HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-27, Page 8s THE B,USSiiaLS POST MAX 27. 1898 �I V. 9 r.• classes They drawing Hata Lave Good's Ronald 0 n usual Waterloo, f'{ 1rilf ) ., k`�q? .f y� f( �,.. e " j i' > 's w�`C� 1-..\-,,,,,, �, 111(1. „, ' 414 3u� e �� e i 1 ry ale �t`, ; w af/ '' v - •Cres _ rt e, " • �\ •P ., �� �� V ) ✓ ..-- PEAT rltpid growth owing to the sum saline end olluwerd. A trio of Italiana was in town on WHdnreatty with harp, violin ane date disnoltrood sweet mneio, Mae. 1V. '1', Hume sold her emu and lot oil John area to George Olvar, of LitiS place, for the stun of '8315, 1t 1000 a 1.)111' itim g Tflit many friends of the late Con. dilutor Snider, than whom few in Ontario have enjoyed a wider popularity, will be pinged to lenru that a memorial volume an "Tire Life and Work of Conduotur Snider," ie shortly to be !issued by Wm. Briggs, giving an admirable biographical sketch by Rev, D. W. Suidet ; a number of tributes, personal, and from various moieties, etc.; two of the Conductor's best sermons, "The Bleaaed Invitation," and "The Railway Burnell," and his well•known lecture on "Life on the Rail." Rev, lir. Grillin, who contributes an in. broduption, observes that "No more pope. lar conductor ever took charge of a rail. way Lenin," and that his affable treat. meet of the travelling public mute him a universal favorite.' IN LEAOON Wive THE DENTISTS. -A Poar fellow who lens evidently been taokl• a piece of cow, milled by courtesy beetateak, but whioh would batter answer the purpose of door hinges, or bumpers for a palace ear, saute hie maohiee and grinds out the following :-' Bacltward, turn baalhsvnrd, 0 1 time in fii lit ; make us all young again just for to•nighl, Let 08 forget that we aver were old ; lived when old milk °ows were butchered and Bold ; passed over the counter for A 1 ;bring me my gmt air, bring me gun. Take us °nee more to the daye of out ponth ; do it before I have lost ever tooth. Chewing upJoos. 9 g leather line shortened my years, darkened my path- way, bedewed it with tears. Shoot the old heifer and cut her in halves, mother of 16 or 20 calves. Pitch the vile stuff iu deep burning lake. Give us some steak.' RECITAL AT PROF. 1Le-ttIxe' Rooms :- The followingare the navies of Mr, Hawkins' muic pupils who tookpart in P P the recitals last Friday evening and Saturday afternoon :-Mre. Jones, Mrs, Robinson, Mies. Engler, Myrtle Wilson, Fanny Thomson, Jessie McLouehlin, Tena Sinclair, Minerva Jonee, Aggia Herbert, May Deadman, May Skene, Mildred Soon, Ada Ross, Marion Mc. Kenzie, Jean Ritobie, Mary Ross, Gerbie Ewen, Luella Ross, Allis Colvin, Lizzie Hollinger. Berea Bryane, Maod Bogard, Aggia Douglsee, Ella McKay, Emma Cardiff, Irene Backer, Gertie Duncan, Ina Bryana, Lizzie Calder, Maggie Me. Axter, Aunie Strachan, Agose Speir, P Mr. Cameron, Mr. Curtis, Mr, Matheson, 0. Richards, Percy Riohards, 3, Calder, Ernest Smith and Willie Duneau. The apartments were very tastefully set out for the 000081on. A Mitchell aocxeepondent says in speak. iug of tbe races On Tuesday :—The 2:50 pane and 2:27 trot and peas were good ranee and were decided in 5 and 4 heats respectively. The exciting event was, however, the mixed race for 2:17 trotters and 2:20 pacers. Mise Delmarah, owned by Gus. Goebel, won the first and second heats, notwithstanding that Pay Rock was fevorate in the pools, and a apepioion got abroad that there was a deal to have Dore morob win the rue. A large number people were present and in. slated on the judges changing the drivers on both Pay Rook and Wilkie Collins, This was done with the result that Del. march got only fourth position in the third heat and was distanced in the fourth, Wilkie Collins winning in three straights with Pay Rock second, both Stratford horses. There was much ex. °ftement over the last heat, which was brought vii after dark: Pay Rook's driver was changed twice during the raoe. The deal, therefore, did not work, and those who were in it likely dropped considerable money in the pool box, for whioh nobody but themeelvee feels sorry. TUE BEST or TED SEASON. - The