HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-4-15, Page 5ATII+Ia IA MS
BU RVA' CAI.ti3. __
�_--ONBY I ) LOAN AT 1'E1
3r e,
.11'1 cont, . H. SCOTT, i uscel
] If. Mc. liiAOKEN, •
• Insurertlatl•Iagei.:00ne00, Office
at his Oroeory, I .nboxiy etl'.!et, Brileeee1e.
I- . 1'T,1'
'eooria Artist' Sh.,p—Next door
south of A. M, All '(ay & C d's hardware store.
Ladle s'and child : nahair oeLl Mg a spoaialty
Issue, of 'leer/age Licenses,
Onrdort s • Jgwnnax f' ronn,
l No Witness Required.
T. FLETCHt111, Brussels
Clerk of 1' e Fourth D:vseion Coni'
Co. Huron. Co voyanoer, ?,otary Public
Land Loan and tuotirenoo ,.gent, bunds
invested and to loan, Collwotione made
Oillce to Graham : Blaok,Bru•'sels
.L' • nun, wit eon for in )ter prices, to
hotter man, in ems 11010 ai,1 less charges
than any othor luctionoor 111 Haat Huron
or he won't chi ge anythmu.:, Dates and
orders eau alwa 1 bo arrange l at this office
or by personal at Vica1ion,
tJ •. Honor C aduato of the Ontario
Veterinary Callas Lo prepare,1 to treat all
diseases of domes :sated animas in a Dom.
potent manner, "articular i.ttention paid
to veterinary don stry. Galls promptly at.
tended to. Office ad Infirm. ;;--Pour doors
north of bridge '1 .1ylberry at„ Iirveams.
?? ore. After. Tood'S Phoap'hedi110,
,e Great Ear'fish, Remedy.
S..d and recommended by al
dry gists in Canada, Only reli
path medicine iiscovered. Sea
forms of Sexual ll �kn guaranteed
�e(toats to of buss
or excess, ]rental r'nrry, Excessive use of To,
haeeo, Opium or St mutants. M .iled on receipt
of price, one packs a 81, six, H.. One WO Please,
rex teat care. Pang ,lets free tic: any address.
Tho Woo company, Wlndeor, Ont,
Sold in 13rurseli ,y G. A. 1:11.ADMAN,
D r0gg3 , Bookselle • & Optictau,
licit sit Columbia
Red Dedal' aailill�les
AND --
I9 )1'1,11 Shore
line allCl Cedar
Brusseh Planing Mills
Also Doors and 1 soh of all Pat
terns on hand or made to orler
at Short Notice.
Estimat .t Furnished for all
kinds of fluildings. Workman.
ship an Material Guaranteed.
I wish to info" 1 the people of Brussels
and anrrounding listriet the', I have pur-
chased the Pu, p Business of JAMES
BELL and will 1 1 found reedy to attend
to all wants in ei her new work or repairs
at moderate prim s.
No better Pum r in the market,
Order left at n y shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S ,bop will be promptly
looked after.
ea -Orders tat en for the Diggiug of
Wella and Oiotort 0.
Go,(' G'elil,
The nude signed has open-
ed up a But her Shop in the
S1dA�E dl,
where he w i.l keep constant-
ly on hand 4 supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonab3 = prices A share
of public pa) tonage solicited,
S. tlY I�ztt�lt6i3dn
Meat deliv'e ?d to all parts,
of the i ,wn.
taMisit PAL • 3'011 HIDBS:
I, `rhediaeotors of the Wallaoa Cheese
Teo u e'o' l r r. 1, o.
Blies ;E. J, Oomene, from Berlin, is
vieltiug Mende in tho village.
111r. Bolton and fatnily, of Cray, havo I
moved into the house treently vaeated by
1'. Lutlau.
Those who are malt in our nidal are
Mrs. T. Code, Miss 11. Code end Mies
Mabel Tughen.
H. Code has doaided to go into bust.
naso, haviug bought a half interest in the
Listowel broom works.
