HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-12, Page 2TELE BRUSSELS POST. ate, 11§ 41-1.4 * tof itt61114** 6 HOW SHE WON. 444,001.4V" • • • • r ***** CHAPTER, V1,-Cont1ntled. senile solemnly," he says, "that I lave never told a single soul" "How do yott know yourself ?'' "whY, blese you, 1guessed at meal I saw you were es nernest aud so mith. drew (tiredly," Colonel Dare smiles a little at the self-satisfied air with which tit 111 im- plied that had Greyer not withdrawn his thence weed have been rill, "Go noW, there's a good fellow 1" he alas/ iendoringly, "If you are seeu it will awaken ;suspicion. If Lady Leigh saw you-" "There ahe is I" exclaims the Hea,then Chineexcitedly, end rushing to tbe wisulow. uhanees ae raises her eyes aml sees hen. "It's te1 up," declares Colonel Dare, "Now, why should ft he?" question- ed alr, Meade drawlingly, withdraw - Jug from the window on she. passes out of sle,ht. "It'll do you all the good in the world to let her know you hence a friend who goes to a deeent tailor, Ste Bidets it los .not a ease, 1 sappose, of 110 followers telowed'7" The caber domu es not answer, t lirle Meade goes on. "13y Jovel aee's a tine woman. 1 don't Nt wider at your not wishing to leave." "I with you'd gal" ejaeulates onel Dare crossly. Seeing that he is really in earnest end his ptetiense thoroughly exhausted, the Honorable Graver Meade departs Ititat a good-natured grin and the un- shaken bend that had he chosen to enter the lists he would eerteinly have been successful. "Dare's a good fellow, bat no mut of a. lady's man," he says to himself, eomplacently, as he walks to the park gates, where u. hired fly is waiting. "Still, he may win the day -for want of a worthier rival." Tee day nas been very hot, getting eooler as the afternoon goes on, and at five o'clock, when the tutor sallies forth, e fresh breeze has sprung UP, and it is so delightful thee he muss- es before reaching the stunmer-house and hares his forehead to it. Little Rollo.. pets out his head and waves him away -the prepay/1110ns are not yet completed. At time moment too, Lady Leigh comes from the house, and Colonel Dare goes back to meet nese "The entertainment Is not ready -we are to eait," be begins, smiling, and feeling a strange pleasure in thus linking 'her name with his. "1 thou,ght I was very punctual; my watele must be wrong," she aaswers, drawing it from her belt. "See -it is five o'clock exactly." C'olunel Dare consults his ana shows it to ber. "I think yours must be wrong: lad- ies' watches generally me, are they not By mine WO are still ten nonutes before the hour." "Wlint a lovely math!" She has sat down on the old rustic seat where once before they sat to- gether in the moonlight, and now etretches out her hand for the hand- some old heirloom which Colauel Dare instantly regrets bringing to Bebe That 11. was bis mother's last gift is kis only reason for mearing anything so remarkable end. so eutabersome. He loosens the shahs. and glees the watch to ber eithotst a word. "I never saw anything so quaint be- fore, Mr, Dare. Did You buy it eloped? 11 looks like foreign workmanship," "I dare grey it rame from Mooed in the first instanee, hut rennet say for certain. lt belonged to an ancestor of mine, I believe." ".621 1.Y:0a:o61" site echoes, in some- what; dreatny suet/nee suareely (taste - me of the rudeness that might be im- plied. "Yes. Even a tutor, you know, has parents and grandparents, thouill he cannot rieveye give theta a name, meth less boast about them," is the bitter reply„ so unlovable a. lover, if lover he ran he called whose feelings are rain closely leeked as a secret within his breast. See berself teeenm to regret nothing: She is leaning back in a low Mungiag their, the of t folds of her rauella gown lying lightly on the ground., and delirate ellna tett-cup in her band, Colonel Dare often thinks of her as he saw ber then' her hanghtinees submerged in the love she bears ber child, her eyes half dim with Lender tears, and on ber lips so sweet a smile that the might be a girl eounneueing life, instead of a. W0/30133 101010 SOrrOW has made unutterably bitter and at sore at heart that at times else lets only one tvish-to end. it. Soma the pretty tea table ts partly aismantled and in disorder. Great raids have been made o8 the glowing llesPs of etrawberries, raspberries, end red and tthite eurrants, while' some of the huge hanthes or cake whieh Rollo had cut, judging other people's appe- tites by las own, bete also disappeared. Tabithe bits been dismissed with her apron full of the AweettnPats the has helped to make, end Colonel Dare, ris- ing from les seta, goes and stands be- side Lady Leigh. "How still 111 18!" ''Too elite An e.venine, like this &Nays gives me a presentiment of ill.' fle looks 1101,11 in some surprise at the slight tremor in bee voiee. "\\ Ian 111 Need teepee 1.0 you here? Yon are away tram the world, and out. er interests must nevessarily be so few." "Yes, I know," she answers, hastily; "but one canna always be reopen- sible for one's foolish thoughts," "No." 