HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-12, Page 4MAY1S, 1898
rht W p:11'' sa ts gust
FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1898,
NoRTnwes'c elections will be Held next
October and the campaign will he .ahaped
up in the net future.
Nett: Septeinber the vote on the Do•
minion Plebiscite, having reference to the
(petition of Prohibition of the liquor trot.
Do, will be taken. Already the work of
organization has begun and a vigorous
campaign is anticipated.
8,200 Lumen licenses have been iseued
in the Province of Outario this year, a
falling off of about 50. There have been
600 hotelmen who have gone out of the
business since 1890. Slowly, it may an -
pear, but surely the question of total ab.
stinenoe is winning its way and the edu-
cative influences of the school, church and
press are doing the work.
Paon uu r the illness of no man pauses
as many enquiries as that of Hon. Mr.
Gladstone, whose condition remains about
the same. At times he suffers a good
deal, but his physicians are doing much
to give him such rest as is possible in bis
case. He is growing steadily weaker, and
the end may nob be far off. He has had
a long, busy and eventful life.
Dermot t Parliament is expected to
prorogue about the 24th of May. This
has been a very important session al-
though a great deal of good time has been
wasted by Long winded, useless discussion.
It would be considerably cheaper to sail
these balloon M. P's at home. Did you
ever notice that many of the most "gassy"
members at Ottawa are not the hustlers
either at home or on Committee ?
Tnxs is a Convection age and the best
ways of doing Church and Sabbath
School work are often ably discussed.
One point to guard is that the work itself
should not be overlooked but all the prac-
tical points gleaned should be put into
praotice as soon as opportunity offers.
Big gatherings arouse enthusiasm and
thereby often prove an off -set to the
numerous discouragemente that often be-
set the pathway of the laborer in the
vineyard. If the drones hi the church
hive could be got to work in earnest such
a revolution would be wrought, the like
of which the world has never seen. Are
you a worker or a drone ?
Tan naval viotory of Admiral Dewey at
Manilla is said to be an unparalleled
event in the history of warfare. He at•
tacked the Spanish fleet in their own
waters and well supported by their forts
yet in seven short hours he almost obli-
teraaes the fleet of Spain, 14 ships being
destroyed and 600 Spaniards killed and
wounded while the Americans lose
neither men nor ships. It is said only 6
men were wounded. Mr. Dswey had 9
ships in hie fleet, 2 of them carrying the
necessary etoree. If this is a fair index
of what Uncle Sam's navy can do Spain
had better go out of the bueines. A hot
battle is expected between the U. S. fleet
of Admiral Sampson and the Cape Verde
Spanish fxeet in Porto Rico waters.
WEILn there has been little or no
noticeable boom in Manitoba and the
Northwest this Spring, a large amount of
land has been taken np. The C. P. R. in
April sold 43,145 sores of its lands for
9140,275. This is four times the average
sold in 1897. The Canada and North-
west Land Company in the same month
sold 4,200 acres for $23,000. 47,345 broad
acres is no small quantity for one month
and means an incalculable good to that
land of great expectation and promise.
'The boom days gave the West a set bank
from which it is only now nicely recover-
ing. We are glad to seethe Ontario and
Dominion Governments standing shoul-
der to shoulder with the Prairie Province
and the Great West, and hope the good
times long expected, and of which we
have had n foretaste, may come to stay.
