HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-25, Page 5FEB. 25, 1898 ETHEL tw, Shingle P Plemi1g Mills. THE BRUSSELS POST a Rinds of rood lop wanted. A good me hi the yard to measure togs, t rstom sawing will begin on Match 1st or afore if open weather. ( soft Maple flooring cheap, Ash V Jo! t from $9 to $14. Bills cut to order. t tingles for sale• S. S. COLE. MONEl1 TO LOAN. At l amount of Money to .Loan en Farmlla o r Village Pro- pertyg perty at & 6 Per Cent., Yearly. St light Loans with privilege of repaying when required. At fly to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. NOM Will Wake a wolf me D of YOU! r :0er "00111/093',:Sn ',NOVO amrt me IN 9099 waaae, PSOOSI opree nllNorcode Diseosua, elearlwn. u ;e, :'adios0or ry,Nlg10lr' 0melona,elp,,me- .08 v/,tmpokroy, oto.,caasodce 9000 a rbct R e8 vigor and also to trunwn oceans, ane u toOJ r but musty restores Loam lQanrnoop lo old otpeepy oUg0tP. .000I yndmyns 18111plamw atomic 0 1 securely ort %l .:vom ot.erraten. 10,11, • r •11tt, in rest a:=ut'.t. 91.100, e1 0 1009090, 810 y 0 ol:tor onilnuryry or reirtar. 9 etlar, 6118rn:, cl1 1000:08 1.0 • W, PIeP-§xltR. i a al W000 . coo, 097,, Agent 10e 190 Do' t „Loc of Canadc. �yxsrcn:.vay:'� cr BRUSSELS PDP WORKS. 1 with to inform the people of Brussels ant surrounding district that I have par- ohr sed the Pump Business of JAMES Bl :,L and will be found ready to attend to 11 wants in .tither new work or repairs at toderate prioee. 1 o better Pump in the market. i. rder left at my shop or residence or at •. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly loo ed after. t O Ordere taken for the Digging of We le and Cisterns. Goner Green, AfI .L STREET, - BRUSSELS. McLE OD' S 'TA= Renovator —AND came— TESTED REMEDIES SFECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Foe Impure, Week and Impoverished Bic d, Dyepepe'e, Sleeplesenes0, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. alg. Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con - sun (tion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney sec Urinary Diseaeee, St. Vitus' Dance, Fel ale Irreguleritiee and General De- bility. LA ieRATORY, GODERUCH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sol: by Jas, Foo.lDrugg1st, Brussels. ';e• • Wood's Phospliofline, The Great Iringliela Remedy. S't. Bold and recommended by aI druggists in Canada. Only reli able medicine discovered. $$41 parOages guaravateed to cure all toric of Sexual Woaknees, ell edeote of abaeq or 00 tees, Mental worry, Eacoeeive 1180 of To. tem,Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of pr e, one musk, go es, six, 19. One tall please, liza it cure. Yempblete free to any address. 'Oho Wood Company, Windsor, One Se 411111m Faeln by G, A, DEADMAN, D ruggiet, Bookoaller & Optician, t� le COU$LEY teal Estate & Loan AC' I ENT, BRUSSELS. Moloy to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Mo ley Loaned on Notes and E ood Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fh , ci Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. COUSLEY t,flioo over Deadman'0 Drug Store,. fji$trid 1163o, 3 orctvvic,tr.. LITTLE Prates rete,, -A large load of. the Methodist young people of town attended the revival meetings at Newbridge On Monday evening of last wmok.--Joseph Wiiliameou, who has been living near Montt Forest for a number of years, has sold his farts there and ie looking for one in thisseotion.-•Robert Hooey has pur. (based Samuel Bradon's boogie and lot, We understand Mr. Braden gives up pore mission about the Drat of Maroh,--Our slootrio lights are likely Borne way off yet, as we understand that Air. Grenville wenta $1,000 and five lights in the eyna- gogue for the use of his apring. -The oongregation of the Presbyterian church here, by an unanimoue vote, have dceided bo adopt the new Book of Praise, and on Sunday, Feb. 27, will be the initiative services. - Drown & Powell shipped another carload of maple Irlocke to Liver-. pool.-Tbe O0ioial Board of the Metlro. dist °burettes on this °troudt have extend. to Rev. Mr. Hoskins E cd a Doll to the , o Nisouri, to be their muster for the next oonferenoe term. They had wanted Rev, Mr. Cosecs to remain another year, but that is against oonference latus, -john Argue went to Toronto to attend the an, neat meeting of the Grand Lodge or the A.. 0. U. W. Before returning ho visited friends in the towusl.ip of Cartwri;ht, 310xetcr. EToe1121oe.