HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-4-15, Page 7APItIL 1S9S,
BEtrasiaLs POST.
HOii1 vALup. GIVEN,
A Wiirlib With, Sill Willett nits noon Ow
taii,rer the iYit riot roe Centuries - pt9t•
tltlg PltesliltH 1(1 Mural its Welt mi
eloitaNal Loss 1 o Dr, Tolinnttn
19ent•ittoies 100 4' ttatOPh.
Wa4hj0g1011, April 1.eltev. Dr, Tan
melee pre:whed this inureieg from tile
teat, Ares 1, te, Aye ifill1114-1 hat is to
Hay, Ilre field of blood." ile matte
The mum that J teem gave for site-
renietrieg Gerbil, tt, es lewd to purehase
gre veyurd. As the money wee blood
money. the greue'l bought by It was
willed in the Serino tongue Aeeldama,
meaning " the field of blood.Well,
there Is one word I want to write to-
day over et ery rate course w Itore wag -
ere tote slaked and every poolroom and
VVINV gambling saloon and every tn..
puldie or PrilV110, where men end
wormer het for Mous ,,f 11101114, large
or small, and 11011 hi a word lucerne -
dined with the life of innumeraide vie-
irbe gambling spirit, which le at ell
times a st.upendous evil, ever anti anon
441,08138 over the ceurary like an °pi&
'amok, prostrating uncounted thousands,
Where has never been it worse atta,e11
than tha1 from whieh all the villages,
towns and (titles are now suffering.
While among my hetirers and reeds rs
are those wifo have passed on into' the
afternotin of life and the shadowe are
lengthening and the 'Ay erinesons with
the glow of the 'totting sun, 4 large
number of Mein are hi early life, and
the rooming id owning down out of
tbe clear sky upon them, and the bright
air is redolent with spring blossoms,
and the etreani oC lite, gleaming and
glancing rushee on betWOOn flowery
banks, making musie as it goes. Some
of you ere engaged in mereentile con -
come as clerks and bookkeepers, and
your whole life is to be passed: inthe
exeiting world cd traffic. The sauna of
busy life stirs you as the drum stire the
eiery war horse, °Owes are in the 400-
u11anien1 olds, to :hammer and ellittel
your way thretigh Hee, and SUerelid
awaits you. $.0131e are preparing for
ptrofessienal life, and grand opportun-
ities are before you—nay, some of you
itiready have booklet1 on the arisen- Hue
whatever your itge and calling, the sub -
jug of gambling. about evhieh I speak
ie pert Mime
Soule years ago ellen an association
dor the suppreesion of moulding was or-
gonizoil an agent of the I4144401I411.i013
came to a prbutialunl citizen and assent
him to patronise the moeieLy. Ile said:
"No. I ettn have no interest in such
an organisation. 1 am in 110Wibe af-
fected by the evil." At that very time the !last wiet"t retereeee ''van 8e"r-
Ms son, whb was his partner in busi- as tunes nIII le th the. "Personal" eol-
'rrittune to the i:Iness of
mess. wee orie of the heaviest players in 13411-13 01.
John Henderson, a well known and re-
spected farmer of thi•
township of Riehniond, about half e
mile from Deseronto Jutietion, It
was said thet very tittle hope was en-
tertained by his reeovery us he con-
tinued to steadily sink: under the
ease with evbich be was afflicted. Farm-
ers reaming in to Deseronto market,
when asked how be Wad, honk thlr
heads and stated that the worst might
soon be expected, 'rime lte should
have suhsequently reeoverod was tbere-
fore a cause of joyful SUrPTISS to 11141
many friends in thie district. Hearing
that his reeovery was alleged to be
due to the use of Or. Williams' Pink
Pills, a reporter of the Tribune set
out to diseases) if this rumor 'multi be
teeth ell t I voted. Baying reached Mr.
Hendereou'e residence the rePort er
found no one athome except the hired
boy who informeet him thet Mr, Ben.
derson had gone with a load of grain
to the flour mill et Napanee. This wee
evidenee in itself that frl'r, Henderson
must have greatly improved or he
wetuld not have undertaken such 41
long drive in the raw weather of
early spring. 'The boy having maid
that his mister would be back tebout
two o'clock Lhe reporter wetted for a
personal interview. in a alert time
the team was obeerved twining along
the road. When it drew up at the
house, Mr. Henderson being told the
object of Lete reporter's mission stated
that the rfartour was correct, his re-
covery was undoubtedly due to (be ORS
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, lie said
that abont a year before he had betm
taken ill and the disease assumed a
form of sciatic rheumatism of a most
painful and distressing character. The
ehysicians in atteniln.nce did timir best
n.nd would for rt time succeed in al-
leviating the pain ane he would for a
snort time regain strength. But the
disease would reaseert: itself and he
was worse if poseible than before. His
whole system seemed to be permeat-
ed with the dimease which sepperl bis
vital energy. Ile tried ever ;in many
remediee prescribed by doetors or :mg-
gested by friends and nelghbors. All
in vainh—he grew weaker end weaker
and at hist (Impaired of life itself. 110
was eturrpletely worn out, found itvery
difficult to go as far 11S thin 1)0 10. and
was only able to tnove about a little
tvben not confined to his bed, At this
juncture, Mr. Ravin, the station mas-
ter nt. IDeseronto .7unetion, who no
doubt renalled the wondereul cure of
try reeks witb' this sin, in some of
4,11080 Ilies every third or tout th house
In many of the streets in a gaining
I,1)1'4'es awl it may be truthfully 'Averred
lira nob zie our eitien to eureed with
(hie evil.
