HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-3-18, Page 7MAfton 18, 1918, THE BRUSSELS POET, THE FINITE VISION, •OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE IS DIN AND UNSATISFACTORY. TAL11AGI;' i 11I6I11 IDISCOUltliE, r^'r 1'1.e Orem Divine Contrasts /ho Dimness Of Earthly Eyesight 1E11 it Me Brander end shore complete Vision in the llerenfIcr-- Morinl erlald *penned by the Celestial Gloriq+, Washington, At:lrcll (i-B'roou LCor- i i (dans xiii, 12, "For now we see bhrough it glass, darkly, but then face to face," Rev, Dr. Talmage preached e newt powerful and vivid sermon. IIe said,: Tho Bible is the most forceful and, Pungent of books. While it has the sweetness of e mother's hush for ha. man trouble, it has all the keenness of solmiter and. the crushing power of a lightning holt. It portrays with more than a praetor's power, at One stroke, picturing a heavenly throne and a judgment conflagration. The strings of Ws great harp are fingered by all elle splendors of the future, now sounding with the oaokle of c.on- 00n8u1nl0g words, now thrilling with( the joy of the everlasting omaneiput- ed,. It tells how one forbidden tree in the garden blasted the earth with sickness and death, and how an- other tree, though leafless and hare, yet, planted on Calvary, shall yield a fruit which shall more than antidote the t poison of the other. lu •rlee of It tells how the red, ripe a p e God's wrath. were brought to the wine press, and Jesus trod them out, and how, et last, all the ,golden nhaliees of heaven shall glow with the wine of that awlul vintage. It dazzles the eye with an Ezekiel's vision of wheel and wing and fire and whirlwind, end stoops down so low that it can put its lips to 111e ear of a dying cited and say, "Come up higher." And yet Paul in my text; takes the responsibility of suying than it is only apt indistinct mirror and that its mis•, Bion shall be suspended. 1. think there may be one Bible in heaven, fastened to the throne. Juetrus now, in a mus- eum, we hare a lamp exhumed from Herculaneum or Nineveh, and we look at it with great interest and say, "ileus poor a light it must have given eom- psrod 'with our modern tamps!" so 1 think that this Bible, which was a lamp to our feet in this world, may lie neat( the throne of God, exciting our inter- est to all eternity 11y the contrast be- tween its comparatively feeble light and lite illumination of heaven. The Bible, now, is the scaffolding to the rising temple, but wtea the building is done, there will be no use for the scaffolding. The idea I shall develop to -day is, that, In 1liis world our knowledge is pomparuaively dim and unsatisfactory, but nevertheless is introductory t0 grander and more complete vision This is eminently true in regard, to our view of God. We :bear so much about God that we conclude that we under- stand him, fie is represented as hay- ing the tenderness of n. father, the firmness of n judge, the majesty of a, king and tee love of a mother. Wo hear about him, talk about him, write about him. We lisp his name in in- fancy, and it trembles on the longue of the dying oclogennrian, \Vi thtnle Oat we ktlow very much about him, 4ako the attribute or mercy. Do we understand it? The Bible blossoms all over with that word -mercy. 7t spanks ega.iu and again of the tender mercies nC God ; of the sure marries; of the great literates; of the mercy that en- dureth forever;. of the multitude all his mercies. And yet I know that the vlewe we have of this great Being are most indefinite, one sided and incom- plete. When, at death, the gates shall fl.y open and we shall look directly up- on him ]row new and surprising I We see upon canvas a picture of the morn- ing. We study the clouct in the sky, the dew upon •the grass and the bus- eandnuiu on the way to the fields Beau- eiP.ul picture of the morning 1 But we rise at daybreak and go up on 11 hill to see for ourselves that which was rdpresented to us. While we look the mountains are transfigured. '.Cha hurnislree gates of heaven swing open and shut, 40 let past a host of fiery Splendors. The Clouds are ell 0hl0om. a.nci Bang pendent from arbors of ala- baster and amethyst. The waters matte pathway of inlaidpearl for the Sight to hallo upon, anis there is morn- ing on the sen. The erngs uncover t " morn- ingscarred visage, and theft is n ing anlong the mountains,. Now you go house and haw tame your picture or the tmorning seems in contrast 1 Greater han that shaltbe the contrast between ;his Scriptural view of Clod and that Which the shams have when 81andingtette to face. i'ihts is it picture of the morn- ing (.lint: will let the morning itself, Again, utv text is true of the Savior's excellency. 