Wm. Smith, eldest eon of Robed;
Smith, Trowbridge, wee united iu
marriage on Wed00eday, the 0th inet., to,
111ee Jennie Gourley, of Logan, . none
Mitchell. The murt•iago tools plass at
the hone of thebride, Mr. Smith le an
enterprising young farmer and hes
bongbt a farm of 100 time near our vii.
lege on the 4111 con. of Elm,. We wish
the young couple e, happy and p100001oue
Geo, Haney has it badly epralned foot.
The Counoll mot in Putland'o hall,
Bluevalo, on April 411,.
Mrs. D, Groves left for an extended
visit to her daughter, Mrs. Stewart, in
John Mitchell, of Keighley, England,
shipped a oar of maple rollers from here
on Tuesday of last week.
The anniversary of the indnotion of
the Rev. W. J. Sheet to the pastorate of
Bluevale Presbyterian congregation will
be celebrated on Sunday, April 24tb,
when Rev. D. Perrie, of SVingham, will
A missionary society has been formed
in eoeneotion with the Presbyterian
church, The officers are :—Preeident,
Miss Mary Collie; vioe•pre0., Mrs,
Toole ; treas., MIs. George Macdonald ;
sen., Miss Margaret Robertson.
By-law No. 0, 1808 was passed by
Turnberry Connell appointiug Jno. Little,
Geo. Bremner, Geo. B. Scott, Tboe.
Gilmour, Geo. Nicholson, Henry Wheel-
er, Donald Stewart, Peter Soott, Wm.
Deye31, Wm. Netterfield, John Dinment
jr., Wm. Maxwell pound -keepers in this
municipality for the Durrant year,
113f nth.
W. F. Campbell left on Tuesday of
last week for Winnipeg, where be in.
tends snaking hie home.
Ton new members were added to the
local tent of the Knights of the Macca-
bees during the past week,
Wm. Bell has taken out a livery
license for Blyth, end is now the only
one legally qualified to biro out horses in
John J. Drummond, an old Blyth boy,
was married on Wednesday, March 301h,
at Atlantic, Iowa, to Miss Georgina E.
By-law No. 8, increasing livery stable
license from 95 to 920, and By-law No.
9, prohibiting cattle from running at
large, was read and passed, on motion of
Councillors Garter and Sloan, at the last
Council meeting,
Blyth will soon lose two of of its oldest
and most highly respected residents in
the persons of Mr. and Mrs. John
Drummond, who intend leaving the lat.
ter part of April for Iowa. It is over 43
years since they first took up their resi-
dence in Blyth, and at that time they
lived here for four months without a
Amongst thoee whose names appear in
the list of suooesoful pepile at the recent
Trinity University examinations, and
who are entitled to write M. D., 0. M.
after their names, we notice that of Alex.
R. Mackay, of Dungannon, Mr. Mackay
won the second silver medal, having
obtained honors in medicine, surgery,
midwifery,gyamoology, clinical surgery,
applied anatomy, tberapeutiee, medioal
jurisprudence and sanitary science. Dr.
Mackay is a son of the late Dr. Mackay
of Dungannon, and ie a nephew of Joseph
Stothere, of Blyth.
Lie t.odseel .
Quito a number of new.eomere Have
moved into town during the past few
weeks, and there are very few empty
houses left.
Ed, Gabel, who conducted a merchant
tailoring business in Listowel some years
ago, ie returning to town, and is opening
np business again.
Work on the %ve11 at the 1010110 to the
waterworks is still in progreee, and
pr0mie00 to ran 111) a good sized bill for
the corporation before the crib has been
got into plane.
Samuel Farrell, who has been in Mani-
toba, for the peat month or so, has return-
ed to town. Iris daughter, Mrs. Allen,
who had been seriously ill for some time,
died at Brandon,
George & (layette, who have formed a
partnership for carrying on a foundry
and repair shop, have purchased from J.
0. Hay the old Hese office building on
Main street Eaet, and are busily engaged
getting up their plant preparatory to
comsaencing business.
George Long of this town received a
telegram from Sault Ste Marie, informing
him of the death of his daughter, Mrs.
Lytle, wife of Robert Lytle, of heart
failure. Mr. Lytle had left the Sault for
Crow's Neat Pose only a few days before,
but returned at once and brought the
oorpse here for burial.
