HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-10, Page 5JUNE 10, 1898
cent P S. SCOTT, Uruesele.
• IssurerorAlarrlagebloeosou. 0Moy
nt t10 Ovoeory, lltruberry atlo0t. Brussels.
• Tonsorial4rtiet' Shop -Next door
south o! 66.1(1, Moliay dt Oe'n hardware store.
Ladlos'aad obi:drone hair onions a epOoialty
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
la -No Witneao Required.
T. FLETCHER, Brunetti
Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour
Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made
OlIloe in Graham's B lock, 73 russets
.1' • Min, will soli for bettor prices, to
better men, in ens time and less charges
than any other Auationeer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can 'always be arranged at this olifoe
or by personal application.
el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary of domesticatedTanimalstInta treat
to veterinaryyy dentistry. Y Callattention iy a6
tended to. Oliioe and Infirmary -Pour doors
north of bridge 'I'urnberry at., Brasses.
n4Pore. ,tiler. Wood's Phospholine,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by aI
druggists In Canada. Only reli
able medicine discovered. RG
packages guaranteed to cure all
forme of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To.
baoeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelpl
of price, one package $1, six, 55. One win Please,
WIC cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont
Sold in Brussels by G. A. DBADMAN,
D reggis1, Bookseller A; Optician. •
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND. - .
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doone and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Estimates Furnished for all
'kinds of Bnildinge. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding dietrict that I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate pricee.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or reeidenoe or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
I '0rdere taken for the Digging of
Wella and Cisterns.
Gomer Green,
Busher Shop
Ilisiti ci , do.
W ruxeator..
Mot, Thomas Sage ie at present visit.
fug friende in Teterboro.
There le wino talli of a bioyele track
being made in the Park here.
The Wi•Hoo Medicine Co, were per.
forming in town last week,
D, McKay, of Toeswater, has been in
WWII making barrels for the oat meal
mill here,
John and Robert Barnard have return.
ed from a wheeling trip to Brantford and
other places, While away the former
was run into by a horse and had hue col•
lar bone fractured.
Dominion Day will be oelebreted in
our town in grand style thio year, Every
body ie heartily Resisting in the matter,
and if the weather proves favorable it is
bound to be a grand enooees. At the
publio meeting the following ofdoere and
committees were appointed :-Pres., . J.
81. Blank ; Vioe•Pree., John Brethauer ;
Seo., Geo. Spotton ; Treas„ Thee. Rae ;
Go). Oom., John Bray, S. B. McKelvey
and W. A. Rutherford ; sports and
printing committee, J. E. Blank, Thos.
Rae and Geo. Spotton.
The undersigned has open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
:MAIZ DLO assts
1 1
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply of' the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A. share
of public patronage solicited.
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
>r "OAsof 1'Am FOB 1I10813.
DTc Tiiiflop.
CoUNOIL,-Court of Revision on Assess.
meet was held in Jones' Hall, Lsadbnry,
on Monday, 80th ult. Members of Coun-
cil all present. The assesemeut of Thos.
Govenlook on lot 27, con. 3, was lowered
5100, and on 75 sores on con. 11, lowered
5200 ; lots 24 and 25, con, 10, and N. half
lot 25, con. 9, was changed from Thomas
Govenlook to Wm. Govenlook, owner,
and lowered $400. Thomas Bryce' as-
sessment was lowered 5500 as his barns
were burned. The appeal of James Car-
lon, Huron Road, was not allowed. Geo.
Thornton was assessed as tenant on E.
half of S. half lot 2, con. 13. Solomon
and Anderson Bell were entered as own-
ers instead of John Stymore. The roll
as thue revised was passed es finally re.
vised and Council met at close of Court
of Revision. Accounts were passed and.
paid amounting to 544.00. The Reeve
and John S. Brown were authorized to
see a ditch on eideroad 30 and 31, con. 13,
and have it repaired if required. The
Clerk was authorized to have bylaws on
drains amended, extending the time of
payment. Pathmastere are requested to
spread the gravel repairing roads evenly
so as to be packed hard before wet weath-
er. Council adjourned to meet in Craw -
ford's Hotel, Dublin, on Monday, June
13111, at 10 0 0100k a. in.
