HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-6, Page 5MAY 6, 1898 THE BRUSSELS POST BIKINI 3S CAR ;S. Air QNPY Tc LOAN Al G PER Dolt, 1 8 8001.'T, iiruseels. IL Mu( 3AOKEN. Y 1 . usurer of •tarrlageld amen, OOloe ants Urousry,'10 tLt:rry stir^t, Brussels, N. BAlti .fllTT, • loneoriol Mutt Shop—Next door south of A. at', mai .y & Coat ha:dwuro store, Ladle wiled ohlldre ,sbah: eaniseaspecialty ROBERT 'UNNIN,'1.HAM n MIANOIL, FIRE A iD MARIr'^. JELPH. T. PL ETCHER; Issue! of 1)S ?triage Licenses, entree AT :fa \ tMAT BIOME. 0 r. 'No Witness : oquirod. T. 'LITOIIER, Brussels ALEX. HID Clerk of tb Fourth Division Cour Co, Huron, Oou eynhocr, Nptary Public Land Loan and. 'surnuoo AL;ant. Funds invested and to •an. Oollec Mons made 011looin Graham's slock,Bruas010 AUG1 ONEERS. -t��-f• s. SCOT' As AN AUCTION. JL • lana, will loll for bettor prices, to better moo, iu es time anti less charges than any other P. totlonaor in Last Huron or he won't 0100 a anything, Batas and ordure oan nlway: bo arranged at this oifae or by personal apt +cation. VET ;RINARY. T D. SPIV '10K, Cy • Honor Go.duato of the OutarIo Veterinary College is prepared to treat all diseases of dourest •atod anima's in a com- petent manger. I trtualar attentions paid to vnterium•y dont cry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Waco e _ d infirmary—Four doors north of bridge 'i't ebony et„ itrnes018. Eafore. After. �' ,ors P1100/1110a1110, 5` Tl r (creat En7Ps/1 Remedy. So, and recommended by al drug 'lets in Canada. Only reli a1112 nodie no discovered. ,Sts pack .e0 guaranferrf to cure all forma of Sexual We ;mess, all effects Of alma Dr excess, Mental 1' wry, Nxeesstvo use of To. booze, Opium or Sti. slants. Mailed on receipt of pride, one necktie 51, six, 55. One wittpfease, F4114/I cure. Tamp] •ts free to r ny address. Tile Wood company,'Nlndsor,Onb Bold in Stu reels 1 1, . A. DNP OMAN, D runts Bookseller v Optician. SHIN€ Urns? Red AND -- pi FOR SALE a. Brussels Also Doors and S. terns on hand or at Short Notice. Estimate kinds of ship and E" 111 Coli -labia ;c dint S'aiilgles i'tlt Slore fie and Cedar • THN Tailing bills .,h of all Pa t lade to order Furnished for all uildinge. Workman. Material Guaranteed. P. .MEANT, BRU. 3SEL S PUMP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding d strict that !: have pur- chased the Pum Business if JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in en) er new wort,. or repairs at moderate meow No better Pump in the market. Order left at m; shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S a ,op will be promptly looked after. "Orders takt t for the Digging of Walle and Oieterry GoMe. ' Green, MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. VIChE' SSI The under igned has open- ed up a Bute ter Shop in the SMAbE ESL ,R,BEVRILL where he wi' l keep c,,nstant- ly on hand t supply of the Hest Moats ''roeurab!e, sold at reasonable price,, , ..share of public pati onage solicited, S. VI 1Vleat deliver of the to CA>3H ?AiD ALVE113. 1dto a 1 parts iv11. bolt Ems. o T fr1Ct tetora, rl(.'r`S? 8vb0'rcl; et. 1'all wheat lochs well. he Trowbridge factory is still butler nutein3 and have had a geed 00neon'e rut.. toot week Joseph Jllocir, 8rd eon, of Elmo,' n well•to•do and old resident of tbie Motility, who has been quite poorly; the trouble developed into a sposiee of in- sanity. Re wain taken to Ilistowel for treatment. We hope the ailment kJ only temporary and will soon be removed, 51oa'A'Ita. 11000112.—The following report gives the elan etanding of the pupils of 0. S. No, 8 for the month of April. Total in each class, 400 ;—Fifth class.—Jae, Knox, 806. Br. nth.—Media Parronrl, 383. Jr. 4111. —Lorne Koox, 888 ; Cordon Embury, 885 ; llobt. Furrend. Br. Ord,— little Agar, 818 ; Pearl Embury, 811 ; Alice Paul, 800 Charlie Garnier, 294; Vena Knox, 287 ; Martha Ingram, 180 ; Roby Forbes, 180. Jr. arch—Xarifo, Fraser, 258 ; John Garniss, 258 ; Eva Snob, 210. Sr. 2m1.—Fred, Pugh, 821; Lola Agar, Jr. 2nd. — Emma Jermyn, 877 ; Annie Genies, 353. Sr. Pt. 2nd.--Ifazol Em - bury, 310 ; Charlie Agar, 285. Sr. lst.— plarvio Knox, Willie Forbes, Wm. H. Jaoklin, Tommy Jermyn. Jr. lot.—Liz. zie Knox, Vonuie Rutledge, Iluldah Rut- ledge, Sarah Agar, Fred. Agar, Stanley Rutledge. Low let.