M.unoona Legislature prorogued last
week. The chief legislation has been the
provision for railway extension towards
Lake Superior, towards Hudson Bay, and
in Southwestern Manitoba, The closing
Speech from the Throne speaks in the
most congratulatory way of the efforts of
the local and Dominion Governments to
promote immigration. The large influx
of a moat desirable class of settlers so far
this your and the prospects for the re-
mainder of the season cannot but have e
great effect upon the besineon and trade
of the Province generally, it says, and
this with a continuation of the good
orope of recent yeare and a maintenance
of the prime which the farmers have
realized for the products of their farms
during the past year must place the Prov
ince of B'ianitoba in the very front rank
of desirable countries for incoming
SPAIN as a Nation is on the toboggan
and before many yeare toll past bids fair
to be subject to other powers. The god
Of war has not smiled upon her battles
either on sea or land for a long time and
the pteeont conflict with the United
States will, no doubt, add another to the
already long list of disestere. One of
the beat evidences of; the retrograde eon•
tlltiett of that atilieppY and quarreleoirie
nation is the fact that in Spain, a coot•
try of 18,000,000 population, there are
fewer newspapers published in it, daily,
weekly and bi•montllly, official, semi-
ofSoial, soenlar and seientilbo, than are
published in the single American State
of Illinois, which, by the last Federal
cense, had a population o£ 8,800,000,
and many, if not most, of the newspapers
published in Spain are newspapers in
name only, for their most distinguished
oharaoterietie is that they do not contain
any news, being devoted to what are
called "natters in general," or such mat.
tars in particular as permit of the publi-
cation of the paper any day of the week
or any hour of the day—it doesn't make
much difference which. There are, ap.
proximately, 1,200 papers publiehed in
that country as newspapers, 800 as
scientific (mostly monthly journals), 100
are religions papers and 300 deal with
fashions (Spanish fashions), entire, music
and art subjects, Nearly one-half the
papers of Spain are published in French,
and in Gibraltar, under English control,
there is one published in English. The
average circulation of a Spanish news-
paper is 1,200 copies,
T. M. Mermen is ill with pneumoniae
A. Thompson has purchased a new
R. Moffat bas been laid up with some
of Job's ocmfortere.
Mrs. W. Bolt has been confined to her
house owing to lung troublee.
Polioeman George Ccldbiok has return-
ed to Toronto after a holiday visit home.
Mise 0. Johneton, who bas • been visit-
ing in this vicinity, has returned to her
home in Newbridge.
The many friends of the late George
Eaket will regret to bear of his demise.
He moved from this neighborhood to
Algoma, where he ooutraoted an illuesa
and has shoe diad in Toronto hospital.
The Blyth cheese faotory commenced
operations last week.
J. Walker, of Chicago, intends to re.
turn to town to reside.
One of Mr. Begley's little boys fail and
broke his shoulder blade.
Blyth le to have a permanent dentist,
Dr. Charles A. Cooke, of (Mosley.
A large colony of gypsies are camped
on the "commons" North•weat of the
Robivaou S• Henderson commenced
operations at the Blyth woollen mills
last week.
James McGee has left for Brimfield
where he has secured a situation in a
saw mill in that plaoe.
Giles Jenkins had several sheep worried
by dogs, the result being that one of our
citizens is one dog less.
Blyth council will pay Morris Agricul-
tural society 95 for the use of the Agri.
cultural park ae a recreation ground.
H. Colclougb, who has been in the
milk business in Clinton for the peat
year, has decided to start a dairy in
Wm. J. Turnbull, of Brantford, organ.
iter for the Independent Order of
Foresters, is paying an oftioial visit to
Blyth court,
George Smith has been appointed to
see that the dog tax by•lawis carried oub,
and that he will get 10 per cent of all
monies collected.
Arrangements are under way for bold.
ing a Good roads' meeting in Blyth on
Thursday evening, May 261b. The meet.
ing will be addressed by A. W. Campbell
provinoialroad oommieaioaer,
While returning from Blyth Ed. Lear
and wife, of Hniiatt, met with a serious
runaway accident. The doubletree got
loose and the horses took fright and ran
away. They were both thrown out, Mre.
Lear having her right thigh bone broken.
Bart. Davis, son of S. Davis, of town,
has been successful in passing the phar-
macy examination at Chicago.
Nominations to fill the vacancy in St.
George's ward will be held on the 18th
inet ; the election, if one is necessary,
a week later.
A pet dog, owned by J. Rensford, run-
ning after a train had the misfortune to
get under the wheels, ite front leg was
cut off, and although an effort was made
to save its life, this could not be done.
In the report of the Inst year's work in
MaGit1 University, Montreal, we are
pleased to see the name of Shelly Clem-
ent, son of Rev. B. Clement, of this town,
standing first in order of merit in the
first year's worse in applied science,
Mr. Clement is also credited with prizes
in chemistry and mathematics placed to
hie credit.
