HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-24, Page 8To Kill Flies.
Shoo Fly Paper,
• Wilson's Fly Pads,
Sweet Fly Paper,
Davies' Fly Felts,
Insect Powder.
To Kill Bugs.
Best English
Paris Green,
215c. per lb.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician ea Bookseller.
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gorse Solna. Goma Ronan.
®sprees R510 a.m. }fail 2:10 p,m
taxed.,..,.... 0145 am, I Express 10:10 p,m
1xixal AD's Items,
A ohiel's amang ye taken' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Baeios,, cherries are ripe.
TRonT fishing is reported gond.
BR0ssJLs Base Ball boys will purchase
new suits,
T. A. PCAwrrxs singe at Tborndale
Monday, June 27th.
AN awning baa been pet up over the
portico at the Ceutral hotel.
ODD FELLOws' decoration service on
Thursday evening of this week.
Tnn town Band is having quite a run
of engagements, They play well.
That PosT continues to do business at
the old stand and gives the latest news.
s Er sold a
le a
C vel nd bin le
last week to James Lindsay, of Ethel o
A Bra erowd will go from here to Blyth
on July 12th if train aaaomyeodation is
A. Conan, having disposed of his driv-
ing horse to a Seaforthite, has purchased
a brown driver from Dr. Kalbdeisob.
THE Irish Nine, of Loran, have invited
Brussels ball tossers to visit them. A
game will probably be arranged after Do-
minion Day.
ALL of the prairie ohickeus received
from Manitoba last Spring bees died ex.
sapting one. They don't appear to be
able to stand imprisonment.
Bnussons 4. O. tI. W. Bent a delegntion
to the funeral of their brother Work-
man, Jno. H. Day, of Gerrie Lodge, o0
Wednesday afternoon of this week.
IF reports are true there was some
Crook's Aot breaking at Gerrie the Bab -
bath the Maccabees attended church
there. The sermon meat soon have been
forgotten by some of the K. 0. T. M.'a.
STRAwneeito CONTEST.—All who raise
strawberries are invited to Bend a sam-
ple of their berries to the Parsonage
grounds on the 2411a of June, to be ex.
bibited. Prizes will be given for the
three best samples.
MRs. DAse, of Stratford, will sing at
the Strawberry Festival on Friday even.
ing at the parsonage lawn, 15o admie•
sion, entitles the ticket holder to coffee,
bread and butter and strawberries in ad.
dition to the excellent program now pre.
WE have been supplied with the names
of several townspeople who regularly
make a praotioe of going over the iron
bridge "full tare." We call their atten-
tion to the law and tell them rigbb now
that $1,00 and costs won't leb them out
if it is not stopped. People who won't
take a hint must be taught their lesson
by another route, viz., bheir pocket.
Tonne is a change of oonduotore along
this line. Condnotor Quirk, well known
here, goes to the L. H. ,.g B. and will run
from Wingham to London. He will be
succeeded by Mr. Cox on the W. G. & B,
These changes were made necessary by
the promotion of Conductor Parker to
the main line as soaaeseor to the late
Conductor Solder. Whet about our extra
train ?
Senawnannn.FsaTrvAL.-A novel straw-
berry festival, under the tampion of the
Epworth League, will be held on Friday
evening, June 240 on the combined
iawne of the Methodist Parsonage and B.
Gerry. An excellent program consisting
of vocal and instrumental music, duets,
tableaux, etc., will be rendered during the
evening. Grounds will be lighted by
electric light. The Brass Band will be
in attendance, Refreshments served
from 6 p. m. A good time is expected.
Don't fail to be there.
SPRAMICI Fnurx Tmioe,-•For five weeks
agents of the Ontario Department of
Agriculture have been going matruotions
in the spraying of fruit trees at thirty
°retards in different parts of the Prov
Moe. Reports sent to Mr. Orr, superin-
tendent, in obarge of this work, have jnat
been received at the Department, to the
effect tont fungus is now appearing Upon
apple and pear trees, and threatens to do
exteneive injury to these °rope unities
checked et once by epraylog, Insect
enemies also are more numerous than
usual tide year, Apples with the exsep•
tion of Spy, have set well. lin spraying
apple trees to chink or prevent the epot,
use the 1'3ordeanx mixture, made es fol.
lowe : Copper Sulphate, 4 pounds ; lime
(fresh), 4 pounds ; water, 40 gallons.
Suspend the capper sulphate in five gal -
lona of water. This may be done by pat-
ting in a bag of waren material, and
banging it so as to be covered by water,
Shake the lime in about the quantity of
water, Then mix the two, and add the
remainder of the forty gallons of water.