pro- gram presented by Mr. Macey of New York, at tbe entertainment in the Town Hall last Frfdey evening was an sentient one and entitled him, in the judgment of Brasselites, to the lofty position claim. ed for him as an entertainer. Mr. Maxey is not only an elocutionist of high merit, whose gestures and facial expression go a long way in adding life and vivacity to his eeleotions, but as a vocalist is not easily expelled. He therefore presents a literary and mutest bill of fare almost sure to please any audience. Hie literary selections here were "Old Ace," "The story of the hatchet," "The Little Hero," an Irish dialogue, politioal stump speech, "Uncle Eph's Heaven," "Watabin'"the sparkin ,' Good for nodding's dog,' a religious story, "Palestine." There was fun, pathos and a good foundation of practical truth in the program. The solos were "Friar of the olden time," The wedding tour,"to the tune of In the gloaming," German "Drinking song," "0 !Jesus Thou art standing outside the fast closed door," "Rocked in the cradle of the deep," "Buzz little bee," a balled "A Laugh," Ala Massy received very hearty spplaaee, Miss Jean MoLaaob• lin aflieheted as pianist in her usual coal• patent manner• The entertainment was ander the euspioes of the Public Library, who profited by it from a financial point welcomed back to Brusselsla t any r time eels TT should have better CTIONS WANTED.- ilway menu, rum tions with the London, Huron & Bruce, eapeofally so as Goderioh, our County town, Gould be reached so mush more conveniently than at present. Ton POST has heard of a proposal to remedy the existing difficulty whioh we believe would fill the bill to a nicety with small expense to the G.T.E. It fe that the evening train from London instead of re- maining over night at Wingham should run on to Palmerston, stay all night and return to Wingham next morning in time to take regular run to London. This would give no a firat•oleas connection each way and would leave the ran about the same as when thin brain went on to Kincardine. With steam np, Drew on board and every thing ready the addition. al 88 miles would be a matter of small concern, and by tach an arrangement the G. T. R. people wollld fallow a spirit of Eairnese to the people along the South. ern Division of the W. G. & B, NOW we have no train East after pM5 a. m„ and no train West before 2 p. m., a paeeelx• ger cannot go even to Wingham, 14 miles distant, and return the same day. A trial of the above proposed plan would eventuate in both profit and entice as to a5e5mm0datron to both the and the public generally.The Grand Trani( should do it and we sin. hope they will arrange to do so at onee. 00001? lluaoN Co, Coonoil will convene on Jntie 7111 at uoderioh. Toe fire alarm called out the Iirigsde Thursday epnruiu) , the cause bai[Ig a f]['e at Angus Campbell's, Mill street, We Mrs, Woo Cornitlll 4f Alitnhell, is 1.0• Hewing old friendships i)1 Brneaela ane loenllty, W. W. llarrlN ie somewhat improved in health, but ie utlll real ill, We hope 7>' /7-/�- /,// n S" `%�.'N''`^'t".� -� I3t�.1N.G. CA X.1.1).4s 0A s, ,x,rt,. mealas arum c,eis. HEAD 0 P F IC G TORONTO -x+� IVAR e-+ + 08__ are glad to say the Rrenteu were not nunnery as the incipient bleu was put cut with a tow pails of water', The fire saluted in the wood box with the help of some of the children. he will Poen he xntal„eeent. Alfred Farr •w un.l wile, of Guelph, and Wages Kenna tlni1 Pard of Therm Y S', r 1 dale, were visitors at Postmaster Far, row's during the past week, ASSETS, (Soren Million Dollars) $7,000,OOp CAPITAL Antllorized ( )• 62'000,000 rl H , , ) a ,0 ftgl ntd, 8 nciesin all prittoipalpoints in Ontario, Quebec Aran UlitedSt States England. _ _ _. t f� P A v L,� « �l ` 01BRuseole lauudry has been sold to Jun. Hewitt, tonsorial artist, who will assume charge in a few weeks. Mr. Hewitt puts a competent man iu Merge. drosses. McArthur &Mosier have given good satiefaition shin neeuming control of the washes {robes and we bona they will re- main in town. ---- A welcome vialtor t0 Brussels this week well Miss Kate Richardson, of 1'`eLgua, a former teacher in our Public oehool, Aliee Riohardson holde a 1st claim Speoialiats' certificate and is 1100. pnr'ed to take a position in Collegiate In• attain work. Site is a oa ital teacher. We ere pleased t0 hear that H. J. Af°r. den, '", 'e�'t,5°lddb5v .