HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-3-18, Page 5MAT Pi, 1898 THE BRUSSELS POST RUSll $.. CAE)+ Sa ONE '1 LOAN .NT 5 PER 1Cl- out, H. a0D'i'T, t'rueoole, AVH. Mo 1tk..OIIE,1.. . Usurer< Ia rlagel:i-• 1005, 0D1ea at. his 11110cory,'1' 111. rrY fibre, , 1311.00010, LLN. BAT 1T, . 1, Tonsaficl ,t'ib' Shin --Next door ssouth of A. II, Mo ey Co's 11. •,ware store, Ladle e'teed child 0t air autoaap0010113 ROBERT l'NNIN•1•HAM • 4 .m )000, FIRE er MARII.f, JE .PH• T. F Issue! of Creme A t 'No Witness T. ._LEX, HL l Olarl( of t Co. Heron. ao Land Loan and invested and t0 01110e in Graham E "rCHF ei If ia'e Licenses, TE ."Erns S 'Mtn. eo tired. 'L 3TOH'i 1, Brussels T L • urth D ,nlOn Cour oy .neer, h..6ary Public cat rosea A' et, S'uede vm , 0011. •.ions made 11..1k,13i'0F, 1s ,E. Prince .i ,rt'tante is no SI la •6, Cheercab a afest TO THE KI+D?'1 IN HE FIELDS. FREE P. MAPSsent r Secretary, PI Tracie, Print wan, Calladt E Sawa, S: Fla. All kinds of gi man in the yard Custom sawin or before if open Good Maple n Joint from $9 to Shingles for at S. it )ISLE'S WITII application to the lc'p Albei Board of A';lert, ;• 'takatche- d Y EES, i,ig1E p'qt 11 �1 4 e1ig LL•:• aillse 1 I' gs wanlr,l. A good ' n 000000 'a„rs. vil begin o„ March 1st ea',her. or: ng ober.'i. Ash V 11. Bilis ..ut to order. E. COLE. g� a i Will'.,lake' a v (li mala e i e£ YOU! era001 111101111003 T 0300LTe10 1'00t PI008r Cures noes, Fat)Ln1 Mom. Waimea, lmpo000c glean vigor and quiietly but [rarely or DPy agsin it and •003)0011' earl; for SSS. Send mons ad latter. Addrene Druggist, wo0ns minion at Canada. Refer°. After. An. va 00, r, N•• roue Di000r el, 0101111)003, r: hay Em1, 1 me, rape ma• do. Oaneod b,' ,oat abuses' t+� ehrunkel. antrum, and 'Or, 1 1.081,MA- :Au0 In old 01, ad you wa •)row strong CI marl 10 1 do wrapper fT, v observe, an. Easily rloo, e1. w •mokago, art 01. IT o 3.',. Or, r,¢¢l1sster, la' are to 503 PIDhe Do. :, •aT„ Apo- rot the Da gLuaem,yr4 Ph,.'phoaine, 1 fi.'eat .T egoe1 Remedy. 5 1 n ,d recon' landed by aI drt is lin Clan .ia. 0nly 11031 obi tic 101710 d .covered. Rh fwo rev ;'uerant•'11 to cure all forme of Sexual 11 kn as, all r n'eets of 53.104 or excess, Mental ,r- ', Exaet..'ve 1103 of To. llooco, Opium or 8 ,u tots. Mr. 1d on receipt Of pride, one packo 51 six, 45. <. ne wit/ please, tlxfuitt otm'e. Pam, et, free to ,y address. Tho Woe 175. 'sunny, sllndsor, One p < -, A. DEA DUAN, 13, oksellel•: Optician. Sold in Brunel: D ruggi ftE Brit iii 001. 9 tbia Red le lar b;tingles AN0• — N r•ll. Slt'Ire F !+' a.nc'. Cedar FOSE BALE trussele ' anis,; Mills Also Deere and al, of all P' terns on band or 115 to to ore '0 at Short NotfoO, Estimai Jurnielo..] for all hinds o1 ni'dinge. Worknman- ahip an 115 tterial t.naranbeed. P. N 1VJ,.1 .LV .J.. BRL 3T 3ELS PUMP ''.'RKS. 1 wish to infer and surrounding chased the Pu BELL and will 1 to ell wettest in el at moderato prig No better Pun Order left at n MP. SCOTT'S looked after, 1"Ordere ta. Wong and Cister tb 1 people 01 Brunie et lot that .f have per• I' ioineoe .511 JAMES fond reeey to attend or now 1500 a or repabr0 in the mae et. el op or r:'sidenoe or tai' will bl' promptly 1 Tor the Digging of Clora( m Cite MILL STRl5l7'i - bRUSSI]LS, • n I(for lur required groat to get th o punk batwee) tin goal punts ,,11+11 rho pial-Iceop01"0 skbr3,4 were well spread. /At theme the 115.1'01) worn bunched to. gather 1)1 beeps on the hue, time 0a113iug o0usielcrable merriment, and as there was plenty of water on the rink theme in tite pools wore thoroughly damped. The 1, Rowing composed the teams :— OM maids—A. alelvel', M1Vitlie, W. McCarthy, Jas, Vivian, P. Walton, Tae. McLeod, F. Shephard, 13acholors.