HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-4-8, Page 7Arm. 8, 198,
Or, 84. POul 11 netted ; ••0 el Item! vete,
God1iVpt sleeked, 0 *III*$PI%CI 11nee
smooth Tent seen 08 Aliro Seim "-WY.
nr. Talniage on the 1111/ or lontikenev
WitAlli01,N111. 2t10 reli P. -What
falore twelve words or 1114).clis1, to ex -
paves is muumuu( up in theetamoirit tt•rita
"Enema." The hod rine it aignif tee is
one onumiated by all syeiems, but in
ita highest perfeetiott in the Christian
Scripturea. One of eareittges of the
latter Rev. Dr. Talmage. ehom es his
text to day, and lie preached a most
powerful. &legion 1.here011. IjItt text was:
Mettheiv ii., 2 " With what pleasure
you melte tb 011411 be measured to yuu
again." He sold: s
In the greeitest semen ever preathed
-a, sermon about/ 10 minutes long a11 -
cording to the ordinary rate al soireth
-a Ammon on the Mount of Olives,
the preacher sitting w bile be erolce, ac.
cording te tbki ancieet mode of ora-
inrY, the people; were given to under-
stand that Lhe same yarestielc that they
emplpyed upon others ivuuld he em-
ployod upon thentitelves. Measure oth-
ers by a harmh ride, and you. Will he
measured by 11 harsh rule. Measure
others by it charitable rule, and you
will be measured. by a charitable rule,
Glee no meetly to others, and no mercy
will lie given to you. " With weat
measture yea mole, It shall be measur-
ed to you again,"
• There is a greah deal of tuarairnems in
oriticism in human conduct, IL was to
smite that unfairness that Christ ut-
tered the uorde Or the text, and. my
eeemon will be s re -cello of the .divine
sentiment. In estimating the misbe-
havior of others, -we must take into
consideration the pressure of olivine -
stances. 11. itt never right to do wrong,
but there are degrees of culpability.
When men misbehave or commit some
atrovious 14 iuktidness, we are disposed
indiseriminotely to tumble them all
over the bank of condemnation. Suf-
fer they ought, and suffer they must,
but in a differenue of degree.
In the first plate, in ostImating the
misdoing et (Allure, we must take Into
rale alai 'on the h e red i tory tendency.
There is such a thing as good blood,
1141(1 there 11 Bluth a tbing as had blood.
There are families that have. had a mor-
al t West in them for a hundred years
batik, They lave 1101 been careful to
keep the family reseed ia that regard.
There have been esatipadee and intotratl-
ings and scoundrelisme and moral de-
tisits alt the waybath, whether you
sal/ it kleptomania or pyromania or
dipeomaatia or whether it he a milder
form and =aunt to no mania al all.
The strong. proba.bility is that the pre-
sent crinilual Marled life w ith nerve,
muscle and bone contaminated. .13.5 00010
start life with a natural tendeney to
oohility and generosity and kindnes8
and truthfulness, then; are others who
start life withjust the opposite tend -
011(1 they/ are born liars or born
inaleuntente or bbrn outlaws or born
There ie tie England 00(11001 that is
called Lite Prineees Itittry .,111
the children in (het school are the
children of convicts, The school is en-
der high patronege, 1 had the pleas-
ure of being present at ene of their
anniversaries, 'vesicle(' omr by the
Earl of Klatt:ore, By 5 WiSt1 lam- in
/Inland after parent% have commit ted
Id. certain number, of oeinaes 'Ind Move-
abow.n themselves incompetent
rightly to hring• up their children the
ones are taken from under 181111-
( '1(1110 influenees and pet 111 retort/ut-
ters, schools, where all graeious ttild
kindly influenees shall be broughl up-
on them. Of COUreei the experiment is
young, and it has got to be d8111011 -
grated bow large a pereentage of the
thildren of convicts terns., be la'aught up
to respectability and usefulness. But
we all know that it, is inure cliffietet
for children of lad parentage to do
right than for children of gots! ;tar-
Dr. Harris, a reformer, gave some
marvelous statistics in his story of a
woman he vatted "Margaret, the moth -
et of tminiinals." Ninety Years ego she
lived In a village in upper NOW York
etate. She was nob only poor, but she
wee vicious. She was not well provid-
. est for, Therewereno almshouses therm
The public, however, etatnewhet looked
after her, but chiefly scoffed ttl. her
and derided her and trashed her fur-
Iher down in her mien+. Thal; was 90
Yeare ago. There bays been 623 per-
mute in thataneestral lie, 200 of thetn
criminals, In one tonna of 1118 1. fain-
tly there were 20, and nine of them.
%nee been 53 state prison, and 08(1 1(3'
all of the others have turned out bad-
ly. 111 ie estimated that. hilat feteily
cost the country end state e1110,000, to
se' nothitag of the property they de-
etroyed. Are you not willing its sen -
ante, 'fair people, to ack.nowiestge that
it is ti 1001101 dimaster to be 110141 10
such all 811m0111bl line? Does it not
make a greet diffeeence whether one
descends from Margaret, the mailer
of' criminals, or from some mother in
Israel ; whether you (tee the Koll of
Ahab or theatoe of Joshua
11 is a very different thing to swim
with the curet/fit from what it is lo
swim agaiest the summit, as some of
you teem 40 dceilit found your 01011-
0184' rem eation. If a man find hint -
Mir 111 an mins1 rel. ouerent where
there is good Mead flowing smoothly
from m01,11110(1 Lo gent•)'ation, it is
1101 0 very .great credit to him. if he
then otit gond and hottest an41 pure
and noble. Ho mulct hardly help it.
