HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-6, Page 88 TELE BRUSSELS POST HELLEBORE! We have a fresh supply of Hellebore for the preservation of your ourrant and g000eberryy Welles Iron) the ravages of the Currant Woriu. We have Paris Green i preferred. Ilavo some ready. Tandem lhoyole. A Ladyaud Gent's Tandem Dither for sale or to runt. Oen give you high grade wheel, either Ladies' or Gent's, guaranteed for Elle season, for $45. We handle the Cresoents, ,the best value In the country. A Second hand lady's wheel used but little, for $06, A Great Battle, A great naval battle between Spain and the U. S. is expected any day, We keep the daily papers giving the latest war news. Wall Papers. A large stook from which to select, with edge trimmed ready to hang. We do this with oar new Wall Paper Trim. mer. G. A. Deadman, Druggist, Optician & Bookseller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 501:111:ER2 B)11828IO2 w. 0. & n. Trains leave Bruesele Station, North and South, as follows; Gomm Sours. GOING Nouma, Sxureoe 7:18 a.m. I Mail 2:10 p,m Wised... ...... O:45 a.m. I Express ......10:01 p•m )a.ca1 Beim Items. A ohiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. RHOOARB, Coot weather. Tame fishing. SriuwnEaoms are blossoming. Mumma Sohool Booed on Friday even- ing of next week. INTERNAL improvements are being made at the Central Hotel. BnuesEte merchants, furniture stores, grocers, &o., now close at 7 p, m. except. ing Saturday evenings. Llamas' Institute in Braesels oh Friday and Saturday of next week. Dr. MoLe)lan will be one of the speakers. THE grocery of J. Kerney, now Ionated in the Graham block will take up its quarters in W. F, Stewart's eters shortly. PosTtfABTEa FARROW is laving the kitchen of his residence veneered with brink. Messrs. Pugh & McNeil have the contract. A. oaa of cattle Was shipped from Brus- sels on Monday by Messrs. Clegg & Dames. Messrs. Scott & Jones forwarded 2 oars the same day. NEXT Monday's By-law does not Dom• mib the town to building granolithio walks unless the people afterward peti- tion the oouuoil to have it done. Quirt a number of pupils of Brnasels Public eohool will write at the coming Entrance examination. The mumps and other prevalent aflmente have kept a good many out of eobool lately. THE Portage-la•Prairie Review is to hand this week. One of the proprietors is John Cornyn, late of the Wingham Advanoe. The Review is a newsy sheet and we wish it continued prosperity. Wei. B. BALtANT1xt, proprietor of the Emerson Journal, beat a gentleman oat in a libel suit over a c0mmanioation which appeared relative to a church squabble. The editor is a son of Thos. Ballantyne, Brussels. A. 0. U. W. this (Friday) evening. National program will be given consisting of addressee on England, by Master Workman Farrow ; Ireland, by Overseer MoOracken : Scotland, by Rev. John Ross, Br A., and Canada, by Rev. S. J. Allis. Vocal and instrumental ramie will also be rendered. ARao0 DAs.—Friday, May 6th, will be observed as Arbor day in the rural schools. Wherever practioable it ie ex. petted that shade and ornamental trees will be planted about the grounds. In some seotione the eobool grouade are quite bare of trees and sbrnbbery of any kind, and it ie the intention of the Government that advantage should be taken of Arbor day to ornament such grounds. Dien.—A telegram was received by Mrs. J, G. Skene last Monday announcing the Bad news of the deoease of bar brother. in•law, M. Cunningham, at his home, Streeteville, Deceased had been ill for it short time. He leaves a widow, one eon, (John) and two daughters, (Misses Jennie and Lizzie), The funeral took plane on Wednesday. Mrs. Skene attended. The sympathy of a large circle of friende is extended to them an the lose of husband and father, Mr. Cunningham was highly esteemed and his decease will be greatly regretted. 3-Linanns AT Weammen.