HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-10, Page 8TIMM now slaw t People with defective eight Ire. quently suffer from inflamed and sore eyes, espeoielly at certain gem - sons of the year, which may be in early Spring or in hot weather. Many are deluded with the Idea that game Zoosl applioatlon will remove the trouble. The truth of it is, nothing bat the proper glasses suited to each eye will remove the trouble and improve the sight. You may wear colored glossae but they only give temporary relief. If you require spectacles, no matter from what cause, if you will oall at my Drag and Book Store I will carefully test your eyes and supply you with glasses from $1.00 and upwards, or if .you would rather ohoose for yourself we have them at 550, G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician re Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 00UTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & E. Traine leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows ; GOING Sowwn, GOING Nanta. 0xprese 7:1e a.m. ,11011 010 p.m lifted .......,. 0;95 a.m. Express 10:10 p.m Vaal bats. A °hiel's among ye !akin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Hoe weather. FINE showers. Co. Court next week. Ane you going to be a soldier 7 Gomm excursion on June 201h. 50 osrTs gets THE Post to Jan. 1st, 1899. BRussELC school Board his (Friday) evening. A NEW awning has been put np by H. R. Brewer. Bermsess was very light at the last Division Court. Senn of our sports attended he Strat• ford raoes this week. Teepee are asked for painting the in- terior of Melville church, Brussels. BEusaELs was well represented at the Garden Party at Walton last Friday evening. A Fool ball team from Brussels Public school will play a school club at Wroxe- ter on July let. MEssns. BARRER &'ANe0O00 will ship a doable decked oar of bogs from Brus• seta next Mond)ay. Excel -name to Guelph on Monday, Jima 20th. Return fare from Brussels $1.00, tickets good for 2 days, PocrET book Lost in Brussels on Thursday, June 2nd. The finder will re. oeive $5.00 by leaving it at ouoe at Geo. Thomson's grocery. BRUesELB base ball team will likely play at Wroxeter on Dominion Day, Our Band will probably attend the cele- bration at the same place. R. LRATEEnnALE Ihae added a folding oasket oar to the outfit of his undertaking department. It is used in choreh aisles or io the home when the casket is moved from one location to another. Bnossees, Grey and Morris Municipal Councils are asking the G. T. R. for a better train service in making connection with the North and L, H. & B. They want the London evening train to run through to Palmerston instead of remain- ing at Wingham all night. It should be done. Tun dirty, roving band of gipsyItalians who visited Brussels on 'Thursday of last week with performing bears and mon- keys ehould be caught, treated to a soft soap, water and sergbbing brush pro- gram and sent on their way. The outer danger would be they might match gold after the wash, EAST HURON AND Ginn BRANON;-The Directors of these two Agricultural So- oietiee are asked to remember that a meeting will be held in the Connell Chamber, Bruesele, on Saturday after- noon of thie'week, June llth, to cam• mance at 2 o'clock sharp. The business will be the revision of the Fall Show Prize list and discussing or dealing with any other topic of interest that may be presented. Let there be a good turnout of those interested and on time too, FARareas' INSTITU10.-Tlie anneal meet- ing of East Huron Farmers' Institute was held in the (Denman (number, Brus- sels, on Tnesday afternoon of this week, President 13trachan in the chair. After an lastaannnaleetingwe eread amaddress minutes and adopted. Remarks were made by T. Mc- Millan, W. H. Kerr, Deputy -Reeve Dilworth, R. Edgar, John Lawson, J. Brethauer and others. An interesting report from the Executive was presented by Secretary Hood and was duly accept. ed. The auditors' report showed the reoeipte to be 9188.21, and the disburse. ments $100.24, leaving a balance in the treasury of $68.97, al. Black and J. Mc- Intosh certifying to the a000nnts ae auditors, 192 members were