HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-6, Page 6F
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tit than, y1ft will doubtless do without
* them %all ))a wiffe. in so doing. A. UP
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uthor m0labers of the family away,
Alumlis Usually Occur In sluall apt-
__... .1 .,..___.. ....__.__- —_
. � ----
W1103 of his Infancy And Youth, gild- A'OrNS XA7) COAMIRNP,%
lad with, Clio
! i
** About the House.
0 print. shirt waist with & detachable
deraivs. is mobuots, artilies, fftAI1.1JrIo4,
recollection Of a mother's - - .
love and a mother's tondernom? And!
* Collar could tie purchwel. last sum.
* i Ater for fifty vontm. It you prefer to
to g1l0lortiver many persons are
ran it into clow rLdatlims WIL111 Peril
VatupritiLlun for file tridr, of Clio
ILOWIllanybave nciblyowned thattotbo
Tito parental. and conjugal rotation lHollutury inflolf,ace thon exortefl. they, Mirlit 1.4 becoming iiwrvov4nA,Iy Intense
11 .
'oe make them. have them ready for the
It is & Woll-lontowu fart thoot, alore
other (fail),.
AI'MUIP6 is a general dhaluse, Similar
Is peculiar to Alan as Will bead of oreat- i Inust. airectionaLoly lisaribe their ILI- ONTry year, (,ri-al IlriLaip JULIA for go
, I ..
first Lot days. A eltupte of litothar
deaths are line I, pnuunioni, than I a natwo (lit 81-arlot. foyer (IV mot
to any I 11 it. ksl_
ad latelligences, gaps, I Imen alinust Like (me big
and in wilman It is Or-' turo sucoas their avoidance Of evil long Clain
� whan nD eye ives upon tlloax� but when
1 7
! ,
SLOckilISS farm art liaportant. part
1 Hubbards, too. These last need not
other dige,laol, While the (11.4-1 but, the swellLng of the Salivary
ease itsOlf It' not fatal glands 14 ,japh a striking foit"ure that
r 1,
tile sum of hor whole existence, The; they recalled the warnings, tile pray- I a(mory, supplying products for agood
Ilea of affection
cessarily be xamde of so tight mater-
Of every Woman'd wardrobe, And tit
i ""
let as to require wtshing after aday'd
tbOIr fineness
it one, And. ean,
II8 vur0d, 118vOrtbeless its frequent OA1-: (lie Other eyeatdonis, mild Lover, hiss of
appe([Ce, pte., are apt to lie forced
Are inuch. more Liar- ora, the tours of ik mother? We fear Pat'[. -if the vivilized ,Aorld. (oprinany
influent In God-, noblest vrork thAn to nOt to askftrf; UAL the influenea at It, book Marc reefIntly floodAd (lie Layout
and excollance of tshape
(Lad ,style) depend the 0 wtur, Indigo blue cativo flad Avilat is
omfort of th�lor i
, urreuve maj,es Its deetb rate a ghmaC.1 !"to tile background unit Overlooked.
the temporary londrass for Its inatel woulan In bor relation AS a wito can- with elli,ap,1, goods, whole even III fill_
s tilutesormurs forlifo thehappiritisHoe 6
I � 11
I .
1 Called "silver grey" callco launder
1. Wearer and ber peace of mind. No one ' wall and are ulwtty3 Whila
one, and, tilt, i�ase with, AvIllo-li it, can The irtands affected are goutirally tile
tie caught Should maku every one Lit- J'All)(111 gimilds, And the sivollifIg JP-
and. Its young VOikilli Is abse,irvable, tit tit,) being assufdated with ILI,,-, Holy (I r proidlivia of Auterloa have Act been
the fowl Chat "gatherath hoij brood I vrae I, Chow, are Clio wifflnut altineroia in the;
. I
. I
I suttable.
Diu Ile tranquil la'demeanor. and At I -e
., I III paring )-Out' sualator wardrobe, Sol)-
ease in bar allad 1"'th a root-cover'lig '
MILDLY ( pears 1�"neetth tile "at' jusit hehind Ile
trL -arefill ,to sviii(I it.
'Ilia I jaw, 'I'llo ealargrem"L Jacy be very
convenHonal mr- purullawra
under wings." it Inan be barn thei rantloinfints of soodoLy which juillog(i oil Orient call Ili(' Oculdent, and even oil
kuLd to marriages I
lititale, the gauze undor%Near for War-
which blisters the skin, or Dresses up cients Ulude of musiin. ' I'liey are far
in tot" beneath the shoe, ar in any waall, easler, 'an I need little-
gQrU18 Of ;-Aeutaolila art, _ great" tilt(, NvIlen hoth. aides are. ar-
qUeatly found in the u1mith, the saliva' fevtod, t'he l)oor safforer is .act trans.
C bo� iviLltout; afrootion
inns 1pless ot creatures, how tire the 111c t'joull ineat, of Euvolin itself. Anil
TILAV worse than tboughtlass is it tie
tender sya2l)u'b'aS of VeircxxtaL IOv6 hatiLily Woron with imperfeetly known nov, that file front. of Clio world In
I t�ooiler, ,
Ivuy makes ifr4if felt us a disagraeafile or uny-ironing.
I Try tile
Or in (lie nasal seviretiuri.s. of tile very as ailardly to lie ractignivablo.
At the same time the gjamots tire e.N-
healthy person; but (heiii,
thoroby called into existence I But, oil axi4lagoillal natures I BIG if love changing, and (lit) vital. Areas of I .110
ox))Ove fill, II -V fmilfully important is 119111 E13AIen'S IMIT11), IDVO ChAt, unlike PA01110
to get SaVving all Oil[, of Clio
fact. A Stocking should he as unob- i $to Y before tile fruit 6easion arAres,
tragh`O as the Skin itself, and slavuld, :
germs-altme coodingly painful.
