HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-5-6, Page 3Dl"mr 6, IgP8.
11 RE I Olt . i
Interesting Items About Our owe Country,
Q'out Llrlta,n, the United Status. rind
All Parts tin Nhe Gleba, Condens,f and
H=earted for Eusy Reading,
'"{hest rea+llod, the remarkablo price
of $1.12 ut Port Witilam.
Vanadn's Lrado returns show an n9 -
Cess for the Lurrunt: your of $39715,904,
'[lit+aortuor-+tune of the unw (ami(l-
Ian Ilakillo itailway buildings tit Vun-
coaver I%as !sill on Tuesday.
Passongor rates to Alaska front Van-
cotwer ihaio droppod, Lim rare to 11ywa
and SkagiPsy being now $25.
'I.`ha Arolsots Bank, Montreal, start-
ed their $14,000 atone Montt on Hasb-
ings street, V ancuitwer, on 'Tuesday.
A Coronet is Investigating the sul)-
prned mu,alo Of (loo, lJayard, un d-
•derly 1?renoh-Canadian, near Non Iroul.
'Work has !icon commeuccd, ou the
first factory to use elooLrie power do-
veloped on the Canadian side of Niag-
ara Falls.
Tile ioanaguirlent Of beth, tht', great
railway systema litHontrwil deny
that there IS silly trouble with tilt'
ko legra Chars.
The Kingston Board of. Trade fav -
cars t11A plan of hurbor mproveuwnLlt
forM'ontreal to be made I,y`tit. DOm{n-
ion Government.
A Hamilton deputation to 91011tznul
complained of disorimivation in pt'ss-
enger rates aga{nst 1111nultun in fuv-
or of Toronto.
Airs. Mary Sloan of Hamilton was
given carbolic acid by bar daughter in
mistake for cough medicine. she is in
a preearlous condition,
Ono of the C.P.R. surveying Pariles
on the proposed now lino from Toronto
to North clay has reached a tsoint with-
in eight miles of Barrie.
Three million whitefish fry arc b0-
Ing placed In Lake Huron, near I'oioL
Edward, on till% Canadian side, by the
Sand,vidh fist% baLobory.
Allan Roblosan is in thio hospital at
Kingston with afrautarod skull. Ile
was struck by m stone from a sling
in the hand., of a companion.
The first fatal. accident in connectioll.
withthoretionstruction cribs Viotorim
Bridges AZontrearl, occurred, John Bri-
ton falling into the river and drow•n-
Actabors of the Canudian posts of
tete Grand Army of the Republic arc
being Invited to enlist in the United
States army for uelive service or for-
tification work,
Lox•enzo Stevens, a London bailiff,
wouL to meizo an organ at, Mrs. t1'Iar-
t"L Piper's house. ,Someone poured
Lling water an lits hold, Mrs. Piper
was arrested and bailed.
General Manager Heirs hold cwt lit -
tie hope of the Gi.V. r. interesting it-
self in stockyards in Hamilton. tl%Sts
(.%T.R, already carries 03 per cent. of
all the cattle brought to Hamilton.
Mr. L. A. Hamilton, the Land Com-
missioner of the Canadian Pacific Rail -
.way at Winnipeg, expects it vary busy
season, particularly in regard to the
work in Southron British Columbia.
Mr. X. A. $theody, of the Illinois
Bridge Works. Uhicago, has been ap-
pointed master or bridges and build -
Ings on the Cd:rand ,11'runk Railway sys-
tem, in placo of William Crawford, of
London, resigned.
There %vas deposited in the Post -
Office Savingsllank) of Canada, during
!'bdnrch, §290,077, and tvUltdratwn $847,-
779, leaving a balance on band of $15,-
895.012 on the Ust Mia ch, compared
witty' $15,584,615 on the 381,h Fobxu&ry
At Hamilton d jury sought to give
a plan named Geoghegan $800 damages
for injuries received IvbilO employed by
the Gland Qrunk, but as the verdict
also admitted that Geoghegan could
Ihare avoided the accident Dix. Sciatica
Meredith gave judgment for the com-
At a special meeting of the St.
Thomas City Council a by-law teas
passed granting the Board of Educe -
black $80,000 to rebuild Central and
Baducdava Street Schools. A by -late to
Igranit a bonus at $30,000 It o the! .%mike
Erie & Detroit Itiver Railwaywill be
atil%mittod to a vote of the xatepay-
ers. •
Acting-Alayvr Hubbard. of Toronto,
was Interviewed by a n dteputattoof
UaSLad Empire Loyalists on Tmesday
They desired to have flags floated on
the civic building an May 18, Loyal-
ists day. ]flags will float over the
public buildings in Ontario, anti the
r%Iinistar of .Educati0n :Las given or-
ders to the teachers to dnsUruct the
pupp'tle in United Empire Loyalist sub-
Forty-oa0 'lives are thought to have
been lust by the fire in Whitivioiu, ool-
liery in L"eicettershire.'
'ho report that the 'Canard line
Steamers Umbria, and Etruriti, have
been sold to lite United Staters is dell -
ltobt, Chapman. %rho was with the
Foot Guards tit Queen Victoria's until•:•
riatga, and who served through the
entire Crimoan calupaign, died recent-
ly a0 London, i
Grout Britnin has secured. a doohsive(
coop Lir C!]r{ua, e, British syndicate
havlaig got. a 00 -year concession of an
Anormous coal and iron doposit'., '250
milos by 40 in exl:ent.