-1'8. Jacques attended the Royal Templar nonveutiou it, St. Thomas. -Geo. Smallacombe loet a valu- able stallion by death. -Mies Ada Treble met with a painful accident while cutting meat, the knife slipped cutting s Revere gash in her hand. -Mrs. Andrew Dtutoan and her son William, of near Varna, lett e few days ago for Chicago, where the latter will enter a Faith Gore Institute, with hope and perhaps faith that a course will restore him to youthful health and vigor. He is aboy bright of seventeen g g years of age Land partially paralyzed as the result of injarioe received a couple of years sinoo while helping to raise a barn with ft jack. -L. Biebop, of Winnipeg, Man„ after an absence of several months, hae returned home looking hale and hearty. -Harold Willoughby, who has been attending Huron College, London, was taken ill lust week and compelled to lay off deity. Ile is now with kis parents here. Charles Smith, late manager of Centralia cheese faotory, considers that digging for gold Is the quiolteetway a man can get it, more so than cheese malting ; and suiting the action to the word, he started for the Kiondyke on Saturday last, -The Verity Plow Go., of Brantford, have oompleted arrangements to rebuild in that city. The site will be that known as Mohawk property, the Verity people having an offer of 15 acres at $200 an aore wbioh has been accepted and they are now looking for a suitable architect. 1131_4• t1u. BLINxLETe.-Mies Annie MoQaarrie ie visiting friends in Goderich.-Brown & Allen have commenced evaporating po. bathes. - A medicine company was giving concerts in Industry Hell every night last week. -Rev. Mr. Irvine, of pt. Thomas, was aiding in revival meetings at the Methodist Munch last week. -Wm. Sims left on Wednesday morning of last week to visit friends in Platteville, To- ronto, Newcastle and Port Hope. Be. fore returning he will attend the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters meetiug in Peterboro'.-Mre. Wm. Eggert bee purchased the North store in the Howard biook on Queen street and hae also porohneed the dress making business oarried on by Mise Howard, and will con- tinua the same in the same stand. -J. M. Carder, brother of Dr. Carder, of Blyth, died in Loudon. He was a man of about 55 years of age and leaves a wile but no children. His remains were interred at St. Thomas.-Mre. McKellar, mother of Alex. McKellar, of Blytb, and Dougteld anal Duncan McKellar, of Strathroy, died at the home of her daughter, Mre. 0. E. Tanner, in Sarnia, on Tuesday morning of last week. Deceased was 80 years of age and was well and favorably known to many residents of Blyth. La grippe was the ounce of death. -On Tues- day evening of last week shoat 25 mem. bere of Trinity ohuroh went out to john Barr's, on the boundary, to be in attond- anae at the baptism of Mr, and Mrs. Barr'( five boys. There were also 1t few of the neighbors present. The sacrament was performed by Rev. T.D. Higley, who afterwards addressed a few words to the parents and the others, in attendance. The occasion wao the anniversary of the birthday of two of the boys. Mrs, Barr, shortly after the ceremony, served an elaborate and sumptuous supper to all present. About 10,80 o'clock the Blyth - hes returned home, much pleased with their outing. Mr. Baer name in and drove a load out and returned them home again. tllinton- CerNro CLATTER. Owing to ether bueiuess claiming his attention, R. Holmes hae resigned the outside tioket agenoy, recently tendered him by the G. T. R., and Frank R. Hodgen,, of Hodgen, Bros., has acoepbed the same. -The following persons have received notice from A. L. Gibson, Returning Officer for West Enron, of their appoint. mast no Deputy Returning Officers for Clinton for the local elections :-No. 1, Jacob Taylor ; No. 2, Walter Manning ; No. 8, W. Coats ; No. 4, D. T. Holmes ; No. 5, Thos. Cottle 1 No. 0, D. L. Mao - phonon ; No, 7, W. P. Spalding; No. 8, F. R. Hodgen,. -An aooi- dent enured at Fair's mill on Thursday morning of last week, which, thougb of a serious nature, was remark• able in the foot that no serious rosette attended it. The governor belt of the saw mill engine ran off, allowing the engine to run wild for a minute au two. '1Vat Marlow, with oommondable nerve, went down and obeokod the engine, and just et the 50010 moment the large fly wheel burst, nattering in every diraetims, One large piece, weighing possibly 