Jew. C. Mo0Rlso), Cleric.
The following is the standing of the
pupils in the Sr. classes of S. S. No. 4,
Grey. -5th class ; total 480.-M. Mc.
Allister, 431 ; C. MaQuarrie, 420 ; P.
Jackson, 412 ; F. Bryan, 384 ; "G. Mo-
Innee, 141 ; A. McKelvey. 4th clave ;
total 350,-J. Ooomhes, 289 ; 0. Bryan,
2551 C. Smith, 251; J. McInnes, 247;
L. Lynn, 241 ; "J• Frain,196; J, Mullins,
187 ; J. Fraser, 171 ; "M. McDonald, 180 ;
"M. smith, 125. Sr. 3rd ; total 800.-J.
Cott, 225 ; P. Jaoklin, 195 ; F. Fraser,
193 ; C. Lake, 183 ; L. McAllister, 165 ;
*R. McDonald, 154 ; "M. McKelvey, 67.
Jr, 3rd ; total 250 ; L. McAllister, 213 ;
D. Bryan, 206 ; M. Smith, 205 ; J. Lynn,
200 ; D, McDonald, 18 3 ; M. Johnston,
160 ; H. Jacklin, 150 ; A.. Jaoklin, 142 ;
T. Mullin, 126 ; J. Jackson, 123 "T.
Carr, 118 ; "T. King, 110 ; "R. McDon-
ald, 64. 2n8 clave. - S. McQuarrie, J.
Frain, T. MoDonald. The name mark.
ed * did not write on all subjects. Aver-
age attendance for the month 59.
A. Tnot1soe, Teaoher,
Sown RE000T,-The following is the
report of S. S. No. 9, Grey, for the month
of May. The namee are arranged in
order of merit t -Filth alaee-Lizzie
McKay. 41h class -Annie Bray, Bella
Mann, Bessie Oliver, Jas. Mann, Law -
ranee MoNanght, Geo. Hanley. Sr. 8rd
-Lorenzo- Bray, Hattie Frazer, Ella
McNaught, Russell Robertson. Jr. 3rd -
Ethel MoNaught, Norma Sperling, Wil-
lie Harrison. Sr. 2nd -Willie Mann,
Nellie Harbottle, Olive Oliver, Frank
Harrison, Jr. hid -Wilbur Bray, Wil.
lie Hanley, Henry Moliay, Norman Mc-
Naught, Harry MoNaught, Wesley Mo -
Kay, George Mann, Willie Mann, Pt.
2nd -Robbie McKay, Maggie Mann,
Katie Harbottle. Sr. pt. 1 -Winnie
Malanght, Myrtle Sperling, Alfred
Meehan, Willie Bowan Ray Rose,
Catharine Bowen. Jr. pt. 1 -Ella
Bray, Fergus MoNaught, Willie Hislop,
Roy Onmminge; Myrtle Cumminge,
Olive Brown. NINA J. Ismael/1a Teacher.
W. Climie, who hoe served the publio
ail poet.maeter'e aseistant in the Listowel
poet.offios for the past eight or ten yeare,
has retired, and 0. Hacking, who is a son
of the post -master, has taken his piece.
Tho pupils of the high School met at
the residence of Principal Phillips on
Biemaroic street, whore W. Irwin, late of
the teaching staff, was present and pre.
seated the latter with a gold.beaded nano.
Olfnton •
Several of the streets have been graded
by the mainline,
At Exeter ranee on May 241h, Jas. L,
Doherty was sooieseful in winning two
first and 1 second prize.
John Harland i0 more or less inoapaoi•
ated by an attack of rheumatism in his
foot, and has to be driven down to bug.
