HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-12, Page 8GOOSE BERRIES 1 We have a fresh supply of hellebore for the preservation of your currant and gooseberry buehosfrom the ravages of the Currant Worm, We have Paris Green if preferred, Havo soano ready, Tandem A Lady and Gout's Tandem either for sale or to rent. Cau give you high grade wheel, either Ladies' or Gent's, guaranteed for the season, for $45. We handle the Crescents, the best velar) in the country. A Second hand lady's wheel need but little, for $25. A Great Battle. A. great naval battle between Spain and the U. S. is expected any day. We keep the daily papers giving the latest war news. Wall Papers. A large stock from which to seleot, with edge trimmed ready to hang. We do this with our new Wall Paper Trim- mer. G. A, Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION w. G. ce H. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SOUTn, GOING NORTH, 17 xpress 7:10 a.m. I Mall 210 p.m nixed 0:45 a.m, Express 10:01 p.m fug nekrs Pins, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it, MAY flowers are plentiful. Samoa Board Friday evening of this week. Naw Time table on the G. T. R. next Month. IP it is news you want you must read THE POST. BaeE BALL praotioe has commenced on Victoria Park. BRUasELs Oonrt of Revision on Mon- day, June 6th, at 8 o'clock. FRIDAY is a school holiday, on account of the Teachers' Convention in Brussels. Tan painter's brash bas brightened up the wood work of Peter Watson's cottage, Qaeen street. SINGLE fare on the G. T. R. for Queen's Birthday, good going on 28rd or 24th and returning on 25th. ANDREW COMM disposed of 22 fine straw hats last Monday. Not a bad day's aides for so early in the season. PHILIP ADMIT Is beautifying the lawn at his comfortable residence by an ever- green hedge, shrubbery and flower beds. Tan brink extension to the dining room of Victoria Cottage. the residence of Rev. R. Paul, is completed and a considerable improvement made thereby. WRoxzTER Odd Fellows paid Western Star Lodge, I. 0. O.F., Brussels, a visit on Thursday evening of this week, some of the number receiving a couple of de• grees. DR. FALoPLEI500 ha3 had a conserve. tory built to the South of his fine real. dance, and will now be well anpplied with room, as there was one formerly in the front of the house. J. T. Ross has been invited to umpire a base ball metol between Kincardine and Wingham on Friday of this week in the former towu. Mr. Roes is a first- class authority on the ball field. GRAND MASTER YOUNG, of Thamesford, and Deputy District A. McKay, of Brae. eels, paid Gorrie an official visit on Tam. day relative to the re -organization of the Odd Fellows Lodge in that village. HEAR Him. -No one should fail to hear Dr. McLellan on Friday evening on "This Canada of ours." He is Doe of the most foremost educationists in the Prov- inoe and his lecture will no doubt be a genuine treat. Lecture begins at 8 o'olook. TEMPERANCE. -Under the auspices of the Epworth League a public Temper. ance meeting will be held in the school room of the Methodist chetah next Tiles. day evening, beginning at 8 o'olook. The program will consist of addresses, read- ings and mesio bearing on the coming Plebiscite and the Temperance question generally. Tau public meeting last Friday even• ing, in the Town Hall, for the purpose of discussing the Frontage By•Law, resolved itself into a very informal gathering, a good share of the time being devoted to question and answer relative to the law and the steps to be trken if the By.Law prevailed. The discussion was taken part in by Postmaster Farrow, Treasurer Kelly, W. Blasbill, Councillors Thomson, and Leatherdale, F. S. Scott, Thos. Mas - well, W. P. Vanetone, S. B. Smile and the Reeve. Deromus.