HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-17, Page 8L
JUNE' 17, 1898
To Kill Flies.
Shoo, Fly Paper,
Wilson's Fly Pads,
Sweet Fly Paper,
Davies' Fly Felts,
Insect Powder,
To Kill Bugs.
Best English
Paris Green,
25c. per lb.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brunets Station, North
sad South, as follows
GamG 90000. Gomm Nonni.
Blamese 7:1e a.m. Mail 2:10 p.m
'fixed 9146 a.m, I Express 10:10 p.m
ricgJ Reba Items,
A ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BIG rueb in binding twine.
Ponta 801oole close on the 30111.
OoanxEnciiL travellers are a good crop.
Tower Band played on Sntnrday even-
ing Last week.
Tars week A. M. Malay & Co. receiv-
ed a oar of binding twine.
An advt. in Tan Pon brings good re-
turns. Try 11 for yoareeif.
R. GRATTAtr shipped 4 cars of oats dor.
ing the past week from Brussels.
Coothe weeds. The corporation slay-
er has been on the warpath this week.
Sam of our citizens will go to Godo.
rich on Monday to hear the Godfrey
Hous seekers' excursions begin thie
month to the West. See advts, in Tam
ExooneroN to Guelph on Monday, Jane
20:11. Return fare from Bruseele $1.00,
tickets good for 2 days.
SOUS of our footballers will go to W ing-
liam on Saturday to see the Carberry
(Men.) team and Winghem play a match.
PookET book lost in Brussels on
Thursday, Jane 2nd, The finder will re.
eeive $6.00 by leaving it at once at Geo.
Thomson's grocery.
A Goon coating of gravel is being put
down in Brunetti G. T. R. yard. The
pens and yard need a similar dose to pat
them in decent abape,
Jens. HEWITT has fitted np the store ad•
joining hie barber shop for the laundry
business he has purohaeed from Mosier
& McArthur. Re takes poseeseiou next
week. We wish him euooeas.
IN oonneotion with the coming exams.
Bruseele Public school will be represent-
ed with 13 pupils at the Entreuoe ; 18 at
the Publio school Leaving ; and 8 for
Form IL The examinations will be held
on June 28, 29 and 30.
Rloa'n RoaaE, the well known horse-
man, ie winning laurels on the Austrian
turf. He has only been outside of the
money on one 000aeion in all the ranee
his string has started in. The most of
his horses are animals taken over from
tbis side of the Atlantic, "Reddy" being
in the number.
WINGnA,Io base ball team will play a
mntoh with Brussels on Victoria Park on
Friday afternoon of this week, game
called at 4. Don't miss the game ae it
promisee to be first-olaes. The visiting
team ie a good one. A Garden Party
will be held on Dr. Salbfleitoh's epaoione
grounds in the evening. Good program
including town Band.
CLEVER Yoora.-We are pieased to
notice by the Winnipeg paper that A. W.
R., eldest eon of Jno. E. Smith, of
Brandon, formerly a well known mer.
ohant of Brussels, fe proving his ability
to Dope with the best. At the closing
examinations of Manitoba University, he
captured a $120 scholarship in the gener-
al Arta oonrae, and is well to the head in
nearly every close. We congratulate
him on his 9ocoeee and hope it may be
the opening of a long and useful life.
STRAWBERRY 1 er 'tL,-A novel straw-
berry festival, under the auspides of the
Epworth League, will be bald an Friday
evening, June 24th, on the combined
lawns of the Methodist Parsonage and B.
Gerry. An excellent program oonsieting
of vooal and instrumental mueio, duets,
tableaux, ate., will be rendered during the
evening. Grounde will be lighted by
electric light. The Braes Band will be
in attendanee. Refreehmente served
from 0 p. m, A good time ie expected.
Don't fail to be there.
