The Brussels Post, 1898-6-3, Page 1•
Vol.. 2( No. 47.
JUNE 3, 1898
W. H. KERR, Prop,
AL D„0, M., Trio!
iby al:Aleut Ooilog
alofans and Surge
Royal 001lege of
of Midwifesy, ]
N0.14, 1be011onet
E. T.
M, D., 0. Al., su00e
Licentiate of R0
and surgeons, XII
lee of Physicians
Diseases of wenn'
Eight yi are' expo
Mance that torn
Kelvey, Turnborr,
Ua-tyorsity, .10110w Triu•
01 amber ()elope of Pby.
Lice:,tiate of the
ya' Mane aur Lteontiate
nl .txggh. 0.18 'Telephone
athlete leru. x010.
or to Dr. A. Molielvoy,
1 College of Pbyeioiaue
o,;Iamb! softhe0ot
id .iurgeonn of Ontario.
,no abildrau '1 specialty.
no L'ul'l et, and ree-
dy 000upied byDr. Mo-
t:nab,Breast Is, 25 -
tat Claes Donor adtate of iLe Universi-
ties of Trinity (To nt. ), Queon'e (Kingston),
and of Triuity Id, 'nal College; Fellow of
Trinity Median] G foga and member of the
College of rhyme! .e and Surgeons of Ontar-
io. Peat Graduo Course in Detroit and
Chicago, 1800. 5; dial attention paid t0 dia-
eases of Eye, liar me and Throat, and dis-
easesof Women. 0Oonaultrtion in Eng-
lish and Gorman. 'elophone at residence,
• 801101tor, anveyauoer ,NoturyPnb•
Ile, &c, 011ico— .ue.ono'a riock, 1 door
north of Central oto 8olici for for the
Standoff' Bank, .
Bonet, &o, (tate cI Gnrrow &
Prondtoot'o 01110 0 ,derich,) Oibco over
Gillies & Smith's ,ul, Brusoel•,.
Afoney to Loc 47
Cook's Cf ton Root Compound.
Is snout Ily used mor thly by over
10,000 Ladie Safe, effect! 'I. Ladies ask
your dragg ; for Cook's f aloe Root Cote.
iod. Take no nth' as all Mixt:, es, pills and
mitations are don kens. Prier No. 1, 81 per
box; No. 5,10 degr 4 21 onger, l per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed en ra :pt of pricer :d two t-eent
stamps, The 008 Oempaay, 'indoor, Ont.
responsible Druggi 1 in Oanade, eadedby all
Noe. 1 and 2 sok a Islas eats 1
Druggh -Dolomite! - Optician.
Between New '
As the downer
etrietly limited t
80001173 001113 at
passengers are ter
plication for bortl
eon. For plane,1
:4TEkM t1IPS.
rte and L1 ..rpool,1 via
ry Wadi. •,day.
e t) is line r ,try only a
ubhr iu 1b rIenn and
nu 'odatioa- intending
lard that .• t early ag-
Is neeesear; .b this sea -
es, etq„app,v to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
:R at,ry T
Will Help 111 Decide
Whe : to Spend Your
By Furnish ,g the
Fol) 'nag Publications
upon application t
Grana Amok Rail•
"Muskoka : Lar
Ure,” describing
Lake region.
Muskoka Spook
"Thousand Ielau
"Guide to the 1
sorts,” ou and in tl
Trunk Railway 8y.
iuformatio$in rag
Livery and1Onela
Ticket rates and
allied], will bo forwarded
1117 of the agents of the
,y F ystem ;—
of Mealtb And Plena.
s 1'iotureeg1e Muskoka
hiug and llantfe Be -
vicinity of the Grand
,m, containing reliable
d to Flail, Game, 811 tele,
formation from
ILL, Agent, Brussels.
" Ethel.
New Advertisements,
Efelidays—G. T. R.
W fol-517Kinnon & Co,
Ju it received—Jae, Fox.
Pasturage—David Beeom.
Gc od books—G. A. Deadman.
NI Noe to creditors—G. F. Blair.
D. MoNiohol and wife, of Farquhar,
were visiting et J. J, Mitchell's during
the ]last week.
Our delegates were well pleased with
the Sabbath School Convention held in
Brueeelelast Monday.
Some of our fishermen should remem-
ber the law regulating both the season to
fish end the size the ffony tribe is sup•
posed to be before they can be basketed.
The Ioepeobor may have a job here to en-
force the law.
131 a ov: bl cm.
Jos. Pugh has added another new bergy
to his livery.
Rov. A. Y. Hartley, of Algoma, is visit-
ing at Dr. Foot's.
