HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-4-15, Page 11;
'atere•tte.ser." at
Vol. 2. No 40,
W. H. KERR, Prop.
J. A. M JALIGHroiv,
Uttiversity, Fellow 'Prin.
,emlser college of Pity -
s, 0117, I.l.onblato of the
ve,cians and Licentiate
lhI 717., 1300o77sol3.
D.. (1,11., Trios
Ily Almileal 00114
sielans mod Sorg,
Royal Donee° 01
of Midwifery,
730,1.1. Itesiclonc
M. D.,' O. Af., mum
Lieoutiata of RI.
nod Surgeons, Rh
logo of Physician,
Diseases of wome
1.8follt years' 021110
1,10000 that fort
ar to Dr. 1., hfclielvay,
.1 College of Physicians
t1071 Mom...er et the Col -
id gorgeous of Ontario,
opt enildre a special(.y,
nen. 1.."7)1000 and rea-
dy 0770006 .3 by 1)1'. 110.
,truot, 1328,7 Me. 20 -
P117713101411, 80.
10201710s Nouor
tIee of Trinity (Tc
and of Trinity Alt
Trinity Medical
College of Physic.
io. Post Gratlut
Chicago, 1890. S
eases of Nye, Be,
00003 00 Women,
Bah and German,
9078 AND A00071001117,
— —
'417,8018 00 the Universi.
111.71, Queou's Winston/.
02.1 College ; V.:3110w of
10:•0 111171 1.,011)1101 O1 the
Is and Surp.mns of Outer-
• Course lit Detroit and
?In I attention paid 60 71177"
0. a and Throat, and die-
Consulmtion 111 3 110.
710101.11011 0 VC 1'0el7101100.
AAT • 14SolioNr
lie, de. Moe—
north of Central
Standard Bank.
ouvayanee, ,Notary Pub-
in,,tone's ',lock, 1 door
oLe Soho! tor for the
iur G. OA ERON,
• (Forme " (11119 von, Holt Ss
Cam arena Barrie and Soile.ror, Gederieb,
Out. Oillee—Ha 8t., opposite 001
boruo Hotel.
_Lc • Solicitor, 1 Oonveytweer. Clo111,0^
210110 made. Oinc -Yanstonosi Blocs, Brus-
sels. 21-0111
• SolIolt 710. (late of Darrow &
Proudfoot's Oilit Goderfeh 1011iee over
Dillies es Smith's .01,71,1310077 le.
Money to Lou
A. 1/1:11131011ED 1 • soveral g, Farms 101,
sale and to rout,. .1y terms, Townsbips
of Morris and Gr, l' 8. 80 .APT.Britssels
Cook's C .ton Root Compound
dig used mmthly by over
Safe, effeetual. Ladies ask
t for Cook' ;Gaon Root Com-
as all Mixtures, pills and
rem. Frio', No. 1, 01000
B.:ranger, All per box. No.
Ipt of price and two S.eent
Company Windsor, Out,
gaud reeot.mended by all
J 111 Canado,
7irussels ;.ty
3. A. DEA MAN,
13 minieller Optioian.
10,000 Lodi(
your drum
pound. Take no orli
imitations are den
box No. 2,10 degr
1 or 2, mailed on re
stamps, The Co(
/ and 218
responsible Drum
Wog. 1 and 2 sob
New Advertisements,
Looal—G. E. King.
Looals—T, P. Smith.
00Ming—T. P. Smith.
Looale—ft, Lentherdale.
Loonle—rrof. Dorenwend.
Lords—Walker ch Smith.
Wood eutters—A. Cousley.
Farm for sale—John Grant.
Lon of hair—Prof, Dorenwencl.,
Boars for service—Arthur Smillt.
Easter is over—Jno. Ferguson th Co.
Readynincle olothing—MelfInnon es Co,
ol the Beoluianaland Mounted Police, the
famous regiment that rode with Dr. Jam-
ieson into the Transvaal, and a Christian
aoldier, will give an address on "Missions
in Swabia Africa," in BRUSSELS METH.
SABBATH april 1.7
Major Sohoof will also lecture in the
same place on WEDNESDAY and
April 20 & 21
on "Scenes in Africa," and "The Jamie.
son Raid."
Admission to each lootore, 10 cents.