IIunog.-The Wingham Advance eaye t -
"It is said that a petition is being largely
signed by the Liberate of Beet Huron
asking Mr. Hislop to retire in order to
allow Hon. Jno. Dryden to secure a seat
and so remain in the Cabinet. It is
also reported that Mr. Hislop ie wiiling
to a000mmodate Hon, John if a majority
of those who elected him are desirous of
a change. There is one comforting
thought to politicians of the Dryden
oleo, that is, if one oonstibuenoy refuses
to tolerate them, another one more
"solid" will oarry them, no matter what e
their failinge may be. Surely it cannot w
be that some of Mr. Dryden's relatives 1
have been neglected, and they are yet to a
be provided with an office, Or hi it a o
foot that Mr. Dryden has a very Dry den S
in his old oonbtitoenoy, and hence he t
eeeke more oomfertablotlaartere in Mat
Miran. Considering BadHoron'e pro• b
alivibioe, What ie the use of an election II
any. way. Why not deed it to the party, o
their heirs, assigns, exeentore, etc., to y
have, to hold, eta., from 0b33 day forth y
and for ever ?" It Would be 0very Ben. e
pinta thing brother, B
Bnusegis football niub le advertised to
play at Ripley on July 12th.
Homer Jamie and Mrs. Dose Bing in
Wingbane thie (Friday) evening.
ARE you going to Guelph on Monday
Tickets for sale at TILE PONT ou Salus•
Moen, Scorn ,C Jogos ehlpped two
oars of export cattle last Saturday front
k xceneros to Guelph on Monday, June
90111. Return faire from Bruseele only
$1.00 for adplte and 50 Dente for children.
Tinsman evening of next week th ere
will be a Lodge of Inetruobion held for
this diatriat fit St. John'( Lodge room,
Bon seals.
Exoonsion to Guelph next Monday.
Retnrn fare, good for 2 days, only $1,00.
Tiokete will be 00 sale at Tile POSTPob.
lisping 'These on Saturday so as to avoid
the rush on Monday.
BnoasELa Band will play at an Ep-
worth Leaage gardenparty at 0raubrook
on Wednesday evening of next week.
The Fife and Drum Band go to Walton
on Friday evening, 24111 feet.
Butt ns 0. 0. F. have accepted an in.
vitation from their Wingham brethren to
join them in attending their annual torn
out to choralon Sabbath, 20111 inst. 20
or 26 will go from town itis expeoted.
STRAWBERRY OoarneT.-A11 who raise
strawberries are invited to Bend a cam•
pie of their berries to the Parsonage
grounds on the 24113 of June, to be ex-
hibited. Prizes will be given for the
three best samples.
LAST Sunday morning 13 head of oat-
tle were driven to the Pound but only 7
of the bovines were got in. It Dost the
owners 84.00 to get them out. The oat.
tle broke out of the pasture field and
ware making an onslaught on Df. Rieber&
son's garden when discovered.
DEOORATION Dix, -Thursday afternoon
of next week, at 4 o'olook, the members
of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0.
F , will march to the cemetery, headed
by the town Band, and will decorate the
graves of deceased brethren. Grand
Secretary Ring, of Toronto, will be pree•
ant and take part in the exeroises. In
the evening he will give an adkreee to the
members in theLodge room. Every Odd
Fellow asked to attend.
LAST Saturday afternoon a joint meet.
ing sf Grey Branch and Bast Enron
Agl. Sooiety Directors was held in the
Council Chamber. PresidentFerguson
000npied the ohair. The prize list was
revised and added to ; 930 voted for at-
traobion ; Committees appointed ; and
other neoeesary work done. East Karon
Fall Fair for 1898 will be bigger and bet-
ter than ever. Oat. 1st and 2nd are the
dates. The town Band will be there.
0. E. ToasnooL, who has been fore•
man in the job department of the Guelph
Mammy for several years, has opened up
a job office of his own in the Royal city.
He has fitted it out with the latest and
best, including an electric motor, and ie
rowing a nice share of patronage for a
new institution. He also manafaobnree
rubber stamps, seals, &a. Mr. Turnbull
served hie apprentioesbip on THE Poor
and is aura to succeed, There are few, if
any, better job hands in the Province.
SCHOOL NOTES. -A circular lately is.
sued by the Education Department eon -
tains some information that will be of
interest to students. Those taking the
Publio School Leaving examination in
1899 will take Physiology and Temper.
eats instead of Botany. After 1898 the
Primary examination will be abolished.
Unsuccessful candidates at the Junior
and Senior Leaving examination will be
allowed to write in 1899 for Junior and
Senior Leaving standing, by Ballotingthe same options as in' the comae of
1898. For these examinations the per.
oentages are one-third on eaoh subject
and 50 per Dent on the aggregate. 67 per
cent will be required for honors. Present
holders of Primary oertidcates or those
obtained in 1898 will have the right to
attend the ComityModel school after
1898 if they so desire.
