HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-7-1, Page 1l�
Vol. 26. No. 31.
New Advertisements,
Locale --Ca E. King,
Locals_. -L, 0, Richards,
Strayed- I. Cl. Richards.
Dominion Day --Cl, T. It,
Special Sale—B. 13, Gunn.
Poisoned ---G. A. Deadman,
Fine ohneo—I, C. Richards,
House for Dale—G, F. Blair.
Notioo to creditors—G, F. Blair.
Open for engagements—Bruesele Band,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of Ole County of
Huron, in the matter of the estate
of John 11'IoArter, late of the Town•
ship of Morrie, farmer, deoeaeod,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to It, B, 0
+ Seo, 18,that all persons having
001 01'L9,
acv claims 1, late 01 the os oto of the said
,Toho farmer,
auto of tvh Township of Mor -
tie, 34b14 1u of April, who 808, re or about
1the 0 Doi tb nay mail
Aprn, A, d„ o de are required
o O.2',
to Baud by mail poet o ec deliver to O. L',
eflair, Solicitor ,003 for the ho 15thore, at July,
eels P. O„ ou or Beat a d10 )stn day of July,
alai n lull statement and particulars securities
of took
any) and the them, of the n after (if
said held by tone andonand after ince
ibut any of ,Taco the said entitled will b thereto,
distributed rdnonl tooth oc a in which
having regard only t0 the claims of .which
nobles shall then have boon given.
Dated at Brussels the :leu d Juno ,1898.
GAn11F.U1G]') KIRKBY, }),xecntors,
J10 MoARl'14R,1 f
0, L', BLAIR, Solicitor for Executors, 51-3
JULY 1, 1898.
Will iesuo return tickets between all
stations in Canada and from all stations
in Canada to Detroit, Buffalo, Suspension
Bridge and Niagara Falls, N. Y„ at
Single First-class Fare
Going anus 30th and July let, return•
ins Jnly 2nd, 1898, and at SINGLE
THI1RD, going Juno 30th and July lob,
returning July 4th, 1898.
Ticket rates and information from
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel.
CStrirt a�.CE11a",
P1.11 O l .
John Cameron wheeled home from
Sebringville on Saturday.
Mre. J. M. Davies and daughter Alice
have gone on a visit to friends at Harley.
Rev. J. L. Stewart left on Taeaday
for hie new station at Bervie. We wish
him mammas.
Miss W. Baynard returned from Toren.
to lest week, where site was attending the
Normal school.
A large number from ]sere attended
the Garden party at Joseph Ames', 4th
oon., Inst Monday evening and assisted
in the program.
Rev. D. B. McRae will preach a ser-
mon to the Independent Order of For•
esters on Sabbath, July 10th, in the
Preebyterinn church Isere at 2.80 p. m.
Rev. J. Walker and family left this
week for Louisville, Kent County, their
new field of labor. During their stay of
two years here they have won the esteem
of all who knew them, and many regrets
are expreeeed at their departure.
Last Saturday afternoon the ladies of
the W. F. M. S. in connection with the
Methodist church, presented Mrs. (Rev.)
Walker, their President and organizer,
with a kindly worded addreee, read by
Miss Kennedy, after which Mrs. John
Oober handed the recipient a neat indi.
vidual cruet and a half dozen china fruit
plates as a parting gift. Mrs. Walker
responded in suitable and sympathetic
Imo 13norn8.—While driving his team,
ane of which was a Dolt, from his farm
on the 6014 oon., David .Dunbar mat with
a very painful accident. It seems the
horses took fright, and in jumping from
the wagon be was naught by the wheel
and had hie leg broken just above the
ankle. This seems too bad at any time
of the year, but more eepeoially now as
the work of haying and harvesting will
soon be on hand.
Bonen RETORT: The following report
shows the standing of the pupils of the
senior department of Ethel Publio school,
ae the result of examinations held during
the month of June ;-511, class,—Exam•
iced in aribh•, oomp„ history, geog.,
gram., phys., lit. and alg.—Total 970,—.
W. Spence, 566. Entranoe.—Same
oubjeote as 6th class except algebra.—
Total 715,—Claude Walker, 428 ; Cora
Sanders, 372 out of 640. Or, 40h.—Ex•
attained in epel., arith„ comp., hist.,
geog., gram., phye., rem and lit.—Total
865,—Ida Cole, 614 ; Mary MoBlain,
488 ; Annie Bateman, 890 ; Howard Mo.
Allister, 302 ; Carl McAllister, 284 ;
Edna Baynard, 250 ; Willie Lindsay,
204. Jr. 4th,—Examined in 0po1., with,
hist., gong., gram, camp. and ht.—Total
766,—Bernice Slemmou, 686 ; Helena
Barr, 669; Willie Eokmier, 481 ; Mamie
Hanenld, 470 ; Willie McDonald, 824 ;
Mary Kleineohroth, 294 ; Mand Badgloy,
287. Sr. 8rd.—Examined in Arith,,
geog., opal., comp., Hist„ gram, and lit.—
Total 580; Macdie Quorrin, 477 ; Wil.
lie Coates, 445 ; Eva Oo1e, 434 ; Stella
Dunbar, 491 ; Henry Querrin, 888;
Minnie Bateman, 827 ; Mabel Goatee,
206 ; Jennie MoBlain, 292 ; Toni Fogal,
262 ; Eva McAllister, 241 Walter
Savage, 229 ; Oliver Lindsay, 214
Fred, Diemert, 160. Jr. Ord.—Same
eubjeote as er, Ord.—Total 520, -Ida
Faulkner, 841 ; Geo. Eolcmier, 329 ; Lily
Simpson, 816 ; Mamie MoAllieter, 264 ;
Oliva Reynard, 216 ; Avon Elliott, 177.
