HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-17, Page 5JUNE 17, 1898
1'1, emit, 1P, S. SCOTT, Brusoele,
oO A E
u,nf 1�orcN
�. sone t»tor•
1 1 oro oia anal, r Mae
g a U o
nbhis U�r000r.Y.'1'urubocry 'Arcot, Itruaaels,
• Tonsorial Artist.
Shop—Next do
eolith of A, Malley & lu bard ao oetcra,
LadleWand eh lidranolinr cutting apeaialty
Issue! of Marriage Licenses,
t'No WiLneoo Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brussels
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publio
Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made
Odle° In Graham's B1ook, Brusno)e
12• Finn, will Boll for better prices, to
better men, in ens time and leas charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he wont charge anything. Dates and
orders eau 'always bo arranged at this ogles
or by personal application.
ey • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals iu a com-
petent manner. Particular attention paid
to veterinary dontiotr Calle promptly at-
tended to. Office and Inffrmary—Four doors
north of bridge ')'urnborry at., Brussels.
• .Solloitor, Uonveyanoer ,Notary Pub -
lie, &e, Odloo—Varhetone'B Block, 1 door
north of Central Hobe Solidi for for the
Standard Bank.
F. • Solicitor, ,io, (late of Garrow &
Proudfoot's 01See, Goderioh.) Oilloe over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Breesole,
Money to Loan, 47
(Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron,) Barrister and Soliol tor, Goderieb,
Ont. Onlee—Hamiltau St., Opposite Col
borne Hotel.
N.D., 0. 11., Trinity University, Fellow Trill.
ity Medical College, Member College of Phy-
elolano and Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the
Royal College 01 Ph sioians and Licentiate
01 Midwifery, Edinburgh. la -Telephone
No.11. Residence, 11111S 1., Brussels.
M. D„ O. M., successor to Dr, A. McKelvey,
Licentiate of Royal College of Ph olciauo
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Col-
lege of Phyoloiaos and Surgeons of Ontario.
Diseases 01 women and children a specialty.
Eight years' experience, r 0110 co and res-
idence that formerly occupied by Dr. Mo-
Kelvey,Turnborry street,Bruesels, 25.
P100211IAN, 6Une100N AND A0000CAEIn,
lst Claes Honor Graduate of the Univers!.
ties of Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston),
mud of Trinity Medical. College ; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
Collage of Physfeians and Surgeons of Outer -
10, lost Graduate Course in Detroit and
Unioage,1800. Special attention paid to (Ha-
mmes of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and die -
cane of Women. t.'0ououltation in Eng-
lish and German, Telephone at residence.
undersigned will keep for service, on
Lot 6, Con. 5, Grey, a thoro' bred improved
Yorkshire boar and a thoro' bred largo Eng-
Iielt Berk0h1r6 hog, Pedigrees may bo seen
nu applioatiou. Terms, 81.00,ito bo paid at
time of eervioe, with privilege of returning
if noceseamy, ARTHUR SMITH,
40.4* Proprietor.
undorsignedwin keep for service on
Lot 10, Com IS, Grey, the thorn' bred time -
torn bull 'Picture." Also a thoro' bred Dur-
ham bull. Both aro exeep110001ly flue an-
imals. Terms, 91,00, to be paid Tan, let,
1890, `with privilege of returning 11 neeesaary.
j14/ba'After•. Wood's Plicephod!ne,
The Great Anguish Remedy.
Sold and recommended by a1
druggist,' in Canada. Only rell
able medicine discovered. 911
eke0�yas guaranteed to cure all
forme of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuel
Or excess, Mental Worry, Lxooaslve nee of To.
ba000, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
Of prlao, one paokago $1, six, $5. One wiltptease,
40 taut ouoe. Pamphlets tree to any addreae.
Who Wood Company, Windsor, One
Solo in II rn Feels by G. A. MADMAN,
k D ruggist, Bookseller & Optician,
White Star Lino.
Between New York and Livorpool,1 via
Quoouatown,every Wednesday.
Ae the etoamero of this lino. Derry only a
Strictly limited number in the mum and
SECOND 0An000 0oeommodation0, intauding
pas06ngeol are reminded that au early ap-
ec ealb this flea,
eon. plane,19stappy
Agent, Brawscier
131A -tile.
Crops in this seinen of Huron county
are looking well.