reported ae againet 174 of the year previone. Sug• gestions as to pointe at which regular Institute meetings ehould be held it was agreed to 'hold them at Bruesele and Wroxeter with snpplemeatary meetings at Stasi, Fordwicb, Bluevale, Seaforth and Londesboro'. The following Direct. ore were eleoted :-lIowick, Robb, Edgar and Thos. Gibson ; Turnberry, Thos, Musgrove and Jas. Elliott ; Morrie, Jos. Smillie and W. H. Fraser ; Wroxeter, Thos. Gibson, jr., and J. Brethauer ; Brussels, W. H. Kerr and G. F, Blair ; Grey, Thos. Strube)] and R. Dilworth MoKiflop, Alex, Gardiner and ileo. lvluedie ; Hallett, Whoa, McMillan and J. D, Einohley ; Auditors, John MoIn• bosh and John B. MoLauohlin, The Direotore' meeting followed, wheu after the minutes were read and adopted, Thos. Strachan was reappointed President; W. H. Frew, Viae. re ' , P etdent an8. ' • Geo. Hood, SemetaryTkeaenrer. Meeting adjourned to meet at salt of tho PreaI• tient, J. 3, GILrrN has given hie residence a new dress of paint, Ottomans grese haying is already wh the program in some planes. Torn POST oiroulatiou coutinues to grow. 50 gents in advanos gets the uewe to the Mose of 1098. TIIE A. 0. 11, W., of Brussels, are ar- rapging for a garden party on Dr, ICitib. Bomb's fine grounds. Excunsroo to Gnelplh on Monday, June 20th. Return fare from Breesels only $1.00 for adults and 50 mute for children. Oar of respect to the memory of the late b'. C. Rogers the business places of Brnasels were atoned on Tuesday af10r• noon from 3,00 to 5 o'clock, THE Towu Band serenaded Arch. Hislop, VI, P.P., on Monday 5veniug of this week at hie residence, nth non. An enjoyable time was put iu. An ex- cellent lunch was served and the boys voted Mr. Bishop "ali right," DEcoitATION,-On the evening of Thurs. day, 23rd inst., the members of Western Star Lodge I. 0. 0. F., Bruseele, will worth to the cemetery and decorate the graves of deceased Odd Fellows with Bowers. Grand Seoretary King, of Brantford, will be iu attendance and take part in the exercises. On returning from, the Cemetery Bro. King will ad• dress the 8 linked brethern in their Lodge room. J. T. Ross, D. 0. Roes, A. Coualey, Frank Stratton, Jas. Ballantyne and other Brnsselites went to Wingham on Tuesday afternoon to witness the base ball match between Kinoardine Wingham. J. T. ROES umpired game, Robb. Ross, the Kinoar catcher, had the misfortune to have of his fingers split after which D. Roes took a hand in the game. Kin dine won by a store of 8 to 7 and innings. FEsenetee-On Friday evening, J 24111, a Strawberry Festival will be Is on the lawns of B. Gerry and the Met 'pHL BRITS 8ELS PO ST JAs. JONES; has invested In ,t Kenwood wheel and ridge it like a lord. II. L. JACxson now epeaits of "my son" in a paternal manner worthy of imita- tion. JAnrits llic ALi'lnn, Of Wingham, is town this week doing some turning P. Anent. ONE 01 Win. Bhashili's hereon was b iy out on one front leg by getting Its It foot feet is the baiter he other night. Co, Cousomr,ous 9foon1r AND his are away at Goderioh this week ette ing the June ;melon of the CID, Goon Two young lade in town capture i oonpto of team prows and while ono la the feet the other noted tte exooationm' and with a knife deoapitod the birds, THE Board of ll0aith will meet shortly to receive Inspector MoLauohlin'e report and to deal with persons who have neglected to do the neoessary cleaning up. Bnussnns file and Drum Band ars praotioing two eveuiugs a week under the tuition of H. L. Jaokson, preparatory to the coming 13111 of July oelebredion ett Blyth. Cnownen Oor.