�fir'ts'�4L'�,r '� A General Rankin g Business Transacted, Fttrmexs Natos Disponnt°d. Drafts Issued and Collections mads oil all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits. °f $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit t0 dot° O , �IIZ+. WORLD, TIIE WEST ZNDII!i3, Just what is needed to Comte the differ ea points Of interest in Oonneotion PEst1SON,ti PARAGRAPHS. of Kingston, formerly en the staff of the Standard Bank here, has been withdrawal and compounded half earl yearly. Semler, ATTENTION GIVEN e'HE G4LLEaTIaN with the present war, WE HAVES Extra 'value just now in attic Brushes, Tooth Brushoff and Combs, A fresh supply of Fountain Syringes and Trusses just t° hand. We ainl to keep a nice stook of Toilet articles, In Drugs we keep the best we tau get. Wo keep all the leading Patent Medicines. aappreciated.iug Your patronage ie ('� 0, A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller,your2 ng p — Dr. Davidson promoted to the management 0f the r0 OF Fauns' SALE NOTES. spent the 24th at Strath. roy, Mies 211111e Roush is visiting at Wat• ford. Stonffville agency, from whence Air. Brent conies to Bruesele 45 euooeseot t0 Mr. Stewart, who has so carefully looked after the interests of the Standard hero Every facility afforded Ouetomsre living at a distance. J. A. STEWART AMANAann, 0 To WS u On ono Side N x 2. Mrs. Win, Bright le visiting her sister, for the past 4 yenta. Stouffville is n -- AIre, Ziiiiax. J. R. Smith visited his brother at Dur, haat this week. Will. Stewart was holidaying at Wood. stook this week. plow of 12 or 1400 inhlbitanbs and is 20 miles from Toronto. Aire, William McCullough, of London, Nae renewing old friendships in Brussels this week, and els000mpieting the papers E, & D. beariuge are guaranteed for three years, 00me in and see them, A. Sousisy, Ems Wanted, Not lower its reported, 'AOR SALE,—A WELL BRED �� Durham Boll, two rears old, Gond stock getter. Apply t0 W. INNEfi, Lot 09, Con.0,Mort'le, 45.4 CUBA AND WEST INDIES On other side. W. A. Crich muco a basiuese tript° Toronto this weal(. Mise Olive Gilpin, of Wfartoe, is the in connection with the arlo of her prop- arty here to Brea. 4. Good. We are pleneed to Dear that Will. and Howard .11 ciente. We also buy wool, oath or trade, G E. King, Wingham, Ors hundred soreen doors, mortised, of clear kiln dried ��OUSZ; AND LOT FOR ette and ]°t on u,u`loiiirram, rea6 sBrnat- t Put up in a Haat folder for 155. guest of Alra. 1. J. Gilpin. Jno. Sample is bank from Seatarlh and py is wielding Ibe painter's brush, Harry Macrae, of THE Pear, is doing the "mumps act" Hale week. McCulivg2}1 have gone into buaineaa for themaelvee in the 1'oront Oit having a g purba=ed the butchering 011011 of :lies, James Perkins, 810 Central ave. T'bay took possession on March let. '1'1 c Len- pine, braved and finished in two cute of Bober, of Ethel, laud lsold manufactured us at $1 by complete. Leave your orders early and scout's the beet value in the meeker. Moleay & Co, 0010, for solo. Good well on the pronlioso, Apel • to MRS. II1sNRY 1viLBF77. 07.8 1 Meeting, �' WE HAVE SOME VERY NIDE REMNANTS OF -. ___ ____ .. ..__.Annual GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Mra. W. T. Hunter and Mrs. Kenny t0 Detroit dun people will find the boys t, „thy of The anuuat mooting of Faat Ituron l ttrm• �� tt�a180DT8IDDN viA DSTENBION w. e. & a,No. roburGed th18 Neeli, Postmaster Farrow was in the leen City for a few days this week. Mrs. McLean and Miss Ethel, of Look. now, are vieiting,Mre. Jae. Pox. Fred. Lowick, of Tiverton, tvas in Brussels on the Queen's Birthday, their OOIlfidesco and \vs. Nib t:.knl everyole' BUOoees. The Kingston Whig of the 13 h feat., ear; ;-lh J. Horde°, amount in the Standard hank, has been sdvamsed, and after June Id will assume the tnanago• moot of 1119 branch at Slouffvills. Dlr. John Jenkins, a six• BaC•pld by was run over and killed in Toronto. Y, h g P S. Millward, travelling freight 82501 of the C. P. R„ died at Montreal, the result of a bioyole a0oident. Inablttte win be held in Brussels on 7UPvOUA Y, TUNh7bh,1858,at1 o'clock1?, Tort1h(rj Dbseueel0u11thoreon I r10) Ito is re• i 181ltepartoe ftho Lxtlmibivo mesoutod in writing by Sea• 1pto rj (61 Suggestion of polite nti 1vUioh lto Mad 0850)80 moottuge; (7) Suggestion of polars at lvhich to hots supplomoutary ijL`PAPERmy lee ,ion TO CLEAR —r1T— Trains leave Brunelle Station, North anti South, as. follows: GOINGEonTII. Gorxa Nonni. blsvraes 7:15 a.m. I Mail 0.10 p.m need0:46 a.m, Express ......10:15 p.m Mre. S. Pearson is visiting her dough. ter, Mrs. F. Pelton, to Port IInron, Co. Councillor Flays and Geo. Murray, of Seetorth, were In town On Thursday, J. J. and Mrs. Gilpin spent a few days in Owen Sound at Dr. Oavanagh'a this Morden has spent two and one.half years baro, daring which time he has formed many acquaintances and as many staunch friends. Iris fellow employees, while pleasedpa p much b tfollow regretAi the �3oR1V. Minium -In East WawanOab, on May 18th' tbe ;vile of Mr, A. Ferguson,of son. LAnNnr.-In IIullet on May 9th, the meetings; (01 Bits:Alan 0f Directors and And. the rush- flora; (a) f,5 wainva a0 to ubowseful; tcliees s byy n/olnl¢ols ; more (11) Other w tt(e s whish maybe brought forward, (dLU, I7UOD, fioorotnr Y r� Yr �! C� Lens 9_FviJ J -� hCA Lt V ost. Than. --AT— "� 9 `eNDragW3 eqy�a ryr�t, Reins 'rAJ.411l q,7. ei�ys 43+4 �'7 �.4 t.a�A + A 0hie1 a among ye takfn' notes, An' faith he'llprent it. week. A. E. Treleaven, of Dungannon, spent Brent, formerly of the Kingston branch, w111 be breneferred to Brussels, ceasing wife of Mr. Ed. 0. Lound . daughter, Y, of a SOOTT.-In HallettREAL - ESTATE. Q Store. lege®• STnAwemtnmEe. Saner Washing. Tsoot fielting 1s good. Toe Pose gives the news. Macara continue to ant a wide swath, ANoTHEe Mange of business on the carpet. WEDNEeDAr'8 night train way one and one half bones late. Few towns have more attractive shop windows than Brussels. JAe. Grum has pat op a new picket enoe in front of his property on Eliza• setb street. Examine t0 Guelph on Monday, Jena lOth. Return fare from Bruesele 1,1.00, iolieta good for 2 days. Ton report published of the sale of Mr. MoMillan'e village property was noorreet. He has no bbougbe of die. posing of 11, IN A. Straeban's advt, the names of of turnip seed are misspelled, should be the Bangholm and Skirv. Dg's Improved. Bijou Oomedy Co. have been large audiences in the Town eachthis week. They pat evening program. P goodP g' Sone people are going to get into rouble if they don't keep their cows off. he atreete at night. Several gardens suffered during the past week. TUE home of Mrs. A. Good, recently amaged by fire, was disposed of to Wat- on Ainley who moved it across to his lot his week. Wm. Cameron bought Mrs. lot which adjoins his, Banana ie expeeticg to cross bate vith Wingham in the near future on the ease ball diamond. It eboold be a fine ame as Wingham has a good nine and ur boys won't turn their back to the est. of them. TREED 18 room in Brussels for a good eneral foundry and a man running snob business, turning out goad work at fair ay should do well. We hope to see the Works resume operations and go Ito some profitable line of agricultural npiements 48 an extra to the Fire En- ine baldness. BARRISTER HATS, of Seaforth, bas re- igned the Ooptaincy of Bruesele Velma. tar Co., No. 6, and will be succeeded by apt. McTaggart, of Clinton. Capt. Hays as a popular officer witb his men who ill regret hie retirement. The 33rd Bob. Ilion will go into drill at London on the 1st of June. Lieut. Dr. Shaw, of No, 5, as been promoted to the Captaincy of township fighting men. ODIT.