HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-6, Page 7,
Batter, Eggs, Apples, Frolt. (to, to
rag OAW89H Oo"11,00111, 0P itmtted
Coro or won" Market and OO1bOrn0 ala., rogoilTo
m_-._-- P BuYl NorNl A,ktotlnq'shfSnAAAAAA
rye►n �1 ,ng and Tlavalarnten
100 Shares. 1 qe. G'o'."'odd. [,apnea
119anaoP. _8harea a
a , , � y •n 'If 441 ry Motels Is y
fitee lel. tt ettt lw urn 'tu•lor, alae cns1r01; Tuvernd with t,inaL, Jul)--hiN 3ilnncl vvtis vit.inted and That l3oad'A Sarsaparilla IR COnadlan fram all sin, Coneet. 3out t.heo og•)'p .. ._ -..
Moore P d I+ its W?Iat does If, fill mtilll ( Why. it means Dominion Line Steamships, totaieWullinarvnC# fa"ii4iiuitdlatrictat7iuet
HAu7•ltutl 'rilrotlgh stetl'aiing-'rhe \1'ey flulVOrH by in(lulgeu6 ]atrelt tN, tl17we1'H ()IsealHa,rl alUl 11fN Rklll dlNtreNfnllY l?3'wp- Greatest Aledlein(+ IH !rapt y toga, ltboAnoliabJ]Stiesandilopl'Omotion PLOON
o Nave that mOVlngf day" IN V01111n9 find that MnntreolandLluebeetuLiver oulYneuimnerl lrlrgo has been glvanaway, The treasurystockwitll.
Or 1'arrnettnn. Hnggimtivo Of a vuhuvre4,•tlOa with 11 Live. ])avid-hc' hlid. it runnin}1 , �.rr!Jl,t r-ures-perfect, permanent, rear, rr7ll LUP uifl ""lfJ (Uit N,'ra 1tL JPrI, apJlrt- Iu,d Inst Llrm eo-raw ateornpUiee 'J,nbrudor, '+lung t{1Vldend OaIIPOaR attPOhed'iR new a.POrad QA
l l'4 $eV, Dr. (Cal- Ili w7dcb1 110 R!Ie:Lka of. when he says, "Aly and nl Ili miru"Idella-aft• You
s a old lie UnHlUned forever, The eo over,• `I)ontidlon "FL'atamltn," YarkahlYu,' above 1priaa9 for 110Ve10 metlt purposes. Ex..
;11'aRih,S,tglaldt, Alah r- veluns an g meat 1 m r Pp
'Um 'tile 'As Sint Hal this morning at 3.011." schen raft In the night. and ceased nut, and
nd lab, Gaud Stearlago for t (.ail t B Of PAAFS O kale MOPP g ,ye 114 a%fat f$ dtiln, POO
Ino ti ,a•eanthad d.ILI.K In9r+ndr19 fl LJ to lila l- e e tt. of the er all other medicines have fulled, barge that: stands uL t:ht? gatelwili not ondCabinaad8raoragn asrongere. itatoa Dt
g 1 brsnkftlsl. faille rtnd lnfke(i a Jvreniiuh had cnhL g in t partsoP lila prvp0rty. aasaylnaacrtoat4pad
rcl naw men Has cads Sarsaparilla is the boat he trite one It lhered nufl bespattered, {Jn+'sage-Ntest t:abia,SG2,60, :ecoid dahin, ton, IlAgUallaILOOIL itLlfuoa((QOnaraoinimfple
ta71, Dab xxxvli, Zl: "Asn fneee of your 0hildren IlerhapR you salrl spleen, WJIJO ea'n douht it who 7e That Hood's a J ea.rr'lll had news,. but' it will be the . lf9tt HLeeraJJSSo!t?2.:A and it war 'I
ucome In to
is f.. the within, - L' f: "Pani• things I 41mv 'anit* tabdo a? J- taut -he hold it lifetime ,e i proved 1)), its con- 3 g n ,' gtltatnernadherrh. For a111atormatlonapp!y 1 one million dollars, here are 10 suahulallnd
y1LT•t- tlae Inrit;ll,L ill; hi; tvltt0h n + I t r you RUI 6 , L n n , slnring medicin s 11 for
h nf:a •s hnv(, rI 1, 7wprHe L1ui:t Sl:. Jl;hn Havr in Apoc•wlyril kt' t0 Lural Agonle, er 1) )D Tan1IANan at ({O., dagitly 0%Pdeet Illat� estOCa w0. The llrremp a hand+
olOutlH" L wish 1 engli(1 effect I.hOW iJt life wrt Rivkneas vvhieli lila cunlrntnt r sCanLly mrtnifesLecl power Lu pu purify, a vininn - the while horse un which Cen'16grnta,l7 1t.HnoranteutSt., Montreal,
S,o,I,n1 it rx1'rnpelenrO 1 ki'aw t have linen die- been gueseing al:nut fur' ),Ones, not rich anti vitalif,,e the blood. the King c"m0an to the ban+ ant. 'J'hw __ some proltt. owing to filo small onpltallaatl0ri'
MI],n<L rtL41t, 13uromr.ti*r fnillmg, "W'I'm
appointed in all ray expei+littiuns Of. knowing exactly what the upnstlo I --___-___ - i and lila tarKoaud vaiunblo uaturn of the pro
i rvofin maiin'to Hail. That you Heald Lu take wild's fiat'- graund around like pidnee will quake ;party. xh.aulersigneduftldlnlbrakorofort:tia
Hig,nctlH ngak. t�h ,p g 1p x'h:lt .l woulel <lo far, theist !" U ioq meunl by " a I.hbrn in 1110 flesh:" ] sfa0sarilla now and OhuC It will do y'ow with i:he fires a)id hoofs of (.0lesit.i„] CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & 1 Cc,, will tako sar11, Of other m111ng 001"panleg
Av+'ni•n.'K?lakt'n In. I�d'upi11eeles of fall',
I that, scene, or patluis I 'break ++']til a nu not, know eliher, blit it wits some- w0aderinj good is proved by the iln- In oxchn.nge at prieea agreed Lion. J. 4,
8 k"lut7.ngr, and throve (bristlans w•bo ]n
v r'whove.'rhs c'lanuda congre- ftaenn of eengvaLulaJJLr, Ibal', by year thing sharp, su7nv,thing thai, stuck flint. Inure condition of Your llloud in Rpring, t SAVINGS COMPANY from 6oN � CO,, 8i lldutoidf f3c. LaefL
nvea'tpler n a y finartc•ia1 losses your own proµppetis for I got lher front all Lltis IhaL physical ,this world Inst t.h:+ir ["lends and lnstl Toronto, Oct.