Rev. T. 10, Higley entertained the choir
of Trinity t of uroli to a >la t 'odor oh
1 nia oG i
The annual bigLO Lemersion to
801,100and Detroit itI this Year be held
on Saturday, August 20th,
A pio•nio will be held on Dominion
d under thet t 1 the Myth
a d cin 1 le ions a
J p
Epworth League and the Epworth
Longue of Jaohson'o appointment.
J. G. Emigh sold his 01heetnnt driver,
"Net," to Dr, Kalbileisoh, of Brussels,
for $100. Mr. Emigh went to Godorioh
and brought home another beautiful
driver, for which he paid $180.
Mies E. Pauline Johnston, the Indian
p00tese, appeared in Industry hall on
Monday evening of last week under the
auspices of the Public Library. A. fair-
sized but fashionable audience greeted
G. E. King, one of Wiogbam'e mer -
°haute, has opened -out a general stook of
dry goods in the store reaently mewled
by T. Watson &Co., Queen street, Blyth.
Wm. Campbell will have charge of the
Jeremiah Lynch, an old and much re•
speoted resident of Blyth, passed to the
great beyond on Sunday evening, 6th
inst., shortly after 6 o'clock. His death
was not unexpected as he had been suf.
fering greatly for the past two weeps
with Bright's disoaae. He teavea a
widow to mourn the lose of a loving hue.
J. J. Crocker, of Buffalo, N. Y., visited
hie mother, Mre. J. V. Crocker, last
Will. MoLaugblin has left for Brant -
lord where he has accepted a position
with the Waterone Engine Co.
Hon, Thoe. Greenway, Premier of
Manitoba, was visiting hie sister, Mre.
(Dr) Rollins fora few days last ween.
A new engine was placed in the pump
house near the G. T. R. bridge iaet week,
to be used for forcing water into the sup.
ply tank.
Mrs. Henry Smith, of "Springliuret,"
who underwent a eerioue operation two
months ago, is able to be out again hav-
ing completely regained his health.
Wm. Clark, of Brinsley, who has suf.
fared from several attacks of appendicitis,
rendering him unable to work, name to
Exeter for operation, and one of our phy-
sicians auooeesfully operated on him, as-
sisted by several looal medical men. The
patient is doing nicely and promisee to
be able to soon resume work,
Alfred Walters, one of Exeter's popular
shoemakers, has been reoeiving the hearty
congratulations of his many friends dor•
Ing the poet week, the occasion being a
worthy one, the taking unto himself an
amiable bride in thoperson of Miee Edith
Dyer, daughter of A. G. Dyer. The
oeremony tools place at the Memorial
ohuroh, London, and was performed by
Rev. Canon Riohardoon.
�ThO 32nd Bruce Battalion will piton
their tante on the Exhibition grounde,
Walkerton, on the 2101, and the camp
will last 12 days.
Jae. and Maurine Lombartns, °barged
with assaulting Michael Dalton, of Ash-
field, have been committed for trial at
the June sessions.
Section Foremaneh owill Cott oho rt.
J s t
ly be transferred to the Whitecburoh
section of the railway and will have to
make hie home in that burg,
E. Gaunt & Sona, of St. Helen's, the
well knows stook breeders, have decided
to sell by publio enation their entire herd
of magnifloent short horn cattle.
SUDDEN DEA/A.—The news of the sud-
den death of Mre. Treleaven, widow of
the late Walter Treleaven, on Wednesday
morning of last week, was a severe afiita-
tion to the family and friends and a sad
surprise to all our citizens, Ever ranee
the death of her husband about a year
ago, deceased had suffered a great deal
with heart trouble, and many times was
in a very low condition, but for a few
weeks passed ebe seemed to rally and on
going to bed on Tuesday evening was as
well as usual. About twelve o'olook,
however, ape was suddenly seized with
heart failure, and though she apparently
recovered from the effects of the flret
attack, within an hour her heart's action
again gave out, and in a few minutes her
spirit passed away to the great beyond.
Deceased was in her Nth year, and was
widely known and greatly respected, and
in their end and Budden bereavement, the
family have the earnest sympathy of the
whole community. The funeral took
plane Friday afternoon at 2 o'olook, to
the family plot in the Dungannon ceme-
An excursion will be run to Sarnia
tunnel, on the 261h, by the Independent
Order of Foresters. .
