HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-3-18, Page 8b
Our new stock of Wall Papers
are here—Ready to maks your
hoxuoa more boavtiful. We have
ft very choice selection from which
to choose and of excellent valves.
We trim all our Papers
Free of Charge
and have them to suit any room,
with ceilings to match. We have
a large stock of Remnants that
we almost
Give Away
that wouM be sufficient for small
roomS. Come and See our Steak.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optioian & Bookseller.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
anti South, ae follows:
Express 7:10 a.m. I Mail 0.10 p.m
n, 9;45 a• Express 10:01 p.m
'.nx ,.1 Stivs lt.ein0,
A. ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BRUSSELS market leads.
TEE Poem gives the news.
THUnsosY was the 17th of old Ireland.
NORTHERN lights have been on the pro.
PLANT your Spring advertisement in
Ray. R. PAUL is the Chairman of the
Board of Health for 1898.
ItNOLE Tou's CABIN entertainment
nest Tuesday evening in the Town
0. P. R. AGENT FARRow sold eleven
tickets to the West this week. Six of
them were for Vanoonver,
REV.R. PAUL is getting the material on
the ground for the enlargement of
Victoria Cottage, Prinoess street.
PosTtra5TER FARROW is getting the
necessary material on hand for brink
veneering the back part of his residence.
Emmen accumulated on Turnberry
street during the Winter was swept up
before the icy foundation broke np and
carted away.
Tan far gauntlet mit advertised in THE
POST last week was claimed on Saturday,
the owner being the Listowel pop man.
Advertising in Tan Posx pays.
Town Auditors W. H. MoCraoken and
J. Y. S. Kirk have completed their
duties for this year and the report will
be presented at next Monday evening's
special meeting of the Council.
A Bast Bali:League is talked of in
whish Bruseele, Listowel, Palmerston and
Harrieton would be the competing clubs.
It is expected that a meeting to arrange
the preliminaries will be held shortly
AN account of a trip to Ottawa, Grey
counoil minutes and other m attars are
crowded out of this issue. We will have
to further enlarge TEE Posr to give place
to all the interesting news.
WE understand that L. F. Jackson,
whose resignation as teacher in our Pub-
lic school was accepted by the school
Board last Friday has decided to remain
in town and will ask to have his resigna-
tion withdrawn.
Tars week outward freights are good.
R. Graham forwarded 4 cars of wheat, 3
oars of oats and 2 oars of peas ; Baeker
& Vanstone, 2 oars of wheat and a oar of
hogs ; John Scott, 2 oars cattle ; Clegg &
Dames, a oar of hogs ; and 3 oars of salt
from Enterprise Salt Works.
A PORTION of the material for the new
oarpetfactory bas arrived and the ma.
ohinery is expected here. in a few days.
It will be operated in the Howe factory.
Ten of our citizens have subscribed $28
apiece to give the institution a start,
holding the machines ae security for the
repayment of the amount.
MONTHLY HORSE FAnt.—The next and
last Horse Fair for this season will be
held in Brussels on Thursday, Marsh
Slat, and will probably be the biggest and
best of the series. Don't think the above
date is a mistake ae it is all right. Our
Fair is always the Thursday before the
first Friday. Outside and local buyers
are expected to be here on the 81st so a
good Fair may be counted 013.
sinoial Grand Black Chapter met in Pal -
manikin on Monday last. On Taesday
the Grand Lodge met in the Town hall,
and at 8 p. m., a publio meeting was held
at whioh addresses were delivered by lead-
ing brethren. At the close of the publio
meeting, the local Lodge entertained the
delegates to sapper. On Wednesday the
Grand Lodge attended Divine service in
the Anglican church,
A00085 THE (7onnnsnnT.—Major J. F.
'Southall, Provinoial Commander of the
West Ontario foroee, and late of the
Paoifio Provinoo, will be at Brussels
barracks on Wednesday, March 2801, and
will give bis popular addreee on the
above subject, molesting "Stirring tales
of early battles in New Brunswick and
Nova Bootie ; some Ontario triumphs ;
thrilling oonvereions in Montana, Wash•
ington, and interesting items of Warfare
in the mining dietriote Of British Colum-
bia and Idaho." Admission, 10 dente.
M.LTRrtxoNlan. — The bridegroom and
groomsman in the following item are
young men well known to a good many
in Brueteis and locality ;—"On Wednes-
day evening, 28rd of February, an inter'
eating matrimonial event took plane at
the residence of Thos. Blackwell, Oth
eon, Hay, when W, Kew, East Nissouri,
Oxford County, and Mies Catherine Pane
Blaokwell were married. Rev. 0, L.
Mille, of Seaman, officiated. Many hand-
some preeonte wete received by the bride.
The bride wag attended by Mtge Sarah
Blackwell and Thomas Kew was grooms-
ntan. After the ceremony a wedding re-
peat was served and the happy 'Menlo "left
for their new borne." THE FOOT extends
A oinrvt.1L meeting of Brussels Council
Will be held ou Monday evening of next
A 1.0016 lumber of collate were flooded
during the pact week owing to the high
JAMES T1tntlse: lana pnrohased a Ray.
mond bicycle from J, J. Gilpin, agent,
this week.
COMMIE lIAIST, who was so sertonsly
injured iu the Anent sawcnif last week,
ie progressing favorably.
Ownin to the freshet damaging the 0.
P. R. railway bridge at Wingham the
freight Dame over the G. T. 11, line this
Taos, Nowsoans was awarded the con-
tract for the new brick veneer residence
to be erected for the Misses Kelly on a
part of the Hargreaves lot,
PASSENGER; can now leave Brussels at
7:10 a, m. and reaoh North Bay at 8 p.
m., making oloee oonneotion at Scotia
Junction for Parry Sound, arriving there
the same evening.
BTnarron Boos. contributed $20.00 end
costs for violation of the law in disposing
of liquor on the Sabbath. Inspector
Miller laid the oharge and the proprietors
of the Queen's plead guilty.
Tao Daae of Woolsey vs. Stratton was
not heard at the Assizes last week ae the
latter bad neglected to put in his defence
until too late to be beard by that Court.
It will some up for hearing next May.
HAROLD, the little son of Alfred J.
Lowry, bad the misfortune to fall down
stairs last Saturday and break his collar
bone. We hope no seriona consequen-
ces will follow the accident and they are
not likely as the little lad is getting along
Tan Atwood Bee says :—The Brussels
Pon last week published a marriage
notice as a death notice, through a alight
error of the typo. We always had the
idea that marriage was a solemn busi•
nese, but not altogether fatal of course.
Maly those who will not learn to respect
their wives opinions jeopardize their
chances of existence.
A 11xEE0L0O of Conservative members
and defeated candidates tram all parts of
Ontario was held in the Mail -and -Empire
building in Toronto on Wednesday of.
last week to discuss matters in 000neotion
with the party. The questions of pro-
testing the seats of Liberals and how to
raise money for that purpose were dis-
cussed. Mr. Marter 000upied the chair.
B. Gerry, of Bruseele, President of East
Huron Conservative Association, attend.
ed the gathering.
BOARD OP HEaLTu.—The organization
meeting of Brussels Board of Health was
held last Monday evening. All the mem•
bees were present excepting A. Stewart
and Dr. McNaughton. Moved by W. H.
Kerr, seconded by Wm. Jewitt that Rev.
R. Paul be Chairman for 1898—Carried.
Moved, seconded and oarried that the
Sanitary Inspector make his cells as
soon as Spring properly opens up, and
that the 16th day of May be the outside
limit for all yards, premises, eto., to be
cleaned up, and ready for the Inspector's
lowing milk routes in connection with
this factory for the coming season have
been let, viz. :-4th con., Grey, Arch.
Robinson ; Oth con., East, Grey, Robert
Rose ; 61b con., West, Grey, Jno. Oliver;
8th con., Grey, John McKinnon ; 10th
son., Grey, Robert Menary ; 5th line,
Morris, Harry Finn ; 2nd line, Morris,
Geo, Turvey. Tbe 8rd, 4th and 618) lines
have not been let yet. Mr. Harris, pro.
prietor of the factory, Bays the outlook 15
good and a larger quantity of milk than
that sent in any past year is antioipated.