Goo, Donsox, Teacher,
Principal Dobson is aeelating Mr,
Shearer on the Entrance and Public
School Leaving examinations at Wrox-
oterthio week. Sohocl olosod in the
junior department on Thursday,
0onve TION.—A Convention for the or•
90niza1ion of Grey township in comm.
tion with the owning Plebiscite campaign
will be hold in the Township Ilall, Ethel,
on Tuesday, July 6111, at 2 p. m. A largo
representation from each congregation,
young people's society and temperance
organization asked. Reeve Straohan is
the oonvenar•
ANNnot. PIC•Ni.—The Presbyterian
Sabbath school held its annual pionlo in
Dilworth's grove on Friday of last week.
Supper was served ab 4 o'clock and the
hearty appetite of nearly every person
was fully satisfied from the loads of pro.
visions that were spread upon the tables.
The ladies are to be congratulated upon
the manner in which they served up the
+r r11 was given •
a 1
edibles. After tea a ro v
p 1,
Rev. D. B. 1lloRna acted as chairman,
and besides vocal and instrumental
music, dialogues, dm., two excellent ad-
dresses were given by Revde. Messrs.
Stewart and Walker. Three swings, a
raft and a boat furnished amusement
for the young people. Shortly after 7
o'olonk the foot hall team from Whin.
Hold's school played a game with the
Ethel boys. After an hour's play Whit -
field's had scored 2 goals and Ethel 0.
Geo, Dobson refereed the game.
I'M() rltl.
Showery weather.
Tins Peer gives the news.
Some doh liners have started haying.
Poor hay weather so for.
Constable Davis, of Blyth, was buried
nil Tuesday of this week.
John Mustard has completed the stone
wall for Joel H. Sellers' house.
Richard Mitchell expects to raise hie
barn en Saturday of this week.
Hay will be a very fair Drop. All the
different orops are looking splendid now.
Mre. C. Bernath, of Ethel, was visiting
her Bieber, Mre. Wm. Cochrane, this
Mrs. Wrn, Bray and alias Florence, of
West Wawanoeh, are visiting at Willows
Farrow's this week.
A. I. and Mrs. McCall and children, of
Chatham, spent a holiday week with
relatives in this locality.
Mine Lizzie Maunders is home from
Berlin and Robb. Maunders is back from
Belleville where he was attending Albert
On Juno 23rd, 'Wm. Casenore, of
Morrie, pulled a stalk of orchard grass
64 inches long, and n stalk of oats 46
inches in length,
George Jaelteon and wife, Mre. Henry
Jackson, Miss Rebecca JaokeonMies
Shelton and Mre. Wm. Clark Mit on a
visit to Manitoba this week. They went
via C. P. R. from Wroxeter.
R. B. Laidlaw left on Wednesday of
this weep on a visit to friends in British
Columbia. He will be nheent three or
four months. He purchased hie ticket
from T. Farrow, O.P. it agent, Brnssele.
Little Frank Shaw, of the let con., fell
off the fence last Sabbath evening and
broke his lett firm just above the wrist.
With the experience of a broken lag and
now a broken arm Frank is securing
quite a reward.
Walter Yuill has raised one of bis
barns and will also elevate the other after
which stone stablidg will be built under
both thereby affording ample barn and
stable room. Pollock Bros. have the
mason work.
This week William Onntelon, of Pe -
trolls,. is renewing old friendships in this
township. It is 17 years since Mr. Con -
talon removed from Morris. Hie wife is
a daughter of the late William Arm-
strong, 6th line.
The example set by Pathmaeber Man-
ning in raking off all rough atones from
the roadway in his beat is worthy of
imitation. It is not too late to do this
even where the road worn has been done,
and a few days spent by a good man
would be money well expended. There
is a noticeable improvement thio year in
a good deal of the work done.
A barn, 50x60 feet, with 29 foot centre
poste, teas raised on the farm of D. Kelly,
lot 2, con. 7, on Tuesday of last week.
125 men were present and abort as many
ladies. Sides were chosen by P. J. Kelly
and Arthur 0100121. The race was very
interesting but Cronin had a little the
hest of it. A party was held in the base.
anent in the evening. Thee. Armstrong,
of Whitechurch, did the frame work and
Baker Bros. the stone work.
HYntENEAr, On Tuesday, June 21st,
Miss Eva A. B., only daughter of Conn -
oilier M. M. Cardiff, was United in
marriage to Jno. Ames, of Winnipeg,
Man., formerly of Morrie, by Rev. J. C.
