HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-4-15, Page 3Aram 15, 19ps,
T 1K .81 IBRITSSBI*S F 0 a'P.
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Assertedft N(fl IN � N�1�11[[[ H, Walter Wol,�bb,thlL��:�
later rabbi ikbo bad . ,,
of the Now Yoe, I it-uZy has the sullinlit,
__ Ilion W )UHII1068 have caused the he ' ONE FIREMAN ZILLED AND SEVEN I �.l
itl t. ,a', 9111a,11l'o,triook pl.� -1, allit ) I
11 THE- 'VERY LATEST FROM and travel. lag. Josum ah Well it ( I, I I],, worn. .. I
ALL THE WORLD OVER, g I ger Of Lik: Guaranteors, IMACITIOAr. N(Yl`Et+, , , y BUII.T U,,,� iE' TI -IL" 0
7 . - 111) 02011."'O I I I res, IL 1111c, vlAoll "'Indo'n, Mollie 'tov ,
which Cloned WS doors Ma,rob 21513i, hako' Vel-aA I. After six days, Ono weak was I o I'" ' ne'lroyed, I
Interestic ar final About Our Own Country, boon arrosLed. charged with con , after IL otinvorsation with his disuipits; � nuilliorl an(t -,umfort�. I'altij 1.1n, still Of A de.,q-o�(.b. fl-om ,1,01.unto mays!_At I
. O'eat, B Itaill, tile United states, and ary op! It' which Jesus had forAl,old his dintffi, i Titaka. ho rip;.,ii agaill from the dead. Not
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All Parts the Moon, C olleastic and
nt to 1,114)
it wits
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'C - . n1i to of $8#70,H72 for penstocks for this 11 11,17 I aaoIllor)w,JlaI. (lip riming front he dead awry window Shade faetory of George,AKAD&, r4ia On June 30, 1897, there ware of Llin transfiguration ; Mattliew nail : Should I O. Mark. IT- flees, 8oll and Company, '�1711 floven-
Twenty-five iwWvvm rrorn. fifl�ihlgan )76%j4 pensioners on Like list, and in Kill-ir 6xvludll hot h. desus takilLft Peter, - _ I .- port road, wbb,b totally destroyod tilewrived In Winailiol; on Monday. Februvy 28 this year thI4 number had Jamom and John. Those torn were with littilding, Ista-Litill.., destroyed a numberLiterealAd to .980,603. Between, ... Lor CHINESE IN THE PAY- of firtiaLford has been tho latter dates there were disbur d will he ruised the datalilltor Of sUffuundiul; hou,ion, and romulle,l inThe assessment boon OF RUSSIA.oil for the imyment; of army pensions f Jalrua, .N�Tark 5. 37, and in [.hit hour . rho Fikels-1314t rol. "is lave,kilgittiall aml 1.1- Lhe death of one rwin and tile InjuryCornivall Is suffering froln, all in- $95,470,872, leaving the suan. of $40,020,- of his agulay si; ajotlimpniallo, MULL, 20, .
57, I L throws some light oil tho human MAY InOVO ftLtILI.flux of tramps, an't stiverai have a L- 272, fur WO paYfil(int, 01 pensions to I V1l,n4*V;ouk;,-A Head. of 4ANva others, into of "hose injuriesroad 7 boon sent to gaill, said of the pro -Ant fiscal. year. A (108IM1,011 front 81111,11ghal, sayo:-ftockat. interest an deposits. The Spalhish torpedo flotilla has or. closest sympathy with hini had been ' or in Wila, Most, vigorous language. It(!- 71tie, bikd� nevurred at. the vvinduw ob,ole,rived at Porto Rive, 0114,11,40ter an Ousing fthe whole Taung-li-Yu,men (Uhi , ArlINER111. d tastes of Jesus to oh- In &UTIOLIM'Ad LIMI, It Person of 1,110 hlgh� A. still alarm by WIsphone Informed. After July I tile Goverillm-rit, Sav- GE NER,AL, i tile fireman that all oplosion of berk-
ican A S floors will allow only 2 1-2 liar sorro that the Lbroo who were that, in list rank- has mAuxorIaLized the Rokpor- L11,19(Ik�&;�, number or Ontario settlers littmild. becalise of personal obal,uc_' factury of (loo. 11. flees, Foci and ('can -
11[ .1 owgums from t1to soutbern Sta(es Prilicti 1318raurck ocilebrabad the Mod islius, Lite ,,Rock,, a - I-
t . oil the "'inas fl ..S. Foreign. Off' Litany, 011 Da,suport, road, and. t.hat I I I 11 11 Ihave arrived at Winnilsig. mitilityersary of Ills blr�h on PrIday, u ice) of being in the __�_I A, flxu� I)vct(-,, named Corrigan of Don- glivigg It 1-AnquOt to 22 guestal Th'andtir," A high alountalo. puLar, NY Of Ruissia, Ile assume th;kt Russia tile building WiLl On fire,a 1, 13 0., ,%Flh found dead in 'a cabin The Emperor and Empress of Ger- vtLjim thiS "like holy Mount." Am old I expanded 10,000,000 t4tals in bribery dur- The VorkvLlle avenue and Yonge � __ Ion hall it olany were given an ovation on reaoll� trittflUOR hokrvives the venturic, that ing Lim recitiat negotiations regarding street ,seettons immediately responded 'I,- - Ikilailln. 