The factory is in first.olass shape.
Ton high school entranoe and publio
school leaving examinations for 1898
will begin on Tuesday, June 28th. The
papers of the candidates for the public
school leaving examinations will be ex-
amined by the same local board of ex-
aminers that read the papers for the
high school entrance examinations, and
the same general rules will be observed in
the conduct of the examinations. The
revised regulations do not, as formerly,
call for the presentation of book work in
writing, drawing, eto., at either the high
schoolentranae or publio school leaving
examinations, For the latter examin-
ation, book work, if presented by condi.
dates ie to be taken into er aoutt, as last
year, in view of the special provisions
announced for 1898.
HYMENEAL.—A joyous company of
relatives and friends aesembled at the
comfortable residence of Thos. McLanoh•
lin, Turnberry street, Brussels, on Wed•
needay afternoon of this week, to witness
the tying of the matrimonial bow be-
tween Alex. Grant, a well known and
well-to-do young gentleman from Tuok-
eremith, and Miss Maggie, the estimable
daughter of the host. While the Wed.
ding March was being played by Mies
Edith MaLanohlin the bride and groom
took their places in the parlor, where the
magio words were spoken by Rev. Joo.
Roes, B. A. After hearty congratulations
an elegant supper was partaken of. The
wedding presents were numerous and
useful. A meet becoming oream oedema
was worn by the bride and her travelling
drama wag navy blue. An enjoyable
evening woe epent by the guests. Mr.
and Mrs. Grant left for their home in
Tuokeremith about 6 p. m., followed by
many hearty good wishes for future hap-
piness and prosperity. Mr. Grant, who
owns a 100 acre farm on the 4th of Mor-
rie, will probably move to it in the donate
of a year or so. THE POST throws an
editorial slipper after the happy twain.
Mxme ANNIE Lomlat WErrn,—This
talented olooutioniet gave an interesting
program in Brussels Town Hall on Tues-
day evening of this week under the
auspices of the A. 0. U. W. The die.
agreeable weather no doobt detained a
number from attending. Prof, Hawkins
opened the evening's exercises with a
fine piano solo entitled "Programa."
Mies White's selections were ;—"The
Debating Sooiety," "Shattered," "Little
sister Speaking brother's pieoe," "'When
McGue puts the baby to sleep," "The
Oak and Vine,' "The racing story,'
First section of the monologue, "Flute
and matrone." In her humorous num-
bore a decided bit was made, while the
story of the horse race was told with
enah effect that it resolved iteelf almost
into a reality. The Bobo•link repro.
duction in "The Lovers and the Birds,"
was splendidly executed. Miss White is
a dret.otass entertainer. During the
evening D. Ewan and T. A. Hawkins
gave a well rendered duett, violin and
piano, Mrs, Brownlee, of Brookville,
daughter of Postmaster Farrow, gpleaegl
the audience with the solo, "Restlsse
Sea." This lady is not only a splendid
soloist, having a sweet voles under good
control but is a graduate in instrumental
efossna. Clegg & Dames shipped a
double decked car of hogs from liruessls
OP Monday morning.
ON Feb. 4th JeanstTurnbtll, aged 16
years, died at her home in Ayr. She wire
a grand-dangliter of tire, Mango Wallaoo,
of Brussels,
llxnu,—On Thursday of last week Eve,
eldest daughter of A, Drewe, formerly of
Brussels, died in Minneapolie, aged 1.1
ysnre. Typhoid fever was the cause of
JA,1rBs BELDEN, welt known in Brussels,
has purchased it tailoring business in
Molesworth and will take charge at the
oloss of this month, Mr, Belden is it
Orst•olase workman and will summed
without any doubt. He has the good
wishes of his many friends here.
Hog. Davie MILLS, Minister of awake,
Ottawa, has received a very largely sign-
ed petition from the residents of Bayfield
and vioinity, asking for the shortening of
the sentence imposed upon Fred. Elliott,
of that village, who was convicted last
December in Goderiob, for shooting hie
brother, and sentenced to five years in
Kingston Penitentiary.