A. oorpeny of Cadets is, we under.
stand, about to bo formed at the Listo-
wel High school. Application is beiug
made to the Minister of Militia for the
use of military rifles and accoutrements
for drill. The company will be in oh0rge
of Mr. MadVioar, and will be about
twenty-five strong, the rifles loaned for
anal] purpose being limited to that num-
L. Bolton received a letter from his
eon, Illewortb, who is a member of the
Government surveying party at Dawson,
last week, dated February 1811), Mr.
Bolton writes that he is enjoying the
Winter at Dawson immensely, that the
weather baa bean preferable to that of the
Oblawa district, and there is no danger of
starvation, as a: good square meal can be
got for $2..50.
John Torrance, town assosoo.', has
completed and aetuoned his roll, fllom
whioh we glean the following ; Tho value
of real property is 9702,505; personal,
984,580; income, 90,550; melting the
tote) value ot 00nl.and pummel prepeety
anti taxable income, 1770,G06. Thio ie
about 918,000 less than the returns for
last year, and ie principally owing to a
falling off In merchants, steaks, of whioh
there aro two or three lees in number this
Oat than last,
putter Co. have let the contract for the
erection of a brick 1o000r resideuno for
the oheese and butter maker, adjoining
tire faolory an the Sed line, The eget
will be about 9000. bred, Nickel le the
Gter r.-fc:.
It, Ardell is aconin very ill.
Division Court was hold in the Town
Hall on Monday of last wools and 2 oases
were disposed of.
Wn1. Campbell, of Wallace, delivered
5 head of 2 -year-old cattle fu Gerrie Welt
averaged 1227 the. each,
Wm, Mitchell, son of Jae. 111itebeU, of
the Oth con., has left to seek his fortune
in the Canadian Northwest,
Ausbia Doan, eldest eon of Amos Doan,
left on Tuesday morning of last woelc to
seek his fortune ill Manitoba.
Edgar Groan, of Seattle, Washington,
is in town visitiughis 1•ister, Mrs. G. W.
Wacker, and renewing old acquaintances.
Miss Mabel Clegg, daughter of W. II,
Clegg, of Sanit Ste. Marie, Mich., for-
merly of this village, is spending a few
weeks with friends in and around Gerrie.
Death again visited. our village and
carried away the spirit of Mrs. Cook.
She had beau in poor 11001111 for some
time. Her remains were interred in the
Tarnberry cemetery on Monday after-
noon of last week.
IN:, c o Iter.
W. G. Bfesett received a oar load of
Twenty five persons were received into
the James St. Methodist allurah recently.
Wilbur, the infant son of Wm. Mitch-
ell, aoeidently fell ou the stove and out
his face badly.
P. Madge, of the Themes Road, ship-
ped a car load of prime cattle to Liver-
pool from here.
Mre. Henry Smith, of Hay, who under-
went a surgical operation the other day,
le doing nicely.
Dr. Browning wag at Markham last
week on business in connection with the
e: tabu of his deceased mother.
Percy Luxton, who boo been visiting
friends in and around Exeter for a few
days, has left for British Columbia.
E. Christie received a majority of the
votes of Exeter Liberals as Postmaster
and doubtless will reoeive the appoint.
Mrs. E. Bose and family, who have
been visiting Mrs. D. Jobes for some
time, left for Winnipeg on Wednesday of
lent week.
John Hicks and family, Exeter North,
moved to Elimvillo last week where he
intends running the temperance hotel re-
oently vacated by Mr. McCauley.
Laet Monday Rev. G. F. Stilton, Ph.
B., of St. Thomas, delivered his popular
lecture, entitled "The Mission of Laugh-
ter," in the Centralia Methodist oburoh.
John Gibson's new house is naming
completion and will be ready for 000upe.
tion in a short time,
Our Public sobool Board granted $20
for the purchase of apparatus to aid in
teaching Physical Science).
The store of W. 0. Hazelwood was
broken into and a quantity of goods
Edelen. Admittance was gained by climb-
ing upon the roof of a abed at the rear of
the store and foroing one of the windows
on the upper flat.