The Era of last week says ;—The wood-
en roof of one of the buildings of the
Doherty organ factory has been put on,
and Davis tit Rowlend's met are putting
on the tin roof. The brick work of the
second building will be completed before
the end of the week, and whenthe boiler
honest and tower are finished the brick.
work will be done, The carpenters are
oleo laying the floor of the building roof-
ed, and it will nob be long before both
buildings are ready for the machinery.
The annual meeting of Ontario street
Sabbath School was held last Thursday
evening. Jacob Taylor, who has been
assistant Superintendent for some time,
was elected Snperintendeat, and H.
Wiltee assistant. R. Tiplady was re-
elected sec.-treas., with B. J, Gibbings
and 0, Wray ae assistante ; Amos
Outlet, Librarian, Miss 0. Walker and
Howard Grant aseietants ; J. Emmerton,
leader of orchestra ; Miee Couch, pianist,
Miss Clement, assistant, The annual re..
port, read by the efficient secretary, R.
Tiplady, allowed the school to be in a
healthy and proeperone condition, the
average attendance during the year be-
ing 240 ; during the year 69 dew aoholars
were added, 48 removed and '2 died, lee.y.
ing a total on the roll of 817. The verses
rendered (tiring the year were, by the
boys, 2205 ; by the girth, 6406, The total
receipts of the school during the year
were 9187.94, and the expenditure for all
purpose; $101.18, leaving a snug balances
on band of 986,81.
The annual meeting of the Pabilo
Library was held on Monday evening of
last week. The following ag direotore
elected for the scatting year;—Messrs.
Lowe, Brydone, McGarva, J. C. Steven-
son, Porter) Armstrong, ltand,A. Molten•
zle, and Rousing.The direotore them
appointed W. Brycione Pres., W. 1).
Baud Seo., and J. II. Combe, ae Trace,
The librarian, John Bean, stated that
there were 3,561 volumes iu the library ;
the reading room reeeivee two daily
papers, 4 weeklies, 4 scientific or illus.
Imbed papers, 15 magazines and reviews.
The average attendance at the library was
55 daily, or 15,07.4 for the yenr. Thie is
a emelt larger uumber than usual, due to
the fact that all have been admitted to
the free use of the magazine!, des. Ti e
librarian suggests that in the new build.
ing a separate room be provided for the
ladies. The number of bootee issued doe-
ing the year has been 8,515, which le a
large reduction from aomo previous
years ; the classification ie as follows :—
History, 068 ; biography, 108 ; voyags,
261 ; edemas and art, 90 ; general litera-
ture, 016 ; reference, 110 ; fiction, 065,
The membership at present is 111.
(xodeti•ic 3o.
Edward. Sharman is putting in severs
granotitbio walks for S. P. Halle.
A row of cedars has been placed aloe
the terrace opposite St, Peter's church,
It is said wont will probably be corn
menced on the breakwater inside of a
North Street Epworth League will
place papers and magazines on the boats
this season,
Mr. Maly i9 putting a neat iron fence
along the front of hie beautiful property
on Neleon•at.
Rev. James A. Anderson was in St.
Catharines last week attending the Pres-
byterian Synod.
Dan. McCormick took poseeasion on
May fed of the hotel he purchased at
Dungannon from Mrs. Black,
Mrs. Arthur Straiton left on Tuesday
of last week for British Columbia to join
her husbsnd, who went out last Pall.
A Goderich young man, named Kenny
McAuley, was on the etr. Servia, when
she took fire in Lake Superior and let
everything except the Clothes he had on.
The season's work bee commenced in the
sawmill, and although the full staff is not
yet employed, some 20 men are at work.
The average shipment of cars is about two
per day.
The arrival of the St. Andrews from
Fort William with wheat, and the at,-
nounoement that she will probably run
on this route all Summer, brings back a
remembrance of olden times.
