HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-3-18, Page 6,A , mmwg*"r�­�- u � I M,Allcll 18, IF498 0 — -----. -k- find when he diol, married her first oil fulf3wo States nail matiqlaoturers %iisliand Into in- vousla, Aristobolus, According to tce, I have combitced an Ili,, AluqxI- 111E SUNDAY SCHOOL. 'ti-sbt;ulttr'and'ais"(�1'el?�It'ch"L'rolf Jolln the 13�`h 1 diticia, she alkviied in crossing it liver 4. W ' ' "' I trar(' I [ I*1 and 1K . ..... a 0 ' "in" '�e thus lie ten severe SIL 4111.1uVrM1.1'1V1 " v4tio 11 capital of $10.000,000, and headquarters i� ,�fr,,,d,'�I, ,",v.O th','10. cifl, x', and : d bar bend train her � I OR INTERNA110NAL LESSON, MAR 'NVY" a late Ibut goal] people i egarded 1H 8 IN � NE - a.- , 20, clis'llatontloally aveoll , at New York. . 4. John said up to h1t1.1l'I?r1,,1I.qbJ1s', IcL'u"Ilnng- as TotVibutl1l, ,I E I " I'lie, Gloucester fishing schooner with ,,JOIIIL 110131 RAVII'Stli"',beatjoa. "Officti. 14. 1 lack In flea history, ,Notwe the evil- 12. HIS disciples ("'all), 11,11(t look u-1) BUILT U P 'T1, THE VERY LATEST FROM her CIVIV linve been g1ven up for lost, t1cillys can- the ))ad,,, find blarled it. Herad prob- � She left Gloucester for Nast IV, Golden rext, alrfki. 4. 23. ". Herod Sold certain a i4do no objettloni to those 10815 ALL THE WORLD OVBR. on December 9 and was last reported . PRACTICAL NOTP,& c.ornidig Jesus; the reason 110 Said ably �a. John's popularill, was too t"I thein was Ji,,:.,1tijqi, be hall imprisOOPEI )fOnOl - an December 16, 'is. .Tohn; the reasori be, had LIMPAsOne(I 9"cit to WOOL Sell told I L, -­ Verso I At that ilmo. 'Xaltdo)y ,permit the autlicAtles to per Vyxps 11. .Breder, former �'.'t`1',1,%',.0' di.,i,gard'okif Ili, or,,161 It lillief) ifficas I Jobill was bectlas-s John had spill vinto 80011tQ his followers, - Intorestipil Items About Out Own Country, thol ii'lr'.st Nrttlonal Lank of I . I is ,lot 1p�%,Jrcl for thlie, to haLve Xest,03. It 1-3 eery- Likely that a's 1,�, creat Bolaw, the United States, 44L pit wbo pleaded gullLy to the, embez-' tdr., ineaning (d asteb pbrasPil pi; these bli'mi It f g L if r. Lukes tells us that John's ro- majority a thorn from thiel time lie- " �,, . stir and Pa„ of .vex $20,000 frous, tile litirdt, . S,YSTEM I N i . All Parts of the 01oho, Condon z unkiertilln, but train Ma story -sire Itelro was not limited to flerod's sin came our I,Qrd's disciples, Asserted far Easy Reading, has been sentenced to seven years in are lied to larsiv tb,wt ttlis Iltbrife" was w I th Herodias but Included "(ill the .- 71 prison. evil "'hiell he Iiad clano," I MAKE YOUR OWN GOLD, CAN"ADA. 'twelve Fuglishman from London daring the tivisslionary journey of t1he a Herod Antipas, He 5. When lie would have put him to I ` I failures in Canada last Nave arrived at Now York rk route Livebve- Ifffl't"l- I tit th. -A.1,though lip was v, Jilin,, to ,I-- coln'.­--all and ,hf,s liat him Co deptilL.,, Hero,li�ks Ivas the u, C. Brice of ChIvicro Malreq Public gala I Week number V against 51 H, Year 60, the Yukon, Nvitli 50 tons of supplies, was a. ff,)n of T-Imod the Great, , isteludifig a large steel Olin's Aluelik Valked-OrForlellflifil, � C0111104111Y to U ago. river boat, onothor was to Samaritan vronsitc), Re, fictive spirit In art,mesplishing J `,'ir Samford Fleming it" been 'r0- wh-kh can also W used as a sledge, . was I)r,yu)Zht up att. 'Rome, m1wri(e-d an I ruin. Herod was aritfici of jobn and Item a G0141 felletery. el neect's 11niver- '.rho remains of George W, Perris, A ' a`L- the same time deeply itill)x(Issed I)Y A despatch from Chicago says: -H. acted Chancellor of Q rallilta prinvesa, 1,-c, w -how his Was 113a- � him. Read the Story as given In Marls, is urging the Dominion Government to tile crematory in Pittsburg for the who was ak,so a Sol) of Hier L! Log would incite the G'allleans to 'ill Company, has made public his Secret - nialwaid funeral expenses, contracted but by ammthm motibler, land who llivet ever a year ago. eirt rebellion, lie feared the mull}- how to make gold, Mr. BAce has sne- "'RI � sity. Kingston. builder of the Ferris wheal at the Chi- C. Brice, President find General Man - The City Council of Victoria. B.C., cage World's Fair, are still hold at truce, and then sicilo. t1hia w1fe ,if Philip, Joselibus tells us that Antii�as feared improve the harbor of that City -ad tible, Great �Illnt JObta the Baptist's direct preach- ager of the, National Metallurgical MANNE, Manitobic provincial elections %%ill . 