HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-12, Page 1Vol. 2(,. No 48.
ISG D., 0, 90„ Triu y Uniyoroit: 1#'ellow Trin.
Sty Medical Oolle: ,, Member college of Phy.
aiolaae and Sure+.ne, Ono. Li..entiabe of the
Royal college of hyoloiaue ..nd Licentiate
of Midwifery, dffibm"h, tanelophou°
No,14. Reoidene Mill 8t„Bi•.win IS,
90. D., 0.M., moo nor to Dr. A, MoICelvey,
Licentiate 0f 10' vel College ,of Physicians
and Surgeons Tei estcu ; Meir ler of the 001-
leg6e of Physician • 181111 Snrgeo„s of Ontario,
Diseases of wow( and obildrta a epeelalty,
)!light years' expo mule. K-y'.Mllee and res-
idence that fon :•r1y 000up+od by Dr, 1410•
1Colvey, Turuberr at, oat, Bruusels, 29.
DR. F. H KALR E180H,
1stalaes Boner ,,adnate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity (0, ,nto), Queen's (Eivgetou),
Mid of Trinity M Iola Oollc.le; Yellow of
Trinity Medical a ile ;o and ,comber of the
College of Physic is and Surgeons of Qnter•
io, Yost Gradu, , Oouree in Detroit and
Chicago,1800. l •tial attention paid to dis-
eases of Eye, Da Nose and Throat, and Also
easosof Women, 1 0onoul,atiou in Eng-
lish and German. Telephone tit residence,
• 801001bm 'Jonveya0oirNotaryPub-
Ila, d/a, Ottioe- 'austone'o 'Moak, 1 door
north of Central .tote Solicitor for the
Standard Bank,
New Advertisements.
Looals-G, E. King.
Looals--lbloKay d1 0o.
Shoes -I, 0. Rioharda•
Grooary-J. W. Sarney,
Pasturage -T Moore.
Pasturage -IL Hodder.
House for sale -T, Brndwell.
Ladies' wheel -Tun P021'-
Tnrnip eeod-A, Straohan.
Big Bargains -B. B. Gann.
Slater shoes-Jno. Downing.
Queen's Birthday -G. T. R.
11luaia-Mists Jean MoLauchlin,
Who's yoor tailor -111, 0. Dunked.
Economioai people-Moliinnon cb Co.
is tri:.ct Ectv,
It is suid a ()Met wedding took place at
the manse on Wednesday of this week,
Lath Sabbath Rev. Mr. Forrest, of
Walton, preaohed in the Presbyterian
obnroh here.
The obeese factory wagons aro once
more on their rounds and the pro0peote
ale favorably reported upon.
Our teachers will attend Eaet Huron
Teachers' Convention at Brussela on
Friday and Saturday of this week.
Rev. Jno. Roes, of Brawls, will preach
in Knox church next Sabbath morning.
Rev. Mr. McRae will supply the pulpit of
Melville church, Bruesele,
G. C•P
A .ERON,.Mrs. Wm.ogh and family intend go•
M • (Forme ly of Cameron, 81018 6s ing to Algoma nest week. Mr. Pugh has
Cameron,) Barris or rind Solicitor, Geduld', been i.here for some time.
Ont. 01110e -Hu ,ilteu St„ opposite Col
borne Rotel, Wm. Grayand his dna •ht e0., Jennie,
are going to spend a couple of months in
GP. BL .IR, DA1tRTST +'R Lietowel at Mr. Gray's brothers.
• gone: ,e, &a, (late of Carrow & `Mona Riobmond was visiting at the
Proudfoots 0111;. Godarioh-) Office over Parsonage last week.
0i111oe & Smith's •ank,Br0asels. ;Tee. and Bell Burgess spent Sunday at
Will. Francis'.
Mrs. (Dr.) Toole is spending a oouple
of weeks at her home in Toronto.
B8O0EN IN TIMES PxA�oss.-Mre. Robb.
ti Cook'o C ,hon Boot Compound, Musgrove met with a very painful aced -
at them
oo(-Ieane(em fully nsed monthly by over deuton Wednesday of last week. While
10,000Ladi i. Sale, effeo'aai. Ladies ask she and Mrs. Brinker were coming from
ourdrng� .at for Cook's Colton Root Com- Wingham, a ring of the harness broke,
p nod. Take no ott r as all Mb tures, pills and oauaiu the rig to row into the horse. It
imitations am dar aroma. Prime, N. 1, Weer g
box; No. 0, El deg asstronger, $lper box. No. became unmanageable and the ladies
for 2, mailed en n 9104 of price and two 8-eent ware thrown ont, Mrs. Muegrove having
stamps, The Co >s Compan.•;Windsor, Get, her arm broken in ehree places. She is
slbleDiugg Die in OsnadN ondedbyall doing n'oely, and her may Mende hope
she will soon be able to be around again.