11 g Hamburg (in Tuesday. it was Mount Tabtvr, but Che a threci this Conflicts' 'If Port .),rthur and Tit- W the tmll, and on tlulir arvival sent 11 ,jr, , , t PModule for Lite proposed kitat.ws of The sealing stammer 1"Antbor has ar- r ., the L . 11 I thWe Queen and Ilon. Mox. Ma-Acenzie, rived from the St. Lawrence at St. Ila I i,L[Vas, all requite solitude oil Liate-Wan, ,vi;c., and claims that Ll- Ili an alarm from Box 134. The fire . �,, �1,are noir oil exhibition at Ottaivit. John's, NfId., with 15,0001 seats. moua(alla top, and Tubur wits at, this illunag-Chang,s share wits 1,500,000 tauln. lilt$ discovered by Foreman Fred `14� !* �. , if e 4, .The Salvation Army tire pressing tile Orders have been Ismail to mobolize LiPike rovered with hkol,le, Rod forLi- ' Tharouipo,ii the parsonage retorted to remm, to the basement of tile bulld- (I 1�lGovernment to,, a grant towards the all Spanish warships, anA it siloond toT- fiv(Uhills. Just before tilis Jesus had demands EL (oil itivestigotloct, Land askii tag, On. Lite ivest side, and everything I I I I , Iilsirt of their rescue homes lit Win- Pedo squadron is being prepared for or. 'rho building was . .1t"1111111.9. sea at Cadiz, been I'll tile neighborhood Of Callicaren, I that LI-Hung-Cha,ug ba baliewtod If the mearoad In its fav - , 01 11 %) �Philippi, whie.11 is near to Harmon, accusations are proven, the memorialLz- filled mith the lightest and nittiot !A I I . IThe Montreal 09tton Company bays KardiLzi and Giorgi have been son" I a, O wtik", I I 0,: ,been asking tits Sherbrooke Council Leneed to death an the charge of an aild Uttlmrol. is therefore generally Ila-. freriag to be executed himself it flankillublo Materials, a Strong %�ost N M41at convesmions tboy might expect in , t to assassinate King George of I -it- YJ � �DUB of esUblisbing works t,hor . t b,s I Gratilip n February 26 last. LrWnsfii,tiration, Sue Introductory I noSe complain bitterly of the fact that or fury, White the water pressure was A IlTontrprklor who (toes an w.:. GO Polliclux, in a recent speech at noto. Luke tails us that tile Master they do not possess 9. war port for Lite of tLe weakest. /I �401-, '(11 ;,, ... tliumme, Mentioned, is in Kingston, nego- Parl's',* said that France had a uses i lu five minutes the v.yllI:ul;ruI,Iul1 Y///, , il� " � -,F- , - W "better -tIdOd the mountain to pray. Apart. i five wursbips which arn being built for I I X %%: , ,
ittaXing for tile pureha%o of (lit) Loco- . a"plily of rifles and vanuou uow tnan Far from Interruption. thill't m,blvalL, and which are duo bu ar- lit I assumed serious pru,-it, and - , .1motive Works for a synclicatil, bad Germany. 2. Was tratkafigured Inifore Likoill. ! rive in C.diluese wa,ters this an Avits Leyon,t thil, power of the fire -fight- -W I—— - . �.To 'I The F,reuvh oruisor Friant collided MI.- .-. _� . W I ; 1 41 to for bfilroll, 1898, she", an in- ith and mank the torpedo boat .krial 'they were awaketied trmn. deop mIum_ Ll,ralAsis NVol-filiti-Wel occupied by the ing cappliam-as to hand. A hurried call. � -, -,, 11 or ron during fb5 manostiv-res near Brost. The Jallo,11680 IN evacm-Lad, which is doul;l- wa.*4 sent for tile ougluem, and at ,_Il I I 1i I'll, . Ztoect.941 of over 9100,000 over Lite rooeipts crow liar by I he powt!.r Or 9 - 111. I . __ I I Ir March, 18W, of the Ariat were saved, this vision' It Wr a In[, thR Chinotin have no place in which 4.35 the NVateroall andlIabbard Kouln- A .... I t I II pht'n to vi6w; they never forgot it or to receive thelw now Nvarships. 'rho era had arrLved land ware doln.- nolde . .. .A �argo 1.,arty Germany. like Canada, is takingata�,ps 11-, �of prospet doubted it. " lll'a have nol, followed Russians -have pornilued two Britiall At, ,Tuesday froln , ,e of,.Tose seats. The complete exclusion of a gunhoats tio. nirter allfi lc.aTe juvt Ar- mjom W, B F_ L L. T BID ,a 0ovsrnment Immigration ageriL, I Yeats afterwards, ,-tint Wery eyL,WIl,. thur freely. , " � , 6r, .,� I - gq.-:v.�.Phe Ohioans complain lilt[ MOVEMENIT OF NVAI16111L�S. By this time, however, tile entire ' �� I . "at;rho 13,-iti,411 Colurill-la 1,�!Zlalature hits fa .orly of the "e'"os of the In,tiosLY of our Lord Jesus The Britiall firat�clazsnrulaer Grate,,. main Luilding, 60 foot by 2110 feet, tinfl I -,-7;,,1U.