'in weattla abd rlst,trenient at, Rnal". ludo. Again live urge the teacher to likely take plan Shortly after this Chris. .Keenan find Frank Sharce,nighl, J,axc�l,y relati.ailiships Nvere, so Eitrangic,- study tbo stoi-v its told In 'Mark, ivbo reeled in making some people believe month's session of the Legislature. Watchmen, eml,16yed by merchants of I I I tella on that ff�rod fearedJolin bemuse, that be can manafaeburs gold out at X2!RN+".L"Mnrit, omillee, Mich., folapt a duel with jy mixed among the Herods Olicalt, Her - Sunday night's C.P.R. train for To- ilLen ends. Of 1210 justice and holiness, ".Did many baser metals. His company has $150,- . . detained in H,mJJIon for 11. revolvers there on Tuesday, Kronen kod,,kis N%vo nlece, to buth ot'h'er husbands. tli;mgs" Ili Mark's Story shoutd. be 000 of paid-up Block and owns ,,I plant, . .. 11 •- . . fronto was ( w a, wounded in the m rist. Shane gave ire I I,,, j o wislill 0041501*11ce I he 'a'sXx a go time by a landslide near the city rime- . translated " was much PerVIOxOd-" ... 1.1crusillf Up to the OffiVer8d of H.�rc,.J arid IlerodYas was inexpress- ; Herod was too weak to be consistent- on Lowe avenue with retti blast . telt Ste. Barnobe, A, fire. in a four -storey tenement ,bl shocking; ill, owixis ,umd4kT prokhlbi- , 15, good, and too weak I a be comfortably furnaces and other necessary oqulp• , , ,•ted '. ... . ,­ I a.: , r"s1 ! � Jiloquot Lepage, of bonse, 171 flarrisork avenue, Brooklyn, - "' lied. Ilerodiais walked firmly where he ment for gold -making. it also owns . I I I J511mousizi county, has just had his 23rd In' , 'rho father is E4 Years damaged property to tile extent of 630,- tion, first, as H1,111111ILRTY; secondly, as % i Staggered, but the footsteps of both - . an antimony mine in *Utah. * (I " child baptised, cliff and. made Seventy families tempor- act, or doatilie itheest, beolvaise. inarria.6a I �IeTL On the dixectt, path. to ruin, They I Y.! 1 old. arily homeless. Several Smaller tone- w3h. a. ish2ce and wilcrria-ge, with a 81st- covaitpli him as a prophet. And there- The company hold a meeLlngi an i I _� - I ; � ! I Gen. Gasroigne. Commander -in -Chief mesist houses were des1royed. A num- . � 'all allove, the authority T�jrareday night and voted to appropri- 7 � . 16)" :! of tie forces in Canada, I% visiting ber of persons were slightly injured E'r-itc-I botch, so rege,rded. it. fore lifted by G 0 I I It 'Rw we" : of kings. Theii, belonged to a, generatlun ate 4-220,000 more for improvements lit; I I : '11 I I W.ashixigton, accompanied by Mrs. Gas- bi falling walls. was a pd.VU�O,l blusnoder too; Cur the fi- I mbleh "built seputchers to the pro- Lbe antimony mine, and.31r. Brice SELYS I 1* . . I �, I colgpp, The entire system of Government in- thPT of Herikil's deserted wife took -up phet., .not to the kiings." They rever- ,-.)N . r 1 The infant daughter Of Itholan's that as the company has secured all I U .1 I speetion of meat Nr.bleh has been es- bor cause alarl declared war against' enced the memory f Elijah more than ! ^ d ; )rd. of Harfolev, Mau., died there On tablish,od in the imelcing house of the 11 . ; of Isaiah m,o)re than Alanassen. the rights to ]its prci by patents � & .. I the; effects of 4 %var inivoltrad jacrealsed: Ahab �, .- 11 1. , 'Iday from . , IN allavcIng United Etates has been declare'd to lie '111'rec' In �5 ; They respected John ,more tban Herod, applied for in all parts of the world, morphine pellets. unconstitutional, ineffective and void taxation of th� Ga.2,loan Jews. and very - I A I ' find believed libit to bavei Ileen sent by it will no longer conduct its operations The Canadian Locomotive Works, is an opinion .handed down In the 11kely also tile drafting of soldiers from God, secretly, but that the golds factory 1;; ,� I I lCingston, has closed a contract with T_Inited States District Court, Kansas v)m)j,n-g tb?p,m; and its it. was, di(rpvtJw 6. 17hen Herod's birthday Nvas kept, will b; open to po,bibf inspection at I the Minister of Railways for the eon- City, by Judge John Rogers. I 'of Herod's all times, 'His reason for secrecy was I wga�nssit. batch QlAr taste and their .eon- I The gorgeous Splendor I . - I Etruction of several engines for the GENERAL. - and wids. l'birthday par -Lies is alluded ta by a poet Orel: be w -as not fully p,rotected. " .. 1, I I V. . . so trice, disloyalty sp,roald ter - I 11 lilt: , I tatervolonial Railway. The Czarina, ill at Tleanni is 'in- Thin tIl,a war end ad LEWastnitle:13- ,ad of the. time, Pessius. The (laughter Of Thin formula is now made publIc: I ­ • . There are now only 723,008 bushels Proving. ­ Whose name Avas Salome. She. Take of chemically pure antimony,, 5 I . . 11 0 �� 1), of wheat in elevators at Fort Arthur n under such conditions to h4byl! R, Pro- i "f'te`x"%V'prd was married to another Iter- parts; Sulphur, 10 parts; iron, I part; 1-kzr I . and .Fort William. where there were Sposto bas reduced the duties I jcb)ot so inflfueAciMl Its A4411 the Bap- ; 10�d Phillip, the tatrareb of Iture.a. Damr^ caustic soda, 4 parts. Place tbase in- 1. I � I r . wheat and flour. i over 3,000,000 bushels a year ago. Tho deadlock in the N`ewfoundland t-st di,moumpe the criane endangered 'ell before them. The dancing girls of gredleate in a graphite craciblet, find oJoil I General Manager Days of the G.T.R. i anLiquit.ir seem to biome been its pope- exPO98 to a �rbita beat, at, 5,000 deg- ,NW.BrA1.L v *D. 1, : heads a .syndicate applying to the Gov- Parliament over railway legislation Herod's throne. The Letrarch. 