-Prestos lost one of her most rogressive and energetic citizens on fednesday morning, in the person of harlots Winter, proprietor .of the Pres- ee bookstore, whose death manned bout 8 o'clock, after an illness [of about vo weeks' duration, suffering from euralgia of the heart, Deceased was e°retary of the Public &Moot Board, al. of the Preston Bkakiug Rink Oom- ally, and was oleo a prominent worker Methodist church and temperance oir- os, In matters musical he also became lite prominent, and successfully anagod the Waterloo county choirs' excursions during past years. At time 1 soh°° , and also was taught nroWaterrlloo, Et left ebe teaching taking a position for rgene al agent for the Dominion Life of whioh later he gave up to go to the etationexy business, G. T. R. -Daring the past week the Blowing shipments were made from ruasalsetation:-IenterpriseSalt Works oars salt ; Baeker & Vanetone 5 care of to ; Livingston Bros, 2 oars tow; R. :ahem l car oats and 1 oar peas ; Clegg Dames a ear of cattle and a car of tls; aonslgnment of butter A. Strnban d a 0oneignment of eggs A. Varooe. ,ssenger traffic has hustled during the at week. Talk about Bruesele ae a ipping point but we believe there are s planes of the size that will out do it, 'OM ;an. 101 to the 2151 day of May Are was forwarded 8,656 tons 01 Freight ode up in part as follows: -Salt, 1,185 Tal wheat and peas, 1,050 tons; hay 5 tone ; live stook, 558 tone; oats, 827 is ; lumber and cooperage, 206 tons; udries, 275 tons, O'hfs ie an increase ' the time stated of 800 tone ever the no time in 1897 and 1897 was 280 tons sr a like period is 1896. The increase Salt alone wee 222 tone. Our 1±1111tiee handling freight are good and an• fair Ler noticeable point tatuat our grain 1 stock deafens do not go into the work lotion ally but for "keeps," Bruoeels le en. road ed to the very best passenger acovm. dation foe filo bigmoney making avrly ighb bueipeee handled by the G. T. R, a few clays in Brussels during the past the vacancy which Mr. Morden will 511. on May lOsog the week. _,-- _,. -.,- -- wife of Mr. Wm. Sootb, of 8 danghler•'RAMT FOR SALE.—IIID FOR SALE OR TO Miss Rilla hunter bas been on the sick list but we trope she will 800{1 be fully restored to health,church, Foreman Watt, of the Ronald Works, Day Mlllst 131�G1n&. ,___ To the Baiter of Tim Pon: M Rx x> a, MOONET-STANLEY, - At the Meesiah Kincardine, on May 18111, by / UN - 1nS brnsmxr•.Dhassevnralgood Farms for sate and to rent, easy terms, in Townships 00 alorrta and Grev. T 8. SOOT C.Bruesele FARM nezer.-Tbe undersigned offers his rout, being 8outb parr Off Lot s1), Canoes- siou 12, Grey. Alt under eultivatiou, wail has taken a position with the Walerous firm at Brantford. Mre. J. Rogerson, of Bradford, Penn• sylvanie, was the guest of Mre. F. Baines, Mitt street, this week. Sire. Baker and eon, of Greenville, Mich., are the guests of Wm. liiecbtel, Mrs. Baker is daughter. DEAR Sm, -You and gout numerous readers will be glad to kuow that there are a largo number of Huronites in Alp- ma, andgenerallydoing well, making comfortable homes for themselves and families. The following named arsons 6 P are from near Brussels :-N. Beaton, D. Rev. Ohas. Miles, Ibir, George H, Mooney, Editor of the Ripley Ex- press, to Mies Etta eldesb daughter of Mr. p ' g township. Stanley, of Huron WATEae-BEaor,-At the residence of tbe „JOH;•1 bride's parents, "Point Pleasant, Welton, on May 24th, by Rev. A. 0. O&ib ORTA73LE D«TELLING oreIemed offers TOIL fiALE,= he wlgun' hie brick residence, eitnato ou 'a19c lot E. 000099 street, o oitard, well0' stable, cellar, oto, Possession abllld be given at moo.PxiCO, _ '1HOS, 8Ba•DN1;LL, df Oliuord, P. 0. watered end well fenced. There is a good on 'the premises k Also orchard, ldid ;voile, ire gantry from whiohe goad revenue Is r0altz- cid. Only 21 miles fromgat revenue I Terme puna . &a. r, For further particulate µ9 t° a„ µpp1Y t° MITonELL, Proprietor, yo_tc Brussels P. O. a Mrs. W. A. 0aldbiek, of New West. minister, 13. 