HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-12, Page 54 BUSIt 'Sl' CA tDS. ONEY LOAN AT G PER .N Cl llruoeole. WIT. M, It kOKEN, Issuer ,t lauhtgeLioousoe, 0flloa at hie °r000ry, J uhorry atroot, Brussels,. LVl out. RN. BM t1:'TT, J.'onsori Ar^let• Bl..,p—Next door south of A. M. M n, & Do's i. udwaro °tore. Ladlea'and ohiB co hair uut!.tugaspecialty ROBERT ?tiNNINGHAM IVRANa18, FIRE ND MARINE„ Ur LPH. T. F .ETCHER; Issuer of arriage Licenses, OFFICE . JEWELRY Broo18. t 'No Witneel tequired. T FLETCI[ER, Brueeole ALEX Iii iTE1 , Olork of 1 , Fourth Division pour Co. Huron. C. reyauaar, Notary Public Land, Loan an. u0urnne° Agent. Runde invested and tl .oau. Collections inado OaloeinGraben Block, Brussels AU( iNNEERS. S. SOO 1' AS AN AUCTION - 4. i • nun, wisell for bettor prices, to bettor men, fu ass flue and leas °barges than auy other . uctioneor in East Huron or he won't oh go anything.. Dates and orders oau ulwl , be arranged at Oils ollioe or by p0rsoual0' 'Gentian. VE ERINARY. eirD. WA1 VIOK, • Honor :actuate of the Ontario Veterinary Colic , is prepared he treat all diseases of dome hutted annuals in a com- petent manner. nrtloular attention pall to veterinary de istry. Calla promptly at- tended to. 018o :and Inarmn ry—Four doors north of bridge ernberry et., Brinson. Before. A,ffe dr ab Ps terms o Sexual or excess, Mental ba000, Opium or i of price, Onesok dztoil1turc. -Pan- Tho We '0001'S 1%081010fiEne, 16 Great English Remedy. id and recommended by aI :gists in Canada. Only reli medicine discovered. Eh Iggrr guaranteed to cure all alines, all effects of &buss worry, Excessive use of To. mulants. Mailed on recelpl o $1, six, $6. One will pease, dais free to an address. maa Oopy, Windsor, Ont Sold in Braeac sy G. A. DBADMAN, Drug, t, Bookseller S: Optician. SHIN PEES Bri. ell Columbia Ile( Cedar Shingles AND-- )rtll Shore 1 .ile and Cedar FOR SALE T THE Brussel Planing Mills Also Doors and ash of all Pat terns on hand o made to order at Short Notion Eetiml a Furnished for all kinds c i3uildings. Workman- ship a Material Guaranteed. P.AME N T. BR( SSELS PHI WORKS. I wish to info i the people of Brussels and surroundiniietriet that I have pur• °based the Pi p Buoineee of JAMES BELL and will a found ready to attend to all wants int .het new work or repairs at moderate pri e. No better Pus ) in the market. Order left at y shop or reeidenoe or at P. SCOTT'S bop will be promptly looked after. farOrdere tt on for the Digging of Wells and Clete s. Gen it Green, 1VMILL STREE , • BRUSSELS. EW 91111, Shop! The land, :'signed has open- ed up a Bu ler Shop in the IOU 1 .SCR, ERIMELS, where her :11 keep constant- ly on pant t supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonal .; prices, A share of public pl ionage solicited. Sr 'e tn.�41tID' itf .l ,. Meat deity ed to all parts of the Mill, 'CASH PA FOB NIDEs; n 10l.latiictl: ctvo, lVrroe)Le .. biro. John 0015on is ill at proof'. Wm. Sendoracn has returned from Toronto, Relit. Sleek is melting many ship. raeute of flour, II. B. Snell, of Toronto Junotion, woo ht town last week. Oliver Smith has purohased the old horticultural building. Mre, 0. W. Andrews has returned home from her visit to London, Geo, Lovell, of Manitoba, is vielting at Ilia fatbor'e home Here at present. John A, Barnard intends erecting a now fence in front of hie property. Robb, White, of the Oommeraial hotel, moved to Gorrie on Tuesday of last week. The 0, P. R. is repairing the large culvert situated about a mile West of here. Wroxeter has more bioyoles within ite limits than any other plaoe of its size in Ontario. Thos. Roes, 0. P. R. detective, was in town last week on business in the inter• eats of that railroad company. The foundation is oomploted for T. B. Sanders' new hone and if the weather keeps favorable the briokwork will be in progress in a short time. Gorrita. Mr. Maloney, Deputy P. 0. Inspector, inspected the Gerrie oflioo, and found everything most satisfactory. Walter Donnie, of Olifford, has started 16learn'Ihe photographing with Fred. Reels, our popular young photo artist. We are informed on good authority that Fred. Donaghy, of Fordwioh, has leased the Montreal Lion and will open out a general store. The leading