'rhe single syllable is said with such tragee emphasis that, she is obliged to laugh, and Rollo, jemping on to her knee to ask her what the joke is, turns the conversation. They linger chatting until it grows dusk, and then go, 1064 111(6 liollo be- hind. 'Together they stroll away to the house in ether silenee, though which a, certain sweetness is stealing. At the door they part, Lady Leigh holding, oat her ha,nd and stalling a gracious fare- well. At thee she repairs to the 11165110(6 - room, and takes up some work - silk handkerchiefs, for Rollo's next birth- day present, widen have been neglect- ed in the afternoon's idleness, and must be finished at an early date. He goes to the iibrary, and looks about through the open windows, tbinIting over the day's events. CHAPTER ern. lastly Leigh tires of her work when one small handkerchief is hemmed, and puts the bandkerchief into a bask- et on the table. A. storm is gathering; already there hare been several vivid fleshes of light- ning and thueder peels, awl, with the natural instinct that prompts nne in all times of possible danger to be near those nne loves, Lady Leigh goes swiftly to the !emery to see with her own eyes if ler son is safe and sleeping, But he is not there. Tabit hais standing at the eindow, end turns round sharply with at) angry relnik-e on her lips for the delinquent as the door opens. Then, when shu sees Lady Leigh her eountenanue falle. "Where is Relict ?" asks his mother, with a gasp in her voice. "Indeed I do not know, my lady; I thought he was witb you -or Mr. Dere,' she adds, quickly, as :mother hope pyesents itself. Lady Leigh does not stop to argue. She is gene liefure Telethe lull give words to the fear that im hawsting her, flying dawn- the breast eels stairs, and bursting into Lee tutors , went eith seant reremosty. "Mr. Dare, where is Rollo?" she exeitecily. seeing- in a moment that he is not there. The tutor is sitting at the tattle writing when elm comes in, and looks up in some bewilderment, Ile eahnot hut be nettled ei, the fact "Is he not in the house?" that she tekes it for granted he is "No." beneath her in every eay, itIthough he "Then 0 will look for ban," would Dot for a moment risk discovery Ile enetehee up les hat; quickly, hub by liaviug it otherwise. same for a, moment at the door. And the rrest is that of your tam "Du nse, be. alarmed," hesays,gent- ile'?" she gam on, uncomfortably, feel- le; ('6(10(111('6(10(111 1 shell fled him. the ing her mistake, bat not liking to make ennuner-houste tlUlte safe'but afrttid it, worse by apologising. to come out, bemuse of t1111 SIO3113,," Deeply oet in the thiek embossed gold, "Only bring him beta 1" she Italie; in detente colored enamels are his "remember, he is my all." querterings and meat, beneath them a "1 eine' lie 0.11851'OrS, 00.1016(1 Ly; end smolt with the haughty motto, "Dere the simple promise; epolcen at such a ellen nee tomer stelpitiollS grow moment becomes eolemn 164 11. VOW. strooger ELS site reads it. The eummer-bouse is steam distance "The naene is the same, eartainly," off, but before he is belt way: there, he answers evasively, slipping the Colonel Dare has guessed the Murat! watch late his poeket. truth. A curling ring of smoke and "The motto ie more fitted for asoka leaping tongues of Mune epeak Meat- ier than a. scholar," she remarks, look- ly enough, and with il, if more were Ing meal:Mangey into his eyes, needed is the stifling smell of burning truet mange is not confined to wood and paint, 00 it Hass alone. Caa you, not itnagine leith a great cry he rushes forward, thee others as well att soldiers aught end hy 1 int time he has reached spot be enling to dare anything to gt,ln v, smell crowd has maliered, consisting their cringe 7" of people Wee tvere peeving down the She (hangee the atthjeut quickly, half road, and have been the first to see divining bis nimaiting, made clemer by tee terid light, the euethasie with whi, b he speaks, "it's only asteunteremune," Nays ene "Yoe had a visitor this Moraine?" with 413 aslant of something 1bat sounds like disappointment. "A friend t" Bat at that moment Colonel Dare pint," be. nnewers mem- reuses into the midst of them, and bis ,edly, and with a humility thee is re- rivet words ranee ethrill of horror to thee overeuted, run tbrough the 11 I le .group. The elear greve eyes lire still look- "('11056 is a eldel insele there, You ing straight into his, and he fe.els us. mu.st nelp ene. to get him eel," honied of the daplicity be is 'martin- As one who Is sccustommt to eolfr. ing on her; but ene Mem leads to an- 1110.6111, 1344 cadent Levet Mena and while other, one falsehood to 'mole dtheit, one nen runs for 0, ladder he sends and he tannot well go back noW, others for wafer buckets, a garden Ile its relieved When Iloilo comes out hose and blankets, to telt them tee ie ready, and ltur- And now a little white fete appears ries them ansa, et a wince -my, in the upper story, and Lord Leigb ern make