� 'I'llic ottler saltya"Y
are not. s.urti,lont ,toy cause Choi disease. glen Its may be affected together wiLh
invite tile placiall, Of the waran
that maternal. influence to w1dah, t more passion, is Inaparlsbable- I r thr, attlion" Ilit)ro advilavoi(T Ill civil -
0 Let jun act to marriage of true in nds' 0
�ui,[ no matter what You don't JULVQ, do
be chn-5011 With AS much reglArd to tile 141*11 a 'title all at'"- 'mO with "yO
Isurnera it
There mu,it Ile Lot addition An exposure I petroLifts, or alone.
to Mill to bring M on, and dit, many I A flef-Ullarity of Inuoups Is Chat fl, to
necessity. is Consigned the physical. and' Admit impedimenta. f iza(icn, it Cosmopolitan efillmnorolial
Moral training of every human being 1; T,()vo, gratified, conjugal love, is tile comraditfollf it;
demiaLiest finish as any ather nit-tiele possible, It will do myay
%I" the nevessity of firing up the
I Of dress. It should be
vi,is,,,1t ades wbit'll The weather ILL ibis; cry ])"One to'leuxt, Lila parts rival. at-
tacked and lIlVXdO Other glands in Cho
about, to exisue Ilia lilt*
I't is for ivonlan, by Whitt .She is, to de� i only MJID of. Paraillso in this Iowa], CIE tvilleh llj�afor has novel, $aeu,
' . y
made with I range go niany tluxes.
I woven 00arns, W11101t have neither : Try mosquito noitLing for the load.
time of the ,year undergoes make it sx- body. This is 9, ,st, .jc)us (longer, ill-
tromely estAy to .,atch, � ; �l
, Ch" alierissary Most the Only oine, &Oil van fill lirtivout-
Vvorld. No Station is so misf,rabla, no: -_
tOrmine what Loan shall be. lifWal .so droary, but it ivill enteir there, 4C is not in coulmorDl6tistu alone.
Tilt% influence or woman maeurcly Lot-' a not cheerfully
kaota or rough plaoes to fret the fritit; I room window.' if you haven't screens
igh to go round.
It Should fit well, , atimpting ('11OL ' ,rcok, it over the
cold. Pel`3011$ `IVIL0 fall into the water aft heat by ke0j)ing tile, patient in tied,
1 or (Lt. least In t I(, roona, evon if he feels
sing oDrisclotion to the
10"V4 11,11' Premence as Shade Is insepar- Suffering Ilea rk. however, that counpotition for Clia mAs-
I , How oftou di isoatert
itself 1 clatside froni tilt, to b()ttoul. ,1,110 &d_
OXACTIV C-0 W16 SlIalle Oi InStDP
Often devill0l) imemattinin After tl le
. perfectly well, lor apveral days after
able from suilabine, unit that a4mi, susklill better than Ourmtva6 tile most tory Or the world's patronugn is pro-
over"'litallining reverses fortunel
, V.
ant&ge of this 1.
and ankle, man it aliteuld lie it trifle 9. the window can be
"Camers"Ll, It seems 'Is if tile sudden tile sWelling 11" gone down,
polver Lima this peauliuril.y, that if; is at ,,votting. [Atellard-tial conflicts On a
Those diAns(firs which break down tile
Wager than the foot -not much long- as well &A ralsed, and you ap I
or, bmt; just enough so tcs keop fronI not Obliged, as with. some screens, to
chill Onaliles the geraits to effeetuallyi This Is shout the L)nly trealrou,ni call.
It rik the lungs, , od, for, exveljt poiliAps. scathing apidi-
a� 'a
WOVIrd-Wide settle arri Also in progress.
aver �permtlflg. for good" In our flub_ Spirit (it allibitious Inan, And prostrate
livassomblies, in bint lit (be dust. seeOI6 to forth lei part, these conLramts are ubstratit
any crowding or the toes In putting put it halfAvay Up. Attand to this mat.
oil a Stocking. either for t er lletOVS the advent Of Little. Your
a child or I
labor be in
. cations, SILO) as soail� Jiniaxont, for ill.
"')tell a piersoll natal ocintrettits lint'll. stailre, to tile skin Over [lit, swelling,
mania, the
our convivial xnatt-� call .fill
lags, wilon the heart, and tongue ft ; Womou's onergies, and give, to flex ohar-' and inetaphysItial, lillt. in a large (to -
"a anbar it stiffillms elevation and fell re-' alst, Lilay
for yourself, you shood pull iG a little will not vain: they will .
gernia multiply withi greaL' The (flat should lic Liquid, and, Indeed
greet are .moral, and spiritu-
apt to rove in unbridLad license. lot wo- Iddity. Nt"'Ag call be mora
all'aY frOm Cho t0a, ad the fInaL Adjust- SaLrO I
alent. before donning Some one has said Clio only way to
rapidity and by their growth form it must be, for chawing, is so p inful
. 4
. that
� Ally Significant. Certain nations appear
man but grace our festivities, and in� tou(1I.-,ia6 than to lif,hoid 11 being ILI]
tilk Shoe. I ,,
White Stockings, Once in vogas, are Silo at good garden I% to go to work
solids are oult of ll lie ques
POIA011011H chemical products which I . tioin-
stantly [a checked every 1000, oxpros_06110114y And gentleness, alive to every. to he Covetous of tho distinction of bri-
ZIOVI` Plafe�rOd by few. Black Stock- , I it, If &!its Is Irma, there is no time
Poison the whole System. The symp- I
foals 'elloi '
triihil Shock while treading the pros-, ing regarded as the headquarters for
slon-tha angel of purity abastis away:
tags, Or stockings in colors to match , to be lost, Surely there can tie no
certain gowns, Eire in ]letter, taste. hatter way of pm�&rixlg for hot weath-
8 come u4 suddenly. The' GRIP.
Patient, after -the expostao,bas ashar ' I
There Ili individnal
porous path of life, eddenly rising in
(won a ribuld thaught; from munly boa- intAntal. force to ba r0ligiOUS views and teachings which
,= orilliforwe ,,not bear the
Ulbay Irmy be of silk, or fine wool, of 1 or than to make eprtain, there will be
chill. This is followed by fever anp 48 every 9, nfL-
great Tirustration, A d Ile. is usually; tural protective tandency against dia-
UIAS. It is Chou that the lords of crem- : director of bar husband under mistor-same relation to historic
tion own the r to tender tunes, abiding ivithunsbrinkina ft,,- Christ faulty Chat chaa p " novelties " do
thread, or of cotton, & silk stocking I Client)' Of vegetables for thoso
in a luxury, and a pair It three mettle which must ])a made ready
' I k "'a 'I'-
Obligod to Calre to hisn
sa! ))ad at once, Ills'' ease,and this tendency is more or less
iva takes a f bloody
Subjection i
fOOlingr (Lad whan, with delicate gal-; 11068 the cold blasts of adversity. Lt, is to Che stapla rend,i4tafis, of Che, world.