— ]3ert. Martin, L. Panne, E. Braden, J, Wiliiame, Ohm, Ball, Fred Shannon, H. nelson. At the eonoluainn of the game 111e old maids were loudly cheered for their victory, thfrtet jcte5,. 34'011•(1 Velf37l, B. 11H. - .6410x. Young, 9131 eon„ mot will a earimne tt001dent me. Saturday afte11001 of last week while eplitting W00 1, in baying two of hie toes telmoet eevere0 from his foot,—John A1oMiolloal, of I u' Appelle, N. w, T., was visiting at the 'come of Lis nolo, Geo. Tutton, last woe's, • Mr, Mallet -lent he purahresing a earl ad of ,look to Enke bank to the Wast with him, 1t'XOto1•, Rnrrnne er• NEWS.—Wm. Trovethicit ie 1135.15 the cellar exonvatod for the mac' ion of a new 1•^felt store on Alain etre .0and will am.men50 the building. elno;tly,—Wes. Vel' left last week for Mo, treed where he has accepted a sbtu. atio 1 as printer —David Miller left last wee' for Spotaue Pulls, Washington, whe:a he lutends making his future hon.a.—Hoary Reid, of the 411 on, of Aet.iold, hoe a mare which recently diol pool a triplet Lf foals. This be a mos . remar able 100155oe. — A 110580 deft rt1 by 7110d Ogden and a Mr. Atkin - non, of Biddnipb, made a lively dash for libe ty up Main street, Thursday evening of h -1 week. The horse wee hitched too otos to the cutter, its heels striking the rum ere and this 045001 it to run away, Mr. ')gden hung on as best he could and by t to a0aie1ad50 of othere finally brought the este to a ebandatill. — Between the hots s of four and five o'eloolc Sunday mor ting of hist wee') the general store of E. ;e. Spaoltman was broken into by Hen 'leather and Nelson Patterson, boll of near Staffs. but formerly of this plan They had walked out from Stnffa during the night and after getting pretty well loaded with "corn juin," gained en. trail ;e to the store by moans of a rear win(iow and by prying it open with a obis 1. After entering they proceeded ups) are and donned themselves each with an overcoat, and filled their pockets with tobacco and other geode. Mr. Par - sone, the MO watch, 3.053 on duty and seeing the door Winne down, which was emu. inti, and a light in the store at once started to procure help, whioh Coon arriv. 0(1, 1 nd under the direobion of Chief Gill 'they succeeded in capturing their victims aft, ' considerable excitement. They were placed in the look -up till Monday morning when they were summarily dealt with before Ohne. Snell, J. P., and were committed for trial. $31s't311 GT,11111Ea9.—A lady in Blyth !tilled a genuine, full•fladged mosquito on Mon- day, 7th inst., and one' of our business meu claims to have seen a robin the day before. Surely these are unfailing signs of S?ring.—Principal Plummer is again in charge at fie Public school. His son, Frank, who has been very ill with sonrlst feve', is now out of danger and will soon be a onnd as usual,—Maurice Nesbitt has gone to Sarnia, where ho will take a 000110 in Nimmo's Business College.— The 'ollowing have received the nontraots fol d, Herlington's new residence Stor e -work, Thos. Crawford ; briok- woe „Geo. Parmeuter ; oarpenter-work Miami. . eami. Cowan it Mo0il1 ' painting, Art1'nr Steinhoff.—Mrs. Myles Young and D. D. Crittenden were appointed as dale, Ates to attend the Epworth League and Sunday school Convention, in eon - neaten with the G'oderioh distriotMetho- dist churn, at Clinton, on Tuesday, Mar :h 15th.—Miss Cora Moody, grand- dau(hter of Mrs. James Porter, of Blyth, was awarded the grand gold medal at Luo snow recently, in a recitation con- test. There were six contestants, four your ladiee from Teeewater and two from Luoknow. This is the first grand gold medal ever awarded in Canada. 