HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-3, Page 8GOOD BOOKS. In His Stop/ or What wouidJosus do, 160 A Castaway, by Moyer ..,,...,..,, 15o Absolute Surrender 15e "And Peter," 36o Whiter than Snow 15o Parable from Nature 150 Christie's Old Organ 15e The Orew of the Dolphin 15o In Obeid, The Way of Life and Good Tidings by Parker, Newly, Spur- geon, Talmage, Mrs. Neil, &o,300 The Secret of Guidance, by Meyer . , 500 The Way to God, by Newly ...,..., 30e All of Grace, by Spurgeon 30o Tha Young Preacher, by Cuyler .,,, 30o The Spirit Filled Life, by McNeil,. 80o 0 Everything in the Book line to be had at our Drug and Book Store. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SODTEERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Traiva leave Brunie Station, North and South, as follows : GOING SouTn. one Nonni. Exuress 7:10 a.m. 10Iail .. .. 2:10 panMixed e:4a. a.m. Exprees 10:10 p.m road linins bats, A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. JUNE. LIaNT frosts. POTATOES area little scarce. MARRES: your wool at Brussels. Sone yards are far from tidy yet. A. 0. 17. W„ this (Friday) evening. Tan PosT gives the looal and dietriob news, Forms Division Court on Friday, of this week. Waose next on the matrimonial list ? Dont all speak at once. Puma School Board will meet on Fri- day evening of next week. Tan annual moustaohe ehave•off craze bas hit the town and has become quite infectious. TEE fishing pole and skipping rope are being worked full time by the young- sters in this plane. EXcSION 20th. ReturnnfareGuelph fr fromn Monday, June Brussels $1.00, tickets good for 2 days. A :enema of Brussels bicycle riders will be held at A. Coasley's store on Fri. day evening of this week at 8 o'olook. S. ASErN, pbotograpber, is assisting Miss Fannie Sample at the photo. gallery daring H. R. Brewer's absence on his wedding trip. Tan lilac bushes are very heavily laden with fragrant flowers this season. David Ross, sr„ has a luxuriant crop and any- one who sees them will have no reason to eay "Yon lilac sixty." OonipLAlwT has been made of young men who are shabby and thoughtless enough to expectorate tobacco juice on the windows of private residences and stores. A hint has been dropped as to who the offenders are so look out, DIE".—Last Friday morning Annie Caroline, daughter of Thompson Snider, Mill street, Beni/eels, died, aged 4 years and 25 days. The little girl suffered a year ago from a stroke of paralyais and the re•oocurreaoe of 1130 same trouble re. Butted in her decease. Funeral took plaoetaking the eecvabafternoon,bath .ntement was made in Brussels oemetery, AOCIDENT.—Tuesday evening ofd Mrs. Mooney, Mil! street, Brussels, with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. McDonald, of Morris, were driving home when the horee made a sharp turn upsetting the buggy and throwing the ocoopant3 out, injuring both ladies quite seriously. No bones were broken. The buggy was badly wrecked. We wish Mrs, Mooney and Mrs. MoDonald a speedy recovery. GRAND TRUNK NoTEe,—A change has ld sections n thie looality, whereby ,Steen made in the bel division is swiped out. Brussels and Henfryn divisions take a mile each and are given an additional seotion man. Wm. Haiste, who has worked for one baok to wtrkahere.—There is a pro, has bab• iiity of the present out rates on railway tiokete being abandoned owing to an arrangement about to be arrived at by the railways.—Two oar loads of tow were shipped by Livingston Bros. this week ; a3lso a oar of oars of oatsyathe same rfirrman 8 oars of Balt and a coe5ignment0 frisbee better by Robert Works t Tbomson. BRUSsELu Punnla LIDRARY.—The follow. ing are interesting items taken from the annual report forwarded to the Govern. went for this year from the town Public Library :— Number`of members, 108 Money expended on parohase account minus dation, $29,86 Money expended on dation, .,,, 4.28 Money expended for newspapers, etc., . 