Inu 1; Cho final devel()pment
� .ad ,,Z- �Ory day,
in-gs is Always an appropl�,.(;' ,
come girt highly osteauxed by most I , BeholL yourself to slight the weekly
sort o octal, and' to the lisalth of
developed, amording
look$ as though it had been used to
wash the rust off some old from. I the individual, The person whose resis-
of that feel-
lantry and unaffected good breedin , g which watches Over ,the cradle : Which have always formed Ili(, cargoole,
g i
Choy Conjoin the demonstration of fOrals the young mind, throws its ;;uri'-'; Of i'llarflatLonal trade. Germany, far,
I .
W01itell. A. box at silk stockiniii is a , Ironing Your conscience will pe�-
royal present, and. costly onoughl for ; mit, lastly, Sisters, don't be too
,11b, disease is more frequent, in Lila Lance against the attack of disease Is
altY Visa In the
feelings, int011OOLUttl ILIAHLy fl�d ,,, fying obaim over tile Social. pleasures. example. has of late years quite a rp-
a queenly Purse. : antart. Get ready to rest a little this
country, anti attacks wemLoat will lie the first to succumb
most of .its victims durlilg the monthe
Of manhood. Watri1c,s Over the sick -bed, I ly insisted Ila its self -conceded right
manly disposition, there 111713.OYO8 tbat an I sincot'lls the death-pil loly. When
Vine soft wool ie As agrosaable In the "Luer. make tima to enjoy the sun-
way of foot -gear as Silk. IA gray or . roses and sunsets, tile love of your hus-
to its ravagOe, while lie whose coa-
Of MArch and April. Now that we know
the causes of the disease And its ayall,_ atitution is strolngesl� can sceep it at
will mark, unit g'antle hearts Chat will dominate the intellectual trade
I. it mornent man is f;:Oe from routem of tilt) globe with tile speoula-
reward them ily their Clio influence of %voinant Ile 1) -
I .
blal�k. in ribbed Or Plain style, these ' band and children, find the many other
stooldnes may lie chosen for oldtditen, i -011-1 things Gad list% given YOU.
t0als, it is sasy to learn 116%v, to pre-, bay all his life, Iti is therefore neces.
vent it. I Sary that Ilia
affatitiom and is
thel r preference, i from, tile. ties of childhood and a u1iih- tIVO wares of its own invention. That
or's solicitude only to fatter hirmacs'e If , Germany
Conti will be found saUslaetory In
keeping the little people weiren. 11or
peraoul who is raost Bus-
In the first place avoid catching a' ceptilde to disease should be the most
sudden chLil or cold, This Is easlari
But it; is in liar hoina f,btLt the - , has dome great things for
""' D- With, 110 sliken yoke of ivoluall's love'
most ill Chat philosophy, un([ theology, too, Inay lis
ning graces of. woman find Lila hig'b at form of Avbii.IA Ids mun-
. ,
! I
or golf a heavier, stocking
is selected, comincia-asonse ruling here
What a. delight to the heart at a liar-
contI7160ted in damp Vveather and AvB' Careful to avoid It, and eskiecimily so
fitting display. I)Ispboy is net the � ly LincurtN Isesust'01)[ibli). Eat not our ad LqUed. .
as in Othev particulars of the Collette.
I, ant Is the truthful child r And do you
should therefore Specially avoid ax- during the nionths of April and May.
1108ure when the Aveather is damp.. The instm,lility
Word; the %,cry absence of It , it Nverm estoom dcgollork Ce into i(lolatry. I
I, IS I'D - Sensible AvOrnall %I Ill estimate th'it Its The German itt a mail who ta
86aref: I '.
of every Cle'so"'Ptlor' must suit � kJIOW DA6 Of tile best ways of teeollingi
�its especial function. or It is not Sao- , truthfulness to our children lit I!y ax-
Avoid Lt sadden immersion into cold of the weaLhor during
water during 1warch. find April, und thes4i months is I &rtirulmrly enorvating
Of bar strength, goes
PCI know wbat� the Nveakneir%S cX It Little mind, and val-, the; root o,T- (hings. TJlAt is tit once hist
a Person is, ;the common adage runs. Uat it accordingly. NVeiLk ivoinen, un-;
. .
Vesstut falfilling its designated
Stockings should he fre quectIv
end, I
clian-ample .' 'Wheen a child I,,; 0111 Oriough to i
V,318A taking a hath be careful that the. to Me human 93yattim, and Consequent-
temperature of tile. tathrooilit, ])a pleas-' ly, makes it
11`0 [oust Live with in; people are ,I,
the I worfJVy of the degp affliction of Ill,
What U10Y who can not ClascertJ to such hoinage
v irtue and Ilia fault, for, c , 0
III (I tilt, in to,
after arriving at some of Chose roots,
god, a fresh pair every tit,
to much to suit a fastidious
y laifag not more sUBVSJAibh� to the
ask qw,stlous, lie is Old enough to Iv - Ant and aquable. ! attack of all forms, of diaease.
