HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-10, Page 249 THE BRUSSELS FOS T. tTcrNu 10,1880
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_ _ �- create the Wma "",I, fa Ian ""Ys lar
J garftylag laandfra,is Ghuugh Owughr ter, of Coat. Vli. ,hutLi(warth, being' �,..,'�-.c, i
"3- 4. . ` , :�,i,e1.1-� ` ` *° "^` in a hitch wind, it v+:ul nwnutorxons, taken !uta their eoufidonco, lawl more
two weeks tht.,r u(.Ly I,1, tuft nu t;�y
and so, while hie was absorLled in leis tlesn univr helper! lht,m nuG of their d[P- HINTS 1�9'�➢2 and night,. Of vouru tile dry feed is
51extTl /�t ` eg }�� �+y work, I slid off 1 stout mad eralA ui)" fietilllet. .Ind Beton now reco•niorad, calutln•ued if it Ire the letnnlion to
HT I a •` " `'-' S " I ' r �� � � with n se•n,ta uF rowin , des rni�c, thit THE RAIME•+[�• feet! xucl t'lnlnh uu fit';L s lu tlt,e sttutnter.
stairs' b er t
BY T, S, E, MAKE. She little thaught bine easily Ring- ' talo pr„blem with !r card to repayment �„- �-,,..- ..,,...,�....,, - If. riot it vital Ise lenaunod fur snntel!ting
ham followed lu,r as sh,e want, step of that dela wn, ne tbett Wright neveer � like a mouth to adv thugs, or fo(ld"t'
i'e w Cs by stair. The wlurla scene, by 1,!!a light I,e sulvo,i; aAe1 wblL made the thought lOIN`1Sq Olr <L GOOD BISTTh.R CONN". or titrate calott,lu,uod, t:nttle. ill font,
of fltekariag matellsa-instantly re )f their Ilabilit.y still more un+nvlting, A good butter cow should haven lung twill and lints f.rntal an old erne+k It
GdiLbkert &JIgha,ux stopped suf;ly ZZ hen t,iit,ert itiughtm's cub pre -Carted. 11r. tskintileworth had lately sh„wn her fare. +w they have the uppurtunily all sunlnier.
Aiawnstalrs. The front -door stood up-, gently faulted trim at file door of a ' I wandered from room to rental' marked attention, he was broodlllg ids lattceen the eyes, bhe Ili LLis. uaun8,utlon it ii lost1 to roll
on, and ho wont rxult,'Pliers Was no one small, red -brick house, fit the lamer she trent Orr, ' until I came to a,ba0l,` laver these matters--l1Cr' father' having eye alert and expretisive. and placed a attention to tile fart that'. there L,: It
W the sgUAre-only a lean, block cat of a row mf red -brink b°uses, facing actio un the top FToor th:Lk took my fallen itrt.0 :t ,Tuxes --w it tie're came a long tray below the horu,i. A cow systerliaLio dsnutnd for variety un it
that wriggled between some area rail- the gray w,e:Lt.ber-beaxen walls of a fat,y. There was a big, rosy armchair knoolt at the. front eihur, Juhn Warren_ purll of all animal•: a5 1%oti as with
y g with ayes near itis top of the head does
ingS at sight of blot and tanished, 1']cturesyue ulri monastery, he looked in this roam; and after my tiring ex- •'r lacked up t•linkingl}•.,"It's Shuttle» huxu:tu. This 1s Sho+sra cunetusival}• ih
In tile bedroom of a uummarcfal hu- airuuL him with curiosity at the ancient peditian-1 had never ventured up wY,x'th. \Z'itl you go to him, Helen? t'il not kumv any mora than a man whLh the fact l.haL rxUv animal, if I,rinated
tel hard by 1tiuEham resolved upon his appearance of the place. to the nen- stairs befure--I sat :ioivn to rest. It jilst eolleel my LhougliLs, ands join you ayes u plooed. t5he should have a from clover or other vegetuilon, will
plea of action, lie had been robbed centre of the square there wag a was such a sultry summer*.9 after- In two aacnaela. I've keen dreaming large muzzle, a .Abu neck, and a yellow, Wbdly go, slid COrt•er't It, gas gentle Vml-
mysteriouedy-robbed of foreign go,,- garden with it broad %vatic undsr an noon-thehouse was so silent -and I about Mr. C rtnold's money, 1 do lk%- diti°n by eating dry -grass, aLraw or
exwmeut securities nm„unting' to thu- wvenue of limes, The solitary figure Coll asleep, Neva!" skin. aspe,�iaily inside the ears ; the bay, h( alit prevented from so doing
ty thutvvand pounds -au the bank gar- mf a tn1I girl was moving beneath the ga could eco bar, tsars -it. tetra as- Ralph Shuttleworth was stan'Iing 1)rontlting shuIIl<l be regular. the buck by 11.5 unnise ctvu0r. if it is the iu-
rot of a oaariting-house !n Austin Fai trees, where the, autumn leav0s wars surodly the garret In which he had upon the h•'ar'ia-rug, warming his and abdoluen strmug, the udder wide foothill to fluish the steers on green,
ars. His first thought had been it, fluttering down around her in russet- slept -in the great chair, with bar Uanrla over the Pira in the drawing- rt11cre it onnixerts with the I,nrly.. aha r?o+y corn iu the tatty fall, then it is
itelegraph this fact to Cairo by means tinted showers, tiho wore a darlt cloak lovely brown head resting upon one room, where the lamp had been lighted likely advantugootrn to graduntly lake
of a Roulet node; Luta moment's re- and afar -trimmed but, and as she of the anus. And than- and the curtains drown. Ira was swell- teats square!} placed, and rile tail $lim, the grata feed off entlrel,v when the
