HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-25, Page 8Fattening the Ortolan,
Tbe Ortolan is bird of peenliar
habits end when fat is the epionre's de.
hght. The e0 i0 thing abort this
bird j that it only feeda 80 sunrise,
Then who undertook to fatten it for the
epioure's table did so by oonfining it in a
dark room which had a window or ap-
erture to admit the light when desired,
At stated Intervale this window was en.
metered and the light would stream in.
The Ortolan, thinking it was annriee,
would alight from his roost, take hie
breakfast and returtl. The room was
then made dark, After the lapse of a
couple ef hours light was again admitted
and his birdship, thinking it was sunriee,
would hop down from his perch and take
another feed, and this Ives repeated until,
so to apeak, he was "rolling in fat."
Now, while there are no Ortolane in this
neighborhood to fatten, there are hund-
reds of cantle that would do better and
fatten quicker by giving them some of
Deadman'e Condition Powder, made
specially for Cattle, aud there are num•
balsas Horses that would thrive and do
better if given a little of our Condition
Powder made specially for Horses. Thee
we have a Powder mode speolaely for
Fowl. If you have Horses, Cattle or
Fowl it will pay you to nee one or all of
these Powders.
a A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
80070EEN EXTENSION W. el. it D.
Timing leave Bruesele Station, North
and South, as follows ;
Goma SoUTEt. name Soave.
(express 7:10 a.m. [Mail MO p.m
Wised 9045 a.m. I Express 10:01 p.m
gatal 11.6.7S
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Fran sleighing.
ELECTION next Tuesday.
TRUESDAT of next week will be Horse
Fair day in Bet:reels.
BICYCLE agents are about as thick as
molasses in mid -winter.
MESSRS. anno & Deems abipped a car
of hogs from Brussels on Monday.
THE ioe harvest is on but the orop is
not as good in quality as some yeara.
QUEEN Esther Oratorio Thursday even-
ing of this week, in Town Hall, Brussels.
opened a dressdnaking shop in the Lecki
Oen congratulations are tendered t
Robe. Roes. of Kincardine, over the ar
rival of a new daughter.
ONE of the hotel licenses in town wil
he oanoelled after the let of May next, a
per the resent amendment to the Staten,
Ger your auction Sale bills at Tie
Pos. A notice in onr columns is read
by hundreds in the surrounding country
F. S. SCOTT, J. T. RON and W. F
Soon will be the Deputy•Retorning 01E.
oers in connection with the election net
Tuesday, in Brussels.
Tea lint snow blockade of the season
in this district on tbe railway this Win-
ter occurred near Ripley last Monday. A
few hours hard work effected a release.
THE most timorous should have their
gravest fears rensoved as to the eafety of
the Town Hall to accomodate a orowd
after Tneeday's nomination. The
bnilding is as sound tie a dollar.
A mem/ exoursi0O is being arranged
for to the Guelph Experimental Farm,
on a date M June, by the Agricultural
Sooietiee of Grey Branch and Turnberry
Branolo, It will be a hummer, A dele-
gation was here from Wingham, on
Tnesday, arranging preliminaries.
CEETIFICATE.—The Olinton News-Reo-
ord gives place to the following itern, in
whith we fail to see the point :—W. H.
Kerr, Editor of THE Pose, Bruasels, and
Reeve of that village, attended Monday
evening's meeting but did not speak, as
was erroneously reported in some of the
city dailies. Mr. Kerr is considerable of
a politician 808 40 aspirant for Paella-
mentary honors. For a time it was nip
and tuok whether or not be would receive
the nomination, which eventually fell lo
Mr. Hislop. He is a sort of a local
preacher, but, withal, a thorough news-
paper man, and if endowed with sufficient
patience may yet be permitted to oarry
the party banner and give a sanotiraoni-
oas air to a contest,
annual meeting of, the Canadian Press
Association will be held in Ottawa on
March 10th and llth. Among the im-
portant matters to be cioneidered will be
the postage question, ineolvenoy legis-
lation, and the visit of British Journa-
lists to Canada, Frank A. Muneey, who
hae been without doubt the most success -
fel modern publisher, will deliver an ad-
dress on and dismiss the 'Elements of
senses in Newspaper Publishing," 10 18
hoped that one or two of the following
representatives of the British Inetitute of
Journalists will be preeent, Lord Glenesk
(London Morning Post), Sir Hugh G.
Reid, Bi. P., J. M. McLean, M. P., and
Sir Edward Rana. The dinner will
take place as usual when a nntnber of int.
portant speeobee will be made.