POL-8011 answered truthfully and intellilgontly. i Keep tile mouth and aces clean. Rat Among the
are at home. Unconsoionsly, Ma R004114 it frOin lJOY1311 1;QSOmS i6l
without tile slightest ivish to deveive, IV14 avail Client little. Shall Iva 're-
he they Hebrow, Greek, or historic, he
� ,
the tiaties at tile day require mach .
going from, home, and'the business of I'liers are many things videll, it is tilt.
more common ones which
""'sh'ng too(', get eaOughl steel), ¬ tire likely to find their beginning in &
keep Cho System In. the. best voindition'slight; void, caught this time the
1,ctan a Is not Always. in the e*.xcdta-
'neat Of public 'festivities, tile fair In ,
Seems thereafter unable to rise to any;
voreatis, venture to point, to �vomfan-a, view ni tile (lloitr, hills Sky above hial.
true excellency? it Consists In truth I
the do,, i,,,.Iv,, dual and dirt, H you Lt I 111-11 "I explain so as It, Leader Ili,, "'
One Stay lit home, and- encouater less voiaprebelisl6la to a young obild, but
pass ab of
ible. In this Vvay you will avoid year, is tile grip. This disease wile at
prievatonia. I
flex of her natural character; or, It
Lt t gantlexless. I And becomes the blind orseiLure of his
No faftul-e it, fetaftle character is
of the outside soil than the person whatever is sald. shou.14 lit, absolute-
going about, it is well to have many ly true. Sometimes there is A -great
One time thought to bO f-,PidOmJC,JIn-
__ por.toll train for(Aga Shores, hUb it has
SPRING COI,DS. 1�evoixne
most at home there, woo betide Cho an-
Lucky wight who, is the partner of her
own uCter naturalt,"l, We are not.
more, valuable than Sweetness of tem-
per ail([ diepcesiLion. therefore, proliared to gLr4 calecollan-
Home can never
pairs of Stockings, and to change them teralAtition to evade a, direvt answer,
frequently. Alucb bathing of the bat Aylien these troublesome tlu�.stioas
now recognized as a sort f
t settled invader, to be easily contracted
The coughs and cattle of 9prtugthao L13.
(lull Ilutirs of domestic privacy. No;l
be happy Withoillf, aultual concessions eons WelconlB to "Hiblioul" views or
Lnd ,,, mutual disptiditiall nol; to Astimates
I 'Perft-OtiOn.
feet, ¬ great care as to foot -gear, c-orme, tit) %I(jt tell the child to run Away
will in most cases prove an effectual, . and 'lot )iother you, lint Answer It
e,liositig one's salt to the inclemency
seem more discouraging, often, tile" Or Marvh and Aliril weather. Tba"OtOye
those or ,the chaagea.ble the way to avoid it is
&,-be gayeat girt at a varty, Clio most
clever, eletrant ana. witty, the observed
0,pect Originated 0cing the, Rld a'
A Alan roLivas to lit., home "Kade in Germany" is not apilla
in the evening, Vvenried by the itile �'
defence Against corns, bunions. and , houesUy so far ad you are
other painful maladies and 8XCreSt;ea ('Durso it is not neo able. of
essary EQw,ays to
uiater� season, , act t6 a\[ a
JO a
and every precaillLion els a�lr to it. , Of course
should be. taken On I. in many
cases I t is not. dul, to Ila failure the
of, obsf;rvors, the Source of infinite
plensiare to others, is generally the
Clone Or tile annoy . . that invariably commands the
annes of the day; best
mild to 1,111t holt, soothing is It wo�d markets Clio ivorld over. Many goods
(3mrters may be of two kinds: elther , Wl "tile Article truth" lint be, sure tc
t�ell "nothing but & txuth." Some-
in the form
now to keep out of draughts when Ov- I erson. to. 11toperly protect 11"Aself
erheated, and to avold tilt the Other against it.
, .
last selected for a partner for life.
T1101-0, ill that brilliant Donstellation
diat tod by ft, w-ish to make Ilia, shut gotten oil in Chill country Are Or ohoup
out1lint ivoirLd ton([ for a Whil(I to to"- quality, made to
of stocking supporters, , Iholas a partial explanation at the mat-
with a band around the Nvilist and tell Asked alitiat will suffice, with a
USINVIse Practices in regard to woolen —
Of tile passing hour, is not, the Scene of
woman's legitimate and truest tri-
sell to half-eiv
got it' (Lt] I It'fILIIS (In the heart like llized
� peoples svlm ara nut keell judges or val-
a, rar at allash'ine, in all early Sp Ing
elastic attachments holding the .stock--: promi", of learning the truth when it
Ing up, SO t"St tho '
underclothing, leaving off outdoor SMOXING 13Y WOMI-ilil.
umphs. Where Is itt Tile poet bull
: UPS.
81veitiless (If teolopor has its influence Allullt the best tiling commorci-
PrOs""urs comes is Old enough to understand. A
from thol' waist mild there 13 110 st"itit, o bright r,hjld will readily grasp the sit-
Uratupon. the leg. or in the form of '
irraps, etc. Does slic ,stnoke a, pi,pf�?
Many alothers appear to accept Avith! will soon be
it fall. tlu,stloll for young men think-
'Tis sweet to hour the honest waL.,,b _
too, over Clio children ail([ domestics; ally considered, and About the worst
Peace And 10TO invite tile hushand, morally regarded, that Germany Curaff
I nai"fon and (A satisfied, for it time tot
elms to hands, clasped either above. or j least.
below I be knea. This latter style of I __
resignation t1le repeated and violent' - Ing of malrialony to ImL concerning the
colds from iViiiell Chair clidildrea f,� ladies whe at ve 4,hom.
dog's baxk .
Bay deep-motithed -welcome as lye
near our home;
rather, to hasten to Ilia quiet fireside I
I out Are Xrupp cannon. Some of liar
And his children Nvatch his ccaai�gl I
It gentleness ba CIA setting, trath Is. inanufacturos are excellent.. but
garter admits of much ornament, as 1
the gat -ter may tie finished, at will DISHES MADE FROM OFIBBSP.
far as providential and unavoidabismA I
a'. I r,ontion is "at) Jora gp,1 over Colima-
is by
Is Sweet to know there ye 11 the diamond which gives to women bar Are as poor as bbey are cheap, Int may,
Is an 0 wi intrinsic Itister and, value. '%Nlitbout
either with A boln, or ros'.'tt., with . T-11.1. IS Clothing axore tempting or
jewelled buckle,
cold no uleans always due I __ king by women, Plenty there are
' ' ell ,am"
poSuXe, Indigestion,
Our coming. and grow bri0litor vo,ben
it she It, worse than vLtluejeas. case, the point to be noLicold is that of
or a gotdoll or silver . appetEzIng than dishes made from
ulasp on which may ba, the WBILTOr'S 1
n' a wilo favor it. Onel lady Iwho learned Ili
lack Of scrUliulous bleanliness, the un-: RII&SCII-they
Iva come.
hoartothor husband Safety trusteth in harp discrimination should Ile made
h6r; she will him
Initials or monogram. : cheese carefully prepared and attract-
I ively served. 1381aiv are given some
tilt have dome excusie -
,visa habit of sleeping fix much of the says: "I tb'Ak myself that a woman
It is for this preference for home its
1101110, as containing, her husband
(k) goOdand not evil between the different varieties and
all the days of liar life," Blest Is tile qualities or the cti,aa,ara,m, pi!aflueCs .,
I rp6aipts, .11 Of ,,,lit
CORK nr.CIPES. al, if followed judl-
a -
, lothing worn during the day, - 8v1IO smok-03 im lietter-tevapared and
IS t1lare, all Chat her little w Drift call
man who possesses Such .1 treasure: Lot
him not wound her 1)), neglect or Inat- that advilLrable country.