bueinese men of the village have signed an agreement to close their reepeotive pion of business at 7 o'clock noir evening except Wednesday and Saturday evenings, and the ievenitng pre- ceding any public holiday. Andrew Montgomery, of Orange Loll, was starting to market with a load of wheat, and left hie team standing. They took fright mud ran along the aide road for about a mile. Fortunately no serious damage was done, just a few bags strewn along the road. The annual meeting of the Gerrie Public Library was held in the town hall on Monday forenoon of last week. The following were elected as a board of mac• agement for next year :—J, R. Williams, W. Mose, R. Ross, N. ItfoLaughlin, R. Knox, M. E. Cummer, Jae. Armstrong, A. Dean, W. J. Greer, R. Blow and Thoe. Nash. At the close of the annual meat• ing the board met and eleoted the follow. ing officers :—Pres. J. R. Williams ; Vice Pres., W. Mose ; Seo., W. J. Greer ; Treae., N. McLaughlin ; Auditors, R. Knox and Amos Doan. Lu°kuow. Wm. McMullin was appointed village Constable. D. 0. Taylor has been eleoted delegate to represent the Luoknow congregation at the District meeting of the Methodist ohnroh. Noble F. Kee, soprano of the Imperial Temperance Quartette, will assist in the Carnival of Nations on the 19th and 20th of May. Mr. Maloelm'e financial agent gives the sum of 5152.07 as that gentlemao'e elec. tion expenees in West Bruce, while Mr, McDonald's amounted to $160.85. Aron Finlayson, of this Y Y village, left for Portland, Maine, where hello enured a position in the °Moe of the Portland and Gape Elizabeth Street Railway 0o. Rev. J. L. Murray, M. A., D. D., of Kincardine, will (D. V.) oonduot the an- niversary services in the Presbyterian ;thumb, Luoknow, on May 15111. On the Monday evening following he will deliver a leoture on "What I saw in Italy." A horse belonging to Thomas Agar broke its tie line in the station yard and came rushing down Main street. When opposite the post office the animal sud- denly turned to one side, and the wagon made a aomplete somersault and landed in the middle of the road upside down. "Old Jim," a name familiarly given to a light grey horse owned by Allan Mo. Leod, had its leg broken. The animal had been turned out to play himself, and while being driven bank to the livery barn he began to kink up in play, with the re• suit that one of his forelegs was broken at the fetfook joint, and in order to end hie sufferings be was killed. .ra.two oci. Elmo township has a big job of ditch- ing on hand. Elmo Court of Revision will be held in the Town Hall on the 26th fust at 10 a. in. M. M. Hiles, merchant, was oonfioed to bed with a severe attaok of soarlet fever. D. G. and Mfrs. Anderson entertained the pupils of the senior olasooe of Public school Wednesday evening of last week. W. MoLttosh, late with J. A. nhitchell, of the drug 'tore, left for his home at Meaford where he will route for a time prior to settling down at some business of hie °hooeing, Our former townemen, J. A, Slump, jr, has seoured a splendid situation with Oharreet & Bartram butohere of Winni• peg, who do a very large business iu the coldstorage ah retail meat trade. The petitioners for the continuation of the sidewalk from T. G. Ballantyne'e to D. Murray's shop are meeting with sub. etsntial encouraggement. Over 6100 has been subsoribed, including $26 grant given by the Elam Council at it' last meeting and the munificent gift of 55 from Co. Councillor Merryfield, of Monk. ton. The following aware were eleoted for the ensuing year for the Atwood Publio Library ;—President~ D. G. Anderson ; vloe.pro'., W. r. Forrest ; sea, R. S. Pelton ; treas. and librarian, J. A. Mit. obeli ; directors, W. F. Forrest, B. W. Ziemann, Rev. P. A. McLeod, M: A,, B, D., Dr. LMgvill, R. B. Hamilton, Robert Forms, J. W. Moliain, G; F. Thompson and John Boger ; auditors, Thoe. Fuller. ton and W. R. Eroldne ; boolt committee, D. a. Anderson (chairman,) B. W. Zia. mann, It. S. Pelton, W. P. Forrest and Dr. Langrill, Iixeoes of liabilities over mete 53.40. Against thie deficit of 58 40 there ie due tbo, liorary 57.60 frbm the. merchants for advertising in catalogues, which, when oolleotod, will give a balance on the right aide of $4.10. Total aeeete to date, 5888,87. The tnoinberehip ie 02 tingle ticket and 7 family ticket mein. bars, TUE USS. LS POST 111, 18 .11,1rst•owtn1. liobt, Lllliolt, nigh Chief Ranger, of the Canadian Order. of 1''oreetere, laid au oflioial visit to Court Royal Oak. The Biot auuiversary of the opening of the now edifice will be oelebrated by the congregation of Christ Ohuroh, Lietowel, on Sunday, May 16th, when hie lordship the Bishop of Huron will preach. The following ofIloore worn eleoted In eo11110otion with our Laorosee club ;--- President, II. B, Itlorphy ; viee•pree., J. A. hacking ; oaptain, P. Livingston ; oeo.