HruENEAL,-Wednesday of this week
Mise Minnie Moore, of Brussels, attended
a wedding in Listowel, ceremony at the
residence of the bride's parents. The
contracting parties were L. E. Morlook,
of Tavietook, and Miss Eva E. Sarvie,
the ceremony took plane at 12 o'olook,
noon. Mise Ada Grundy, of Looknow,
was bridesmaid and wore a blue and
gray brocade costume, trimmed with bine
silk. Arthur Sarvin, of Fort William,
Veobher to the bride, was groomsman.
Gowned in Dream silk the bride looked
well iudeed. There were about 50 guests
in attendance. Wedding gifts were re•
calved from many, Hamilton to the
Northwest being the limits. After par-
taking of an elegant spread Mr. and Mrs-
Morlook took the afternoon train for a
wedding tour through Michigan and on
their return will live ab Tavistook. TinePox adds its oongratnlations.
GRAVEL CONTRA008 -Monday evening
contracts for gravelling were let at the
Queen's Hotel, Bruoeele, by public auu.
tion as follows :-Walton, expenditure of
$20.00, to Wm. Denbow, Bruseele, at 29
dente per yard ; 20 rods South of Drus•
Bels cemetery, 880, to Wm. Maunders et
10 cents ; the same gentleman will do the
work from Brussels South at 18 oents.
North of Brussels, S. Burke has a 820
oontraot at 38 cents ; a 850 job between
Duncan McLauohlin's and the Fraliok
swamp went to Wm. Denbow at 40 Dents
and another to him from Fraliok's hill
North 850 for whish he gets 39 write.
Wm. Riley will do the spreading and
overseeing in the North and James Bol.
ger in the South. Work has to be coma.
plated on or before August let. Care
ebonld be taken that 'lobbing but good
gravel is allowed to go on as a large per.
tion of the road is badly in need of a
heavy dreaming of real gravel, not sand
not big stones,
OniT. Early 1050 Friday morning,
after a very painful illness of months,
the spirit of ApoIsabella, youngest
daughter of William and Janet Hendee.
eon, 4thnon., MoKtllop, took its flight.
Deoeaeed was born on the farm on which
she died and was consequently well and
favorably known in the ootnmunity. She
was 24 rare of age. The nun of death
was an abes oeon the thigh wbioh defied
the beet medical attendances, The suffer.
r was reduced from a hearty young
Oman to it more skeleton. Through the
ong monthe, often of intense enffering,
he patiently awaited tate coming
f her Lord. The funeral took plane on
atnrday afternoon to Harpurhey came.
cry, Bev. P. Musgrave conducting the
service. Six brothers were the pall
saran. Deceased was a eieter to Bobt,
endereon, of Drools, 13. peculiar Dir•
nm5tan00 was that Mre, Henderson's
oangest brother and Mr. Rendersen'e
onngest Dieter died within 24 hours of
ash other, The bereaved are deeply
ympathieed with in their WOO,
Oen thanks aro due to the Godarloh
Signal for advance proof of the Oonnty
Council minn1es,
STnwnonne Festival Frldey eveniug of
? next week on the lawns of the Methodist
Parsonage and B, (;terry, Good proem.
A Lnve poroupine at Ooahraue & John•
ot000's marble works Sons the centre of
attraotiou for youngsters during the past
BEATTIIE BRos. had to Trill one of their
horses on iifonday of 01115 week as the
animal woe injured 901210 time ago and
showed no Signa of recovery.
Oust base ball boys did not win et Rin•
eardine last Friday. They kept the lake
shore fellows well in (Meels for neural
innings and after that the deluge.
ThE preliminary steps are being taken
in connection with the propoeed now
sewers and the work will be pushed
vigorously as soon as got moving.
Tae Seaforth paper fn speaking of a re.
out foot hall matoh says :-I. Gerry, N.
Hill and Whitely showed up particularly
well, their rushee and combination being
pretty and effective.
AN excursion ander the auspices of the
A. O. U. W. brethren of this dietriot
will take plane from Drayton, Kincardine
and intermediate pointe to Southampton,
on Friday, Juno 171.1. Fare from Bras -
seta $1,05.