Greclunte of New York, Philadelphia and
Toronto Optical Colleges will be at
lednesday, April 27th,
early and avail yourself of
his valuable services.
io II� Wrollg
Yon go to a t lot, leave your order, then wait. After a wearying wait you get
your clothes; po apo they 0,1 not fit, or when made up, do not look as you thought
they would when 1 the piece. But if you buy
you are fitted iu r iffy and save from 25 to 50 per cent, of your money. But are
your clothes as g'. cl ? The makers say they are. 18 21107 are wrong we are autho0.
ized by them to i Mad your inoney. Consequently the makers cannot afford to be
wrong. 1,..See 1 Shoroy's Guarantee Card is iu the pooket of every garment.
P 'ices of Men's • Suits :
63.76, 66, $6.60, $G, $7.60, $8, 68.75, 610.
Mon's l3inc (will Serge Snits, special 6 B 75
Black Clay Versted Coat and Vest. 7 50
Boys' two. 314 Suits • 61.25, 61.50, 61.75, $2.50 3 00
Boys' (ahnmolts) three-piece Suits $2.75, $8.50 4 00
Linen Soh 1 Salta for Boys 61.35 1 50
The Loss of the Hair
to a lady 01 gentlemen is a
great thliction.
11,3%.1\1 WE%
Naho we be at the
with all kinds of , 4 Hair Goode, hag demouatrated to over a hundred thousand
persons that the u
to their healthco
designs to his 11717
headedness or thc
Wigs, Bangs, Wa
paetly 00 wholly I
improve their kar
and other head tr
restoration of the departed looks is pre.eminently essential
fort and good looks. Of late he hag added many new styleb and
collection and ie now in a position to suit every ease of bold.
heht, Every lady should see his new and artistio fealtion ha.
and Plain Fuontpinee, Switches, &o, ' Gentlemen who rtro
ohould not miss the opportunity of awing what he can do to
%ranee and acid comfort and protect them against colde, catarrh
bios, due to lack of protecting hide. Toupees and Wige 0.00 0)31710
feenorweight. Detection by closest observer is impossible.
Why delay—Seouro the benefits now—You will be thankful
Wet on. If it is nob oonvenioub to mune to Hotel, send
tarns and address and he will cell at rosidonee, .411 trans.
notions strictly confidential.
Remember at American Hotel, Brussels,
on TueSday, April `2,6th.
Cut hair taken in oxelxange, or cash
paid for it.
In Ill 0"1119 1e.
Mrs. Pugh, of Clinton, le slotting her
ohildreu of this place.
Chester Pugh le spending Ilia Paster
holidays at his uncle's in Brunie.
Min awn. NM, who has been visit.
i1114 Mint 011ie Scott, returned home on
The child of A. rettersou fell into
kettle of' lye and got burned pretty belly,
11 )3 getting better.
Our flax mill will shot clown In a few
dam as they are nearly done. The
company have seed of firat 0)3608 quality
ready for sowing.
Air. Clegg, of Gorrie, i doing the stone
work for J. NVasman's new house. Pugh
& Jenkins have the shone work for
Brinker's new residence. Them build•
ings will be shoved ahead as fast 40 1100.
Wta I teams.
It is mid only ono hotel will likely
have Became for the coming year.
This week Mehra. Smith & Son have
put a new shingle roof on their store and
A new fence ia being built in front of
Alex. McKenzie's house, opposite the
cheese factory.
Our new oheese maker, Mr. Green, and
his wife have moved to this village from
Brussels. We bid them welcome,
Wm. Pollard has moved across to his
other farm and Mr. Barrows, who has
Wetted the homestead, has taken pones.
Rev. Mr. Tiffin preached an Easter
sermon hut Sabbath and the choir
rendered musio appropriate to the rm.
Old Mrs. Glendenning is seriously ill
al the residence of TI100. Dennison, Mo.
Killop. She is over 80 years of age, we
Robt. Fraser is home from Toronto and
is conaideably improved in health but
not by any means restored yet. NVe
hope the improvement will continue.
10 the pathmasters would have the
rough stone raked off the streets the
bicycle riders and travelling publio would
move them a vote of blie ohs. The stones
are a, positive injury to the road anyhow.
Preparations are tinder way for a 11 001 -
her of noticeable improvements at the
Illethodiet (thumb, viz., a new roof, new
chimneys, interior walla and oiling
papered, &o. These will pot this place
of worship into a very comfortable and
Meanly condition.
Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Watkins, of
London, preaohed in St. George's church
and administered the sacrament of the
Lord'a Supper. 13.2 the Vestry meeting
on Easter Monday Wm, Smith was re.
Oersted Minister's warden and Ino. Bol-
ger People's warden.
