HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-25, Page 2E
_..,. .
FEB. 25, 1898 ;
T�k� BR'q'��I7i,$ PQs�:', ,
__ - . - —• - - .... ._, �.' .. _._-_.--..,..:_-__ _-. _ —�.___.......—,?—_T__._--._
p 4 TREE, "I see Clust" elle replied, graysly, She is one of thoso women who s}vsep
n holoOh, StauleYl IE I had only t.itougIlt all bvforo them. LordYorttu could only
UITER befum nosy how I
�ra r�}p7
esQ1:fig 17 .
cheapest! it costs nothing to ))card I
them; only a orusa-cut file to keep them 6 DA� 0 MUNI,
.te man vale might conttrarP bar toawhirlwind, Yet 1 can.
havo eavell It mast lw a terrible thing not imagine how she has porsuaded
„ sharp.
to die at Ll1LnypaFi" Ger httshattd to return to Lnghintl,
CHAPTER VI. l Only % starving woman and a starv- Ile laid his baht; lightly on her heart- 11i'hon 11•6 ;sere iii Florence, she Hated
1'LItb1STSs'NT Ml];liLiiS,
I would put the garden In the told -
cilo of tbE flcsld, or lot, about fifteen JUST A WEEK^I't?O'M VANCOUVER
roils fxom the Earn, I
Will head.
One masrning }vben several visitors #itg child were there; there was no Ciro "it !s nover Loo late to mend," lie [hlholiinnt . Veaduc nherIto li a in
no food, no table, no chair, na bed. It Y
We sometimes see cattle owners or
y buyers g
pass through h a herd of oo\vs
'viLh potakeas next AFTER RAILROAD 7S litllLT.
to the barn. and Qwest corn (it; the __ '
were at 1'V'eeLNa')d 1110 ClY¢V el'Hatwon moss a JnWt bOpel!riSB C¢Se. Beld. "I have nLLea1 tv!shod that you Avon and her brotller•, Bir Charles, to
turned Upon the Indian famdne. We A contrast 1A VV6HCwOad," I lvbis- could give a little of your time and meet them. Lady Sevarne is mete than
and remark that Buell and such caws
atheF 031!1, lt¢d tJ1P gal'deSl In the lllJd^
dls, and thB'It Lhre would be no tU1'il- 'J'rle ilClilift tH r0 he t'eraJle CeCfi ay tirnlelutter
Ing to — YJ is Proposed In vanilln tori atiaorika
were all seated at luncheon, Saone of Pored to her. attontiondito charity a match in ranversation for nn six
At tilos the wahor was Bullas Gy d You not tall ms sap" She y
ire, tit once,"
are parsistenb milkers, while cortntn
Others are not, A keen observer may
on the g'ar•lon nor ohickens hath- no othrr ltlllu'Halt rut n iMunoner ort
or, anti iwady all could bP worked wlth
the gea$lemen remarked what a char-'
too asked, eager
would net speak—hor misery was too i "fs stls a ftirtp 1 asltod.
ltablB country On1's \waS-lube; large "•�1y iieai• I alli9p, thOi'0 faults tete ala r"
be (this to tall with some degree of
the horse arced; the sinal} stuff would — Prellnlinary lVork to Begin
lie workod h Jutlalvinuctr.
g'r@Ilt. TI7eII she C"Tlerl 1r111:: �.t O tell ,YOU the truth, M1R9 Chester,
o`11 yrs o wakes to tho realities
sums of atone were forthcoming when Nq w
Money g you can do nothing for me. My of 1#fe. Your ;fare bed ,not camsti I could ,,ever snake ant exactly Ivilat
certainty 'which cows have this to,,
enoy attcl which have not, but na six_
- 115.Ould ilC 01,1 eaches leafs
p 11 p I The xttiUottd which is to Got built
nharrins a.tld pintas on the !hast %fele Proal
atty great disaster o, carred. diad six weeks at u; and this Rha Butts. i only knew that moa lakotl
I s all L Gave, is the n arid. Ww She I ah[W haver be So careless agrthn, hof• husband, and for his sake Nye on-
Lord Parke agreed, I feel as though through thaw
patience tells me marc de rend6 on Cho
the htickeen Stivor to .British Ce-
for prntorLiuu. Next to 1.bnm, the r
small fruit, blackberries, raspherrias, Jumble to Tosda Lake, 150 miles, is ex-
is ci ! toll dural her, as we. Shall endure ber
"But," be said, "I do not think moa me," She looked at Lady Yorbo, "You years 1 had truly been, gslecp," said again. They will be here next Tuaacisy,
care and feeding !than oil tiny slung
and pa n\vher- t e cost 00,000, It is stipulated
can v
Ludy Yorke,
realize What the word `famine' moans. mcain well,' site Bitted, "Gut Che money so Nye must hasten to Bond out favi;-
Then tip<y dire+assail what was Gest
or markings. For nearly thirty years
our main dependence bas been on rais-
rie% es, tont
rtes, than vines, CninnLoes, imang earl that tbE raatractus shall a
that t Mc Pun a gopd
peas, and, in fart everything thaLoould; ggood
In our happy land we have seen moo- that silk gatsn wnuldGava ations,•'
wren and ahJldreu dying by the road- kept my husband all °. Ila died hon- to be done. Lord Yorke, suggested that And as I wrote, them I wandered
unQ of the Pretty cottages built on
Ing our own stock, and yet Occasionally
trail front alts ntauth of the Stickeonl
be worked with horses, then the small " River to 7.'aslin Lake, lush eliu stoplr
staffin bods, and last the about. g
gry, Do You thank I shall ever for- mueb what Lady Soverne could lie like,
side, placktag the dry roots mild the get that? He moaned all night before m dere prinslples which stood just (To be Continued.)