The shoe dealers have agreed to close
up every evening during the Summer
menthe at 7'o'olook, except on Saturday.
The choir of Ontario street church pro.
pose at an early date to take entire
charge of one of the Sunday sorvfnas, and
will render a Bong serene on the oo-
J. E. 3. Millyard (eon of Rev. R. Mill -
yard) will supply the pulpit of the Cen•
tenary °huro1 , Hamilton, fora month.
This is one of the Bust °herohee in that
At the Sntl examination in the Normal
College, Hamilton, just oonoluded, J.
Houston, M. A„ of the0linton Collegiate,
was examiner in hooch and German for
Specialist oertificntee.
The directors of the Tuokeremith Ag.
rioultural Society have decided not to
hold a Fall Show this year and the dir-
ectors of the Huron Central havepro.
hosed to unite their forces and hold a
Joint Fair here.
A farmer drove three head of cattle to
town for Shipment. One of them became
unmanageable and made a break for
liberty. A little girl, daughter of Thee.
Flaming, wail in its way, and the animal
made a 8101000 throat at her, oho nar-
rowly escaping a toes in the air.
The following are the newly.elected
officers of Rattenbury St. League ;—
Hon. -Pres„ Rev, Mr. Millyard ; 10'ree.,
T. McNeil ; let Viae -Pre°„ A.' T. Cooper 1
2nd Viet -Pres., $dioo M. Washington ;
ltd rico-Pret., Viotor F1'enoh ; 4th Viet.
PreO„ Mho Ida So11ne0 ; Supt. Jr, Dept,,
Mise J. Rudd; Ree. -Seo,, Louie Doherty:;
Cor,•Soo„ Mien Ohallie Barge ; TreaO,,
Arthur Bean ; Orgahlat, Miss 0, 'Helyar,
Rev. Mr, P0oo011 hue roaigned the Mae.
tnrate of the Baptist 0hereb, very ta0,lh
t0 the regret Of lite people and those who
have bad the pleasure of hie unqudiutanoo
while Moro. Ho has boon a faitlllhil
worker, but ill -health is the claim of his
nth d
w draw
Lightning otrualt a chrome? on the
house of J. W Irwin, and eat the Molts
l o W. r h nie
flying to every.
di!e0tion Iti
n. Irwin
wee sleeping in the room through which
the ohimuey passed, and when the bricks
ell i theroom,i naturally was e
( aelena al yr
much alarmed. The paper on the claim
e z etre en clean 0 t t 'ria•
n wa 1 lIT but noa1
Y Pp,
alar damage dune.
lyo;n01,I'r l tC•rO00 Noma.—Tho new
factory i0 so far aornplated that they were
ready to got up steam Jest Thursday.
The machines are now being plhtaod as
fast as they arrive, An expe01 came 011
Thursday from Toronto to fix up the
dynamo for the eleatrio lighte, and
another one carne from Berlin to fix up
the hoist and elevalore.—Already nearly
half a million feet of lumber is on the
ground, and on Monday the new faobory
footory commenced the manufacture of
the world renowned Doherty organ. Mr.
Doherty does not let the grass prow
under his feet, and he is to be congratu-
lated on having hie new premien so
gab:4;1y completed, anis with his tvell-
kn0wtl puah and enterprise the expect
him to rush business more than ever.
Bicyclists should observe the rules of
the road and avoid disasters. Oa Thurs.
day evening Fred. Goodhewland Charles
Elliott were taking a spin on bioyoles,
The former turned out to the wrong aide,
and the result wail a collision, After the
eraeh, there was one o'naehefl bike, and a
broken rim on the other, loose spokes and
sundry explanations,
EPwomA natant] SEnvrns,—Tho anni•
vereary eervioe of Winghem Epworth
League was held last Sabbath evening,
the President, E. Paulin, presiding.
Special music, responsive readings,
prayer by members of the League, and
re10rbe of the Vice -Presidents oontribut.
ed to the program. The motto of the
League "Look up, Lift up" was made the
subject of two excellent, papers, Mies
Lloyd dealing with the first part "Look
up," and Walter Rallwith the second
part, "Lift up." The service was an in-
teresting one and somewhat out of the
usual line of Sabbath evening services,
The platform was tastily decorated with
flowers and at the back was a pretty
banner painted for the occasion by Mr.
Park, showing the Epworth cross, and
the League motto, The League is doing
a good work and should receive the en.