Nos, 1 and 2 sol in Brussels by • Thos. Johuaton and Robt. King, of
G.A. D10AUMAN, Godarioh were in town over Sunda
Drug' E, Looks e11,, S Optician. I Y•
Money bo Los 47
Who Makes -Your Clothes?
High Cla is War and Furnisher in Brussels.
Worsteds, Singes, Cheviots and Fine W000lena,
HATS for boys nd men at popular prices, from 50e to $2 50,
NECKWEAR- 11 the newaet effects in Knote, Darbys, Bowe and Flowing Ends.
SUSPENDERS that will hold you forever.
In foot ever; king that can be found in a Iiret•olass Tailoring and Furnishing
Establishment a a be found hero at prices to suit the times.
E. 0. 3 UNFORD.
..mc,mtm. sv02.mccr
People who wan( -ne hundred oente for every dollar they expoed, people who know
a good .hing when they see it and pay the oash-that's the kind
of people we like to deal with. There is energy
put i•tto this business. Wo aro always •
ou the alert looking for bright
new seasonable goods.
Velvet caps mealy made, trimmed with lath and job, well Hued, 08,25; Silk
wets, corded, vet + stylish and as pretty rte can be, jet ornaments and silk lace
trimming 6375 ; Brocaded silk °epee, very hltndeome, high Dollar, trimmed with
jet and lace, 64.2. .Silk velvet napes, milk lined fancy Trilby collar, 05.50 and 65.75
Ladies' Cato 1 shoes, sp 'sial at 75o. Ladles' Oxford Shoes in blare] orahotolate
61, 61.25, 61,50, 1 00 62.00. Misses' and obildren'0 Oxfords, popular prices, Men's
ahoy in laced Or ailed 01, 11,26, 61.50, 62.25 and 02,75.
1, E ,T MUSDII r
Pretty effect special at 70 a yard. Better lines at 8o, 10o, 120, and 140.
Fine Assort! ant of lace onrtaine. Shirt Waists, newest and most sbylieh, in
the prettiest Mot 458 at 50o, 75e, 61' 01.26, and 61,40.
Cea. OT "II.N.
Our olothing epertment ie one of the busiest these days. Do you, require a
suit before the 24 i of May;? Special lino of blank olay woreted in saogae or body
that, striped from ore, at 010.50, Wo handle Slat•oy's ready.to-heat alothieg--it
hoe no equal.
Millinery ie F lnply booming, Pretty and dainty hate are to be found her in
abundance. Eve a lady buying a hat here gete ono that becomes her and made to
hoc appearance. WE WANT YOUR, TRADE,
'6J1Jrr,l ton.
W.H. KERR, Prop.•
Nit o rtette.
PEnsoOAr,e,-I!', if, Beath, general
011 WWI! CJ!L IES. Mise Minnie Cooper, of Clinton, is re.
David 14IoLaughlia will put ebono Black flies are pledbifu4 agent for the Confederation Life, was in Hewing old friendships in Brussels.
stabling under hie burn this aeaeon, Mrs. Mitohia is on the eiok lint, town on Saturday, -Mies Mary Watson Service in the R, 0. ohuroh nest Bab. M(oe Maggie Meadows, wbo bolds a
J. Newsome, of Brussels, has the
Influenza is bothering (100.0°0 in this lo. (0 a 50886 at Airs. J.bobobie'e.-Fred Analog bath morning. poeibiod (nLondod, Ilea Leen laid up for
contract. Balky. Sent to Chatham on Monday to take a Rev. John Nlcholla, pastor of St. Mark's
the past week from a disabled limb.
t; 1 1ev. D, 13, McRae, of 0rnnbrook,
J. SVrightmnn, Hoar Balgru.ve, is very Doors° in the Business College there.-
Presbyterian church, Montreal, died sod. B. Cochrane went to • Toronto on There.
preached in the Presbyterian ohuroh ill this week. Chas, Smith, of L(etowel, spent Sunday deal day to visit hie mother whose Toe ltln has
(tare last Sabbath. Rev. 1110.. Forrest A heavy rain and thunder storm pose. 1x06 ale the -parental home in town, -B, q' a Presbytery of Maitland will hold been of a very indifferent character for
was at Oranbrook and Ethel. ad 0890 this locality on Tuesday, Leavens and Lloyd Sills spent a day this
its meeting in �Yidgham on Tuesday, soma time.