S. 0. T. 111.-30 members of Brussels
K. 0. T. 111. drove to Gerrie last Sab-
bath morning and joined with their
brethren of that place and surrounding
Tents in the anniversary service wbioh
Wae held in the Methodist oharoh.
About 100 were in the pr0aession. Iter,
Mr. Fisher was the preaoher who gave a
moat practical sermon from the text,
"Re that provideth not for hie own, &o."
On arriving baok at their Hall the Com -
menders present spoke briefly and a vote
of thanks was paused to Rev. Mr, Fisher,
The Gerrie Tent hospitably entertained
the visitors.
BaossELe vs. RINcieDINE.-The
oardine paper's report the match in that
town hast week as follows ;-Reporter-
',On Friday last the victorious Victories
played a match with the Brussels team
and won by a some of 27 to 6. The first
half of the game was quite brilliant, but
before its conclusion the visiting team
VMS sent leather hunting, while oar boys
chased one another round the bases.
There was a good crowd presenb notwith•
standing the early part of the afternoon
woe showery." Review. -"The fifth
baseball match of the season to be played
by the Vrotoriae was held here on Friday
afternoon last, the opposition being the
Brussels team. This team has long en.
joyed an enviable reputation and the ea•
During of a match with them was regard.
ed as a very suitable "feeler" for the
opening of the season. The weather in
the mise forenoon r
o promised d badly but about 1
o'olook the olouds drifted eastward, the
diamond rapidly o dr p dly dried up and Sone in es•
oellent condition and when time was call.
ed at 4 o'olook a goodly sized crowd of
epeotatore greeted the contestants. Ow.
ing to an accident which betel him at
Wingham, Robb. Roes was unable to offi•
date in his old time capacity of Catcher,
but proved an excellent umpire, his
bility to favor either team it so inoliued
on account of hie poeibion being remark-
ed by many present. The first half of
the game was a neat, clean and enjoyable
presentation of the national amusement
but in the fifth innings, the Brussels team
seemed to "go to pieces" and from that
out the fates seemed against them. Too
many errors on the part of fielders partly
a000unte for their failure, "wild throws"
being of frequent 000urrenee. However,
the Brussels boyo are deeerving of much
oredit for their genblemanliuess and the
very becoming manner in which they ae•
oepted their defeat. We hope to have
them with ue again this Summer to re-
new the friendly contest.
' People We Know.
Mrs. John Imh,y is dangerously ill
with erysipelas.
Barrister Sinclair is attending 00.
Court thio week,
Mre. Neil Milloy, of Brussels, was vie•
;ling here last week.
Mrs. N. F. Gerry and Stella are visit-
ing friends at Seaforth.
B. Gerry attended the 00. L. 0. L. at
Wingham on Tuesday.
Roland Beattie, of Wingham, vielted
hie parents last Tuesday.
Tom Bloomfield arrived home from
the 01d Country last week.
Mise Clara Hunter is visiting her
grandmother at Oranbrook.
Mre. Hammet, of Seaforth, is visiting
Mre. Wm. Hewitt, Bruseele,
D. D. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, of Sea -
forth were in town on Saturday.
J.T. Tornio, wife and son, of Goderich,
Saodayed at Mre. E. Grimoldby's.
Mies Salbteisoh, of Atwood, ie visit-
ing Mre. (Dr.) Kalbfleiaeh this weak.
Mrs. Geo. Thomson has gone on a
holiday visit to London, Glencoe and Galt.
Mise Sherrie, of Morrie, was visiting
the Misses Scott, Frederick street, last
Jno. Kendall, eon of J. N. Rendall,
Brussels, has taken a situation at Van -
Geo, Groeo, who was kinked on the
leg some time ago by a horse, still walks
with a limp.
Mre. Lowe, of Toronto, VMS visiting
her mother, Ere, J. Y. 3, Kirk,,, during
the past week.
Jas. Bargees is away on the jury at
Godarloh, as is Oounoillor Leatherdale
and Jno. Walker.
Dr. McDonald, M. P., was one of
the delegates to the Temperance Obnven.
tion on Wednesday.
2. A. Hawkins is billed to take part in
a Barlook pio•nio program on Friday
evening of We week.
Jno, Alexander, "the Lion," a well
known Hielan'man, formerly of Brussels,
was in town this week.