0ouragement of the parents and older
members of the church.
For clwiell<.
John Argue is suffering at present from
a severe attack of quinsy.
The brickwork of Wm. Goggia's new
house has been completed.
Geo. Willis, who has been laid up for
the past couple of weeks with a sore deg,
is able to return to hie work again,
W. R. Cook, who is attending the
Toronto Medical school, returned home
for his Summer vacation last week.
B. S. Cook has had the roof of his resi-
denoe repainted and is having some
changes and repairs made in the interior
of it,
At their last regular heating the mem-
hers of Cook's lodge No. 4, 0. Y. B., de•
oided to celebrate the coming 19th of Jt11y
in the town of Walkerton.
Among other repairs Brown & Powell
are making to their saw -mill is the build-
ing of a new engine and boiler house, the
walls of which are atone,
Tbomae Gibson has added to hie al-
ready line herd of miloh cows, a fine
Ayrshire cow which he purobased from
George Gregg of Springbank,
Rev. Mr. Oosen8 is back from Chatham
where he was attending the annual meet-
ing of the London Conference. He will
remove to Westminister and Rev. Mr.
Hoakings will Dome here.
Thomas A. Powell has purehaeed the.
lot just South of the railroad from Wil.
son Bros., and is having stone drawn for
the foundation of a new hoose which he
intends erecting on it this Summer. •
The lime for the arrival of trains on
this branoh of the 0. P. R. hag' under.
gond a change. Hereafter the train from
the West is due 2.48 instead of 2 dclook
as heretofore, and the night train is due
10.06 instead of 10.
While a number of children were play.
ing on the street in front .of the drug
store a little daughter of W. H. Kerr woe
struok and knookod down by a bicycle,
reoeiving a nasty out on the faoe and a
bad bruise on the forehead.
A big day in Gerrie on June 22nd.
Mre. Killeen, of Grand Rapids, MU.,
is at present visiting relatives in Gerrie,
Little Mies Ida Lennox, of Toronto, is
spending the Summer with her grand•
parente, Wm. Andieon and wife.
11, J. Andieon has leased the shop
North of 8, Donaghy'e general store, and
is having it re -painted and papered.
A grand lawn social under the auspices
of the Epworth League, will bo held on
the Methodist annuli grounds, on the
evening of Jute 22nd.
Front the list of suooesaful candidates
at the recent University examinations,
Toronto, we notice that R. J. M. Perkins,
youngest sou of Jas. Perking, of this vil-
lage, won the degree of Baohelor of Arts,
with honors.
Tent No. 255, K. O. T. M., attended
divine 00rvi0e in the Methodist ohuroh,
Gorrie, last Sabbath morning. Besides
the Gerrie Tent, brethren from Brussels,
Harriston, Palmerston, Mildmay, Toes.
water, Listowel and Wingham attended..
Rev, J. S, Fisher preached a sermon
euitable to the occasion.
At the last regular meeting of Jubilee
Oounnil No. 229, R. T. of T,, June 0010,
the following officers were elected for the
emitting term 1—S, 0., Wm. Waters ; V.
C., Mise Alice Edward° ; Chap., Chas.
E, Leppard ; R, 5,, Ezra Diann ; F. S„
Frank De,videoo; Trona., 111100 Edith
Gibson ; Herald, John Bartley ; Guard,
Mies Gerrie Davidson ; Sent., Dleke
Cook ; Th'usteee,u Thorned McLaughlin
and Jas. Loree. These ofiloers will be
installed the first meeting in July by the
District Councillor, Bro, John Bradley,
of Sacriston.
Alex, Orr'e team ran away front the
station ae the late train was corning in,
and dashed down the road for borne.
They arrived at the beidge just at the
same time ae Anna; Denny, wife and
child, who were driving in the oppeeito
direation, Mr, heard the rum Denny o
away coming and managed to get his rig
Viol' to one tide of the bridge, in time 90
lel, them peen, jest knocking lids buggy a
little, but the harm he was driving he.
name frightened and broke awey from
tie buggy leaving them Hitting on Olio
bridge. It was a very narrow escape
from 0Brio10 injury if not death, torten -
at 1 tGhetvae ho damage done hit little
broken hornoee,
I s,4tu hl.
Anumbel! Of the town sports were Lek..