—Nelson Agar, Hazel Stamper. D. L. S'rnAORRAN, Tenoher, R orct-violl. R. Mutoh has opened out a butcher shop in the Strathy bleak. A. C. Hutchison had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow. Pleurisy was the canes of death. Mrs. Margaret Allen, who has sold her farm on the 1th eon., has purchased D. D. Fennell's residence and will be mov• fug to town in the near future. George Williams met with what might have been a serious accident while prun- ing a fruit tree. The knife slipped and entered his wrist gibing him a severe cut, bet fortunately missed a leading artery. A email number of young people as- sembled at the home of Mr. Ashton on the 0th con., to bid farewell to his young• est daughter, Lavine', prior to her depar- ture for the home of her brother, Rev. W. J. Ashton, near London, where she in- tends malting her home for some time, Fordwich Council, No. 282, C. 0. C.F., held an open meeting in Donaghy's Hall on Tuesday evening of hist week, Dr. A. M. Spence presiding. Several addresses, on the aims, objeots, and workings of the order were given. Gerrie. Rev. C. 0. Koine is home from Victoria Col'ege, Toronto. J. A. MoArter 50 Lieutenant of No. 8 Ooripany, 88rd Battalion, vice W. Doig, retied. F auk Clegg has so far recovered from his :scent severe illness as to be able to cone down town. Frank McLaughlin hasreturned from Ow n Bound. We understand he will sho.tly go to Winnirieg.. W. A. Kaiser, of ifarrieton, has scour. ed 1 situation with "'. Self et Co. While playing "dunk on the rook" Les- lie McLaughlin reoeived a batt ant on the heal.. A doctor had to put in several slit( hes in the wound. Tee S, A, Marine Band gave au enter• tainment in the Town Hall on Tuesday evetang of last week. Ir our report of the annual vestry meet- ing of St. Stephen's church last week, a alight error occurred. Representative to Synod should have read Robt. H. Stin. 0011. AI the top of the list of the third year Probationers at the recent London Meth- odist Conference Examinations, we notice, with pleasure, the name of W. J. Ashton, son of Wm. Ashton,of the 9th con. 5 eslortle. The 38rd Battalion' Band is engaged to play in Clinton on May 241h. Jno. Muldrew, of Eginondville, has left for Manitoba where he will preach dur• ing the Summer months, Ellie di Kain, the new proprietors of the Commercial hotel, have arrived and are now domiciled in their new home. F. F. Loosetnore,teller in the Dominion bank, has been transferred to Whitby. .Mr. Hepworth, of Uxbridge, succeeds • The first font ball match, of the season, will be played in town on Saturday, May 711), between Olintou Collegiate Inebitnte and Seafortb. Monday evening of last week the 88rd Batt. band played "Erin and the Bren• nano" in Cordite's hall. There was a good attendance. Frank Guttridge, the well known builder and contreotor, of Sonfortb, has invented a very irleenione machine for the manufacture of pressed cement brink. The Elootrio Light Company have pur. chased the MoBride property, near the railway station, and intend using it for piling wood on, There are three lots and they paid 6300 for them. The annual meeting of the Seaforth Bowling association was held at the Grip house. The following oilioere were ole°. ted :—James McMichael, pree. ; tiV• K. Pearce,vice yam ' Alex. Wilson, se : tree . ; committee, Meagre. Iloimested, Reid, Minty and hays. The recreation grounds in Ahie town have boon leased for this season to a Dom. mittee of gentlemen representing the various sporting clubi in town. They pay 6100 for the use of the grounds for the Beason and will arrange so that the several different olubs can be a000modat• ed. Rev. T. B. R. Westgate, who is shortly to ga fie n missionary to. South America, under the auspices of 0. 14, B., gave a splendid address on mission work in Bt. Phomas' oburolr wheel room on Wedltes. day evening of last week, He twee near- ly 1C0 eterooptioan views taken;from all part( of the world, as illustrations. Re hert, the little eon of Mr, West, cam„ very nearly having a 001'io0s noon• dent on Monday evening of last week. While the band was playing, the young- ster ran out on the road but 110tieing a horeo, tried t0 escape it by walking back. wattle. In the meantime another ria drbvtn by B. Jame came along and the inti( follow backed tip against 11 but nclth.ag daunted, 0au';ht the animal by 1101 ills and orawlod ander it. Fottunato- ly tl e horse, whish was a quiet one, stood perfc,atly still and the young lad 'was Soon regaled from hie perlletis position, 1Vi11Ie Creech, 1v110 is suffering from an attack of diallotes, is slowly improving. Dr, (1. 