God for timir rosette, anti next thatilt
the Lord thist youi hove not been
throen dander the wheels of thet ;fug-
In Greet Tirilatn and in the United
Slalom In /'"0ry 41e11/0851100 there are
tens of (bottom le trf oersons who are,
If i• 1 •-i I I Is anti Meer -
fu, y t ve opi mat
misted, 1 any la every generation.
Then 11 suppose there are tens of thou -
sande of Formes not found out in
tht•ir erimitetlity, In addition it) them
there are 180(4 Ot 1.1101180.1111$
0008 11110 not poi41 lively beemuing 0(1110.
1(14118 nevertholems bave a erimiattl ten-
dency, Any one of all those Ilatmeancle,
by the grace or God, may beeome Chris-
tlens and resist the andestral influ-
ence end open 5 new chapter of be -
heeler, but the vast majority of 11151(1
will not, and it becomes eel men, pro-
fessionel, •unprolleselonal, ministers of
religion, judges ttf tourist, philanthro-
Piste and Christian workers; to reeog-
Mee 114' feet that there are these At-
lantic. and Pattiflo surges of heredity
evil rolling on through the eenturies.
I say, of course, a man eau resisi this
tendeney, just aft in the ancestral line
mentioned the first; chapter of Ilat-
thew, You. see in thdi some Hue in
welch there was a wioked Reholoam
and a desperate Manassee there ar-
terwards name 11 plow, :Josiah and 11
glorious Christ. But, my friends you
lama mon:size the bet that these In -
ft -minces go on from generation to gen-
erotic/re 41 am glad to kpow, however,
that a river whinh has produced noth-
in11 bot nitstsma, for a buttered miles
may after awhile tarn the wheels of
Metories and help support industrious
ana virtuous popuiations, and there are
family tthich were poisoned that
are 0 benediction 11018. At the last
day it will be found out that there
see men teem have gone clear over into
all the forms of iniquity and plunged
into ut ter abandonment, Who, before
they yielded to the first temptation re-
sisted snore evil than many a, man who
lime been morel and upright 'all his
'But SuPPOsling now thee in this age,
when there are so manygeed people,
that come down into this audience
and select the very best man in. it.
I do not mean the mon whO wonld style
hittnself the best; foe probably he is a.
hypocrite, laut 1 mean the man who
before Gott' is really the best. I Will
take you out from all your Christian
suamoundings. I will take you back to
boyhood, 1 will put you in a depraved
home. f will put you in a eradie of
iniquity. Who is bending- over that
cradle ? An intoxicated mother. 14'ho
is Unit se•earing in the next room?
Your father. Ile neighbors come in
to teak and their jokes are -unclean.
There is not in tbe hour* a Bible or
st moral treatise, but only a few scraps
of an old pictorial.
Again, 1 lave to remark that in our
Nurse kris'
The Critical Time of Maternity and the
Methods of a Fa ,,,,, us Nurse to Itestote
the Mother's Strength.
Prom the I?vening News. Detroit, Mich.
No 010011111 is better fitted for nurs-
ing, or has had. more years of practi-
cal, experienee in that work than Mrs.
Moses Morris, of 340Ifourleenth street,
Detroit, Mich. For to enty years she
has been recognizedas the best and
most successful nurse in confinement
cases, and over three hundred happy
mothers eau testify to her slcillful
nursing and care. Always engaged
months ahead, she has hu,d to deoltne
hundreds orpressing and pleading ap-
plioetions for her servires. She bas
made aspecialty of oonfinement cases,
and has made so high a reputation in
thie eity that her engagemeet, In all
oases, is taken as a sere sign et the
mother's speedy recotelry.
Mrs. Morris was a nurse In .Englancl
before she came to America, and. op
waS bel' mother and her mother's
mother before her. When asked once
by a leading physician the secret of
her great sucems in treating mothers
iu confinement cases, she mid she used
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, in such ellSeS, as they build up
the mother more qatekly and surely
than any other medicine she had ever
Mrs. Morris 14115 seen at her pretty
little home on Fourteenth Street, and
wheu asked regarding the use o41 these
pills in her profession, she said: ''l
have used Dr. Williams' PinIcPills fur
Pale People since they were put on the
market, They built 'me up when
MS all run clOwn and so nervous I
could not get any, rest. After they bad
helped irie I began to, use them in re-
storing mothers in confinement came.
There is nothing that can lie. preseribed
or given lia 5 physitdan that -Will give
health and strength to IL metber so
quickly as Dr. Willitons' Pink •Pillm fur
Pale People. .1.1 is true that i41 some
mem M here 1(10 fat her (41 110.001815 were
prejudiced against 11144 101(4111 advertis-
ed Dr. Willitende Pink Pills Mr Pale
People, T. gave them aft "Tonto
Pills," but they all mune out of a Dr.