'T, P. Stewart, eldest son of Mrs. A. Stew- art, was here last week from Toronto puehing the sale of the 200 -acre farm property of his father, the late George Stewart. He succeeded in selling to Jae. Roe n, of East Water nosh, and D. Staulk- er, of Morris. The 'price paid was near 57,030. T, P. also leased for another yea,', from M. Brrithwaite, the borne vette 'e hie mother and family at present resi' e.—The West Huron Farmers' Inoti• tete will hold meetings as follows l:'fohneaville, March 18th • Auburn, Mar :h 19th, and Winghanl, Maroh 21st. The ,e meetings will be addressed by Maj'r James Sheppard, of Queonsbon ; Tose ph E. Goold, of Uxbridge ; James Sue 1, of Oilmen ; Jas. Gaunt, of St, Uel. no ; A. McD. Allan, of Godorioh ; C. I amiltonn J B. Tierney and R. C. MuC u n of th wa IIby (irotlevio2A.. L1 rrLn BLTNNLErs.—Mies S. Stirling has atoned from a two weeks visit fn Ooltorno.—Tho funeral of John Albert, eon -,f Peter Gantelon, wllioh took place on Tuesday of last week, was one of the largest ove b r wee in this 800t10ll therebeim 3 120 Age in the cortege. The de• 0011a'•el was a member of Curry's L, 0. L. and was buried with the honors of the Order.—Mies Alice Hayter, of Stephen Township, wee visiting ab her sister's Mrs, Jae. Mose', 7611 oon,—Win. Gerrie and wife left for their home in Grandin, N. D., Tuesday of last week, after spend- ing several weeks visiting friends in this section, —A centenarian of Troy, Ont. who reoeivod a public ovation, has a daughter hero, Mrs. Amelia Smith,—The S6. Vinoeub de Paul Sowing Circle met on March 1st at St. Joseph's Convent, whore quite it lob of clothing was made up for those in need.—Miss Mary Mo. Donald, of Detroit, whom rho Free Press says has been mads the wife df ono of our old, etaunoh, Presbyterian citiaens— Mr..l,ikenhead—wag a citizen since her youth, of our town.—Mayor Joe will have to use all his military tactics now in his first political. batblo.—Somoingenn. 010 youth will have to try ,Low to convert water into boo, this seasons ice being termed very poor. 01,1n M,UDH VS. BAOnnLOiu.—On Mon. day night of last week there was a large attel.clanco at the curling rink to witness the hockey match between the old m111d0 and bOOhelore. The old maids were arrayed in their hest, some of them bo. lug 1.1005511 almost gaudily. Tho head. gear =belied the attire, and ono of the maids wore elaborate made, The Waite. lore ',ere 00 much colored that it was difficult to tell some of then front Thai. ens. From 1130 lira) ft 15100 soon the maid.1 would 5mo1'o, as they wore the heavier team and 001001101 to• win. The fan eommturud with the otarb of tho ;amt am01 dict not end tiU1the bell sated. ed Elm end, 'The game was declared 4' to 1 in ;savor of the fabs sex, and the boys are to be congratulated on getting that 'jerowlnri(14„5. Scone 11xrOa'o,—Tho following ie the standing of the pupils of the Trowbridge Public oboe' for the month of February, as obtained by weekly examinations, The slanding in some nen is not go high as it would have been had some of the pupils not missed one or more of the examinations. This was due to sickness and inolemonoy of rho weather :-51.11 elan, max, 250—FlorenoePorterfiold 216, J. H. Nesbitt 211, A, Moore 143 Sr. 4t13, m:,x. 325—Maud Oliver 170, Jane Rohm, 100, Albert Stoll 150, Ellie Love 144, Samuel Oliver 122, Maud Johnson 115, Alice Witmer 88, Mabel Willoolb 411 Jr. 411', max, 825—Bruce Smith 108, Lonza Heath 87, Ada W1110111 86, Mug• gie Ward 82, John Carter 51 ; Sr. 3rd, max. 005—Joshua Johnson 21.5, Pearl Code 200, Harold Porterfield 150, Fier - nee S'nith 158, Edna Coda 144, Ella Witme.' 124, William Moore 95, Florence Heath 81, Wesley ItloOormiok 74, Ella Vines 65 ; Jr. 3rcl, max, 270—Elsie Adams 201, Mabel Adams 1.411,,Mlrl Rob- son 148, Jessie Oliver 40. TED :. psTTNoo.—J. 111. Code has been appointed agent for the Page wire fence. —Rohl. Olbvo', oheeaemaker, is spending a short time at hie home.