1'. Ilynthnan, who opeut several days til Iltic•Itiqun, has decided to open nub IL practice in i11•own City, 1Veliington Johne has purchased two lots from J.N. Howard, on Carling divot, and intends erecting a new dwelling thereon shortly. We aro scary 10 report that John Knight, G. T. R. operator here, has been compelled to quit work owing to ill health, Ho has been quite ill for conic time. Mrs. Andrew Hicks, who reoontly moved from here to Riverside, Cal., has decided t0 return to Exeter shortly, the health of hor family not havlug improved muoh. Albert, eon of Mre. Thomas Costas, of Usborne, met with a painful accident, having unfortunately walked into the otlonsng leading to the cellar, and broke hie leg just above the•anklo. Mre. John Hunter, of Osborne, who meetly undorweet a critical surgical operation, was doing nicely until a few days ago when She tools a torn for the worse and is now very ill. Wm. Wbitp, of the 4111 con., Stephen, while assisting Mr. Lane in baling hay, acoideubly had one of his ribs broken, and although able to be oub around, it will be some time before he will be able to work, 51C7fiillop. John Stafford, wile is noted for garden and new seed products, has a new potato called the "Mortgage Lifter." 11 will be attend of Dither Moreland or Yukon and costs less and u0 railway to needed to get to it, IIe oleo has a new variety of onto which has boon soiling for 61 a bushel. Ho raised 40 bushels from three pounds sown, Each stalk will prodnee somo- tiling less than a pound of grain. Mo- Killop produces progressive farmers. Robert Hewitt, who .lives on the 12tH concession, a little East of Leadbury, ie 84 years old, and was born the same year as Sir John A. MaDopald, During this last Winter he bas threshed over 400 bushels of grain with a hand -flail, besides attending to his stook and getting up wood. He has the appearance of living as many more years. Mre. Hewitt, who is a young woman, says he is a better man than half the young mon in the county and challenges any man in the county of his age to do the same amount of work. Mr. Hewitt is also quite a poul- try fancier and keeps hens that lay eggs thab measure from 7;4 inches by 0} inches to 8} by ell inches and weigh on en aver- age something less than et pound. Ile says Jolie MoMillan's bill is n0 use t0 him unless be makes ib a pound an egg. 131.vtltr. Alex. McKellar has left on a business trip to Manitoba. Elam Livingston was busy shipping bicycle rims and rollers litet week. Alre. Chas. Burling is a severe sufferer at •)resent from nbeeess of the breast. Jas. Leitch, of Tilsonbnrg, has aooept- ed the position of head baker withJoseph Stoehers. N. H. Young, A. S. Dickson and W. W. Sloan have returned from their trip to Miseleelppi. The house and lot and chattels belong• ing to the late Geo. W. Parmenter, will be gold by auction by the administrator, Rev. T. E. Higley, on Tuesday, May 10th. A:aarioe Willows, son of P. Willows, of Blyth, who has been living in Detroit for some time, is a member of the Michigan Hone Guards, which regiment has been ordered into Camp to prepare for war. John Drummond, wife and daughter Louie, left for their new home in Aslan. tio, Iowa, where they will reeide for the future with their children. They were among the early settlers of Blyth over 30 years ago. Chief Davis reoeived a telephone meg. sage from Ripley to arrest a 'young man named John Hirons for stealing a hat from that village. Chief Davis at onto went to'the borne of the young man's father and arrested him, placing him in the look -up. On Tuesday morning of last week a constable arrived from Rip. ley and took the prisoner bank on the 10,40 a. m. train. He appeared before a, magistrate in the afternoon and was committed to Walkerton jail to await hie trial LL towel. H. MoDonald has arch sed J a a p "Morris" piano for his Mus.purchased c Hall. The Public Library will as usual, for the Summer Season, he open for two days in the week only after the first of May. The merchants of Listowel have