Walker, of the above mentioned city.
The beet wishes of a large chole of rela-
tives and friends go with 31r. and Mre,
Ames in their new relationship. They
will make their home in Winnipeg.
Tho tine big barn on the farm of Wm.
Bryan was raised on Friday and Settle.
day of last week. Sides were chosen by
Jae. Ireland jr., and Wal. Yuill, the
former winning. Mr. McDonald had the
oonbraot, An unfortunate accident on.
purred on Saturday evening at the raising
that might eaeity have caused fatal re.
suite. When the plate, a stink of timber
83 feet long and 10 inches square, on the
North aide of the building, was nearly in
ho position, 30 feet from the ground, it
turned canting the pike poles to lose
their grip and thereby throwing the
weight on a few men ou the frame unable
to bold it. Down went the plate aatoh.
ing Archie Livingstone and Wm. Hoy in
Re downward flight, Tho former wag
otrnok on the shoulder and bank and
would have fallen to the .ground had
willing hands not gone to fns aseistanae
and helped him to terra firma. Hoy got
a severe blow on hie left hand rendering 8
stitchesneoeesary to dram the wetted to-
gether. Both men aro progressing favor.
ably and will probably stiffer no bad re.
suite from thclose oall, The wonder is
that those who were underneath were not
injured but fortunately the timber went
through the fleet into the stabling from
whence it wile taken to its position by
20 rode of wire fencing has been put
np at the faun of Allem Adamo, 6t11 line,
by Joe. Manning.
Statute labor wan wound up on Wed.
neoday of title week and the RAMO old
hand was noticed that the teams were
drawn too heavy, so the mon went home
half an hour before the time wan up,
Contrary to law. What next 7 Some
one should impact certain samples of
gravel in Morrie,
On Thursday morning of last week
Thos. Bone, sr„ was loading shingles on
Me wagon in the barnyard, The horses
looped up and seeing a man shingling on
the roof of the barn became frightened
and started at a lively rate out of the
yard and down the back lane. They run
to the back end of the farm and by that
the wagon was badly smashed while the
harness was a complete wreak. One of
the homes was eeri0uely out about the
lege with the bralton tongue bot the
other animal
escaped ped wit
boat a scratch.
fiuERr Klul.rh.—Nicholas Curring and
Neil Taylor, of Morrie, had six sheep
killed by doge between four and five
o'clock on Sunday morning of last week.
Mr. Ouming's sheep, numbering four,
were in a field, and Mr. Taylor's two
were on the road. Two dogs were sae-
peotorl of the offence, one of which woe
killed on Sunday afternoon, and in its
stomach was found what was supposed to
be wool. One of 1119. 1'awlor'e ohoop was
fearfully lacerated. Mr. flaming has
lost seven sheep in this manner this sea-
(-xr e .
Grope look fine.
Haying ie quite general.
Fall wheat 18(10111g dine.
Mrs. Pennington, 14411 con., is improv-
ing in health.
Minutes of the Township Council will
appear next week.
The township voters list for 1808 ie in
the printer's bands.
John Robertson was visiting relatives
in Elma last Sabbath.
Miss Belle Straohan is home from
London for her vacation.
Road work is a thing of the past for
this year on the ]6th con.
The bricklayers are hard at work on
P. Robertson's new residence, 9111 con.
Mre. (Dr.) Ball and baby, of Toronto,
are visiting at LI. Ball's for a few weeks.
Tho pio.nio in oonneotion with Har.
vey's school last week was a success, as
Mre. (Rev.) McDougall, of Osceola,
Mioh., is visiting her parents on the 16th
Mrs. Robb. McKay, 8111 con., arrived
home from a visit to relatives aid friende
iu the Emit.
Grey sent a, goodly number of
pupils to theEntrauoe and Leaving ex-
Shine's school house will be painted at
vacation time. Fred. McCracken, Brus-
has the job.
Rov. Mr. McRae will hold a prayer
meeting at Bethel ohuroh, 16th oou„ ou
Thursday evening.
The Patrons at Monorieff will hold a
meeting a week from Friday night for
the purpose of discussing Prohibition.
Rev, Mr. Stewart preached his farewell
sermon at Bethel last Sabbath. He will
be missed very much at that appoint-
Pathmastere should see ant the rough
stones are broken on the made and the
thistles and other weeds int. The Coun-
cil should see that they do it.
D. Robertson, a former well ]snow
Greyite, who has been residing in Elder -
shire towuahip, has removed to Grenook
township and now lives near Glammie.
A step in advance has been taken at
the ninon Sabbath eohool meeting in
Smith's school house by the purchase of
a melodian to aid in the service of praiee.
John Steisa, flth oou., has raised a new
barn 40x60 feet and will pot stone stab-
ling tender it. R. McCallum's new barn,
50x61'. feet, on the same line, is also up
end will soon be completed.
DEAR Sm, -0n several of our conoes-
ti0n lines thietlee are growing beautifully
and will soon be eoattering their seed far
and wide, undoing the work of many
farmers in trying to keep clean farms.