A aonple of Armenian olergyrnen have
been oanvaeeing the town for subeorip.
tions to enable them to aarry on their
work in Armenia.
Thomas Rumba'', the elOubent freight
clerk at the G, T. R. station, is elated for
promotion at an early date, whioh will
neoeeeitate his removal from town.
Last week D. A. Forrest shipped near.
iy 50 head of cattle of his own feeding
to the olb country. Hie son John and
John Leslie, jr., went iu charge of them,
Horace poster and wife were at Soot -
land, near Brantford, on Tuesday of laet
week, helping to observe the 80th birth.
day anniversary of Mr. Foster's father.
2 Listowel.
Norman Williams, of Osgoode Hall,
Toronto, ie spending his holidays at home.
Wm. Bartley was appointed town con-
stable in the plane of Robert Bulmer, who
has left town.
The new elevator at Meyers' mill is
almost finished. The roof is being cover-
ed with steal shingles.
Dr. Wood, who has been assisting Dr.
Rutherford for some menthe, has taken
his departure for Bayfield.
A large number of the store fronto on
Main and Wallace streets have been.
brightened up with a fresh coat of paint.
Miss Molieohnie, of Harriston, has
taken a P
Mi Bride's place as operator in
the Central telephone office hexa, the
havingreturned to H
Mr. Male has been Metalled g
stolled as ail in-
speotor for Listowel, being sworn in and
hie papers passed by Jas. Gow, of Wind.
sor, and Robt. Rennie, of Stratford.
The Women's Music Olub will not hold
any meetings during the Summer
months, but intend to have regular con.
cents through the Doming Winter season.
The confirmation of Warden Torrance's
appointment of William Irwin as Public
Soltoo1 Inspector will be one of the mat-
ters of bueinees to be dealt with at the
June session of Perth County Council.
A swift game of football watt played on
the High Schoolgrounde on TGeabay, of
last week between the reminiscences of
the old Marlboro' team and the Listowel
Shamrocks, resulting in a score of 2 to 0
in favor of the Marlboro's.
A meeting of the Board of License
Commissioners for North Perth was held
in 111r. McPherson's office on Monday
morning of last week, at whioh there
Were present G, G. MoPhoreon, ohait-
man, John Way and the Inep0000r. A
number of licenses which had been ex-
tended for one month wore dealt With,
the following being granted :-Geo. Scott,
Sebringville ; E. Hodgine, Windsor Hotel
and J. R. Gillis, Stratford. No notion
was taken with regard to the hotel lioense
et 'Newton.
Wm. Mose is bald up' with a severe
attack of rheumatism,
R. J. M. Perkins, of Wycliffe College,
Toronto, is spending kis vacation with
his parents in town.
On account of Wroxeter having decided
to celebrate July 1st, it was unanimously
decided to hold a Gala Day here June 22.
W. J. Greer, District Master of HOW -
1.011, wail in Ottawa last week, attending
the Grand Orange Lodge of British
Our quoitere are getting quite conceited
over their dexterity, and would like to
have a game with some neighboring team
if possible.
No. 8 Go., 33rd Battalion, will meet
every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
evenings, at the Armory, for drill, to go
into camp 21e0 June.
White constable McGrath, of George
and Prinoeee streets, was up in a tree,
pruning, the tree broke, letting him fall
to the ground, severely spraining his
W. R. Russell, eon of Wm. Russell, of
Prinoeee street, of thio village, who for
some years has held a good situation as
relieving agent of the 0. P. R. between
Fort William and Winnipeg, arrived in
town, to spend a few weeks with hie
parents and old friends in Gerrie.
A onion temperance meeting was held
in the Methodist church on Monday
evening of fast week. Mrs. Aline B.
