The Brussels Post, 1898-4-15, Page 8CETTBE DEST.
Our Trimming Machine ie a decided
aUDaese. We always aim to have the
pest, With this machine Eva trim your
paper aoogratoly and no poet to yon, We
have a large stook of
Wall Papers
from which to soleot at right prioes.
Still a stook Of 3 and 4 roll temente of
the Boddielt estate which we almost give
Don't forget we are agents in Bens.
eels for the celebrated Crescent English
Grade Wbeeis at Low Grade prices. $25
will buy a good Ladies' Wheel used but
little, and Child's Wheel at $12,60.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller,
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Come Solna. GOINQ NoRTIT.
Express 7:10 amt. Mail "40 p.m
:Axed, 9:45 a,m. Express 10:01 pan
'feral B.e.bas ltcros.
A obier s amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'lI preut it.
FISHING comes next.
SouooL te•opens next Monday.
NEW millinery takes fireb place.
APRIL showers and May flowers.
Horn key found. Call at THE POST.
No shortage in the crop of commercial
Tux street watering cart is one of the
necessaries these days.
A nusrnee change is mooted in Ilrns.
eels to take place inside of a month.
EASTER passenger traffic On the Grand
Trunk was exceptionally heavy this year.
Tun town Baud will oommence their
weekly open air muerte in about two
THE bioyole season has opened in all
its glory. Whet's the matter with organ-
izing a local club 7
Roux. HENDERSON is talking of invest.
ing in a new modern street sprinkler
manufaotnred 112 Goderioh.
Tug Fire Engine and part of the hose
was subjeoted to a test on the forenoon of
Good Friday and everything found to be
in first.olaes condition,
S. T. PLraz is putting up a new fence
around his lot, corner of Elizabeth and
Flora streets, thereby improving the
appearance considerably.
JNo. ANENT will assume the proprietor-
ship of the A.meriean Hotel ou the let of
May. He bought the hoose from A.
Koenig who has been in business for the
past 13 years.
A MEWING of all interested in Lawn
Tennis ab Lawyer Sinclair's office on
Thursday evening of this week at 8
o'aloek. The re -organization of the club
the business considered.
SEVERAL members of Western Star
Lodge, No. 148, I. 0. 0. F., Brussels,
drove over to Seaforth on Thursday even-
ing of last week to visit the brethren of
that town. They report a good time.
Owlrvo to the expeoted removal of A.
Kceaig from town he has resigned the
Financial Secretaryship of 0ourb Prfn-
mesa Alexandria, C. 0. F., and has been
enceeeded by S. T. Plum. Mr. Kmnig
has been a very enthusiastic Forester and
will be missed.
A nommen of Brussels Canadian Order
of Foresters attended the funeral of Geo.
Parmebter, at Blyth, on Thursday after-
noon of this week. The unfortunate man
was crushed by the failing in of e, baker's
oven which he was repairing a few dare
ago resulting in his death.
A Patentees Descovssx,—"Soak and
Swab" ie an iufallable, painless and non-
poisonous remedy for the cure of cancer,
cartilaginous ulcers, &a., sore throat, and
a variety of skin diseases. It aurae
oan0er in any part of the body where the
liquid can reach it. Send for oiroular
giving instruotione how to apply the
liquid, or get one from Mr. Fox, drug.
gist, Brussels. Sold at G0 Dents per pint
and 80 Dente per half•pint bottle. Mo.
Leod's Laboratory, Goderish, Ont.
ENTEnTAINb:ENT.—Last Monday evening
the anniversary entertainment of the
Methodist Sabbath Sobool was held in
the Town Hall, a large audience being
present. A lengthy program was render.
ed by the pupils se follows :—Piano solo,
Mies Lizzie Sample ; Welcome ehorua by
21 obildren ; recitation, "The Invsntor'e
Wife," by Ida Mooney ; Missionary Can'
tate, "The Fetters that Fell," by 23
ehildreu ; violin and piano duet, H. L.
Jackson and Mies Lizzie Sample ; recita-
tion, "The laet of the Rodman," Miss
Novell Maunders; Kindergarten song,
"Wake up little Buttercups," by 20 girls
and boys ; "The Junior Garden," in
which some 70 young people took part in
reoita0ion, song and tuoroh; reoitation
by Eva Snider ; Lily drill and gong by
16 young ladies ; tableau with colored
lights ; National Anthem. Mies Sample
and Mrs, W. H. Herr were the 80oom.
palliate. To attempt a desoriptiort of the
various numbers is not our purpose as
the Space is not at oar disposal but the
Mgr= was a good one and many of
those taking part did exceedingly well.