Men Neighing te gamble will find
pia14.14 jUBt 14(11 4(81 10 lwir envoi ty, not
only In I he underground oyster vellsr
or at the table back of Ito! curtain,
covered with greasy earde, or the
steamboat eaten, wiren, the
bloated wreleh \visit rinse ill his crtre
dcald OW, his intuit and winkn al, the
LITMUS le(st 111 VUle)'pro.. 111 111g froe
drinks all 'temente but in gilded 11(11'-
11 11 amid gorgeous eurroundinge,
1S1i1.e min worke ruin first by providing
an unbent Lig ul 'stimulant. Excit e-
trwei 18 pletecuealliA, linder every
sky (114 111 every Nee rasp have :et:twist
It, WO moat at times have excite-
tre:nt. A thousand (ohms in our OM-
tUre (IMOD(' it„ [1 144, right.. It is
healthful. It 18 inspiriting . 14 is a
desire Nod given. But enything that.
first, 411':) 11148 this 1(le1ettl1' nad hurls
it be ok in a terrific, re:Jr:lien is (lepton.
nine and wicked. Look mil, tor the aid-
ien (bat, like a rough musician, 131
bringing out the tune pleys 80 herd
time he break s down tbe instrument.
God /lever made it man strong 01101100
to imilttre the wear and tear uf gruele
ling exeitement.
A eoung men having suddenly in-
herited a large property sits at the
eexard tablets and taken up in dice
Mix the estate won by e father's life
iime'e sweat an11 shekels it and tosses
11 attety. Intelneeranee soon stigma-
tizes its victims, kieking him out. e.
slavering fool, ieto the rattle or send-
ing bine with a drunkard's hierough,
staggering up 1110 street whore Me
family Jives, But gamIlling does not
In that way expose its vietime. The
gambler may be eaten up by the gamb-
ler% nessien, yet you only diseover it
by the greed in his eyes, the hardness
of Ms features, the nervous restless-
ness, the threadbare coat and his KU-
bartnzued 130810e841. Yot he is on the
road to r uin, ild no preeoher's voice or
etertling warnings or wiles entreaty
earl make him etay for 0, 1001044.01 his
bettellong eereer.
'rhe infernal spell be on bine a giant
ia aroused within. end though you bind
him with cablee they would 'turf like
thread, and tbougb you fasten him
seven times around with chains they
would seep like rusted ;wire, and
Lheugb yon piled up en his path. beaven
high Bibles, tracts and sermons and on
the top should set the cross of the Son
From Pain to Health.
Clow Heirless green geintir Ithesurcabcou
the Effects or Which shattered mix Con.
sotto km —11e Thought Swath Not Far OE'
'Mon, 4,141 Placed Within Sets
Reach the Means or itoeuvery.
From the Deseronto rribune,
Tt will be remembered tint during
11 famous gainuling eistioiltsholent. - n-
ether refused hie patronage on thia
smile ground, not knowing tbat his
first bookkeeper, though receiving a
salary of only 84,000, was losing from
elle to 5100 per night. Tile president
of a raelroad company refused to pat-
ronize the institution. saying, " That
egetiety is good for the defense or mere
chants. but we rallrotid people are not
Injured by (.bio evil "—no1 knowing
that at that very time two of his mit-
e teetors were epending tiveee nights of
earth week at fere tables in New York,
316180117 or indireetly this evil strikes
althe whole world.
Gambling is the risking of sometiting
more or less valuable in the boot. of
winning mum than you bazard. Th
inntruments of gaming may differ but
the principle is the same. The ehaffling
and dealing cards, however full of
temptation, is not gambling unless
etakes are put 1311 whele on the other
hand gambling may be earried on with-
out earde or dice or billiarde or, a ten-
pin alley. The man who bets on boree
013 Mention% on battles, the MILO who
derds in "Caney " stocks or conducts
a business which hazards extra eapitai
or goes into transthetions without foun-
dation, but dependene upon what men
call "luck," is a gambler.
Whatever 7011 03q)(101 iJO got from
your neighbor without, offering un
equivalent in moimay of time or skill
is either the peoduitt of theft or. gam-
ing. Lottery tiekets and lottery poll -
dee conto Into the same category. Baz-
aars for the founding of hospital'',
schools and churches, condueted on the
raffling system, come under the same
denomination. Do not, therefore, mem-
Mete gambling necessarily with any
instrument er mune or time or place
oe think the principle depends upon
whether you play for a glass of wine
or 100 Attires of railroad stook. Wheth-
er you patronize unction pools, lereneb
inutuals for bookmaking, whether you
employ faro or billiards, reiteo and
keno, cards Or begat elle, the very idea
01 4)18 thing is dishonest, for it prolese-
0 hedtOW %HUI you a good for wh(rl)
yell give no equivalent.