-A portion of the re. part of London Methodist Conference, some notes on Chatham and other to tare are crowded out of this issue b will appear next week, BRUSSELS base bail team play at Kin. oardine on Friday of this week. They have a good team in that town and ehould beat our nine. Brussels buys took Thursday night's train and will return and early Saturday morning. the GRAVELLING CONTRACT/. -Next Monday dine evening at 5 o'olook gravelling contracts one for work to ba done North and South of C. Brussels will be sold by public aaotion oar- by Reevee Straohan and Bowman, of an Grey and Morris, respectively, at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels. ens 0o. Comm. -The regular Spring sit. eld tinge of the County Court will be held ho• before his Honor Judge Masson, on Next Sabbath Rev. Wolter Rigsby, of Blyth, President of the London Confer. enoe, and itev. 8. J, Attie will exchange pulpits, At the election of lay delegates to the is Oonerel flonforenro of We Meblrodiet fur Wendt, MOO; will ;Wet in Toronto Next fieptetuber, DLC', Jnynt, of Wbiteohuroh, ad- and W. II, Kerr, of Bruseele, were gloom Ind from Wingham District, The vote wag faker; at Chatham on Tuesday. There Lor nee 10 ministers and 10 layman go from nd• London Conference. oil, McLo•,Lrat Cnunclr 0, 1:. -Tire sem , a OOnelal business meeting of idtelvil 010 church Christian Endeavor Society w hell in the basement on Monday nigh at• ut diet parsonage. Strawberries, ice ore &o., quite lengthy. Lawyer Sinclair will sh- represent the plaintiffs in the following coufeotionery, coffee cake lemonade merit. The Town Band will be in tendanoe and a program of vocal mu and addresses will be rendered by beat local and foreign talent. Admtss 15 cents. Keep the date reserved, Fria evening, June 24th. TRns1'EE Nottrx TION. -Monday, noon Returning Officer Scott called nominations in selecting a candidate as 11 am, Tuesday, the 14111 inst. The docket is will be provided in the way of refee at. actions :-Watt ve. Thomas • Ronald vs. sic Thomas ; Benedict vs. Banes ; and the Hatter vs. Herbert. Legal business meet ion be looking np. ay H. J. Morden has removed this week from the Standard Bank, Kingston, to at the maneeement of Stouffville Bauk. for The Stouffville people will find him a est•:lnes oitizen and a moat agreeable gentleman to do business Marden will add in uo email degree to be musical talent of the place. Their many old friends here wish them every 500050. 11- CAPT. MOTAGGART and Sergt.•Major T. Jackson, of Clinton, were here this weep an in connection with the transfer of the volunteer stores belonging to Co. No. 5, r- from the guardianship of Oapt. R. S. ra Hays who has resigned to he first -named T. gentleman. Capt. Fleet, Royal Regi• A, nlent, London, was here enperintendiug n. the change. Drill begins at Loudon on & the 2lat inst. Sergt.-Major Jackson, of n. the 83rd Battalion, is remaining here s ; thio week to fill he Company and pee- r. pars for drill. Lieut. Grant, of Gode. he rich, is the new appointee for No. 5. Of Ro,nsn hs, Tnotras,-This was an or notion tried at the recent non•jury sit. sh tinge of the high Court at Godericih and n was brought by the plaintiff to compel the d defendant by a mandatory order to in. sure and keep insured the buildings Y. known as the Ronald Engine Works, of k which the plaintiff is mortgagee. Judg- e. meat was given in favor of the plaintiff d with costs, and unless the defendant s obeys the order, a motion to commit for n contempt is then in order. This ease is d entirely novel, being the first aotiou of ythe kicd tried in this county, and there does not appear to be any Canadian or f English cases bearing on the question. e J. T. Garrow, Q. 0., and Barrister Sin• • glair appeared for the plaintiff and Philip Holt and Thomas Brown appeared for d the defendant, ✓ JAs• Mcatnn 1i DEAD. -A telegram was s received from Newark, N. J., by John 9 MoOallnm, Brussels, on Thursday moru- o ing of this week o0nveying the sad in. telligence of the death of Jas. McCallum, • his youngest son. Eta was 37 years of e age. pause of death was pneumonia with which he bad been ailing for the 0 past month. He leaves a wife (formerly • Mise Annie Newcombe of Morris town• ship) and three daughters. It is about 18 - years since Mr, McCallum left Brussels for Newark where he followed his trade ea blacksmith. Latterly be added a livery and sale stable to his business. Deceased was an Odd Fellow and his funeral on Sabbath will be under their direction. Deep sympathy will be felt with the bereaved relatives, especially in the case of his parents who are nearly 80 years of age and consequently enable to attend the funeral. Jim, as he was familiarly called, was a general favorite with all who knew him and enjoyed the good will of a large circle of friends who will regret to hear of his demise. This is the first break in the family and le oonsegaently all the greater loss to the relatives, successor to A. Koenig, removed, at t School Board. The following mini tions were made: -Wm. Blasbill, motion of Walter Smith and Juo. To Thos. Farrow, moved by Geo. Bae seconded by Robb. Johnston ; A Strao an, proposed by G. F. Blair and J. Roes. Mr. Farrow and Mr. Straoh withdrew, electing Mr. Biasbill. LIVELY MOVEnENTS 1N FREIGHT.