HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-4-8, Page 6-011 BRUSSEL S POST. APRIL 8, 18 IN III 1\111.81E ME VERY LATEST FROM ALL TF WORLD OVER. intereating Items Aimee Our own Country, oreat Britain, the United emus, and Ail Parte ol the Moe, Condensed and eintortaa tor Finny Reading. **.t1 CANADA.. BISI 0 Co.,bleratera of HollEtud, Man., have assigned. 'ME w Bill mine, aunt' Port Arthur, has eloeed down. One dollar Dominion notes, raised to five% are IA circulation at Winnipeg. ,number of Were:len, it is said, favor inuaticipal control of the street railway. dome London kitties Intend urging Ile Aide:amen to adopt the curfew by- law. Montreal has asked the Government ,to establish an infantry school there. The Allen Line has given a contraot for another ateamship designed by the St, Lawrence mate. The herd of Buffalo at Silver Heights will he sipped to Banff National Park about the mait of April. The ce.tatralization of Wabash rail- way freight crews in St. Thomas will Merease the population of that city 150. Whale hunting near Hamilton James Findlay picked up a portion ot a tooth of a mastodon weighing about five pounds. Doyle, sass Sullivan, tried on a, obarge of murder at Nelson. B.O., has been found guilty, and sentenced to he banged, The Yukon military expedition will ee brigaded at Ottawa about the mid - le of April and sent forefeet from there after lespection. The eight Italian htlorers from Buf- tele who were arrested far working on Sunday in Toronto, were fined in the Police Court aa Tuesday. A reduction of ten cents per thous- and feet has been made in the pries of gas at Hamilton, the nominal pries being 62, with, a 30 per cent. discount. The Tomato Board of Trade Council has amointed 0. special committee to eonsider and report on the question of an expert duty on nickel matte. City Engineer Liarrow of Hamilton eas demonstrated that cowl can be used with SUCCESS for the filtration of sew- age, the coal. not being injured in the process. Sir Roderick W. Cameron, of West. Alberta has sent to the Ontario De- partment of Agrieulture. asking for 2.500 young male, preferring Ontario stook. A deputation of the Railway Track - Men's Assoeettion waited on Superin- tendent Williams of the Canadian Pe- at Toronto on Wednesday to ask fur an Increase in wages. Police inspector Talbott. of Bradford, Eng., has arrived. at Halifax to take charge of Efell, the embezzler of that oity, who was arrested two weeks ago on his arrival from England. Proseeu.tieue against smugglers are in active progress in Nova Scotia, A United. States Consul-Generel has been dismissed by President McKinley in connection therewith. It. is reported at St. Catharines that Jobe D. and James hieelon sone oL the late Capt. Easton have been of- fered 050.000 for their ebares in a Colorado gold mine. Tbe Presbyterian ladies of Toronto have agreed to support the movement to send nurses to the Klondike, and an appeal for thee purpose will be made io every congregation in Canada. ;An amendment prohibiting the em- ployment of Chinese or Japanese labor hes been inserted in the Mountain Tramway and Electric Company's bill by the British Columbia Legislature. Mr. W.T. aleCoun has leen appointed horticulturist at tbe Catlett Experi- mental Farm, to fill the vacancy mused by the resignation or Mr, John Craig, win, left the Government service last autunart. ,An order -In -Council bas been passed, providing tbat those persons who otte tain leases for dredging for minerals in the deers in Manitoba and the North.. West must take out free ruiners' carte, fieatee the same as on tbe Yukon, Mr. It. A. Macdonald Is bringing suit against Ole directors of the Tor- onto Street Railway Company, tharg- Ing them with having Detainee their franchise by bribery and fraud, and asking on behalf of the city 08,000,000 damages. Tile next session of the Supreme Court will ea heel on the third of May next. In connection with are. peals to be heard during the term, helices have been posted to tbe effect that the last day for filing eases is April 12, the last day for filing printed factu.ms 18th April, and the last day for inscribing appeals for bearing Is .Apell 1St Dorainion Analyst-. McFarlane has is - ewe a bulletin giving the result of his Olivia,l examination of condensed milk and fertilizers. The bulletin will give many eases in which cen.densed milk offered for sale was found to be pre. pared from skim milk, instead of whole vnllIo.with an addition of sugar to give it body and appearance. It is likely the department will take action egainet the parties offering this adult- erated Milk for sale. GREAT BRITAIN. Mo. jams payne, the Englisb novel - lee is dying. The severe stems and cold weather continue in Greet Britain, Great Britain is not, it is reltertee, plutting for the absorption of Mamie " Iaeaid in London that the Earl te , of Elgin isnee:Tee-a' of re8i31-altig fl viceroyship of India. England late etre, the teepedo de- etreeep Beeteet to Helifex to join the t',Ieeeth Ameriann tentadron, The liriteeh Government las derided to Emend $32,1000,000 in buying sites and erecting buildings for the great tele. Im depertmenta, ineluding a new War Offices,' recetving orzler in ienkreptcy has been made against the Roberts DU hire, Contrails' the P.1.031116°8 are put at 410,000. The petineitO ere Robeete and flogIne. The former the English chain - Pion billiard player. UNITED STA'r119. The California orchards have epee badly named by treat. Two omen who robbed a train near eoshen, Cale eerured not less than 010,000. United States Culinet is said to have &temented that the present slate of affairin Cala must ,'n& Mrs. Prances Botigeon Ilurnett. the welleteowa eoveast, bas int titut ed suit for divorce from her htemand, Dr. Swan M. Burnett, The reports from all over Indiana conversing the (teenage (lone by the floe& will send the aggregate toes up into hundreds of thousands. Olinsteed, a termer of Vail! entuaty, Miehigau. bas left a will be queethieg ail his eetate, valued at e15,000 to the Barnum and Bailey cir- ea% The Pavel. Milt, at Theme, Wash, the largest shingle mill in the world, operated by efetettife & Ware, bas been completely destroyed by tire, Julies M. Price, artist, of the lints- ' trated London News, and Lionel Hee- lieof the London len:Enloe News, are et New York en route to the Klondike. • A Southern Pail:fie passenger train was held up Tuesday night at Cross Etta - don, ('alofornia ly California,ten mesked men, who New the express ear tn»vith dy- namite. They ;secured one mail poueh. Puget Sound merchants bave stolen a march on Canadians in eonnee tien ssith the Yukon trade. Eight com- plete stocks for general supply stores have been landed at Wrangel for Glen - era and Teslin Lake. consignee to Yankee traders, who will establish themselves trt these points. The Austrian tioverement will Pro- test to t\ asbiegton against Ole acquit- tal of Sheriff Martin, and the deputy sheriffs of Wilkesbarre, Pa., who were charged with shooting a number of stetting toiners, intending Austro- Hungerians, at Lattimer on eeptember 10 last. 1 The Philadelphia water works scan- dal was aired in court Wednesday. One alderman confessed to taking a bribe, another was accused of the seine of- fence and two ethers with offering the bribes. The whole affair grows out of the ordinance offered in coulee1 to lease the City Water Works to the Seheyl- kel Valley Water Company. Edward B. Coombs, a, former coroner of Brooklyn, N. Y„ sons. on Monettee sentenced to one year and seven months imprisonment in the peniten- tiary. and also to pay a fine of e1000. for malfeasance in office during his term as coroner. There were 49 speci- fic {Merges in the indictment of his having recorded bogus inquests on which he collected about Vete). Floods are doing great damage in In - diens Ohio and Pennsylvania, Dayton, Ohio, is in great danger and the north - ren 'tertian of the town is completely under water, PittsburgePa., is a great sufferer, and fears are entertained that the flood will be as great as in 1884. Bridges are being carried away at raeny points in these States, GENERAL. Admire' Zopoff. aide-de-camp of the Czer, is dead. Austria has decided to withdraw her troops and warships from Crete. Tiiere ware 1 deaths f tloe plague at Bombay during the past week. The Panama Railway Company bus offered its men an increase of magas and ended the strike. A report that Japan bus requested Russia in evarame Port Arthur finds credence in the Japanese press. On elondity 20 cadavers were an- eovered 1111.1.0 oreek in the outskirts of Ouamabacoa, a suburb of Havana. Russia has withdrawn its demand of the Sultan of Turkey for the 03 500,- 0110 arrears of the Russo-Turkish war IndiPaeit3. Pregulations have been order- ed et Cairo ovine; rrivals from Jed- dah, where three deaths from the ola- gue have weaned. 