The interior of the Methodist ohuroh Now is a good time to roll meadow week in Lietowel,=-John Burgess has re. Mn 17th.Robt. W. New, of the Hamilton Sewer
will be re -papered next week. Tbia with land art the ground (e quite solo again, turned from Wingham.-Wm, Match. London 0000 erenoe of the Methodist Pipe do., was in town last week on a
the new roof already on and other (m• A good many are bothered with bad ford h4sxeturned from Galt, -P. Beck, oburob meets at Chatham this year, be -
trip relative to the proposed
provemonte will add greatly to the ap. ooide whioh seem to be hard to shako off, of Harrieton, was in town on Saturday, ginning on June 1st, sewers,
p°areen and comfort. Wm, Hunter and Ira Parker lead the -Elgin Harris, of the Times staff, has g Next Sabbath Rev, ane. Rose B. A.Mrs. Anderson's condition shows little
She theme faot°ry is running with Epworth League at Sunshine on Friday reoovered and Is again at the oae.-Ono and Rev. D. B. Malaita, of Uranbrook, it any improvement. We hope a change
Cheesemaker Green at the helm. A good evening. McKenzie and daughter, returned hone will exohange pulpits, for the better will soon set in.
00ason le expected and the patrons will Kelly 13ros. are putting in a very large from San Francisco last week, after' a Co, Union Convention Sabbath school Ken. Ooueley w111 go to Silver Corners
no doubt bo better whey
than over crop ear Sunshine. They intend Lillian. Pleasant visit friends the 'Coast. -
and Endeavor, at ' ingliam on Tuesday batter 10 acquire
he S. ofe cheese d
on a000unt of the who bail sunt home in tipthis week. Mise MoHerd formed of Win ham, and Wednoeday, Jnne 1st and 22nd, g
this year. Those who have wheat on hand should organieb of the English church, Clinton, Confirmation service b the Biel op of instructor,
gat ib to market soon as it is a gout! price, was presented with as address, prior to Huron will be held in St. John's alto ch Adam Scott ;and wife, of the Huron
il.'atctel. 61,10, at present. her leaving that town. -Mr. Graham, Brussels, on the last Tuesday of June. ' Road, were in ;and
wife, of the ng the
Seeding is about through. Timber a beteg got on the ground for granolithio sidewalk contractor, was in Rev, Mr. Abet' will preach a sermon to funeral of the late Adam Scott,
A large quantity of Fall wheat hue been Mr. Kelly's new barn leo replace Dna de• town on Monday. -Tae. Dalton, mail the pupils of the Sunday school next Dalby Kendall has taken position is
marketed here during the past two weeks. elroyed by fire a few weeks ago. olerk on the L. H. ck B., has moved into Sunday morning in St. John's clmroh, the cabinet department of Councillor
Townebip Clerk Spence and Reeve Miss Ida Bosman is getting along the house owned by II, leavis and rodent- Rev. A. 0. (Mortice, B. D., editor of Leatherdale'e furniture stare and will
Straohan were away to Goderioh this nicely since fine weather set in, Het ly oeanp!00 by Jas. Hunt 00 Patrick the Christian Guardian, has had the learn the the and outs of the business.
tvJohn McAllister concluded an open air ,mg11ny friends are pleased to see her out • day in Londou,Joe,
His pulpit waamilton spent
efilled b Victdegree of iD.n D.e0. ity, conferred o neon him by briofJ. Bieitaw with his Port brotber, Albert, madea
Y Victoria neral Asee Toronto. oto. in
meeting Sunday evening after the ohuroh Samuel Fear, 8th line, was taken ill 6°PP1Y The General Asoombl of the Presby -Brussels this week. Tun PosT had the
corvine was over. last Sunday with pneumonia and is a terian church will commence at Menthe- pleasure of a Dell.
Principal Dobson and Mies Kennedy very slat man. We hope he will soon be
Jame Beattie, (ate of Hensel), tae
will attend the Teachers' Convention at better. CROPS IN ONTARIO, al ou Wednesday, June fth• Rev, 'Mr, moved his household effects from that
Brussels this week, Last week Edmund Brewer disposed Ross, of Brussels will attend.
PWin ham Methodist District meeting village and willbecW e a permanent reel•
Court of Revision on extension to of G00 buehola of Fall wheat to R. Gra- The following is rho fiat estimate of will be held in Teeswater on Wednesday dent of Brussels. om welcome the fem.
No. 2 will be held here on Saber. ham, Brussels, getting 61,01 sod 61.03 the Ontario Department
for 1898 made by and Thursday of next week. Rev. Mr, 10f tolown.
day forenoon of this week. per bushel for two Iota. partment aF Agriculture, Allin and B. Gerry will attend. Thos. Bradwell and wife, of r Brad,
Rev, David Forrest preached in the We are pleased to hear that Mise Shur- basad on the reports of the regular nor• Y • wore in Brawls on Monday. Mr, Brad -
respondents of the Bureau of Industries. Tne rolipions services of the Epworth
Preabytarian obnroh Inst Sabbath and ria, of the 4th line, is somewhat impcov 1 League are now held on Sabbath avenin well came over to vote for .the Frontage
vvice est Sdbbalh a 11. fernoonwill take ehe, Mr. she will slth. Her oop be oonvaleooe tciendm ]tope Th9 returns are for the first week of at the conclusion of the regular ohuroh Bylaw. Their oldest eon, Thomas, has
Pall wheat -Our November re service and ooaupy a half halite. gone t0 Manitoba to try his fortune there.
McRae will preach at Brussels. Wm. Marshall, of the 8th line, who has, porta
Next Sunday evening Rev. Mr, Bali, of been ill for the pact 10 weeks with upped- were to the effect that the area of fall Last Sabbath morning the incumbent Mrs. R. K. RCB has returned from
Atwood, wilt weepy the pulpit of the dioitis, is still verywheat had been increased, especially in in St. John's church preached from the Listowel Where she bas been the
p' poorly Hud his many P y text "Go be merciful to me a sinner." past three weeks, owing to the serious
Methodist ohuroh and will preach an Eda• friends are quite anxious about him, the western part of the Province, and The subject in the evening was "Grieve illness of her father, John n during, We,
national sermon. Wm, McCall 7th line, has some line that there would have been still more but g
An interesting discourse was delivered lambs (n hie Uoelt th(e Spring. He weigh- for the delay caused to seeding by the not the Spirit.' regret to learn his condition ie so very
by Rev. J. L. Stewart last Sabbath even. ed one and found it to scale 19drouth of September and the earlyLast week the new officers of Brussels low that his death any time would be no
in in the Methodist obnroh on 'Read- when oni a da or eo old. The pounds
eeof o P ponente corps Salvation Army, arrived. They surprise.
g ' y y y of Au bob d °rte from a effe are Capt. Coy, of Hsspeler, and Lieut. Mre, W. Calbi°k, of New Westminister,
ing." IG should do good. the Leicester breed, just to baud are to the effect that in
There was a heavy hail storm here onQuite a number from Morrie township most oases the crop came out in the Baird, who has been trombone player in B. C„ formerly of Brussels, is spending a
spring in about the same oondition as it the Marine Band for some months. The Summer visit withher mother, Mrs. Rat -
Wednesday aftern000. Panes of glees attended the funeral of the late Adam
were oreeked in the school house and Scott, formerly of the 4th line, wbo diad entered in the winter. There was some new officers ars gentlemen. eliffe, e0.., at Donegal, Perth Go., and
grana and amps out down in some places. in Brussels last Friday morning, The mention of a little heaving, of smother- Alfred Day, the popular Provincial other friends and relatives in Coterie.
The next meeting of the township interment waa made at Sunshine. ing and of slight injury by the frost, but Sabbath School Field Seoretary, has con. She is a000mpanied by her grandson,
council will be held here on, Thursday, Farmers are now busy getting the root these were exceptional. Little harm seated t° attend the Dootriot Oouvention Arthur Rogers, of the same place.
26811. Court of Revision for assessment land in shape. A good many are getting appears to have been done by insects, to be held in Brussels on Monday, May Mrs. Anderson Currie, nee Miso Mabel
roll will be held at 10 a, m. on the same the mnugoid0 sowed this week ; potato wire worm being reported in a few oases. 80th. Mr. Day will speak at both after• Smith, of Field, B. 0., is here on a visit
day pla08(05 comes next along the line and Thefirsb two weeks of April were far from noon and evening sessions. The programs to her parents, Walter Smith and wife,
]set but not (oast turnips, favorable for the arop, and although rains will be distributed next week. Albert street. It is nanny 5 years since
Circa". Loa Bamcoo:--While getting into later helped the plant it is hardly in as Among St, John's chnroh workers who Mrs. Currie went Nest. She is in poor
Mise Mary Ban, of Listowel, ie visiting Frank Garniee'` buggy ,Maggie Scott, 8 forward a condition as usual. Where attended the Convention at Wingham on health but we hope the Ontario atmos -
old friends on the and con. years old, got her leg broken. In climb- WWII early en summer fallow fall wheat Tuesday and Wednesday were Rev. and phere will invigorate her. Walter and
Mg up p over the wheel, her foot slipped has Hover been more promising, but Mrs. Abet', Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Thos. John Williamson, 10 and 6 genre of age,
Mr. Smith, of Monkton, took the sem- g I
viae ab Bethel last Sabbath evening. in between the npokes. This frightened many fields were hastily prepared owing Kelly, Mrs. Harry Jamas, Misses Tuck, respectively, aoo°mpan(ed Dirs. Currie.
Mrs, Hugh Patrick le visiting her
to the rise in the Maud Bryan, May Kelly, W. F. and and will spend a few months here with
the a girl
which bounded ahead. The 00.10( of wheat, and this Mrs. Vanstone and Robt. Morrison. It
mother, Mrs. Jno, Liviegssou, 10th y con. little girl lues thrown round with one with the droiven prevaling at the Gime of w779 reported to be a very interesting and their grandparents.
Township Court of Revision on Thura- revolution of the wheel before the horse the seeding, gives the fields a patchy and
day, 26th inst., at 10 a. m. at the Town- could be stopped. It resulted in, feather. weak look in many quarters. In several successful meeting.
of the western and central counties At the Quarterly Offioial Board of ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS.
stip Hall, Ethel. ing her limb and otherwise bruising her, Wingham Methodieb (Mural' a desire was
Henry, son of Alexander Stewart, 8th The Oliuton New Bra says: -John Mc• some ploughing up has been done, but
oon., is on the sick list with the mumps. Clnekey, of GOderich township, was a not to any aoasiderabla extent. The expressed 00 behalf of the Doe return foran .Board ,bo year. MPASSED
o.sa hE vEn TO TUE MasonfTr.-Dr.
We hope he will soon be better.
Dollar at this office on Tuesday ; Mr. Mo. present acreage of the Drop, therefore, Y g on received a telegram last
Mrs. Robt. Scott, of Preston, Who was Olueliey'e daughter left that day for may be set down as quite up to the aver- The reverend gentleman deoidad to Dom- Monday from Stratford stating the sad
visiting her mother and otter friends o° Hawaii, and he atoompanied her on the age, and the average condition in the ply with the request, but on amount of news of the demise on that day of Mrs.
the 14th Don„ returned to her tome last train as fur as Clinton. Mr- MoO1uskey firer week of May as "fair." The out- the extra work involved and advancing A. Milburn, nee Minnie L. Brett, of Sea-
week.is one of the old settlers bf Huron, having come of the Drop, of course, depends age
o ores to be relieved of the Die- forth, sister to Mrs. MDNaughton. A
John, son of Henry Woods, ie not mak• lived where he is for 40 years and being upon weather of the next six weeks. p• week or so ago Mrs. Milburn gave
fug as rapid progress as his many friends a resident of Morrie before that time, and Clover -The pro0peots for clover, as Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., preaohed a birth to a daughter. The interment was
would wteb but we hops to ens rim felly is one of the comparatively few residents correspondents wrote, were most favor• roe cial onsee toomraahr last Sabbath morning in made in the family plot at St. Thomas
