HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-24, Page 5JuNI 24, 1898 BUSINESS CARDS. ONBY TO LOAN AT 5 P1',R omit. F.H, SCOTP, ltrusaatn, MoORA,OK1$N, • Worm' ofMarriage I,bonniea, OMoo at ell Grocery, Tarh heel'} atrde t, ,i russole, N, BARRPTT, . Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door I,adioof n'aitd uli01McKay La 00 .11111 it hardware store. 1)IANO OR ORGAN. it al 0. Alfas JawDramaabltn, 1,11P ' 1e,tlmi1o, (Somme.et? Barrio, lla1uCnterto 10 pre. Voend to give 1(181runtl008 to pilpila on either orgasu1' eeitertite to Loulitle, bassoon given ha heated or lulpila 01' 1st teachers iwnlc. 41•8m ROBERT CUNNINGHAM x8en11AN00, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETOHER; Issues of Marriage Licenses, OFFICO AT JL"WELIIY BwoaE, rte— 1�o Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels A LEX. 1IUNT1 �R, .t1. Clerk of Ube Fourth Division Cour Co. Huron, Conveyiumer, Notary Pablie Land, Loan and Inenrauce Agent. Venda invested and to loan. 00110000ns made 0Moo In Oranam'e Blo0k,13rasaels AUCTIONEERS. e. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • titin, wilt sell for bettor prices, to bettor men in pas 111110 and loss charges than any °Muir Attetioucor ill East Huron or he Orders call 'always bege t arranged l atos mud anged attb s °thee or by personal applioatiou, VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOP3., ey • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all patent manner. P trhoaated lar attention paid t0 veterinary dentistry. Gallo promptly at- tended to, °Lilco and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'Purnberry e1„00810. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. vT M SINOLAIR, BARRISTER 8'• Solicitor, Conveyancer ,NotaryPub- Ito, dm. Otrioe—vauotor o'e Biook,1 door north of Central 1018 Solicitor for the Standaad Bank. UF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &a. (late of Darrow & Prondtool's CUlee, Goderioh.) 001oo over Gillies di Smith's Bauk, B rua0018, Money to Loan. 47 ��G. OAI1ERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Bolt k Cameron,) barrister and Solicitor, Goderlan, Out, Dolce—liamllton St„ Opposite 001 borne Hotel. EVIEDiCAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M.D., 0. WI, Trinity University, Fellow Triu- ityMedical College, Member 0o110go of Phy. aictans mad Surgeons, Our. Lieeuttato of the Royal College of Phystotaus and Licentiate of Midwifery,Edinburgh. 1.Telephoue No,14, Reeitlnoe, 11101108., Brn8seis. • E. T. SNIDER, M.D.; 0. M., successor to Dr. A. McKelvey, Licentiate of Royal College of Pbvei0iaue and Surgeons Kingston ; Member of tho Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Diseases of Ironton and children a specialty. Eight years' experience. rr.ofhae and rea- idouo0 that formerly occupied by Dr. 8)0- llotvoy,Tll1nboory street, Brussels, 00 - DR. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, PIIYSIOIAN, 8111000013 AND A0C0n0IIEIIn, SUCC6SSCR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS. ^ ONTARIO. eat °tees Honor Graduate of the Universi- ties o1 Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and of Trinity Medical Oo1)880; Follow of Trinity 'Medical College and member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontar- io. Yost Graduate 0011110 to Detroit and tl o 1 00. Special attention aft) to dis- eases of Eye, EaP,No90 and Throat, and dis- eases of women, , 0ounultation in Eng- lish and German, Telephone at residence, BOARS FOR SERVICE.—'TUE undersigned will troop for service, on Lot 0, 0011. s, Bray, it thorn' bred improved liora0bir0 hoar and a 1)1010' bred largo Eng- lish Berkshire hog. Pedigrees maybe seen On applfoatiet, 'fortes. S1.00,;to be paid at time of 0erv100, with privilege of returning if necessary. A18TAUJ1sBUTB' 110.4'* • Proprietor. BULLS FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for servlet) on Dot 10, non 10 Grey, the t11or0' bred Her8- f0rc1 bull *Picture," Also a Om' bred Der - ane bu11, Ii '0 ltionall flee an - fru 01,00,a t 1 els, almat11 be paid et 1800, With Tprivila e f returning if neoensary. 41.4 OLIVER MIN BULL, Proprietor, ]711)110. Afiff' Wood's Phospltotiinb, TI,e Great Fnplfsh Remedy. Sold and recommended by aI druggists in Canode. Only roll able medicare discovered, Sia punka guaranteed to 0138 all forma of Sexual Weakness, all °limits of shunt or excess, Mental Worry, ]excessive use of To, bawo, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt oGf price, ono pnackage 1I, six, 00. One iafll pl0ase, 1801011) 0010. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Company, wtndso8, Out Sold in Itrussole by O. A. DLIADIKAV, t D reggl811, iiookooller & Optician. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE, The Undersigned will keep tet' 0010108 on Lot 28 Oen, c, Morris, tllo thoro'•bred Int - 'proved 'Yorkshire Boar, "0811 Lodge t oug• fallow," No, 2188, bred by 3.H.13181110138,1(11r ford, to which it limited number o1 sows 1v111 he 0011011. Terme, 111,00, to bo paid at time of nerviest) with ikriV11088 of eeturuiug If 000. Mary, A number of ohelaa young soave for eale'for breading perposee wlileh will. be sold at prions to snit the timme, 2). 110111,1 I0110t, Proprietor, ill 'tvi.0 t Eau. 'o ?4I t-nx('t('t'. Big celebration in \Vroveter on Ally let. Dan.Realm line purchased a 8100 Cleveland racor, Mayes Lamm and Lottie Brawn have Writhed from visiting their grandmother in Exeter. W. G. Alootgomory, of the Medical 00)100), Toronto, is ,'ponding hie vacation at hie home here, 'Thee. Hemphill is pnrehaoing wool at Mildmay for nlel{elute .fc llemphill'e woolen mill there. T. V, Dickson porpoaee potting np n 1101100 an Iloalett street. The old bnt)rl- Ing has been torn 0)01011. David 1Ylel3ride has gone to Prince Al- bert, N. W. T„ where he Sae seemed a good situation. He has worked on the 0, P. 11. here for a long limo, Li.ti;t'.owel, The North Perth Farmers' Institute excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph, takes place on Monday, June 2701. Ohne. Wrathall was naught by a wa- in 1n the sewer but fortunately °soaped w ith a few bruises below the knee and was able to continue Ilia work shortly afterwards. We are pleased to notice by the Winni- peg Daily Tribune among the names of students 800000sful in obtaining the de. grey of B. A. from the St. Joint College, Winnipeg, at the recent University of Mauitoba examinations tho name of Mise Vivian E. Clayton, formerly of this town. The degrees were conferred on June the Brd by Vice Ohaneell0r Dubrio in the absence of Ohanoellor, the Arc11- biehop of Reports Lend now in England. Mise V. Clayton, B. A., has oleo received promotion with an inereae0 in the St. Pauls Institute where she has been en- gaged for the past year, now holding the position formerly o0oupied by a master in that institute. Gurrio. Mrs. JaR. Armstrong was visiting friends in Lualinow. Our Orangemen celebrate the coming 12th of July in Walkerton. aliases Jennie and Lizzie Donley, of London, are the guests of Mrs. J. R. Williams. Rev. J. S. Fisher will move to Lam. beth, and Itev. 11. J. Garbutt, L. L. B., comae here. The nnnual Union S. S. pio-nim will be bald in Daniel Harris' bosh on the 0th eon., on Dominion Day. Dr. Teak has moved his office into the premises lately vacated by R. J. Andiron• one door Souter of Wm. Moss's harness ramp. Mies Mabel Clegg, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., who has been visiting friends in and around town for some .months, has returned home. At the Grand Lodge of Orange Young Britons, which was bald at Kemptville, Anson Spotton, B. A., was again elected Grand Master. This makes the fourth year Mr, Spotton has been pleated to that honorable position in succession. In a letter to the Globle Faith Fenton reports the drowning of a young man named Robert J. Mitchell en route to the Klondike. As Robt. J. Mitchell, the well known lacrosse player of Arthur, was with a party on the way to the gold fields, it is feared that 11e is the party referred to. Mr. Mitchell wee well and favorably known in Gorrie, baying worked for some time on the late East Huron Gazette. On Monday afternoon of last week, 2nd Deputy Reeve Win. Finley raised the frame of it large bank barn, 66x06 feet. Owing to the rain, the raising of the timbers did not oommeuoe until late, and then ovetytbieg was in a very wet and slippy condition, and had it not been for the manner iu which the framer, John Abram, controlled the men, and kept the exoitement down, probably several aoci• dents would have 000urred. The only accident which )happened was to a young man from Turuberry, John Wylie, who lost hie balance and fell from one of the beams, a distance of about 18 feet. For- tanately, he escaped vita only a severely braised foot. It MS after dark before the timbers were all up. thealortlt. The Berlin Rangers did not Ooln0 to eaforth a8 wets expected. S p Arch. Scott has returned