Warm water will dissolve the popper
enl bate Mere r
endilYthan mild water.
If the lime
is at all dirt,,, strain the time
STaAtvasnnv Festival Friday evening of
this week at the Parsonage.
Tum G, ¶P. 11. whitewashers have been
attending to the crossing fences.
VOLUME= CO, No. 6 left Brussels by
a ectal train on Tuesday about noon for
tate annual drill at Loudon.
Br 0 Grand Trnnic order all advertising
matter oatsfde of company Imamate has
been removed from the station houses,
Tun Bret shipment of cheese from
Brussels factory this year was glade der.
ing the past week. Price received 718
Bnnesoro will be largely repreeented at
Wroxater on Dominion Day. Our Baud,
base ball and foot ball clubs will take
part in the program.
BRnsaELs C. 0. F. will send a large
delegation to Wingham next Sabbath to
join with the brethren of that town in at-
tendance et ohuroh for the annual ser.
Bast BALs• -See the Base Ball match
on Friday afternoon, Kincardine ve.
Brussels. MaCabe, the one armed won-
der, will piboh for the vieitore. Game
called at 3 o'clock.
Iilviceunmi base ball nine is expeoted
to play Brussels a return match on Vic-
toria Park, in this plane, on Friday after-
noon of this week. Kincardine team is
a good one and has only been defeated
once this season so far. We hope to see.
them get No. 2 on Friday.
429 =Errs were sold at Brussels on
'Monday for the Model Patna exoureion.
A epeoial train of 12 coaches name up
from Palmerston and after arriving bank
at that town made a through run to
Guelph with about 1,100 excursionists,
reaching there about 10 o'clock. The
regular train followed with another big
crowd of nearly 1,100.
OUxaonva freight from Brussels daring
the past week has been a oar of earap
iron ; 2 oars of tow ; 6 oars of salt ; a
car of cheese from Brussele factory ; a
car of butter ; e car of hogs from Clegg f
Dames ; 2 oars of cattle. In the inoom•
ing ireigiht was a car of granite from
Sootland and a oar of stone from Cleve-
land for Cochrane & Johnston.
POSTAL Inca TIox.-Beginning with
July let next a pedal delivery eervioe
will be put into operation in connection
with the free mail delivery in the fol.
lowing cities :-Halifax, St. John, N. B.,
Frederiatoo, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa,
Kingston, Toronto, Brantford, Hamilton,
London, Wiuuipeg, Viotoria and Van.
aouver, By this arrangement letters
pasted at any Poet office in Canada on
pre -payment by Special Delivery stamp,
of the face value of 10 ants, affixed to
each letter, in addition to the regular
postage to which tbey are liable, secure
their special delivery to the addreseea
within the limits of the letter.oarrier
delivery in any of the cities above men.
tioned. Branch Dead Letter°facies have
been satabliehed by the Department at
Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg
and Victoria, and local Dead Letter Of.
Bees at Charlottetown, St. John, Quebec,
Sherbrooke, Kingston, Hamilton and
BnusSELa TS. CLIFFoliD.-At the oele-
bration in Gerrie on Wednesday Brus-
sels and Clifford base ball clubs met on
the diamond. Our boys had heard of the
gentlemen from the North and expected
a c lose game but the result thawed that
the Clifford nine was out -classed as in
the 7 innings played they were white.
washed 4 times and only snored 6 rune
while Brussels rattled out 15 runs. Robb.
Downing got Arndt by the pitcher end
had to retire, P. Rae, of Wroxeter, tatting
hie place, McCartney etruok ont 10
men. The annexed score supplies other
particulars of the game :-
Mousse:as. R 0 CLIFFonn. 11 0
Strstton,3b...,..... 4 0 Youug,o; 1 i
Brawn,° 2 3 Mack 20 1 2
Boss, ib 3 1 2'lote er, 3b . 0 4
DlcOartneyy, p 1 0 Selsey, if 1 2
I/owning,lt...,..... 0 4 Fulton, rf 1 5
Scott, of .. 1 0 Allan, 21 1 I
Booker, as 1 4 Taylor, so 0 3
Thomaou,2b 0 5 seatb, se 0 2
13ogg,rf R 1 Hillhouse, p 1 2
10 21 0 21
1 2 3 4 5 0 7
Brussels 3 0 0 2 0 5 0-15
Clifford; 0 1 4 0 0 1 0- 2
Grannie Dowx.-Last week a Mir. Mat.