I have bought in a few, and comparing
garden proper would uaf: nand) Ing Places at, intervals of twenty,
Wrests in the pangs of hunger," he died Crum liunp;er—n,rt pain, but "utside N'Oodheaton should be given
htrd t the pour woman rent, free until she '- """"�"' -4•
have like it," I basad ham with all heart
those, in general outlino and markings,
tc#Lh cows of our own raisin loads me
to contain tnore than one acre, mal if , miles, Cbis road to le rosily fon use
You will work it in Lino the same as svlthul the
seen something .
I ler. Was better, Lad Yorke was to allow
and I ]tad w sib and !t ton nate!; t Y CANADA'S NEW COLA FIELDS.
id u her °° much each week until she mould
said Mr. Device. "I mons in Ilcland; could have rushed out of the house
to believe tho ahcvB stmCement to be
You do your corn, your reward will six weeks. while railroad is
be, it will save to he in a Sa next.
you'at, least one-half
earn m-•n'ey etloulgh herself. ,nif
during the `potato famine,' unit J flutw'�i to slay arlxl tab tGa first. person I Tile Vnat lirglmt rl1nJ r. Annul In Lr Opr}1-
Viera scenes that will haunt me to my mot. Be died hungry, while in your "You must nenlember, one thong, rd Ill Al1rlLrrl/ Itrlrinn 1!nl ala,
substantially correct eay3 N a0i'r89-
pon'lent. 1 have a cow i;J my stables
your living, IieHldOS the pleasure Of lieu-! Tlh,a (:tlIItT¢CLUr'6 mast also aHi:rthl iHG'
actors p m also
Ing vegetable:•; for our table fresh and steamboats between l,akq
said his lartlslli ., that you uta
house good food Is \hosted, e. m l
dying day—gaunt hungry men iriI lady, Your dogs sad horses ane Ali,tubi; meet with many cuass,quite as hying between the Yukon Basin and
now that I cgnsirlBT s roof of In the-
cry that depends and
good. And that is alt, It will give
g' t Cit cap!
health to .your. ahildi•rn; and to rn-!and Rawson City. Many capitalSHts
whose eyes sues a wolfish gleam, Pale,' off than svo niel" thllgiv as this, and that it will not do Cariboo is a vast, antrodden region,
more on care
courage them, give theta an interest have sought the franchise for this road,
patient tvomeu dying without cam-� I saw Lady Yorke's fees grow very to give all to alt's" which offers tem tlin• reward for that-
The p g
feed than anything else, I bought her
in soma part of it, l but nearly all, including the .I;n lish
withnl'xt time bei met ins he took
taint, children like spectres with fam- Palo- and byte eyes sought mitts with
P P Y my han I ant held it fur a moment In ! ough exploration, Tile territory is
Ins rrlghteaed look.
three years a o, being given my chaleB
a g
in herd Out
Then theta is another item that is,
all Important. syndicate, withdroty when they ]car-
I lent. Be sure and get tllo : +
written in t1 air Tacos. I have seen I "iI0 moaned. all n•hght%" continued has. kla busk°d at my bltuk dress• I continuation of that great gold-bear}ng
a of sumo thin cava. of
very' best seetI in the market, and do ned of the difficulties of snob aa. °ator,, 1
mother and children lying dead to-: theivoman, "and I had nothing to give „ your own Burrows," !re said, belt of which California, Colorado, Nev-
the herd I bought four cows at $25
not run after every new thing offered PASS, The country is wild and aim' st
you Hasa learned. to feel for others.
gakGtr—and it takes a long time fur him but wmt*T_ I3B was uvt una to oda, Izootemay, Carlhoo and t,Gs Yuk-
kleaven bless you;"
hunger to kilt" campiain, but when death came on �na Hi's
Them This
apiece. The cmv of wlhlne mention is
here wade, hart a fairly good dairy
unless offered by reliable firms, 1 imRenol.. able, and ill° Goverumvnk in-
in OIder to know whether it r sisLocl oil
him In the morning he said to me, 'Ali. d knew that he was welt pleas- %actions. rushes of Cariboo
"Did you really witness all this?" lassie, the rich have it in this world; I lead tried Cr draw Gts beautiful were long ago unlocked to the world,
form, not lerfact, however, and I ud
t J g
or not, it would be well to koepaan rapid oansl'r'uction.'I;]lstrark,
-account of all the expenses, both labor as already announced, has been under- 1
naked Lady Yorke, live shall have it In the nextl' I went you'tg wife from liar self -worship and and soon Prospeetors will hate over-
&I bar to he a persistent milker, Uvi-
and seeds, end interest on land put- j taken by Siaukauzis 3c Manu, who haus
"I did," replied Mr. Devine. out and Sold the last t'h'ing that be- lntsaest liar in others' run every cart of L11e fm'ulovs Yukon;
"I longed to me—my wedding Ting—Ghat So Life pas=ed xa at tiVestwood, and
dently the cows bad not suffered from
chased, then charge yourself with ev- i been highty successful in Canadian
ary'blRig used, and balance the account; s
did not know," said Lad • Yorke, but the wild enauutaial f¢stnessre °f
y no great change came until the sprha,
morn;ng and I bought tea. and bread. g.