100 pounds or more, passed ep through the opening where the saw works, out through the roof, and landed over behind Miller's ebop on the opposite aide of the street. Another piece knocked the floor from beneath the feet of W. Hast, while others left their helpmeet on heavy elm Y Usama It wee a wonder 1,0 oda WaM lenrt,--•Jobe SloOe'er has leased the A merieen hotel, Burlin, and took pewee. cion thereof on :Cuooday of last week,--•• Chief Wheatleya0eed the half cautery Y BTU SKIS. mark k on Tuesday oflaat Week 1hoe good for another hall oonlnry. -•White in town the 1I011. le. S. Nerdy, Premier, was the guest of 0. Fair, whose epeoi1ue house hae materiel nett Immo prominent Liberate. . -•The Leerier Quartutto, wilicll 0900M. panted lion. kir. Hardy to Exeter, re. thread to Clinton on Tuesday evening of last week curd wore enteitatued by Nice. Wall, They precluded to Mount Forest on Wednesday, -The friondn of 'Intuit. ton Potliuk, of town, will be sorry to learn that he ie still suffering from mental;;aberration, ;and doeo not show eigns of recovering, It is expooted that it maybe nooessaryy for a time to put him in close oonlinomonb•-Miss Edith Robson, daughter of N. Robson, loaves for Wyoming Territory, whore she expecte to spend some time with her uncle, 1t. Dingley, fu the hope that it will cur° her of asthma, She will be aoaom• paniod from Detroit by her cousin, Mies Stanbury. 1.15021.101.11:11. NEWSY Srcrre.-Mrs. Wm. Ireland has returned from a visit to friends in North It - ural it Da eta. Rov. it DeauHo is was d g in Toronto last weak mttmndiltg a mooting of the Woodmen ofhe World. -Alex, G S Broaclfoot was appointed °hiof of the Fire Brigado.-Juo. Robb happened with quite a painful accident one day last week. While cutting moat at his lollop he was unfortunate enough to out his hand severely. -Goo. Patterson, Grand Lodge officer, and D. McIntyre, delegate from the A. O. U. W., wore iu Toronto last week attending the twentieth annual meeting of that Order. -Geo. Patterson, Grand Lodge officer of the A. 0. U. W., went to Berlin to pay the $2000 insurauoe policy of the late Joseph Laird, to his willow, Mrs. Laird, of that plana, -Poll- ing sub -div, 1-E. Cash's store ; div. 2 sample room of Queen's hotel ; div. 3, 0. C. Wilson's store ; div. d;Jas. Thenp- son's store ; cliv. 5, town hall.•-Mattres- soe and blankets wore ordered to bo pur- chased urchased for the Look -oil and the sum of 10 was ranted in aid of the hospital for ( L sick children, in Toronto, by the town Conseil. -Wm, Cline, who has been Buffering from an abtaebc of rheumatism, is recovering. -Jas, Scott's two little sons, Archie and Clarence, aro recovering from their recent illness. -Jobe Forbes left on Monday for Stratford, where he purposes taking a short course in the Central business oullege.-Some wag played a prank on the Conservative As. ambition of this town by putting up in the window of the committee rooms the piobures of Laurier, Gladstone, Blake and Mowat, The Conservatives thoro- ughly appreciated the joke. --A very pleasant time was spent in the firetnen's hall on Monday evening of last week, when the members of the Seaforth fire brigade assembled there to do honor to the treasurer of the company, Geo. A. Sills. chief Broadfoot, chairman, open- ed the meeting with a short address. The secretary, John Cardno, was then called, who responded and presented Mr. Sills a fine couch, Wm. Mousy, former- ly engineer in Ogilvie's millhsro, but now of the Robb Engineering Co., Ltd., of Amherst, N. S., was in town on his way to Fort William to put in an eleotrio light plant in that place. -Arthur Ed- munds, son of John Edmunds, of Market street, who has been at the Pacific coast for about two years, has returned home. -Reeve Jas. Beattie is in Peterboro' this week as a delegate to the High Court of Canadian Foresters. Mr. Beattie also intoude visiting som0 of the Eastern cities with a view to gaining information re- garding markets. -We are sorry to learn of the illness of Juo, Hondereon, Huron road. As the old gentleman is 89 years old, he is nob as robust as he once was to Dope with disease. -A. load of business even drove to Clinton to hear Mr. Hardy. When ou their way home the team be. risme unmanageable mud ran away, throwing the occupants out, the result being that F. W. Twsddle and Jas. Scott are nursing sore shoulders and N. Me. Leod a sore face. Cause of accident - Amok a pitoh-bole. ilo olos'worttie. Msanons.