Marx. ROOMS.—The following are the
milk routes of the Walton cheese faotory
for the ooming season :-14th con. of
Grey, Jas. Calder ; Dith con. of Grey, 0,
Turnbull ; 17th oon. of Grey, Mr, John-
ston 6 12811 con. of MoKillop mad Bonne!.
ary East, J. Robertson ; 14th 0011. of
Mullillop East, Mr. Easton •, 14th con. of
MoKillop end Boundary West, D. Mo.
Laughlin ; 10th & lath oons. of MoKil-
lop West, A. Wayett ; 7211 th 8th eons. of
Morris, P. Jackson ; 9111 eon. of &lords,
J. Carter,
Township Council met here last Satin:.
TheLindsay family arrived here last
Mise Edith Walker was visiting at
Mrs. Wm. Spence visited her brother
in Georgetown.
Miss McKay, of Brussels, is the guest
of elm Dnvies.
D. Sproat and *He, of Belerave, spent
Sunday in our village,
H. F. McAllister returned from Mont-
real on Tuesday of this week.
Mr. Freeman, of Seuforth, now has
obarge of our grist and flour mill.
Mit. Soo. Fraser spent Easter at Stmt.
ford. John kept batch in her absence.
Blies 111, Rupp returned last week from
Trout Oreok where she spent the Whiter.
Wm. Cook had the stable moved from
his uppee..Pob to the rear of the lot upon
which he livee. J. W. Fogel did the
On Sunday evening of last week Rev.
J. Walker delivered a Temperanoe ad-
dress. The service last Sunday evening
related to Baster.
Mrs, O. Baynard was called to St,
Mnrys this week to attend the funeral of
her father, Thos. Armstrong, who died on
Bond,ey at the loge of 84 years.
D. Hilloolc left last week to team charge
of the Nieholeton mille, near Arnett:tn.
Dave. will be moll missed here espeoially
by the ladies with whom bo was a great
Rev. Mr. Stewart was writing last Week
on hie 13. D. morn, in the third year, on
Theology. He wag allowed to write here,
the papers being sent to Bev. Mr. Wal-
ker who soled as peesicling examiner.
Mr. Stewart is 700(07700 young man and
is well liked by everybody.
A young business man of am village
strayed %Way one Sunday evening nob
long ago and after wandering in an
Easterly direction for some tittle he was
plotted up by a good Samaritan, who
happened to be pnasing thet way, and
brought safely to his home again.
Among the visitors to our village for
tha Easter attention ave notind the fol.
lowing :—M. and D. Welker, of Clinten
IL Elias, of St. Thelma ; Misses May-
nard and ?moon, of Toronto Normal
aellool ; Miss Milne, Molesworth ; Mre.
R, Dove, of Barrie ; J. W, Niehol,Galb ;.
Lily Terry Molesworth ; Miss Hems.
worth, Milli:ink,
On Sabbath evening nexe, 17th inst.,
Gustav Haney &hoof, 7177.3210301 of the
Beratuannland Mounted Police, of African,
Will give on addroae in the Methodist
(Murcia here, He will deliver a leoture
in the same ohnecth on Monday evening
and in the Whilfield eh moll on Tuesday
evening. Ma eubjeeto are said to be very
interesting and well worth hearing.
Early on Wednesday morning of this
week the hardware Monet John Hansuld
was brolten into and ten good %%ottani
and several valuable ohains wore atolen.
The thief gained entrance by tying up the
!Mob with a cord and then springing the
doors in by means of a. steel bar.
W. F. X. — The Easter meeting
under the Rasping of the W. P. U. S.
3?W1 well attended and was very interest-
ing, Tho Indies of this Soolety are to be
congratulated on the 81100008 of their at-
tempt to entertain the people and 16)00
provide a sum to bo expended on Allssioue
in China. The following program was
carried out : President's address, Mrs.
(Rev.) Walker ; recitation, "A. penny a
week and a prayer," Myrtle Imlay ; ad.
arose, "Buddhism," Rev. Mr. Stewart ;
recitation, "le it nothing to you 0 I ye
Christians," Min Ida Oole ; address,
"Missions," Rev. B. MoRae ; reading,
"The child of a heathen mother," Miss
Raynard ; reeitatione, Lizzie Chambere
and Lily Simpson ; address, "Mission
work," Rev, T. Walker ; reading, "Pray
the Lord to show you bow to give more,"
Mrs. Cole. The collection taken up
amounted to nearly 60.
MO a- ritA.
Miss Ella Aloaraoksn spent a few days
at S. Oaldbiok's this week.
Wm. Bryan has all the material toady
for the erection 00 (110 new bank berg.