.A. SAD Seams:a—The Goderigh Signal
says :—News was reoeived in town on
Monday to the effect that Miss Blair,
who had recently left town for Hamilton,
had died in that city after a short Mines.
On Tuesday the remains were interred it
the family plot in Maitland cemetery, the
funeral baking place from the residence
of Rev, Mr, Hamilton, East street,
Messrs. Straiten, Saunders, Jae. Wilson,
Jag, Stud:tauten, ere It 11. Sallow% and R.
H. Cute being the pall bearers, and Revs.
JOS. A. Audereon and Jas. Hamilton eon -
cleating the eervices. The deceased lady
a few years dye taught the 2nd aenior
class in the Central wheel and was oo
meet effioient and faithful to:teller, until
'11 health oonmelled her resignation, On s
caving the sohool the board unanimous- 9
so recorded ite opinion of her ability and
faithlnln000 in the minntea, and the
teaohiag staff peentited Int with a hand. e
Some pregent and a loving caldron, and a
to ow that the kindly feeling still
existed, the entire staff of the Central o
!Mho0 was peasant at the funeral T
Tuesday. Several Seal bributes Were o
placed on the casket, tdolueing wroath d
front the peneet Cannel 0011001 daft
SEVERAL intereating mestere Ore orowd.
ed out of this week'a Poe.
131004810L10305 81100(188 901111101meet-
ings at Oranbrook and Ethel during the
past week.
T. Newamett's delving mare preeented
him with fine mare foal this week, It
was Eared by Soon Warwielt'a well bred
VALENTINE SOCIAL.—Next Monday even-
ing the 3,98085' Aid of the Aletbodist
oherth will 03078 a Valentine soolal at the
residence of Jae. Cardiff, Grey, Slot&
will leave 'bus Pose from 7 to 8 o'olook,
oonveyiug then who desire to attend.
A jolly time ie expected and a good pro-
grarn will be presented. Keep the even•
ink clear for the social.
eezes,—At the
annual meeting of Brussels Brass Band
the following offioers were elected for the
wooing nelson :
President, R, N. Barrett
Secretary, Wm. Griffith ;
Treasurer, Jam Fulton ;
Managing Committee, AleX, Bird,
Teddy Grower and Wm, Watt,
77m. Grower has been engaged ns leader.
The Band is in first -elan ebape and open
for engagements. They will oommenoe
their weekly open air concerts as soon ea
Spring open U. New music has arrived
and steady practices will be maintained,
Tem A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodge hoe
just completed its animal session at To-
ronto and will meet there again 108111year. The order is in a flourishing con-
dition, as the following repeals show :—
Grand Reoorder Carder's moat was re•
oeived with great enthusiasm. It allowed
that during the year 4,733 members were
initiated, and their average age WAS 30
years, 10 months and 15 days. The
average age of the members of the Order
ie 4$ years, 7 months and 26 days, a de-
crease of 7 months and 14 days. Ool.
Dawson presented the financial reporb for
the past year, which showed RD inerease
of 4,733 in the membership during 1897,
and new businees amounting to over
Arena—The annual meeting of the Huron
Veterinary Medic's] Assooiation took
place in the Town Hall, Wingham, with
a good attendance. John Wilson, of
Wingham, read an essay on "Oolio in the
or and oow" ; Joseph Gauley, one on the
"Alelposition of the Colon in the horSe" ;
Dr. Tomlinson, of Clinton, one on "Why
is not the veterinary profession a united
body 2" ; J. E. Blackall, of Clinton, gave
a 0003020111087000 on "Spasmodic con.
tractions of the retractory muselee of the
boll. The thoughts were good and lively
debates ensued after each paper. The
following officers were eleoted :—Preei.
dant, 0. F. McGregor, Constance; vine.
pree., 3. Hamilton, Goderiob ; seeretery,
John Wilson, Wit:el:are ; treas., J. E.
Steckel', Clinton.
011011011 mins.
e 80 1018 Epworth League last Monday
evening Eli Smith lead a "Promise"
o meeting.
Bey. W. E. Kerr, Heneall, has been in•
vited bath to the Methodist church for
1 his third year.
s The Presbytery of Maitland will meet
next Tneeday, in the Methodist church,
• Brussels, at 10 a. M.
Next Sabbath's subjects at Melville
church will be "Vanity Fair" in the
. morning and "Faithful" in the evening.
Loudon Conference Epsvortia League
Convention of the Methodist church will
be held in the First Methodist chnroh,
Loudon, on March 7, 8 and 9.