-Dn ing the peat week an average of two oa of freight a day have left Brussels G. R. yard. 2 The shippers were :- Gardiner, care export cattle, to Mu treat, the first of the season 1 Clegg Dames, one car rattle ; Baker & Va stone, a am each of peas, oats and bog P. Ament, three ears of beadiog ; Ente prise Salt Works, 5 oars of salt, 1n t incoming freight there was a oar binding twine for N. & N. Gerry; a o of tile for J. N. Kendall, and a big rn of way freight, 1,800 pounds arriving 0 Monday, Brussels takes no emu place as a shipping point. A WELL KNowe RESIDENT Pessss ANA -About 12 o'clock Sunday Frederic Charles Rogers, an old and highly r speoted resident of Brussels, departs this life, aged 72 years. leis deeeaoe wa not an unexpected event as be bad bee in failing health for over a year but ha only been oonfined to bed about a week declining to do so as long as he poseibl ooaid keep moving about. The cause o death was a general break up of th system saperindnoing paralysis. De ceased was born at Red Lodge Nursery Southampton, Hampshire, England, an was engaged in mercantile pursuits fo several years before coming to tbi country 38 years ago when he located a Deleware, Middlesex Co., going int partnership with bis brother, George S Rogers, father to George Rogers, of Brus eels. After a sojourn of 14 or 15 year there Mr. Rogers sold out to his nephew A. Perla, now of Loudon, and (tame t Brussels, where he purchased the busi nese and property of Neil Livingston and for number of years carried on an ex tensive and lucrative trade. Fifty two years ago the subject of this notice was united in marriage to Mies Emma Mel mouth, who survives him, and proved herself to be a help -meet indeed, both be. ing most entbusiastio and energetic de. votese to their business. Mr. Rogers had a number of years of municipal training in Deleware township °outwit and for 5 years filled the Reeve's chair in Brussels, He was also a school trustee and warden in OOnne0tlon with the English oburoh. Deride the term of his Reeveehip here he built and carried on the Enterprise Salt works which have beech noted for the excellency of the output both as to gaan. City and quality. Perhaps the most noticeable characteristic of the deoeased was his geniality and hospitality and for these qualities of head and heart be was known far and wide. The old gentleman was a great lover of flowers and when able to attend to their supervision no Pee in the countryside grew more beautiful roses and plants than he. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seatorh, oonduobing an appropriate service in St. John's oburob In the absence of Rev. Mr. Ahoy, inaambent, who was unavoidably absent at London. His addreea was based on 1st Cor., 15th chapter. The pall bearere were Thee. Kelly, Thos, Maxwell, R. Graham, Wm. Bryan, Thos. Farrow and Jto, Cardiff, The oharoh bell and the town bell toiled while the cortege was passing to and from the church, Floral tributes of a very band• some character were placed upon the casket, the chief planes oonsisting of a beautiful Month from St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M„ Brussels, of which de- ceased was 5 member. It was made up of a Mettle, enclosing the square and nom. pass, the latter of white roses, the square of yellow rosea and surrounded with carnations, lilies, sweet peas' and smillax, A sickle of roses, maiden's hair ferns and barley heads, from Mr. and Mrs. Parfitt, London ; a arose of white flowers and foliage from Mr, and Mrs. Jas: Jones, Brussels ; °roes of !Mee of the valley and pansies from Miss Dun- bar and G. S. Rogers, The Dead gavels