The Brussels Post, 1898-6-17, Page 44
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1898.
(Continued from last week,)
Chatham, June 7th.—Monday evening
5550100 was devoted to missions. Rev. S.
J. Allim and Win, Bowman represeubed
the general society ; Mrs, MaMiehau the
W. M. S„ and Rev. P. E. Itfalott the
Students' forward movetnsut. Mr. Mal.
tett explained the origin of the movement
among the student volunteers, traced its
growth, and explained that if the purpose
was a000mplisbed, $80,000 annually
would be sent orb, and each district
would be represented. Thirty districts
are already thus organized. The pastors'
oo•oporation was earnestly requested.
Rev. Mr. Abliu showed (1) that Christi•
anity produces the highest hype of man-
hood, and produced him in any nation-
; (2) that the Bible is the Book of
God, proved by the crucible of human
experience ; (8) the oivilization of the
world and its material progress, depeuds,
not on other proposed plans, but ou the
labors of Christian missionaries, as
proved wherever the Bible holds sway ;
(4) our relation to this problem is a re.
arrangement of our home work, and the
Bending of more men to the foreign held.
Mrs. MoMiehan'e report showed that
$85,000 had been raised in the past year,
over $1,300 increase. The Students'
Movement have detracted from the Mite
sign Band and a re.arraugement of the
work le desired. A pleasing resume of
their work was given. Mr. Bowman's
address took the form of a hearty resolu-
tion of thanks to the W. M. Society and
recommeudod the publication of a con.
densed report in the Conference minutes.
This was carried,
The memorial service was resumed
yesterday morning immediately after the
reading of the minutes. It occupied two
)tours of the morning session. Many
feeling tributes were paid the fathers of
the Methodist church, through whose un.
tiring zeal in the early days, our present
peace and stability were attained, Dr.
Sanderson's character and noble work
were espeoially noted.
Rev, A. C. Courtice, B. D., editor of
the Christian Guardian, made a plea for
the free transport of Canadian news.
papers, and ably presented the claims of
this organ of the church. The Guardian
has almost doubled its circulation eb the
reduced rate. Rev, J. W. Baird was ap-
pointed reporter for the Guardian for
this Conference.
The Conference went into electoral
colleges for the election of General Cou-
ference delegates. Nineteen ministers
and nineteen laymen are the members
allowed, there being 289 ministerial mem.
The Statistical Committee reported,
showing an increase in all funds except
lag sustentation and Conference W. M.
S. The membership increase is 515.
The sustentation fund committee's re-
port was also received.
, Conference adjourned at 12.
At the afternoon session variots other
committees reported. The temperance
committee condemned the Canadian to.
hence growing industry.
The Sabbath Observance committee
condemned the selling of cigars and
beverages at camp meetings and other
gatherings on the Sabbath.
The Superannuation Fund treasurer
reported all arrears made and all demands
fully met, The total amount paid by
ministers during the year is 54,995, and
by oireuits, $8,025. Rev. Mr. Cobblediok
was reappointed treasurer.
The President was made the reoipienb
of a nicely framed group of the ordin-
ation class by Revs. W. A. Smith, B. D.,
and J. W. Hibbert. To this he made a
suitable reply.
A memorial to extend the term bo four
years provoked much discussion. It
finally prevailed and was passed ou to
thenGe era
1 Conference.
The result of the ballot for minis.
terial delegates resulted in the election
of W. Rigsby, Dr. Williams, S. Bond,
Dr. Hannon, J. R. Gundy, Dr. Willough-
by, Geo, Jackson; J. Wilson, G. W. Hen-
derson, A. L. Russell, J, Edge, J. Living-
stone, T. T. George, Joseph Philp, E. M.
Baker, B. Clement, J. W. Holmes, C. T.
Scott, Dr. Anbliff. Reserves, Dr. Ayles-
worth, W, J. Ford and A. Cunningham.
Laymen—J. W. Wetterwortlh, J. Mo.
Cormiok, Wm, Bowman, W. H. Kerr,
Joynt, Ferguson, Rice, Gray, Proctor,
Shepley, Sullivan, G. E. Naylor, Carling,
Ifoplrina, F. Leeson, McKitriok, T. B.
Sbillington, H. E. Houston, M. Braith-
waite. Reserves, A. 0, Crosby, E, Hunt
and Geo. Acheson.
June 5th.—When the London Confer-
ence resumed at 9 a. in. a complimentary
resolution was tendered the ex•President
for his excellent ordination eermon. On
motion ministers changing their charges
this year become responsible to their new
congregations the first Sunday in July.