heirs o
g i; n a 3°ntsd farm,
railwa consisuatfau. 'l'Jra an¢traators
enil y
you will then know whether it•
with a alight shudder, "that psopls I bare gone past SC," he said. 'I't: is all To me every birLhday, every Chrki- this unoxplored territory have so Ter
Snit all were dry longer than a cow
wi}1 pay as a cash crop over anal n' acs; depasi.t $250,000 as m guarantee of
wiled of hunger. I do not suppose that over, lassie. It bas Game tea° late.' m s day' were as m'ilestaues on the realsta(l the, White mdm's entrance, and
N°y to heaven. As I 1
shoul•l be Eat profit. The next tell
the inestimable value derived, in beatth, goad faith, and, instead of receiving•
I quite understood the meaning of the Seven years ago viten Nye ware married passed each, the great area stretching between let-
Pa was DLII and Straight rend Gandsama. Bras nearer to 111aik. I , g
word 'famine."' g Again the o Ma
nudes 54 degrees
they received better care and Leading,
ani two of thorn responded in much
Pleasure, $atistaeE[an, etc., etc" of Seo-, a cash subsidy, will secure what will
Ing the crop grow and mature, fur-,
were to bloom. They; and G8 degrees and
Be took me to a pretty home, and he wens net soplentiful or so lxauLlEul extandin
"Your life has been a happy one, warked herd for but trouble coma 1 g from the Rocky Mountains
longer milk flows-. This one cow the
past season has entirely outdone bar
ahshing fresh vegetables and fruits for to about 8,750,000 aces of
every day in the year. mineral lands. These lands are to be se-
Louise," said Lord Yorke. "You have sad ba diad hungry. My pear lad! 141y � at Goo 01' the but the sight foot calre the Bast to 12B degrees W, long.,
nra of tmbr Drought hack for
former records, and when but two
'^—leeted tram the lCondike district and
seen only the rose-coloracl side of ex-' Pour, poor fad!" GRAYrag
GiGd the remembrance of m remains a Itrxra i,ncpg)nit'"a. That
I knew that in her heart Lady Yoen s Y Y loverto
months from time t oho fresh again
FREQUENT CULTIVATION OF POTA- from that ret ijun, known to Ila
g ' jl
streams tributary
!Bianca." t was thinking of the daintiss, that, sant m°' N° words can tell iGo sDarppa#n y to the Yukon,, Peace
"That moat be true," she allowed, awaY is capricious discontent, would that Pierced my heart wheu I saw tits River, and the Liard, known to be rich
mil giving oder fifteen pounds of
milk. I consider this now has given
The old maxim that " tillage is man- west of the Ma.ckenzio
moddinr fumes. Lad Yorke wasfond
more gravely than T had aspected. !lave saved this poor man's life. %p y in placer gold and ,ri'veve flrnving
of lilacs. While the lasted she would
to drive' "Annie is dying ;ilia \vaman wend y
Lolly one-third more milk, during the
ten months in which she was milked,
g and Liard rivers
tire" has been shown to be true at Cor-; and north of the sixtieth parallel. A.
The next morning I had through Cariboo <d Cassiar, noted for
Oay in the same hopeless, helpless voire h'a've them is the rooms, 1 never told g
with Lady Yorke to Woodheatou; she with a wild learn in: herpe "A her \what the sight of them cost me, their Laid beds many years ago, all
than any previous year, and it is all
given to care and feeding. Perhaps 1
nell University farm, where expert-! ! royalty of one per cent, is Joviea on
Y P , y Y
meats were mmde in that direction, i.
11 g Ythe west
wanted to make some purchases. was her weeks ago food might have saved found a keeper oflodge Mrs.h CI ng: take droit rico an tlra of tells-
morning was lovely, but her mind was her; now it is too late. Last night I vast territory,
Should explain what 1 mean by caro
anal feeding, When I went to the farm
mineral produced from ;baso lands.
Some plots of potatoes were cultivated, Mining claims already recorded with"
ton, with liar little daughter, through \voukl indicate Lbs pies-
evidentlystill disturbed G the con-' went everywhere to get una penny to ug g epee of mineral wealth to the unknown
Y buy her mn orange with. She bad been Lord Yorke's kindness, ;vent• to live.
where these cows wore kept everytbing
indicated a scrimping of feed, marl,
P g
like too
as malty as sight times, and in every 1 in these blo&s of Jand are excepted 11
case the greater number of times the ;from the grant. The, raihvay, rehab are
versation of the previous day. I craving all day for an orange, andev. there. By Lady Yorke's wish Ivisit-'
"Miss °d them almost day, the lilacs
many herds, they were per-
mitted to roam during the fall months,
plants were cultivated the larger the' to be fixed by the Gevernor-tlenerath
Chester," she said, suddenly, erY time she fell asleepshe dreamed ovary This Supposition, is su
grew all round tho 'vest lode tall . Paine by more
"have you ever seen people who were, that she lisld the orange in Ger hands, fine trees, with m wealth of fragrant mere probability. Since 1886 In-
that it fell
even up to .December; consequently at
the first of December, when 1 bought
YteLlls compared with plots on tv)liuh, in Council, subject to a reduction 11 I
fewer cultivations were given. The lav- after four years of 't,5 cent., and
a,n,.i to the ground. I wauld litassams. Mrs. Clinton, who Gould vaguely
really ill from want of food?" drana and half-breeds have va usl
have dune anything for one penny, but
them the mors thin, with rough coats.
Y g
°1 culture was better than nil}!n Isvo a similar reduction atter sauce yoars.