I cLously, %Vill prove welcome additions
Indian Dumplings-Ta,ke Lt Plot Of, to either luncheon, dinner, or supper
aired bertchmalbors--all or ... ,,t,UA
lk-se more chaterful than those (if her sisters
things may have far more to do with I w.ho gossip And would eateein it 'Some-
wish or compre,hend; it is for this Chat
man cheerfully resigns to liar the 1)ow-
tention. Let neither target tile lover
in CLIO hu-9hand or wite. but remember
� We Eire not sorry, therefore, thm1
beans NvUbin I. i-2 hours of being, nook- I Ineialls-
ed, linit in a. kettle Wltll I tj�mlponn I Pounded cheese -This is an eyes[-
your child's tendency ';a cold, than tit �
tiling &WILLP to Ile soon With tL cigar-
keenest breath or the bracing I atte between their lips, I)uv
Or she possesses In virtue Of hex' lilt-
disputed so;erelgnty over his SfJO13-
that I'to is Muria ill) but Of trifles, and
Chat tile liftalli attention IS acoeSaary
it discreet selection, between tile pro -
1 -
limit, 1-2 Ili butter, 9. sprinkle of pepper
I lent method to adopt fox! - utilizing
winte" (to not
&IT. , hosilmte *to destroy a repixtation. in a
�Ho brightening OYG is the
roward which the
b0alaltitaiu in its brightness the ileme
-a of the different AAaA afacturingi
and I qt water. Immediately have the any pieces of cheese whiall have become
Mothers should understand that it I fell, ninabes", .
801.6 Ocimpant of bar
beart and thoughts thinks Quite
of the byaleweal torch tie was first
neOD-1181ftry to enkindle its life-giving'
coltntvies is facilitated by the frank
dumplings mixed as follows: Two I too d.ry or Unsightly to serve in their
all rf8O 0111is flour to I I Original (Orin, P
is a fact, ,vILether they can, 6 bo On ithe, Other hand, it is Urged Chat
Us sv It I men Are ziever worse gossips than
enough for any exertion or saorlitca he
berre�ulred to make; her silent
which appears on some
of Chain to the effafif, tha,C, Choy have
of meal, with I u as a
t the P'ec , 8 Y
teaslicon baking powder and warm wat-1 half a Pound, into 44 mortar with a
Or enough to ulix a thick batter, then, tOAiIPO0ACU,I
is or not, t t a ro a Nvben ,they grip pipes, between -their
im Ones U colds all([ sore,
throats are directLY tralleabloi to ln-� teeth. slid talk tit ings' Over tit leisure,
Otto this mysterious )lower
which boa a6rved. man to the mightiest
been made in Gorulany. And Iva have
been thinking tliat it' would Ila well
of made mustard, an equal
ivith the spoon (lip It-, out into akettle Of Line Artilte sugail and a
at beanIt, bOIL
".-a counseller fif Cho fair sex,
digestion and dietetic errors. QUmn1 Jurovever, after warning ladles fair that
titles of foods, ffied
deeds that Instabood. ever achieved. In
truth, it is pride *wIllob often prevents
1110 fire (ar litrolwor 4141TIloSe lei looter
it 801110 Of the tiloolotsy current now lo;
and OVOP [I SIONY fire for'ClUantitY
34 hour. W`bsa done take them up,
' 900d. Seasoning of either cayenne,
� cut ry
pastry and meat9l! tobacco smok discolors tile. tooth,thus
the like, Ill-vtnUlated! sum, lit) the quest -Ion: "Do not smoke
us from confessing that, but for box
eye being U
Seoul t
eke (11ties And Towlim,
this country were plainly labelled with
leciviing some of tbv,l heans ill the ket-1
tie, and put in a 'at more tvater, a
- pi
parwder or anchovy essence.
poal the whole to A smooth paste,
roams, and continued cona
I tit) tion,have, in public. My wit, you Say? Well
to answer for many I, tses of & .
-rc Lit) and I frankly, beca"Cl
0 I WO silleculd have
lagged or to I' no interest in- the pro -
This English "board school,, sylgem.
It similar inscription, end would show,
their tag. Too inany of our theological
. Jittf, Lenore salt fund popper, and 2 oz
010 Istar, with lioutter, slightly malts
and then press the mixbure into small'
Your acquaint itaces
putrid sore throat. t1,11 thase things, . , c fl.uit
AV .11, not, thin,
I a Lila same of you
weaken the sy�bsm it
sectlt'(Da of many of our nims. But-
lot woman and our d6siro for bar cam-
which corresponds to our public schools
systems. sic, have been " made in Ger-
more of and serve for dvessing. �
..ry Lt.
jars; cover ArLth a thin layer of clari-
I fled butter. tie a thick the
and render far, afterward.. TNVO years i1minte, I
less able to resisti olimuges of tempera- yet . .fill , .?)er laps,
Cars, t .may do so -srii -I linimai y but
fort be once mingled with Our scheme 8,
and what is there. we can not, then etc
As'YUC, far infarfor in most essonLi-
0, Is,
ma Ily,,, It is, of .course, nothing
Corn Aleut Bread. -Four (11115 COM I
paper over
top. ¬ stOl's in 0, cool place unitit re-
Give every bedroum a thorough ail-- I oidalon is,noid; brat ripe, enough."'
