HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-12, Page 3x i , 1898
THE J3 R �,. _.._ .-_m...:._..^�... .-._---.-._.; ; l.. ___ ,..,_. _.__.... _._...�-.-- -.�. '__.. _ ,__ _ . _._.�........^ ^ _ .� . _ ,
1' Ilal 1 t' 1 L•b ''{l ! • it t 800- i ? self till flu• Hkow:1<rd Of Gud Is �11Pl:larad
have bag11 IInrUllnHNd Ily ilii! :1)1 tit . e.l hull n 1 ,.a '. NI )tl +L.UW , • fft SVIND •{�&IJUU - ffurl], hilar, evil ry njr.H.
;;r;lltl.4r110.Y haan f01'))Iticlo 1 to Hail from 0110 goals: ,[•),j[,iiD9.rp 1f, 1. (�13ali+.Ut.1)inisatUln{ar "J�ltlti/'orinff iiina,HtOwn, Ir01[Lnd• 'J'}li+ 11nj1CtTi•Lal of li1lldrid HA yS 1 ...--t OfjYUntHllluvat," '+:its 1)r Pitifnil(rv,IN NE1111L Mr, Javapit C'huntberinln futn,luu!ed, • "Ail The ,5urtd n° iv'kn°ws that Areari- i INT'ERNAT'IONAL LESSON, MAY 16, •, 5vuujd Ht+Put to 11 Ivy keen chuheu for
-..� i'hat ilia Aluikau boundary dispi Io+ en trb!d Lo bluff 8[atln by w•ar tIt ran tsf __ Iii,i figuralive IIiness. In )(s lit+,ricI I";< Iiu"4r '
\yuuld lift i•eferrod to arbftrat.Iva lie "SII the world now lot)015N Ib;Al Auier!- "Wa(ehivU,Ps„" 14111111, at. #'+•sl• vuldeltIHenau itlodung's 1,, Ow fuvi'utave�ruel- �ai Y r r'tt
THE- 1Xi:1RY A&jE`yT T�rRO1YI adJeal that in the runitlrltau+ nnludu'I nn being called, shuwH n' wratohgdly Textlla11.111 rt,. �ty•1CRaslernkja{rH. 13111. iJJfHmnnl,ail
vivandl innv lir agreed uPori. weak tuinot. Its caul stfPngLh is 11x- iFe n a hypolxki dnl11 minded, nay- ,
ALL ��� Q' Che T,an,lult 'l'imes Huya:-•"()ar Hyla- so known -flue irgnaladH, two bHltrsd l')IlAfyl'.f(?AI. N(YI'I;S. , t"
_ prtlhinH, on ilii+ nialu q[testiun, ore arnisarn, three unbolted, the fastest ] In (t.l serve lou nt.intf rs, ,in 1 Iris load %i, �,.. ir: ll '
Verse •12. In Lhe report: of thesN vicli I:he Hllorlr owurd of, jud ul,•nt,
vvitll Lha United states, rill they are held, and !most. p(MOrCLO rruiHolt'H, and twelve parable iH ' solftNH lhrnugli tilt. Sallie apparl•n' nil
94Heresting (terns About Our Own Country, i•o he In lila right, Ifut, on the !nal:- other eruk(wH. A11 Lho rest. are tile- wards given fly f,uke this fly of 'his til•, arld rrvl+ale iL:+ dutdfr +;'" arDS I EF
�:,Great hritain, the united btatas, ,t ter. of form, we urn not so Oloar or atr'iul Supers." ortarilwLed wi.l,h the )recedin (lite b ''" ',o '•I
L g Y ite." lilt puriinu wink tea hvpncrlt.ws x'All Part) of the Globe,CandeuseC load asilalKilois." __._...,-.,,._.a.. Ie ljuestion of Peter's. '"Lord, spenk ]fore in lukP eouw the word, indicat- 17 Aaaortod for Busy R¢a K y l('hit suRpetlnfalr of tile, firm of Shot- WAR BRIEFS. oij. lbutr this parableuntil ua ar av,•a auP; degrees gf punishment 1leeping ,�1%Vaud Thuutpsua Svc Company, cotton .and tcnlshing' of fteth Ili+ wveprng'ver Ian! is a.ntu,uuced. toall:" And Notrk !lax. " Wilal: I nifty and; Ilia xataNhing,' a euntfilimi of encl-
CANADA. bl'DltPra, of i,l I -�
The blanitobu Legislature line pro- This firm Operated thruul5hnut Lhe !"Tare 1eh,uau•elc On. /irrpuiny's ,u411ade- unto you 1 ally unto 1111, 11'utelt•" less aPftrNl.. rogued. Snut.hern Stairs under the first name RussiaAlmpnthir,Pt419rh !(pain. qif, Kpow (.his. Ye, know !.his, The _. ... _ tit',
blunlrral has xeduued the tare nn' of John Sherwood & CampanY• Itefu$ees from Sanfbtga rte Cuba g(x„htlan. FNIA hnusellolder. In what FIVE CFNT'S FOR A PEEP.
bicycles front E2 to $I. UNTLI D S'CA'I'ES' wIt arrived at Kingslo, Jamaica, say wn(el). The Jews haul generally 13dopted _
French-Cnatillan,t in NTaHsnahusetl.a 7"coo mu.rddsela Fred Rouldvvall and the Spaniards have atLachad all the thio Ureek Soul Rnivan custom of livid- ttaue,t State.. iuocuudu.g utuet u» Sreu
It returning to Quebec. PJ
Runya wara 4nllgad al. It,irlge 'rnron2h a 'eecero•.en¢ pretu linvens
Galt cantomptaLes purohasing It Way'
ay Pa„ Un `Tuesday, food for the army, and ilio+ civil popu iuEt the night. [oto faun wa(cheN;
o ateovorks pleat. Gcrmtu(y 4hreatrnS to retaliate lie- cation of Santiago de Ouba, about 20, which scent to have been nanted even, nexrii MANNER9
r Torted front the causeofGt•oa,t 13rtinin's denouncement, 000 persons Is almost. entir0y without, midnkght, cock -crate, and murning• The A sllachd (teapxtell train Bavaria,A riTSh lold find is el �ah ('nnudn's request, of the AngdO-
viginily of [tat PorCaga' 1Gerinrul 'trea'tY. PrgvlsionH. A wrtik alga Saturday d[viaionH used uri�l;inafrd In the fou- (!aha, (lays: --A syuadrua, made up of.