%TM.1%11 ,,;;;:�;, .1Opted a resolution uriting Upon tile 'et that they do not po%*sass a, war Cl1,i,I:.11 m 44 .4 ,33oininicin Government the establish- 1"Irt for t1bo, fbve wartildity, which are � LIk8 Pa"I's ttaullor, thei flags I Rear �'L,Imlrul C. P !a bk-ght, was it 8eeth- , )) , -"* Viti�;!"4;�EL,fAe4�Vigvml;'-,K.;�Z;-"�'''i 11 . .. - . . . . . . . t 0i �,It, in that provin� heing )"lilt tot% tb�ui ahrond, and Ision reached to I nal, �vhirh was wit fir gerialit, sov*ad in �- N. - - J 'n'! % C) . ,i r'hioh tire due tA) firrive Ili Chinese in tile Vail. - ��! 114i , , /VThe _12lIonLreal' City Coun,l) aliquitnt- 1 Their spiritum insight Millitt station and the first-class orlds- 1. NNI - ., -ilact a dopntation hi go to Ottawa and. WILICT14 U111% lm.fruntir. WDR oloar, A is hardly irravorkint to or Powerful. the annourtid. cruisorNar- 11 I - - . 1;� � . 6 4, .; �Z. 0INSucl, 11 ad I he r(>uf.i ol. take row of brick houses q '11 , clz�'� ",\'urge Lila tiovortanioni; to Me Frockoh Minislex cD ill tire that OP 111'_"l I , , , , i;'. 3 11 � KI M. IlanOtLooX, spiritual be second-class cruiser Rain. , - 11 .... - k I : I If, bow, and cit,her Vona Is of the Stroll . drurk to I Ile 09.8L. giving i -z '.1 kNviLlignit. de'ay its Share of the harbor 'If Foreign Afairs lk'N notified Arob, 1, . I N�oa ,� are aw keyed up to so hil,h 0 he firemen a duzLn S C, ,, 0fiant'rovemeats. I lishop Bruches! thlat Lin intends to, pro- 14 tell vfu Id no[ hu,t,' Seen tile balmen- left Clie-Pop ail Saturday. Thei.r cles- butall fires to fight. .as well as (,ha big - IAir. R. E. Watts of Lite Agricultural "' "I t'. a painfing it) St. Joules Catilpd- ioctTiclu is unknown hill. iL is rplioricid ,rill, Alontroal, in Idio Minto of the, 'kill. III8 ItWa did shine as I o CliPmulliu, tht-. port. of Seout. lit- To the west of the main briok fact- .= _6 rA . E 1. r-- I- L I w.r. ,Dellartanont; at Ottawa is the in. ' �ho sun. ,t tAl Of CDVAu. 'rho Movenlaut.1 ,if war- C�EAV F -Toto ,of it roller, boat which it is claimed �NI:L-�s Ili 0,uwla, On Juwi 215, 1015. lill's to experet to lue me'- Ships �xtdto Vw greatest interest !lilt- ory I here were Uhree tir four ono-storoy 1, =ep many tulvaulages over the : him "in the glory on,g �Llnrr. X�invoral'icill. - Ir Saga-,Ia Prim,, Winistsr of 'if Ills Father." COMI)aru Rev. 1, 13 i7 hnreigners here. [tis sllppnskd thAV It, 8 -rSIIC;411;�'. ,;lid 'to it friend arter Tilutsday's ol" Acts 20, 1.3. 'I'llme mangelists will wake a (Imnonstraticoll, possibly 1' I th,,S, - Jorkies A. Bell, of Beavortnii, ont., t-liem and cispecially.when it bcckockosl'Nrias f'itiLI1FCnI0fl,vI1O is Well knOW11 courivil at tli,i pnIao.,:-"We we'rit, in stokint-lu,ir 1,0%Vers of' !aligutip'. to I Support Of socrul British demando for tell ut.,a, frow numbers ten au -Las a voralributor to the press, will ac- - '"- voncessions. . ree 'rother of lilt, 4ev. Jv.,u *i,t:GAk,y 11'.3, I c,.1 - kigly, the ,came w;*;company I he contingent of the Victor- o,a,g0d seven wom-n, leaving a inati in" white as the, light. jklat t I A thil of the troidi!e for llvk.ral ten t V t lost Julle h� walk owp'ete�,,ide." Mennill- fih�).t Ill -.y w -Int in dis- !tl,41CM us think ar the ,slm. o,.,,,, shi a South Amerwar; NeryIne efftoted a rcvomlneud��d Suiall. Ank-'ritau Nervine.speoial vorrespoujont. 11o8eft to vioX but blial: tho Queen's ing Ofthe sun. Mirk usm the vvon BRITISH FORPAGN OFFICE. Suddenly thu roof and two top floors., rd wnpleto cure. ,lug alid overywing,The lato Arthur CllmNu, of Kings(ork. I-ittriotiloy;and firmai-.94 inspired ift-m. gibiLening, ' twinkling like a planot. collapsed without a monwrl's Wurn- I i 1'eady to tr?,,,mnytLbequeathod ,51,0LO etteh to thn Syclen- Luko N' ys "flashing " like lightning. 51, (harle. DI'lito wanis iti 1,61,41o,t ne- tag, and the w"'i I; v,all wtv,erad to ire bpier luiown than tile R�v. .John ! list of proprietary mediables, Ile securt-dhara street Methodist 0hurch, King- This wonderful tight'wits not shod up- board lit file 21.11�e. and fro from the. shook or Lite cramil. lvVeiiley J,ell. B.D.l, and Ills brother Ar. i a bottle of this great kl��-covery. a- t Chief Graham and the forentan tit the , larava A. Dt4l. The former will v- re- , second bottle of mp coedicine wan takeltton, the Me hodkt. Missionary Stwloty. WENT INSANE W1?H THE COLD. o`1 ,loans; it Galiu6 from him as its A despat-ch from London says:- Sirand the Methodist superannuation. __ Source. Ills LLOO did not Shine as did Yorkville avenue section sow the citing. ,ogulm-d by 1,19 thou�auds of friends 411 ' and the work Nras dont- nwalioyfilg hisIt is suld that the. Government in- Another CrOW -t Seftl4l'S 914VO It Tio-AXAC tli� facie at. Moses lit, (�Ilt, foot of Sin , � Charles Dilke, advanced Ltadicat, knem- or from the front of the ImIlding, aver the c0out".7 AH the PoPular and able i own lauguage: "Two botpes Of Souiltto Is. x0lon the close senson for lob- Ttal'. oil 911t, ]fee. ��'Ill?tl he 11-111 to Veil it because or rea ber for the Forest of 0 -act clivisiont and Yelled to tile Men Oil the roof tihislouary stiVerintoudent of tho Royal Akuerlvel� Nervine jnknie�iat-ly iviicved-aai-to Lo leave their post. But ,, , I'llot up EL13r.tl'r'n begins this year, I,) p -W. on live ItCoLect glory. The Spiritual for(a'!. 'if al-imirestershire, gave notice !a tile Of the le , OU0 members lif this order to Ontario ! a '1� A despatch from St. Joha*s, NELL, NVUllin Jesus had beconto .So fill �O" the roax ot the flaulea drowuod their -') ystem In a wouderful Ma4aer." A'at osstoalli oubters to prevent illegal lob- I tint] I Howe of Cottaxanas oil %Veduesdity of 06 arlMher second tho wall As counsel Is sought oil -.%It sorts of oc- t I ,nk�ist SaYs:-Tbe steamer Mastiff vvaa crush- iiii,ense durilla, prayal, it voices, and in . t deprecate the P.001 our Own)tons. On the public "'d social rilforw,rR era doing in thaor fishing on the AtIoUtio coasts. lilt his oN�nl motion to the effect that tha conduct had radical outwards, demolishing the s' "t'la.' he Is one ; world, but how ill -fitted they ivoilid l,ed in an ice -floe off Graw Island on holiness shono Straight through holly l 0 ,I! the strong men of 'Oro' ' , anThe story sent out from Ottawa that e :111(1 alothing, I f foreign affairs during the pasit fran't) at-ruilturo on whicill the Ilion ,,;,i,l,t tile evils �March 15. and the bottom was torn beneath a pile cif ""' - ' ' -� for their work were it not the rellid11 3. There appearnfl, Mainly Soon ; i twelve months has sllmrn that; ft IN not Stood,, and burying them ., i"Xiopi"'!n. i . that South Amoric.;ia Norville brings toW e Government of th.i United States ;0qually wfll known is . lefl in . ,,itr . of red-hot. livioks and debris, Ustioun, provinces of the Dockliftilon, havoig ilpiq, , them when phypical Ills overtako bad made overture& for the purebase out of her, by the barge. Thu crew, ,,!"rJy rpongniv,ed. lylos,s %lid Elias. to the interest of the vomni.ry to hit Jones and Lang, the Street, raliNvay CorzO�vlrs a member of the bdmkitobi ' theca, and when the syotem, as a re..of tho fisheries protendon cruiser All- i with ho,Lts anti provisions, left the ship _ be relyrosontative of the 7,aw on(l tile, the Premiership and tha Foreign S ve men, were completely hurled, but the M a st Conference and part of tide Suit of hord, eckLLUU61 and ,,ontInUmu,adla is denied by Sir Louis Davies, .! and caniped oil the iral-rioe, whore they reillresentaLive of tile prophets, both re c
of wIlMr. Relmo, Superintendent of the On- � 5 l,ell our Lord had conle ill flair taryaltip combinad in one linram?, and others wera merely tibrow-a to the the* was statiomid in Wiantpeg, Rbl work, breaks down, Nervine treati titsL Nat IS hours, ELe-.Lrly every mail I's- 1300 Muses and 11,14,; blid been. Ili thi�l' asked the Goverurn-nit, to fix y to ground anti atcruck by flying bricks, broth r, Mr. Samns A. Bell, Is a wghlyme for Neglected lug frost-biLten. own persons and mroors, lo it g ted resident of Beoverton, %�Lo'rpL evils he Is bottling againsf, lt .,T,rlxvs &ZChildren, has accepted tin invitation - ood debate tile motion. RESCUING T )its Influetice, though perhap more cir- the root of the trouble. Ali C -from the Government of British Colum- I CRAZED WITH THE COLD, degrect tyls's, sy.laki,ols, prophecies, of Mr. A. J. Bitifour, tile Government A hundred willing hands got It. It ottinscribed than that of 1110 c I 'tit ease ccuips from dis�r,gani;,ation of thebill Lo go to 'Vancouver to explain his tile chrisi. 