"Yes, very often, when. I was at I could not get it.,, usher do enough for me, had gather- talked of gold "up far the interior" and
r treatment they' -were, stab-
tots, cultivated Sight times, left per- prnatiaally a monopoly is ritutad
g o
dome with my mother, She, out of I For the first time I saw tears its same of the finest sprays TACITURN CHINAMLN,
Lad and one mo1•nan when I trent to see
liar limited means. made a point of y Yorke's eyes. g , in ragged clothes havo come down to
her, held
son as cold, frosty nights came
on, and were not allowed outside the
barnyard T
featly level through the season, pro'iuc-
ed at the rate of 984 and 857 bushels the contractors, and o line of canted
ralievixtg soma poor person or oLGerev-"Would she the bunches of ltlaobloom
, You like suety ked; to keep close to my feta, ltho const with Gags cam.taining large
Annie with you?" she asked, and I "See,
y rd after November 1, and fed
grain continually until dry, This
per mato, and three bats cultivated five' from Lynn Canal, or any point near
times produced 849, 8'25, and 288 Gush-' the international boundary ltetwean
miss," she said, "how fresh the and small
(y day:' i hardly knew bar vol<:e. It had lost Y; quanLi,tiss e,4 t]iB precious
argil metHb, As the in,du6tritnie celestial Gas
'And I," said Lady Yorke, "have its la,agour, and was
particular cow is now dr • and is given
y g
about two and one-half pounds daily
els, the last lot being billed at the
g Canada wind Alaska will be authorized (
final cultivation. The different vari-
.;tear and sweet. It I
a°ver, so far as I remember, relisveJ ' Would I? Ab, my lady, tina•ie is I co ld had
not ba e s ton fmorerom tsick ahe t been \vashing. gold ilia old placer beds
the heart g
of wheat chi
It is Cally to tablet a��u{I:s in Pine order.
persistent milk-
by PartiamenL for five
edea used sboive(1 that the same raaulGs. years [ram ilia _
could not he expected from all of them, l 1st of September, 1898, for ten
eery that beats in m for
a poor parson in my ItEe. We send breastl" she cried. '"When she is gone under the ]Slats Years, earning a pittance \which• the
money to various charities, but I all is heart. i want home sad and weary. white radii would not consider worth
era and allow cows to su:ffer during the
fall months from hunger and cold. An-
but sufficient evidence was secured t years these contractors will have the
demonstrate that level cultivation and
Bane. &,ball not try to live; Here was the world weldag up againI1116 labor, tbs a rsaranae aE these un-
suave never personally given any away-! I %hal} lie down and die by her side." pl
other important matter follows gen-
keeping the ground loose were import -
to the beauty end glory oC spring, and
L have seen ao few poor people." ( Hash long Is It since You tasted c.ammum,icat"ve, mysterious fellows at
P rap heart was siakhng, my hops. was l
fand?" I caked her, p
Stang treatment. The unborn calf will
partake at ;life Seoanit nature, so to
ant; matters in growing lines of railroad from StLikwn Bihor
g g , in Potatoes. Also to a¢ Otmau
that spraying the vines, in order to port. Subject to hb,a app-
Y saw that her mind was awakened, dead, My lover, to whom my .lova, ; aeifie ports excited little interest until
Wo talked an the same subject during ( TWO whole days," she replied, my troth, my faith was plighted, was! Glonddke discoveries aroused every one.
1 Her whits, quivering face and tram-
sceak, of the mother, In other words,
1C the cow is Well fed and cared for, so
protect against potato beetles, at the ravel of Parliament, the contract vir-
Proper times largely influenced Lila tually provides a quick and easy r. uta
dead, What could spring, sunshiny
the wh°,e of our drive. I told her what i tilling hands bore testimony to tile Then prospectors began to suspect Chs
or bloom of flowers say Lo mop
I had seen among the poor at GT%CB- truth of bar swords. Lady Yorke took- existence of new Li;elds
bar term of usefulness is materials
}en y
gtbened, hr offspring will Inherit;
Yeilds, as less damage to the vines re- to the Yukt)n, and there is no dell) t
that the mono
suli.ad. Some lots that \vara cultivated poly clause Will Da ilia
As I walkod horns rued Bath the yet-, gold South of
dhe pathor patience, their Industry, ed at ms, low primroses sbining like stars in tha, the Yukon and last Wummer mtners
the pathos and beauty of their lives. Wsmust help them,"she said and as
tease good qualities and themsolvos
make cows wbon matured,
only three times %bathed n large felling subjeaL of hit controversy botween the
off in yield, a fact which should be two p, itical parties. "_`
grass and the buds bursting into leaf, ventured a4¢ng the margin of the sn-
The true heroes and heroines of she uttered the words it seemed to me I sobbed cloud. I felt so tired ofwait-, known Togliatti.
this world," I Said, "are the uneom- that a new soul shone, in her eyes, ��'
particularlY netdce'l, as it is a common l7pan the a.mpletian of this line the
practice for a farmer to cultivate his trip to Datvs'ra City may' be made
tali, IE cams angel hand would but
plaining poor." tiro }eft the house and ;sant to the I two mem who had Gscn washing gold
"Heroes and he she repeat- nearest shops. up to heaven and place mI,
The produce from tate farm is tad to
potato aro i1hrough:ut b
p three u tour Limos and y railroad and steamers.