thews, of Toronto, who held a mortgage
against the Brussels Herald, came to
town and foreclosed and R, Woolsey, late
editor, has gone to Toronto. The Herald
has bad a unique history having had no
less ;than 5 or S proprietors in less, than
that many years and in some oases there
areanonruing creditors yet over hasty de-
partures. Toe Pon has nothing to say
against a fair and square opposition but
we decidedly object to the ways and
means that have been 'aerated in the
past in the newspaper badness. We aim
to pay 100 Dents on the dollar ; to do it
legitimate busineee, giving our subscri.
berg and patrons good value for their
money and we think the public should be
convicted by this time that two news. 1 0
papers in a place the size of Brunets is
one too many. It is a bill of expense to o
the business men with no compensating
results. Mr. Woolsey was a bard worker
and made eviperous struggle but found
out, to his loss, that it was a losing at.
fort as with alli his energy het could not
matte ends meet. His predecessor, Mr.
Barbey, sunk all the capital be put in the
business and aoknowledged the irnibless
task any man undertook who followed
A Mssosera Lodge of Instruction was
held fur this District in St,duhn'e I,adpe,
Brueeels, on Tbureday of this weal, 1).
D. G. M. Pinkerton was present.
Tara behaviour of certain Winghaulitee
On onr streets last Friday evening was
anything bat either gentlemanly or oven
decent old one or more of them will be
called t0 answer for their burl language,
Thie is the 1911, century and a oivilized
land,Gents PARTY. -Friday evening of Inst
week a Lawn Party was held an the
spaoioae grounds of Dr. Italbtleiseh,
under the auspice of the Base Bell roam,
The evening was beautiful and as a con.
sequence a very enjoyable time was spent,
Program consisted of the following 1 --
Piano duct, Mfrs. and Mies Kaibfleiech ;
recitation, F. Lembio i piano solo, M'lies
Aenie Sage ; violin and piano duet, H.
L. Jackson and Mies Lizzie Sample ;
reading, G. F. Blair ; piano duet, Miss
Norton and litise MlgLanohlin ; song,
Prof. Ilawkins ; violin std piano duet,
D. Ewan and Mies Jean MoLauohlin.
The town Band ale° contributed a num.
ber of titmice esleotions. Dr. Keabieieuli
noted as ohairman is a moat agreeable
mauoer. W. A. Crich was caterer and
served foe cream, etrawberriee, Summer
drinks, oto. The gathering broke up
about 11 o'clock,
IT was A F.t,cous VroroimE.-Friday
afternoon Brussele ball tossers trimmed
the whiskers of Wingham team with
neatness if not despatch. The visitOre
took the willow first and made 3 runs and
Brussels followed with a like Dumber,
Wingbam scored 3 in their second innings
and tbo home team 4. Then began the
slaughter, the boys from the North being
"goose•egged," and our lads swooping
down on Angus' pitching 10 the tune of
9 rune. Stuart wee substituted as twirler
but after a blank in the 4th Brussels
again piled top 6 in the fifth trial, 8 in the,
sixth and 5 in the Sth. With such eland
a alight csrsteesnese on the part of some
of the borne players in a couple of over.
throws gave their opponents 4 rune in the
eigbth and the match muddled with a
score of 81 to 18, Brands having a half
innings to the good. Grimm. did the
pitching for the town nine and although
he was suffering from a stiff neap ho did
good work and was well supported by
both catcher and field, The score was as
follows :-
BROsssLs. 11 0 Wraarreat. 11 0
Strettcu,21b 0 2 Small, rf
Brawn,e . 4 1 Griffin, if, 1 4
Oorrio, 20 1 2 Stewart, a 4 k
lt°ss, lb...„. ... 2 4 llavargbau.2b 1 2
Downing, Of 4 3 Looltriclger, 30 .,. 1 2
Scott, Ct •t 3 Anque,0 ( 0 5
Baekor, rf 3 2 Dutlleld, 11,
Thomson, as 4 2 Lewis, as 2 n
Grawar, p 3 4 Hamilton, of 3 1
31 24 18 27
1 2 3 4 5 0 7 B n
Brussels..............3 4 0 0 0 2 5 1
Wingham 1 7 0 1 2 0 2 4 2-10
Mir. Linkleter, of Wingham, was the mm•
pire and dealt out even-handed instate to
all. The visitors were entertained at the
Queen's Hotel. Tnn PosT would suggest
that the spectators have less to say to
both players and umpire. Because other
borons do this it is no reason that we are
compelled to follow Bait.
f'lfU10111 Clilbihs.