This 0111110 IS 1301114)1(111)0 .sprite, but
e haggard transgression that eomes
staggering down under a , mantle of
eourriee, through many centuries. All
Nations, barbarous and civilized have
lion addicted lo it."
But, rlOW the lam% of the whole civi-
Bevel worla denottnee the SYS‘IIIXI. En-
Spring Medicine
Safeguard of Health, a Saver
of Tinne and Money.
1114141 1.11 und suecese may depood up-
on yew takipg good. Spring M811'10.
)»c now, Just at elm time when the
pystem steeds 11.111.1d1tal suppliee of en-,
orgy anti ellality to mined) iticelf to
the camitetons of this ryetie seaeon,
LL it" weakened find dehil it ted, beetteure I
peorle uouriebeil by impure and 1411
Ito 4 unshed. blood. Ilelp 14 f91131d la i
1.100,1'8 earsamirilla beeaase tbis great
medicine had power to purify, envieh
end vitalize the bl(1od, 1) promptly :
extiele 4111 apreng burners, manifested
in bells, pimples, sores and eruptions,
tones up the atomash 14)1111110)'. regu-
lates arid sustalo Um kidneys, Luies
that tired feeling, and by ereating on
atipetite and giving digestive power,
It impares strengt11 and vlgur to the
Whole body.
Hood's Sarsapari I a
llart.olit'a Greatest Meetemo, ; Rix 101' $5.
prepared by 0.7. flood 11(10.,Lowell, Medd,
Hood's Pills 011118. a14
actments have been plumed, , on y Mr. Wager by the 1188 Of the famous
partially crammed, and at titnes not utedieene, Rs reported Roma time sinee
enforced at ail. The /nen interested in he elle Tribune, recommended Mr,
guming houses end 111 inekey elulte Henderson to try Dr. 'Williams' Pink
wield lurch influenve 1.47 their numbers pigs end volunteered to send for a
1111 afelwenee thet the judge, tho euentity if efr. Hemiereon would per-
jury end the pollee oft:leer must be mit hire. The, eielt enneented and
of Goil, over' them all the gambler
would leap like roe OVer the rodra
003 hid Way tO "Aceldeine,
the field of blood I"
Agnin. this sin works ruin by killing
induetry. A man used to reaping
scores or hundreds of dollars from the
gaming table will not be content. With
slow work. He, will say, "What is the
uso of trying to /111 18 $irk in my
store when T ,'en metre the. times that
in hell an hour by the dice 1" You
never knew a oonfirmed gambler who
Loid Indeed who Would array them-
esilvem tigainet these infamous 00141.11'
)1441101144r418. The Reuse or Cominons of
Englend az:tally adjourns on Derby
(lay thee members may attend the
?Imes, and in the best etreles ot society
thie eelletry to -day are many bun -
Mr, Ravin procured. for him a half
dozen tweeze. Be tried a rex, lout
with little diner:Dirtier effect, lIe,how-
ever, kept (musing' 11(0 )11(144, and after
Inking six boxes. found that he wa$
eh in:tweezed. The ot another sup-
ply and 0011011110d to rnprove steadily,
: Oxide of professedly respeetelne Men the, 1.1:1411 disappertred, 110 regeined
who nr41 acknowledged gamblersstrength, and, es he tisxpressed it, "I
0411), \v One to be about feel quite
atrong, eten attend to all departments
Hundrede of thousands rrf ((ciliate trt
this Med are evexy day being won nerd
tthrheer gllinleea
rawel ever, and at-
raveer' theeingsh the west, "I :rave tribute it ell to tbe tse of Dy. Wil-
'teavd0t1.0 1, 14:1.1811414 a time n theupolieenn' '4)11111Ptlt"'" To the Tribune
western 44)141815 met Aeon gambling at reporter 7410'. BendollIon 0314aTca "'
every wakSag moment from the nen- etrong, vigorone man, witorn to set
1,hltli"tmelet (0' 1)7' termination of the wee 41111.140144042 proof of the (dory (Able
X ill'lledi,' vile enelinvest 0( 1(10 coon- remarlgable rosoverr.
• ^ • • - • X -
Was Industrious. • Tile men given to reptile bouee In 011.1' nitiltBe anti before !nese. It le niy dysits Insuyer. 11411)14
this rick spend their tittle not active- long down Will NAIR" etitablittlenre.nt, I before you will leave received this trolls
1)333ceIfte((('1110((('1110nrnyobliwnhge. elT, eilse un8lii. t1e '"cP"rPer. l''IOU gaaO'W • 0., 8Dt 110hrough
0g,b1t0. . aond. logaawteilnena.broken the (('31/414 (11 the f(1)11104)"8 bar- authorized in Parie pazeeft' 3(1(11 111)11111111/10(40 "
raw and sent estrange ligtitning tthe banks early 025,000,00(1 'runes, 1 tieg. old fatfive canto (14 th
'rie very 111144) in gaining 49)41 with of lintionesty, The 141114(4' 1419,0,11i Tgey 142010141111 14'' 14 (Iiad at feral, out
all theinclUst ries of y54'1148")eli4 1iwat. 11" 11"117 r '••they Iirushed IIP elute hail boom
Any trwle or crcueution the.1 1.3. uf 84,31 (t"erl "13 111 141ldoalinv of 0,11114. hibrow anti faatioil him11, lied (.n4
It" (441(1(21111)19s 11,111(1 e oftti ime fotrel feintedAreticast. tato field (sr blod!"t
I)OisNO'1' deu
troy 704!!
drinking poor tea.
0)61111(100orstees (1]' 1(1 (ore:soling1/01(104111)513(1,40. 11,4)1 11 diverteandutofrever.1,1fe tomeis lusuglutrt-
0ViCilt$ lulots dulielt 4,110sinks0,111u]was inerl'edfrOn08111114.1.-nlY. 1will nee--euffor 14i "1U
•ronIes8 saw ant1cut (I111sind 00:111' &halberdV. .191entrint before 1114 111e 14)181014)1810)1) (.41 lie 414(114 1:041104a you, ,
hago•'he lh1108ti))10weietefrveis1191.411.4grayer
eleller 1 lie ttery ofthe pbilusepber. Ferthermore,thie sin he goi, 14443
:4411 st, mor,
advaneem the interent of society by tile 35111
utg at a6n
meanliness effected. She eat payfor
the fragmnts itcats Ly clearng the
110100. overmin. The fly thee tukee
11(1' 9)10111)0514 from Ow degs of Ow
(411)11 nonapensates by purfyinx 14243 nil
Anti kneling k the postiene. Bt
the gambler gvenotarfytMug nsr
hat 00,1(11411 be takes, 1 reet 11 hut Hen-
'tenet. Tie dove 111111))' a retutte 41141vit
in disgrace to the manChat he Beees.
despair to hie hart, ruin to hs busi-
nesis, afnrog(4041(11811linto .3lcoI,srcaavr,esN, shiiaomae to Inc
chldren md eternal westing away to
4140 sznlfreirTf:t6arsynd, Wdoorsttof th1llthat they (40t(
-awtitliheebS rizee 1.44VPerr0driUnPgsouUnr apocpleuslnaotiilton
trhe g
av inc.
In" theY 111117 1,1* de8ignetell h" tabl. ieya. "Foul leouI" OW
11 41. .1,P1 F.dOWt°,114 1" 41" :Ili t11P rialliOg moles (if tile
(.71::1"'4dlc :ne ;ntdnry,0011k"Foul! gentI Aofiniki
10141:1:;1:171lnIs, e01:11te1
IOI sdovt lethargitempi aviotettiS.hitt 11101
um, 1440141 time. Tee., nie anin- ',sot snores" ere &Amalie tirougle ere in the (1111011)13' efIhouswie o
traduced by the genzblere mem,, t the country, W ih 14 book Or quick. 14511141118. sinrnine, ('/111(111,1)1 terns
Poi by the 141(1(1411 men who 14,4,13 101110 1Or (.4141 madam' or emitor carriage peraments ready 1) 1,l. wad upon, end
11110 the play, end tho3 1'01'0411118 for 4.11('r1' ge.', o11'1i.At040151'1e5ttlssartllte11oldintle:h
the fa -1 that e9 10e who gam, g„1,,,1,,,tt141gtbro::044.111 1.07 44.111131 iuBrtalutajUv,rhapsfayL4
ble, however wealthy ahen bey b- tateir porrhser. it way (1)' a goldwatell they will linger in't he more polite and
am al the orrl are,found to e poor, or PPI sile,r. a ring ore, farselegsni(:oleofggimeteesbutttete
mserahle,hatizaed wrethes, 11,),tin 41(4.1418.
i ,(wii,1,4irpaonyaswitlmineta(h:
dnonow4.eoow9,14oMi1on1.e44119414led *Ma land101fictitious
fetal plunge. 4
t lea 1 I (steed' the bistoty 0(t110 game
bier f Lured by bell eiargarty, he livid
bis way into 0. place wbere honest menl
ouglet never to go, lie sits dun n to hiS
first game, but only fur pastime owl
the desire of losing thought eosiable,
pheyers deaf out the cards. They
unoonsennesty play int ele tin's bends,
mho takes all the tricks and loth the
players' Souls for trumps, he Laing a
eistesier at ally garne, A. slight Make
ie put up. just to add Interest to the
Game after game is pin ...d
hiliger ;stakes and still larger, They
iregin to move nervotiely on thetr
eldides. Their brows tower and eyes
Dash, until now thee NC ha win and they,
00130 i450,114 se.07.:a.r%1•,rtie,aritan111•4m00111rtebsisle15d01;iTisn,,andb
clinched fists, and eyes lite fireballs
the Went starting from their eoekets,
to see the final turn before it comee.