28.10 History, Vola 10 Llbrr18a'B ary. Vol3isssued. Biography, 297 64 Voyagee and Travels, 286 866 Science and Art, ,.,, 281 15 Gen. Literature, 48 0 Poetry and Drama,., 48 15 Religious( Lit., 108 26 Fiction, 449 1,384 Alisoelltneons, .,.,., 825 69 Works of Reference, ,46 7 Total, 2 022 1,911 3 Roadiegyroom newsmen13 weekly papers and 12 periodioals, Value of Books 6628, Cash on hash $98.23, Miss Minnie 1tioNan1lh• ton it/ the careful and paina.taking Lib. rarian and has done no small share in 58000103 new members, There should be a large increase In the membership list. Every family in town ehould be. long, $1 inveated thie way would supply the Choicest reading for a whole year many of the books to be read costing more titan that amount Wbeleealo, elsreetterbliefew Oimmxoa'RY (lonit wee in amigo week at Goderioh, Janina 11‘03 10 having the flout drug attire painted. Bemuses Court of Reviaiou mid l: meeting will be held next Mouday ing. Woouonoo have completed the en meet and improvement of Wm. J residenoe, Mill 0treet. CnogrET promises to be a p pastime this 0omlug season. Save the public eehoole are investing in tits for the enjoyment 0f the pupils A Mecum Lodge of Instrnotio be held in Delimit] about the 24 Juno for t11ia District, D, D. G Pinkerton, of Pinkerton, will be tandem. A LOA" of Brussels A. 0. U. W. a ed the Amaral of their lata br Workman John Proctor, at Belgrav Thursday of this week. )fir, P died on Tuesday morning. A looal speeding contest is tal in which horses owned by P. Soo Williams, Smith & McLaren, J. Be P. Ferguson and A, Straohan will part, the prize to be a new blanket. R, Hesonesox has pulled down th supply tank for street watering par and after its rebuilding on a re scale the pumping will be done b engine of the Electric Light Worsts. Tun Blyth Standard shows his sym- pathy with us as follows :—At the gen. eral oonfereuoe of the Methodist Episco- pal ohuroh, which met in Baltimore, Rev, Sem Jones, the noted evangelist, made the following motion :—"I move to hang a1l local preachers," If this motion should carry, it will go pretty bard with our good Bro. Hoines, of the Clinton New Era, and our equally good Bro. Kerr, of the Brussels Poet, EAST HIIBox AIM GREY BRANcn,—The Directors of these two Agricultural So. cieties are asked to remember that a meeting will be held in the Oounoil Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday after- noon of next week, Jane 11th, to nom. mance at 2 o'olook sharp, The business will be the revision of the Fall Show Prize list and disarming or dealing with any other topic of interest that may be presented. Let there be a good tarn -out of those interested and on time too. See JoaN's Loran,—According to am. ended Bylaw, tile'inetallation of officers An St. John's Lodge, Brussels, will take place on John the Baptist's Day, Jane 22ad, instead of St. John's theJvangelist day, Deo. 27811. Last Tuesday evening the following offoers were nominated :— P. M., A. Cousley ; W. M., G. Halliday ; S. W., P. Bishop ; J. W., G. F. Blair ; Sec„ J. A. Creighton ; Treas., Jae. Fox ; Chap., Jno. Wright. Titus 0 ELEor10N.—Thursday of last eek the Reeve leaned the warrant for a ew election in connection with the °heel Board to fill the plane made aoant by the removal of A. Koenig. omination will be held in the Town all next Monday at 12 o'clock and if en ection is necessary it will be held one ask later, at the regular polling places. ame5 mentioned of probable candidates e G. F. Blair, Jas. Fox, Wm, lilashill, r. McNaughton end Alex. Straohan, oy one of those would lilt the bill. The pense of an eleotion shoald not be in. reed. Herm/sere—Cupid is a great conqueror d on Wednesday evening added anoth• to his list of victories. Like the epee. w in "Poor Cock Robin," Cupid's little w and ori ow did the work. The prin. pale were our young bachelor, Jno. ewitt, and Mies Mary, daughter of alter Richardson, of Dauphin, Man., rreerly of I3rnsaele, Rev. Jno. Roes, A„ performed the ceremony at the idence of James Ireland, jr., Grey, other -in-law to the bride, in the pres- te of a large number of relatives and ends. We need not say that the bride ked (harming, as all brides do. She tie garmeated in a very becoming ooe. me of fancy shot silk mixture and was attended by bridesmaid. The gleets ample 30etioe to the excellent bill of e provided and a very enjoyable even - was