flection allowed him bis first atop turned to retrace her steps the full face When i wuko it was night. air. built, handsome bachelor of eight- Cher and above a!1 these points sits grits is sn.ftlrleutly good that: the raL-
should be to find DLr. Grinnld suit sub- was directed toward him. fie recogniz- Grinold came in with a light and found and -thirty, wiLb a keen-ft,atur_ must have the dairy form. The points tie will not lo -o flesh One cnnnut be
mit to him the bare truth. The safest ed her at core. It tt:Ls the girl be had! me there, He had never heard of my ed, close -shaven face, His hands et test are only indicatlens, The dairy too careful abc,ul. thla. [tail will he ap
m -
course [would be to seek iris aid and rash under the lamp• -the girl who had existenoe before, though my father had were long Unit delicate, and per- arm is inseparahly connected with a ly repaid tot' Lou, additional trouble
protection. Could he possibly refusel lucked the door in Austin Friars.been in his employment fur ever so sistonrly expressed to Helen a grasp -
good butter cote. The desirable dairy taken. Again, a syslomatio gradual
Anthony Grinold rias the person most Why not sl;ea': to her? Site had been man ye.Irs• Frpm that night, Mr. Gri- Ingnature. She was vexed with her- form Is always seen in the best tvpesof change is nerPssul;y in returning to the
inaeresto and his advice would assur- the iodirvot cause of his dis�strou�l n0lrty ud 1'war 1,h 1e u EfxlOuda, fie selfur hnrbauriug thio feasu For she Js,rseys. Gnornsays, and Ayl'sLdTea. l feed Ln 1,118 fall, hitt since Ise corn is
d a e a s 0 b }, The hest beef [arm is resented !n the green, not demanding so much otters-
adly prove the most sound, It must rest loss. Might she not prove to be a constantly !netted me to his house. had never bad cause to regard the, la'v- p
with him to decide what action should tangible iink in the ch^Liu of av[denco Ltpon the first day I went to see him der otherwise. than as a frank -natured Slaw thorns, Herefords, and most of the tion. `I'Jter0 is fits le dangat of I(; Ile -
be taken in the matter, what means wanted to unearth the affair? He wag he illseovered that I had ahead for and generous frLend, No [woman wits polled with
abk The intelligent dalryxpori- !ug ntii n til b,y scours results, like
employed to unravel the mysLery. abouf. to put his impulse into force, business and. as a proof that he was rants quick to discover g„od qualities mal!' with a knowledge born of expori- the spring change Lrrm Lite dl,yset of
The City clocks !rad not yet struck" u, cross over in to the garden, when I in eernest, began to consult me ser- in others; and when discovered, as in once. desire and capability for the bust- feed to tho utmost suvruleut, The
Wino when Wilgliam again presented) the house dour ol:ened behind him, fausly about his affairs. One day, not Sbuttleworth's ease, she was ever ready mess, never makes the mtstnk. of either feeder. however, should select the must
i Ing his saw with u beet form. Neither suitable tinge for the change. This; da-
htmself at Griuold's counting -house in !'s bliss 11'arr0ner at homftd' many nestle ago, ho told ore, in the 1,O .but bar ayes t° a raaL ar Imagined will the Intelligent beef broader choose flOulba, Lint upon the eattia, but the scn-
Austin friars. 'Elie office on the He was shown into a dingy, old-hetrichest confidence, that hp had work- blemish. To -night his look was un- his aalimal from 'h air farm, with son. Some years the russ is drying
ground floor, with desks and high fasbloned draMir g -room upstairs. The ed out a scheme by which he culculat- wonUngly sadn.te, as became the licca- the y 3 n 9 h
stools enough for a; score of clerks. land windows her rat head and relaxed expression. up, tin[] nlsO the core In August Such
ug gave upon the equates. NO eta Co double his aboxilaa at Rhino Bina; sad he ventured t° retain her t,ia"ion[ structure and natural adapt- being the case, °specially should the
s deserted appaaraas The dor Runner was the servant guuo than stroke. It was n, inhere for investing hand to his awn while u(tering words ability embrace the possibilities, and pasture le a lildtle S110A. the cattle
stood of en, but iliacs was no one theca. Rangham hastened to a twinduty and; his whore capital an foreign bands, of sympathy and condolence' therefore Increase the rrobobilities of w•ou.ld ceu:se to grow, fuLteo and gain
Ringham began to dread that theist looked out into the garden. The; 'Not everything?' said Ringham in "I have loaf a friend„" said Utero¢, strovess with the butter cow. rapidly. 'chis must [n no event. occur.
might lie some delay-tfuat be might girl two: no longer there, consternation. simply -"a true friend," _ If the posture is
be compelled to [wait another hour- I He stepped towards the drawing- 1 'His whole fortune; the girl at- p growing shoat, not
"A truer friend, Miss Welcomer,' I% Vip . in it condition dryl of heather Haat
when he caught sight g a ish man room dour. There was still time to Planed. 'A6 ,even went do far as to STr;1 R; I'EEl)I_YG ON GRASS.