gene urrmund tUur Hwa, proL)ne!mg to heaven and lksc rravmet• for the herr- disorder may tie the nomas Of grace and the Canadian
pe tl the scent muss tial" property Ltalit t•htir heafrh ti.nd
I e us- 1 I of. the Canadiuu people w'ha 1puy lioud'ti PrAid-P Ca Cana............ $blaoo,000
1aboULSC+fu, him. 13Bi1L aft'fa anh le 1l' vuu of your children Lira miglll.il.,v (171- to the Rnul. you Rrty Snu hftrr So many I Sarsaparilla and lake it for all fa"n"s l—
Incl' their fife will fin'( Out. Ilett Gott pald•up Capital .............. a,600,000 - �-" "T �°
sails Illh? Make of this, cloulds w'i111 fey'- pl'Gved. Yuu: may have last,. toy, but 'templetlofls from bodily RilluVrits, and ori ,ure blood anted Lind that it ab_ Wos ed lag fond, and eir all things Assets,O.aic- .............S ,r,aoo,ouo
i wrti:lla:, Of lil;at, and here itntl y0'u. have won it IYulace. if roll w1we Only Well you think you te' worked se flier far Ihefr spud, aatd
firs -5 3' Y solwtuly and porwnnvnl.ly Cara+H diH• that t:71rJHe N't+re Ll7d w7HRHt IJH(Jl/b! On Hg'AD OF7riC,8=fO1tCNT0 8T„ TORONTO
@rse is a sign, of r.leilri,ng wuttl.I.ter. "flow hardly shall they IWO have could be ill ,good Cbriatian. 11'I71Ie your ease and gives good health, earth who made the hest fit every!hinig. Branch Oilloe-.WINNipmo, '1.4x., AND
i t•irlles anter into the lotngdoul of Dad "I tP111 11t!Ons may ire different, "hey are PANooavaR, D.C,
Many do moa obsrrvc I'b; Aiuny do not ,,It it; oasier for aca.mel t0 o through no "bate them those of the elan whu bus p� g® tea you not now the bright tight. in -�
Temldie K. "find nary Marl ask, non. bile , u, needle's eye tbltn folr a, ruin luau 10 an appatit:e three times a (lily and Hood's Sarsaparilla illa t11e D1r�1tdR G
The ample roeourcas of thio COmnany enable l 4 /�
*h, light wh[th 1R i)4 the! LIOLKls•" In enfer the kingdom of heaven," 11'hfth HteePH Bight hours every night. ] a Catlatin'a Greatest Modleine. i•,11 mix for ,S is 'W. P. C. 817. Its Directors to make advances On Beal Batiste !i�"��J FARMING
nil §_ �� �0
].pot, pL� }, without delay, at low rates of interest, and an MIXED 1''11Ar11, G
0lllher kvoi%bi, there Lure IOU nen• looking ; dOeH t•hJtt inoua f It tneans that the Jer(Mi my ubaet•vitLiun, t juclg0 that sreparedonlyby0,I.I'Ioid&Oo„Lowo11,N[nse. tileMostfaco,ablelarma otrepayment, Loam
r..ro here 'is fine tn'nn
grandest blessing (nod ever bestowed invalids have it mare xapt.u.rous view s y ra tedunlinprovodFitrmsandonProduaLtve
fur ataran w,h t S } 1 HOOCIrS PIllB elt'ocLiVely Pro en anfl town and City Propertios, Mortgages and
for sum ilsisu,, tai • uh'eet will ud7on you ,vas to tlka your mann: of f.he first world thn.n veep leo iia unit - Cold 6Mae Fouad
looking J J I away from you., I',el Ine here say, to leek have higher renown Sit heaven. The _ In the /lisauvar, of so wouderfwl a WnnJolnotAeannntresYurebaeed, i
t toad. myself iiia albs d0- ]m,HHing, ran not, pat mach stress an' the Intai sighs of the delvrRnble mnunl:atnH 1 rip ll aLtfnno wap bis rcaeivad at this o0ices of WChh favorable weather. elan rna'nk
Le, to get yon S I J. Hof this world. You cannot IR l,hmu h the lal:icv of the siakroum• rame,ly m Nervjline-nerve-pain eUrt- thetjompeny .gemewlt, and a good muxket, the APOC14
li,gfat•ful £ aW1J. cif. madctng Lhe best of t1.PFlRl xe J. IManaging MASON,
tulle them clout; with( you. Ar. any :There are trains rn11nS,tg "very hour of Lhe do sands ]s cherublr.. Of - remedy f the markat nCCords g ia, ldanatffag Director, Torouta alt. farmer sometimes makes a grand,
every'Ching• ,rete, you c•nnnDh Cnko them mica than bolavecn pitluw and aurone, bel ween all the t}wustndH of ('hriatinnH who prompt, relief for tts actionhay.be t) Cramps,
j i c. uslid t, between band- have been carried through 1.110 gnies .1111 vbht•7nat]snl. Its action it) erarnl>H, fshowin9. However, mixed hushando
Xon ma •J}ge ve wuncle red al' 1'i10 statia wo Or three ,nileH. ):uu. Will havo to hostltal an I fit ISstabllst ori 998tcamorsu gregrtUing
J 1 C' L ) g 1 1864. 395,aV0 Tuns. ry is eater, aged in tyle long+ calx '+ti ill
.tics I'llub in 1•octda. in Lhe year 1976 there leave (hell it L, the cometery, AtLilfl, ages and tabes, betlo'Ven crutali and exfa> xeI em4terind your unlit finddt.hey colic, eta., is sign ply marcellouH, usually give best regatta. NVHere ai
vra:re 10,UOU ipuuple alu.iat by weed beasts, I brill t -}area coffins. So fond. was !la orf Palm branch. Oh, 1. lcish Hu1n0 f y ALLAN I this life that Ile decreed that first hr, peuple who are compelled to (try: ".Ali' nearly ani border on a jubilate, flow” A HEAVY BABY. variety of domestic animals are kapt4
unL 4)hat9: Ln the year 1976 there were !s1 I should he bur!ad in w Boffin Of 901(1, head, my heart I A.iy foPL, any Rout I IT. often )'nu here seen o dying a nn join
J 0 people dsstra •ad b 'and that then that should hie in0lose,l back, n1y hack!" would Ir,v some of the in ills palm 1letng sung around his The heaviest baby known is re ,ori �¢ (/'IIn Page fence will be Pa,md not only tw
lintlia, Over .A,00 1 1 J y t be(lside, the middle of the verse open- ad from a village near Brussels, where Royid 11(lll l9tte(linsllil) CO., luxury, Ila, almost tw necessity. Hearin)
wil(I utnimals. But, fleece is tL m•Oustor In ill a coffin of silver, and that Rhoudd ,f ail Lard's medicinr. 1'uu: ++a'e going to h t styles at from 4.r to 06 004ts, per rodW
`doO]usacBiu a yuffinoFiran. and Lhel,ia +exit nnyhuty before lung. heaven is Lng to let Ilia ransomed spirlt free, a farmers wife has just given birth r
Oar t,w,or7aandw•Illkcb is year by year de- I'ImLarge ann 11 L 0f of Iran,
he, tun o'Id city, hal. hnR Hover yet report- lung Ili the lips could not speak to a child weighing ever twenty-one Montreal to Liverpool. Eend for illustrated advertising 7nfti4
struyi:uo more I.ilusn I'huL. It is this file i tbrvn in over his body. And. so lie ern ane cave of atukness or one ,'I I of making and pointing upward. pounds, which Is declared by experts • -+dSaturday -
u•,ltad and Wlah roe,ul ! t+'Lis buried, ilia oho ilea tvho• huried mortality, \n OphAhalmia for the eye. haulo of you tally ns though (wPdhacd to be the heaviest ltnown. t3Leamerisallivaln trains fro T ontofind lase ;
bear fit mala v y, gospel exhausted himself in building this �- morning on arrival of of trains from Toronto Lad
weaptia1's f propose to "huge Lt badc 40 him were slain HO that no ono might. No lis, for htil for . lunge. tin tbav'astnRATS'clook.
know 'where he wait buried and nD Pnu pleurisy for Lhe Lida. \, neuik. for World, and de till the ardl curtains Canada's Golden Heritage 0.60 an Op FASSAGS
iks midsuigib,t Laverne. 1 mean to d0 l there interfere With Lin creaHu7•es. 0 for the nerves. No rheujuratisul few he ever mane be hung around this , Cabin S50.60 and nptvarra second Cabin 6�{(! WIRE
GG n
t um ion subtructium at•I a : f the world who want to take the unlsel"s. '"i'tle inhailtonts Shall planet, and tall the flowers he ever :Does not consist in mdnes alone. 1fit- $;14 and and 896.26: Steerage to Liverpool, THE ! IIIIE �vIRE HOE C0M1 IN
f"tl••,n stems t s open o nam'a L,l London, c.la,+gew• Beirmt„ Londonderry or 9
H Lit addi,t]o'n,-a sulvlrautim tram ,vnu.r )Honey with you. baiter have three newer R.Y, I nm sick." "'J'her0 Rball. 1,0 O11r daisied meado s. NO. 'rhisrNvoirid boon, It: gnee, right to) root oftheQueenstown M,ae andull,60. Limitetfs
I coffins,! nn more pain."
your clays of del,resstun tuna an addl- is not the hest thing God rancl.o. '!.'ills krauble .nal uctH quickly and Irainles5 dreduolion of five poreaaa is allowed on
! Agnin, J. renu+rk SOIL ought to make 'Aga]u, you ought to make the b084; world is not th0 hese tiling that (*ocl ] Ben aro of sulpstttutes, round trip first and second cabintlokeIs. Fad
li,:.n to yuur de,yel oC joy'. Jr. Gad widl the Very best of. our bereavements, of life's finality, \owr, you think I Y• �- to any
nnpply S14ALK1sRVILLE, ONT.
$ y yeas dont. tawny authorized agent.