Eight men are employed at the big mill
elevator, and every day about 20 full oars
ars sent up the hill to be distributed all
over Western Ontario, and as far East as
Toronto. The extension of the track is a
great convenience, but double line a't
along tba dock is badly needed. A now
100 bushel weigh scale is being put in and
other improvements made.
The president's report of the Pub-
lio Library ebowed a membership of 140,
and between 3,000 and 4,000 volumes in
the library. A discussion took place as
to asking the town to take over the read•
ing room, but' nothing definite was de.
otded. The following officers were elect•
ed :—President, D. J. Naftel ; 1st vine, J.
H. Worsen ; 2nd vine, R. Glendenning ;
sea., A. J. Moore ; trees., J. H, Col-
borne ; directors, the above officers to-
gether with Andrew Doff, J. D. Tom, S.
P. Halls and J. E. Brydgea.
Perth Oounty.
Listowel bas purchased 9150 dog tags
and will rigidly enforce the license by-
Afro. Richard Bell, of Shakespeare, re•
cantly fractured her arm by falling off a
The Mitchell Recorder would like to
know where there is another cattle randh
that can boast of a granotitbio sidewalk 7
It is understood that S. A. Cameron
and W. F. Mitehall, of Stratford, have
joined forges nod porohased the Ross
house in Wiarton.
Invitations are out for the marriage of
Miss Clare Lsaroyd, daughter of Rev.
John Learoyd, St. Marys, on May 25t13
to Mr, Box, a grocer of St. Marys.
If the hedge fences along the St. Mary
road are any indication of the extent of
the destruction caused by mios through•
out the country daring the past Winter,
it will have been very great indeed.
The Listowel Standard says the farm -
ere of that section have been rushing
their wheat to market during the past
week and that J. w. Meyers dt Oo, have
paid out an average of about 92,000 a
Returns of the Trout Creek Bridge by
law, which was voted on Saturday last in -
St. Marys, to issue debentures for 92,000
on a ten year period, was carried by a
majority of 43, being 46 for and 8 agnieet,
Very little interest was taken in the vot-
The election for an alderman to fill the
the vacancy oaused by the resignation of
A. A. Mover, Stratford, consequent on his
leaving for London, took plane on Satur-
day, and resulted in Wm. Gordan being
returned by a majority of 46.
A young man from the country was
aroused before Acting Magistrate Jarvis,
of Stratford, of carrying a revolver. The
evidence showed that he was guilty, and
Mr. Jarvis fined him 95 besides givinr,
him some very Sound advice in regard ,to
his future actions.
Mrs, Hemingway, of oon.0, Springfield,
has a very painful pair of arms. She
was visiting her mother in Aylmer, and
while making preparations for a concert
attempted to clean her gloves with gaso-
line. The fluid toots lire, the result being
the lady was very badly burned.
The people were surprised to hear on
Saturday evening of the death of Oliver
Hodges. He had only been ill from
pneumonia a few days, and it was not
generally known he was siok. Re was in
the prime of life, not quite 50 years of
age. Ke has lived in Mitchell aeotion all
his life, except a few years in buffalo.
The last few years he has had an interest
in the Royal hotel with James Colgnboun.
Ks leaves besides his widow a family of
six to battle with the world.
An attempt was made to burglarize the
house of E. L. Kutner, of Sepringville,
on Sunday morning about 2 o'clock,
There were, it is thought, two men in the
game and they entered through the cel-
lar windows. One of them had drawn e.
pair of stoekinge over hie oboes in order to
muftis his steps and was making his way
ap tke cellar etairs when the oreakine
awakede e
Mee, Ha tusk whor
arose and
opened the door leading to the cellar,
The would he bugler gtiokly turned and
fled and after falling over a number of
milk cans succeeded in getting ant of the
window through which he entered before.
be could be nabbed by other members of
the houehoid, wbb in the ttteantime had
gone outside to endeavor to prevat the
escape of the thieves, 'The night was
dark, however, and the ecoundrela esoap.
Crtitstcit;ia Nes vs, w.