Ili London the rush of uplitleauts for
enlistment: in the United States army
or navy, continues between forty and
fifty English and Irish sailors or sol-
diars buying appliod for enlistment at
the Unil:od sLutos eonaulate oil Delon -
day morning.
11. S. Willard, the English actor, is
,still lit In bell at Chioago, but is grad-
ually L1nproviag.
Rater Admiral John C. 1Valker, Its -
tired may be the suecossov of, Thou lora
Roosevelt, as Assistant Secretary of
the Navy. ,
Two tvorkmdn ware k'1 0l 1 throe
Tw r. 1 i and x
seriously Injured by the falling roof
trusses on the wails of the atato ar-
moury at Newbury, N,y„ on Monday
Tho taLbor of the .Intro 'Margaret
14latbox thi: sofsross, tlirtaAds to contest
_...._....-....,...----.....,...._. ...,....,•.-.......----.....,__r+•-..............._.w..�.,-•-,........ .. . . __. - _ -.,......_. -.._
his dtWsghtor's will, whioh left Ovary- q y�{�g� �/ along the dosert tile,), aro,•Iomely kept THE COUNTER&ON. 0 g �f it f" U ' 1 s l ' \ £ �
thing to • ar Iatvyur, Keratic C. King, THL SUNDAY 1 SC1100L, to. and iv+ikero Lhe), r,rusti nun6 other TU F I 'K + i &d.L UKE
who says the estate will not fray Lite _,. null%. pxiople would ldkaly I n met. i n rlkimp Iturfou4 anrldento drf 1aa War la
debts. Lite fiplstlls i'lr hl pl'Net'he,l lhP l%U.Y11.1),
'Tile Now Yorlk Board of Aldermen in Oho th1of pla.osof reSutt 1'he.gra t a,lq,�--++p��•�ro-�r,ay, •aY - +�r;�r itra- ,ft `a
The ;Ilurriaao Ifollet." 11#41, '1:, 1•i}, i d+,t'di �°ar-tF�sl'rt."� '"�+'a ,. j' wrra-.uu
u!nanixnout•1Ly udLupLod a resolution on nisi(+d are Llre ciusY roads til' (hrl-Leu- During the lYfaL;t,tx>lolnnd War of lks'JO
Galdole Text, 4111th ( I.
Tuilsrluy requoeLlmg the hoods of the d+:nr. As lase), as ye sSuill {incl. 1411 th'e relief Lntrou, marching is s0urah of
various oily departwants to grunt leave teft.,v1rfCAi, NO'rPS, to the marr•lage; In the pnralilo ()Lusa the nativos, haitarl whorl the plane Ho-
of uVwilou un Lull rnuy to all otLy nAt- of rmgbi. ,;t fir ,l. 'e,wt to qy v
>la pus oilta anter the volumt0or army, Tarso I. Jesus uttdw,irod, This pbruss 'have bean ]ndobtnd fo' L11nIA incitation toote,t for the, u'ght's ramp WAS roaah- Zia Bed 5 �:V°lfDfTA.>l hs— ioi,d �f1.�kTen U�t ,L II I -lope
t J' la Able, "go doer: out. always im,l t.o Lho sinful roll of Allison inns viii ed. Ttoe w'ri oris war, drawn up in laag-
Thos, Mead Brum, Lite entinen f of F i J s g of Getting Well—A �ygay ody Found of
Captain blush of Lha hamkan66ne IIOr- a conrersnlliuzi. Uu til{s day, and. Lu ,Val raCusrd, but this is %sal. acaordill$' er f+u•ruatiun-diurtmnd shulm or oh -
Vert Fuller, was agaln, proved guilty Ilia lanuple courts, hardly anyLhinif to methods i,ii Llkt+ kiu,ploin of gilt a, lung-r:L(iurls wore served, aupDOr: Back -
at Boston, The vtrdlut ourriecl with (,ort. has ntwnys ::uulrhl tine s„lvn1-]oto Last towhich I Owe y Liffe.
it thio words, "Without oapitml punish- cuulcl be said by our l,urd t%ithnttt has- ml' I.JI(, %$hole world. ad and guards posted.
moat," ords, a law onuctai) since the lug the furca+ ,f un ans%%ar' ler CHN aa- 1U, tU,tharkid. 4(rgNther all Ss ulua5• It was the duty of a sentry, whoa
first %clot. perSlrho of h'ts oallalls hpukn ur.nto +,s they lolitr(b uol.0 good +wld I',((- 7hcY my „tie approached to cry out, "Haiti
GENERAL, them u cin by l:urubles. !13.rntUe iL ILLLIn turn in I hsr story Lt ad+has its uL 1 Whu urs there!' and on receiving Lite � .