—Jos. Davidson, butterriaker, spent a few days in Mit- obeli.— At it•obeli.—At the last Council meeting Mr. Tinning was appointed palbmaeter of the village.—Mise Minnie Code has returned item Blnevale where she was visiting for some weeks•--Mre. Robson has been un- well for soma days but we bore she will soon be herself again,—Rev. Andrew Graham, of Shelburne, conducted divine service at the home of Mr. Sutton on Sunday, 6th inst.—A. number of our young men went to Waterloo to see the hockey =toll between Listowel and Waterloo.—Robt.Oliver, has moved to the vil'age. Mr. Oliver was once a res" ident of the village and we are pleased to have him in our midst again.—Mies Maud Oosens, upon her return from Lon- don, purposes opening a millinery shop in the village.—The trustees have deoided to make extensive improvements to the school hoose next Sommer and will ask for tenders in a few days. Mr. Binning, of Listowel, is now at work upon the plane and specifications.—Mr. Willoott has disposed of his property here for a farm in Manitoba, for which country be will leave in a short time. Mr. Railing. ton, of Listowel, will move into the house vacated by Mr. Willkott, We were sorry to lose Mr. Kellington, but are equally glad of his return.—John Graham died on Friday morning of last week. The funeral took place from his Leto residence to the Trowbridge cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Graham was one of the pioneers of this plana, having oomo here some forty years ago. He was a life-long Conservative and for many years an n — Mason 0.b i oh piano has GCanaem0. A 0 R a O been placed iu the home of Mr. M0• Col•mick.—Mise Maud Co0ens 300 el at- tending the Millinery Openings at Lon• don.—lihae. Adams has so far recovered from his recast illness as to be able to be up" Hs is visiting friends at Ingersoll.— Over 14:0 cords of wood have been deliver- ed at the Trowbridge Cheese and Butter Factory, by Russell Porterfield. ?Wea ortb. Mayor Robert Scott, of Seaforth, died on Wednesday morning of last week. The sad event was not unexpected, as he bad berm suffering from a complication of diseases for over a month. Mayor Soott was born in the Township of Mc- Killop forty-one years ago. Re was auo• oeosful in bnsiueee and took an native in- terest iu everything that pertained to the welfare of the community. He was elected Mayor by aeolamation in Jannary, 1897, aid again last January. He leaves a widow, but no family. The funeral, on Friday afternoon, was a publics one. 5TATION AneNT LAID ORF.—Much ear - prise and indignation was aroused in Sea - forth, says tine Expositor, on it becoming noised abroad that Mr. Bethune, agent of the Grand Trunk Railway at Seaforth, had been dismissed and that another offioial had been sent to take his place. The Expositor learns from reliable authority that the rumored dismissal is incorrect and that Mr. Bethune has only been e.nsponded and that he will likely be re -instated. of the oe are T he fade nc that ever since the dismissal of John Ed - monde, Mr. Bethune has been working abort handed at this station, and found is impoestble to attend to shippers as promptly and satisfactorily as formerly. Complaints were made by some shippers that they could not geb . their shipments handler, as quickly and as satisfactorily 110 they would like. Intend of making un investigation to ascertain where the fault lay, an under offioial of the company sent a most offeneive and insulting Tetter to Mr. Bethune, and to which be replied not as eoartoously as he would have done had he been appealed to in 0, proper man - nor. For writing this letter in his own datum, he has been impended. Me, Bethune has represented