Proceeds were about $30,00, at a 10 and
13 cent admission dee, All taking part
Were admitted free. Rev, Mr, Alyn
filled the position of chairman. No
prettier ,sight hate been seen on the plat,
form for a good many years than the
Lily Drill, with the 10 nice looking
young ladies deemed in white and eaoh
bearing beautiful lilies. No email credit
la due to Miesse Whelan, Sample, Moore,
Mre. (De.) Snider, Mrs. W. H, Herr and
the Madera in eaob department of the
Junior Garden for the interest taken and
hard work done in preparing. Counofl-
lor Leatherdale kindly gave the nee of
the agnate plane in the Heil free of
A 1.1vELY trade is being done in the e
ASSESSOR S1'EWA1BT bee completed b
duties for this year,
A oouxel led named Lawson, Quo
street, fell the other day and (Reheat
his left elbow,
I. 0. Runners we ab Toronto Monde
and Tneedey of thio week 000uring Som
epooial bargains in shoes for his oustom.
TRE loose etonee on Turnberr), street
have been raked off and broken, making
quite an improvement both for bicy-
olista and horses.
TntiOnse for gravelling Brussels streets
foe 1898 will be opened at the next meet.
Ing of the Couueil, whiob will be on Mon.
day, Olay 16th, et 8 o'clock.
THE Independent Order of Fe:estrus
will hold their monthly meetings in the
Blashill Hail instead of the I. 0. 0. F.
lodge room for the time to come.
Mumma; Driving Park will be put iu
first class shape for speeding and driving
now bhet the lino weather has returned.
No better half'mile track in the country,
AUCTION sale of household furniture,
pioturee, oarpebe, &o. at the reeidenoe of
R. L. Taylor, William etreeb, on Settle.
day afternoon of nexb week, 23rd lost., at
2 0 010011.
A. Enema has sold his well known
roadster stallion "Gusteer" to a Mitohell
horse fancier at it good round figure.
The horse was owned in that town before
Mr. Koenig purchased him so that bis go.
ing back is a good recommend for him.
AN At Home will be held in the Odd
Fellows' epaoioue Lodge room on Tues-
day evening, 213111 inst., when the anni-
versary of the Order will be kept lu mind
by a program of vocal and istrnmental
music, readings, &o. The following are
expeoted to take part :—Bevde, Mestere,
Boss. Allis and Abey ; Prof. Hawkins,
G F Blair, F. Lsmby, R. Woolsey, W.1
Grewae, Jae. Jones, A. Strachan, A. Roes,
Jas. Thomson and others, Mr. Blacks -
by, of Galt, has been invited to bo
present and give an address. Guests
Evill be admitted by ticket. Lunch will
be served.
stand that Some of the meddlesome gos.
sipers are once more on the• war path—
a pest that infests our village every now
and then and a sect who try to meddle
continuously with other people's basi-
nese. Since I got a good place with Dr.
Kalbfleisoh I hear these meddlers say all
kiwis of mean things about me and my
children, Baying my family is starving.
I have the opportunity to see my obildren
whenever I wish and they are old enough
to remain alone. If I would stay abhome
these pesky wobblers of the tongue would
be the first to open their jaws, find fault
and say, "Why does that woman not go
oat to work and nob let herself and family
starve." Ye goseipers leave a hard work-
ing woman alone as God knows it has not
been a aloft bed of flowers for me to bring
up my family and to support them.
Mne. BLAss r,u, Widow.
FIRE.—One morning last week the fac-
tory of G. Waiter Green, of Peterboro',
brother to Robb. Green, aheese•maker, of
this place, was destroyed by fire. The
Peterboro' paper in speaking of this 4a
story burnout says :—"Mr. Green bad a
rather serious experience. He was early
on the scene and wished to at least save
the books which were in the safe, near
the door of the office ; and, though the
plane was black witb smoke he made a
resolute attempt to open the safe. He
crawled, as closely to the floor as pee-
eible, to ties safe, but wee unable to open
it ; instead of eating the books he was
fortunate in saving his life. He was
partially asphyxiated by the dense and
acrid smoke and if one of the employees,
Thos. Bradley, had not bravely gone to
the rescue, and seized him by the feet,
destrnation of life would certainly have
been added to the destruction of property.