K loaSt'LUcd, ieSsum>: 1.:Yo ClArisLi,in tee- s g � -Y , i
Hayti. will not aalp Spain to procur- w•ns nn( eats. It, toot Lite truth in Its ObAr hits right til, ur(r:ke sulecLiun i twply, ",1 rrlend," to say, "Advance, ��i� ,�'
In su41p1ies. Spain Gals no coal in Hay- ,
tl. ua ed heuuly, r,iGhou6 poriir garb, vt auulS i;u be sound; w -o etre (rs ),rather rrieud, un,lgive lira couAlt.r'AgnI" 13ut '. �r,,�.1111111111111
��' - 1
All vassals arrivingat St. Johan' and because Atha truth hr walk about: all as utility as Nye fiwi; we are t„ gti I tho sentinels, nut Luing d1 ritilinud sol- / 1 � 1��Af
s into oil t1w wh,rld and primoh Lho (itis- chars, fret u y �^ , - �
Nfld., report rough OIL erbluuca iri the to atter wtu;sc, tnund nntl:u ounl,inunuR pot. to every cron,ture; i%'o are Ui count ! entl • midtouk Llie urdarly es
Lea fields. in Um upplioation that It, could bo canna the pulreat num, thio good for puniLeneo, offtoar, who vistLe,l each post during �V�" ..i
An, attempt Vas born made to ussas- eCfontivoly expressed by parables t•Ittru and l'he most cb'graded nelte i,la led the aigbt, for tho other aeulry from ;.
sinuto the Nawa� of Dir„ near Chit , • L•i Not for bore. Yreviouo situ has not biawI the next post., and instead or using r
It could [re by torso cit ftul on,
rad,Tndia, Not Vila
g du with the Sns,tJe. of the proscriber] formula would great bite
Simply to Chose about him dill sur troll Net fila rL ht 1
Operations of tits Anglo-Egyptian g eoeS, but aiuuers, .haus fumillarl with: ;a - , r
forces against the Dervishes hove leen Slwak, but to all v%.liuul 11W words rolkeh, came Lu call. "Otitcuet" is a wtck,d' Y
suspended until duly. to tar eatd of time. word, for nobody k cost unit by Christ; " liullo, Smith I is that you f" wily, ��r '
oil,[ the court who would with hypos,riti- 'Then, in place of the friend! reply', . � r % �'° '
Vx-Vrinte Minister Crisrtd, who ro 2. 'file JC[Ogdam. of bcaven IS a phrusith cut vtrtum cacti'(. nayone out of Itis circle 1' S " would come the
c:enLly .rosigned tram the 11D lion Chum- w114p which we, urn noir familiar. In of synilsvl.'hy Ln fining what Christ ren-� and, how's 4ttzrg jy'
bet+ of Dellutl.s bas been re-elected, its lust. auilysiS it toenns the dominitm, likl1* i the unjust: $toward far doingt- rejoinder:
The report that ex-Prasident Crisp n 'Ile La himself aalrlt)g fOrglyNnadR (If Gfld "Why, sir, fico'% you holt stud uhaL- 4 I }} a
OC 1'ennzunlu hes Ix
an 'killed in hat. of hetivatly priatciploS, u sl:nte or eon-' while Tofu%si to forgive his not hbor, fs '
LIS with the inst ants Is confirmed, dil.ton in i4lioli God's will ountroN d � g g Ilenga?" �
g Tho Chuawi 'h Christ. bo en nth The countersign for the night was
Primo bfinistgr AlaLino, of France, in human %%itis, 7'u tile Jaws it probably is n„t Itarf.ot; it 'Vas in it both bad I 6 g �
a pro eleutfon apeach at 1temiromont Iral(I a cu i,vuLiuut,l, almost technical and Bowl, fax more good Ulan Lad, unit j always rend out at dress parude eaoh � t
yesterday, eulogdzed the foreign Policy yob Some Imd. 13,aniamber the parable aftorarx,n, l.g u nun was absent from r
meaui.0 connectingil: with. the rule
of ]Franco. g' or Lhe tnrces, pnrttde. and negleoled to inquire, he ^0°d•^
The President of Lite Hu titLn tie- of t'ita Messiah. Jewish It{riga were the.- l.d. 7'hu Icing some in. N'u httva till ,106
public, and that of Santo Domingo, Y gerenl.S of God, for in nl.ong been regarding this 1,unquot its utigVL find himself iti un uwkwartt pre- _ - ` at
ore% deal I'ic° i dicament. The author ,f ” With Plunk- have agreed to submit to the Pope its ideas .Judah lead never been an l Lha C ospel feti.et, and to [blit Least of- tat
Lhwir limurdary ()isp,ute. absolute monarchy, but a theouracy- ten urld to many ways the: Bing or or In MuLalkelDlaud" meaL{ons several � � /
A d } ab Vicuna, on glory comes -sometimes by bewildering cases in point. 1� i 4
decree published 1 God's kin doe, of whhih lite kin of r f
Wednesday, forbids the importation of g g provitlenco; sometimes by soft whispers A trouper had gone down to a wa- t
American fresh fruits, The action is 'Jai-usalem was the roproseatativa. '.rho in the maditutive and prayerful twi- �
the result of tlta £ in Jose scale scare.
Jews of. Jesus's flay expected the Mea- light; by bereavements; by piles ou for -Vole after .Lite sentries vara poet- ! I
plies of blessings; by stray suatchos ad. On returning he was challenged = ` �'ge / 1
ri Burlin purer gives currency to the S1uM1t soon, and doubtless the mewbers of tunea whioh carry holy hymns unit ,r o
atDi BoxnL that Spann is no negotiating
for at it -lie crowd that now clusLere ahoui: bel; not itucwing the coon passtr, the r ��` J
6 14 Lilo sound of a vairx that is at by sontry rutttsod to tat him pass• C�
tL louu in liingh'ad' orfan 1. England a J'eous each, .teak n manning of It{s own. that• day, "wizen nun Lo judgment +� 1�
Ieeui o vR the Mill
Tsdtnda until tvakos front clay "-orally indeed are the "Hung* it a11 You know me well ed- � �
Lhu lona is re aid, front IJils phrasa, and none oC them •un- $ugh 1 What's the use vi playing t.
