HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-6-3, Page 5JUN1r 3, 1898 0.114111/1114.111.1111•111111{011MWM111. MOO.' TAE BRUSSELS POST BUSIN1 .S CARD`>. ONEY T( LOAN AY 5 PER cont, k •, h COTT, l' ousels, - YYH. Me( .A.OXEN, • Isome'ol ar.lageLlc teed, Oelae otitis Grocery, •2u Oro ry strooi Brussels. N BAR). 131 Hoai TonH, al th of A. oh Mol Ladies'and ohildrr ROBERT It FIRE f C T. FL Issuer of M ONNIoi Ai f3 No Witness T t r t J. T, •tl. Sop -Next door $h-ircuttin 0ApO4i0lty UNNINGHAM D MARINE. El PH. eTCHEI?1 Maga i icenses, e U LBO: STC emred. LTTCHEB, Mineola ALEX. HU; ''r.R, Clerk of th 'tonrth Division Cour 00. Huron. Con yanoor, Notary Publla Land Loan and : curium Agent. Funds invadu ed and to an. Collections made Omoe in Graham's for lt,II ruasels, AUC' O`IEERSL r1 8. BOOT Ali ANAT70TION- .L • non, will oil for bettor prl000, to. bettor mon, in 3 'Ilia ani% t008 charges than any other , ;denser in Peat Huron or he Won't ohm] nnythiog. Dates and ordure eau alway es arranged at ibis oliloe or by personal ape ea, ion. VET MARY. T D. WAR' ICK, el • Honor G. tette of the Ontario Veterinary Collogr :e ,roparod to treat all diseases of domain Atod animate in a com- petent manner. rtn,alar attention paid to veterinary donsry. Calls tromptly at- tended to. Omen i71ndrmary—Four doors north of bridge '1' ()berry et., Brueoeto. Before. After. 2 Ss dru, able forme of Sexual wr Or excess, Mental bacco, Opium or St' at price, one paokar Itz will cure. -ramp The Woof Sold is Brnraole D ruggi SHIN! la's Phoo ohodine, Wraat Eng1.•4 Remedy. and reeom- r nded by aI et« in Cana a. Only rell ,eoiolne di:.covered. 8G at puorante : to cure all nest, all ori sets of oboes rry, Excess;vo use of To. Wants. Maild on receipt 11, ..ix, $5. c, se tefitpfease, -to free to a,.y address, Jornpany, \5 indoor, Out G . A. DEA-tnIAN, lin•okoeller a Optician, Brit ;1B Coll labia Red 'cdar Slingles eND.— N .ri h Sh(5re P a, and Cedar FOR SALE Brussels THE .laninr=, Mills Also Doors and E nb of all Pat terns on hand or lade to order at Short Notice. Eetimat Furnisher) for all kinds of ui;rliuge. Workman- ship am M,aerial Guaranteed. P. MENT, BRU 3SEL.S PUMP • WORKS. I wish to infer' and surrounding chased the Pun BELL and will h to all wants in eh at moderate price No better Punt Order left at m at P. SCOTT'S looked after. t�-'s-'Ordere talc Weis and Cistern COME MILL STREET the people of Brussels 3triot that t have pnr- Bueiness of JAMES 'onnd ready to attend 0r new work or repaint n the market. ebop or residence or op will be promptly for the Digging of : Green's - BRUSSELS. NEVI` utchi Sliop_1 The under igned has open- ed up a But lel' Shop in the MALE SL �K, BgVS:Lsi where he wi i keep constant- ly on hand supply of the Best Meats 'rocurable, sold at reasonabl' prices. A. share of public pat nage solicited. S. 'V MIL Meat deliver :d to &I parts of the tt 'V11. CAW PAID bolt HxDEg, + Alex, McIver, the representative of the 1z ta�z t Cj etU5, Huron Bioyele Club, Ooderioh, at the 'C' 01 '1110. W' 1, Moot paid friends in Clinton a visit east week. W Evans, of the 01.11 con,, le making r hbrick reel. a e 1 b prop ratlone to oraenew Pp dena, Nc. 8 Co., 138rd Battalion, will meet every Saturday evening for drill, to go in. to oa,np 21e1 June, Rev. J, S. Pieber and R. Harding are delegates to the London Methodist Con- ference, which ie being held in Chatham. The aemi.annual meeting of the Loyal Dist! iot Lodge, of Howbeit, will be held in Gerrie on Wednesday, June 81b, at 2 p.m, The remains of the late Andrew Good- fellow, who died in Travereton, on Battu- day, May 21st, wore interred in the Ger• ria cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Some years ago deceased was in partner. ship with R. G. Chapman, grain mer. chants of this village, and operated the Wro'oter flour mill. He was highly re. epected by all who knew him. .1313, th Base ball will likely boom in Blyth this Summer. Miss Rigsby, of London, is visiting