!help mo, 1 will compel yva Lo see late J.ha whole tendency is to brood over have a very lough subject. You do One week of the Soar Is culled blas- LOVE AND PHILOSOPHY. R. Eaurller, 1 Sing St. W. Toronto.
brtgklft ligtll. that there is in the clouds Chess separations, anti to 'give nnmh not see IIOtV :C anlf to .strike a spark of eoo week-r0alled so all 8 called L17n or A. ac A. Allan, Montreal P,9,- -Sea oqr "tui" to nexC issue,
' is true La file handling of mOmani;na of light ovi: of the flint nf, the taaulvtnun land because there Lire more bl0ssums Mr. Oldboy, soaring into phil�sophy-
LtJg1UL h9iJt that Che. Ie. Is an elle +.lona the departed, find to make lane visil- there are many peaj,le Cahn his a -- --_--
I1' Ll tdei,J S I]t s bine" ecce of in that +reek Illiut Ln any' uthwe Yes, 7iTlss youlrgl.htng, all olio evils at e_. ___
_ ....-..---.-.. _. _- _- _ —�
} n ,lin
everytl,hl,ng. Lotions to the comet:ery, find to say:
Ion 6:43 first. IYlftce, y'uu uught to melte `"Uh, 1' can never look np tggain 1 ally
V,ky 0, 1498,
tlha very beset ut wLl Sidor financial min- ! hOl)u is gone. illy courage is gone.
is lily rail.h in God
Jule Hubl'e?t+tbcauldPolostlLljn
doleful. f 1J Jto
the opset.tirm fit till te70se)r
week Is fareahead lof
�_^="`=...�:,:...�.,.•-_-.. -_1______:_m_
_._,a,..,. _-�,.:w-...,_: _ __
elaL,ugh to gOi; ihelr forluneH and went ixy
tJlrurl ll (heart, ,Pile YItHI rrla,lui•Lty I,f ll..
thenu lid tot live to get. their mberit- lltghI
house of
_.,....:•-�,.:.^. ._._..-_..
tell you how tP nuLk(? the a a bright of
it ]H Z. vvnrlt to Rbuw the, a st,of
In the r7I ds,
\tllic;h the Ildlde must at.•
Greatest Medicine
wren nt .will he the rroet of "nen and � FREE 1 a ,;ample packet of delicicux
wnznen that lila re(turractlon morning ` `
will make possible,
SO Vnu Hyl+ you hEvrP. net 17uLde out'
1 t
unao, J?'rola the glnHhup fit
3nCau11y they scan, brnu,gbt Loma to
their rather''s house find in deilrium ,fall,
at men
tract your natl0nti0n? Ynu say, J]TDHes,
David, Jeremiah, 1lrtul1l11iWh
la lila Beata
tany (folertll Hkbry yet, What bave yutu� MONSOON1189110111
proved about 1NDO.GBYLON 1fL'fa,
began to lick oft luathabule "014[1
fi'11111 elle e7n1,A'OLtlaTetl plllUw' rind i4
what a Hlrunge thing it is ) Y
have t,bosen those Who were phyNLP+IIIy „Ip
t n a
l{�, &TC W91 �F116�°��
9 UW i Medicine..
YOU JI&VO UlcLdeLunt? YOUthave market]
cut jnet 'this-tlui•t(death i0lowN us it); wLilhe sof iN t7vii)rS,iAN TEAp00., atuard.
bave a perfect lit,(B", free of all aches, ! 7 Wellington fit, W„ Toronto.
146"71, is the MOVIlt l,t;bt the ri"'Y01T'a null
fight, huek inraginery devils. ,And then
dl'-ordereall Alosos-1 know be was nen,-
fOrevor %Vith, Nuul free 1
Tr/11Llil" fir Lire elude Alvrly ill. tine
the , %1-Lra lllid alit in highly 11,1,hoist0l'^
❑11H trP1Tt till? l')ip h/' gave the. EgyP"
to be healthful and invigorating, in
united a psrfert �,_•^-_•�,•_•_�,_,_^_-�-__,_
Batter, Eggs, Apples, Frolt. (to, to
rag OAW89H Oo"11,00111, 0P itmtted
Coro or won" Market and OO1bOrn0 ala., rogoilTo
m_-._-- P BuYl NorNl A,ktotlnq'shfSnAAAAAA
rye►n �1 ,ng and Tlavalarnten
100 Shares. 1 qe. G'o'."'odd. [,apnea
119anaoP. _8harea a
a , , � y •n 'If 441 ry Motels Is y
fitee lel. tt ettt lw urn 'tu•lor, alae cns1r01; Tuvernd with t,inaL, Jul)--hiN 3ilnncl vvtis vit.inted and That l3oad'A Sarsaparilla IR COnadlan fram all sin, Coneet. 3out t.heo og•)'p .. ._ -..
Moore P d I+ its W?Iat does If, fill mtilll ( Why. it means Dominion Line Steamships, totaieWullinarvnC# fa"ii4iiuitdlatrictat7iuet
HAu7•ltutl 'rilrotlgh stetl'aiing-'rhe \1'ey flulVOrH by in(lulgeu6 ]atrelt tN, tl17we1'H ()IsealHa,rl alUl 11fN Rklll dlNtreNfnllY l?3'wp- Greatest Aledlein(+ IH !rapt y toga, ltboAnoliabJ]Stiesandilopl'Omotion PLOON
o Nave that mOVlngf day" IN V01111n9 find that MnntreolandLluebeetuLiver oulYneuimnerl lrlrgo has been glvanaway, The treasurystockwitll.
Or 1'arrnettnn. Hnggimtivo Of a vuhuvre4,•tlOa with 11 Live. ])avid-hc' hlid. it runnin}1 , �.rr!Jl,t r-ures-perfect, permanent, rear, rr7ll LUP uifl ""lfJ (Uit N,'ra 1tL JPrI, apJlrt- Iu,d Inst Llrm eo-raw ateornpUiee 'J,nbrudor, '+lung t{1Vldend OaIIPOaR attPOhed'iR new a.POrad QA
l l'4 $eV, Dr. (Cal- Ili w7dcb1 110 R!Ie:Lka of. when he says, "Aly and nl Ili miru"Idella-aft• You
s a old lie UnHlUned forever, The eo over,• `I)ontidlon "FL'atamltn," YarkahlYu,' above 1priaa9 for 110Ve10 metlt purposes. Ex..
;11'aRih,S,tglaldt, Alah r- veluns an g meat 1 m r Pp
'Um 'tile 'As Sint Hal this morning at 3.011." schen raft In the night. and ceased nut, and
nd lab, Gaud Stearlago for t (.ail t B Of PAAFS O kale MOPP g ,ye 114 a%fat f$ dtiln, POO
Ino ti ,a•eanthad d.ILI.K In9r+ndr19 fl LJ to lila l- e e tt. of the er all other medicines have fulled, barge that: stands uL t:ht? gatelwili not ondCabinaad8raoragn asrongere. itatoa Dt
g 1 brsnkftlsl. faille rtnd lnfke(i a Jvreniiuh had cnhL g in t partsoP lila prvp0rty. aasaylnaacrtoat4pad
rcl naw men Has cads Sarsaparilla is the boat he trite one It lhered nufl bespattered, {Jn+'sage-Ntest t:abia,SG2,60, :ecoid dahin, ton, IlAgUallaILOOIL itLlfuoa((QOnaraoinimfple
ta71, Dab xxxvli, Zl: "Asn fneee of your 0hildren IlerhapR you salrl spleen, WJIJO ea'n douht it who 7e That Hood's a J ea.rr'lll had news,. but' it will be the . lf9tt HLeeraJJSSo!t?2.:A and it war 'I
ucome In to
is f.. the within, - L' f: "Pani• things I 41mv 'anit* tabdo a? J- taut -he hold it lifetime ,e i proved 1)), its con- 3 g n ,' gtltatnernadherrh. For a111atormatlonapp!y 1 one million dollars, here are 10 suahulallnd
y1LT•t- tlae Inrit;ll,L ill; hi; tvltt0h n + I t r you RUI 6 , L n n , slnring medicin s 11 for
h nf:a •s hnv(, rI 1, 7wprHe L1ui:t Sl:. Jl;hn Havr in Apoc•wlyril kt' t0 Lural Agonle, er 1) )D Tan1IANan at ({O., dagitly 0%Pdeet Illat� estOCa w0. The llrremp a hand+
olOutlH" L wish 1 engli(1 effect I.hOW iJt life wrt Rivkneas vvhieli lila cunlrntnt r sCanLly mrtnifesLecl power Lu pu purify, a vininn - the while horse un which Cen'16grnta,l7 1t.HnoranteutSt., Montreal,
S,o,I,n1 it rx1'rnpelenrO 1 ki'aw t have linen die- been gueseing al:nut fur' ),Ones, not rich anti vitalif,,e the blood. the King c"m0an to the ban+ ant. 'J'hw __ some proltt. owing to filo small onpltallaatl0ri'
MI],n<L rtL41t, 13uromr.ti*r fnillmg, "W'I'm
appointed in all ray expei+littiuns Of. knowing exactly what the upnstlo I --___-___ - i and lila tarKoaud vaiunblo uaturn of the pro
i rvofin maiin'to Hail. That you Heald Lu take wild's fiat'- graund around like pidnee will quake ;party. xh.aulersigneduftldlnlbrakorofort:tia
Hig,nctlH ngak. t�h ,p g 1p x'h:lt .l woulel <lo far, theist !" U ioq meunl by " a I.hbrn in 1110 flesh:" ] sfa0sarilla now and OhuC It will do y'ow with i:he fires a)id hoofs of (.0lesit.i„] CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & 1 Cc,, will tako sar11, Of other m111ng 001"panleg
Av+'ni•n.'K?lakt'n In. I�d'upi11eeles of fall',
I that, scene, or patluis I 'break ++']til a nu not, know eliher, blit it wits some- w0aderinj good is proved by the iln- In oxchn.nge at prieea agreed Lion. J. 4,
8 k"lut7.ngr, and throve (bristlans w•bo ]n
v r'whove.'rhs c'lanuda congre- ftaenn of eengvaLulaJJLr, Ibal', by year thing sharp, su7nv,thing thai, stuck flint. Inure condition of Your llloud in Rpring, t SAVINGS COMPANY from 6oN � CO,, 8i lldutoidf f3c. LaefL
nvea'tpler n a y finartc•ia1 losses your own proµppetis for I got lher front all Lltis IhaL physical ,this world Inst t.h:+ir ["lends and lnstl Toronto, Oct.