•treae„ J. S, Moyers ; committee, B. lhlogahy, Roy Thompeon, John ford, Earl Kidd and John Gibson. Listowel Lodge No. 100, I. O. 0. F., celebrated the 70111 anniversary of the founding of the Order by a concert in McDonald's music halt, which was of a oomplimentary nature, the leading citizens of the town and not a few from outside being included in the well filled hell. Lewis Bolton, D, L. S., left town on Monday of Inst week for the Petrilo oast, hie objeotive point being Lake Ben- nett, over the Ohilcoot Pass, where he will speed the Summer surveying, having an oxteneive contract on band. Mr, Bol. ton may possibly go on to Dawson before returning home, hie eon Elecvortb, who ie a member of the Gold Commissioner's staff, being located there. A number of the triode of William Fisher, grooer and weigh master, upon learning that he was about to leave town, denided to give expression to the kindly feelings entertained for him before he took his departure, ife was a000rdiugly invited to 5loDouald'e hall on a recent afternoon, and presented with a gold beaded cane suitably engraved, a tea set being at the came time presented to Mre. Fisher, ]l,+ os•cllvich. Mies Lena Mahood is now the owner of a Cleveland wheel. At the meeting held in Donaghy's hall it sons decided to hold a celebration here on the coming 24th of May. Samuel Leonard, who has been visit. fag his brother William on the 6th con. for a few weeks, returned to his home in Portage la Prairie on Monday. S. D. Barnes, 0. 0. 0. F, organizer, who was assisting the council here for a week, left for his home in Bernam, Lambton county. 16 new members were added to this council as the fruits of hie labors. On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. Blake and Mise Jeauet Cook enter. taiued a number of their young friends from the village and vioinity to a very enjoyable time at the home of their parents, B. 8, and Mre. Cook. We chronicle the death of one of our most respected residents in the person of Mre. Jobe Henneberg, who departed this life on Wednesday evening, April 27th. Deceased had been a sufferer for many menthe from that dread disease, con• eumption. Mre, Thomas Wiggins, of North Dakota who has been spending the past couple of weeks visiting her daughter, Mre. Wm. Carter, and other relatives and friends in this vioinity, left for Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., where she will visit a short time prior to her return home. A meeting of the shareholders 01 tate Fordwioh Union Scale Company was held in Donaghy's hall. Tne committee previously appointed to purchase a sole was relieved of dirty and Richmond Fat. lie, Alex. Gibson and James Downey were appointed n standing committee to trans. sot thesiness for the Company. ba an Th o p Y os, Gibson was appointed to the position of Sec.-Treas. There is now 110subeoribere in the stook. The committee is advertis- ing for tenders for the erection of a build- ing over the scales, and also for a weigh. master. ]lxeter. W. G. Bissett has pnrohaaed a fine oarriage stallion, Young Clear Grit. A large number from here attended an open meeting of the Royal Tempters at Beneall. Geo, Gray, the horse dealer, of Hen. Ball, formerly of Exeter, was married to a blies Kinsman. Thos. Yellow, Exeter North, tae pur- ahaeed the property of the late John Anderson 04 the Thames road. Mrs. John Spackman received word laet week of the death of her nieces, Mies Eva Sharon, who died of oonsuntption at S6. Thomas. The insolvent estate of Ohae. Smith, Centralia, has been wound up and a dividend sheet issued. It ie paying four Dents on the dollar. The