Miee Annie Rutherford was calling 011
friends on Monday.
Miee Beattie, of Seaforth, was the
guest of Mr. Scott last week.
Miss Jamieson, of Fordwioh, was visit-
ing her sister, Mre. Oaeemore, last week.
elrs. Sanderson, of Toronto, spent the
24th with her husband who reeidee in
The road machine was at work on our
stroete loot week. It makes a grand job
of grading.
Me. Dowlinn and 0011, of Harrieton,
wero calling on F. B. Scott on Wednee•
day of this week.
Rey. J. W. bleat, Mine West and Mies
Scot., attended the S. S. Convention at
Brussels on Monday.
SroDEN DEATO.—Mr, McHardv, an old
and nnoh respected citizen of our village,
died very suddenly ou May 25th. He
was May drawing some wood when he
took very ill and passed away in a few
mint tea. The family and friends have
the heartfelt eympathy of the whole gom-
mun ty.
YWal ton.
S. Carter was away at Goderioh this
weak attending Court so a witness in a
Ehler Jae. Smillie will go to Mantra.
al nett week to attend the Presbyterian
W: titer and Miee Mary Swallow, who
have been very low with inflammation of
the limp, are, we are pleased to state,
recovering speedily.
Dc 1't forget the W. Ie. M. S. annual
gard:•o party at D. Modnaig'e •Friday
evening of this week. Seaforth Brass
Banc: will be in attendance.
Tbs Oomminion servioee were held
in Duff's ohnroh last Sabbath. Rev. Mr,
Hamilton, of Londesboro', preached on
Fria, .y afternoon and the putter, Rev.
D. Forrest officiated on Sabbath. Three
new .nembere were added to the roll and
there were three baptisms.
At the reeidenoe of the bride's mother,
on Wednesday evening iaet, Mies Julia,
neerd daughter of litre. Jas. Wilkie,
14th ton., MuKillop, was united in mar-
riage to John Dennison, of the same line,
by Riv. D. Forrest. The bride was ae-
sitter. by Mies E. Dennison, sister of the
groom, while Geo. Wilteie did similar
serve for the groom. The young couple
settled down to wedded life under very
a ae the
favorable oiroumetno ongroom's
farm with beet wishes for future intones
from a host of friends.
RESOLlTION.—At a meeting of the
church Trustee Board the following
resolution viae passed unanimously :—
"Moved by Geo. Grigg, seconded by
John Stafford that we desire to give ex-
press:on to the high appreciation of the
valuable services rendered so long and
faithf ally by our esteemed brother, Thos.
Dennison, as one of the oleos stewards, a
collector and treasurer of the general
church funds, and while inoapaciated to
perfaem those duties any longer through
continued illness, we desire to extend to
him our profound sympathy, praying
that the God of all Grace may oomfort
and sustain him." The recording
etewo,rd was instructed to forward a
copy of the resolution to Mr. Dennison.
Last season 1 with was the best wool market in the county, and this year it
promises to be be 11` ban ever. It'e a matter worth considering where you dispose
of your wool. W win pay the
High Market Price Cash or Trade
Q et , ,
for any quantity , wool. We have made an extra effort to eeoure goods you will
require in exohange, ouch its
Heavy Flannt Grey or White Wool Bittnkets, Sheeting, Shirting,
All•wool 'weede, Cott.onede, Ticking, Yarns of every description.
You know tin oputation this store has for gnod, reliable goods, and our prioee
are lower than an other store
Special line c Panda, ie;, dor price 850, for 25o.
Special line a all check 7 'reed, regular prig 50c, for e5o.
Very heavy 7 eed, good r x)ue at 76o, sold to; 50o.
Azure Silk, 0 b colors, ve , pretty cotton goads, worth 80, for 5a,
Azure Silk, el ;ant goods, ,lrettystriped eller ts, wetth loo to 120, for go.
Drain Goods' black or colors, lots of petberus to choose frons, worth 86o to
40o, special pride to.
a t e' and some lines e- aro We make a e; clotty dE d t orad , m i w a offering are worth
seeing, regular 20 tootle for 201.
When you art ea ly to gel your wool we can guarantee you will get the top
price by selling to 0, If you . ant oaeh we oa0 ,five it to you ; if you want trade
we can give you g ,d "alue, or atobably you may want part cash and part trade.
It Will be to your lye stage to now that
M'KIkfIO & CU., Maw.
A large number from this locality at•
tended the S. S. Convention at Brn000(0
on Monday, Jae, Smillie, llev, Mr, Pif.
lin and W. Pollard had topics.