Will you call the attention of the Path.
masters and Council to the necessity of
immediate destruction of this pest 7
Tuesday, of next week, at 2 p. m.,
Oonventton of temperance people in the
Township Hall, Ethel, for the purpose of
organizing for the Plebiscite campaign.
A large rally is asked for. Reeve
Straohan is the oonvenar. Every ohuroh
Sabbath eohool, young people's society,
and temperance organization is asked to
send representatives. A short program
of addreese0 and music will bo rendered.
Alex. MoDonald, 2nd eon., left on
Thursday of last week for Montreal tronawhich point he sailed on Saturday' for
acid Sootland, his native laud,
where he will spend the next six weeks.
His birthplace was Lorne, Argyleehire.
Mr, McDonald mune to this country in
1847, then a boy in hilts. He has been a
resident of Grey for the past 44 years and
consequently is one of the pioneers, Mr.
McDonald tae leased his 200 sofa farm
for this se00011 to his brother Damian,
who now has 262 acres under grave upon
which are 162 plead of three year old
steers. Some people hint that Mr. Mao.
hag gone to the mulct land to import a bet-
ter half but time will tell as to their
General regret was felt over the do.
cease of John Day, of Gerrie, who panted.
away last week, after an illness covering
years. Hie wife was Mies Julia Frain,
daughter of our old readmit, Joseph
Frain, 8rd con„ to whom deoeased was
married about 20 years ago. One eon
and the mother 0000119. Mr. Day was a
faithful member of the Methodist ohurol
and enjoyed the esteem of it large (irate
of friends. The funeral service was non -
dirtied in the Gerrie Methodist ohuroh
by Rov. Mr, Plebet. There was a large
turnout, the A, 0. U. W. having charge
of the funeral. The mother of deceased
is still living, although about 90 years of
age. The relative's resident in Grey and
Motais townships attended the Motel on
Wednesday of Inst week,
Will, L. McQuarrie, who hail been at.
Lending the Normal school at Toronto
daring the past term, la home on a visit.
We wish hint 0000000,
Rov, O. (1. Kahle watt renewing old
friendships in Grey township this weak,
Ito attended oollege at :Toronto during
the past year and will return next Fall to
oomplate his eonrse.
This weak Miss 13. Pearson arrived
home from Toronto, where she was tak-
ing a ooureo at the Normal school After
the term she visitod for a short time at
adgara. Mies Pearson is a olaver young
Albert Broughton has served the Reeve
of ,Elmo with an injunction restraining
the Counoil from passing the Beauchamp
drainage By.law and also a writ, It is
too bail that one man ie able to block a
plan of work that would benefit hundreds
of farms. Tho Elmo Connell met on
Thursday of this week but we did not
hear what they decided to do.
GARDEN Pa1frT.—The Garden Party an-
nounced last week came off at the home
of Joseph Amos, 4th con., last Monday
evening, old was a most pleasant and
euooeeetul gathering. After all bad been
well served at the tablas set in the oroh.
arc, Rov. Mr. Walker took the chair and
the following program was presented :—
Chorus, by the ohoir ; address, by the
chairman ; harmonica duet, S. Roe and
A. Brown ; recitation, Miss S. Pearson ;
solo, Mies M. Taylor ; addreee, W.. II.
Herr, of Tun P00T ; instrumental, Mise
Holt ; reading Mies E. McQuarrie ; duet,
Miss and D. Strachan ; instrumental,
Ethel Orchestra, consisting of Mise
Spence, R. McKay, W. Spence and W.
Eckmier ; address, Rev. 0. 0. Keine, a
former pastor ; solo, S. Roe ; organ solo,
Mies Davis, Morris ; recitation,
Miss Aggie Miller ; solo, W, J.
Mo0raoken, Brussels ; reoitation, Lizzie
Carr ; solo, Miss Taylor ; address, Rev.
J. L. Stewart ; muefo, Ethel Orchestra ;
ohorue, by choir. Mr, and Mrs. Ames
left nothing undone to add to the pleas-
ure of the large company assembled.
Proceeds amounted to over 620.00 The
gronnds were lighted by Chinese lanterns.
day evening the Epworth League of Roe's
ohuroh met, and after an interesting pro-
gram to which Mise Maggie Taylor con-
tributed two solos, and Mies Tillie Lang
another, Rev. Mr. Stewart, junior minis.
ter, who is removing to Bervie, was pre.
vented with a nicely bound Teacher's
Bible and a fine gold watch chain and
charm. The following address was read
by Mies Bell Miller sad the presentation
made by Mies Annie McDonald and Miss
Susan Roo :—
Rev, .7. L. Stewart,
DEAR FRIEND,—The 000aeion of our
meeting here this evening is one of pleas-
ure and sadness. Of pleasure in the op.
portunity it affords no of expreseiug to
yon our united appreciation of the great
benefits you have conferred upon us and
the spiritual help you have been to us
during the past year in the position of
junior Pastor, and President of our
Epworth League. Of sadness, in the
fact that these happy associations are to
terminate so soon. With gratitude we
review your labors here, and desire to
tell you what will rejoice you most, that
your labor hail not been in vain in the
Lord ; that you have helped nil and
done us good. Your preaching and ad-
dressee have been oharacterized not only
by tact and ability but by deep spiritual-
ity, richly inetruoting us to the knowledge
of the Scriptures and promoting in us an
assured faith in the Saviour revealed
therein. We wish, however, in addition
to our expression of thanks to present
you with this Teacher's Bible end this
gold watch chain and charm as a more
tangible assurance of our high esteem.