Rev. Mr. Bradley, Mitchell, bas been
stricken down with paralysis.
The Presbyterian General Assembly
will meet in Hamilton next year.
St. John's church Sabbath School will
picnic on Friday afternoon, July 81b.
Rev. 3. F. Barker, pastor of the Vico-
atria Avenue Baptist ub•uroh, Hamilton,
has resigned.
The annual pin -ilia under the auspices
of the R. 0. ohuroh, Teeewater, will take
on Taesday, June 281h, this year.
Rev. S. Sellery, B. D., a former pastor
of Brussels Methodist church, will re.
move from Guelph to Woodotook.
Quits a number of Brusselitee attend-
ed the Sabbath School and' Endeavor
Convention at Wingbam on Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week,
Rev. W. H. Cooper. pastor of the
Methodist °harsh at Harrow, ie suing
two members of bis congregation for
$5,000 each for alleged slander.
Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, a0oom-
panied by Mrs Pette, left for England on
Friday. He will attend theInternational
Sunday School Association convention.
It is said the Salvation Army officers
have pulled out from Brussels end will
leave us to our fate. Leek of support,
both moral and material, is said to be
the cause.
The Gerrie Vidatte says: Mrs. (Rev.)
Shaw, of Bayfield, who has been danger.
onely ill, is at her father's, Geo. Gregg,
of Springbank. We are glad to say, She
ie improving.
On Sundoy next Rev. S. J. Ailin's
morning topic will be, "Christ and tits
bild." In the evening, "Christ and
inion the Pharisee." Afternoon, review
f last four S.13, lessons.
Tuesday evening of next week ab 7,80
o'olook Bishop Baldwin, of London, will
hold confirmation service in St. John's
church, Brenda. The reverend gentle.
man is an excellent preacher and no one
ehould miss this opportunity of hearing
Rev. Mr. Steele and wile and Miss
Kate Ellison, of Port Slauley, have ar•
ranged to take a cottage at Grand Bend,
a Summer neon on Lake Huron, for
bwo weeke, Mfr. and Mrs, Steele spent
their booeymoon there last year. The
reverend gentleman preached at Exeter
last Sunday.
Rev. Mr, Abey preached a very appro•
pride discourse last Sunday morning
followed by the aaerament, His text was
"Por as often as ye eat this bread and
drink this cup, ye do shety forth the
Lord's death till He come." 17pli. 1-18
was the passage chosen for the sermon
in the evening,
Last Sabbath morning Rev, Jno. Roes
dealt with a synopsis of work brought be-
fore the recent Aesemblq at Montreal
whish he attended. In the evening his
text was "He chose them to be with
Him," Meek 8-14. "Mogen man" was
the topic. The disciples were chosen on
aoc0unt of (1) Their spiritual life; (2)
Their saintlerleen; (8) Their seUleacridoe,
Last Sabbath morning ROT, 9, J. Allis
preaobed from the text "And Peter went
out and wept bitterly,' Luke 22-62. The
reaeone for Peter's aondnot resulted from
(1.) Hie pecaliar tomprement ; (2) Ho was
a distant disciple • (8) Having done 011e
wrong be had to iso another to help it
along ; (4) His self confidence • (5) Bee
cause he felt he was on the losing side ;
(6) He got into wrong company. In the
evening the Trinity wag the tepie, the
three main division being (t) The Father-
hood ; (2) The Brotherhood ; (The Cam.
panionhood, II The progesaeivenese of
revelation ; III Ilse need of preparation,
The Wingham Advance last weak no
doubt designed to be funny when it pub -
lashed the following : -"Brunets and
Kincardine met on the diamond on Fri•
day last, Tbis matoh bad been long
talked of and great things were predicted
of the Brunets team, It was imagined
by some that the Kincardine team would
be in battered, banged and defeated, that
they would namely recognize themselves
next yearning. Al any rate, something
was store to happen, Yee, and something
did happen. The Kinoardine team sue,
needed in piling up a seore of 26 runs
while Brueeels actually adored 6 times,
Ibis was probably due to the kindness of
the Brenda boys ; they possibly wanted
to Show liberality fn the way of giving
their opponents runs ; or else, their town
team was abeent, and they borrowed a
team from ammo of the rural schools,
Say, Brume's, if you should hexa to bor-
row, just get Wingham team solid, They
can held the lakeside boys well in hand,
26 to 6 ; 05,11 that hese ball ?-Oh I "
Let ue see, we had "Wingham team
solid" over here int Friday afternoon
and our boys trimmed their jackets to
the tune of .80 to 16 and to ihelf innings to.