Reede, - of Teeewater, Prov, Supt. of
Temp. work, and Miee K• M. Fisher, of
Wingham, Co. Pres. W. O. T. 13., ad-
dressing the audience.
ed to the 2 80 train by a large crowd of
relatives and friends, and amid good
wishes and ehowers of rine, they started
on a wedding trip which will irlolude
Niagara Falls, the St. Lawrence and the
Hudson. The festivities were'oontinued
by large party at the residence that
evening. Ae this wee the first wedding
oelebrated in the new church, the bride
received from the Session and managers
the customary present of a handsome
G ode riolx.
The bicycle faotory has to work over
time to keep up with the brisk business.
The organ factory shipped a ear of
organa to the old oeuntry the past week.
Work on the elevator is progressing
as rapidly as possible with the material
on hand.
May Lady, Sam Wyatt's horse, ran at
Guelph on Wednesday of last week, but
did not capture any prize.
The energetic committee have extens.
ive preparations under way for the com-
ing 1st of July celebration in Goderioh.
The caretaker is sodding the "cow.
tracks" acmes the Square, and after this
anyone taking a short out should be
Owing to heavy orders the organ
factory ie running 2k bonne every even-
ing with prospeets of continuing so dur-
ing the Summer.
One of the greatest and grandest musi-
cal treats ever given in Canada will be
the appearance in Goderiob on Monday,
June 20th of Dan. Godfrey and hie
British Guards Rand. They number
some 40 olassioal musicians and have
been greeted by orowded houses in all
the leading Canadian cities.
Frank Humber launched hie pretty
steam launch, designed and built by him.
Belt. As ebe glided into the water be.
low the lighthouse, Capt. Humber broke
the customary bottle of wine and
ohrietened ber after his daughter Stella.
The boat is handsomely painted and
onebioned, with a neat awning to keep
off the eua. Her boilers are of the
Roberts type, taking up little apace and
sitting low in the boat. She is expected
to make from 8 to 10 miles an hour.
OAMEaoN-B.wLEY.-Sooiety oirolee in
Goderioh were stirred on Wednesday of
last week by one of the most fashionable
weddings ever bald in the old town, the
participants being Mies Mabel. V. Cam.
eron, daughter of Hon. M. 0. Cameron,
the newly appointed Lieutenant•Governor
of the N. W. T., and Richard A. Bayley,
barrister, of London. The ceremony
took place in Knox church whioh was
crowded with a largeaudienee of interest-
ed and admiring epeotatore, the knot
being • tied by Rev. Mr. Anderson, the
pastor. The bridesmaids were Miss.
Grace Cameron, Dieter of the bride, Mies'
Bayley end Mies Edith Bayley, sisters of
Mies the groom, and little M se Fl ora Adne
Wilson, London, nine of the bride,
a ichor. The
charming mid of t
made a a g
groom was assisted by bie brother, Ed.
ward Bayley, of Toronto. The ashen
were Drs. Bayley, Reamer and Seaborne,
of London, and Dr. Hunter, of town.
The bride was gowned in white satin on
train, trimmed with obiffen, and with
bridal veil of white net, (tarrying a
bouquet of lilies of the valley. The
brideemaide wore White organdie over
white silk, trimmed with apple green
stalks and sashes. The groom's presents
to the brideemaide were pearl and opal
singe, The ceremony over, the party,
which includes a large number of invited
bnests, eat down to a bounteous wedding
reakfast at the bandeome residence of
the brid&o father, where ample arrange-
ments and a splendid service met every
possible requirement, and the feetivities
were enlivened with the martial strains
of the bagpipes played by Piper Mo.
Donald, of Sealorth, in full highland
oedema, Ilse, Mr. Anderson proposed
the health of the bride, which was re.
eponded to by the groom, who in turn
proposed the health of the bridesmaids,
reeponded to by Mr. Bayley. Then Mr.
Bayley, Q. 0., London, proposed that of
the new Lientenent Governor, and this,
needless to say, brought Out an eloquent
response, Tbo happy neuplo Were Mort.
Standing of pupils for the Month
of May
The following is the result of the
test exnminations of pupils in the
Brussels Public School for the month
of May :-
PRIM/Ma-Examined in all subjects.