with a bold head and grayish beard i owarCatce her: she could not have walk- mortgage the hoose in Austin Friars. said Shuttleworth, h '"aha¢ you, per- ba t because nnct drying up the cc,rn.
pacing about in an inner room, ed many latices away. He had grasped But he kept everybody in Ignorance Uaps, fully realize yet," Then he add- Cattto may ba fed to more or leas but because not enough pns[.ura to sus -
Ur. Grinnld? he ventured to askm l the handle, was on clue ,mint. of o an- of his specufatinn. 3f fns her wonid ed; with a sudden change in his tone: advantage at any season of the year Late the number of steers. then they
l p Y Is the than from Cairo Tiered !I bays must Ixave alit corn until the new is
He approached the open door [while ingt he door with the thought to fol- have opposed him; and Mai Shuttle- I been given to understand that some alae tLndor proper management per'luips' ready. flat u,-u:Lll the cause cc the
sy.eaking and he now perceived that low, when a light footfall on the stairs worth, hla lawyer, would have, consid- a with a Lotter to Mr. Grinold was •ask- but tiro majority of farmers, !u Indutna `shortage hn pasture is the vory cause
the man was agitated. His fat, round ceased flim to hesttala. Cant,{ it 1,)o? orad him insane. But 11r. [}riootd had to for me;' at leas C, Caapi to the fall nn(1 relater, of the corn, nL least on certain sandy,
face expressed solicitude, Ringllum re- The footfall reminded him strangely a master -mirth for finance, and could
posted his Inquiry in a louder tone, of the one he bail beard awn the stone dispense with other pot La's advice. He Yea, a gentleman named Bingham Regular feeders usually hove than- earl}• pieces splits
ground, ripening iefel enrus
q stops under the lamp in <\ustln Friars seized the chanoa offered him, a9 you yards, or t, con- supplementing
tints ra.0 thou ba fad, thus
He's to be found at Gia "Two Swans," Iota, or
The man started out of his abstract- pusturas gain*
on the previous night, Y [ let sem! over at once," [moved icon "and suppled y hie the declining pasture,
tion and Looked around. 'No, my nulla l g knn%r, by our bank in, Cairo. His, call- ret Viva knmv;" and she moved [Cowards stauitly with feedel:s. .Ilow•er•ar, a+•en gradunily in(tieasing Che nuauunt of
is not Grinold,' said be, 'Ilio ' Warrener i ital was doubled. These foreign) bonds, the bell, the feeder proper, it seemsi is n.core in- turn until the steers recolve nil that'
-John WWarreaner-ALL, Grinold's man -I C?IAPTER IT. I when reallaed, will show that estata to "Stay]"' said Shuttleworth; arresting alined to fall and winter feeding, This will eat. If they could be vbang'eil from
ager. What is it?, Tha dome opened, and she -the girl be warLh thirty thousand pounds. Isn't rhand. "I'll stop across to the so Prof.day to duly, lu two different. ntstua�es,
Ringliam handed him his card. 'I've who had turned. the key upon him in that about the figure'I' I is doubtiese due. says T tC�nluk, t
pa icular bu, NII, suppose?
!s !n them, it
stook cattle to clean Etfge to
coma front Cairo,' he said, wvatrhinga, Avaihn Friars --stood theca. , 11'11[le one still spoke Ringham was no particular hurry, t sappase? Pray to tWs fact that feeders are usually tlreru, it will 110 found an advantage to
the manager's face narrotuly, 'with it, "bliss Warrener?" - bracing himself to 'tell ber every est down;" and he placed a chair for I mole, or less farmers, and fat -move go with the stock c4atle. Ono WILL
letter of introduction to AIr. Grinold:l It was bliss ZWarrouer; there could thing. It seemed be him! that Author het• near the table, "'There's a little are bray' people W the spring curb feed more freely under thoo-e condi-
it's about a matter of business., be no shadow of doubt for the manag- GrinNld would have urged hon strenu-, business I sb,ou6d like to mention- thous and force Lobo fal:teo[ng steers
'.A matter of business!' with his look ° line! -.vas urging him !n the spirit- suuimar and hoed interesting ucrupa-
er's letter was open in her hand. But y g p , Ahl" he brake uPP as Helen's father more rapidly.
bent upon the card. ULay 1: gee the lot- a stili greater surprise [vas in store 1 to pursue this course, By a frank'came in, "twill you sit here, Mal, War- tion, in tviute,I. But we doubt noC. _
toad for Itinghaur that morning. No sooner avowal !night he not wtn an ally? TJLO rener? It's a matter that concerns, that, more money is made un spring ty;_ RLY-C,U+T t'•:I,OVER HAT.