Exeter Lacrosse Club have scoured J. William Maoey, of the Great Eastern Lyceum Bureau of America to give a coeoort in Gidley's Opera Hall on May 10th. Tne Poo mentioned lash week that Mrs. Andrew Molts, who, some time ago, lath here for California, was about to re- turn, but we have since learned that such is not the ease, Wm. Moody, of the 5611 can„ of Ue• borne, is suffering from a severe attack of blood poisoning, the result of a alight scratch on one ofhis tbumbe. The hand and arm are badly swollen and it is fear• ed the result may yet prove serious. Tho Rev. Charles Smith 'announces ho will preaoh a eerier of three sermons on Bendel avenin on TheWidow." These objects will bo discussed in the o followin g order : "Tho widow's Troubles" • "Tia Widow's Tributes" ; 'TheWidow's Triumphs.' May, daughter of W.D. Bodoni, of the Bed con. of Stephen, was taken to London and while there underwent a largfoal operation for the removal of a growth in her throat which causod an impediment In her epoech and a dullnese of hearing. She returned home last week and ie do, fug nicely. A. 7. Rollins, who meetly severed hie oomneetion with the well known tiro of the Robina & Williams Milling Co., was agreeably surprised when the employees of the mill gathered at his resident) and presented hien with a handsome gold headed oaths, au a memento of the eta. ling regard entertained toward him as their employer. Some few weeke ago we made mention of a oha115e in the well known firm of the Rollinett�Williame Milling Co., when Andrew Stewart, of the firm of Stewart & Abbott, pureltased a half interest in the Inanition. This week we °anomie the totiroment of Mr. Rolling front the Orin George Stewart, of Farquhar, and brother of A. 19. Stewart, present mem., bet of the Dem, hnviug pnrohaaed his in• tenet together with hie due dwelling en Huron street, Lcactbux Tun Peer gives the news. A large quantity of Fall wheat has been marketed from Moltillop during the past two woke, Brussels and Seaforlh getting the biggest portion of it. Theo who hold wheat tide Spring struck e snap, Frank Ilaokwoll and Jae. Mowbray, who have boon in Michigan for a few weeks, arrived book last week. Work was filaok in the 1Volverino Stets so the boys Dame bank. There are worse planes than Ontario. Wm, Rae, who had bon home for about a month, returned to Toronto last week to write ut the University esamin• aliens. This is Mr. Bee's third year and he is taking an honor mune, Ho will not be bank until about May 20th. We wish him every 0000000. Tho 60•aoro farm of John Clark, North Boundary of McKillop, has been sold to John Dorgherty, of Hibbert, for the eum of 52,100. Mr. Dougherty is a hustler to work and will do well. Mr. Clark will move to a house of Dunoan MoKenzie'e across the road from the farm juot sold. He will boom his threshing hardness. Doth.—We regret to have to report the decease of Marietta Florence, eldest daughter of Samuel and Abigal Forbes, 14th eon., of whose illness TEE POST re. [erred last week. She passed away quiet- ly lash Saturday at 1.80 o'olook, aged 14 years and 3 months. Nanette, had been poorly for the past 5 or 6 weeks, but was only in bed two weeks prior to her de. parture. The cause of death' was in• tlammator y rheumatism which went to her heart. She was a bright young girl, enjoying the good will of all whol knew her, and her death ie deeply regretted. The funeral took place on Monday fore- noon, Rev. Mr. Tiffin conducting an ap- propriate service. There were 45 con. veyanoee in attendance. Mr. and Mre. Forbes are deeply sympathised with in their bereavement. Interment was made in Braesele cemetery. Trowbridge. At the official meeting of the Methodist Quarterly Board, held at Molesworth the other day, a unanimous invitation was extended to Rev. John Kenner to spend another year as peter of this charge. DANGEROUSLY INANE,—A0 unfortunate incident was the sudden insanity of a well known farmer a resident of the township of Elnan, near Trowbridge, which necessitated hie removal lash week to the septum at London, he was a well-to-do farmer andhasalways been a quiet and industrious man and a good neighbor and never known to make a dna• turbaDoe. His wife dot noticed some- thing wrong on Friday