DxnD.—Last Sunday the spirit of Mies
Minnie Keating, of Oil Oity, Ont., took
its flight. Deceased had been ill for
some time, consumption being the cause
of death. The funeral took place on
Tuesday. !!lies Keating was a sister to
Mrs. (Rev.) G. J. Abey, of Brussels, who
has been nursing her for the peat six
DEan EDnxon,—I understand that the
boyo of the town are making evert of my
"Piggery of the Maitland." I want them
to realize that it is a Conservative piggery
and that there will be no disease such as
"Hog Cholera." It will be any endeavor
to pav the beet attention to "Mr. Joe St.
John" as well as the piggery.
Yours truly, F. 1I. KALBPLnI8Oa.
Tan St. Thomas Times of Tuesday
says :—"Rev. Geo. F. Salton will leoture
on "An interpretation of the works of
the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood," with
lime light views, in the Woman's Art
Association rooms this evening." Another
paragraph in the same paper rends thus :
"Bev. G F, Salton has been summonsed
to appear at the police court on Friday
on a charge of leaving quarantine before
allowed to do so by law. It is alleged
that Mr. Salton mingled with the public
while hie children bad scarlet fever."
BRUssirsis not behind the average
town either in the number of fraternal
societies or in the size of the memberebip.
Just now the Onnadian Order of Forest -
ere is having a boom. Tuesday evening
of lash week a oandidate was initiated
and Friday evening following 10 rode
the goat ; on Monday of this week 6
more were added ; Wednesday 11 and
another grist on Thursday. This places
the membership at 104, not counting
Thursday. Grand Organizer Strong is a
hustler at this work and backed up by
a large and interested membership, has
done well in Brussels.
Tan Hanover Post of Maroh 10th con-
tained the following notice relative to
the death of Mrs. F. Bryden, daughter of
Mre. Mango Wallace, of this village :—
"Death visited the home of Francis Bry.
den about 9 o'clock last Saturday morn.
ing and carried off the loving wife and
mother. Mrs. Bryden had been ailing
for quite a long time and death was not
altogether unexpected. The deceased
leaves two children and a husband to
mourn their loss. The funeral took plane
on Monday afternoon for Hanover oeme-
rery for interment.
Tars week we are in receipt of the
Colonist, a Winnipeg journal devoted to
insurance and other matters akin to it.
In the number referred to there are
perhaps a snore of portraits of leading
insurance men in that city. Two gentle-
men formerly of this locality are to be
seen, viz :—J. R. Grant, Provincial
manager of the Federal, and P. D. Mo -
Kinnon, city manager for the Ontario
Mutual. We had no difacnity in recog-
nizing the gentlemen referred to. They
do nob hold second rate places in their
respeobive companies by any means, but
are regarded ae hustlers.
Hoe RAISERS. A local bog dealer hand-
ed Tan POST the following oiroular rela-
tive to this important industry that will
be of interest to all 000esrued :—Far too
many thick singers are Doming forward.
I cannot attribute this drop in price to
anythiug but the above fact, for if at the
high prices packers have been paying
they continue taking the percentage of
fat and light hogs that they have been
taking at singers price, it would mean a
serious loss to them, and if they soli
them on the drovers as they should then
they are the losers, for all the farmers
are paid alike for good and bad, whish is
not fair to the man who feeds to suit the
market, although be makes doable the
money that the farmer does who hurries
his bogs along and does not give them a
chance to grow. The proper way is to
bay snbjeot to inspection at the weigh
scales and pay for them according to
quality, This is being done in some
sections and is working well ; you should
try to do the same. I notice that Dorn
is being fed to hogs in some parts, in
spite of all the warnings that have been
given, If this ie kept up the trade will
be ruined in a short time, bub it is to be
hoped the farmers will atop it before it is
too late, Continue to warn them against?
feeding Dorn and show them the advisa-
bility of raising the right class of hogs
for the market, whioh, with no more
trouble, is much more profitable to all
Business Locals.
CLOVER and timothy seed at McCrack-
Wilms from $40 up to $100 at A,
EXTRA value in single harness. I, C.