gene urrmund tUur Hwa, proL)ne!mg to heaven and lksc rravmet• for the herr- disorder may tie the nomas Of grace and the Canadian
pe tl the scent muss tial" property Ltalit t•htir heafrh ti.nd
I e us- 1 I of. the Canadiuu people w'ha 1puy lioud'ti PrAid-P Ca Cana............ $blaoo,000
1aboULSC+fu, him. 13Bi1L aft'fa anh le 1l' vuu of your children Lira miglll.il.,v (171- to the Rnul. you Rrty Snu hftrr So many I Sarsaparilla and lake it for all fa"n"s l—
Incl' their fife will fin'( Out. Ilett Gott pald•up Capital .............. a,600,000 - �-" "T �°
sails Illh? Make of this, cloulds w'i111 fey'- pl'Gved. Yuu: may have last,. toy, but 'templetlofls from bodily RilluVrits, and ori ,ure blood anted Lind that it ab_ Wos ed lag fond, and eir all things Assets,O.aic- .............S ,r,aoo,ouo
i wrti:lla:, Of lil;at, and here itntl y0'u. have won it IYulace. if roll w1we Only Well you think you te' worked se flier far Ihefr spud, aatd
firs -5 3' Y solwtuly and porwnnvnl.ly Cara+H diH• that t:71rJHe N't+re Ll7d w7HRHt IJH(Jl/b! On Hg'AD OF7riC,8=fO1tCNT0 8T„ TORONTO
@rse is a sign, of r.leilri,ng wuttl.I.ter. "flow hardly shall they IWO have could be ill ,good Cbriatian. 11'I71Ie your ease and gives good health, earth who made the hest fit every!hinig. Branch Oilloe-.WINNipmo, '1.4x., AND
i t•irlles anter into the lotngdoul of Dad "I tP111 11t!Ons may ire different, "hey are PANooavaR, D.C,
Many do moa obsrrvc I'b; Aiuny do not ,,It it; oasier for aca.mel t0 o through no "bate them those of the elan whu bus p� g® tea you not now the bright tight. in -�
Temldie K. "find nary Marl ask, non. bile , u, needle's eye tbltn folr a, ruin luau 10 an appatit:e three times a (lily and Hood's Sarsaparilla illa t11e D1r�1tdR G
The ample roeourcas of thio COmnany enable l 4 /�
*h, light wh[th 1R i)4 the! LIOLKls•" In enfer the kingdom of heaven," 11'hfth HteePH Bight hours every night. ] a Catlatin'a Greatest Modleine. i•,11 mix for ,S is 'W. P. C. 817. Its Directors to make advances On Beal Batiste !i�"��J FARMING
nil §_ �� �0
].pot, pL� }, without delay, at low rates of interest, and an MIXED 1''11Ar11, G
0lllher kvoi%bi, there Lure IOU nen• looking ; dOeH t•hJtt inoua f It tneans that the Jer(Mi my ubaet•vitLiun, t juclg0 that sreparedonlyby0,I.I'Ioid&Oo„Lowo11,N[nse. tileMostfaco,ablelarma otrepayment, Loam
r..ro here 'is fine tn'nn
grandest blessing (nod ever bestowed invalids have it mare xapt.u.rous view s y ra tedunlinprovodFitrmsandonProduaLtve
fur ataran w,h t S } 1 HOOCIrS PIllB elt'ocLiVely Pro en anfl town and City Propertios, Mortgages and
for sum ilsisu,, tai • uh'eet will ud7on you ,vas to tlka your mann: of f.he first world thn.n veep leo iia unit - Cold 6Mae Fouad
looking J J I away from you., I',el Ine here say, to leek have higher renown Sit heaven. The _ In the /lisauvar, of so wouderfwl a WnnJolnotAeannntresYurebaeed, i
t toad. myself iiia albs d0- ]m,HHing, ran not, pat mach stress an' the Intai sighs of the delvrRnble mnunl:atnH 1 rip ll aLtfnno wap bis rcaeivad at this o0ices of WChh favorable weather. elan rna'nk
Le, to get yon S I J. Hof this world. You cannot IR l,hmu h the lal:icv of the siakroum• rame,ly m Nervjline-nerve-pain eUrt- thetjompeny .gemewlt, and a good muxket, the APOC14
li,gfat•ful £ aW1J. cif. madctng Lhe best of t1.PFlRl xe J. IManaging MASON,
tulle them clout; with( you. Ar. any :There are trains rn11nS,tg "very hour of Lhe do sands ]s cherublr.. Of - remedy f the markat nCCords g ia, ldanatffag Director, Torouta alt. farmer sometimes makes a grand,
every'Ching• ,rete, you c•nnnDh Cnko them mica than bolavecn pitluw and aurone, bel ween all the t}wustndH of ('hriatinnH who prompt, relief for tts actionhay.be t) Cramps,
j i c. uslid t, between band- have been carried through 1.110 gnies .1111 vbht•7nat]snl. Its action it) erarnl>H, fshowin9. However, mixed hushando
Xon ma •J}ge ve wuncle red al' 1'i10 statia wo Or three ,nileH. ):uu. Will havo to hostltal an I fit ISstabllst ori 998tcamorsu gregrtUing
J 1 C' L ) g 1 1864. 395,aV0 Tuns. ry is eater, aged in tyle long+ calx '+ti ill
.tics I'llub in 1•octda. in Lhe year 1976 there leave (hell it L, the cometery, AtLilfl, ages and tabes, betlo'Ven crutali and exfa> xeI em4terind your unlit finddt.hey colic, eta., is sign ply marcellouH, usually give best regatta. NVHere ai
vra:re 10,UOU ipuuple alu.iat by weed beasts, I brill t -}area coffins. So fond. was !la orf Palm branch. Oh, 1. lcish Hu1n0 f y ALLAN I this life that Ile decreed that first hr, peuple who are compelled to (try: ".Ali' nearly ani border on a jubilate, flow” A HEAVY BABY. variety of domestic animals are kapt4
unL 4)hat9: Ln the year 1976 there were !s1 I should he bur!ad in w Boffin Of 901(1, head, my heart I A.iy foPL, any Rout I IT. often )'nu here seen o dying a nn join
J 0 people dsstra •ad b 'and that then that should hie in0lose,l back, n1y hack!" would Ir,v some of the in ills palm 1letng sung around his The heaviest baby known is re ,ori �¢ (/'IIn Page fence will be Pa,md not only tw
lintlia, Over .A,00 1 1 J y t be(lside, the middle of the verse open- ad from a village near Brussels, where Royid 11(lll l9tte(linsllil) CO., luxury, Ila, almost tw necessity. Hearin)
wil(I utnimals. But, fleece is tL m•Oustor In ill a coffin of silver, and that Rhoudd ,f ail Lard's medicinr. 1'uu: ++a'e going to h t styles at from 4.r to 06 004ts, per rodW
`doO]usacBiu a yuffinoFiran. and Lhel,ia +exit nnyhuty before lung. heaven is Lng to let Ilia ransomed spirlt free, a farmers wife has just given birth r
Oar t,w,or7aandw•Illkcb is year by year de- I'ImLarge ann 11 L 0f of Iran,
he, tun o'Id city, hal. hnR Hover yet report- lung Ili the lips could not speak to a child weighing ever twenty-one Montreal to Liverpool. Eend for illustrated advertising 7nfti4
struyi:uo more I.ilusn I'huL. It is this file i tbrvn in over his body. And. so lie ern ane cave of atukness or one ,'I I of making and pointing upward. pounds, which Is declared by experts • -+dSaturday -
u•,ltad and Wlah roe,ul ! t+'Lis buried, ilia oho ilea tvho• huried mortality, \n OphAhalmia for the eye. haulo of you tally ns though (wPdhacd to be the heaviest ltnown. t3Leamerisallivaln trains fro T ontofind lase ;
bear fit mala v y, gospel exhausted himself in building this �- morning on arrival of of trains from Toronto Lad
weaptia1's f propose to "huge Lt badc 40 him were slain HO that no ono might. No lis, for htil for . lunge. tin tbav'astnRATS'clook.