Egan's, 17th con„ new frame of Godarioh township who always votes chief Some heaving by frosts-occurringtfApril-is
pplie e- Lord's Day Alliance on "Theest of e eels last Summer. She was Mrs. Milburn ted in beloved by
on the Liberal aide. rns-
chiefly in the early part of A r
ported in nearly every district, but nob Genlses 2, 2.3. The three points dwealt all who knew her and very general regret
residence, erected tele Spring, is oom. GOOD Roos' MHETINO.-A good roads'
plated and it looks as if the housekeeper meeting in the interests of the citizens of to so great au extent as to be considered Diviaeon wIre .-6i,) The • SA b Blonefioint husband was a will be felt
and over
tihree early
tvtll come next. Duncan MoLauolilin has Bold a fine u6b will
l be
Waw anInd, sty hall, Blyth, rrie and Hal- eports descrwhileibe clover as lookinon the other g splen- Institution ; (3) A permanent Institu• Tuesday's Stratford Herald says :-The
lett will be told in Industry reports tion. God fs Light, was the evening your wife of A. Milburn, Downie street,
heavy draught mare to Philip Ameat, of on Thursday evening, titay 26th. The did, especially in the case of new fields, g g g
Brussels, for the sum of 46116.00 to meta meeting will be addressed by A. W. Reports from St. Lawrence and Ottawa topic, based on tet John 1 and 5, died yesterday at noon at the early age
8 team for tie mill yard. Campbell, C. E„ prdvinoial road oommie• counties are parbioularly good. Aleike evening the topic was "Liberty," "Ye of 82 years. Deceased was a daughter of
sioner, and ever eib(on of muniai all- did not stand the. winter ae well as red shall know the Truth and the Truth R. N. Brett, of Seaforth, and was born in
Alex. Maliaq, 15th oon,, who has been floe mentioned above should make t a clover, shall make you free." The main divis- Egmoudville, With her husband she
quite poorly for the past six months, is ions were:- 1 Thio ]item
slightly improved in health. We hope Point to be present at that meeting and Vegetation - Correspondents differ O y begins with- came to this place three years ago, and
he will soon be oonvaleaoe b. hear bow to make and maintain Chea per greatly in their opinions as to the con-
dition in ; (2) It is liberty in fact not theory ; has resided tare since. About three
and hatter roads. of ve station, some covsiderin (8) It is liberty through the Truth. As weeks ago she was confined, and unto.
in oonneotiou with the 151gedrninnonxtbe growth as being well advancedfor the au illustration of his subject Mr. Allis ward elfeote having developed, she Bank
dVill3ttam. time of year and fullmany dealt extensively with "Spain, both past until the end came. A sorrowing bus.
1Gth and 17th cone. Tiers will be a a as rather and resent and denounced their unwill- band and 8 small ohildren, one three
large number of appeals against the as. Tho Council las decided to purchase a regarding the season as being ratter inguens to step into the light and liberty weeks of age, 0008180 to mourn her un.
tenement. staeet watering Garb, backward. L3 most Nations there was
g a fair bite for cattle at the beginning of rte Trutt, timely end. Her father and mother and
Thos. McFarlane, let Don., is very low Wm. Moors went to Lnoknow ou Mon• g g "When thou vowest a vow fail nob to several brothers and eisters live in Sea- .,
at present with an attack of pleurisy. day to look after a contract for felt roof- May, and early f. the were coming pay it" was Rev. Mr, Allin's text last forth. The funeral will take lace to.
He is over 80 years of age so he takes the ing,of nicely into bloom. In the eastern part Sabbath morning in the Methodist morrow morning at 9:80 o'clock, in time
attnok ver hard. We wish him a speedy Strawberries made their first appear• m the advancenced
the in the
was relatively ohuroh. He called attention to the VOWS to catch the 10 o'olook train for St.
Y P y more advanced than in tea west.
recovery, sum for the season in town on Saturday Live stook -The majority of our childhood ; those made in times of Thomas, where interment will take loos.
By the sound of things there seemed to lash, j y of the re• trouble and eioknese ; and vows of meter. Rev. A. X. Birks will conduct the services
be a small herd of (Attie 0n the 16th the Revs. exchanged
, of Blyth, and Perri°,of Porta concerning livehstock are ofse as int help. The following reasons were at the house.