Mr, Green's lose is pretty heavy. He
places it at between $4,300 and $5,000, in
stook, goods manufactured and machin.
ery. There was about $1,800 worth of
manufactured articles ready for delivery
and shipment. The staff had been kept
at work during the Winter in aubioipa•
tion of the Spring demand, upon stook,
This manufactured stook consisted of
pumps, washing machines, folding sinks,
cheese vats, lumbermen's supplies, such
as pike poles, peevies, cant books,
handles, etc., cistern tanks, turned goods,
inemen's supplies, snob as insulator
looks, oross mean for telephone and other
oles, eto." This ie Mr. Green's second
ose by fire sines ha moved to Peterboro'
ei years ago. He will resume work at
A Goon MAN Gone.—The following
bituary, taken from the Hartney (Man,)
tar, of April let, refers to a brother -in•
aw of J. J. Gilpin, of Brussels :—The
ate H. I. White was born in Co. Armagh,
relaid, on Deo. 1st, 1833, and died at
be family resideuoe, Melgued, on Thera-
py morning, March 81st, 1898. Mr.
White's family left Ireland for Canada
boat the year 1845 and settled near To.
onto. After sometime the family moved
o Blateshard, Perth County, where Mr.
bite grew to manhood, married Miss
ilpin, hie now sorrowing wife, and made
for himself many friende by hie quiet bib
holing integrity. Mr. White came with
is family to Manitoba a little over ten
(tare ago and settled at Molgund, where
tie was beloved by all the people. Con.
idering it his duty to go East this past
Winter and visit friends and aoguaint'
noes there, he °aught cold on the way
oma, which, on bis somewhat exhausted
onstitution, brought on typhoid fever,
followed by pneumonia, resulted in hie
please from pbyeioal sufferings, and he
inged his way to the Christ he loved
nd served. The Methodists held service
the home of Mr. Wbite'e childhood in
be old land, and other infiuenoee for
ood were around him ; but it was not
afore be was a young man that be yield.
d to the moving, of the Divine Spirit
pore his heart and oonsoienoe and gave
tniself to God. Sinoe owning to Mani -
ba, under the Misses Judd, be sogght-
e experience of entire , aanetidoation,
nd has lived and died testifying to the
ower of Jesse to save to the uttermost.
a an official member of the Methodist
uroh, he will be much missed in re.
gigue activity by that body, and es a
cad -minded man who was altvaye ready
help any motel or religl0u0 armee, he
i11 be missed by all, Ate a personal
°rkee with individuate in the thumb,,
e home or on the street, M. White had
w equate and no sopsrior0. His wife
d family, four sons and a daughter,
ve the heartiest sympathy of the whole
immunity in their gore bereavement,
to funeral took place today from the
Emily reeidenoe to Riverside Cemetery.
he funeral eernlon will be preached in
e Melgund plumb on Sunday afternoon
r 1
gg Bemuse is quiet es the farmers are
buy seeding.
is INTERNAL and external repairs are, be.
ing mado to the Odd Fellow's dell this
en week,
od Soe1I, in Melville church thio (Friday)
evening under the auepioes of the 0, 11,
y Society. Musical and literary program.
0 Pitmenn Howe lis helping G. A. Dead.
man through the Spring rush for wall
papers running hie new wall paper trite.
mer and other errands.
DAN. Etv, does not take a baok seta
for good stool:. This week he gold rt well
bred cow to Walter Innes, of Morels, for
the min of $60. Mr, Ewan has retained
her calf.
Tors street sprinkler made its initial
trip this year on Thursday afternoon. It
was a welcome eight to the business men
as the dust and high wind made a bad
WE are in receipt of a Chicago paper
from George Ilingeton, of Joliet, III.,
formerly of Brussels. The people in :het
locality have the war fever bud and will
be eatiefed with nothing abort of blood.
SEvisor, boys are using boomerangs
and its a result there are several broken
windows. The law does not permit the
nee of these "shooters" and the lade are
bereby warned to let up on the p0100100
at Once,
pleted hie tour of notification relative to
cleaning up haat Saturday and everybody
is expected to be guided by the inetruo•
Nona left with them and be Toady for the
Iuspeotor's visit no May 10611.
A SLEETING of the Bxeoutive Commit
tee of Brussels Football 01nb was held ou
Friday, April 8th, and it was unanimous.
ly carried that the F. B. 0., of '97, be
disbanded and that henceforth all claims
against the said a lab be void.