then "lap it by" until harvest. From VIGWria, B. C., ocean steamers
haste , by Mark's sada. Oh, my Love, how T; along streams of the outlying district
Chester, what can Teti , a what to buy, Miss Chester," loved you} All Lhe beauty at earth, the' Drought out $48,000 worth of the yet-
tally, heroic
there bB heroic to poverty?" obs said, and a lansksG of food, inulud- f¢irrvass of spring, ills mi fitness of
"Poverty ittg
animals, not so much t provide for
the stock to derive the largest sum
Iran to hart Wrangell, River sttaln-
ors ;hill ply up the Sticiteea from Fort
FARM NOTES. Wrangell to aannect with tile railroad
bravely borne is true hero-; }ow dust. Dna'
soma tins ripe oranges, was or- life, were as naught ht to ru , because mg the summer one Pro-
tam," I said. "It is easy to be happy i derod to ha takon to the womaa's you were no ].anger wiCG mal , speotor Lound a nugget wvrCG $7U, and
possible from the materials used, When
the barns
The gratia of stock still sells to .Lake Tomlin, and from Teslin to
Dawson CLL the
and contented when everything goes t house. �
As I entered the house I me Lacly , in October a largo nugget worth $800
well, when one has plenty of money, I The poor creature never thought of yprke in the hall.
and granaries are full the
question is how to dispose
p ae of Cha pro-
, y Yukon and its ter#Gut•
for the highest price on ilio market. So ,
arias are navigable. The distances rise
let us loop t a better
plenty of food, and everything one i herself, I shall aver forget the cry "Will was sent from this southern part of the
can desire. Wbat c" be more her- I with which she seized an. orange and You come to thio librrary, Miss territory. Aviitbial the few
ducts to the best advantage. If the
grade of stook, as follows: Vancouver or Victoria to
Pine tar and turpentine are excellent Fort Wrangell, 700 mila i; Fort Wrung-
g CGesterl" she said, 'I have some let- past weeks
Die than the endurance of Lunger and gave it to this child; it was one of de- tars T must answer and same for you the discovery of extensivo 'bodies of
cold without complaint? I have read Urlous delight.
fool is fad to cows, and the milk ship-
ped to market the farmer sells his
ell to Glamors 128 miles; Glenara to
relnecblee in the ossa of ]ung warms, I
intestinal in Lake Tomlin, 145 miles; Teslhu to Fort
to writ." fine mict"ve gold quartz was reported
at what the world calls heroines—Joan' "I all do all I can for you,,, sai•L rVhoa we were seated ;Gere, and sba to Cdle British Coluunbia Minister of
Df Are, who won a throne for her king;; Lady yorka, as site came away. "It
grain, h ev and fodder in the form of
milk, If
worms, grub ]lead, catarrh, Ealdtilk, 400 miles; Fort Selkirk to
and other ailments of Sheep. � Stetwnk, River, iie miles; Stewart River
we had made Lhasa inquiries about the
Charlotte Corliay who Slew the eaemy, can save lalt)a Annie, nbe shall be sick child which she ,clever omitted, she ;fines Gy prospectors who Jett last scan-
bo can derive the most milk
at the least cost his profits are accord-
Keep m Sharp eye on the apples that to Dawson City, 07 miles. Tota} 618 -
the speokvd ones Lance, 1,542 miles.
of France; but to my \say of tbinxtug, allowed me a bundle of letters. mer t explore qhs southern outskirts.
the %sate heroine is the wife and me-, And again I Saw teal's in the blue ,,We shall have a large )arty here Winter had Prevented thorough
in to the amount of raw material
may be removed
promptly. The Gasses ociata FOR;11 \VVRel.NLIBI L
thor whose life Is one continual strug- eyes which until now bad. never look- aero¢," she said. "This morniu I had I gh
expdoratton, but the veins were Bald to
gle, who (Isaias herself that bar hus-, ed out On others woes, a letter Cram Lord Severn, rye
nett#red to produce the milk. .It is
not the quantity of P.00rl, however, that
sk ful
}}pain, so take them a basketful ovary gi in Alaska. At will Wrangell bag- ed
$0 and freight be transh{piled
oand and children may bevy enougG,; hila arab, his wide last year in Italy, and be of extraordinary width and were
who works without ceasing, never com-; CH,kPTBR VII. I made ham promise that ours should exposed for miles across the country.
gives the beat results, but the quality',
morning, dividing them evenly, bein 'l
g' g 7 g in cloud En river strlmel'a. The Stick-
sure to give old Dobbin his full Share, call IS navigable for flat -bottom rive
plains, comforts bar husband, brings, The next morning Lady Yorke was be the first house is England that Samples of quartz, rich int gold, accom-
up bar children wall, and practioos her- I downsta{rs, start and energetic, before that they would, visit. Lord Severna panted the report; but so willd and in-
Skill is necessaryin feeding, as the e
g' B
of an animal and the special work it
Any fertilizer with a guarant;esd stwm,Gaats to G1eAara, and tv7len the
analysis of four to five percent. of. ram- "Vetor its high they can reach Telegraph
DIG virtues unseen by any one, un -I Mae, Her busband looked u in sur- is a great favorite of mine. You have accessible is the region these deposits
P g A
is one even to herself. That woman' prise as lieenteredto the breakfast roans, haurd of ills Savannas Lake-
Mount Sac-iTeleot betvarkeduail
is to perform must be considered. l.E
Creek, twelve miles further up sthea
moria, eight Co tun percent of phos. The trip from Wrangell to Glanormn
is one of heaven's own heroines." , 7:llis happened to be una of the rare' srnrep" r 1'olsgrapll Creek Railway or the Cas-
ay or the
Lily Yorke was silent and thought- days hvhen moa wore alone, I "No," I replied. Islar Central has been bu#at,
also important to enOUOmtze in
}!cad b ,
y Preventing its loss after it
phoria aeid, and sight to ten percent of oeoupdes thirty-six h urs.