Mre. George Cardiff was away last
week to Sarnia attending the funeral of
her otos, Mrs. Smart.
John Delmsge, of Enamels cheese
faobony, is laid aside from work owing to
a felon on hie right hand.
Mies Lizzie floss has gone on a holiday
visit to Obeeley where she will visit Mrs,
Tom Boss and other old frieode.
Mr. Newton, of Miobigan, and Mr,
Stibbard, of Toronto, were visiting at
Thos. Maxwell's during the pest week.
Mrs. J, A. Stewart and Ferris left for
Toronto on Wednesday morning, Mr.
Stewart expecte to go early next week.
Mrs. Cliffe, of Toronto, (nee Miss May
Cooper, formerly of Brnesels) and son
are renewing old friendebipe in town and
Owing to the 311nene of Mre. Jno.
Leeltie, of Toronto, with measles, Mies
Lucretia Oliver went to the Queen City
last Week.
Jno. McRae was at Toronto last Friday
attending the Convocation eaeroisen of
Toronto University in which he was an
interested party,
Mr. Brent, who is to 000500d Mr. Stew.
art ae manager of B000800s Britoil of the
Standard Bank, to exported to arrive
either Saturday or Monday,
Mias Ida Williams is undergoing a
50411 00nr50 of treatment in Stratford
for her lame ankle,. which we hope will
eventu',te in a speedy r000very.
W. W. Harris, proprietor of Brussels
ohsese factory, has recovered sufficiently
from his Into dangerons iliums to melte
Ilia first trip tine week as buyer for
Masers. Ballantyne, of Stratford.
Business Locals,
Wnenrs from $40 up to $100 at A.
(joust ey's,
SEE our single harness, great value this
month. I. 0. Mallard's.
A. ConeLxx handles everything that is
used by a bicycle rider..
Torun and satchels, large assortments,
low prim. I. 0. Rioharde.
Fon Bale cheap, one sett second hand
single harness, I. C. Richards.
A wren quantity of screen windows,
the latest improved. Malay & Go.
Dm you see the Gendron bike in A.
Consley'e window ? It's a dandy.
Goon, dry American corn, the best for
feeding purposes, for sale ab Ro• e' mill.
CLEVELAND wheels are great sellers.
Six sold sinoe Jan. lst, 1898, A Coueley,
San our nine stook of dueters and rub-
ber lap rugs lowin prima. 1. C. Richards.
E. & D. bearings are guaranteed for
three years. Come fn and see them, A.
WANTED, 100 tubs dairy butter weekly.
18 cents. A1I ;rinds of farm produoe
baudted. G. E. limo, Wingham.
Iiosroaasico s' Exaonsrous,-On the
first and third Tuesdays in Jane, 1898,
the Chicago, Milwaukee & Sb. Paul Rail.
way will sell round-trip exoursion tiokete
(good for 21 days) to a great many points
in South and North Dakota and other
Western and Southwestern states, at
praotioally one fare for the round trip,
Take a trip West and see what an amount
of good land can he purchased for very
little money. Further information as to
rates, routes, prioee of farm lands, etc„
may be obtained on application to any
coupon ticket agent or by addressing A.
3. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2
King street, East, Toronto, Ont.
moRN .
Dfoxraoa:ERr.-At Orange Hill, 011 Thurs.
day, May 26111, the wife of Mr. John
Montgomery, of a son.
Kiera. -In Tornberry, on Jane 9th, the
wife of Mr. William Sing, of twins,
son and daughter.
STEELS-MOGnnoon.- In Seaforth, on
Tuesday, June 761, at the residence
of the bride's mother, Michael Steele,
af. D„ of Tavietook, to Mise Annie
Robertson, eldest daughter of the
late Donald McGregor, of McKillop.
Gmr.-Iu Grey; on June 811, Elizabeth
Gill, aged 60 years.
Far sxoxxsx'nion
ASSETS, (Hoven Million Dollars) • 87,000,000
OAPITAL (Authorised) • . 92,000,000
Apenofee in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Mani lobe, United States rO h`itptand,
Q:=WAIo i' J'ffaAfr7L9.
A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes Disoonntod.
prate Iieuud and Oolloobione rondo on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwarde from dab of deposit to date n
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Onstomars living at a distance.