was played by Mies Jean MoLauohlin, organist, as the gasket was being mow, ed from the mohurlh. o re. 1B Rogue is a. eared of the dee s sympathy o l the cont. Inanity in her pbeeeemet. She will Continue to reside in Btaseeie. he g ) s with. Mee na- on t it ; ker e 011015011 01169t1.,. The Salvation Army hold their evening services on the street. The Disciples of Christ of Ontario mot at Ridgetown last week. No eerviee in St. John's °berth nub Sunday as Rev. Mr, Abey will be away in London. Rev. Jno. Rags, B. A„ left on Tuesday for Montreal to attend the General As. sembly of the Presbyterian church. Rev. D. Straohan, of Guelph, will con. dant the servieee in Melville church next Sabbath in the absence of the pastor. The twelfth annual meeting of the Canada Oongregational Woman's Board of Missions was held ab Paris cast week. The pnlpit of Melville abueh was oo. onpied last Sabbath evening by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook. He chose as his text 101 Oor,, 8 and 21, from wbioh he preached a good discourse, Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Blyth, was sleeted President of the London Confer- ence ; Rev. F. E. Nugent, of Hespelee, of the Hamihon Conlerenoe ; Rev, Dr. Griffith, of .Brookville, of the Montreal Conference; and Rev, T. W. Joliffe, of the Baylof Quinto Conference. Bev. R, Paul's test last Sabbath morn• ing at the Methodistohurob was .Acts 11 : 28 and 24, the subject being "A remark able display of the grace of God." (1) In sending the gospel ; (2) In making it off ;Wive ; (8) In the reception of the pent. tent ; (4) In saving Hie Own people ; (fi) Inthel 1 o5tlmon borne of Hie char 1 yac er S (6) The matte. I n .Mr Mr, RoSs vile oh h , of Male r oro , oangpied the pulpit in the evening preaching from Tithe 2.14, "Who gave Illfnseif for its, ,ho," ST,1,7VD,11i.1) 134.7V'E 01? 0,1 =a '.577x..:rmzie•z:m HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSI4THI (Seven Million Dollars) • 07,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • - ••$2,000,000 Agencies the all principal points in Ontario, (Metier, dlanitolia, Vatted States ,OR,,9 laud, ` tf` e `9'JP1 S Mitt?'dveR. i. A General Banking Bneiuees Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted, le Drafts Iesu',I and Ooliootions merle on all pieta. oasSAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 91.00 and upwards from dab of deposit to Oats n v. withdrawal and compounded half yeariy. a; SPEOIAL ATTENTION OIVEN To me COLDEOTIox 00' PALMEsa' SALa Nonni, Every facility afforded Onstomers living at a diebanee. J. A. STEWART MANAGER. The ft lawmg officers were Mooted tihe Deming terra 1 -lion. Pres., lie he, Rose, 33. A, ; President, A. M. M Kay ; Vice -Pres., Miss Tena Sinclair Rem -Secretary, T. A. MoLauohliu Oor.-Seo„ Miss Mary Rose ; Trees Fred, Wileou ; Prayer meeting nom G. V. Blair, Miss Joon Rose, Mrs. A, M McKay ; Lookout nom„ Mise Joan Roe Miss Tenn Sinolnir, bliss Lizzie MoLen nan, J. H. Cameron, T. A. Hawkins Missionary cam„ Mrs. G. A, Deadma Miss Lizzie Boss, Miss Maggie C. Stew art, Jae. Fox ; Temperance nom., T. A MoLanchlhl, G. F, Blair, G. A. Dead man, Miss Annie Rase, Mise J. Ritchie Social nom., Miss Mary Rues, Mise Jen nip Forbes, Mies Lido Crooks, W. 0. Stewart, A, Ross ; Flower nom , Misses Sara Forbes, Maggie McDougall, Fanny Sample, Fannie Thomson , ohnir lender, T. A. Hawkins ; organists, alto, Jessie MaLauchlin, A, Ross ; oolleotni s, Fred, Wilson, Jas, Show ; ushers, G. lr. Blair, G. A. Deadman, It was decided bo make the meetings shorter during the Summer monlhs,.end to have a report Gaol] night from one of the committees or the Rea -Seo. The Executive was em- powered to arrange for a union meeting during the Autumn if deemed advisable. Delegates for the County Convention to be held at Wingham, were appointed. Members unable to attend the Oonvsn• tion, but wishing any information are to write the question on a slip of paper and hand to some one of lbs delegates who will attend to the matter and bring back as full an answer as possible. DEA'rtt or Rev. Wo, Blots. -The news was received Thursday of last week of the death of Rov, Win. Birks, of Toron- to, father of Rev. A. K, Birks, pastor of the Waterloo street Methodist church, Stratford. His demise was due to apoplexy and was rather unexpected. Mr. Birks carve as a missionary from Staffordshire, England, in 1855, and dur- ing the whole of his miuisterial career labored with euergy and success, and with a zeal and devotion to the cause in which he was so deeply interested that won for him the highest. esteem and truest affection of all with whom he be. earns associated. Three years ago he assumed a superannuation relation, when he removed to Toronto and identified himself with St. Clarens Avenue Metho. dist church, which he regularly attend. ed and where he was greatly beloved. Besides a large oirule of friends and acquainbauoe0, he leaves to mourn bis departure a widow and four sons :-Rev. A. K. Birks, B. A„ Stratford ; W. J. Birks, organist of 85, James Methodist church, Montreal ; 9,", W. Birks and D. D. Birks, of British Columbia. The To. ionto World contains the following e• port: --'Many mourning friends gather- ed Saturday afternoon ab 351, Olarens Avenue to behold for the last time the features of the late Rev. Wm. Birks. The pall hearers were Revs. J. O'Hara, T. M. Jefferies, Oakville ; C. Fish, Geo. Smith, Geo. Leeolh and Wm. Burns. Memorial addresses were delivered by Rev. G. M. Brown, of St. Olarens Avenue ohurah, and Rev, Geo. Brown, of Park - dale Methodist church. Rev. W. H. Hinoks, L.L. 13., and Rev. Dr, Oampbell also took part in the service. Among the mourners were the widow, W. J. Birks, Montreal ; Rev. A. K. Birks, Stratford ; Mise Florence Birks, Miss Johnston, Frankville, and Mrs. and Mies Howe, of Duluth. Deceased lay mid floral offerings from hie sons, St. Olarens Avenue churob, where be attended, the pastor and wife and others, The re. nhnius were interred fa Proepeot cemetery. • 0, • u, • • BrUsseis OOUnCil. The Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll was held last ltfonday evening, all the members present except • the Reeve, who wee at Chatham, and CGun- cillor Warwiolc, who was oalled out of town. On motion Councillor Thomson took the oheir.l The personal property assessment of J. A. Thomas was reduced from $2,000 to 91,000. Dogs were struck off for Neil MoLauchlin, A. Somers and Harry James. On motion he roll was passed as final- ly revised, Connell business wart then taken up. Minutes of last meeting read and ap. proved. Accounts were presented from A. MoLmuahlin, month's salary, 925 ; D. Stewart, Assessor's salary, $40 ; W. Bird, hauling Fire Engine, 91.00 1 and on motion were passed. Moved by Oounoil1or Beaker, seoond. ed by Councillor Leatherdale that, hay. ing learned of the demise of F.O. Rogers, ex.Reeve of Brussels, we, as a Council expeee5 our sympathy with Mrs. Rogers in her bereavement, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mrs, Rogers. -Carried. Moved by R. Leatherdale, seconded by Geo. Seeker bhut the Grand Truulc Rail. way be asked to glve Brussels end the W. G. & B. line generally, better train service as to oonneoti0n with the L. H. & B. in view of our large bonus, and also in the great inoonvenience experien- oed in getting to and from Goderioh, our 0o. Town, Owing to the entire want of oonneotion atith the said L, 11. & B.- Carried. 0ounoib then adjourned,• Business Locals., Wnm ms from $40 tip to 9100 at A. Cousley'e, BIM our single harnose, great value this month, I. 0, Richards. A. Coeeeny handloe everything that is used by a bieyole rider, TEDNhcs and satohols, large ae5ortmsht5, low prices. I. C. Richards. Fon sale cheap, one sett second band single harness. I g C,io Il lards, I1lvnavnn mammoth, long, red, man' gel seed at Jas. Bellantyne's. Amites quenbfty of seeeen windows, the latest improved, McKay & CO, 0.111.1=0 - Dm yon tee the Gsndron bike in A. 0onsley's window ? It's a dandy. Goon, dry American corn, the best for feeding purposes, for sato at Rose' mill. OLEverann wheels are great sellers. Six sold since Jan. 1st, 1898. A. Cousloy. Son our nioe stook Of dnsbers and rub- ber lap rugs low in price. 1. 0. Richards. E. & D. bearings are guaranteed for three years, Come in and see them, A. Oouoloy. Two good second hand pianos, very nearly as good RS new, 1 square and 1 upright ease, will sell very cheap. 