13y image and sweet rhyi:hin of expression, and startling antithesis, Christ is set forth -his love, his com- passion, lits work, his life, his dent h, his resurrection, \We ere <'halle challenged to A measure it, to eomput.11 It, to weigh it, In the hour or our broken enthrallment We mouse up into high experience of his love, nm4 shout. unlit tee rount.an- tazee 4100.15, and the blood. bounds, nnd he whole nature es exhilarated, "I ayeyet'ti through �avd found heel" And i s t. l telt 1 1 g e glass darkly. We see not half of that 1etlnreeelonat'e face, We feel not half iihe warmth of that loving. heart„ We waist for dealt to keit us rash Leto his Outspread steles. Then seashell. be face to fare, Not shadow then, but subs- iltnce, Not hope, But. the fulfilling of all prefigurement. Thal. will be 8 meg- refleent unfolding. The rushing out In view of full hidden exce110ney, the com- ing again of a long 015004 Jesus, to meet 0s, not hen eggs and in p81011y and death, but: amidst a light and pomp and elebbutsittalg jot, strait ns nen, hut a elorifteal intelligenne could experience. Oh, to gaze rail upon the brow that was lacerated, upon the. title Lime was pierc- ed, upon the feel: that were nailed; 10 Stand (,lose top its that preae(Ce of (rim who weed. for (ts syn the 'Mountain, MAI 4haugh't of see hyi the sea, and 144- anized for us in the garden, and died for us in horrible crucifixion' to feel of hinny, to owl/ani him, to (alto bi'. 11an,1, to kiss his feet to run aur fing- ers along 41ie scars of ancient suffer- ing, to say : " This is any J415001Ile gave himself for me, 1 shell never tense Ills presentee 1 shell forever b0hnle 1115 glory. 1 shall e'4rrni111y hear his voice, Lord Jesus, now 1 see t.hee I 1 behold where Lim blood sterj.ed, where the tears coursed, where the faro was dis- torted, 1 Have (vatted for this hoar, 1 shall never turu my back un thea. No more 1mA:tag through imperfect glass - 044, Nt1 nonce studying thee in dark- ness. But as long Its this threce stands and this everlasting river flour, and those garlands bloom, and these arultes of vietory remain to greet house !leaven's conquerors, NO lung 1 shill l see thee, Jesus of my choiee„j Jesus of lay sung, Jesus of my triumph, forever and forever, face to face l" The idea of the text is just as true When applied to God's providenc0, Who has scot come to some pass in life t:bor- oughly inexplicable t' You say: "What does this mem? VVllat is God going to du with me now? Tie tells me that all thinlgs work together for good, This does not look like 11," You continue to study the dispelnsetion and after ewl(ile guess about what God meal's. " He means to teach me this. L third( be melees to teach me that. Perhaps it IS to humble 1110' pride. Perhaps it is to make me feet more dependent. Perhaps to teach me the uncertainty of life." But after all it is only aguess -a 100111ng' through the glass, darkly. The Bible assures its there shall be a satisfactory unfolding. " What L dp thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter." You will know why God Look to himself t.bat only child. Next door there was a household of seven ohlidren, Why not take one from that group instead. of your onlyone? c, 1' i which R' t the de el to n Why ou h g s b there has only one heart beating re- sponsive to ypurs f Why did God give you a (held at all tf he meant to take Lt away f Why fill the cup of your glacenese brimming if he meant to dash it down l'Vhy allow all. tbe ten- (lrils of your heart to wind around that object and then, when every fiber of y'aur own life seemed to ho i tlarlooked with Lhe child's life, with 81x0114 hanld to tear you apart, until you fall, bleed - Gag and metalled, your dwelling desol- ate your hopes blasted., your heart broken I Do you suppose hist God will explain (bat 8 Yea, gee steins make it