"Queen Benne" will be the subject of
discourse next Sunday evening in the
Methodist church. In connection with
that the pester will give a brief intro -
tindery memorial of the late e Miss
Franoee Willard. Morning subject,
"Rules of the Methodist Society."
The halLyearly conference of the
priests in the dioaese of London took
plane on Tuesday of last week, at the rest -
deuce of Rev. Dr. Kilroy, Stratford. The
following priests were in attendance :—
Bishop O'Connor, London; Fathers O'-
Neill, IIinkora ; Watt, Goderich ; Dixon,
Ashfield ; Mawan, St. Angestine ;
Downey, Logan; McCabe, Seaforth ;
Keeley, Irishbown ; Brennan, St. Marys ;
Foster, Simooe ; Guam, Hessen, and
Quinlan, from near St. Thomas. an
The fourteenthannual meeting of the
Womena' Foreign Missionary Society of
the Presbytery of Maitland will take
place in Melville ohuroh, on Tuesday
next, A devotional meeting will be held
in the forenoon and a business meeting,
beginning at 1.80, in the atternoon. At
the public meeting in the evening ad-
dressee will be given by Rev. S. Wbaley,
St. Helene ; Rev. jas. Malaohn, Tees.
water ; and Rev. D. MeGillivary, M. A..,
B. D., misaionary from Henan, China.
The ladies of Melville otturch will enter.
lain the delegates and members of Pres-
bytery to dinner and tea in the base-
ment of the church.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Alli
preached on the text fond in Proverbs
22 and 6, "Trein tip a child, &o. His
leading thoughts were (1) The relation of
the Home to tbie question ; (2) The re.
lation of the Sabbath &shoot to the
°hutch ; (3) The relation 01 0018 Home,
Sehool and Church the State ; (4)
Train the child to obedient:a, by example.
In the evening Heat, 20 end 16 was the
text "Many be called bat few chosen."
The subject was "Who will be elected 0"
The following were pointed oub ao faders
calculated to lead to samosa either for
earth or heaven :—(1) High moral ohar.
enter ; (2) Taste or fancy (3) Willing,.
nese to bear unpleasant experiences ; (4)
Steady, persistent work ; (5) Sinoerity
and earneetnese. The reverend gentle-
man made an important omission as he
did not say who would be elected next
Last Sabbath morning, in Melville
church. Rev. Me. Roes toolt as his text
"Yea, though I milk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I will fear no
evil," Ps, 28:4. Big leading divisions
were 1-180, The Valley itself. (1) Ile
Nature (2) Its oonneotion with the
Valley of Humiliation ; (8) Its place in
the etory and in Christian experience,
28d, The Pilgrim'a Paesage through the
Valley, (1) Solitary Passage ; (2) A.
Dangerous Posen; (3) A. Stumegatel
lineage. The last two Sabbath eveeing
etroons woes on Apollyon, from Rev.
;11,1n which Were disouesed (1) EGO
Peesonality—He is a teal person and not
merely ?.41 ern prinoiple ; (2) His Prop.
rties, inoleding his pride, falsehood,
agaoity, canning, boldness and enmity ;
8) Ilia position—So ie finking, or ruler,
the fallen angels ; (4) His Purpose—
() extend, penerve and perpetuate his
von king/Iona and to overthrow the king.
O hl of Christ ; (5) Ells Power—Thielo
teat, United, and doomed to &stellate%
People We Tallr, About.
mcs. Thee. Hill le Ellett with 3. very
hoevy oold,
Mies Mary Friendship Is had up with
the mumps.
Miss Ida lib:thin lo visiting frientle in
Morrie township.
Airs. Devitt Roes is visiting at Kitioar
dine for a week or so.
R. G. Wthion, of London, le in Dint -
eels this week on a busianne trip.
Mrs. Fr:Mick, or Wingham, 0748 visiting
her mother, Mrs. Pearson, last week.
Min Mary Beattie returned Mat we
from a three weeks' visit In Clinton,
If. E. klacidoth, wife and sou left
Tuesday for their home in Newmarket.
H. j, Strang, photographer, former
of 13rnesels, is now in the pity of lie
Airs, Sao. Wriglat bits been ou the ei
list but is improving we are pleased
Aliases Jessie and Annie Roes,
Guelph, are visiting at W. Roge' Willis
Mise Creighton left for the Milliner
Openings at Toronto oe Wednesday o
tbie week.
W. A, Edgar, of Culloden, was renew
ing old frieudship in Brussel,: during tb
past week.