Dr. Saunders, late of Montreal Confer.
mute, and Rev. Mr. Mahan, late of To.
ronto Conference, were welcomed and
made short addresses. The Conference
Committee reported, and much discus-
sion ensued, The third ballot resulted
in the eleobion of C. T. Scott, B. A., J,
R. Gundy, Jasper Wilson, M. A„ A. L.
Russel, M. A. Jas, Hannon, D, D., S.
Bond, A. Rigsby, C. W. Brown, 33. D.,
J. W, Holmes, M. A., Joseph Philip, B. h
lege called forth a hearty resolution of
thanks, Dr. Dyer's report of Albert
college was presented by Rev. Mee 13eker.
The Couferenee pledged its support to
this institution. Prof. Warner and Dr.
Williams appeared on behalf of Alma
College. , The growing success of this
institution was narked. Wiping off the
tioathag debt of $15,000 le the present el.
fort. About $1,500 were in afewmi.uutes
pledged. Rev, W. W. Shepherd showed
the healthy state of Mount Elgin Insti-
tute, One hundred atudeuto are in ab.
boudence, This is one of the most graft.
lying annual reports. General Confer.
enoe Memorial and Epworth League
Committees reported. The Conference
will also support the Prisoners' Aid As.
sociation. The Conference memorial
eervic0 was then ordered, Impreeeive
and fitting tributes were paid to the
ministers of the church who have died
during the year. The death reline called
recorded the tames of Revs. Geo. R.
Sanderson, D. D., John G. Laird, James
Gundy, John L. Ksrr, John Welker,
Walton Preston,
The Chairman, on behalf of the Con.
ference, presented Rev. H. W. Crews,
B. A., with a purse as a token of their
appreciation and gratitude for his servi.
me as Couferenee Postnhaeter. Rev; Mr.
Crews accepted the gift in a brief address
closing by presenting a motion regulating
the billeting of members, the billeting
fee for members in private houses bo be
$2 ; in hotels $8 ; superannuated minis-
ters to be exempted from such fees ;
ministers who made private arrange.
ments to notify the committee of such
arrangements. The motion carried.
The Conference that proceeded to dis-
cuss the question of receiving young men.
Rev. Henry Irvine moved, seconded by
Rev. A. Cunningham that no young men
be received on probation this year. This
motion was lost. An amendment that
the young men be placed on the reserve
list at the disposal of the Chairmen of
districts was carried.
The report of the Temperance commit,
tee was read. It advised that Revs. W.
McDonagh, T. R. McNair, Messrs. W.
H. Bowman and W. R. Kerr be a dele
gation to the meeting of the Dominion
Alliance. The report also compliment.
cd the W. C. T. U. upon its work and
condemned the development of the to
bacco industry in Oanede, saying no
Methodist should engage in it. The re.
port was adopted. Conference then de.
oidecl that the Board of Examiners be
composed wholly of college professore.
The names of four places were sub.
witted for next Conference, viz., Windsor,
St. Thomas, Goderich and St. Marys.
After the election of cbefrmen, the
business being completed, Conference
adjourned to meet the first Friday in
aline next, the ministerial sessiou to
meet two days before,
Huron County Council.
[Continued from first page.]
Council met pursuant to adjournment,
10 a. m., the Warden in the chair and
members all present. Minutes of Thurs.
day's meeting read and adopted. The
Connell on motion adjourned to meet
again at 2 p. m.
2 r. el.
The Council resumed according to
motion of adjournment, the Warden pre.
siding. The report of the equalization
committee was read and Council went in.
to committee, Mr. Hays in the chair.
The committee rose and reported that
the report be amended by raising the as•
sessment of the township of MoRillop
5100, and the report as amended was
adopted. Report of Road and Bridge
commiitee was read,passed through com-
mittee and adopted. Report of Exeoutive
committee was read,passed through cora.
mittee and adopted. Report of Special
committee read, went to committee of
the whole, mud was then adopted in
council, Report of Finance committee
was read from clause 88, 43, referred to
oommittee of the whole and adopted in
council. A statement read by the clerk,
showing that the appropriations to the
several m Collegiate Institutes were satin•
factory was ordered to be filed, On
motion of Messrs. McLean and Rollins,
the Council adjourned to meet at 8 p. m,
8 e. at.
The Council assembled according to
adjournment, the Warden in the chair.
Report of County property committee
read, Connell resolved iteelf into oonl.
mittee of the whole. Committee rose
and reported that °latae 2 be amended
by adding the words, including all plum.
bing and other works counseled there.
with, after the word jail in second line,
and the clause extended to read, and the
Warden to have the work proceeded with
at once. That the words under the
supervision of Councillors of No. 1, be
added to clause 5. In elauee 0, that the
words, the work be done, but we leave it
for your consideration, be struck out,
The report as amended, was adopted.