plainer than any mathematical prob- lem -as plain as that two and two make four. In the light, of the throne you wilt see that rt leas right -all right. "Just and true aro all thy ways, thou King of saltiest" Here is a man wale cannot get on in the world. tyle always seems to buy at the w.ro'ng time and to sell at the worst disadvauhtnge. els trios this enterprise I and fails that business and is deep- ' polluted. The man next door to him ' has a lucrative trade, but he leeks Due - 1 Comers. Se new prospect opens. His 1 income is increased. Ball that year his Enmity are sink, and the profits are ex - petaled in Drying to ours the aliments. He gets tl. discouraged look. (Becomes 'faithless as to success. ,Begins to ex- peel. disasters. Others wait for some- thing to 'turn up; Ile waits for it to turn down. Others with only half as much educe/tion and character get on twice as well. tee sometimes guesses • as to what: it all means. He says : ."Per- 1 ays:."Per- 1 haps riches would spoil me, .Perhaps poverty Is necessary to keep me humble. Perhaps I might., if things were other- wisebe tempted into dissipations." But there is no complete solution oC the mystery. He sees through a glass I darkly and muJt grail for tt bgber un- , folding. [11'!11 there he ee explalia- lion t Yes; God will take that man in the light of the throne and sny: "Child immortal, hear the explanation I You remember the failing of that great enterprise- your misfortune in 1.157, your disaster in 1807, This is the ex- planation." Send you will answer, "It is all right." I I see, every clay, profound mysteries of Providence. 'There is no question we ask oftener than Why 1her'e are hun- dreds of graves in Oak Bill and Greenwood and Laurel Hill that need to be explained. (Hospitals for the blind end lame, asylums for the idiotic and insane, almshouses for the 'desti- tute and a world or pain and misfor- . tune that demand more than human solution. All, God will clear it all u , sn � p In the light that pours from the thrones no Berk mystery can live, 'Chines now utterly inscrutable will be illumined as ;plainly as though the answer were written on the jasper wail or sounded • in the 1eilnpl0 anthem.13arttm1us will ( thank God that be was baud; and Laz- Iartus that he was covered with sores, and Joseph that he was east Into the pit, and Daniel ghat lie dermad with Ilona. and Paul that he was humpback- ed, (111d David that hewers driven from Jerusalem, and 01111: sewing )roman that • she could gel only a ['ew pence fee mak- keg a garment, and that invalid that: for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow, nnd that widow that she had such hardwork to earn bread for her children. You know that in a song different voices marry different parts. The sweet and overlvholnling ;pert of the halleluiah of heaven will not be carried by those who rode In bleb places and gave sumptuous enter- 1a[nment.s. but; pauper children will sing it, beggars will sing it, redeemed hod. ' carriers will sing i. t.. those who were once Ilio offscouring of enroll will 01.ng it. 1'11e h,tlldufall w'Gl1 be all the grander for turtles weeping eyes find itching heads end exhausted hands and scourged barks and malrtyred agonies, Again, 1111' thought of the text is just when applied to the enjoyments of (he righteous In heaven. I think we have bue little Ilea of the number of right- eous in heaven. Infidels say, "].our heaven will be a very small plane cone pared. with the Wor:icl of the lost; for, according to your tearhilrg, tile mema- jority of n will Ills destroyed.r I deny the charge, I suppose that the multitude of the finally lost, as Nan - pared (01(11, the multitude of the final- ly saved, will ha a handful, T suppose that the feweick people in he hospital to -day, 115 eom(laned with the ht112111eds of 1110usands of well people in the city, would not be (82101ler than the nunlb- cr of those who ebol1 be met net in suffering, compared With those who shall have union linin the health of heaven. Ear we are to remember that. we are living i1n comparatively the be- ginning of the Chrielien 0(1110een1hoe and that file worlds is to 1)e populated and redeemed, and east ages of light and love are 14 flow on If I:his be, se, the multitudes or the saved will be, le