ha 0
p ways by which the King comes int Tu
Subject to further regulations, the dorstood its full and p,arfeet Vektul'.A, / I
y. sae the guests. To inspect them. A foot at this time of night I" pleaded
governor OC Shan SL Province, China, A certain Jciug w'ltielt oracle u mer- man whioh had oat on u wedding gar- the soldier.
line granted a concession to an Anglo- rtngo for Itis son. Tho put -able of .likko ment. It seems t. W presupposed that "Can't be helped. You know the or-
ILalian syndicate to work the coal. and ., Lite !drill, had i"it to the guests dress- ders, unit unless ),on give the counter- Sclenoe has full established the turn thoroughly oil a0 H war then
1.1, 15-124, %$hila it describes a feast. S , g sign thorn o y g y
Iron deposits in that province, icy of donor. chis hum's guilt consisted. g you ala, aril.! %bora ,vee will ¢sot that all the nervous energy of our machinery of the body, thereby on,
1 It is stated in Berlin that Spain, un- does not specify a wadding feamV. ']`ha ill his rejecting }what was thus fru- remain 1' retorted the sentry, And h0
able to wait until her orders for tuns figure of a marriage applied to roli- J g r did remain Lhare unLll the visiting of- bodies is generated by nerve esntree silting it to perform perfectly it" d{f.
g $idol. CThe the story of anti L Kings located near the base of the brain, £scent funetiona, and without the
at I{rupps cannon factory are exeaut- gloss truth was familiar and favorite 10. 2l. Thera aro not wanting cases Picax ntltnittud Lim in the swat! hours
ed, has [man trying to ptirohaso guns with the Jaws. tsaititr aiaturod (sed its iti modern oriental life whore kings of Lite rationing, When the supply of nerve force has slightest friction.
alsewhare Ln Germany. She has not L and nobles have presorted robes to On another oacasi,n the countersign 1 hese diminished either by excessive If you have been reading of the lo-
been able to sauure any yet, as the Gov- the br•idegromn and l'arael us Ilia their guests. What is the wadding gar- was " Nordentoldt, the Dams of a car- I physical or mental labours, or owing to markable cures wrought by South
ernment looks askance at all such bride, Jeramitib spoke of Lite I all[- men L'f ffolinuss-Lbal. righteousness Lan kind CC gun. A soldier, on ap
propositions. tries of Israel as a wife's adulLer{eS. whioh is the gift of Christ: to those Preuch{ug the picket, had a hazy ra, i a derangement of the nerve centres, we American Nervine, accounts of which.
who ora willing to Put it on. collection that some sort of a gun bud . are drsb conscious of a languor or tired we publish from week to week., and
- And ,John the Baptist and our Lord g been mentioned as the countersign, and i g,
!o X'e oil. g t mord manna euro- and worn-out feeling, then of a mild are still sceptical, we ask you to in.
A REVERENT LISTENER. heel In various teu+h]mgs employed ro- rude, auk Let companion. fit is used three in answer to Cha challrnge, gado `Afar- pj form of nervousness, headache, or vestigate them by correspor4ence,and
fated figures of speech. This story am- ttmaT by coir [old, always with the " That's not Lt." replied the sentry. I stomach trouble, whioh is perhaps sue- become convinced that they are trap
1laru'rwitin•s Lxv,erienee AtionrAl a ftrtttsll phasizes the guests rather than the thdlllight of reyeouf--Lo the complain-
1ru trua•kateu,Coth�etra{tor Ju,dOs,nIId "Oh, ooh, the other kind of gun," ce0dedbynervous proetration, chronic tothaletter. Such acourse may emve
`lrin• king' or his son. But, it is plcLD frum g + hazarded. the man. � indigestion, and dyspepsia, and agea- you months, perhaps years, of suflecw -
Wltile Slammingin the Arundel Cas- hank. -1•l(. was speechless. The mm's
the outset that the Icing stun,Ls for 1V
cur•elessm,ss or defiance, whichever it a11, that's near enough ; Pass iii" I oral sinking of the whole system. In ing and anxiety.
tie through the 14lozambique Channol, God, and that, like the marriage des- was, is h,e.re soon, tin, be. inexomsublo. Said the sentry. ' this ofhurr fret andworr there The words that follow are atrnn
which separates Madagascar from crdbed by laaiah, this mur•rrrl.ge synibo- 13. Bind bim'hand and foot, and lake An orderly cffiver, on going his ' p y, y, g�
South Africa, D'Iurk 'twain site an un- lines the union of Christ sect his hini a+vny. 7.bLs shows the wrath h>g rounds, was astonishad to find the sen- are very few who aojoy perfect health; but they emanate from the heart, and
I.ho king, Cast Silo s LU vnwr dark- try, singing at; hint In this fashion l nearly, everyone has some trouble, an speak the sentiments of thousands of -
conscious exhibition of English rover- Clinrch, . ' nS HL Liddle do hi It 1 Who pea there'?