Tile letter in question was Produced, had she greeted him, more cordially . lawyer Shnttlaworth-her' father too- , you both,"' and Stuuaner. or summer and fall feed-
ZCarren^c turned it over in his hand, than he as n stranger had reason to would doubtless regard his story of I He took a chair at the head of the iu on lass, thou 1,, winter faceting, eilibotrgh 1,t iv scarcely sonsonahl0
The wards 'Pripet and confidential' exlect, than the girl hastened to in- a night is Mustin Friars with anepia table. and g(nsaert from oma to the lith- g g } to di ours hay making, yet soma recent
were inscribed ul,on tho left hand up- quire: ion; and it would perhaps be in Hal- er. seated an either aide of hien. Be The sixty stovers menCicrned in ;alar ovlior,Ieuce, WLYS a writer !n Nlltianul
par corner, and it here an Official 'You have seen Jit, Grinold?" en' arrener's pnwar to direct and aid 1 last article vera fall and winter fed
treated them clients
ba would have treat-, Storlrrnaa, with clover hay Wool list -
Oat. : No . hint. Ona word from bar might save him lid a couple of clients un his ott•n Priv- with a mouth or ttvu grass start, com-
Sit down, I must consult with Shut-( "v;•by not?' and her voice express- from stumbling blindly into entangle- ate office in I`inshur Circus hard by. Ler i,n calmed now u than tvlaen the larry-
z,lfswurth about this tetter; avid hs. orients; for if an doubt were thrown y two,co r ioneiier i. Bmf the fed fifty- lag eeasoII lent hand,• Uttr Firstlioblo[
'Shuttleworth will be stere directly, I ed vexation. 'Hie tees looking for you ! upon his word he in' ht have reason IIe had of a sudden become every troch ,two commencing in February, 1307, on
every boor of yesterday. He is an old! iigg the lawyer, clover teas mowed tar° middle of June.
expect, Sit dorm' man, feeble in health; anti he cannot I to vie, the future wltta grave concern, ""1,.y a .have been appointed executors- I a limited grain and fodder ration It was fair! in bloom and no more.
Shutthow•orth ? The name Was un- bear the suspense, Will you go to him But, as fate would have it, he was you and P' -and he glanced at Warren- i which was Oantinued and increased to I y
known to
have Rimmed to the man- now N debadelve )tato red from
worthy u- er-'"under bTr. Grinold's will. We'11' fu.11 feed oil grass until August -about Among the clover wast an ebuudrint
amidPp I am afraid,' said Ringham, 'that go into details whop letters of admin- I growth th of that l,es, last year, he
a.ger'.,k suspicions? His nervous, dis- it's ant of the sestina. �It was Mr. of the latchkey in the front -door, afoot- istration have, been taken out. Afean-, els months. w'halt one car was put off. tt•hite-tOp. in order it, make the most
tressful manner could not, surely, be Warrener's wish q step in the hall, and nest moment Het- time It will gratify you to learn„ sir, for the .Condon market, weighing i-
s nothing.' said en's father came in. of the white -top the clover was mowed
ham,rstanding withshis ahand upon lthe the ,girl, ' absolutely father ? Ile �t noth ng. about � "I've not seen Shuttloworth yet," he Grinnhat ld has � queathed to lou the um l 485 pounds at Lilo Indianapolis stock about a week earlier than usual, The
chair, hastened to answer: '1 cannot g g staid, answering Ringham's Inquiring y I yarda and bringing at that time -in
the l,usinass which has brought you' g q g of two hundred pounds." clover was quite sappy rand sluts to
wait. Where does Mr. Grinold lived to R'ngland. Nobody does, except Mr. took, "Bait I've had a note from; him. "I'm glad to hear ht;" and he nodded; the summer -$4,85 per hundred. They I oure, The we:a,[Lr hall not hecoure
The matter upon which I have colas to Grinold and myself,' , He's coming round as soon as he can at the lawyer. 'It will help me to pay' cast $3,50 to .February before, and had woody. S1'e have been feeding this
London hs most urgent. I must see 'Nobody except this girl l' Ringham get away. I told you what a. busy man my debts, gained an average of about 486 pounds.
him at once: thought. The situation was becoming he was, There's' no knowing when Shuttlevvorth waved the sentiment. clover along with some other w•hlch
Ringham's words roused a drmwsy in- each moment more puzzling. Should he he'll turn u No such g'atn ooulcl be expected for a
g. p• aside, "there is a will among Mr. ,ons cut tit intervals us lata ns four
terest not previously manifest, 'Urg- confide all his trouble to herd It sug' -, Ringham craved to be alone. He Grinold's deeds," be resumed, re- little over els months feed had it not I [weeks afterward. - ll:he stock protect
ant, !s !t? Wall, it woulrL be a waste gested itself favourably to his mind, knew that no further talk with Helen (erring to a notte-book in his head, been for the growth an grass. The the early -cat La ;!hare are nlura
of Little to inquire, into the nature 1VIeanwwhile the task which had been im- , 1,'1 axrener-no reference to the stolen "I avin all his j her carload, or rather all. but eight ! tea' y y weads re
of our business -ural [waste of time; bonds -would how be possible, Ha g Property to a relation , other res an the stems. The a Is
y Y posed upon hi,m, the rash of breaking' P in iAaw, Zealand,. But a subsequent I of the worst which woxe fall and win -
for I shouldn't like to meddle with the nerve of Anthony Grinold'a death, would be compelled to act indopend- will, drafted about the time laic. [Grin-' ter fed, were carried two to three 1 this are eaten clean, When the late -
Air, Grinold's private affairs tcithout took an exaggerated shape !n his brain. eptly. No tone meet he lost in writ- old became aequatinted with your months louger and finished in unothel,• cut hay is fed, sonr8 clover stems rand