vase majority, March April May Are the months In which to purify Your blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla, The system is new In need of such A medicine and Is most susceptible To the benefits To be derived From it. Hood's Sarsaparilla is Superior to all Other preparations As a spring medicine Because it is Unequalled for Making pure, Rich, rod blood. Take all the congregations that have to -day assembled for worship. Put them together and they would make but a 101511 audience compared with the thousands and tens of thousands and ten thousand times ten tbousand, and. the hundred and forty and four tllouisancl that shell eland around, the throne. Those flashed up to heaven in martyr fetes those tossed for mal Y yaws up n. s on the tova,lid couch, those f fought in the armtes 0 liberty and rose as they reel, those tumbled from high scaffoldings or slipped from the mast or were washed off Into the sea. They came up from Corinth, from Lao - dime, from the Red Sea bank and Gen- nesa.ret's wave, from Egyptian brick- yards and Gldeon's thrashing floor, Those thousands of years ago slept the last sleep, and these are this mo- ment having their eyes closed, and their limbs stretc•.hed out for the sep- ulolker, A general expeeting an attack from the enemy stands on a hill and looks phrough a fieldglnas and sees in the great distance multitudes approaching but has no idea of their numbers. Ile says: "I cannot toll anything about them. 2 merely know that t here are al great number." And so John, without attempting to count, says, "A great multitude that no man can number." We are told that heaven is a place Of happiness, but what do we know about happinesshappiness in this world is only a half -fledged thing - a flowery path, with a serpent hissing sor'os%it; a broken pitcher, from which the water has dropped before we could drink it; a thrill of exhilaration, fol- lowed by disastrous reactions, ' To help us understand the joy of !leaven, the Bible takes us to a river, We stand on the grassy Bank. We see the waters flow on with ceaseless wave. 13314 the filth. of the cities are emptied into it, and. the banks are torn, and unhealthy exllalatione spring front it, and we fail to got an idea. of the riv- en oC lite in heaven, We got very imperfect ideas of tbe reuloions of heaven. We think of some festal day On earth, when father and mother were yet 1!91114, and the child-' ren came home. A good time time But it had this drawback -all were not (lot's. That brusher went off to, sea and never was heard from. That sis- ter -did we not lay her away in the freshness of her young life, never more in this world to look upon her Abd there was a skeleton at the feast, and tears mingled with our laughter on thea Christmas( day, Not so with hea- ven's reunions. Its will be an uninter- rupted gladness. 101any e, Christian parent 11)11 look around and find ell his children there. "All i" he says, "can it be possible that we axe all here -life's podia overt The torda.n pas- sed, and not one waiting 1 Whe', even the prodigal is here. I, almost gave him up. How long he despised my ooanse', but grace hath triumphed. All here, all here I Tell the mighty joy sty' y Let the bells ring, the r .. e h and the 111140(8 mention lb in their sung. Wave Le from the toil) of the walls, .4411 here I" No more breaking of heartstrings, but face to fnce. The orphans' that were left poor and In a merciless world., kicked and cuffed of many' hardships, shell join their parents, over whose 41.09es they so long welvtl and -Raze iutu their glorified: eounl- onnnces forever, face to face. We may coulp up Cron different parte of the world, one from the laud and another from the depths al the sea ; front lives affluent and prOseerOus, or from ecoees of ragged distress, but we shall all meet 10 rapture and; jubilee, face to fare, Many of oar friends have entered upon that. joy. A few clays ago they s'all with us studying these 8081101 bhiames, but they 0111y sew- through n glass, darkly -now- revelation Neth come, Your will also c•01115 God will not leave you floundering in 1.110 da, rlr- (7088. YOU standwonder shark anti amazed, You. feel as ill all the leve - 101055s of life were clashed out. 101.1 stand. gazinginto the Oren chasm of the grave. \Veit a little. 7n the presence of your departed and of b.iin W'1(0 ('(0(2iea them in his 110(0010 you. She 11 soon Ai 511,1 face tel face. 011, that non' last: hour1112 kindle up with this promised joy ) . 'May oa e able to en.y, like the Christian not long ego, thwarting, "Though a pilgrim, walk- through the valley, the mountain. tops ere glenndag from peal( to t:ettk. or, like my dear flied and brother., Alfred CaOkman, who took 111s flight to the throne of Clod.. saying, in his last moment that which has already gone into Christian eins'ues "I' am: sweep - Ing I1:rough the pearly gate, washed inn the. blood of the 7.am, hI" SPA.1t18.OW A.S. A MiMIC. A Fro'nrll naturalist slanted fallen has ,made the discovery at Nimes that IC a sl14)22(' is put in the sante care With Boehm it will soon( learn to Imitate their song lilts rL tuo0king bird.; also, the chirping of a erleket, A SERIOUS EXPERIENCE PASSED THROUGH BY ONE OF. BROOKVILLE'S BEST KNOWN NEN. Ills Logs Gave(D0t nnd ITherl Pie gal hewn 'Tliltliux' 111( 1 111s Restored 1101 to JAlvllnd. 481 (entitle Over (lnea-pe. From the Brockville Recorder, There are few men in Brockville or vlriuity better known to the general public, and 411020 is certainly no ane held in greater esteem by his friends, than 11J:r. L. aeCarl , sr. Mr, (Wavle le came fence England to Oneida forty- four years ego, lora( ing in the county of Glengarry. Bright. years Tater he removed lo Brockville and has made his home here ever since. lee estab- lished the large marble (easiness 51i11 carried on by hie sons here, and is himself one of the most expert slnne- c:uttars In the Dominion of ('anada. IIe is also well known as an fallen in other (Ines and as adraughtsnzan has few equals and 00 superiors, Ample evidence of this is afforded to the fart tbat when the ronatnuction of the Canadian Peelfic Railway was begun, Sir Sanford Fleming, relief engineer of the great trans -continental road, requested him to join his staff, Mr. deCarle excepted the position at Sir Sanford's request and remained with the company for nine years, during which time he drew nearly all the pro- files of the road anth the plans of the bridges Between Ottawa and Thunder Bay. His work was commended as the best done by any draughtsman in the company's employ. Since leaving the company's service Mr. do Carlo has liv- ed a retired life, enjoying a well earned competence cosy tence at his co home in the p west es fid of elle town, lvir. de Carla 1 po S assed of a rugged en stitu ion and had always enjoyed the hetsll of health untie the fell of 1191. Then he was stricken with an affection oe the limbs which much alarmed him. Speaking with a Recorder representative the other day, the conversation happened. to turn upon this event. and the cir- cumstances connected therewith can best be told in his own words. "Last fell" said 710, "m,y legs became in sucb 'et condition that when 1 stet down I tad no power over them. I could not, move them one way or the other, unci was naturally much alarmed. I was advised to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I had read of their caring oases Sim- ilar to mine and so 1 decided to give them a tidal. I purchased asup- ply of the Pills and commenced tak- ing theca according to directions. I had only taken them a short time ween I found that I was regaining the use of my legs and could raise one up and cross the other with- out much difficulty. I also remarked Lo my wife net the pills were doing me touch' .good and she was both sur- prised and 48(14lted ween T showed her with what ease I ao ld move my limbs. 1 continued taking the pills for about! a month and. by 'that time 1 bed as Cull control of ins legs est I ever bbd -in fact was completely cared. I have never had a symptom of the trouble since and am now as well as ever I was, I attribute my cure en., tirely to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Int fact It must have been the pills for I took nothing else in the way of meth- ane, and 1 ouunot ton strongly re- commend theta to anyone afflicted ad Ii w•ar. AN EASIER WAY. You don't mean to say, Bumply,that you paid 4150 for that suit. Well, I should say not, 1 Iliad It charged. 