We tenet these gifts will often remind
you of Roe's young people and oongrega-
tion, and while we regret your removal
and know that our official relationship
will so soon be severed, we feel assured
that the unity of heart and epirit we
have enjoyed in the past will nob be
sundered. Your many friends hare wish
you abundant 000oe00 on your new field
of labor, and we indulge iu the hope that
you will some day return to ocoupy the
parsonage a0 our pastor. Signed by Mies
Aegis Miller, Mies Kate Pearson, Miss
Lizzie Bryan, Mre. L. Frain. Mr. Stew-
art, although taken completely by aur.
prise, made a most suitable reply, expres-
sing his thanks for the kind words and
generous gifts. The reverend gentleman
parries with him the good will' of both
young and old. Mise Lizzie Bryan,
orgaobet, was unable to be present, owing
to the barn raining at her oriole's, Wm.
Bryan, Morris.
Page es Wynn Blipped a oar of hogs on
Monday. 81,86 per 100 poende was paid.
Wm, Casemore shipped a oar of oatbbe
on Monday and D. McDonald a oar of
52 tickets were sold at Wiogham station
for the I. O. P. exeur0lon to Detroit on
Saturday last. The exoureloniste re-
turned some time before daylight Tues.
day morning.
Robt. Hogg, of the B. line, has a fine
5.aore field of flax. Stalks measuring
4 feet 5 inches in length are by no means
scarce. This is a remarkable height for
flax in the last week of June.
Dr. Jacklin leaves this week for
Detroit. He could have obtained eeve1.
al pupils but not enough to form the
olaoo, Tho chief difficulty seemed to be
that it was the wrong time of the year,
find those who might have been pupils
could not spare the time,
0. 0. 1',—Thos, White, of Brantford,
High Secretary of the Canadian Order of
Foresters, was to town last week trame-
aobhtg business pertaining to the Order
with John Neelande, High Treasurer.
Friday evening being the regular meet.
ins night of Court Maitland No, 25, the
High Secretary paid the Court an official
visit, and otter routine business was oon.
chided addressed the members on mat.
tere of interest in oonneotion 'with the
Order. At the close of the Court session
refreehmonto were Braved, coneieting of
100.00eam, strawberries, lotnonade and
mire, to which the brethren did ample
(u01100. On Sunday last the Court
W. H. KERR, Prop,
marched in a body to the Congregational
ohuroh, where an exoellent sermon was
preached by 1tev, H. le, Mason, from the
words, '"To•day, if yo will hoar His
voice, harden nob your hearts," 'There
was a large attendance of member's, in.
eluding oontingente from Brussels, Blue.
vale and Belgravo. Throe High Court
efficient wore present, the High Seorerary,
111911 Treaeuror and High Auditor.
Court Maitland welcomed the vleiting
brethren and suitably provided for their
entertainment. There weee 140 Forest.
erg in the p100880iou.
Crops oontinue to look very promising,
and if the present prospects are realized,
the farmers of Ontario will have Dna of
the best seasons they have ever had. The
proepeobe for an abundant fruit crop are
oleo excellent. The country never looked
Two days special meetings will be held
at the S. A. barracks, conducted by
Ensign Orchard, assisted by Oapt• Red-
burn, oofficers of Wiogham dietriot ,
and soldiers from Teeewater and Walker-
ton, on July 6th and 7th, On Wedoee•
day, the 6th, the visiting officers will
treat the Wingham people to a musical
melee, also Capt. Redburn will render a
cornet solo. On Thursday, July 7111,
will be given a representation of the
"Ten Virgins." Every one is promised
a real treat at both these 016011ng8.
Pznsnxep. Geo. Stuart came home
from Woodstock on Friday last. He is
recovering from the results of the 6oci-
dent that befell him come time ago. He
will spend a few weeks at home to re-
ouperate.—Chao. Smith, of Listowel,
spent Sunday under the parental roof in
Wiogham.—Mies Eva Graney has been
spending a few days with relatives in
Blyth.—Jno. Snell, of Gerrie, was in
town on Sunday last.—Mr. Taylor, M. L.
A. for North Middlesex, was the guest of
T. L. Jobb last week,—Wm. Beek and
wife, of Harrieton, spent Sunday in
Wingham.—W. K. Smith spent Sunday
in Teeewater.—Hugh Ackerman, of Har-
rieton, was in town on Sabbath,—Mies
Winogene McDonald has returned to
Detroit after a lengthy visit with her
aunt, Mrs. J. R. Munehaw.—Emerson
Thompson was holding religious services
in Harrieton last week.—F. M. Caesar
spent a few days in Toronto last week.—
Jobn Kerr acceptably filled the pulpit at
Ebenezer, a Morrie appointment of the
Bluevale circuit, on Sunday last.—Mr.
