HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-12, Page 7MAY 13) IrcitA8, T E BRUSSELS POST. 7 DISSTIBITY IS REITRUTIDIARY, ••••••••• A ROBUST FORCE FOR THE RETTER- ING OF THE WORLD. ....- Rev, Dc. Tannage :epees or all A /40litill Of gel igloo Tiler 1, SPII1J0111 Oa 4.4.11 19110re leo tvaied ut )I 'I i.it 0 eoloeft-Thili If seierreet eitterereem ili my oeencien or tee none, 11'nehirial on, May Is-liev. ttr. Tal- mage I ceday prettehed Irian the text, Aide evil., 11, "These thud have turned. the world evade down are mite hither /deo." 'there is O. Ovii Li, bellowing mob nom nit the house of Talton ill Thetesal- onieri. Wbat has the man done so great- ly to offend the eenele ; He has i been entertnining Paul end his mammies. The, mob surround the house and ery " Bring out More! turbulent prearherst They are interfering with our bum- ness 1 They aro ruining our religion! They are nelually turning the world npside down I" The Omega Was true, for there la nettling that 80 interferes with sin, there is nothing so ruinous to every Torre i if entabliehesi Iniquity, there is nothing that has such tendenoy to turn the world upside ['owe as our glorious Christianity. The fact, is that the world now, is wrong side up, and lb needs 'to to turned upsido drown in order that it nany be right side up. The, time was when men wrote honks entitling (hens, " Apologies for Christianity." I hope that day has passed. We want no inure 11 1113k'$ for Christianity. Let the apo- logies he on the part of those who do nol believe in our religion. We ep. not ITiertA it) Make any compromise in the matter. We de not wish to hide the Lan. that Christianity is revolutionary and that its tendency is to turn the world upside down. Our religion has often been misre- preeented es a principle of tears and mildness and festidiousness, afraid of crossing people's prejudices, afraid of snaking somebody mad, with silken gloves lifting tbe. people up from the church pew into glory, as though they Were 'Bohemian glass, so very delicate that with one touch it may be demol- imbed forever. Men speak of religion as though it were as refined imbecility, as though it were a spiritual chlero- form; that the people were to take un- til the sharp cutting of life were over. trhe Bible, so far front this represents the religion of Christ as robust and boawny-ransaeking and upsetting 10,- 0110 things that naw seem to be settled en firm foundations, 1 bear noble man in the house say, " I thought religion MSS peace." Tliis is the final result. A ntanas arm is out, of plame„ Two men 00110% 413114 with great effort put it brink to the moeket. It goes back with great pain. Then it gets well. Our world is horribly disordered and Out of joint. It most 00111.0 under an omnipotent tett,- gery, beneath which there will he pain andeinguish, before there can come per - feet health arm quiet.. I proclaim, therefore, In the name of my Lord; Jesus Christ -revolution 1" 1 The religion of the 131131e will make , a revolution in the family. Those things that are wrong in the ;runny eirele will be overthrown by it, while juetice and harmony will take Me ' place. 'Phe husband. will be the head! of the household only when he is to be. 1 know a man who spends all the money he makes in drink, as well ne all the money his wife makes, and ; sometimes sells the children's clothes , r for rum. Do you tell me that he is ; wife have more nobility, more czar - to be the head Of thet household? It 1 the age, more consistency, more of all that is right, she shall have the eupeenmey. You say that the Bible says that the wife is to be the subject of the hos- I band. 1 know it, but that is a. husband not a maeouline caricature. There is nu human or divine law that makes tz 1 180111011 sulterdinate to a man unwor- illy of her,' WIten Christianity (mines tau domestie oirale, it Will giVO 11111 dorninaney to 113414 one wliO is the most worthy of it. As religion comes in at, the front door,, mirth end laughter will not go ou1 of the back door, It will 110 h hop- ple the children's feet. John will laugh just as land and George will jump 1 higher than he ever did before. (14 will steel from the little one neither bell nor bat nor hoop nor kito. It will es- tablish a family altar. Angels will hover over it. Ladders of light will reach (IOWA t.0 11. '('1311 glory or theaven will &Inerim upon he Tele books • of remembrance will record ie, and tides of eveslasting blessedness will pone from