The balance of Finance committee's re-
port was read and adopted. Oa motion
of Councillors Torrance and Holt, the
clerk was directed to notify the clerks of
the several municipalities of the Counby
to levy the tate for the County and to
send statement of the amount so levied,
not later than December 1st, 1808. On
motion of Councillors Snail and J. B.
Merman, the engineer was directed to see
hat people who had dumped refuse tin
a the embankment near the Clinton
ridge remove the same, and in default
rosecute them. Motions were made to
old next session of Council in Hensall,
eaforth and Goderich, the final vote be.
a favor of the County town, The Conn.
ilthen adjourned to meet in Goderich
n the first Tuesday in December.
A., as members of the Conference Board
of examiners. A further list of mentors.
els was presented, and many of the for•
mer wore dealt with in the report of °
Conference commitbees, o
The following reeolations were for-
warded to the General Conference to
deal with: ---A central examining board G
for probationers and candidates, to esoure
uniformity of examinations ; a uniform a
prion for horse keep of 575 ; an increase e
in number of stewards on large 01050115 '
limiting °legibility to Chairmanship of 0
distriote to two years ; method of election b
of General Conference officers ; change i
of the note appended to the general rules h
affecting temperaneo and popular amuse. m
Conferoho° then adjourned, e
At the afberxroon aeeelon by appoint- 0
meat Dr. Antliff presented the annual a
report of the Wesleyan College, ibtontre. o
al, In the pest year 56 students have fa
been enrolled. Five brave received the b
degree B
of .D
and th •e
g l m the Str. L. to
degree, 0''. J, Blythe hag been appointee 1
a tutor at a nominal salary, 008 Dr, Pat. pl
ton has retumed 1110 piano as its iibr'ar, fa
Dr, Antliff's eloquent plea tar the col.' di
Henan 0r mime.
Report of House of Refuge committee :
sntlemen,—Your committee met at the
House of Refuge on March 2Brjl, and ex.
mined the house and farm sed eonedit-
d the keeper as to the beet way to t olti-
vab8 the farm, It wee decided to pure
hum a seed drill, agricultural boiler for
oiling elegem, a roob pulper, and a die.
nfeotant apparatus. The halts and
oepital ward were ordered to be kalso.
1ned. 112r. Coate was asked to attend
o the purohaees and employ some ster-
eo to do the work ordered. On the Gbh
f thio month your committee again met
nd found that directions Riven at previ•
no meeting had been carried out setis-
otorily. We have to report that on
nth visite the bones and farm appeared
be well managed, The trees planted
set year and the few ordered to be
anted blrfe year aro doing well and lbs
rm stook and trope are in geed con.
tient The inspector wee asked to
purchase wire gauze to melte a few
screen Mane and windows, a tatvn mower
and a epray putup. The accounts of the
House for this year up to the end of May,
commencing with account No. 401 up to
.151 wel'e audited told found rorreot. We
130.25 re
it fen'edeco
n n '
2 of a.D, ' Hovey
to you for oonslderation, Prom the iii
specter's books we and the total expellee
s000unb ie 81280 25, and credited from
eats of farm produce, 9275.15, showing a
net expenditure for the 5 mouths of $1,•
011.11. )than of appiiontion for the ad•
mission of D. Brindley to the Raylutn at
Orillia lute been tilled up as folly ate 905-
sibie and forwarded a few days age,
Your uotntuittse'expsot the removal to bo
made moon. Wo have considered the
motion of Messrs. Hollins and Snell and
advise that no action be tabs!) in ilte
matter of inoreese to salary of physician,
In respect to drug supply, we llnd that
the question will Deme up in the report
of Finance committee, We cermet re.
port it !advisable to change physician
periodically at present,—Alex. Stewart,
Your oommittee report that 1—An np•
peal wee placed before us from the
Trustees of S. S. No. 0, Tuckerenlith,
asking for the appointment of an arbi-
trator to consider the result of petition
to the Township Commit of Tuckersmith,
respecting lots 17, 18, 19 and part of 20,
con. 4, L. R. S. in the township of
Tuokersmith. We recommend that no
action be taken. Also an appeal from S.
S. No. 2, township of Hay, asking that
an arbitrator be appointed to consider a
by-law that was passed by Ilay Town.
ship Council setting tent a new school
section to be known es No. 10 in said
township. Reoommeed no action. All
of which are respectfully submitted.