a, good host the women burst, into tears. end even when he her:ernes a man, it 18 very the men are strangely relent tts the pretty to see bim, new doing the hen- pitiful cry beelike ant: ors of bie iteproMpta feast, his eyes 'blether! Mother!" denying and hie eheeks glowing ns he "Rollo, my darling, I ate here!" runs Iront (me to the other trying to is Lady Leigh herself who bee fol. lempt ll»em with the, reunliee he has lowed, het the answer is mor44 like teseeteal, Tabitha forgete to make the cry ef some tetanal in pain then a tersolf usefel, me busy in 141144 eatehing womaties volee. She staggers forward her yeents 'Master and lietening to les and holds out: her arnatt, ,Prettling talk. "Rollo, come I" It'iN 8(106111)', home -likes erene, the in his horrible frfght the child mother so proud anti happy In her son's might have obeyed her and b0131,3 dash- , delight and the faithful old 8e,rvant ed to pieces on the ground, but his looking P.Y pleased its they. 0111s a thou- tutor interferes with 5 firm voiee. hand plume thee the gri01 old prores- "tiley therm Rollo, my boy; T Ann Or le not more in accoedance with tee rooting to tittle you There IS nO fear; mann; e, thee/lane pitiett that one so / will save You, I Menefee," lovely se Lally Leigh should ohly have Then lie Motions to Tehithes who. is also there, to Come fortverd. " rake your mistress &way," be com- mando sternly, "see only 11110011TS 11111 11001, 011(1 1 Will bring the boy safe to her direvtly," Thee, without tvaltIng to see that. Me orders Are obeyed, he runs beak to help with the ladder and plaee it firm- ly againet tee well. It is the lower part of the home only that le en fire as yet, but through the atege of the lathier, now it is erected, (,be flames dart veld give an appeerenee of greet- er danger than there really is. telionel Dare aseends the huldee quiekly, not heeding, indeed scarcely knowing of the burns he receives et each step. But Mem he has olambered in at the eiedow the real danger begins, tor Rollo obstinately 3'11.E0SON to move. Perheps ite is the effeet of liming lived st ith wealth, only, or perbaps io e thild cowardice is natural at such a tenet hut In any nee it is so, and he sereams with terror when ilia wen:Id-be pre- gerves attempts to maw bun Martini, Threats and gentleness alike are un- meaning, and it is uselees to think of trying to carry a struggling boy down that riekely lacider. teolenel Dare bri atlas all inward prayer, 11011 as theugh in speedy answer to it, tlae al - 11'61t3' smouldering door perste into tt blaze, mad effects weat no mere 46116118 or reasoning could. The child at last realizes what is best, and breaking 10- to a flood of tears, begs his tutor to forgive ham clinging to him as Oaten - &tea. as !torero he had refused to go, and, taking advantage of the change of mood, Colonel Dare takes oft his coat quickly, and wraps it around bine Then he goes to the window. Tbe men 'have been dashing water up inees. or the ladder would never 111ING 111,Sierl so long, and Rollo vine emu - age as he sees tent the flames are less frequent, and not so strong, lie closes his eyes and gives himself up unresistingly to Colonel Ilare's . mere, and in another minute both are safe on the areand, Lady Leigh does not wait for her son to be brought to her, she rushee to him and Hasps him in her mem sob- bing and. laughing hystericelly. But when she tures to look foe the where.tutoi"1he is gone, and 00 000 knowo The men, bowever, itee in good work- ing order now, and require no leader, In aaother ba -l( hour the fire is totally extinguished, and Lady Leigh, mount- ing on a fallen log, senreely noticing the rain that is (gelling down in tor- rents, thanks them all in a few well- chosen words tor the bravery and en- ergy they have displayed, The Men auseer by shouting her name anti weving their taps wildly in the air, eon et tome by her beautiful Mee and sweet voice. Then one, more selatiossessed than the rest, calls for cheers for the young Lord Leigh, so providentially saved from the eruel- est of deaths, and they are given VO- ciferously. Among the people is a tenant of the hero of tha hour, who has instantly recognized his landlord, and is mot Ming that he should remain tenpraised for whe1, he has dune NO promptly and well. ""Ithree cheers for Colonel Dare!" he shoats, lustily, and again a dozen voices take int the cry. Lady Leigh turns to go home, bald- ing her boy tightly by the hand. Her head is in a whir/. Mat me it that she has seen and heerd,or have half of the night's events been imaginctry, the et - feet of excitement caused by the ter- ror of that other hall? (sit &dream, that she has emit1 seen that, look of fierce devotion in the keen eyea teat have been hidden $o long by the dark blue spectacles hefore them? Is it true that; those speetnetles were gone, and with them the long silvery locks, and that for a mo- ment in the weird u,noortain light of a lightning flashi she looked into the faee of 11man who 16/1.5 younger and more noble /coking