spent by all, Wedding gifts of bus kinds and "see Showed the pope• ity of the contracting parties. M. Mrs. Hewitt left for their own home, sea street, Brussels, where they have led down to the realities of house - ping on their own account. TEE Posy ea the sentiment of a Large circle of tivee and friends when we express hope that the young Couple may en - all the domestic blessings and that sunshine of prosperity may beam on r way. ERN CAN TIE1n GLORY FADE 3—Bons• boys are born base ball playerr and the game about as naturally as TUEBBTJSS,i7;LS POST 11titomow rasa Lawyer Sinolele was In the Co. team this welt on legal besmear/.of lila 60 OMITS, in advance, gate Jin. Your for the balance of 58;)33, A uunaber 11are outwit already taken advantage of tale offer. evert. Dan, MoNtttighton was here from Bay. iild during the past week. He is work- ing at the harbor improvements but as they ran aut of timber a holiday 30119 taken until the supply arrives from (talar Georgian Bay. rel Of POLITICAL. --Tile annual meeting of the out. West Iluron Reform Association was held at Dungannon on Tusaday and wee n will largely atrendod. The praeidout, D. Mo. tl1 of Gilliauddy. addressed the meeting, giving AI. a statement of event that had occurred in at. during the past year, and outlining a policy that should be adopted in the future, . A 1130000911 organization Nita FOA in motion, after which the following ells. mere were elected for the ensuing year : President, Wm, Proudfoot, Goderioh; let vice, Robb. Holmes, Clinton ; 2nd viae, Jamee Young, Auburn ; 3rd vine, Morgan Dalton, At/Wield. Resolutions were passed, endorsing the Dominion and Local Governments( and the members for the riding. The meeting closed with the e old usual theme Tun Clay Centre (Kansas) Times says : —At the residence of Mr, and Mrs. John Nott, corner of 1011111 and Destor streets, Sunday, May 15, at 8:80 p. no., C. Emee• son Phillips and Carrie E. Nott were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Brown of the First Baptist ollurali of which Mr. Phillips is a member. Only a few very intimate friends of the family were present. The bride is the eldest )laugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Nott, formerly of Brussels, who are well known in Clay Centro and vicinity, having lived horn a number of years, and one of our best known and respected young ladies. Tho groom is of the firm of Smith & Phillipe, and lately of Holton, Kansas. Although Air. Phillips is not an old resident he has by close attention to business and quiet diginity at all times made many friends in business and social circles, WDontNG Berms.—A quiet wedding took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Turnberry street, Brussels, at 6 a. m. on Wednesday when Rev. 5. J. Allis pronounced the mystic) words that made 11. R. Brewer, photographer, a well known young gentleman of this plane and Mise Naomi, the estimable daugh- ter of Httgh Williams, husband and wife. The ceremony over, congratulations were in order, and a very nicely prepared Wed- ding breakfast was partaken of after Whiob Mr. and Mrs. Brewer were driven to the depot where they took the train on a brief wedding tour to Woodstook and other planes. The bride wore a very becoming two•toned cloth tailor made travelling dress, and never looked better. A large delegation of young people saw the happy twain off and wasted rine enough to manufaoture several puddings. Among the wedding gifts was a very tine silver tea and coffee eervioe of five pieces, from Verne Walker, the little Deice of the bride ; s choice dinner set of dishes from Mrs. Walker, and a purse containing a Bank cheque, Mr. and Mrs. Brewer will take up bougie• keeping in Mr. Brewer's comfortable brick residence, corner Mulberry and Queen streets, on their return, which is all ready for occupation. Many good wishes are expressed for their happiness and prosperity, Ma POST throws an editorial slipper after them. largo. owitt's trend• other e, on rector ked of LA, R. attic, take poses limed y the w 8 v elN H w N ar D A ex ou an Cr CO b0 Si H W fo Be br en fri loo wa un did far ing ver lar and Qu sett kee vole rola the the )bei