'lee firing of it dynamite cartridge hi the Sastre coal mines year Liege melted an explogon od 011.1 gas. 'los 1-11- 03' letzten= were killed Anal oyne., a town on the island of Ambena. one of the Meknes, was com- pletely destroyed by an earthquake. Sixty persons were killed. Radical Italian deputies demand that ex -Premier Crispi he tried on the charge of complicity in the Bank of Naples scandals. 10 le reported that the length ex- temitiot sent against Bass1r1 101 Mada- mmear hes met with a serious reveree, losing six officers and 100 men. Cuban ins.urgents on Saturday night lynanilied the iron railroad bridge attar Matirega, Province of Matanzas, partly de.ttrayieg the structure, A suspicious ease. heiieved to be sick - nese mused by the plague. has been dis- covered at Jeddah, Arabia. 'Ole pil- grimage to Mecca has been commenced, lieavy southerly gale cleared the Newfoundland coast of tee on Sunday This will ellow the sealing steamers to reseoute that industry with some pre- vent of success, of in of The Czar has authorized an increase over 02.000,000 t early for six years, addition to the present special grant etee 060.000,000, for naval purposes. The ;NI -tartest, parliamentary election returns dhow that the two parttes will have about equal strength and that, some fifty neutrals will probably hold Ole Mance a power. The Newfoundland Government, has introduced a pension bill retiring Chief Justice Sir Frederielo Carter, of the Sepreme Court of the colnny, now in hie Bath year, with e. salary of "'000. The bill in incorporate the Customs &Aka on pigs and pork products WES adopted by the Frencla Senate on Tues- day. In reply to a statement that tee 'United States might retaliate the Pre- mier said thee the 'United States would maite a bad mistake in resorting to re- prisals since the 'United States was the five. to probed. herself with high dut les. AT MIDNIGHT. Vilest Cut-Wby so sad to -night Themes? ii.7ecOnti Oat -I feel so lonely and ru- nleetedl PIM been weeping and wail. Metre, an hour, end nobody beet tbrowe anything a mel THE SUNDAY S11001[ INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL 10. tiettweeerion 0 .11' 1-4," linch In 14. 144 widen Text, 1 COP, 10. an. PRACTICAL NOTES. "erff4, 1. Whettli the 1111151 0) " AS past. The 810,1Eath cif the Jews is to he rough. ly identified with our Seturday, With this differE.111S1, t /i11.1 it tegan at atm - ret of witee we (eel Friday and ended on Saturday evenine. Sevidar to . tiyity began again. on Saturday at imedown, shops were opened, and it was then, e hen " the Pahl/011i WES Putt" that the e omen " bought WA tyi spices." Mary Magdalene, A loving follower of Jesus, out ef whom be had cast seven (levee, and e hose joy it With to minis- ter ((thine of her sithetanee "Aftertialene" is usually explitine.teto 1111,311 " OC dale,' It 1111 10,0111 ef Galilee. II has heed Mediae in Leathern tiznes to Out - Cast Is oitien, from the old suppoeition that Mary wee one of those unfortun- ates' Bova this treditien began we do not know. There is no statement in tee gospels thet justifies it. Mary the leuther of ,line s is the same as " the other Mary," elf MatO. 11, 1. Her son •James is the arestle known as ' James the LESS," to be distinguished from "'harms the Lord's ;brother," who is be- lieved to have written the Epistle Gen- eral or James, lend from "James the son of 'Zebedee." Pleurae, though the text does nut see so, was also the neith- er of a jamas, for she was the wife of Zebedee. There is some CE1160.13 to be- lieve that both of these women were sisters of the Virgin leery, but the rec- ord of the human relat ;unship of Jesus le neither full nor elear. Sweet spices were used in tiered throughout the East. These women may not Inlets lumen what bad, been done le. Joseph and Nicoderues. 