Williams' Pink Pill box.
"1 have given them in hundreds or
oeses of uonfinemeut to the mothtv,
and it is wonderful bow they build up
the system. I have practieally demon-
strated their great tv.orth many times
and have reeommended theta to hun-
dreds or mothers for their young
deughters. Yes. I have been suecees-
ful in confinement castes, but I must
give Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People e gfeab poet of the credit for
the speedy reeavery of mothers. They
certainly have no equal as a strength, bis hitter meal,
ond health bender. You cen day rap 330111111 Kidney pins are the may mes members, anti that the 0(1411 58 tha
Dile entire scheme is ono of the must
me that 1 strongly advise that Dr, (1101.110 that the people of. this district
Williams. Pink PIM/ foe Pale People WM Wilt Ufor Bright's Disease, Diabetes, glaring mpositions 01411' attempted on
any eommunity we hare printed over
let kept and. tieed in every house." . Dropsy, Ithentantism, Lumbago, Pare -
Them two worth( eimplissize a Untie*.
y and int iretre a remedy.
SPRING -the seamen when the blood is
most impure as a reeult of the win-
ter's Moser mafinement, higher liv-
ing, ;slower action or the leitneys
and liver; when humors of all kinds,
boils. pimplen end eruptions are
Most liable to appear; when, the
week, languid condition of the whole
bodily etrutsture demands and wel-
cows help.
MEDICINE -that to which the millions
turn at the/ mason -Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla. Ile original and only prep-
aration espeoially adapted to the
present neede of the huroan family 1
that whiell mattes the blood pure and
Mean, as shown by its thousands of
wonderful oures of dreadful blood
diseases; 'mettles an appetite and
cures dyspepsiti, as shown by its
"magic touch" In all stomach trou-
bles; ateadies and strengthens the
nerves, tts proved- by people for-
merly nervous, now calin and self-
possessed, thanks to
0aty those who have been relieved
of great sufferiug can fully eppreeloto
the gratitude with which tbe testi-
monials overflow written in revue of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Just road this:
"C. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,:
"Deer Sirs: -A. f ew years ago I ryas
taken with faintieg fita width the doc-
tor sald was due to heart failure.
was troubled with sleeplessness and
had that dreadful tired feeling.
tried quite a number rentedies, but
the relief Wari ouly for it Meat time
and after eensing to take the natelicine
1: MIL worse. I did not have any ap-
petite and wbat little 1 clid eat dis-
trelond mn very At last got
a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it
Old wooden/ for 1110. 'filet tired feel-
ing has left me and
after a short time. I was then
able to eat regularly and heartily.
Hood's Sarsepa ril la built up my whole
eyetera, aud 1 am now able to work
bard., US well ae sleep soundly. I shall
always praise Hood's Sarsaparilla."
Mrs, A. E. Buxton, 24 Cumming street:,
Toronto, Ont.
"Ildy whole system was run down. I
was 80 tveak I could scarcely get
around to do my work. I finally began
to lake Hood's Sarsaparillas and after
tieing five bottles I found that my
strength bad returned and my appetite
was very mueb. better. In fact, I now
feel as strong as ever." Mrs. Kelley,
9 Wellington Mettle, Toronto Ont.,
Canada'a Greatest Medicine, becmuse it oures when ail others fail. Be sure to get 11(roces.
estemation the misdoing of people -who 3 3
have fallen from. high respeetability
50,11 lIclerulnerts we must take into con-
sideration the conjunction of termini-
-man who goes astray does not
starves, rn nine cases out of ten . NOTICE TO CANADIAN INVESTORS.
During the pen menthe we Savo received numerous
tend any positive wrong. He has trumt
inveetmen L. He says: "Now, if seasielesta nut ask as Berne Inestiene, we berate.
omo BIB* C
1. Panda. tie risks 1,art of these funds Ts4VVettitirsliftlmatt14.qrtildrIP'Zillitil'1%”.k''
in 44411
sbould lose (het investment 1 have of tsISe irul1,1g1a446411:1101;e414(ey".4je1Onnii-ltlr11)10
0841 01111 property five tittles as much, 4011e1118. q,A. I atin'ernerits utado tIl uur0lottet publish-
ed below, we herewith 'tonere,
and ir this investment should go wrong ,
1 emeld easily make it up, could!