know 'where he wait buried and nD Pnu pleurisy for Lhe Lida. \, neuik. for World, and de till the ardl curtains Canada's Golden Heritage 0.60 an Op FASSAGS
iks midsuigib,t Laverne. 1 mean to d0 l there interfere With Lin creaHu7•es. 0 for the nerves. No rheujuratisul few he ever mane be hung around this , Cabin S50.60 and nptvarra second Cabin 6�{(! WIRE
GG n
t um ion subtructium at•I a : f the world who want to take the unlsel"s. '"i'tle inhailtonts Shall planet, and tall the flowers he ever :Does not consist in mdnes alone. 1fit- $;14 and and 896.26: Steerage to Liverpool, THE ! IIIIE �vIRE HOE C0M1 IN
f"tl••,n stems t s open o nam'a L,l London, c.la,+gew• Beirmt„ Londonderry or 9
H Lit addi,t]o'n,-a sulvlrautim tram ,vnu.r )Honey with you. baiter have three newer R.Y, I nm sick." "'J'her0 Rball. 1,0 O11r daisied meado s. NO. 'rhisrNvoirid boon, It: gnee, right to) root oftheQueenstown M,ae andull,60. Limitetfs
I coffins,! nn more pain."
your clays of del,resstun tuna an addl- is not the hest thing God rancl.o. '!.'ills krauble .nal uctH quickly and Irainles5 dreduolion of five poreaaa is allowed on
! Agnin, J. renu+rk SOIL ought to make 'Aga]u, you ought to make the b084; world is not th0 hese tiling that (*ocl ] Ben aro of sulpstttutes, round trip first and second cabintlokeIs. Fad
li,:.n to yuur de,yel oC joy'. Jr. Gad widl the Very best of. our bereavements, of life's finality, \owr, you think I Y• �- to any
nnpply S14ALK1sRVILLE, ONT.
$ y yeas dont. tawny authorized agent.
!help mo, 1 will compel yva Lo see late J.ha whole tendency is to brood over have a very lough subject. You do One week of the Soar Is culled blas- LOVE AND PHILOSOPHY. R. Eaurller, 1 Sing St. W. Toronto.
brtgklft ligtll. that there is in the clouds Chess separations, anti to 'give nnmh not see IIOtV :C anlf to .strike a spark of eoo week-r0alled so all 8 called L17n or A. ac A. Allan, Montreal P,9,- -Sea oqr "tui" to nexC issue,
' is true La file handling of mOmani;na of light ovi: of the flint nf, the taaulvtnun land because there Lire more bl0ssums Mr. Oldboy, soaring into phil�sophy-
LtJg1UL h9iJt that Che. Ie. Is an elle +.lona the departed, find to make lane visil- there are many peaj,le Cahn his a -- --_--
I1' Ll tdei,J S I]t s bine" ecce of in that +reek Illiut Ln any' uthwe Yes, 7iTlss youlrgl.htng, all olio evils at e_. ___
_ ....-..---.-.. _. _- _- _ —�
} n ,lin
everytl,hl,ng. Lotions to the comet:ery, find to say:
Ion 6:43 first. IYlftce, y'uu uught to melte `"Uh, 1' can never look np tggain 1 ally
ren u+. c, 1 H e ,u g
week of filo year. Blossom +seek!
And tbal'. is w•hait, the future, world is
civil7xa'tlon are clue u over -Lr we g.
Miss youngthing-libat is true, Mr,
tlha very beset ut wLl Sidor financial min- ! hOl)u is gone. illy courage is gone.
is lily rail.h in God
Jule Hubl'e?t+tbcauldPolostlLljn
doleful. f 1J Jto
the opset.tirm fit till te70se)r
week Is fareahead lof
word Tour oend Ofasti Uthe sofa littleve it fertile" to-
D'ILY religion gone.
fUi'Itu(ucS. ,luring Itlhk female a few •,
is gone. Ohr }hl', w'eltr and Leal' fend
Id .tell.
ceived Ta0t1011H, it: VOU I
twin forever. ft. as
this R'orld tie parafltRC la 1L11a:td 0f 17.1'yt
Scars agrn you' all lost money. w^orue of ' exhaustion of this loneliness',. The
is lois
a1`htr -t ,judge host of the features OF
a man -those who fora close by hire ar
'l'urtugna, and Yet here We eland shdv-
All Dna-
i lu-t i'L im moan nnarcou)ltmbht ways. 'must. frequent ber0uvemeut the
Set N
"HOW of ehildeen. Tf your departed child
stay, can Lust lie fea-
Cring' ani foaming 1; g0 Owt, urid We
to stay on the dxy sand and amid
T.ke t,ax.tive Bromu tlninine TI&W,
gists retond the money It it tan. to care, Pea
rhe questeign . manly thous-
umds Of. dOplulrs shall l .plan. asJxle Idris had lived ns lung as you have lived,
"those judge of
tures of a num who are uloso by hila!"
the stormy petrels; when we are invited
a'.er?" you substitutOcL tlJo questiuto, rlc you not: suppose that hr, would Lava
"'lits+v 1 t;u.Lr'11ts and' had about. the stoles an1011'nt of troilbis
Now, niy friends, who shall ,judge Of
to ardors of jasmine and birds of para-
climbing is said
shall pay toy you
ballcor fund 0100hiar and landlord?" Yolk end isrsl that you have had?
the fl at: r , of deu:ther they fir her they use
two Bill k
One season fUrleL
to be healthful and invigorating, in
Qluth file Sensation of ra,,wing hard with I Could make, it choice fur your, el)ilcVeio_
YOuI?'linu nilatlOo tail offUr I'Lrl to
went to Ne is in lnlli and ]
ifs aftects• Do any instances of this
,kA%,) OILrs wild, yet all the Limo strias , tween'lU yewls of nnnogance, lose,
I aidun, exasperation and hareevomenis
I el a ;judgment Its 4u what really the
lo++iu(L Lame i:h•' le::N the foliage olid
then cnming
occur to you(
The is
dbn+n Arenni.