2. Very early In the warning, be first day of the strait. Remember ) that the first day of the week began at sunset of what we would oull the day before, The women had watched Ole burial just before the 'Sabbath, be- gan; they had bought the spices just after the Sabbath closed, and perhaps as early as fear or five in the morning of Sunday they made their way to the sepulcher, which was reached at the rising of the sun. "It was yet dark," John says, but he refers to the neigh- borhood of the sepulcher in the side of a great reek; the mountain heights were already gilded by the rays of the teeming sun. 3. Who shall roll us away the stone. Practical, unimaginative 0001211-31, in the midst of their sorrovv they turn to their practiced difficulties. They evi- dently did not know that the authori- ties had sealed this stone, thus staking it a crime to roll it away. The door of the sepulcher. In this sepulcher no burly bad been laid until Jesus was buried there. it was excavated from the native reek; its door was simply en opening, and the stone probably was circular and get in a groove; its use WRS to secure the grave from prefana- time The steam was rolled awe? . 133' divine power, as they were about eo 1 discover. t. Entering into the sepuleher, With anxiety :est their Lord's body had been taken away. A young man tatting on the right Bido. eletthew calls him "ELI angel of the Lord." Clothed in 0 long whrtte garment. Like the youthful Le- vees who ministered in the temple. There ie he trace of angelic) wings in all the New Testanaent. They were affrighted. Terrified. 0, Ye seek Jesus white) was ere- cified. Ye seek the body of a meo. whoni ye saw die, Luke introduces the startling question. "Why seek ye the being among tibe dead t" He is risen. W hen he bad rieen we are not told. Behold the place where they laid him. Thee I be angel tries to help their trem- Moue faith, 'The place where they bid him" was probably a shelf or niche in the side of the rock, We have a very interesting description in John 20. 5. 1, of the "linen elothes" whieb lay there and wineh had wrupped the Iludy Jeaue, 7. Tilt disaipees and Peter. A very tender allusion lti Peter's penitence re- tber than to hie sin. goeth betere yoa him tialilee, This was the home of Jesus wad I he borne of all Ills sur- viving disciples, P. They trent rat quickly. They were toe greatly 'startled for leisurely move- ment. Trembled and were imaitzed. Physically as well as mentally they were oververeught, Neither said they anythtng to any man. They did not nabcv 10 talk, but ram, to bring the diseiples word. CANADA'S FOREIGN TRADE. A Remarkable increase Raring the last Eight Yia a I Its. The official record of the foreign trade of Canada, made up to March let, shows an increase of $37,000,000,and an increased revenue from Customs duties a 01,430,000 over the saute period last year, The stimulus of new and increased trade la shown in both imports and exports. The total im- ports for the eight months of the fie. oat year, the exports, and tbe duties collected, compared with the eight months of 1807, are as 001100a:- 1807. 1808. Imports . . 07%278,000 0 88,785,000 Exports 93,192,000 119,844,000 --- - Total trade 01(10,470,000 0203,429,000 Duty eolleoted , 10711)500 11,150,000 Produce of Can- ada, exported . 02.83e000 105,033,000 This is exclusive of coin and bullion in both yeers. The returns for the month of Febrrary adobe are extreme- ly satisfaatory, the figures helmet -Im- port% 010,097,000, as compared with 07,- 71000 the you before; and the ex- ports, 08,3091000, 0441 compared with 00,- e0,000. 01' a total trade for the month of February, 3898 of 018,400,000, as toaltast 314,800,000 tbe previous year, The revenue tor February eletle frem eeist.eme dullest, was 01,951,000, against e1,580,000 the genie rootlet last year, en laterease of 371,000. DOC SAVED THE BANK, tempt 10 nob the Vaults of the evettern newest moth et Sew etatneerte despateb from New Hamettra eaSet -A most daring gang of I urglare evoke into the Weetern Branch Bank ;ore un Wednesday might. It seeme they fine secured entrance into Mr. Serger's blacksmith shop to procure a ember of tools, and thee tient to the bank, lone:aced off the leek of the liettyy front door, and soou :levered adraiesion, Thee must have started with their night's 'mirk immediately after the eleterie lights were out, for it was one Eachiek when, through the barking of his