8, sent forth b{s sexvauLs. This, also, meas. The darkness of 'the lti.ghlt ou't- "What do you moon. sir• by chat- ache, or pain, m weakness, m nerve women in thaiTn9tedStateennd Cann.
encs for the nnthonal anthem. He las- was a familiar figure of speech. bee side •t.he palace doors. Utionlal cities trouble something moron with the oda who know,
cribee the seena in "Jl'ollowing the tfutt. '2l. 33- t0, where the sar•vunLs ars not lighted,uld, Jerusitlr.m:Lt night: floor. g in Lan{: fashion?" naked the of-, , g g , through f tk,aenca, of
Equator," as lollows: are made, to represent the good men- is perfectly forlorn. Weeping and freer. stomach and bowels, poor blood, heart the healing virtues c, tke South
prophets, psalurists, and priests -who gnashing of teeth. A phrase whioh The Last tints tz was on duty, sir. disease, or brought
by ache all of which American N. Hal Tonic,
Last night the burly chief engineer P L was i'old to chalinnge in a mora mu are sent at d.iffurant times through bringvs titto vivid conLrast the misery Loaf votes, and that's the only tuna are brought on by a look of nervous Harr9ot E. Hall, of Waynetotva ti
middle -egad, tuns standing falling a canLuries to call Israel to religious and warltftoaton of the. ajuctrfl guest ener toeaablethedifferenbor ansof prominent and muck respected
spirited sea -faring tale, and hadreaeh- LaLLLlfulness, To call them that were undthe Splendor• beauty, tuid. hilarious C know sir." replied the sentry. SY g p pe djry
ed the most exciting place, where a b{dden to the wadding. It in n9L can- good cheex of the welcume guests. the body to perform their respective writes as follows:
Lrar to oriental habitudes, th0u�glt it 14, AZnny are culled, but few work. "I owe my life to the great Dont%
titan overboard was washings uplift-
astern on the great sous and uplift- ratty nut ho in uceerclanoe with frequent aro chosen. The meaning of this � � South American Nervine Tonic, the American Nervine Tonic, I haus
ouslow, for it Second invibutiou to be stranga verse, which has been so piti- marvellous nerve food and health giver, been in bed for five months with a
Ing despairing cries, everybody racing sent out by it host, an;h an escort thus tally -warp�d by same zettlous theolo- 401421 4nc01, ,slur mllkee as atrur to ilia
eft in ,L Franz of excitement rind fact- .to be provided fur nuoh uesC. 'rho guns. would seem to be made plain Ir. A l;ovt>'n,nent. iaasatis£yingsaccOss, awondrous boon Scrofulous tumour in my right aid
y to tired siok mild overworked men and suffered with indigestion and
Ing hope, Nyhan the blind, %N11ch had thought here is that the hiiddorl guests LY t:6e story tv6lch we beta •iust A despalob' from Now York says:- p
Veen silent u lttomonL, began inzpres- were disloyal to the{r king: any ata- studied. Who ware culled? 1 not John Jacob Astor, who last weak of- and women, who have suffered years nervous prostration, Had givennp
or invited pacmons would have beau of all, a fe%v salecbod guests; nftor ofdisoonragementand tried all manner all hopes of getting well. Had tried
sively its closing piece, and English proud e.E %hair invitation, but those ward all, its many as oauld be found, fared to place Ilia Western railway at of remedial without benefit. Itis a three doctors with no relief, The
national anthem. trouldrs would 1wC come. Who were chosen? Thos. who accept the ,ILapasal of the Government for '
As simply as it unconscious of what I. lie dent. forth other servants. Xhiuk. adi the invitation and name with Lha modern, a ws ckbou remedy, and finita first bottle of Nervine Tonic improved
the floe transportation of troops and aAlzlke faliotvta Abounding health. me so much that I was able to walls
he was doing. HO stopped his stun$, of Lis par efforts to rOf Eli Jame, proper, spirit; and t proper garb. "Tho munitions Of war in tine States of Il-
tmcoverad, laid his laced cap against aecl Lis pectinl failure; of Elisha and choice, so far as this parable is eon- It is rinlikt9 ail other remedies in about and a few bottles uncal me en -
1 t i rizz- tai'Ith, unit theitr-g'reator Ialinre; of carnedL Says Dr', Pluntpbre, 'appaurs tracts and Ohio, has also volunLeerad to
his breast, :rod slightly Lou Ilia g y to he its ,dependent upon ' thatit is not designed to sot on the tire! Z believe it is the beat ixiedi•
ly bend. lila few burs finished., he plot Isaiah and Jerautiah, and I.heir utter Ion L•he answer furnish and equip w %.putter), vC nrtil� g �•
on his cop and Look til, Ilia tale again failure; till at longlih "God's arznias" tis is the calling." tory, 1Ie wished to keep the matter different organs affected, but by its cine in the world. I cannot recent -
as naturally as if that interjection of oame un(l •' bitpue(L up [bell' city." 1 - - gniet, suit although the offer ices made direct action on the nerve centres, mond it too highly." -
music bad be -on u part of it. have prepared my dinner. A foist, a. I SURPLUSOF $t&,000,000, several days age only a rely of ,his which are nuture'a little batteries, it Tired women, Coit you do bstt,,t
There was something touching and banquet. -a " waddling breakfast," My ,lase friends knew about it, 'louses an increased supply of nervous than become acquainted with tbyp
fine about it, kind It was moving, to re- Oxon and my futlings are killed. In the ---
fleet that he was one of n myriad, soul: Orient oumParativery lits le Cieshmeat Th, ni ritisn Unk Prene0ted thy tilt. Mr, Astor, who was anxious to show rttergy to be gennratecl, which in its truly great remedy i
tared over every part of the globe, is eaten; it is r'eSurdud as a luxury IninueuUor ortiu• l+,xalw{tn'''' his patriotism by rendering somesub-
who, by turn was doing as lute was do- raebar• than us it necessity, and the Sir MiOhael. Hicks-BNaeh, Chancellor stautial sid to the Government early Sold by G. A. D@G1,dma;r1.