During the past week Wm. Format, of
Ettetwool, was visiting ender the parental
Mies Pepper, of Toronto, spent her
RaSber vacation with her brother, on the
Mre. Cruiekshank, was here from To•
ronto for a week visiting relatives on the
8rd line.
Mrs. Laoe and daughter, of Toronto,
spent their Enter holidays with rela-
• tives on the let and 2nd.
D. Errington and family were calling
on old friends on the and last week.
They came to attend the wedding of Mr.
Turvey and Alin E. alustard.
Last Friday morning Isaac Currie and
daughter removed to Algoma, where
they intend reaiding. They went via the
C. P. R. from Wroxeter, and ware ticket.
ed by T. Farrow, of Brussel&
Mrs. Bueh, of Trento'', who was spend.
ing the Easter holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Rattan and other relit,.
tives, let oon., returned to her home on
Tuesday rooming from Broesels.
S. Caldbiok, who has been attending
the Veterinary College at Toronto, has
the congratulations of hie many friends
over his stumese in passing the recent
examinations. He has taken a situation
in Michigan.
70118 1101114 business owned by Messrs.
Gordon ch Wheeler, of Winghttin, has
been sold to A. Morrow, of that towc.
Holakes possession on the let of May.
Mr. Gordon intends studyiug medicine,
and Mr. Wheeler will likely return to
his farm col the 4th line.
A. telegram was received on Monday
from Portage -la -Prairie, Man., by Riand.
S. Armstrong, 4111 line, stating that old
klre. Ingram, his mother•in.lawt, wee
dangerously ill. The old lady is over 80
years of age. It is about 13 years since
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram moved from Mor-
ris to the Prairie Province.
Too ow Drso (8ABBOW9.—A. trial of
disc Mammas, side by side took plane on
the farm of Ross Stubbs, 8th con. elpr.
ris, last Tuesday on tarok:, land,:unplow.
ed, between Mann's disc, of Brookville,
and the Bissell diso of Fergus. A. num-
ber of farmers witnessed the trial. At
the oloee Mr. Stubbs bought the Bissell
as being far superior to theother in
every respect, both in the make of dim
and the work done.
Dion.—On the 80611 of Marob Robert
Willis, of Whitby, died of oanoar of thci
bowels, aged 67 years. His wife, who
survives, is a sister of Robt. Souoh, rIO
this township. Air. 'Willis came from
England when a boy, and ou attaining
manhood, went into sohool teaching,
holding a position in one school for 85
years. In addition to the widow there
are two sons and two daughters. De.
eeaoed had been ill for about a year.
He belonged to the Epinopalian (thumb
and was also an enthusiastic member of
the Masonic. Order.
In last weeks Henn we notice Mao 9th
line correspondent speaks of the familiar
170i0E7 of the 7th line baohelor, and we
think it our duty to speak in behalf of
that gentleman, D. Maxwell, the veteran
and only bachelor we can think of on
that line. He oeneures the 7th line
bachelor with interfering with other's
businese, and failure to keep the Oth
Oornmandment. To this we would say
110 1131710 the 01100 1160 him too tight and
he is endeavoring to kink it off. We wish
him to remember the saying "It is easier
to preaoh than topraotioe," We think a
dose a the medicine he ie prescribing for
the baohelor would not do him any berm.
Lei him first pluok the beam, out of hie
own eye. •
Buincan.—The large bank barn
40x60 feet, with grew shed 80240 feet,
on Ohne. Bartliff's farm, 4611 line, WENS
destroyed by fire about 2.80 o'olook J. 111.
on Monday. Spontaneous oombustion
in a, manure harm alongside of a straw
stack is supposed to have caused the
blaze, whiola soon spread, and fanned by
e. stiff breeze, was beyond control before
people oould get to it. Among the
oontents destroyed were 18 pigs, seed
aria, fanning mill, a cutter, two
pair of bob•sleighs, a quantity of hey,
grain, a wegon and many other [ablates.
Mr, Bertha was mending a fence, and
11)0 1110.0 plowing ab the time the fire 00.
curred. Ernest Buell, who lives on the
adjoining farm, gave the alarm. There
was an insuranee of $1,000 On the barn
iu the Howiolc Mantel, and 6800 on eon.
tenth, The barn wee only completed 0,
few years ego and was one of the largest
in the township,
Witoonm Ber,us.—Ag.ain have the
wedding bells ()Wined in Morris town-
ehip, ,This Mine it waa on the 2nd line
at the Thome 01 21)0 bride, when on Wed.
nesdny evening of lost week about 6
6'0100, Bev. W. 3. Weet, of Bluevale,
tied the matrimonial bow between Will.
