HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-17, Page 1.1
Vol. 26. No, 49.
W. H. KERR, Prop.
60 Day
To the
Delo,•a Ino
EHte Vala..••...•
13 iuscartli
o1 30
aloeel ...
... Yarktcn.,.,•
rinceAlbert t $'3$35Calgary -.e
ltod Doer ..... 1 Rte 0
LtoaDee . 1 W`y'
Polon .lune 28. Returning until Aug. 27.
(All Rail or 8, 8, Albartm.)
Going July 12
(2.11 Heil)
nim ng' unlitill Sept. 12
Goin. July 11
8.8, A tuubneca
Galug.11ily 19. Returning until Sept. 17
(All rail or S. 8. Alberta)
1 or tickets apply to any Canadian Paola°
Agent, or to 0, E. McPherson, Asst. Gen.
Paean. Agent,1 Xiang St. East, Toronto,
T. FARROW, Agent, Brussels.
Looked in our
Show Window
Lately ? .
Have you read my Advertisement 7 Hav
you glanced in our store to see the
New Dress Goods,
New Trimmings,
New Prints,
New Silk and Cotton Laces,
New Gloves, New Parasols,
New Shirtings,
New Oottonacles ? •
Everything New for Spring.
In the Grocery Department
Yon will find everything Fresh
in Canned Goode and at old Prises.
Teas and Coffees a Specialty.
Agent for Parker's Dye Works.
J. G. Skene.
Wins the Gold Tidal,
10 TONS in stock this week.
The best Twine and the
Best Prices in the market.
Plymouth Twine is prised
the Continent over for its purity,
evenness, length and strength.
I 'Secure it early and save
at SOL
New Advertisements,
Local --G. E. King,
To kill linea ---G. A. Deadman.
Home Seekere' lexouraioua--U. P. R.
Dome Seekers' Iexcuroione-G. T. 1t,
Juno Clearing Sale ---Smith & MoLareu.
Plebiscite Convention,
Batt limon Temperance Workers Begin
(he Campaign.
Wednesday afternoon of this week a
Convention was held in the Town Hall,
Brussels, for the purpose of taking the
initial stepin organizing Saab Enron for
the coming Plebiscite campaign
Rev. R, Paul was voted to the chair,
and the meeting opened by singing "On.
ward Christian Soldiers," and Rev,
Walter Rigsby, of Blyth, offered prayer.
A Nominating Committee wan appoint.
ed ooneisting of G. F. Blair, Brussels ;
Dr. Towler, Wingham ; N. II. Young,
Blyth ; Rev. Mr. Oaten, Bolgrave ; Jas.
Mo Lanohlin, Oranbrook ; and J. Spor-
ting, Gordo.
Miss Norton and Miss Jean MOLa1ah•
lin contributed a fins piano d❑att after
which the Secretary stated the stops
taken in the calling of this Convention,
after which the roll of delegates was
taken as follows :-
Howick-D. Cabhare, J. Spatting, Rev.
0. C. Koine, R. McCallum, D. Sander-
son and Misses Eva Evans, Annie
Sparliug, Martha Kahn, D. Sanderson,
E. Gibson.
Wingham-Dr. MoDonald, M. P., Dr.
Towler, Walton Green, A. Reid, G.
Monlmnan, J. J. Homuth, H. Park, Mrs.
Paulin, Miss Nobtorfield and Miss Rush.
Morris -T. Maunders, Mrs. Maunders,
D. Miekoljohn, G. Hood, Walbor Ennis,
W. Jackson, Mrs. Jackson, Rev. Mr.
Oaten, Robb. Scott.
Grey -Samuel Ames, S. Chambers, H.
Wanner, 0. Bornoth, Rev. Jae. Walker,
J. Knight, J. McNair, J. McIntosh, W.
Cameron, Jae. MaLauohlin, E. Garvin,
E. J. McArthur, Wrn. Perris, R. Fulton,
Eli Smith and others.
Blyth -N. H. Young, Mrs. N. H.
Young, Mrs. Myles Young, Rev. Walter
Rigsby and Mre. Rigsby.
Brussels -Rev. R. Paul, 0. P. Blair,
B. Gerry, Moe. (Rev.) Ross, Mrs. Dead•
man. J. B. McLauohlin, T. A. McLanch•
lin, Mies J. Howe, Miss Minnie Mc.