If teeing, pale wide envy and tremu-
lous with unuttered oaths cast leeile
redhot upon the hmert. or winning with
he-steriv lasigh—"lia, ha! i haVe. it !"
A few years have 00506(4, tout he is
only the e reek of a, man. Seating
himself et The game ere he th.rcevs the
first ca.rd, he stakes the lent relic of,
his elle—the marriage ring which
eealed the solemn 1:014 hetween them.
The game 10 lost and. stsggering
lack 111 exhaustion he dreams. The
bright buttes of the 14110(4 400114 hie
agony, and in his dreams fiends with
es es rd fire and tongues of fame cir-
cle about hint IN it h ;Jelled. hands, to
dame arid sing tbeir orgies with hel-
lish Phorns. hanting:. "11001 brother i"
kissing hi- elammy forehead until their
t1.16Tnteol°711is Ise
sharp fangs and suck up his lifeldood
and coiling around his heart. iamb it,
with chills and shudders unutterable.
'rake warning ! You are no stronger
tnen tens of thousands who holo by
this praeticm leen overthrown. Na
young man iu our cities can escape
Fein? tempted. Be 18 are of the firet
eeineings I This ro(1') i a (loan grade.
and every instant inereeses tee nee-
Inenetern. Launch not ut on this tree-
cheroes sea Splint. hollni strew the
leach. Everlasting stains howl up
and down tossing onnory into
the Hell Gate, I speak of wird. 4 have
000n tetth me' own (tees. To a ganel d -
ere> death, ed there. Nailed 110 hone. 110
will probably die Ft lone 111.9 former ris-
e:relates vome not nigh WS (194111)1114,
When the bane immes his miserai
ace, wilt go ont, of et miserahle life ene
t a mieerae de et erni Le. es 1,4 1114)17
remains pase the beuse where he wee
ruined, old coulicanions may look out
for a :moment and see "T'bere goeg the
old eareass -dead at Mot." but they
will not aet up from the table. T -et.
11111:1 clown into his orreve. Plant no
tree to ea.st Ile shade there. for tbe
long. deep, eternal gluon thnt eettlee
there is shadoev enough. Plant no for-
get -me -aids or egitin tines amain I the
vet, for flowers were net Made 10
grow 00 daril a bloated heath. Vihit
not in tbe sunshine for that would, 1 e
mockery, but in the dismal night,
when 110 stars Were Out (1/1(1 the Spirit
of 4101(4:18/4 00043 down. horsed on the
wind, lbeo visit The grave of the 141101-
PreinOtiOn of !tone(e) Happiness"
Is Bel:even Nerviline—the great
nerve -pain eure. The highly penetrate
innogvepriezeirintigeshinfanNeeLveistinoef Trihneilruernalt-
time, neuvelgi11 erenms, pains in the
hank and sides, lumbago, etc. We
heartily emumend it.
composed ofpue levee. Try 11,
1U1ut. Betting that mite, ram chiefly
' the atteornpaniirient, of tine ratio enure,:
le fast 1,eteening e. tuitional illttbit Ent/
/11 801730 eircles any iddrtion toilvalleeff
tor isolieise is 4,00001e1t wilit the Inter -
meet ito "Mow mood) will you, Nit OPI
sir t"
custom may make (10 entreat :to
\Vint dull work Is plowing to tbe , . •
fermer when in tile village saloon in 111 a gaming swum, in san gs,,,,,,sasn, i OW Warta souse 1141. 11149 lantimutoty, 111111
001' nig.ht he makes and inees the value 0, young man -having just ,..me from , ig faSt Making ta'S u natien of gamble
of a Sunoner barveSt, I W ho will want the 01111P8 deoosited a, arge shirt
U./ sell (aims and measure nankeen runt ; cal the :tee and WOI) $22,0110. But the 11,4' gemblierg eptrit has net sbopped
:ILI garments and weigh auger, when i deo turns, Intense eneiety coulee 01,- tor any indevensy. Moro transpired in
in a niteht's game he makes and lusss i on Vile eountenaneee of all. Slowly the ! Slaryle ett a 40: 141,17 in neuleh people
and 111,4 4)'s again and loses again the I cards went forth. Hovey eye 18 fixed. ; drew for lots in a burying ground. The
profits of a season. 1 Not a sound is 1,1,11 rli until the eve is modern habit of betting about every -
John Bora-k was evert as a mereen- ! rcvcaled farerable lo the bank. Tbere teiteg is produetive el immense mire
tile agent from Bremen to Nng hind ' ere sheu Ls , S. "1"01: : 1 Foul I" hut 4101 , chi I . The moot healthful and innoe-
and this country. After two yeers hie keePers et (he 'tutees produre their '44111 iimusemonts of yee'hling and lase-
emptoyers mistrust ed that all was not iiiateilt, and thC UPro‘ar IS sileneed, and ', bell playing have been the occasion ef
ght HP Was a deaulter for inist the_obank,:'is Nan $9 4.000. Do you rail putting gup 011114.0
d nd ext/It-vegan t
000, it 'NOS OUloi that hebad bad in , thisa 41440010 or hance 1 ehrre is nt, 314441(1'l. Thal which to many has 1.1411
Lombard t rent, London. $0,0(10 1 in 1144"iouli.,adrantaeouto Io(1y arsd mind 411)8
eton treet, NPW Yorr, 5I0,000 01111 i Ntice aso the 1,1feet et thicrime
' been to i tilers the means of fin, nsi al
In New Orteans. $2,000, Tie watt int- ution doMestic happiness. It. 1183 sent, end merit! lees. 71*eustom le pernici-
prisoned but afterward crimped and its rutblesx plottshare through hund- ens 111 4 he ell! reffle ealere IiiI"oree a men
went into the geenbeng professein. Ile reds of fatuities, until the wire sat in in respectable life give themselves up
died in a. lueetie asylum.. This ,,rime rags and the daughters were disgrae- to telling, new co thes beet. now on
is getting its lever =dee mane a mer- ed. and Ole Sone 143eW144)41 to the same that; now Oa t11118 ban chill. now 0.0
If El
loticc to -
Candid" Motors.