Total 65o. To pass, 33* each subject;
H. Downing...,389 L. Pringle 2o6
W, Ainley.......327 E. Bryan 194
A, Mainprize...304 E. Strachan ,169
M. Deadman .,,276 I. Crooks 166
J. MoLauchlin ,224 A. MoKelvey.,,1o6
P. S. L, -To pass, 575
A, Kendall 765 N. Smith 538
C. Allin,.,.•.....730 M. Haycroft5r6
K. Smith 694 G. Baeker 495
W. Grieves 663 T. Peebles. 445
M. McKenzie585 M. McGuire,., .443
M. Friendship566 P. Watt ...... ...427
ENTRANCE. -Total 85o. To pass, 425.
R. Taylor 633 A. Albin., 486
W. Good 622 G. McMillan....485
L, Sinclair 576 C. Zilliax 473
G. Ross.... 569 Ida Zilliax 454
J. Cousley.......568 D. Watt .411
Clark Allot 5o4 F. Armstrong..373
N, Vanslone504
J. HCAMERON, Principal.
JUNIOR FOURT11,-MatkSt0 pass, 460 :
E, MCArter 627 W. Peebles 492
May Skene 586 C. Baeker. 489
F, Thomsoxl579 John Peebles...462
Ella Kerr 538 A. Richardson.449
Leslie Kerr..,, • 525 N. McGuire .•..456
C. Richards 519 B. McKelvey.,.446
D. Moore 509 Ross Beattie.,.,410
Brine Scott 50 Myrtle Wilson .396
Erna Ayery5o3
Marks to pass, 410
H. Johnston.,..6o6
j. Good ....545
P. McMillan ....533
B. Howe 507
Luella Ross ..,490
G. Melso:n 474
Jessie Peebles 467
E. MoCracken463
Ada Ross 459
Frank Oliver4.39
Nina Blashill438
W. Ament 416
W. Haycroft •413
O. Mamprize411
W. Zilliax 406
Stewart Scott404
L. F. JAcxsoN, Teacher,
Juwtoa THIRD. -To pasS, 325
C. MoCracken.5o2 S. Maxwell 431
M. Scott 467 C. Hingston,....408
E. Wilton
R, Plum
M. Grewar
J. Walker
SENIOR SECOND, -To. pass, 225 :
G. Ross 264 G. McLennan„ 217
J. Thomson254 O. Mooney 212
A, McMillan,,..253 B. Beattie 198
M. Kerr. 252 W. McGuire..,197
M. McArter....248 M, Ament Igo
K. McDouga11.243 L. Colvin x86
A. Forsyth 245 B. Richardson.x86
13, Henderson 244 3. Burgess 177
B• Hingston,...240 A. McQuarrie 175
M. Ross 236 L. Edwards ,...x66
L Johnston 236 H. Richerds....158
A. Lott 232 E. Colvin 153
P. Leatherdale.23o 0. Wilboe .043
R. Pugh 227 T. Meadows..../15
E. Pugh 225 S, Lindsay 91
R. Siuclair 220
JUNIOR SECOND.. -To pass 225 :
F. Thomson.,, . 375 R. Lowry 330
J. Armstrong..370 L. Duntord 313
T Williamson..365 A. Walker 3ox
N, Forbes .363 T. Kerr 285
A. Oakley 356 R.. Kendall 284
J. Mooney.......356 L. Leatherdale,262
.A. Scott 352 A. Bird . 53
G. Zilliax 342
Mxss DOWNEY, Teacher.
Roots 4.
Fip%H CLAs3.-To pass, 250.