from an ex- tended 13neltle80 trip to the Prairie Prev- inoe. Charles Stewart, eon of Alexander Stewart, of this towu, who has been em. ployed in St. Pant for some time, has taken a good position in the United States signal corps, and is going to the Pbilppino Islands. About 20 members of the W. 0. T. U. gathered at the home of Mre, Ohne, Olarkson, where tea was served and an address, read by the aeoretary, Mrs. M. X, McLean, was tendered to the presi- dent,Mre, (Rev.) Bond, as a farewell. Ail present enjoyed themselves although each one expressed much regret at the president leaving, but joined in wishing her every happiness in her new home, which will be in Ridgebown. M. Moliay, of Tnottorsmith, recently received a letter from his brother, George, who with another brother and a thbr en in.law, left last Spring fon theKlondike. ondi1 e. d.b1a tette was written h r s an the 16th of May, and the party had then reached Lake Bennet, The trip was a hard one, but the various members of the party wore enjoying good health, and were bound to push on, and Have, no doubt, ere this reached their destination. Mr. MoKay says that any person who maker this trip deserves to make money, The Beavers of Seaforth played the Athletics of St. Catharines a senior ohampionehip game at St, Clathnrines on Friday and gave the local team a hard tussle, the mere being h goals to 2 in favor of the Athletics, Although the sixth goal 1000 scored by the visitors it was claimed that the timekeeper should Have palled time before the goal wns W011. The 1eav01(01 defence mould not bo drawn out from their flag, while ahem home players played et brilliant gams, and 0 was owing to the excellent playing of the Athiebios' defence men that the Seaforth boys did net some mote frequent.- ly. o emotefrequent- ly. The Athletics put up a good game, as tweal, although their home mon nom• binod too math when they elhould have shot for the goal. Jaime D, Bailey, of Toronto, made a very toleptablo referee, He had bot little to ilo in waning play. ere, ea the gams wee very free from rough plays. The summary :—First games, Athletic, G0urlay, 28 min,) 2, Alhloline,'1', Downey, 14 in11 ; 3, Sea. Furth, Jaoknon, 3 lain. ; I, Athletic, T. L.,wney, a min. ; 1), Atlibd n, fleuriny, 181 min. ; 0, tioaforth, Jttelteoil, G mitt, The players were PA fulh,wn 1- At1letoa —1311,11mann, goal Williams, point ; Elliott, oovor•pohit ; Richardson, Pringle, 1Cogmn, defame • Genteron, 0entre ; Geo. Downey, ittedw0111, Gourley, home Lobb, outside home ; 0. Downy, inside home ; John Cameron, field oaptaiu. Iioavere—Jinx, goal ; Mulcahy, point ,'Morrow, oovor•poiut ; Bethune, I1awk. shave, MoDougald, defence ; Blackford, centre ; Hatolier, Jnok, Johnston, hone ; II..Jaottaon, ontettle home ; J. Jtteinion, inside 1101110 ; lt. 1;, Jltel0eon, field op. lain, La I (-leo o vv. Mrs. Waite, of Owen Sound, is vieithng her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Newton. A public meeting was held in the Town Gall on Friday oveniog for the purpose organizing in the village in view of the earning Plebiscite on Prohibition, Ad- dresses were given by Revs. Messrs. Waltwin and Mackay. The member,' of Luoknow Lodge of Oddfellows, together with the members of the Workman Lodge, and other mole - ties in the village held a decoration day m1 Friday afternoon, and payed their nn - meal visit to the graves of their departed brethren in the Kinloss cemetery. Hay Bros, have let the oontraot for the erection of a large elevator hare, and the work of erection is to be commenced at once, and it is also rumored that Mr. 11011nes intends putting in an elevator M his atorehouse. A third one, however, is also to be erected by a joint stook com- pany composed chiefly of the leading fanners of the section and many of the hi -mimes men of the village. Clinton. Rid. Brunk, jeweller, left Mie week for Napiblo , Mau., Altera he intends to Open up it 01109. Walter Turnbull has disposed of sever. al of his Belgian hares ; those not sold he sent home to the farm at Milverton. T)1e Presbyterians of town have dooid. ed to hold their S. S. pio.nic at Bayfield about the 7111 of July, if suitable arrange- ments man be made, Doherty it Co. shipped a couple of chola° horses to 0, purchaser in New Brunowiok. One of them was Mr, Doherty's fine driver, There is at least 008 lady in town who is personally interested in the 0000998 of the Klondike. Tide is airs. Adamson, whose husband is mining there, Doan