1t. Leatherdale. RnttsonsR that you can save from $15 to $25 on an organ by buying from R. Leatherdale. Six octave piano oased organs for $65. EOOS Wanted. Not lower as reported 11 Dents. We also buy wool, gash or trade. Ohoiae tub butter 12 Dents cash. G la King, Wingham. I new the largest stook of window shades hie Spring ever was in Brussels and at prices below T. Eaton's ; good shades for 30c. R. Leatherdale. Ie you want a baby carriage call in and see R. Leatherdale and get prices. He has a lot of them and is bound to sell them if prices has anything to do with it, 5500eemian1s' l:xounsroNs.-On the first and third Tuesdays in June, 1898, the Chicago, Milwaukee & Sb. Pant Rail• way will sell round•brip excursion bickete (goodoints greatmanyand Nrh Dakota and other Western and Southwestern abates, at practically one fare for the round trip, Take a trip West and see what an amounb of good land can be purchased for very little money. Further information as to rates, routes, prioes of term lands, tato., may be obtained on application to any coupon ticket agent or by addressing A. J. Taylor, Canadian Paesenger Agent, 2 King street, East, Toronto, Out. eORS7 . PENNINoTON.-In Grey, on June 8th the wife of Mr. Walter Ponniugton of a eon. COUTTs.-Ab 4521 State street, Chicago, on June 3rd, the wife of Mr. IT, Coutts, formerly of Brussels, of a daughter. Lona.-Iu Oranbrook, on Monday, June 61b, the wife of Mr. Jacob Long of a son. AnarernoNG.-At 216 Keystone street, East Buffalo, N. Y., on Saturday, June 4th, the wife of Mr. David Armotropg, formerly of Bruesele, of a daughter. Janson. -1n Brussels, on Thursday, June 0111, the wife of Mr. H.L. hole - eon, jeweller, of a son. LEVER -MANNING. -On Tuesday 8h iust„ at the residence of the bride's lather, Morris, by Rev. R, Paul, Mr, Jacob A. Lever, of l'lesherbou, Grey County, to Miss Tessa B. Manning, o1 Morris. mxemm. RoGnae,-I,, Brussels, on Sunday, June 5511, Frederick Charles llogero, aged 72 years. - MoCtnLuhf,-In Newark, N. J., on Werl. neadey, 8th int., Jas. MoCalluuh, formerly of Brussels, aged 37 year0. BnnoE.-Io Belgrave, on May 81st, John Budge, aged 77 years. BR'cs-scum -,aa 0z.a.,R>E::E1R's3, Fall Wheat 95 1 00 Barlby. 30 85 Peas 65 56 Date 28 80 Butter, tube and rolls 11 12 Eggs per dozen 8 0 Flour per barrel8 00 8 00 Potatoes (per bag) 00 60 Hay per ton 5 00 5 00 Hides trimmed 5i 6i Hides rough 5 6 Salt per bbl„ retail 1 00 60 Sheep shins, each 40 40 Lamb skins each 25 25 Hoge, Live4 00 4 65 Wool 10 13 Apples (per bag) 50 50 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. inserted each heading at small a word ill hbo adv!, lees than 10 oonts, however, to be paid for when order is givou,] SrEorAOlne found, Apply at TUEPosT. Ruins bicycle wrench found, Enquire at ME P08T, SERVANT wantedat ouoe. Apply to M108, W. M. S18014458. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, Tenders Wanted. Tend.; 0111 bo received for painting the interior Of Moiville ohurah, by J. G, Slcen°, 8sarotary of the Board of Mr nagemenb htp bo the 00th day of Juno, 1508, A;spoeidoablon of the work to be done eau be seen tet the Mlles Of G. 31%1316.1r, Bru5Sols, The lowest or any tender not n000spparltyy accented. 40,2 IMAM) OL' k1ANA31E31N, Tenders Wanted. Togaloi' s will be oy, .150, by S, 1 the undersign, u ad up to biOslolsityb Jf us 0 at8o'clock 11l], m. fisr tka rr,ahftiou of Cho sahaol liou0a 51nrtioalare may bo had 00 0pplioatlon to 301110 0515AN11, Box MN 1311.1 Seale P, 0, Saaratary, DASTURAGE.-TIIE UNDER- SIGNIAD is ready to Supply good patentee for 00 bond of cattle on North Mall patentee 11, (Jou, 0, biorrls. DAVID 108.8001, Sunshine. Oon USETo re ANntD The LOT FrUR md SALE1,-u tory 01100 f01' sale or bo rout that It story frame house on O'ox'oborr99 street, North o1 the To1.1'aoe, lately °counted by 8. 