Dr. Armstrong le baying the paint018
finish their oontraot on his newresidence
tbla week and is malting other improve•
menta which will beautify his property.
W. Ef. Humphries & Son have enured
the services of It. Wray, of Galt, to ae•
sial in the blaollsmith department of their
business, as Mr, Humphries, er., pur-
poeee to devote his time prinoipally to
the sale of agricultural implements.
Cir el
Township Oounoil minutes may be
read in another oolumn.
W, L'. Kerney Is at Toronto writing at
a University examination.
John Danny, of Exeter, and Mr.
Fisher, of Wyoming, were visiting at
Wru. Batema.n's last week,
Charlie McQuarrie ie home from Win.
nipeg. He looks just as if the Great
Went agreed with him tip-top.
We are pleased to hear of a eubetantial
improvement in Mise Genie ',Smith's
health. She is visiting at Osbawa.
John Lowe, 5th 0011., has pnr0ha0ed
the carriage stallion "Arabian 1''oreator"
and has taken a short route with him
this season.
Reeve Strachan was °looted President
of the District Sabbath school A880ei-
a tion whose Convention was held at
Brusesls Met Monday.
Mre. Robt. MoKay, 8113 mon., has gone
on a visit to relatives ab Galt and will
probably continue her journey East-
ward before returning.
Grey will be well represented at the
excursion to Guelph ou the 209.1. We
notice that the faro fa only $1.00 from
Brnseels and 900 from Ethel or Henfryn.
There was a large attendant* of Grey
township Sabbath School workers at
Brussels on Monday attending the Con-
vention and they say a good time was
Our oongratnlabiona are evtended to
Donald McCallum and hie bride, who
this week begin hauaekeeping on the 16th
con. They were married on Wednesday
Betel M., oldest daughter of John B.
Smith, 4th con., was'underthe doctor's
care lent week suffering with iollatnma•
tion of the lunge, but she is gaining
nicely now.
The 1 ew 1 storey reeidenoe of Wm.
Mmes, 1st con., was pushed ahead in
good stole. Geo. Colvin and company
were doing the work and got it ready for
brick veneering in the short space of 8
W. H. Stewart, teacher of S. S. No. 1,
was away at Hamilton during the past
week w''iting on his Specialiste' examin-
ation in the Normal College. W. E.
Armstrong, of Brussels, taught during
hie absence.
Last week Peter Bishop received word
that his son Charlie was serionely 01 at
Fort MnLeod, Alberta, with inflamma.
tion. Later news says he is improving
all right. He was working ou the Crow's
Feet Paso Railway.
Wednesday of this week Dan. Fergu.
eon left for Edmonton where he will en-
joy a holiday visit for a few months. A
little bird says that he may not come
bank alone, but for the oorrectnees of
this we are not prepared to vouch.
A rather peouliar inoident happened
at P. Robertson's, 011 con., last week,
where Wm. Dark is building the collar
walls of Mr. Robertson's new residence,
viz., that from one stone 4 courses on a
wall 22 feet long were built and Ireg•
manta remained.
Erwowru L1AO111.-011 Thursday even-
ing of last week the Epworth League at
Roe's church was well attended. The
topic was a Miseionary one, Miss Kate
Pearson took charge of the program
which was ae follows 1—Reading, Annie
MoDoneld ; recitation, Seale Pearson ;
reading, Fannie Robertson ; reading,
Aggie klfller ; quartette, Kate and Susie
Pearson, Bella Miller and Angus Brown;
reading, Irwin Raynard ; reading, Mary
MoBlain. Meetings are held every two
Potatoes are scarce.
Mrs. Dobson, of Brussels, is visiting
friends in our village.
Mies MoKay, of Brussels, is the guest
of Mre. J. M. Davies this week,
John Siemon, of Trout Creek, was a
oaller in our village last Saturday.
The Presbyterian ohnroh Sunday
school will hold their animal pie nio on
June 24th.
0. Stubbs, wife and ohildreu, of Paris,
arrived here on Monday evening to at-
tend the death belt of their niece, Mag.
gie Davies.
A brand new buggy is now driven by
Joseph Faulkner. Everybody is doing
well tinder the gentle away of Eton. Wil-
frid Laurier.
The excursion to the Guelph Model
Farm on Monday, June 20111, it taking
the eye of a good many in and around
Ethel. The retilru fare is only 000 from
here, gond for 2 days. Some of the boys
have already asked their beet girls.
This week Section boas Greeneidee
leaves us, removing to Atwood. The old
Ethel seotiotl is subdivided between
Brunie end Henfryn and Mr. Green -
sides will tape charge of the Atwood sec-
tion. The many.friends of the family in
this locality mall them prosperity In
their new home.