t2 Son have, we understand, praotionlly deoided not to rebuild their tannery ; the state of the leather busi- ness is too uncertain to warrant it. J, 33. Lindsay. who has completed his medical studies, has arrived home and will probably remain here until he has decided es to where he will locate. Tures men whose ages average 86 years each, happened to meet on the street here last week. They were E. Dineley, 83 ; S. Bill, 80, and Andrew. Stinson, 96 ; a couple of them are yet in their prime. Mrs. Thawbnrn, of Goderioh, was a passenger to Chicago by the eoutb.bound train. She is over 60 years of age, has resided in Huron all her ,life, and her trip on Saturday wall her first ride on a railroad train. James Soott, barrister, has purchased the old purling and skating rink building on Prinoees street, and David Correll is pulling it down, preparatory to its re - erection as a barn on Mr. Soott'e farm is Goderioh township. A short time ago Jaokeon Bros., the well known oloth•iero, were eeked to tender for uniforms for G. T. R. train. men, and were informed that their figures were aooepted, and a large nem• Mr of uniforms have been ordered. The promenade 0000881 to be given in the skating rink on the evening of nine 20th tender the auspices of the minket club, promisee to be an exceptionally fine one ; Mr, Ramsay, of Toronto, and other musicians of note are to take part. At a meeting of the directors of the Western Fair, among those appointed judges on horses were :—Oonoh, D. Mo. Intosh, Brumfield ; roadsters, Oliver Johnston, Clinton ; Olydeedalee, S. Smillie, Hansen ; heavy draughts, J. E. Blacken, Clinton, They are all good men, who are thoroughly posted on horse pointe. Goderieit. The buildings in Harbor Park have been painted, 888 tiokots were sold at the station for the Guelph excursion. Early closing has been adopted by many of our business men. Several ears of oak timber for the els. voter name from Muskoka. The base ball club will play the St. Marys team here on July let. Three bands at Goderioh on Dominion Day—Goderioh, Luoknow and Clinton 8.A. County Ooanaillor Hays, has over 260 )lead of prime arable on the Maitland F ails reserve. About 70 men are employed on the new elevator, and this number may be doubted insiio ten Jaye. Waterloo etreet is being boulevnrdod and when finished it will be a groat )m• pr8vement to the neighborhood. The old 1/ae111B 011 the Square are being it 'B said 1a will be made filled n and 1 d e grotto -like, and filled with fermi and enitable flowers. The town authorities have posted notices forbidding bathing within the town limits nnloss bathers are clothed in proper bathing ooetume. Alex. Maher has rooeived 20 sanctions for century rune and some day soon will head a band of 20 0yol)010 in the attempt to nraite the century run. 141, A. Buchanan, a pupil of the Code. rich Collegiate Inetitute, stood first in modern languages in the first year at the recent UniVsreity examinations. Maitland Lodge No. 88, A. F. & A. al., wilt celebrate the Feetival of St. John the Baptist, by attending St. George's church on Sunday, June 20113, at 11 a. In. At the regular lneetMg of Maitland Lodge No. 88, A. F. & A. M., Immediate Peet Master Albx. Ohry0tal was pee0eet- ed with a solid gold past master's jewel. Henry Either, 112. P. P., was in town on Tuesday of last week and maimed the )land lire engine for the village of Grafton, The tort was held at the doolt, and the Anion thrown mime up to the requirements. Two of the elevator employees fell inlet the harbor while wonting on the crib Tuesday afternoon of Inst weep, but they wort soon hauled out, and a day rarely pa00o0 without one or more going thnoagln the same performance. TILE BRUSSELS POST Thanks to the indefatigable efforts and the deep inte'oet taken in the youth of 1)111 town by Mee. MAI 11lienddy Alms Goode and where, the department of Loyal Toni peraun" Legi0u work has been organized. The first meeting was held on 1itturday, 11111 bust, After listening to a taut upon the iniluonoo of swearing and the use of toba000 and elcoltolio drinks, 28 boyo and girls placed their 8igna1ar00 to the triple pledge. W itti:lesein. 'Intended for last woelt.l Thirty.three members of Wingham lodge of Knights of the Maoeab000 drove over to Corrio 0.1 Sunday last to attend church in company with the Uorrie lodge, "Little Mach" owned by 'l4nos, 13011 S: Son, Wingbam, went again at Stratford races on Saturday last. There were six entries in the three minute pane, The rain was so heavy that the third beat oould not bo run,. "Little Mack" mane in first in the drat and second beats, and the puree wee divided between him and the one taking second plane. Time 2.27. MAnnree.