the company in Seaforth for twenty years, Soulne,•—On Unroll 4th the members of the 65011 Battalion Bond held an oyster euppor in Jae. Stewart's 00etanrant. A very pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation of a handsome, throe pleas silver water set to Archie Barton. Mr. Barton has been a member of the Band for the pest fifteen years and the memb0110, to show their appreciation of hie sorvioee, made him the recipient of the above gift. Mr. Berton made a very suitable reply, thanking them vary cordially for the present. Alter partak. ing of an excellent oyster sipper, the company retired to the 3351111 rooms, where the remaining portion of the even• ing was spent in ,sooial alnua0meut.-At the International Shooting Tournament, held ia• t week at St. Thoma,, one worthy townsmen, A, J, Bright, who represented the Seeafeeth Gun Olnb, dietitian oiled himeel" to a remarkable degree. L, foot be oarried everything b,foro him. IIo broke i:0 out of a possible 7(1 bine eoelcs and only Mimed the seventieth by de- fault, he snob having iris gun ooelted. He bad arrived against him many r• the Cost shots lu Canada and the '1.1 lilted Stehle, We anogrntulats our (rima no hie 8uparler skill as a maritsulsl, W. Somerville line tented the premises in the commercial bloelc, formerly o0oupi..,1 by Logau'o bank, and removed the tele raph and expose Mlles thither thie 'voolc, When he gets eottlod down in his new abode Mr. Somerville will have one of the handsomest and most cammodious clliose in the west. The Seaforth Sen says :—Ab the secant examinations of candidates for trained nurses, held at St. Marys hospital, Iletroit, Miss 111. M, Lennon, daughter of jos. Lennon, of title town, pureed her final examinationswith honor. The ex. amhner0 were Drs, Eugene Smith l:lydo and N. W. Webber ; the former present• ed the badges, Dr. Hyde in givin" the diplomas said that the nurses were now enrolled and entitled to the honors and emoluments of the profession, The badge ie distinctly peculiar and different in all respeots from others, beariog the cross, which, le to stimulate to heroism and untiring devotion to duty, no matter where duty calla. At the aloes of the day's proceedings Miss Lennon, who pre- rented a noble and prepo5seseing ap- pearance, was presented with a band• ROME) gift v11luud at twenty dollars. We offer our congratulations to this young lady and wish her all sueoeas in her capacity as nurse. ‘1,114W00(11. 11y3s001n1L.--The home of Mr, and Aire. Thos. Douglas, of Harriston, formerly of Atwood, was the scene of a pleasant ?vent Tuesday evening of last week, at 7.90 o'olook, when their eldest daughter, Sara, was united in marriage to Alfred F. Dna, a prosperoue young jeweller, of Palmer' ,ton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Jackson, Methodist minister, in the preeence of about 40 invited guests, principally relatives and intimate friends of the contracting families. Mies Stewart, of Listowel, played the wedding march. The bride was richly attired in event silk, en train, trimmed with pearl pasem,ntrie and brocaded satin, veil. and carrier, in her band a superb bougnet of cream roses and emilax, and wore in her hair a pin set with diamonds and garnet, the gift of the groom. Grace and dignity added to her beautiful costume the com- plement of the charming bride of poetic muse. Mise Lottie, sister of the bride, performed the duties of bridesmaid. She was gowned in cream cashmere trimmed with chiffon, and carried in her Hand pink roues. Mr. Roaoh, of Palmer- ston, supported almer•eton,supported the groom. Asumptuous bridal supper was served, followed by the usual congratulations and amusements of various kinds. The bride reoeived many very pretty and costly presents, imbed- ing a puree of $800.00 from her father, and a beautiful brass and onyx lamp from Dr. and Mrs. Douglas, of Smith's Fella. The youag couple left next morn- ing on their bridal trip to Toronto and Hamilton and the East, followed by the best wishes of their large circle of friends. Among the guests were the following from this looality ; James and Edith Erskine, of Monkton, and Mrs. W. 11. Erskine, Mies Jennie Harvey and Miss Lizzie Graham) of Atwood. LITTLE ANTICS.