at the Methodiet parsonage. Walter McLean returned home from Toronto university. He looks ae if college life agrees with him. The evening services in the Methodist and Presbyterian churches in Blyth now begin at seven o'clock. A. Taylor, who conducted a successful grocery business for many yearn on the corner of Queen and Drummond streets, has removed to the store recently 000upi• ed by John Metcalf on Diaeley street. The directors of the Public Library have engaged Mite E. Pauline Johnson, the lifted Indian poetess, to give one of her unique and relined recitals of ber own composition in Industry hall on Monday evening, June 6th. Mre. Wm. Sheppard, daughter of Mr. and Itfra John Drummond, late of Blyth, died at her borne, three miles oonth-east of Atlantic, Iowa, at an early hour Sun. day taming of last week. The illness which led up to this result, an obeoure Cam r, is now known to have existed for want months, although it was pot reali]ted that there was anything serioue. ly vet -mg with ber health until a few week I ago, when medical aid was at 000e sumuoned. Lisatow el. Tb a flag on the town hall hae been fly- ing a: ball meet over the death of Glad. stone. Be,. Dr. Mesiad, of Oollingwood, is mantling the pulpit of Knox church dnr- ingBev. W. Cooper's absence, the latter bavir g left on hie holidays. Fifteen members of Bernard lodge drove over to Harrieton to attend the fume al of their late brother R. G. Lam- bert, a prominent mordant of that town, who ,lied very soddenly, the funeral be- ing conducted by the Masonic, order. About 160 Masons were in the funeral prom salon. Tba shade attached to the barn of John Keno, saw -miller, at the West end of the town, were struck by lightning at an early hour on Sunday morning of last week and wero burned. In the shade a sepal otor was atored, whioh also fell a prey •o the flames. The building was insured for $100 and the separator for $250, whioh will probably cover the loss. Mr. ] «eeso owns anothers epar ator, whioh esoap sd the fire. Tba Canadian Order of Foresters has been taking a boom in town, Organizer W. G. Strong having been here for the past veek or two, and with the assistance of tin offiaere of Court Royal Oak ban se - oared about 40 new members. Mr. Strong is in town thie weak, and expecte to add quite a few more members to the local court, the membership o1 whioh is now over 200, being one of the largest courts in the order. By the death of Mrs. Boyd, widow of the late Robt. Boyd, VIctoria [street East, live euildren, the eldest of whom is under 14 years, are left orphans. Mre. Boyd'e death was occasioned from inflammation of the lunge. She was a daughter of Mr. Seiling, of Mornington. Deceased's hus- band died about a year ago, and only a few weeks ago the eldest eon died from the effects of a kith from a horse. The five little ones, who have been left unpro• vided for, have been taken by friends, who will provide them with homes. Gode rioli. Tenders are called for the painting of the Court house. The Bioyele and Organ fnotories are working overtime. Plume, pears, cherries and all small fruits still show well for a big gathering. Lieut. Dan. Godfrey's band will be in Goderiob on the evening of Thursday, June 16th. The burnt wheat, by its rather ,.on. leasant odor still reminds dock visitors of the fits last Fall. Manager Williams has had a hand- some llag pole erected in from of the Bank of Commerce. The Organ Co. shipped 16 organa, a oat of bath furniture, and a large number of piano stools last week. count and of foe The v post office p flags were at half if mast for six days on account of the ?oath of Mr. Gladstone. Wnt. John Wilson, eon. 5, Goderiob iownenip, on May 21st, brought in one load cf este which contained 175 bueb. Tin : dredge Arnoldi put In good worlt the plret week, and at her present rate of pprogrtoeion will soon be et work on the harbor proper. Mtt ney looked up his store, and looked therein a good strong canine, ()dog