001111ilish ? Mysberlbus, yet, witen, ordi-
The board .Schools aare not, to I)Pgi
against what, is rmlly truth that ib is
Caught over on the other side at the
meal, ))ailing wo,ter eaciaglif to make, 9,
qaired. When prepared in this way
Ing every day, more especially it sever -1 __ __
nation of God's moral. government and
wi-th, froo. Tuition fees, varrying frQm'u : I
wat.13".. but, oil Clio band,
batter. AY'lien cool, &tilt I vn;lt moilmases,
m level tablespoon I
Obsess %Vill remain good for several
weeks, and will Often Prove a great
&I ehillixon Are obliged to at 0-1 Kit. M&TTHEWS' LOVE 1XTTJ,ft&.
gather, or ivith their aahj�istisl 1,onacm has heen-
provide.ace, Chat It should be so I And if
So' as undoubtedly it is. boV%, highly
six to twolve cents a weak, according I
other error .
I$ Anne Cho to$$ PrVillojoile C8OftUSO it
salt, 1-2 teaspoon
soda, one Yeast oaks and 2 cattle whoat I
hall) to the b6usswife when there
parents. Laughing for a week
to h a Sv`d`1`d 1
It PoddillIC if XICit, 9,1`over a breacli�fifjtromise
nee.essury that, �ycxnmn,s licart shouted
to the location of I'Lle schools ArO ON-
liftlipOns to be bomad in the boa. to, of 0,
flour. Let the bread rise over night,
or tilt very light, .than lint into deep
0 as an nitx 00 B de and for a
it inty little I At a o.rt notice. Serve
%Nays lower a w case Although
indow slightly from the, Che parlits thereto are Act high sc-
top. as Wall as rates. it from balow,
pure, ber education suited to her
sympath-6s; how important that the
noted from Pupils, and InKonts whoars
Unable or unwilling to pay gtit into
noutinental nation, or even nester with.
in tile of venerable
. .
[inns. LBt it rise a. little lonkor 01'
until the pans are. full. Bake for at-< �
inly a re of on Id. as
col toast, or, lie ter 5 11 so
t 1, LIT of crisp'
, On'daint-
There is fraq imently bad air enough, 1 ciiety leaders, but a greengrocer. me do-
generated and breatbod in the sleaping'feadmill and to 1;odIckesifier as
CrORturO 00,11Lr011ing world from
tile cradle to'tbe grove should not Ila
very Serious trouble,
gates a University,
And, it any one k1lid of ervor, is, an to
hours to a Slow oyan. This will make
�a repared Proutons Ar ic have been
In Until Hold. bro1v ad.
mpartatent Of Lt fIL11111Y With smalt Lilt. .
perverted. from. her wurse I
The influences of woman are visible
ceachilIg is Primitive, indoed,:Lit-
CIL Lklys
Speak, less dignified. than another, it
three loaves, tile pans being OV4,
Stestoned Corn Bremd,- Three cal,a
Stewed Cheese.-Plit three-quarLera
HIBLIVen to supply Client all not Only I
Ai4h eolds, bat with a nalcher of so- _NLiss MvLomu, ulio iceelis tile. lusika in
fled "itnalarloms" a IllaildrY, is
UP("' the chttr,iLctor of rimn in every ago
and varnle. I hey Inodify it 11 pol�'C'Oal
are set at 501,1mg or knitting
to keep them quiet. Sir Xotin Lubbock
is second-hand orror, imported from
abroad. This 110wilig (Iowa in tho dust
corn meal, I out) flour, I telLIAPOO11 OtLO'K
DE 06 laialld of Obeese_ao matter how
ELVY- 80 10,19 as it is
Ca diseases to Just a "Ort'AinlY 11 711011al of Ills-
, -perhaps longer. I thod. She depoises and, maYs Chill; dtxr-
a . d a
"" 'colivi ill relations, but most,
bus just Laurie widely public Lila fact
that thousaxids of youngstars
befOre t1a, over -confident; assertions of
of sugav, sell(,' and soda, buttermilk Suf
Itood, and- out, up
$exualt-into (I sauteeliark %X Ith three
Neglect of hathing is anoLae, 1)1.c,_! ing his courisillip of her Mr. Matthews,
lific source of cattle. A fromltb` der"Ild"at, wrate ber exactly J."
, ;is lve, ascend the Scale of civi-
lization. National groAtiless may ha
th"01411 tile cirrioulum of the Lo. A
Oarman scholars, wito will lie refuted
. I
to not.1a.vo the hat-ttir Loc, stiff
Steam throe hours and then kesp in
ounces of butter, three tablespoonfuls
three! to ten years old should certainly 030 love letter.,;.
I The ,O%N- fealty blal;thaw8 toink
fl-131-111oly I-aslod by tilt, Admission or
donial (if 1votnan to equality of sovial
dein Sidlool Bon,vot wlLhowt learning one
Iota 0 fgeograph,y, except a a elpeclat
a. few V
, care henCia hy Saffic of the boys
now !n. their class rooms, is, to say Libel
� I
it moderate oven 34 hour. Tilis is very
9DOCL bread and tany he auto, as a ,,,(t-
of finely chopped, hoiled onlonst six
tablespoonfuls of good cream. a pInchi
I's calve ail entire ))mLh twice ,it week ill tit Was
Minter. A Warm Laith tit; n1glit, tak- add. TO the pra;enro of Avituesses be
. .
pro-ileges. Among Savages, woula,a
mroN dOgraded tt) Lila lowest servitude;
'Histoory is no bat,
sn"et". ter"'a Ad Eng-
,tell 1. pra tioally non-existent.
lVak1t, (I salue-irlint ridiculous poiskillo
� �
, "�
ding with. sanoe, omitting tn
lie lialring. IOE S&IC', VMYOnIIO 'tail 1>0lixitlod mace,
St. Charles an d a tablosporm(ul of lainced
,care Lo avoid Any chill Afterward, presented .M.Iss 1K.c.Lean with a, "keep-
f"a(luently brosill: up it Sudden vold.1 er" ,,,,,,
I'll I I soidomn Y l;TO_
,,,.,,,,,I se'd : " 11
RZOO119 Clio ifollumfuedau nations oftho
Gerillanyolsenda oveir to England Sv-
cry hundreds
for ma independent spirit.