1711 "" is' bar im J�. wry as tit. Rome. They malts rens, from eight to farty-eight hours, � I 6-r 0 iq , 0 IVY'. . r of a quartier. N� 11. the Von, on, like the They Powder the reskilldrig mass find mix it �� ,� " ?-,, R 0. r^ . prximent ut Ottawa, for the right to croff"Mues. the fule . dancing a profess! IT.-- I I v The Carlisle have Issued a, manirestc( . Greece ,h -Is well to incorporate the metal with the bridge the.Ustroititi er between \\ CiLPMUg legli.Ais of Eania partetl the lie. of G and the nautt gil a . I ser and Detroit. annumacing their intention ­ 1- Lions or the •,world .moray, this 1myerial . of India. PAiIR lives were nni, extief-t- 81119. Combine this with charcoal, I ly f, 11 .. : C.P.R. land sales for February gg. part in the coming ele,-tionS in Sjlicie, o' ilt Incaine a-Illifost it custom to . ed of t1hem. Thait a, rc%yaZ% mai.diout part; oxide of load, 5 parts; and caustics I . 1�1 I I re victors should take flipir place was startling soda, 4 parts. Fuse the whole until IQ: , I "I ! 6,regats 211,000 acres, for which $66,000 Emportir 'kVililaua has sent it msSSp,6 - kin da Into quarters, and put, "Danced bef a metallic, button is obtained. Scarify , I , I -oulzratulation to Prince Hohenlohe, diq id,e ; to the banqueters. I . was realized, a sure three times aslof( . aoh. them" Should be "in the miclst ore 19 large as Mic received during the same I Uplink ills diplomatic success in China. a tetrarch or (ittarler-ki-ng over e. of and oupel this motallic mass and the . Ouch a man was oft,aff. eampAmenLarl- resulting head will be gold and silver, 0 ki�,�, rs�'l ,tt4 1, '. . ­ , , Ll " Pleased Herod. No sarrilim . , P - � month last Your. The Prince of 'Wales, mobile on his l'yealleci"lzi.ug,,"a-sin.�arb-.6 14 'Her- 1 t"IliLa"Mehe could have made for this ty- Mr. Brice silkya that Robert W. Aunt, �-,'. I I L L­� ' I President &Ucli time aw,d offer' " glory would have been so ri.�Ifly head of the isading firm of metallar- . cash is Stijl the Lieut.- way to the ktiiviera, called an I I spelat My in an � cant's q ,Air. Mackin I . Governor of the Northwest Territories, Fence at Paris, and the latter return- "' I chemists in Chicago, made a test � J g mer � A, � effort to be mc;Ide. faIlly -w kiling, and it rewarded bythim as this Faerifice, of her glen, . . �b a EL li� If � He tendered his resignation, to take ed the Prince's visit'.. . May have beem to Iiis trip to Rome to$ Iderity modesty. I of this formula for Secretary Cage and . wir - ONT. , effe,-t an January I !list, but it has not in view of the warlike preparictici this purpose 11wit, our Lord alludes fins , ma' reported that he got both, gold and, . I- agAV9 •- - I . � yet been accepted. being made by CIIIII the Argentine 1,uke� lq. 12; but he flififiLls-cl, a,nkl I,,,, ji,ie , 7. Wherpulpon. Immediately, said a.9 silver. Mr. Sunt realized only a fent/. purchase efp,d,II,,s;tibi;.s tet.xaxolty. The fatme of Jos- I 0 reward for the danvill dollars to the ton. but, Brice says , The Mhabster of Public Works states Government has decided to g. Promised to i I lilability incurred in eonnec- three warabips anti arms for 150,000 US. "Heard :the report co,ares-Waig give ler whatsoever she. would ask. Ac- the lJora be manufactures will asstIT Jgmelf A. Bell, of Beaverton, Out., them and especially when it becoatisp ! that trie, I ding to Alark, he, offered half of -a gold ands brother of the Rev. John Weilloy B01, Vropie, 48 as, skleviduly, Te cajilick W44 4 : tion with the improvement of Toronto porn. Jesus, ' who bud naw been Lea,ching and cording $1,15 0 to the ton in Jim 11 I all fli� harbor durimg thla year ending Janu- There is an appalling scarcity a' ivorkinig uAiravIza for sc little less tbaki - 134-4 Irindgam. which, of course, lie silver: B.D., frostrated by nervous beadached r. Ball? The tot-oulalt, reacted sit i . onfident, would not be asked for. A v victim of the trouble for several tensity that last June he was cQMPIOW ary 1,1898, was $16,936. food in many Provinces of Spain. The p, year; a gnoj -part at That year bld -9 r ly .Prostrated. In this condition ik friolla 8 Being before Instructed of her mo- years. Geological Survey reports show the wheat is high. and bread Acts been spent Im Juldea. when --- fame I IvCL a recommended South American Nerylaql, ' aro of occurrence ut Salamanca. began to tqix,eaU suddenly. He ,%vas *the I thee. 