—Last Mon. day evening members of Western Star Lodge, Brussels to the number of 27, drove over to Wroxeter to visit their brethren in that village. The Degree Team went along and introduced four candidates into the mysteries of Odd Fellowship, About 12 o'clock the visit. ore were treated to a eupper at White's hotel, and about 2 or 8 o'clock they ar- rived home. It was rather a disagreeable evening for the j:erney, but Brussels 011 b'eilowe don't mind a little thing like that as they are eomewhat seasoned to it. A BEATER TEsx,—The Clinton "New Era" speaks a8 followe of a test of the boater for their fire engine put on by the Ronald Werke, of Brussels :—The under. writers wrote to the clerk flaying that if the beater used to keep the water in the fire engine warm, was euffioient to en• able the engine to make 100 pounds of steam in five minutes, horn the time the engine was ran out, that the heater would be eatlefaotoeyto the requirements. On Monday night a test was made. One person timing it found a record of 75 pounds Of steam in five minutes, while another found 105 pounds in 51s• minutes. The chief engineer, however, thinks the tett was not a fair one. ale contends that if the engine had started to throw water when it had 25 pounds of steam on that the additional draft would have run the steam tip mOot, geleifly, Vernon on the sewer and sidewalk By law Wee plea in Braesels next Monday from le to 5 o'olaok, Walt °Repenter gang of the 0. T, 11, has been at warts this week re•shinglmg the station and freight house, TBI: removal of A. Monig will name matte a now oleetion at thetollool Board Mr, Romig made a Aret,olass'Trostee. Una atone foundation of the new roe! dente for the Misses Kelly is completed and the superstructure will soon be in place now. Feu Rome time past complaints have beau made of doge prowliug itb0ut at night and ooaasioually °hosing sheep. The surest way 0f outing this bed habit is to introduce the canines to some lead. Tae dump ground is located on the farm of John Braadfoot, West of the corporation, No one has permission to deposit refuse from their yards or pram. fees on any beck street or river bank, and people found doing this will have the job of moving it to the proper place, A MUM quantity of wheat has been marketed at Brussels during the past week, and at times 8 or 10 teams might be counted at the storehouses waiting to unload. No one having wheat to sell should run the risk of bolding when the price reaalaes 21,00 per bushel. EAST Iluron License Commissioners met at the Queen's Hotel last Monday, Present, Thos. Gibson, Geo. Fortune, Geo. Hardie and Inspector Miller, The new hotel licenees were signed, and state - manta Nos. three and four, ()losing up last year's business, and Nos, 1 and 2 dealing with this year's work were com• pleted. Board adjourned to meet at call Of Inspector 47i Oenrs eon a Hones.—Tse horse market is looking up but now and then people get a snap even in the bores line. This was the lot of N. F. Gerry and J. T. Ross this week as they held the lucky' drawing ticket for Dr. Kalbfleisoh'e light bay driver and they got it for 47a cents, this being the number of their ticket at a Dent for each figure. What the boys in. tends doing with their steed is not yet known but they don't stand a obance of losing a great deal and will probably rake iu an X or two apiece. TEE Aua5Ic,N,—Ooancillor Leather - dale for A. Koenig, and Mgr. Tobin, of Stratford, for Jno. Ameat, valuated the furniture, &a„ in the American Hotel, and in this way completed the transfer of the business to the latter last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Koenig took nothing out of the house except the piano, the bedding of their own room and elothing. Mr. Anent is well known to everybody in this looality and consequently requires no introduction. He le a good basinese man and will no doubt leave nothing un- done to retain and 10008208 the trade at this popular hostlery. A Bummer, Booz—Printed in blue and gold on creamy white paper, the cover of bbe beautiful little book lust published by the North American Life Assuranoe Company, and its artistically illustrated letterpress contents, oornpris• ing the annual report, as well as other interesting matter in regard to this suo• easeful Canadian financial institution, constitute one of the moat creditable pro- daotions of the press we have seen for some Lime. The 000asion of this floe piens of printing is the completion of improvements to the hietotio building, erected by the United Empire Club in Toronto, and afterwards 000upied by the Canadian Pacific Railway, now the home office of bho North Ainerioan Life. It is said bo be one of the meet admirable for its purpose in this oountry. An illus- trated descriptive article about the build. ing and its appointments, written by '- Howard Annear is included in the book. Betimes Pusruo LloaARY.