LnaAs.-In Elma, on June 6111, Charles
Wesley, only son of Ohas. Leos,
aged 2 years, 6 menthe and 27 days.
LYNoa.-In Blyth, on Juno 5th, Jeremiah
Lynch, aged 60 years.
PROOT011,-In Blyth, on May 81st, Gee,
Edgar Proctor, aged 12 years, 8
menthe and 10 days.
Mourn. -In Beachwood, on Tuesday,
June 7111, Michael Murphy, aged 7$
Exsonn.-In Turnberry, on Friday, June
10011, Maria Exford, aged 78 years.
mastmrssax,s MAma= ce01,
Fall Wheat 88 86
Barley.. 30 85
Peas . 60 50
Oats 26 27
Butter, tubs and rolls 30 11
Eggs per dozen 8 9
Flour per barrel3 00 3 00
Potatoes (per bag) 60 60
Ray per ton. ... .... •. • , 5 50 6 00
Hides trimmed0 5i
Hides rough .. 5 5
Salt per IN., retail 1 00 60
Sheep skins, eaoh 40 40
Lamb skins each 26 26
Hoge, Live 4 75 1 76
Wool 17 17
Apples (per bag) 60 50
Tenders Wanted,
Tenders will be received for painting the
interior of Melville church, by J. G. Skene,
Secretaryof of ,
0 Board Ma
d Management, v
g , t
to the 20ok day of e clone, 18an, a sseou at ion
of the work E. Blair, clone can be 7110 at the
o!$ca of G. F. Blair, Bruseele, Tno lowest
or any tender not necessarily nooepted,
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders will be received by the undersign-
ed up to Wednesday. buns 22nd, at 8 o'clook
p m., for the painting of the school house
00 8.8. No.1, Grey. Particulars may bo had
on application to JOHN GRANT,
Box 143, Brussels P. 0. Secretary,
for sale or to r�eut that 14 storysPrawa home
on TuruborryS street, North of the Terrace,
lately 00511v10d by 8. Jackson. For par-
ticulars apply to W. Er, lforr',or the owner,
J, BOARS , Auburn P. 0. 80•nf
A. Miss Joan MoLu0o11lin, pupil of C. L.
111, Barris, Musioal Doctor, of rho Conti/try.
atony of Music, Ilamilton, Ontario, is pos.
pored to give instructions to pupils on either
piano 01' organ. Speolnl attention given
to teobnlo. Lessons elven oibber at the
homes of pupils or at teachers home. 4A•8m
FOR SALE. -Tho undersigned offers
his brick residence, situate on Park lot D,
Maryetroot, Brussels, for gale. There aro 14
tiaras of land orchard, wolf, stable, collar,
&c, - P0880813[011 could be given at once.
71108, J31OA011nDWELLord,P.
d4- , 0,
VAR 11[ I+'OR SALT;. -150 ACRES
Consisting of the South i had South
of the North 4• of Lot 80, Coit .2, Bast Wawa -
nosh. This is an excellent stook farm, being
well supplied with Rood tinting water. Itis
situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vtl-
lago of Blyth. A largo part of itis ander
grass, Buildings and fellows aro in a fat.
state of repair. Busy tonna of payment will
be given. For all information apply to
11-11 G.8'. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels.
nnnelaNRn often his 100 sore farm for
sale, being Lot 29, N 4 Con.7, 'Borrie. Thorn
are 70 acres cleared and under crop, balance
hardwood bush. Theta is a good frame
house with kitchen, woodshed and collar
complete; bank barn with atone stabling;
orchard, walla, and' all other conveniences.
Only 3 of a mile from' school end 3 miles
from Brussels. Possession would be given
at once. For price and terms apply on the
premises or to Brussels
34 -EY Si11;I000 1:0RSX'1`li, Proprietor.
nnwm.-The underelgned offers his
eligible 04 acre farm for sale or to
rent. being South part of Lot 5, Comes.
sloe 12, Grey. All under ooltivation,well
watered and well fantod. There is a good
stone house, bank born, orohm•d, W0118, &e„
Ott the promises. Also n splendid. atone
quarry from which a good revenue is realiu.
ed, Only 24 miles from Brussels, Terms
reasonable. For further particulars as to
price, &o., apply 10
JOHN MITOHELL, Proprietor,
11-t1 Brussels P. 0.