Naughton, Miss Sharp, Miss H. A. Bell,
Rev. B. J. Atha, and a largo number of
others whose names were not obtained,
The Nominating Committee relpot•hod
as follows for officers of the Riding :-
President, W. H. Kerr ; Secretary, T. A.
MoLauchlin ; Asst., G. P. Blair.; Treas.,
Rev. R. Paul,
Following were appointed Chairmen
for the various munioipalitiea as con.
voners for the said places :-Wingham,
Rev. D. Perris ; Turnberry, W. H.
Cruickshank ; Wroxeter, T. W. Gibson ;
Howick, W. J. Greer ; Grey, Thos.
Straohan ; Morris, H. }Looney ; Brue•
eels, 33. Gerry ; Blyth, N. II. Young.
Resolved that the President, Vice.
Presidents, Secretary and 'Treasurer be
the Riding Executive, The report was
Stirring addresses along the lino of the
coming campaign were delivered by Dr.
Borne -Seekers'
140111 all Stations ill Ontario to
Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie
and Brandon, Man.
RETURN FARE, 528.00,
Tickets good going 'Jima 118t1a, returning
until August 27th, 1808 ; tickets good goiug
J11y1111,, returning lentil soph. 10th,1898;
tickata,good going July10th, returning until
Sept. loth, 1808,
liokete are valid going and returning via
Chicago and 8t. Paul, the popular route to
the Trouts Province,
"Ault tor delicts over tills roma. "
Ticket rates and information from
J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel,
M'KI•JtllJ & Ca
Ho! ea11ior Goois l
We're prepared with-0..1
Musiins, Organdies,
t ,
Prints, `(y Pieue, 8cc;.
Beautiful effects in Mailing So
Panay "Roman Stripe" Priub 10o
Oheolre lu Chambray and Print for waists, beautiful design in groena and blues10o
Pioquo, lemon and white effects 140
Organdie, splendid assortment in fancy effects lye
Plain and Fancy Organdie,beWeet and most stylish goods shown this season,.., 201
lV.C=TII I1TER, (.
Our Millinery Department is well assorted.
Everything tip•to•date inevery respect.
Stylish and beeorning Hats are the )rind wo have,
McKinnon&o.i Blyth.
- l y t -
McDonald, M. P., Rev. W• Rigsby, Rev,
511•, Oalou and Rev. Mr. Sponge, the lat.
ter representing the Dominion Alliance.
A pnbhc meeting wee hold in the even.
ing, the President in the chair, and a
Jorge audience present. Two well pian.
nod, inviting addressee wore delivered
by Rev, 13. II. Spence, (who is a brother
of 1'. S. Spence, the well known Domiu.
ion Alliance Secretary) ; and Dr. Mo.
Donald, M. P., of Wingham, and repro•
mutative of the Riding in the Commons.
Tho former showed the demoralizing
effect of the liquor traffic on the financial,
social, moral and spiritual life of the
people, and indicated linos along whish
temperance people should let in bhe light
in this campaign, It wag well done,
Dr. McDonald answered carefully and
practically the objoobions raised both in
and out of Parliament a ainat Prohibi.
Lion sudor five bonds :-(1) The License
Law is bettor enforced than Prohibition
will ever bo. (2) Prohibition is au inter-
ference wlbh personal liberty, (3) You
can't rnalco people sober by legislation.
(4) Loss of Revenue. (3) Prohibition doss
not prohibit.
The speaker cleared up bhe ground well
and both gentlemen well deserved bhe
hearty vote of thanks accorded them.
A choice musical program was render.
ed consisting of two piano duette, by
Misses Norton and MoLaoohlin, solos by
liiiss Lida Crooks, Miss Lizzie Sample,
and Alex. Moss, also a duan by Messrs.
Park mud Mailman, of Wingham. A.
collection was taken to defray expenses
and after the distribution of Literature
the meebiug was brought to a conclusion.
Huron County Counoll.
The June session of the County Conn.
oil opened at 3 p. in., Tuesday of last
week, the Warden in the chair. Mem-
bers all present except Mr, Cook. Min-
utes of last meeting read and approved.
A communication from the County
Council of Halton requesting Huron
County to oo•operato in asking the Do-
minion Government to increase the pay
of our militia force. Sent to special
committee. Letter from D. II. Martin,
of Wlaitechurch, to be appointed county
stadeut at the Agrioultural College, sent
to executive committee. Copy of will of
Elias Dickson, bequeathing $1,000 to the
County of Huron for the support of his
sister, K. Dickson, in the County House
of Refuge, was read and sent bo the exec-
utive committee. Petition from the
trusteea of school motions No. 2 Hay and
No. 9 Tuokersmith, were read and re.
furred to education committee. Lotter
signed by the Mayor of bhe town of Gode•
riot„ re se901011 Victoria street in the
town of Goderiah, was read 'and ordered
to ice filed. On motion of Messrs. Holt
and Hislop the Council adjourned to
meet ab 10 a. m. Wednesday.