—The an - anal meeting of Brussels Public Library was held last Monday afternoon, Presi• dent Cameron in the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and approved, The Auditors' report was read which showed the receipts for the past year to be $276,• 58 and the expenditure $182.32, leaving a balance of $94,26. Report was accepted and adopted, It was decided to have the Library open during the Summer months, commencing with Jane, from 4 to 6 p. m. each day excepting Tuesdays and Saturdays and on those days from 2 to 5 and from 7 to 9:30 p, m, $20,00 was ordered to be paid on rent amount. Di- rectorswerechosen es follows :—J. B. Cameron, Jas. Fox, Dr. Davidson, W. H. Kerr, Rev. G. J. Abey, G. F. Blair, A. Cowley, Rev. 8. J. Algin and W. J. Stewart. Mr, Cameron was re•eleoted President and Mr. Fox appointed Seo.- Treas., Ma suaoessor to G. F. Blair, who has had the honor for several. yeare. Several copies of Cooper's works were offered for sale and the matter was left in the hands of the President, Secretary and Librarian, - do ea L 8t of 0 • Five applioatines for motnborship were re0elyed at the Odd Follows' Lodge on 'rhnrsday evening "f Inst week. • Panay evening the town Baud give thole opening opeu air °coon for Ghia smote The boys Maio a good program • of nulsi0 on the way, G. A. Dearman has disposed of a pure bred Joreey heifer to John Tait, of Brus• sole ; a pure bred oow to George Smith, of Walton ; and a grade Jersey to W. Brown, of Atwood, Mfr, Dondntan iu future will o0nline himself to registered Jerseys. QOtmN's l3awrnDAY IN BnueeELs,—Ar. eangemente are being made to hold a celebration on the Queen's Birthday iu 13russole. The program will consist of a base ball match ; foot races for men and boys ; a 3 -minute trot or pane for $100 ; named race, trot or pace, 060.00 ; and farmers' ettee, trot or pace, $85.00, Half mile heats, 4 prizes in Beall rano, Base ball match on Victoria Park in the fore. noon and other sports in the afternoon at the Driving Park. Other atiraotions may be added between now and that date. Lase Satarday the monthly meeting of the Howiok Motnal Insurance Co, wee held at the Foresters' Hell, Gerrie, Members all present, President J. R. Miller in the obair, The claims for three fires were presented from A. McInnis, of Grey township ; Chas. Bertha and D. Kelly, of Morris township, all for barns destroyed recently. Mr.11iclnnie was settled at $670 ; Mr. Bartlill received $1,315 and Mr. Kelly $825. 74 applies. tions were passed by the Board, amount. ing to about $100,000. This Co. have no unsettled claims. CRIT.—On Suoday evening, April 17th, Mrs, Ciaff, of the Bayfield line, Goderioh township, passed away to her eternal home. She had been in declining health for some time and her death was not un. expected. Deceased was born in genie. kitten, Ireland, and with her late hug. band emigrated to Canada in 1841 ; after a short residence in the East they mane Westward, and settled on the farm in Goderioh township which has ever since been her home, making a residence of nearly 60 years there. Daring all this thine, and especially in the earlier years of settlement, her borne was oue of general hospitality, and she made last- ing friends far and wide. Her late bus. band died in 1880, leaving three sons, John, wbo resides on the farm ; R. J. (Sluff, of Clinton, and Rev. W. T. Oluff, of Thorndale, formerly of Brussels. To 1908,—Tuesday of this week Tae Pose received a brief bnt juicy note from Hematite, Washington Territory, 0. S., which read as follows :—"Dear air and friend,—I now send you a five -Spot to re- new my Bubsoriptian to Tan Peer. Ex- cuse me for not having made the remit- tance a little earlier. I remain, yours respectfully, Jacob Schnook." Excuse yon, Jacob 1 Why Nees your big Ger- man heart, you don't owe ns an apology, as yen were paid up to last January and now vee date your address label up to Jan. let, 1909. If Mr. Schnook don't prosper it is not because he isn't as straight as a string, 0 1 Ye waybaohs, who think au editor never requires any money, and to whom duns are like water on a duck's beak, read the above and imitate the beautiful and worthy example set. If a newspaper man had many sub- soribere like Mr. Schnook, he perhaps would never want to go to heaven, but by being kept poor, however, they are likely to be kept humble. The gentleman re- ferred to above was a format resident of the nth con. of Grey township. We hope he will never know what it is to have the "shorts" and that Limburger, saurkraut and all the other luxuries of life will adorn his pathway if the police will allow the former right of way in Hoguiam. Fina.