-B. 0. Sperling, formerly of Brussels, writes THE POST from Dauphin, Man, under date of May 7th, and says ;- This part of Manitoba is improving fast, and the railroad is to be continued to Swann River this Summer. A number are taking up land in that locality and give a good report of it, expecting it to be a good motion of country. The Govern. went has opened a land office at Swann River, and a weekly Mail is now running from Dauphin. An immigration building 30x60 fest, two-storey, has been built here at a cost of $8,000 and there is consider. able other building going on at present. Mr. Sperling reports that his family is well. MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. -The quarterly meeting of the Huron Medioal Society wait held in the Council Chamber, Clin- ton, on Wednesday, May 40h. Members present Drs. Taylor and Hunter, Gods. moll-; Bethune and Burrows, Seaforth ; Agnew, Londesboro ; Hawke, Stratford ; Gunn, -Shaw, Tnrnhn1l, Clinton; and Walker and Parker, medical students, Dr. Hawke, of Stratford, was present and bead a very interesting and iestruot• lye paper on Cystitis. Thus was follow. ed by a general disousalon by the mem. berg and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Dr. hawks for his paper, Soros easee in praobioe Were -reported by different members and talked over, The next meeting of the Astoofation will be bold In July, Ketti the 24th oelebretion in Bruasele in view. Emma Division Court at Brunie un Friday, Jape 8rd, P. SCOTT'S mate has a line £illy colt from "Costumer," Geonog EnwAnls le fencing his prop• may on Thermo street, Melo) has taken a rise of 1 mint a loaf in Bruasele. Weeder if it will drop a Deaf when the prioe of wheat falls ? Seeman local pagers are getting down to work at the Driving park preparatory to the raoes on the Queen's Birthday. 8, T, Plana, N. B. Gerry and Joo, Pugh, Fiore street, are beautifying the fronts of their reepeotive premises by sit• ting out young maple trees. BRasaELe Marone will go to Wroxeter next Tueeday to give their brethren of that village a "boost," The goat is often credited with this important dapartment, J. KERNEY moved his stook of groceries, &o., to the Stewart block on Tuesday of this week, The painter's brush tidied everything up in neat style and the shop looks gay. Some bioyolistshave evidently forgotten that there is a By-law prohibiting riding on the sidewalks. A few riders have been spotted, and will contribute to the exnbequer if it is continued. GRANOLITHIc Pavement Companies in Guelph and London have already made enquiries relative to Brussels By.Law and the probability of work being done on the new sidewalks this season. BRUSSELS cheese factory commenced operations for this season last Monday and is turning out from 5 cheese up- wards each day. lblr. Harris will take his new position as buyer for the Ballan• Lyne firm, of Stratford, in June. Ix is said three or four young aouples are having a neck and neck race for the matrimonial winning poet. Houses, oar - pets, furniture, &o., &o,, are being fre- quently disouseed. The leafy month of Jane will likely find several oosy homes tenanted. Acmourn.-Thursday of last week Henry Westgate, of Palmerston, fell off the scaffold at the Grand Track depot, Brussels, a dietanoe of 15 or 20 feet, and injured his side and was otherwise quite seriously shaken up. He was working with the G. T. R, carpenter gang putting a new shingle roof on the station and freight house. NATURE'S BEAurxsae.-Mre. Jno. Down- ing has a cactus in bloom, with 8 flowers upon it, that is admired by all all who have Been it. -George Halliday has an Easter Lily in bloom that . is e, beauty. The stalks are 6 or 7 feet high and there were 6 buds. The flowers are lovely, al. though late in blooming owing to being kept too long in the shade. LAST Friday evening at the A. 0. U. W. Lodge the program spoken of last week was presented. In the absence of T. Farrow, W. E. Armstongdealt with Eng. land; W. H. eloOraoken sounded the praises of the Emerald Isle, and Rev. S. J. Allin gave an address on the best land on the face of the globe -Canada. Rev. Mr. Roes was unavoidably absent, so Scotland went by default. EAST HURON PnomDITrONreTS.-On Monday evening of this week Duncan Marshall, Provincial Prohibition Organ• izer, representing the Dominion Allianoe, met a number of Brasselites for the purpose of arranging a date for a Con- vention for East Huron, with the objeot of organizing for the coming Plebiscite Campaign next Fall. Wednesday, June 16th, was deoided an as the moat suitable date, the Convention to be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, at 1.30 o'olook. A member of the Alliance will be in atteud- anos, and a public meeting for timely addresses will be held in the evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. Rev. R. Paul was appointed Converter of a looal committee whose business is to issue a call to all the temperanoe workers in the Riding, and to attend to any other matters pertaining to the gathering. The committee named consists of Rev. R. Paul, G. F. Biair, B. 0 Gerry, A. M. McKay, A. Ellis and W. H. t Herr. As the voting will cover the Do- b minion, the linea of� Dominion constitu• enciee will be followed in the work of 0 organizing and campaigning. G. T. R. NOTne, The following were the shipments from Brussels during the r past week :-P. Ament, 2 oars heading to Montreal ; car of bay to Montreal by Baeker & Vanetone ; 2 oars of wheat, 6 l oars of peas, and 8 oars of orate by acme fi firm ; denble-decked oar of bogs by Clegg & Dames ; carsettle by Scott &Jones ; 7 oars of of alt by Enterprise Salt Works ; 2 consignments of butter to Halifax by R. Thomson ; 2 care of wheat by B. i Graham. In incoming freight there wee t a oar of Manitoba wheat for W. F. Stewart ; a oar of granite for Coohrane & Johnston ; and a oar of sugar for Geo. ti Thomson and Jas, Ballantyne. -Passen- ger traffic is a little quiet. -Foreman Graham of the Building and Bridge De- partment, and gang have completed their work at Braseelr depot and cattle pens, and left for Palmerston on Thursday. Inspector Yule, of Stratford, was here on Wedneeday inspecting the work. -New bime.table On or aboot June lot. -The supply of tile stored at the station yard is small, but station Agent Kendall is ex. peoting a ear in the near future, -A few oars of gravel ab the entrance to the cat- tle pens would be a much-needed im- pro vement. 00arOLIasENTARY,-Before A. Koenig left town last week for Mitchell' he was pre. canted with the following resolution from Court Prinoeoe Alexandria, No, 24, 0. 0. F., in which institution he effioieut. ly filled the office of Financial Secretary for a number of years :- Mr. /1. Koenig THE BRUSSELS POST Tim song of the lawn naowor is heard in the land. Tun frequent showore ,are tending to rappid growth, W. F. STEWAIni received a oar of Han i. t oba wheat this week, "Tuts Canade of Ours" is the intoreab- ing topio of Dr, Motollan'e Mature in tits Town Nall on Friday eventing of thi3 w sok, Ot% tbanka are deo to a number of subsoribere for prompt settlements dar- ing the past week. We waub $200 in the next 30 days. Mus, ADAM Goou has puroheead the home and lot owned by Mrs. Wm. Me. Onllough, of London, formerly of Bras sele, and will take possession at once. Masses. Cram & DAMES shipped a mar of hogs from Bre meta and two cars of cattle from Belgrave last Monday. Mr, Dames acoompauied tlae shipment to Toronto. FrnanataN.-A meeting of Brussels Fire Brigade ie milled for 8 o'olook on Wednesday evening of next week, at the Council Chamber. Every member is asked to attend, Tao timothy seed sowed last Pell on the land inside of the half mile traok, Brussels Agricultural Park, did not "batch" and another trial will have to be made this Spring along a with some other crop. Da. MCLELLAN'S lecture Friday evening of this week in the Town Hall should be well worth hearing. His topio is "This Canada of Ours." Admission fee 303. A musical program will be presented as well, A FOOT ball in the hands, or more prop. erly speaking in the feet, of some of the eoheel boys dislooated a pane of glass in the Queen's Hotel lest Mon• day afternoon. The street is nob the plaoe for either foot or base ball. WHEAT touohed 51.1.5 ou Brussels market, the highest prioe for a good many years. Big prions used to be oredited to Sir John A. Macdonald years ago, and if that were true We wonder if Sir Wilfrid Laurier has anything to do with the present rise ? It's a poor rule that won't work both ways. Queen's BIRTHDAY IH BRrossRLS,-The anniversary of the birth of Her Most Graoions Majesty, will be celebrated in Braasels. In the forenoon a base ball match will be played on Victoria Park and in the afternoon the following pro• gram will take place at the. Driving Park :- 3•miuute trot or pane, 5100.00 Named nee, trot or pane, 60.00 Farmers' race, 85.00 Parsee divided 50, 25, 15and 10%. Entry fee 5?4 and 5% from winners ; 5 to enter and 4 to start ; } mile heats, 8 in 6. Entries oiose May 23rd. Old man's rape, 52.00 and $1.00 100 yard rape, men, 2.00 " 1.00 100 yards, boys under 14 1.00 " 50 50 " boys under 10 1,00 " 60 Girl's rnoe, 1.00 " 50 There will be no entrance fee, but all competitors must enter before 2.80o'oloolc that day for these sports. J.D. Warwick V. S., is the President and F. S. Soott Secretary. EAST Holm TEAOHEes.-An institute meeting of the teachers of East Huron will be held in the Brussels Public School on Friday and Saturday of this week, 13th and 14th meta., oommenoing on Friday at 10 a. m. The following ie the program :-Opening exercises { appoint- ment of committees ; Home work exec. °ises, John Hartley ; Literature, Dr. McLellan ; Phonic Reading with class, Miss Ritobie ; Peysaboiogy and some of to applications, Dr. McLellan ; Treas- urer's report ; Election of officers ; Dela. gate's report, J. H. Lowery ; Literature continued, Dr. McLellan ; Third class grammar, W. H. Baker ; Literature, continued, Dr. MoLellan ; Written ex. aminations, Entrance and Puhlio School Leaving, T. G. Shillinglaw. The visit of Dr. McLellan should ensure the presence f every teacher in East Heron Inapeo- orate. On Eriday evening a lecture will e given by Dr. McLellan in the Town Hall. His subject will be "This Canada f Oars." OBITUARY. -An aged and highly respect. ed resident of the locality died at his esidenoe, Frederick street, on Friday morning of last week in the person of Adam Scott, late of Morrie township, in is 82nd year. He had only been con- ned onned to bed for about a week so that his each was considerable of a surprise to many who were not aware of a Changs or the worse. Mr. Scott was born in ewetead, Roxboro•ehire, Scotland, and u hie earlier years followed the 000upe. ion of a shepherd and later bename a olioeman, holding this position until a hetet time before coming to Canada in 863. Ag a mark of the esteem in whioh he was held for long and faithful servioe Mr. Scott was presented with a year's salary on leaving the foroe, et theinstanae of Lord Polworth. Mr. Scott was mar- ried twice, his first wife being a Miss Douglas, of HOwnan, Scotland, who died a few years after their marriage leaving three children, only one of whom sur- vives. The second Mrs. Scott, was e resident of Eimwiok, Scotland, her maiden name being Agnea Gilroy. She pre. deceased her husband some 20 years ago. On coming to this country Mr. Soott and family came to London township, where an unole resided, and afterward rented a farm in Lobo township. It is about 81 years slice deceased oawe to Morrie township when he purchased a 100 acre farm on the 4bh line from Thos. Kerney. On thie property Mr. Scott resided until 3i yearn ago when the place was Bold to Wm. Shedden, of the same Hoe. The subject of tbie notice Dame to Bruseele last Fall and with his daughters resided on Frederick street, For the past few years Mr. Scott bad been failing in health the oauae latterly being t ander. He had a light stroke of apoplexy a couple of veare ago. The surviving children are :- Jamee, of Edinboro', Scotland ; Adam, of Huron Road ; Rev. Andrew and Wil- liam, of Michigan ; Mrs. Joseph Harris, of Petrolia ; and Misses Jeanet end Maggie at home. In religion deceased Was a Presbyterian in rho Old Land and a Baptist in this country. He was a bright, intelligent man, web road on many subjects and generone to any and every good cause, giving flnanoial as well as morel espporb, Trig and was n peaceful one. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon, the interment being Made at Sunsltine cemetery whets Mrs. Boort had been buried. Rev. Jno, Ross, B. 4 wanted en appropriate servioe. The pall bearers wernWynn, J"amos Berney, Wm. Shedden, A, Bradshaw, Jonathan Moore and Wm. Jewitb. Gonerons sympathy will bo aaoorded the members of the bereaved family in their sadneb9, DEAR SIR Min Bno,-Wa ars sorry to hear that you are about to remove from our midst. In the past 15 years you have proved yourself to be a thorough going, energetic member of Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, 0. 