"Messrs, Lawson, Waddenfeld & Co. -
five times make il up." \VIM). that I
\toeing reasoning he goes on and lattices I cke.tlethoe:
We have closely followed your severe
the investment, and it does not turn I
oat (mom -,v-61.1 expeetme Red. anthek the Dominion COOL COOpOra-
he lionises another investment, end! Um', and Ilava' lins.erapdoseYalar. InPaaantiPZI;leeeteinl;
strong -A to say at the same time all mesd for that
you. for the purpom of aeourIng Purth-
lis other erfaire get eatangled, and
• er information on this subjeet whirh,
IL 1.10 0(1181 • if you Orel by. answering those of
hands aro Lied. Now be wants to ex- B-Tbe online stet:a ot tin Massie/1ms-
tricate himself. He pee a mete tut: met questions which you may deem pro -
tete Pipe Line Gas Company ha$ just
Pee to ask, WO will be thankful, for
ther on in the wrong investment, He one b,.ersn deelered by the Board of Gas and
we have been strongly urged by
40(885 a plunge further ahead, for he Eleetria, Light Commissioners of IAA I.C418 of aux bank to lesued, and the At-
witets to save his wire and children, he
eid in palming the coal sharen, both sathusetts meg
wants to save his home. he 'wattle to torney-Geuerat of Massachuset Is has
preference and ordinary, with the M-
eath his membership in the (Murcia He announced that be will proceed against
vesting. clients of aux firra, and we
takes one inore plunge, and all Is lost. the pith:ors and directors who issued
Some morning at 10 Melee& the tank 1 it. This ;let is punishable by fine end
have hut 84.81hrallee that the enter -
'vise is a. laudable ones anit one that
Pipe Line Gas -New England Gas &
Coke Company seheme is a glaring im-
position on the investing and gas con-
suming public.
2. -The common shares of the Domin-
ion Coal Company, of which there are
over fifteen minion dollars, are not)
worth a dollar a ahem more than the
price for which they were originally
sold, namely, nothing.
13 -The Dominion Coal Compauy is
not. earning any dividend on its stook.
4 -The Dominion Coal Pompe.ny does
not own tiny gam companies in Bos-
5 -The Muesachusetts Pine Line (las
Cotemanry consists of nothing but a
worthless charter proeured from the
lelitiseashusetts legialature or 18913 by
meene that ere now being Inyestigated
by the authorities 'of Massachusetts,
door is not °petted, and there is a eard tent ive all the purobasere of the belgisooraelet•
7 --The amino:it between the Domini-
on Coal Company and the Massachus-
etts Pipe Line Canto -any is worth no-
11-1She New England Gas & Coke
Company is a scheme geeten tip 'blithe
purpose of floating Ve 0-0,000 of mortis, -
less secarities on the putlie. and its
est aet teas to borrow front a New
York trust compaey for eight months
318.000,000. whiob, with the talaace of
its 385,000,000 of emelt:it it immediately;
pald out to inelders for property not
worth e7,000,000, thereby miming it-
self to be bankrupt and making its
guarantee worthless.
9 -The reason the effort is being
made to float el5,030.00 of stock be
Clanade Ls: The stook (Jost the promote
era who created It nothing. Por years
desperate etforts have teen made to
float it on the inveet Ing pu.blle or New
England. 'Do that end trickery tmd.
nasselpulation have been employed, but
without avail. Investors and spec-
ulatois tbe United Stalea have re-
fused to have anything to do %vitt it.
Some months ago when it wits she
seautely unsalable and its nominal
price $5 per share, broke -es were em-
ployed to give it, the al/emirate:0 of
great activity on the tiostoe Stogie Ex-,
(hangs. Thie was ate by bee broker
selling quantities to another in league
with him. By this mecum the prise 1(0.1
bid, wo to from 520 to $25 per • ehare,
end ih d'ow held therehy tem time
Means, and whenever genuine orders
from Canadien investors are worked up
Canada stoek Ls pusellased from
the ineiders through the medium of
the Boston Stock Exehange at a ficti-
tious price.
The dolly sales on the Benton Steck
Exchange are, with the eaception of
the Canadian orders and on a rare oe,
melon a genaine 1.1nited States order,
fietitions, We advise pet strongly not
to allote your clients to invest in this
worthlees stook, for as soon as your
Canadian invekors. becoming tired of
holdieg it. end vital lug for the tuisrep-
resentetlens that have been made to
be fulfilled, attempt to sell, the &p-
revent market price of 820 WII I dis-
appear and they trail lose their invest-
ment. If you hove doubt of the 008-
reoteess of our .deduetions, 00.11114 or
3‘.ail to Beaton and invesligation am-
ongst our reputable I/tinkers and brok-
ers and banks -will show you that all
who invest iu Mite vvort bless stook will
love the amount invested.
111 elosiug W011111 Van your at-
tenlion to that portion of our first
1 oak, " Boston (1 art and Dominion Coal,"
tin the door signed by an armee of
shares large profits with lett very
the bank, indicating there le trouble, .
small riak of loss. Our lank °Metal
and the name of the defaulter or the guarantees ue that he lias strong as-
thsfrautier beetle the newspaper esalume .
eurpmca$ of eorne of the leading Oman-
' -'--- ft dem of ate United. States, thet the
and hundreds of num say, ' 1 m ela
he's found out at last," Hundreds of
; 'cdal. corporation: let pnrehased ell the
'her 'sea saY ''14.51' as 1' t"Ld Y,"s'' ' 4as companies of Boaton. Mass., and
Huudreds of other men suy,
couldn't possibly have been tempted to .