potash, or 4100 pounds of nitrate of T,hexs #s clear navigation from the
Cut during ;ilio rest of the day, but in ' A revalutioni" ho cried. "The musL 4 T'he name teas quite strange to me.I The unopened terriLary Is variously
theevening she relapsed into the old luxurious woman in England designated by
Gas been consumod; that is. the n.ntmal
so:ia, 800 pounds of bone black, and S00 head of Lake Teslin to Dawson, with
Dut 1, Iva hinga3s—
down at' It Was n very old title, Zad,y Yorke ;Jia names or i,Ls differ-
ee dais! a mod the early hour of nd•uei :t canna; nn- •told mo, Dui; the present possessor had amt sfOLIOUS, as Lhe Omiaheca, the Peace
must GB protected from cold or a]arg-
ar the
ens r'aptd—that oL
panne}% of mgr}nd:a of potash, npu
t king along the antis distaucB, and this,
ton, Mix
fe\v daps afterward I asked Ger clerstnnrl iC." eamo quits unsxpectadly into it. River, ;the Liard eatomtry. Roughly
if she would go to 'Wodheaton again,' ' not: laugh at tette, Stanley," she "1. must say," ea+nlinuad her ladyship, speaking,, it #s bounded on th6 oast by
proportion of food will be util-
lzed in creating animal heat, and the
o,le 'shell together, and use worth, care, ds etc torted to be ens!} • nav-
1,000 pounds per acre. 1 3
!gable of iGe %iLharu or right Gandl
i# she \votiltt go to SVootlheaCun again, said. "I um very much in aaxnasCt:hhs "t lit I Gave lrasn a most indif[erenL the, Rooky Mountains, on the ;vast b-
other engagement site m*ruing. y
wane to milt to your member of sac:tety. one ,has ever Ona Yukon and the
and: bawd. slope., and
food can Le prepared in a manner to
assist lin its being better digested and,
One of the bust do -vices for securing cGannel. Out of Teslin Ilmvs th•a Tesliu
the lantern to the barn while the stock River, Ivilieh, actor being joined by the C,
u booPacific
Just ter I longed for rVbon she had
e him before 3t yid to or free; ma, but 1 cortin} on tela south by Cariboo. T'hE nearest
hap e,
hap When
assimilated. Coarse foods must bebal-
Is Laing looked after, is an ovorhead Bi. Salmon River, is known
wire secure] fastened g n n as Lhe
enecl. pn to
sva reached thushap had generally Ireen to ask either for, (lid like, Lord Severna. IIo is very Point on the L'anad;lan Paedfiq 12(tilroad
of the principal atattoner Lhe wife of nlew j ueis, ar a oltoak for some heavy; Ilalrisomn, but terribly melancholy. lie is
snood adding ;boss that are more
concentrated, and the disuoaltlon and .
and running
y' 3 Lewos, \vh#.rh is followed to 1ort5el-I 11
the satire length of Lhe sizable, And enol kirk, where, With the Polly, it forms
the tactor was ;blare. She know Lady bit l—ahvay's somoLhing for liar solt,' never smiles like any one else.lane ALMOST UDO MILES.
Yorke In a distant fashion. , never anyndug for any one else; anal ilinding that it pleased. Lady Yorke tram its southern limits, ltut the Om-
peeuliar'tties of each animal must be
known. There are "feeding tables"
of tvllich can be quickly unhooked, 1:Ge the Yukon, of \ehlah it is the rinoi) i
P Ie,
lantern slipped on, and the !vire again source and. greatest feeder,
Mrs. Durrant was an active, merge- I arca sure that be expected tine same i 1N speak of hor friends, I listened. with ineea can be reached b we, Or th'c coast
by Y
tie \roman, whose life was tilled with. thing now, interest. I banished the Ilia"
which mn Y Bothe as guides to a aertada
extent but the ,judgment' of Lilo faun-
restarted. It doesn't any to take an Y The contractors will begin work
unnecessary risks with the lantern in tvii:hla a Law weeks, in supli
and going up the Skeota it Tar and fallow-
good (feeds, tial very reverse of beau;!- "1. watvt to tolik to you, Stant°y," shel Mark from, my mind; they were of time hug a. fairly al ear Lrall ver 150
or, who understands the existing con-
{'.be barn. itas by sledges. Tlhe right of. way twill
fill, luxury -loving Lady Yorke. To my' continued. "Do you know what the' Past. D;saoalr aC Id in Omtneca
great delight, she l egan to talk to world is Like uut,&la our park gates? "tVe mut tGe Snvcrrtes In Florence,"
dlt'rorts under \which the animals are
fed Is the most, important factor in
Sheep need a variety of food, andl ice aloured as soon us the anew dcsapp-
their condition will be improved by , ears, find a wagon trail will to fixed Lip
caused a teat
L hush northward
h havo safety and, shelter, i Lady Yorke twenrt eu, "and both my IT. Cnviboo mud hhe coast
L y people. I .ball never forget warmth
7;ady Yorke about the badness oC alts. warmth and luxury—the roses lifo husband
feeding for prohL,
giving then! an occasional variation, t facilitate the work of aonstrueiciom,
Clever hay 19,. Of COIr1'ae, tile 1nOSL hal- A dailyael'Vli'a b8 if
of any myself liked Lord Sev- in 1870; but whIhout modern hydrantia
times, the want of work, the poverty without the thorms. Do you know erne, hili: the wvoxo not so ogres appliance the grave.] was ddlCfioulL to
is ably intim sed by his
Durrant s face when Lade Yorks' w"I
Nth int On e -
uable for shoep feeding,Paas mud as 1 uo ass
lie' h° Carl once ais iwy, alld passengers, When on,
a d y, Pea straw or' iswallunder they, aro to Da
n twavetr.8" wife, i3'e more 1voTa ar th I ro dsstags ;vox° found
tack out Ger wall -filled I know Ramnthfng of it," he replied vcry intimates with tlteur, and want in Cssslar the crowds scamq�eded to tbs
��,,purse. i half. sadly.