'Before instructed" might he PORTSMOUTH HARBOR. South American Nervine effected ri * "on of coal for the year 1997 to � I corplete,cure. Ready to try anything and everything. C i where It is feared that material law ,,fi,nisittliDn" of the bour, and. wbat a3l) ' translated "instigated." It does not — t their own particular field few men though he thought he had oRverou thq . Muclieen 47,a86,000; gold, 66,190,00; will be proolairseed. the gucj folk, talked about of course moo" that the, girl was Instructed be- fttllck�VIrIllfc Glaw and Searelill-Auts for Its are beter known than ,the Rey. John lis .of proprietary Ing lattice, be secured silver, 88,322,000; nickeIl .41.400,000; leadIngr] I i7,396?000; copper, l5l,501,900. The, condition of the Crown Princess scion calme echo,,knig fo the court, , fore she danced, because she did not befolkee. Wesley Bell, B.D., and Ills brother Air. a ottle of this Bred- discovery. A try !ng to drown knew, that the offer would lie made James A. Bell, The former will be re- second bottle of the medicine was tal;�tf, a. good f Aa4ria. grows worse. She wh;�fe tbia �etraxch Nv9s t i her. Mark tells us that she went ill- A despatch from London says: -Tho cognized by his thousands of friends all I and the work Nvaj done JDaiployligg his , lic'*,, I , a 4 The Klondike rush( is having "lep'L ing from inflammation of the cloalse; . Effect on the customs receipts. and Val- Is .off.I. -inee !in a rountl of pie,asurs, : reetly from the banquet to lipr me- Surprise Nybich was created at the tune over the country.as the popular and able own language: "two tattles of out , . � lua,;�, a result of tin attack of influen- ,�. Said onto Ills servants. Nut his i thew to ask her advice. ,rhe hatiquet of Prince Henry's visit when the Gar- LileplonFLry fouperluteaderst of the Royal 1merican Nervine immedia,tely relie'rod lect;ons it Vancouver last month . reached $45,88-1, am increase of $15,380 za. and it is spreading to an extent laves, its in many other cases, hot of- %vas, according to the, custom of the I Template of Tecaperanae. Among the my beadaelses and have built up mm I as com,paired with February, 1897. ' which makes her ooddon critical. ficimis of hiwbi,r rank. Wbo were these � ttsiw, for men only, Give, the here John man Nvorabliks Deutschland and Cotton 20,000 members of this order in Ontario system to a wonderful ruanuer." Let up Alfr,�d Garem, a lumberma,ti. fias lis- Baran N'8n Gaut-wil, the Austrian men )%he had conference with Herod her mn- suddenly loomed out q; the �t on all Borts of as- not deprecate thq good oar knergymet Premier and -Mini,ter of the Interior, shout Jesus? We lie not know butt Baptist's head. By going to fog without ills counsel el) ? Son cluslons O he PIV,ic platfQrm he Is one and sool4l reformers are doing to flid � p, a axed from ocae of the camps on this 9-• - . been sighted, has of the at g rup at the day, tia,ttlinic wocld,.but how hi-fi they would b K`amohas reported to Emperor Francis Jos- it is very likely, as Dr, PlunipLre a I thee Salome had turned her triumph having previously ng gents, that Chuza, the royal atewal3l h for H*rodias, and in it sense of ogatilist t I Ville of.,%amperancle, for their work wore ;lot the ratio? I.vr Gatiiiaeau, BeHellasnotbeen Seen e -d 1 late a Irtuircli roused the authorities to a 'l, V 41 ph that the Socialist movement amot " the hour of success ofilip's strongest Equally w kno n .in I Snow storica Ind it Is a ire- ell In other ttat gouth American eivine lorl I feared he has perished. He bleonged the Hunger, -hose wife Joann& is mentioned 1 trialit is apt to lis manifested. Hero- the necessity of taking additional I ". when physical u is sinew the bliq Will peasantry has so far u provinces of the orainlou, having been in lijeal Ills ck,.Slus abated that the da,oger may be ecirs- I.uke, 8. 3, as ministering onto Jesus h to the Lower Towlic, Ottawa.. of her substance, was one; and that, dias's Strongest c,harartaristin was cautions, and they are now erecting for years a member at the -Nianitoba them, and w on the system, ah a re - Mr. G. C. Jonas, Superim ten -lent, and, sidered past. - Mancuen. lois foster brother, brought, up . clevenge; now was the time She quick-firlilig guns and Searchlights. Met�odist Gantereiiae and part of th it at,, earne$ and co*lnuo.ur a number of Giand Trunk despatchers �- oulibi have ill. A ch4irgs;r. The or! In Winnipeg, 51's Ivairk, b O's"lViii.w.. cotvine treato Oks with him, from babyhood, and me,n, g- At the entrance of Portsmouth Har- time was stationed A. Bell, is a 1219111V yeti as the wise retormer treats the find other officiels were transferred LORD ROBERTS' OPINION. 11al mlian,ing IS t,he -%viokald Villas trans- brother, Mr. James 81 tion -d Ili Acts 13. 