-Wm. McKee, of Howick, intends, we believe, removing to Gerrie.- David Kidd, of Manitoba, is visiting friends in this vioinity.-Tice Methodist Oburob pulpit was centupled on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Ball, of Atwood, -On Thursday, 10111 inst., by Rev. W. A. Cooper, of Listowel, Mies Elizabeth Barr to John L. McKee, both of this place. - Alex. Campbell and wife celebrated their silver wedding. -George Brown and his assistant, the indefatigable 1121'. Mc0al- man are at present busily engaged in taking out timber for an addition to Mr. Brown's barn. -Mrs. Smith, of Strath• roy, is renewing old aoquaintanoes here at present. MATnumtutr.-Another of those pleas• ant events, wbioh always oa use a oom- mohibe in every neighborhood, was en. noted on Wednesday, the 011 inst., when William Doig, of the towuship of Howiok, was united in holy bonds of matrimony with Miert Janet Rosa Petbriok, remand daughter of Hugh Pabriok, of the same township. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. George Ballantyne, of Moles- worth, in the presence of a large number , of relatives and friends of the aontra0ting parties. The bridegroom is the youngest son of Paul Doig, and is one of the most intelligent and prosperous young farmers t in andhe has Bemired in We olvueh a sled in It Mise Patrick ono of HOwiok's fairest and most aeodmplished young ladies, While the strains of the wedding maeoh were be. ing played, the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father, and was handsomely and appropriately dress• ed for the 000asion, and assisted by her sister, Miss Mary Patriots, who also wore a very beootning oostume. The groom was supported through the trying ordeal by John Dole, who discharged all the functions pertaining to thee poet ion in a very prompt and satisfactory manlier. The ceremony, which made the twain one, and the usual oongrabulabioos over, the guests repaired to the dining hall, where the tables were laden with the choicest of food and all the delicaolee of the season, whiab dodbtless would satisfy the taste of the most fastidious ,pion. ream In the centre stood the bridals sake like s colossal white pyramid with dazzling ornaments falling down it0 sides. The bride and groom were given the matte of honor and the wedding dinner wee then tweed to the favored visitors. After dinner many of the of der iaombera of the company again repaired tc the melee, wltaro the etenin,g mas most enjoyably 1,;9ont in games, memo and motel (bat, while theounge' enjoyed themselves in the ]tall tripping who liht fantastic toe. Before midnight refresh. ii,ente were again served to wltioh all did ample justice. The esteem in which the bride to held was exemplified by the nunlcrou5 beautiful, costly awl 'loufnl precasts w111011 alto received. The merry oontpany broke up shortly before day light, and after wlahieg Air, and Mrs. Drig many biessinge on thole journey down life's turbid stream, all repaired to their home, and quietness on0e more fell upon the poaoeful homestead. The young couple left for their own home next morning, whore tt large two•story Mak residence wa0 emoted last Summar on his farm, and whore the young couple will now cattle down to the store realitieo of life. LIN tow oil . LITTLE Ltuxe.-Goo. McLaughlin, of Neepawa, Man„ has been in Ontario for the past week or two clod has purobaeed a carload of horses, to take book with 111°, He left Tuesday and was aeoom• peeled by Alex. Strong, John Strong and Jamie Bee, of Howiok, who each took a oar of horses to Manitoba. -Wm. Spears, morobent, has been confined to his room. Ile is affected with heart failure and his omttlition is rather serious. -William, th rd son of the late Henry Sanderson, died at hie mother's residence on the towu-lino West on the Lith Met, He bad beep ill for some time. Lie was twenty years of age. -Tho full returns on the night of election day will be received by speoiel wire in MoDonald's Munk Hall and will be announced promptly as re. oeived. An admieeion foe of 10 oenle will be charged at the door to defray ex - pensee. -D. Bowyer has returned to town and has rented the residence on Argyle street belonging to Mrs. Jacob Hepplsr. Mr. Bowyer will remove his family here in the course of a couple of weeke.