0. b'., and in the performance of your duties in the various Madre, ae Representative to High court, and as Financial Secretary, wo have pleasure in bearing record to your promptness and bestowal like mauler in which you did your work, Lithotlgil dietanoe may intervene between us we will oberish the same brotherly spirit to- ward you, and if absent you will not be forgotten. We wish you and Mee. Koenig and children every enemas and hope that wherever your lot may be oast you will make and keep as many true Mende as yon have in and around Brea. seta. Oourt Princege Alexandria, while regretting your departure, can assure you of a hearty welcome back whenever it may be convenient to you to visit Brus• gels. Signed on behalf of the Court, W. H. Kraut, 0. It, Weata$ Stun, R. Si W, rIneen rn, Trees, Ttu3 Salt 'Works are elesed down this week for some necessary repairs, They Will be running in a few days again, Sa1'Eatu, trout erects in tide locality have been 'mod by 33rusaelelovers of the rod. The Ilene inhibit just !IS web stir• reader at ouot ,ed bn dono with it, Tarn town boll raging ie shortened up these days ow ng to the serious illnose of Airs, Anderson. It is a heart tronbls mud the Gauging of the bell alfeote her con. ederably at times. Knit the exoursion to Guelph Model barna in view. It will be on Mon. dry, Jane 2001, The return fare from lerueeele for adults will be $1.00 ; child. ran 50 cents, `.Pickets good for two days. Haus you your premises gleaned up yet ? The Health Inspector begins hie s'uude next Monday so if you havn't oompiied with iustruotions given a month ago it is time you got a hustle on. A emeregli of scraggy poplar trees on Lill street, near the Mo0eughey block, were out down last week and will be re• planed by maples. Similar work* will be done on William otreet with a couple of willow trees, BAND Comesr.-Friday evening of this week the town Band, under the leader. thip of W. Grewar, will give their first outdoor conanrt, weather permitting. They will play the fallowing program ;- A. two-step, "The Ambaseador;" Serenade, "Silver Moan;" Quiokstep, "Fort Yakon;" Waltz, "Oordelitt;" Romanzo, "Enulaors," dm+t lay cornst said Baritoue; Gallop, "Stampede;" Polka, "Oiuquantaine;" Sobottieolte, "The Cake Walk," Waltz, "While the dance gees on;" "God save the Queen." These concerts will be held weekly dur- ing the Summer season. STATISTICAL. -Daniel Stewart has Dom• looted the Aaseesment Roll for 1398, the fallowing partioulars being taken from it : Real properly, $260,816 Personal property, 32,800 Income, 3,200 Total 8302,815. Population, No. of dogs, No. of 0511015, No. of sheep, No, of hogs 1,067 53 92 11 No. of horses, 11G A DOMINION upright pimuo has been purchased by William Cameron, Church street, Brnesels, from Jno. Walker, of this place. DIED, -Last Friday Mrs. Rose, of Brumfield, e former Bruseelibe, paid Nature's debt, aged 19 years. She was strioken with paralyeia on the Tuesday previous and never rallied. Deceased was a Mont, hearty wonaau and her death vas a great surprise. Ilr. Rose died 6 or 'r years ago. Hs was the G. T. R. station regent at Brussels at one time moving to Jiraoefield about 20 years ago to fill a similar position. On the demise of Mr. Roes his son John, then only a boy of 14 years, was appointed as bis successor and has proven himself worthy of the eon• fidenee reposed in him in this responsible trast. Six children are left to hold in fond remembrtnoe the love and motherly oars of a Godly woman. airs. Rosa was n member of the Methodist church. The fanerat took place on Saturday forenoon. After an appropriate servioe oonduoted by Rev. Mr. Berton, the remains were taken to Braesela fur interment, and placed alongside of those of her late l..uebaud. Rev. Mr. Atli°, of Brussels, took the servioe at the grave. The family are deeply sympathised with. FRONTAGE 3r'r.t Y. -While 1110 vote rolled last Mc.nday an the Frontage By. law wee not as large as it should have been, probably from the fact that nn ef. fort was made lo get the property own - ere out, it was it decided viotory for the By.law, as the following return, will prove :- P015 RV LAW AGAINST 1)fv. N0. 1, 000015ys aloe 26 3 " 2, Council Chamber 34 4 " 3, North of river 35 2 Total vote 95 9 Majority for Bylaw, 85. The Commit will meet on Monday even- ing of next week, when the Bylaw will he read the third time, thereby becoming law. This Rot of the property owners of Broaaels mean that in future all sewers end sidewalise will be oonatruoted sander this Bylaw, a lob property paying the coat of the improvement made. In many places rebore the frontage principle has bebu in vogue for years it has been found to work most satisfactorily and we expect this will be the experience in Bruasele. The question of sidewalks is DOW in the hands of the owners of the various prop. tables in Brnesels, and they have the say es to When ant how they will be COD- atruoted. 