strong enoug.o to work his way out through one of the large lighter While being driven along the terraoe in front of the jail, a "wild" steer ran again, t Mre. John 'Murray, iuflioting se. vete i ljuriee from whioh the lady may never fully recover. Thc new building for pia -nip oonven- ioncel. in the Harbor Park, the band stand and the walk from the entrance to the et ape, have ,nada quits an improve. ment to that roeort. J. 13. Runoiman bee [nearly completed two iron turn - ogles and en arch for the entrance. Th • ebetlff'r cMoe in be Court Honae build ng hae been landed over by the contr dors, 13 'ohanan &1thynae, and is one o the beet finished in town to -day, Tho r abenter and cabinet work is ex. oeediingly web done, and ehowe that the contreetore know how to dhieh be job artistically, Brantftrd meat, took drat place in the road rare on May 24th, leading by tweet one milo. He road a ltf o0ready wheel, During the etorrn on Haturday night, May 21. t, Mre. R. 13. Smith was passing down the etnitwey to 01000 same windows that had been left open, when she mode a mietep and fell to the bottom brooking both arias by the fall, An M. D, WAS palled and it was found that the breaks were below the elbow and they were at once set. Mre. 1t. B, Smith it will be remembered broke bar arm some font or five months einno, from which naotclent ebo had not long recovered. The following from the Mail and Em. vire of a recent date, will be of interest to reeidonte of Auburn and Coderioh, where one of the oontroetiog puttee is well known : "J. E. Cneeaday, of this city, and Miss Delebere Burrowoe, only daughter of the late Col. Thomas Beres. ford Burrowoe, of Ottawa, were unitr:d in marriage last night by Rev. Dr. Langtry, of St. Luke's church. The wedding was very quiet in character, only theintimate friends of the young people interested be- ing present. Mr. Cassaday was support- ed by Arnold Burrowoe, brother of the bride. The bridesmaid was Miss Cassa. day, of Ottawa, sister of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Coseaday will reside at 18 Marl. borough avenue. 7 :Rete r. Herb. Elliot loft Tuesday evening of Met week for Yorkton, Aunt., where he will make his future home. A meeting of the oreditore in the in- solvent estate of Dannoey es Brown, was held in Mame. Elliott & Gladman'e office on Wednesday afternoon. The liabilities amount to about $2,200, with assets about $1,500. Mrs. F. C. Manning, a000mpanied by her little son, of Harrow, who spent a few «days in town dnriug the past week with her husband, delighted the oougregrtion of the Main etreet Methodist ohurob on Sunday night last by a beautiful solo, en- titled "Calvary," She is possessed of an exoellent voice, sweet in tone and wide in compass. Probably the roughest and toughest looking gang that a person ever set eyes on passed through town on Wednesday morning last. They were apparently eons and daughters of Italy and were about 15 in number each leading a bear or monkey. Tltey went through the usual street performance and finally struck Northward. It was bard to tell whioh were the most beastly like, the animals or their masters. At`avoocl. A tau lea is the latest acquisition to J. A. Mite:lelna bicycle livery. Rtaherd Corlett, who has boon clerking for M. M. Hiles since the latter opened store in town, has returned to his former home, at Williameford, having secured a situation in a hardware store in Dor. nosh. A number of the members of the Pres- byteriarchurch choir presented :Jim Kate Peebles with a beautiful and costly bouquet of roses out of love mid sympathy for her in her present severe illness. Mies Peebles is a member of the choir. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mre. W'titfield in the death of their little eix•year-old daughter, Maggie, who pass. ed away recently of scarlet fever after a few hours illness. The rash did not come out, in spite of every effort baying been made to bring it out. Violent vomitingrtand dlorrhoee set in, and in an inoredible abort timeshe died as above stated. Mr. and Mre. Whitfield have lost several ohildren at about Maggie's age, wbiob is peculiarly sad. OoAuot Btoseotte.