LAST Saturday's Globe contained the
portrait of Mrs. Wm. Grille, an aunt of
Mrs. Leatherdale, of Brussels. The old
lady ie 82 yearn of age and is quite halo
for her years. She lives at Galt. A
portrait of her sister Mrs. Brooks, is also
given in the paper referred to.
AN interesting letter from Ales. R.
Stewart, son of Alex, Stewart, 10th eon,
of Grey, ie crowded out of this issue. Mr.
Stewart acrd the McNeil boys gave up
their notion of seeing the Klondike after
theygot to Wrangle. They sold their
outfits. The latter will appear next
TE By-law dealing with the question
of sewers and granolithio walks iu Brute•
eels wilt be voted on by the property
owners on Monday, May 9th, at three
polling plaoee, viz„ A. Gormley's store,
the Council Chamber and Alex. Ellie'
house. The returning ofliaers will be A.
Cousley, F. S. Scott, and G. F. Blair.
A public meeting will probably be held
to discuss the matter before voting day.
DIED.—The body of the late R, B.
Durnion arrived in Kincardine on Thurs.
day evening's train of last week from
Sault Ste. Marie, and was conveyed to
the home of John Durnion, where it lay
until the following day. On Friday at
2.90 the funeral took place and was large.
ly attended. Mrs. Durnion acoompanied
the body here and returned ou the Satur-
day morning train. Mr. Durnion was
a former resident of Broseels.
GAME Low EXTRACTS.—Following are a
few provisions of the Provincial game
laws :—Base, open season, June 16th to
April 14111 in the following year. Brook
trout, May let to Sept. 15111. .Killing
of fiab by flrearme is prohibited. Lake
trout, open season, Deo. let to Oct. 1601,
Mnekrat, open season, Jan. lot t0 May
1st. No muskrat may be shot in April.
River trout, open season Jan. hat bo Sept.
16th. Speckled trout, open season, inlay
2nd to Sept. 14. Sunday hunting and
fishing are prohibited.
Gem—Tim many friends of Geo. D.
Lamont, formerly teller in the Standard
Bank here, now of Brantford, will regret
to hear of the decease of his mother at
Chatham. She bad been an invalid for
years and her death oocnt•red on a rail.
way train. The funeral took place ou
Good Friday, interment being made ab
Chatham. There are three surviving
children, Mre. (Rev.) Bates, of Mich. ;
Geo. D„ mentioned above; and a younger
brother in Winnipeg. Mrs. Lamont was
a very line woman and enjoyed the re-
spect and love of many who will regret to
]tear of her demise.
duotor Strider, whose death took plana at
Windsor on April 5th, bad been in poor
health for some time, but not long ego he
seemed able to resume hie work. It cep.
pears to have been too muob for him.
The news of his death, however, Dame
very unexpectedly. W. K. Snider watt
the youngest son of the late Michael
Snider, grain buyer, for many years a re-
spected resident of Guelph. He was born
and brought up in :bat city, bet being
possessed of a restless and jovial dfeposi•
tion, be drifted to the railway to see life,
From carrying water for the men and
selling paper and stuff on the trains, be
made hie way up to the position of pas.
0enger manatee, covering, at different
times, several tans in Western Ontario,
in which oapeoity he was very widely
known. He was a born entertainer, and
his dramatic gifts and fund of stories
made him in great demand iu a social
way. Some years ago he made a change
in hie habits of life, and thenceforth he
devoted a good deal of hie time to evange•
liotia work and to lecturing. Fie became,
perhaps, the best known railway eon -
(Motor in the Dominion and was liked by
all. He has been 30 years or over in the
eerviee of the'Grand Trunk, Mrs. Snider
wee a Miss Milne, of Fergus, and ib is
rather sad that two of her sinters were
also bereaved of their husbando before
middle life. He leaves besides his widow
a grown Rp daughter. Hie eldest brother,
George, is living in Hamilton, where Mrs.
Gariaud,'the [only surviving sister, al-
so lives. The funeral services at Fergus
on Friday were oocduotod by Rev. T. W.