1, was another; and box there, will lie a light powerful en- respected resident at Beaverton, wriere evils he Is battling nga , at, it strikes at I rTntm. Luakdoxi to 6t. Thomas on account — that It-, nobleman the heating of whose' lat-�J its ri, flat. woodem dieb, hat Una ough. to firiveep SpItbeed, and guns will his lafhle�ce, though perhaps more cir- the root of the 1470VITle, All AW R the Walikisif seaux;mg rUnnifug PONV- 'file 110ro of' Canslahar scn3s If Ita,SSIR ,41.ok sain at Capernriamwas theqgcond pftiU oil- plaiqu.s ,ralai, bribyle been, made be so placed that ships entering must curn"ribe than that of Ills eminent ease comes from 4 601"gatlizestior of t, , I . .r Lima. t -us did, Job. .5 xP, fuuy iretpir.'aj-. Dr, Carr coomnakils Lillis brother, is none the tape effective and enters. This a a patent fie fELM .L era ever the At 110 lzballoo Rookilt nu At , tnelf miracle that Jesus � " "" " wvra wit. ';,,,!,�,,,.,,,g�e,,,I",I,L,,hrAr.qo rand car- pass Under their muzzles, k0duittive of food. Of Pliamit alars hpw. VeriTypince at once wpr 911 one aerys � A plebiscite was taken In Vancouver ,:.­.­,:�:�,.cltii Tfill Coule I� third. I'Tkis 1% John t ek Baptist. g I", """ , The Adoili,alty has also ordered the P Ives t� e el an t* . . nor ,I- I I, * of our gaviour'a cliaruc- go. III- or! I of boilhi being ten twelve-inchi ever, the wor Ing ability of . r. Yames qenters; ,,� . t u-pnn tfie quet,tion mhethA a liquor Three opinions of or;_ 4 % .Lie . A despatch from London suys:-The that. villain W60,1i arilamd! 19 placed. prompt delivery A. Bell baii been sildlY marred by se+&a ­ and P. cense should be issued to the Alusic ter float�d in, the minds of the Jews. guns and twenty -tour six-inch quick- strong, healthy, 1110-rint&MIlif - � M " 9, Irim kk.ig. was Sorry. Doubtless rho fixing guns pec- attacks of nervous headache, accom- aybtem blo;I t Or dt 14 I Hall. Eight hundred and eighty-one H,�uso of Lords was unusually crowded Some. malutalned that, he was .1"I of & rca)v pattern, the a panted bg badtigpetion. Who can do fit blood, and ev�qus - I � . votes were polled agaimAt the proposal on Monday, the Peeresses' gallery was xeturined to the earth, as Jewish fcclIc!' revelled ties tply resuluit,'lam;s he baid ifil. features of wbiah are their breech work when this trouble takes hold of V0,1110ty AiQ 14 11196 of 79.0 pluilk I , il only four hundred and five in fay. full, and there were many members luxii ticiffi,ilit Fligh would ratuin : some. media Marler Johin's prpw-i%i'mgi. Very meallanism. and a new, rtPParatw', for � It, of it. that, it not Eviijah, he was another Ilhefy ,ho re-m-Ilad rialfgWie cccIverse, working the primers. The now gums . at the House of .Commons present, pro M', work wholly automatically, and, at he . Olson W -t cosmt� back from the gral e 1 and j,i6afs wLth. loia footeir brother M�1,11,IIQ. ; Majo - eneralw Perry of Av f Candabar and 6 I others that lie was John the Bap- auk H,=I Nvoa; Due of mamy won, some : Iten Lord RobertsI I OlLoa Police, he raised( British their firing trials they gave the great - . !,g at Summit Lake, elal ell as Am- Waterford, commander of file forces in ILA. These conjectures were all of w.halm, axa iIIrea,t, in, flaclum,mortisaxid est; SatislaclJoll, I; round taking only Sold by G. A. Deadnip.n. can territory, declared at aneouv- Ireland, made his expected speedo in strangely characteristic of that Strange lax,gs ii.l. wlill, NN',h.o by llhilir very Top.- (I 1-2 seconds,. and eight rounds being � v fired in 56 seconds, They have, astrik--- r on Friday tfhat- the summits of the people a*mung whom Jesus was born Luras sullititi3f. mare roa+Te arced more 11 .. asses define the boundary line and favor OE n forward policy on Ilea In- _a people so tied to the past, to tradi- ,uluxaserreldily to tithe cidni6riancis of ak Ing power of 5,374 foot tons, RgaluRt that Bum it Lake is on the Canadian than frontier, putting forward the Rus- Lion and history find ritual, that they kvtimaLa illikao to tilsi,i, of any man. There .1,241 attahiabI6 by the Present gums. THE DRY TORTUGAS. MISSING 17ROM WOODSTOCK. ; a pmvea% to think of anything limbably mlaii,uot a vrlttaa�lckr . side of the summit, Stan peril, find declaring the policy of loll n r 5n Ferol's T%s officials here, assert that, these are -1 -- 'Hom, P. O'Reilly has been retired Iong interference with the frontier riawr, and when a strange character all- dom4t0ons w)lao, coudd ;t6ve secured Jobts the test results obtained by any Ma- lie Ankiericaux T111111 Of.124111119tiliClIkolitudS fur. V.41.0yan J. Fl-likii'll', Inland Itevenno : peared, vrinelitcled, its it matter of ,4,3japtillt's denith. For Vile (pith's , sake, vA licriver. l the Vibraltill. orthr I;Iuir at meitico. efficer anis lillialilai-ared - Ill& Acco-11101 from the fickiii-tion, of Indian Reserve tribes had been it complete failure. omirsR., that. lie was one at the grout Dr, Plumptre bras a, hiblort remark nn. tit onall %bape. I Commissioner at Vlotoria.. S.0 ' mail the Of the, PE14 Como back again. It 1.15 Lillis clause: "Like most. we men Her- The following telegram froru Wash- . office li;is been iusittild wit'll. &t of the The speaker advocated the advance PURCHASE BY WARSHIPS, Ington is priAta& in the New York A despatch trains, Woodstock, Ont., Of British rule across the mountains, probable. that Herod ill,cussed with ad rsared to I* hbo,aigthit, weak. A false, I Tridian Superintendent. Mr. Vowal I, . his Servants" these, three theories. regard for public. offillnion, for what -- World;-Tbe United states Govern- says!