eelWs play docks ewlm. They hardly ever practice, yet fortune beams her most benign smile upon them. Of course they will get llokt likely now and again, on the grin• (iple that the aloud as well as the sus• shine is a part of base ball but in the meantime they're gathering in the latter. Tuesday afternoon they drove to Blyth in response to an invitation from the diamond knights of that plane but the home team got thrashed about as bad as Dewey peppered the Spat -dela at Manilla, and had the game not been called at the close of the 4th innings the match might be going on yet. Brussels went to bat first and rattled out 3 and more than doubled this in their next trial. In the fled innings Blyth gave them a "goose egg" to batch but in the 4th they piled op 11, mnkiog a total of 21. The willow wavers of Blyth could do but little with Grewar'e twistere and any codger who got to 181 was generally nabbed by Brawn'e shoots to Jae. Thomson at 2nd. theefour ioot uings tetalliand og them 6. Thom. son relieved Grower in the 4111 innings, Harry James was the umpire and did the square thing, es he always does. Some of the Blytbites tried to hoodo him/ but bless their bearte Harry likely knows more about the game )ban their whole team. Had there not been So mach time iost another innings 00 se might have been played but 21 to 6 was bad enough. Oar boys were treated to a good supper and hope to have an early opportunity of returning the favor to the Blyth nine. Following is the adore which will furnish other particulars) :— iioussime 110 BLYTa. Tt 0 J,Brawn o .1 3 D.Allisan,Oh.,,.,.2 1 F, Stratton 311 Te . 8 1 W,man, lb 3 1 D.O. Roes lb ..,.. 4 0 J, Sims.t2b ...,0 1 91,Dowufug, 1f,., 8 1 G, Tiolnig,0 1 1 ib,Baekor, rf a 0 A, Rabinnou,'15.,. 0 1 J,Tbo03aou Ob 3 1 A.Baliantyne e0 0 0 P. Hogg, as ,....,1 8 D. dock as 1{, Scott et 2 1 W. theeeenroil, of 1 11 W, Growarip 1 2 G, Porterfield., of 1 0 21 12 CilflitCll (;lIlMiS t. Communion srvioo in Melville ohuroh next Sabbath, London Conference opened in Chat- ham on Thureday of this week. Co. 5, S. Convention in Wingham on Tuesday, June 21s1). Co. Endeavor Oonvention in the same place on June 22nd. The General Ateembly of the Presby- terian church will open in Montreal on Wednesday, 8th inst. Rev, Air, Roes, B. A., will attend from ,Bromide, Rev. Mr. Abay, incumbent of St. John's ohuroh, will leave next Monday for London to write at an examination, to be followed by bis ordination to the priesthood at the close of the week. •Services will be held in the Methodist ohuroh next Sabbath at the usual hours. Rev. R. Paul will conduct the morning service and Rev, John Roes, B. A., of Melville ohuroh, will preach in the even- tnRev. Mr. Hayhurst, of Enniskillen, formerly of Brussels, has sent in his resignation of his charge owing to fail• ing health. The reverend gentleman will continue to preach on the Wyoming circuit until after Conference, Last Sabbath being Whit -Sunday, Rev. Mr. Abey preached an appropriate discourse in the morning, "And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost," Acte 2 and 4. In the evening Luke 12 and 1 afforded the ground work for the sermon, e Miss Jean McLaughlin has been en- gaged as organist of St. John's ohuroh, Brussels, her duties to begin on June 1st. Miss Edith Eastman, who has been the organist, had resigned, hence the new ar- rangement. Miss MoLauohliu is an ex- cellent hand with either organ or piano. Mr. Day occupied the pulpit of the Methodist ohuroh last Sabbath evening. His very practical dfsoouree had for its foundation 2 Rings, 2 19, 20, 21 and 22, "Purify the fountain rather than the Estuary" was the target aimed at by the speaker and often bit, Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Allis preached a very oheery and encouraging discourse from the text, Bev. 11.15, "The klegdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our God and of his Christ forever." Answering the question, "What will it mean to find the fulfil- ment of the text ? the speaker gave the following outline as the reply :—(1) The restoration of man's nature ; (2) The vindication of the Bible as God's Book ; (8) The world's civilization