WEDDING Boras. -0n Wednesday even-
ing, March 80th, the residence of T. B.
Sanders, Wroxeter, was the 00ene of one
of those happy events, whioh always oast
o pleasure over its euaroundings, it being
the marriage of his youngest daughter,
Miss Annie Ross, to Robert S. Gibson,
senior partner of the oatmeal mills of,
this town. Early in the evening the in-
vited guests, mostly relatives, to the
number of about fifty had arrived, and at
seven o'clock the bride entered the parlor,
leaning on her father's arm, where the
groom was already stationed, and they
were made as one by Rev. R. 8. G.
Anderson. The bride was beautifully at.
tired in a skirt of cream cashmere and a
waist of oream silk trimmed with silk
lane ; she wore a white sash of watered
silk and carried a boquet of white rases.
Mise Edna MoKillop, of Harrieton, wag
the bridesmaid. She wet attired in a
gown of white Swiss muelinwith a cream
snob and a boquet of red roses. The
groom was ably assisted by his brother,
Wm, Gibson. After the ceramony all es -
pal red to the dinning hall where a sump-
tuous repast had been spread and to
whioh ample justice was done by all. A
most enjoyable time was spent in con-
gratulations, social conversation, eta.,
until about 9.45, when the 'bus arrived
and the party drove to the C. 1'. R.
station, where, amid a shower of rine, old
hoots, eto., the newly wedded couple
boarded the late train for Wingham, and
from there to Detroit and other planes for
a visit to friends. The many costly,
beautiful and useful presents that were
received go to show the high esteem in
whioh the young couple are held by their
many friends.
G. M. Balclwia has purchased the
bioyole stook of S. Mellott.
W. D. Bright and John Weir have now'
the eleetrio lights in their residences.
Tho vain of exports from this out.part
du,•ing March amounted to 928498.05.
W. W. Thomson shipped a oar load of
oats to Liverpool, Eng,, on Tuesday of
last week,
The voting on the disposition of the
Jubilee surplus fund resulted in a large
=levity for the town °look.
A large gang of men were busily en-
gaged last week loading sonaro timber at
the station, which is being ehipped to
The congregation of the Egmondville
Presbyterian church presented their
paetoe Rev. Neil Shaw, with a fur coat,
and Mtg. Shaw with a puree of 930 in
W. 0. Boole, sou of Chas. Soolo, of
this town, and who formerly bold a pos-
ition in R. Logan & Oo,'s bank, has been
promoted to the position of teller in a
bank in Carman, Man.
.1.. Hale lute pnroha0ed the brielc mei•
demo of S. L. Billing, whioh is situabecl
on Market street, sad will novo into it
shortly. Mr. pilling intends moving to
his farm fu Tuokersmitb.
There died in Woodstock on Monday of
last week, a former resident of this town,
in the person of Chas. M. Whitney, The
deceased has been troubled, with -ante
dyspopeia for wino weeks peat and from
an internal growth, for w111011 an opera-
tion was performed, but the growth was
too fat advanced to permit of removal
and three weeks after tho bporabiosl he
A large number of persons attended
the 100tu10,whieh waitgivenby, Wm,
(lammago, florist of London, au the
Town Hall. The president of the Ilorti-
oolburai Hoofoby, B. 11, Gunn, acted as
chairman and introduced the lecturer.
°bas, II, Dodds, who left far San
Francisco, Cal., it few weeks age, has, we
aro ploaeod to learn, arrived safely. Ile
le delighted with the country but Bays
limas are very dull, although ho was
lucky enough in securing a position im-
mecliatoly after his arrival,
The Iiuron foot ball 011108rs elected for
the ensuing year are as follows: --]Son,
pres., Colin Bethune ; bran, vice -pros., G.
E, Jackson ; price., W. G, Willie • victi-
lms., Oscar Neil : sec. -tress, 3.h. Nil.
oran ; manager, lt. 0, Oboewright ; cap.
tafn and representative to Berlin meeting,
J. A, Jackson 1 omnmitteo, W. H. Baker,
A. Bettina°, 1t. McLean, S. A, Dickson
and A, Morrison ; hon. members, S. A,
Dewar, H. J, Crawford, D. and W. Mo.