Tho Council resumed pursuant to ad-
journment, the Warden .presiding and
members all present. Minutes of pre.
vious mooting were read rend approved.
Letter from F. Narlow read, elafmiug
damages for accident at Golley's bridge,
between E. Wawanosh and Morris. Sent
to executive committee, Commitment of
Lottie and Flossy town Dnrnin of the 0 of
Goderioh to the care of the Children's
Aid Society of the County of Huron, .and
charging the County $1.50 per week for
their maintenance. Sent to exeentive
committee. Report of the clerk re the
purchase of a typo writer was sent to the
same committee.. Comity auditors' re•
port was read and smut to the finance
committee. Report of County commis.
sioner was read and sunt to road and
bridge committee. Tbo jailer's report
was read and sent to the County proper.
by committee. Thirty-seven accounts
were read and sent to finance committee.
As requested at last meeting the clerk re.
ported respecting the consolidation of the
bylaws of the County. Tho report was
sent to the executive committee. Moved
by Robt. 14foLean, seconded by Mr. Snell,
bleat this Council at 2 p. m. today drive
to the Manchester bridge. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Cook that in the event of
an appeal from the equalized assessment
of this County, that the final equalization
be loft in the hands of the County Judge.
Carried. Moved by Mr. McInnes,
seconded by Mr, Hays, that this Council
now adjourn till 2 o'olook. Oarriod.
2 r, ti,
Council met pursuant to adjournment,
the Warden in bhe choir. Minutes of
morning session read and approved. A
latter from the secretary of the Seaforth
Agrioultural Society, asking for the
County grout woe read and sent to the
executive committee, A communication
Peon' Hy. Armsbroug, referring to the
Finch Preservative Paint. Letter was a0 -
companies by samples of wood preserved
by the paint, The communication was
eout bo County property committee.
Two or three acoounte were read and
gent to ethane() committee. A letter from
the Provincial auditor, in answer to a
commuoiombion fromyoler nh hs o r -
t o n k o
gardiug the cost of an aucllb of the ao.
counts of the County for throe years.
The letter was sent 'to finance commit.
tee. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by
Mr. Patterson, that the Council now ad-
journ to meet ab 10 a. in. on Thursday.
Metter tv.
Tho Council moat at 10 a. m. pursuant
to adjournnaenb, the warden in the chair,
Metnbere reported all present, Minutes
of previous numbing read and approved.
Letter from D. French, asking for on in-
0rea80 of salary for himself and Mea.
French, was road and sant to the oxen.
tivo committee. Moved by Mr. Holt,
seconded by Mr. Patterson, that the
nominating ofd&ore for the several clic•
Wats for the next election for County
Councillors bo as follows :-No. 1, W.
Mothers, Belfast; No. 2, Jas. Campbell,
Londesboro ; No. 8, Feed Hess, Zurich •
No, 4, Chester Prouty, Hay ; No. 5, A.
J. Smillie, Ilonsall; No, 0, F. S. Scott,
Brueeels ; No. 7, P. PortoMiold, Marnoch ;
No. 8, Joeeph Cowan, Wroxeter. Smut to
special oomnlitteo. Moved by Do, Rol.
line, seconded by jas. Snell, that the
House of Refuge committee be asked to
report on the advisability of raising the
physioian's salary, or the allowances, if
the advisabi for drive
t used
of changin the physician,
B physician
ppel'iodically, Carried. g On motion of
Mamma. Cook and Miller, the Council ad.
jonrrod till 4 p. m.
4 r. ac.
C unoil metpursuant to adjournment.
An invitation from the Ladies
Aid So-
oiety was extended to the Council to
visit their bazar. The House of Refuge
committee report waif road, The report
wee taken up in committee of the whole,
Mr, McLean, of Tuakeremith, in the
chair. The committee rose and reported
progress. In oounoil the report was pass•
ad, except clause 0, which was referred
for disouseion till next sitting of Council.
The Education report was read and taken
up in oommib'tee, Mr. Pattereon in the
ohair. The committee rose when the re-
port was adopted in oounoil. The report
of Finance committee was taken up.
