HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-27, Page 1Vol. 2(
J. A. M
M, D., O. X.,Triuf
ity Modleal OoIlol
elolaue and Surge
Royal College of,
of Midwifery,
No.14, Reeldeuo
E. T
M.D., 0, M., Km
Licentiate of It.
and Someone, Ki.
loo of Physician.
D(atlases of womo
Eight years' expo
Mance that fon
Kelvoy, Turnberr
DR. F. H
let Claes Honor
ties of Trinity ('r,
and 01 Trinity 01
Trinity Medical (
College of Invent
lo. Poet Gradin
Chicago,1801, B
eases of Eye, Eat
eases Of Women,
11111 and German.
No. 46.
VAUGhf ,"ON,
U'dyoreity, ?allow 'Prin-
k ember Ordoge 019111-
e, int. Lit valet() of the
etdans ane Licentiate
into rah, x "Telephone
9iills t„ Bru' Iola,
,or to Dr. A. Mo&olvey,
,l College of Pnyelalana
Ston; Member or the 001-
nd Surgeons of Ontario.
.fur. children ,1 specialty.
once. IM-0•1lae and res-
rly ocoupior, by Dr, Mc-
AnIA,1301100010. 20-
11017 AND A0o0010n1Dn,
- ON AR1 O.
rat nate of toe 'Universa.
'811.'), Queeu4c (Kingston),
leel 0ollege; Follow of
toga and member of the
to oo4 Surgeons of Outer-
, (curse in Detroit and
Wei attenti' It paid to die-
.° and T
'Ptoab, and dis-
81'Consultation in Eng-
rolephOne at residence,
Y� • Solialtor
Ilo, &c. OlHoe-
north of Central
Stan dead Bank,
1V± • (Forme
Cameron,) Barrie
Out. Oflloa-Ha
borne Hotel.
on reyaneer .Notary Pub-
,netoho's Bleak, 1 door
oto 801141tor for the
L• 11ON,
(81 Oam.-roe, Holt do
and Solicitor, Go/terlch,
.ltou Sb„ Opposite Col
!'tF. BL
NJ! Solicit
Prondfoot's 01114
Gillies et Smith's
Money to Loa
Cook's 0
Is emcees
01 p
pound. Take no nth
imitations are dap
box; No. 5,10 deg/
I or 2, mailed on re
etampl. The Co,
09 -Nos. 1 and 28
responsible Drugs;
Noe, 1 and sal
ROYAL 11[41
Between Now
As the steamers
strictly limited r
ea0ONn nen; 0e
paseengere aro roe
pliaatian for bertl
sou, For planes
do. (late cf Garrote &
Goderioh.) Olaoe over
auk, 60uasc'
ton Root Compound
illy used mgr thly byover
Safe, effeetu. d. Ladis ask
for Cook's t :toe loot gear.
as all Mixt • roe, pills and
roes. Prie, No. 1, $l per
0 stronger, 'per box. No.
10 of
' i indoor Ont.
de ad reeom vended by all
s in Canada..
n Brussels t.
e. e. . ; Optician.
)yap .tii.e.
STEl31. dIPS.
rk and L,,orp0o1,1 via
9y, ry Wod1 .today.
this lint ,..rry only a
star in tb. 0.218811 and
mr,odation intending
'tdcd that v 1 Carly ap-
,0 010000ary at t1110 80a -
es, ato., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
Always on ha
in price to sui
give you a bul
months, Seco'
town for eithe
style, for $6'
Buggy you v
interest to ca
and you will
is correct.
Ill_ dgolS•
1 and away down
the times. I can
:y for the next two
1 t0 nonein the
quality, finish or
If you want a
11 find it to your
and see my stock
Say my statement
N;rvv Advertisements,
Lost --T1119 POST.
Local -A. J. Taylor
13. It found -Tun Pose.
H 1.eneso-I. 0. Itfobo rde,
1) ease goods -B. B. Gunn.
0• nuty Council -W. Lane.
W ranch found -Toa Peer,
$r0 reward -J. W. Kerney.
Aennal meeting -Goa. Rood.
St prenmey-McKinnon S; Uo.(
1819, ; 1898,
Her Gracious Majesty's Birthday was
celebrated here by our loyal residents.
Not with the flourish of trumpets but by
a nett little program that afforded con-
siderable sport and pleasure. Milverton
base ball team, assisted by a Stratford
battery, drove over and played a match
with our bell Waters on Victoria Park in
the forenoon, A few innings at the open-
ing indicated that a close game would be
the result but later developments show•
ed quite conclusively that the visitors were
not very deeply in 1t. W. Grewar pitch-
ed 5 innings and Jae. Thomson 4 for
Bru•lsels and did elegant work, ably as.
sited by Brawn behind the bat and a good
field. Grower "extingniohed" himself by
knocking out a home run when the bases
were full. Milvortou received 5 coats of
kalsemine during the progress and
weren't able to return the compliment
once. The umpire was e, Mr. Livingeton,
of Milverton, whose decisions many
times on balls and strikes wore a mile off.