Rev. Ur, Gaebel has been 'Ridley iron
too aloes companionship with Job'
The Clinton Era says ;--Geo. Hale
and Wm, Doubiedes, lately employee i
Doherty'e organ factory, have seoure
situations in. Bell's furniture factory
John Curry and leriss Olara Curry, to
Woodstock are visiting at Thos. Curry'S
QUM) street, Brussels,
Miss Maggie Meadows, who has bee
employed in London, is home on a visi
for a week or so.
We are pleased to hear that the hom
of D. AfeKenzie, mitthiniet, of Galt, be
beet illuminated by a five pound baby
Miss Olive Norton has gone to Mont
real where else will make a holiday visit
with her sister and otber relatives and
Jno. Tait has been laid up for the past
week trona ht. grippe bet we hope he will
be able to attend to his regular duties in
a few days.
Mini Jean Wilson left on Wednesday
for Elora where eho will visit for a few
days while en route to the Millinery
Openings at Toronto.
Sheriff Reynolde was a visitor in Bees -
eels on Monday and Tuesday of this week
in the performance of his duties as Re.
turning (Meer 00 33900 Huron,
Wm. Burk, who is engaged in the Reh-
ry business, is Mid up with a felon on
is right band, We hope he will soon
get rid of his disagreeable compe.11100.
S. T. Plum is attending the High
Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters
in session ab Peterboro' as the delegate
from Comb Princess Alexandria, Brus-
Mrs. Herron, of Peterboro' and cieugh•
ter, Lorene, are visiting Mrs. J. G. Skene
and, other old friends. Mrs. Herron Wen
formerly Mrs. A. Webster, and well
known to many.
Syrian: Blair went to Londeaboro' on
Thursday evening to represent Arob. Its -
lop at the joint political meeting, held
there, Barrister Dickenson was there
for Mr. Mooney.
Dan, Ferguson, who has disposal of
his interest in Teessvater to hie brother,
is visiting under the parental roof. tar.
Pergueon will take a prospecting tour
Westward before long.
A. F. Elliott, who has been visiting
here, is away now on 8 trip to relatives
in Ohio. He will be back to Brussels
before returning with Mrs. Elliott and
family to their home at Alexander, Man.
Business Locals.
Fon fancy rockers go to Jno. Walker's.
amen and timothy seed at MoOraok-
EXTRA value in single harness. I. 0.
SEE some of tbe fancy parlor tables at
3no. Walker'e.
Tenths and satchels. Nice assortment,
low prioee. 3. C. Riehards. •
Bromes.—Good 2nd hand whaele, from
125.00 to 635 00. McKay & Co.
Oen collars give the ben of satisfao•
tion. Try a pair. I. 0, Richards.
Two oars of feed corn received. Bather
ANY quantity of good feed corn ab
National Roller mills.
GOOD, dry American corn, the beat for
feeding purposes, for sale at Roes' mill.
WANTED.—.6. Car -100 01 Butter ter the
Provinces -16o. G. E. King, Wingliam.
REYAIne in rubbers, boots and shoes
done neatly and cheaply. L C. Richards.
13xoemen.—To ride a "Columbia" its to
ride the world's greaten wheel. McKay
& Co.
B10=45.-0911 and Bee our Antelope
mount guaranteed for a year from date
of purehan. McKay & Co.
Ronan olippers and eciesors sharpened
and repaired by Saw Filer MaGreg,or, of
Brussels, Queen et, Bast.
Tne largest and beat eeleated stook of
pictures and picture moulding will be
seen at John Walker's,
BIOYOLEFL—The Wellandvale Bioyole
Co. thallange the world to produee a bet,
ter wheel than the Dominion for the
money. McKay & Co.
FOR bedroom suing, sideboards, exteri•
tion tables, lounges, parlor suites, parlor
tables, undoes, and in fan anything to
be found in a &ate:liege furniture store,
call on John Walker.
SEE James Ballantyne before buying
your bicycle for 1898, He is handling
"Tbe London," "Oapital," "Ohio" and
"Alert," and to prepared to quote you
clue prices.
Stoverets.—Are you thinking of buying
a wheel this Spring? If you are call and
see the Raymond wheel at J. de Gilpin's
Implement shop, This wheel 10 01 dandy,
and prices are right. Geeranteed for
one year.