agreed to close their reepeotivs places of business each night during the week (Saturdays excepted) at seven o'olook. The annual cleaning and scraping of the main streets of the town has been cloud and the streets present a smooth, trim appearance as a roeult. The young people of the Baptist Union met eit the house of Moo, Minnie Stubbs and presented her with a well bound and handsome teacher's bible, prior to her deplortura to Neepawa, Man. The High School Board, upon accept. ing the resignation of Wm. Irwin, the Pnblio School Inepeotor, whose new duties required him to bo released at once, engaged W. W. Weibel, B. A., eon of Jailer Niohol, of Stratford, to fill the vanitnoy, at a salary of $650 Among those hO were successful in passing their exams. we nottoe the names of T. F Perlin and A. McDowell in the list of second and first years students at the Toronto Dental College, We wore also pleased to note the emcees of Wilmur Amy, late of Listowel, among the first year aspirants. Snn,tuun.—There died at her home on the 8rd concession of Elmo, on April 23rd, Isabella Agnes, wife of Wm, M. Shearer, after an lunges of about two weeks. The deceased was the third daughter of Oliver Jones, of Mornington, and had not completed the 20th year of her ago. She was married to Mr. Shearer on the 28rd of February teat, her death having thus taken plans just two menthe later. About throe weeks ago she became affected with St. Vitus' Dance and the best medical skill available was not able to cheek the progress of the disease. She hall to bo Rept under opiates for the most part but it wag not thought till the last few Jaye that her life wag seriously en• clangored. The funeral took place on Monday afterneou to North Mornington cemetery and was largely attended by the 'rinds of the deceased and of her husband to whorl much 0ylnpathy is ex• tended in the boroavelnont of a young and beloved wife. After hie marriage Mr, Shearer took tip his roeidenee on a farm he had recently purehaeed, lot 18, 00a. ti, lama, and hadbright proepeote of slaking a happy and prooporeue home eurrounded by friends and relatives. 1154 young wife wag held in high esteem among ail her aaquniotaueee bout at her father's hone cud at her home in Elmo, and her early death is a particularly sad one. .A,twocl. Bread is six cents per loaf. Dr, Kidd and B. W. Vernon purchased handsome safes loot week from the J. ek J. Taylor Safe Works, Toronto, J.ts. Hammond has purehaeed the property adjoining the Bee office from J. A, Ktump, which answers his purpose very well as a harness ehop. John M000urt, barrister, of Seattle, Washington, is spending a few days with relatives hereabouts. IIe is a son of Jas. Mo0ourl, formerly a resident of the 12th con. of Elms, and is a cousin of Mre. AI. 113. Miles, of Atwood. A considerable quantity of flax eeed has been taken out to date, and in order that all who wish to sow may be supplied the directors of the Atwood flax mill have extended the time for taking out seed to the 1411) fust. As the Atwood Flax Go. hove a lot of valuable dreamed flax in their barns, no one is allowed on the property except on business, and notices to this effect hove been posted on the grounds. The flax market centimes dull. Mrs. Anderson returned to Listowel to live, owing to her residence in that town being empty. She will remain in her house till nab time ae she oan rent Or sell it, when she will return to Atwood and live with her son D. G. Anderson. Britoil sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mre. M. M. Hiles in the loss of their baby boy, Samuel Orvel, who passed away on Sunday of last week after an illness of 000 week. He was attacked with scarlet fever, which quickly develop. ed into congestion of the brain, to which disease he succumbed. He was a bright little fellow, 14 months old, and hie absence in the home will be keenly lamented by his parents. R. M. Ballantyne has completed ar- rangements for building on his property between Leake's and Erakine'e stores and has already let the contract for the brink work. He purposes building a hall above, 20x06 feat, and store underneath, with all the modern conveniences, The ceiling of the hall will be 17 feet high with large stage accommodation. It will be fitted up in first-class style. Godericlit. The fishing togs