1ng in the mese at Stratford,
O. 0. Tatham wan one of the 0(10o0ee-
fel 0tudent0, having panel hie 2nd year
at J pronto University.
The (/ Fit L. h f 1
h on y 1.0 L. o North Perth
held ire enmi-nnnnal meeting on Tuesday
in 1110 Orange hall, Listowel.
Rev. W. 0. Manna, of Mount Forest,
oonduatod preparatory 0001/000 in Knox
ohuroh Friday afternoon. Sacrament on
The town council hoe reeoneidered the
question Of Krantz, and at the meeting on
Monday evening granted the Agrioulbural
Society and the Band $50 eaoh.
The old drain from the Blain street
bridge Beet es far as Martin'; blook, is
being torn up nod newer pipe laid down
in its stead. Sewer pipe will also be laid
West of the bridge to the Arlington
The death of Mre, Jae, Ronald took
place on Monday of laet week after about
a montlh'o illness. The deoeaoed wee in
her 04th year. Deceased was formerly a
resident of Wallace, her maiden name
being Margaret Hunter.
1,, and Mre. Waidsmitl left for their
home in Denver, Colorado, Thursday
morning after a pleasant visit with
friends in this vicinity. Mre. Wald.
smith is n niece of S. S. Rothwell, of
Pima, also of B. Rothwell, town.
'Reuses. Snott & Jones shipped some
fine export cattle from Atwood recently,
Wm. Burnett contributing 18 hoed,
whose total weight was 24,820 lbs. Mr.
Janee left last weep from Montreal with
a large shipment of cattle for the old
country. It is hoped that the sea voyage
will improve his health, which has not
been very good of late.
W. W. Thomson shipped a °ensign.
rent of oat meal to Liverpool.
John Soott, of Roxboro' who had hie
leg broken a few weeks ago, is improv.
F. II. Bethune, of Trinity Medioai
College, Toronto, is spending vacation at
his home in town,
Mre. T. F. Coleman left on Monday of
last week for Montreal, where she will
visit for a few weeks.
The Broadfoot & Box Furniture 00,
shipped two care of furniture to Nova
Bootie and two oars to Victoria.
The Cantata of Esther, under the
direation of Geo. W. Cline, will be pre.
noted on the 24th of this month.
Alexander Stewart returned home
from Liverpool on Tuesday night, of
last week, having completed his 42 trip
across the Atlantfo.
While W. Thompson, aoaompanied by
his little brother, was on hie rounds de-
livering bread for W. Clark the horse
became frightened and ran away. It ran
at a furious rate up John street so far as
Mr. Irving's, when the little fellow was
thrown off. He euatained severe injuries
to his face, and was also badly bruised.
The animal wa0 none the worse for its
A pretty June wedding was celebrated
at the residence of Mre. Donald Mc-
Gregor, Seafortb, on Tuesday of last
week, when her eldest daughter, Annie
Robertson, as married to Dr. M. Steele
s w
a well-to-do practitioner of Tavietook.
Bridesmaid and groomsman wore die.
peneed with, and the ceremony was
performed at half•pest two, by Rev. Dr.
McDonald, in the presen00 of a few of
their relatives. After a sumptuous wed-
ding dinner the bridal party took the
6.80 train on a trip to Sault Ste. Marie.
The many Mende of the bride will unite
in wishing Dr. and Mrs. Steele all pos-
sible happinea0,
Notes About Chatham And
The Conference,
On the 2nd day of June I purchased a
ticket from Belgrave to Chatham with
the purpose of attending the Methodist
Conference being held in that city.
On arrival at London evidences were not
wanting of a church gathering some
place by the largo h number of clerical and
lay brethren en route. Owing to tho out
rate on the railways the 66 mile trip
from London to Chatham only poste 50
Dente and the passenger trains run lilte
the wind, part of the way making a mile
a minute.
The Conference session was rather
overshadowed on the afternoon I arrived
by the celebrated Dan. Godfrey Band.
Their concert in the Opera House was
attended by a large and outhueiastio
audience. A fine program was rendered
by the 50 members and applause was
dealt out'nnetintingly. "Rule Britannia,"
followed by "The Maple Leaf" elioited
hearty and prolonged oheer0. There i0
Ito doubt but the visit of this musical
organization to this Dominion will do
much to stir the colonial sentiment even
if Mr. Godfrey pockets from $800 to $600
for each appearance.