The Council moved into committee, Mr.
Cook in the ohair. The committee rose
and reported. The Warden resumed the
chair, when the report up to (Amuse 37
was adopted. Letter from Ernest
Heaton, asking for a grant of $50.00 for
the Children's Aid Sooiety was read and
referred to executive committee. On
motion of Robb. McLean, seconded by
Mr, Mooney, the Oonnoil adjourned till
10 o'clock a. m. on Friday.
[Continued on page 4.]
Presbyterian Assembly_
The eyes of Canadian Presbyterians
are now centred on. Montreal, where the
supreme court of that church inaugurated
its 24th annual Assembly on Wednesday
evening, 8th inst, the principal feature of
which was the sessional sermon preached
by the retiring moderator, Dr. Moore,
His chief utterances were in reference to
prohibition, He blamed the apathy of
the churches, and said they should pre.
sent an unbroken fronb to the lipuor
After the sermon an open vote was
taken for the high position of moderator,
the candidates being Rev. Dr. Bryne, of
Winnipeg, and Rev. Dr. Torrance, of
Guelph, The vote resulted in the choice
of Rev. Dr. Torrance, who has been a
minister of the Presbyterian Ohurob for
52 years.
Over 500 delegates are in attendance,
representing every district of the Domin-
ion between Cape Breton and Victoria
and some 1,200 churches.
Apart from routine work and adoption
of reports, three all-important questions
are to be discussed -home missions, for-
eign missions and French evangelization.
The Presbyterian Church in Canada
spends 830,000 a Year on mission work in
the Province of Quebec. Last year there
wore in this work 28 pastors and ordained
missionaries, 17 evangelists, colporteure
and students, and 20 teachers, 37 mission
fields and 93 mission stations occupied,
with a Sabbath attendance of 2,415 ; 928
families under the ooze of the committee,
with 1,079 church members and 990
pupils attending Sabbath schools and
Bible classes, During the year 153 mem
bene were added to the church. Of the
total amount contributed to the work the
converts provided 86,000.
The 'Presbyterian General Assembly
got down to business on Thursday morn-
ing, the new Moderator, Rev. Dr. Tor.
ranee, presiding. The business done con-
sisted of the appointment of a number of
committees and the arranging of the pro-
gram for the remainder of the week. The
Assembly agreed to the organization of s
new Presbytery, Parry Sound and Nipis•
sing diotriot to be taken out of the pies -
eat Presbytery of Barrie.
At Friday morning's sitting it Wae de.
ended to hold no sitting op Saturday, in
view of the large amount of work for the
committees. Additional papers bearing
OU bhe appeal ease from Toronto, in
whiah that Presbytery and the. Dunn
Avenue Ohurbh and the Cowan Avenue
Church are interested parties, were read
and banded over for special examination
to the Judicial Committee to report their
finding to a later sederunt of the court,
At the afternoon session a satisfactory
report of the work of Manitoba College
was presented, and a motion of Rev. Dr.
Bryce, of Winnipeg, Was adopted. A
big disoussion took plane on an overture
presented to the Assembly by the Pres-
bytery of Guelph, asking the Assembly
to provide for the better training of the
theologioal students by establishing a
board of examiners. The proposal was
strongly opposed by the principals of the
ohureh universities, inoluding Prinoipal
MoVioar, of Montreal ; Principal Grant,
of Kingston ; and Principal Forest, of
Dalhousie, Halifax. The matter was
finally referred to a committee
bo report to the Assembly. Al
the night session, the Foreign Mi4sion
Committees presented satisfactory re-
ports from the missions in the New
Heleridea, Trinidad, Corea, japan, China,
Central India, the Indian miesions in
Manitoba and the Northwest Territories,
and the Chinese mission iu British Col.
umbia. The total receipts in the eastern
eeotion were 827,443.82, ae against 928,-
008.70 the previous year, and the total
expenditure $27,750.88, as against $27,.
546.19. The debt has increased from
$4.228.10 in 1897 to 94,541,11 in 1898.
The receipts for Corea were $5,105,40.
There has not been any expenditure on
this a000unb, but all on hand will be re.
quirod to start the work in the course of
the coming Summer. The botml receipts
in the Western section were $104,094.19.
According to the Soauaial statement it is
seen that the deficit of 89,685,05, with
Which the year began, boa been entirely
removed, and a balance running to time
credit of the fund of 8497.40. This gratf.