consulting Shuttieworth, kit's Air. He tried to lead up to a coutempda traig to the bank in Cairo. His version daughter, has made the former legacy tray, via„ Oil new corn. fodder and all I many weed stains are left In tine mt+n-
GrinobVe lawyer: tian of the bereavement suggestively: of the disaster should be despatched null and void." tut and (ed from the &Id direct daily,
It %%as now (]trite obvious to Ring- 'There was a block on the line -you to-nlght; his record of the garret mys- Helen's eyes• as well as her ,father's, 11'e are not sure but these younger ' gars. tl'ltuire 'is a gi;tferelit arana-
bam that John Warrener was !n total kra(iw ivhat a foggy day it was -and, ter}` in Austin Friars; anal[ their Shut- were fixed Intently upon the lawyer's cattle, finished in this way, made us the earrly being swoaL, the Juba being
darkness with regard to the errand therefore, how was it possible, to reach I tlewtirth would have to be faced, He face, more money than any we fed during more bitter. This was not rine to more
Upon which he had conte, Tie [could Afr. Grinol(L yesterday? And now, this pleaded a business engagement, and "In a word•" Shuttleworth concluded, � the year. That we caouot tall exact- rainfall on the ono than on the other
otbertwise have Shown eagerness to 'put morning -as i learn from Mr, Warren -i hastened to take his leave: though "by the last will and testaauest of the, ly, owing to the eight head being cull while curing, for the early-eut• had
him in direct communication with Mr. er-ha is so seriously indisposed '-- 1'With the distinct understanding that late Anthony Grivold, your daughter, od ,out and neitUxer lot having been its 'pr•uportiunof rain whits in the
Grinold. He began to groat impati- ' Mr. Grinnld ill -seriously ill?' and he should be sent for "a6 the ' Two ,Helen 11'arrener, has been a abated weighed agnin. However, suffice it to swath. By the time the late-uu.t hay
ent. I while speaking she moved towards the Swans " the moment the lawyer, made sole residual legatee, May I be the I say we were very well pleased with was in the stack, the second growth
'The lawyer can be of n° service to door. 'I will go to him' all once, and '- his appearance, first (m congratulate hex'?" appearances and believed they did of: the early-aut was well along, The
me, .XIr, WParrenerl Perhaps he sag-' 'Not I entreat you,' Ringham in -I The letter to Cairo wits completed; "lyiy daughter? 11'hat does Lt a,ll trotter than any of the others. There harvest rains hasten this greatly. `.Cho
ge,tecl-`p8rhaps 'I should find Mr. terposed, ' don't go, You -you can do ' nothing had been kept back ; and Ring- ,mean-?, are tawny things W consider in feed- i difference in the yield of seed. in the
Grin -All at home? to his house ;any (ahs na goad -now! I barn now priced to au)4 fro in his room i "It means," Bald Shuttleworth, "['hat Ing on grass which, if overlooked or. fields wits even more favorable for the
trance from Isere t She glanced round, her tools stricken at the "7:wo S%waas," each minute ex- Lyfjga WParnOr has come into a handsome treated carelessly, will out profits incl- early -vitt clover, '.("Iris Geld was cub
No, not say diSCanca: with dread. 'Can yea mean --hs it pos-' pecking the summons to Charterhouse fortune.. invested in foreign bonds." IN Indeed. -Perhaps the greatest of September 1, and •yielle:t Lwo and one -'i
"Rill you give me his add,ress,ancli'- Bible -too late?' ! Square. His courage began to waver. r r"A handsome fortetned" said War- these bs the change from dry Peed and half busshols of send par ,tors. The
'it would Lie useless said Warrener; Ringham made no answer, but he What would Helen Warrener huts ,rener, with a dazed, Inquiring look, 1•oleghness to grass. An immediate other field was ant five weeks later,
Dfr. Grinnld is decd! bent his head as a tacit token to her 1 thought after all? Mr. Grinold's whole a ""Thirty thousand pounds," was Phut- nbrnpt change whit not only scour the Tha Parc of this Eield, that had the
The manager's confused manner - that she had surmised the truth. I fortune gone i How could he hope to tteworth's reply. cattle, but; may cause loss of some first cutting taken made uonsldorable
his repeated reference to Shuttleworth Helen Warrener stood near the win-'. lie believed d He stopped before his w•in- • At this moment they both turned animals a.nd ab least will greatly re- seed, but the other parts did not yield
-all was now explained. Ringlium dote, staring blankly Before her. Her. dow and looked out upon the great, 'their eyes curiously towards Helen. She (lues the flesh. Some say they scan re- enough to pay far hulling. These ex -
turned this new and unexpected situ- lips trembled; her, beautiful dark eyes noisy thoroughfare. The, street lamps stoop! at the window, holding back the gala rho lost'veight. Lt is a mistake, perinla:)its are eonf[rmed, ;by, the re-
ation rapidly over in his mind. '"'by bad filled w1ill tears. Ringhaml watch- I wore being lighted alroady; anOLber curtain with an eager hand, and peer• brother feeders, .The grass is so telt- sults of other years, If one has Much
should he part with the letter of in- ed her grief unobtrusively, moved. by I Log -ridden, wintry night was closing ed out into the fog, - der and watery that the digestion is i clover to out, in ordeC Co harvest 1,t
troduotiuny a3ir. Grinnld wake dead, a sense of wonderment and admiration. around the crowded city. He pressed impaired, the diarrhoea grows more or early, he mia.4 espeu[ally pian his