Jinityant(If rnfPortag advanrod ilia Polnbo, Commandanto-Uenerall, pro -1 ditions that gave its our w•ord"watnb," three armoured shills find three small
price of sugars by oue-sfxLPentk real i A t`utdo Rimes onerilst nC a obag{ elalmed that. aver ,tan between (If- a regular change oC sentries in fur- ones, attacked :4iatainzuH on 11'ednesday
per pound. has nurse nrran Canada
to pnrchaee y
Ju os purchasing u ' G,iIOD horses in fhinnda for war pluposea teen and fifty' must volunteer in the � tifirutians and .uf vvaLc+hmen al city � afternoon, firing sevanly-two siwts, ���'--^.--
\Lnntrea! rgntsmp l 1 if needed. Spanish service under the penalty ofIgates. Almost every householderfu tilt, The (-fly (lift nut suffer any Gammie,
Enrin near the HN:y its a homy for pan- arrest, trial anrd death, A reign of L;a_NL lives la cimsLant, apprellellshan I nor was any l.eraen wounded. Same
Fifty thousand Californians have al-
pers urld beggars. Y terror exists in Lhe 01 Ly, unit thousands that the Lhiel' wllI come. See I '('bass. 5. uhells felt till,) Lhe city, but nolle ex- �'
read volunteered for Harvigo.
Che Railway Committee gave assent• I?art thousand men have already
to Lhe hili chartering the Taranto & volunteered in a liaysachueeiLts, leave rightly, 3; .: Peter 3. 10. CLvil aut.hurity is not blotted. A.fto-r a',few shote had burn 't
Hudson Clay Railway. 2, The Gibraltar correspondent or Che equally ns cvntralling in Lhe hast as, fired by Ilia squadron, all the city was I' �i9" 0 tr '
The Standard Nat.iunal flank at 23rd i ; • �J 3" 114 ti�"
The 1I., O. & l3, Railway shareholders and lYAtdison uVerlrtta, New York, has London ']'lines sae's:•-" 1 ilia Itasured I with US, lie evuuld have watelled. I filled with bends marching through the t• C e
at iiunlilton have decided tri cs:iva do- olosed its dears, by u high naval authority that ,`Spain Would have taken proper precautions. streets playing National and Cuban IIIv� q
bentures for $30,000• l Nlosinm't'empla. Mystic Shrine, of Do- bought seventeen thousand tuns otcoa[ gathered his servaats and neighbors to- airs. They were applauded by the, poo- �0 � � ` ,,a44 � a't -1
The I)Ominiun line HLeamship Soots- trolt bas abandoned its proposed visit before the oui,breolk of the war. and , r 7
man is Lhe first ocean vessel to reach ' to dt•Lmesr s Temple of TOl'e1110, Owing Ionia, ,and tun Lye: 1ve, suffered
with pig, tvhc hoisted co flogs and cried, "Vivo /j UJ
NfanLlral this seaeonl. to the tear. Chu l• it cons delivered. As Rl+[titer .{'hie Sorra, 11'oulcl not !lave sufferacl hie Espaaat, here euros the NnrLharn bar- ,J r a
Che fulling off of thtl Klondike rush I Chicago t�olghts of Pythias have or- not' tiny imporLant quani.ity reached. ttnnnsg to ha broken 1111. \Vaults nn(. nava bariansj' '1'Ite women enlface, Bu f \
bas causer! n matowfal rOduetl0u in the / t` !
g•aniierl one ti olusanil strong to go to Cadiz, !1 woulel ba iutaraaLing Lu know pgrmitLwd tke robbers to dig tltrotlgb ally waved handkenitigfH rind Luns, and I a
of packing ever Cllr jlasaes, the front, Sixteen Nu'tndred podfeemen where it has conn, if K has arrived:' the nlufl wails, A 1111111 has to fight mon and women ran Lu behold the apes
c' u'H .ave aslcecl the Gov- also volunteered in that city, t. the Ldln- 't, is Lucia of tag bumbarclmaat, shouting,,', .S y.(:alt coup ills h 1'ha Berlin curraspunden of h Cnr his sateCy in the G;crst., and 1apinmPnL to invlst.i(aLa the manner iu I 0'ha .Hnuso of ]?aPreseuLativea kis $�whz1a ifoenses are issued.thare, I proposed a hill porulitt lug the purchaseda11 SLAndard says: -""!)rine Bismarck Eastern nlvfl (+onditions that we must• "Firsyuan• shells; you can't, kill any- �, � 5 � 8�2 � s�;4n
Several. 1,ondou young ladles were tot supplies for the army in the open thinks that Germany must abstain think of when we !apply tills parable body l" ilia batt"ries of the city ons- �
badly injured in a runitway_ the bus ill , market instead of by contract, from Interference fn the confliot of the : to our own spiritual life, veering by firing Llwir gang. '1 ha Eur- , `� "<.