than the tutor can smely ever haat been? A.nd WELS it 11 mistalce when the men called him Col- onel Dare, or was it the truth reveal- ed at last? ebe grareely realizes what her sue - piteous mean. Everything bas been so wonderful that nothing seems ilia probable, and yet, after all, the solu- tion of ti10 mystery may be a very simple one. The specteeles may have fallen and the long heir been burned away in the fire, lett not even that could thee given it. look of each youth- ful energy to* the tape of an old limn. Or is it a resemblanth only fins some stranger, like, yet unlike the 10011 WhO hes lived in her Louse these last few months, been the one to save her son? "Rollo," she says, ebruotly, "who hrought you out of the fire'?" The little white feta looked up 111 startled surprise, "Mr. Dare," he ahswers, in an awed whisper. Then for the first time th11 nue her notices how weary and wan her boy looks 11 040 that the excitement is ov- er tele N11011101 hint nit a,ntl etaggers on Mei him to the house, reaming to give him up to any one, and ,,'ben they ravel tee nussery, she undrettees him with her own hands end lays hint in hie little cot, liut he does not go to sleep; the events of that night are still too vivid- ly before him. As the tutor had vonjeetured, It was from fear of the storm he hast linger- ed first, and then wben it grew dark and etill, and no oner tame to fetch tem, he Iltui diseovered tt, box of =itch- es, sad, lighting one, WaN striving, boy -like, to einem twilit impromptu light, Suddenly a flame burst out be» hind bee, between him and the dotal he had thrown the lighted math way and it bad fallen apon El heap of shav. Inge wide)] smoldered for a, few min. 11105, 111011 1,ursl 10 1-0 Ilfone, In his un - remelting' terror nte hat( feel uestairs and waited in. agonizing auspenee, not knowing wittch would find hint first - his friends or the ever-eneroaelling flame% 1,3Ving his leer ell over again' in thought, he new lies, fluebed atid silent, starting at every noiee and hardly liettring his motber's voice, as, With gentle lullabies, she tries to sing biro to slumber. 1.1_ dere not -I dere not!" he m01t115, irately to and fro. "My deelieg, there le nothing to dread, 1 will wetelt by yout side n11 Meet." The essurtence does, nob satiOy hint, tfe is woeking himself amens, into 0. Myer, Only every now and then, like a cool touch on his forehead, there falls the settee ot the firto, eneourett- ing tvOrds whiepered itt hie ;sea, Whet) he erre bie tutor were riekieg their t'ar'I(.1'1011 Adr7,"Pglitr0I" e115e3 leet, "Why do you want hint my child?" "If he were here 1 ShOUld not be efraid," :her mistreeses con -marl& Tat+ tial goat at seethe of the tater, min- ing leek f0W 11(111611410 Inter MI (11Sp1(11:1011 frOWIl Mg' f(1,et., "itt ho yeoleitt,lity15,1" asks Indy Leigh. "And why not ?" asks her mistrese, heughtily, indignant nt the disregard of her gammons. "III. said lie W11,8 lying down, awl tetxn(uusehl bhierate.14,11 if your Itelyship would "Did you eve him?" "So, my lady, the door W113 loaced." "Perhaps he is ill." "r don't think It is that. 110 WaN W ki ng up and down." Lady Leigh cures again to ber cella "efr, flare cannot eome,my darling." she says gen( ly, "hut 1 promise you I will not. leave you." And with this at first he tries to be eontent; but by and by 0110 old long- ing threes back stronger than ever, end Ile calls for his tutor so Eminently that, Lady Leigh tem bear it no longer. "Yes, go for lam again," she nee in answer to Tabitha's look of inquiry. But cumin the request is useless, The tutor will not eome, and Tabithaa eves marina with. wrath as elle gives the -answer that is sent,. But Lady Leigh is too anxious to he angry. "I will go myself," she saas. To Be Continued, LEARN' TO COOK. It must be Irankly admitted that wok books, newspaper recipes and cooking wheals now do a great cleat toward teaching any bright girl how to cook, but there are some things that ere best learned in a motber's kitchen tied under ber watehfal eye. Hxperienced cooks know bow ninth delteeds on letving things come out right in the cooking line on something lasides the mere mattex of putting In- gredients together in consistent quan- tities. Every girl should knotv bow to make a fire, to regulate the oven and test its heat, Many a young girl and many a bride attempting heusekeeping for the first time has been sorely tried by not knowing how to .manage the welting stove. Once acaustomed to any good stove, it becomes an easy matter to manage another, and. this surely is quite as impertant as knowing how to 1311X cake oe bread. There are many Jittle things a girl will often fail of knowing wlio is sim- ply self-taught in culinary matters. An older lady was passing through a kitchen recently weeke another, young- er housekeeper, \vas attending to the boiling of a piece of meat. The letter WIlS a good cook, bad been chiefly self-taught, and bad had several years' experience in her own home. The meat was boiling furiously. The older lady expressed