Chatham 1s a hustling pity of 10,000 in-
habitants, a portion of them being eons
and daughters of Mc. Ham, who died
some years ago. The town has a large
number of extra good public buildings,
hustling industries, good Banks, tho
Standard being under the capable man.
agement of G. P. Soholiield, formerly of
Brussels. tGranolitlhio walks are counted
by the mile and the parks are well kept.
Wednesday and Saturday are the market
days when the rush of buyers and sellers
reminds a visitell of the larger cities.
The soil around the oity appear% to be
wonderfully prolific and may he cropped
for years without giving evidence of de.
terioreting. But with all that Nature
has done there 1e not the thrift and
energy exhibited that is to be found in
Mee advantageous situations and as a
ooneequenco the farmers do not occupy
nearly so aabisfaotory a position financial.
ly as those in Huron Oo,
There are no loss than 22 Brusselites iu
Chatham, made up of Messrs. Scholfield,
Dennie, McCall, McKenzie, Wake, Reid,
Misses Pntancl and others. A11 appear
to be prospering and are well pleased with
the prospects. The three railways and
daily eteamboat afford ample aecomm0'
dation for travollor0 or tourists and make
Chatham a very como-at.0lo plane.
There was a large number of 010000
tore and layment attondiog the Meth°.
diet 0onf090000 end Iluron was honored
in tlir' elevation of Iter, WValter Rigsby,
of Myth. to filo Presfdolloy, ae 00008900r
to Rev, H. Bond, of Soaforth. Mr. Rigsby
made a Ilied.claeo presiding officer.
Did 700 ever attend an anodal Confer.
emu; of theMethodist hut
o lrall'1 11 you
didyoil have noticed number of thi s
that are pateuteto all, lviz. That thei
sin ng of the ministerial brethren is
grand that
there is a cordiality
and geniality worthy of am I1Qc¢tion is
every day
business ; that Borne o1TeaBl
taut t of ; 1 1
0o mu 1 and that the a dole•
gates oould mourn many n pointer on
Minnie l'
Fid electiaieari i
a t There
has been a die ai ion 1e part f
po b r on Ll ) a t c
some of the younger clerics in London
Conference to give the elderly men the
shunt but the past session has rattler
marked a decline in the success of the
movement, as it should. Owing to the
General Oooferonoe owning on next Fall
a groat many memorials and resolutions
for amendments, &o•, to dire body were
offered and it is just doubtful if thorn
would be much of the discipline left ox.
cepting the covers if half of the memorials
from the various Conferences are brought
into effect,
Chatham, we would judge, would bo
the better of an electric railway system ;
the utilization of natural gas to be found
in that section iu large quantities ; and a
water supply other than local. A notice•
able drawback is the want of gravel and
as a result the streets:are not tlhe:best, es-
pecially in the Spring and Fall. It pos-
sesses many advantages, however, and
will always be a ceotre for buainesa and
M}' stay in the Baby city w80 made
specially pleasant by the reunion of old
friendships and the forming of new ac.
quai0Lauce0. W. H. K.
The Lima Cheese (Jo. shipped 343
ogees of cheese from Listowel station
Wednesday of last week, representing
11 days output, from 9th to 21st of
May. Ballantyne & Son purchased them
at 7.j cents per Ib.
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20, Con.0, Morrie, the thoro'-bred Im-
proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long-
fellow," No. 2480, bred by a. E. Brethoue, Bur-
ford, to which a limited number of sows will
be taken. Terms, 81.00, to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning if neo -
A number of choice young sows for eale'for
breeding purposes wbioh will be aold at
prices to suit the times.
21- 11011T. NICHOL, Proprietor.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
IL G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
ta-Shop in Garfield Block.
Will malts'
a well mal
of YOU 1
Wow 210080080 THE 00,002
nra0Wn m r005 w0002.
Pl0081 aurae all Servant Dhe*0ns, el0oae,leone
ttorrhaoa, Falling oto„ Cala od br Ipmt obitiss
Wen vigor and site 18 ahrunkoa ononio on
r utokly but aural roatore1 LOOT MANH000. 10 obit,
or 5y0000, Dao 50001,00502, v,in 020,0 .trop`
and annmirollyyalsealed trammabteol°t•reptIon qtr
e*rried to vont poatot Pea), V. a peonage, ant
for On. Send money in olthor ordlna 0r reenter.
od lode, Addroee all lotto,, to J. T. P1LPP•11,
mtnto lite et ' nae 0e0 0010, Asset 100 too DO
Real Estate & Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned as Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
Fire d Life Insurance Written,
Special Attention given to
Office over Deadman'° Drug Store,
� 01t3 AIL
Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND- —
North- Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Ells
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Malarial Guaranteed.