Bread. -Beat 2 eggs very
light, mix. alternately with them I pt i
Slintner anti stir Over the fire Until the
cheese is entirely di-sulved; tban
Keep children from playing in chilly, ,,,,,,,, .L,g marry Any 0110 I% SO kut
unused rooms, Let. Chain 1.)Ia,y Out of Al.nnia:'
East thoy are prohibited educational,
CZ.taro, lind Caught tho", they are not
Yeatr at YOU119 men who
cam hold theIT Ow ,
,n in cOulmeroa, and
who are thoroughly
At thing is hone the better for hav�
i "
sour mill, or buttoirmilk slid I lit fine 1
the mixturs Over scale Lilly, heart-
U111; 1,080 letters were produced
doors us inurli as possible, taking, oa re � in
luximortal. Anti to wilKit can we as-
Orille tile Superiority 6 Arts, in mrinsi
I wall equipped in
the Subjects tbub night Ila taught in
Ing been Sent, to or dono in Gertattely,
, I
Indian meal, malt I tablespoon but-
Shelled slices of hot lytittareoll toast
hav(I their feet wurnlLand dry. A I court" As elvoill A )Ile ,fmC,IncJ about
flnDlIld suit And I'L911J0111) PT0813119 Of Lhe - these
11.1 commerce, of the inottern nations of
tile board schools.
Mt. So-and-so Is A aelf-filadc, me np,
" "
ter and add to the mixture, dissolve
1 Came jition Soda. in a small
wIlleb at
been Placed I readiness
on a hot, disli. and ,Serve I mmadhitely,
t1abbor Overshoes Vvill 110A
often anye nutch cough medicine tint[ marks representing JINSRS, ACCOrding to
the West arn world, If no' to our bi`�b,
er Appreciation of Ilia desLinies And in-
SOMO Z1191tishrilon are beginning to
think ithal; the strides Garmany is milk-
Oac(' roniarked (Ills individual to all.
Other- " J: SbOeld think from the looks
I .
portion of
the Lailk and mold to mixture the Iasi,
thing. litiat very hard and ]take in ii.
Chesse Tartlat's.-Colt up fourounces
of good elleas into smail
domorla bMs. t,h,m warcily export -it follows Lba,l; 18,11,41) rif-th
, 'a Od
clad, but, ALI not bo coateut with, thick , marks w -ore made by thit, laill of the
lover. a Ile
fluvace of the sox� It ,bar influence
great, wilicre is it best exurnplified?
! in tire& Are mainly due to super-
Wi " 1,011190ace, And the batter general
of him theit be was ill replied th� par,
A 40EL
, M
quick riven,
pieces and
put it into a mortal, with Seasoning,
call t i4 find Worsted hoods, while Indio -
�kiyls,lutrely cover their klives, leart
"Illo ,jury awarded 6750 all([,, costs.
In bier position its it -wife and a mothe
, r.
0h, Is therr, Upon eArth it bolter,
.ducwtloon of her People, I
- — - — — -
addressotd. WL should think front the .
sound or SOlue of the teaching that pass-
Homemade I'lominy.-TA Offlal, to
lend a helping baull to the grOut corn
mcGuylliag to taste. of alilt� cayenne,
dXy musiard,
In&' ;I a limbo chilit'l,
so ip.,J woul'IX
more hoart4brilling sight I I'll, "'I
fbiln feeling
(-.a about Ila for I-110ology, philostillby
moveineent, this journal ties su lately
anil tVv0 Ounces ,X frenb)
baCtar; pound, these ingraillents unfit
Of Ulboso for Cho p Is .,I
becultir.111 is Unpolluted, than
A that of
TwOnty-fiva years ago it was the
11 Science I lilt(', it was 80,11�1110da In. C
- ,or-
,,� I
: V,igorlitisly and Successfully broagi,t to
tbay rf)l'm a Perfectly aniclidth paste;
This is a very painfall, bat usixally
Doe you know your orders, aellittle1v
Aves Asked of a Act over-brighf; sol�
a young mother caressing her first in-
fashion to have your photogetillb talcen
many. I
;, L,
:. the front, I sucioss this reolipe, whialt
� think is "grand." Take of abolled
stir lit the Yolks of three ag,
vvoll l,eaten, and tile white Of one a 99
.not (Itliagerous, l'ontaglous dis,ease I . -
dier on gimrd dixty recently,
Lyes, Sir, Nvas the'reply.
an Cf 1�,atcll with an eye to Xmturs
Cho conscious pleasure Of tile F011119
Willi the young mall YOU Were engaged
to, find thal;-was plao6d on Your dr Des
�� —
t, �,
I .
. I
Arlifte corn 04 muM me is desired tint)
put to momic in a lye composed at clean
,I,i,k,,, t C, . . tj
small Cf. froth. Una, ,some
Pastry -tins. Vilth good pastry,
filef.ing chfully tile young, though not
slavilIg tile middle-aged,, or even Clio
Know tile points of 1 -ho compass?
tinued the, Officer. tion- that
Mother. Site bas fulfilled )ter mission; Lag
18 Crooleablo., in overy gesture; 6
table. Now there is a 1101V fall. )�OU
A pretty and novel mn y Of usial
.1 �
wood mail T SOILIC long onotigh to To-
move the husk from the Then
half Ill them with the choose mixture.
ten d bake for 15 minittss, in a, brisk
Dill, %vIJO MAY have esicalied oixprn3ure
Yes, Sir,
If ,
new denizen of Inamortality has been 'must
, Shored into existence I she has me-
'lot, Of cOnvae Ile photographed
with your fiance --L'but is )lot ('10"Siderad
alathatu I i
old ribbons that tube so rapid-
. ,
. .
pear off lye and soak und rinse Lbrough
Oven; than Serve either bob or cold,
in earlier lifa� .
you face Lhe risilit, sun, felt
ho Oil t 0 nox, you
hand Would th .1; YOU
qu trod fresh olaims on the affection
9 ocid form. Nor must you even b it
. on 11 I
ly, is to prepare tbom for haltdag
L �
several writers Until tho gralli is
costly Arranged On a. folderk limpkin
and tastefully garnished with purslay,
Usually onl� w1lo bus halt the disease
Slid yo ur right; hand to the soatJ I of ,d
toliderneas of her husband, Now
uL.i,s the physical, and 7 "r a 'I'
va (!cargo
your platurs in the sum" frallilli AvIth
1vooden A edloa.