Turvey, a well known young farmer, and
Mies Henrietta Mustard, a popular young
(ed), of the woe lino. The bride wore a
hemming costume of white Onehmere
trimmed with lace and rtbbooe, There
were over 100 gueete, Tho wedding
gifts were numerous, useful aad hand.
some, After a sumptuous repast had
beeu done ample justice to a very enjoy.
able evening was spent with games,
manic, genial ehat, dataoing, Mt, Mr. and
Mre. Term left for their new home
about 16 West of the bride'a late
residenoe, where they Het up houselteep.
ing under very favoreble auspiees. They
have the good will and best wishes of a
largo offole of friends among whom is
Tint Pon,
Tocvnahlp Counoil was held last Satur-
Spring work is being advanced with a
Alrs. (Dr.) Rivera, of Crediton, is visit-
ing her father, Woo. Hill.
Alias Addie Rachwell ie visiting her
sister, Mrs. Geo. Sperling.
Rev, Mr. McRae will bake the service
at Bethel ohurob, llth oon., next Sabbath
Ex•Major Scheer, the soldier leoturer
of Affirm, will deliver a leotard in Whit -
field's church on Tueedny evening of next
Mr. McMillan, of Palmerston, was
visiting at James Ferguson's, and Thos.,
Jobo and Jas. Straohan's during the pan
John Oakley and family have removed
to their 100.aore fatm at Cameron village
5 miles from Lindsay. We wish them
good look.
Did yon find your horse and buggy yet
Jack? That was a mean brick ween't
it ? Somebody said if you would look
behind Duke's school house you might
find your buggy.
One of the bones in Mrs. Ball'e wrist
was broken in the fall she had recently.
She was considerably shaken up as well,
but we hope she will soon be telly meter-
ed to her usual good health.
Miss Ginnie Smith, 7011 con., whose
health is anything but satisfactory of
late, has gone on a. holiday visit to rela-
tives at Ottlaawa and other pointe East.
We wish her a speedy recovery.
A. W. Wynn, a well-known and olever
young teaoher, ie taking a 6 months'
term at the Oanada Business College,
Chatham. We wish him snooese ani
hope he will have an enjoyable time,
Robt. Ferguson, more familiarly
known as "Bob." will play with the
Soots Foot Ball team in Toronto this
season. This club may have bigger men
in their ranks but they won't have any
who will work harder for victory and do
his share to Bemire it than "our Bob."
The trusbeee of 8, 8. No. 8 have en-
gaged Bliss Isabella Simpeon, of Mail -
lop, as teacher for the balance of the year
at 6150. There were 28 applicants and
the aalariee for 0 months ranged from
6130 to $200. Quite a number of the
applications wore from teat:there holding
and-olass professional oertificattes.
N07, AN M. D.—Thoe. A. MoLeonan,
formerly a well.known stone mason in
the townships of Grey and Morrie,
has just paned his final examination 10
medicine in Toronto. He hes taken
from Trinity 'University the degrees of
M. D„ 0. M., end from Trinity Medinal
College F. T., M. 0. Honore were taken
in both examinatione. We anticipate a
bright foture for Dr. MoLennan, for we
know that one able to pass the high
standard of the preaent examinations so
creditably and in such rapid succession
as the Dr. has done will make a enemas-
ful and trusted practitioner.
Last Tuesday evening a deputation in
behalf of Bethel Sabbath school waited
on Mrs. Dunoan BloKay, 16111 oon., and
presented her with a beautiful reeking
ohair and stand, acoompanied by the fol-
lowing address :-1)0,1B THA047311 AND
Fetzer/ NVomme,—We take this oppor-
tunity of presenting you with this chair
and stand in behalf of the Bethel Sob.
bath sohool as a slight token of the
esteem in which you are held by both
scholars and teachers It ie our ainoere
wish that yon may be long spared to
labor in oar midst, and as in the past, by
precept and example bring others to the
Master. Our wish for your future is that
it may be flags with heaven's choicest
bleasings. Signed in behalf of the sohool,
Muse Drama 8PEIRA18,
Mae. Tnos. Wira,imrsols.
A suitable reply was made by the recipi-
People We Talk About.
.Mro. Andersson ie on the sink list.
Moses Doll is ill with inflammation.
Miss Downey was visiting ab Liatoweh
Miss Lizzie Ross Restored at Khmer.
J. Watson, of Listowel, was in town on
Miss Annie Ross spent Good Friday in
Dr. Davidson was visiting at Toronto
and looality,
C. ()doh, of Seaforth, le viaiting W. A.
Crich Brussels.
R. Woolsey was in Toronto for the
Baster holidays.
George Leckie, of Wroxeter, spent Sun-
day in Brunelle.
Duncan Stewart, of Wingham, was
home for Motor,
Leatherdale, of Seeforth, Sun.
cleated in Brussele.
End. McCracken was ltdd 1113 for a few
claya with mumps.
Miss Ada Mmnprioe visited old friends
in Winglutm this week.
L 0. Richords wee in Toronto this
week on a business trip.
Min Fannie Featherston, of Itlonkton,
ie visiting at 4. Feeble's,
Mrs. Harris was visiting at Atwood
thio week with old feiencle.
Miss Geoegie Rosa is spending the
Laster holidays in Wingbarn.
T. Fletcher will leave Saturday on a
business trip to New Bronewiolc,
Wesley Walker ate hie Easter ogee
With relatives in the Queen City.
Prinoipal Cameron spent hie Enter
holidays at Imoknow and locality,
Min Clara M00)3101= has taken a
peeittion in TorOnto, going there ou Good
W. R. Stratton, 0,70. R. engineer, of
Sohrieber, is hare 011 30 Malone visit.
John Reid and Rob. Moaned= were
holidaying for a few days et Toronto.
The little daughter of 70red. AlaCraoken
hoe been seriously ill but le improving.
Mines Hillespie and Mary, of Soa.
forth, were visiting in Bruesels this week.
Miss Myrtle Non is home for her
Enter vacation from Fergus Collegiate.
Mrs, W. IL Kerr opent a few days in
Stratford Mile melt visiting Aire. A. M.
Geo. Fulton'a former resident, was
here last weelt on a holiday visit from
Mrs. Daus, of Stratford, was visiting
hilae Whelan and other old friends in
13 runlets.
Misses Mary Ross and Lottie Konig
were visiting the Misses Patlend at
Blue vale.
Ghee. Sager will remove hie family bo
Galt where he has a permanent position
as maohinist.
Ira Gerry and Frank Smith are holi-
daying in town. They are students at
Seaforth Collegiate.
Dan. AfeCormick, of Goderioh, a former
Brasselite, was in town during the past
week on a business trip.
Reuben Ffindes, of the Listowel Stand•
and staff, spent a few days iu Brussele
renewing old friendships.
Aroh. K. Kay, of Stratford, is favor -
tog the Editor of Too Pon with hie
oornpany for a few weeks.
Miss Edith Walker, of Ethel, was
visiting at Viotoria Oottage for a few
days during the past week.
Mrs. W. F. Stewart was viaiting at
Woodstook daring the Easter holidays
returning on Tuesday evening.
A. M. Malley and wife enjoyed a holi-
day visit with Thos. Rose and wife at
Ohesley during the past week.
Prinoipal Cameron attended the 87th
annual meeting of the Ednoetional As.
sedation at Toronto this week.
Mrs. Blain, of Waehago, enjoyed the
Easter holidays with Aire. A. Cousley
and thelMisses Sample, her sisters.
Mr. Rattan left on Thursday morning
on a proepecting trip to the West on a
look out for a good business opening.
Mr. and Miss McDonald, of Wawanosh,
were the guests of Misses Maggie and
Minnie McNaughton daring the past
Mrs. John MoBain and son intend
leaving town in a few days for Bay Gay,
Michigan, where Mr. AloBain has a posi-
tion as ontter.
George Rogers, jr., is able to get shoat
again and is now patting in 0 half day's
work eaoh day at his position in G. A.
Deadman's drug store.
Mre. 3.21'. Stewart, of Toronto, who
waa visiting relatives and old friends in
and around Brussels, returned to the
Queen's city on Saturday.
Airs. Green and ohildren, of Platteville,
and Mrs. Howell and daughter, of Baden,
were the guests of Mrs. S.T. Plum, Flora
street, during the past week.
Mies Millie Smyth, daughter of Rev.
W. Smyth, formerly of Brussels, has
gone to Hamilton hospital, where she
goes into trniniug as a nurse.
13, T. and Mrs. Norden left Brownie for
Kingston on Wednesday morning. They
visited att Toronto for a few dave before
proceeding to their home at the Lime-
stone city.