—Friday at noon an alarm of fire was rung, the devouring element being lo- cated in the dwelling of Mre. A. Good, John street, In abort order the Fire En- gine was hurried to the tank et Church street, two linea of hose were laid and soon great volumes of water was drench- ing out the flames which bad been held somewhat in oheak by the energetic efforts of neighbors end Mende with buokets of water. The fire originated in the partition between the kitchen and pantry where the stovepipe passed through and quickly made its way inside toward the roof and for a time it looked like a forlorn hope but thanks to the Ronald steamer, it once more asserted its ability as a fire fighter and put a stop to the fire. The building was badly damaged and the furniture, &o., also suffered con• siderably by the hasty removal and from fire, smoke and water, Mrs, Good had $400 insurance on the house and son. tents. An agent of the Company was here on Monday and settled the claim, paying $100 on the building and $67 on contents. Since then Mrs. Good, °seer• baining that the necessary repairs could not be done for $100, has disposed of the lob to her neighbor, Wm, Cameron. She will also °ell the house and purobase a Borns in some other part of Bruesele, Mrs. Good is sympathised with in her loss. 33r 3018 SOCIETY.—Brunesls Branch of the ppsr Canada Bible Society oontributed 112.70 to the general fund this year as ollowe .— Returns from Bible Depository..$ 1 70 Collection at annual meeting.,,, 3 71 Brussels East, Misses Iowan and Rogers 12 70 Braesels Weet, Miss Kerr and sirs Donaldson 8 10 Bruesele North, Mimeo Menzies and MONaugbton 8 25 Morrie, 7th con., Miss MoOall, .. , 85 6t11 oon,, ho returns).,., " 6thoon•, Msloolm Black 8 20 " 4th con., Misses Black and Currie ... 8 00 3rd eon„ Misses Ireland and Armstrong2 85 " 2nd cone o returns,.,. Grey, ooue.1 & 2, Misses )Simpson Maud McKelvey .. 3 52 " cone. 8 & 4, Misses Strachan and Turnbull G 85 eons„ 5 & 6, Mies McArthur 2 79 eons,, 7 & 8, Misses Cardiff and Smith 8 76 " sons„ 9 & 10, Alex. Stewart 8 00 " cons., 11 & 12, Mrs. and Meg Davidson 58 06 " eons., 18& 14, Mi8ee8 Ritobie' and MoNab 4 70 Ethel, Mesas Spence and Ames19 20 Total - $112 70 This fs a smaller amount than has bean remitted for the peat 12 years. Two concession lines did not report at all and there was a big drop in Depository sales, last pat thin item being nearly $14,00, This year's contributions were equally divided between the Upper Canada So• eiety and that of the 7.'rovinoe of Quebec,, INT2RESTING PEEBENTATION.—The Lon. n Free Press says of a former Brus- lite :—W. G. Smith, formerly road. aster between Paris and Watford and ondon and St. Mary's, now stationed at Thomas, was called bare by wire the her evening on important business. a arriving be found awaiting him employees of bis former division, as- U sembled in the Odd Fellows' Hell, Edge $ block. J. Henry, of Woodstock, occupied e the chair, and after welcoming Mor. Smith he called upon P. W. Bayles to read the following address ;— To Mr, Smith : DEAR Sia,—We, the foremen and em• ployses. have met together tonight with mingled feelings of regret and pleasure— of regret, that yon are palled neon to sever your connection with us, recogniz. ing, as we do, that in you we always had a friend ready to stand up for wbat was just and right. Of pleasure in that you bad the oouadenoe of the denials when they placed you in a more responsible position, one whith will require all yon' ability to fulfil. But we are confident that bheir trust has not been misplaced. In recognition of our respect we ask you to aooept this tea .setvioe, not for the intrinsic value, but es a slight token of the esteem in whith yon are held by the employees of this division. May it in after years serve as a remembrance of your long aseooiation with n8, not only to your official oapaoity, but as a friend and advisor. Wieling you all 8a00e85 in your new field of labor, and a long, sappy and prosperous lifeto you and your estim• able partner, we remain yours very truly, Foremen and Employees of District 17. Mr, Smith replied, thanking the em- ployees for their beautiful gift, and con• eluded by saying that while the present was a beautiful and ooetly one, the ad. drama he valued atilt mere higbly. The committee in charge were thanked for their swim, and after spending a very pleasant time the meeting broke up with the National Anthem, BMW Mumma.