Ailing ralhrlin with a Governor Hastings of Pennsylvania, United, d. States with Spain its long as 41 [ One Oigm Cousula prutrsLed because the A 1 r '
avhich !.hey wars pt, Ing g g I n o Tlierefort )e ye also ready n
pole, will issue a I'aluuel's eomm'safon t° ussible, but that she must interfere bombardment; had been begun Consult t,_ b - e -1i
The( Coounnil of ilia 7'oraAio Board of I Joke 11'aaamaker, who has Offered to p shvuld read lho entire ekapLer to gat previous announcement The Consult I— �i
0 raele has passed a resolution favor- equip a rogiment' at his own expense• instantly and most energetically the the full force of this word "Lharefnre•1 of Anlstria and France have made a f(
Ing an export flinty on nicks{ -copper. The application aC Rev. Morgan in hely hlterests demand filer- Because the clay of the Lord will come formal protest, a 11 4„
ores and matte. V Wood of 'Toronto, formerly- of Detroit, ferns. Therefore, he thinks Gar- as a thief in file night; because the Tile city save
efor t remain absolu- Vi V.t�pHPl W. �°' v �'O• p
JameH Lowson, collaoCor, of customs for chaplaincy in the Senate nieces, 1.f many ought ant. to bind bar harl(ls by Lely quiet, cava fur the bunds playing �w ®116 F ( 3+
an Foil Eric, has been appointed. alta- on fila giith' Adjutant -General 1 v, o g (laming of 11t1e lion of Man shall be like at Central Turk. Every street is gaily t r . �i R Is9I 4e�O ' II
u neutrality declaratlon:" the coming of a deluge. The swirl of ^ {
Stat officer in enforce ttte alien labour Michigan, 6 bedecked 55'ith banners. During the
law • there, Orders have been issued closing Port- The Hong Kung correspundent of t•he the flood of woo will be so sadden that day the American fleet aft the coesL Py s _ � � j/ � `
one of two ploughmen will be taken r
w,nnnars f3ouchgrandlagwc deserted land burlier from 8 P.m. to 4 pint. Pa- London Daily Telegraph sage: -"Aga- dra5vs uu irxtntense.zrrowd, coli° Iovk at
from " A" Battery. Kingston, and want 1 trol bon,ns well also be on duty outside inaldo, tilt insurgent chlef, find his Bill- it with spyglasses and opera glasses. Q. o a t .' 7�y
g and the a(Ver destroyed, and one' of H ,g
during the da • to guide vessels still'- elaborating a tan t0 make They comment on the blockade its
to the States to take sl r5 tae (n the g e leagues, are g p two mill women be tae>en. chid the other allort, (lacuna bench has Lbeae last taw OP) ,; t 2€v e,_
t 1 dz ''
American army. 1y+ in Lo the harbor. / kw` 6`1;Z!:_,1c, U
a descent in farce near Muutla, '1'.11ey destruyed. llecause no '(!lain, nut even clays ).cern converted into a lit in - Q + rt � \I �+
The report that 1fr. Harris, general The vessels St. Louis and St. Paul the an y -' ~�'
traffic manager of the Government and Harvard, lately New fork, have have secured a veuswl Lot the ]rurpose' gels of heaven, but m Father ache. -4 rnuu u'e; s a large telescope on
system of railvva,ya, has resigned, is do- been fitted with armour protection over nail have been plentitully supplisd with only knows that day and hour; liec•ause a tripod offers u sigh! gt • lite fleet For ra m 1
all their exposed »inghinwry, and brave items and amnlunitiou franc Lhe Amer- flea cents. 3 "fie FE +
,hied at OtLaw•a, there shall arise false Cha•jsts and false The retial Brigacllar \Lasso Parra has 8 �Zf 0 ();5! .
It Is reported at Montreal that the ``already received good batteries. loran squadron." prophets and shall show groat signs gathered more than 4,UOD Cubans, Cha ff �C
fr.. '1'. R. has Bnmmeneed the const'r'ue- i Assistant, Sooretary Meilklejuhn, of The story Lhat Duty n mule was kil- find wonders; because iniquity shall are utroady equipped and prepared to
!hili Point St, Charles works i?ulnad 5lules War .Uapartin uL, has is- lad at Matanzas during the bombard- fight for Spain. 'They are all "Pro-
of 25 now locoutoiivts. sued a statement Lhat Duly u limited alent of the forts there furnishes a a)uund and matey shall was cold; be- aentndas" insurgents, Ivko 1u15•e fume James A. Bell, sf Beaverton, Ont„ I them and especially when it be¢omgl ]
lr r o' Italians in Toronto have naltubar. of newspaper representatives text for nkan humorous remarks in rause he that endurotlt to the and silkII in from Lhe field. brother of the ,Rev. John Wesley Sall abronit as was. Seemingly, the case witty
A numbar f will be allowed to accompany the army, y H.D., prostrated by nervous beaancG' I bit, Be117 The trouble reached such In -
appealed to the Italian Consul for In- the London pgnaT-a• The Russian official lie saved, .Reason after reason w•as giv- Havana is prepared for a battle, Lon- A victim of the trouble for several tensity that last June he was complet
formation as to what route
they should , Philadelphia was gayly decorated despatches during the war of the as by the blaster, after he bud taken Ilstinen , of the volunteer corps (x111- years• ly prostrated, In this condition a fl'lenI
take in order to juin the Spanish'' With flags on Saturday, and it was Crimen are recalled, when; it was al- his seat an Lhe Mount Of Olives, why times, it Is estimated there the num South American Nervine effected a recommended South American Nervin
Array. I noticeable that ill a number of inst- ways admitted that one 'Cossack had ,all shonlld waifs and be ready. In 80,000 men ready to defend their cOun- volnpleto.etne. heady to try anything and everytnin�j'
Woodstock auras the :British flag found. it place been kUlod. Spain's despatches Car such an hour., as •e think nut the Son try, Generals
Blanco, and Pauclu have 111 theft own partiaulnr field few men thnngh he thought he had eovereu t
Councillor Martin. •of his vote Irl tho display while here and there
claims to have been belted for v home cansttxnpiian fire naturally ex- at man comath: OaH ilia. • reverently hien aurvayIng i a, Secti the :forte, are st yterBell Bop is d han is broth erJohn \fr. i aiet of bottlerof tints groatl¢trej