are not yet making paying lifts, though 000aionally a fair one is taken in. The harbor ie full of young fish, and while they remain peroh and herring will be plentiful. A detective was in town last week making inquiries about the recent fire at Morrie' mill, There are only two inmates confined at the jail, all the Winter lodgers having left, now the Spring has come. Hilton Holmes, of the Bank of Com- merce, Toronto is spending a vacation at the family reaidenoe, Colborne street. The band proposes to 'open the season by a free concert to the members of the Musical Society, to be held in the rink at an early date. Chief Engineer Hobson, of the G, T. R.. was in town looking over the ground of the proposed elevator, and examining the company's property. Alex. Molvor was advised by the Beare• tary that at a recent meeting of the Canadian Road Club Executive he had been appointed oenturion for this district. Buchanan ,& Bhynae, the oontraotors for the alterations to the Sheriff's offioe in the county 1 building, have nearly finished the job, and the result is very fine. W. A. Boyd has assumed the duties of teller at the Bank of Montreal here. The gentleman same from the Atlantio coast, having been promoted from the bank's branch in St. John, N. B. The Big BIM has been leased by Mr. Richardson, of Kingston, the firm that passed 00 mn0b wheat through the G. T. R. elevator Iaet season, and before an- other week passes away, the St. Andrew from Fort William will be in with the first cargo for '98. TbnretlayYorenoon of last week the barn belonging to Joe. Goldthorpe, Salt - ford, next to the brink yard, was burned to the ground. r d. At spark from be saw mill engine is supposed to have started the blaze. The building was worth about $100, with no insurance. D. X. Straohan drilled a large dole in the front of Garrow St Proudfoot's safe on Monday, and suooeeded in opening it, when the contents were found to be all right, This ie eight or ten safes "Davey" has opened, and the authorities will have to keep an eye on him, or we will be Marbled by more oases of safe blowing. The Goderioh Collegiate Institute foot ball club re -organized for the Spring sea. eon, Bleating he following' officers 1— Hon. pree., H. L Strang ; pros.. B. D. Grant ; woe pies, Isaiah Kilpatriok ; sec., Lorne Ellbott ; treas., G. Allen Jack - ell ; captain of team, John Arthur Gre. gory ; committee of management, Wm. Stoddart, Mat. Black and Jack Gregory, her of (tows, 167, and dogs 214. The births during the year were 65 and the deaths 84. The death rate is higher in 1890 than but is Sow compared ared with the rateofthe Province, being keg than 8i per thousand. Town STATIST/CO.-According to the assessment roll just completed by Jas. Reid, the population of Goderioh is 4,044, 27 in ex0ess of the previous year. Real estate is down 61,051,880 ; personal property, $62,125; and income $80,000, a total of 61,188,606, 0little more than Omber of horses in tow00 over the n year.us ie 194,nu the m, nu COMITY STATI0TIOB.—Tho following i8 a copy of County Cleric 'Lane's return to the Eduoation Department, dated April 1st, 1898, showing the population of the county as taken from the last revised. 110Se00meut rolls; TowNSHIPS. Asbtield, 8440 00113orne, 1794 Goderioh, 2480 Grey, 3487 Hay, 3891 Howiek, 4219 dullost, 2882 MoXillop, 2842 Morris, 2600 Stanley, 2220 Stephen, 4128 Tnokeromith, 2588 O'urnborry, 2273 Motile, 2411 .0, Wawatlosh, 1862 W. Wawaneeh, 2094 Towns an VlLLA0EO, Goderioh, 4017 Clinton, 2472 Soaforth, 2474 Wingham, 2142 Exeter, 1815 Blytli, 954 Brussels, 1186 Hansa%l, 771 Wroxeter) 440 Bayfield, 724 The Kensington furniture factory Still keep up steam and is sending Ile menu. fantoriee all ever the Dominion. Consnun Bowi,iod Or,un,—There was a large attendnnee of those of our citizens interested iu bowling in County Clerk Lane's °ffioe on Monday. evening. After the meeting wee organized, the officers for 1898 were elected ae follows :—Pres„ W. L. Elliott ; vioe-pree„ Judge Masson ; coo,-treae., Jus. ()it ; executive Dom• mittee, Uro, J, R. Shannon and Hunter and R. W. Logan. After some dieoas- slon the annual tee was plaood at $2,60, In compliance with a requeet from the Western Bowling Association to appoint a representative to attend its next meet. ing, the club nominated