it. Nut suet, a family altar 1113 yon 11111y kin Te seen wihere the p('153' 311' is long and a long elbeereer is reed., with tediaus explonetton, end She ester: - 084' Seeps on 011 I 1 I the ['Nickell's knees naT sore, rind -their becks «be, and their pat ienCe le lost, and ror the seventh Ono (4l(4'.,' (4)(131(1 counted al 1 the gimp in the nhate, hut i amen a, family altar tesh, (Le may hive been seen in your fatiber'e bonito You may have wand- ered far off in Vise palate of ein and enrknese. bot you have never forgot. it en Mat family 111 toT where father and mother knelt importuning God for your soul, Tent is a Menerrty that, .11 man never gets over. There win b, a. hearty, joyful faintly altar in every domestic circle,. You( will not :have to go far to find Hannah, rearing her &Ott. API, (01' ithe temple Or ft grandmother Ises instrueling her young Timothy in Me knowledge of elbnst0811 gibrY OM Mt 1.11,1111 and Limpets gathered in 1141- 1 0101(1 and sisterly affection, or a bible all weielh Josue Hits, as at that or Vete- Aleuts, or le (home in Willett Jester dwelier 118 int Ile house of Simon •the tanner, '('ho religine of arise% Meese, eomirds into 'the dolomitic aisle, will overlioow all Jen mimes. (111 senglings, and pollee and . Order Ond MI ineri8 Will lake 4)008(1451041Ili the. 'hinter . • : Agent Ohristienity will produce e 4.09011040n in emmeereiel eireles. Find 41811' 11101T1111111 Et, 1(13(1 300' f1.1111 1133(1. 11.",1 1111 Ve 511 St rde of wha 1 s right and wrong, Yoe reet to seine one eleint a ((14' 13,0451. " 18 he inalesi "Oh, yes," Vat' inan Hays, is honest, 111,1 Ito 43(4818(43 (gee flutes of 111113 ele riot I lfe limese but Ilist 1381143err:ratite the value of his gouda, Ile is limiest, Inet ho Mane money on bond and nemenage. with tee :underreariding tient the Alf , 110 qui01 far len years, but as soon as the gets She nezrtgage he reeords it, end lteetne foreolosure suit, and hhs (411l'4'' [118 euniett down and the due of sale nevi v Fe. and it Way goes the euiele- raceme and ule, etrediter hutys it. in 111 NS If leyies." Sluneet 1 When he letrtuSi the money, he knew that he ; wenlia get tine homeetead at half pries, 'Fewest 1 1130 the goes to the insuranee afire to get a peliey on his life and imis the doctor that he is well when h e knows thus for ten years he hits letil hon. one lung. Honest ? 'though he sells proper( y by the map, forget- !. Mg to tell elle purchaser Want the ?ground 13, 011 (1134101' water, but it is generous in him to do 4 bat, for he iterroses She water into the bargain. Ah, my fe.iervis, (there is 11 Ult One standerd of Om° everlasting right and 1,lie BibIs, aud (8(13511 1416 38111811)16 5411511 gei Ile pry under mit 00111I11ere int Souses, 1 believe that one-half of them will go over 1 Slim rilin will begin at one end of the street, and it will be era 81, .4 crash I eritsli 4 ell the way ' Morn to (roe (10;l. "W'11411 is the 111151- 11111' ? etas Mere leren a fall in gold 1" "Oh.. no." "tins rehere been a new tar- iff ?" "e's " '"II • (41131' r,' '1,0110 ofailura in (rope ?" "No." "Has tatere been an • unnecournable punk: ?" "No." 'Phis. is tthe secret: The Lord God has eet en his throne of judgment in the ex- it itn Ile I11(8 83l3031101141d, t4he righte- '1)1,3 and (the wirked to come before eine Weed: 81813 (84471 A they at judgment I Whet was 10571 A. day of judgment I Z\‘‘..laolety• 03avrass ago i extreme odrall°e:stvoneirrtl Do yin trilnk'lltt. God is going to wait until be Tuts burned .the world up be- . fore be rights these wrongs'? 1 tell y011. Lilly I Every day is a day of judg-' 11141fl14, Thefrneclu lent man piles up his pelts, bond above bond, United States 1 security above United States seenrite, emolument above emolument, until his property has become a great pyramid, and as he stands looking at it he thinks it can never be destroyed, but the Lord God comes and with ins little finger rushes it all over, You, build a house, and you put in- to it itt rotten beam A nuiehanio ' standing by says: "It will never do to put that 1381/43 1 A. ft will ruin yonr whole building, But. you put it in. !muse im (.0111ple Pd. Koort 1 lie - OAS lo Toolt. Yon call in '1(03 me- eitanle and ask: " \Vitra is the matter with this deem? Whaa 18 the 1111111eT IN /tit t 1113 '(118.4( 41 Everything riveine to be giving intl." Hays the meelitinle, "Yeti put a rotten beam into that strueture, and the e hole (fling has got. to come down." Here Di on estate that seems Le he all right non, It has been building a great ()may yours. 