a fear that such rapid boiling would. be likely to make the meat tough, whereat the younger one rejoined. tbet she had never heard that before, but being in te hurry to get the meat done aba had put the kettle recta,' over a brisk tire. The event proved. as Mut been feared. The meat wbich should. bave been juiey and ten- der, was neither the 000 nor the other. Every girl would find it a, great ad- vantege to have experience in market- ing, learning to sel.ect fowl and differ- ent cuts ot meat. The appearance ot vegetables will alto erten decide as to their ego and quality. These things Otto)' seein unimportant, but nothing is uaimportant Dim is useful to know, and it adds numb to the confidenue and success in housekeeping, to have in- formed one's sett in till that. pertains to the best furnishings of the dining table, and the best way et preparing and cooking certain dishes. At one time it beeame almost pro- verbine thee men were given to twit- ting or aggravating their yoang wives hy quoting the way their mothers (lid Ibis and tbat, Interring nearly Mways to the teederly remembered dishes of their childhood. We do not hear so nauc.h ot these timeworn remarks now- tadays. In fact, it happens by 00 018(100 infrequently that men deolare the an- nual supper 01 some pet organization searcele tempted them at all, so reach better seemed the nothatorned food et lenne. "The truth Is, your cooking spats uae for all such outside spreads," one men trankly admitted, on being asked at halite why be hacl not remain- ed. 10 /10 expected Feast. There are many phases of laudeble antlatien in the housekeeper's lista, but let the young girls under the mother's clireetion, teste1110 cooking, roaaketing and preparing dainty or substantiel tactile, then see how 01031) than pleased the "poor voracious papa" will be tvith bis daughter's skill. The elegies and colleges menet eight in their pima, but after all there is untold eomfort and cheer netaehing to the attainments that become familiar to the useful maiden who is ctonstructea on the old domestic plan. WEAT SHE WORE. The (moue wouten, Annie S. Peek, who has been noted 0,4 heving settled the Matterhorn and broke the sewed 061 eft. Orizabe, going 8,000 Met into taut cloada, WOr0 flannel undergar- ments, a waist of serge, tvoolen &meaner, knickerbockers and leggays of tinge green duck neves, which Ale made lemselt, elm wore the beatieet kelt) of winter boots, coul a, sheemakee in Switzerhoad put en extra piece of heavy Mather over the whole lower part of the ehoes, thee and beetle, sncl then nearly covered tneM with meta to wane of her trips she has tenth fey - topped gloves, but for the Metterhoen She wort woolen tnittets. A 8111.011811 - tial canvas hat, tied 00 With ribbon, end as tvell as ereeked glasses, coreplete hes waffle She tekee Met thatiee to Pet ecolal meesel on her fact beam Mating the eeeere eveatber, Mies Atlantan tent ene her ago Was V, t alWay0 eaid *at giel wasee up io despair, tio Mite, , AFFAIRS AT THE YUKON, INSPECTOR'S REPORT ON AFFAIRS IN THE KLONDIKE. The Fond 1,1upaty 51444111,1o5 short-succolo. Win as to What WM Itarnban in Julie -Attiericitil. NO Liao, lite Ca 104 of comets 8 tverislue 10 10 VA'410414. T110 GOVer1110011t, has reeeived front Inspector Constantine, superintendent at Mounted. i'olice in the Yukon, a re- port which left Dawson at the end, of eanuary lase on tee conditioe of af- fairs there. He states that the pope- lation of the Yukon capital is from 1,- 000 10 2,000, and adds; -"Tee pelmet - tion bare, being cbiefly Americen, many of them are not disposed to view with favor any restrictions placed upon theta by tee tatliottry laws of the 0040- 11'y, and seme /awe been beard to sity that it wtes high time that the flag, meaning the union :leek, was pulled donee and the Stars and Strives hoist- ed, 1.1.1 itS place, and adcling that it woul(l not take.inuell to do it. At one time there was ealk of incorporating the town, and eemlication was made to me as to the mettne of going, abou.t it. I referred the parties to tbe North- West, ordinances relative to such. nutt - lets, On reading that par11 which stat- es that the applicants meet be leritisla subjects, the book WiLS, closed with the remark, Inlet ends it ;10 that OUSB we cannel: run things, but will have to 9113' taxes; better as it is.' 3 do not mean to say that this Kern. pervades all, but it certainly clout a tkonsitterabie ,ant - ker. .Enstene of eonsidering that. being allowed to hold mining property in this country is 14 privilege, it is 1100" strued into H. right wbich they would like to use to the tamest. It appears to me that lt is high time, in viewer the treatment British suejects receive under similar conditions in elite ellnit- 'ed Steam, that Canada Actual, be for Comminute and that if fereigners are allowed tee same privileges as oue' own citizens they shoul4 have the same restnetions impoeett talon them aa are upon Canedians in the elates. that is that they shouhi become natuxelized." aLUM Tee superintendent