F. S. Scott spent a few days in Grey
County where he went to vieit hie unole,
A. MoDougall, who is in poor health.
Mrs. D. Scott, who had been visiting her
brother„eame baok with Mr. Scott,
Mre. Richard Treleaven, 74 years of
age, died at her home in Dungannon last
week of paralysis. Deceased leaves
eight sons and two daughters. A. E.
Treleaven, formerly of this place is a son
of decteased.
Miss Jo. Roes has taken a position in J.
Ferguson & Oo's. store. She will have
charge of the books and also assist be.
hind. the counter. Miss Ross holds a
diffitnna for book keeping from the
Canada Business College.
The charge against Rev. G. F. Salton,
01 82. Thotnas, of mingling with the pub -
00 while his children were ill with searlet
fever, has been dismissed. The magia.
trate held that the charge was not proven
and oould not be sustained under the
Mre. Jno. Ritchie and daughter left on
Wednesday for Mount Forest where they
visit for 0, few days before they, with
Mr. Ritohie, will prooeed to Rat Portage
where they intend making their home.
Will. and Dan. Stewart, brothers of Mrs.
Ritchie, are residents of Rat Portage.
John MoNaughtoo, D. D. S., left on
Monday for Pueblo, Col., where he
purposes following hie profession as a
dentist. Some people have confounded
M. MoNaoghton with Dr. J. A. Mo-
Na.ughton, and reported that the Dr. was
removing from Brunette. He has no
such notion.
Service in the R. 0. church next Bab.
bath morning.
Lieut. Mumford, of Watford, hag been
appointed to assist in leading the troops
in connection with Brussels corps of the
Salvation Army.
At the 0.15. meeting in Melville church
last Sabbath evening, paper prepared by
T. A. Hawking on "Conquering the fear
of death" watt, in the abstenae of the
writer, read by T. A. EfoLatiohlim It
was a clear and instruotive presentation
of the teaching of the Bible, the Shorter
Catechism and the Pilgrinn'e Progress on
the topic with Whitt') it dealt.
Large congregations assembled in St.
John'a church loot Sabbath to hear Rev,
Provost Watitina, of Western 'University,
Loudon. The morning sermon was based
irrt1 rleiyri.,.---ai:opiottsbotithrtroodeisittuthtrileestcriotiogb. ireei t 80 ha lot cli n e
on a few Yarns of the 113611 chapter of St. The eleotio0 in Wed Prince, to All the
Mark, and in the evening an Easter die- vacancy in the Commons caused by the
mune was given oil the text "If ye then death of 13. P. Per in a me.
be rides]. with Christ, seek those things Parity of over 1 0 MaLellan,
whiell are aboVe.'' The reverend gentle- Liberal, over M H ervative.
man it a good preaoher. He administer. It will be of n men bo
ed the saoramout at the olose of the know that cattail 4 e 111 !HIM.),
morning service, The church was neatly ing at a great rate bOr Od of
decorated with Rowers. Ilaster music Chatham, whet% t e b to
was well rendered by the °hair. Rev, always to be found e G
Mr, Abey, inountbent, assisted at both Warden ia taking mending bo proteetithe
Moslem. birds during the breeding mann,
Rev. Wm. Lowe, ot Wingharn, has
been invited to preach the anniversary
aermon to Brume's' Odd Fellowe and
visiting brethren at St.;ohb's church on
Sunday, 24218 inst., ab 11 o'eloek ao 111.
The brethren are asked to meet at the
Lodge room at 10:30 sharp on that morn.
lug from which place they will march to
the chord).
Major Sohoof, will deliver an addrese
in the Methodist church next Sabbath
morning on "Minions in South Africa."
Mr. Soboof will also address the Sunday
School in the afternoon. In the evening
the pastor, Rev. S. J. A.Ilin, Nadi proud'
the third diseourse from the Parable of
the Prodigal Son, "The Prodigal'e
Next Sabbath morning Ex Sergt,
Major G. H. Sohoof, of the Beohnanland
Mounted Polioe, the famous regiment
that rode with Dr. Jamieson into the•
Transvaal, will deliver an addrees in the
Methodist ohuroh on "Misssionary work
in Africa." He will lecture in the same
ohuroh on Wednesday and Thuroday
evenings of next week, Mb and 91st
insta. He hes a large oolleation of
curios, from the dark Continent.
VBSTILY AIBET1110.--B80. Mr. Abey pre-
sided at the annual Vestry meeting of
St. John's church, held last Monday
evening. A earplug of about $40,00 was
reported by the auditors after all financial
obligations were met for the year, which
is a very pleasant order of affairs, and
worthy of note in any eongregation. Trio.