Chown and Timothy Beed by oar lot at
Beaker & Vanetone.
A. ConeLEY handles everything that is
used by a bicycle rider.
TRIUNES and satohels. Nice aesortmout,
low prices. L 0. Richards.
Roosts to let over McOracken'e store.
Apply to W. J. MoOraoken.
Don you the the Gsndron bike in A,
Cousley's window ? It's it dandy.
Ono netters give Ibe best of satisfac-
tion. Try a pair. I. 0. Richards.
Goon, dry Amorisan Dorn, the beet for
feeding purposes, for sale at Ross' miff.
CLEVELAND wheats are groat sellers,
Six sold since Jan. 1st, 1898. A. Cowley,
REPAIRS in rubbers, boots and shoes
done neatly and cheaply, I, 0, Riohards,
E, & D, bearings are guaranteed for
three years, Conte in and see them. A.
I wn.r. be found at my old stand, Mash -
ill's block, to receive any quantity of
Butter and 4lggs. JNo, il'AIT,
Otto mutter left oat of 40. Will be sold
at a bargain, or wood or lumber would be
taken in exehangs. IVallter ac Smith,
SES Jame; ilalhtutyne before buying
your bioyale for 151x, He is handling
The Mae-py iltstip," "The London,"
"Capital," "Ohio" and "Alert," and le
prepared to' quote you oloee prima.
Bunanats.—Are yon thinking of buying
a wheel this Spring 7 If you are call and
see the Raymond wheal at 3, J. Gilpin's
implement shop, This wheel is a dandy,
and priors are right. Guaranteed for
ono year.
INsnan against aooidenb, If injury,
$8.00 weekly indemnity for 26 weeks, or
$1,010 if aaaideut results in death, No
Lodge dues or nodical examinations,
Manufacturers Guarantee & Aooident Co.,
of Toronto, Geo, Gooderham, President,
J. A. Creighton, Agent, Brussels, 86.2
OANanc,aN Paoifio Railway is nob to be
outdone. We find the following quota-
tions :—Torouto to Guelph, 60o. ; To-
ronto to London, $1.00 Toronto to
Mathew, $1,50 ; Toronto to Niagara
Falls, 00o, These prices should make
people travel. Brussels to Toronto, via
Guelph, only $2,00.
THE KLonnr rE AT Hem—Anyone who
would like to snake money fast had better
see Sawdler McGregor now, as he offers
to make $1,000 for each $100, for anyone
to put in now, inside of two years. This
will bo mads ou patents on the latest im-
proved new saw tools that Mar. made
and owns, T. McGregor, Sawfiier and
Inventor, Brdssels, Queen St., E ,. t, Ont.,
Sttm.,un,—InIlrnssels, on Mar:'li 1718),
the wife of Mr. W. M. Siuclai•, Bar.
ister, of a daughter.
Mosnxeog.—In Newry, on March 6111, the
wife of Mr. John Morrison of a
GnaNT—MOLencETAN,—At the residence
of the bride's father, Brussels, on
Wednesday, March 16th, by Rev.
John Ross, B. A., Mr. Alex. Grant,
of Tuokersmitb, to Miss Margaret
MoLauoblin, daughter of Mr. Thos,
STEWART—Lown.—At the residence of
Mr. Richard Cardiff, brother-in-law
of the bride, Morris, on Wednesday,
Slaroh 16th, by Bev. John Ross, B.
A., Mr, Peter Stewart, of Langdon,
North Dakota, to Mise Mary Lowe,
daughter of the late John Lowe, of
McNann—KNIanT.—At the residence of
the bride's father, on Marsh 10th, by
Rev. Mr. King, of Galt, Mr. Peter
McNabb to Mies Martha, daughter of
Mr. David Knight, both of Morris.
SCOTT--KNIGHT.—At the residence of the
bride's father, on Marsh 16th, by
Rev. Mr. Bing, of Galt, Mr. Robert
Scott, to Mies Mary, daughter of Mr.
David Knight, both of Morris.