—Rob). Hamilton has disposed of hie 40 acre farm on the 10th oon•, )vest, to Matt. Stevenson, for the sum of $1,800 or thereabouts. Ur..iIam• ilton will move to Stratford, where they will make their bome.—The community was pained to learn of the death of Ada and Willie, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Medd, 4th eon., last veek. Tho ohildreu were stricken down with scarlet fever of the most malignant form, after a short illness, Two other ohild• ren and Mrs. Medd are also confined to bed with the malady, hot they are at this writing out of danger. Anursefrom the Stratford Hospital us waiting on the fami. ly.—Tho Council granted thePubliaLibr• ary $10.—W. P. McIntosh returned to Mea. ford last week with his mother, who baa been spending several weeks with her daughter in town, Mre. J. A. Mitohell.— A number of friends of James Ham':1ood met on the eve of his departure for Mani- lobe fani-lobe and preeented him with a well-filled purse and an appropriate address.— Misses Motheral and Leader, of Platte• vine, have opened a dress and mantle - making shop in the premien lately oe. copied by Miss Baker.—W. R. Deelon left for Hanover after winding up the business of the Atwood Furniture Oo.- 640 worth of new books have been order- ed for the Public Library.—Jacob Klump, jr., left for the West, where he has secur- ed a situation as butcher in connection with the Orow'o Nest Pass railway in course of oonstruotion. We understand he is to get $40 per month to start with, which ie a good wage.—After a prolong- ed and distressing Meese Richard IL, son of Mr. end Mrs, Allan Neebitt, of Atwood, passed away on Sunday, March 0th, at his father's home, where he had been confined 1 bedforseveral m nth 0 months past. He took a severe cold about a yens ago, which fastened itself upon his lungs, and despite all his efforts to dislodge it he was nnenooeeaful.—Wo are sorry to report that Wm.' Danbrook is very ill and not expected to remover. tINTIMIDEn r0n LAST w1010.] Miss Minnie Robertson left town for Wooton on Monday of last week, Jelin Mmintyre has returned from Kingston, where he took a short course at the Ontario School of Minos. Alias Ervine Bozell has been presented with a beautiful bicycle, the gift of her father. II. Hermiston had his furniture, tinder. taking goods, enc., recently purehas001 of the Atwood furniture Co., removed to R. M, Bellnntyno's store. The bake oven in connection with len• Koy's grocery caved in, destroying up- ward0 of 100 loaves of bread in the oven. The damage has not boon repaired. J. Ilamlon, who owns the bakery, has since disposed of all tate utensils boIonging to it to B. R. Leake, who will ,root an oven at once to tine rear of his store and carry on the business, Election day passed off quietly fu this locality, each party endeavoring, good nabueedly, to get the most votes. The veto wee well got in, and the Liberal ma. levity 15100 a little larger than usual in At- wood, the flguroe being 72 for Magwood and 89 far Brown. MoPhoreon's ma- jority here four years ago was 10, Some of the enthusiasts, priocipaliy small boys, built a bon fire on Main street late Tues• clay evening in honor of Me. Brown's victory. P.t5000 AWAY. —At her father's Rome on the fat oonoosoiou of Elma on. Saturday