and materi• al advancement ; (4) Meanwhile the re. Sponsibility of the ohuroh to enter open doors. The General Assembly of the Presby• tartan rhumb fn Canada opens in Knee ohuroh, Montreal, on June 8th. The session, which will probably cast ten days, promises to be the most largely at. tended since the memorable assembly of 1875. Five hundred lay and olericel delegates from all parts of Canada are expected to attend. The inaugural sermon will be preached by the retiring moderator, Rev. De. Moore, of Ottawa. The fleet business will be the eidotion of a en0deseoe, the name most prominently mentioned in that oonneotton being Rev. Dr, Bryce, ,yVlnnipeg ; Rev, Dr. Camp. belt, Renfrew, and Rev. Dr, Torran0s, 012Guelph, Ont. In onnneetlan with the eamnlunlnn 5rv)ees in Melville ohuroh Rev, D. For. vest, of Walton, will proud] on Saturday afternoon at 2.110 (Neel/ ; the pastor will oondtmt Sabbsbh innitiliag service ; Rev. D. 13, Me Rini, of Orttnbrook, coma pies the pulpit 111 the cv0ulug, and Re G. Ballantyne, of lloieewot'til, will o &date at 10.30 a, 111. on Monday, Rev, Ale. Rose topic het Sabbath marring was "The Bullish," and the two leading tlloagbte were :—(1) lie was an muleteer ; (2) Ho was a believer. Iu the 50011109 his topic was "Gladstone, the Ohristion sbatestnen," (1) no was true to the Christian Faith ; he believed in God, the Bible, the Sabbath and the Church. (2) Ha was true in his Christ. ian life both private and public, 1'he Boole Room Committee of the Methodist 01311ro13 in 0anade may eon- gratalate itself on 50our1115 mete of brains end ability to run the book room and publishing business, and to edit the papers published under its auspicss, The business is so prosperous that abs Committee this year will give the so ,5 of $10,000 to the Methodist Ministers' Snperauuuatinu Fund, the largest amount that bee ever been given, Lest Sabbath afternoon a mass meet- ing of Sabbath school pupils, teachers officers and friends was held in the Methodist ohuroh in this plane, at which there was a large attendance. G. F. Blair presided, Alfred Day, Field Secretary of this Province, :t vs an excellent and appropriate address on the text "Thou bast the dew of thy youth," Psalm 103.3. The three dew il,epa the speaker referred to were (1) Simplicity, leoImpressiveness, (8 tion amoentingto$Power. $6.87 we) Ataken and will be devoted to furtlaooi,1g S. 5, Walden work in Northern Ontario, Tan following is the first draft of ministers and their appointments in the Wingham District of the Lundin Con- ference : — Wingham—.W, S, Pascoe. Tlinoardiue—Andrew Conn;ngbam, *Fin- ley M. Smith. Luelinow—Joseph Gallo- way. Brussels—S. J. Allis, Riobard Paul, °W. Nortau, Tesswater—S, N. Noreworthy, Etlfel—J, G. Yelland, *J, E. H. Shirlook. Fordwicb-11. J. Uosk- ing. Gorrie-13, J. Garbutt, Wroxeter —J. B. Kennedy. B)uevale—D, Rogers, Ashfield—E. Olivant (Luoknow), Salem —W. M. Pomeroy (Greenock), Bethel— H. D. Tyler (Pine River), Ripley—Fran. ole Swann. Bervie—R, Thompson, J. L. Stewart, T. Hadwin. Tiverton—A, J. Brown. Whiteehuroh—W. W. Leech. Belgrave—>a, J. Oaten. Rev. W. M. McKibben, B. A., of Stria. ford, died at 0:30 Monday morning at the age of 56, The deceased bad been a suf. feriae for more than a year with a disease of the throat, which rendered bim unable to epeak above a whisper, thus causing his resignation from the charge of the Jfilibaulc Presbyterian church. Mr. Mo- Kibbon was burn In County Antrim, Ire- land, and removed to Canada when quite young, with his parents, who settled at Ottawa. At an early age he entered Mo. Gill University, and subsequently grade. ated therefrom and completed his *cede, miaal career at the Presbyterian Col. lege, Montreal. Hie first charge was at Cardinal, in the B)o)kville Presbytery, Resigning, he acme West and accepted the pastorate of the Millbank onngrs. gaticn, to which Cresskill was shortly afterwa,dejoined, Here he labored for the thirteen years preceding his resigns• tion last year. For some years he was the ethofent clerk of the Stratford Pres- bytery, At times during his late a81id. bion bis sufferings were intense, yeb they were borne with unwavering