1381. 15 ' years ago tura wars a di:rammed leant:- WIWI in that crommercial house. That one dishonetit transaction will keep on werking 3,13181 in the whule structure until (emu the estate will oome in wrests end ruin about the possessor's 011114-03111 dishonest dollar in the estate demolishing all 1118 possessions. I 1111V0 S1'4'>( it agion and again, and so have you. Here is your money Rafe. The man- utarturer and ,voureell onty know how it can 110 Opened.. You have the key. You tuuch the Wel?, and the ponderous door mines hie*. Get let me toll yeti thee however firmly barred and belted your money rare may be, you cannot keep God out. He will come smne day 41110 you r counting roam, and he will demand "Where did that nol B of hand coins from? How do you Demount for this severity \V here diet you get that mortgage from? i\N does this mean'?" ff is till right. God will say : "Wien done, good and felthful irervante Ile prospered in this world. Be happy in the e0r1c1 to come.", If it is all wroeg, he will say; "Depart. ye (reused. De miser- able for your iniquities in this life, arm thee go down and spend your eternity mith thieves and horse. joekeys and pinkie -relicts." Yott have art old photograph of the signs on your street. Why buve (nose signs nearly (111 changed within the 11181 41) years? Does the passing away of a generation re:count for it ? Oh, no. Does the fact that there are hun- dreds of honest men W110 go down ev- ery year 11.0001111 for 1(41 Oh, no. This is the secret The Lord God has been walking through 11111 eammereint streets of our great° cities. and he hes peen adjusting things according to the principle of eternal rectitude. The time will swine when, through the revolutionary power of this gos- pel, a falsebood, instead of being call- ed exaggeration, equivocation or evasion, will be branded a lie, and stettlings that now sometimes go un- der the bend oC percentages and ecn- missions and honuees will be put into tho catalogue of state prison offenses Society will he turned inside out and Upside down and ransacked. of God's troth until business dishonesties shall come to an end, runt all double cleating, and God will overtuxn and overturn and overturn, and commercial men in all cities will throly up their bends, crying out, "These thati: have turned the world upside clown are collie hit h- er." The religion of (Testis Christ. will pro - due e revolution (11 0138 au (chits. The their tents or scoiering their musket•s non -committal, do-nothing policy 01 113,, church of God 391 11 give way to e of bravest. conquest. Piety in this day seems to me to he salted down just 430 8,8 to keep. 115130015 as if the church were eliiefly anxious to take care of itself, and if we hear of want and squalor and heathenism outside we Sny, "I'Vhat a pity 1' and 8111 put 001° bends in our pockets, and we feel around for a it-nent, piece, and with gredut flotertsh 11.1‘1%cion 1.(1;.e. plaohrt: eaolinvaefetA.1.111"14LC vite1311L. eriu..terms s n WOre gr011 (91(1', and there were! e 800,- 0(10 soldiers, but all of those 30,000 soldiers, excepting ten men, were in theirt entre or scouring their muskets or cooking rations. You. would say, "O1 course defeat must, come in that case." It is \verse than that in tbe °Much. Millions of Lhe professed soldiers of Jesus Christ are cooking rations or asleep in their tents, while only one man here and there goes nue to do battle for the Lord, "Rut," says some one, "we are estab- lishing a, great many missione, and 1 think they will save the masseis." No; 1119Y will not. Five hundred thousand or Mena will not du it. They are doing a magnificent work, but every mission chapel is a confession of the disease and weakness of the (thumb.. It is making, a. dividing line between the ulasses. It is saying to the rich and to, the evell conditioned, "If you can pay your view rents, some to the main audience l'il0.113.," .14. is saying to the poor man: "Your coat ire too,bad and your shoos are not gond °weigh. If you. Waal tO get, to heaven, you. will have to go by the Wily of tbo mission ehrinel." 