('To be Continued,) less chronic and some animals will not work to this olid. lRiare are so man
Tile letter was lying on the Liable un-, What mysterious l nk of sympathy hurl his !land to his heated forehead. What _ i y
Opened and he recovered it without held this young girl in such close eom- was there to hinder him; from flight? recover ftili a lord case all summer. that is r llikiingo al ver h n i ,Luna
an show of hesitation, while Haying': mnnion with the old financier C us- i It would Lie minutes Breakfast TN;wo he. -lake one quart Such as animal, ex two Of Chexu, may that the ninlcte ., I lover hell will like-
%Z)f ra r o A u d not take him v I ,
'I'vo put up at the "Two Swans,'• If tin D'rlars? to pack his valise; his coat was hitag- °f flour, add two heaping teaspoonfuls maks taxa difference between profit an'd' ly" be neglected., .l1, is w011 to anit
uau, or Mr, Grinald's Iawyet-, have an Present Iv, secnrlm almost to divine !n temptingly over, the back of a chair, of baking powder and a litLle salt, then loss in the final "round. up' at roar- I clover hay that is t1Red for home fe8d-
ommunication to make" you [till find his tbou •fits, she turned. to him and His loo'rr • his brain sift Lhoroughly. Beat up two eggs, ked,ing time. lThe stseva should not : lug. Animals corCninly relish (rbc sidt-
y r s �les0e ata, and mix with hatf a lint of milk, and I have the first gross more than two ' ,nai)s, il:'er'slons ar•e ca.refttl to kava
me there. And he Stepped towards said: I throbbed loudly, llight-flight I" Tau 1
Lite door. ' i'nu didn't know !alta did you, :1Tr, hoaxed it i. the ro of t•ru£Cio without, , [:old [water enough to xulLke it stiff bat- 'hoots, a little more the second -clay their food rightly st:ntunc+d. Anitnais
,8 tali i' said Warrener, 'I am for-' Ringham?' y I in voices raised to shrill oriss and marl- Iair, N% ]rich should be well beaten. Bake 1 and the third, not allowing a half clay no doulit• would (to the same if they
getting myself! but you will escuSo j 'T never even beard his name till , dealing shouts, in the scurrying tramp lit a vary hot oven, I before t•ha fourth, Continue to it I could.,
and under the circumstances. It J'Ir, this letter '-an•1 he touched his lit -east I of human life that harried by. Ile '� _ .x«.,,.e,_._.e...•.s,,...
G.rinold had lived -he died quite tied- pocket-' a fel ter of introduetion, wars stood at the brink; one stop and the _____._...-._...,._, __._..._.-_ -
danly this morniug-you would have given me in S'lr. Grinold.' I tide would carry hien onward -beyond _
been Iiia guest, Won't you be Minot 'He nnw ill to revFr lar Impatience to I recall. /�,r✓,/ �� �%
Let me gine you a lima to my dough-' gat the seruril:ies Into his otvn hands; I 1leaatthile JAhn 11'urrentr, seated in Y� /r ^� "uy I I�
ter, Any friend of U:r, Urinold s, any and when he peered nut upon the, fog- his little back parlour beside the hearth / /� `!,'"3� `_% ,
one coming from abxottd with a letter gy weather: -Alien hr: lea int that the ; bad Lha apl.earance of it man resoly- "' �� • j_ �� , fy _ t
to him, would receive a welcome Prom mrxiT-train might: not. renrh London un-, ed to take his Lroubles easil•yl <,r 3fll p �' //r
hex. I'll try to get home to an early tit after i,nnk.Ing hours -he had avis-! "WWell, Helen l" said be, 1 don't y ✓�� ,�%'�'�,�/ to Z
dinner,' added Mr. Grinnlds mnua*- / ///� 4 ��! . ° / �
1 6 scall that-- Why, ;V1 r. Ringham, kauty what will heeumet of us ; our. only �,` 1, yam. / ' � � � %, ; �.
' h� �.
or, his £neo getting rounder at the slip suddenly broke o£f, ' ltotw perplex- support is removed. Wyhv e likely to f /r ��/ /', - • � � /' ���' �
prospect; 'and perhaps I may prova[l oil, you look! Does ' surprise you, that I prop r t t' of life?" %.. / �., � � ]moi-/� a. , . i • !�; ,.•_
",y ! 1,l t 1 [ na ps a Sh mxe t .�,/rr� ,,/ ..•fes,. _
uJ,oa :?hutLiaworth to join Its -per- v s about, A •� Oriental '' J ---"Hal- �:. / ri'���� � ..,�r.r''
I slr.nulrl. !(ant mor a ul .Ir.. U incl t I Perhaps bra•, Shubtlo'varth p�%/ 1"�i � ,�:•:�%'r..- et �, a tic � r
Hsps. Ha's a bus mum' �// j� %/ �'' � !��'r a :� / ` //
S than my father-iltnn cry one d Tt bow i on began. / /� s /� '� y ✓r ;i ; / / rn
While saying l;hta lie sat down to pen surprise you sl:l11 further to learn haw '" Not he h Shuttleworth knaves I've ,�
a line, which he concluded, by address-, I. came to ma,k, his acquaintance. Tt I fall La bits of late, And � �/a� � j ✓/lice' l.. `1 /�
1; n ( q I en into icy re 5 �• 3,,�r� r �, t 1, ,,
Ing to 'Liss flol8n S arrener, Char teas in a. •Glia room in Austin Friars t' . not, to ire wrondarad at eittez' 1 Lazy ���". ,g ;t /�' �';/ 4- , � , � : %�
terhouse Square: I ',l'a Austin Friars?' lhabitS? Why, thera's been no business � ilataat ��v=yam _�✓ � / � ,�
'One moment,' he went an as he nose' • Nes; three or flour years ago. Does I doing in. Mr Grinold'o office for many ��
and placed his hand on Ilingham's It interest you? To me. It. proved, quite a flay. Hs dismissed all his clerks, as *'., /% 11" _ mz
Drat. 'My daughter knows nothing a wt,ird experience, t eannot tell you 1 you know, a while back, It's suri?r'is �± % r- fir':/;
e,bout> !!Lill Grinold's death'. btay 1: ask everything, though r*rbapa I may do ; Ing he didn't turn ane adrift. He had L � � �C - '/r.,. / �%_1
yotx, as a favor, to break the news to so another day; but I can Intl yolY bow a Lilly fortune at one Lima," said the �L? w ® `
her? She Has a very great regard for the meeting bet'veen Afr. arinold and ex-manugar retrospectively; 'int I y q
the old gentleman' -yea wont; be too myself lance about. Should yon like. don't know what hs°amo of it I Sash It .