discovery. aogr
T'n iso purchase of a steam roller, was five flag of Cltktt. pact ad to be of the same ehivaatg:r. y y ficat[ons of fIavaTla. Sentry lines linea D
t The cruiser Charlestown is in bad Sir Ckarles Td. H°ward !lucent will believe that, God docs 111)1 intend us James A. Beit Ike former will Ile re- I second bottle of the medicine was takI
Eli has given the mon¢y to he ( to know whom'tho. second coming will lawn posted• and civilians are not al- cognized by his thousands or friends all . and the work was done. Ruiployll) big
1L'uyor, .shape at San Francisco. lion eondens- ask the British Government ill Bsarli� be, :there were, signs, like the budding !Deed to pass throwch thecal, Commit- over the country as the popular and able I own language: 'Two bottles of s out
b.r. Bi k o{ Na tuna cattle buy- mg tubus were injured by fire regent want'what course it proposed 0f the fig tree, which ha menl.irnlad a tees of defence have been former! Ln missionary Huperintendeut of the. Rvyal I American Nervine i mediately relieved
f ° u , p Y earth •take, nnrl it will be uee¢saary adopt to ",gtu�rd agnlnst the excessive
or, irjllrod at the Lansdowne wreck 0 few minutes before, but their purpose evwry district, !Many distinguished Touplars of Temperance. among file i my headaches and ave butlt np )nh '
( _ to secure new ones from ksa east he- rise I. tee {»'ice of
wheat in the event 1 taclias and ethers hove tendered their , O,ObU members 1111 this order' in Ontario system in a wonderful manner," t,eL us
om, the G. T. R„ has recovered a julg ready for service. of i':n land becoming involved in tear Was to arouse: to readiness and watch-
me.nl fur 5,0011 dartla es against the Coro Acle will be io y f g Lulness, rather than to auu.bLD Christ- Services, T11w American chip Inilianu, his counsel is sought on all sorts of 0¢- l not deprecate the good ons clgrgl,g8te
g at 111 a 'naval power sliming to gut oft tvh{rh stranded nA 1lrednesda hull sac- ,•oalous. Od the public platform he is one and social reformers are doing ill tks
company. The airy almhopse, lgculed throe foraliga breadstuffs from Great (3'r! tans to become perfect nluonologisls, y Hf the ancone men of the day, nettling world, but how ill -toted they won) 11Q
The sLeamSkip Andrew Carnegie, miles weat of Oswego, N.X., and con ceeilecl in getting off again with the
le and. 19 female inmates, tain?„ 411. 1Vso then is a faithful and wise against the evils of letf!mpernnce. for their work were t not the r list
Chiga o, broavhl 230,000 bushels of corn taining 33 male The Moscow correspondent of the 1 servant. Our Lord was thinking of help of. two of the blockading fleet. Mutually well ltuowa.is YIr. Bell do other that South American ervfne brlu�6
g Round, This is said to ba the was
gutted by fire on Tuesday. 'ChD the millionaires of unt! it Is expected that tat! caPtuin of taw rowinces of the Dominion, having been them when physical ills ovortakd
to Owen Stu 1 Guidon Standard says:-" epi,- seed t Whose. est Spanish ,nail steam^r Montserrat tvi11 9
lar est cur o of corn ever flouted on loss is astiitnLtad at $'25,000; insured IaLiye tvetLtth far surpassed for yeas a member renco of the Manitobafthis them, and when the system, n n re+
g g lou in Russia, so far its it,; islexp.ressed, 1 I seal! the wildest reach Flnvnnn tram Ciwnfwagos on Fri- Methodist Conference and ort of this atilt o! hard, carni-st and conttnuoulr
fresh water, for one half, No one was injured• dreams of modern moue ;olists, (.'hese p t
synnlia,thizes ttjth SDnin. AP.rri from 1 day, A parade in his {tnnor wfll time was stationed ip Winnipeg. His'I work, breaks dowq. Nervine treats tldi
Tile liitlgstuu City Council has da_ All the Beasemer pig iron produo- a.dm.iratio:n oC the courage that vett- mon OvnOd not, Only' huge, estates and start froln Irarulinas square, because brother, Mr. Jamep A. Bell, is a hl$hlT system as the wise nefdrme treats t�t
clined to consider the request of the ars of the Centrai. West have agreed tures upon it conflict with an over- much gold ant{ other trensures; t.hny t�
I is bank their Curntngs for thirty days r•0r until onlat•., Rus Owned the bodies and souls of men ; he, entered port, ond, finding Ih,i block- resp lied re,ident f perhaps aver on, entre thelsrootIso ache g trouble.it�tA'�tite 13
Dominion Cotton Mills Cn, asking for tvbe)nr[ngly' super g and, unable to administer theta own oda• rsoajrad front the American. float ,,timscribed titan that of his emhlunt ease comes from diserganiz tlep oe tb
hearts of $50,000, The amount was eon- out of the throe months of May. Juno, ,tilt hais fore`+ted it severe blow In Ilia by satltn to Cienfuegos. I g p
Billeted too large, and July, A §25,000 assurance has been supposed friendly ag.reameut: between grant estates, they often chose trust- g brother,' is none the less effeetive and nerve centers. This Is a acsentlfic tae
Charles N. Daly, United States Con- I given by every' interest, shout 18 in the Ifnited States and ti:uglanil:' Yereaoalled bves to y the. RotmRnsaedis teusaF everutheew rof kinR od.alility of Mr rs bdw- Nervine at once worm on these nerve
p James centers; gives to them ef's and v;-
sill at Guelph, has served The Guelph I till' turs," o•ndt from this passage, and others PORTUQAL NEUTRAL. A. Hell hits ]cera Badly marred by severe or; and then there co°rare through tine
Eferald wits notice of et, libel action. ]'tie Arnelflean lino ston.mer NaSv 1 g attacks of nervous headache, accom- system strong, bea]thy, life-matutatull:
The alleged lib°l was contained in a Yot^k, 5¢s.ich sea been chartered b the lit a it has come foto cominun usage the --
Y MONTREAL PRICES UP; ward "dispensation," Whom his lord. Iter tteprese,hdh'e Gives Assuraneea t„ pealed by indigestion. Who can do fit blood, and nervous troubles of ever #.