'We b.ave made firm contravts for a loeg
do tbat-no conjunction of cirount- •term of Smosses with the Messes:hum-He
Menem multi. have overt/It:owe mee, Ripe Gael Company, a very theme, dX.-
illti 1110104 IS 0 superabundance of in- treniely maid and wealthy compelly,
dignation, but no pity. The heavens fend that by this contract the coat mem
full of lightning, but not one drop of poration still be guaranteed left@ di -
dew. If God treated us as societ41. vidends on all classes of shares for a
tromis that Mil 11. we would all have . long term of realm, and that these 80/1 -
been in hell long ago, tracte have beat firmly guaranteed by
Well. for the alleviating cirettinstanc- lthe New England Gas & Coke Com-
es. Perhaps he may have been the dupe paw, a company tvith, a paid iu capt-
or Mhos. Before sont let all the tda,1 of 105,00,000. The questions we
hounds oat from. their kennel to nut ul aele you to favor us with answers to,
entl, tear that man, find out if he hns
not been broug-ht. up in a tmeamereittl ' tioDnossawnift'aestife'gs'aehjetv(irseel 40;19B`Tri_
est 011 ishment where 1 here 18118 11 wrong sea v
system. of ethics taught ; find out '''''
whether Gott man has not an extrave, , Has not the Cowl Cerporation emter-
gout wife who ie not matisfied with ed ipso a contraot tvith the Massa,
his honest earuings nod in the tempos , ehosetts Pipe Gan Corapany 7
tion to please her he has gone into 1 Witl. Rot this give permanently lerge
fallen, and 13y the same temptation, difsvidennodat the Antall ssLatuasheatriatr Pille Gan
thet ruin into M 10.011 811011511 men have I
to make a procession of malty mulls, i 10=1/any a responsible company?
Perhaps some sudden sickness may have is not this gontraot guaranteed by
touched his brain and his judgment! .1patheayN, eavnva Eisn gni!: dtilis Gase0 pl&patk; IC, oeaml:
may be unbalanced. He is tvrong, he i
is awfully wroeg, and lie must he cum 1 gmes
thy corporation Whom guarantee is
(Winne& but there may be mitigating
circumete nets. Perhaps under the 1 We repeat if you will ansetet the
above questions we will consider our-
45Sle tem1"1-ise- Yea leight l'sve fallen.' selves In your debt, as we do nob wish
The reason some men do not steal _so
5200,000 is because they do not get a put our clients Into any Itaxerdous
elmuce. Have righteous indignatioe investraent, and we are led Lo believe
you meet about thel. MO WS centime I frs44 a 4t4111Y of your pamphlets that
but temper it With mercy. you not only consider this coal en-
Bul, you my, "I mu sorry that the terprise extremely hazardous but li ttle
less than a swindle, whiell we cannot. re-
concile with the respectabitity of its
Bp0O2OOTS. ARain, 0011 you not give ea
e reason tor the effort thee is being
monde to float these shares amongst
the intestors of Canada, when as WO
Sire assured they are ill strong demand
in the American stook exchange. Yours
Over the Recovery of Mt'. JalneS
Padden Of Mt FOreet
Ills 0005 was a 800000 Ono of Kidney Moan -
Dodd% loamy mils owed iten thorough -
atm Eden People hey on Dodd's
Kidney P1110 and Thole Flaith
Glen Id -dem -The report of the recov-
ere of Mr. Munes Paddeo, Mt, For-
est, from a, severe attack of 'Kidney
Disease by the use or Dodd's Kidney
Pills has vetoed great rejoicing here,
where Ale 1?asidon is well known.
Mr. Pachlon's eadie was tt very severe
0110. 11. 11 08 Well 111104111 that he WOO 11
toostane sufferer, a rel. be had the syrn-
lottley of all his friends. Conemniently
it gives usifounded ph/mitre to all to
knox that he has at butt conquered
"Deer Sirs:
Your letter received by us, and its
contents noted, and herewith We send
you the information you ask for, First
believe us when 010 say that we hold.
ourselves reedy to answer for any ase
seri:lona made in the book and ?COWS -
paper statements bearing our signa-
ture, also for those contained. in thie
letter, and We are Prepared Lo defend
any (lotion that may le brought against
us in the courts or Canada ae we hare
in United States omits. We ask you
to bear in mind that we do not make
equivocal statements hedged about
with technical avasians thet may leave
leopholes for eseepe from legal re-
spensibility ; that vim are a responsi-
ble blinking house and stock -exchange
All the elements necesena'y to give !Neils. Heart Failure, Urinary Diseases, our eignaturee seores of limes duriug
restore sbettered nerves are contnined of Kidney Disease, Iles, have cured newoPaPers JAY 1..te1-1"11 1911.1
hundreds of (oleos of these eoLOPleinis heed repeated item thobstlects eopiee
in this neighbourhood, end the people ' et 91101P).ileta 41Tid 1gleks; Ana brallY
stated It before the Maemaehusette
have the fullest confidence in the.