VERY 9An, — Seldom bos any event
canted so muoh smitten in the heart:] of
our villagers as the Manna and deatu of
Maggie Davies. Not two weeks before
she had been to school and wad enjoying
her usual health but -fever set in and
some offe.;ted the brain and all hopes of
recovery were gone. She died on Tues-
day evening of this weak. She was a
bright, i,,tolligenb and promising young
girl and was beloved by all who knew
her. Tho parade and friends have the
deepest eympitthy of the entire 00minun•
ivy in this the hour of their sail affliction,
The funeral took plane on 7.`huredey
afternoon, Rev, D.33. Mollie oouductiug
the service. Interment teas made at
Otembro0191 Cemetery. Maggie wee near-
ly 14 yeaetof ago.
To add to the interest of cur readers
this week Tile Pon not only gives a port
brait of the lately deceased Icon. ilir,
Gladstone with a sketch of his life on
page 0 of this issue but above we present
a p10111.0 of his late home, Hawardon, a
town in Wales, in Flintshire, 8 miles
Southwest of Chester ; situated ou an
eminence commanding an extensive roe -
pact. It lies in the midst of a coal dis-
brlob, and near it are valuable olaybode.
The most important business is the man.
ufaotnre of coarse earthenware, draining
tiles and fico -clay bricks. The family of
Maude derive the title of viscount from
the town. Population in 1871 of the
township, 8,782 ; of the pariah (including
Saltnoy), 8,683. In the neighborhood is
Hawardon Castle, built in 1752, and added
to and altered in the Gothic style in 1814;
it stands near the ruins of the old castle
of that name which was granted by the
conqueror to his nephew, Hugh Lupus,
which after many vicissitudes came into
the possession of Sergeant Glynn, Lord
chief -justice of England under Cromwell.
On the death fn 1784 of Sir Stephen R.
Glynn, the last of a line of baronets, the
castle paned to hie brother-in-law, the
late eminent statesman, W.E. Gladstone,
Revile. Messrs. Walker and. 'Stewart
are attending Conference at Chatham,
Robt. Barr is a delegate to the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian church
which meets at Montreal next week.
Punnet Lrnnsnv.—The following orflcers
have been eleoted in connection with our
Public Library :—President, Geo. Dob•
eon ; Sec., Mies R. Spenoe ; Treas., H.
F, McAllister ; Board of Management,
L. Dobson, W. Spence, J. Oober. 0.
Bernath, J. Slemmon, J. Imlay and Dr.
Ferguson. The Library now contri08
1,072 volumes divided up as follows :
Hist., 121 ; Biog., 50 ; voyages and
travels, 1(11 ; science and art, 42 ; general
literature, 29 ; poetry, 14 ; religious, 66 ;
fiction, 275 ; miscellaneous, 313 ; works
of reference, 2. The number of books
issued during the year ending April 30th,
1898, was 1,381. The number purchased
was 154 and the cost $100,10. As, all in
a family over 12 years of age, can be en.
rolled asmembers for the same fee, 25
aunts, it is exppeoted that many new nam•
bars will be added. -
SCEOOL REPORT.—Report of Sr. Dept.
of Ethel Public :Iollool for the mouth of
May :—Jr. 8rd.—Ida Faulkner, George
Eokmier, Lily Simpson, Olive Baynard,
Diok Davies, Mamie MoAllieter, Avon
Elliott. Sr. 3r31.—Eva Cole, Mandie
Qoerrio, Stella Dunbar, Willie Coates,
Tom Fogel, Percy Greeueidee, Jennie
MoBlain, Henry Qaerrin,Eva McAllister,
Mabel Coates, Walter Savage, Gordon
Imlay, Minnie Bateman, Fred Diemort,
Sam Kleineohroth, Oliver Lindsay; Jr,
4th.—Bernice Slenimon, Heine Barr.
Willie Eokmier, Mamie Rennie, Wel-
land McDonald, Maud Badgley, Mary
Kleinsohroth. Sr.4th.—Olaude Walker,
Mary MoBlain, Ida Cole, Howard Mc-
Allister, Oar! McAllister, Willie Lindsay,
Edna Baynard. GEO. DonsoN, Principal.
ACoB i11op.
NoTEo.—Fall wheat has made groat
growth the last two weeks and will be an
average crop by present prospects,—Grass
is good and new meadows will be heavy.
—In the North Boundary Thomas San.
tor, Joseph Campbell and Janne Ryan
are building new brick houses and James
MoOallnm new barn with stone stabling.
18th con., Joshua Dennison and Robert
Gray aro enlarging barns and stabling.
12th con„ Samuel Reglor, new brick
house, Finlay Malntosh, silo, Samuel
Stitt, stone stabling, Edward Drisool,
stone stabling and enlarging barns. 10th
con., Daniel Manly and John:O'Laughlin
new barnswitll stone stabling, Stephen
Godkin, F. Morrison and Alex, Kerr en-
larging barns and stone stabling. Oth
con., Thos. Bryce new barn, August
Haman bride kitchen, Wm. Treeworth
stabling under been. 7th con„ Duncan
MoGreggor enlarging Inoue and atolls
stabling, Samuel Story new barn. Nearer
Seaforth there are no improvements as
they Bank their money and spend their
time in town.
SAD AaontENT.—Mr. and Mre. Burk-
holder have received a couple of letters
from Boiesevain, relative to the death of
their eon Ephraim, and we glean the
following sac] particulars from them :—
On Tuesday, May 171h, he was assisting
Mr. Johnston to place a ladder against
the barn when the ladder fell and re-
bounding struck Ephraim on the temple,
There was no mark nor was he rendered
11000ne01000 but he was able to walk to
the house and lie down on the lounge
where he soon fell asleep, Mr. Johnston
hurried away fora doctor and while ab•
sent the patient was somewhat delirious
but only for a tune. The doctor dM nob
consider the case very serious but later
when Ephraim vomited blood and suffer•
ed considerable pain on Wednesday.
Saturday he took a good deal worse and
Doogald A, Taylor (formerly of Morris)
went after two doaeon but the still
thoughtho would recover and that 11 was
unneoeseay to alarm his parents by wit•
Me them of the acoident. Sunday Morn-
ing Ephraim took his medicine and seem-
ed about as well as usual, ho dozed off
asleep and never awoke, The only out.
ward cep of his depaetun wag a long
sigh. Beery attention was paid to the
in iced youth by both friends and dealers
but without avail, The interment was
made on Monday, Med, as the weather
was warm a11d there was 130 embalmer
roarer than Winnipeg In the ebaon0e
of Rev. Mr. Harrison, Methodisttninister,
Rev, Mr, Hamilton, Pregbyteriao, kindly
took the service. For reasons given above
it would have been impossible to forward
the romaine to Ontario. Deceased was
very patient throughout hie illness and
gave no trouble. The sari acoident oast a
gloom over the whole neighborhood.
ItROI l -t ti.
Tun Pose gives the news.
The leafy month of June.
Farmers are busy on their road Irma.
Frost on Tuesday morning of this
Wm. Watson raised his barn on Mon-
Sheep are all washed now and some
Morris Township Council met last
John Budge, of Belgrave, is very low
just now.
John Cook bad hie barn put np on
Tuesday of this week.
The marriage fever has taken Morrie
as well a8 Brussels.
Mrs. Williams, of Gladstone, is visit•
ing friends in Morris township.
Jas. Duncan was away for a holiday
visit with friends at Soarboro.
P. Agen'e team took a run on Saturday
last but there was not much damage
There are few nicer kept grounds than
those in front of Jno. Mooney's residence,
5th line.
Charles Wilkinson, 4113 line, has raised
hie barna and is having stone stabling
pat under them.
Walter Innes, 5111 line, has diepoeed of
the young Durham bull he had adver-
tised in TEE POST, to MOArter Broe., of
the same line.
J. Netbery, 6th line, lost his young
daughter on Monday. The little 0138'
had been ailing all Spring. The funer-
al took place on Wednesday.
Last week Alton Wheeler left for
Chatham where he will oontinue the
study of drugs under the supervision of
A. I. McCall, formerly of Brussels. We
wish Alton noun.
A garden party will be held at the
manse, Belgrave, on Friday, June 10113.
A good program is being prepared and
everybody will be made welcome. Pro-
Geedg in aid of building fund.
Edgar Proctor died at Auburn on
Tuesday of this week and was buried at
Blyth on Thursday. He was well
known around S. S. No. 3, Morrie.
Cramps was the main ailment.
Three members of Robt. Armstrong's
family left for Dakota on Monday.
Thomas, for Bottineau, Mrs. Rands, for
Willow City, and another, whose name
we did not learn, for Scotland, all for
North Dakota.
Daring the past week or so George
Bryden, father of Mrs. Welter Innes,
was quite poorly with bronohlbis and
asthma, but he is improving first rate
again, Mr. Bryden 1e in his 80111 year,
and has enjoyed fairly good health.
The Union Sabbath School held in
Anderson's school house, has resumed
operations with Reeve Strachan, of Grey,
as Superintendent. There was no
school last Sabbath ae the members al.
tended the masa meeting at Brunie.