Ambrose, of New York, formerly of the
Bank of Hamilton here, was in town this
week.—Mre. Bell, Mine Bell and H.
Chisholm left on Friday last for a trip
to Duluth and return via Detroit,—Mies
Nellie Cline is visiting in Seaforth this
week.—afro. Gordon and daughter, of
Port Elgin, are visiting in town.—Thos.
Gregory went to London on Tuesday. -
77m. Inglis took a trip to Toronto this
week.—A. Young, of Young it Paulin,
returned on Wednesday from a trip to
Ohioago.—Mro. J. McManus is visiting
friends in Teeewater.—Mee. G. Wrath
has been upending 6 couple of weeks et
the parental home 1n Culross.
Next Sabbath morning. addresses on
Sabbath eohool linea will be given in the
Presbyterian ohuroh by Rev. Jno. Rose,
B. A., and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels. The
former will address the parents and
adults and the latter the juniors. In the
afternoon Mr. Kerr will speak to the S.S.
of the Methodist church and Rev. Mr.
Rose will address the oongregatioo in the
same ohuroh in the evenieg. Rev, Mr,
Hall will take part in similar services at
Brussels, on Sabbath, speaking in the
Presbyterian ohnroh in the morning and
the Methodiet.,obnroh in the evening.
Belgrave L. 0. L„ No. 462, will attend
religious service in a body next Sabbath,
July 8rd. Rev. T. E. Higley will preach
an appropriate sermon„ eervioe at 2 p. m,
in Trinity aburob. Visiting brethren
cordially welcome.
CiIURCII C11191138.
Melville Sabbath school will 910.010 in
Iver. Davideon'e grove, 1211, oon. of Grey,
next Tuesday afternoon.
The topic at the Endeavor meeting
next Sabbath evening in Melville ohuroh
will be "Honoring Father and Mother,"
to be introduced by President A. M. Mo.
Rev. S. J. Aplin will addreee the Eta.
worth League next Sabbath evening at
the close of the regular service on the
very important subject of "Christian
Hebrews 10;26 was the foundation of
Rev. Mr. Abey'e sermon in St. John's
ohuroh last Sunday morning. "Remem-
ber now Thy Creator in 111e days of thy
youth," was the reverend gentleman's
text in the evening.
Rev. Inc. Roes, B. A., spoke lest Sab•
bath morning on the theme, "The Gospel
of the Glory of the Blessed God," I Tim.
1;11. The glory is revealed (1) In its
Produotion ; (2) In its Purpoge ; (8) In
its Perfection ; (4) In he Power, In the
evening the topic wag "The Blessing'bf
The General Assembly has transferred
the oongregatioo of McIntosh and 73e1 -
more to the care and oversight of the
Presbytery of Maitland, Rev. A. 0.
Stewart is minister of this united pastor-
al charge. The Presbytery cordially
weloomes'ahese congregations and their
Presbytery of Maitland met in Knox
ohuroh, Ripley, on Thursday, June 80th,
el 1 p. m„ when Rev. 0. Sinclair was re.
oeived as a minister of the Presbyterian
church in Canada in a000rdanee with
leave granted by the General Assembly
and considered a mall from Knox church,
Ripley, and Knox church, Bervie, to Mr.
Nest Sabbath Rev. Mr. Hall, of Bel.
grave, and Rev. Mr. Paul will take
charge of tbo eervioe in Melville 014nro14
in the morning and the Methodist ohurmb
in the evening, dealing with Sabbath
School matters. Rest. Mr. Hall will
opeak to the pupils and young people and
Rev. Mr. Patti will address the parents
and friende. A large turnout asked.
Rot. Mr. Alliu will proaoll in Melville
c arch at 7 9, in,
Rev. S. Sellery, B. D„ formerly of
Brussels, who has been stationed 1n the
Methodist ohuroh, Guelph, for the pact
four years and taught the Bible class for
that period, was presented with a gold -
headed cane and an address, Mr. Sellery
to the
Central Methodist ohuroh,
The Endeavor Herald says;—T.he On-
tario Provincial Executive has had a de-
cided gain to its strength in the person of
A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, who was elected
a vine -president lust Fall. His reoord au
secretary of Huron County plaoee him in
the front rank of effective Endeavor
workere in Ontario. We wore mach im•
pressed with his common sense and prac-
tical ideas at the Easter meeting of the
"Suffer the children to come unto Me"
wits Rev. Mr. Allin'e text last Sabbath
morning, from which he showed that a
child was a type of the kingdom of Christ
1) In their Innocence ; (2) In Sicoerity ;
3 In Humility ;(4)In Teachableness ;
6 In Tenderness • (6)In Trust. Luke
3 geo
'7:47 was the passage eeleoted at the ser-
vice at 7 p. m. The subdivisions were :
—(1) The ground for true, deep feeling ;
(2) The value and use of these feelings ;
) The hope Christ holds out to the very
An "At Home" was tendered to Rev.
G. H. and Mre. Oobbledick, formerly of
Bruesele, in the Methodist church, Glen•
we, on Tuesday evening, June 21et,pre.
vious to their removal from the circuit.