'rite mirtsitta chapel has become the kitchen where the church does its snippy work. There are hundreds and thousands oC eburchee in this vountry--norgeously 418.1 It and supported-thitt er4111 011 bright and sunshiny days are not half, fuji of worshippers, and yee they are building mission chapels, because some expressed or implied regale I ion. the grea I, masses 0( 11111 people are kept, out of the 11141111 audience room., sue that anY Piece of worship whieh is appropriate for one tease is ap- proprieLe for all 013111868. .Let the Levis and Lhe poet° meet together, the Limit the Maker of thein cll. Mind you that 1 may that; mission revivals are to neces- sity. the way churchee aro 11(119 ("011- duet:ed. but may God Speed the time when ((18,3' shall (erase to be (1, necessity. God will rise 110 1.1111111t. (IOWA the gates of the (Muesli 11111 113188 kept back Ole. way. I They will be transit - the masses, and woe les to those wbo stand in I ed tattler foot by the vast populations peeking a stampede for heaven. . 7 8101 in 8001(1 (11(1(61' all 11.00011,111. 01 lou'ola in Boston, in whieh, Is fetid, there were a great many plain people, The 'next week the trnstitee of that chnech came out in the paper and said., It wits not So tit "they were elegant people and high)" sionditioned people that went 1hert3.' Thee 1150431184 eut-; right, and when 11010(43(1, I laugh vert7 ; lawny. "Those people," 1 said, "aro Iambi of the siekly se.ntimentality of the churehes." Now, my Ambition is not to (Merrell to you so much. 11 seems lo me that 300 must be faring 81.1111018.. 1.101181y every day, and. the merke of. comfort are all 1111011(4 7011, You ((0 >104. need the gospel half as emelt art do CRIM00.0,10,awnowlitt A NARROW ESCAPE. A WIARTON LADY WHO WAS NEAR THE DARK VALLEY. 1 Her Trouble Began Willb 811 011 118 Or the Glands -This Was Followed by General , Collapse and Mart Weakness- Doctors Said glee Gould Not Recover, But Te. day She Is Enjoying Good Menith. j Frain the 11e110, 'Marten, Ont. Mrs. Jas. Overarm, who lives in Wiarton, makes the following state- ment in regard to a 'remarkable cure effected by the use of Dr. Williams' Pfink Pills for Pale Peopleam. 30 years of age 8114. 115.98 lived in Wiarton for the past six years. Previous to this, 1, with my husband, who is a stone mason, were residents of Chesley. About four years ago there fume a swatting on the right side of my neck which grew as the time went ors tintil in about six months It had grown as large as a goose egg. 1 eoneulted a phyekian and he lanced it. This phy- sician diagnos,ed my ease as enlarge- ment of the glands, and said I would get well alter it was lentied. This operation gave Me temporary relief, but it was only a short time before the lump again began to grow and. in six months I was worse than ever. In the meantime I had been prescribed for by different physicians and taken several patent medicines, bu1 none of them gave me More than temporary re- lief. About three years ago I left Wi- arton fox Chesley thinking probably n, change would improve my health. T oonsulted a pbysician there and he said. the trouble 3788 incurable and might end. fatally. Discouraged 1 re- turned to my home in Wiarton, much worse them 1 81(18 when I left, and be- lieving Thad come home to die, 13e - fore 1 left for Chesley 1 had been at- tacked occasionally with fainting spells; on my return these occurred more frequently and of longer dors- -lion. With the least excitement E would faint dead away. .L had become very weak and could scarcely walk across the floor and felt myself grow- ing worse every day, again uonsult•- ed the local physician ((04 11135 time he said it wits spasms of the heart and that I would nut live 1.11 0 VII than O. ensile of days. Wbile lying in bed a lady of the town visited me rind ad- vised me strongly to try Dos lams' PinIc Pills. 1 thought itoseless, but I was really to grasp 13.1 it 11y MOILAS et promised relief, end so commenced to use them, .13e108e the second box was completed I felt . myself getting bet- ter and before I heel finished my sev- enth box 1 34ias able to go abou1 my own work. 1 contineed them. until I had used fourteen boxes, wben 1 3308 completely cooed, The swelling has left my neck and 1 ant 11018 CM well it W1)- 1111111 11.8 1 ever was in my life, I make the above etatement voluntarily, be-' Having it inei duty to that which has saved my life tend will if necessary make affidavit to the above feats al, any time. A depraved oundition of the blood or it Shit 110TOCI 1181.1101118 system is the See - rot of most ills that afflict Mankind, dby restoring the blood and rebuild- ing the nerves, 131'. Williams' Pink Pills strike at the root of the diserime, driving it from the system and restor- ing the patient to health and strength. In eases of paralysis. spinet troubles, loriornotor ataxia., sciatica, themes tient, erysipelas, seroittlone troubles, etc., these pills nae70uperior to all other treatment, They are Mao a 0(10111 (10 for the troebleS whieh nuke the lives of so snan;e women a burden and 5430431(111y (Were the 1'1011 glow 01 116431111 lo ssfloov eheeks. Beware of Witte - linen( end Buhr:Metes alleged to he "jetit as good." Seld: 17 all dealers 01' Sent by mall, postpaid, et 50 dents a box, or TS boxes for $2.50, by addrees- ingthe Dr. Williatne' 11Tedicine Co.; Iiirockeille.1)134. that bring on the 1Cing's eheetot. 