fortitntle. Socially ho wee kind and charitable, and beloved by all who imew him. The funeral tool) plane Tuesday afternoon. l�""1t4tXD,JIl.i� NE C. " C,1,1V4..D,'I, :C a'xa. :=49:3xxr:n 1C"7:4,. Fli'AO 01•'FIOt7, TORONTO ASSISTS, (Seven Mllliou Donau) • $7,000,000 v. OAPITAL (Anth001953) f $2,000,000 Agentiles inall principalpc)ilaf53u (()ntariio,,Qlce9'c,,JIllaniifoba, UnitedStatesd England. A General Beaking Botha/ea Transacted, Femora' Notes DieoOnitted, Drafts leaned turd Colleotione made on all pointe, SAViNOS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date o wlihdrawel and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 00 TIM COLLECTION OF FAlta)Rns' SALE No3.Et1, 1;. ve0y facility afforded Customers livhig at a die tenure J. A. STEWART MANAGE*, Lecielemow. Mee, Jack Armstrong and daughter, Lalla, have left on a two months visit to friends in Toronto and Buffalo, N. Y. At a sleeting of the Quarterly and Trustee Boards of the Methodist church the following resolution was unanimously adopted :—"Resolved, that whereas the Rev. I. B. Wallwin, B. A., is about to leave our midst, and discontinue his ser- vices es pastor of our church and minis. ter unto our people, we do tender to him our appreoiation of the very valuable ser• vises be hae rendered. As a ohuroh we have bad three years of prosperity and subetantiel progress, The spiritual needs of the people have been well looked after. We have had a very considerable 1nereage in membership, and the financial con- dition of the church has been very much improved, We therefore ask Mr. Wall - win to *coapt this resolution as a hearty approval of his work and efforts to guide his people in the path of truth. And also that Mrs. Wallwin, whose cannon and as- sistance in all deparbmouts of ohuroh work has been most helpful, espeoally in the League and Sabbath School, and whose social relationship with the people hae been most cordial, be likewise in• eluded. in this resolution." Busirl.ess Locals. Wilma from $40 up bo 0100 at A (3ousl ey's, SEE oar singie harness, great vaiue this month. I. 0, Richards. A. Coosmao handles everything that is used by a biayole rider. TRuxite and satobele, Large aesortments low priciest. I, 0. Richards. FOR Bale cheap, one sett second band single harness, 1, 0, Richards. Iatnnoven mammoth, long, red, man• gel Bead at Jae. Ballantyne'*. A LAME quantity of Noreen windows, the latent improved. Mollay & Co, Dm you see the Gendron bike in A. Oousley's window ? It's a dandy. Goon, dry American Dorn, the beat for feeding purpoeee, for sale at Rose' mill, OLEVELA310 wheals are great sellers. Six sold since Jan. let, 1898. A. Conley. SDE our viae stook of dusters and rub- ber lap engelow in pries. I. 0. Richards. Two good second hand pianos, very nearly as good as new, 1 square and 1 upright ease, win eel/ very cheap, R. LeathrdaJe. ItIMENDER to 385 on an organ byoa uying from R. R. Leatbordale. Six octave piano eased organs for CO. Deas Wanted, Not lower as reported. 11 oents, We also buy wool, cash or trade, Choke tub butter 12 cents masb, G. E. Bing, Wingham, I neva the largest stook of window ehades this Spring ever was In Brussels and ab ',rive below T. Eaton's; good %bailee for 30o, R, Leatherda)e. Ir you want a baby carriage tall In and see R. Leathordale and get pekoe, He 1115 it lot of them and is bound to sell them if prises bas anything to do with E. & D. bearings are guaranteed for three yoare. Come iu and see them, A. Oo0siey, Hottest/names' Bxouasroxe.—On tie first and third Tuesdays in June, 1803, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail. way will sell rouud•trip excursion tickets nood South andays) N rth Dto a eketaeat mand pother Western and Southwestern states, at praotioally one fare for the round trip. Take a trip West and see whet at, amount of good land San be purohased for very little money, Farther information as to rates, routes, prioee of farm lands, oto., may be obtained on application to ally coupon ticket agent or by addressing A. J. Taylor, Oanadian Paesenger Agent, 2 King street, East, Toronto, Ont. John 17endrie, of Hamilton, is dead. pASTT)15AGE,—THE UNDER- AIGNED is toady to supplyy good ppatnrnge for 20 Mord of cattle on North Half 34,0111, Oen, 0, Monde, I)AVID 3ASOM, Sunshine, • 1 T OUSE AND LUT FOR SALE on 110 RENT.