I wieh to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have par•
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No hatter Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
ea—Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green,
Buggies and. "Wagons.
Always on hand and away down
in price to suit the times. I can
give you a buggy for the next two
months, second to none in the
town for either quality, finish or
style, for $iiia. If you want a
Buggy you will find it to your
interest to call and see my stock
and you will say my statement
is correct.
System. Renovator
'---AND 011100 ,--
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, ,Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Nenr•
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dineases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregnleritiee and General De-
Prop. and Manataoturer.
Bold by Jas, Fos. Drug¢ht, Brussels.
Who MakesYour Clothes?
High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels.
Worsteds, Sergee, Cheviots and Fine W000lene.
EATS for boys and men at popular prices, from 500 to $2,60.
NECKWEAR—A11 the newest effects in Knots, Derby's, Bows and Flowing Ends.
SUSPENDERS that will hold you forever.
In fact everything that can be found in a flret•alase Tailoring and Furnishing
Establishment can be found here at prioee to suit the times.
And then throw away this paper before you cowhide you are lolling
good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES from us. We are
prepared to supply every person , with Dairy Cane
Pails, Milk Pana and Tinware off all kinds at prices according to quality.
Graniteware of all kinds,
IJA Ll L YY ARE Having put in a stook of Suedolt, Shovels,
Pork., duo., of the beet quality we solicit
year Patronage•
Paint Your House with the best weather and water
proof Paint in rho market, We sell it.
Screen Doors and Windows on band and made to order,
The best line of Cook Stoves to choose front.
Erauetroug hzing and 1?epairinfl
promptly attended to,,
N. i3.—Wait for our wagon, it will ea11 on yott for your book ia
few days.
Wilton & Turnbull
"in black and white."
' ,,,..r�, o salesman's say so, but ala.
rantce of duality, workmanship and
material from 1 straight f
the C hallr5r is .
the“Slater Shoe” way. Their name
v , and price stamped on the Goodyear
eo:, �welted sora with their
—br/ critng tag,telling a
'out t he
leakier, is your protection.
$3.00, $4.00 and $s.00.
= � -'
� 01t3 AIL
Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND- —
North- Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Ells
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Malarial Guaranteed.
I wieh to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have par•
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No hatter Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
ea—Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer Green,
Buggies and. "Wagons.
Always on hand and away down
in price to suit the times. I can
give you a buggy for the next two
months, second to none in the
town for either quality, finish or
style, for $iiia. If you want a
Buggy you will find it to your
interest to call and see my stock
and you will say my statement
is correct.
System. Renovator
'---AND 011100 ,--
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, ,Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint,Nenr•
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dineases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregnleritiee and General De-
Prop. and Manataoturer.
Bold by Jas, Fos. Drug¢ht, Brussels.
Who MakesYour Clothes?
High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels.
Worsteds, Sergee, Cheviots and Fine W000lene.
EATS for boys and men at popular prices, from 500 to $2,60.
NECKWEAR—A11 the newest effects in Knots, Derby's, Bows and Flowing Ends.
SUSPENDERS that will hold you forever.
In fact everything that can be found in a flret•alase Tailoring and Furnishing
Establishment can be found here at prioee to suit the times.
And then throw away this paper before you cowhide you are lolling
good money by not buying your DAIRY SUPPLIES from us. We are
prepared to supply every person , with Dairy Cane
Pails, Milk Pana and Tinware off all kinds at prices according to quality.
Graniteware of all kinds,
IJA Ll L YY ARE Having put in a stook of Suedolt, Shovels,
Pork., duo., of the beet quality we solicit
year Patronage•
Paint Your House with the best weather and water
proof Paint in rho market, We sell it.
Screen Doors and Windows on band and made to order,
The best line of Cook Stoves to choose front.
Erauetroug hzing and 1?epairinfl
promptly attended to,,
N. i3.—Wait for our wagon, it will ea11 on yott for your book ia
few days.
Wilton & Turnbull