13. Ross . 282 F. Albin.., ...204
L. Turnbull26o T. Doll 200
W. Roache 255 13. Strachan ....194
M, McKay 254 G Rose. ..... ....177
A. Ros3253 L. Sinclair 070
E, Cameron,.,.238 W. Williamson x67
Bloomfield...229 3. Moore 16x
Currie 224 *F. Lindsay.... 78
G. Ewali 209
FOURTH CLASS. -T0 pass, 150,
G. Gaobel- 244 W. McQuarrie.212
V. Barrett,.243 A. Thomson ...205
F. Miller236
W...20 Scott o
E Ament 234 II. Avery 189
r e ,16
F Scott
21 .I'os Forsyth 7
F.3 v
n a n.1
I jj Hedrso
Burke 2 6 Vl'. 43
W. But
J. Wilton 213 *N. Peebles ,.. 94
Miss R1Tc111E, Teacher,
R. MoKenzie.,.393
P. Birt 388
H. Ainley 383
V. Danford ,375
E. Funston,367
G. Thomson 350
H, Watt 349
R. Ainley,304
P. Richards3oo
E. Baeker .299
N. Kendall -87
M. Hunter 270
H. Rutten.,263
G. Muir 241
A. Smyth 189
•454 G. McKay 371
446 S. Forsyth 347
440 L. Colvin . 536
Goant D'Ivey has forfeited 1110 bail -at
Montreal, and hie friends have been
obliged to pay for the hoods.
Wtn.73takeley, a brakeman, formerly
of Sb. Thomas, was shot in the stomach
and Trilled at Karam City.
The story in a' Toronto evening paper
that the protests agalnat Hon, Wm.
Harty and Mr. Foy would be dropped, ie
Dominion Bank nate0 supposed to be
a portion of the proceeds of the Napanee
bank robbery, have turned up at W inni-
p The City 0o0noil of Toronto passed a
resolution reoordiog the deep regret of
the people of Toronto at the death of Mr,
Jas. Prentioe, notion foreman, of
the Grand Trunk Railway in 'Toronto,
was killed on the track at the foot of
Bathurst 'Artist.
A. Cbioago syndioate has cornered all
the oat crop from Winnipeg to the coast.
At Vancouver Date have risen to $80 a
ton. 560 a ton is talked of.
At Pembina, N. D., the British flag
was pulled down from the wagon cm
which it was carried by Canadian t•iai•
tors from Emerson and torn to shreds.
Conductor Samuel McMurray, of the
Toronto Street Beltway, baa been award-
ed a bronze medal for oonopiouo0e
bravery in saving the life of Motorman
G. W. Cruise by freeing to im from a live
wire in Marsh last.
J. 0. Kennedy, who left Tilbury eome
weeks ago for Arrowhead, B. C., was
seriously injured in a mill there the other
day, in which he has been employed. A
board flew up, breaking a bone in his
left hand and fraetnring hie hip.
C7€tna,dian rtTe V so.
A Hamilton man named Mitchell was
drowned in the Stikine.
John Benson wag drowned in the Des.
Jardine Canal at Hamilton.
A prospecting party has left Halifax to
look for gold in Labrador.
The first gun in the British Columbia
election campaign was flied at Van-
Dr. J. Gibson, of Belleville, was elected
Preeident of the Ontario Medical Ac.
Albekt Monette, 22 yours ole, was run
over by street oar at Ottawa and died
from his injnrioe.
Hamilton Council has decided to tape
steps towable seouring the oontrol of the
Meal street railway.
M. C. Oameron, M. P., West Huron,
le the new Lientenent•Gov erner of the
Notthweet Territoriee,
A petition was filed against the return
of W. 0. Mo0orip, Liberal, as member for
south Perth at the recent eieotion,
undersigned will keep for service, on
Lot 0, Oon. e, Grey, a thorn' bred improved
Yorkshire boar and a thorn' bred large Eng -
Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be seen
on applioation. Terme, 01.00,;10 be paid at
time of eervioo, with privilege -of returning
if necessary. ARTHUR SMITH,
40.4* Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 10, Oon. 15, Grey, the thorn' bred Here-
ford boll .'Picture, Also a thorn' bred Dur-
ham bull. Both are exceptional) line an-
imals. Terme, 81.00, to be path Jan. let,.