Jeokeon, assisted by Revs. J. G. Scott
and S. Battery, Gaolpb ; Dr. Henderson,
Berlin; D. N. Snider, a (mein, of Mil-
ton ; Revs. J. B. Meclan, J. H. MoVioar
and M. Swann, of none, Railroad men
and friends from Palmerston, Dhebem,
Hamilton, Toronto, Guelph, Lnoltnow
and London came to pay theie lase tribute
of respect. The pall.bearere were Rich,
and Baxter, Burlington ; Roberti Snider,
Guelph ; James Cline and Geo. Cline,
both of Wngham, all amine of the de.
ceased ; A. B. Munson, London, and D.
W. Hayes, Lucknow, railroad men. A
very large body of the Independent Order
of Foresters also took pert in the sera
vices, he beings member of Court Brook,
Toronto, which gent a beautiful wreath,
The floral tributes wore nuaerous, but
one from (lie brother oondaotore deserves
special Menthe), It was 1e beautiful
arobwey of flowers, with gates ajar in
the centre, and "Out brother's Met trip"
ou the foundation, A poet mortem ex-
amination was held upon the remains of
tate Mae Coudeetor Snider, at Fargae,
when the fast was revealed that deoeasail
had diad of gander of the stomach. De.
ceased 's life was insured for 08,000.
Business Locals.
Cuotes maple syrup et Jae. Dalian.
W1rr:ELs from $40 up to $100 at A,
Coma and Timothy seed by oar lot at
Bather & Vanatono.
A. Commie handles everything that be
need by a bicycle rider.
Rowrs to let over MoCreckeu's store,
Apply to W. J. Mo0raokeo.
Fort sale cheap two (lett mooed hand
single harness. I. 0. Richards.
DID you see the Getdron bike id A.
Coneley'e window 7 Ife a dandy.
GOOD, dry American corn, the beet for
feeding purposes, for sale at Rose' mill.
CLEVELAND wheels are great seller's,
Six sold shoe Jan, let, 1808. A. Coheley.
49 pairs grey and white cotton blankets
at G3 omits per pair. Smith & Mo.
Toon sale a number of good round cedar
poste suitable for forming. I. 0,
Sttoon & MCLAREN are sole agents in
Brnesels for Prieetley's celebrated dress
11. & D. beariugs aro nary, teed for
three years. Come in and me nit in. A.
Sanaa & MaL r= are selling grey and
white Gotten blankets at 53 cents per
Ix harnoge end cicalae we lake the
lead and guarantee, I. C.
Raman in -boots, oboes and trainees,
Rollers, &o., dome neat and cheap, I. 0.
CLoven and timothy, Dutch Sala and
fresh garden seed in abundance at Mc-
OVERALLS, smooks (left pants ; the
largesb and cheapest Stock in Brussels,
at Smith & MoLeren'e,
PAIR of spectacles found. Owner may
have them by paying for this notice.
Tun Pose Publishing House.
Two good second hand pianos, very
nearly as good as new, 1 egnare and 1
upright ease, will sell very oheap. R.
WANTED.—Any quantity of butter and
eggs. We are still paying 9 and 10 cents
oath or trade for eggs. G. E. King,
W ingham.
REa:ElnlEt that you can save frotn 315
to $25 on an organ by baying from R.
Leatherdale. Six octave piano cased
organs for $6+1.
I nava the largest stools of window
shades this Spring ever was- in Brussels
and at prices below T. Eaton's ; good
shades for 30o. R. Leatherdale.
Ie yon waut a baby oarrisge call in and
see R. Leebbcrd.ale and get prime. He
has a lot of them and is bound to sell
them if prices has anything to do with it.
EvEriT lady's bait requires attention at
time. Let Prof. Dorenwoud point out
what to do to preserve it and dress 11 be-
oomingly. Ft.sbion hinges on itis advice.
Al Amerioarr Hotel on T uooday, April 26.
J. 1'. Saran, eye epeoialisb, will be in
Brussels on Wednesday, April 27111, one
day duly, et (Pox's drug store. It you
bave any defeat in your eyesight it will
pay you to see him. Examinationa free.
Call early. .
20 Now Butte= Sotn. Up to Satur-
day, 9th inst., Walker & Smith, Brussels,
sold 20 new buggies this season. $85.00
buggies at a reduced price sail about as
fast as $65 boggles can be gi ren away. We
have reduced our best work. Warns= &
A noon to the afaioted.—Ile is coming
again,—T. P. Snaith, the noted eye
specialist, will be at Fox's drug store
one day only, Wednesday, April 270b. If
your eyesight is effected don't fail to oail
and see him.