0., wart in town this week renewing old acquaintauoee. Black, Aire. Elliott and sons, MoEwan Bros., 11, Swim, J. Warwick, Eaket Bros., Boomers, Wm. Harris and sons, and a host of others from Wowanosh, Tiffin, A. M. Waters, M. D., of Mills,ARMZ'OR Mich., to Mies Hattie M„ daughter of 101r, John Berry. SALE. -150 AORES L' oonsistieg of the South 7i and South 1 of the North d of Lot S5, Oon.2, East Wawa- nosh. This [e'en exeeIlent stock farm CENTRAL e• 0fI' 1 . -1 2( Mre. (Dr,) Snider bas her father, Mr. McFarlane, of Toronto, visiting her. He may remain here for some time. Jno. G. Skase took a holiday ran to Belleville this week on a brief visit to relatives in that part of the world. McTiillop and Tuekersmith. We have had a beautiful seeding time, most of the Spring grain is above ground at this date. Fall wheat OD new land to very good. We can raise better rain than on can in g y Huron. The writer, and several others bzan• SrEuos.—In Oranbrook, on 1120 23rd, Y VBientino Siemoa, aged 67 years. FEAR. -In Mortis, on Mn 20t11, Samuel M. Fear, aged 49 ears. LAa 1. Fear,g Y Mullett, on May 10th,,k..4 ,beiu well ted about 3 miles from the the water, hrt in Itis Inge of Blyth. A largoItf g Ver g acroie entice grass. Buiidiuga and torwaa are ru afair state of repair. l.aeyy terms of payment wilt b° given, rot• all informatinu apply 10 11-tf G. T.BLAIN, Barrister, Brussels. =e I yY, iii �� Y' ' : Fr t .....-..-� ., II) L-;2,., �;- ; .,.., xee-s ,, i1 .'•y , ,, .11 '; :I 'f 5r J r l n) Mrs. H. Aehplant and daughter Mny, of London, were visiting at the Methodist Parsonage this week. Mre, Aehplant and Dire. Allin are eiders. Thos. )FcOraaken, wife and Mise Edna, of Sudeten, spent the 24th in Brussels, at W. H. McCracken's. They were form• er well know residents of this plane, Barrister Blair, Druggists Fox and Deadman, and Gents Furnishers Belli. ds and Danford did the89•Ef y Queen oily on the Queen's Birthday and Wednesday. in Algoma, took medals and diplomas at the Chicago World's Fair for wheat, barley, oats, baokwhsat and potatoes, while Huron and several other counties did not gel a price for grain. Our apple trees =just now comfn" in bloom and promise a good crop of fruit. We can raise all the ]tardy liiude of fruit that you raise al Huron. We seldom get any Summer frost and the Winters are dry and frosty in general, which makes it pleasant to work in the woods. There is Maggie May, beloved wife of Ed. 0, Laundy, aged 22 years. PATTEnsoa -In Hallett, on Aisy 17th, Bolen Patterson, relict of the late Peter Patterson, aged 83 years• SUArne.-In Blyth, on May 111h, John Shafer, aged 58 years and 5 months. WINTER; At h18 hOmB, PY9stOn, Ont., On Wednesday mme, P, May 18th, Charles Ambrose Winter, aged '14 I years and 5 months. "1AR1I FOR SALE.—TIiL+'+' UN- -i Dr•.asroNEn Offers his 100 acro farm for sale, being Lot 02, N l Con. 7, Morris. .there are 70undercrop, wood s lea ed and dtPrates house, with kitchen, woodshed and cellar complete ; hank barn with steno sawing ; oroba)'d, wale, and all other eonreulevoee, Only 3 0f a mile from school and 8 miles from Bl, For price afr moo, For prioo Hud terms apply 0n the and tel would 'be given promisee onto BrasseleP. O., to SIAiON TORSY'1N, Proprietor. 1 : r- '''( �l g " f i'. +:: t'' J =A VC�4'L'_a `. +`` ` `..r l G0))t7)tel'Cial Seliool a the high- est def gf,lrle –Floud better in the fof(illi0)t. ` t ENTER,il' ANY TI11IE, CeleIOM r° $tree. W. J ELLIOTT,Principal. ) 1 Dan. McDonald, of Wiarton, was re. Dewing old ecquaintanoes in Bruesele this week. He will remove to Kincar.' plenty of good bush landhsre for 20 cents an acre, but very few who come np here are willing to log. ozR� ssrn�s TO e-xem mws, a -__ _•__. -. - ._ ra ':,ac l .... _ •= w ,�- _.__. _ _.- .__-. _ �. ,1 ;1 _ __., .... --- u.... xa dine where ho will buy hogs for a ficin. S. B. Wilson, the enchusisatio Sure. Lary of the Paris Y. 01. 0, A., is renewing abop and We want the sort of leen who chopped and cleared up Morrie and Grey. We have beautiful lakes and good fishing. Toll Whoab 1 00 1 06 Barley........ 30 35 Peas ` 58 59 z < ., �.��,� ''v..:'' �� L i; �. 3 h i3 \ - � r: n old friendships in Bruesele and locality. Mr. Wilson is always a welcome visitor. Mrs, P. D. McKinnon and daughters, ALomta. Day Mills, Algoma, May 20th. Oats .... 38 33 Butter, tuba and rolls ... 