware of all kinds. HARD VVA' ,LJHaving put in a stook of Spades, Shovels, • Forks, do., of the best quality we solicit your Patronage, Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market. We sell 1t. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. 'the best lino of Cook Stoves to choose from. .gaVetraZdhiMg and Bepairili pr O7npay attended o. „_,,,,iAt- N. B.—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in s, few days. Wilton & Turnbull