YLrtu add molt sal' muLtila abufrt LC be- i and 4U' years in heaven, would you lake
y Inc b011it, t 40 vau s ility
features of death are, I t ill not: ask
I those who have been
tnv+arcl New Orleans and
hack. As I went. on dawn tow d New
Juvenile Pupil-Yes'm. goat !,
a Mountain climber, and the goat is
cause id was eat to e''h the uE uhoosdvg tin our-
mer' IVGuld you snatch away the cup
you. will. ask
within a ninnlb of deLLth, or a week of
Orleans llre verdure, the foliage,
very strong. i
ut fimtluejs,l eulbarrasstueaLL, but. your
'..o.I.a w Less vlrlely of wardrobe of eternal bliss and put, into that
deluth, or an hour ar (tenth, fir a min-
I 1 Ili The •'tand so neer the
Mina thicker and more
When I came hack, the farther I came
,. -
lamps',�� ppm �pum�u qp @��
•M'R�'SN I EWim'■
Eptabilelied• 1872
78119 to FOR YOU-
Clotbe your family from
bead with our
Prices (anis" S05, $20 4a318e
C�i.El;�ll IN .BIOS., Georgetown, Ont.
av .t e , ' 1 obild's hands Ilia cup of many hereare_ tUe n r ell . J * , TWO O foe rYPCLYgirege Wa1rE uS
maro' oc+niamy alt iihe tal)le„ self denial I mints? lnsteu(1 of the enol liber sate- Peat.0 t �, t illy etur tel,. '1•hey give toward home the less the foliage and _
tin, uah and, 9nluaslry. CklmprBSsieLn, re-, Witl s there is not a day that -._-
tGrtui.'kimenL. Wolin did, -fiat, Leel the ne- l ty In•to which that child has been: Li RC- tuwinimoua testitnmty,,- if they ;leo less and Lass it, hsrwme until thorn Was y says -
ressily' pE Lt? 3Ty trietlk did yott maple oil, lvonld you like to hold it clown to Christian people., that death, instead burdly any. Navv, it: all. depends his jokes aro not repeated. the risks of this a to h scute? Twn tO __ upon the direction in which you travel. Of course not, �rsw•ered Witly's rl-
Lfti,s hest of Ibis'? ,Are you, .Aware Of , - - _ .-_ - IL a spirt" tram heacen should coma vol, be repealN there from morning till
flow nnrsn)w tin escrtlpe )'(kill made? Sup-' •sou like, to keetx dot out un a sea, til - toward aur world, he is traveling night.
pose yon Thad retuthed the foglwne to- whia11 there leave imam moral shill- y i fram .lune tovvrlirdt December, FI'om ra- w-
Wnn`d lv, ich you vele rtilpictly suing? ' w racks than sato vuyfigeS 6 1 it nGL 1>t �tt�nj� ®T fg }11C+ Ijfl� diunce Lowurd dai kneas, froru )lunging Those Horrid Pimples �®� �� 4" *4',
11'UJa4 tb+m? lG.0 would have been ns ll' comfort. to y�wtu know That that Suffering lij Vanquished. llh�axLl ' gardens toward icebergs. And one
tnraucU ng Lnl Iter, child, intend of being besotlecl and would not be very mach surprised it Wil 1 dSstpiaar ftEtOr taking LI few^
Roti• fens meal fhavve succeeded Jak,gety flung Into the iuirer of sin, is swung n s peril of; God sent Forikll Lrum' IIeav- doses of Celery Kinn, '11he trial of a Q34 �� �INENE 997,
Y leleur into leetunLerl,I Ave t:ultisdltlnLLthtlJe ANOVA SCOTIAN FARMER TELLS 1
i.nl a finunl,idi Neuse cud alt maintain children (O p I, on inward num world should. Ile. slow 26 rent paeltage tvi11 convince you Of
mt k litifa• slinplibity Iin•d religious conse- I HOW HE REGAINED HEALTH. to come• :Mut Loss strange it, is that t:hb truth of this stutemawt. No Family
eraclium I Nast molts nr.nluult of 100"Viere I/uint or celestial bliss whieh, you. fix- vve dread guing toward that world can afford to lie wiL•hout Celery Ting, nove glOr9aa'a e�eeeirLian's, but tole general heel. Lo "".aril by a pilgrimage of Had Suffered from &&Ute Ithennlal tela 3'rurle ix 't01a:L ion 1)ruporlitru as tt rani 110 fir • 00 ar 70 yeaas thee•, r0neh_ June, going rR fram .Df earths onward as, di keelJI; g less a stens d fpr bill,rfeot -I
GFF fair ups "done 'hs els ad at a flush? if the Incl, 10,- and General Debility-Sertrenly Able to June., gnoi the snare of blossoms,
sfrJm condition rt• 6a.ves many a doctor bill:
gets wren a g 000 children Who) had entaiod hea- nn the Iaghtest \Toch. to the Hnovv aF Ecleniu blossoms. from One monlh"s treatment for o cents.
paually l,, for 'like matt„ !Ile loses 'his the araties of tuu,ble. tuward the trollies Sold by all druggists or Woodward *Y44S 300 4AIrG IM5100 It 11; 1P9RTP21 t02P
sltmae aa• deltendnnce on God, 113:. gala I vem had guile through the average f,rllu' the Aoadiun, 11'olivilla, N.S. of eternal joy i Med. Co„ Toronto. Can.
w disLuste fon prayer meetings. 11'itih . of human life on ettrLb', Lae you sure -- 0mCdiW' Id�t®0 all 7t"laralq�wal elptk A.¢i3p81jtl•l�
a dist of hank t7tusks adral plenty of till tl)bao 10,000 children would have One of the most, prospe)ous end in- all, u1nop an ado aba'a dyingi 1Vta DIIDTSS R1SDOl�. 1
gauamm�lcnt securities, wiha,t dose that finally reached the blissful tertuiaus, tclligeut farmers of the village Of gat so af:Lached, Co the Inai.laatttl, maidrsh r i
loam krnov+' of tura grayer, "Gose me L'his' Besides that,' my friends, you tire, tis Greentvick, N.S„ is DTr. Edward Llan- in which we leve that 1a era afraid Dandruff
p �? ��p
d m' %sof ill gr Ly 'F"Wilow tete zVhLs loolt fit thin mutter .,is a self denial;,t)n 111119, Anyone intimate With Mr. Man to it, ns> eine live on (the ]ailltOp, NN'B Small I]oY-Pa, why does that onl young � �� k d °t l @3� �iQ}c� W �
man wear an eyeglass on only ouee���� Itching of the
sucuosstul i'tt (this ivor'lil are your part for their honefit. If your ping knows bion nus a man of strong are alarmed becaa�lae vacation is OOm- h {
birLorging soaps ,to. CSturislt or sbowdng children avant to go off in ih Atlyi day integrity and. veracity, so that OverY ing, Eternal awnlight anti best pr•O_ eye?
NetlL-SetLi.t fair thlldrs or cru etnineAt party, it your children want: tel ,go, nn eonfloleince can be placed in the in grnanm(A of celbstial minst:ruls lint hal- Pa -So pia can use Cho uthos eye to gents "Breaking of air,. ,
Beit du'LSd Yon, can count. tem( all It flowery nncl Ili excursion YOU mation which hes gave a reporter of 1plulalh, no indunement:, Let, us SL"y see with,
utilun your ai'ghk fingers and. two Oaltseplt. You might, prefer to have. the Acadian, for publication t:he other lie'e amen ke6,p cold and Ignorant and astn,ns
tahumbs. then with you, buL Lherr• jubilant nb- day. During a very pleasant Inter- weak. Do not introduce us to 801 Am. Hartford ���� ����� Stops Palling Oggt.
One of IL" aid covetou% Santa, Wheu sconce se•tisfies you. \Gell, your depart- view he gave the follovvang statements and .7'017)1 n tilt Had Bourdaloue heel)f N
hO +t as siclu and sick untto deu:th, used ed children have Only gone out; do a of. his severe suffi,rjng RaIL recovery: awl• feel,: hal Lhe shu.rP col)bleslono.s of lisadomee- • 9Aa.leddoSt.W„Taraale. ��• �� �� ®� ���
iGr palearva a basin 11rawgihL Su, a basial May day party, amid flowery Ilnd mus. "'1'lrm years agD lust SePl:eu+ber,” said earth Instead o[, planting Them on, i he
C i'l w0at gold, find this only amuse- I ianl en (ertf6inLuant., amid joys nate ]til- AIr, iLla.nning, " i wits taken with an banlr of amarautlil in heaven, (wive us .--
aril;ieR ertuJ forever, '.C, al.t ld JO to ttue..il .auto nt.Lack of rheumatism. I had this small Island of n, leprous world Iu- A11r VNFORP:9130N CONTINGENCY. 8tO-' SWORN TES'fatlONi�l3 SEaC FE]Ett.