spare. Call that base ball ?-0h 1 'Sow
would it do Mr. Adelina:, it you would
bunt np that rural sohool team in lieu of
Your nine ball toners'? 7 11ae 't
w n aur
umpire either bat he did the square thing
all right,
On the first Sabbath of July Rev. Mira
Heli, of Bslgrtwc', and Rev, 1t. Paul wit
prawn the Olaith14 of the Sabbabh school
before the Proebyterian and Methodist
congregations of 'bassets, The former
will speak 10 the children and the young
people and Olr. P 011 Willaddrese parents,
guardians ani! t, ,rhe,s, Service in Mel.
vino ottani' at 11 a, 111,, and in the Meth.
°dist ohuroh at 7 p. m, 1Rov. Jon, hose,
13. A., and W. II. Kerr will do sainilar
work at Belgravo on the smno day, Bev.
S. J. Ahin will preach in Melville church
on the evening of July 8rd,
People We Talk About.
J. D. Ronald was in Toronto this week,
N. F. Gerry wheeled to Seaforth last
Miss Lizzie McLennan was holidaying
at Wingham,
Sam, Beattie, of Clinton, was in town
last Saturday,
Was ante Grit ye has taken a situ.
anon in Toronto.
N. B. Gerry, wife and daughter San•
dittoed at Seaforth,
Barrister Blair was in the Co, town
during the past week.
Mies Sutherland, of Durham, event a
few days in town last week,
alias Jean !toes, of Toronto, is vieiting
her sister, Mrs. Jas. Beattie.
Mise May Sperling, of Leadbnrv, wee
visiting Mies Ella Ainley this wcrk.
Inspeotor Robb was in town during the
past week, He will shortly may • to town.
Miss Aggis McAlpine, of at mgbem,
formerly of Broads, is visiting at Lind.
saGhee. Urquhart and John Mf-r`inespent
Sunday with friends in laartia10n and
ThecinitM.isses Scott wore visiting their
brother, Adnns Soots, and wite, Huron
Colin ilcArter end Will. Master talk of
taking a trip to the Old Country this
Mliee Aliso Jewitt is hoiidaying with
relatives and friends at Mitchell and
Mra. (Dr.) 11 ty, of Elmira, as visiting
ing her sister, Mfrs, (Or.) Kalb/laiaah, at
W. Grewar ha been 011 the shelf eonhe-
what With it stiff neck which is still
bothering him.
aliases Basile and Minnie Mloot'e at.
tended the wedding of a o0uain near Mit-
chell last Tuesday.
Mrs. NeilMoLaucblin and Mee. John
Forbes intend leaving for a trip to Mani•
tuba next rttesdhty,
Geo. S. Rogers has returned from hie
visit and bee resumed his position in G.
A. Deadmen's store.
Mid Fannie Rogers arrived home on
Thursday from iher millinery position at
7,urioh for her holidays.
Mre. Ibobt. Ross and children, of Kin-
cardine, are visiting relatives and friends
in Brussels and vicinity,
Manager French, of the Heron House
of Refuge, was rn town on Thursday of
this week on to business trip.
Mrs. George Beaker, Mrs. Jno. Baker,
of Greenville, Mfich., end Olove. Baekor
were visiting at Zurich last week.
D. M. Ferguson, the wall )mown mer-
chant of Stratford, ieavee on Saturday
for the Old Country o0 to pardoning
Mies 0 ive Mf, Gilpin returned to her
!home in Wiarton on Wednesday after en-
joying a month's visit at her uncle's, J. J.
Robb. Kerr oyes brought horns an Mon.
day from Blyth, suffering from a stroke
of paralyeie. His condition is a pre-
carious one,
Tony Sample played foot ball with the
Wingham team against Oarberry last
Saturday, The result of the match was
one goal each.
Will. Stewart, Lorne Duntord, W. 11.
Stewart end W. Mf. Sinclair took in
Godfrey'e bond at Goderioh on Mon-
day of this week,
R. Jewitt, who has been attending the
Normal sohool at Ottawa for the past five
months, arrived home on Monday night,
He spent au enjoyable time at the Capi-
Mr. Brent, the new maunger of Brae -
eels Brenda of the Standard Bank, arra,-
ed in town last Saturday frotn Stouf(-
villa. TRE Pon extends a hearty wel-
come to him,
H. A. Crooke, druggist son of George
Crooke, Brussels, has taken a position in
New Kook city. Telt Pon will give some
of his impressions next week. Wo wish
Mr. Crooks sttoaess.