Cardiff was elected People'e Warden ;
W. P. Vanstone, Minister's Warden ;
Thos. Maxwell, Treasnrer ; and T. A.
MoNaoghton, M.D., Vestry Clerk. Thos.
Kelly was chosen representative to Synod.
$512 was reported to be in the hands of
the Guild toward the new Rectory fund
and the eubjeot of building was dieoussed
and will probably eventuate in the ereo.
tion of a, rectory this season on the lot
adjoining the ohuroh. Miss Eastman,
organist, was paid 610.00 as a recognition
of her services during the put year.
St. Tohn'a ohuroh and incumbent is to be
congratulated on the entisfactory condi.
tion of financial and church affairs gen-
"What thou seen, write in a book, and
send it unto the seven churches." Rev.
1 ; 11, was Rev, Mr. Roes' text last Sab-
bath morning, this being the thirtieth
and concluding discourse on the "Pil-
grim's Progress," giving an estimate of
its religions importance. It is a book of
the highest, value because it ie—(1) Re-
plete with Scriptural Iaetruotion, being
full of the dootrines, invitations, promises
and warnings of the Bible ; (2) Bich in
Christian Experience, presenting its di.
vane types, varying =ode and essential
progressiveness ; (9) Vital with Spirituel
Influence—an lotluence 211312 10 intensive
or strong, persuading to.a Christian life,
and quiokenitag and confirming in the
Christian life ; extensive or far.reaching,
interesting and affecting young and old,
learned and unlearued, and all Masses
and races, having been translated into 84
different languages ; permanent or en-
during, as, while most books are short-
lived, this simple story of the Bedford
tinker gathers fresh strength and vigor
with the passing years. In the evening
the subject was let Oor, 15 : 12-17, "The
Resurrection of Christ." (1) A. fundamen-
tal fact ; (2) An indubitable faot ; (3) A
signifioant fact; (4) An assuring and
comforting fact. Several hymns were
well rendered by the choir daring the
haslyznakilT.—Last Sabbath was An-
nivereary day in connection with Bros -
eels Methodist Sabbath aohool. At the
morning service the pastor spoke for 15
minutes to the children on the Resurrec-
tion, illustrating his remarks by a pot of
earth, some eeeds, a bottle of perfume
and a silver oup. The sermon was to the
parents and teachers and was band 071
the words ".A. certain man planted a
vineyard, dm.," Mark 16 and 6. After
showing the resemblance between a vine.
yard or garden and the Lord's service the
following divisions were amplified :—(1)
The soil and its perpriration for the geed
sowing ; (2) The development; (8) Frctit
bearing an essential; (4) 21 10 a work of
co-operation with God. In the afternoon
instead of the usual Sabbath &shoot •the
following program was presented :—
Opening exercises concluded by B. Gerry
and Rev. R. Paul ; Welcome chorus ;
recitation, "The child's Easter question,"
Eve, Snider ; duet, "I am Jeans' little
lamb," Bertha and Pearl Sharp ; recita-
tion, "An Easter sermon," Maggie Biel.
by ; Kindergarten song, "Wake up little
Buttercups," by 20 girls and boys ; red-
tation "The dying newsboy," Mee Min-
nie MoNaoghton ; =Me by the orches-
tra and sobool ; reoltation, "The voioe of
Jesus," Mildred Scott ; short address by
Rev. S. J. Allin ; music by the eohool ;
reading, "The ohild martyrs," Mise
Whelan ; olosing exercises. At the even-
ing meeting an Easter Praise service was
given and was exceptionally well ren-
dered, being ea follows Anthem,
"Ohrist onr remover," by choir; hymn,
"Abide with me" ; prayer, by Rev. R.
Paul ; quarette, "Sing a song of joy" by
Mines Ella Ainley Mad Minnie Moore,
Rev, Mr. Allin and N. B. Gerry; Scrip.
tura leseon by Rev. Mr. Norton ; solo,
"Lead us Heavenly Father, lead us," by
Miss Lizzie Sample ; hymn, "Tema lover
of my soul" ; anthem, "Easter hymn" by
the choir; solo, "Thy will be done," by
Mrs, Dam, of Stratford ; address by the
pastor ; solo and chorus, "Calvary," by
Miss Lizzie Sample end choir; hymn,
"Guide me 0 1 Thou Great Jehovah;
Benediction. There were three large
congregations at the seevioas spoken al
&bon and when it ie said that all were
of a suitable and helpful character NVO
7000 well within the mark. There wag a
beautiful display of 'dowers.