has out a very high opinion of the class of people Ivies make un the population, of Dawson. He says a co/widen:Me nurneer 00 the people wining in fan11 the eou.nd cities maces" to be the eweeeings 01 the sl tuns. and the result of a general gaol delivery. Heretofore goods could. Le cathea on the side 9f tee trails, aud they would be perfectly safe; 11054' a man eas te sit On his ceche tvith a shotgun to eesure the *safety of his goods. Caths in putter -the -way places are broken into, and. everything Moan- ed aut. FOOD SWSPLY SCARCE. The stook- of food will be exhausted, the inspector reports, by June 1st. On this subject he .says: -"Fox the past two years we have not been able to seoure sufticient foo,1 for full rations. Especially is tie's .the case tbis year. We have only enough to barely lest tustil the let of .1 11118 011 sheet rations, and a considerable &mount ot our supplies had. to be ptueha.sed outside of the contracting company. The out- look for tile coming summer is most serious, as ao quantity of food can possibly arrive here until nearly the end of July, and even then 1.1 is im- probable, 05 f00(1 will he so scarce at the nsining 00.111518 at Minook meek, Fort Ynkon and Circle City, that the steam- ers will be held un and unloaded at these Points. Word has been received from Captain Itay, of the United States army, who is in charge at Fort Yukon, explaining :the seriousness of affairs there. He 61/10 compelled to take over the company's stores and issue out ra- tion.s. At Cirele "City food is scarcer than it is here. bar. Healy, manager of tibe N. A. T. and T. Ca Isere, whet (re- ceived the letter (rem Captain 13,ay, tele:tits that it is doubtful whether the boate will remelt here witb much cargo on Jamie first trip from St.:Michael. Ties 11301118 that we cannot reasonably hope for nutch relief from the outside ante the letter part et August, New companies,. with new boats on the elver, can hardly relieve the situation, as it is proven the)' boats minuet be built at St. Michael and arrive here with a 10,1 -go the same yea.r. 13y the time the brats ere complete& the elver is so low at; the Yukon flats that oven did they get tlecougb it couldonly be with a light cargo. IvimEims.irsg ACTXON NEED1111), "Relief con only come to us dOwil the river, and 111s necessary that the Gov- ernment should telte immediate action and thip supplies in over the summit, white) mast ee freighted over the fee to the foot or fake Inlarge, Berme built theta, and the provisions broaght clown by the Hest stater, so that we may re- ceive them not later than the let 01 ;tune, when 4)1,11 preeent sawn win he eatithly exeansted." trellt GOLD EXCITEMENT. Of the gold. exeitemente Superinten- dent Constantine speaks in warning tents, but gives scane valeable inform= &Gore He 811)15 11181 "owing tO the great, influx of people this year, the number ejaires leveled has inereased etor- nutesly, Stampeding in different ,It. rectiens 18 almott o1 daily occurrence, 'The number of &aims recorded now exceeds 5000„ led this cloee not ieditette tiny materiat !mimeo of the weelth of the eaantry, es by far the greaterpert of ,thette c1ahne ere Hienply stakea tor speculetive pueposee, and will neves he worke51. Hundreds of oleises will he offere(1 for eale on the outside markets which mill he totelly valueless. and (hit sale of teach will do this coanthy an immettee amount or harm. Only a few of the gotta claims dn the valeable tweelm, 8I11t11 as Eldorado, Menne& and Hunker, will be oftered, told, these, if bought by eapitalists mad worked on a (ergo settle, ilea ender favorable laws, tvoleld, probably prove .good ineeate meats. Otte et the dozens of note (weeks which lime been diseovered, and 1edlecritninetely tanked this year, only tw(1 or thane Me worthy ef mention as probably being goOd. They are JIOtab- ly (SuI3Itu.r anti DoMiniOn creeks, The values of elaime on these two gulches are rapidly inereasing. EXPENtill 010 WORKING. expemes of eorking mines here Ore very greet. Ou team of the ride eat (helm it bas 015( 1010(41 to take the gold me tban its value. This happen - ed on Eldorado and Bonanza creeks last 600111101', 011(10 V good teenagensent, 117 experienced minor& The reportsehieh hale appeared in the papers outside have leen very misleading. Mon 11311) have gene out with a few hundreds are reported to bare ten times set many tboutatels ; (leans fron h 13i0( pans are said. to have been taken, and which wore reported to average from $011 to r to tbe ran. and were computed to contain 611)10,000, did not show any such nichness when the dumps were sluiced, An old miner wbo last winter molted a lay cm one of the richest claims on the Eldorado, and who got es bigh as Pt to teepee, did not make as alecle money as he tvould have done bad be worked for wages at t11.5 per day far the same time. This W110 ow- ing to the lerge amount of waste dirt teat had to be handled to get out the thin, rich pay streak, A oonsideratee number of tamped:ors have tamely left meths, near