—Another supposed inoorrigible bachelor yields to the irreaist- ible influent's of sly Cupid. We refer to David Bell, youngest eon of our esteemed townsman, who entered benedictine orders on Wednesday, May 16th, having persuaded Mies Sarah, the estimable daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Philips, of Orton, Out., that life for bine was a desert waste unites she consented to link her fortune with his. She yielded, and their marriage was duly solemnized on the above date, the ceremony being per- formed by the Methodist clergyman of Fergus. The sister and brother of the bride anted as sponsors to the young oouple, and in loss time that it takes to tell it, they were made that mystioal "one" which poets love to rhyme about, The night train brought the young couple to Atwood, and et the station they were gaeeted by the Atwood Braes Band and a boat of friends who had congregated to do them honor. The bride is highly es- teemed and decidedly popular in her native aommunity, the large number of costly and beautiful wedding gibe bear- ing evidence of the fact. Mr. and Mrs. Bell will take up their residence on the 12th eon. of Elms, where Mr. Bell has leased the Lineham homestead farm for a number of years. Congratulations. Loaade:3boro. Comm Seam LAYING.—A large crowd gathered here on Monday, May 28rd, to witness the laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist ohurob. On the plat• form were Rev. J. W. Andrews, pastor of the ohurob, together with Revs. S. Bond, Seafortb, Preeident of London Con. ference ; 13, Clement, Clinton ; J. Edge and W. Godwin, Goderioh ; G. W. Andrew, ' A. W. Dever, Bervie • R. Holmee1 Clinton, and others. The preliminaryexeroioe9 were concluded by Maseru, Andrews, Godwin, Clement and Bond, the latter making an address of some length. Mr. Andrews announced that the amount of subaoriptions promie. ed so far wee 88887.75, of whioh amount nearly $1000 had been paid, whioh was regarded as a good showing when it was remembered that nous of the subeorip- tione were expected to be paid before the let of November. He then asked for further nubecrlptions, announcing at the same time that Jno. Neelaude, who was to lay the steno, had generously givrn n ohequo for $100, George Snell, $100, and J. T. Darrow, 1121, P. P„ West Hurou, n dooation of $25. Snbsoriptions and cash came freely. Mr. Neelands,of Wingbem, was then called npon and, being present. ed with a beenbifal silver trowel, laid the stone, declaring ib well and truly laid, no. oording to the ferns provided in the dieoipline of the Methodist eburah, and alto made a that address, The scone had engraved on ite fano, Corner Stone, laid by John Neelantls, Nsq , Winghe,m, May 28, 1888. Inside bio stono were the following articles :—A Bible, hymn book, copy'ef discipline, Ohristiah Guardian, Daily Globe, Daily Free Pree, London, t]ffntost New Era, Wingliam Times, the names of the Trutt Board, t3tiarterly Bonrd, Building Committee, contractor, nrohiteet, name of pester and family end 00txles of eoltolnra, oflloel•s, names of membere of the Jr. and Br. Loagoet, and ftearterly ticltet% The trowel, \vltiah was procured from A, 7, Grigg, Olinton, had engraved upon it, ".Presented to John Neolanrls by the lltethodiete of Loudseboro, May 23, 1808." Mr. An' deems announced that Seale F, 'Hoover, , of Clinton Marble Works, had kindly pre. seated the eburoh with a suitable etone for the other aornor of the ohurob, though not engraved. The ()hutch promises to be a comfortable one when finiobod, suitable for all present requirements, and should be dedicated free front debt. The tea meeting in the evening was very largely attended, and exoellent addressee were delivered by Revs. Clement, Dever, Godwin, Edge, and John Neelands. The ()hair was occupied by the pastor, and the choir rendered exuellent service. The proceeds of the Sunday and Monday ser. vioee were $425, and the total amount of cash now on hand is $1,400. The pee. plc are to be oongretalated on their anepioioue opening and future proepeots. ]I+ o rdwiele. Ilev. Mr. Cosene and 13. S. Cook are at Chatham attending the Methodist Con- ference. Miss Annie Govenlook, of Seafortb, is at present visiting her sister, hire. Ooscne, at the parsonage. Our baseball ulab hae received an in- vitation from the celebration oomtnittee of Clifford to play ball in that town on Dominion Day. Alex, Orr, the genial landlord of the Albion Hotel, of this place, has been very busy for the peat few weeks having his hotel thoroughly renovated and remodel- led. The ten and entertainment which was given under the auepieee of the Epworth League in the Methodist church on Tues. day evening of last week was a oomplet° 0000000. The Congregational church on the ebb concession, Howlett, is undergoing thorough repairs and painting, inaide and out. The general appearance of the building will be muob improved when the work is completed. Reopening services will be held the first Sunday in June, morning and evening. The Presbytery of Saugeen met in Harrieton on Monday, May 23rd, and considered a call to the Rev. Mr. Munro, of Guthrie ahnrcrh, from Ridgetown. The Presbytery deoided to translate Mr, Mun- ro, wlto will preach his farewell sermon on June 10th. Rev. A. B. Dobson has been appointed one of the Presbytery's commissioners to the General Assembly which meets in Montreal on the 8th of June. The Queen's Birthday was loyally cele- brated here. Clifford gave our boys a bad walloping at base ball. Our lads beat Harriston at foot ball. The follow• ing is a list of the prizes given in the various contests :—General Honevonand- sigelman's Army. Beat Represented Oharaoter—let Indian Chief, Robert G. Gibson ; 2nd Knight in armour, Wm. Orr ; 3r, Unole Sam, John Argue. Bi- oyole Races—boys under 16—let, Blake Cook ; 2nd, Harris Hamilton ; 8rd, A. Hemphill—Amateurs—lst, E. BleEitoh- ern ; 2nd, W. Lee • 8rd, A. Smith—. Ladies—let, Miss Kate Ilobinson ; 2nd, Mise Mary Baird ; Brd, Miss Maggie Miller.. Foot Reoes—boys under 14—let, Jas. Carter ; 2nd, Russel Brown ; 8rd, Norman Wade—Boys ander 12 —1st, Russel Brown ; and, N. McLeod ; 8rd, N. McLaughlin — Boys under 16 -1st, Rowel Brown ; 2od, Wm. Rao -400 yards open to all—lst, 0. Stewart ; 2nd, John Walkey. Potato Bane — let, Joseph Johnston ; 2nd, 0. Thomson. Egg and Spoon Raoe—let, H. MoJemett ; 2nd, John Walkey ; 8rd, L. MoLaugblin. Jumping—standing three jump -1st, 0. Thomson •2o0, 0, Stewart — Standing jump—lst, 0. Thomson; 2rd, 0. Stewart —Running jump—let, 0. (Stewart ; 2nd, D. Piffer—Running, bop, step and jamp --lab, C. Stewart ; 2nd, C. Thomson.— Running jump—boys under 16 -1st, Burt Loree ; 2nd, Wm. Rae ; 8rd, A. Roth— Eating Buns -1st, Roy Oattenach ; 2nd, John Gough. Eating Biscuit—let, E. Armstrong ; 2nd, John Gough. Tug of war—Fordwioh Baseball Club. Clifford Band supplied a good program. Gate receipts 860.00 Clinton. Rev. W. Baer left for Woodstook, and thence to New York, where be will oom mance the manufooture of his patent. Mrs. John Cunningham met with a painful aooident caused by a mocked gob. let which she was cleaning breaking in her hand, nutting it severely. A oouple of boys appeared before the Mayor on a charge of wilfully breaking windows in the Public School They ad. mitted their guilt, and were ordered to repair the damage done, and were also to pay a fine of $1, or spend three hours in the look -up. A lady in town had an unpleasant and dangerous experience, She sent a girl to get some sane for her, and by mistake she got saltpetre instead, and the lady took a portion of it before the error was known. The serviuee of a dootor were required to relieve her, and it was several days before she fully recovered from the effects. S. S. Cooper