dog, Mr. George Sterling, one of the clerks, who sleeps in a, rein°. shore tee bank, was awakened, and beard some one walking through the hank to the vault, and throwing Some of the tools on the floor, 0,PleNED FIRE. Mr. Sterling, concluding that bur- glars had invaded the bank, leteledl- ately prepared for action. Lie uncov- ered an opening in the floor above the vault and commenced firing off his re- volver, Part of the vault door look had already then been blown off, and one of tbeg ang working the door, at the report of the revolver, made a jump backwards, and just eame un- der the eitn of Mr. Starling's revolver. The ettrtridge, bowever, missed fire. The burglars, three in number, then left the bank, but came back again in about a quarter of an hour and made another attenapt. They commenc- ed shooting at, the opening tvhere Mr. Sterling was, and tried to scare Ster- ling away. The letter returned the fire as often as possiele. and after hav- ing emptied the revolver got his rifle and disellarged that. FINALLY LEFT. 'fhey finaily took fright veld left. Sterling kept up the shooting in the hope of calling some of the citizens to his aid. This proved unsuccessful, however, as all those that heard the shooting thought that some of our hunters were out shooting inwiltrals, which sport et present is indulged in to a large extent. Mr. Steeling re- mained at the bank, every now and then dieeharging his rifle, until the dawn of day. In the morning it was found that, as stated before, the lock of the front door bad been knocked off, and part of the lock of the 'melt door blown off. There were nine marks in and at the, opening in the wall above the vault. Mr. Fox, the manager, at once sent to Galt for an expert to tome and open the vomit door. BOATS FOR THE KLONDIKE. she New Canadia raegic Steamers Tartar and Athenian Cons On the Vancouver - 'Wrangel Route. despatch from Vancouver, says: - The Klondike reset still continues un- abated. There are deity sailings from Pacific coast ports carrying large num- bers of fortnne-seekers and immense quantities of supplies, So great was the northward movement in the early part of the season that every avail- able vessel was pressed into serviee, some of these being battered old hulks, whioh, haring • become unseawarthy, were .1.turriedly patched up to meet the emergency ot the occasion. The lack of experienced pilots in the intrieate waters of the northern coast, whieb in the inner ohannels through the Islands fringing tbe mainland are difficult to navigate, added to the dangers of the trip, width woe taken by some leiliandik- R7's With grave misgivings that were not groundless, as evidencee by sever- al disasters. This does not apply, of course, to all the .steamers in the Klondike trade, but to enough. Of them at all eyelets to make Obeeddition of such sienna sea -going vessels as the Tartar and Athenian of Um Cana- dian Patine Railway Company's line to the fleet one of more than ordinary importance, and to cause their arrival Isere from the king voyage around the hove to he looked forward to with ex- ectancy. 1^he Tartar should arrive hi couple of days and elan Athenian a week or tett days later. It is under- stood time they will take the outside course 00 tee route to Wrameel and entirely avoid the dangers of the in-. ser waters of tee Pacific. Their cap- tivity is BOO passengers per trip, or 1,000 per week. With this acquisition to the carrying facilities tee great rush which is anticipated to reach its height very shortly will be amply taken care of from Vancouver and Victoria north- ward. BRITAIN STORIVI SWEPT. 011131, Persont Knipe ee 5. wail 101011.91/1g at Birmingham. A despatcb from Loudon says :-Snow and sleet is falling in various parts of the United Kingdom, while heavy gales are sweeping the coasts, and causing the vessels tcosoek shelter in the haxboues. A. blizzard is raging in Derbyshire, imperilling the flocks and pedestrian% There are many small wrecks, eithont loss of like, on the east coast, and the steam trawler Nellie, which was wreolted off Rattray head, Met all her orew by drowning. There have been gales, 1811C/SY, and blizzards throu.ghoult the coubtry, At Birmingham a factory wall was blown down, killing tour persons, Mere ' have been numerous small