110DT. MILLER, 011airman,
The special oonhmittee reported to
favor of adopting the motion of Messrs.
Holt and Patterson regarding the ap.
poiutment of nominating officers for the
next election, and recommend the Coun-
cil to join with Halton county in petition.
ing the Dominion Government for an in.
crease of 25o per day to the volunteers
when out at drill. The report was
EQDALt2ED d59E58J10NT. several lone sittings the equal•
earl assessment of 1808 was adopted with
the addition of $1 per acre added to Grey,
$25,000 added to iieneall, and a reduction
of $1 per acre in West Wawanoeh, the
result being that Grey is 504,782 more
than last year, Hensall, $25,000 more,
and West Wawanosb 541,725 less. The
assessed value of 1898 is 082,288,119, ne
against $82,285,082 for '97. At the after.
noon sitting, McKillop was raised $1 per
00. 2102ERTT.
Xour committee beg to report as fol.
lows :—That no action be taken in re.
gard to Armstrong's preservative paint.
That the question of oonnenbiou with the
sewer from the geed be left in the hands
of Mr. Ainsley, Mr, Lane and the coon.
oillors of No. 1 division. The number
of prisoners in gaol, 2, agrees with the
gaoler's report. We visited the gaol and
found everything clean and in good
order. We found everything satisfactory
at the registry office. We recommend
that the office formerly occupied by
Judge Doyle be kalsomined and painted
so that it may be used es a jury room in
future. We have much pleasure in
Meting that the Court House is kept in
excellent order by the caretaker, Mr.
McCreath. Tenders for painting outside
woodwork end brick work of Court
House were received, and we send them
to the Council, 9, Fisher, of Clinton,
(8437,) being the lowest. D, MoINNes,
nOA0 AND n5I00E.
Your committee beg leave to report as
follows 1—That we examined three tend.
ere for erecting abutments to the Dyer
bridge, and we recommend the tender
of F. Gatteridge for $5.50 per yard be
accepted, it being the lowest. Regard-
ing the Manchester bridge, we reoom•
mend e that the span
on t
p be West cud be
made 100 feet long, and that the eom.
miesioners ask for tenders at once for
building the abutments and new iron
supsrsbrneturo, and the part of the bridge
not required be removed to Dyer's on
the boundary between Hulletb and
Wawanosb, and that the Warden and D.
Patterson act with the Road Commis-
sioner in accepting tenders. lie the Iwo
small bridges mentioned in the Coin.
miesioner's report, we recommend the
Commissioner have them rebuilt as then
as possible, provided the county of Bruce
pay half the Cost. Respectfully submit -
bed. D. PATTEasoN, Ohairreen.
In reference to the will of the late
Elias Dickson, we recommend that
the terms of the will be accepted by the
Couooll and the Clark notify bhe exeen.
1rix of the will that upon payment to the
CO, treasurer of the $1,000 mentioned ie
the will Kerenbappuolt Diakeon be ad.
milted to the House of Refuge. In ref-
erencia to the communicabion of P. G.
Natalie for donations to the Horticultural
Society of Seaforbh for the years D7.98,
we recommend that upon proper proof
being furnished of exhibitions having
been held, that bhe application be dealt
with as provided for by the report of
Exeoutive committee of '0708. As to
the application of D, H. Martin for ad.
mission to the Guelph Agricultural Col,
lege, we recommend that bis name be as.
cepted and that he be hotiaed according.
ly. We would recommend that the
County pueohaee a typewriter for the
use of the Clerk, and that the prioe shall
not exceed $75 00, As to the applioabion
of btu. French mud Mrs. French for in-
ertias a of ealary, we recommend that the
Clerk inquire as to the salaries paid care-
taltee and matron at oilier Houeee of
Range in the Province, and also as to
what duties they perform and the quanta.
by of land in connection with Both
Houses of Refuge aid also what amount
is paid for hired help, and lay the same
before bhie Coattail 01 its meeting in
Deoember. In reference to order of 1',
M. Seeger, as to maintenance o6' the three
Durnin children, we have had the order
reduced from $1,50 to $1 per week for
each child and we recommend that the
County pay the same. As to the by-
laws submitted by the Cierk, we ream.
mend that the same be referred to a
committee consisting of County Conn.,
Holt Dr. Hartnett wee and Wm,,
X ane
who are empowered to envie() same, have
an index prepared, and 500 oopi55 with
fndlese printed for the Council, Li
reference to the application of romaine
Naylor for demagog said to have boon
sustained at Gauley's bridge, we resole.
mend abet no notion be taken, am we bare
not bean furnished with suflioient proof
of damage. We would recommend that
a grant of 525 be made to the Obildreu's
Aid Society of the County of Hume on
the applioat t of Ernet h
ent n Hob.
milted, fete) l ot.r, Chairmen.