MEN WIRD .Eno BALs.—Did you ever
think of replaoiug the lost hair by artid•
Mal means 7 Prof. Dorenwoad can do it
for you ao that your moat intimate
frlende would not know it. He will be
at the American Hotel on Tuesday, April
25011, where he invitee you to call and
witness a praeti001 dsmonslratien of the
ABOUT Buoanss.—I have made arrange•
monis with Walker et Smith to sell their
buggies, wagons and Darts. I have a good
experience in the trade and 1 know these
buggies to be the beet. Give me a call
and I will sell as cheap as honest work
cam be sold at. Bring along any wood
work and I will get it done for you. All
work gnaranteed. P. SCOTT, Brnseele.
:Brussels seliool 3tom'n. .
The regular meeting of the Public
sohool Board, held in the Board gown on
Friday evening haat, with J. G. Skone, A.
Cousley, W. F. Vanatono and las. Turn•
bull present,
Moved by A. Cousloy, seconded by W.
F. Vauetone, that Jas. Turnbull be
Chairman pro -tent. Carried.'
The lain utas of last regular and special
meetings were read and passed.
Accounts were presented se follows
Jos, Muer, extra cleaning of rooms $ 7 00
Fred, MoCraokon,contract 48 00
do. account for extras 11 00
Conrad Raabe], 72 cords wood G
31.23 per cord 90 00
H. Turner, map Of Huron 1 00
Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by A.
Coneloy, that the above emanate be paid.
Iuspoctor Robb's report of his last visit
to the sohool was road and filed.
Moved by W. F. Vanstone, aeooudod
J. G. Skene, that a, copy of the Auditors'
abatement bo posted in the Poet Office.—
Board thou adjounod,
Brussels Council,
The adjourned meeting of the Beneesle
Connell tuns held last Saturday night.
All the members were present excepting
DOC, Warwick,
Minutes of last regular meeting and
spooial meetings road and passed.
The following accounts were present-
ed ;—
John Wright, bal, en salary, •. ,$ 10 00
Alex, tofoLeuohlia, work in Morph 4 00
The Herald, Auditors' Abetraot., 2 50
Eleetria Light Co., one quarter's
light 100 00
Mooed by Coo, Buller, eeaondrd by
R. Leatherdale that the ethers 000010013
be paid.—Carried.
The quarterly statement VMS presented
(tern the Standard Bank, showing $1,.
APRIL 15, 1898
82-14.4 J''.DA.ZbD I34XIi' OF 00'i,T t4.D,M,
o „ 'x.A aux.amma^n
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • 37,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • , - - $2,000,000
ilyenofes in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, dlartdeo0a, iTnttcr3 States cOTt agland.
alfrIgelft ,v afitiVeelf.,
A Genoral Banking Bu010330 Trenettoted, Famnore' Notes Discounted,
Deafte Issued and Colleotions made on all poit•ae,
Interest allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
EVery facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
T. A. STEWART afaanozn.
478.87 to the credit of the Towti Treas.
Bylaw No. 5, 1898, having reference
to sowers and granolithio sidewalks, was
road and ordered to be printed. Voting
takes place on Monday, May 9th, from
9 to 5 o'clock.
On motion of Geo, Thomson, oeoondell
by Geo. Seeker, ft was decided to re-
ceive tenders for gravel at next meeting.
Tenders will be asked for both seemed
and uneoreoned gravel ab so much per
yard, Screened gravel must be screened
through a II- mesh ; unsaruened to be
good oleau gravel, all stones broken Bo
that they will pass through a two.'.nah
ring. Gravel must bo eatiefaotory to
Connell or no pay,
Mr. MLLauchlin was instructed to call
on the Electric) Light Works 000asionally
and see that the indicators show the
right voltage in current.
It was agreed that the °emnail tape
their annual trip of inspection around
town so as to be able to °etiolate on the
necessary work to be done,
Council adjourned to meet on May
166h, unless sooner Balled together.
Justine Maclennan gave judgment in
the West Elgin and South Perth election
appeals Tuesday, The effect of the
judgments is that West Elgin goes to
the Conservative candidate and South
Perth to the Liberal candidate.
LEsPARD.---In Toronto, on April 13th, the
wife of Mr. S. Leppard. of a dangh.
BTRONo.—In Howiok, on April 3rd, the
wife of Mr. Wm. G. Strong. jr., of a
MOOLEs:ENT,-0o the 3rd don., Rowlett,
on April 6th, the wife of Mr. Thomas
MoOlemeut, of a daughter.