BAUCAIN OFFEEED.—That eligible half
tore lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turoberry street, Brussels, will be dis-
posed of below cost. Very easy tonne,
Write for partioulare to jenn ILIUMMAVES,
174 Queen et. Wed, Toronto.
Lewes Ins OP ELM) ab the QUOLM'S
Hetet, Brunetti, on Tneeday, bittecth
881.1, to gee Prof, Doranwend's latest dte
Mane and etylee in hair goods. He will
have (0, large etook of wigs benge, wavy
free* switches, Ye. The'judiaioue 88.
justtnent of one or other of these seyles
beings beauty and yeutliftil appearanee
to the fan and gives the head a 09958108,
intelleetual shape, 0in1e oi next vislt
uncertain, flo do net 10185 thill
Bicemate.—The (madden yank in the
Wellandvalo hioyciee la guaranteed no.
eonditionally for lt year !tom ditto of pur-
chase. MaKey cO Co.
Ilevitut puroluitied a largo and well
eeleetel 910517 of window shades at a low
rale ,an the 1, 1 sell' be propina b isell
for the next 60 days 140 bout half the
nand price, Jno, Walker,
(lateness Nellie Railway le not to be
neteeee, el the renewing pieta-
Lsnie :—Torutuu to Guelph, We. ; Te•
ronto to London, 11.00 ; Toronto to
Obathatu,11.50 ; Toronto to Niagara
Falls 90e. These prices should make
peopie travel. Breese's to Toronto, via
Ouelpb, only RS.
GitEAT MOCIO Oeren.—Send us the
names 8118 addresses of then or more
performers on the piano 07 080380 together
with ten cents in silver and We will mail
you ten pieoes full sheet music), consisting
of popular songs, waltzes, marches, ato.,
arranged for the piano and organ. Ad•
dress, POPULAR Memo Pun. Co., Indite.
epolis, Ind.
MEN WII0 ARE, BALD—See Prof. Doren.
wend, the we 11 known Hair Goode Artist,
who will be at the Queen's Efotel,
Brugge's, on Toesday, March the 8th.
Ule system of rep teeing Ian hair on bald
heads is really inn rvellod1). Any doubts
119 to this foot can bo quickly dispelled
hy examining his goods. There is not
the slightest trace of falseness and besides
improving one's appearance they afford
protection againe; colda, oatarrh, neural-,
gia, etc. The w. ern never realizes that
he has it on, it i ei light and comfort-
able, Over 34;0":1 are in use and the
number is ineretteing daily.
C2 0 rit• ie.
Politics are kcet Very quiet. Perhaps
they will get stirred up af ter the meeting
to be held here on Friday evening.
B, Hamilton, principal of the school,
made a visit to the home of his parents in
Colborne on Friday 1810112105 on Sunday
3. 13. Campbell, wife and family bavo
gone to Roxborough for a visit with Mrs.
Ces parents. They purpose staying for a
few weeks.
Ah. and Mrs. Stokes, of Conn, apenb
week visiting at W. D. Ilatelmond's,
brother of the latter, leaving on Saturday
for Atolesworth to visit relatives there,
Three ern loads of horses were shipped
from here on Tuesday last for Manitoba
by Jas. Rowe, J. A. and john Strong.
They are a fine lot of animals and should
net the shippers a good profit.
A. social was held at the residenoe of
Rev. J. W. Goffin on Friday evening of
last week. A regular orowd was present
oomposea prinoipally of the Rev, gentle.
man's Turnberry and Ooh line coupe-
gations and all appeared to enjoy them.
Mrs. AT. Sharpie died on Saturday
morning after a few clay's illness frau,
puernonia. Death is a sad affair at any
time but in this case partionlarly so as
deceased leaves besides her husband a
small family of live children, four of
whom have just recovered from mein
fever and one is now in a serious eon.
(laical from the same disease, The Mu-
eral took place to the Gerrie cemetery ou
Monday morning, the service being con-
ducted in the Methodist church by Rev.
J. lri,her.
B. W. Zietuan has rented the Atwood
Furniture Co.'s store, which is to be over-
hauled and made reedy for the new oo-
oupant by klaroh 5th.
Wm. Gilmer, j7., shot a large wild eat
in the barn on Tuesday of last week.
The oat was sitting on the hinder, and
Mr. Gilmee disposed of it with his revel -
Revival eervion are being nucleated
nightly iu the Methodist ohnroh by N.
Phelps, of Grimsby, a layman, assisted
by Rev. Mr. Ball, pastor of the chureh.
The attendanoe continues very fair, and
considerable interest is being manifested
in the good work. A number have signi-
lied their desire to lead Christian lives.
Mr. Phelpe appeare very much 00 8810600,
and the church membership is rallying to
his support.
James Brown, a respected young towns•
man, was united in 12388804035 48 Wednes-
day of last week to Miss Maggie Graheen,
an Bath/table young lady of Atwood. The
ceremony was performed at the Baptist
parsonage, in Listowel, by the Rev. Mr.