other night. A few of them seemed to Wingham exchanged pul 1t work last most snare i �ry a °audti Horses as
havebellson but the salves appeared to Sabbath. P a rule are id fine aoud(tion, although iven Why we etould fulfil our vows :-
Goxoio WIouo,ro ,-Tie following
oases of distemper occurred Isere and f1) It is a promise to God ; (2) God's from the Milverton correspondent of the
lied k too oold to lie out so they soon Wingtaen Baseball team play their first there Cattle are also reported. to be in promises are oonditional ; (8) Because it Stratford Herald, refers to former rest -
game for shelter., game this season with Kincardine in that is tetter to pay as you go ; (4) It is an
TheBetb°i Longue is doing well. It town on Fr{day, good health, bub looking thinner than the dents of Ws place, and will be read with
will a°mpleta m epeeist' course of study Juo. Walsh, employee o£ the Union abundance of fodder would warrant. expression of honest conviotiou. In the interest :-"Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fear
on "The history of the Isaelltes," pun factory, has had hie house veneered and plac'lues, but not to a serious extent. Shoop law Waa reported in one or two on their golden wedding on
eeod for the, past six months, next weep. fitted with eavh•6roughe, places, Thursday, April 27th, at their home on
Rev, Mr. Stewart has had charge and has Throe carloads of cattle wore !shipped came through tho winter in capital shape, People We Talk About. William etresb of this village. M. Fear
thaw much to add to the interest and on Monday ; one car of export cattle to and lambs aro many and strong. A few wa0 born in Northamptonshire, England,
profit of it. Montreal, one carload to Toronto and a cases of tog cholera mouthed in some Misa Lizzie Leatberdale is book from in 1826, Dame to Canada in 1984 and
The following arc the totals of the As- carload to London. western naoloous, but the disease was Seaforth. settled in Guelph. In 1874 he moved on
sesementp Roll et Grey,
807,376 ; for the year
189 al Eastern Amusement t Bare aentiug the toonlcswinestamit818 describeped out, d as beinith g in flue Druggist Fox and wife Sundayed in follow narm n year married Mieo oolwich Jane in
re-Reel property, , p au of New y Wroxeter.
property, 66,000 ; population, 8,474 ; York, was in town on Monday looking condition. Hogs are now ohiefiy sold J. D, Ronald W0. in Toronto this week They lived and prospered in their new
births, 55 ; deaths, iG ; clogs, 416 ; eat. after a prospeativo engagement, when weighing* from 160 to 180 pounds. on a beabnos trip, home until 21 years ago, when through
tie, 7889 ; sheep, 2,460 ; doge,
2,781 ; J. Stymie returned on Friday from The supply of fodder was plentiful, and S. Burk and wife Suudayed with failing health he sold out and removed to
horses, 1890. Toronto, He reports his horse, Spring. there is an Hoe o£ straw.in Brussels. They afterwards took ap a
A barn raising took place at the farm bok, now in training for the Qees 1)0.001 supplies-Therehaeery sec to be 0 fr(eMi es LizziefiSample and the Misses home in Goderioh, and three years ago
01 lir, McLean, 1Gth con„ on Wednesday Plato races, in the best of oo0dition. surplus of hay in nearly every sea6(ou of Miss
Sundayed in Agwood. removed to Milverton, Their happy
of this week, The oapbnine were Louis A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, Secretary of the Province, but more especially in the Dd. Paulin and wife, of Wingham, union was blessed with a family of 0eve1
Stelae and John McNabb the former Huron County 0. E. Union, was fu Wing: of the Drop is not of good were visiting at Jae. Foe's this week, ohibdreo, the fourth dying at the age of
winning. Barn is 86x42 feet with otabl- ham on Friday making arrang°mento for faiality, although, of course, there tea Mrs, (Dr McNaughton ie visiting at seven years. The eldest, Samuel, is on
ing underneath, Mr. McLean is a framer the aonvenbion to be hold here in June. lead, amonnk of first doss hay yet to be S(aforth, a farm in Morris townebtp,aear Brussels;
and 10 do(ug the work. J. 0. 71immino, a former resident of Owing to file largo quautttY avail. M108 fiagglo McLean, of Hensall, is Rev. D. A. fear: pastor of the 'Netto.
Fire broke out in the building occupied Wiugbam, las removed from Aye to able for sale prtcos were low all last the guest of Mies Maggie Beattie, Bras- diet ohuroh here ; John, a miner in 13. C.;
by W. H. Cash's photo gallery, Lnoknow,
Toronto. He was in Wingham and Blue -
Reports regarding oats vary aeing Wesley, dentist of Aylmer ; I. 7., thug.
ono night reoently, and as a ooneegoenee vale this week 1001c(ng after his interests for while many othat that there 10 a 0• P. R. Engineer W, R. Stratton re• gist, of Seoforth, and G. A., drnggiei, of
the office and fixtures of our former in this vicinity. sonrmty, otters hold that there is still a tnrn°d to Sohrieber on Thursday of tele New York. Three of their 60de and Mrn.