Tito !adjourned Covet of Revision for
the township of Elmo, will he held in the
Agrieultaral Hall, Atwood, on the 20th
Following the usual oustom with coon.
try newspapers everywhere, the Bee stuff
is tatting its annual vacation and will
issue no paper in consequence.
Dr, A. S. Langrill is away for a two
weeks' outing to Niagara camp. The
doctor is the oapbain of No. '7 Company
of the 87th Haldimand Rifles and boldo
the best oertifisate given by the Military
The final draft of stations of the Lon.
don Conference )assigns Rev. Mr. rear,
of Milverton, to Atwood oirouit ; Rev.
Mr. Ball to Kirkton ; Rev. MoBain, of
Mildmay, to Ridgeway ; and Rev. ,Mr.
Fisher to Lambeth.
Ernest Krugal, 15th eon,, went to the
field for the cows, whoa one turned on
him and gored his right side, tearing in.
to the flesh across the ribs and down the
back. While a very painful w.nwd, no
vital parts were injurer) fortunately, and
consequently his recovery is but a mat-
ter of time and good nursing. 11 was a
narrow maps.
u1cJir SVou
The undersigned l:as opin-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where 11e will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patoonage solicited.
. 'i%itLEnfl.
Meat delivered .to all parts
of the town.
A Thing of Beauty
is a Joy Forever
So are our Blouses and Shirt Waists.
Have you prepared yourself with suitable Blouses and Waists
to withstand the excessive Moat of Juno, July and August ? If not
we are prepared to supply yon with Stylish Blouses and Waists at
reasonable prices. Blouses and Waists at
60c, 05c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.35 each,
Wil' --WORTH
600, 65c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.35 each.
We also have a nice range of Fancy Prints, Bepps, Organdies,
Spot and Stripe Muslins at 8c, 9c, 10c, 12ic, 15c and 20c per yd.,
WORTH Sc, 9c, 10c, 12ic, 15c, and 20e per yard.
If you are prudent you will call and
inspect our stock.
A. ST•lt.'
June Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand.
''he DM Ne Giveu Free
for the next six months to any one who has been taking
it for over twelve months.
The Daily News at present is that Kerney's. Grocery
and Restaurant is the place where you can get everything
up•to-date, fresh and choice,
is whore we shine. Our Ice Cream has no equal in town. Our
best proof is a word from our customers. A call any evening will
convince you that the public knows a good thing and are not to bo
Please do not ask for credit as we have no books.
Your call will be greatly appreciated at
We can show you better value in Harness now than
ever. We ask your inspection of them. All our own
make and fully guaranteed. Also
T_TOr `sr IDITSTZr- s,
VV wL7r.,t„L fa &o.
"'tp•Fepairs Neatly and Promptly Done.°"
Remember the stand -sign of the Large Scotch Collar,
the place for best value in Harness.
JIJNOl 17, 1893
Strictly Oar'. / ,'ion, .4.110(1yee 1.770 LOZIPCste
If you please to trust us with your business
we're ready to use our utmost study in your service.
We apply this to the management of our business. We
put it into practice incl make it a living fact. We address
this to those unacquainted with our methods, our prompt-
ness in all )natters, small or large ; the uniform regularity
and reliability of our goods, and the many advantages to
be derived from trading in a store that is run on strictly
business principles, and the leading store within your reach
whish. you can implicitly rely upon.
We stand ready at all times to allow you to apply
the supreme test to your purchase—your money back if
you. want it,
in abundance this week,
Shirt W'ai'sts, Belts, Ties,
Collars and Cuffs, hosiery, Gloves,
Underwear, Parasols, Organdie,
,11fuslins, Swiss Spot MicsZins,
White Lawns.
1 FE'G[SON & Co
Dry Goods
8 I
AND Groceries.
For 10 -DAYS
B urn 's, Seaforth.
We bought a line, of Dress Goods that we are going to
sell awhile they last for
That ought to set people talking. They are goods that
were made to sell at 500, per yard. We cleared the entire
Iot, and are going to sell them at 25c. They consist of the
following colors : Pawn, navy, grey, sky blue and black
They are 42 inches wide, and we will
ataraxateevcr.1' Irma.
; Thread .
People living at a distance can have samples by post
on application.
00112.0 With the crowd to Gtcn72's,
]BIit t. SSEMS.
B ; tr The Corner