00(i hall sent, Aloses In tile to release, the imprisoned Men) wan"d orother, In alone the less etroctlima nmLnd nerve crators. This Is a scimt1fle fact.The ice broke up the first night und tvorld'stig"aY ,morning, just as enxly its leader, acting Secretary of State for productive of irood. Of rocent years b,,w NLrrine at once works on iho,ct n-,va,Work there. I large party ofmanwas plunged into he coul find one nation out of all on Foreign Affairs, replied that the G Junes was the first released. Then Ter, the working ability of '.lrv, ,fanip.; I centers: gives to t! out health and vil-
David 1101%ry Of St. 'Thomas was ter- � a ov- Lang ,we% lotuid, lind henenth. them all, K $silly waired by severe - nr; and Ilion thore courses through illsribly burned about. the head and )vffl , the water. All escaped with their earth mora!ly able to adillit his law. ernment Lould not (to so, as tIkO J - Bell has been, Soon Its ticat nation shotTL ill.-;- nearly at the bot(oni of tile rillo, Deo- attacks of nervous hpftdtk�he, kt-'com- I ilviltam. strong, healthy, life-ok thiningprobably lose the might of his left; lives, Init their misery was greatly In- ,(I NOPr"- cussion, 'would reSOLVe ItSG11 into a (It_ son's mangisd and blooding corpse iNas printed by ln(I 'A"llo OR12 do fit 1 h'tood, and pervoua troubles ovel"yo,yo as the result of the explosion of viction (if the virtue maintained b al!;.I�tloo. allcrooned by title misfortune. The see, Moses's lmv (.',)it sent the pl-oph,Aa. v root attack Upon the conduct of foreign fouh(l. Work when . trouble takes bold of I tarlety arki things of the past. .a gasoline stove in Glover's confett- i end night twelve if � Meanwhile the fire was raging wl th �tionory Store. man went insune, wh011, Eli ' !lid, %vas a recognized lead- ffairs, and he exploluod, Je L,his was Mial,ated Carl,, nud tile. riliv, of houses Ibut by great kiNeri,bms on the part of or, ,to beip their follows to spiritual desired, it irould be more convenient to tile cast �vam bring wall (]reached'rho Departanont, of blarine bus pald . 141 t. In the fullness of time, just so I ",IF20.600 ever to the owners of thei seat- I Lite captain and oatcora these unfor. soon as any considerable portion of t1he I In the form of avote of censure. Row- 'vith water to prevent a farther spread .ingsolloonor N�rillio Ma IgOWFLU L 0 SUM tUallat'as ivere kept under control and world rould accept hig touch, ever, continued Mr. Balfour there 0 1 the f!amos, Dense valume.s of smoke I .allowed by tile Russian Government, for employed in togs, God I red kias,twurd along the ravine, and Sold by G. A. Deadinan.various tasks. Shelters Sent his we'kbolovod Son. Talking I would be a diseusidon of the'foraign ftou,a as far as Rusedodo tile stuoko __the Illegal seizure of that vessel by were made under upturned boats for wit -h him. Concerning his death, Vote; lint Only informiLl and inconclus- was quite thick. _ __2__ - -
those who were most seriously frost- L Then answered POte". Tht! Nvord ivo, o -wing to the absonea of I.apers on IPLTft,14TTIfl�IJ IN THE STRFIeT. BRUSH WITH DERVISHES. THE ROBBERS FLED.'111 order to prOV1Qe that there Shell ! bittork, but'many lives would bi�ve been "answered" does not, in lAhlival ILURge, I the far Eastern. question. When thebe absolutely correct time over the Lost if they had not boon rescued be- make it necessary to stiliposs Wial. $01116 I latter were sUbulitted, lie expectod a The residents of thn row or howe - system tile Gritarl 'Trunk Railway' Core the thit-cl. night. When rosined 0110 ]'ad just sl;okon; Polor's reinarkI fuller discussion. bad [MUe or ,tio iu.saraAtia, and clitl the's The Angio-1,,1p.�ll41aa1?"l1ce11 100111 -Over take A laeldllp Train saved 1,v it 1'rave lixl)eeqs bas appointild Prof. MvLeod of MeGill I many fainted out of pure joy. Others Seems to ['Live bi�lln called out by Ills I ,Sir Cliarles Dilke retorted that be. best they vou,ld uncter the eircunk- Sirockoomi or mai-ood. 11atr�r.' b fear ("I'at the two prophets ware tiliout: desired a disoussion of the ivhole for- IiMl"q by dutiniiing their furniture outUnLversity Observatory to takis charge �eoam.a crazed, land agan to rave. it A (leallatch from Cairo says:_.'rtat the company's time service. as fattrad many must lose their limits. to dqkcri. .,;old Onto JLP..'Uiilis A despatell front Los Aug�-!eq. Cal.,Poler 1 sign po!i0, and not merely tile ques- On the street, For one 'hund"d y4rds announced in a despatell from Ati,ara, says:-�Joagre details have been ra-