During the past months we have received nu-
merous communications from investors, bankers
and banks of the Dominion of Canada. As they
are all of the same general trend and ask the same
questions, we have decided to publish one, and our
reply as a general answer to all inquirers who have
been imposed on with this scheme. All statements
made in our letter as published below, we here-
with confirm.
"Messrs. Laeyson, Weidenfeld & Co.—
Gen t lemen
We have cloeely followed your severe
attelek on the Dominion Coal corpora,
Hem and have read your pamphlet ie,
sued for that purpose. In addressing
you for the purpose of securing /unit-
er information on thio sulsject which,
if You will give. by answering those of
our questions wheel' you mas deem prol.
per to ask, eve will be thankful, for
we ()aye been strongly urged by one
or the high 01f1ei41•5 of our bank to
aid in 'Saying the oat shares, both
preferenee and ordinary, with the in-
vesting clients of our firm, end we
have this essuranee that 'the enters
prise is 01 14141,4141110 oue, and one that
Will give toll the purchasers of the
shares large profits With irlLt very
mall risk ot less. Our lewd( offirdal
euarantees us thet ha lute strong as-
surances of benne of the leading Hon -
niers of the (Jolted States, that the
coal corporation has purehased all the
gas comnanies of Bost0h. Masa, and
leen made firm cant:rote for a long
term of yeare Witit the Massachusetts
Pipe GM Company, a very large, ex-
tremely sound and wealthy company,
and that by this tont met the, coat cor-
poration will let guaranteed large 41.
'4(401140 on all elassee of shares for a
tong term oe years and tbat these con-
trasts have been firmly guaranteed by
1110 New England Gas & Coke Com-
pany, a Company with a paid in caul.
ta' of n6,000,000, The lineations we
ask you to favor US With analVerd to,
arc :
11)0e8 not the Dominion Coal 001411005-
4,1 01) 044411 BM the gue comnanies of 1305-
Iles not the Cont Corporation enter-
ed into a contract with the Massa-
ehusetts Pipe Gas Company e
Will not this give pernueneutly large
dividende on all the abates1
Es not the Maseaehusetts Pipe Gas
Company a responsible company f
Cs not this eontrant guaranteed by
the New Hegland Gas Sc Coke Com-
pany, anti is not this company aweat-
thy eorporation whose guarantee is
good t
'We revetit if you will answer the
above questions We will eonsider our-
eelvee in your debt, as we do not wish
to put Our elieets Into any bezardone
investment, and We art led to believe
from a study of your pemphlets that
you not only consider this Wel en-
terpri50 extremely hazerdette bu1 little
loss titan a swindle Which we cannot re-
conelhe with the respectabty Of itrz
In the American atock exchange. Yours
ette Pipe Line Odinpany is wortb no.
t4)—The New England Gad & Coke
Company is a scheme gotten up for
the. pUrpo8e 01 floating $35.000,000 of
worthless securities on the public. and
its firin act was to burrow from a niew
York trust company for eight months
$12,000,00.1, wilich, with the balance of
its $05.000,000 of capital it immediately
paid out to insiders for property not
worth V7,000,004, thereby causing it -
00.f to be bankrupt end making its
guarantee worthless.