413(13'Li (1(9 0 we all be ready, with anises els 11 end with hand on the rope (21: the (1(11 Is Life u ro B Is [Health. Without blood circulating through your veins you could not live. \Vitae° out pure blood you eitnnot. be Well. The heall hy action or every urgun depends upon the purity and rielinsee of the blood by which it is insurished and sus. mined, if you hare salt rheum. sere - feta Hares, pimples, boils or any kind of humor, yoter Woo'l is not. pore. If you take Hood's fiareaparilla will make your blood pure end promptly relieve all these troubles. In the spring the 1(104,31 18 loaded with linouri- ties, Bence, all those uneightly erup- Clone. Unit laingthur and depreseion, end the danger of serious illness. Meet's SO SSR110.111 la is needed to pttrify, emir% end vitalize the blood and protect and fortity the system. 5 Sarsa- parilla Is Clana.tia's Greatest Medicine., kta'd by all druggists. (11; six for $9. Out only lined's. 0 Hood's Pills nth'MalrEellg= some who never come here. Rather than' be priding myself on a ',Much in (tone o1 st bleb there shall halt 56 e13(00 - equipages on the Sabbath day 1 would have a elmreh tip to whose eine Mete should come a. long procession of the suffering, and the stricken, and the dying, begging for admittance. You du not need the gospel 115 mita rut they. You. have good things in this life. Whatever rimy be your future destiny, you have had a pleasant time here. But those dying populations of winch .1 epeak, by reason of their 818 811 and, suf- fering, whatevey 0183' be their future destiny, are in perdition now, uncl it there be any 88011011 113 Christ's gospel. for God's sake giv11 it to them. Revolution 4 The pride of the ,'hu reh umet mime down. The exclusiveness of the church must come down ! The fin- eneial boasting of the chttreh MUM: COALS down. If monetary success were the chief idea in the ehurch, then. I say the present, mode of (gradeetit)n finan- ces is the best. IC it is to see how 11411.03' dollars you cam gain, then the present mode is the best, But 11 (1 is the saving of souls from sin and (teeth and bringing the mighty populations oC our relies to the knowledge of God, then I cry revolution! 11 is coming. fast. .1 feel 11 4(1 Lhe air. I hear the rumbling of an earthquake that 811611 titmice down IA one terrifip crash the arrogance ot our modern Christiaility. The see, is covered with wreeks, and multitudes are drowning..We come out with the church liteboa,t, and the peo- ple begin to clamber in, and we shoat. "Stop! stop! Yon: must think it costs nothing to keep a lifeboat. 'Mose seats at the prom° are apiece, these in the middle 50 cents and those seats in the stern 2 shillings, Please to pay up or else flounder on little longer till the 'mission boat whase work It is to save you, penniless wretches shall come along unit pia: pm, up. We save 081(3' first-class sinners in: this boat," The talk is whether Protestent ehurr- ehes or Roman Catholic churches are coining out ahead. 11 tell you, Protes- tants, this truth plainly - that un- til your churches are as fre,, as are Lhe Roman Catholie cathedrals they will heat you. fa 'their enthedrals the millionaire end the, beggar kne111 side by side. And until that time oomes 111 our churches WO cannot expect the fa- vor of God or permanent spiritual prosperity. Revolution,( II may be Mint before the church learns its duty to the moss- es God will ecourge it and come with; the whop of omnipotent indignation and drive rent the. Money changers, it may. be that tlisre is to be a, great day of upsetting before. Mint time shell 141)114', 79 it met come, 0 Lord God, let it colne now I In that future day of the reconstruet- ea church of Christ the churels building will be the most cheerio) of all buildings. Instead of the light. of the sun strained through painted glass unlit an intelligent auditory