HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-25, Page 3r 9 ( _ ,. . 9 F1,I1, 25, 1998, T 11 E BRUSSELS POST. M _._ .^ -�­�r -- -,.,._ _^-T' - �HOUSEHOLD.t a too find more eujo meat in books , RARE GOO M' ENT SWEETS. siIIusovas4 S p pip � doh,C w kh to tc elk..of half the gravy , th the paste, f the e-llit 4 w tools for lmormaLian, and would oar- OAKUM ^ A jjj' �I n� '� I ['I ROYALTY, �i A j' T(1 tdt�ta. 1. Ali f 1 SWEETS. uepoon- twilimg thiekan i,h,a r8si�lus of the re- YOUNG�'®�,,���. 3' y (11i�T.tl.1,lJ.k11N Y,lU1J j,U1J,1;iY,ljl�t fat off Or'antieyflOpgor water, Mix with mnmathag (gravy, and when the pie is _ � Haan In anything algia. When the The traveller in South Amrrk'tt can- powdered sugar until it Is stiff enough UOlNr TO "COOK" A NUISBAND. S to be worked with the hands, , ha tis not fail to nate that when any partio-' and set aside for six hours, Duke in -0ns of the 1r,,eturore bOfara w Cooking alarly nice sweetmeat is offered, to bin„, a slow oven, Maica a tuirwrnl+l Of one School recently gave this recipe 10” Ountl of anyar flavored with orange - he. 1s told that it comes from Lila con- lower water, and dila the cakes lit one cooking m huaban'd, wltleh is not tom - vent, Noivliars oubai(lo of conventwuils by one, Sprinkle oil them some Least- mcnly found In books on cookery: are there Made Sweets s0 delicious, file all baniseod. A good many husl�mada aro utterly Imitations made outside of the convents )'auras an Leebrt.-Beat the yolks of (spoiled by mismanhgelnknL. Some wo- aro but, poor, far lila nuns guardlus con- six ogga vary light and mix with a man go about as if their husbands were vent secrets the method of. Preparing "OuPhil of milk, r untakeil a syrup of two balloons and blase Lbean up, Others keep 1 P g Pouuda uP sugar until it feathsz:s; mix the different sweats, The writer while with the milk rind eggs and strain. their ranstantly i'u hat water, others In Peru was fortunate enough, haivevor Place over the fire to boil, ailding One let Lhoul freeze by Indifference and pound of benzol nuts blanched and drawn, open the crust and add the gravy, Viae Pudding, -Buil six ounces Of rice in a quart of mdik on a slow fixe until tander, atitr in one ounce of butter! masmwhi,ie beat fourteen eggs, add to the puddling when cold, with sugar, FAIL, rosewatrr and spices to your taste. ndd- ;mg raisins. Gbnberl,read; Ona quart Of molaeaes, one pint of anidle, tan ounces of butter, ane tesoupfut of ginger, one ounce of Pearl aeh, small glass of rosewator, to 011aln, thanks to the efforts of a poended to a pasta, When on attr- ca3elr lmartraSs. i ains keep 'thein In a YORICBH'ill L J)ISIIES, high prelate, name of these coveted re, ring I'he bottom of the preserving kob- stow by ;Trttalinig 'ways and words. Yorkshire ]?udding,-Two eggs, four cipes ; Lie 18 visible, withdraw from the fire Others roast, them. Somo keep them in tables , The recipes given below, are what the and beat until smooth, than place again pickle all their lives, It vain not be f uonfuls flour; a little Salt, and none cull "egg rsci,pcs"-that [s to say, on the Lira for ton minutes, Pour on milk to m,itW a ]the b the thicknessste m marble slab to cool, dust with Pew- su£>posad that any husband will Ips of ),ream. When- Wrs beat aP is roasted, oggs are either the $ole or the chtoP dared sugar, and when cold out into tender and good lit managed in this pour off the i:olldng dripping Into an - ingredient. In selecting these ror.tpes squares. Ivey, but they are really delicious wbon' another pan, turn in the hatter, Unit Merengues Seaolllos;-Bomt thewbttos bako it to a good brown. caro has been taken to glue for aach of six eggs very stiff and mix with, a property treahtcd' Yorkshire Tea -cape: Four pounds one of which the principal part Is the syrup mado of limit a pound of sugar, In selecting your ,husband do not 90 Yoke, another one, which uses up the to which add a few drops of osaenae of to market for him, as the best are al- flour, one pound butter; Lour ounces whites, so that in prepo,rling any one lemon or grated lemon peal, Place OV- ways lsrowght to your door. It Is far Yeast; It little salt; milk to make a of the reef es the housewife will not or a slow fire and continue ])eating un- batter to ,have mons, unless you will soft dough. Rub the butter into the p be puzzled to know what to do with til stiff enough to keep its shape