{ng every hour of the twenty-four,- shouts slid Sungs and laughter which Ott] British..Exchequor, presented the
those awake doing It 'while the others we associate with drinking wing urn Lu 'Lha week, fiumalatod ilia place, _� ___,- _ _ -__. __
slept those. improas{vn Lara forever trcquanLly spoken of Lu cu'tontul lit- budgaCatntement in Llza Heuae of Com talked( thorn over ltLth Henry D. Hely,
flouting rip out of the vurhous chimes, erature •its the affect of cut- mans on Thursday. He said the eosin- anti suggested to the latter that he HOW MUCH BEEF, SETTLERS FOR NORTH-WEST.
never silent and never lacking raver- ing flesh, 'The killing (If the oxen and try was prosrs,roas, and that the apex make tine offer to General Roo, Cllr. —
ant; listeners, fallings, then, shotes this dinner to of prosperity had not yet been reach- Cl did so, statin • that Mr. Astor was 1/hot nn !,mita! Jury Throbs to lunou It Tian lfnuhlreel tmwzgrants arrive Isom
have Work luxurious. All Lhtng:s are ad. Tits surplus, ha Lulled, amvunted Y S for Ono Heal. cllglaud--sofile to Itallmiu ilk Quebec.
-- ready', The kin had ne lecLod uv L
g g willing to turntanwatt, tits{las ani- ,,.rho Roast I3o0[ of Old England" is tA, daspateln from iVLodutreal says; -
U. S. CONSUL CHEERED. provision fur the pleasure of his to 43 78,000, OC which Sulu &8.2,550,000 fortes, eaunon and equipment, Lenrim9
,..ia, gnats. In that but country killing hurl been appropriated for public the entireexpensehimself, Gan. Roo As famous As the appet'.ite for it, whioh About. X00 imm{grants arrives! in the
S4 4.4.01N.0% $orlely at I,OudOn I.uVo 111mn DULL cooking closoly followed eaoh Vuild{rigs. 'TVds CVuawUor of Lilo laze thotient the plan ens exr•OlGen. but Old England's sons exhibit, city on Tuesday over the C,P,lt, from
Warm Iteeeptio„ other. There is evidence, however, in the de- IHa:lifax leer steamer Numidlan. Most
0. 'Tiley nuvde light of it, tb'hase. in. chOquor• also informed the House that said ho had Do power to aecopt the oC-
A dospatch front London, Out, Sa.,ys: tout an the (hings of this world fail Lilo national debt had been reduced by for. ills. 1{lv tut unce sul mitted the its on in a recant I,undon danutge suit of them were English, bound tut' Litt,
-At the annual hanyque1. of St. Cee to recognize spirltuwl blessings til. ;g0,iln,Of10. Coutinuing, Lite Chancellor proposition to Wioromry Alger. but. that Britons ure in this resf,eat degon- North West., but some will remain in
r e's Scolat on Mionda • night, Col. U. their worth. Ons to his farm, telt- said that the post-offioo and belograph has not yet received a rainy. Mr. As- eratfng, this province, r;nglish immigration La
g y y o other to his m.eX01"n"dole. .The world ter will take no further Steps until he It was a bricklayer who brought the the 'Eastozvz Tomuships has been an .the
S. Culver, Uu.ttacl, StnJtea Consul, ntado, wits theli divided, as now, into carol_ "n"Oipts hail irloressod :1:410,000. learns what Cloneral .il or's anewer Is, Lhe s Oooh oC the even"Li ice reSpansa ,nu ht and tho socuh,r in- Sir Mielrna( thou pointed out Lhatthu • t (Y tickle uLU r thing$ that action in Lila Ctu.rkeuien County that there
of lata years, it being found.