- Nearly a million dollars has been given directly to Perth County alone by the Liberal Government during the past twenty-six years. -B, Stanley represent- ed the local lodge at the annual meeting of the Woodmen of the World in Toronto V W last week. -C. Tabberoer, was in Toronto last week attending the enema meeting of the Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W., as representative of Listowel Lodge. -Mrs. W. Gibson, Viotoria street East, &enter- ed awo of her ribs by falling down the °alleyway on Sunday morning. Al- though advanced in years, she is progres. sing favorably. -The Young Conserve. Lives' eleotiou resulted as follows :- Hoa. Pres,, F. R. Blewett ; prem., Guy Selmer ; lst vine -pros„ V. 11. Bamford ; Sud viae, Ben, McOormiok ; 3rd vice, A. Collins ; reo.-sea., W. Pritohley • core, see., H. Willoughby ; Tress., 0. H. Berger. G-otlerich . GLINTS. -Miss Eva Acheson, our oharming soprano, hag gone to Detroit to study with and fill concert engagements with the celebrated tenor, Harold Jarvis. -Three oars of timber for ties and string. ers were received at the break -water works last week. -County auditors Morrison, of McKillop, and Urquhart, of Hensall, were attending to their clnties last week. -Two new layers have been added to the break -water the past ten days, but wheth- er they will prove good sitters the Spring freebet will determine. -The Methodist Sunday school celebrated its anniversary Sunday and Monday. On Sunday Rev. H. W. Locke, of Parkhill, preached morning and evening, and on Monday evening an entertainnnout was given in the ohuroh.-At his home, in Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 10th, Peter Kadelie died, niter a very short illness with peritonitis. His very early death is much regretted. He was much esteemed in ohuroh and social oirolos, was a former resident of Gado- rioh, and wept to that city about eight years ago, where he hae recently been foreman. in the Chandeler & Rudd Oen- feotionery establishment. He leaves a wife and child to mourn his loss. -On Tuesday evening of last week about thirty-five Epworth Leaguers from Rat- teuburyet. Methodist ohuroh, Clinton, drove into towu to return the visit which they received from the young people of North•et. Methodist church. The visit• ore were welcomed in a felicitous manner by W. 0. Pridham, President of the North-st. League, and Rev. Jos. Edge, who afterwards presided while a moat oujoyable program was given by the Clinton young people. A. T. Cooper made a happy address 00 "The Golden Rule," and songs wore rendered by Miss- es Scott and Miller, the Misses Goodwin and Mr. Manning. After a luncheon had been disposed of, a pleasant time was spout in conversation. The meeting was closed with the singing of "The Roll Gall," and shortly before midnight the visitors started upon their homeward drive with best wishes on all sides. Fern, Ruxnw nr On Wednesday even- ing, Fob. 9th, as Horace Fulford was driving down the hill towards Saltford, on the way to the parental rosidsnse at Dun- lop, a passing driver elasbed his whip, causing Eulford's animal to take fright. The driver guided the animal across the bridge, but when near the school house the orator wne kuooked against a pleb. form of 0120 Of the houses, turning it over and throwing the driver out with great force. With assistance all was made right, and Fulford pertly led and partly drove the animal back to the stable up town. Ono of his lege feeling sore, Fut. feed walked to hie doctor's residence and gob treated for the injured limb. Be. turning to his boarding house he retired to rest, but a short time afterwards being taken with great thirst and vomiting foie lowing, the dootor wag sent for. On Thursday tate patient continued in the same state until 8 p. m., when ho began to sink rapidly and died before 10. De. amused retained his full mental vigor until the last, and until lees than two home before hie cleoease, bo, with those around him did not think he was fatally injured. On Saturday afternoon the funera1 took place from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Frank }Kimber, Ligbtbouso•st„ the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which Order dammed was a member, taking charge of the obsequies, The Foresters turned out in full force and/muted a long double lino at the head of the procession, and six of the younger members of the sooieby anted as pall bearers. Rev. W, Godwin demanded the ohuroh services ab the house and at the grave, and the beauti- ful mediae of the Order was delivered by Bros, Tait and Reinhardt. The casket was oovered with beautiful floral emb- lems, laced thereon byti tl oro a s t 1 vo 0 ,p , Fo atom, tend many friends, There NBA a vlt'y large attsncl000e of friends and aegaeiutauces the lino .of carriage being mil 'r namelyto o ton thus testi m to the sympthy of town and township for de, ; eased, parents dud Olathe:e, C:orrir,. GLamtiEse, -. Jas, Padfield, who has boeu emending wave: almonths with his parents a.ul other frioads, hae returned home to liunitoba,.