--- A pablia mooting will be hold in the Town Hall this (VII. d:.y) evening to dleeues the pewee and sidewalk froatego Bylaw. Meeting will begin at 8 o'oi.cit. Messes. Berri nt t \'ANn'r,Nn have nom. ported a sale Di 1,8 grnof grain to Messrs. Creno AT Baird, of Toronto. It will sou• Oroser of$81,0,000, Dar5 of oats ; 8 caro of peas n•id 5 ears of wheat, and will amount to ov Lase Friday and Saturday were spent by harry James in removing his furni• i ore, &o., from the Revere House to the Graham blook where bbey purpose meld• ing. Mlr. JOtnee bas taken a position in the American Hotel, now under the nuanag,.nreet of John Anent who took possession last Monday. The license for tate Revere House was out off tale year owing to the change in the Aot, Punrra Sanoor, AND 11011 SCHOOL Ex. aeusenIONp,—Entrance and Public Solool Leaving ;-28th ;Nue, 8;46 a. tn., ab Godaricb, Exeter, Zurich, Bayfield, hien. sall, Ninth!), Dungannon, St. Helen's and Oreditou for West Baron, and at Qliiiton, 8Oaforth, Wingham, Brussels, Wroxeter, Fordwiob and Blyth for East Huron. Leigh School Primary examination (form Il July 45i, 8:45 a. no, at Goderioh, Clio• ton and Seaforth. High School Form 22 and Commercial Diploma, July 6th ; 6:,h Form III and form IY July 8th, 8:45 a, m., at Goderioh, Clinton and Sea - firth. Form It, July 6th, at R'Ingham, Brussels and Exeter, The feu is el, to be paid 28th June. Appliontl• as for i Primary, Junior Leaving, Senor Leav- ing and'Matrioulation (High School Forme I, II, 131 and IV) must be Bent to the Inspector before 'loth Slay, n000m• panied by the necessary fee. No appli- cation can bo rooeived by the 1 lepeutore alter that date, Those who intend to write at any examination centre in the Weeteru Inspeotoral Division of Huron must send their applioation, giviug name in full to J. Elgin Tom, Inspector Public Soboole, of Goderioh, and those who in- t( nd to write in the Radom Division to D. Robb, Ins /motor Public Schools, Clin- ton, For Enbranoo, Drawing book No. 5, and the Senior Fourth Class Copy book and for Public School Leaving, Drawing beck No. G. The work in these books must be completed and certified to by the teacher, to be the work of the candidate presenting the book. The Entrance Drawing and Copy books, also the Pnblia Sohool Leavinv Book Keeping and Draw. ing books if presented will be examined as in former years. People We Know. Jas. Stewart Sunday in Clinton. Mies Clara Hunter is visiting at Oran. brook. Jno. Wilbee is bothered with sciatica 5 Sala. Postmaster Farrow was in Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Lizzie Leatberdale is visiting in Seaforth, Barrister Sinclair was in Goderioh this week. I. 0. Riobards Sundayed at Bayfield with relatives. Thee, Thomson, of Listowel, was in town last Sabbath, Henry Stevenson is now driving the Prnesele.Seaforth stage. Mrs. J. T. Ross and Mrs. A, Currie, jr., were in London this week. Mars. Gillespie, of Seaforth, spent Sun- day with Mtn. Donaldson. Mrs. A. Bruce, of Bluevale, was visit- ing in Brussels on Tuesday. R, McArterr Mae taken a position iu a chssse factory near St, Marys. Mrs. J. H. Harris, of Petrolea, is visit ing her father, Adam Scott, in town. There is no improvement in the health of our old townsman, F. C. Rogers, we regretstate. Mrs. Jno, Londesboro', of Beafortb, is vieitiug Mrs. Leatherdals, Mrs. Haggard and other relatives and friends. Rev. R. Paul is "on the ehelf" from en attaok of inflammatory rheumatism in the knee. We hope he will soon be all right. Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Miss E, E. Bern left on Tuesday morning for a visit to relatives at Guelph, Brampton and Owen Sound for a few weelts. Adam Scott, Princess street, has been quite i11 during the past week and sae failed quite pereepbibly. Re is over 80 yeare of age, and widely respected by all wbo know him, 3. B. Sperling left on Tuesday for Wbiteohuroh where be takes charge of the Batter factory of that village. He is a oompetent band with wide experience and will give satisfaction. Jno. Reid, who Served his apprentice• ship in Councillor Leabheedale's.cabinet shop and furniture and undertaking sm. poriom, left tot Chatham on Wednesday where be has a situation. Jaok is a good mechanic and should do well. He was a member of the Methodist church choir and le poseeseed of a good bass voice, TUB Pon wishes him suaoese. A. Koenig, wife and children aro re. moving from Brussels this week bo Mit- obeli, where they will make their tem. porary home. They have been residents of Brunie for a good many years, have a large oirale of friends, and will carry with them the good wishes of