morning of last weelc, Ida Jane, the eldest and only surviving slaughter of Win. and Jeno ficith. died after a ntli11)00 of months il]nesH, The deouas•:d had just eetered upon her twentieth year of ago, 1lavfug been bore ou 1115 1831) ;lay of Jan., 1✓•'7H. The death of au only surviving daughter, who w: s of a bright and cheer. fol disposiliou and the life of the house- hold would fuller fitly ,'items-tancee 115 one of groat 0adn508, but the present 0.1105 IR particularly sad bonus there is very little doubt but that her early death is to be attributed very largely through the terrible strain and shook elm received through the death of her sieter Jessie under oiromnstances with which our realore and the whole country were only to familiar, Th„ deceased w.ts a clover girl of a nate-Irani active and lively dis- poeition, very ambitious in her work and rapid and 014)0000f111 in her studies. Be- ing of a rather nervous temperament Rho was most profon Idly effected by the air• oulnotanoee of her 014110x'0 (loath, and never seemed to reviver from the shock. Sho bore up bravely, however, under the strafe, seldom or never di001108ing the subject even to t11055 nearest t0 her, and bravely endeavoring to cheer her sorrow. ing parents and heighten the household. Sho began to fail last Summer and to. wards the Fall it became evident that her lungs were affected, and althou3,11 recourse was had to every available remedy it be - 041110 apparent daring the Winter that there was vary little hope of her ultimate recovery, Sho was conscious up till the last hour of her life, and expressed her- self aa feeling no dread for the future. The funeral took place Monday afternoon at l o'clock from Mr. Keith's residence, the remains bsiag interred in Fairview cemetery close to the spot where lies the remains of her young sister. A very large number of friends and neighbors gathered at tho home to attend the funer- al and a procession of nearly ono hundred conveyances pasted through Lietowel on the way to the cemetery, Tho services at the grave consisted simply of an ad- dress by Wm. Algia, of Alton, who was in attendance at the special request of the departed. Hon. Theodore Davie, Chief Juatioe of British Columbia, is dead. The Royal Grenadiers, of Tirouto, will spend the 24th o1 May in Kingston. A ten -year-old son of John Hanley, of Hamilton, was drowned in the Bay, Murray Anderson, the Mayor of Lon- don, died in that oily the other day. Byron Harrison and Philip Keller are under arrest at Photon obarged wibb caus- ing the death of Henry Haight by driving over him. The new Canadian -Atlantis line have obartered five steamers in Cleveland and will ran them between Duluth, Chicago and Parry Souno. The Ottawa lumbermen aro making preparations to dispose of the sawdust from their mills and comply with the law forbidding the throwing of sawdust in the river. The Department of the Interior re- ports auiedtbyttherneoeeeaer ry deposit of $100 nevem- per mile for the first year's rental, have been made for dredging licenses on 1,184 miles of river bed in the Yukon. W. 0. MoDonteld, of Montreal, who has already given in the neighborhood of a million and a half dollars to McGill Uni- versity, has now given another $15,500 as an endowment fund to the department of architecture for 'he purchase of supplies and materials. 