Eying result is owing, to some extent, to
the fact that while the receipts were
peaotioally those of a whole year, the
expenditure in some of the fields only
embraced It period of eleven menthe. The
full amount, however, will all bo required
before the orphan children gathered into
the Houma in connection with our mis-
sions aro nit to caro for themseivee. Ao•
cording to the estimates a considerably
increased revenue will be required for the
enerenb year, Which will aecosiitate in-
creased liberality upon the part of the
congregatione, Sabbath schools and Chris.
Oen Endeavor Sooieties of the church.
Addresses were delivered by the returned
missionaries -Revs. I.I. Russell and Mise
O'Hara, of India ; and Rev. Dr, MoGil.
livary, of Ronan.
AxC1 i11op.
Twr. 0ouxom.-Counoil met in Craw.
ford's Hotel, Dublin, en Monday, 18th
inst. Accounts for grading, grovelling
and repairs to oulverbe and bridgee were
paid amounting to $174.56, including $5
for sidewalk froni Seaforbh to Earpurb'y.
Appropriations for roads were made as
follows :--Ward 1, $100 ; Ward 2, 9150 ;
Ward 3, 9100 ; and 9400 on North gravel
road, the Deputy Reeve to expend Can•
ads, 0o. Statute Labor. These amounts
d ❑ tiagravel.r
0 o t elude bridges and
g .oca-
ail adjournedmeet to in Jones' Hall,
Leadbury, on Monday, 8th August, at 1
o'oloult p. m. leo, 0. Mammon, Clerk.
Alfred Brown will leave for Newdale,
Man„ neat Tuesday.
Pio•nio in Fisher's grove on Friday
afternoon of thio week.
Mise Maggie Brown is borne from
Elma, where she has been for the poet
Delegates went from here to Brussels
on Wednesday to the Prohibition Con-
Exoursion to Guelph next Monday.
"When the roll is called out yonder we'll
be there."
No service in Knox church next Sab-
bath morning as the Communion will be
dispensed at Ethel.
GARDEN PARTY. The Oranbrook Ep-
worth League will give a garden party on
the grounds of Jno. Knight on Wednesday
evening, June 22nd. Tea served from 6
to 8 o'clock, Brussels Brass Band in
attendanoe. Good program of mesio,
addresses, &o. Mrs. A. McDonald is the
President and J. Oster, Seoretary.
W rtltolre.
Rev. and Mrs. Tiffin and son arrived
home from a visit to the Nile last week.
Postmaster Neal and Wm. Sholdioe
were at Goderiah this week serving on
A large number from this locality talk
of going to Guelph on the excursion
from Brussels.
We regret to bear that Miss Ida Burk -
bolder is on the sick list, but hope she
will soon be fully 'metered.
Owing to the absence of the incumbent
at London, the neual afternoon sorvioa
in St. George's church was withdrawn
last Sunday.
Delegates will attend the Co. S. S. and
0. E. Conventions at Wingham next
Tuesday and Wednesday. There ap-
pears to be considerable of a rush this
Rev. Mr. Forrest was preaching at
Blyth last Sabbath morning for Mr.
McLean, who is attending the Assembly.
The servioa was held here in the after.
noon last Sunday.
Several from Walton attended the
Plebisoite Convention at Brussels on
Wedneaday of this week. As Dominion
lines will be observed Wal-
will belong to both the East and
South Ridings.
There was no servioa in the Metho-
dist church last Sabbath as the interior
of the church had been painted and was
not dry. The building looke very nine
with new paper, paint, new carpet, &a.
Regular servioa next Sabbath afternoon.
LAWN Bo0ren.-The Ladies' Guild of
St. George's church, Walton, intend
holding a lawn social on Friday, 24th
inst., at the reeidenae of Henry Hamil-
ton. A program will be given in which
Mre. and the Misses Sage will take part.
Brussels Fife and Drum Band will be in
attendance. Tea will be served from 7
PZ o rl-o ta.
Statute labor.
Crops are growing very fast.
Strawberries are to the fronb.
Hurrah! for Guelph on the 20th.
Mongols are being thinned thio week.
We notice a few stalks of wild mustard
which should be pulled.
Jookson's ohurob Epworth League will
pie-nio on Dominion Day.
Mr. Harebellt80h line,ie ill hope
soon to see him around . We gain.
James Speir ie attending the Go. Court
at Goderiah ae a juryman this week.
Harry and Mies Maggie Mooney and
Miss Carrie Hi❑geton Sundayed at Blyth.