. ORRAT BRITAIN. Was 'very rvlvl.� with him Longue, ticad I tion of China. or more the opposite side of tile. onk, 417111oat NNondevs t'lla(, lie did [lot I To title, Mr. Balfour answered that street %vals blileked with 06 motley col- 'in the Atbara river, it brittic-li of tlis valved here Of tin attempt to ho!d. upLorcl Salisbury is at Nice. PORTS TO BE OPEN TO TRADE. 8 lootion of hattoohold goods. Nile above Berber, that an hultortant .,pettIr dir(100Y to Afw%os tind Elias. lit g if Lila Government rovolved a rapre- Uw NN-c-sit-ound Santa Fa passengeri ,Tto that just now lie . sentaLive railtvist for Fine traln. near Grant, N.M., early on WoLl-
Mie Rarl of Strafford is (lead al Lon- # Was tou aws I-11 it to tit) 11 is ilood . lie Would arrange it dato for it, 10--FgYtltiau troolis an Mrodnesdaydon, I ull.WW'. lolimullon to Ileum. lt"A""tilla' foT tie Lo tie �hore. i1rark"t. YOUR OLD SHOES. - uk'still,%, 1.110 train ,Aas Vaggod someForty thousand voul initiors in ,tiouth PON 1111-11111r. sits us that,Wales have struck. Ito spoke as one I ovAldered. no[. knmv� --- _ Ilighl sciuml,ons of amalry, fouv INlax- distanoe frum the lonely station andIn Ills British House of Commons on lug whal, lie, said. Ili --.4 spiritual loy and THE FORCE OF IMAGINATION, Vasl Thent Upon 11,411,11oricel and They j1,111 W1 guns, a battery of horse artillery, slowed down, 'rho onglitear. however,MV- Gladstone is able to take tin it!"- Thursday, the Parliamentary Seere- rlmltat confusion wvro equall§ 'ItIox- - Kriern to wou, two battalions tit Infantry, and the 8 using in his gardon, . I-ccting the cause of the flagging,tary of the Foreign Office, Mr. Goo. pre,,sihle. Let lilt intilco. The flevi-sid ,I,. 1111114011.4 WIMt (to .You do with ycur old shone I whole of, the Mounted troops, reconnolt-
Sir John Ai-nott, Baronel, pro. N, C a VOrsitill gives "I Will make." whivil is V41H.S ft 113-1111shl frOkia it 'al'in os� 1. rral I If re I the dervish position, eighteen miles was auli ing alwad when the robbersprietor of The IrLih Times, Is doad. t1rilon, Wild Count Aluravieff, th Alf1w, W11101 Lnftr lie jbi.,q,avercl to Ile Throw them into the a fro(m Atistra, on Thursany ruarnitig. opened fire und wounded the. fireman.I i . More oharaclorlstio. ill! polar.. 1-1,1-e Cloiled. .So. and you tire ivealthy onout *.be train iias stopped aftJ fIV(I 11111-ik-
The 11ritialk, revenue returns tot, the i I 11881 -Au Minister of Forolgla Affairs, three tabernae,los. Flute nincla of hrall- , " gh to I�uy and 011COU11tored 3415 of Lfle onamy's 'ryear coding March 127 show tin Increase on Afaroh III, atithorized the British rill" of (,term, Ito deA red I he t I lie ho I had read, as Mustrations of tile tlioill� they wi.Ltl return, to you. Ditrpr- horsemen, ,ilcom thoy (11,ova Ln. und, ad men approitolnid. Expross Mosiionla-
of . Amla,-�sndor u.t. St. Petersburg, Sir %iAtovti inight stliv and Sojourn 11 whi p presaflug forward, found 4NIalimoud's OX POWLSr stuppod froin the tritlu Land'[1216641110. , it], the LuIrd. "i'tvrhnl)s--_vvI �y I force Of tile Imagination," Said. Xr. out prliqis are paid, for tile Shoos, ae. posiUmi Ili Lila heavy bush strongly , opened fire wit b it bilat,t) of Iiistols. 