A. Straoban and wife and Will. Stew
art attended the Harold Jarvis concert at
Wingham last Friday evening and report
a good time. Mrs. Dass, of Stratford,
was also on the program.
Dr. McKelvey arrived bnok from New
York last Saturday where he had been
for soma months taking a apea;alisae
course in the schools and hospitals of
tbat pity. We have not learned where he
purposes locating, Alex. McKelvey came
back with him.
birs. Thos. MoGilliouddy and baby, of
Toronto, are visiting 510. A, Deadmao's.
Mrs. McGillioaddy and Mrs. Bondman
are sisters and the former was also a
resident or Brussels at one time when
her husband was one of the proprietors
of Tnn POST.
Mire. Des's, of Stratford, was visiting
Mies Norton doting the pastjweolc. She
kindly contributed that beautiful solo
Ora-pro.nobis," at the Methodist ohurclh
last Sabbath evening, Mrs, Dass ie tett
excellent vocalist and her voice !hes both
volume and sweetneee.
Tborsday morning of this week J. A.
Stewart, whb has capably filled the posi-
tion as manager of the Standard Bank
here for seveval years, left for Toronto
where he takes a potation in Head Office.
Mir. Stewart aarries with the good wishes
of n large number of friends for his
future prosperity.
The Clinton New Siva says :-After
the holidays Inspector Robb will bake np
big residence in Brussels. He has been
wanting to do this for some time because
it is the oentrs o£ his Inspeotorate, and
his One house VMS advertised for sale with
tint end in view : Iso has 128 schools to
look after, one of which le situated on the
borders of Wellington County, and the
extra driving he has to do by reason of
living in Clinton le more than he caret;
for. We ere sorry to Jose him for be ie
a firsb•alass ()Bien.
Tiorribls tales of etervetibn Come from
the French coast of Newfoundland.
One death from smallpox bee occur.
rod among the immigrante quarantined
W r)eg,
Louie Raid, a laborer, 40 years of age,
was choked to death et Branner Station
while acting meat,
ST,1X.D,•11eD 1,,:1XA' QF Cr,<1.Nt.1.11.1,
ASSETS, (Hoven Million Dollen) . $7,000,000
(JA.PITA la (Authorised) • $2,000,000
Aoenotea to all principal pointe in (Warts, Quebec, Afan.itnbn, United Stales d' F,uginnd,
OROWS.if+$dd ,1'@it, ''Qrdt.
A General Banking Busineee 'Transacted. Farmers' Notal Dineonuted,
Drafte lam and Coileotiona made on all points,
loitered allowed oa deposits of $1,00 and upwards from (let of deposit to date a
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
sl'noun ATTENTION dyne TO Tin COLLECTION or b'Antritaa SALE MUM,
Every fnoility afforded Customers living at Is dirgenee,
J. A. STEWART Mendenhl,
Chester Cooney, aged 12, fell over the Tenders Wanted.
Oxford street bridge at London, to the
gravel bed of the river, 26 feet below, Ile
has concussion of the brain.
A heavy thunder and wind Stavin lane
done uutold damage to the craps in Tit -
bury West, and Rochester Township,
Been county. Several buildings were
Strunk by lightning.
Peter Ooates, of the 1311, con. of Wal-
lace, recently ran a wire alarm from his
barn to his bedroom as to, preoantion
against thieves and a fete nights since
was duly alarmed. Es Bellied forth with
a gun and saw two men making oil across
the Bolds. Hia hired lean fired several
shots after the retreating forme, but
though one of the men fell, no trace of
him could be seen afterwards.
Business Locals,
WiusmLs from $40 up to $100 at A.
Cousl ey'a.
Sss nub' single harness, great value this
month. I. 0. Richards.
A. Cousosr handles everything that ie
need by a bicycle rider.
TRaxre and satchels, large (Lenart men ts,
lou' prices. I. 0. Itioiharde.
Fon sale oheap, one sett second !rand
single lsaraoss, I. C. Richards,
tl LARGE quantity of screen windows,
the latest improved. McKay & Co.
Dm you see the Gendron bike in A.
Conaley's window ? It'a a dandy.
Goon, dry Amerinan corn, the best for
feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' mill,
CLEvsLAND wheels are great senors.
Six sold since Jan. 1st, 1898. A, douslsy.