James Hall is turning down a field of
clover and the field will be sown with
Fall wheat.
Some orchards are vary badly damaged
with caterpillars. They want to be
looked after,
The weather took a Budden aliange on
Tuesday and it was cool enough to wear
an overcoat.
The long needed rain flame at last and
the ar is now, too much rain as the
Y .
land is very wet.
Messrs. Stonehouse & Russell are at
their 8th barn wall and have a large
number to build yet.
Mies Julia Sharp is away to Howlett
assisting in oaring for her uncle, Jno.
Dane, who is quite ill.
A goodly number from this locality
attended the convention at Brussels on
Wednesday of this weak.
Jame Cloakey has got home a 16.
home power engine made at Waterloo.
This should drive any separator.
The Ebenezer Epworth League gave a
social and literary entertainment teat
Wednesday evening. It was a eat
Thie weak Mre. Jas. Sharp orri y
home from an enjoyable visit to relatives
ab London, St. Thomas, Toledo and Do.
John Mootard's new house is on a
fair way towards completion. -Harry
Bosman is enlarging and improving his
house. The 2nd line is evidently pros.
We condemn statute labor in this
locality and it is tensed now stupid
labor and is a fraud. Many of the loads
do not fill a small mud hole, then some
grumble about long home and others
draw more stole than gravel.
James Moses, of Kincardine, a former
well known resident of Morrie, is visiting
his brothers on the 2nd.
Mies Maggie Donovan, of Ohasley, woe
renewing old friendsblpe in Morrie last
week. Maggie hi always a weloome
Bios Eva, daughter of Councillor Oar -
diff, 5th line, left on 'Thursday of this
week for Winnipeg where it is said she
will wad er Moraisibe earl a for m Y next
W. M. Anderson has sold lot 89, con•
maiden 13, East Wawanosh, to Thos.
Walker, of Wingham, for $1,100.
Jnxo 21111C AND 22ND. -T110813 aro the
dates of the Convention of Huron
County Christian Endeavor Union and
t School A sooiatI n. The h Bc oo e o see•
aeons will be held in the Presbyterian
ohurob and a first class convention is
anticipated. A glanoe at the program
will show that ample preparation has
been made. Wingham will cordially
welcome the delegates from the different
place°, who come to represent their
local sooieties and enjoy the convention
Vital eel.
D. Milne is in Muskoka this week on
T. Watt and wife, of Rim/vele, visited
in our village last week.
Saorament will be dispensed in the
Presbyterian church here next Sabbath
morning at 10.30 o'clock. Preparatory
service on Saturday at the same hour, to
be conducted by Rev. McLeod, of Atwood.
Chris. Eokmier, of this village, has
some lambs that are worthy of mention,
Two of them, 2 months and 1 week old
weigh 95 and 00 lbs. These lambs are
from well•bred Leioeeter sheep and are
hard to beat.
Dian. -On Tuesday of last week Mrs.
Jno. Gill, who had been ill for nearly a
year with consumption, passed away,
aged 62 years. Her maiden name was
Elizabeth Leslie, and she woe born in
Ireland. She was married about 35
years ago to Mr. Gill, who survives.
There were 12 children, 6 of whom died
within a week, of cholera, when young in
years. Deceased was a good hearted
woman and was respected by all who
knew her. The funeral took plane on
Thursday to Elma Centre cemetery, Rev.
D. B. McRae taking the service. Three
daughters of Mre. Gill are Mrs. Joseph
Engler and Mrs. • Wm. Thompson, of
Grey ; and Mrs. Bowey, near London.
OONDOLENOE,-The following resolution
was passed at the last regular meeting of
Court Ethel, No. 175, I. 0. F.: -
To Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davies andfamily :
DRAB FRIENDS. -The officers and mem-
bers of Court Ethel, No. 175, I. 0. F.,
beg to express the deepest regret at the
loss you have sustained through the death
of your beloved daughter, and we avail
ourselves of this opportunity of express.
ing one heartfelt sympathy with you in
this moat severe trial. We assure you
that words oao but faintly convey what
we would wish to express. Our prayer
is that God, who is too wise to err and
toogood to be unkind you
araoe and etren th to bear this reat lose
nd we trust the Supreme Ruler of the
universe may guide and lead you into
that grand union above where there ie no
more parting with loved ones and where
all is rest and peace.
Signed on behalf of the Court.
( re3-.
Picnic season is here.
Township Council on Saturday, 25th.