oat sLraiv is eluod for the second rteLian. a- s Ci' .i r vlanguidly
toy r se en days front Van
Roots aC almost any description can be
any des
with them offer • da Lad Severna newer field. Darin L•be Sight
Would money be of an use?" she y y' y g g years
Y "AI3, such it world, Shaley!" RGo is quite unatlts bar Gushand. Iia Is that: followed at least ; 1U00,000 in old
gold y $ , g
Does it tet
pay for farms to den the
time to make m vegetable garden and
given the sheep ally anal regu-
Iarly, it then
Said. su}d. "Thera i, sickness, sorrow, pew- sarnast, Bravo \with a atrangB veil of mots taken from Omineca by miaierssat-
' Hasmellt bless mel" orled the Tea-. arty, hunger. Hunger seems the hard- melancholy always over him; she is the isfied with moderate returns. The gen- in
LOT'S wife startled out of all proprie- eat to Gear,"
a home orchard, and ears for t.ba samo is
a !Blanco.
proper manner? asks A. W. Liv-
are at hand. Ensilage
one of the heat shBap toods is ex- CONTINUOUS LAUGH'.l'171i,
9be rano inued, thinking most, animided, 0% gayest and. matt• eras impression that the di g
ty. ''Why, Lady Yorke, it is only b p gala s on Lngston.
no doubt of thaw tragical words, "Iia brilliant woman 7' has Bier mot, She the southern outskirLswera Shallow
Strange as it may seem, John Brain -or
There is no butter time for effective of Bethlehem, Penn. falls into convtal- l'`'
f,that we'\vaatl Money watt purehnse; diocl huiagry;" "and I havo heard sunt tilscl me in nn hoax, told I am sure she rouragad exploration until last tall, and
Tao¢, cash, clothes, slices, and. evyrY-
It certainly does, in variolas ways it
work d;han during tiro cold it
waatlaer of wiuCer, starts of ?aughker GOCRnay a sial: of
the mind being then
words, but I never knew what the tired her hu%band, too. iTe liked 1',a,tlren„ when the liseaveries ,were an- properly
Lill also else;" l meront. f knew only Lhe sound not tho tall; quietly with me. Ile is the only nounced, the season had advanced too
managed, and as I have had
more active earl vigorous and lass cc- blooel is pressing 1hls spinal mord, At t
least the doctors attribuLe his laugh- �`I
I Beard ilia rustle, of banknoLes, and' sense, until ,yesterday." man, she continued, "who has ever far for prospecting, Gonsi.dsrable
Lady Yorke said, gently: j Frere sho pausoil, lst,lly roused my curiosity." For hundreds of miles north of Out,
distribute this
Experience in this line, I iia
will make a few suggestions on tiro
with Lhv °vera da affairs o
term than duringthe bus e f lox to ;Gat cause, Tivo lvaelts ago
Y %,este, I Brefnor was taken sick while at week
An I there is nothing that
pa1Vi1( you among your, And then?" snarl Lord Yorks. "What, rVhYp" I asked. !noes, is a vast axptrnsE abseln,toly un- subject.
ax?" i happened. then?" ' ".Berauae he appears too good aman' knowvn to the wYhhi,t man, It lies be-
The eyes of the reotor s wife tilled l She, told him all that: had occurred. t have darns any wrong, and L'aveon Peace River
I am Seventy-six years old.The first lamenting
pays better
moo sometimes hear farmers l ill an #inn mill, Since than he has been
and 6atring that the have confined to his bed. Tie ])its almost lost I `
great and the Yukon. A
J3 et I thirty-six
With tears. She saw in ilio gift relief 1 am glad, Latrhse,' he said, "Thuya y 116 looks like a maro with some party ander Lord Avaumore is Spending
Cor moony from utter mhserY• a•lwa,ys tbaught teat, iE you under- heavy 1,ralhblP an. his Iam the In the on
years Of this time ;vas spent no
P tar,
Ceofaun. The noxE L'vanty atnlix-
profitable employmenty power of speech, earl is unable to
p Lor the win-,
hut: must mer el 11vE.alo utter a,word, But his laughter' is frog
y: ng upon
miryd. sure winter Liaxd country, in
"1 y u woukt see poverty in all its. stood more of what was going on in You will ldka him, NItss Chester, but order to be oar hand for thorough as- °d
ciesalatian, Lady Yorke," she amid ear the world 1 am
farming and gardening on an ex- J.`a
scan a i r and apparently naGliral, as iC.he we•
mul tet during ills glimmer, ie
th°se unfortunates the winter to - � tnLollsttly ttmusorl.