9—T1w. reheen the effort Is being
made to Heal fileeflieL000 of otock in
elanaele is: Tho stook cost the promot-
ers who ereeted it nothing. For years
desperate efforts hove been made to
float it on tbe investing public, of Nee
England, To that end triekery and
maniputation have been employed. but
witbout investers and spec-
ultztore in tbe llnited States have re-
fused to hare anything to do with its
Some months ago when it was eh-
kilutely unsalable and its nominal
priee $5 per share. broken were em-
ployed to 'give it the appearance of
great activity on the Boston fidock Ex-
change. Tbis wee done lky one broker
selling quantities to another in league
veith bim. By this means the price Wad
bid up to from fe20 to $25 per eharo.
and id now held there by the Elaine
means, an.! WhP11PVt•l" genuine orders
from Canadian investors are worked up
In Canada, the stork is purchased from
"Dear Sirs:
Your letter received by us, end its
contents noted, and berewith we send
you the information you tisk fens n'irst
believe US when we say that we hold
ourselves ready to antiwar for any as-
eertione made in the book and news-
paper statements bearing our sigma- 2
ture, also for those contained in this
letter and we are prepared to defend
any action that may be brou,ght. against ,
us ba Die courts of Canada- as we have
In United States courts, We ask you
to bear in mind thtet we del not make
equivocal statements henfged ahout
with technical evasions tbat may leave
loopholes for escape from legal re-
eponsibility ; that wee are responei-
ble banking house and :Am:It-exchange
naenilters, and that the charge that
this entire scheme is one of the most
glaring imnositions ever atternpted on
uny community ae hare printea over }
our signatures scores of times (luring I
the pest four montha in the leading
newspapers of the United States, end ;
have repeated in thoueantle of DOORS
or pamphleta and. .hooks, and orally I
stilted it before elle liessachonetts
Board et Gas and Eleotrie Light Com-
11143810110es ornel the tegi I tu re of
IC9,05001 neat ts.
We answer yeur questienit as follows:
1—The Dominion Coal—Massachasetts
Pipe Line Gae,--geW Thlgland (las fit
Coke Cornett ny scheme is a glaring im-
position on the, investing and gas con-
sunaing 4)44(11144.
2 --The common shares of the Domin-
ion Coal Company, of will& there are
over fifteen million dollars, aye not
worth a dollar a share snore than the
price for whieh they were originelly
sold, namely, nothing.
8—The Dominion Coal. Comuany is
not earning any dividend on its stock.
' C I Com en r (lees
OWn tiny gas companies in llos-
resesaehusetts Pipe Line Gas
Coutpany eoneists of nothing lea a
worthlees charter ,PrOensed from, tho
leinzreachusetts legislature of 3.891 by
&Wand that 'ire now bding investigated
by the ttuthorities Massatlinsetts,
(1—The entire stoolr of the linassathuss
Otte Pipe Line Gas Company bits AVM
been declared by the Board of Ges and
Eleetrie Light Conunissionere of Mas.
ettektusetts illegally issued, and the At-
tor.neysGeneral of lintssaehnsetts bas
announced that he 44)11) 171/10004 againet
sporuters. Ageie, elm yon net 71.410 1.541 t)1oeficere and directors who issued
a reason for ilto effort that ia being 1.41. Tine net is punishable by (108 111141
made to float tleeee eharee alnongst iteprisonMente
the Investors of Canentt, when its 7—Tho contract between the 110(1343.
0100 assured tbey are isc Arens tlemisna Wel Coal CoMeanss nn."1"': 14I"se,,,'111,ne
the insiders through the medium of
the Boston Stook Exeliange at a ficti-
tious price.
The daily sales on the Boston Stock
li,'Ncilittne ore, with the exception .of
the Canadian orders and 1d3 a rare °e-
vasion a genuine 'United States order.
fietitious, We advise you strongly not
to allow your clients to invest in this
worthless stock for as tioon as your
Canadian investors becoming tired of
holding it und waiting for the misrep-
resentations that have been made to
he fulfilled. attempt to bell, She ap-
parent market priee of $20 will die,
appear and they will lose their invest-
ment. If you halve deulit of the cox-
reetness of our deductions, (some OT
send to Boston and investigation um,
angst ow' reputable bankers and brok-
ers and banks will show you that all
wine invest in this worthless stock 1%411
lose the amount invested.
In closing We 14431U141 raii your at-
tention to (hilt portion of our first
beck. "Boeton Gas 0.0,1 Dominion Coal,"
wherein WP explain why we feel veiled
upon to denounce this imposition, and
544100744i41 we Show that because of our
senior part nees official connection
with the Boston gas companies. Vie43
president of the Hee leading compan-
ies. We can ta•eat this subject intelli-
Ting our answers wil give yore
the required information, we beg to
remain. Yours truly.
We advise all owners of Dominion Coal stock, or all who intend to
become owners, to write to us for our two books, " Boeton Gas and Do-
minion Coal" and "Boston Gas and New England Coke," two 64 -page,
large quartos, and our two large quarto pamphlets, "Light on Gas" and
stenographic "Report of Hearing Before the Board of Gas and Electric
Ligh t Commissioners."
Requests should be addressed to our Boston, Mass., office.