PORrnaPIELD—Ta0l0PeoN,—At the home
of the bride's parents, 4th con. of
Elma, on March Oth, by Rev. J.
Ball, Mr. Russell G. A. Porterfield
to Mies Sarah A. Thompson.
Bass—Dooanas.—In Harriston, on March
8th, at the home of the bride's
parents, by Rev. Mr. Jackson, Mr,
A. F. Base, of Palmerston, to Bliss
Kara, oldest daughter of kir, and
Mrs. Thos. Douglas, of Harriston,
formerly of Atwood.
OonsIE.—In Morris, on !March 10th,
Elizabeth 11. Bryan, beloved wife of
Robb' Currie, aged 26 years, 9 months
and 14 days.
KsATING.—In Oil Springs, Ont., on Marsh
18th, ufinuie Keating, sister to Mrs.
(Rev.) Absy, Brussels.
BAEEa.— n Oranbrook, on Marsh 17th,
Elizabeth M„ daughter of George
Baker, aged 2 months and 12 days.
MEDD.—In Elma, on March Gbh, Wm.
John, son of Mr, and Mrs. Edward
Medd, aged 7 years and 4 months.
Haratnnv.—In Elma, on Marsh Sed,
John Hatherly, aged 82 years, 7
e3itonthe and 2 days.
MEnn.—In Elma, on March 5th, Ada
D., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward Medd, aged 8 years, 7 menthe
and 22 days.
NEenrtT.—In Atwood, on Sunday, March
Oth, Richard H. Nesbitt, son of Mr.
and Mre, Allan Nesbitt, aged 28
years, 2 months and 8 days.
YoUNG.—In Atwood, on Thursday, March
10th, Robert Young, aged 72 years,
1 month and 17 days.
RADDATJ,.—In Oranbrook, on Sunday,
Marsh 13th, 1808, Ida C. H., young-
est daughter of Ferdinand and
Hannah Raddatz, aged 17 years, 6
months and '20 days.
McGUInn. — In Winghain,: on Monday,
March 14th, Hattie Gertrude, only
daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas, Mc -
Quire, aged 2 years and 5.days.
Wnxonr.—On Marsh 2nd,'on the East-
bound train, on his way from Phce•
Arizona, to hie home in Michi-
gan, W. A. Wright, oldoet son of H.
P. and Jouuie Wright, of Miobigan,
(formerly of 4th line of Morris,) aged
26 years, 1 month and 14 days.
rumor, Marsh 18th.—Farm stook, im-
plements, aka. Lot 18, amt. 7, Grey.
Bale unreserved, at 12 o'olook, (noon.)
Dr. McKelvey, Prop., F, S. Scott, duo.
FnIDAv, Marsh 261b.—Farm stook, im-
plement,, &o. Lot 5, Con. 11, Grey.
Sale at 12 o'clock, (50011.) Richard
Bedford, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ano.
Tommy, Maroh 2f)th Farm stook,
implements, &o, North } lot 20, con. 6,
Morris. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock,
Isaac Curry, Prop., F. S. Scott, Auo.
WEDNESDAY, March 80th.—Farm stook,
implements, oto. Lot 16, son. 10, Grey,
Sale at 1 o'olosk and will be unreserved
as farm hits been sold. John Brown,
Prop., F, B. Soott, Inc.
=ET 1n-nini331=.9 7uCA1.22gt:M=^ ,
Faii Whoat.... 82 82
Barley. 26 80
Peas 56 65
Oats 28 20
Butter, tubs and rolls 18 14
Eggs per dozen 10 10
Floor per barrel. 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 60 60
5 00 5 60
Flay per ton 7 8
Hides trimmed 7 7
Hides rough
Salt per bbl., Petail 1 00 60
Shoop ekine,oaols 40 40
40 25
Lamb skins each
Hogs, Live.........,4 26 4 40
Dressed Hegel., .. 6 00 6 00
Apples (per barrel) 1 00 1 00
STu4ND.,11W BANE OF ad,n',lim,
11Tar, 18, 1898
ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) . , , • $2,000,000
Agencies in all principal points in Ontario, Qttebca,Alan itobo, United States c0England,
dttr3r,,rt'OAtr"Jpzs arld WN.