menu= and 1710 airily reldoL be gut Ga.r lids some of your griet, the. 1)*)ught Of. their not been feeling wo}1 Far some, time st;etld of this iminensrtits DF splendor -
Inflamed, IhR.nds was ,rulu'nmg i,h Lip In glee, previous to that date, having' been Land delight. Keep Our Iannds full Pf Cusl:oaner-"tion saidytyesa stockings -
M1bo buena. Oh, whist tntatuati'au and , troubled wiCh sleeplessn0ss and senor- nstLleg and Ogir shoulder under the were fast brook. They are all faded sd u � �� to
w1hudo +les'truying ,patwen. munay Ihas fol'' ; SO it Ought. to be that you eoulcL al debility. My constitution seemed burden and our. neck' in the Yuko' find cut•
fW mealy a man I Noe o you, were sail- make the best of till bereavements; The oclnpleLely run down. Beginning bopples au our apkles unit handcuffson Dealer, a retiree unarawbistAHera INA* ' Battle faro► Drur'Ti tioN a.7: em �
ins; at. 3d knuts 0110 huuu• toward. these tout that; you havo se nanny extends in the small of any hack the owr wrists, "Deas. ,Lord," wu seem: to Craedous I You must 'hnf washed 'em, � tretsm1160 I►i gtlriom Ate
wi>rtioes of worldliness-•wlhtat u mercy . in heaveln will nitltl your awn rlepEi.r- {min soon passed into my hip, wbere, say, "Iteejd ns down here where wit hive - -- ¢�
It, was, 1lhgLt Lamest dufa0ewtion I ',Cleo turn very rheertnl. When you aro go- if: a7nnuined vviLhnuL intermission, to suffer inateud of lef:f.ing u.. aft where # ® LAY t°„�� 169 1 F,Q� London,
� di fit !
saran IlLdoae ,nand tthalt' crushed your , Ing on a TOY+ign, evrrything depends g j vapi 1'1'6i�� ie g ad. 6D6' �' ��� AY E ll➢ I R4 8J 4p 61
and I hecaane a tithaue.suffare. All we mt ktt: live, fife reign finch rs ulna,” o y 0
sturJclonse, your builk, your offieb, your upml where your trden+ly ace-iC they WintoT long Turas stsarcely a1710 to (10 r am cmayed at myself anti RL your Cold in
insurance Otnnpamy, l.iftod you Out of tar's, on the wbu7f that yuu, leave. or OIL ally work find it was Only with the self. fel' this infualrLtiun uudei Which Q�pptpµ7�qen• !�
(1VISMI(AIUm, •J.1he day YOU honestly : the wharf tewnrd wbich you aro to- !tautest; of suffering that I mana.gecl t,O I w0 nil refit, 11,3'en you would anplpose - ��® '�'n ®ee' a6 ti. tla, �d�
suspanded le business made your for- Ing to gall., In other words, Lhe mora hobble i;otho barn enchday tode mY wauld get frightened , fit having lo EXC' iGABLE AW.ifWAB,I)NESS. � �
tl'ums fir 0tiernlLy, friends you have fit heaven the was � charas. l Etppea.lod, I:c ubedival awn I Maty 111 Qtis world Instead of getting
"OIhI" el qtly, "1: could gree n.ldaug I it well lir, to get assay trial ells WOO d ; £hones. but they flt Lod to bring any fr!if 'cad ad'. ha¢tng i.o ern tnwva.rd ]len- Guest -Ouch) Geewblttake,r I YakL've �_ _ �^
Y Ch(r mare friends here, oho afore bitter s y --
s•ea'Y well tuysrlt, but I'am sU disnp- , rel[o[. AL hist I deedded to try Div van, I'emlgr'atulate n.nybOdy vvhu has 11 l)illait some soup dsor m neck!
Jnidtled �tlhat I. calArvut lears'n a compet- , goodbyes. The more friends there. the lyilliums' Pink ]?i1IH and with their I ser sulk, -I's
air d load. sad(•; but you ucm !
4 right, 1'•c. ate, Iiy ilial. .I11tnttu t:hraugh aTlrsnt
einvi, far Nl'-Jbihtrela I" iv.ry b7101"fbev, :.more glorious welamm�s, Sorm, Or you useea•maauamplette end Jesting cure. sieluTese you exnnub avar6 or tihruugh yes.sah.;_.C's so in chuvht it, you is g'nvino a
111rs Sumo fiman0iwt nlisLuhhane (that is have oro nany, brothers, staters, chil- I hadnat wwdquito three boxeswhnn alrcident you cannot avnid-your wank ('o 9111) int atip or oat, it: makes m' S�
gni;a9''vo save ychur soul will gave you. siren, frisn(ls, in h0aveu ghat :1. dw not, L be •an to feel decidedly better• I cons?tnhmajad, "11'livre did they lorry nBrvoias, , -� 9d ctieN
rth'illf&n. 'With 'the outici ntia'n of known hardly hots you fere going to euntiroued using them ar1Lt1. twclve V' d '✓1J
j r(g I Lily?" aairl amu little Child in unnth-
JargO Rirhane, Ihivir maul" industry^ m'Ovvcl through, When the vessel ctune haxea had. been conaunLed, when 171Y sr, "011," she replied they hvcied he• (P
avrnmi(1 ,yarar alhtilkl+ren liuvva, w'ithntit from Foreign .In.ndts, and brought e numplete. recovery vvurranled me in in d'be grnund�?" khat, on l�l�e � liJt?i•S 0 3.[1111;6 A1re �o�®" " '—
.2 001
wtLieb. 'balbit (rt, initutsbry Y:be,ne is :uo prince LO our harbor, the shifts wars diaen.litinu!ng their use, I have never „rybn cold ground? Oh, act, no, Lot; ®1' Th>•®$$ rJ�`1•o11blOS.
LL t The uu:h meta wow, rl deny, 1 uave:reiL vvttb hunting, and yUu "",maul- Self; b0l:tt r than allure thabt i:ima. lvCy in I Ila Hold g1'ulinet, but in t.hv va.rm This is a BONA Nt6)B after laude to Introduce our vegetable Loci Flower
"Waal ?+1t110)rs's 11D ,need our ney woorkio . tier haw the men-of-wor ihuntlered ,health weans to have Smproverl in rouuil, w'her'e Ugly scads become hettu- antou to new cuatemera and Beds g We s aprese to please yae fir tilt
t e gill s • n stuff i oull. ea ld. ttbeal DYer vo-vy, :During the past summer g �~ amount pale refunded and the Seeds given ase present.
, 3 � I broadsides, but there vvaS uu ,jus' illex0 L.ifvl fl.Owers!" DTANLy I'1i;1.U1,1.
Jv] J• ,1'n,tn.,r w , unp 1 , � Y At these prices we Dan oNl°v oStor the vnrlotrne axrned l+olow. Order bg sun, r.
11111 .72 'Irs9 wb $I r w•alllt, You cau- cOmparod with the joy which shall. ba I worked very hard but have Felt no ,,,]fat.," Hays gains un,+, "it: pilins me
] J demonstrated when you Sall up l lis! ,Ah, Clear Mabel)s :fluster bnalnot- Buy wh+lt Ton Want. They are santby mail past paid. 8oleot from Elie rorlarvintt 1 of i
nal, hide fdonnl'hini'how ap,ua.11 you Live bad efforts. The gratitude l' reel. Lo Ho aluch ko•think that 1: anustl lase the & admires lt'tvith a will; vR08TABLSs. 16. Wutarlivion,TOY ONU%da
wttrta, You :t1lililk uu arc+ biding it, b.ciutd buy nF heavaoly Ralulaltiou' (Cha Dr, Williams, Pink Pills, none but hod wil7t 1.11101 any satin bas so long 17.anlou,lar pre wotlforefield
Y t moue 1bay Of Yen 110.ve i:lre)e the ensleL those ovho have suffered. as I have a.nd °They are Only tllrco months married (ordorlrNnnrbnr•r )R, Unlan Yeiltow Mobe Danser.