Law on, W&def&d
infamous ineetiees or took a ehort. out
to destruction aerose the murderer's
ScaffOld. TIonle has lost all tillarme for
the gambler, How tame are the ehild-
ren's caresses and a, wite'S clevotiont to
the gambler 1 How drearily the fire
turns on the domestic hearth! There
must be louder laughter and some»
thing to win and something to loeo,
and exeitement. to drive the heart fast-
er, fillip the bleed and fire the inn
,zsagni ;taut:it:1,1e ballook linthruee, gait wesetveerr. 1)1.4;1:ties
sweet va'l of lova bounds back from his
iron mei and all endearments are
consumed in the fire of his pnesion. The
family Bible will go after ell other
treasures are lost, arel le Ids eaten in
heaven were put into 111.5 108)44 he would
ery "Here goes—one more genre, me.
boys! On this OAUP thrOW, 1 Maks my
mown of 40,81011 1"
A young man in Lundell nil coming of
age received a (00) 0110 of $120,000, and
through gambling in three yeere was
thirOWU 1141 11I8 1110 hpr for support, (An
only son went to New °Tirane. tie 00I18
rich, ineelleetnel and elegant in man:
ors, Sits perents gave bim on bis O-
verture from benne their lost Messing,
The sharpers got hold of hum lb, y
flattered him. They lured him to the
gaming table and let him win (timed
eyeey, time for a good whale pai tee
hue on Um back end said,•"teerst nee
player." Bur, fatly in Beek grnsti.
they fleeeed bim, and his 000,000 was
lost, Islet el all, he put up his {VII i
alrld )041 131!14, Than he began to think
of Isis belled a,11.0e,tof father, and
"My beloved reroute, you evil) double with; me."
' less feel a momentary joy at the eeeep-
Hon 04 this letter frank the thild of A BODY GISARD,
yoex bosom, on whom you have lavish- "Whenever I torreev my wrife's sitIO
' ed. all the fevers of eater declining umbrella she alwaye sortie one of the
yeees, But shoul41 a feeling of joy for ehiliteen down town with me.
a moment spring up in your %earls Whet's that for 4
when you ishOuld have received this To melte me being it back.
tom me, therigh It not. 4 have fell -
en deep, never to rise, erieese gle,y
Inters that I Should have honored and
protected. I 1411011. 1010(1 down aorraW
tO Me grave, I will mot 1.014150 1033 des
slower; buts oh, may (led avenge the
wrongs mit impeeitions practieed upon
(1.118 13011414147 in e, Ivey thet shall hest
please itim I This, my dear parents., is
the last lettee you will ever reeeive
from me. I fennehly puny your torgive.
Would you buy 0. wheel eult before
you learro to ride
No: unless you feel able tdo buy an-
other 14111001 suit after you bare learn, -
Here's a Ltitie Nut to Crack.
Jest a grain of corn 1 The prinei-
ple upon rz Melt Putn on's Pain iess Corn
Extrentor Reis is entirely DOW. It re-
moves the corn layer by layex, with-
out any pain Whatever. It never fails
either. Try it.
71311 soBalow OF IT.
She—Farewell, Will you ever cell
Bo—To-mox rev(' night.
rtford at VIM Tires
004(4 04100'- • 9 folelnkle 2t. W., Toronto.
130ve14 This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Hower& for
any ease of Milarrh that cannot be cured by
301(4114 (1411.014115 (10114.
Prepe , Toledo, 0.
We the undersigned, have known F. 3.
Chenen for the 11 ,)5 years, and believe hint
porfrot ly honorable in all boldness tranattotione
05 11 financially able to carry out any obligations
mode by trhaoutrAxffrmw.
holesalo Druggist.. Toledo,
gESNLI;utrici, Ktrirtalt mono, Wholosele
Druggiste, Toledo. Ohio,
Noire Catarrh LAVA taken internally, act,
in% directly upon the blood and inneous our,
titres of the ayslom. PrIce75b0.0pLer tattle; Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's 7(101411'7(101411'PIlla ors hb,,
W. P. 13. 914.
%pure 131 d
The 13411811 army rifle bee i42 com-
Rlah, rod brood--essontial to notice( health —
tionent pa.rts, in the produvtion of purely herbal tonle Insures good heahl. At all drug.
whieh 952 =Whined axeemployed, as gets. sae, n package, WOODWARD 148.11101511 oo.,
well as Ntirli011e ilrOresSee wIdell do 141)001436, 0)10,400
not reculire machinery.
Bev. Edgar 13. Husband, 'Ile Rectory,
1N41snel,100. Quebec, w ell ea I heve
great pleasure in -testifying to tbe effie
after other remedies failed, and found /domains, ninanein, or Sorrels, !or 0044 '114
almost inetaxit relief, always keep it googgiritalarga,a),,yg„r;k\,,I.
1441.4 TRADD MARE.
es,nrinntod to tetnlo tholr ;verb; Wawa],
(lacy of Qtruikeure. 140141 need re 4. 1, seed to any address one at memo matfett
ou stet a, est In a oubstnut I Gold BMA
gLONnItsn AT 1101t1e
wiener PRI,C d lit Money 0001
od. Pews r and parading 811110,
00 win a rnaeldnev, gene, bard.
wore, bioycles at hard time
prices, Sond for catalogue and mites,
The Dailey Oonnittsen Co.,
Absolutely pure, there ore the best
Lend Peekagea
4)5, de, 808011 son.