A General Banking Busii.raa Transaobed. Farmers' Notso Discounted.
Drafts Issnad and Oolleotions made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of doposit to date o
withdrawal and aolnpounded half yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a diatomic.
will pnl'ahase if suitable animals are
offered, 5. BURKE, Brussels, 30-
A Frame ouse end Stable, with :i
Also land,vGre ll Jere y aBulll for seryiee, Ethel,
year 01d.;510 I30-4 W.
to W. a, SHARP, Ethel,
the gentleman who was in Brussels
after a load of salt on February 28th, and on
whose sleigh some boys, 'who were getting a
ride, bat ;parcel, kindly return the said
parcel to THE Poem, Bruseele, at our expense
if necessary.
The milk routes of the Walton Union
Cheese and Butter Factory will be let itt
Meliim'e Hotel on Wednesday, March 23rd,
at 2 o'sloalt p, m. All interested are re.
quested to attend. R. 8, GREEN,
Ors To ILENT,—Tbe undersigned offers
for sale or to rent that 1/ story frame bowie
on Turnberry street, North of the Torroee,
lately occupied by 5, 1d. ,7aokeou, For par-
ticulars a ply to W. F. Kerr,or the owner,
J. HOAREP, Auburn P. 0. 80.14
bought a registered Tamworth Hog
from H. George & Sons, Urnmpton, bred
from imported stook ou both sides. His
sire weighed 948 Ibe, at Toronto last Fall. I
have also a large English registered Berk-
shire, bought from Jas, Dominos, Seaforth.
Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms
$1.00. For sale—a number of pore bred
Berkshires at for breeding. I have 9 pigs
one month old bred from a full sister of the
sow that gob first prize at the World's Fair.
84-11 Lot 80, Oth Liae, Morris.
house, in excellent repair, containing
seven rooms, besides a good Summer and
Winter kitchen with hard and soft water
ruder cove'. The house, which will be sold
lust as it is, is handsomely furnished
throughout with new furniture and well
heated by hot air. '!'here are large grounds,
well kept, and an excellent garden, atcaked
with choice apple pear, plum and cherry
trees, together with all the smaller fruits,
all in good beating condition. This place
offers a most desirable home for a farmer
wishing to retire from active life, and will
be sold on reasonable torme. For all par-
ticulars appl to
29-tf Solicitor, Brussels.
DEneraNEn has several good Farina for
sale and to rout, easy terms in Townships I Foaals, �St
ru ores
of Morris and Grey, If 5, SCOTT,Brusbals Fox's
Cpl bl
North Half Lot 10, Con., Morris, and
Northwest quarter of hot 14, (jos. 8, Morris,
For farther parbleulars as to price, terms,
ata„ apply to ROBERT HUGHES,
84-'3 - Blyth,
The ;wagon for papering will
noon be hero again but we are fully
prepared for it. Our new Papers are
all to hand so drop in and see our
stook before pnrobaeiog elsewhere,
We have thio Spring prepared 4
sample books, each aontainiug a sam-
ple of all our papers, for the conven•
ieneo of one onetomero, so that any
one wiahiug to mako a eoleotion may
have rho privilege of taking one of
the books hone and making a Bolan.
tion at their leieure. Those will be
cheerfully fornished to any sue by
simply asking for it.
DEnsIGEEDdesh'es.torout his 70 acre
farms, part of Lot 10, son. 14, Grey, There
aro 50 00.05 shared, 08 under crop. 12 In pas-
ture and 5 in prase. Small house and new
barn on farm. POeeoeelon immediately,
For terms apply on the premises or to Oran -
brook P.O.. to ADA t4 SINCLAIR, Prop,
A heavy draught horse, weighing over
1,400 cwt„ 7 years old, for sale, 94 4
ApAnrusr FOR xim SALE.—THE offers lco ;re T for
sale, being Lot 28, N 4• Con, 7, Morris. Thera
aro 70 soros cleared and under Drop, balance
hardwood bush. There 15 a good frame
house, with lcitd)ian, woodshed and cellar
complete ; bank San, with stone stabling ;
orchard, wells, and all other oonvenleimeS.