'rhoA London desputch rtillorts the deal.l., I Lt. O'Conor, to Inform her Xrsjes1;y7--1 -,v"I'llt'll a mtl�uiiini might nia.ke. lo know"',' BilItOl4i, "the &tortes alotlt people get- covding to thm, f wtile deal I., clattlity of loather they 011trOu"lled, With pits Ilted [th rilij. robbers Were upiwoltared for this andIn that vily of ALlium Orton, tbol Ifich- I Govemilnoull fills I, in tile e,,mit of China . of OUT Lard u,vneeomsar%-,11 illit Uod titig frosli. ,air by oppnint� it -winfty contain. Brogans are worth little If men, and protected by it thick zarehu. fled- Ono. of them was severelyhnrue Claimant. , consenting to lease Port; Arthur end kIlOws, N% hill Nro n -re SION�- ,to kq1ra, I Ilat that really oliened into an adjoining anything. A pair or fine ralfskin I cots it, the centre iias it. sma.11 hill, with � %,,entitled by P T mAlor, hut his couiradeliAn English syuflicat* bilk; been form-! Ta-Lieu-NNIan to Russia, both ports the crivhvel hImsslitirs of lift, are often room, and about their getting up and tiring as Much R-4 I,") cents. TI b t three Uore of oulvencibulanis filled NA lilt got him away. Oftimrs or,, followinged, at the request of China, to develop ! Would. be open to foreign trade on the best folr Ila wit9t vol, Short, in to. ou 8 spes-rmon. 'the whole position was ttIQ trail -
its lininorat resources. � Sallie basis its the other Chinese ports, 5. A I irigh. Moot[ k,k,�rNtl�t4t(,%A-('(I'tll,.,". , broak . Ing s:window tl,at. th,tty diseov- and slioe-s are first so&kkid Several sis arn Ing with der% ficiles, alert, for t ho _�The British 1-it,uso of (!Munions has I bolt is rumaurod Ili London that Japan Gvikirslinitowed Jesull, lilk').4es, and 1,21as, ored in tho morninil was a window of wiLteris to get Lbe dirt mit of them, attack, ROYAL 13RDS., Wd � a bookcase, and all that sort of thing. I'lken tile nails anti The artillery opened fire at 1,000rejected the bill introduced by 5 ask the 1111ii-Od Status to join P001V aftl'rWAPd Oldled Uib; vh,tid -I Ile : . threads tire removollAftti-Pornotlite, to amend, Che L"lov'"I Great Britain in muppDrtfug,lckpau'� re- excollent gkiry." whiob %%oidd sovin ,it) I I fell, a terrible draught tile other the it P y,LrdN. The otfe,:1. was apparently good Vrom a more child the Duchoss ofInnil le, th .r ground up into a finelaws in fiLvor of lbo, tonatits, filaml. to withdraw from Wel-Hal-Wet aloial it, (.be' 8hekinali. Ill" VlHilllc 1 day In astreet liar. and glakiring ov- ,,.,,,Ip, and It IS ready to Use. 'rho nill- [lilt it it , its difficult to Judge to� Reer- Saxo-Cobvirg has boon most particulartitter the livaltint; of the Chinesti war syniltil of I bo divine presellve. NVe may � it as d leather liaporings whielt have laility, in vonsequence of The thick alimat tier bads, and when .,the firstlith the colebrotlon. Ili indiamulty 11 view of the possilAlity pic,Lure th'.. three enivehoped. Nvith hri'l- lic, bush. The AlaxiiIis almo sivopl� ,lbeIll 0011nurt[On " r my abiculdor I naw t I; Ft Window orde Into fashion lately, and the mi.auill. came to England Her Itoyal, Highnesst[On of 1798, 1.110 polive have selarobed , ' my back w"ag 011e I all leatber fire Screens are L Ity ho. b *of Russia Seizing that port. li'll0l 111XV. A vOiOlk OULI of the oloud.11111l' idn% witrat c front of the poritioll.ILOUSCS in the counties CIL WhiCh voicli' h4d )'Poll blin.'rd let tho be- I to shut it myself. I didn't ivant to thing but thlek paper 0-ov rel'dawlib a, - "' over, ntly Awitil-
tile farmers' ---.-.. .... , f (tit[ not roply, vvide Waki innob charted abnat this woftknosilag (if. (.tit, Lard's vaxeor� .Luko 3, tatke the troal,le, to ask the emidneLor layei of Lbia precas;0 leather pulp, - 11.1a; Ito atillok at vlome quarters. Haxing by Members of the roytit family. TheLimerick it nd Clork, taking possession of ASTONISH THE WORLD, �21111;ltjlfl NNIIS to i is to shut it. , V TIw floor the quality of the, leather "neoly"I Muse. John 12). 28, Ili whoill T it.111 wvlI I or to the otli�i side of 'Lite car, and rho better I('. takes the bronxo and Old irvI tioular about her buds, took her dough.the, celebration. I Mewing airport 01' fill,- (40141 Finds lit 11lit pleased. "Oil Whom my good plensure from Moro .1 Saw thab (lie Window that gold ,Ind other expentlive rolors In t (lid not tX,r_1u_law,$ ,)art, an,,, although nowI 1!VKqad," HO is 1110 chosen n1W to ro. I I had Uioughl; Open Wits In 1`,�allty 0108- &Sign,11 paiDL(1.