11I:Se HUGHES' CASE. The Lady Writes Another Letter to The Dodds 'Medicine Co, vs eeotor0 and a B1leelalIst Said She Had Rheumatism -. Tilly 00013 Net Help Her— Her Trouble Was Kidney Disarm -Cur- ed By bodd's Kidney 31113 1,lhrley, O'o't,:-Interest in the wond- erful recovery of kers. T. Hugtees its I still unabated (here, and the ease to the (principal topic of conversation. Mrs. Belches hits renewed a. letter from The ;Dodds Seediei'nb Co',., 'reroute, asking I whet name hoer 'cloclors gave her (1,10 - ease. Replying, lhlrs. Hughes writes elms I "In reply Co 'Dun's of the 7L •. 3 ih )est,„ wound say that the doctors said I hacl I Rheumatism. They saki that my age, l481vo0i's went 3. 11 et a l 11181 3)nyrecovery, that; got over blee change of 14, anal: thea nothing but It9me. would cure me. "1 11011528 I had kicl'ney and bladder disease. I grew worse and Wane da1.17) I eowlkl eat nothing but co'rnstarchl, or Outup, Lentil I began to use Dead's Iiid- may P1118. When I was 111 I weighted 117 polilitOs; now I weigh 112 pounds- ! any 71021)10:1 weight, Haag to state agi,n ±111141 Docid's Kidney Phl'ls saved 111y life. Anyone wishing fur'ther• infertile - tion may write to me, and. 1'11 gladly give it. "Mrs. T. Ilughss." I In the face of the e1np118410 evldence that is corning to light daily, no elan 1 eon bay daft Dodds Kidney Pills won't cure Height's Disease, Diabetes, Rheu- 11/51180 , Lumbago, Diseases of Women, and all other 11uhley Diseases, I Dodd's I41,Ini y Pills are sold by all druggists at fifty rents a box, six boxes 42,10, or will lie sent., on receipt of price, hyy The Dodds Medicine 00., i 1',imiked, 10101110, 0121, Senn ova= C01lxOTx 'rote: 4 s Fn,INI1 J. 0itaini 0 makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. T. 0111(852 8 (lo„ doing business 111 the Olty of Toledo, Cotmty and State aforesaid, and that said firm Will pay 0110 sum of ONE 101/111/11.0 0 DOL- LARS for each and every ease of (Ivan, 81abcannot bo mod by the use of HALLs ATS5511 (111RN, 4151112 1, f1HI)NEY. • Sworn to boom ale and subscribed 111 my prbeenee, this 0th da3' of 1) comber A. 1), 1988, rti A. W.01,115807, sLM Notary nubile h all's Catarrh Gore Is Laken lntorually, and acts directly oh tiro blond and 011(0ons Serrates Of the system. Send far 1estintohlate free, t T', 3. Okl a. 1IY 5 00., 'Toledo, 0 Sold by Druggists, 750. Ball's Family Pills aro the bosh, A Query Answered Anxious questioners ask, "Is there no :lure Cure for terns:" W ala glad. to be able to tell these suffeaers that l'ul.nnnt's Painless Corn JdxLrac- Cor will relieve thein in a day: ui11 ex- Iraot corns without. pain. 71: never fella, '('hir( y .fives unfortunate gamest era 101111)1i1(e'( suicide at Monte Carlo, last year. Dr. henry fevers, Qneb8n, writes: - "One of illy children sprained her ankle: which became uluoh swollen and discoloured, Soul•+ "Qm(dt011r•e" star lapreltd on linen, and applied; the pain erased al ones, the swelling was gone the next day, and on Lhe fourth day ,she walked to school as usual." LUNATIC'S AS INVENTORS. 11 is a ouriowi csireumstance that some of the must important inventions have been discovered by lunatics, e t rr A s r•rnc GOMPANY. Cure Yourself of Rheumatieln, The application of Nervtllne--ner•ve- pailk ours -which possesses such mar- vellous pewee over all nerve pain, has proved a r+'mari(uhle auceoaa in rheu- ynOtiian and neuralgia. NerCllfue 0.11.0 an 11121 nerve,, soothes deep(. drives pain out. 111(1 so given relief'. Try it and be 0o111'1)(c04l. Ski_ . res CELE L7 IiAF `1 Y'a ¶2055 0 001) And neves fails to heal sad wire akin 111 001y�ea-. Sold by all druggists, 88 Coale •, Neve pa'kage, woopwMO unarms co, 2050520, CANADA WHIP YOUR PRODUCE, Butter, Eggs, Apples, Fruit, &c„ to THE 080)50(0 001dMIep10N 00., Limited, Oor. of Met Market and Colborne 8104 TORONTO( Tho aaluwting of Sha holders wasal heldmeeat the Cumpulty'S 02re- - fioes i11, this city yesterday. The Pre-, side tut, the Hun. Geo. A. Cox, °coapted U,o chair. The following Annual Report of the Directors, with accompanying (finan- cial Statement, was then read by the Secretary, and, on motion, adopted, e'ORTI'•SBl'ISN'bII ,tl%t',tL REPORT. The Directors beg to submit herewith 1 fthe reaultsof the trans- actions r :1118- a st tench o a h . f the(omlan • for the year aGL ° G 3 iwI 3 1897, together with the Assets