hbrt11% will you?4 to know?' fall, maybe; ):here's no saying," 1 .k '' 7 .
It +coq impossible to refixes. War. Ringham willingly assented. A Lnp Uolan Made no answer. It was not �r, --.e,, r_Zi i -
rotor bad [)laced the note in his ],anal; room in Austin G`rlar;•!I Ile Wait(] bard fur her to instruct Jxor father about I ��"` -. !J� „ 'ter_..
though, in truth, ilio beim tells In no 1 restrain the impulse Lo question her, IVT . Gri old' a.ffa'ra 1 r, S ttlewortli �o� �°�` ?"��, �'�. "=r=- � . �rrf'�_. � Z?`r�
g g Y p q T n s t I hu 6,
mood to condole with the manntor's Ulm it the garret in which hx had loclg- rwoulcl presently lac here, and then, f 4, h `k = �� t� tom'"`` ,4 �• �^ � `�
dsuglltor, it had decnlved upon him ad-Lhe chance was not remota-ln''vhea Fl:x. Tlingham had stopped over lir f e �? +�;.� �.e�sr";r -1 kw�c
to make strenuous offori.s, devoto ov-, which be had. been robbed d Hea would from the " Two Swans," every detail Jsi I , �.- % �`.�r &� 8„� ;Q - --+-
cry mtrxrant of the day to the, Matter'. spank presently, when she had, spoken, i would doubtless be discussocL She was .- x" ; -iar < a °rive, ' .MIN
of the 'stolen fronds, iia hold an ox- He would relate Itis o'vas experience In I In xxv mond to touch upon the laatten "y /,; -, ?_„��•, ^ate
tfllinnt pavltlnn in the lie,uk at Llltra; atop room in Ausl:int t`riars, and, with now. " y ��--'" ~+ .. ro -�
last that, would be forfeited - ruin a full sense of trust, In her generosity•.the subject which gave her most a.as- c - ". 'ti / -�` Ze `i d-`
ora 'Cttcu-ff tIi[d m store rnmtthnart 'vhhie -- to admit hadxofOranao to her father's " ___- ``"tsvJ +Nb', FTt�w--- fir'
itialay hours Unexplained. On the wayl 'It bappeaed whon I woe barely sev- prospects: His affairs wore ing aaerlouS "k ' " .e e%tirw°e t' + $ x _ `v
W Chartarhoas-k Square, be, stopped at eoteon,' said I.lelan; 'ani! I had got plight, He had worked for D2r , Grl• „o
the 'TWO Sw'alis: mild deviated n talo- !lyod of waiting in tile office for ray nold, ever since the financier had re' ,L D Iff GR1rAT POWERS• SATISFYING T'
gram to CIIA.o, none Into plain rug- fathor, IIe ryas busy over the books; tired from active business, air a Tarlac -
limit jCIfIN 1iC1f AN Tic , Irl ill CURIOSITY.
16 trial as fellows: '7tobhold of and It was such, droar work siting iii cad salary. They had got into money Tftts Cot4Ta ruTAL Powmts-'What fire you doin thore?
leant%- iaciltf der.d,l a retool ivatch.ing the, ho i of his Nil- troubles in cousngwenco; and its aALMO, Jd#tit litrtr.•-•Ole t nothint r treadling at ali,lust Ioctlelnwoel
t 1,1111 Of,' .1111.: UAW,
I'Voman s crowning gat, -r: hs beau.t-
Cul !lair, becomingly arrungud, 9:he .ar-
ranyouY"rnt Is a vital puiut, fur no ma(
I Or
:ter hmv al:umlant (ilk!hair ur how low
ally lis polar, like any other beakityof
par,euu, we mast know how to use it
a,dvritttageously, ,
Alis, Jenness-,,Miller In one of her
lett,ures declared wo are in danger of
becoming a bald -beaded race. "We-
llen," she says, "would be its bald as
men Wit, for their skill !!d disgu[aing
povarty of tresses" -a very a+videatly
exaggerated sttitement, as any por-
rson call demon+[.rata by at lit Lie obser-
vaLiun. The causes tyh[ch uanko amen
mild -the wenriug of stiff, 0040 -fit. -
Ling hick, kept so constantly upon Lha
head, do not operate In the vaso of wo-
Mon. Moreover, the frequent sham-
puoings which tho barber wurkd off
an his customers, Ills "sea-fonuls" and
his I.•ay-ruuu tont nuvos sup* a bay-
bearry, have something to do with the
rapid disappearance, of the hn[r, on
Lite tap of, It nrun'S head, firs. A'tiller
also expresses liar oplehun that the
wonderful Creations wblelt w•nnaeu now
[tear should be replaced "by sofL, man-
tilla -like coverings of lace or knit
goods," and [.hat wa should go barn -
headed as murk as possible, 'Prue it is
that the 5pau6b, Culata avd Alaxican
ladles, who near the graceful mantilla
au, their ehip.f head o0voling, have beau-
tical and ubaedtLaL hil}r. But, lir mil-
liners wail never tat as adopt their
A great many penpie think frequent
liashlao+ uerrssary to aha L:leaullness
and vigor of the hair, 'Ibis is a mis-
Laken Idea. The hair should be wash-
ed but seldom. 1\'ashing, no maLLer
)low carefully done, Laugles and Souris
ale hair; it is [)rotten off and pulled out,
and toe damage done Is equal to, or
in excess uf, ire benefit derived. Che
beat way Of keelAug thu hair elekn is
to set.-ali It. into Strands, and rob
the scalp softly with the fl.ngors, dis-
lodging the daudrul't, th •n brushing if.