11 12 Eggs per dozen 0 9 of Winnipeg, are visiting Jae, Oliver and wife and old friends here. Airs. Mo. Kinnon is n daughter of Mr. and Mre, Business Locals, Flour per barrel 3 00 ' 3 00 Potatoss (per bag) 90 00 Hay ton 5 00 5 I will give a reward of $50.00 to anyone who Can prove that we don't make the Oliver. Harry Crooke, who recently graduated with honors as a druggist, is holidaying at Paris with his brother in-law and sister, S. Y. and Mrs. Taylor, formerly of this locality Mrs. J, D. Ronald went to Toronto on Wednesday of this week. Mr. Ronald has reoently undergone a suoceseful mod. Teal operation in that WHEELS from $40 np to ,6100 at A. Oouel ey'e. SEE our single harness, great value this month, I, 0, Richards. A, corium handles everything tbat is used by a bioyole rider. TaoNxa and satchels, largeaseortmente, low prices. I. 0. Richards, Fon sale cheap, one sett second hand per 00 Hides trimmed de 5} Hides rough 5 5 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 60 Sheep skins, each 40 40 Lamb skins each 25 25 Hoge, Live......, 4 60 4 05 Wool 16 10 Apples (per bag) 50 50 ill town. 'will a '-Ice Lirea + + It is made from pure Jersey Cream only, and be found to be most enjoyable. One call will be city and will return with Mrs. Ronald. 1 Mies E. Whelan, who has been visiting in Brussels eiugie htrn°ee. I. C. Richards. A CANADIAN made bioyole, up to date, for $30.00. McKay & Go. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. enough to convince the public that 5 for the past few months, lett for her home in Durham on Monday of thio week. "We shall meet but we bell mise liar" is the Innguage of her friends Imenoven mammoth, long, red, mom gel seed at Jas. Bellantyne's, A LAItocquantity of screen windos, the latest improved. McKay & do.for (Under this heading small ed vts. will be inserted each week at 1 cent a word, No advt, lese than 10 aeute,howovsr, to bo paidoderinh when order is given.i KEREYS�, here. One old townsman, F. C. Rogers, is very low this week and Itis early demise will not be an unexpected event. Until last Tuesday he had not been congaed to bed, however, and has given evidence of wonderful vitality. Wm, Blashill spent the Queen's Birth- day at Northville, Minh„ with Peter Barley and family,. He brought his deaghtor Den yon see the Gendron bike in A. Conaley's window a It's a dandy. Geon, dry American corn, the beet for feeding purposes, for sale at Roes' mill. CLEVELAND wheels are great sellers, Six sold since Jan, let, 1898. A. Consley. SEE our nice stook of dusters and rub- her lap rugs low in price, 1. C. Richards, Two tone of oiled and annealed fence wire ab prices lower than ever. Mo0ay �ADIES' SEOOND HAND Bioypl0 101' sale, prioo $38. Pingmrp at dint sspb. lemma' Dolt /OEM Aali at Tan P°8T. NIMME bicycle wrench found, Enquire WERE POST. ESTDA Ice Cream and a variety of Summer Drill= at MBS.KIRIi'8. is the plebes and we serve nothing but Confectionery always Delicious Fruit in Season, VT What 1s choke 1. and fresh, Vie. home with slim. She had been away sines New Years and had developed into quite a little Yankee, Six tons of imported barbed and plainPEOPLE'S twist wire at the lowest figure over offer- THE P IiPGE °�' G®LU�t9t . . ' Mrs. Robert Henderson is visiting fora week at her father•in•law's in McKillop, ed in America. ffioKay & Go. We are sorry to hear that Mies Agnee Henderson, nomonths who shows been no pimp rove pub improvement, She Two good second hand pianos, very nearly ae good as new, 1 square and 1 uprightied case, will sell very cheap. R. Leatherdale, A STTJRAG}E,—THE UNDER snameD is ready to supply good 8 Morris. fox io hood of SIMO on Lot DD non, Morris. 92.8 Sl)NIGN HODDD1t, "' '' fle lx. i "i :w,y . -,,,n^ has been da great deal despite all e. George West, of Dakota, a former merchant of Braeeele, paid a flying visit this week. Mre. West, who was a Mise Oardno, IS on the sick list at Seaforth. Mr, THE center bearing in the White biey- els roue from two t0 three seasons with - out being replenished with a lubricant. McKay & Co. REaIE,IIDElt tont you can save from $15 to $25 0n an organ by buying from R. OST BETWEEN BRUSSELS and Wrosetor, on Saturday, MaySlat a IIpiver ityt apfewith the noroa'0and the .word. Varsity engraved on it, Tim flsder will be suitable rewarded 0n leaving the eanae et THs POSTPubitehieg Hee"G. ---- .