George Bell, a Hamilton psalm., Dom.
mitred suicide at Oakville,
Reuben Argent, four yeare of age, was
fatally burled at Hamilton,
The 0, T. R. will construct 250 •efrig.
orator cars for the genera servioo of the
Geo. Cook, formerly Chief of Polies
M Paris, attempted to commit suicide at
Afore than a 50000 of Klondikers fell
through the too et Crater Lake and were
Adam Vaneiokle and J Smith, 1.1 Welt
Lawrence, Ont., were killed in the Chit.
coot snow slide.
Rev. Dr. McArthur, of Cardinal, was
chosen Moderator of the Synod of iIou-
treat and Ottawa.
Andrew P. Scott, former cashier of the
insolvent Farmer's Savinl;e d; Loan Co.,
has returned to Toronto.
John I'orman, 14 years old accidental-
ly shot and ]tilled Fred, Hayford, nine
yeare of age, at Otterville.
The Gra,at Tenth is understood to
have refused Montreal's titer or St.
Ann's market as a site for 1t0 ;;enera
The celebrated Le Roi mins has passed
into the hands of a British syndicate.
Three million dollars was lb) consider-
A rumour is current at Stratford that
all Grand Trunk employees o cr 5U yeare
of age engaged in the shops are to ha dis•
Hon. W. H. Montagne, 108, P., and Mr.
Molnerey, M. P., speaking at Cornwall,
predicted the early return of the Cou•
aervativee to power.
A proclamation has born issued by the
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario ad;ang a
certain portion of the township of Sarnia
to the town of Sarnia.
An extensive snowslide omeurred on the
tine of the 0. P. R. near Glacier House
and broke through 200 feet of enowaheds.
Luckily the evening train had pissed.
There will be no' interruption of traffic.
undersigned will keep for service, on
Lot 0, Hon. 0, Grey, a thorn' bred improved
Yorkshire boar and a thorn' bred large Eng-
lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be seen
on application. Terms, $2.00,;to be paid at
time of service, with privilege of returning
if necessary. ARTHIIR BOdITE,
40.4* Proprietor,
bought a .registered Tamworth Hog
from H. George .0 goes, Crampton, bred
from imported stock on bath sides. His
sire weighed 048 Ibs. at Tomato last Fall. I
have also a Iarge Bnglisb eeaistercd Berk-
shire, bongbt from Jas. Downtime, Seafortk.
Pedigree may be seen on application, terms
$1.00. For sale—a number of para bred
Berkshires 81 for breeding. I have 9 pigs
one month old bred from a full sister of the
sow that got first prize at tl:e World's Fair,
Jaa1 los sPBrR,
0441 Lot 80, 810 Li se. Monde.
Popular Stallions,
The following popular Stallions will.
tato the season of 1808 as follows ;--
AUUnIt'r CAtmoR, 1'3rURRIGTOR.
Monday — Will leave hie own staple, lot
29, con. 8, Morris, at noon, and proceed
to Moliim's Hotel, Walt( n, for night.
Tuesday—Will proceed Broth to eon, 11,
MoKillop, to Geo, Love's for noon ; them
South 2 miles, then West to John
Staples', Kinburn, for night. Weares•
day—Will proceed West, thea South to
Jas, Reynold's, 4th eon., Hallett, for
noon ; thence West to Clinton gravel, then
North to Richard darter's, 9th oon., Hol
Lett, for night. Thursday—Will proceed
to Mason's Hotel, Blyth, for noon ; thence
East end North to Alex. Niohore, 8th
line, Morris, for night. friday -Will
proceed North to con, 4, Marine, to A.
Bradshaw's for noon ; thence North to
George Henderson's, 8rd con., for night.
Saturday—Will proceed to Zihtiax's Hotel,
Brussels, for noon ; theuoe to his own
stable where he will remain until theuext
Monday—Will leave his own stable, lot
84, con. 9, East Wawanosh, and proceed
across Centre sideroad to Wm. Hablahan'e
jr., lith con., for noon ; thence to the 7th
con., Morris, to Thos. Skelton's for night.
Tuesday—Will proceed to Donald Mo.