Ssn our nice stook of dusters and rub-
ber lap rugs low in pries. I. 0. Richards,
E, & 13, bearings are guaranteed for
three years. Corns in end sea them. A.
WANTED, 100 tubs dairy butter weekly,
13 mote. A11 kinds of farm produce
handled. G. n. Wingbam.
BaaasEs I Buooxss 11 -Walker & Smith
has sold 511 new wheeled rigs this Spring
end to make the 100 sales they have re.
dueed the price 61.00 on each buggy from
now to the end of the season. The best
will sell. We have sold 12 boggles in
Brussels right where they are best known.
We buy in oar loads and gat the best
nearly as cheap as the cheapest. We sell
close to cost and depend more on the
quantity we sell than the big profit on a
few sales. We canal be undersold on
good work. Waratrn & S1cITr(, Brussels,
Hoasss000BRa' 1'^,xOonsIons,--On the
first and third Tuesdays fu June, 1800,
the ()bingo, Mfilwaukee & St. Paul Rail.
way will sell round•brip excursion tickets
(good for 21 days) to a great many points
In South and North Dakota and other
Western and Southwestern states, et
preatioally one fare for the found trip.
Take a trip West and see what an amount
of good laud can be parobased for very
little money. Further information as to
rates, rodeo, prices of farm lands, etc.,
may be obtained on application to ' any
coupon ticket agent or by addressing A,
3, Taylor, Onmadian Passenger Agent, 2
King street, East, Toronto, Ont.
OATEN. -Ab the Methodist Parsonage,
Belgrnve, on Wednesday, ;Tune 151h,
the wife of Rev. F, J. Oaten, of
twins, a son and daughter.
DILL-MODonaan.-In the R. 0. church,
Seaforth,' on June 21st, by Rev. Fr.
MoOabe, Mr. Peter Dill, of Seaforth,
to Miss Flora, eldeat daugbter of Mfr.
Lewis MfoDonald, of Walton.
Efowht-InenAnn'r.-Io Listowel, at U, B.
Parsonage, on Joins 2411,, by Rev. F.
T. Durkee, Dlr. Edward 17, Howe to
Miss Mary Lipbarilb, both of Listo-
MEmsLes-TEnsIFF. - On Jnne 1st, by
Rev. J. W. Goffin, of Gorrie, Mr.
James Madeley to Mies Maggie Ter-
rill, both of Balmer°,
Do0NINO-COLqunorna-•At the residence
of the bride's mother, on June 20tH,
by Rev. Mr. Rogers, Mr. G. A. Doak•
ing to Miss M. J. Oolquboun, both of
Hibbert township, Perth Co.
PEAngos,-In Grey, on ;lune 11111,, Rabt.
Pennon, aged 79 yenta and 10
Fait Wheat ...... ...... 70 80
Barley 30 85
Paas 45 50
Oen .. 25 20
Battu', tube and voile .,, 10 11
1)gge per dozen 8 0
Flour per !tenet 8 00 3 00
Potatoes (per bag) 60 60
Hay per ton;....,.. ... , 5 50 6 00
Hidga trhnmed 5d 5,
Hides rough 5
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 00
Sheep skine,tieob 40 40
Lamb shine each...,,35 25
flogs, Live 4 75 4 75
Wool 17 17
Apples (per beg) 50 60
on21n.rsNT,-Pbouhdorsignsd SRm•s
for sale or to root that 14 story frame 1
oil o
011 ly aseapl street, 55, Js of the 00 151.0-
latalyao0npy byte. 14,Esor,oi°or par -
3. 1104241 ly bo W, re, Beer, or the owner,
J,110AItle,Auburn 1',0. no
Tenders will be received for painting the
Interior of Ihfolwlne church, by J. G. Skeno,
Secretary of the ll cant of lhlauagoment upto the 80th day of Juno, 5808, A: specification
of the work to be done eau be seen at tbo
°Oloe of G. Ir, )flair, Brussels, The lowest
or any tender nob necessarily accepted.
40 2 13 04111) OF 1,IANAGEBS,
Awrielenothsale and 10 rout,]cagy terms, Farms
Of &fowls and Grey, F 8. SOOT'P,Brgesele
'lJ POR SALF•.-The nlhdorsigued o
his brick rostdonno, situate on Park lot
Mary street, Brussels, for alta, There areum'os of land, orchard, well, stable, cell
10. Poesoselan 5555151 bo given ab °nee,
41- Wilford, P. 0
J (rNb. 2.1,
nus a fluor nail will be your
Potato Bugs it' you give
thorn a email quantity of
Pure T ,glleh
Park 0-roe/I,
Then for the Fan
WO 1)11V0
Davis' Fly Pads,
Wilson's Fly Pads,
Insect Powder,
Shoo Fly Pads,
Fox's Drug Stere.