—The following from a Bet. talo paper will be of interest to Wing - barrettes, as the bride was formerly a resident of our town :--The marriage of Martin L'oleton, of Geneva, to Kim Liz. zip Patterson, of this pity, took plane at the residenoo of Rev, Mr. Gosnell at 5 p. m. After the 0eretno0y and receiving oongratolatione aIr, and Mrs, Velotou left for their home at Geneva, N. X. CONCERT. — A fair sized audience gathered io the Opera house on Friday evening in attendance at Mise Hooghton'e oonoert, Tne rendering of the "Jolly 1'ic•nee Patty" and the singing of the children gave evidence of careful training. The very little onos anted their parte ex- cellently ; the Brownies too were up to the mark. The c'Quizotio Quakers" was also well rendered, and the sadness de- pi0ted on soma of the ladies' fames as they sang "No 0110 to love" was amusing. Two HAPPY EVE/mi.—Not frequent do an aged couple celebrate their Golden Wedding on the same day that, a daugh- ter takea upon herself the responsibilities of married life. Stroh wee the case how- ever on Thursday of last week, when Ohae. Henderson and wife, of the Blue - vale road, celebrated the aftieth anni• smeary of their wedding day. On the same evening, their youngest daughter, Maggie, was joined in the bonds of we& look to A. Hardy, Rev. T. West, of Blue - vale, performing the marriage ceremony. These two joyone events brought together an assembly of over one hundred guests, to oongratuiate the aged couple on safely reaching thegolden anniversary, and al- so to share in the festivities attendant upon the marriage of the younger couple. The numerous useful and beautiful pre0- ants evidenced the good wishes enter- tained for the young people just be. ginning life's journey together.aether. After the ceremony, a very pleasant social evening was spent. I1lrnovE1IENTo.—The granolithio pave. meat on the South side of John street has been laid from Josephine street to Wil- liam street, and the men are now working on John street, Eeet of Josephine. Con- siderable work is being done on Viotoria street, where the bill near the Union factory is being out down and the earth used for grading and filling: A twelve inch sewer drain is also being laid on Victoria street. When this year's new sidewalks are completed, Wingham will have more pavement than any other town of its size in Ontario, so far as our knowledge extends. Thio year's work will makeconsiderable improvement in the town so far as sidewalks are concern• ed, but these public works cannot be married on without a heavy expenditure. It speaks well for the enterprise of the taxpayers, that they are willing to incur the expense required. It may occur to future councils that Wingham will soon require something else beside pavements. The extension of the water works system, a few electric lights on the back etreebe, and a proper system of Beware, will soon be among the [lethal necessities of the town. No doubt when these improve. meets present themselves in the light of ueoessities, our citizens will be equal to the ocoasiou, and provide them. PLYMOUTH Bider Time Wins the Gold Medal. 10 TONS in stock this week. VV The best Twine and the Best Prices in the market. Plymouth Twine is prized the Continent over for its purity, evenness, length and strength. I'Secure it early and save ensue . y Mo' - AY clk GO. Buries and Wagons. Always on hand and away down in price to suit the times. I can give you a boggy for the next two months, second to none in the town for either duality, finish or style, for $8851. If you 'rant a Buggy yon will find it to your interest to call and see my stook and you will say my statement is Correct. JA/O, 179/ NN, CARRIAGE MAKER. HAVE YOU Looked in our Show Window Lately ? , • Ha ye you read my Advertisement 7 Ilav you glanced in our store to see the New Dress Goods, New T'riminings, New Prints, New Silk and Cotton Laces, New Gloves, New Parasols, New Skirtings, New Cottonados ? Everything New for Spring. la the Grocery Department You will find everything Fresh in Canned Goods and at old Prices, 1'eae and Coffees a Speoialty, Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. MoLEOD'S Systems. Renovator —Ann MED— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepleesneee, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint,Nenr. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY, GODERiCII, ONT. J. M. MULEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer, 80111 by Jas, Fox, Druggist, Itrns0010. TAILORINC! la, G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in Ms lino. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. "Shop In Garfield Block. A. COUSLEY Beal Estate 86 Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire el Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY, Office over Deat1man's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. NEW Ifitimpasppoimural .1.111•11 lltdlier The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the Ma BMX, BEIM, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices, A share of public patronage solicited. S�q1A %� �K s •f..q�' . V V cfNisLYMi.h Y. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. OAIIIII PAID 11018 MDlaga A. thin oily fibre -food fluids:which sinks into the pees leaving u velvety burnishing film outside. Rub this friction coat A little, and Jo 1— a brilliant, - lasting, lustre dawns L2 through it. Neither varnish, turpentines nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, in--- ER ,SHOE 01J5li t ed2,43YP✓6;Ys :41.‹. ' i X69 iB91� Jno. Doweling, - Sole Local Agent. SHINGLES British Columbiii, Iced Cedar Shingles 8ND-- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Eetimatee Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AMENT, BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. I with to inform the people of Brussels and surroundingdistrict that Ihave pur- chased the Pmp Business of JAMBS BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate priaee. No better Pnmp in the market. Order left at my chap or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. I"Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gamer Green, MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. 1101101/1. Cook's Cotton Boot Compound, Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies, Safe, effectual. Ladled ask druggist for Cook's Cotton' Root Un- sound. _yourno glake re other, os o. Mixtures, pine and Imitations ox)No.11 and dandegrees stro ]thus, Noli No. hoz; 2, mailed recei stronger, per box. ent i a omailed en receipt of price andI two a -sent )tamps, The 2 of Und recommended y all responsible Druggists in Canutemandod i y all Noe. 1 and 2 sold 1� A. DBADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & 0)1110ian. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6/ Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. PICOSI Will fume' a Well Ma13 of YOU 000080 Pa0017018 TRP A90vn 81000,0)10 roma w&0Ee. 1I0050 euros an Nervone Dison % e1ooploen. Ms, Falling Mornay, Nightly MIAMI/WIN Storms. torrheoa; Impotency, eta., netted by poet ab1b t Wen rigor a04 0110 t0 shrunken organs, •04 ettloi80nut 001130080ata ou 011groR a0t,801I `01.1%'1,17,11,718. r O'1,1 UBe sappy ag7 ao od.f or moll In ahem waaphnr sad 000nd 10 soot °00000 from Prim, 01. 0100 aged, tdtyA tor°,' W. Bead money 18 olthrdin yOrort00<0tar. Ura° shit) Address 00100E,�0 s Age f 11 11188 Do minion of Canada. Who Makes Your Clothes? WHY ? E. C. DUNFORD, TILE ONLY High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels. LEADER IN Worateds, Sages, Cheviots and Fine W000lone. HATS for boys and men at popular prim, from 60o to 52.60. NEOKWEAR—A11 the newest effects in Knots, Derbys, Bows and Flowing Ends, SUSPENDERS that will hold yon forever. In fact everything that man be found in a Bret-olaes Tailoring and Tarnishing Establishment can be found here at prices to suit the times. E, 0. DUNFORD. DON'T READ THIS AO And then throw away this paper before yoa oonolude on are losing good money bynot baying Y our DAIRY SUPPLIESPLIE S from ne.W We are prepared to supply every person with Dairy Dane Pails, Mill; Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prime according to quality. Graniteware of all kinds.Aram...—_ p [V� rl Havfng put in a stoop of Spades, 9h08010, Ll V fJ a Forks, 8to., of the best quality we eolieit your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market, We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. Tho best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eiavetrow piing and Bepairila promptly attended to.. , ..11►' N. B.—Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in tt few days. Wilton & Turnbull