By letter the information that 11511.
raim Burkholder, when sudden decease
was reoently reported in TEE Pose, Game
to his death by being struck on the head
by a falling ladder while he was working
at Boiesevain, Manitoba. He was a 11130
Spirited young fellow and bad many
Mende in Morrie who regret exceedingly
hie Gaily demise. Ephraim was n Son of
H. le, Burkholder, now of MoS iliop.
Our,—After a somewhat extended ill-
ness from kidney complaint with other
ootnplioations, a highly esteemed resi-
dent of the 4th line paid Nature's debt
on !Nasally morning of this week in the
person of John Proctor, eldest son of
Chas. Procter, wall known i0 this 0001)011
of Huron. Deaeased 11108 110111 in Mos-
ria township and some 23 years ago was
united in marriage to Miss Agnes
Nicholson, oleo of the 4th line, who with
three sons and two daughters survive
leu8bend and father, The funeral under
the/0051008 of the A. 0. U. W., took
place on Thursday afternoon and was
late.qty attended' interment being mads
et elgrave 0801etery. 111ro. Greater end
family are accorded the sympathy of a
large 01role of friends. Me. Proctor Was
47 years of age. Itis brother Janos died
a ootrplo of years ago.
Wm. Michie got home a new big B.
mower made by the Massey-Harrle Co,
There will be a big turnout from Mor-
ris to the lexoureion to Guelph on Mon-
day, 2001. The Boiler return eatohos us
every time, eo look out for us and our
best girl,
0. Miahle, writing from Waterloo Co„
says roll wheat is heading out, clover
hay is in blossom and Spring crops are
far advanced over n week ago, We must
he too far North, but every shower here
ib beaamo cold after it, not so down East.
Scuoon RNronr.—The following report
gives the olaes standing of the pupils of
S. S. No. 8, for the month of May :-
5th Claes ; total 400.—James Knox, 227.
Sr. 4111 ; total 400,—Arlabta Farrend, 286.
Jr. 4th ; total 400.—Lorne Knox, 372 ;
Gordon Embury, 829 ; Robe. Farrend.
Sr. 3rd ; total 400.— Ettie Agar, 384 ;
Alija Paul, 379 ; Vene Knox, 309 ; Ruby
Forbes, 351 ; Charlie Garnier, 850 ;
Martha Ingram, 305 ; Pearl Embury 285.
Jr. 3rd ; total 400.—Eva M. Bouch, 660 ;
Xarifa Fraser, 344 ; Johnny Garvin 326.
Sr. 2nd ; total 400.—Fred Pugh, 012.
Jr. 2nd ; total 400.—Emma Jermyn, 870 ;
Annie Gernire, 304, Pt, 2nd ; total 400.
—Hazel Embury, 272 ; Charlie Agar, 220.
gr. let ; total 200.— Harvie Knox, 183 ;
Wm. H. Jaeklio, 175 ; Tommy Jermyn,
161 ; Willie Forbes,150. Jr, let,—Lizzie
Knox, Vvnnie Rutledge, Huldah Rut-
ledge, Sara Agar, Fred Agar, Stanley
Rutledge. Low 1st. — Hazel Stamper,
Norman South, Nelson Agar.
D, L. STRACEAN, Teaohor.
MAxnrtr0N1AL. — A large Oompa0y of
relatives, numbering abort B0, assembled
at the residence of R. B. Laldiaw, an old
and well known resident of the 9th con.,
on Wednesday afternoon of this week to.
witness the tying of the matrimonial bow
between Donald MoOallum, a well-to-do
young farmer, formerly of Morris, now
living on the 16th con. of Grey, and Miss
Aggie, the estimable daughter of the host.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.
McLean, of Blyth. Aitercongratulatione
the guests eat down to an elegant 005 -
per. Costly, numerous and useful were
the wedding gifts and the young couple
begin married 100 under moat auspicious
aircamstanoes. An enjoyable time was
spent in eooial chat, vocal and inetru.
mental music, &o., and the company
separated with the expression of best
wishes for Mr. McCallum and his bride.
The happy twain have gone to their home
in Grey where Tax POST hopes they will
enjoy many happy and prosperous years.
day a road Dart, with canopy top, was
found on the farm of Hugh Forsyth, 6th
line, upset in a oreek. Upon closer
sorntiny a set of single harness was also
diaoovered under a small evergreen bush.