nem me sad mom:toss ta the blood aria Blood Impurities and all 01 her f0101.8 the peat four months in the leading
in a condensed form, in Do. I\ Minnie'
Bat auppose born in Mil atleastrtil Pink 1?Ills for Pale 1?eople. They are
11111, in a timeline's line, where the else tt, specifie for 1 roubltim jeweller to
In Pawnees have been imd end there fernales sueh es suppressions, trrogue
has been a corning down over 11 moral
if the men euerendler (he
Enfloenees 11e, •will g0 down under 1 110
overtime 88405 gravi 1 c loll 11 0 I-080 some
eupeenaturel aid be afforded hit. Nove
ewer a, person ..demerves nol your ex-
toriation, but your pity. Do not sit
Wt1I1 LAO Up C11010d In 000On CM With
On armerned ir or angel' limo/Tue,
hooking ti 01% 11 twain KWh morel inert-
pit/than. Yon hest better gtvt down nn
your levee one find, play ttemiglity Mothine Company, Ilrorkville, Unto
larthes end all forms of weakness,
They bead up the blood, tool xestore
the glow of health to pale tend sailing
eheeks. men they effect; a radio/II
cure in all 05900 n.rieing from. mental
sir MI, overwork or set/MOM Of what-
ever. neltere. .Dr. 10111(11 1114' Pink Pine
aro seld in boxed', never in loose bulk;
et ,st mete it hos or six bolos for 92.110,
end may be had of all druggists, or
direel by emit front Dr. Willittme•
&eine. , „ 1 ,ad of (Sae end elleethie Light Com-
miolit'S anti the T,egialat nee of
There IA Alily one way ot during • masmobaseisa. .
Kidney Diseases, Theft is by Miring the ,
f We a.netver youe questions 00 follows:
Kidneys. The only way or doing this 1 -The Dominion Coni-ele,ssaelatsette
is by tieing Dotttlet Kidney Pills, They I
sell: the Kitineyn in proper oonditieti, ..„...„ --......----reao-e--- i.
thus ensui•eng a supply of. mere, tresh
blond and thoroughly healthy ermine.
Nacre Kidney Pills are mold by all
druggists at fifty cents a box, six
110XeS $2,30, or will be seat on reeeint
Of prima by The Dodds Medieine Co., '
Liireited, TOroutfr•
ineoceut should suffer," Vim, 1 not too
-miry for the W11101(8 and orpluote who
lost (heir all by thot defeleatiun. 1 tun
sorry for 010 venerable Mink 1,reeiden1
to whom the eretlit or the bank Wail a
matter of' pride, Yea T ant aort•s; also
, •.
1(11119(0d JO I Mir fty." Perliens mot
may. ilk. 4t,O1P.1 fl ((4' awhile. 1i,..1 has
'I Very good ineirrory, und he eome 1 Mien
iseetinc to may: "rhis men revis ett st ..na
51 Ilk 1)'" 41' and gittalne,s 1)31
811.1 1 1 he l,'1 1+0. so full of lal-
ser ective (1 1211(411441 fintor,li111,"111
it mleill be oluren now Whether 11e Bad
1 he 150111.1. 10 sl and ." 10111 eon Sea re
p',/ by. The is beel id fort Hee 1 It tits
several 1 Ines, end p....11 ate in it erirdm
hat you never MI/ lit hove 11111 1,111O 1- .."."""
1"111,1111.t::.i.; ts1111ilit 1,1 81114, n,v1i.el, g xInneenrt.,1,:vt:It ti
I sse tioribes uf heaven lookino
UV 10 the Mee of such a. D1I111, 051^,
'IV let 11 'Yon plead for mereyi yoU
nbom in all yo11,11 life sewer tniti any
merry 011 Year feelows! Lien't you. re -
rho only wa
a be ierteet yette tec, holigiNeti
is in buy
(Ages further titan auy other and Is ubstilittall
rare ,oid drii Amts. '10, to, so eed oo emits.
Send ear sample,. lifiTNA0014 TEA 00„
Wv bombe' St. Wo 'reroute,
61 OW ,4,( 1'1/ Ilow who Wati SU P1'014/1 1/1
his i.11 egri y a1111 who bragged he
('2(11 1‘111' 1 in, re..i.‘r I (21WII by t emir 11(1,10
and (014.8 uproo mons In his demon-
s' rat ions of 111(110 11 10 i011 11 1:1 I-
(04 1111
:',1:111.11f111 ,lejt 381 a tY11:110.::11.41:41.1151 180 1(11(1 1141 rt:I0II:01:111,111 ilibil:iii:letyrti,,g11:11,:f:r111 III diolWyjhcil 101: 4vgbil7,0,11:0n11.7:41), 0.31t,.itkoti,01.4:: ,uY0.063.014q
MeV 1 lei 1 men under his protecting
( ob?yed a hard heel? Morey 1 You anketi
self the majesty a. his inwgrity. God
letting the men go, the lowers of . ellsoildeak youeivrse,lrfeydel•cfl:oe,ruspastiyili.pisileo.taiouctrLibrnoas
dearness pounee upon him. Hee you filereY
office in great. ex -1 inerm toe you. La
ier by letter, eased by word, sem,
soave day in your
(element, One of two things you 1'11O 11BaVelL "I‘Mik al "tat laaallOiaa a"
er the throne of judgment. the throne
do -be honest and be. pauperized. and
whoa, your fondly dethroned ia maul
biztlifvicar yirlooner; ithjaieldcreihnp,rbectriu:iihgt ihsto.:0euf7+nin Ipol's 1)41 1180101110. unIll your
euornli toi :et
StOp (11 (le aside front that which is vision reeds 11 and 7011 remorseful .