-Considorable comment has been Indian guipp.,ritatendent, well 'r. Vo and traced the advance offluamd. Sail- n Of us in our " JaA,y 1,.At-ii.sti,4)st��qto4p-tilkg!oltfolllu . x%.blcll are. m altiolied, Ili. Aafatt. 360 14. people will say or OW It . ,a I ad went is now coniplaiplating trangrorm- caused during the past few (lays Owing: lackbi both offices without increased re Ing that if she once. crossed the Bin- Luke 0. 74, and, helped by a guilty own narrow eircle, was in this, a's in -,r,p,ek more fierured Ike 111rallee. A f re-uneration. 41ou Recall an attack upon India was orm-wiv.,nee. rejected that or Elijah. and rica,my other instances, an. Incentive to I ing Ili,, :Ory Ticirtnas 1,110 a, military to the continued abolexal. from town - The commissioners appointed to in- A despatch from Lonflonsays:-Fur- Mr. George J. Fraser, who for years late the laborers' grievances on only it matter of time. that of another prophet, and decided on guilt instead of a, restraint." If Harod and naval Station. Should the plan be con - the a I ill Ile - quire I-liat of. John. Ile is risen from the. dead. had 1:;%vorn to Salome only, find none of ther inquiries made on the subject n- carried Into effect the Islands NA - he,% occupied the position of inland. re the crow's Nest Pass Railway are at TOO C'OS'TLY, And yet ilhere, is Strong reason to be- the oasts blaxi. bossed him, o,nehalf of firm the ropo)'V of the sale of two Val I come the, (3ilixaitar of the Gulf of INTOX- venue officer in Woodstock. Mr. Henry , -duer, B. C. They have found few The Earl of Onslow, Under-Seeretary jl-xethal. Herod wasali'adducee. 1-10 the reason which brought about the causes for complaint, except that some for India, replied, pointing out the certainly was, in warm filendabit, with marries would 'have vanisbed ; it he bad cruisers, which Oie Armstrongs have fee, Tile Tortugas are now used as it N. Orr of Listowel, his been appointed of the employment agents misrepre.9- been building for Brazil, to Spain. The . tion, controlled by the in IVI,x. FVa,ser's plaice, find the district t -V, party, tipd. our Lord Sworn to God, and not even Salonle I 'quarantine stattaki'l 11 onted the cost of transportation, and enurmnuA rwit Of Lord Rcille.ris, poll, tht, 'Sudducean. p, . Uxli�,. States ' 'If Herod" as be- kff,�w 14, it I,, very doubtrui whether inquiries further show tba,L a reprosen- Me huslilto-I Service, there is, an absence of medical attend- which, h- said, would impecla the in- Spoke tit the "leaven Ion collector, together WitbIn5P8ctOX GOW, iing Identical wth the leaven of Lhe Ibis conscience would have led him to tuLl- e of the ChIllan. Government has I S eider the Jurisdicti ' )fare looking Into his books. ternal progress of India. � "'Pit'lib b 'i"i'vr,uDepartircent, The 'Cor - GREAT Ile thought v . is Tram. have been Skiddueees. Couirliare Mork 8. 16 Avith keep his oatb. 1.1 GREAT BRITAtN, the drend Riaadun spectre was hardly ,Nl;1tt, III. (I, But whvm a man, bps per- � Ill. H5 setiL. 'The executioner was been negotiating with a ropresentative � Itilligaerl'Is ands are nearly fig close' to 'Vile rOP'llt is the officer is found to be I The Mar ads of Salisbury, mbo bum justified. The ulkinuots destiny of the sonal fears theories it) the contrary always ready in an oriented court. Be- of the Spanish Government for the sale ava 6 as F�,:ey \17,pst ls, and they are abolit $500 Short in his accounts, been- suffering's from a slight attack of tribes was civilization, but the me- do nut hold. Herod had nicircipted headed John in the prison. The king of the battleship O'Higglins, built by infinitely better its a base of naved Amongst 1168 friends also are muny who . Influenza, is now recovering, ment was inopportune to hasten It. John, and of all the awful facts -which was supposed by the . peoVIe to be the the Arloistrongs for Chill, and it is ))a- operations, The islands are only .nine- will Joao olanny t1hrough liabilities eon - The original of "Rouben Dole," one Marqui.