1 LWAY L:ST:EM'. SETTLERS' TRAINS To Manitoba and Canadian NorthMest Territories Passing en routs ,through principal. Can- adian pities ; the great' western olty of Chicago ; the twin cities 'of St, Paul and Minneapolis and the States of Miunesota and Dalcota. Toronto ab 7.00 p.m., Tuesdays Georgetown. tet 8.85 p.m., Tuesdays Guelph at 0 35 p.m., Tuesdays Berlin at 10.17 p.m., Tuesdays Stratford at 11,10 p.m., Tuesdays Sarnia at 8,00 a.m, 'Wednesdays These trains, with Coaches AmiPro° Col- onist Sleeping (111re attached, will run through to Winnipeg, Manitoba, via Chicago and Sts Paul. Passengers from branch linos and from Bast and North of Toronto should time themselves to arrive at :unction points to connect with these trains. Book your intended data of departure with our agents, who will 3m builadvised of these trains, lu a nple tine in advance for you to consulate your arrangements, Pre° Colonist Sleeping Cars en Express Trains to NI— Twee via Chicago and St, Paul for passengees travelling without live stock,leaviug Toronto every Tuesday at 11.20 p,m, and every Wednesday at 7.50 a,m. Baggage checked and freight forwarded through without customs examination. .Lor all information apply to any agent of the Grand Trunk Railway System. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels, GEO.ITEYD, " Ethel. Lioeme District OF THE East Riding of Ruronl To the Tavern -keepers and Others whose it may Concern. bOTIOIO is hereby given that A pplication for Licenses for the Bale of Bettor in the FAST RIVING OF HURON for the License yen' 1808.00, which oommed. moa on the 1st day of play next, will bo re• oelvo1 by the ttudorsigned from 100 Sre00nt hate up to Friday, April 1st, 1898, lOotusivo, Applicants must furnish the uAmos ef two good endsnillalont 8111.0010111 10011)1001 SU at the time of 111011115 applies: tl au. Any opplioontfor anew license must furnish a oeob)llsate signedby a majority of tho electors entitled to vote at eleetiona for tho Legislative Assembly in the rolling Sub- Jlivislon in whiall the promises sought to he 116(nsod Ore sihia+.od, 50o1 the said male:way must include at least oue•tbir(+ of the 0ntd el,•otore, who are 1.6 the Limo of snob appli- cation reoidento within the sate I'olling Sub- ilivlsion, axe, R. MILLER, INorooron, Jamestown, alar 2, 1808. The Ronald. f ,l Piro Engine ork ^26, -lo. wa BRUSSELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have yon ask us for quotations as we think we can save you money. Wo have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Nickle Plating a Sj'ecialty. Ronald Tiro Engine Works, BRUSSELS. HAVE YOU ro sr Looked in our Show Window Lately ? Have you read my Advertisement ? have you glaooed io oar store to see the New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, Now Prints, New Silk and Cotton Laces, New Gloves, New Parasols, New Shirtings, New Cottonades ? Everything New for Spring. In the &ruely Dopartment Yon will find everything Fresh in Oanned Goode and at old Prices. Teas and Coffees a Specialty. Agent for Parker's Dye Works. J. G. Skene. B TS Sr4.CIES i!' GO TO AND s ALEX. STRACHAN'S, Where you will see a large assortment of Choice Goods at Low Prices. New Spring Arrivals . " In all Lines of Dry Goods. April Fashion Sheets and Patterns to hand, the best as well as the Cheapest in the market. A complete list of Patterns in stock. NEW SHOES for Spring arriving daily, in all the latest and most Approved Styles. Shoes to Fit All Feet and Tastes. We carry a stock of Shoes, unexcelled in the County. Shoes that wear is our boast and that at LOW PRICES. T'Ve Ask 'your Inspection of them RIPS SEWED FREE OF CHARGE. I. C. ICHARDS. MONEY SAVED is MONEY GAINED/ • HENCE BY DEALING WITII —' Wilton urnbull You are well served and gain money. B fit Ma as off the Cook! Stoves Parlor and hal Stoveps That Cannot be Beaten. Large Assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, Lanterns Cutlery and Graniteware. We make a specialty of putting in Coal and Wood Furnaces, and Warrant Satisfaction. Stove Coal for Sale and always on hand Special attention to Jobbing and Repairs, Wtn �, Turnbull, Brussels. elS..