1890, with privilege of returnlbg if necessary,
PrLL oprietor.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
�. G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
la -Shop in t arfiold Block.
a well tna,
of Y04!
p100s1 p5ODVOse Ina 668090
8000011 nr 0008 wssse.
P1005, dung all Nervone Dl.otwa. Sleepless
0000. Failing Mamory,Nlgbtly E nlooloni Spans.
torrhooe, impotency, oto., mond by put ,S.se
given vigor and elm to brunkan ,70nn. •o
0uto0ly but east, menaces Iger MANHOOD is of
or Dong. 4.1 coal ' ,you win grow aro0``
end Nunn aiy •• Sootby manor pid51 O rttt
end carried 16vy soelod.from Prim, 56 • pa 0a0p0e,, 001
fora8 Sold mon y In of 0rdine yoor�realn
al letter, , Addroee ell lettoa to J. T. PE
mrNalo¢l t, ewyuoaoDE 0QO, oar., Agent for the
Real Estate & Loan
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Bate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on dotes and
good Notes Discounted. Sale
Notes a Specialty.
fired Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Deeadinan''ss Drug Store,
-A. pictured history of the Shoe from the
3rd century to date, Full of foot facts
i�lfaaA about leather, shoe rain and longevity,
f•�' tricks of the last, foot forming influences,
styles and colors of latest shoes, etc.
Copy free from agents or mailers of
Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent.
Looked in our
6; Show Window
Lately ? .
Have you read my Advertisement ? Hay
you glanced 1n our store to see the
New Dress Goods,
New Trimmings,
New Prints,
New Silk and Cotton Laces,
New Gloves, New Parasols,
New Shirtings,
New Cottonades ?
Everything New for Spring.
In the Grocery Department
Yon will find everything Freeh
in Canned Goods and at old Prioee.
Teas and Coffees a specialty.
Agent for Parker's Dye 'Works.
J. G. Skene.
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 28, Oon, 6, Morrie, the thoro'-bred Im-
proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long-
fellow," No. 2480, bred by J.B. Brethoue, Bur-
ford, to whioh a limited number of sows will
be taken. Terme, 81.00, to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning if nec-
A number of choice young sows for eale'for
breeding purposes whioh will be sold at
prices to suit the times.
21- BORT. NICHOL, Proprietor.
Buggies and Wagons.
Always on hand and away down
in price to suit the times. I can
give you a buggy for the next two
months, second to none in the.
town for either quality, finish or
style, for $65. If you want a
Buggy you will find it to your
interest to call and see my stock
and you will say my statement
is correct.
JNO, YY 7 N ,
System Renovator
-AND 0111111t -
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Roux -
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall stones, Jaundice, /Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities' and General De-
Prop, and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jae, Fox, Druggist,1trassel0.
Who Makes Your Clothes?
High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels.
Worsteds, Serges, cheviots and Fine W000lens.
HATS for boys and men at popular prime, from 50o to 52,50.
NECKWEAR -All the newest effects in Knots, Derbys, Bows and Flowing Enda.
SUSPENDERS that will hold you forever.
In fact everything that can be found in a fireleolase Tailoring and Furnishing
Eetabliebment can be found here at pricee to suit the times.
-e s aforeyou conclude an
are login
away this paper b1 g
then throw w
9.nd Y Pp Y
good money by not buying your DA I RY SUPPLIES from us', We ale
with Dairy Cant
person prepared
Pftfle, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prices a000rding to quality.
Graniteware of all kinds,,.,1,
Having put in a stook of Spades, Shovels,
Forks, &c., of the beat quality we golioit
your Patronage.
Paint Your House with the best weather and 'water
proof Paint in the market. We sell it.
Screen Doors and Windows on band and made to order.
Tho best line of Cook Stoves to choose from.
Eavetrousgving sand Re airin
promptly attended to,.... 00000-
N. B. --Wait for our wagon, it will gall on you for your truck in tt
few .days.
Wilton & Turn -bull