Donald, Dr. J. W. Livingston, T. T.
Stephens, W. W. Sloan, H. Morrison, II.
W, Cresswell, J. J. Clenuan, H. Camp-
bell, T. J. Wilson, G. R. Anderson, W.
Proodergaet, W. W. Meredith and G.
A11 those who aro suffering with a mild
form of soarleb fever aro recovering.
A number of Oddfollows attended lodge
at Heafortb Thursday night of last week.
Geo. Connell has sold his fine standard -
bred pacing mare to I, Rattenbnry at a
good figure.
J. C. Miller, of the Hotel Clarendon,
has taken a throe years' lease of the River
Hotel, Bayfield.
Stanbury Bros„ of the London road,
have 00 head of cattle they are preparing
for the July market.
Miss Topping, late of the Collegiate
staff, ie so 111 in Florida that her sister
has gone down to attend her.
The 8 -year-old daughter of J.W. Irwin,
while playing about the house, fell over a
bannister and dislocated her collar bone.
Thelatest addition to the House of
Refuge is H. Oros, a 12 year old orphan
boy from Osborne, who 1s troubled with
dilated heart.
Wesley, sou of W. East, town, is laid
up by a ease of blood poisoning. He ac.
cidentally ran a rusty nail into his arm,
which caused blood poisoning, and at one
time threatened his life,
D. L. McLaren, of Sanford, died at the
age of 95 years, He was one of the old-
est residents in that part of the County,
and held in very high esteem. He was
the father of the late Peter McLaren, a
former proprietor of the Queen'e Hotel,
While T. R. Walker and a oompanion
were dressing atone for a barn foundation,
at W. Hill's, gravel road North, a piece
from the atone being dressed by his com-
panion, flew and struck him a foroibie
blow in the eye. Fortunately the eye•
ball was not injured, but his face was cut
The work of building on the new Doh-
erty organ factory has been retarded,
owing to the unfavorable weather, but
the premises now present a scene of great
aotivity. 108 laborers are at worts, 76
masons have been employed and 60 car -
pouters. Several carload of brick are
here, and twenty more are on the track,
Davis & Rowland will iron the roof and
Harland Bros. will supply a large quan-
tity of cement and nails.
W. 01.. Beesley left town for Moosojaw,
N, W, T. Before leaving a few of hie
friends made bile a present of 925, 00 a
slight testimonial,
The lire 0081110 was taken out for prao-
Lige worts, and from the time it left the
engine room until it was throwing water,
only 3i minutes were occupied.
J. Itaneford, who spent the past weep
in Now York, sage that people in this
country Have no idea of the intensity of
the war feeling that prevails there among
all classes ; go into a restaurant, hotel,
street car or other public place and noth.
ins else is spoken of, and, 1,0 an outsider,
the amusing part of it is the pompous
and self-important way in whioh the
Americana declare their ability to "whip
anything under heaven."
Ind. T. Holrnes, for many years mesh.
aniaal superintendent of bho Clinton New
Era, loft on Monday of last weals for St.
Paul, Minn., where he has been appointed
Assietaut Immigration Agent, under the
Dominion Government, at 9100 a month
and travelling expenaee. He was a faith-
ful employee of that office, and will no
doubt do his very best in his new eppbere.
Mrs. Holmes will renraiu here until her
husband gets settled:
The Goold, Shipley & Muir Company,
who recently had their factory destroyed
by tire, have deoidod to stay in Brant.
ford. The pity conned has given them
the old Verity building for 20 years, at a
nominal rental of 91 per year,
A robbery of the mails took place a
few days ago between Combermere and
Killaloe, on the Ottawa, Arnprior and
Parry Sound Railway, Dominion Gov-
ernment Deteative Groulex was put on
the job and he arrested a man named
MoEaahren and took him to Pembroke.
The sum of 9273 eas11 was reoovered and
the man made a confession of guilt to the
detective. He was Bent fur trial.
The East Huron License Com-
missioners will meet at the
Monday, April 18th,'98
To take into consideration the
Applications for Tavern
Licenses for 1898.99.
The number of Hotel Licenses
granted last year in the Riding
was 20.
The number of Applications
this year is 20.
JauzsrowN, April 8th, 1898.
Halla 'Ray's
We beg to advise our customers that our importations of Eng-
lish and Scotch Tweed Suitings from the best manufacturers in the
Old €lountry, is now passed into stock, and Our assortment is with-
out doubt the finest ever shown in Brussels. It will pay you to
take a look through our stock and got our prices.
Neat Stripes and Check designs in the latest Colorings and
Shades, fresh from the looms of the best makers of Worsteds and
Tweeds in England. We want every economically inclined man in
Brussels to compare these Trouserings with others in town.
Ready-to-wear Clothing.
'\T0 can't give Clothes away, but we come as near to it as the
law allows. What we think you want aro Clothes made to fit you
and fit the times—'that means your pooket-book.
Hats for the Merchant Prince in style to take the lead,
Hats for the Son of Toil for service guaranteed,
Hats for the School Boy with which to "tag" his mate,
Bats for the Blushing Lover hanging o'er the gate ;
Hats for the Rural Hid in which to hunt the eggs,
Hats for the Bashful Boy to twist around his logs ;
Hats for the Pastor and the flock he has in charge,
Hats for the Pin Head and for those who wear them large ;
Hats for the Crank who never can bo hushed,
Hats for the Duke, we'd like to see him crushed.
1V3 30F
Desirable and exclusive effects in Fabrics and Shapes at pop-,
alar prices. Values that sharp, shrewd buyers will appreciate. A
number of special lines that we can assure you will not be rendered
lass 8& Clathiors and roars,
yx3 c•o:'.
,�1 7111Eyl He won't use ii, because its "shine"
"!ri too IGng, and semis too simple.
'Pays him better to use a
'wax pore -filler, and polish:
up a previous polish.
Paid by the week,
instead of by the pair,
he'd shine the .actual,
Leather, hard .nil
smooth surfaced, with
Jno, Downing, - Sole Local Agent.
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 20, Con, 0, Morrie, 1110 thoro•-brad Im-
proved Yorkshire Boar, `Oak Lodge Long-
-fellow," No. 9.480,brod by J.E.Btothoas,Bur-
ford, to which a limited number of sows will
be taken. Terms, 81.00. to be paid at time
of service with privilege of returning if neo -
A number ot oholoe p0005 sows for sale'for
breeding .purposes w3101 will be sold at
prio21 to suit RUNT NICHOL, Proprietor.
The Ronald
Fire Engine R arks,
We are prepared to do any kind of
Machine Repair Work
with dispatch and on very Rea-
sonable Terms.
When wanting anything in
the line of Engines and Boilers,
stationary or portable, we would
be glad to have you ask us for
quotations as we think we can
oum e.
save you have also on hand all
kinds of Repairs for Engines,
Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can
also execute any orders for Brass
Nickle Plating a Specialty.
Ronald Fire Engine Works,
And Conneotions offer
Special Features
• Tile Canadian Northwest.
Yukon Gold Fields,
And all pointe in the Weatern and
Northwestern States.
Pull information from Agent k. T. 11. S,
J. N. SENDALL, Agent, Brussels.
GEO. HEYD, " Ethel.
System Renovator
--ASn 0181111—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nenr.
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jas, Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
See our Lovely range of-Almu
The Newest Styles in--EkT-
A Full Stock of'`-amPo•-
Corsets, hosiery and Gloves.
A call solicited.
No fancy prices. 'Everything cheap.
Alex. Strachan.
Wilton & Turnbull
Yon are well served and gain money,
A fine Best Mak scoff the Cook, Parlor and Coal Stoves
That Cannot be Beaten,
Large Assortment of' Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns,
Cutlery and Graniteware.
We make a specialty of putting in (foal and Woocl
Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction.
Stove Coal for Sale and always on hand,
Special attention to Sobbing and. Repairs.
Wilton 86 Turnbull, Brussolse