13unt. The young couple subsequently
gave a reception at their own home in
town, to wbioh a goodly number of rela-
tives and intimate friends attended. The
bride was the recipient of a number of
very pretty and useful preeents. We
join in wishing them long life, health and
Rev. J. 11. Math:'33. A., eon of our
esteemed townsroan,,1. W. MoBain, has
been invited by the Mildmay quarterly
board to remain a fourth year as their
pastor. Clifford quarterly board has also
given Air. MoBain a unanimous invitation
to become their pastor next year, and as
this is the !mooed invitation Clifford has
extended to Mr. MoBain it is probable
that he will accept, subject to Stationing
Committee, The Atwood Methodist MM.
0181 board at its last meeting extended an
invitation to Mr. MoBain to become their
pastor for next year. It is more than
likely that Clifford's invitation will take
precedence. Mr. MoBain is a vigorne,
scholarly fellow, a masterly exponent of
bbe Goapel, a rising star in Canadian
31r,—In Atwood, on Pelt. 130h, the
wife ot Mr, James Henry, of a son.
Rose.—In Kincardine, on Thursday, Feb,
17th, the wife of kfr. Roht. Rose,
formerly of Brussels, of a daughter.
BEI lieszie.—In Galt, on Feb. 15011, the
wife of Mr. D. McKenzie, formerly
of Brussels, of a son.
JOIINSTON—STE37AIIT.----10 the Methodist
°heath, Bluevale, on Feb, 16101, by
Rev. 13. Ropes, Ple. Wm. J. Johns.
ton, of Morns, to Mien Meggie, eldesb
daughter of Mr. Thos. Stewart, of
RANSAY,—In MOrPle, on Friday, February
18th, 1808, jane, beloved wife of
Allan Ramey, aged 64 yeare and 6
Snwrase.--In Mitres, on Friday, Febru-
ary 18th, 1898, Eva May, youngest
daughter of Richard Bewley, aged 8
yens and 9 rnouths.
Deo. -3n Eltna, on Feb, 11101, 011ie,
infant daughter of George Dtinaan,
aged 6 Months.
elmouson.—In Newry, on Tuesday, Feb,
15th, John Mortison, aged 88 yeara, 2
menthe 851d 22 days.
877.1.N'D,41?D B.1.7VIC OF a11XID.1,
azteeeze.a.anmaceareeen 110'70ee,
ASSITPH, • . (Soren Million Dollen+) • 67,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) • 12,000,000
Ageneies in all principal points 415 Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United Stales &England,
qftesstaxs Mraxew.
A General flanking Busineee Trannotee, renters' Notes Diseounted,
Drafts Lined and Colleotione made on all palette
ntereet allowed on deposits of 01,00 and upwards front tint of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded half yeaely.
Every facility afforded Oustomere living at a dietanee.
J. A. STEWART Meigeogn.
.4,117c,x,xce1007 01.A.M.343.
FRIDAY, Pas, 25th.—Farm stook,
irnplemente, &o, Lot 4, Oon, 15, Grey.
Sale unreserved, at 1 &Meek sharp.
Dorman Sitters, prop. F. S. Scott, nue,
MONDET, Feb. 28th.—Farm stook. Lot
81, Oen, 14, Grey. Salo unreserved, at
1 o'olook, sharp. D. Alaaban, Prop., I',
el. Scott, Ano.
SAMMY, March 5111.-110rees, ORB,
household furniture, eh. At Denbar's
shop, opposite Cober's factory, Ethel.
Sale unreserved, et 1 o'alook. Joseph
Rennwortb, Prop., F. S. Scott, Atm
Tnorienee, March 10th.--Farne stook,
implements, &o. Lot 19, eon. 2, Morris.
Sale unreserved, at 1 o'oloolt. David
Errington, Prop., F. S. Scab, Ana.
FRIDAY, March UHL—Farm nook, im•
plemeuts, tee. Lot 33, oon. 14, Grey.
Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. James
Biennia, Prop., F. S. Soon, Auo,
Fall Wheat 88 90
Barley-- ... ........ 28 80
Peas 54 55
Cate 30 30
Butter, tubs and rolls 13 14
Eggs per queen 13 14
Flour per barrel 4 00 4 50
Potatoes (per bag) 00 00
Hay per ton. ....... 5 00 6 00
Elides trimmed 7 8
Hides rough 7 7
Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 60
Sheep skins, mirth 40 40
Lamb thins each 25 25
Hogs, Live 4 50 4 60
Dressed Hogs 5 00 6 00
Apples (per barrel) 1. 00 1 00
1. lend on mortgage at 0 per cent. yearly.