• dramativ °ritleiaul. United States Government arrived at ,_ work when this troublo takes hold sof variety are things of the past.
The Lfro LfnderwclLars' Association
New York Sunday morning, As soon His Toaster. puler liver ills house- file wawithliltolt (gsvrramcnt.
as sbt was moored all hands were paid 'rill+ 1l'nr 1s lacing louslito+•nbll telt ht hold. Over his other slaves andtheir A despatch from Washington says!
lurm presented Hrimilton with anult!- off. Che craw immediately resigned That (Illy. industries. To give [them meat in due [ 6 Y
F t L11,
matum calling on the city to improve
11 the water service Or pay increased in-
9urahoo rates after Jung L.
`ihLThe MacLeod GazetLe says: Au In-
1. y
bion named .Ca:rrior flier! sudden! at
Par n periost. of twelve monLllss at the
o,dr2'Etlt maCCalltlla marina rates of
waLges. out of the crew of #t,,0 on the
S,t. Loots one raven refused: to sign.
y ' g
Alan treat, April 29—The war has ul- season. To give ,tihem. as soldiers in
IaoLive service are given, tlheir rations,
ready bud a marker{ offset in advonc- Dully or matl(llidy an Olow•alue wits giv-
Ing the price of foodstuffs. The prices an to every wurkar on title great lion!-
of flour, sugar unit moll saes have ad- aA eslatHs, and so laulilfit !cos this
-The apprghenslun as to or ugt
attitude was oousiclerahly ratuoved om
Thursday by the call of Viscount do
Santrn'1 srysa, who gave strong assur-
IJ�IIU �%�
A. 8a I113ffi'
tko Butlllaad of heart disease this week'
rounder is xuisiu.* a fend Lo aid Spain
vaancecl considerably, and DOW Montreal 'cost')- that tke iinuga here used by
Lard, frequently by
anaes to the S,LiILe Department that
Some §0,000 in bonds and mortgages
ase reported to have been found an
in the present War.
lour and so !his
bakers announce an advanoe Of Lw0 apostles, Ulto linage of Stawaretsbip, It"s
:Portugal would remain strictly Ulu -
tl'a). Although Portugal 0xplailla hr.0
g g
'rhe, Illisers [It 81'alu SIcb er tilt W11ola
VNINrtallwal Tilsit Spain Will dee the Itio
his person:
OaC of 34 storitta which :resulted the
coots on four -pound loaves of bread!. (passe({ into Church II1sLury, and bas
delay nn the ground Ghat the declurtt-
leuslt, ass,
lessue;vv ur Coul11lul,it floe Fight.
'�1 :1lrhilB tag memlt02'9 Of thB S�IrattU(`d
(10II re>'ationtnl, Church were passing a
1 g
k'renah S11Ui'e9 Ln 1$911, all blllt 3 were
.foretold by the central,meteorological
The fail fn bread is clue to the advance given name to one of the recug'uise,l
offices of 'tole Church.
f1011rr, lla.a lip f3S cents
tion of warwas ati[made lentil th0 .24ik
dl despatch ft'011l .`7,'elnLh'Ln]{1tOn Sa;Va:.
Thg geuerul OpllltOIl altion tomb
g. i�,
members of the I�nit.ed S.atm Adt-
sympathetic war resolution the pastor
IA which gone
_ .I .10, Blessed Is that'. servant w houl tile
a barrBl. Sugar hila advionced 1-8c, mj lnxd when tie [awet.h ,kale find sg
Olt„ yet ftlftt Britain declared nou-
trality \vlth unusual pra'mptness, The
-Amoalg kha. ti si n
T• `• gars w'be'salled
New York nn board Ilia North Germau
ulintstr(r:tion is I.hlet the naval victory
of sox Chinch in the sumo nit vvar
�t donounring such seta all being contrary
o th• J'n tl IOae bliniater bf
(citron In , + Japanese
1`onlitrBrce, bus tendered kis resigntlr
found, (curl molasses 1 to 2'B. Rice Inns duiu* \1'412,011 the Sudden call Of t114
P S•
effect. of Great Bvitalta's speedy net -1011
p I
Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der
at :4%tnijn is not only ilfKkly inul,urtant
to the liewiratity law's.
tion, which has been aecepte[i• Corint
also advanced 255. per 100 pounds. As .Saviour breaks t,llaough Lhe heavens at
µ-i19 to force the United Eta Lea filet, to
(Iroaae Iron, this pol•b on Wednesday'
of [(.self, rlml ilial It', will love a very
Ilio St. J'uhn' N. 13., Cit Connell has
Kaneko will suegoacl bim.