Only, of a mile from school and 8 miles
from 1'aensle. Poesess1011 would be given
at once. For prion and terms apply on the
promisee or to Braasch P. 0., to
81.1E SI1ION FORSY'TH,Proprietor.
R111T,—The undersigned offers his
eligible 04 earn farm for role or to
runt, being South part of Lot 5, Comes.
cion 11, Grey, All under cultivation, well
watered and well fenced, There is a good
steno house, bank barn, oronard,welle, 10„
on the promisee. Also a splendid stone
quarry from which a good revenue is realis-
ed. Only 2i miles from Brussels, Terms
reasonable. For further partioulars as to
price,oto„au1nty to
JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor,
2e-18 ➢roseola P. O.
undersigned offers his 200 Gore farm
to rent, being composed of lots Nos. 5 and 0,
in the iatb and 11th oonoesetons of Grey.
This farm Oslo n splendid state of cultiva-
tion, 80 acres trader Pall wheat ; 50 acres
Fall Plowing done ; 24 aures under bay • 83
tunes seeded down ; and 12 acres seeded
with timothy. This is one of the hunt
grazing end grain growing forma iu the
County of Huron, !'here is a now brink
house, good bank barn, flue,. young
01.011;1',1 and wells. The river also rune
through the farm, which is only 14 miles
from Brussels. School;( of a mile from the
house. Terms reasonable, For farther Par-
ticulars as to price, alma, apply to DANIEL
FERGUSON, Proprietor, Brussels. 80.0
I All Paper Trimmed FREIE
TAEIbi F011 SALE. -150 ACRES
of the Northt4l, of Lo t(0, Uonl2,l East nd W1awa.
nosh, This is 1,5 exoellsnt sbooli farm, bong
well supplied with good spring water, It is
situated about:3 mhos from the thriving Vil-
lage of 731ybb. A large part of It 1m under
grass. Buildings and tenths are In a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given. For nil informatiop apply to
11-tf G, F. BLAI11, Barrister, Brussels,
The undersigned offer two 109 acre
farms for sale at reasonable prices, Tile lots
are Noe. 10 and 11, Oon. 0 (bttuebine), the
eideroad between theut. Good brick house
and barn on lob 11, and house and 2 barns on
lot 00, Orehard5 and all necessary sones
ienoma, Well watered dud suitable for grain
or grazing, 100 dares now in grasss. Will be
sold either separate or together to stilt pur-
chaser, Terms of pavmeub reasonable. Im-
mediateposeessiou. 1�or further parttoalara
apply to JOSEPH 0L14GG, Brussels, 1'. O.,
or E. L, DICKINSON, Barrister, Wingham,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the County of
11100,1, in the matter of the estate of
Elias Dickson, late op the Township
of Grey, Farmer, deceased :
Notion is hereby given, pursuant to R. S.
0., Chap, 110, and amending Acts, that all
persons having any claims against the
estate of the said Elias Diekeon , late of the
Township of Grey, farmer, deceased, who
died on or about the Twentieth day of Janu-
faorry,thAe. DE,o08, xie, arteq1uriusreedstIoe gPau, d0maoilr
postpaid, delver to G.F. BlairSltol
before the 25111
day of Marsh, 1808, a full
statementand particulars of their any)
and the nature of the ter those (10 ssy)beid
by them, and Mn and after the eaid 26th day
of March he Besaid estate will be distributedhving
among thasentitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which nodus
shall then have been given. Dated at Brus-
sels the 7111 day of boils , D. 1808.
0, , BZAIlt, Solicitor for Esecubrix,
in, Prises at the Clarf,elc1, - ouseo
.R+ eV' ?'iV
Men and Women do You
Want to Buy Goods Cheap P
Come and See us for we are going to
H. -`r-.. E:!. THE #r OLE
X3,000, IN TEL 3U
Dry Goods going at 70o. on the
Boots & Shoes
This is a True and Fixed Purpose
and will begin on Saturday, 19th Inst.
IId W S:EJ. .b V SS.F1U.JS.