S1v4L101) T5BND7 11S addressed to the nn•
dereignad, and endorsed "Pander for
G completion of Godorich Works," 1111 be re.
if ere oolvad at this Wilco nebil Friday, 15tH July
10,, next, inclusively, for completing tbo harbor
11 end river works to course 0f construction et
er, Goderion, Huron Couutpy, Outerlo,acuodtog
to a phutand epeoillnatlon to bo seen at the
While of tho'l'nwu (11o11, Oote'tab, at Ose
oMUee of lair. 10, A. Gray, Beside IBhgiuoer,
Confederation Life Building, Toronto, and
at the Department of Public Works Ottawa,
Consisting of tho South 1 and. Beal
of. ilia North d MIA!, 1n1, (aa, 2, Beet Waw
nosh, This is nu excellent stook farm, bei
well supplied with gond Sln'loe watsr, I
Situated about 3 miles brain rho thriving Vil-
logo o4 fllyth. d, Largo part of Itis undot-
glass, 425lldtnge and fences are In a C
stoto of malt, Ann terms of p55701021 will
be elven. For e11 information apply to
11.11 G,P. BILAU ?, Barrister, BruneuBrune
3 Tenders will not be considered unless
mode oil the form supplied and signori with the actual signatures of tandems.
a. .en accepted bank olhoyne, prtynble to Ole
ttgorderr of of
the lIlatetor of Public Wotan, Tar
the flute f ave (hemmed dolntre12,0001 must
accompany (nob tender, '1'bis ehegnc will
sir bo forfeited If the party docli no the contrite&
h or fail to complete the worse Ooutra5ted for,
i and W111 be returned In case of uou•aocept-
nuco 01 tender•,
la, 'Phe Department Moos not blvd itself to
— accept the lowest at any tender.
mmnsro,En offer's his 100 acre farm for
sale, being Lot 22,N t Cou. 7, Morris, There
aro 70 acres cleared nut under Drop, baaaoo
hardwood bush. There 15 a prod frame
house, with Oitohen, woodshed null cellar
complete; bank barn with stoup stabling;
orchard, 1 wells, a and al
ok r conveniences.
foilrs mile ilKleru BussPosesin school
be inn
at 01100. Fa' price ahs terms apply on the
promises or to Brussels P. 0„ to
34.11 SIMON FO118Y'r11 , Proprietor.
EENT,—Tho undersigned offers his
eligible 04 note farm for rale or to
rout, being South part of Lot 5, Oonaos-
efon 12, Gray, A11 under cultivation, well
watered and well fenced. Thera tea good
stn no house, bunk barn, orchard, wells, &e„
on the premises. Also a splendid stone
quarry from which a good revenue is roan.
ed. Only 2i utiles from Brussels, 'Parma
reasonable. Por further particulate as to
!,rice, &o„apply to
JOHN )512100107;1111, Proprietor,
35-11 Brussels P. 0.
ill' Ortler,
11. P. 1,1.110Y,
Deportment of Public Works,' OOrotary,
Ottawa, Juno 11,1595,
CENTRALgi r 191E7 �1
4 r'
al ft
rl Commercial School of the high-
est grade—none better in the
Catalogue Free,
W. J'. ELLIOTT, Principal.
A. Thing of Beauty
is a Joy Forever !
So are our Blouses and Shirt Waists,
Have you prepared yourself with suitable Blouses and Waists
to withstand the excessive cleat of June, July and August 2 If not
we are prepared to supply you with Stylish Blouses and Waists at
reasonable prices. Blouses and Waists at
60c, 65c, 73c, $1,00 and
l..dRq! !ZI
60c, 66o, 75c, $1.00 and $1,35 each.
We also have a nice range � of Fancy Prints, Ilopps, Organdies,
Spot and Stripe Musllns at So, 9e, 10c, 12ic, 15c and 20c per yd.,
WORTH So, 9c, 10c, 1*, 15c, and 20e per yard.
If you are prudent you will call and
inspect out stock.
July Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand.
r ess.
We can show you better value in :Harness now than
ever. We ask your inspection of them. All our own
Snake and fully guaranteed. Also
--NpRepairs Neatly and Promptly Done.ve -
Remember the stand—sign of the Large Scotch Collar,
the place for best value in Hairless,