11, Jackson. Por par- ticulars apply t0 W.17, Homer Dm owner, J.HOARL,Auburn P.0, DIANO OR ORGAN, At, Harris, sMuasical Boatoir, 05 tool Conserv- atory of llusio, Hamilton, Ontario, is pre- pared to give iusttnet,0lrs to pupils on either piano or organ. Special attention given to technic. Lessons givou Dither at the hones of pupils or at teachers home, tl•sm REAL ESTATE. ° ',11'0RTABLE DWELLING �J bOR SALE. -Tho undersigned offers his briar residence, situate on Park lot 1e. Mary street, Brussels, for Bale. There are 11, acres of land orchard, well, stable, collar, 590, Poaoasslon could bo given at once, 14- 'MMUW14],, , _ Oilitorrl, P. 0. ADM FOR SAL.,). -150 ACRES of 11,0 North Consisttrof Lott30, Onnn l5, East Watwa- nosh, This is an oxeelleut stook farm, being w011 supplied with good spring water. Itis situated0Blybh. mites A larger part thriving suder grass. Buildings and fences are in a Lair state of repair. "Basy terms of payment will be given, For all information apply to 1i-tf G. P. BLAIR, Barris ter, Brussels. 4 ABUFOR SALE. -THE UN- nnita25NEn offers Itis 100 norm farm for sale, being Lot 21,N 1 Con. 7, Morris. 'There are 70 aures cleared and under orop, balance hardwood bosh, !Thera is a geed frame house, with kitchen, woodshed and cellar complete hank barn rallwoth,l ortoonvsnlonees,, Only 4 of 0. mile from sobool and 0 miles Fran Brussels, Possession would he givou at ouoe, For price and terms apply on the Premises or to Brussels 3'. 0., to 01-51 SLMON FORSYTH, Proprietor. T 1ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The undersigned offers his eligible 64 acre farm for sale or to rent, being South part of Lot 0, Oouoso• Riau 12 Gray, Ali under cultivation, well watered and well reflood, There to a good atone house, bank bars, orchard, wens, .c„ on the premises. Also a splendid stone quarry iron which a geed revenue is realis- ed. Only 2l miles from Brussels. Terms reasonable. For further partioulars as to price, de., apply to JOHN MITOHELL,Proprioter, 05.tf 1000ssol0 P. 0. aw..m J uNI6 10, 1898 JUST RECEIVED I A laRESt1 STOCK OF Fountain Syringes, es Hot Water Bottles, Atomizers, Ice Bags, Wc, Price and Quality G uaran teed -..AT— Fox's Drug Store. T'1ARMB FOR SALE. -THE UN. 1.. D0nsta1E0 has soverel good Farms for sale 001150 rout, easy terms, iu Townships of Morris and Crey. T 8. 806TT,Brussels Notice to Creditors. 00 the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in the Matter of the estate of Adana Scott, date of the Tillage of _Brussels, deceased : Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R, 8. nChap. y0,ast tolpersons tof hesid gaint that all thaving Adam Scott, late of tho Village of Brussels, the deceased, who died or or about ay 01 Slay, A . D., 1608, aro req nir. ed to send by mail, postpaid, or deliver to G. F. Blair, Solicitor for the Executors, at Brus- sels P. 0., on or before the 16th day of Jane, 15308, it full statement and particulars of their claims and Cha name of the securities anryhol,0 by thorn, and 0n and after shoe s(lfaid 16th day of Juno the sold estate well bo distributed among those entibiod tboroto, having regard only to the claims of which 05100 shall then have boon given. Dated at Brussels /at day of Jnao,1669.1 1.0,30008 'Exooutors, 0. Il]'. BLAIR, solicitor for ]z ,c tern, CENTiI11.1' s• li ri'c tf i � . Ont. A Commercial School of the high- est grade—none better in the Dominion. ENTER AT ANY TIME. Catalogue Five. W. J'. ELLIOTT, Principal. Strictly One Price, Always the Lowest, 1 0 If you please to trust us with your business we're ready to use our utmost study iu your service. We apply this to the management of our business. We put it into practice and make it a living fact. We address this to those unacquainted with our methods, our prompt- ness in all matters, small or large ; the uniform regularity and reliability of our goods, and the malty advantages to be derived from trading in a store fhat•is run On strictly business principles, and the leading store within your reach which you can implicitly rely upon. We stand ready at all times to allowou to the supreme test to your purchase—your moneyback apply you want it, SEAS Nd CE .tODS in abundance this week. -4600., Shirt Waists, Belts, .ries, Collars and Cuffs, Hosiery, Gloves UncZer^wear^, Par'asols, Organdie ' .YWasl ns, Svv ss Spot r712icsZfns ' White Lazo/is. J. FERG[S�IV & Co Dry Goods AND Groceries.