P g try cud Oily 1 p iylr. Astor bit to a g
I,,' -
to, the toast to "The iireaildent of the te.rests of hath ware R(1 pressLnl; I hat toLa.l expenditure exceeded the record, allow his pe,Lriotimm, Court, A brick batt fallnu ul:uu his that khnra is ample appaxtiunity for im-
Lhey neglonted LitekingilonL of i{ud. r broad, unit he rotted for dilmagos to the proventemt Suit indopendettre without Uni,t.ed States," which SceDkoti ed F.haL being X115.089.000, or ;i130u,000 above the -
uf the Queen, The Uinquot'. hull was 0.:I Im a•o rvajA . Thr. rt.s(. of t hrni' tuna of $1,500. I cippor to the Western eo pro.vl d til This
L'uuk 1LLS sdsrrunbs trod entreated Llmua estitnnt.a. "Yet," he added, „Lha trona RINGLEADER SHOT DEAD,
hung wLth the Unbrai AWk and. Sbai%s Spitefully. J`heSn wore tial, merely Bury is not depleted and could still in .support of h{s olaitu the risen stat -i tale
�ItD.s been y at Uocl Eastern
and 5LrLpea entwima(l, and thio repro- ilogleOUL1.1, bill, 11oStLis, I'huy ntu]L- utnab an twfozroseou call." II • l tau acrtttsl, liar tie ad %lint lie was able before the cool -y tyle to gratiun or many al Lilo S4astaxni
sentaLLv of t' Republic .t given a clues!), injured I.I,O king's servunls, aluti44y ell aur( tI dent to out two pounds of beefel.oaia Townships people to tbo fresher lands
e Ira eptui. r was S ,•as ,urmtad by :"hail, and Tile Chancellor oatimated ilio expon- santnn, Prone'canal, for breaitfast, at- Ilea North- e"A And British coluui-
! 8u lith wit % 1 ditura for tale coming year at X100,320;
warm rouaptiNn. IIs wild that LhL .cls uilor Vv Alunassnb, g . A cieapalch LYroei Now York, says:- Jiis !earl on nollislvn with Lilo brit+l;, I Via, 211w Solt ]Tulp Emigration 7cota-
ltntialt was allly u 000, and the rovonuo ILL L6108,015,001),
United Sttutas w,utt iuovv resnrCiaig I;n t r Jeremiah %srts starrael tri flan rank- lila British bttr uo Samoa arrived on l:o%covCr, had so'nffocteel his appetite ty, of London, 1�]ngland, ha,s sent many
Che t t a t t n 1 f d Isiah and John Ha proposed as roduottons in taxation q that. lie %vas note tibio to out, enjoy hinindreds of people to the townships
fist axtraii>il:y bt utP'hall the cause ug dunp5aon by lel%
of f • d hi d. , w boon It s , 11OAd d b • Herod, abatements of Lila Luoo.mo Lux upon Ln• 71ueSLluy morning from Tn1ta1. On San- and' digest only one pouud at a time. during. the past ten years, and is still
Lou cry
tv aril !tie D1 says afill i a lila esus. t wit. 1n a y
1lantlr cry of 10ba l;rnglits'hl-sPanlring yo ,)esus, alta Suu, was hiansnLf killed Domes up to 071Y), Lnstend of k4110; a uttry ULh, while in port at '1'altnl, a HeucO !tis desire for cansalatory lit erngagod In the s'oa'k• .
race. in tr,,astad L'ltal: in the by the. .Low's; and so thOUSuntls of reduction of one per cent, in the den tit mutiny broke out on board, and as a are. -•-- •--•�'•--•-- —
futuru. title Gnifllialr speaking Chz'stinns Isom MILIA day r.,, lilts hnyn duties, where It l:egany duty is also result two of the crew arc dund. The, .Bat, alast lie didn't. get it. Ilia
,people of Lha worlel woutld. bit dell')'n been entreaLed spitefully because of pall; a reduction at sixpence per cause of the mutiny %vas Owing, to see- health Seemed fairly robust, unci there SPURGEON'S CHURCH BURNED,
closer t. ether„ and silaiuddt resent to • rlithC lnusi tv title messego tlta.L Pound, On unmallufacLutut tobacco r I of the saanten bein .rafused shore w'Ora ora or two, pour, degenerate
uE P %halt .1 lL e a g `�
Lha w•oritl till allypiawOrfal eonlbinrLCiuN Cind oamtnittud to Lhtein, and other classes of tobacco propor- elate; one of tLo ringleaders, uauwd wretches on the jury who held that one Til(, !minion$ Talpe-1. to iti sondou loo
ill the interosla of ,ael.ue au¢t rreodont 7. I',le scat. forth. ills arniios. Over and tiona oly, excopt. cigars. "a also an- Sanderson, got into an altercaLion with pound of steak IPas quite enough for ilrayrd thy tire. .
Vout oividi• ,iti 1 ristory or (lie Ivorld nouncod Lhat !I, rues proposed be re- E ono meal, and drub lho man who could
Lhm(.ag ia.t n. 'I:]iei Consul's gvuc ngn.Sn it) Ll{e. I , percentage aC moisture (712iaf Of#i0i,r• Searle, and. the It 4Lor shot A rlaapa.t+rh from London Buys:--
s,ees.h wins toudl applauded, and 'Ilia p 1 C'hutrch, Pull has llse(t the 011ce, the lt0'al , gtindersou dead• shortly aftorwards, 90L se utucll was fortunate in those
f Y ant lie , , Litt ahaoro to favor of, the consumer, 5 , Spurgeou's tabarnaulo was destroyed
rrsfnrazross to the syrnira,L'liy^ between wraith l man to pcI,ac 11Lnt, ,;, rgan when Snarls learnod thatStrndorsnnwas .hard times, IIeucc the plaintiff wasThis
the tato euirn:bnLas found Iloar't a•a- w • ! i TiI, i\uhuuhxdntr,.', r !,ltd addling that after titasa nlinngas Lilo he ,laced his revolver to his torn- non-mited, pl rile w salla its afternoon, the
epr,usa. in the speeches Lilai6 1Lvldotverl. rCiLus, tlpu I,arlpuric and JTohnnuncd„n riot surplus would Vu JJ`281,MI0. pleretnd killed himself. CDp(nin Fret- .-+--•--- ..- Plaro of ',vorsiliP ens Lilo Aieccti of the
and t'LITALun 1)arriors during the ceu- •---�-•-•---•- wurst suooeeded in quelling the mut- Baptist denomination the 'world over. .