rig111.. you ran only just go half an empeir„situa„myeeerompertleatoi 11 ehai 13:1 ;fill 8,01111:.:uvIhtetatt
melt out of the proper path. you ran
coils. (like a little risk, and then you to You again. Depart,. ye cureed 1"
have all your finances fair mot right.
a'rli will hove a large property. You " A maws a man for a' That."
can leave a fortune TOr your ehildren
al tri„.11 iv-Li...41107w (no cyti.luleigneatttinei litou.‘1,11(11. a yitiob,-, beEirvelisIne au( Issetills.ea
stronger, happier and wiser man;
of ecyertn. B3u.xti
un ultra tills egoteitt t e1111e. YoiI c-itt,lutiduent1101
tractor and gets rid of the tansightlyi
riela it. Only 11 few strokes of the pen nOrnS, painlessly and. at once.
now. But, oh, how your hand trem-
bles 11 ? die is cam. By the
strongest and ruost aw-ful conjunction
of eireusustenoes any one could ha 80
ineigined you are prostrated. Bank-
ruptcy, eummerelul annihilation, ex-
posure, erime.. Gum! 01011110 and
devils hold carnival, anti you See your
OW 11 name at the head 01 1118 newspaper
column in a whole congress of PC-
etnniation points, and while you are
reacting the anathema in the reporter -
lel and editorial paragraphs It occure
to you how much this story is Ince
that of the defaletution le years ago,
and a. clap of thunder snakes the win-.
dow saying, "With what measure
e it shall. be measured to you
e010,1edt. nuoiet se, (41,! ,„1,Ittitiittyeodutonetatnepalynatihitaitonyouur
temper Some Sout Muller yini 1,01ne
home rom you r summer Wfit ri
place, and you huv, inside ftway hack
En yowl, liver or tiplee.0 h.% I we call
in our day maktria, bat what the old
biles called chills and Myer, You take
codeine until etur ears are first hue -
zing beehives anti them roaring Ning-
and you yawn. and you. streteh, ttnd
and hares; eu
1111 kr' kva1 'n I:1Y; et( ur u'lf"au.Lesa: gueUtett'n7fleir' al, inet, thil ay .
you shiver on I yen consume. an, aou
suffer. Vexed more 110111 yon call tell.
roll cannot sleep. you mutate eii yOU
eannoe bear to see anythopg that looke
happy. You go init to 111,11i 'the cat that
Ls asleep ia the sun. Your ebildren's Russian railroair 7.7 -tins have smelt -
/1111th WCO owe 1.111.1Air y.011., NOW it ing curs foe ladies.
Is deafening. Yua bay. 'Boys slop
that racket 1" 'Yoe 10111 lush 110111 ,
June to Morele In the kindle and in
Husband-ThaL little Jortes boy seente
to be remarkably fond of cake.
Wife--.111xtremely 1 Why, he even
eats his mother's home-made cake
Save You Neuralgia.?
If yen suffer its agonies, and Lull tot
get a remedy, we want yon to trao
17erviline. its action on nerve pple 15
simply marvellous. Nervilthe 15 the
most pleasant and potted -Id remedy;
in the market. Try it.
Why do you make encb a, row about
that umbrella. you lost? Haven't yon
ever iost nn umbrella before?
Yes; but this One Was Mine.
Quickcure cures Tooth
Ache. Stops all Pain.
The oldest Flee -mason In New Eng-. ,
land is Wm. Earle Cook of Portsmouth;
R. L. bas just celebrated his 10Ist
Hartford & VIM rir03
• IS
Elr140 (01110- - ..1.101101e 11,18., Toroct,.
the neighborhood your pow/est-0y e; Do
ts the taut t -wit it I ha t d keg 111,11 1/4'e
n NV hat a wo be.gen e tomtit en- 1 l'ERENNIAL.
tome 1 I (stet hear the eight of hint." 1
You have got. your .9ay at last -got That is ft very ola joke abont the.
your .pay; You feel jay. as tthe mane wire going through her husband%
felt. that man tor wheal .you had no pockets for money.
mercy. and my text comes in wit It mar- Yea, the joke is old, 13u.t there aro
velous eppositeness. "Wit h n -hat MEM- always new wives and new husbands.
sure yoll Me 10 11 01111 11 he, mensurett to 111'. P. EL 913.
you again."