completed hie work in connection with the new Doherty factory were of tach week. There on hvrsda T Y about thirty full ork' sg days, making allowance for wet weather, occupied in ettin the buildings up. The maohineay getting e beginning to arrive and some of it is in poeition. The brick chimney, wbiob is nearly 100 feet high, required nearly 60,- 000 brinks for its completion. Margaret McGuire, from Goderiob, an inmate sinoe the Rouge of Refuge opened, and an emigrant from Ireland, died on Fseee8eed 94 ather Wednesday, heeled the rains at the R. 0. cemetery at Goderich on Friday. She was a quaint character, vigorous for her yore, and an anoent that was nnmie- takablo, &lies Eva Sbevouson has kindly loaned a melodian to aid in the music of the Sunday eervioes. Several ,new in - nettles ate expected [shortly, no e, number have applied for admission. The annual meeting of the District Template for West Huron was held in the Good Tempters lodge roam on Friday, May 20th. Beyond the eleotien of officiate and preparation for plebiscite work, very little was done, The chair Was 000upled by John D. Mntdook, District Templar. The Motion of oidaors remitted ae follows: D 0, S„ W. J. MOON ; D. C., Sterling McPhai]; D. W. T., Kate Clarke; S. and T., Maggie Washington ; Seo,.Troae„ 13. Lewarson; Chap., lieu J. W. An. Brews; Mare,, 0.18, Benno; Sent„ 'Sister Young; L. D„ W. 8, Moore, Bond lettermen was elected a delegate to the Grand Lodge, whioh meets in Peterboro in July. it was deoided to hold the next district meeting in Porter's 11111. An entertainment was held in the evening, hfr. Benno fn the chair; addresses were delivered by Rev. 13, Clement and Mayor Holmes, whioh were f•,Ilowod by a short ma0iaalro ram. P 6 George Oakes, who assaulted Isaac, Jonas on the public street it week ago, whipping him severely wilt a rawhide, was examined. before Mayor Ilolmee and Justice of the Peace McGarve, on Friday evening on a oharge of grievous assault, with intent to do bodily harm, and oom• milted for trial at Godoricb, hall in 8050 being accepted. Both the parties aro well known and highly connected reel. denteoof Goderiob township, and the se. malt was the result of a long-standing family fend, in whioh several relatives are mixed up. 0. Lalonde died at Kingston as a re. suit of an injury to hie arm. At Chesterfield Walter Eoghee was fabally injured while playing ball, Anthony Hurley, an elderly man, was dragged to death under a cultivator at Eastwood. Sir Adolphe Caron was severely injur. ed by ernbaat with an iron picket fence in New'York. John I. Hobson was ro.eleated Presi- dent of the directorate of the Provincial Fat Stook Show of Ontario. J. P. Dunn, 0. P. R., ticket agent at Chatham, and a prominent resident, is under arrest for an alleged shortage in his accounts, amounting to $1,200. BOARS FOR SERVICE. 'THE undersigned will keep for service, on Lot 5, 000.5, Grey, a thoro' bred Improved Yorkshire bear and a there' bred large Eng- lish Berkshire hog. Pedigrees may be seen on application. Terms, $1.00,;to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary, ARTHUR SMITH 40.45 Proprietor. BULLS FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 10, con. 10, Grey, the thoro' bred Here- ford bull "Picture," Also a thoro' bred Dur- ham bull. Both aro exceptionally fine an- imals. Terme, 81.00, to be paid Jan. let, 1900, with privilege ofretnrning if necessary. 41.4 OLIVNR TURNBULL, Proprietor. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Br21,88518. AILORING! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. 'Shop its Garlield Block. PlOOSI ormass•••1as� Will nal) a well mall oi' YOU 0ices! 00000000 Tan 49000 0080010 IN FOOOW0aas. P10050 cures all Farren Dissea00.010ep1eaw noes, Fainnn Stomory, Nightly 001e3loas, 0eermo. torrb000. Impotency, Ola., booted by past a0bUeM styep,vlrar and deo t0 ehruulton clown, an saw bit surelyy 0051000. 0 00T MAi18009. 