5aaw.-In Grey, on April 27th, the wife of Mr, Joseph Shaw of a daughter.. SaT.r77.D_ LOSE. -A6 Brumfield, on Fridey,May 0111, Mrs. Thos. Rose, aged 49 years. SnoTT.-In Brussels, on Friday, May 0th, Adam Scott, aged 81 years, 0 months and 21. days. F0RRN0.-lri McKillop, on Saturday, May 751a, Mauetta Florence, eldest &ugh. ter of Semite' and Abigal Porbee, aged 14 years and 8 months. MILnusN.-In Stratford, on Monday, May 9th, Minnie, beloved wife of A. Mil. barn, and sister to Mre. (Dr.) Mo. Naughton, Brusaole, aged 32 years. .ea.'rr'csrs'xonw SATURn,rg, May 21sT. -Household furni• turn, An,, realdenoe Mrs. W. T. Hunter, John street, Beneath. Sale at 1:30 o'- clock. Mrs. W. T. Hunter, Proprietress ; F. S. Soott, Auotioaeer. ;mn•tye=d00.s azxo ms, -- Fall Whoat 110 110 Parley_ .... 80 85 peas 3D 00 nate .. .. .... 88 Butter, tuba sad rolls ,., 11 Eggs por. dozen 8 Flour per hereof 4 00 Potatoes (per bag) 40 Hay per ton 6 00 ':fides tri,nlned.. 5i lfidos xough.,..... 6 5 Tale par lent., retail„.„ 1 00 f hoes skins-, n:toll 40 lamb skins each 25 Hogs, Livc•,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 60 Dressed Iloge 5 00 Apploe (per beg) ,6,,1,11 50 84 12 4 50 5 00 0 5a, 40 26 4 80 5 60 60 S.TI1XD,�I RD .114XJ 0]? Cl1 X, D�1, HEAL) OPpIOE, - TORONTO ASSETid, (Seven Million Dollars) • 57,000,000 CAPITAL (A.nthorized) . - . • 52,000,000 Agencies In all principal pointe in Ontario, Queues, Alanitoea, 'United States cC England, rIlre&ICEng Enamels. A General Banking Busin.+ao Transacted. Farmers' Notes Dieaounted, Drafts Issued and Colloctione made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed ou deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date o withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 00 Ma C01,1E02.I01.2 0r FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Ouetomore living at a dietanoe. J. A, STEWART MANAGER. Business Locals, ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Wallahs from $40 up to $100 at A. filmier this Loading small wives wilt be inserted each week at 1 Dent a word. No Mat. less than 10 cents, however, to be paid for when order is given... Ocusl ey'e. SEE our single harness, great value this month, 1. 0. Rioharde. A, CocssnY handles everything that is used by a bioyole rider. Times and eatobele, large assortments low prices. I. 0. Rioharde. SEE our ni00 stook of dusters and rub. bee lap rugs few in price. I. 0. Richards 15. & D. bearings are guaranteed for three years. Come in and see them. A, oousley. Fon sale cheap, one sett second band single harness. I. 0. Rioharde. A (LEAD/AN made bicycle, ap to date, for $30.00. McKay & Co. Donovan mammoth, long, red, man• gel seed at Jae. Ballenbyne's. A LARaE quantity of screen windows, the latest improved. McKay & Co. Din you see the Gaudreau bike in A. Oousley's window ? It's a dandy. Goon, dry American corn, the best for feeding purposes, for sale at Roee' mill. CLEVELAND wheels are great sellers. Six sold eines Jan. 1st, 1898. A. Couslay. Two tone of oiled and annealed fence wire at prices lower than over. llfoKay & Co. Six tons of imported barbed and plain twist wire ab the lowest figure ever offer- ed in America. 1vloKay & 00. WANTED. -Eggs for the War, 10o Oasis, 110 Trade ; also any quantity of Butter wanted. G. E. King, Wingham. Two good second hand pianos, very nearly as good as new, 1 square and 1 upright ease, wilt sell very cheap. R. Leatherdale. Tau center bearing in the White bicy- cle rune from two to three seasons with. out being replenished with a lubricant. McKay & Co. REMEMBER that you can sane from 515 to 525 ou an organ by buying from R. Leatherdale. Six octave piano cased organs for 565. Tau simplicity and meolaanioai ingen- uity of the (enter bearings in the White wheel stamp it as deoidedly unique and of epeeist merit. McKay & Co. I naysa the largest stook of window shades this Spring over was in Brussels and at prices below T. Eaton's ; good shades for 80e. R. Leatherdale. IE you want a baby carriage pall in and see R. Leatherdale and get prices. He has a lot of them and is bound to sell them if prices bas anything to do with it. ONE hundred soreen doors, mortised, of olear kiln dried pine, braoed and finished in two coats of paint, manufactured by Cober, of Ethel, and sold by us at 51,25 complete. Leave your orders early and seoure the best value in the market. MoKay & Go. ARGOT BDosaas.-I have made arrange• merits with Walker & Smith to sell their buggies, wagons and carte. Iliave agood experience in the trade and I know these buggies to be the beat. Give me a call and I will sell as cheap as honest work Dau be sold at. Bring along any wood work and I will get it done for you. All worts guaranteed. P. SCOTT, Brussels. Belleville, Ont, May 10. -At to•day'a meeting of the Meese board there were offered 605 white and 316 colored. Sales 465 white at 7 7.8o and 816 colored at 7 15.16o. East Buffalo N. Y., May 10. -Cattle - The market closed up very doll, and all of 20o to 26 weaker for nearly all grades of handy and good sale cattle on Monday afternoon, and the trade was a deoidedly ungatisfaotory one to the selling interest. Ingersoll, Ont., May The Ingersoll Ingersoll cheese market opened for the eeaeoo to -day with n good attendance of both salesmen and buyers. William Forster was appointed president, and W. R. Smith, secretary. After the election of officers and other routine business eleven factories boarded 1,208 boxes first week May, cheese; no sales; no highest bill. Toronto, Ont., May 10. -Wheat quota• tions on red winter difficult to obtain, owing to the spread between the buyers and sellers, holders west asking as high as $1.20 but buyers sec not willing to give more than 51.16; Manitoba grades firm ; No. 1 hard, afloat, Fort William, quoted at 51.38 to $1,40, and at 51,50, Montreal freights. Flour holding firm oars of straight roller, in barrels west, are quoted at from $55.50 to 55,60. Mill feed steady, oars of aborta quoted at from $12 to 513, and bran at 510.50 to 511 west, Barley dull; prices nominal. Rye firm ; oars west quoted at 60o. Corn steady; care of Canada yellow west are quoted at 86o to 870, and American at Toronto at 450. Oate farm ; oars of white west quot. ed, at 848n. Peas quoted, cars west, tit 60e. Toronto, Oct„ May 10.-lleoeipbe at the Toronto cattle market today were 9 oars, including 200 eelaeep and lambs and 2,500 hogs, Export cattle in good demand and firmer as a retina of buying for export of Montreal; 54 to 54.10 was paid for the best lots and 58.90 for lees desirable grades. Butchers' cattle were in good demand, et 8 3.4e to 8 6-8s foo the general run, with Choice at 88o to 4o. Balls were in demand for export ab 8:}e to 8io for oltoics. Feeding bulls dal), et 24o to 8o, Stockers and feedere wet° in good demand for Buffalo at aft) to 88e; half fat, slow, at'88o to Bad, ter ohoioe yearlings, 8o to 8dn; for batohete and export sheep, gp p e Calves' where steady at 58 to $6.50. Milnh armee and spritagea'e Were in fair demand and etosdy,. at 525 to 542 emote, Hoge wore in good demand; prime 100 higher for ehoio0; singers at 55 to 55.10 pee owb light and thick fat, at 54,60 to $4,761 sows, So to 1310, stags 2o, A good farm horse for sale cheap. WAL HER & SMITH, 131nesols. Bl ;k Cotton Stockings, All sizes, warrant. --1# :::*eke at MRS. Htlbai'S, hLAuaso'a puuoN Dome, - Imported from the Celebrated Curries Molt Perm. Eggs, $1 for 11. .7, N, lit•1NDALL, 42 3 Lost between Brussels and Ethel on Wednesday evening a rc.11 of window shade cloth.• Tho finder will bo rewarded byre. turning lb to ,T1116 PObJ! Publishing House at once, TNE PEOPLE'3 COLUMN. PASTURAGE, --FOR A FEW Young Cattle, Lot 10, Con., 9, Grey, 48-2 THOS. MOOED. �A STURAGE.—THE UNDER- SIGNED is ready to supply good patnrag° for 10 head of cattle on Lot 20,con. 8 Morrie, 44-3 8IMON HODDE1t, 1410R SAL 3 ,—A WELL BRED . Durham Bull, two years old, 'Good stock getter. Apply to W. INNES, Lot 24, Cou.5, Morris, 48.4 HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE.—The undersigned offers her house and lot on Turnborry street, Brus- sels, for sale. 0 cod welt on the premises. Apply to MRS. HENRY WIOBIOE. 97-8 OUNG PIGS FOR SALE — a. The nodereigued has a number of young pigs, from 0 to 8 weeks old, for sale, Apply at Trot 20, 4th Line, Morrie. 4•1.2* JOHN BAHR, OUSE AND LUT FOR SALE on TonnNT.-The undersigned offers for sale or to rout that lk story frame house on T"ruberryY street, North of the Tonnes. lately occupied by 8. lI, Jackson. Por par- tieularsapply to W. F. Kerr,or the owner, J. HOAIREe, Auburn P. 0. 06.14 REAL ESTATE. t1.ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DERSIGNED has several good Farms Por sale and to rent, easy torms in Townships of Morris and Grey. S. ,850TT,Brussels �?OA'7FORTABLI DWELLING V FOR SALE. --The undersigned offers. his brick residents°,situate on Park lot E. Mary etree t, Brusaole, for sale, There ace 1} acres of land, orchard, well, stable, collar, &0. POeseaoiOs amid be given at Came. THOS. 13RADWELL, 41- 011ttord, P. 0. tABA1 FOR SALE. -160 ACRES Consisting of the South i and South t of the North d of Lot 86, Oon 2, East Wawa - nosh. This is an excellent stook foram, being well supplied with good spring water, It is situated about 8 miles tram the thriving 5B - Ingo of Blyth. A largo part of it is under to ass. Buildings and follows aro in a Ihir state of repair. Easy terms of payment will bo given, For all information apply to 11•tf G. P. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels. RADII FOR SALE.—THE UN- DRRsrGNEn offers hie 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot AN 1 Con. 7, Morrie. There are 70 acres eleared and under Drop, balance hardwood bush. There is a good frame house with kitchen, woodshed and cellar complete; bank barn with stone stabling; orchard, wells, and all other conveniences. Only,4 of a mile from school and 8 miles from Brussels. Possession would 'be given at once. For price and terms apply on the premises or to Brussels V. 0, to 94-10 SIMON FORSYTTH, Proprietor. TAR11I FOR SALE OR TO RnNT.-The undersigned offers his eligible 04 acre farce for sole or to rent, being South part of Lot a, Canoes. atou 12, Grey. Alt under oultivatton,woll watered and wolf fenced. There is a good stone house, bank barn, orchard, walla, &o„ on the promisee. Also a splendid stoua edl23mifrul3els. Onyles from revenue realiz- ed.reasonable, 1!'or further parbioulare as to primo, &o., apply to JOHN M1TOlsELL, Proprietor, 35-tf Brussels P, 0, MAY 18, 1898 ALL PACER Taioe around your room and we will toll you how Angel ib will take to paper it. Now 1s the Season, -P011- Chloride of Lime, Bluestone and Paris Green, for Sprayiug. Insect Powder, Moth Camphor, Caustic Soda, `Lit .le's Soluble Phenyls, Hellebore. We have them at . . Fox's Drug Stere. DIAN0 OR ORGAN. Mies Jean MoLnncblln, pupil of 0. L. 01. Harris, Mnaioai Doctor, Hamilton, is pre- pared to give insbruottons to pupils e0 either piano or organ. Bimetal attsutlou glveu to tesaiqus, Lessons givoa Dither al the homes 02 pupils or at teaohere hams. 4141w T ADIES' SECOND HAND 411150ciliac, IIfovolo for sale,. prioe a88• Enquire NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given that the Muuiollal Council of the Township of Grey will hold a Court of Revision in the Township Hall, on Saturday, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1598, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for hearing appeals (If any) again at the ELMS, omit under the Engineer's Report for the extension of Gnvorumeub Maio No. 2, in the said Township of Grey, as provided by special A at of Parliament. 48.2 WM. SPENOE, Clerk, COURT OF REVISION. VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, Notion is hereby given that the Nlnuloipal Council of the Corporation ,of the Village of Brussels, County of Huron, wall moat as Court of Revision at the TOWN HALL, BRUNSELB, on Monday, .lune 651,, 0508, ut 8 P. ID. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly, P.13. 800TT, Clerk• COURT OF REVISION. COURT TOWNSHIP OP GREY, Notice is hereby givoa that the Municipal Council of the Oorporation of the Township of Grey, Conoty of Huron, will moot ae Court of Revision at the Township Hall, Ethel, on, Thursday. May 20th, 1398, at 10 a. m. Forties in throated will govern themselves aocortliugly. WM, SPENCE, Clerk. A Commercial School of the high- est grade—nolle better in the Dominions. ENTER AT ANY TIiYME. Catalogue Free. W. S. ELLIOTT, Principal. 0 a The bests and moat reliable Turnip seeds that we can procure. Wo hevo the following varieties in stook viz: Hall's Westbury, Banglialew Sutton's Champion, Skiromp's Improved, Sharps Improved, East Lothain, Bruce's Improved Plast Lothan, Royal Norfolk, Carter's Imperials Elephant, Hartley's Bronco Top, Green Top and White Swedes. Also the Greystone turnip seed. Our stook ie complete in all linee of 0 Dry Goods, Groceries Boots and: Shoes, Straw and nd Pelf Hats, Read"y' naa0 Q Clothing. Z? Everything 1 A canol,ictedt OTt�,.'l; AO