An appreoiative address watt read on be -
halt of the congregation, in which were
many kindly references to the pastor and
the character of hie work, and also to
Mre. Oobblediok. Addresses were given
by the heads of the various departments,
all of which evinced the esteem in which
the pastor and his wife are held.
GolIBIRnrAT1oN or ST. JoITN'9rBlellOp
Baldwin conducted an interesting Oon•
flrmation service in St. John's church,
Brnaeele, on Tuesday evening of this
week. Owing to the reverend .gentleman
missing the morning train it was neces-
sary to send 6 conveyance to Blyth to
meet him on the arrival of the evening
train from London. This necessarily
threw the service considerably later than
was arranged for. The introductory part
of the exercises wee conducted by the
rector, Rev. Mr. Abey, and on the ar•
rival of the Bishop a very profitable ad•
dress was given on the Confirmation
prayer ae outlined for these occasions
viz, :—"Defend, 0 Lord, this Thy servant
with Thy heavenly Grace, that he may
continue Thine forever ; and daily in•
ore6se in Thy Holy Spirit more and
more, until he come unto Thy everlasting
Kingdom." The threeoints dwelt upon
were (1) Purchase ; (2) Obedience ; (8)
Maintenance. Thirty candidates then
received the rite of confirmation at the
hands of the Bishop, the olaee Consisting
of 28 females and 7 males. After this
solemn duty Bishop Baldwin spoke wise,
fatherly and very practical wordf to the
class and congregation generally on im-
portant duties if growth is to be made in
Christian life, (1) Read the Scriptures,
regularly and eyetematioally ; (2) Prayer,
social and private, as a heart or home
without prayer is nothing lees than
pagan ; (3) Go out with the creed "I be-
lieve in Jesus Christ,"—pact, present and
future. It was nearly 11 o'olook when
the service was brought to a oouolueion.
There wee a large congregation present
and every one should be the better of be.
ins there. Rev. Mr. Farley and Mr. Per-
kins, a divinity student, both of Gerrie,
were in the andieooe.
Mise Frannie is visiting friende at Port
Mies Fanny Thomson ,is enjoying a
holiday at Bayfield.
Mies Annie Gilohtiet, of Wiogham, le
holidaying with Miss Hogg.
Eph. Downing has taken a position on
the Blyth Standard staff.
Mise Ella Saddler, of Wiogham, was
visiting Mrs. W. F. Tsnetone.
Mise Marion Moore, of Trowbridge, is
visiting her brother, Doo. Moore.
A. E. Treleaven, of Dungannon, wag in
Brussels for a few days this week.
Wm. Roes and wife are visiting friende
in Galt and Guelph for a few days.
Fred. Gilpin is home from Owen Sonnd
where he has been attending the Col-
Mre. John Londeeboro' and Mrs. Dill,
of Seaforth, were visiting in this locality
last week.
A. J. and Mrs. Lowry attended the
funeral of Jno. Day at Gerrie on Wednes-
day of last week.
Mrs. T, R. Thomson and Muir, of Lis-
towel, are visiting in town. They go
from here to Seaforth.
George Barley and wife, of Northville,
Mich., were visiting the families of Wm.
and Jas. Blaehill, Brunets.
Mies Green, of Drayton, who wee
visiting in Brussels and Walton, returned
to her home last Monday.
J. A. Creighton combined business with
pleasure iu a visit to Fergus, Toronto and
Hamilton during the past week.
Mrs, Gordon Mooney was under the
dootor'9 care part of last week but is bet-
ter again we are pleased to state.
Mre. P. Howell, of New Hamburg, who
was visiriug her daughter, Mre. S. T.
Plum, letarned to her home loot week.
Mre. F. 0. Rogers and Mre. George
Rogers are away on a holiday visit with
friende at Detroit, Chatham and London.
Mimeo Rannie and Williams, of Zar.
ioh, and Mrs. Paulin, of Wingham, were
the gueate of Mrs. Jaa. Fox on Friday
Joseph Carter and wife, of Goderiob,
and Mrs. George Henderson, of McKillop,
were visiting Mre. E. Grimoldby thio
Mre, Ino. Barnhill went to London on
Wednesday morning to meet her eon
who wag en route to England from Onli'
W. F. Scott ie away on a tour of
athletioe and will take part in the Cale-
donian games at Gnaiph on Dominion
Barrister and Mrs, Sinclair and T. A.
Hawkine took part in an entertainment
ab Thorndale on Monday and epent an
enjoyable time.
Mrs. Sager will remove to Galt where
Mr. Sager hold a petition as mechanist.
Ma. TT. J. Morden, of Stouffville, Is
here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. 1V. R.
Mrs. Anderson's oondition is a vary
serious one rendered more so by the rap•
tore of a blood vessel in the head on
Monday of this week.
Jno. Watson, one of Liatowel'e town
Councillors, was an interested spectator
at the base hall match between Brussels
and Kincardine last Friday.
A. I, MoCall, druggist, of Chatham,
wee in town this week, Mr. 1300011 is
doing well in his new borne and is well
pleased with the Baby city.
Mre. Robb. Bremner and two children
are here from Roseland. Mre. Bremner
is 6 daughter of Jae, Shaw, of Brussels.