0. HIINTER, Brussel%
ty Pure Brod Jersey Heifer, fresh calved,
Her dem has given over 0,000 lbs. of milk in
0 months, 2.4 Brod Jersey, con2Ing4 , due to
calve inlay. Her datn good for 0701 14 lbs.
butter per week. Price 040 each.
DE110104'EO, have opened a Dressmak-
ing shop in the upstairs 00 000 Leckie 13lock,
whore they will bo pleased to bo favored
with a cal/ from the Indies of 33russels and
locality requiring dressmaking, Satiefao-
tiOn guaranteed,
v 19100 will be reoeived by the under -
Melted 0783 Unroll 11001 for the delivery of
10 oords of green hardwood, 4 feet long, and
also for 15 cords of green hardwood 2 feet
long. Body beech or maple. 09008 to be
delivered at the methodist ohureb before
the Winter is past.
Electoral District of
East Huron.
11 hereby oortifythat WO,. Pranklle Van -
stone, Esq„ of the village of Brussole, is the
Pinanclal Agent of Henry ,11 coney, Esq, ,Ohe
of the otturlidittes for said Electoral District,
appointed by the eta Henry Mooney, Esq. in
pursuance of Section 107 of Revised Statutes
Chapter 0 and Ameedments, and Re vised
Statutes Ohauter 10,
20, '30,1711)030307,09,
Returning OfIloor for East Huron,
Electoral District of
East Htbl'072.
Thereby certify that ,Willtean M. Sinclair,
Esa„ of the village of Brossels, is the Pinan-
oial Agent of Archibald Hislop, Esq., one of
tne candidates for said Bleeteral Distriot,rop-
Peinterl by the said Archibald Elision, Esq.,
iti purananco of Seaton 127 of /leveed stir
tutes Chapter 0 and Amendments, and Bo-
vised Statutes Ohaptor 10,
It, 8.010310007,7,5,
Re turning Oilloor in East Huron.
Donee, in eXeellatit repair, containing
• es a geed Summer and
Winter kitehen, With hard and sea water
uuder eoyer. Tne Dense, Which will bo sold
just as It is, is handsomely Tarnished
throughout with new furniture and woll
heated by hot air. There are largo 510001018
well hopt, and au ekoollent garden, stooked
with choice apple,pear, plum and (themtrees, trees, together with all (ho Mailer fruit%
an in good bearing oonditioe, This place
offer); a most destrabie home for a fanner
miming to retire from active life, and will
otingyreltuniable tonna Por all par -
20-tfSolieltor, Si:easels,
DEEMINED has several good Panne 00
nee fled to tont, cagy tering. in Townshine
ot Morris and erne P 13. 50 OTT, Brands
near Brussels. Groat bargain, Lot 7,
Con, 0,01007 township, Good buildings and
orchard, well 'watered, suitable for mixed 05
dairy terming. Possomsiot given mon
learcal, with preen ye of doing Fall plowing.
Apply to W. IL Benne Pees) Publishlog
LHoolittelsoen,liwruceoe6c1)3,or to 1'10d003,$ 110010ITAGB
Oontestiug 513 000 Smith 8 and Smith
of the Iltreth 4 of Lot 80, Con 2, East Wawa,
nosh, Tile ie an excellent stook farm, being
well supplied with good spring water. 11 is
renamed about 0 tulles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Illyth, A largo part ef it le under
grass. Buildinge and fondest 800 1118 fair
ohne of repair.- ?key tonne Of DaYillent Will
be giVellr FOS: all inrOvinatiOn apply to
11-tf 0, 1', DraIle nareistor, Brehaele,
1411NT.—The Inedernigned offers hie
eligible 04 acre farm for Fele or to
rent, being South part of Lot 5, Omen.
sign 12, Grey. All under onitivation,
waterea and well fenced. There is a geed
stone bowie, bank barn, orchard, wells, 00„
ou the promises. Also u splendid atone
quarry from which a good revenue le resit:l-
ed. Only 9.7 miles from Brussels. Tams
reasonable. Par further particulars as to
price, 630,, a59'17 00
JOHN MITCHELL, Proprietor,
15-15 Brussels 00,0.
The upgersigned offer two 303 acre
farina for sale nt reas011able prime. Tne lobe
are 0200. 18 0103 31 Ooo, 0 (Sunshine), the
sidaromd between them. Good brick house
and barn on lolil, and Douse and 2 barns an
lol 10. Orchards and all neoaesary gonvon-
fences, Well watered and suitable for grain
Or grazing. 100 aeree now iu erase. win bo
sold either separate or together to suit pur-
chaser. Terms of payment reasonable. Im-
mediate posseesion. Hor further particulars
ramie, to Joineien °Limn, Breese's, P. 0,,
Or 11,7,, 12010INSON, Barrister, Wingliam,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice la liozeby given purinnua to B. 8.