-A. i)ulmage has disposed of hie general store in Comte to Jos. T. 1(0005, of Orl!iie. Mr. Moore was at 0120 time head of the firm al Moore dt West• lake, bl0onit manulaoturere, of Wood. stook, now kn ova ae Bean & Westlake, - Fred, Rush has perebasod J. A, Ma- Arter's photo, busiuese, and taken pose 50esio0, We ulcdsratand that Fred. has engaged Mr. AleArter to assist him for a few months,-Itobert Blow was in To• rondo laet week attending the A, 0. U.W. Grand Lodge.-Ohestor MoLaughlin has gone to Regina where he and his brother Nill go into Lb) gannet store boeinese,--- i'he bioyolc !e'er is already beginning to make its sppeeranoe.-Jos, Getman, who has been in th t Toronto Hospital for the past three weeks, returned to town, and is residing with his son-in-law, Constable Mallard MoG' 12th, of George and Prin. eoes streete. The old gentleman has been troubled with Alight blindness, and bad ane eye taken sub, while tha other was operated upon which, it is to be hoed, will soon recesses its former full eight.- W. A. Edgar :..od wife, of Culloden, were vielting their ',areclts, just South of this village, and other friends in town last week. OD T. --T118 Vidotte says :-Once again 1t. is our sad d.ny to record a visit from the grim reaper, Death. On Friday afternoon las., the spirit of William Ardeli, of the 0th eon„ took its flight from this mortal sphere. Deceased had not been enjcying the best of health, but being a man of remarkable endurance and fortitude, be kept at hie work long after a pbysioian should have been oon- sulted, until a1lcnt a week before his de. miss, when he was beyond the help of medical skill. Deoeased was born in the County of Kinn, Ireland, in the year 1818, his father dying when be was a lad of about three years of age. When 17 years old, he, rcoompanied by hie brother old (10 years Josephand his r ) s moth e and younger late, (the late Aire. Adam L' noxa), (mine to this country and lived for a time sear Liman. For two years ae worked as hrakeeman on the Grand Trunk betwein London and Toronto. About 25 year, ago, he Dame to Gerrie, and in the year 1875 was married to Mary Jane, seoond daughter of Thos. Nash, of this village. lie leaves a sorrowing widow and six ohildren, three boys and three girls, imaging from 18 to 3 years of age, to mourn 'Bis loss. He was a true and faithful bneband, and a kind and indulgentfathr.r. As a neighbor and friend, he was always obliging, and ever willing to saor.eoe golf interest to lend a helping band to those in trouble. Hie remains were interred in their last earth- ly resting plans in the Gerrie cemetery on Sabbath afternoon, the funeral being conducted by the Independent Order of Oddfellows, of which deceased was a member. The Government and Agri- culture. The fact that the foundation of Ontar- io's prosperity is a prosperous agriculture, renders the mations of the Provincial Government tewarde this leading indue• try of great importance. It ie now about ten years sinus a Minister of Agriculture was added to the Ontario Cabinet in the person of Mt. Drury, who, two years later, was eaoc_eded by Mr. Dryden, the present minister. What have these gentlemen and the Government before them done for :he promotion of the great agricultural interest ? Agrionitnral Sooietiee, Fruit growers' Associations, Cheese and Butter Asso- uiations have been encouraged and sub- sidized ; Farmers' Institutes, which were begun in 1885, and definitely organized in 1889, are now a regular branch of the Department of Agriouitnre ; the travell- ing dairy was first sent out in 1891, and later the buttes and cheese -makers of the province were invited to attend the Agri- cultural College at Guelph, for instrnotion in their art. The dairy school, at Guelph, was supplemented in 1895 by one at Kingston, and a little later by one at Strathroy. These methods of sdnoation in the latest al,d moat approved prooees es of farm and deity work constitute a real lever for the improvement of Ontario agriculture, It is only by economy and progrees that our farmers can keep up the °ompetitiaei with their fellows in other farming countries, to wbioh all workers in th'1 world's great workebop are now exposed. Another great engine of education is the Agrioaltur.