and Lia- bilities at the 31st December last, and the Auditors' report thereon, The balance at the credit of Revenue Account is 4149,8.15.05, and there bas beeln a gain of $18,381.10 in the value of securities, as (smeared with their market price a year ago, Two half -yearly dividends, at the rate of ten per cent. per annum, have been. declared outof the year's earn- ings, and $(1R,226.2 1, added to the Re- serve Puled. The amount of the estimated liabil- tty upbn risks now on the Company's books is 770,011.51, and a net surplus is shbwn over capital and all liabili- ties of $979,472.91, GEO. A, COS, President. Toronto, 18th February,' 1898. SUMMARY OF THE FINANCIAL. S'2ATI:SIENT. Total sash income. , .. ,$2,283,032,48 Total expenditure, Includ- ing appropriation for loss- es under adjustment. ,... 2,139.787.49 Bulamcy . ..,.$ 1.49,845.05 Appreciation in value of securities.. .. .. .. . 18,381.16 Profit for the year. , . •4 198,226.21 Di(vid)ends on stock, . . .4 100,00(1.00 Total assets. . . . .. , . 2,415,086.41 Reserve fund . .. .. . 1,155,134.43 Crush capital. . . . ,. 1,000,000.00 Subscribed capital , . . 1,000,000.001 Security to policy -holders . 9,155,184.43' The election of Directure for the en- suing year was then proceeded with, and resulted in the unanimous re -01e0 Lion of the follolring gentlemen, viz: -Iron. Geo. A. Cox, Time S. C. )Good,. Messrs, Robi, Beaty, G. R. R. ('orld- burn Geo, McMnrrich, li. N. Baird, W. R. Brook, J. 1X, Osborne, and 3. J. Denny. At a meeting of the Board of Direc- tors held. subsequently, Icon. Geo. A. Cox was re-elected President:, and i32r. J. T. Kenny Vice -President, for the en- suing year, W. P. C. 910. 0 Built in one Oracle Only -- And that the E?4ST.e1l r t •the one that 1s k"ryr The mss s g_�0 �'"e CORRECT in every point. k5:j;, C1fi'96dricld . I Res-Floyi 11111,0 are constructed of 111e (Meet' •, materials and skilled work.,a 'E ife manship, and are free from faults. WHOLE 011 DOUBLE TUBES. =r" Not expensive because they ae, are the Ins11. Send for "T"4,,WP catalogue, it will interest)'ou, Dealers emoted. AM55108(1 MS 00. Limited, 184 and 100 King St, W. -T0110Nr0, »� dill'+ a t stooRossiszA,, MUSIC•�trezjits w,VUoll to 10180211108 011p til pre a and norms. Wo 11 11111 ��� 1v j mail prepaid "IIob 01(00 In Uld 1'20{114 " with Imola for 5 WOO, stamps. POPULAR 5111010 110101', 90 Alexis 8t. Montreal. Have You Seen lt11 f Can Yott lJo It I 1 f The New 0. 4. Puzzle (t ! ( ! The meatfrooliu tt,g pun015 01(b0 day, . 11(10'To111150.5 tliLONDYi(E Nold everywhere, Agents wanted. Strad alc, Cdr sample, T. SONNE, 005 Commissioners et., a Montreal, One. BIIOL09111RNNGSFR EEI 3) \7111g1 o owl l nl - r t roan a 011th 3 Sa.nowelted, led 10 OOy d whttro will 4411 rented, to ruy (one bio a p 18)1 11 1 doz. Itepees re bioLemh,stabs (noelpWO3)Vl m11 c•l)n011100 tendent. 70 one11write n08,d ,1 011 110 ymltll 2840015/ You ecu them 5)' U1 t 1150{(0,t� endue iii mMl yoI Ok, 0555, eTAR OBIDyliCdr, (�0 nos Centel crook Oo s�ie, tan. Domiunion Line Steamships. Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool to summer, YortiandboLi4erpool In welter. Largo and fest twill screw steamships 'Labrador. Pan, pourer," Dominion ' 'Sr.otsmal,' ' Yofkshlr0' Superior a000mmo,intion ter First Cabin, See. old Oabin end Steerage passengers. Rates of passage -First Cabin, $5O; Second Oabin„9841 13toerego 922.50 and upwards 50gording to Steamer and berth, For ell information apnp1,ly to Local Agents or 11AV111 'l'ORteANet: $t 00., Qen 1 Agents, l7 bat. Sacrament St,. efontroet. It Tells Us Own Story s•4�3ik'11ea11 CEYLON TEA.Tryapaolrn2 doan5n0yc.7 0 u3 0I.n Load Packages. From Loading grocers, Highest Market Value r \in yon RAW FURS and SHINS, Bees' Wax, alnde:lg, etc. ALLOIN US to he your guide in haying tea” ONO anon* 11N130-1.EYLON '('EA, is re00n11rlended as the best. 25, 30pp. 40, 5o and ti0c. per pound. it4iv Mei d 1111113'9 rig S,nIron•l'm,31t�p. Spra'vers. and Grain Grinders. Oou.id, 8ha11(ay m kiwi(o0.. Limited, tlrontford, Ornade. Po W:NTOR RBSORT. t Arms ATLANTIO 0 TY, NI, 9. OPEN* ALL PRE YEAR. 47N4ST 1101'11L ON '1'224 00AST, Hun Marler 800 feet long overlooking ocean anti beach esplanade. Vaouum steam heating system. Elevates to street level. Hot and cold, fresh and salt