—Tito nu leetaguetl offer* TeX' sale or to rout that 1 story frame house on'1'urnboorystreet North of the Terrace, 10tely °coupled 8y f, ti, Jackson. Por pa0- timUave appply 10 W. 13.1ie1•t•,or alto Owupr, J. HOAB03,�fuhurn P. 0, J URON COUNTY COUNCIL. The Coimon of Aho Corporation of the Oovuty 0f wall moetiu the Oom't stem, Yin th511=11 of Gt o'ulh ou TUL8- DAY, JUNE 71h, vex), at 0 o'clock p.m. Dated at Goderioh Ata W. 341J 0 1., Olork' y 28, Ellen Darrel], of Marenora, is °barged REAL ESTATE. with the mu — - Mrs. MOPhee was killed on the railway at Blue Bonnets, near Montreal. John Dillon, of Montreal, believes he is heir to the Earldom of Roscommon, w rder of her child C!!OMORTABLE DWELLING FOR SALE,—.3135 undersigned offore ns yssretsrse,or)rirNMarteBrussels, sale,Thee o1? acres °Eland, coital' , orchard, well, stable, &o. Possession could be ggiven at an05, 0110S, BIIADWEL.L, Olillord, Y. 0. xa� r Azx�a, '11- EIRRITT—RICnARDSON.—On bane 1st, by Rev. Jno. Ross, 13. A„ at the resi- dences of Mr. Jas. Ireland, jr„ Grey, Mr. John Hewitt to Alias Mary Richardson, both of Brussels. Bnewen—Weeeteets,—At the residence of the bride's parents, Brussels, on June 1st, by Rev. S. J. Alli", Mr. Harry R. Yrewer, photographer, to Miss Naomi, third daughter of Mr. .,ugh Williams, all of Brussels. BELL—Pa1LLirs.—In Fergus, at the Methodist parsonage, on May 18th by Rev. Mr. Swan, Afire Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Phillips, of Erin township, to Mr. David Bell, of Atwood. Wenseen—WeesoN.—At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. MoRay, on May 18th, Miss Jessie Ann, third daugbier of Mr. Peter Watson, of West Wawanosh, to Mr, R, Webster, of Kinloss. PoILLIPs—No0T,—At the residence of the bride's parents, Clay Centre, Kansas, on May 15th, by Rev. Mr. Brown, Air. O. Emerson Phillips to Miss Carrie E., eldest daughter of Air. and Mrs, Jnc, Nott. MCCALLua—LAmnIw. On J00e 1st, at the residence of the bride's father baidRAtcCallurn, of Gr, Blyth, to DMistt Aggie, daughter of Mr. Ie. B. Laid- law, of Morris. Dneezeo3—Wreesx5,—At the residence of the bride's mother, on June let, by Rev. D. Forrest, Mb. John Dennison to Miss Julia Wiltaie, both of Mo. Killop. SN1DEn, — In Brussels, on May 27th, Annie Caroline, daughter of Thonlp• son Snider, aged 4 years and 25 days, Winmere1D.—In Elena, on Tburaday, May 19th, Maggie Whitfield, aged 0 years, 11 months and 7 days. Pnoomon.—Iu Morrie, on Tuesday, May 31st, John Proctor, aged 47 years, 2 monihe and 10 days, DAVIoS.—In Ethel, on May 31st, Maggie, third daughter of J. M. and E. Davids, aged 13 years, 11 months a and 20 days. BOn1.n0Lnaa,—A6 Boissevain, on May 22nd, Ephraim, son of U. E. Burk. holder, of Mantes). Fall Wheat Barley. Peas Oats .. .. . Butter, tube and rolls , Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (per bag) Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough „ Salt per bbl„ retail Sheep skins, each •.• Lamb skins each Hogs, Live Wool Apples (per bag) 05 1 00 80 855 55 55 28 30 11 12 8 9 3 00 8 00 60 60 5 00 6 00 5l 6i 1 00 00 40 40 25 25 4 00 4 66 16 16 50 50 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. iaaeertedi Snubweek 1011 cent ail word will advt, less than 10 cents, however, bo be paid for when order is given,! NIaaLE bioyole wrench found. Enquire at Tittle 203T, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. NANO OR ORGAN. Miss Jean Metauohlin'up pil of Cl. L. A1, Barris, Musical Doctor, of the CDnsel'v atoryof 100510, Hamilton, Ontario, is pre. !Pared 10 give instructions to pupils en either too technic organ, igiven either r aothe homes of pupils or at teaahors home, 44.803 Annual Meeting. The annual mooting of East Huron learns• ere enetitute 1vi11 be held in Brussels on 1:t3DSDAY, JUNE 7111, 1808 at 1 °ock p, m, The besinoss will be (1S blProeident's re- port ; (2) Dieouseton thereon ; (0) Report of the Exeouttve pros0ntad 1,1 writing bySse - rotary; ;(s) Treasurer's report; (01 Auditor's retort; (0) Suggestion of points ab Which 00 hod xegular meetings; [7) Suggsetion of Donate at which to bold supplementary meetluge; (8) Election ofDireetorsawl Aucl. it0re ; (0) euggeetipuo me. to 11030 the !testis auto may ie made more ueofol 1 (t0) Ad• drtssas by ]nombera' and (11)41 then matters which may be brou1u1)1 forward. RED, 11001), Soerotary, �lAfM FOR SAL)i.