•,l College at Guelph, which has now berth in existence for about a quarter of a century. Direct teaohing in practical and Ruientifio agriculture is here combined with experiments in testing varieties of ger in, graes and roots, and the feeding of ,tattle, sheep and pigs. The insults of thet,-a experiments are made available to the pnblio in the reports of the college, and are thus a ready guide to the farmer wits wishes to test his prao• tioe by the sxi'erienoe of others. The remarkrble expansion of the thane industry of ilio Province, which now dominates the markets of England, is due in no stnall degree to the assistance which the Government has given the dairy astooiatioeis, the publication of in- formation oourerniug improved methods of dairying, at d the i netraotion given by the 8131713884 deity schools and the travel. ling dairies. Fruit.growing, wbioh le hemming so valuable a branch of Ontario agriculture, hos from the fist reoeived attention and aid from the Government. The Ontario Frnib.growere' Association, which is the largest in America, bas 5,000 members, and receives at annual grant of 51,800, mid three year t ago twelve experimental fruit stations were established, where ninth u0efnl work is being done, The Department has been teb great pains to give instruotio 15 in spraying fruit trees for the deebrasiion of insect pests, and during 1897, wee sspeoielly active in put. ting down the .Ban Jose soaie, one of the latest imporbatione of this kind. Poultry, be ,keeping and live stook have all experiuneed a helping band, and the latest innovation in the shape of "good roads" brenob, allows that the De. pa.rtment of Aerioulture, ander its effi. (dont head, keeps fully abreast of intel- ligeni public' opinion. The Peovinginl Government dose Doh mammy t the Ingo of Providencia roviden assn rales, lion n to a rloul ata. t o Haat g I a bring good ltorvests or ito e off bad saaeons, bat 11 laserveslhe srueort of the farming eons• Ytnnity for wit .911 bee done, fn a senei. Bible vigorous land withal soonomioal way foe the promotion of their iadtuetrp• PH\.SYS M _Debi Via Chicago, for Winnipeg, Points in Manitoba and Northwest, via St, Paul, Seattle, Victoria and the Dyea Route, for Klondike and Yukon Gold Fields. For maps, pamphlets and impartial in. formation apply to G.T.R. agents. J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. 0160, HEYD, " Ethel. TAILORING! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. terSitop in Garfield Block. SHINGLES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles ANn• — North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT THE Brussels Planing Mills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Native. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT, The l onaid. Fire Engine . Works, , BRUSSEI..S. Mee We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Terms. When wanting anything in: the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would be glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think we can save you money. We have also on hand nd all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Nichle Plating a Specialty. Ronald Fir; Engine Work;, BRUSSELS. NEW utdier Silop! The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the DIM BLOCS, MEM, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patronage solicited. Se 'V "ALEER. Meat delivered to all parts of the town, 'GASH PAID 20I1 RIDES. NEW SHOES for Spring arriving daily, in all the latest and most Approved Styles. Shoes to Fit All Feet and. Tastes. We carry a stock of Shoes, unexcelled in the County. Shoes that wear is our boast and that at LOW PRICES. We Ask your Inspection of them. Sewed Free of Charge. OUR HAR3SS — BEPARTMENT is always to the front. We manufacture all our Harness out of the Best Stock Money can Procure and with our long experience we think we can please you. Our motto is,"Good Goods at a Small Margin." Repairs to Harness, Collars, Boots & Shoes, promptly attended to. Don't forget the stand-- Sign of Large Scotch Collar. 5 1. C. t ; q 1 !CHAR S, BRUSSELS.