Circle' City. bare and many 8(010 8147 that; they will leave la the spring and prostate in Alaska. Little or 110 prospeeting for new (Treks is now being 05011e, bat ;stony 01 (1 thing staked withoat being pxospeeted. FAKE CLAMS. "Two or three CO;01.0 of gold to the pan sewn to be quite sufficient to cause 5.5110(13(1(1(0. Men rush off tvith neither piek, shovel Or pan, stake a claim, drop a few colors from their gold saelcs on the ground, end then go to the rerord- ing office and swear that they have discovered on the claim_ staked 111 de- posit of gold. Tbese claims the stakers hope to sell 011 the oatsitle for large fig- ures. "New 'gold fields are now being ex- tensively prospetted end worked in Alaska. They tire eituttled on Minook meek, a tributary of the Yukon, near the lower ramparts. -Last reports from there are that the diggings are good, and far superior to tbe Birth Creek Inspector Coestentine estimates the output oC gold this year at from six to seven million dollars. LITTLE LUCY'S PRAYER. Yes, Lucy was a Illoughtless child, Her atuilie said: "Indeet, too wild," She loved to romp in Inmdows green, Where buttercups, in yellow sheen Would bow unto the daisies wbite, E'er giving Lucy much delight, White gaily chasing butterflies As summer rested in the skies. But Lucya;unt was very stabi- le truth. some called hr en e maid"old So very stiff tied rather grim, She seemed to deam a laugh a sin, AAA everything that Lucy did Was "awful bad; site should be chid," 'This aunt precise would always say, And ne'er bad praise to give away. One day her must had been severe - Too tnuch, in face I somewhat, fear - And as the sun had passed the west, While little birds had sought their nt Her liienntie said, "Now, Lucy, go; It's your bedtime, you should know.' So Lucy to her room retired, And then, its 11 10)' God inspired, She knelt beside her little bed And unto the kind Esther said: "0, plense God bear, I'm bad, they say -- Becoming worse, I'm told each clay; But, oh, if aunt would pleasatt be, Not; always looking cross at me, I think that. I would better grotv, And love her more, I'm sure, I know, Then 0 more quickly would obey What she inight ask et me each dna, 0,0plensed natood.mheeatro,ram1m te41amunastiesanak.ake 11rek So I will better be and meet Dear mamma, ever good toad sweet." lanknmen, the !melte /mead the child, And. to herself she grimly smiled, She said; "More gracious I will be; Perlups the fault lets been with me, Her mother's love she muy have missed, And I the child heve never kissed," Now I will only this meth say; Both better grew each coming day; Her anotie's face became so sweet That Lucy loved Iter aunt to greet. 1)EE1? BREATHING. S. Ciecolina advocates special daily at- tention to deep breathing as a means w.bereby elmost every person ean in- duee a. vast improvemeat in gene:cal health, besides a permanent develop - meta of lung power, The 1nethod re- commended is to breathe from the ab- domen mantel to exhale by the eom- pression of the mutates twerlyinp; the stomach, and to inhale by expansion or Intlation or (,lie etotaitiele The ribs should he motionless during the acts of Inhelaelon and exhalation. The in- helation-through the nose -should. be slow and deep, and the vie is to be held fox a fete seconds, which can be done tater a little preclith, rA., is thee fore - ed into tile eeper chest by centrum leg the &badmen, dame hack into the ab. denten hy exiansion of the stone.* end (Mell)' exhaled rapidly through the mouth, This repiti exhalation bait the effeet of greatly expanding the obese 0.1111 the Nvhole preeess, if practiced, at first for a. few 'ninnies, then gratitiallY longer until it eau be kept tip for an hoer, should be tierenvereci in until it beeetnes second nature, it is quite a potent cure tor nervonentas, even con- sumption, hysteria, and nwity allied pa- thological renditions, Care should be taken that the air bresthed 141 perfect- ly Imre, and if the mitotic% in main - teemed Indoors /he windows of Ole room should bit kept open, 01111 WORD. A. certain 11 repressible bore had it Pcomala tvhich he always used when it was sought to pa /UM off, unit spare the objeele of his ettentions the trou. ble ot on interview with hins. Ilu.t 1,11351116 yoU I Want but one werd with hiln-otly one word! He called onee on a celehrated yer, The lawyers clerk met. hirn very solvently with the renuirk: Why, haven't you heard 1 Itrie B, +lied inst night. Ito had scarcely got. the. weeds cost melee the eppliceet was saying, con- ciliatingly Bat 1 nsintre you. 1 11+11111, hut one WOrd with bini-Only 0115 Ward MAY 13, 13.98 ------- MOUNTED POLICE FORCE, "1 VERY GOOD YE—AR'S WORK OONE BY 71111813 111331 IN 1807. ito.lt to Ilte North $iteeetises Thor 18 Deb -Tee WO laa,, 111.4. 1.141m3101.0i01.