-i of Lansdowne, Secretary of all exclLp'll imisilgirm"i")n (in"ild fear abut God -appointed arbiter of life and death; Iiiaved that a. deal Is practically com-. ty� in information received here last traelted in loans. it Is set([ tiled IVIr. of the principal obariteters In Mario State for War, said the Govern- of the return of a, murdered prophet, nevertheless, the killing of John was TV's from the Cuban capital. Coralli'a book, "The Mighty Atom," ment'8 palb'v was to keep the main to life would be most dreaded. That popularly looked upon as it real naur- pleted whereby this Splerldid wmrsbip night. from is . Now York that General ,I?rase,r has left del) amountlug to iiizis just died at Combe Wartin, near pen 'and to establish viordrol kiprod's conscience was terror-stricken der. As we have already seen, tile passes illato Spain's possession. WerriLL has L,onnporawily Suspended his over $1,000, it is known positively, P"V11121,110"Itelili,as with, u, ficluivittrin of Inter- is to lic seen here ail(] in the eorres prison was in all pr.bilility in tho It is known that the Cbillan ropre- inspeci.ion of thp military stations in how river, that 'Ail-. .Vraser took no Ilfracombe, Devon. Tie was sexton at of the i immodlate, money with him, and general, I -egret is the parisli, ch rel. his real name lJoIng Terence in their concerns. pending accounis, and his supersti- : basc,,�mefsb or colter castle of o', the South and will make as ' : S R,ESTLESS, tions fear afterwit,rd became, almost ' Machaerals, in whose bustaquating hall & tattv6 made a. definite offer to8pain trip to Key West leads to the belief expl-n�qsacl that lie did not remain Ill- , I . ,Tames Normars. THr NATIVE I recently. but the price was consider- a , Bombay says: - proverbial in ancient Rome. ,therefore Lhe feast was served.. So that we may es that his ellarigia of plan was made in town and Straighten 'At, his affairs, Tim question of Cisituda's new Gov- A. dosliatril from d too high anti Spain Makde it counter als were informal] that I . 0 eral is being diseussod in of- i1he kiltualion here Is grcLv;. -1here I-. mighty w arks (to slipw forth themselves tbink tit threc, scones at the one hour after. it is usiderstood they have come conformity with. the purposes or the }Then the officials I rnar4lpll. Government to e,atalillsh the. military averyLb6ng Nvas not just ,right in the rcial circles !it London, tind the Re- extrome unrest among Life natives, who in bins, Rising from tho, dea�l lie would I under the sks!mis root-Salci and Hera- I , . to ternis now. The ships which Sji�in -hie Tortugas. lona,f offici� it was arranged In have an " � a measures be expected to possess more mirtcell- I filles, trembling %vildi passion over their , Station -i�i t i0rti are urging that, the choice lie are incensed at the plaxis measures , -101-Od secured in Vrance. a, -- - ­ ­ .. In3pOction of the. books, This Mr. Vira, made from this inner olrole onrigi which vround th(-ir religious Nul4c ,,I- lolls powers; find we know that In his wcl,ory in th,cir private chamber, I .. --- - . led y sin_ 111fetimp. Johm (Ild not work any inir- still cl;iaki , ino among &Treated coast; defense I ser agrood, to, but an the work was men without handles to the. r names. hilitip%. In addi(ion, tile I'lit,91115 U 11,1i,:�ax1"'n.L,q,Og hall, and Bra,fiLl ordered to]' service ARRESTED IN CAPE BRETON. , about to be, cornmenead this officer, eltid- an. Mr. Curzon and HIM. Air. Low- tboritips ire at loggerbet, (Is wit b the oples. John 10. ,it. 1 hi'i nobles refi,th-ing out his Platte, and which have been building -I .-- ell. the I n,spor tai% find [at- Lau days past .� flier are mentioned. Phy corporation, i�,Mvh has mtoppe,cl. 8. Herod bad laid hold on John. Had Lbo. you'rig prophet b* of money. Sent his soldiers Into the wilderness soul, to Gulf. under the fatal stroke at the La, Z"O works at Havre. '['lie, 'Suppoiled wholeNale Hisellerell-Tillink Into bas net been heard of. Atv, Iltraser mr4a , that .1 UNITisD STATES. their sullplie'A 11. His head was )Jruugdlt in it eharlc� Statement made, in Washington Ces(ody-Killen it NVIloic I -11111111y. Inc, Of. the; most ill'Onlint'lat V1111110 M81V to arr,et Lika. This was a,bclut a year � , ,if tba promise must the Amazonas. one of the vessels Spain in Wooiltitook� &,nd his departure ba# . "I I A number of United States Senators TO FREE DYNAMITARDS. before the birthday banquat.. And bound Or. O'E'very do(ail , Brazil, has already A despatch from North ,Sydney, Cape ca a most painfut impression. : and Congressmen haveto Cuba. . Ishii. (1hained him, Put Ishn In prison. f be icntatiouNly kept. Given to the ]lea purchased train - -A ,mail, r, German hk,y I Business failures Ili the United ,States — Front Joselibus wo Learn that John's' damviel. Gas marvels at the hardl- left this country for :Brazil is iruoti Breton, .says: ,— --...