Greek$ them _
a result of Ilia war the price of Pur=l- blue seemid advent; equally when 011e
age kora advanced all round a -2c, Par 1)y UiIC death Cltll9 on iia 1D Close One
2c. par
teave Bang Kong, while Lhe effect. of
Portugal's delay 1ltlS hwalt L(J pel'ntt4
)5'aS MR l'ouLl trNy Bigelow, VV'hG goes
[te(•IdPd i.nflueuee Htillalg tat! nations
granted ,Canadliun railway
tine hand required for tile enlarge-
illany are proseht[ng
at. the tfaited States Consulate
gene, +\ brisk demand for
p $ earthly jives: when, midi or without
the Spanish fleet La ralnnin ILL Lke Cape
to enlist in i:he cavalry, Mr. Bigelow
of Europe, which nia;v ult)mau •Il• re-
meat of the grain elevator to one mil-
ELL Athens, seeking enlistment In the
space from the part of 1llontreal con- humadfaae thou i t. of his death or Of
I. B
Urines, and it is slated Lha 1, all the •t•11g aeCllnll fldVPtt. the pl0ddlul,•1 Chl'IN-
Varde Islands. 'thus, specify nBtinn
in the first Paas was harmful to Aln-
sae's the so-called ed p daily (vo drillulll re-
tions repUl't.0(1 daily fratYi ;;pilin 1'f5-
still, in !heir united actions forcing
ti]'ain tq an early i•NlfnquislrnlP.n1'. Of
lion liushels ca,paolty, with conveyors
LO five al;Cattlsllif.I !!(litho,
United states forces.
7.he Vicuna Fretlldnnhla(t says 1.116
a[ltU,w OR t•ha l•BSSCIs tYhlCh 'l1'tit- Initva 'titin is fllitll.I;U;liy Ach117niNl:e i'.Lilg I,he
during the nlanih ur May its w'el'l as Lasks .his Lord has given him,, he is
al'i/,an ill t./1I'OSt sr 1\'tlilN tlelllpe(1 nCi.l0i1
in the second HASH N%,u$ Squally hnrmlui
••nl. noIlab11N opinion wUl'lll InHIl-
pre'e p
+. 1 7 ible task nl CiptU\011-1I1• lJlk!
telt u11oAs its compelling
ICse lifanil',oba &Nerth-western Rail-
torpa(10 miluufa°tory at Plums doglw-
a itll'ge purtirnl qt,' iltf. ,fnn11 aaci .Inly el]1ph(Ltrl'a(Jy blese0d.
LO A111a1'iL`UR inf.t+resls,
tinning. lie adds that they acre limit-
tlllftetl StaLtrs (a chung'e, its course With.
way Compony are seeking to ho raliev-
ed to supply Spain because it had it
space hoe been taken by exporters. Liv -0. Verify :l way onto you. Xon.1;hasis
Attention is e being cantered on
ed in a few largo citim, Madrid, Bar-
respeat. lig Cal.it.
ail of. their Ltn;bllity to the Manitoba
pressing order train Japan.
erpool space has been taken tit Ds; 3d., on emi'howis. Alo shu:ll make )If to ruler
Lhe course of Austria. Her delay in
celaua and Cadiz, and are i11,0e, more
'The Ai turaey-General, when flues -
Goveram0nt, and purpose to blind Over
sufficient' of their Iaall grant to cover
'A lion¢, Kong, ruble sikys the stectia0r.
1 b' the banking >'
Ilsmtrnldn, Char't'010[ y k S
Glfi.3gaw at 3s 9(I„ and London, Belfast, OVO17 all], I114 goods. Many blessed
Avonmouth, tit 3s. 91t. truths eta • without slralnI ire ({g.
aU(l AV , y, U g,
declaring nelit'rallty eauses Ito Ilia-
, •i men venlenae, as Austria. kJls
Iii al n
than a popular Dxpluslon of the min-
tinned nil M nlday, said Ltiat•t. in !Sill
the 1♦tanntri. victory. wits the -. �
^" i1ti0 anit7Ullt Clue- 1110 PrOVlACey
Uomplalnioa, !las gollB to Aallilla to
ip. -- - � - dwell from this versa. No j'll lt. lifulileiss
11[) parts al. w•hiell ,glani.5h H111ps anti
Uri(.y, the eonst.ltu(od Covera"oeat. def-
l:gtdtnnl7lg nt .the end. ri INSY 9UL'11, C1P+•
• I'lalUlltan !loll purchased t4 Pitts fall»
llrtn a't\-RV t11B s70Ci8 theca. Rs {rua;llla
g t
to tl U(l is OYO CI[lOkBd by 111 e11• :totlV ll. Y
t(llce mango, hu( 1S disrjoseA Lbef: Aus-
Cfaials ri•uci nlhers being afraid of hav-
rents must. conv)nNe the Spunish Uov-
ar for 1p3,000, said to lis no bonier than
is uppraheaded,
does not eanAe With earthly Iffe.
trine s1.rmig tendencies ;u'e wit.h
ing i heli 1.q 1111:3 qua tttuned. .
ermnrn.t t•]tat Ike`' lyase it hopeless
Ulla Sold to Gill -b for •2,7EX). ')'till trlLUa-
`1wa society for ttasiSlitllctt
.r--• is ecomictIlL Ill hecI.Van fol' (11a.'ll Of US
DN'.Iag to the dynaaLic ralationa be-
At14t1 'iL l<l
ecin(illning, INIr, Bigelow Nuld:-
inf it
enc, wilt[ it tt•,t6 ]11a llpinitln' 1'11a1. it
action ldlreill'•rn0 t0 prevent tllg pass-
OP 1\'Oltnitl0tl soldiers line donated x,10.