Do you know how Shoe physitiam
that lawyer, *that journalist liceame I
the vietim diseimit ion Why. the ; 'Kr
physician was kept up night by night 1
ost professional deity. T.ife and death
Quickcure heals Sores,
per eent off. The meted eays: "What Cuts, Bruises, Burns, etc.
hovered in the behove, His 'termite/
syskem was exhausted. There Male 11 I
time of epidemic, and Whole families 1
were p met ra ted, and. his egret/13s
strength WeS gpthe. 1(148 tat 010111
out in the service saf elge publics. 1,4,15
he must brave 119. hi 1
El iambi les. 'N. 1 ife of this pother. he
life of 1 his t•hild. 1 he lire tir 1 11 48 rather.
the life thiS whole faintly meat. lie
saved and of aid these faMilles mest '
be saved. and he stintuteles, and he
does it again and again. You way crit- .
teise judgntent, but remember the
preemie. ft was 1101: 8 proeess
by which he went doe 11. it WOO mad -
r, Moe 11 t elle Posit y through whith he
attorney at the bar for nooks
11nE been stancleng in a poorly ventil-
ated courtrnom kis' ening to the esti-
mony end ennteseing in the dry eelini-
entities of the laav. and now the time
hos cothe for him. 'tot wind up, end he
must plead fur the life of bin ellen*,
and 1118 ne r0olts Systenl is all 'gone if
he fails in that speeth. his Client
ishes, If lie hove eitemento omelet
in thrtt hour. his clielvt, is anved, De
alltialls'-'1'417,,Mia. this test will mine to
fulfillment in 501110 cases in 41(10 WO rid.
The .fatontsinen in Pa rmsteen was $11111
by 101 0 11 Via 11 pe trwenty
years DI ter 1 be son or the huptientin
MOO in the same forest.. and he mei&
toile Ily shot a man and tip, man in
dying slide "God iS And, 1 Shot yollr
father just here go :0811 VS ago."
4N. 1 lehup said to Louie XL of Franees
wherein we eiplam why vve feel eallea "Make Itoroo i;cage for all 11000 NVIIC
111.00 to denpunee this imposition, end' du .not think 118 we (1C-41 n leon rage
wherein we show that because of our in athiell the toptive min ueither lie
Senior partner's official conneetion doe.ol nor 12.1.1141 afro (5 111 up." II vmii
with the Boaton gm companies, ohm fashioned --the (tofu1 1451 1111112112 of
president of thefive leading compete. modelle/tett. After awhile the 114111,1.1
11PS. We Mal trent this subjoot Int eitNnied 'Lugs 111.. 'Ind for 14 3'l/.1 113
retie' he ttois in 111111 mono OW0 iiiid enll
neither lip down nor Mend op. II is
a poor le that NA Ill not Work I 01 18
Wars, "Willi Whill mensitre yon mete
Alton be inetoinrivi o 7011 0g0
011, my friends lei 118 be poet/heti to
We edviee ell owners of Dominion Vold Wok or ell fi1.01,1 '10.4s sea pe,y 01„,,, 1
woo mint, lo vn Ito tor afor one fwd ‘,.,
Moan 'Moo ,t raid noon Ion no I nd "BO On I WAR e Make in the
()vitt artrei;SIttle " plrio "
,t1(llbl8,fl1 1 11n
eThri rtist! n those tvlio III.80 no esteair 7
1I'rusting our answers will give you
the emtirted information, we be.g to
remain. Yours rnly,
s w h
tiaonanytor." WRognentt What' lieu Will 801111111I 1 1111,18010
LAWSNmeth teseersoet ts mom totesetthe Imo greetjuhrineet when We nand
WNLD &i11(ye niereyor The Eaya,
New voes BANNERS &BIROKENS.-eosten
Pure Rooto and Herbs with Celery -a grout cilgra.
tire stlinutunt-Scht by all druggists. Large pack.
500,155. wouluccloc 1405141514 0041051.0,05(11
// 8AYREYA-K0RA 0ftY81'AL8,
sleek, MACK.
1511.0101111,11 5141411 cr0.111 1/111.113*2141.
11'rrnotrd to 2011111 their tutu, '11 sin
irg coy arl?ro.s0110 01 (1,00, marVel..
Mounting, him? ?In iiitg":;,14,71'grit!:14(11011.°,4
tiV!'ifaiiteiViNg,'/""WIO 04" 105 64"4u::
sell dirocl 84 fitutoty prices and
-,,,,deliver:d iron Pie i es from
Montreal, 0111.5 years' matron.
toed (5111115mnehines with n11
atteebnienI.,. Nothing letter
51)1210. tIvioos 10.018.00.
Send for entalogns.
"Do You See That limp ?"
Not on "The Page," it etwer has
'eni, but on thet dead wire fence. It
teas mused by MI 11111(1.10.1 r1111 11 105
0 it. Tho asimal ' didn't mean to."
The festive " help it ;" but the
Munn is there an(1 it is au eyesore to
the owner. He looks nerom the road
nt his eeight•or's nop-humpa Me, en tt-.
sagnhie Page fent•e, arid admits that
plastieity " it '' lifter all.
Price list end illustrated printed
nod ter cm a pplival inn to the local Pap
Fester dealer Or to
fl PELInote
P. 9. See oar "ad" in next issue
Menthol's 01 New York Stook ibiohnnyte.
. sememmie,
for that man 11 (nought an I lie dis-
I 1,1188.-5or1'3' 11(1(1 he Ell eri (k)1it 111117,
mind, soul, repot a t hen verb 11ndand always the same.
(‚44(81 tido hi' blacimoss of *14 18(13(4,4 1.1JDELLA SYtON TEA will satisfy the most. particular 11(411 dfinkers.
Leal packages, 25, 40, so and (toe,
Yon defiantly nay. "1 mom not: be