Some was as follows ;
E 18ueear s. R 0 111ILVE18T0N. R 0
F,. Btretton,8b 5 2 J. Crowley, a 1 8
J. Tl omen, se lip 2 4 B. Goodale, 8b 0 9
J. B; awn, c 1 4 11 Spa ;oar, rf 8 1
D. O. Rose, lb 1 4 E. Bum -echo, et..,0 a
F'. D -owning, it. ,8 8 E.Hun.•er, ttr 0 8
W. Grower, p 2 8 WA, Groean, lb...0 8
D. M. Scott, of,,e 4 G. Henderson, 14..1 4
A, B. eker, rf ,..,e 0 W. Smith, es 1 2
P. Hogg, 2b 9 4 A. Brath, 21, 1 8
20 27 7 27
1 2 8 4 6 0 7 8 0
B rue (ale 4 9 2 1 0 2 2 1 8 -es
Milv, rton 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 0- 7
In the afternoon the attraction was at
the 3)riving Park and thither the crowd
made their way headed by the town
Ban). There were three horse races
billet and all 'came off. The first was
the i amed race for which there were 6
entrees. It was supposed that Riohard
Williams had "speed to buru" in "Little
Prec ," and therefore would Have a dead
demi on first place but his pacer noted
bailie and those who bet that way lost.
"Bat nay," Smith & MoLaren'e speedy
Wilkes pacer took 1st money in good
otyle without any trouble in three
straiebts. Alex. Strachan's "Summer -
let" raptured second place quite handily ;
"Little Fred." Ord ; "Darkie" owned by
Beattie Bros., 4th. Best time 1.21,
mile heat, 8 in 5. In the Farmers' race
"Liz ,ie," owned by Thos. Reid, Wallace,
was n easy winner. "Diek Wilkes," the
property of P. Ferguson, 33russel0, was
Beam d ; D. Smith's "Lulu," 3rd ; and J.
MoR ty's "Ned" in the rear. Time hung
out 1.19. There were only two horses
started in the 8 minute race Juo. Wain
eon's "Freddy G.," Of Listowel, had a
snap, being too fleet for R. Wilson's
"Rent," of Seaforth. The winner cover-
ed the distance in 1,18.
Thu judges were Robt. Wilson, Sea.
forth ; Geo. Thomson and W. F. Soott,
Bens leis.
Ex :Bement ran high over the old man's
race but ex -Reeve MlCraoken'e Irish
limbo stood Inn in good stead and be
won 1st laurels closely purenod by Jno.
MoKinnon, W. W. Hoy and A. Garvin,
all of Grey township. .Keuz. Scott and
Art. Wake took 1st and 2nd money fn
the 18)0 yard raoe ; Nina Blaobill and
Eva McCracken captured the dimes in
the ram for girls ; Nelson Cardiff and
Fin. (tooth the boys' rase under 10 years ;
and 1e, J. MoLauohliu and Geo. McKay
the race for boys under 14 years,
The 1 eceipbe at the gate were about $60..
00. ;fee. T. Ross catered to the wants of
the epeotatore in the refreshment line.
In he evening the Bijou Comedy Co.,
plays r"Erin's Exile" to a crowded house
in the Town Hall.
Every day we try
t improve this business, make it a more perfect merchandise
for this part of the county of Huron. Xt certainly is
A ' lofittt,b1e Moo to Buy
as can be attested
time of the day.
is 1" There must
goods you require
New line Factory
from blank or
White Cotton, I
line, at 5o.
Speoial in Factor;
regular 70, fo'
New patterns in
terns and ale
washing color
Embroidery, goof
and 5e.
Tweed for boy's
kinde, at 25e t.
Heavy Toweling,
border, at 6o.
Ladies' Hoge, in
0peofal, 2 pair
y the many shoppers you find here any day of the week and any
'0 a common remark to hear people say "What a burly store this
e e one reason for it. It's tic t a haphazard affair -we have the
at the time you want them -and at prions a little lower than
other eloree.
Ilton, 85 in. wide,free
a, 2to per yd. •
in. wide, a splendid
Jotton, ono yd. wide,
agleam in large pat•
small chcoke, good
iatterne ab 10, 2o, 80
wear, good wearing
d 800.
3 Mabee wide, fanny
last black Cotton, a
tot • 25o,
New I .ne Umbrellae, 60o.
Ladie,' Vesta, short sleeves, Pc each.
Ladie:,' Vests, nicely trimmed, "our
leader," 2 for 25o.
Other lines in Ladies' Summer 'Vesta at
1(e, 20o, 26o and 500,
Have mu tried the Fanoy Striped Linen,
et le Skirt Lining 7 It's something
nrw and don't cosh any more than
th s ordinary kinds.
Boys' separate sohool pante, in Blue
Srrge and Tweed, at 45o,50a,65o,
according to elm and quality.