' Crops are growing splendidly and there
should be a big yield.
Some of our boys will go to oamp at
London next week with the volunteers.
Mrs. Duncan Livingston was called to
Michigan last week owing to the illness
of her husband. He is improving.
Mre. Walter Pennington, 14th eon.,
who has been dangerously ill is &Insider.
ably improved in health we are pleased
to hear.
The exoursion to the Model Farm,
Guelph, next Monday is all the talk.
There will be a genuine old rally from
this township as the fare hi so low.
We are pleased to see the names of
Carl Engler and Ed. Hill in the list of
suoceselul University stddente. Grey
boys are able to bold their own.
Mrs. Archie Robinson gave her Sunday
sobool (lass in oonneotion with Roe's
Sunday School a party last Saturday and
the little folks enjoyed themselves im-
Theannual pio.nio of Shine's Sunday
School will be held in Mn Davideon'e
grove'12t11 con., on Saturday afternoon
June 18th, A good time is expeoted.
There will be a booth on the grounds.
T. B. Hill, of Vanooaver, 33. 0„ and
Jno. Hill and daughter, of Clinton, were
visiting Under the
al roof,10th
tan. this week. It is 8 ears since the
gentleman was home. He to a
traveller now in the Western Provinces
and looks fly/Wines.
Sonooi Reroam.-The following is a
report of the standing of the pupils of B.
B. No. 1, Grey for the month of May ;-
Form 2 -total, 850.- J. Blake, 700 ; ]1[.
Biolby, 562. P. S. Leaving, -total 645.-
J. reran 548 " J. older, 487 • W. Arm -
O 0 ,
etroug, 869. 'Entrance, -total 683.-L.
Blake, 505 ; A. Calder, 476 ; V. Arm.
strong, 480 ; E. Bedford, 403 ; C. Arm.
strong, 401 ; A. Switzer, 806 ; J. Far.
qubareon, 298 ; R. Davidson, 282. Jr.
4th -total 800,-A, McKay, 294; G.
Bielby, 241. Br. 8rd-total 200.-D.
Davidson, 148 ; 0. Blake, 1421 W.
Switzer, 161. Jr. 8rd-total 200.-B,
Hollinger, 156 ; E, Blake, 148 ; B,
Davidson, 186 ; M. Bedford, I21 ; F.
Davidson, 116 ; I. Hoggard, 94 ; M.
Cardiff, 69. Sr, 2nd -total 150.-A.
Lawson, 68 ; W. Stevenson, 126 L.
Dickson, 109 ; J. Ronde, 106 ; W. 'Par.
quhargen, 104 ; T. Bielby, (19 ; G. Dark,
118. is, 2nd -total 100.-B. Dark, 961
M. Dark, 74 ; A. Gordon, 74 ; A, Glee.
Bier, 70 ; M. Hoggard, 62 ; A. Glassier,
88. Pt. 2nd -total 100.-7. Stevenson,
84 ; L. Grant, 62 ; T. Dark, 61; L.
Bink&, 59. W. Suva; Teacher,
Sorviee in the R. 0, Aural) next Bata
The Anglican Synod is announced to
inoet on Jeer) 19th.
The number of churches In Chicago
has grown from 167 in 1870 to 638.
ltov. J. W, Pedley, London, was elected
President of the Oongregational Union.
Bishop DuMonlin hag so failed in
health that he will give up his dioaeeltn
oharge until September.
Don't forget the combined Convention,
B. B. and Y. P. S. 0. E., at Wingham
next Tuesday and Wodneedey.
The Bishop of Huron bas appointed
Rev. 0. 0. Porton, of Huron College, as
curate of All Saints' ohnroh, Windsor.
At the Toronto Methodist Conference
it was deeid d that under the disofPli
en are not sl
of the cherish woo eligible as
Rev. Mr. Abey will conduct the regular
services in St, John's church next Bab. -
bath. Communion will be administered
at the morning service.
Public worship in the Methodist
ohureh on Sunday next, morning and
evening, concluded by the pastor. Morn.
ing tope, "Simon Peter ;" evening, "The
Three Divine Links."
Rev. Mr. Strachan, of Guelph, preaob-
ed in Melville church last Sabbath. The
subjeob in the morning was "The Chris-
tian,. founded on the 1st Psalm and Ord..
verse and in the evening Prov. 23-19.
Fine disoourees were given.
The billeting system in connection
with public gatherings is deetined at no
distant day to become a thing of the peat..