Lean's, 7th oon.,Morris, for noon ; thence
to Richard Bedford's, lot 5, eon. 11, Grey,
for night, Wednesday—Will proceed to
Daniel Marsh's, 6th oon.,for noon ; thence
to—for night. Thursday—Will pro.
Deed to John Little's, con. 4, Morrie, for
noon ; tbenoe, via Belgravo, to his own
stable for eight. Friday—•Will proceed
to Donnybrook to John Chamnely's for
noon ; thence to --for night. Saturday
—Will proceed to his own stable via Zet-
land where lie will remain until the fol.
lowing Monday morning.
White Star Line.
Between New York and Liverpool,! via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
As the steamers of this line carry only a
strictly limited number 1n the mew and
0000RD Cann 0000mai0datl,Da, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
plioatiou for earths fa necessary at tbie sea-
son. For plane, rates, eta., apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
undersigned will keep for service at
Lot 20, on. R, Grey, the thornbrad Durham
bull ,"Red 1ilnndyke." Pedigree maybe seen
on application. ll. W. llTTNBAR,
45- Proprietor.
Lot 10, Canrib Greyi ltiro thozo' bred lHere
ford hull •'Picture," Also a thorn' bred Dur-
ham boll. Both are exceptionally Rue an-
imals. Terms, 81.00, to lbs paid Jan. 1st,
1800, with privilege ofreturalhg if necessary.
43.4 OLI't'L1i TDRNBULL,
Have removed Two Doors South to the Stewart Block, where I
have opened out a Full and Well Assorted line of
Will also keep ICE CREAM, SUMMER DRINKS, and the
Choicest of .FRUITS, in Season.
Restaurant will be open torr the
QUEE%Tr riirtT r7isYr6xr4 aSa y
Thanking the Public for past favors, I solicit a Con-
tinuance of Patronage, as I am Here to do Business.
Teras Strictly Cash.
Grocery and Restaurant.
We have the Sole Agency
in Brussels for the J. D. Ring &
00'8 Celebrated Shoes, which for
Style, Fit and Wearing qualities
cannot be surpassed. With
these Shoes we can fit all sizes
and styles of feet, as they are
made on different widths of lasts
and the prices are no higher than
you would have to pay for infer
for makes in other places.
Do not forget us when you
want a pair of Good. Comfortable Shoes.
Remember we do repairs on Shoes and. Rubbers.
The Most awlz1,l111 Ma
Ladies' Wrappers
We have a magnificent range of Ladle.? 'Wrappers,
elegantly made and beautifully trimmed, and we
have them at special prices $1, $1.25, 4:1.50, $1.98,
Every garment guaranteed to wash.
Twenty pieces of Oxford Prints, fast colors, special
5c. per yard, Every yard warranted to wash.
Men's Waterproof Coats in grey, brov n and black,
special at $6.00,
Two pounds of good Japan Tea for 25c.
Come with the crowd to G'•znn's,
Shines C loriously
upon the
Season's Opening.
Our large, strong and warm connection of the past
grows Iarger, stronger and warmer as the Seasons roll
around. Our establishment h As always 'leen Ile Empor-
ium of the County for Quality of Goods and Cheap-
ness, and we intend to keep it so.
Gas Ranges, convenient for Summer se ; Blue Flame Coal
Oil Stoves ; Union Scales ; Even Balance and Side
Beam ; Lawn Mowers ; Screen Doors, complete
with spring hinges and knob, etc,, or made to
order, any size ; Barn Door Rollers and
Tracks ; Ready Mixed Paints and
Enamel Poultry Netting.
Milk Cans, Pails, Pans, Creamers, etc, Tinware and Gran-
iteware of the first quality and finest cut prices.
Equally low are Building Hardware, Har-
vest Tools, Spades, Shovels, etc,
Car Load of Barb Wire, Plain Galvanized Wire,
Oiled and Annealed Wire.
T'YRE.EL BE,flEIXG CH' URA 8.446.,_.
wita—New Cook Stove with Reservoir.
Honest ';roods at Honest l'ricos and the Lowest
Ever (liven for Spot Cada.
gardwai e, Stove & Than lermhants.