-150 AORES Consisting of the South 1 and South 1 of the North 1 of Lot 3a, Oen 2, Emit Wawa., nosh, This in an excellent stock farin, being well supplied with good spring water. Itis Situated about 3 miles from trio thriving V11• logo of Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Buildin a and fences are in n fair state of repair: Batty terms of payment will 11to 11 given, �otFall L IIR, Baseline;apply russels. �IARbI r01i, SALE.—THE UN sale, being Lot 22, ottersnnn Con 7, Mor acre Tulare are 70 acres Neared and under crop, balance barawood bush, Thele Is a god frame house with kitchen, woodshed and cellar oompiete; bank harp with stone stabling; Only 3 of a ml mile from school sande 8l miles from Brussels. Possession would be given at once. For price and tome apply on the premises or to 310055els P. O. to 34-11 3111ION FORSYTH,Proprietor. T..IIATbI FOR SALE OR TO eligibles 64 _Torre faha rm for 5offers r tto rant, bolug South part of Lot 0, Oonoea- eion 12, Grey. All under Cnitivatisn,we1i. watered and well fenced. There is a good atone house, bank barn, Orchard, wells, 130„ on the pramises. Also a splendid atone quarry from which. a good revenue is malls, ed. Only 2( miles fmm Brussels. Terms reasonable, For farther particulars an to Price, Bo., apply to J01381 A11T033ELL, Proprietor, 304f Brussels P. 0. e?esm,m, J17NE 8, 1898 JUST RECEIVED ! A FRESH STOOII 015' Fountain Syringes, u La.. a eater Bottles, Atomizers, Ice Bags, WC. Price and Quality 0 llal'anteed —AT— Pox's Drab' Store,. 'WARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- rdtLtlasr, Farms and rent, easy terms, inAwnsp of Morris and Grey. L• S. SOOT'1',Brussels Notice to Creditors. In alae Surrogate Court of tko County of Duran, in the molter of the estate of Adam Scott, late of the Village of Dissects, deceased 0,,,fObap.ioe See. given, ht 'pursuant Jl persons laavvig ar.5 oloime aga00a( 5110 estate of rho salts Achim Scott, late of the Vi118855 of Bxueeole, nonUemau, deeensed, who diad an or about abs Sixtil day of May,A, postpaid, aro r ttuir. *d to send by main r the ld, ar deliver to G. V. Brus- selsair, , Solicitor for the Execrators, atBrns- sols P. O„ on or before the 101h day of Juno, 19138, a foss statement nature the seniors of thou olahue and the natura of the securities (!fany/ 12011 by 1)2e, the an and after She dist 10111 day of June the said estate w111 be distributed among those entitled therein, having regard only to the claims of which natio() d have given. dDd I3.l,10 MReAU51GdTyOoN, u}n]es,x10e0o8n, toi re, G. P, SLAM), Solicitor for Executors. t P ,'j',,t• t',ENTRALli'( r' •,µ' a) Nati - 13..-, • � as 1 x'tR, JI"�J�g�'r5�9 to TC4ya f j.Jl.i,' 4. J: 11 Commercial School of the high- est grade -010)]6 better in, the Dommm inion. ENTER AT ANY TIh1.E. Catalogue Frac, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. or ale C 0 The best and most reliable Turnip seeds that we San procure. Wo have the following varieties in stook viz: Hall's 'Westbury, )$angholin, Sutton's Champion, Sl(irving's Improved, Sharp's Improved, East Lothe,in Bruce's Improved East Lothar, Royal Norfolk, Carters Imperial, Elephant, IIartley's Bronze Top, Green Top and White Swedes. Also the Greystone turnip seed. Ourstookstook is complete in all lines of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Straw and Felt Hats, l ieadyrnade Clothing. Everything Oheap, A call solicited. lt.,<„ !NO I will give a reward of $50.00 to -anyone who that we don't make the I0 can prove estta"_. ce Cream in towel. It is made •from pure Jersey Cream onl an will be found to be most enjoyable, One call ll d el w enough to convince the public that, l be PNEY'S RESTAUANT is the place and we serve el*y always nothing but what is 1. CO11fectioe' tt and choice and fi°ash, Delicious f=ruit in Season. J. W. I.J' cl ■