the oom. niunity. Mr. Koenig bas been an active worker in oonneobion with the Odd Fel. Jewel lodge, where he was secretary ; in the Foresters Court, in which he was Financial Secretary, and in the A. 0, U. W,, for which he held the position of Treasurer. Ho was also conneoted with bbe Homs Circle and Chosen Friends. In the boom firma of Brussels Driving Park be was a hustler, and handfed the oesb, and be also actively took part in East Huron Agricultural Society. He was on his emend term ab the Pnblio Eobool Board, being Chairman last year. Anything Mr. Koenig had to do with he did ib with his might, and will cense. gnontly be more noticeably missed. Mrs, Koenig was a very useful member of St. Jobn'e cbarah, and fu years poet was a member of the Women's Auxiliary, the Guild, said bho choir of the ohnrob, Toe Pose will be glad to chronicle the future prosperity of Mr. Koenig and family wherever their lot may be oast. They will reside with "Mee. Rcanig's mother, Mire. Goebel, who is a widow and has resided in Miboholl for a good many years. Business Locals, Wnftete from $40 a5 to $100 at A, Couslsy'e. A, Comm bandies everything that is used by a bioyoie rifler, E. & D. beariege are guaranteed £or tnree years, Come iu and gee them, A. Causley. /J T,C7 D,rJ Zf.D RAN O i✓y 'l. a'r el Dtij, =7.-,,PL',41.04Z4MMMlnl u 107Z. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, ▪ (Seven Bullion Dollars) • $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Aathorized) •82,000,000 Burnie' in ail principal painto lit Ontario, Quebec, Mani lobo, United Slates r0 England. 81 4tirXff. A General Banking Busiuoss Transacted, Farmers' Nebo Discounted, Drafts Issncd and Oolleobione made on all 'points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 41.00 and upwards from dot of depoeib to date o withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPBOIAL ATTENTION OIUBN TO THE COLLECTION 01 t Auitene' ,MADE NOTES. Every facility afforded Castomets living at dietsnos. J. A, STEWART MANAaiin, Rastas in harness, oollare, &o., done promptly. I. 0. Eiabaeda. A 0ueovrAN made bfayole, up to date, for $30.00. Mallay & Go. lerrnovl i, mammoth, long, red, man - gel seed at Jas. Ballantyne's. Rooms to let over MoQraoksn's store. Apply to W. J. MoOraoken. A tante quantity of soreen windows, the latest iinproved. McKay 1 Co. DID you see the Geodron bike in A. Cousley'e window 7 It'e a dandy. Sen our new stook of trunks and sat - abets. Very cheap. I. O. Richards. Goon, dry American corn, Elle best for feeding purposes, for sale ab Ross' mill. CLE7OLten whack' are great sellers. Six sold since Jan, let, 1808. A. Oonsley. Fon genuine value in harness come t0 us, we lead in tens line. I. 0. Richards. Do not forget we repair boots and shoes of all kinds, ubeap and neat. I. 0. Rich- ards. Two tone of oiled and annealed fame wire at prices lower than ever. IlloBay & Go. Wan booms everything. Eggs 110. Highest prises flash or trade for produce, G. E, King, Wingbaln. Six tone of imported barbel and plain twist wire at the lowest figure ever offer- ed in Amerioa. McKay & Go. Two good second hand pianos, very nearly as good as new, 1 square and 1 upright case, will sell very cheap. R. Leatherdole. REatsatnen that you can save from 415 to $25 on an organ by buying from R. Leatberdale. Six ootave piano cased organs for $65. I HAVE the largest stook of window shades this Spring ever was in Brnasels and at priose below T. Eaton's ; good shades for 80e. R. Leatberdale. Tr you want a baby carriage call in and see R. Leabherdale and get prime. He bas a lot of them and is bound to sell them if prices has anything to do with it. 20 New Butanes 1000.—tlp t0 Satur- day, Oth new ,Walker & Smith, Bruesele, buggies20 this season. $85.00 buggies ata reduced prion sell about as fast as$G5 buggies can be given away. We have reduced our best work. WALInEE & Sacra. Oen hundred e0reen doors, mortised, of clear kiln dried pine, braced and finished in two coats of paint, manufactured by (Sober, of Ethel, and sold by us at $1,25 complete. Leave your orders early and sours the beet value is the market. Malley & Co. ARGOT Bacons.—I have made arrange - manta with Walker & Smith to Bell their buggies, wagons and carte. I have a good experience in the trade and I know these buggies to be the beet. Give me a call and I will sell as oheap as honest work can be said at. Bring along any wood work and I will get it done Lox you, All work guaranteed. P. SCOTT, Brussels. INGrrs.