A. MoD. Allan. The M. 0. R. le to double.traek Ito line from Essex to Taylor. Dr. Duston, of Paris, attended a tramp in the Delle who was taken suddenly ill. A draft for $600 was found on flim. Buggies and Wagons. Always on hand and away clown in price to suit the times. I can give you a buggy for the noxt:two months, second to none in the town for eithe7• quality, finish or style, for $65. If you want a Buggy you will find it to your interest to call and see my stock and you will say my statement is correct. JNOO WYNN, CARRIAGE MAKER, HAVE ¥WJ 00 •0 Looked in our Show Window Lately ? . Have you read my Advertisement ? Eat, you glanced in our store to see the New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints, New Silk and Cotton Laces, New Gloves, New Parasols, New Shirtings, New Cottonades ? Everything New for Spring. 1n the Crocsry Dopartmant . Yon will find everything Fresh in Canned Goode and at old Prices. Teas and Coffees a Specialty. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. 1SIONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. TAILCR INC M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of . work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. arsbop fu Qariiold Block. , A. COUSLEY Real Estate &Loan AGENT, BRUSSELS. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. 'Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire d Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to A. Conveyancing. COUSLEY Offtoe overBDes 'o Drug More, A talkative tag. CATALOOOC Fane. The tag on every pair of Slater Shoes"' tells the leather, its wear, service adapted to, how the shoe is made, bow to care [aril and the factory number, by which any faults may be traced to the operative. This tag is good for five cents on a bottle of Slater Shoe Polish. caodyear Welted and stamped ote the sole by the makers. $g.00, and $5.00 per pair, "The Slater Shoe." Jno. Downing, - Sole Local Agent. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the thoro'.bred proved loYorkshire Boar, "Oak Lodge N.2413D brd by 3..BhouBu- ford, t0 which a limited cumber of sows will be taken. Terms, 81.00, to be paid at time of Barytes with privilege of returning if nee - 00001•y, A number of choice young sows for eale'for breeding purposes which will be sold at prices to salt �ItOUT times, Proprietor. The Ronald Fire Engine Works, BRUSSELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think we can save you money. We have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Nickle Plating a Specialty. Ronald Firs Engine Works, BRUSSELS. . 1 ` RAILWAY : NATTRUI R,SYSTEIt1 And Connections offer Special Features MANITOBA, The Canadian Nort West, BRITISH COLUMBIA, PACIFIC coAst PO/NTS, KOOTENAY, KLONDIKE, Yukon Gold Fields, And all pointe in the Western and Northwestern States. Fn11 information from Agent G. T. It. 8,' J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brusoelo. GEO. HEYD, " Ethel. McLEOD'S System. Renovator —AND 0511811 -- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nem - eagle, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe, Female Irregularities and General De- bility, LABORATORY, GOOERICH, ONT. r. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brussels, See our Lovely range of-�-- LADIE S' SHIRT WAISTS, BLOUSE MATERIALS, MUSLINS, LAWNS And DRESS GOODS. The Newest Styles in'' - -- COLLARS and CUFFS. A Full Stock of --- Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves. A call solicited. No fancy prices. Everything cheap. Alex. Strachan. DON'T READ THIS AD And then throw away this paper before you ooonoInde you n are losing good money by not buying y oar DAIRY SUPPLIESIE Sfr ur no W a are re' ared to supply every poison with Dairy Cans, Pa Pails, Milk Pane and Tinware off all kinds at prions according to quality, ,Graniteware of all kinds.Aftp. .., HARDWARE. Having pnt in a stools of. Spades, Shovels, Rorke, i&0„ of the best quality we solicit your Patronage. Paint Your Hovi:se with the best weather and water proof Paint in the market. We sell it. Screen Doors and Windows on hand and made to order. The best lino of Cook Stoves to choose from. Eavetroughinj and Repairing promptly attended to,,00,' N.13. --Wait for our wagon, it will call on you kr your truck hi a few days. Wilton & Turnbull