1a al 0070000, U.0 P100510nd yOi rrN grow strong sod hamar twat°. tont by Mol In 61510 wrapper tad smartly 000104 from obdsrvoilOo ,.,,�F1aeU} for0 goad money 0 Oltho 0,dlaar7 or 11m, olY cd lotto0, 0440000 all lettere to J. T. PBPPBB,. oraggg1ot, we00ar00a, ONT., 34001 10r Cao 00• ntb1Oa of Cmada. A. OUSLEY Real Estate & Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest State of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire ce Life insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. CC USLEY Office over BDeodao nnn'e Drug Store, Guessing or knowing shoes. The difference between buying a pair of "Slater Slsoes" and a parr of cornlnat sillies, ie just the difference represented in and. letter anan opened one with a rosponaible signature The sealed letter n�sa contain 1" - a large cheque, nr n—liaiiiff's notice. The opened letter—well you know just what it is. The cominotl shoes ltltt f e }geed ones under the finish but ltow do you know? " Slater Shoes " hear a pedigree tag which tells exactly the leather they're of, its wear, pecularities or faults. Goodyear Welted. $3.00, $4.00 and $s.00 per pair, GA7ALonuc Fatx. "THE SLATER SHOE." '�AKEI�z �=ry Jno. Dowding, - Sole Local Agent. HAVE YOU •• •• Looked in our Show Window Lately ? . Have you read my Advertisement ? Hay yon glanced in our store to see the New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints, New Silk and Cotton Laces, New Gloves, Now Parasols, Now Shirtings, New Cottonades ? Everything New for Spring. In the Gr000ry Department Yon will find everything Fresh in Canned Goods and at old Prices. Tate and Coffees a Specialty. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep For eervioe on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'-bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge Long- fellow," No. 2480, bred by J.E. Brethous, Bur- ford, to which alimited number of sows will be taken. Terms, 81,00. to be paid at time of 0ervioe with privilege of returning if neo - misery, A number of choice young sows for aale'for breeding purpose() which will be sold at prices to suit the times. 21- 11013T. NICHOL, Proprietor. Buggies and Wagons. Always on hand and away down in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the next two months, second to none in the town for either quality, finish or style, for $65. If you want a Buggy you will find it to your interest to call and see my stock and you will say my statement is correct. JNO. WYNN, CARRIAGE MARER. MeLEOD'S System Reaovaltor —4010 0T8nn— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness; Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, Bt. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, BODERICH, ONT. J. M. MaLEOD, Prop. and Mmnnfacturer. Sold by Jus, Fox. Druggist, Brussels. Who Makes Your Clothes? WHY ? E. C. DUNPOP,D, TIIE ONLY High Class Tailor and Furnisher in Brussels. LEADER IN Worsteds, Berges, Cheviots and Fine W000lens. HATS for boys and men at popular prices, from 500 to $2,50. NECKWEAR—All the newest effects in Knots, Derbys, Bows and Flowing Ends. SUSPENDERS that will hold yon forever. In foot everything that can be found in a first-class Tailoring and Furnishing Establishment can be found here at prices to suit the times. E. C. DUNFORD« DONT READ THIS AO thispapere losing And then throw away before you oonolude yon ar o 1 g good money by not buying y oarDAIRY SUPPLIES from ns. We e are prepared to supply ever person - with DairyCans N PPY Y Palle, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds prices a000rding to quality, ,,,..arri,Graniteware of all kinds.. - Having put in a stook of Spades, Shovels, HAIL D WARE • Forks, &o., of the best quality we solicit your Patronage, Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market. We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eavetrouj hinj and .Repair"in promptZG attended to,. _..rft► N. B.—Walt for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck hi fl, few days. Wilton &rrurnbull