SenoTT. In E1ma, on April 1st, the wife
of Mr. Wra, Schott, of a eon,
GIDoON—SANDERS.—In Wroxeter, Mirth
80011, by Bev. R. S. G. Anderson. Mr.
Robb. Gibson to Mies Annie, dangh.
ter of Mr. T. B. Sanders, boil. of
OOLLINs—FRIES,—In Palmerston, Minot'
80th, by Rev. T. Albert Moore, at the
residence of Mr.?... Upper, the bride's
brother-in-law, Mr. Hugh Collins, of
Howiek, to Dire. Emma Fries, of
TURVET—MrsmeiD.—In Morris, on April
0th, by Rev. W. T. Wool, of Bluevale,
Mr. Wm. Tnrvey to Miss Henrietta
Mnetard, bath of Morris.
Coot.. --In Gorrie, on Anril 2nd, hire.
Lucinda Cools, aged 62 yoare.
TATLon.—Iu Hendrik, ou April 6th, Sarah
Ann, relict of the late Thomas 'ray.
tor, aged 72 years.
Bnowx.—Tn Goderfoh, on March 25tH,
Jessie Buchanan, beloved wife of J.
P. Brown, aged 44 years and 2
Wnvm. At Melgund, Man., oe Thursday,
- Mar. 81st, Henry Irwin White, aged
G4 years and 4 months.
men2'6'ssamot1• s¢.H.X,13 17r;0,
Fall Wheat •... 84 86
Barley„...... ......... 25 80
Peas 64 55
Oats .... 28 29
Butter, tubs and rolls ... 14 14
Eggs per dozen 8 0
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 60 50
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Hides brimmed - 5h tai
Hides rough 5 5
Salt per 11b1., retail 1 00 60
Sheep skins, each 10 40
Larnb skins mob 25 25
Hogs, Live 4 00 4 25
Dreesod Hoge •5 00 5 75
Apples (per bag) 50 50
SALE.—Tho undersigned effete her
bolls') and lob on Turnborry street, Bros.
Oslo, for sale. Good well on bio promisor.
Apply to MI0 S. HENRY W1LB1110. 80.4
undersigned bas aegefrom pare brad
P]ymenth Bock and white Leghorn fowl
for sale. 0. 11000A111), Grahame' SUrvsy,
/Mao ole 07-0f
house with an aura of ground ettnobod.
Suitable far 0Otired farmer, Bent vary low.
Situated ,on Quoou street :East, Brussels,
Apply to TII,05IA8 Pll1'811R, Lot 5, 4 u.9,
f Settings of pure broil Bleak Minerva
sage for Bale, 31.00 per la. Pure bred Islet.
Oran 000ko001 for sales 85-tf
LESLIE 30R10,Brussels,
1� pa0tur0 farm beteg I,of 12 in the 10th
Cenbesslmt of the Township of Grey. For
1011 Particulars appy. to
08• MRS, J4 NA WADI-OTI S, Brum ohs.
TRAOT OP nutting 100 oorde of 22 Melt
hartitvood On Let 20, Con. is, Grey, Evill bo
Mt by the linderslR neo os teuoadayy,lntln inst.
Persona noshingt e same anon(:( apply at
oboe to
A. oolfSLI°Y, Brussels. •
on To nrt11T.-rho undersigned affe'e
for gale or to rent that 1i story fraulo louse
on Turnbow9y street, North of the Terrace,
lately mounted by 8. 11. Jaokaon. rot par•
tinnier aapply la W. 17. 10oroy the owner,
11OA1tIi, Auburn P. 0, earl
R1N'r.--'rhe lubln•Ngno,1 olfet'e ills GO
0000 farm, ;being Enos Balt Lot 00, Oou,7,
Grey, for Rile or to rept, Thera are 40 oar as
cleared. Bonne, water rid all eouve tienaoa.
P080o010a given a0 once 'L'ot farther par-
ticulars apply to JOHN MIA N1', 10 the/ 2,0.
meneOl.n offers Ile 100 acre farm for
sale, being Lot 02, 21 d Con, 7, Morrie. There
aro 70 name cleared and under erne, balance
b'trdwoad bush, Thele is a aced femme
house, with kitchen, woodshed and collar
eomplobo; hank barn with atone atabllug ;
orchard, wells, and all other oonRODIOUoaa.