Mr. Forsyth at ones set about discover-
ing the owner and went to Brussels to
advertise the property. There he met
with F. S. Scott who told him that he
had received a telegram from Palmerston
constable asking him to be on the look-
out for a horse and cart stolen from a
farmer in Wallace township on the
Queen's Birthday and the description
answered to the find, minus the horse, to
olose that Mr. Scott telephoned to the
party at Palmerston asking him to send
a man to identify the articles. The
Forsyth boys saw a strange horse on the
0000esston line abtlub the date indicated
which no doubt was the stolen animal.
Itis supposed the thief unhitched the
horse and turned it loose after driving
theart into an out of the way lace
o y p
Mr, Forsyth's farm. Tho owner came
for ]lie geode on Wednesday.
Win= hallo.
Supplies arrived this week for the new
upholstering factory. Mesere. Walker &
Oleg are hard at work preparing for
A tarantula was killed on Saturday
last in John Kerr's store, He had
travelled free from the South comfortably
is a bunch of bananas.
The following ohange in No. 0 Com.
pany 33rd (Huron) Battalion is gazetted ;
to be ascend lieutenant provisionally,
Richard Edward Davis, vice Billings, re.
Rev. Dr. Pascoe loft for Chatham on
Monday to attend the sessions of the
Stationing Committee of the London
Conference, which mat on Moeda), even.
ing. The Sonferenoe began its sessions
on Thursday.
Elmo= DAY.—Next Sabbath will be
Epworth League Sabbath in connection
with Wingham Methodist ohnroh. There
will be the usual morning servioee, and in
the evening a very interesting service will
be conducted by the League, The pro.
gram in preparation embraoeo reports by
Vioe•Presidonte of the League, respon•
sive readings, music), addresses, etc.
This will form the anniversary service of
the League and the members intend
making it as interesting and profitable as
possible. The offering will be in aid of
League funds whioh are mainly devoted
to missionary and charitable purposes.
Tows douooIL.—A larger audience than
usual gathered in the Council chamber
on Saturday evening ; the reason was
that 111e Council met to deoido the ques-
tion of letting the contract of laying the
granolithio Sidewalks for 1808. All the
councillors were present except oounoillor
Long. The Public Works Committee re-
ported as to the tenders reoeived, and
asked for further instruotions. The re.
port embraced the following tenders, the
price being peg square foot: Guelph
Pavement Co., 10i 001118 and lowering
the part on Minnie street free ; Royal
Artifioial Stone Paving Co.,10 dents and
550 for lowering the Minute street por-
tion ; C. Barber, 14 cents ata $20 for
lowering ; Silica Barytio Stone Co., 10e
Dents and $46 for lowering ; Jos, Golley,
11e ; A. Graham, 101 Onto end lowering
free ; A, Graham, (alternate tender) 10f
omits and $50 for lowering. On motion
by Councillors Hanson and Robinson the
report of the Pnbliu Worke Committee
was adopted. The Council then went in.
to committee of the whole to 0oneider the
report, Reeve Hanna in the obafr. On
motion by Henan and Angus it was de.
aided to take the vote on the tenders by
ballot, The Councillors seemed to have
the matter decided for no disousnion took
place, the vote being taken al once, One
of tan members present, nine voted in
favor of awarding the contract to A. Gra.
Ilam on his alternate tender. The : tom^
mittteo then rose and reported, 00111700
resuming. On motion by Councillors
Newton and ]:leading the report of the
Committee of the whole wail adopted. A.
Graham therefore gets the contract at
10e cents per square foot, and 500 for
lowering the portion on West side of
Minnie street. Oounoil adjourned.
PEn80NAr,s,—J. Aineley took te trip to
Kincardine on Monday last.—Miss Mo.
Kenny, milliner for Miee MaoPherson,
was called to Toronto on Monday by the
death of her sister.—Miee M. Robertegn
and Grace Newton wheeled to Goderioh
on Friday evening.—Mrs. Jas. McDon-
ald, of Bayfield, is visiting her mother,
Mre. Wm. Moore: Miro Bembly, of
Palmeretou, was visiting friende in town
thiewoek.—Mien Truax and Mise Harri-
son, of Walkerton, are the gueeto of Mise
Minnie Fessent.—J. G. and Mrs. Karges
spent a day blab week in Liotowel.—Mise
Tome, of Winnipeg, is the guest of her
aunt, Mre. (Dr.) Tamlyn.—John Nichol),
G. T. R. agent of Brantford, formerly of
Wiogham, spent Sunday last in
Mre. Harry Harry Toms, of Winnipeg, is visit-
ing Wingham and Bluevalo
Mrs. Biala Biokla has returned to Detroit after
a visit to friends here.—Mre. J. Richie
attended the W. C. T. U. convention in
Paris this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Murray
have returned to St. Thomas after 0,
visit at W. J. Ohapman's. Mr. Murray
ie an engineer ou the Michigan Central. -
-Mrs. Tennant is visiting friends at
Wiarton.—J. S. Earl took a trip to
Toronto on Monday.