0. Obap. no and amending Acts that all
persons having any claims neatest the
estate of Amos G. Kelly, late of the Town-
ship of Ploy, deco/teed, who died on the 9a)cl
day of January, 1698, are required to send
or deliver to Jane Kelly, of Brussels P. 0,,
on or before the 117th day of March, 1808, a
full statement and partioulare of their
claims and the nature of tba securities 711
nuy) held by them, and on and after the said
15th day of March, 1098, the estate will be
distributed among Quo entinee thereto,
having regard only to the claims of -which
notice shall then bave been given.
JANE KELLY, Executrix.
Date) at Grey 00853rd Poto,, 1809, 88-2
.1- Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Orders loftat the QUEEN'S HoTen,13aussrms,
or at the office of OIAILDIFF ct BEST will re-
oeive mound) attention. 08.4
1. • EED, will sell for hotter prioos,to
better men, in ass time and lees oharges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates and
orders can always be arranged 10 0000 °dice
or by personal application.
FEB. 25, 1898
Toilet Articles,
All the Loading Perfumes,
Soaps in great variety,
Powders for ovary dupes°,
Dentifrices, Combs ani
Seasonable Remedies,
Cough Syrups,
Catarrh Snuffs,
Licorice Pellets
Salves for Lips 4!,z Hands
Winter S1Jecialti3s,
Chest Protector4,
Hot Water Bottles,
Chamois all sizes,
Voz's Drug Litore
• Honor Graduate of the Ontarit
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat at
diseases of domesticated animu,s ln a 0001.
potent manner, Particular aTteution pale
to vsterluary dentistry. Odle promptly (10
tended to. 0111oo and Infirmary—Four door
001000101 bridge •Purnberry at., Brussels,
Will leave Toronto 0.00 p. ni, eVerY T0E3,
DAY dories MARCH and APaIL
terovidea sumateut businese offers)
Lint run yla MUTH'S FALLS
The Only All Canadian Direct at L
Is Via Canadian Pacific Railway.
3 l'ourist ears eaeh
week to the
Peelle Coast,
Gat full particulars and oopy "Settlers'
Index'. and "Klondike and -Zukon Golo
Fielde from any Oanadiau Po'.8o Railway
Agent. or 0.10. hloPHERSON A. O. P. 0.,
Toronto, Ont. 83-0
THOS. FARROW, Agent, Brunie,
to renive °internees, and the reductions made during this mo ith
make it worth your while to examine more closely what
this store is offering during the
Art Muslin, very pretty designs:, at 7o and
Art Muelin, newest effects, extra wide ..
Cretonne, light ground, good pattern
Linen Apron goods, fancy border, full width
Pillow Ootton, 44 inolies wide, bleaohed
Ladies' Bleolt Wool Hose, plain
Ladies' Ribbed Wool Hose, extra value
Men's Sox, 131aok Wool, ribbed
Jlaco Ourtains, new peaterne, very pretty desigue, tid yards long
Check Muslin, very epeoial
Oornforters, reduced to
Flannelette Blankete, down to
Speoial line of Tweed, at 30a and
In Sleek Dress Goode we would call attention to our Mowing in the better
Chum of goods 010 600, 65o, 75a, 80o, 0100808.
In Towelling, Faotory or White Cottons, you can 0070 01003 10 to 15 per tient.
Goods all bought for nab and sold for °ash. It's the only
0p -to -date way of doing business.
MeKin.non & Go., -
1 00
1 00
If so boar in mind that
Will be in Brussels at Queen's
ION VatiO5
101P EE'a'
With all Styles of his fe:cons art—Iiair Covr-
ings, Ladies' Wigs, Bangs, Switches, Wavey Fronts,
&o. Gents' Wigs, Toupees, &o.
Theee goods are so tete to nature that the closest observer
cannot deteot falgenese, The beatley adding qualities and the
protection afforded the head have appealed to the genet.] seine and
good judgment of onto' 50,000 people who are wearing the Profess.
aor's productions. Properly twanged hair whether natural or
artillontl, produces a relined and yeuthiel expreesion on the fan
mod a vitnt to Prof. Doretwend Will noun the best advice on the
subject. Remember at
on Tuesday, March 8.
on Wednesday, March 9.