---"'".°'- ' "" "®° I_ { ,t,;, b ry , �• . ,yt,nes,. West looks about ea young as ever. He was nceompanisd by bis little eon. It is 80 years Ohne Mr. West left Brussels. R. G. Lambert, one of the most widelythan known residents of t3arrietoa, died Sud• denly on Friday morning. He had gone to his plans of business as genal, and hod just anted himeelf to read the paper, Leatberdale. Six octave piano eased organs for $66. Tun simplicity and mechanical flagon- l the post as bearings n the a and wheel wheel stamp ft as decidedly unique and of spooled merit. McKay & Go. T NAVE the largest stook of window shades this Spring in Beuseele _ URON OOTJNTY 001325011, - --- tole cannon lot tbo Corporation of tbo ii own will rler eb 1n0 Comb County the Roam iu bhs town or Godnrfoh on TU17f;=pown DAY, JIINiB 710, next, ata a'olockp.,n• W. LA8IE, mark, Dated at(3ode1'inb May 25,1 808. ""�^' We can show you better value in Harness now ever. We askyour inspection of them. All our make and fully gu ranteed• also when he sank batik in his chair, Bythe time hie sone reached him he was ead. Fatty degeneration of the heart was the muse. Will. Ward, of London, was 05new1ng old friondehipe in Bruesele for a few dogs, Ile went from bete ever was and at prime below T. Eaton's ; good shades for 80o. R. Lsathetdale, Ir yon want a baby carriage Bail in and 94e ii•. nt of t rtlale and got undoes. He has a lot of thorn and is bound to sell them if prime has anything to do with it, }" OUS.E AND LOT FOR SALE a 1 on To RENT, -Tho Under sl0310a °flora for0ale or a0 rent tiaab 1 frame bouec lately y mouldy ii by S. Nm�;either?' the Tor pan, flotern p moulded rs S. R, Jao I G'or pan, oculars apply to W, 11. YCerr,or the owner, r, 1108/tBi Auburn P. 0, Nail B LTG- ('S7' � r •tom �. r�- I ^1 s. •7�' � MIT B $ �,1 '� ��' e -��•' `IEE IPS,�• y Fatle where Grand and family to fit, Thomas Ward is We wish ,Ino. I1'IoRee, to Niagara he bas a Situation on the Trunk railway. Bishop Ward intend removing from London in the near future. Mr. employed on the railway there, them sumer, druggist, is home from Hoa,ESESICERs' .bt*ouesloNe,--0a the first and third Tuesdays in Jane, 1898, the Chicago, Milwaukee de St, Batt' Rail. way will sell round•tri exenrOiop tickets P (good fol' 21 days) bo.s, groat many pointe in South and North Dakota and other �Vestenn and poixthwoatern stator at praebfaally one fare for the round trip. . -- - - li]tIANO 1711 ORGAN. 0110' Jean ItlGLanohtin, pit it Of C. L, f dile IIis lire- a o 1, ool gusts, Il Doctor, Ontario, eY o gusto, truCtttou, on 111)5 is near parol to giro fuetructlena toFp anile on either plan° °r organ, S"c" mb°116idn (Om to technlo. Lewes given either at the homes of mils mat toanhershome, 2f.8m �' -^410,.r, e al rs Repairsat�y and Promptly lone, "" Remember the Stan - stand—sign Of 1110 Large Scotch Collar, the place for ])551 value in IlarneSS, the College of Phatmeoy, Toronto, and will relieve Geo, S. Rogoxe in Ole'. Dead. Take a trip West and see what an amount of good land can be pueohaeod for very WANTED I mane store while he tithes a few well deserved holidays, Air. Moltac f0 noir in g g gobP peeftdon to en a e in business and married. We °aped he will take honors in thnl latter d5parlment the same as. be did in hie Sennet 530090 little money. Further information as to r2tee, routes rioes of farm lands oto, one Wray be obtained on appldoatian to any °°upon ticket a ent or. byaddrenin A. J. Taylor, t7anudian I'affsn aD Agent, 2 Yrt.-.,-......_ .., and tliiiej will agate 01 sed Mi11 e, Grey, in 8tz 0 hes nt Star I fiii, Gxey, 15 throe porta, of au many poste °nub, Ofrers may be loft with Jarorotvn Ina the min, up to Nth insb. Ortho undo 00gum. 01fSrs 818o aslcoe fok,OfCideanfo. _._tB.2t, MATIlId80N. C E7 to F s lq 1 1C ? '+ v �r rc+t �� r w w-, g" = � b bi ' ^.a •" 5 u t d a t 8l tt 0 w w tI 2 b G P f0 13 7 oa it a' Pc 8 pale fe, FI th mi to 101 to eel Eo1 eat ovl in for otl an, fibs titl me Ire �•.��., , w,v.'uuuu, V4., 404 1 anon, acuo. •