WreCk.S. Seven men went down with. the trawler Nellie off Aberdeen, des- pite tbe coastgesaels' e(forts with rock- ets. The men apparently (were too numb to seize the line, A yawl sap- eizea off Hoeth, Ireland, arid fear Wore drowned., Tthere has been Et general dislocation of telegraph -Eteres t From Memseilles cotnea the report that the French steamer Lydia has foundered with 30 hands, The Lydia belonged at Maeaeilleearta was overdue from Conetaetinople. No further details ales yet aerertitirable, A TERRIBLE EASTER, FORTY-EIGHT WIEN FROZEN TO DEATH ON AN ICE FLOE, And Sixty Mhos Sada 11410 SEPSES and kirfiti Stork,, ewe by the !ileti. despatchfrees 80, Johns, Nfitiesays; -Thet city was wrapped in the em - berms of mourning on Sunday. Flume reds of flags were at half -moot, and (graters of crepe floated from the door- knobs or more lima a demo or houses, wherein wept the mothers, widows,aed children of breve seal hunters, wile perished in the disaster that. over- weelmed a portion of the steamer CEreenland's CCOW in the ice -fields last week. Many of the 48 Victims of the Greenland tragedy lived in the eity of St, John's, lbs remainder belonging 'mini), to the outporta, 411 were poor men, and most of them had families, who are lef0 in mewed eireemetances. The Greenland, sailing from Hoy de Verde this morning, arrived at 81, John's this afternoon. The ship's (leek deck-hoeses, and email cabin preseet- ed the grim appearance of a charnel- bouse, The corpses were disported of in all the available space, covered with CAMEOS and (sloths, There were 25 of them on board, arbile there wore 23 oth- ers somewhere on the waste of lee, drifting on the Atlantic or at the bot- tom of the sett, few of which will ever likely he recovered. PITIFUL SCENES. Pitiful scenes which, rent the hearts of tee onlookers were enacted on the wharf se the Greenland steamed into dock. .Relatives and friends mostly men and hays, but including a number of women and girls pressed Reward to board the steamer and (quite their dead. Sobs and wails CAME from be- reaved women and children, and tears streamed dowel the cheeks of big sun- burned and horny -handed men. A death pail hung over the crowd es the Greenland was slowly secured to the wharf. An agonizing spectacle wus witnessed when the waiting people reached the deck end began to pick out and remove the lifeless bodies of the victiras. was Et scene of mourning unparalleled by anything ever before witnessed by those present. The re- moval of the booties occupied floweret hours, AWFUL SUFFERIN(JS. it: 14 The story tele ey the men wbo es- caped death on the fleeting field of ice surpasses in horror that which was given in previous despatches, but the essential details have already been given. The suffering of the helpless 01400 during the day and two nights they spent on) the drifting ice defy de- seription. The ones wbo still live say their experiences were so frightful that words could never tell the complete story. The injuries of thews en'e not so serious as the advices from Bay de Verde yesterday would indicate. The frost-bieten men number 55, most of whom will recover. INDIGNANT AT CANADA. Rochester Nurserymen and MO Sail Jose Scale ririslatIon. A despatch from Rochester, N. Y., says :-Nurserymen here are =rah in- censed over tbe measure whioh became 11. law in Canada on Friday, prohibit- ing the entry into tbat country of nursery stock from any country where the San Pose scale is known to exist. They assert that this city alone ships from 0400,000 to 3500,000 worth of nurs- ery stock to Canada every year, and that contracts are now on hand with Canadian dealers for large shipments of stook. The goods would have been delivered within two weeks had it not been for tee passage of the bill. Dealers assert that the move on tbe pert of. the Canadians is merely a ruse for keeping out this stock, and that the San Jose scale in merely teed as an emir° for passing the law. The 01011 ,rose scale, that has given nurserymen so much trouble, is a, small insect pro- teoted by a scale. It was first dis- covered by Professor Comstock, of Cornell University, in the county at Son jose, Cal., beim its name. It thrives on the fruit tree% but bus been found also on the fruit. Good authorities say that there