Luries of C`hriste.wdwit,-mutally I.ad `toy, anti had two (if, the riliglunders. TO STOP PETTY 5MU GfxLING, It Iva!s one at the largest buildings (a
SUBSCRIPTIONS POUR IN, as many oC them %cera-•w,era still THE EAGLE SMASHED.- orruated and lodged in prison Osborn,
I.— God's servants, end ccutrnandod God's _ na%iitni0n Gotrormuont flats 041 it Travel I',undon, fibu foundation stone of the
i s. Itiba ' dou,bdoss did many A,xhtlN:d Heli at 1lutlrm(1 Insult Lldo Arses of ling 1'0010+ t0 Wupn With Ir. bUthling was laid by Sir Sumual. Mur-
1'e4nca of lannneov42ld F,x•tlunrn Y.nUnlIn arm a y A VVIR011 SSL' FOR 'MOTIiI:R,
Adid da sea Prsclns do Noffoual Viutd. Lhirrgs Ill ol'edleltco to the devil ; doubt • lite Met tel solus• - 1. he attention of the llami.11icn Gov- telt I?oto oil August Seth, 1850.), It'was _
r arty v. orru %Leri in 1mto •Lad c fine
,�,; Ie,S.s often they carried. veil. ,lehovali'S e1 daspaLrh Croat r\?udri.l. says:. -Ru-
bfbhllAr-.Irn,vou going ou4, mY dteai•? ecL y f t pts I ,
A daspAtoh from Madrid, sags, .Lhe Im"posea Ivrtbeut knowing thorn; hu.t r ornlue•aL has been forciltly drawn to Ln• services, whi(,h lastacd fur five
i o-tlkaL no trent Lhna,.viar'rtto processions tern may I)nnUghlar-1�s, nui; filo Physical int- h
Prince of Nonaeo, who s an officer 1, his fart rnrnnins t'tu g provement Suctrty moots this after. the innnanso proportions patty amng- sroek8,.cammenoe(I on 7Iarah lStH of
Ia the Spanish navy, Hits written to nillifary srottrga has •punimbed, this through the principal streats. The mob n✓ oxo. filing is assuming along the bordor !Stat year. At the anti of those mobt-
e L wurml Oxrresti earth w'ithuttl: God 11469 I'll" to turn gathored to grout of bila Iruidd:ing of t1T•othnf-1voll, .l wish you %vould stop %gena to the truUks t E irtivallO:cs. I tt4 Largs $S.r0:000 itatt Loan contributed, and
Lilo queen Regent, , Y 1 ng thouwtntis to ri hiaousnesa, flurnndhe tal;ernaols was free from debt;
re ret at the fact, thin: "private dudes” g tVe 1!lquitabla LiteIrifIusuranc0 Con;pany, in sanawhnrn rile[ buy ala n ilroxtm.
g up their Lily. As'1'or.ilstiicn Kaci. I:eeli _ _ -� . i mnf:Lnr itn.a Lrnea pilaoadl in the Vnncis •'1',ha 1,w{!ding wtls 140 fetal; i(rng, • 81
sravotit him trout disohiarging him naval d'ustr0yed aunt was moon again til );(I (o. and inmialekd ullton bile removal of the of a LrUsLY corps iti mein. Who will care- feel. broad; 03 foot high, And Its audi•
a But do the meanwhile, he has sLr<lyotl h %:lie ]tnumn armies, ,lwarioau eagle, whloh 'teas thrown WO)14N ,L4 A IIATI?'R' fully cover tilt+ lrordor, both in Ontario i to.rtunt hind a m4ing ea toit Of (i 000.
dn,tie., Y yn /
1 a subscription of 1D001) 3• Wore not %$artily. Compare lila (l.,Wll and smashed to bits. Tho frog- .Alen are good all roveligo- Lhey have anti Qmel,ne, '.These elan will itravol Iii addition to Urn ntt1711 I�i1lilQlrig theI d'
Cese as toPaul and Vilrutehns to the curriaC hr U h t e So roan ways of prompt uction--h ;t, frmrt luta. to point, 'the quatztit of tvero a lantare hall Seating 000, school
pesetas to tHa national fund btlhg rrids- worilS Of ltt merits ecru %hurl L a g b y L [ t l I y
•. must i . long rbn is .1 I thiLittlrre 'odds brought Ln throe It l.he rooms aenommodathi 1 dn11) ` O111111Oki,
all to rnore,tse Lilo strength of. tan ,teas of Antioch, Ants 118. 48. s1,rGe(s by aohterltzg mob to Lilo l4ltlt w1nln citta mm. L wa t 8 p a t E g g g
1 r,
t r %$ark-rnu ria ate, .• alter%
r , - 1 i;s n lumii'isrovnrad 1 tH'a Customs vast. in t . lr It.
v ICx-C noun Isabella o J. ltttO the, bi:�ghvyw S. "Out to Lilo ..tar Club, ivhat'o. thoivambors appear- vcrmltn is tan 1 est, hal;cr tf Dane wrong taopv a L y h,
Spanish Davy. l r Y Y
8 ;
,v r
t. f rn n % a t •�a fs.
- I ;r curt iib v t v.
Spain has cont aL ouhsrsrlpt;run of 30AOD m'dap+ roads," itott,ts in i?<ilea,(.lne n r•. ad upon (,he luLlecsuy and Cnl',htrsiDStL- soli aril! 1g harot+r dtlsp6hl bar day comas %%agents is doclaxed to have assumed gra' Spt YI a s '
PMOLs&s to the ANIAhnal fltnA, poor aff%1xs la any' Ivan, Out 'even oully, rhvlarod, %ghat Strums, 'Itiliio proporttoahs, many yearn pastor. , .