—In Mina, on April 22nd, tib wife of Mr. Thos. Inglis, of a son. AusrnN.—In Best Wawanosh, on April 20811, the wife of Mr. A. Austin, of a son. Haniunse.—In Turnberry, o n April Beth, the wife of Mr, Robb. H arknese, of a 800. Tirana—At the Methodist parsonage, Walton, on Monday, May, 2nd, the wife of.Rev. A. C. Tiffin of a son, Saanuo8—Binns.—In Atwood, on April 20th, at she home of the bride's mother, Mies Addis Ayers to Mr. Wm. Shannon, of Elma. Deet—SANteTnR, —In Mloleewortb, on April 21st, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Mr. Baglan• Lyne, Mise Maggie Sangster, to Mn, Edwin Doan, of Wallace- JOHNSTON.—In Grey, on April 208h, Ses• ale Buchanan, beloved wife of Tilos. Johnston, aged 61 years, 6 months and 21 days, CLuoo'.—In Goderioh Tp., an April i7tb, Ann Johnson, relict of the late Rabt, (Muff, aged 80 years. Banco,—Ab Goderioh, 0n Thursday, April $8th, Mary Austwiok Brough, widow of the late Seeker Brougb, Q. 0., and for some time Judge of County Court of the Oonaty of Huron, aged 79 years and 8 days. an,oe.—In Atwood, on Sunday, April 24th, Samuel Orval, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Hiles, aged 1 years and 2 months. Ssa min.—In Elms, on April 23rd, Ica. belle Agnes+, wife of William 11f. Shearer, aged 19 years, 9 menthe and 4 days. Mirenteron0.—In Moloswortb, on April 80th, Bessie Holmes, beloved wife of John Meiklejobu, aged 88 years,. Ounermondu,—At Streetsville, on May 2nd, M. Cunningham, aged 70 years and 3 months. 1HR-2TS_S..THI:Mm Sa8.o,m.o.^.;Z: ''m, Fall When, - Barley. Pena ., .....• .. tlats Butter, hubs and retie .., Flour per dozen ur per barrel Potatooe(pee bag) .,.., Flay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough 8a1 b per bbl„ rebail 1 00 40 Lamb skins each.,...,., 25 Iloge, Live 4 50 Dreamed Hogs 500 Apples (5018 bag) ,....,10 1 00 85 68 82 11 8 4 5 00 54 5 Sheep skins, eaob , •.... 1 00 86 58 82 12 1) 4 50 5 00 5} 5 00 26 4 76 50 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. -Linder this heading small adyts. will be inserted each, week at 1 cent a word. No advt. lees flan 10 mints, however, to be paid for when order is given.) A good farm borne for sale cheap. WALISER dE SMITH, Brussels. Blank Cotton Stonkinge. All sizes, warranted fast blacks at MFRS, lirlts's. moan= PEXIN DIMES, — Imported from the celebrated Cortise Dack Vain. Eggs, el for 11. J, N. 1il1NDALL. 42-.2 Lost between Brussels and Ethel on Wednesday eveninga roll of window shade cloth, Tile finder will be rewarded by re. turning it to ,1.111; POST Publishing Hon55 at once. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. von SALE.—A WELL BRED stock getter. Apply Bull, 11' W. years NEES. Lot 24, Oen. 0, Morris, 89.4 iTOUSE AND LOT FOR °ALE.—Tele undersigned offers nor holm° and lot on Turuherry street, Brus- sels, MRS. Good well WIGBIIE, ho premises, GGS FOR IIATOIIING,— 1 Settings of pore bred Black Minorca eggs for sale. 01,00 peri& Pure bred Min- orca cockerel for sale, 55-81 LESLIE IKIERR, Brussels, DUNG PIGS FOR SALE.— The undersigned bas a number of young pigs, from u to 8 ,reeks old, for sale. Apply at Lot 20, lib Lino, Morris. 12.2" 3018N BARR, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on To um:V.—The undersigned offers for sale or to rout that 11 story frame house nn Turuborry street, Nal•t1i of 8110 Tmraeo, lately mounted by S. II. Jaekeon, Por par- ticulars apply to 19.15, :ierr,or the owner, 3.HOARE,AnburuP.O. COURT OF REVISION.�T �-J VILLAGE 012 BRUSSELS, Notice is hereby given that tbo Mtutiicipal Brusselsncil ,, County Corporation Hu Huron, will he Village as Court of Revision at the TOWN HALL, DRU 51005. on iltmuiny, .lune nth, 0858, nt 8 0.1n. Parties interested' will gov010 bheneel von accordingly. P. S. 500TT, Clone, REAL ESTATE. pARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- nHnemNnD has several good Paring for sale and to rent, easy terms in Towueltips of Morris and Grey. P B. SCOTT ,Bruesols FARMI FOR SALE.—Ilio ACRES 1VLAY a, 1898 Now as the Elesls03, —10a— Chloride of Limo, Bluestone] and Paris Grein, for Spraying, Insect Powder, Moth Calnplaor, Caustic Soda, Little's Soluble Pllenylo, Hellebore. We have tllom at . . . Fax's Drug Store. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the TOwnsiim of Cray will ho10 a Court of Revision la the To wuebip, Hall, on Saturi.ay, she 14th day of bray, A. A, 1808, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the foroaoon, for beating appeals (11 aur/ Report for assessment xsion under hG Government Drain No.. 2, in the said Township of Grey, OA provided by 51in01081 Act of Parliament. 