are none ot the pests in this part of the State. In feet, the only place in New 'Turk where they bave boort found is on Long Island. It was the San Jose scale that the Germans protested against when they passed erahilatory laws against the entrance into their parte ot American fruits, It is sup- posed the scree came to this country from. Japan. SALISBURY TO RETIRF. The Duke tir.navonshlre 0(11010*0 Siliteeed AVM M. Premier. The London correspondent of the New 'York Harald cables:-" I have high and reliable authority for stat- ing that at Cehinet Cottrell hastily' sneamoned on eVedneeray the question of Lord Saliethery's possible resignation of the Premiership Wes mentioned. It is believed that Lord Salisbury now desires to free himself from the Im- mense responeibilitiee of, the offiee..and only Waite the convenlemo of his col- leeguee for bis resignatira to be hand- ed in. An announcement may there- fore shortly be looked for that the Duke of 'Bevel:tale° bas bee/tine head of the Governrceset, Lord Sallebiley retraining in the Cabinet without e. portfolio,' A. recent sperial rattle despatch from Landon stated that the precariousness of the health of the Marquis of Palls - bury tvould result in his resignation rst the portfolio of the 'Foreign Minis- try. It was added, however, that Lord eageenry won retain the reinv of of- fice an Prerninr. u 4,42.6r114441.1,4 TriNClielMeTZ.. NEFSTOOMICOMMet. Sr,12 3ril ed. $ Months -Had Given.. All Hope Of Getting Well -11. Remedy Fommin$ Last to which "I Owe My Life." Bolt:toe has frilly established the tact that all the nervous energy of our bodies is generated by nerve centres located near the base of the brain. When the supply of nerve force has eon diminished either by excessive physical or mental labours, or owing to a derangement of the nerve 00110(58, 000 are first oonscious of a languor or tired and woen-out feeling, then of a mild form of nervousness, headache, or stomach trouble, whioh is perhaps suc- ceeded by nervous prostration, ohronio indigestion, end dyspepsia, and a gen- eral sinking el the whole system. In this day of hurry, fret and worry, there are very few who enjoy perfect health ; nearly everyone has some trouble, an sofie, or pain, a weakness, a nerve trouble, eomething wrong with the stomaoh and bowels, poor blood, heart disease, or siok headache; all of which are brought on by e. lack of nervous energy to enable the different organsof the body to perform their respective work. South American Nerving Tonic, the marvellous nerve food andhealth giver, is asatisfying success, awondroua boon to tired, alai; and overworked men and winen, wbo have suffered years of disoouragement and tried all manner of remedies without benefit. It is a modern, a scientific remedy, and in its Take follows abounding health. It is unlike all other remedies in that it is not designed to act on the different organa affected, but by its direct notion on the nerve oentres, which are nature's little batteries, it mimes an Jim:ceased supply of nervous energy to be generated, whioh in its turn thoroughly oils, as it were, the machinery of the body, thereby en- abling 10 to perform perfectly its dif- ferent functions, and without the slightest frietion. i If you have been reading of the r markuble cures wrought by Sout American Nervine, accounts of whio we publish from week to week, and are still sceptical, we ash you to in. vestigate them by correspondence, and become, convinced that they are true to the letter. Such a course may arive you months, perhaps years, of sulIer- ing and anxiety. The words that follow are strong, but they emanate from the heart, and apeak the sentiments of thousands oi women in the United Statesand Can- acla who know, through experience, et the healing virtues of the South American Nervine Tonic, Harriet 33, Hall, of Waynetown, 4 prominent and muck respected lady, writes as follows "1 owe my life to the great South American Norville Tonic. I have been in bed for five months with a scrofulous tumour in my right side, and suffered with indigestion and nervous prostration. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Rad tried three dootors, with no relief. The first bottle of Nervine Tonic improved roe so much that I was able to walk about, and a few bottles oared me en- tirely, I believe it is the best medie oine in the world. 