resident were ooneiderably damaged. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. good supply mart. Oats were fed more week. Howard, sister of Mrs. Pear, Were present'
The Sentinel Says the loss 08 fully cover- will be held at the residence of Mrs. Wm, freely than usual during the Winter, mid Mr, and Mre. Wa1k01', of Wawanosh, to pay their oomphmente on the cue-
ad by insurance, but Mr, coat must be ab Button on Tuesday evening Hast, were gftlarketed moon es uentlyo theleuttts were visiting Jas. Walker and family in
di Her had beenAims artatlenrprepared ue
a great deal of inoonvenienae. Spsoial invitation is extended to all 0 Y wa Brussels this weak, P of, P P
Last Sunday Bnberb Blair and wife gentlemen who 1100 honorrr members liaudly as tniioh as usual in the boucle of Jno. Ballant Ballantyne, f (n Mrs, (Rev.) Fear's beret style, the aged
drove over to vi0it James Oalolough and and their wives• Y the farmers at rho beginning of May. Y , o eek ibh state ' eau le were made the reo(10010 o£ the
"Dollar wheat" oreatod an motive market, on the Wok list fere woek With an attack following valuable preent0 by their du6(-
wife, Bne line, 1} miles from Clinton. T. Crow, of Culross, leas again secured of mumps,
About 6;80 a. m, Monday fire was die. the contrast toe drawing the °roam to fund during the last mouth an immense Mie Maggi MnNan�hton was viaitiug fel family 0 -Gold wal8lt, gold ring,
aavered in the barn and on investigation Whitoehttech creamery and will place J quantity has ohauged halide. It looks old friends in Wid ham Burin the est silver teaspoon toldet, silver salt sat, and
the straw in on of the mows was found toeing upon the road. The wagons and self nearly all the Drop hoe been dlepoaocl the are oecasienally spoken of MS haViug from are visitieg the Mime Scott, Frederick
welt. g,4 g P Life and Work of the Rt. Hon. W. E,
to be burner B the aid of aboard cans have had a thorough overhauliva, of in some quarters, albhonglt farntore lath. Andrew SAntt, wife and (diadems.Gladetouo. Mr, Fear replied for him.
g• pails' y _
and seems of teeter the lin) Was POur nobir 80 gallon oftne have Self and aged partner with feelinge of
deepest emotion, wishing that his family
got out but not berme 10 o'aleck. In this mired and a full outfit Of Dream been
-ails. fifty to a few hundred bushels of wheat Street.
time 4 feet of straw had been burned One um 1 08 fol box lined with tin, with ready fora further rise in pike. Store Mrs, T. T. Rose, who was quite ill art might go onto the end; keeping ever in
timing!' down to the floor. It was a reeepteal0 for ice in the centre, ,lune suet cattle aro said to be warm than Usual of last week is able to be u $ view Ehe example sot to the , Mr.. Mr,
marvel that the build{ing woe saved Don- loon fitted u for Mr, Brow bybut m abuts plans !equal to the demand.' bd t again. Fear ie a eon of the late Rev, Mr. Fear,
p J. Dafliold Complaints are made of the loco trice for The tropble et Witb her heart, who a few months ago died in Guel h ab.
sidering the eieononstanoes. The lire is ea Son. This box le a device to, prevent beef,especially1 Mrs. Walter Jackson drrjved b°me last tlagey g
euppoeed to have been the work of a the recurrence of an accident similar to when offered for fat ant Friday after an extended visit of 6 or: ? }a 01 over 00 years. Mt. Dear, 1{ke
tramp who was seen ill that locality on what occurred last year, when by an tiro. mals, and many of tine class of 1(01111(810 mOntlne with ter dun Utars in Newmarket Ills fatter, is, and alwiyy0 las bear a
Sunday (evening and lttonday morning, Mrtntna ° spill of cream, Mr, Crow lost n0.° being kept fcr n bettor figure fn some and Toronto. g devoted member of Ube Metbodistdontipt.
Mr, Cotdlb coo' only had 0250 laont 01005. over 61) worth of nremm, The £odor °£ the western ooutttiha, attd0ous(quoatly J, $, MoNaa hton D. D WO cordially sane tnlate the aged steeple
Tris gentleman was a former re'eident of commences the season with good prosy
a aharather
a edsitodo btttie hancla filo bastf trtod in Now g '°0.k date Sin bend lal n the
lmtheftnn0lr by pleat
this Ideality, ,170060. r Pueblo whore he wont from BraOaolg,Wedding, p y , y t0. g
00.11 ecunitic0 fat aattl0 are gelato. Good look 80 yen T, Ht pond to enjoy emir ntlier a 0ooiety,