(tilt. rise tbo brrlsh gently, with long
light strokes. and do nut "pat" Ili,.-
lyabead I%iLlI It. 1P111e the strands of
hair with a +wet tutwul ; :;hake them
loose and air and ventilate tilt, haix
thoroughly. •
If the flair must be washed never
use ammonia or sada. You can ,judge
of Lbe offset of ialllm„2111 On pal° LAIC
by remembering bow it arts Oil your
bands -or the kitchen paint. It should
never touub the beir. Use borax !n -
stand.. Tills clounses the balrs and the
scalp, and being a nvaLral salt in -
filets no injury.
flrushlnif has much to do with pret-
ty, glossy and silky Italic. .It uxuites
Lha sooretion of oil in tilt, hair bulbs,
and no adl'enlitious mills can equal
this. Oils, pomatums, eto., applied to
the hall, itself do harm rather than
good, Any dro.sing intruded to thi^k-
en, excite growth, etc., should be wail
rublied into the scalp.
If the hair splits at Lite enols it is
all evidt,110e Of ilIKILMO,nnp nOtlrishment,
and some means should be taken to
furnish the scalp with food. Pure hoof's
marrow is said Lo must nearly resemble
in substance the natural oil of the
scalp, The greatest Lrotnble is Lhal: un-
less properly prepared it soon turns
rancid, and proper preparation invol-
ves subjection Lo great boat. Canth-
arides enters butu every preparation for
11101-eaSing tine growth of the hair; it
Is stimulating unci' must be used with
discretion, and always with un oil or
ungunt Lha[ lots been ibinlred %vhtll flay
rum or cologne. Alcohol has a bad o -
feet upon Lilo tartar, making it lie rsh and
,removing the oil; It also dries up Ilse.
accretions of oil In the scalp. Vasolinu,
well runbud into the rouls of the bail,,
prazuotes grow:tb; and a lady of this
GUY %vho Couxld herself growing bald
o,u the-tom'ptes, took to rubbing Lhe
thin spots %villi kerosene. When she
filled her IampS, which she did twice
P, week, she dipped her finger in the
oil just once, and rubbod it on Lite
denuded places, The hair came, In
agnin, and she deolares korosena did
Lt, fit !s well known that vusalinc,
w'hicil is a jelly t,( putroleunt, should
ant be used till Lite faro, Itimuse, U nx-
eltes a grow bh or down,
A tittle 000k "Beauty and Ilyglaue,"
gives the following its a, harmless dye
to darken tilt hair; fare half a dozen
potacoes nod. put, Lhe paxlilgs in an [real
VOL; cover t11Lm with told water and let
them poli until .soft. Strain the, wat-
er and lilt it cool; and apply to tho
hair with it fine cumb until It is tbor-
ovb•hly trot !Drying ata' Iran fit the
sun sets till cut" c'
Several nppliva••
tons aro necossnry, Carla must be tak-
en not to allow• the potaLO water to
touch the hulks or face, as Lt discol-
ors the okin,"
The sauna authority recommends the
following ns an oxreilent application
fur stimulating therowth of the
hair and eyebrows Oil of sweat at -
intends, Gbixty, grammes; essence of rose-
mary, thirty grammes, oil of mates, 0110
gramme. 6fix the ingredients !it s.
wale,. bukh and apply a little, of the
110111100 to the sr,alp overly night 11.'ho
hail' shnuld be washed once a weelp
While, us{ag ]Ili.-
' 1ZI;1"PiNG Erin Al LOVI4SIt,
bf,rs, Short tongue--I)yarucan [' say
you've boon marrbut L•on years, all,
never had It quitrrot wlih y'Y' husband?
Lair Stranger, --Thal• is true. madam.
And yo always let' him have that
last word?
1'cts, madam; I Wouldn't for the
world do anyLhhnig to lsszion my bus-
ban(1!s love for lite, He miglxI, get,
Yes, We are jugglers by profession',
and at L•uo performances every day 1,
stand against; a, (ward tvllile, he (brow$
the, irnives.
fn Turkey the ilse of alonl,ricll:y lar
anal i,nlWacco ydaance rthern At,lae plUo`utai
for electrical invaia(vas z I:oftwod„