It is 8 years since she was home.
Mre. R. Bell and Cherry, of Wood•
stook, and Mrs. Dutton, sister, neioe, and
mother to Mre, G. A. Deadman, are en.
joying a holiday at
Frederick street.
Mre. Neil MaLauohlin and Mre. John
Forbes left for a trip to relatives and
friends in Manitoba on Tuesday of this
week. We wish them a pleasant time.
Mrs. Kirkman, Modern Language
teacher of Seafortb Collegiate Institute,
and her sister, Mies Tytler, of Seaforth,
were guests at Melville Mange this week.
THE POST was favored with fraternal
oalle from 0. Preeeprioh, of the New
Hamburg Independent, and Mr. Hall, jr.,
of tine Wiogham Advance, during the
past week,
B. Gerry and wife and Mre. N. B.
Gerry and son left on Tuesday for a
holiday trip. The two former go to
Ohioago and Mre. Gerry, jr., will visit at
Paw Paw, Mich.
W. H., Mre. McCracken and Mise
Clara were away at Paieley last week at-
tending the wedding of Henry Grant, a
oousin to Mre. McCracken, to Mies Jane
E. Lyons of the same township.
We are sorry to bear of the serious
illneee of Jacob Wilton, of Conestoga,
Ont., brother to Sam. and Wm. Wilton, of
Brussels. It is a pulmonary trouble. S.
Wilton was visiting him this week.
Lorne Dunford and Robbie MoOraelcen
have gone to Peterboro' on a wheeling
tour. They left Bankston on Monday
morning and had breakfast in Whitby on
Tuesday. The boye will take in the
bicycle meet at Peterboro'.
Principal Cameron will epend part of
his vacation at Lnokiow ; L. F. Jackson
will "do" Toronto and Newmarket ; Mies
Downey will holiday at Fergus and
other planes, and Miss Ritchie will in.
elude Stratford in pointe she will visit.
Barrister Robb. M. Dickson, of Detroit,
late of Brussels, has gone to the Pacifica
Coast on a business and pleasure trip
combined. He will oall et Winnipeg go-
ing Westward and tour it through Da-
kota on the homeatrip. Mr. Diokeon's
health bas not been very robust and we
hope the change of air and Beene will in•
vigorate him.
Mitchell Recorder :—Thomas Jones,
who only got as far as Montreal on hie
intended trip to Europe, arrived home
again a few evenings ago in a very poor
state of health. His medical adviser at
Montreal thought his ease so seri000 that
be recommended hie return home at once.
Mr. Jones' trouble hastiest' brought on
by overwork and exposure in connection
with hie business, cattle shipping.
Ex•Mayor Ieaao Hord and wife, of
Mitchell, left on an 01d Country trip on
Monday last, Bailing by the Cunard
steamer Catalonia from Boston on Wed-
nesday. They will be in London during
the 08081000 of the World's Sunday
School Convention from July 11 to 10,
expecting to be in London until the 18th,
They will also spend a few days in Paris
and will be absent in all nearly two
A. F. MacLarea, M. P., a000mpanied
by Mrs. MaaLaren, and son, Kenneth,
sailed from Montreal on Saturday for
England. The trip will be a very short
one, being undertaken mainly for the
benefit of Mr. MaoLaren's health, which
is somewhat run down. The party will
pay a brief visit to London, Liverpool,
Bristol and other points of interest,
while they may also visit Paris. They
expect, however, to be bank in Stratford
by August let.
At her parents' home in Listowel, on
Monday morning last, Sarah Jane, be-
loved daughter of Wm. and Mary Bright,
passed to her rest, after an ilineee of
about a year. The deceased had (net
entered the 20th year of her age, and
was a most estimable and amiable young
lady, and much sympathy is expreeeed
for her parents and family on amount of
her early and sad death. The funeral
took plane Wednesday afternoon to
Fairview cemetery.
Oa11a.11au Newry.
A. H. Harris, traffic manager of the
Canadian Government railway system,
has resigned.
The report that grasshoppers are
prevalent in some parts of the North-
west, is, after careful enquiry, found to
be inoorreot.
Natural gag is being struck at several
pointe North of Chatham. E, E. Parker
haat made a good strike on hie property
near Wallaoeburg.
The stomach, head and heart of the
late John Boyd, who died in the North.
west, the result, it is alleged, of a kink of
a borae, have been forwarded from Elora.,
where the remains were interred, to To-
ronto for analysis. Poisoning is suspect.
ed. v,
Queen Victoria hag appointed Lord
High Chancellor Baron Herschell, Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Richard Cartwright
Sir Louie Davies and John Charlton, M.
P„ to be High Commissioners,represent•
ins Canada and Great Britain in the
proposed Canadian.Alnericai Conference.
Robert Wright, about 20 years of age,
returning home from the Harrieton
oboeee factory, Wednesday morning, was
otrnok by a G. T. R. special train. The
waggon wag thrown into the dit014 end
the young mman badly, injured, One
horse was putted up by the cowcatcher
and carried about three hundred yards,
and then thrown agile. The other horse
maimed with little Wary.