-- . lost week number 243, against M2 a six Itoulainfug WMAIL Political polsolle"A to prison was in Perea, the most east- i hood of Philip Of Iturpa., who ventured :root,- $11p is istiDl itt; the Armistrongs' birth,_ was, errosie(L at Becklands;,Lisit- � year ago, I Ike, Released In 411110 ern of Herod's provinces, and In the a, few monithis, later, to marry this girl, NvOrkO, 1-1 — . ( . clie's Creak, and lodged in Nofilli .Syd- LARGE INCREASES, � Wore than 500 striking employes rf A clespatob from London Says:— castle at Mauhaerus, -whicb, like many She brought Ct, to heir mother, And ey gaol on a. charge at trairdo"1119 I"- catAles in I.N.rope and Asia, did duty with this areal), the young girl, )land- TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE. M lillilkil Revenue pull Custoolls Itc4lisrus the York Corporation, Biddeford, Me., Six rtmaining Trikils. politiml rivislissers at oinee as palace and prison and fort. Ing thii, bleeding beisid of the prophet, — Thos. D. Newton, Ili.% wife Siarall A. 4!03111111rik 1110811, Iflavolill-Albly. !1Stivo goal) o dA in English gaccls� convicted of dyoaa� rens. APkIlatior is the modern name, to her mother, the two women pass - � and cla,vilificLor 33,11slo. near Boston, early A despatch from Montreal 0AYS;- i The Chicago Press Club has adopted mite offences, will lie released im,lane. of bit*, place 'where it stood, Apparent- OVI, of sacred history. Only the 'tonex�l One 1111,1111141raill Frozes, on Deaulk in Porksla In January. 'I'lie name. of the. man who � resolution$ CIE Sympathy for Emile Owing 941 (lie Cold. , Compared with Fpbrulcry, 1897, both, : ! -halt, subsequent biB cry is J4 believed to have committed the triple : Sole. and M. Forreux. This information was given on 11lon- IY I'lorod was, making his hoadquartors facts, of, L I (1, Gin. the Inland Revenue and CusLoms; re � here while striving to push 033 the known. Xeroalail; urged bar husband 4 ,despat murder is Paul Matter, alias ,-' . . , C,�I; from Odessa gays:-Rks� The United States Government re- day by all Irish - Xu,tioti member, . cant- turns for the past, month show Ini'90 with "It"ag Axelas, wbu had ])San his to, Books 1,he title of Icing, buit, when he parts ro" here from Persia, to the at- air, The, arrested, Man is of. dark co A c o U If o1kcaking In the alltboriLY at a Cabinet. want to Rome on this orrand! his GAIll- a, lotbouring increases. The amount ,01100t d our, of expedition to the Yukon has been father-in-law. The war, ass we have seen, , foot that the weather In that country tiliaxion, modiflin IWOL, of. February, 1897-8, # bliandonod its annoreshary, a emsmip's Golimptroa agallist b1m. JMinister, Tbe perindin ravIONV of Bela- w aq a oiskisLrolls Ono far Herod and Out . man and. abowm no rippearciface, of, any in this months . 'A .portal (roon Norfolk, Va,, reports lercce,,y in tbe ea,self qf tliese M04 takel fily", '011 , I that !ohn,8 14ollith Re wag de eel OvIiii froblif his tet- is the sove'rost experioneact in a, cion- all al vjohsuc(� in Ills manner or make- by the Clistoms warts as III Iti :-I Bill, bl, - --- i Ill I �" har, 8 l tho real murderer hada f,565,0l,ir,fa; 1898. $678,815.97, :1 nereasew A[ the p(merful to U:nder- place I ire tit s 1 I, "be road from Res ' I I Up. It I J ,( I or ' inpan8a J'Alit this prisoner rev- vr*t a� Boston, in a. %term off Hat, mal 'a Such y of Lyons, .. � ital condition I that thoy, was 1-hO rcisaim, .For Herodias' . soar OV43 or 1897, 11113,05,04, 'rho Inland. I muni be release,.[ On a niodlenl vsrfift� two brother PbUills, one, of whom b load thing may lie subh. The, prisoner he's e f1rists. r V '- '� I I bl", I'll c" �iUl '91h' ItVONY, adid ways ban - ­ re � ' "' I llb, L Ishad to a town "" " ' be. ., f�, h , I,p 0, sa n ,furso. afill their J)hys ,,, Mph Wife. Herod had, T b d n Et 0 6 t I I , s In France. One h ' -'! B . fix's an - hun- ), at got ,,, nuo collections for the Intinth, of Val)- , . ,,, Sake, on little afte of the modern, Olt W M 0 01VIng loved him lit - ..I ". b a. 1 frozen to I ��� we , It. and his fillotogxaph talc- xuRry, 1807-8, weire;-1-47, kl(30,181.801 'I'llitary Ill person, thus wronged, and the other of whom said of bem that; d it be, , IT,, lie flul to was Letanrch at. Iturea, Herodias w his boner, abs, loved hinx, even try his d? so"al t O "I 61), a , I particulars forwai'do", I" 18H, $220,819,62. Inpron8on for 1898, uxarm? Barnes was hanged tit Eakill N1116, ITOme Sat I'll .at an Ma is re ,,an Mg, .11,11, - leitt X a lay. b , Cambridge,. Mass., am Friday for Ilio ally it mo -0 hump no man, "I or are supplifia to hip'. OO4 I-ot, I I0 to give effect to such, medical, 1-10,TO(I'S evil spirit; She I'dTHelpa-Lod J,b I dogrodw0go. 80610mb, as we thave seen, i to, , States authorities, IiXtler of John Deals, an aged former, ready rJilillp', 4ifte, geolipi- heklayrif,a , alto the tetrarch of Iturea, Ill W allow. . ofiti,687,82, mooembor 17, recocamenda [Ion, I his crime cialiju,st, . I 41 . . . . . I