; .
I � �
bleached, Cook some its oth or hoiniely.
Safe train avot )lei, attlwk, h ut Chis IS
yon. W%44. would lie behl.nd you?
- ,
4 that plodge of love, it % ,',on'ildI'd t1go Ills.
The haill, fail. is to have
ASSOrl, Client with a view to malting
: "
Corn MOM Pancakes, - Phree otillis
not alwas's so, fuld niad!eal 'looks tell
kamE)sack. Sir.
her care, How Important; are ber ro� Ermine
holding fou,r cabinou-sized photo,
tIm colorts as Ilixich 11U-or-mims" AS
A ,_ ;1
corn naeg,L 1-2 cup floor, egg, I'tea.
its of unfortunate individeamls who have
I ties; how deeply Unworthy of
graphs, axid in this YOU Oulult put four
Vassiblel- it is best to (!tit thdat, into,
. .
Spoon salt, 0,4991' 11,nd soda. huttermilk
Aven it Spanish revenuesi are at a
sUrfor"Ll four and five attacks it(; in-
DIDN'O' CAR14 "J;tJ1I,SONAIA,Y.11 Clio
name of alan IS thmt; wrotoll who PIOLIMS
not that Cho link of their union 11084'1011s�Onc
Of Your EftiaCie In four dirf.arant Say,
full race, one 'face,
Six-inall, le-ag(hoi, and fri'lIgn nut
i ..
� .
to make thin batter. Have I bf- pan Avel I
gramwid and quite hot, T11,,y are excel� iftioney
Dill) Queen litigant has Some
to stiare for ehari!ty, Says An ex-
terve'lo, at a, fow years, seeming to Cat.ch
tile (11801106 ('very time they
trbe Darkt(AVri Dabatin; $oViety waa
having a busluesol meeting, An . (I the is
more Sacredly rivotod, or who can one
thirea quartel's face and one pro- inell.
each side to it deepth, Dr.- a, third. tit Ila I
. I ,
� � ,
lent. Blake jolvilayeake the .same ,a fillange,
allove, DO' Put irk' long, pans had bako
She bas given to tha author
tied Of lIarcel"Jae, 62000 to bell) Clio Set-
wero a,-
poised to It. I .
Alumpa, is very contagiouk, and Ohio
quasCion, of. ohmiaging a (lerlada Section full
Of f1ho bY-f was being discussed anxious
vs pto
to be otherwise Lhan most dcapl,� flla�
that She to whom. her child's as
It I ather an interesting file%
13 r
It Is astonishing how, changed a, pox" of
They inust lie out; Lila strajgllt� way,
Clio goods, And Did pfelies a( sIlk may.
� �
� ��
, lit the ovea, wHIL, nlodprat,n heat,
ferox'S from the recent f1riolle. A JJanl_
bor of womexx of Bmrrr�lnlim, who A,dra
had mover bat] it
wrho - is almost inre
t'J aclItTmOb It Oil the Eirst, opportutil-
and Can. future
roisellf,ly 91'. JUIIUS ITAOkSon got ill)
wIelfaro Is canfided-Lbat ,she son's
who must, foret,A the germ at Its future difforea,
expression is ,ivith the price in
positions, 11113 Is one at the $owed
ber tisaid 014 Avall M ribbon, find ba
Chn Baltic As curpOL J'ags,
� 4
"J.' Rr In.
takiag active interest in holping Cho
flood Sufferers called CUNILHAI
16Y. A short lime spent with IV patl-
0,1311 )!egan hia Apeach, by Saying; for
Pultson4ly, Mistah Choorman,
hariolf be qualified latest
Clio di4clAarge at so Important a as
fade for ongagad Inch as wall
Ilea Vathor large. bone noodles, cast
1:� � �
Don't leave ,tile cool ,is,ralipers, anti
oil Still-
011e, for 06 contribution, Ills Pininalloo,S
treasury being exhauTite,ol, he them
Vill, suffering it "vill generally
6u�ffca, but at CILD, siVALO, time tile eon-
pull- duty
ofinully .1. don't, vari whothoh this'ah. that,
tielo ob de
I 11 or in tIllith It rilavy boN Said,
"Clio child Is parent of the man,"
Jasper -They SAY Chat Hustler made
as many stitches as VOU, f�,Ari nialft.
and. knit, In ('Onlinfin garter-.9111-oloo,
Tbc lip.
I i
: I
. tiltirt -I ,I yall, will Allied, Q) bti made
' wspist,
d"Irlag `fOg`")r41 It thODY are left un-
his pectoral crosS and. ariblilapIsootial
rt to swell the Ell d. �
Close not, extend far from the
sirk, so LbrIC, It is easy to prevent Cho
constitution oil our society ma,
am ObAylgell, OV not, but fO' myeilR Va In
are but, 6hilfirou of it a
"I'll "I'mon' I Who (A there that
fOrttlab 14 Klondike. jumpuppe any
-veal he carried fAOIS up there
roesult will a strill m,q ROIL' As
chenille, itnilph thicker, Aloof ttvae
, L a Kitesol at the diaease, by keeping the ter two hit nbanga(ii.
, E,�311.11409X_Mllta`il
. I I
Ili reonvillag to the carried
Anti atillis
wise, Man, back. ,. Same
, SCIWA LOR,ebh(sr wif� milk,) a, bac.J,
table -cover, rog Or cUrt '41 a,
��, � LL
�, �.. .
I Q'
I ,
� �%,,.!:,
, 11
, . .
, , . I I � I I
L L . I . .. . .1 .. .
L , , , � I . . :.
. . I .
� , i . ., , �, ,, .� . ..� .. - I 'L I I I 1. I I I'� , . I I 1. � - - L L
LL'.1 � .1 � 11 . . ., . I . ..4. � - .. 1. ....",..... I I 1. I I -1 , I I I ... ... 1-11-- ... �
. . 11 . �0_21 . - ..'. . . I I., 11.111, .1.11 .1. I I 11-1 "I".., '-� - ..." .- -1-
. 11 ,