Black Lustre for Skirts or Dreesee, 4
opeoial prices, per yd. 25o, 500,, 75e
and 80e,
HaveY O 1 seen our Milliner this Season ?
This town put op a great day's fun on
l'needf.y, Tho abreota were bedecked
with banners, flags and bunting and
the members of the Committee 791300
motive in their efforts to caro for the
titoueande of visitors. About 10 a, m. a
procession was formol, headed by the
33rd Batt. Band from Seaforth, and
Marched to the depot to receive the
Waterloo Band and visitors, a epooiet
train running for thole accommodation,
Ou arriving and =rolling bask to the
centre of the town Prof. Riley gave a
good performance on the high wire
stretched across the main street, doing all
the various tricks, enc11 as balancing,
standing on his head, lying down, walk-
ing with bis feet in a hoop, blindfolded,
suspended by foot, Leo. Highland danc-
ing followed this while the air was sur-
charged with musie by the two Bands
mentioned above with oocasioeal Bolen.
tions from the bvgpipes.
After dinner the largo company wend-
ed their way to the Park where elaborate
preparations had been made in the way of
grand stand, platforms, electric lamps,
etc. The first item me the program was a
lacrosse match between a Toronto team
and Seaforth. The latter started in as
if to have a walk over and snored 8 goals
before their opponents got 3. but the
Queen city lads tvarmod up to their work
and oapbered the match by 4 to 3. There
was a lot of pretty work done and very
little roughness. The teams lined up as
follows :-
ene0.on110, PoeoTroo. TORONTO.
Box Goal W. Jeffries
Muleaby Point C. Robin
Payne 0. Point A. Stewart
MoDougall let Doreen P,McBride
03092 tad H. Lambe
J. Eamon lied " A. Cooper
T. Habenar Centre ... W. Wenborne
W. Johnston 2rd Homo 13, Moore
T.Johneton 2ud H.•B rant
1'. Freeman let E.IdeLoan
J. Bell 0. W. Brent
J. Dunn I. " G. Mothers
O'Neil Field Capt, T. O'Connor
13. J. Gibbinge, Referee.
Next came a baseball match, Goderioh
vs. Vac'iby, of Toronto. This was a very
one sired combat, the Co. town boys only
smith ,g 2 runs to their competitors 22.
The Goderioh pitchers were easy and as
many as 9 runs in an innings worn betted
out. MoHardy was the only pitcher the
college ohrps oould not locate. Varsity
plays good clean ball. Umpire Spalding
stood a good deal of chaffing over some of
his deo,sious but seas master of the situ.
ation just the same. Following is the
score 1 -
Parry, 0
D. Sleol.410, 2b
Greer, e4
H Sinclair. rf
Boyd, of
Blakey, 3b
Stratton, if
White, lb
Glassford, p
11 0 Gom,onon. R 0
3 4 F. Shannon, If 0 8
9 2 Tilt, 8b 0 4
2 8 A. Robertson, 010 0
8 4 Thor'pe,a 1 "
2 4 naliardy, ss._ 0 4
" " 0. Shannon, et 0 4
Il 8Doyle, p ..,...O 4
3 8 Thomson, lb 1 1
1 2 Snell, 21) 0 0
Peuuington,p ,0 2
23 27 2 27
"Varsity" 8 3 0 9 1 0 4 0 0-22
Godoricll 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 2
During the progress of the athletio
sports Prof. Poster gave a clever exhibi-
tion on a slack wire, the running globe
act, acrobatic performance on a swork
trapeze, 12o. Sergi. -Major Morgan dia.
played his ability in fancy and,triok
sword exercises and be and Trooper
Lamothe engaged in a sword combat and
a bayonet oontest, making altogether a
most elaborate and well executed pro.
gram of rather unusual events.
The music furnished by the Waterloo
Band, 88 members, under the leadership
of M. Biller, was of the choicest Kind and
eves a genuine treat, They Dost Clinton
8150 for the day so of course should, as
they did, put up an A. 1 musical melee.
People would naturally imagine that the
Seaforth Band, 21 strong and tinder the
capable management of Thos. Miller,
would be overshadowed by their older
and more famous brethren from Water-
loo, but there was not this great diver.
gence and the Seaforth peoplo have good
reason to feel proud of their excellent
band. By the addition of 12 reed instru-
ments they would bo no mean oompoti•
tors to their Gorman musical friends.
In the evsniug the Pork was attended
by a large crowd and the specialties of
the afternoon were repeated plus a bel
loon ascension and parachute drop. Tak-
ing the day all in all Clinton is to be con-
gratulated, Mayor Holmes was the
Chairman of the Committal and 3. P.
Doherty the onergebio Secretary. The
Committee entertained with a lavish
hand and well deserved the hearty pat•
ronage of the thousands of visitors.
The Exeter Turf Club meeting, held
there on the 24tH, was a success. Sum.
3 -minute class -
Marguerite ;