48.2 WM. SPAN OE, Olerk, Do Election to the Legislative Assembly or the Electoral District of East Huron, i on, ]te&l dlnrclt 1e1, 1898. Abetraot of election expeusea of Arohibald Iiislop, Esq., one of the candidates thereto, furnished nos by W. MI, Sluolalr, Esq., aumo- cial agent for the said Arobibald Hlelm nu - der the provisions of Sec. 201, Ontario Elec- tion Aob ; Printing $ 54 00 hent of Rafts 11 7 20 5 Postage, .Cc 10 15 Telephone, &a 125. POreonat expenses a 15 Total S 77 70 R. G.11EYN0LDS, Returning Officer, IL net Buren. Godaricb, April 0081, 1808, Zia Election to the Legislative for the Electoral District of .East 49 , held dfarslt 1st, 1808. Abstract of election expenses of Retry Mooney, Esq„ Ono of the candidates thereto, furnished mo by W. P• Vanden., Esq., linen. Dial abent for the esed Henry:Bonney, under Consisting of the South d and South A the provisions of Sac, 201, Ontario Elootiou of the North k of Lot 90, Con 2, East Wawa- Act nosh. This is an excellent stock faro), being Printing S 10 00 well supplied with good spring water. Itis Tient of Hails 0 50 situated about 8 mires from the thriving vie. Postage, be 10 el lase of Blyth. A largo port of it to undor Telegrams • 40 grass. Buildings and fumes are in a fair Personal expenses 41 50 state of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. Por all information apply to 11-tf G. P. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, 11ARMI FOR SALE.—TRE UN. nxneroomn offers his 100 acre farm for sale, being Lot 22, N tl Con, 7, Morris, T11005 are 70 acres cleaned and under crop, balance hardwood bush, There is a good flame house, with kitchen, wt.odsbod and cellar Complete ; bank barn with stone stabling ; orchard, well% and all other conveniences. Onlyof a nails from school and 9 milia from 9russels. Possession would rbc given at ones, Poor pride and tortes apply ou the premises or to Brosgels P. 0. to 91-80 SIMON FORSYTH,Proprietor, 111ARMi. FOR SALE OR TO HENT.—The undersigned offers .his eligible 01 Sora fawn for sale or to rout, being South part of Lot G, O0n0e8- don 12, Grey. All under cultivation, well watered and wolf fenced. There is a good stone house, bank barn, orotund, wells, &Ca„ ou the premises. Also a splendid stone quarry from which a good revenue is realiz- ed. Only za miles from Brussels. Terms reasonable, Tion further particulars an to price, oto„ apply to 55 tf JOHN MIITOH'ELL, Prop rioter, Brusaols Y, 0. Total $ 74 41 R. G. REYNOLDS, lleineniugOf5cer, East Burin. Gottingen, April 50tb,1808. CENTRALA 6 i ,1� st a`',,,A+�I,, lj ��`1i' ,ff/y4�,'E i 'aj' yt�_ i rs'y U1U 14J �1 J9, O+' 1111Je1 A COMM a School of the high- est go Ade— none better in the Dominion. ENTER AT ANY TIRE. catalogue thea W. '. ELLIOTT, Principal. iti'W'., tio is extended to every lady to inspect our showing of now and stylish Drees Goode. Dress Goods is tho mainspring of this businees, and in every 'moped you will find our stook up to•date. If you want an expensive dross, a medium or low priced one, we have them in styles and qualities that aro worthy of your attention. BLACK DRESS GOODS is a strong point here, Plain bleak double fold Sorge Dress Goods, all wool, 200 and 250 ; Lanny Congo sleek Deese Goods, double fo111, epeeist at 25o ; Fang Figured Iliac* double fold Drees Goode, extra value at 80e • 5is is a popular price in Dross Goods, by looking tktongh our assortment you will find many lines at that prion wbioh are really worth nava more. Extra special lines ha plain and fancy Lustre, Cashmere, Serge, Sollsl, etc. ; in the above makes soma elegant geode niay be pro - mired at 50o ; In better goods at coo, 76o, 80o, 900, $1 Rad $1.25. You will find no more complete assortment. ,COLORED DRESS GOODS in plain or fan0y, sightly goods, special 25o Panay Dress Goode, beautiful effects 80a ; Brooaade Dross Goods, epleedid variety, 50o. The lines of Fancy Dross Goode wo aro showing at 60e, 76o, 80c, 90o and $1 ave woeder5 in the art of weaving. One very pretty lino of Fanoy Dross Goods is made of Silk and Linen in now shades of Groot, Bluo and Brown, the 5'100 is 76o. Covert Suiting in variety of shades, spec - fat at 85o. Vanunu° Cloth, a new style of goads, melees a haulsomo costume, $1.00. Good assortment of Dross Lengths. Trimmings in Braids and Silks to =Mil all Dress Goode. Ladies are surprised at the )ittlo prime wo ask for high Grads Dross Goode. BLYTH.