water in all ba4bs. 1Ooms en suitebaths attached. JA(1824S B. REILLY, Owner and Prop, Consignments paid at1l80111lia'Moose litaccasice, Fur Coate, Robot -- ----'� aid Snow Shoe a socially. N. JOHNSON, winsome) Furrier 404 8t. Paul St. -�_ Montreal, Ouch L A .r The most au coped and reliable pre oriptlea of a dleticsufebed physician for COUGHS, COL S AHD All• Bronchial and Liing Affections. Contains Boaey Hops, Skunk Cabbage Root. Lobelin, Toll' and other most effective ingredi- ents. Pleasant to the toate, 11 in readily taken by Children, and (e magically effective it to , Croup & Whop ing Cough. Price 20 3( 00 eta. Bold by Meggintsond Dealers. Photographs of Foams. If yea don't !(note, but wish to sea Low Page Canoe looks in actual use, and get some good plcbares of ranee, let us sandy ou some of our illustrated advertising matter vontaining elg r ay. into made direst from photographs of Page fence on (tanadisn farms. Ye* will not regret it. if there is a Page dealer near you, apply to hien. Xt nab apply to us. CRE RICE WIRE FENCE COMP5NY Limped, WALKER.V ILLE, ONT. P. 9, See our "ad" in the next issue. eiesamseamis For the average person, riding the average dis. tance, over the average roads, HARTFORD and VIM Tires are perfection and stand for comfort, safety, durability and longevity. We re- pair everyair of our rend tires FREE OF CHARGE. Write for Catalogues. Montreal, Windsor Hotel Block, TORONTO TIRE CO., Winnipeg, 'Winnipeg Rubber Co. }TORONTO J 8 T NT Halifax, UECIce opens 1st April, s Adelaide t. W., oro 0 issgusgrapieseexiepionssrescranr,SMWWWW5C9501Pealit=123021r ,srlr WTSTTER R1s1SC'3RT_ Florida of the North—Rest from snow and the Cold North. H1 tel Tal ayt o e9 Atlantic City, N. J. 4Eaaa1.41axa3,0. aaasoZ Cheri-aa,ga)r.acre cm Star. •9•sr®84.0(.' XXiten.G ,AH. • • IT •-'�;�'tq 'emu r�� 9Q` r1 rnt;I; 0 1/4" 6r1' lift, -I e i-_.•--eeeeg .� }' ,�+-wy����,a`"sv'1�"' i1 �r'Sit --^". .r•?� e '..i:�'u'..1 'see.,- 1115 h •'es_"se -'_.:= . •ire. .ss"'-,•.•'•• - f� .t--:.' , ell+- . .-.4 -"'x �-+_c��. �- -t � ,,- � ��,, ;moi ki �'' a .., TP.. et k •eS`.��,.;� p Ni,( y`" 1lpilok'•� \ ,1811,:z...'44),..--,hews� 1 rR,m?tr'(' r g7fa ��tir__ta.�i slvsil', ,. .II" f6. Rates the Very Lowest Consistent With First Class Service. ". The TRAYMORE is one of the longest established beach front hotels in Atlantic City. Homelike and cheerful and enjoys the continued pat- ronag'e of a quiet and refined class of visitors. Write for all information, D. S. WUITE, Jr., Owner St Proprietor. eitelliera"( fir eine hSt^eare'ti 3r .WelIDeenliter n•. eleentraltaentleMeeereenterelleeele � �n ° t-t";ata �Q�` p{� $ .., �� �� J1Q1��IN� , This Is 11 BONA EIDE offer made to Introduce our Vegetable and Flower Seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you 03 the amount paid refunded and the seeds given as n present. At these prises wo can 001.12 offer the varieties named below. Order by number. Buy what you want They aro sent by mail post paid. :3eleoi from the follow leg itisb : YB11hTABLOS. Is. wafer Melon, Party Canada (Order by Nnmber.) 17. (101481, large red Netherdield 1 la. Onion, (ullowlnohn Danvers 7 11. Pergola Hollow Crown 20. Radish, French nrenkfast el. Rad(ah, ttney 1Goa 1.2 1, , 4,, Hubbard 3:3.Tnuah>, l•a• aearly Aidentlo et. Cnnmto, Mart Champion FLOWERS. 1. Bart, Esli1. , round V2, neat, ili•,n, 3. abby a 1,at natt 4Cabbage, liottler1e'0de81t t0 ok'w 1ht F. CnnnE,halt',.lowlet 78,. euorru,u)lbeUru,rtrahni,. r,(mlerlolek(i.g R cumin -1,00, 1 1,lren 'x d 10.Hernia Saga n an{F-Hlanohing 2L Antos, ds roost 11 1Iorba s.,vnry 27.118041',.nik(td 12, nerbe, S1nrj'108 2a, Ireitinle, mixed 13. Lettuce, Nonpareil(Cu11bba(e) 8, aturtien tall mixed 14. Lame, Denver Market (ecce nd) lo. Sweet Peas, Pine tolled la. Kash EIolon, extra eptly, 03110100 31. WW1 Mode , Uardon mixed FREE WITAIVIRY Providing Oils 1nup•", is OCT 0171' mut eons to on with an order for 13 paok010, 80 will lnolodo 1 packet How 111ant Ohil• 10080814431"6t an ((oglnsslsAC rico Poe, irate i B 1I1i8 l'8 111(, 'Binl,hs We will NOT ACIOPT AN ORDER at the a prices where tete packets aro NOT selected WW1 the above list. Address all orders (o No. 5 Darrel. ftelr LOSS Dents/wt. %ld4,ol RE.NNI 9 TORONTO. NT' a Q1N �g itsOtegIrarrszrtm£ ''3atfasienieteis7bTtrY/