varwrxenrl' toem,iouel' ittit /lavey-ing siv.,- tU do, world is the thiov Uf Irian%
tween ilia thrrutes Uf t Ill
"While crossing Jar, peninsula f. was in
wuutn La n. lunt.i.rr of only a few
Ing of iso urntauant rondwa s k -law
ng p Y Y
tar the
1100 and bits o0gnoil tL subscription for
" ! tri te, training, and the I'acn,li-les and, guar-
7 11.at;: rasaa ,) nu u' , gi r• l 1
f I to hw dove al gd kava
.' mow
intercourse with every glass
lveeks or nupnlh,t W. moat, before Spam
expenditure of $150,000•
Ihe Grand h'roalk alithol•lties hays
of tiding he American and
i]Ie 1)urpo e t g' L
Spanish 11.a(I Cross: Soviti.its•
43'!e§ t will aganstanC
A despn,trtt front 11''ashiagtnu Hays.of
b 11ci(te.r conga klub lu7tiar, higher clinics
Spanil7.rd, Initialling soldiers hound
for Cubn, '1'hrottghout my Chris weeks'
would he arlsious til reopen nogoti,L-
t:l,,ns w'il't lite 1'414 f,•d ;il.ntPs it
decided that all advertisements of. pa-
tent medicinesL • a t.
1 and other nU lo,C mus
Spain according Lo a despatch from
to al,LtrndOn naive agency, has
•-90Varal !war ineasures Warr passedy in the other reitl UL
the Genatl: , on iNnad,ty, (old notwiLli- t,8, J'ItA turd it,', 1T,:6ei'H fa u. aelki or an-
trip 1. was daily st.ruek by t -hr. Absence
of interest. fit'the question tit the hour,
slaw to a rnmphnr eturelidar of her
sovervignty ovor (uNt,
iia cleared nut, of tag railway stations
i.mud oil rtulwav nnnauhcemtnis Sun
lydwgilt the �I.tallkws NtnVlg(L'tfUhl Cam-
- ` g-slightest�
s steamers, -:ell tli, OVione, and R
•.L `?. 11Ut. OIIe of Ulen( tvatlal.ge fel alit, fallgnage. Irv,
Atal )ltl1.11'4$ tlleil` llilpal la nl.f ,
, ne h- lord dolayeth his corning. The evil sell-
them el.luttecl (1)11 dol.aLr o
coukluanding 0(fte'erh Will Thu.4 lee lhl.
abled to Colnuillulealf. lyelb Slabol•flltiaite9.
't,ho poor people ale sick of tile, l Uban
of• care a rat) for Vuha.
war, and dC rt, 1
time tables must adurn Lha wells,
gins miti•gherita, fill- conversion: into
van], tvlta sa.Ld this did not (lure Ln
ably (.lea most im lortalllt measure pass- phrase his d 7tLbt that •ume. tit •
y L t,. lc ( n day the
Washington, D.C., 'Xtty I,-l�or the
']'hero is no evidence of 1110 public. ex-
In view aC the war between Spain
'�,j and! the. United States, and the pass!-
fart' cru{cars,
host ndvfLes learn, :Po'rto::R[toa
The latest
ad b r Ilia. Snntt.f.o vvar I.he amergoney Lord would coma. Even whon t11n ad-
deflcieary bill carrying $35,7P9y Velli: n'a6ing most; delayed elle Judge i0
Arst 1f1110 in the experience of tiny
(truly In actual service the eominand�
aitnmtull which iultru: tl l Germany 011
the novo of war with France, 1 tool
S1.,nil1's • tallurN to ratrr �atyal Aecau
bility of: fnternl7JILl0n1 LO shipping at
r that the excLLemeaL there is In-
0454, bty, Ilawley, chairman of the Mil- at. the dodo'. Seg Jamas 5, 9. Ott Lurd
ing offioers of the United Slates troops
conversation with Senor Cusl:elar T.
red flint the Ilelo:blfea,us will
%Hews 9ttelleeliUy or Woolliness,:'
United ports, Lbe Quebec ,13card
of '.1'rn la kava issued so, circular to the
creasing, and the prices of food, fire' ad-
S t s aro bei, taken Lo lye-
• inmil.kcc 'acnrvd. the rredfct:s rho lwyo rat4L sins of ilia
'Vary r\.mils Ca 11) g
for the (12urrh in littor
Will ,have complete oirliWits for main-
soon cattle to file front and re-elect
Lunelnn bTuy 1. it Charles Dilko,
shipping world oxplaining the Ito
vancfng, ii p 13
vent ilia flight cel refugees. 'There is
passage of a hill providing ngos-ahuse of author-
eivtiHlxurnL of a volunCeer brig,Ldt of [Ly incl corrupt 1[v ng -anal trtteesholh
'ISI ing telep,honlo eonwartiniontion with
L' idoni„
him les
14LI?„ Snid in nn fnfervie.w y'estel)dtty
delay in nrtion by
ragas of QAtoboe harbor,
talks of it revolution at a\1'ayaglYOs•
(;n inetIrs, ntldi at, 1,000 tarn fu the to (hr. ],col. of. u.nhe;iof,
the various brigades, reghnonl.s, etc,,
that. every day's
theSpaniall float is an admission afthov
kl, Abant. fOrty' UaltOtl Status
save in Torunto 'the
? j ll )n'a 1 -General ILL Ant-
:Llhe Iats n C( ,u
' . iln[LIUnt I.cl yetlllw' fPVe1', 49. snfiLa hes 1'011ute SPL'Vll11til it1-
South whnille
tjleLl,• o to nialkg alp div15fOns Ul• t!UTl)A
!ibis tlld
or 110 addled
arrived during
warp, it bi'g dliatnund morcdbant, states
these enlistim,nL4 t.0 be in addition (urates toll those, many ab7sscs Of relit-
at an anuy. For 0ftf0tnls aro
of futl)ocility tvenkness.