In the London Methodist Conferenoe, fat
example, the regulation now is that a, fee
of 92 shall be oolleoted for entertainment
in a private hoose and $8 for hotel fare.
Rev. Mr. Rigsby, President of the Con-
ference, ocoupied the Mebhodleb pulpit
here last Sabbath. His morning die-
course woe based on Matt. 13 52, and in
the evening John 8 8. Mr. Rigsby is a
most original thinker and epeaker and
hits the nail on the bead every time.
Rev. Mr. Allis preached at Blyth.
The iodootion services at the Bishop
Cronyn Hall, London, in the ohanoel,
Saturday morning were very impressive
and largely attended. The service start.
ed at 11 o'olock, when six candidates
were induoted, three being raised to rank
of deacon and three to the priesthood.
E. B. Smith, S. P. Irwin, B. A., and R.
Herbert, the recent graduates of the
Western University, were made deaoone ;
and Rev. Mr. Dobson, Tilbury ; Rev. Mr.
Tan000k, Stratford, and Rev. Mr. Abey,
Brussels, were ordained priests. The
candidates were presented by Ven. Arch-
deacon Davie and inducted by the Bishop
of Huron. Dean Innes preaohed an
eloquent sermon on "Christ's Death,"
showing the value of the saorifnoe.
Among those present were Provost Wat-
kins, Canon Richardson, Archdeacon
Horeb, Canon Smith, Prof. Burgess,
Principal English, Rev. Canon Dann and
008510N, JUNE 21 -22. -Only a few days
more and then the Convention. Let us
go resolved that nothing shall prevent
oar seeking and receiving some definite,
P g from good fr m the hand of God.
Lift us go also resolved that at all costa
we will do our individual parts, as a
listener, ea speaker, to make the Oonven.
tion a success. Remember we ore Sun-
day school workers, and Endeavorere,
and Leaguers, and it ie not expected that
we shall come up as mere speotatoro or
listeners. Let es watch our manner,
guard our oonvereation, let our walk and
conduct be Ruch as shall advertise the
religion of Jeeus Christ. Remember that
we meet not merely for joy and blessing,
but for inspiration and instrnation. The
programs which are distributed, are the
beet yet presented and everything pointe
to a profitable Convention. In addition
to the topica on the program, the Rev. J.
W. Rae will deliver an address Wednes.
day evening, subject, "Wreaker Lights,"
The Rev W. J. Wilson, of Hamilton, is
always appreciated by a Huron audience
and will give us one of his practical talks.
Mre. P. J. McKay, of Woodstock, has a
Dominion reputation as an enthusiast in
Junior work, and in addition to giving an
address on Junior work, Wednesday, she
will also address a mass meeting of the
Wingham children, Tuesday afternoon.
Those who are intending to travel by
rail should buy only single tickets and
ask the station agent for standard certi-
Soate which. when properly filled in by
the Secretary at the Convention,entitlee
you to the reduced rate home, which will
be one.third single fare. Both the G. T.
R. and 0. P. R. have granted this privi.
lee. The first day(Tuesday, June
R ( Y. 2151)
will be devoted to Sunday school Enter•
este, the first session-oommenoing at 9 a.
m. The second day (Wednesday) to
Christian Endeavor and Epworth League
interests. All Sunday eoboole and Young
Peoples' Sooieties are entitled to send
dela atesThe oP alar Junior Garden,
which was given at San Franofeao before
10,000 people, will be given 'Wednesday
afternoon by 75 of the Wingham Juniors
BMWs Scheel 150arc1.
The regular meeting of the Brunie
Publio school Board wag held iu the
Board room ou Friday evening, June
10th ; all members present except D. 0.
W. Blaehill having taken the dealer.,
anion of office took his Beat at the Board.
Moved by Jae. Turnbull, soeonded by
W. F. Vanetone, that A. Cousfey be
Obatrman pro tem, -Carried.
The following aeoounts were read and
on motion of J. G. Skene, seconded by
Jas. Turnbull, were ordered to be paid;
P. Scott, repairing 98 10
W. H. Kerr, printing 4 75
Moved by W. F. Vanstone, eeoonded
by J. G. Skene, that the Board borrow
the same of 960.00 from the Standard
Bank for three months to pay current
expenses of the school. -Carried.
Board then adjourned.
TheNor'•wester newspaper, of Win,
nipeg, 30 doftmot, and the Morning
Tetsgram has appeared in fig stead as a
6traight Conservative paper,