looks green and blue and yethrw and copper colored, we Will have no such things: The mire atmosphere cif heaven will SWOOP mit the fetid atmosphere that has been kept in many ot our church- es boxed 54) from Sunday to Sundrzy. In those ritzys of which I aut streak- ing the services of the church of God will be more spirited. The ministers of Christ, instead or being anxious about whether they ore going to lose their plate:in their notes, will get on fire with the, theme and pout. the living t ruth of (hal upon 1111 a roused audi- tory, crying nut to Lhe righteous, "11 shalt be well with you," and to the wieked: "Woe I Tt 811011 be ill with you." To Mime dries the Hinging will be very different from Wild 4 it: is now. The music will weep and wail and cilia tit and triuntph. People then 33 ill not ee. (amid to open ' !retell' moutbs when they sing. The man Nvil a ,'racked voice will risk it on "Wind- ham" end "Ortonville" and "Old Hund- red," Grandfather will find the place for his grandchild in the hymnbook, nr the little ohlicl will he, spreteetes for the grandfather, Bosun II 11-1 I I Meet hosetem and together go climbing to the throne, and the eugele will bear, 0011 God will listen, a (1 the gates of heaven Ivy 11 Weir, mid it will be as when two emelt he Wt1.70 of ear- thly song mingling with 4 he ceirg- Mg anthems oe the free. Otf, my God, let ree live to sop 1 hni day I 'Let there be no power in dis- ease oe accident or wave or the se31 to disastoniht expeetnt Ione, Let all Alter might fail my eyee vellum' then Mat T should miss their vieion. Let all other sounds foil MY ears rather than thittlTshould 1,111 to hen'(4 that sound, lf went to stand on the amentaln Op to catch' the first Ttly Of the dawn and with flying feet bring Clic news, And, oh, when sve, hear the elattering hoofs E SAY' That LUDELLA Ceylon Tea is the finest, TRY IT, and you will say the same. Lead packages, es, 4o, so and 600. that Is to sound (114, vietory, lind 8141 11 wreathe all twieted for the ways 1,11(3 W1104. 311141113 dismounts let il 11ty LOA 14 huzza I Musa! of a world redeemed. Whore rind 33 114.11 11111 t hi, t eel slu- t ion hegin 41 Imre and now, In your 181141.1 and mine, tein must, ire (Men, our pride nalltit go down. our world- ) inees ronsf gu down. that Christ arty emus op. itevoiut ion 4 xxeopt. a man he been again, he cannot see the king- dom (het" 'Why net now It. the revolution begin 1 Not 113111 [111.4,1154 1>, but now. Not, 0 -morrow, when you go ,out, Into nommereiul eirelee, but now, TO 3145tE8. The faee l'811131800 the record of daily experience. Constant suffering from mons will mar your beauty. Do not tools anxious oncl diseontented, but use Putnam's Painless Corn Eel rartor, which will extract that sore corn in a day s011 hoe t pain. TO BF, *UNLUCKY. Do you think it's unlueky to walk under a ladder'? "Des apt to be -if the.re's it man 51/013855 in business comes when thorough satisfaction is given the public:. 'I'hat's why Nerviline sells so rapidly. Toot h - ache is cured as it by magic. Pain, in- ternal or external, finds a prompl an- tidote in Nerviline. Try it. TOO MUCH FOR HIM. I can't understand women at all. Any new trouble? Yes, hero's a girl who says my (blunt remarks pierce her heart. "The °Quickeure Co., Limited." an-" nounee a reduction in Quiekcuree "nonnee a reduction in Quickeure" "pritcs i -25e., port now 15o.; 50e., pot to" "25c., and $1 les 50e. Quickheal, for "horses and cattle, from 50e., per lin" "to 25c." This reduction 'places our" "rentedy -within reach of ell chimes." HITTING THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. Pussie-What's it meitn by klepto- maina, Herbie }:fertile -0h, it's a way of taking things witbout there being any harm in it. Without there being any harm in it. Yes -to the person that takes 'em, Ote rtford &Vim Tires Head - 9 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Excited Lady, at telephone -I want my husband, please at onee. Voice, from the exchange, -Number, please? Excit- ed Lady, snappishly -Only the fourth, you impudent thing. BRJGHTS EYES and glowing complexion are unfailing evidence of good health, By gently re- gulating the stomas -It bowels, liver and kidneys, Caters' King keeps the system in fine condition, and.trhus senders the eyes bright and complexion clear. More sensible then cosmetics, don't you think? Sold 117 1111 druggists, or Wood- ward Medicine Co,. Toronto, Can, GREAT SAVING. Von Blumer -D14. your wire -have a complete trousseau when you Were married? Dimpleton-I should say so, Why, I didn't have to buy her any clothes for three weeks afterward. THE KEELEY CURE. Splendid tnetittition of Ilit% Leslie le. Keeley's Treatment of the Graving Me Liquor and Drugs. The remarkable successes attending the treatment of the diseases of drunk- enness and the opium habit, accord- ing to the formula, of Or. Leslie E. Keeley the inventor of the Keel- ey Cure, has resulted in the establish- ment of one of theme health -restor- ing institutions in. Toronto. The cure is prepared by 1)1.. Keeley himself, end adminisi e red by duly qua lifted physi- ciane, espeeially instructed for this work, to patient:I who live during the time of teen men t in (4(81 110414100, The Keeley Care is the eldest and only original remedy for the liquor habit. The application of the remediee is mild and free from all 1113U8100114 ef- fects upon the systetn. By its revonstruelive properties it removes the neeessiey for stimulants and leaves the patient in a normal and heall by terielition, At the end 11 (108 treatment it is claimed that the palletit (neuters a lien" man, men t 11 y, morn Ily and PhY- sically. Since the int endue( ion of the Keeley CATO over 300,000 graduates of these institutions in Canada and throughout the woeld have (teetered themselves to be cured of the crav- ings for limier and drugs. The hist (Int e al. 582 She 111(91.1 TAP Si ,, 'recruit 0, iv splendidly furnished, the appnint ment of each flet. being eomplete, end in the building the ;salient finds every einitfort of a first -rinse hotel 8 poi 01 a, home, EASILY ARRANGED, Dear Charlie. tf 1 merry you, 'W ill you got no and make fires In the morn - Darling girl, we will get married in the sorrner. Before winter you will get used to the idea of making Me fires youreelf. To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tithe Laxative &moo 9111140V TOW, : All now gist, refund the WIMPY If (Kilo 1,. One r0. DisAsTROus coxyl.AGRATioV Did the fire at 70111 house do Al 11,1 damage, Slims, 1 should say It did. One (track semis' 1.11in a bon' beeallse she was waken. ed so early, $100 Reward, $100, The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least, one d re uled 111 10.4h0 that science has been able to cure In all :to stages, and thwt is Catarrh. Haire Corarrh Cure lo the only puelll ('1( 00110 known 10 the medical fraternity. 0atutr5 being o 110543(113111011111 4(8- 8800, rOVirOei tonal treatment. litdrs Catarrh Cure 15110011 11" erually, net ing dir eotly upon the blood and instcats surfs see of tho 45305'11ll'i"t'9'linhfoun'lsOoo at 1411.:18,7(atvis'l,;ntdr..it: by building ap the constitution and assailing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have votrclahtithInlts•trative 310110118 that they oKorOLa Hundred Dollars for arq ORB0thatit fatlato cure, SendfoHat of 164t1mo5als Address F.3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 9, sdhyn,.ge,tg780. Hall's Family 431118 are 34(0 best. W. P. C. 918. 14 sTsfil'' , A ..„ .4.#.1,1) ,t.,.., ,#0. g•-,-,) YOUNG LADIES) As`,1,4;8,11.):=1.1,%14: -------- r matt Send 151. (('045(8- $6O MONTHLY plea. ludeponlete LotiOn Co., Toronto, Ont. Wanted Italian and Hybrids -best Queens' Wax All Bee &Tees -best quality EES ant eed Patent Process Foundation. trade tORBOY'S IMPROYED CUE TOPS re oeived the high. e rt awards 83 (80 World', Fair 1899. MOOTS PATENT ROLLER TOPE A READY-MADE FENCE have met with such universal fa. von that other manufaaturers are now making interior Da tad. ens. Insist on having 31>0 0001)07 make as imitations are newer RH good al the gennIne. Your name end erldreee on a postal will bring you 31 sample of S INI)0•CISYLON TEA. Mention Black or Mixed. The MONSOON TEA Co.., 7 Wellington St. W., Toronto, '81111410 1814(4(8 maks 6r9 monthly working ovde I,lags for OB. O. ployni^M, 0101(43', 04080881(3prodi able. fiend (Is. for samplea. 438. ITIOPoint dust Laden 00..805 McKinnon Bldg. Toronto, • NEGALS TESTEO.),),,v,,„Titl„,17; 1101.1 1,1 1,. HERSIGY. 33, .4.. 00.4 16 ge, So orament 31,, Montreal, Qtle. FARNAS AND ESTATES bought, sold exchanged. Terhis mane rec. If, M. SIMPSON, Real Waste au Intim:dal Agent, Montreal, Que. music gitTrignivennsii044 tice'rint.