pia I:uoncs .all alluwt 'Lt. ,lie can tt 1 Y h
a., re tir awn isanut. Whitt is the
a ev t hos awrod, can ff red. Lee. ensupnaaiulted," �'vu do mat luSl at. yon And his money lend the hill, 1, Boar, Eoiipeu, round Ia, Parsnip, Hollow am"
1'aa cLlrwosd to t6 dellu,n• Ptl Lupe the ULhua who9es ohildxbtz are in }teaveu'] no nose luau gOur body by death (bun �� 9, Boa6, Bsy Ginn, nn6:Lund 20, nadleh, It..TFrenchGBreaxease
,111s1aeen t'a'ctile aihu-n•t.,v olAue niad aellr- a m Au analysis ahOw:s that Dr. Wil- you 'lose yant• vvayhsl7 when you send 9.Oahbage, Rvinniug.tadt sl' RAdhh, napyltem
rU- 1\'by, 'f.here is np 1nar.0 6ri0t in; it than tielrms' Pfnk T?ills contain in (i coon- Y d. Unabage, refuse. Brun. 22. Tamikl, t era ea
cheat 1.71". ti'eea!'rla of deeds and mU at: 'tis 1tWve it 7'n}x,•J 1'Ud, Dr yOur jewel Tlev+g This? AUorrol, halt fan smrlet "& Tamura, extra early A6hu,Elh
thorn iH in he.r, softly an Lo it, nursery
ages, tend he 'leas nalded $L all lupe dansed facia all t:h.e eleahenj.N nuneRsae9 w'lien You! srtiil. it i:n have dE rtl et, or n. Carrot, nueran S senrlat, 51. Tamale, DimFLOWERS. ERS.ton
t- arnid ilia romp and Ittaght.er Ofi her. to give new life and riolittess to the We oReoOno Hundred Dollars Reward for t s.
and 'lilt •.has Ilaattlo tun es,ta+nn,tL o.: ]law, i g the fatted y,icCurn when ,yut1 Send; rid; to 7, Unaambyfir, uulonso Plckbng FI.oH BR
housebolit Though I'll around mal 10 blood find rest'.ere shattered narvea, any once Or Cnlarrh that cannot be altrad by R, aweni tr LouggGraoa
4 OnAf yl'CrUI Will prlylxa'bly etn.y in trims 11at't, it tOltclleel itpt lei' the. I7hal'.o1'. p0h hall's Catarrh (Jure, e, Odety,nolAon Neto-Blaneh(ng 2R. Aetord, m zed
L worried rid+rlt, sae Ynu not Lha hl,g'his light in Chet bra tin unfailing specific fol• such of a friend wheat yowl have 14 puf. in It F. J. CFIENmY a OOe, prop e., Toledo, n 7a, Itarb., Naso 2s. Ttignonat e, en•Mt'
would, uvd: is 110,1, as M -11011J ort las chat. It bI. the lrrudlatect 97. ranaY mxea
the alto (I , g' diseases its lo0omolol' atnXia, partial We the undoeslgnod, Levu known F. J. 10.Ilerhr, Laron'
wheat your :rlhelimirti?mr n11d s77xteth I, neiV InoltOt. Z D,n, d(1 non: lose yrOtlrr Chancy fie oho twat Yb Barg, and believe him 12. Iforlia, DTmyprgro 2& Tetu0la mixed
tfl.aeH uF yaU1' glOrifie(1 klllfir'eri? arrnlYata, ..art. Vitllsl dance, :9etlutl0(l, Pal will O to Uorme to get T 19, ]roL6uce. NonpnrpllptU eEhngir3ed 50:9 ocbrI? aaaasHassMixed
fit lbreaatiln as yaw 1yru. 'Tile Only tUr I body. a g porfaatrybonnrnlrleina1bus(aestitransaotiom I{,T"glimbeDorn er? k I 1
e rr, : • 7,r) g :) s au ''n live So also, nr,V friends, .L Wov.tr7 have nauzmlgia, r1ieumntfs7n,, nervous hone}- his, T'a.'HOn will go to I)orLland. Ito get, hurl Anunafally nolle tocarry outany obiigrttions 16.>fnah hialun,extrn party, NvUmeg 31. W11rr Flolvur, finrAdn 7nl*ori
ilu(n w nth O 1y btri,n6 i t n t y a fill g J _
,Lacune rib 1a d:ltn':kpNl.ntn,e J,nu pall, in his you arinka tilt? hast; of ynu" sicknegs, aulle, "Lho aftea• efCecsts of la gt'dlJpo, p(il- his. Prr.Sidcnt Edavards will go Lo .Prrn- t'tv'�sT1:Y 4'aavnx.myvbolesate Dreggiat., Toledo, - --
iI?nrtt amtL lr.•eant. Of. still 'I'he,ynlu'ng'nten \\'heir yrau sen tl;n:c move off vvii;h, elan- pikai:On, of L'ito hoar(. nervous iris- Caton to get his, George Cookmaul will 1.1 WADDI 0 tiINNAv at MARTIN, wholesale v,.
wnba) si'arted life. wit''h, 9:0;000 antni,l;aj, tic, still), unci In Lull physical vigor, tra,tion, all discuses depending upon It60wista,mo{edc.obi0,
]:, n sot etiJnes sun henPlne inn nt.ICI1C with vitinrLed huniara in, the blood, such as go to ,1110 butbom of lila Atluxlt:in to 'T"'V
p1aw. Inrua•.y bun•tard .ant well f L tI. not ri P t his, ttnd 1Vf• Will go to tilt village Ii¢,11n Cntarrfi t ern is talc6n internnius sur
'tot- F E 0Rp6
11ne ltLlf a rat /,en. Year tune LOO(. When a. 111an dBaaribes seJrOhtla, ellronloi eryralpola, Oto. They clyarch ft)•de and Lbe city cemeteries t.0 Late dot ltiv a 9�omtile iced o P r 1111 0 Hall Providing this tlunpan
!Lha h0v' Snherittal fie a .•Lan Will an object: a mile off rtnd you eau"Ot affe ltlao a speciriO For troubles ptoulLar t trars, end, when wn haven aur' per- Uy�n11 Drn gietg. eat calms free. as ot'r OV'r sod seat to ne will
l L L y g J g nn area" for 12 raoknE. en -lana
Can IlttVe is the feel Ing t11J1.1, ale, ,hEtH t:U see ii; alt YLII,. yon 1peoGJYla illtj»atient ca fenrlUe 6Re1t 'til anirras Inns, lr_ feat spirit. 1`ejOinOd t0 attT j7erfeat body Sail's '�A777(ly pine are ehM1 bee6 tnoh,dol,raaket ,., ot,Otl-
tlYtjPub: 17(5 aW17 bati;l e, frnd ihOt life i5 Ot yU1Lr ulna eye. �7'hell 7Ynll h{tela tli (L t'agmlaTltieg fbn(1 all t0l'ma of weak ..,,.., nail Nnlprfflannld��tI,,r�ioa o, IMaa
a strll!ggle into whims be. must. throw trail lean nicking a great; aellteV allteritr neg5. They l)n$ltl wri 'elle blood and re.- of Ohara AER. RI1Llutls
body, mind and skin) Or, be disgracefully you beoalne Impatient, wall your de- afore Like glow of health to pale and " 1-1.1..- 'l oil, TUI rAleIDn.
worsted, 'l her•eare the burial Places pressed nervous Nystoon Or your till- sallow c leeks, Jn 'men they effect a D0�'T
lilt, "nen who sCurLPd life w•}tl>(a lox- lip dated Irnalthi, I Will tell you how radical (stare in all cases arising froln VVa willl NOT A�� AMMAN ORDILR at these price here
x`;11.1!u•e 8 SO,tns of l;henr in i.he p(ittOr'N ,vnu eon make thio wrarst of, it, MOM insntal trrorry, nvrrwot'if, Or ex0eases
. the psitkats are NOT soleated trogt tine ket'll" lle t�
field, Haran in tile• suicide's grave, But liver It-11TOOd .vex all, tbast illnesses af. Whal,ovax ',oatura, Bold by ata deal- ���ZT�Tlil� Add6c�apo�at( erecta to C��II I
Jew of (base hien roti(slled ,RG Years of -and roll], nerves fell) hecamn more ens or ton"t posl;paid,a,1; 6tk. n ilei or In ivdu LdJACtLI.A<layiohTdaawal, elite �p� Mh RENA`ti® �O� �TOe
i iwres for Sr2 60 hl addrefaaing t.hi g >;
Alga. ;I''hrty (.bink. they stuakard, they t:wil:eily, and your rlysprpsJa more al,- S x i fleas' Medicine i9o,) 111Osk-
lgambled, 'Ip t,ltam the henl;t dcstruy, graveled, and your wen,kness Vlore top- r]J. Vi71 FIgp tlnd'pcanJiar Oavbr ds sur0 to cull year"taniti, Lend paLodtefrolk, ago 40i 50 o+nd ,R
, tl(] tura man, :xxine of then• lived long palling. holt QUIL is the 41011'ff )%Ork Ville, Otat. '