around you, you wouldtry pp
hryt sura whether ,you will like' loratton at that section of tba terra Landed
vastly, "you Should go to a place that to help others. Ando naw Itl;hi6 hh(r trite.. She has such a SI',xaage nems' Ynnognitm wvhrn the season opens, Be- uity
as called Sandy Fields." too•"
Sento, '.1.'be last twenty in L.ho raq°nts
unci Gntu3try, 0.nd abase ObaBlvat On not
so much loss; ti • b p �
me, but it need HiSll 7.'137; AR7!, B1]'I! D.1:DN'T ILN s
ho se, iE 1"hey will only O ;'f
pxrr 'vo'man-Mrs. Clinton, did yma twveen Lhe Peace arid. Liard rivers the at
After the rector's wife bad depart-' aa.y? What do you want to de for liar?" "WhAlt is it?" I asked. I had never climate to net so rigorous died Lorhid,
]ionic and abroad leaves no doubt the
iia "
got out of -V,
Tilt and spend more t:bata in the Tell Met pleaded tile'aliLleas maul,
ed, ,I turned to Lady Yorke, Ever Lban whatever
The Gauntry is a
Y he was the a niveoeen- hostel Lady Yorke . so much about dung as to ode
"Wild you go?" I asked her. save replyy. She must; have n. nicec;lean a.ny living areatus, F,itirline," densely
my hninil as to it, being
paying Investment, and I unhusiG
shall," Wherein ties the secret f t
f O the art of
aanversatiion 1
She . The,,
wrwclecl, There is a auTleraG- atingly
"I do not know, Miss Cesster'," she cotta in title frexh air, rseplied. Now ran you fancy any unditnee of timber for fuel and tar
I be plenty of
sali1, draw#ag Gsr' lich Silks and laces food and, rdothiaw-al} LhaL Is wanted to Sensible woman with a, name like that?" buildirn,g Gam large
Say it does,
lidrst, I would select a Inca of tan
P d
— 7`ha sunup assu:nlerl the attitude he t;,
RULES FOR DOLLS, was wont Lo asSunlB when in t'.he, set
purposes, B, Bud double
bighti�v arorrArtl her., ' I have neverseen make hor daughter wall." Iter name is list' misfortune, anther small, is pleutrfiul, Car naturalist, would
, anyth ag of this kind," „aha Shall have it," Lord Yorke said. fault," I Said. ' T like it, Lady 'Yorke, sportsman caul prosneetor, no part at the
When I 'you
the size required. One -halt T
saw in clover, to enrich t
he sof},
half I
of Lnin.rt#u wvisdoln and s ial
7'he follawvieg maxims kava recently M iahild.glistan I a t, ;I
t y Y , . _ i
yam dos," remarked, smiling, "Y.anl could not employyour It is fanciful. and, uucomnlon:' Llle unexplored woritl offers rare a -
met It Rx to ht1•wa t a
li good dyer! tare• time torr yauT tuna Y better than in It Is like1lerself,' declared her lady- tractive
other mould out in
a•l it p garden been
fruit, so as to change Lhe garden folks,
published In a, is er Lot' g J
1 p ycun am hstsningl braat:ILlrBsiy she an. ,
and one cannot res:sl; i.ha shrewd swvared, s
will prizes, every
sbi i
rasmber, Ytlu will liko iia !,bink that relieving the poitm, Blrt all charity 1 "Well, 4fiss Chester,'te must have p alovor.
Nlyyair, have, lessened. 'the Gurdon at one, mtr61; bra governed by discretion, Whits a party to nlrht them. Lorrl Severna
;:brae years and follow with sus
Then your garden would Soon so
,i Mall, my :o131d, ha ro of1
pIt on teat they are hibended not 3 i e,1, that is
m c all thet'r, is L ], .m of a •
u b far delis, as for dolls' Owners, P onversirig
I tis woman and (+lido era yo kerb them; .himself docs not Dare a,l`auk saa#ekp, Productive
,,You Ctrghtein, ma," She Said. "Yes,' but ltftaTtvard, although you can o on lint I,ad Severna lives f.
free a
r e fr m woods and become vary As
with but little I:abax and be
such, it, to reeommenclecl that the a.gre.nhly,
road and pondered, Y "--`-
)r It only. The heaviest baby known is report- ex
T \hill go:" t,hslpipq her, let her work for h �solf. We must have pienLy of. visitors, and ed from a village near Brussels,
Half am hour atterward Tashianable i It will he greater ab,arit to plant of. tar g T3 u, so1B, \vhorE both
panne. .Cho renter portio
g L n of it,
fruit earl gardon, mould than be Cul
Q wooden -headed doll ahauld be euro- A GIILAI I"AII,F,tQiiLd N,.h,
not to hit her bond th sins; Th V
13er heichstag
Place gayety
Y P , Y g Y y muss hnr. a farmer's wife has ,just given birth to works(}
pelf -indulgent Lady Yorke %face! in the, 1 moans ofgaining h,Gr livelihood in hat 911E is a trolrblesome, Visitor l sat 1, a child weightng over 21 pounds, wvhich after
poalsasC : at.age tell Sanely kiolds, lack- Ggnds tliaA to give hsr money enough with a laugh.
with tile horso and Aultival.ar. mother,
the first time with hated cult#-
1I n orrnn.n #s said to lie
lest She should bunt, her, tele rhea )est of aParliaments orf
A doll should l 11 tela
1 sup awray from the Europe, Its
is declared by experts to be the ho - vator.
{'ng rontlil fru. is bettor and dismay, to Live upolu Yrs, but sbs is a trnl5or In bsr6BlE. lest known,
I would use the befit imple rocking-cheiro,
tolktl uxllanses far the n131
as the rocltore may rent year have peen oilly about 6140" :'
, -
., ...
manufactured , are the ora
tb hor, 000. '