°17C sqvit mall prepare ' Dar% bo ((Nigger Miesins" with mush,. felt cent., stamps. POPUtlin MI1S10 DEPOT, 20 Alexle Bt, Montrestec gp YOUR MOUGEs Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, dec., to THE DAWSON 00016.11881014 00., Limited, Oar. of West Market and Colborne 844., TO8ONT46 Dominion Line Steantshfpo. Montreal and (4138000 14 Liverpool in summer. Large sad fad twin aorta' eteaniehipt 'Labrador; ' Van, Dominion,' 'Scotsman,' 'Yorkshire.' Superior accommodation for First Cabin, Sem on d Clabin and Steerage passengers. Rates of passage -First Cabin, 4382.80; Second Cabin, 034 Steerage 822.60 and upwards necording to steamer and berth, For all information apply I to Local Agents, 00 1)8.810 TORVAN014 & Co„ , Gen1 Agents, 17 St. Sacrament St., Montreal, 1.0HABOD, the glory of WO prim has departed from eewlnk Inaohhia watt whmt you buy our handsome, 104.10.4 411, &year. lows anteed mewing utriehino, with Rot ettnehotente, fOr 018.20 AP end VIM (10(00018 1,00 within ratline of KM mtlee of Montreal. 800(1 104 cttelogue. THE 0511.118 DONALDSON 00., MONTRICAL, EstaNifJhed wstemfavgir,e0rwne ALLAl LINE Royal Mail Steamship Co., Montreal to Liverpool. Steamers (611 1(0,0 Montreal every SaturdaY morning on arrival of trains from Toronto and the West about 9 Oolong. HATES OF PASSAGE Cabin 02.10 and upwards; Second Cabin 831 and and $80.25: Steerage to Liverpool, Landon, Glasgow, Belfast, Londonderry or Queenstown $29,50 and 62160. A. reduction el live per cent. is allowed on round trip 1181 0118 second cabin tickets. For callings of steamers or other information apply teeny authorised agent. H. Bourlier, 1 Zing St, W. Toronto. crfl & A. Allan, Montreal, The Page is a fence woven in alea- tory and shipped in rolls ready to be stretched on the poets. That is why business men and railways like it as well as farmers do. No patent-righte, no expense iu putting up, nn trouble, -am eaSy as buying sugar. Then you have the best and strongest fence made. It requires few posts, and will not be injured by snow -banks or ex- tremes of teniperature. Farm styles sell at from 45 to 65 cents per rod. For full particulars call 01)011 or ad- dress your local Page fence dealer, or send direot to us, Illustrated advere tising matter free. IRE PR WIRE FENgE Limited, WA. I. K EMT fLLE, ONT. P. 13. -Be sure to see our " ad." 111, next issue. WINTER /R.Tosomer_ Florida of the North—Rest from snow and the Cold North, H tel Tray t• Atlantic City, N. J. ore, TeEmeLatemrme. satnaeSt C2 co;raazolEalboz. 5L 301-ea88acw- EP animal. Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. The TRAYMORE is one of the longest established beach front hotels in Atlantic City, Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pate ranage of a quiet and refilled class of visitors. Write for all information. D. S. WHITE, Jr., Owner & Proprietor. loamumaiamemmoommir- mime= Irriunn. sisi '109''14'83831'64' 1'99i5'' .•3°-.e1e8ee., et.,:ect , .egtet 7 1 "('81431,1.'. 918901 ; i":`• ,051'14 ,J.`!. ,64 i.;!' .*11 sr, i ' , ZEI 1,1 ",,,, V, ., ....1"," ' li ‘..,' Seethe to new ens totners and which we guarentee to please YOU et the r'..71 : , amount paid refunded and the Seeds given at a preeent. Thie is a BONA FIDE offer made to introduce our Vegetable and Plower At those priceit We can ONLY Offer the 76111431180 1a3831) Maw. Order by number. 13uy 814151you want. '111131 4(88 sent by mail post paid. Soled from the following list :- 12 VARIETIES FOR 25 Cts. V84IfiTAOLFIS. 111. Witter Melon, party Dimas (Order lo Number.) 17. Onion, tarp rod Wethersfield 18. Onion Yellotv 010115 Danvers I, noel, Retinae, round 19. Parsnip, Hollow Crown 2. Beet, ligynbino, Patrolled 20. Barlieh, French keenktaat 8 0009080, Wintangebult 21, Bartlett, 00804 11043 4, Ciabbaso, venues Brunartlek 22, Squash, Hubbard 11, Carrots half long, starlet, 23. Torootth team early Allantie 0. 0011(01, auermtite model 24. Tomato, Dwarf Champion 7. Otteumber, (Mimeo Pickling FLOWERS. 8, Onentreher, Lang amen 9. Calory, aolden 8.0.111anahlog 25. Astern, tetrad a Kerbs, Sege 28. Mignonette, sweet 11, Borba Wert, 27. 45.80,1, 0.11,4 12, Herbs, Marienon 28, Petunia, Mixed I& Whim, Nonpareil leabbagol 29, Nastrat,Mme, tall inked a Lottues, Denver Market, (mini) 90. Sweet Pete, Pine mixed 15. Musk Man, astra early, Nutmeg M. Wild Plower, 4)11,385 184801) weo will NOT Accere AN 0114)41411 at these prices whore the packets fire NOT selected ftohl the above list. del -410 -em v Rosy Om Radish, rocc WITH EVIERY rHr,L ORDER rroAdinft Ode Coupon in DDT GOT and sent to ue with on order tor 12 peekefe, we will Include paoket Now 01101000. lOn Selpiglosels, pried 200. Free 06.9.M17311,:g," all"3"8 WM. RENNIE TORONTO.