(I on thoul. Fa,thlon- the ;boots are .no longer sown -down toUNrTXD STATES, dellill tile rare. Iletir Yo Ilho. Lislon ed. But I was it t chagrined by the able I;oolile think they (are going batik ____ the tnaLt ve.,,,.,, they are composed of theA ,;.tit() q, atillp.l. (It whom all o(b. dascovery. Oil the vontrarv, X wits takil- to Inedlov I times Wh6n they have theThe Florida orange orop will ])a u, Says i-"Thora are torty cases Of moral, 611`91wore (,YIA14 Qld AireroUlloVA; I i8toll i Alsed cuough,ovoi, it to imills, and that: walls of It 40,000 MINERS QUIT WOBX, most, exquisitoly fine Nunn thitt, clakaThe NVabaali and Vy in tho hostriLurl, here" ' (o lot A's tho 11rophill, predicted by I relieved Ill . le tonslon and digmimted Lila roamis covered Willi tontiossed leather, . � be produced, -land atratchod like & tightWhite rivers aro Lbe food queA- rolm over the most perfect mattressesOverflowing portions of Indiana. t1oh is not Much t Moses. drattght." They don't know that the Abooll and All 01'tlle 4'411111000� Ilk 8011111k ltltlefi A 1-0 tInki, ,tkn lie llintranfooLured In Paris, inalked or now, and all (11, They tell oil (,heir fitee and were -_ - - - boots which their neighbors throw in- Now 14110. whieh empitml the inilkWIC of mot,trossesTile, Arculzon Hustmy Company, of Oxpoot to (nill through until the first Sore afrRid, tPillrd wit'll awo. Bec,d to the fish harrol. a month before form A cle4patob froin London ilays:-Tho has been ),relight to a fine tirt. .Muskogim, Mich., has failed, with lia� bon,ts arrive." The writer also Status t.110 mt,tiry as told in If4trIc and Luke, C, P. R. LAND SALES, the boaultiful materiat mv their walls ...that the output of gol.d Will astonish rtkid, the who,le iccono, will become Illoxe �� end oil the sereaus %al; Ilrolor.t. thpl)illerS ill South Wales eolll�rs h vt� NA-itli the Duchess of Sca,xo-Coburg as tobiliLles of $18o,orko. 1;116 world, Ila minor's are Striking IL rleal. g , one on mt,rika. The mtriko threaten 11 Another royttl laill Who quite agroollWho U1111,81I. SLaLeS Uovarmuen[bas 0110, Oftlk4l fletilt ShOW11194 Thal Iffs.4 4106111 (by(.% fTOm LIAO fire. s (O Lite ii.nonoss of her lition, wad. the tight- I.utvain ordore 1;0 abilzidon the Atabla, rich In most places, but especially or, 7. Toutiliod hiiii, The loving touch (it. ,11facle for Ionic Time. Old Shoos Could Ile btLd at smaller lie Serious- Russ!&, tit the first. Rufl!01-6r, new at dvaiving tile shoots, .munk in Haivacut harbor. Eldorado crack. I tile Raster reassures I-Inim, Ile tit) t A despatch from Wintlipeg says!- cost NvOra It not for vonipliting (-Itv. The .9toaoltAr L is the ox.LI; Will probably )to two wooks hor.ore Often Josus slid big bollocis, bookbinders nod picture (O havo finished loading (1.000 tolls TILglinvol; hail tin Odd taney to haveX S. IVIllard, the actor, who Is stricken RK'S '111BRI13, SURE, mossengtors have to rellont this exbor- Land sales, as roport,od by t1he Cull- f.111,11 19,10. makers, -Mio press Lite pulp Into I.Ing".111 at midday for the Russian Nvar. her bad 30 IMY as to give a visitor to. .with typhairl fGvOr, 'It Chicago, will be . taticon to his thlaid followers. I adian Facifto Hallway Land Dopart,- Sheets .and mold I(; illoclording to their Ships itt Port Arthur, As 1,u, sho bas tilia impaii-I&I cthambor the lmprosaloi�ablo to loavc, for Italy. Ho --Do you bollavo that there is W & Whon they had Ilf(ed tit) thoii meul;� for Uhe month of March amount use. Booklituders usp them fix Making no, sta"Oodect in ttin - 'ill I of her tholf, she 81topm almost, on Cho floor.Thirty farmitra of Lbe neighbor- -tint tile ground, to abimt $1011,000, The nuilabor of arres Lho ithea,por forms of leathor hinfliurs", cargo obatrit. abd III('. vl' lives art,. re. TI; Is Ca6vaild sclarealy more than a, IShe-Yes; ill tho haneymoon. where tit (;heir tinflailty thaty hall fixed disposed of total$ 83,600 O&O8 On and the new style of leather framos inoto tit, her getting anyt."Tier owrm, foot, als 0,11 who have ViAlt,od, in oldbood Or IritalKill Ili-, With (boil' 901ni- Golightly boastIs that he never Lbeffl. Josum only, So lorkor asilopiat- Wednesday 000 aciles wore so This With lilial'1102: InittS Ill t'lleto are O1ltIr0- had Secured. the cilti'll0rdinary freights dla,va, the private, apailttme-iltai (it St, :I ill,IOS, have 91,�Atl to the Canadian North- ollqllgu�j Ills olindl, IHO oan% No Ono all with Muscle and Rilam; no longer Is Ono of Ole heall shaiwilials for some ly ma,de of the tilat-oR covering sh, I Iill Swap with him, I. WX Meshing with litavoilly glory, olkly the thnia, fooll. 40.000 men have quiL`:,Nvork. will raunemblir. I I., .11