- 8/M144,11 11 Or 111V Poreft al Preseat--Tha N umber Ma, I be Inereirned biliedee 16 ▪ Elbelen 1 'Work. The Unpaid report of the Commie. stoner of the North-West Mounted Pce lice for 1807, was brought down in the Dome by the Premier the other day This report. is nf more than usual in Detest, owing to the important part played by the Mounted Pollee in the opening up of the Yukon gold fields. Commissioner flerchraer, epeaking of the work accomplished by else (0100 during the year, lays Stress upon the inapoetance of the new patrol which last, year went as Mr north as Port Resolut eat on Great Slave Lake, in eon - sequence of the reports that a great I fral of poison was being masterfully set out wbich resulted in the dote's°. lion of large numbers of fur -bearing animals at a. distance from the bait which were not recoverea by the hunt- ers, and also that hunters in that northern country were very careless 171 allowing fires to rum, thereby de- stroying large amouets of valuable timber. Hu deseribed the trip made by the patrol, anti the precautions taken for the protection of game and timber from waste by the hunters. epeaking of the patrol, which last September was sent overland from Ed- monten to the Peace River to flea out if It waggon road and cattle trail could be opened up to the Polly River ,Com- missioner Herehnier says that the Norlh-Weet Government having decid- ed to send exenspector Chalmers In eate if possible. A WAGGON ROAD to conneet the sbort portions of the road already misting between Edmon- ton end the Peity itwer, the pollee fter. lambed part of the outfit anti men. The party after two months, reported that a feasible route had beeu found, and the North-West Uovernment Immedi- ately despatched 41 party, under in- spector C'beiniers, 10 001. out the road, awl prepare estimates COI' the neceSt sary bridges, tent it ts expected that this road will Le renal" for use by the end uf the present year. E'ven le a gaud road cannot be got all the way to the Petty River, the road as far as it goes will open tt large trciet og good funnily land, and many very good gold prospects en route, particularly in the Velum River uouncry, where ea- perienee has shown that wheat end oth- er (‚610(118 6110 he raised to the hest ad- vantage, bat which tee extreme dif- ficulty in reaching beretofere stopped many settlers. There is, however, lit- tle doubt but that a rued can be open. ea up through 0, the Petty River, al- though the route may be circuitous, The country between Peace River end Edmonton is oven now dotted with small parties or prospectors, number, ing 11 all sowed huattreds, With the exception of the Almighty Voice trouble in May last, Commission, ex ilerehmer says the Indians have been unusually quiet in all parts of the territory during the past year, encl generally have made great progress. 1.11 the west they beep made a good deal of 1110003', having tound a market tot large ntunbers of hitherto worthless ponies for packing 0101' the vaxious routes to the Yukon. There has also been a great deemed for hay for OSO on tee vonstruotion of the Crow's Nest Pawl Itailivay. In the north fair came and GOOD PRIDES FOR CATTLE, along with good hunting, have made the Indians comparatively independ- ethnet,y, ahnuc,t,einsoolectheittrrgratusaolittitthi:scootunhtaryy, enofidtlittecitistiirailetittletilnaation,setidreenragbtlhe norumittezet foree is given at 580, of whom 80 are in the Yukon district. Speaking on this eubjeet, the Commissioner says: "Ow- ing to th reduction all members of the force 1L'oe0 beee worked to their fullest 0.11 111111 with our reduced s i.111,7n5g,..utili,cunt,he.peena,lles foLralmAenrtitoiar. 1(1181111, distriets, and the Crow's Net Pass Railway 1!. bas betel very diffi- cult to meet all calls without serious 14nnPingnnretf111ninnr- 1oit roperler1%1y, ttaIbs- ence of prairie fires and the good be- havior of the bellow °emitted tot to keepup with the work, but without sufficient drill and proper opportune ties for instruction it me only be ex - pasted that tle force will seriously de. teriorate. Either pollee proteotion must be taken away from the older settled redinulsitinbi.en- innlatTrnialnItyrninnacMtheasneld,t'n' n Intim whT0Imm.dittabrytwoefivinesirroctlionetaiciterelaileStemlaretnh wleiltiontlm te(1885 sheinislni Yukoni by 615)7 ol 1110e torestity as it. eeseribes minutely the trip down the water stretches haat Lake Emmett to Poet Selkirk. tt thie Wavy is to be relied upon thenavies.. tion ot the water stretchet is by no means ma easy matter. The experi- ences of the party, especially on the Hootneingtet and Lewis Rivers, is quite ttufficient to show thet it would be tin 01)801 111:e impossibility for tont steamboat, no ma'am, 11061 5)111111 to go eivir dnotayrnidtshese 11111615 beyond AxPigistarvig ECONOMY. Whet.'s the retesee that Cutterly goes around like a war eloud Ole sleeked Mome thettp tObneco 0130 Shia while his wire Wee away, When she came hone she thought thsrc was ameer gee la the Image, railed a Plumb" er, eget hint explore, and it cost (181.1116'- 17 elle Litelt A. (1111. 61.131. Ilow thn,1 114151' insomnia medielne Wok in your 05,00, 1111.15(11)0' took ciee bottle eXid haven't betel *lett to keep awake two beers at. I" etatthh 8111016,