1 cannot recom- mend it too highly." Tired women, can you do betty than heomne acquainted with tido truly great remedy f Sold by G. A. Deadman. STRANGE EXPERIENCE, 125M11 .1 Rontreal Lawyer Fired at a TWO nail Set Eire to lile Heine. A despatch from Montreal seers:- Wilbrod Pagnuelo, a well-known Mont- real lawyer, was tile victim of a strange experience during Tuesday night. The family had retired but a few houre ellen Mrs. Pagnuelo heard a strange noise downstairs, and awakened her husband. Mr. Pagnuelo got up, and after lighting a lamp, Proceeded to irake a search, armed for protection with a revolver. Having reached the lower flat, he found himself almotit face to raft with a stranger, and fired a shot to frighten him, At the same time, however, the lamp which he car- 'ried in the other hand exploded and sot fire to the surrounling drapery. The burglar escaped, end while Mr. Pagnuele MSS proteeting himself from the Dames the etre nettle headway among .the furniture, and finally re- sittied in almost the complete destrac- bee of the preralees before the fire brigade could overcome it. QUEfter OF ROLL &ND'S GOWNS. "The necessity to deem like a queen" WES a plea recently advanced by an actress i•a a German bankruptcy 005100 to exonse her extrevagenee In theatre eat costume; but the little quee.n of Holland lebo attains her' 18011 birth- day 111 50 few menthe, is ordering the simplest of gowns, These tire two brine fide orders, but, the Paris drese- maker to alie01 their making is in- trusted represents one of the old-tasle toned eetablislements welch desires no general publielty : One is a dainty ball drese for 01 debutante of 18-queee or eimpla maiden. The skirt cut with a slight treat, le of white satin, edged. with a thick ruchieg of tulle; Etna fatt- ing over it aro embroidered sprays of apple leoesorre, done in silver paillettes and pale pink and white ailk. The long sash ends are mlgea wi.h talle Etna embroidered in the same 311/11)11er. The, csormse is a simple blouse, cut low about the shoulders witb n short p000 tor sleeves, and with e01 enribroidereci revers ruffle across the bust. The other gown /5 a simple frock of cadet - blue cloth, raoueeeltne de sole of the same shade and a darker blue velvet. Tee skirt is finished by a band of vel- vet, beaded by a, scroll pattern of white mud (silver braid, which is laid on the cloth skirt. Gigot; sleeves are of (sloth, with cutis of guipure lane over velvet; and a blouse of plaited mousseline de aole is partly covered by a jacket of guipure lace that makes wings over the sleeves, and. the points of which' are. told in front by three tiny velvet bows passed through silver buckles. Tho waletbaaid is et the cleeker velvet [aniseed by a silver orna,znene NEW BICYCLE ACCESSORIES. tee-ge A Contrivance Whereby a Miler Can Seo What Goind on Behead Blue 10 15 not often that a bicyclist con- cerns himself with what Is going ma behind him, but for those who do a de- vice railed a retro-opticon as now av- ailable. This addition to the equiv. =mat of a wheel consists of a convex mieror, 23-4 inches in diameter, in a nickel 100.100) with ball and socket joints, so that an aliglei may be Beour- 11. It Is to lee used on the handlebar, preferably jest An front of the left VIP, and when so planed, it enables Et, rider to scan the road behind him, without moving lois heel, the coevexity of the mirror giving it wide tempo. The excuse for the invention of this device is that there are many rondittona 1111 which 10 15 found desirable owing to the increased timelier or tubber-tirea vehiele,s, cable and trolley 'lees, le larger size is made for use MI row boats and veliieles. Among the note Cities tor this ecason is a most radial look stele It Is made of heavy spring wire with malleable iron wall plate', and is rubber -covered at points where the wheel totiehes. It is highly room - mended for baggage earn, steanalmatse elterehes, colle.ges, eta., where space 14 valuable. Wbile the lower wheel rest ou n bracket etteehed to the side o the cer, or en a. well, the iron loop of Do Edell slips over the fret wined, Which is appermeet, and HO engaged it that it is iminovebet and eon be securely locked,