People We Talk About.
Word Farrow was in town on Friday.
Robert Mainprice was in Wingham on
R. Woolsey was in Toronto for a few
days this week.
Murdy MoLennan was in town on
Tuesday and Wednesday
Mies Annie Rosa spent a few days this
week with friends in Seaforth.
Mrs. Geo. Rogers and Geo. S. were
visiting in Wingham this week.
D. B. and Mrs. Moore attended a wed-
ding near Blyth on Wednesday.
Mies Mayfrid Allin is making a poli-
dny visit with relatives in London.
Mre, Frank Baines and nephews were
visiting friends in Hallett last week.
Samuel Burgess has recovered his
health quite mealy we are pleased to
Oounoillor Leatherdale and John
Walker will earn as Jurors at Goderioh
next week.
Mies Mary Verne bee returned to
Gault Ste. Marie after a holiday visit fn
this iooality.
Mre. W. H. Kerr, who has been on the
eiok list from a nenralgiao attack, is able
to be about again.
Mre. Peter Fisher and Mre. William
Blake, of Colborne, were visiting at Rev,
Mr. Gaebel's this week.
Rev. W. Norton has gone to Patterson,
New Jersey, to visit his sister. He will
be absent for a few weeks.
Samuel Garter and wife have moved to
Walton where Mr. Carter is assisting Mr.
Govenlook in his brick yard.
Rev. S. J. Allin, and W. H. Herr
are attending the Methodist Con-
ference at Chatham this week.
Y J. D. and Mre. Ronald arrived home
on Friday night from Toronto.
Mr. Ronald ie improving quite nicely.
Mre. Harry MoBain, of Toronto, and
Mrs. Horton, of Seaforth, were visiting
Mre. Robt. Kerr during the past week.
Messrs. Rattan & Fitzpetriok, reoently
of Brussels, have opened np businese at
Alexander, Manitoba. We wish them
Will, E. Armstrong was supplying S.
S. No. 1 for Mr. Stewart during the past
week while he was writing at an exam.
at the Normal College, Hamilton.
Mrs. George Robb and little Mise Fergy
left on Wednesday for a trip to Niagara
Falls, where she will visit her sister,
Mrs. Ohas. Watts who resides there.
A letter reoently received from Will.
Hingeton, en route to the Klondike, elat-
ed that he wee at Lake Bennet where
he was bony boat making, preparatory to
taking the river route.
Miss Ida Williams, who had the raja.
fortune to sprain her ankle last Winter,
is forced to nee orotohes for a time to
save weight being planed on the weaken-
ed limb and thereby haeten recovery.
A few evenings ago a Woodstock bi-
oyoliet, George Stnart, brother to Mrs.
Jae. Fos, of Brussels, met with a serious
acoident. Le rounding a corner in that
town he oollided with a vehicle and was
literally impaled on one of the abafte.
The shaft w813t almost through the young
man's thigh and left a pieoe of hie
trousers imbedded there. Although a
most serious naso the young man is mak-
log favorable progress and the dootors se-
ptet he will bo able to go to the parental
home in the course of a few weeks. Mr.
Stuart'e mother is waiting on him.
Tom. Nulty, who on Nov, 4th last.
murdered hie three sisters and young'
brother at their home near Rawdon, wee
hanged in the yard of the county jail at
Joliette, Que., on Friday morning. The
drop fell at 9.01. Hangman Radoliffe
and big apparatus did the work well ;
otherwise, however, the execution wag te
disgrace. The whole thing seemed like a .
oiraug. About 800 persons were official.
ly admitted to the egeontion, and of
course, these appreciated the solemnity
of the hour, but nearly a thousand men
had Bemired aeons to the roofs of the jail
and jail sheds by means of ladders and
they spent the time. laughing and y11o0t.
ing, entirely forgetful of the dreadful
nature of the 0001001011, Nulty w50 stolid
and apparently es unoone0rned at when •
on trial. 11e walked Up the high stairs
of bbe scaffold unassisted and with'a firm
step. Part of the time Thursday he -
spent fn dictating lettere, ho being nu. -
able to write himself. One of the letters
was to his parents. In it he frankly
owned up to the murder, and asked their
pardon, He said ho wag . erased with
love for the girl L. Henreaux, who at the
time of the murder was working in the
States and did not see soy other way of
being able to marry and bring her home.