last Low drays in cnnsegtlenoo of the
FJhat i;ho business in kis ling, tviLli Che
1:liose trovidnfi for in I:ilt PrrsiilPlll''s ed afna t5hiolt lead men to fatten
iuctobto(1. Ire Claunrnl A. \1', ('+rrely, the
that if rho AlileriOa.ns take'thLk Philip-.
cuthraak of watr, M-0st of t1loW are
United, States Alas boon anCin'ol,y sas,
(..;III for 125,000 volunteers. on the vvenkness Df (heir' folln5vs; the
r•U.+.af signal officer.
Ilgrrmrti ni the \Inaiut natile sun v'Vlxlltls
pina islands an arrangement may be
i':. fr(nn the Embern States, alnd sever-
al are from Boston, lhvy expect t0
ponilad, A glrealt nUlnl101• Of Cl1tt0TA
alavg thus been thrown out of worlt.
---__,,,.,•_,.:-,,,_�, U.I19a1'StpUlaU3 hLnt1C!y-Illllkar'd.hCLllleCrlt-.
pulous poldlu'tat0mlo.ng to this( -less. To
By mCah9 of 11Allr COtY1111U11lCatlOn.
1.itUs affor[led eouralande:ls �tvi,ll be ni'la
Ile 114atd 4►1MI/
A despatch from Roma, ways:-•- .Ills
made for hnntllllg_ 1hBln' OVOr to ilia
Japanese. ;fI's thal%glit that the fears
resold„ Ili l'oront.O. or miler parts at
i 'in
7t is anuaualgod that: the .:LrgenL e
1 ACTUALLY, eat tiled Clriek 5V11h d1Rltllcrl it)f1fC4LLe9
to 1'en(lily' send IIIstt+UatlOUs Cd Aubor_
ifs !!noes fA prostrated by the
of a h 0t,. ilii toast towns
Ottarfo during thiel war,
C. 14", G'ravos, Canadian the
I r, tl of neu-
Ilxalfty will publish a In r e
Wi.tb�laut you told me to gat the the many vices which hove their root
dont. in solf•in(lul]IrnrN: youeg
ciinntea f.n I,bic field stick to receive 1•e-
of movements. C>enaral tiredly
news from Manila.. I%r has expressed
United Bit
of the TJnitnd Ixtutos vwr.re utterly,
agent at
tt VC is. Central 1tn11wnY, has been RP-
.teralit burin t.!ke wax between Spain
y $
and 't11e (Jutted States, hili it a> ease
L p
gown, people
FlusbRnct--•1:OU HRfd iC would gosf', only NOrnnH.mes ,iusLffv ilielnsol.vaa in i.11a
also ams equipped and (las coolly for
his $error of the terrible lags of lift,
f . S wakfn about; t.hg at -
groan Maas 1 i li Si
Anglo -American ill ltnc6, Sir
xiofntod lrmv0llug freight-. nrtd pussung-
certain that the. Clovormnnnt wilt ro-
..,bout: g2G, And Ilam i5 a bill for $100. beginning of such roil, courses by say-
the dross- Ing
service lids Qiold ttlograpbdn outfit,
d repeatedly said that lig rottid wish
sail!. that neither Groat licit••
:ll or agent of. (:ha Groat; Northern :Raft-
serve absoliAe liberty of action in re-
Well, tbat is all it dill asst that no one stiff tire but lhlnnsclves,
to before stain svxih a war,
to have died )e r g
alrn lane tbn Ti'nited , SLatea were !it the
way', with headquarters at Toronto, it
`' fnrm6rl 1 h Ti. DC0Mia1c-
gard to coal.
maker. hot in Ulls+lvorlda we ase sn closely rn-
— — - ]n,Lwd ilial; nil mon inn commit Any sin
!loth the Popo wild Cardinal Ttttm w11n
habil of ranking all'ttnc6s, Ion eon-
rngitian c1d
1 Y y
r5n, spiv of .t1in I..gnd0h, lunglanel, of-
'the sealing steamer Ranges arrived
on 1ladntsday, ut. S,t. JohAs, Nfld.,
Cil.hnut others suffering; indeel f
. Tt Is often more henefiohtl to a man $c d, .ate
She-Lovo ft, like seasickness.
Papal Secretary at State, have refused
to coast any fnterforcnte, dtalar-
eluded by saying tbp; thA ainLmiettt
in the United State$ ought to sit tight
" flee of the Crwit Northern,
with 0,91111 aeruls. II'er crone !lad to 170
rn:n romndl, a blundgy 5vli.heaf: bring-
td namuld flim of something he knowA ng
- '. r ill{(,' glHtl:ta NI11fk1rtng 1't, Aa1nt a111PT
Ito -Why?
'you Dan have it aw+
!fig' than this tttUtiula of the vatloan
Died leave affairs In Llan. hands of the!
r, e'
:; rR1sAl. BRTCAt1V,
11ho stCanloa Troland, :to
kept at, tlw 1iulnlis for thre6 flays to
keep the still) shoat to the atiliin, The
l 5nL'-
Lhall to tell hlnn something, he doasn t 1
know, son, iia who eouslitritly trgtmcis hint-
Fully and yet can"t deslJrlb6 it.
is and of 111s strioli i4 ngittrality,
i mAit said