Only 7 of a Milo from selool and 9 miles
00021 Brusaels. Poesession would be given
at onto, For price and terms apply ou the
promisee or to Brussels P. 0„ to
044f SIMON 7010871/H, Proprietor,
eligibles 14—The aar fartan sig for as oot or 00
rant, befog South part of Lot 0, Comer/ -
010n 12, Grey. A11 under cultivation, won
watered and well folioed. There is a good
:eoseskleilooolwells, thpouiso agpled ste
quarry from whicha good revenue is really,
Only 23 miles from 73ruseols. Terms
reasonable. 31'ot further partioulara as to
price, e4o., apply t"
300IN MIT02norI,Proprietor,
OG-tt Brussels 1'. 0.
uude•aigned will keep for sorvio0, on
Let 5, Con, s, Grey, a them' bred improved
Yorlt0hire boar and a Moro' bred largo Eng-
lish Berkshire hog, Pedigrees may be 80011
ou application. Terms, G1.O0,7to bo paid at
time of Bervl0a, with privilege of retureing
if necessary. A302111710 S:IITE
40.4* Proprietor.
bought a rogiatored Tanworth Nog
from B. George R Sons, Crampton, bred
from imported steel: on both sides, 311e
sire weighed 048 lbs. at Tomato last Fall. I
have also a largo lingll,,'t registered Bark -
shire, hoigbt front Jas. Dorrauao, Soarorth.
Pedigreemay be WWOn on application. Tonna
81.00. For gale -.a number of pure bred
narks/Area tit for breeding. I have O pigs
onto month old bred from a full sister of the
ROW that got prat prize ret• the World's Fair.
04•14 87.1;110,
Lot 0O.Oth Li ue, Marna,
1.4"ever Before
(lave we had snob a demand for
A• t
As wo are having tide season. Our
TRIMINING MAO3IINE ie kept going
::(meet oonetantly, but we were quite pre-
pared for it having bought accordingly
and consequently our etouk ie in excellent
shape yet. We are showing exceptional
valuate in papers at Go, Go and 7o, suitable
for bedrooms, kitollone, &a, and some
very attractive designs for dining rooms,
parlors, &o., from 8o up•oardo.
Parties haging their own papers
will And it very oonvenient to have it
trimmed for them to put on the
wall, without adding anything to the coat
of it.
We do this Tree at
Poz's Drug Store.
are agoutis in Brussels for
Our Native Harbe,
Kootenay Rbenmablo Ogre,
Agnew's Heart Cure.
1'A1Th2 FOR SALE. -130 AORES
Consisting of the South 4 aid South 9
of the o North i of Lot eOen 2, Fast wawa-
wesb. This is an000 excellent stock fate, bIt is
wall supplied with good water. Itis
lage situated abet:. miles from are f I thriving vel
Joao oP Blyth. A largo part care is under
grass, Buildings and fences are in a felt
state of repair. 10aty tsross Of payment will
bo giveu. For all information apply to
11.01 G. F. BEAM, harriater, Brussels.
Commercial School of the high-
est grade.—'nolle better in the
• Dominion. ,
Catalogue Free.
W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Strictly One Price.
Always Reliable,
begins the great Tush for general Spring and
Summer merchandise, and you have in your midst a store ready to
supply your Dry Goods Wants in every detail, including Style,
Quality and Assortment, equal to any in larger towns. Just now
you'll find every department overflowing with the season's best
merchandise, and you'll find our prices as low as in any town in
On Friday 3y31 place on stale 200 pairs Lace Curtains, which
worn imported direct from the lllatnifaotul'ac, by us, for this sea-
son's trade. We will not attempt t0 quote prices of these goods as
a price without seeing them seems but little to the public, so we
therefore extend to all an invitation to come and see oar largo as-
sortment and gel our prices, thou make comparison and see where
you can buy your Curtains the Cheapest.
All we ask is Comparison of Prices.
The Parasol Department
p tmont
Comes next for enthusiasm and almost every lady will want a
Parasol this ,Spring, and there is nowhere else you can get such
Style, Quality and Assortment as you will find in our stock.
Shirt Waists.
If the weather continues warns there'll bo a big rush for our
Now Shirt Waists, Wo have over 150 to select from andou will
find the assortment very choice. y
The season's best merchandise at
J. Ferguson & Co's.
Always a pleasure to show Goods and quote Prices.
tZ 00.
Dry Goods and Groceries.