and on Saturday he drove into Listowel and out to Wel- ince with his horse and boggy being all the time quite irresponsible for hie notions. He saw three young lads fish- ing in the stream on the 8rd of Wallace and one of them be beat badly with a whip, he struck another one with a atone and the third only esoaped by taking re- fuge in the water. He would undoubted. ly have done serious and probably fatal injury to the lads had not his own yelling and the °ries of the boysetarted the horse and this drew his attention and he got into the buggy and drove into Listowel. His motions were noticed as peculiar by many of the citizens of Listowel among whom he is well known. He was quite violent and after he left to drive home on the advice of the medical men a couple of constables followed him who with neigh• bora kept guard over him during the night. They bad a good deal of difficulty keeping him quiet and on Sunday after- noon took him into Listowel where a guard was kept over him in the town hall. Communications had been made with the asylum authorities in London in the meantime and on Wednesday he was sent down to that institution. The med. ieal men say that unfortunately there is little hope for his recovery and it is 0nr- miseed that the madden attack of insanity is due to the pressure of a olot of blood on the brain. b eaiorth. A number of casae of typhoid fever are reported in town. George Beattie has left for Owen Sound to resume hie position on the Steamer Man itoba. The Broadfoot & Box Furniture 0o. shipped a oar load of furniture to New Wbatcom, B. C. R. Winter shipped a oar load of cattle to Liverpool last week. Alex. Stewart went in charge of the shipment. P. F. Looeemore has left for Belleville to take it position in the bank there, in- stead of Whitby as was first reported. Mre. Jae. Beattie has some very fins specimens of hyaointha in fall bloom, in her garden whioh presents a very beauti- ful sight. T.111. Hays has returned' from a trip to Toronto and Montreal, while there, he purohased a large number of stockers, whioh he intends putting on grass during the Summer. Mr. Hays parposee going extensively into stook raising, he has now 200 head of oatttle. Wo extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mre. J. Brownell, in the bereavement, they had to undergo last week, in the lose of their twin eon, Walter George The little child was never very etr0ng and a few weeks ago was seized with an attar* of whooping cough, which resulted in death. The a ret r e rt of the 1 ublio h S o a report Y p Library ie Full and interesting as usual, from it we learn that there are now 5001 books in the library, 210 of which have been added by purchase this year. These books are classed as follows :—Biography 400 ; fiotion, 1,472 ; history, 660 ; mis- cellaneous, 416; periodical literature, 276 ; poetry and the drama, 96 ; religious literature, 801 ; soienoe and art, 604; voyages and travels, 850, and works of reference 610. The number of books loaned from the library this year hoe been very large, amounting alto• Bother to 18,277. The following are the numbers issued in each °lase; Biography, 204 ; notion, 0,086 ; history, 1,080 1 m,s- eallaneoua, 724 ; periodical literature, 864 f poetry and the drama, 820 ; re. ligions literature, 1,701 ; eoienoe and art, 812, and voyaliee and travels, 1,021. ',The reading room es supplied with 2 daily and 10 weekly newspapers, and 8 monthly magazines and reviews. The following gentlemen were cleated as members of the board of ,Management for the current year s—Rev. Dr, MoDonald, Rev, J. W. I'fodgine, F. D:ohnestod, W. Elliott, Jae. Oraig, R. Lurneden, W. Moore, B. B. Giem, and John Darwin. The board of management eleoted Dr. Mollonald, Pros, ; F. Hofinested, Toast, and Wni. Moore, Soo. and Librarian. Buggies and Vi.agons, Always on hand and away down in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the next two months, second to none in the town for either quality, finish or style, for $G5, If you want a Buggy you will find it to your interest to call and see my stock and you will say my statement is correct. JNO, WYNN, CAuerAOE MASER. HAVE YOU •M Looked in our Show Window Lately ? . Have you read my Advertisement ? Hay you glanced in our store to see the New Dross Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints, . New Silk and Cotton Laces, New Gloves, New Parasols, New Shirtings, New Cottonades ? Everything New for Spring. In the Grocery Department Yon will find everything Fresh in Canned Goods and at old Prices. Teas and Coffees a Specialty. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. TiLO!ING! I. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. I"Shop in Garfield Bleck. rrnosi Will r111 S G' a well mart of 7011 020001 00005.000 Toa 000011 00002100 20 0000 0010110. PI000I °nroe oU Narrow, Diseases. elooplons• nose. Falling Memory, Nightly Emleeloa0, nna- torrho0a, Impotency, oto., onue06 by past •ala gloms vigor and oleo to shrunken ogre, end quleldy but 000610' 0010000 Lo00 MAgn0o0 1° old or youag, tgai P00Ooet and you Wal a00W 000008 and neem again. 5001 by moil In pti1n woep,wr and 0000007 oeoehot.000 observation, E.enr 000606 In 0011 p00500 iiia, aa1 a peonage, rix for $s. 00n6100010 in either otrilnnry 0r r.aletee. 0610E50to0. Addrdea on 10ttos 10 d, T. PBPP li, D, 00100, 1 00000000, 000„ .Agent for the mino0o Cnnado.. A. COVSLEY Real Estate S6 Loan. AGENT, BRUSSELS, Money to 'Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire le Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. A. COUSLEY0 Offioe over BDeeasitnan'Dreg 85010, s. r A. boy's shoe. Built to protect growing feet against distortion. Most foot -ills are acquired by wearing ill -shaped shoes in youth. Laced and Oxfords; in shapes "Foot -form" and f;• "Dandy' ' ; widths, l) &E. Boys' sizes, 3 to 5X; Youths', za to 2$; Little Men's, 8 to x236; Goodyear welted; Stamped on the soles $o,00 and $2.5o per pair. CATAtaoUe Parr. Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. The nonald Fire Engine Works, BRUSSELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think we can save you money. We have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Nickle Plating a Specialty. Ronald Firo Engine Works, BRUSSELS.• IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for 4ervioe on Lot 20, Con. 6, Morrie, the thorn' -bred Im- proved Yorkshire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long - elbow," No. 2480, bred by J. E. Brethouo, Bur. ford, to which a limited number of sows will be taken. Terms, 51.00, to be paid at time. of service with privilege of returning if neo- essary, - A number of choice°nag sows for 018101or breeding purposes which will be sold at prioee to suit the times. 21- MDT. NICHOL, Proprietor. McLEOD'S System renovator —AND OTDE2— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitna' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. S. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jae, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. GRAND -TRUNK :SYS EAM Between all stations in Canada for QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY, May 24th, 1898, will Issue ROUND TRIP tickets at SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE going May 23rd and 2it11 returning until May 251h. SIMS OL.4 5 FARE ANE ONE THIRD going }fay 20t1i, 21St, 22nd, returning until Hay 25th, Ticket rated andinformation from J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. GEO. HEYD, " Ethel. "POST' BOOKSTORE 1 Our Specialty this — +— month is . * � Children's Wagons WOODEN OR WIRE WHEELS, Doll's Carriages, Toy Carts. Nice Line of -or • • • CROQUET SETS, Just the thing for the 1107926 oi' School. DON'T READ THIS AD &nd then throw away this paper before you conclude yon ore losing good money Y by not buying y oarDAIRY SUPPLIESfrom us. We are Pre orad to eu i everyarson - with DairyOane alle, Milk Pane and Tiware off all kinds at prime according to quality, , Graniteware of all kinds, II ARD WARE Having p01 in a steak of Spades, Shovels, Perks, &o,, of the beet quality we solicit your Patronage. Paint Your House with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market, We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best line of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eavetroujhimj and Repairing promptly attended to.r,► N. B, --Wait for our wagon, it will call on you for your truck in a few days. Wilton & Turnbull