RECE yppe,
Fountain Syringes,
J i
Hot Water Bottles,
Toe Bags, &or
Price and Quality
Guaran teed
Fox's Drug More.
Notice to Creditors.
I r t•',
In, the Surrogate Court of the Ooatntal of
.Iiiu'on, in the matter of the estate of
Arlavt Scott, late of the Village of
Mussels, deceased :
Natio ie hereby given, pursuant to R. 5,
0„ Ohnp• 129, See. BB that all persons having
any claims against the estate of But said
Adam Scott, late of the Village of Brussels,
gontlomau, deoeawlto died on or shoat
the 81xeh day of Aral:,postpaid.
axe ret oir.
ad to send S by mall, r the id. or deliver to G.
F. Blois, Solicitor 100 the Executors, at Brus-
sels P. 0„ on 00 before the 10th day of June,
1898, a fall statement and particulars of
their claims and bhe-nature of the securities
((f any) held by them, and on and after the
said 10th clay of June the said estate will bo
distributed among those entitled thereto,
haviugrogard only to the claims Of wbioh
notice shall thou have been given.
Dated at Brussels 1st flayed JuoBe,sooutore
D. 0, ROSS,LL .
J. A. MoNAl1GHTON, f
G. F. BLAIR, Solicitor for l0 seen tors.
F $
1 X LLEi
ST lc ���10a<�f�
A Commercial School of the high-
est grade -none better in the
Catalogue Free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Our stock of Clothing was never as large or as well assorted as now, in fact it is too large. We are forced to reduce it
fully one-half. Where there's a will there's a way, and we snake way by our determined will.
Let the Y°ollowiig Quotation Illustrate: -
46 pts. Men's Union and all wool Pants, all sizes
well made, finished well, twill pockets and
bar buttons ; perfect fitting ; regular 81.25,
"$1.40 and $1.50. June Clearing Sale price. 1• 00 Your Choice for
52 pi's. ''Ten's all wool Pants, light and dark colors
finished equal to tailor made goods, regular
82.00 to $2.75. Jane Clearing Sale price
$1.50 and ..•
32 prs. Boys' Miff)Pants, Union and all wool
Tweeds and Borges, ages 4 to 10 years. Juno
Clearing Sale price, per pair .,.
12 Boys' two piece erge Suits, Coat and Pants
Lined, ages 4 to 9 years. Jane Clearing
Sale price
Boys' Sorge Suits, well made with strong lin-
ings, ages 6 to 11 years, regular 82.00 and $150
$2.25. June Clearing Sale price, .,.
Men's Tweed Suits, perfect fitting, with strong
.s. linings, sizes 86 to 44 breast measure, regu-
lar $6,00, $6.50 and $7.00. June Clearing 4.x]5
Sale price only ... C
85 Men's Tweed Suits, goods that fit well, in all
sizes from 86 to 44 breast measure, regular
and good value at 87.50 to 88.50. June
Clearing Sale price
2 Youths' Tweed Suits, sizes 80 to 85 breast
measure, with long pants. June Clearing
Sale prise ,.. ,„,.. ,,, 3.50
Hais, Ceps
All Join in June Clearing. Sale.
Prices :-Men's Fitur Felt Stiff Hats, this season's shapes,
regular 82,50 and $2.75. June Clearing Sale price $1.90.
Men's Stiff Rats, regular $2.00, $1.50 and 81.00. June Clear-
ing Salo prices, 50c., 76c. and 81.25.
Soft Hats, all kinds, sizes and shapes join in the June Clearing
Sale prices.
You can, and we will see that you do save money, in buying
Flats at this Store.
,. 1ie1
Boots & Shoes of all kinds join in
the June Clearing Sale.
175 prs. Woman's Oxfords and Strap Slippers, sizes 21 to 7,
regular $1.40, 81.50 and 81.75. Juno Clearing Sale price, only
85 pairs Woman's, Misses' and Boys' -a job lot, regular from
$1,10 to 85c. dime Clearing Sale price, 650. for your choice.
The balance of this season's Lace Curtains and Carpets join in the June Clearml Sale 'ii
,„...osidiwWe are Sole Agents in Brussels for Priestley's Celebrated Dress Goods,
We always pay the Highest Prices for. Produce.'-
NIX ick EZ eatZifr is i Ft =PCs ■