When pationtly ]cern baw to govern bdun, See salted flour. Add the milk and the dropped, Drop by tablespoonfuls on that. Lha Italian in w•hteh you wrap bins that part d the egg which 9118 does sheets of paper and Place in a slow oev- is perfectly washed and mended, wiLh yeast, and roll Lila dough out very not requirs. The Spanish names iv- en, It is always better to put these the re ui,red nuirmher of buttons and thin; Make to cakes about the size 6 q of a tau -saucer, Let them rise about', sheets of paper on a t"ick heard, as it,' aLriin s tightly sewed an are those by which the recipes are keeps the bottom of the maraugues the kettla y . Strong a lk cordcalledof hour in tt warm place; by the and known, from hardening and mattes them 809y Y of that Lima they should s. fully three a "comfort" as the one called "duty" its Limes their first tbicl{nese, Bake in a Bim Me Sabo -Beat the yolks of six to join. To make perfect meren.gues apt to be Week, They are apt to fall 6998 ver light and mix with five f In - tile hent ues cicl always he from whiles out of the kettle, and to W burned and totquarteck rs while hot•�er, and cut in - Y g Harangues da MtrnL.-Bea h crust on tho od lePconfula of corn stmroh diaaOl.ved In of six eggs very stiff, and add a pound and 101,sterS gts, 8 to Lilco them Yorkshire Raspberry Sandwiehes. - half a pint of milk. When thoroughly of siftod powdered sugar, Place over You ,hove to cook them Four eggs. Tho wed g p g wltilo alive, gg . gilt of four eggs in mixed, add by degrees three half pints it slow fireenoand to continue drop beatingper. Add lf• he sputters and fusses do not be sugar, and the weight of three eggs of. milk, Place over a slow fire, or in, a to this four ounces of roasted peanuts, A•n\.rnis-some Mishap le do than until lu flour; grated rind of one lamon. Beat halo -maria to thicken, without boiling, blanched and pICOS o r Mix tiler, they are called down. Add a little su- the eggs and sugar together untilvery ng careful to stir always In one dir- ouglily and drop with a teaspoon on gar In the Curio Of wheat confectioners upper n light, stir in the flour, taking care not bei call kisses, but no vi•negarr or pepper on to make the. eggs Call by using too action so that the eggs will not curdle, shoets of Paper. Plaes in a slow' oven. any account. ,A, lhttle spice improves heavya hand ; add the grated rind, Cover a dish with sponge cape or ladies' Cara must be taken to have them of them but it must be used With judges and make the batter into four uniform size and shape, So they may went. Do not stick any etbarp instru- small cakes. Bake in a quick oven fingers, pour the above mixture over 1)e joined to form an egg. mane into him to ase if be is becoming ton minutes, split, spread a layer of them and cover with an icing made as Merengues Reales.-Prepare the egg tender. Stir hln, gtantty, watching the jam between them, and sift powdered follows; To the wutta of an egg Leat -'as above, flavoring with a teaspoonful whi,la Lest hes adhere to the kettle and sugar over them. an to a froth add a syrup made of halt of pucka r d cinnamon an sheets of Paper Ime as so become useless. You can not fail - -_ a pound of sugar boiled in a gill of wat- J to kn.oty clo el h6 is done. if this treat - it above. Before joining, plata in the mentis closely followed you will find FIRST CHURCH -IN THE KLONDII{]l', er until it throacls, This must be add-' centre of each merengue a candied h5m all that is desirable; )mt do not be, - Olt to Lha eggs by degrees as soon as it cherry, careless wlbl, hiim and keep him in too I)tnieutties Experlenard by lite. Two .1115• is taken from the fire, beating con_ I 1Lerengues Rellanos,-Prepare the cool a plata. .rlonarles. scantly so that it will be well mixed flavvor98 �wfor ith aeaspoonful of stranes wberry rind Whsu the p.tslar of the first church DISCIPLINE. and smooth, Decorate With candied juice. After tanking .from the even, to the Klondike, asks for all unusually fruits. stoop out some of the soft part of the It is a marval that so many children liberal collection blvs miners slutply put rlluevos Boblmdos,-Paas the yolks of merengue and fill with strawberry grew up with aparticle of sense, con- more gold dust ditto the plate. They six eggs through it hair sieve and beat i jaim; jonguesin as in revious re the egg as sidering the way in which they are have no cash. Everyth: