HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-25, Page 1m x. f ol. 25. No. 38. leol LI On L ANC CONVEYANCING. vr M. SINOLAIR, BAitRI T,cR • 11oitoitor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub - Iia, EonOl11oo—'Vauotono's Block, 1 door nor, t of Contra! Rotel, Soiloitor for the Ste; daatt Bank. •1 ' G.OAMERON, (Formorly of Cameron, holt & Oar erou, Barriator and Eloloftor, Godorlo;, Ont Oboe—Ilamiltou St„ Opposite Col bor a Nobel, L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, n f'olioitor and Conveyancer. Colley - made. Of11ee—Vanetono'eBlock, Bras. sole 21 -em F. BLAIR, BARRIW_=!ER, G • Solicitor, &o, (late of Garrow & Pro tdfoot's Office, (iodorieh.) 01Roo over Gil no & Smith's Bank,Bruesele, Ionay to Loan. 47 BUSINESS CARDS, %j ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER 1V aut. 7.0.000Tr, Brussels. T P1, MoJEAOI EN, f Marriage Licenses. 011100 • Isomer o B e a 6 ath.l0rocery, Turuborty etroot,Braesals, N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door L d ea undohi diene hair cutting n specialty 10SERT CUNNINGHAM EI09nAN0E, FIRE AND MARINE., GUELPH. T. FLETCHER los ;el of Marriage Licenses, Oo'FIcE AT JEWELRY STORE. I ' 110 Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels A Co. Lan love 01111 T pial the give Tar LEX.. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour 'Iuron. Oooveyancer, Notary Public Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds tad and to loan. Oolleotioae made 'n Graham'aBlock,Brussols i.OS. A. HAWKINS, W111 give lessons to pupils either on • organ, t t hi Mule Boom, opposite ,egc•oIfloe, B rissole. Vocal lessons also 'Ton yours experience in teething.. 'a t.loderate. MEAL CARDS, M.1 icy: I10t of y No. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 0. M., Trinity University, Follow Trlu- adiaal Colles;., Member College re Phy- la and Surgonne, Ono. Licentiate 111e 1 College of Physicians anti Licentiate tidwiforryy, l;dinburgh. 1 Telephono L Resit1600,., Mill S t., Brussels. E. T. SNIDER, 24.1 ., O. M., swimmer to Dr. A. McKelvey, Lint ,trate of Royal Collage of Physicians and lumens, Kingston ; Member of the Col- lege ,f Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Disc ,sus of women and ohiidron a specialty. Digi ; yearsoxporionoo, ta-Ofl'ioo and res- ider a that formerly occupied byDr. Me- Ilol• ,y, turnbarry street, Bruenels. 20. DR , F. H. KALDFLE SDH, SU( 078111AN, 1391(011011 AND A000901=11, CESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. lee Mae Honor Graduate of the Univers!. tins t Trinity (Toronto), Queen's (Kingston), and 1Triuity Medical College; Follow of Trio '.y Median). College and member of the (loll• re of Physicians and Surgeons of Outer - Poet Graduate Cowen in Detroit and .,lo,1820, Spacial attention paid to dia- of Bye,. leer, Nose and Throat, and die- t,! Women. ita'Ooueultatiou in Eng - ed German, Telephone at raoldence, 01110 sage 0060 11eh IM 'ROVED YORKSHiRL BOAR FOR SERVICE. Tb, undereiguodwill'keen Cor Barytes on Lot 0, Con, 0 Morris, the thoro'-bred Im- II1rov'd Yorkshire Boar, 'Oak Lodge Long- fello v," No. 2180, bred by 1.11. Brethotis, Bur- ford, to 317111011a li lolt mited number of sows will be tr ken. Terms, 81.00, to bo paid at time of ea viae with privilege of returning if n0o- eeeat y. A x umber of chola() young Bowe for Bale for broo,1ng purposes whish win bo eoftl at prior 4 to suit the times. 2•: R011T. NICHOL, P1'opriotor. ,Cook's Cotton Boot Compound • A,, Is 0ncees0lally used monthly try over • f i1• y0,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual, Lathes ask our druggist for Cooks Coen Root Um- jotted.lake no other, as all Mixtures, pills and 1mitt lions ate dangerons. Priem, No, 1, 7l per box) NO. m, IB degrees etronger,Re per box. No. 1 or 11 mailed on receipt of price and two 0 -sent sham s The Oook Company Windsor one, rope bible Drugglete in Oanud1mended i1y an No .1 and 2 sold in Brussels by G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician. POLITICAL MEETING 1 East Riding or 1LULOn. Joint meetings for the discussion of the :'clitioal issues of the day, in munee- :on with the ooming Ontario Provin• t tet Elections, will bo held rs follows: FRE tl.Y, Feb. 28, Gerrie, Townehip Hall SAT L1DAY, Feb. 20, Stone 1Sahool tr118e, Morris. MOB DAY, Feb. 28, Visitor', School Lane. . Bo .h Candidates will attend these meet- ings, aid each will be assisted by an- Ot1e1 ,peeper. Evora ng meeting.' eotnmenee at 7 b'c'1o10, "Bola SAVS 71-10— New AA,dvertisernents, Local—O, P. 11, Looals—J, E. King. L' opal—J. J. Gilpin. Looals—Moline, & Co. Carl—Thomas Brown. Lo+ah+—I. C. Rlobards. Settlers' trains -0, P. R. Loonl—W, J. MoOraoken. Duette—Prof. Doren wend. Dressmaking—lies Jamieson, Wood wanted—R. Leathorrlols. Notia° to creditors—Jane Kelly. Financial Agent—R. G, Reynolds. Financial Agent—R. G. Reynolds. Fattening the Ortolan—G.A. Deadman. February Clearing Bale—McKinnon & Co. Aro you losing your hair 7—Prof. Doronwend. Nomination Day. There was a very large attendance of eloabore ab the oflioial nomination for Beet Heron held in the Town hall, Brussels, last Tuesday. Sheriff Rey- nolds presided as Returning Officer with Mr. Robertson, of Goderioh, its Election Clerk. Archibald Hislop was nominated by W. H. Kerr, of TEN Pose, emended by Thee. Gibson, ex -M. P. P., of Wroxeter, B. Gerry, of Brussels, proposed Henry Mooney and the nomination was second- ed by Jas. Bowman, Reeve of Morris. The statutory hour having elapsed, the Sheriff made the necessary aan0u000- manta, after willed], Thos. Kelly, town Treasurer, Brussels, was voted to the chair and a prc':;ratn of speeches proceed- ed with. Following was the order of speaking, each person having 80 minutes and Mr, Mooney 10 minutes additional for reply ;—B. Gerry, W. H. Kerr, Jas. Bowman, Thoe. Gibson, II. Mooney and A. Hislop. All reoeived a fair and im- partial hearing and we are sorry drat a more extended reporb of the addresses le crowded out. W. F. Vanetole, Brussels, was appointed Financial Agent for Mr. Mooney and W. M. Sinclair, Barrister, Brussels, for Mr. IIiolop. Two Liberal M. P. P.'e were elected by acclamation on Tuesday, viz. Truax, of South Bruce, and Mr. Evan- tnlel, of Presoott, who was Speaker in the Parliament recently dissolved. Potting Places on March 7st. The following constitutes the various polling places far the election to the Leg- iela2ive Assembly, in the East Riding of Huron, polling to take plane on Tuesday, March let : HID11I0'r, 110. POLL1NO 02,000, Turnberry..1 School house, town plot, W ilegham, A. Kelly, DeputyBeturning Officer. —2 Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, John Burgess, D, it. 0. ...8 School house S. S. No. 9, Alex. McPherson, D. R. 0. .4 Sobool house S. S. No. 8, Geo. B. Scott, D. R. 0. Howiok ,,.,1 School house S. S. No. 1, Jas. Bitable, D. R. 0. 2 Orange Hall, Lakelet, Sam. Noy, D. R. 0. ,8 Township Hall, Gerrie, Geo. Padfield, D. R. 0. " ....4 Foresters' Hall, Fordwiab, Thos. MaLaohlan, D. R. 0. " ,,.6 School holm S. S. No. 18, Wm. MoKerohe, D. R. 0. , .0 Orange Hall, Newbridge, Richard Butahard, D. R. 0. ....1 Sobool house 8. 5. No. 4, Alex. Rosa, D. R. 0. 2 Sobool house 5. 5, No. 1, P. Fergneon, D.R. 0. ..8 13ohool house S. S. No, 2, Alex. Stewart, D. R. 0. 4 School hoagie S. 8. No. 9, John MoTaggart, D. 11. 0. 6 Township Hall, Ethel, Wm. Spence, D. R. 0. .6 School house 8. S. No. 6, John Ridley, D. R. O. 7 Foresters' Hall,Oranbrook, A. Reymann, D. R. 0, Brusselo....1 J. J, Gilpin's office, J. T. Roes, D. R. 0. • 2 Council Chamber, F. S. Scott, D. It. 0. ....8 Alex, Ellie' house, W. F. Soott, D. R. 0. MoKillop ..1 Separate school lienee, Con, 6, Wm. R011.110, D. R. 0, • 2 Manley'& school house, Thos. Murray, D. R. 0. ....3 A. MoGrogot's house, John B7:aloue, D. R. 0. ,,4 19, Howlett's house, Sas. Davidson, D.11. 0. .5 Sohooi house S. S. • No. 4, Jas, Lorkhart, D.11, 0. 6 Helmet house S. S. No, 7, Juo, 0. Morrison, D,11. 0. 7 Sobool house S. 8. No. 2, Chas, Dodde, D, R. 0. 8 W. H. MaGavin'e house, Wm. Pollard, D.11, 0. Morrie 1 Sohool house S. S. No. 1' A. W. Sloan, D.11. 0. ▪ ,2 School house S. S. No. 9, Wm. Jackson,' D. R. 0. 8 School house (3, S. No. 6, 0, MoLeiland, D. R. 0. 4 'Township Hall, Wm, Clark, D.R. 0. 6 Bohol bowie fe. S. No. 7, Wm. Elston, D. R. 0. 6 Sehool house S. re. No. 10, Jos. Smillie, D. R. 0. Hallett . , ..1 Temperance Hall, Xi- bura., John Fowler, D. R. 0. .2 School house, Harlock, Jas. Webb, D. 11.0. 3 Sohool house 8. 8, No, 2, Oban. McIntosh, D, R, 0, • 4 Foresters' hall, Louden• borer', A, Woodman, D. R. 0, WI'oxoter,,,. Town Hall, Joe, 00tvan,.0, It. 0. Grey " " .r BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, d.. ,Moo._ A Poll will bo opened from 9 a, n1, to 6 p. m. and the vote will be summed up at the Sheriff's Office, Onurb Haute, Gods. rich, on Saturday, 6th day of March, at 11,80 a. in. A Barefaced Lie, The following item appeared in last week's Brussole Herald under the head- ing of "Robbed of his seat,' and is denominated by Robt. Armes) oug, the Returning 011iccr referred to, as all infamous llo :—"Some 16 years ago T. E. hays was supposed to have been elected for East Huron. Tho rebornfrg officer, however, declared his oppo•lont, Hon. Mr. Gibson, elected, Mr. hays asked for a re•oouot, hub was unable to make personal &Irvine on the reburuing officer, who kept out of the way. Now the lat. ter has had some trouble with hie party and has made confession that it was he, and not the electors, who gave Mr. Gib. sou the seat. Mr. Hays has the confes- sion direct from the returning o lioer and has oommieted the exoot words to writing, Suoh a diabolical outrage is deserving of the severest condemnation, at shows how n00000Rry it is in the coming eleob• ions for Conservative 'mutineers not only to watch the ballot bozos, bite to got the returns al every poll algae(' by the deputy roturniug officers.—Mitaholl Advocate." We don't wonder at the Mitchell Advocate publishing n "thumper" like the above, but certainly bho Herald should have made some enqui,'y before reproducing such en outlandielh yarn. Itis nob to be doubted that in "supposi- tion" alone was Mr. Hays ever nearer than 41 of being elected member for Beet Huron, Mr. Armstrong says that he has not spoken or written to Mr, Hays for 13 years, except that he may have said "Good clay," to him, either on poli. tics or anything else, nor to anybody else as agent for the aforesaid gentleman. So when the Advocate says Dir. Hays has the confession direct from the Re. turning Officer, &o., it simply utters a deliberate falsehood, which it may have an opportunity of establishing. Neither Mr. Armstrong nor the Liber- als were afraid of a recount, and the record is against tbo probability of any change, had there boon one, except to increase the majority. In 27 years only two MJ?,P 's have been counted in, ;vfz. : Mr. Striker, of Prince Edward Co„ and Mr. Awrey, of Weutworbb, fu each ease the majority Was under 10. Oerteinly lot the scrutineers watch out ; that's part of thole bne1n080 there, and when anything crooked is done that is the time to sing out, bub nob before. Ea+ib Huron Liberals don't have to adopt anything but fair, above board meaus to carry the Riding, and it is time the Conservative press knew thio. Miss Willard's Death. Miss Frances E. Willard, the prod - dent of the Wo Ida and National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, who has been suffering from an attack of influenza with gastrio oomplioatione, died shortly after midnight on Thursday Feb. 17111, at the Hotel Empire, New York. Ab the bedside of Mies Willard at the time of her death were her niece, Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, Mrs. L. M. M. Stevens, vioe•preeident of the W. 0. T. U. ; Mies Anna M. Gordon, who was Mies Willard's secretary, and Dr. Alfred E. Hill. Mies Willard had been ill for about three weeke, She had the hest medioal Dare and treatmenb that could be given, but in spite of all efforts she grew gradually worse until her demise. Dr. Hill made the following statement : —"Mies Willard had suffered some years with profaned anemia, and on several 0001113 101311 had been given up to die. Last Summer she seemed to take a new lease of life, and gained considerably in weight and strength, so that ebe went through her conventional work at Toronto and Buffalo, which was arduous, and oame out muoh better than was expand. On her arrival here five weeks ago she was muoh prostrated and readily teak on la grippe, which attached the itemaob, liver, intestines, and later the nervone system. The deceased progressed favor- ably, and in many respects she had im. proved when the fatal issue o.tme and overwhelmed the nerve centres, and life was extinct. There Wag 110 cancerous degeneration of any organ, as had been stet ed." There were funeral 'services in New York city, and one later fn Evanston, Mies Willard's home, where the remain0 were taken. A despatch from Obinago says ; Al- though the fatal termination of Miss Willard'& nine was not entirely unex- pected in Evaoston, it 11120 nevertheless an ietense shoot to het friends when they heard of it. Raab Cottage," where Mise Willard made her home, Was always kept reedy for her return. The souvenirs of her work and the many articles of botsehold furniture made dear by immolation were Cherished with great Dare, and her room wag kept in constant readiness for an unexpected return. During the early morning hours cable- grams, telegrams and menages of oon- dolenae continued to pour in at the Hotel Empire, where Frances Willard lay dead, They came from all parts of the world, A steady stream of Whets, wbieh started received b about T a, m„ was o iv el y Mee, Stevens, vioo.prosidenb of the W. 0. T. IT. On Thursday, Feb. 24111, at Evanston, Ill., Mrs. Catherine Willard Baldwin, a niece of Miss Willard, and hey noarmeb relative in Ails oottntry, in nonjuttotion with the National W. C. T. Be took charge of the funeral arrengeuiedbe. The afternoon London afternoon papers made sympathetic reference toan the death of Mise sympathetic Willard, C. II. Mnaltintoole has bought the Columbia -Knott nay mine int 3276,000 for the British Amoriea Corporation. Other pr0pertiea acquired by the oor•- 710ra2io0 in 1loselandcost one Million in the aggregate, ILAS FRIDAY, FEERUAR.Y 28, 1898 to W. H. KERR, Prop. '1, l CCCt ni .eta, War ton. On Tuesday, March Oth, the annual meeting of the Walton oiloeee factory will bo held at 2 p, m. Political meebing hero on Monday of next week, + Both candidates are expect. ad to be present and they will probably be assisted by a speaker on moll side. Returns having come to hand from the sale of last September and Ootober make of obeeee the money wall dietribubed on Monday of this week. Tho ahem Bold in the Old Oonntry ab 8,,1 cants per pound and realized the sum of 82,800. 1tt[oTix1l op. East Huron oan boast of more than mealy Ridings' in that it has two gentle. men for candidates. No abuse or foul language at their meetings. TOWNSHIP 00011010.-0oua0il met at Leadbury In Jonas' hotel on Monday, Feb. 14tH. Members all present except D. Manly, Deputy Reeve, and Treasurer. Minutes of former meeting read and oduptod. Treasurer's salary, Auditors' and tile laid, 0110.37. The Clerk was authorized to accept Treaeurer'e bonds when properly filled and signed by parties named tberein. The Clerk waS authoriz- ed to draft a Bylaw at next meeting for taking N. } lot 11, oon. 11 and N. d of S. 4lot 11 oon. 11. from SMhool Section No. 0 and annexing them to Section No. 8 as said properties are one mile anda quarter nearer No. 8 school house than to No. 6 soh.,ol house. Auditors' Report was re• oared and passed and Clerk authorized to have it printed. Connell adjourned to moat at Leadbury in Jones' hotel on Mom day the 14211 of Mardi at 2 o'clock p. m., wbon pathmseters will be appointed for next year and old pathmnotere are re• quested to see that all obstructions are removed off roads in their divisions as they are personally responsible until 1st of May. JNo. C. Monnrsox, Olerk, 4 (;retelbroolc. Airs. Wm. MoLaoblan is able to be around after her very serious illness. We hope she may continuo to improve. Miss Lib. LoLnohlan left this week for Toronto to attend the Millinery Open. lugs before returning to her position as milliner at Orangeville. Bliss Mary McDonald, who Dame here to attend the funeral of her brother, R. K. McDonald, returned to her home in Lanark County on Tuesday of this week, on receipt of a telegram of the eerione illness of her mother. This week Miss Ella McLachlan, who has been visiting under the parental root for several months, returned to her duties as toaober at Grenfell, Aoea. Mrs. Mo. Janet, who was also bare from that place, aonompanied her. THE POST hopes to be favored with some notes from thet le- ontity. Ieat Saturday a large audience of ladies and gentlemen assembled in the Beek Hall to hear the political speeches in connection with the election cam- paign. A. 0. Dames was voted to the chair and fulled bho position in his usual off -hand style. H. Mooney was the first speaker and 000upied a half hour in presenting his views. His speech was well reoeived, He was followed by W. H. Kerr, of Tum Poor, who bad 80 min• otos allotted him, Reeve Bowman, of Morris, took up a good share of his three quarters of an hour with the financial aff,dre of the Government and presented his ease in good form. The olosing ad. dress was by A. Hislop, who rather excel- led himself as he advanced many reasons why the Hardy Government should be returned to offioe. Mr. B'Iooney had 10 minutes to reply. After a vote of thanks to the chairmen, the meeting 1100 brought to a Conclusion by cheers for the Queen. W inf2I1tt.m.- A large blank squirrel created a little excitement on Mein street on Sunday, Geo, Cline and a oompany of ohoriebere will give the oanteta "Esther" at Brueeele this (Thursday) evening. E.L. Diakiuson was at Goderioh on Tuesday making the official nomination of Joe. Beak as Conservative candidate for Woa Huron. Fern Lodge, L. T. B. A„ Wingham, is having quite a boom ; new members are going in at a lively rate, This lodge will soon bo one of the atrongeet in town. Pltnameene.—Mier Lottie Orr returned to Wroxeter on Mooday.-Mre. MoDon• aid, of Detroit, is visiting Her sister, Mrs. letunshaw, Mise Mabel Burkholder en• tertained a uumber of her young friends at her home on Tuesday evening.—Sae, Irwin, of the Lucas Sun, wag in town on 8aturdey.—Mrs.-W, 1I. McDonald was at house to a large number of her friends on Monday evening,—James and EIf Elliott rammed from a visit to Exeter on Bator. clay,—H. B. Elliott attended the High Oonrt of 0. 0, F. at Peterborough this weed D,1v1,00011 WON.—Skating races were held at the rink 011 Thursday evening bleb for a purse of 026, and a good crowd was in attendance, members having come over from Luoknow, Wroxeter and Brus- sels. There were six entries : A, Mo- Leod, of Kincardine ; Jones brothers, of Walserton ; Elliott brothers', of Wing- ham ; Hud Harley Davidson, of Brant. ford, In the first heat LOS Jones got first, and MoLeod seemed ; in the second heat Batley Davidson Mame in first and Sam. Elliott second ; in the third and final heat Davidson amine in first, Les Jenne second and MoLeod third. This gave first money to Davidson, Lee Jones mond and McLeod third, Stanley Jones fouled Sam. Elliott in the second heat and Was ruled Ont of the race, A notions of WAwANoau,—At the roei- asnocof hie son, W. Johnston, in Barb Wawanoell, on Sunday morning, David Johnston passed poacofelly away aged 67 years', The funeral on Tuesday to Bran. don's cemetery was largely attended. David Jahnoton was born in the County of. Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1831, In 1845 along with his parade and brother he ear.) to this country stopping al Mone. roe., whore a heavy aflliotion frit capon him in the death of both par01121 and 'rother who died of the plague then rag- ing, After being quarantined a year the young man 11' nt to Cartwright where he lived until in 1861 he moved to East SVawanosh ant settled at lot 38 con, 9, There he liar lived ever since. Five c'tildreu enrvi-a him, William and Ohne., r rd Mrs, A. B-ydges, of East Wawanosb, and the Mieee' Susanna and Sarah, of Wingham. Tao deemed has been a member of the Orange Order for over 40 years, a sten ,ch Conservative and a member of thrchoroh of England. He was a man of uorling integrity and hod, rsty of purpos Esteemed andreopeoted ' y all with w tom be acme in contact and the berme ad family have the sym- pathy ofthe a'amenity in their great sorrow. Ellett et. Will Beatty, our popular young men chant, is quite ill. Mr. Fisher, of Fullerton, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Et'tmier. Sirs. (Rev.) Wilson, of Rosemont, is vieiting her mother, Mrs. Spence, sr. .Election day next Tuesday. Poetmas- :0. Spence toile be the Deputy Returning officer here, J. A. Hemeccorth, wife and family in- t,'ud leaving ie a few weeks for Dakota where they pm pose making their home. Air. Hemeworl'1 will have a sale of his furniture, &0., on Saturday afternoon of next week. A political meeting was held in the Township Hal ' in this place on Wednes- day evening. Mr, Hislop was assisted by Thos. Gibecn, the East Huron veteran. Mr. Bowman, of Morrie, supported Mr. Mooney. The:e war a large attendance. The I. O. F. onneert is 'billed for Fri- day evening of this week. The program will be furnish el by the best talent from Atwood and E hal. One of the Supreme Court officers will be present. 0. H. Merryfield, of .ionkton, will perform the do ties of °bait:nen. Robt. Hall, wife and family, who have spent the past two months vieiting friends in this vioinit^, left on Wednesday of this week fon their home in Dakota, The were a000mpanied by Min Lizzie Hall and Mr. Metheroll, of Mitchell. The party will spend some days sight - Boeing in Detroit, Chicago and St. Paula. LE;luevale. Miss Messer is visiting in Wroxeter, Mr. Collie h.,s moved into the cottage on the hill. Mies Mose, of Bervie, is visiting in and al oat the villa;&. Alex: Messer has bought Mrs. Thorn - ton's house ane will move into it shortly. Mr. and. Mrs. McDonald have returned from their extended visit to Guelph and Owen Sound. T. B. Gray will move into the village in a few days. The empty houses will soon all be taken up. D. Jewett was married to Mies Ander- non, on Taendey evening of Mile week, Rev. W. J. West officiating. We woloome the sister of Rev. J. W. Wast to our village. She acmes to keep house for her brother for a few months. The funeral of the late Mrs, Ramsay :cos very lamely attended oonsidering the stormy weather. Rev, Mr. West conduoted the services. Rev. D. Rogers preached the annual Educational sermon in the Methodist church last Sabbath morning. Up to date I have ha l a horror of Educational sermons. Thee were usually preached by some distinguished stranger who made so sure o the quantity that some Rare too sleepy to quarrel with the qual. it e. They were etabistioal, argumentative and sometimes reproaohfnl. This one was not. It wee a setting forth of the necessity that 111 these times men should be sent forth, to preaoh armed with knowledge, and it was a graoefnl appeal for eupport. I treasure the memory of tate sermon in thab it was an Educational sermon which vas interesting, instruct• ive and, I shoed judge, eaooeseful. Gerov. Mre, G. W. MoKay, 16th oon., is away vieiting Matta ,s in Goderioh, Mise Emma Coates, of Trowbridge,wae the guest of 8. Yuill ieat week. Miss Florence Robsrteon, of Brussels, emelt Sunday ander the parental roof. Robert Bell. Ord eon., was visiting friends on the 'st of Morris lard week. John Shiels, who Mae been off duty through illuese, is able to be aboub again now. Wm. MaNab. 14111 oon., is ill with 1)10011&1' but is improving, we are pleased to say. Misses Coat +s have returned home niter an extended visit to friends on the Bth oon. Allan Lamo. t, who is attending the Seaforth Collegiate, spent Sunday at home, Mr. Marsden, a former resident of this township, was renewing old aoquaintenoes here last week. Jas. McKay, :lath oon., is getting the material on the ground for the purpose of emoting a new 'hose. Mu. Wm rl',,iton, gr., 18th,, 0o1., hue been on the sic.: list, but is somewhat better we are p:oaaed to state. Querrengesser's millis rushing through the loge. Tho ant will not be as large as in some past Whiten, however. Wilson and Frank Prowd, of Oheeley, were the guest'. of D. Taylor last weak. The gentlemen are brothers of Mrs. (Rev.) Tiffin, of Walton. Duman McNair, who had his foot in- jured some world ago by a log in the bush, is gettinl along nieeiy and it is ex- pected that ho will bo able to got about by March 1st. Plias Boll. Smith has gone to Oil City, Lr,inbton Go., re at(end the marriage of her friend, Mice Eva Redmond. Tbo matrimonial b ,w wee tied Wednesday evening. Miss Smith will spend a few wake renewini= old friendships in that locality. Donald Mo00linm, who had the Barrie perm, 6111 line, 'lfotris, rented last year, h 1e leased the E•illers farm, 10th oon„ t,, coy, and will We posseee2on shortly. Airs. Sillars 12,1 family will remove to t no D. H. Cha +. Sillars 1s taking a Conroe at the 13usinesw College at stratfeed. Jno. Savage and John Miller intend going to Edmonton in the near future on a prospecting tour. Grey will give a good a000unt of itself next Tuesday. It hue already establish• ed a record for Liberal majorities, Auction sale at Duncan Shiers', 10th eon., on Friday afternoon of this week and at D. Maohan'o the following Mon- day afternoon. There will be no 8010)00 at the Bethel appointment, 16th eon., next Sabbath in the morning. Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of Wal- ton, will take oharge of the evening ser. vioe. A Valentine eootal will be held at the residence of James Cardiff on Monday evening of next week ander the auspices of the Ladies Ald of the Brussels Metho- dist church. A good time is promised. The motion sale of Jno, Savage, on Wednesday went with a good swing, realizing about 31100. F. S. Soott has got to be a hustling auctioneer, and not only gets rid of the goods, bat appears to get top notch prices. While chopping in the bash on Tues. day afternoon of last week Robert Eaket had the miefortane to infliot an ugly gash in his left foot by the glancing of the axe. It required three stitches in the instep to aloes the wound, After the ao• cadent Mr. Eaket walked a distance of 2 miles before be reached the house. A trail of blood marked the course be travelled. We hope he will soon be able to get about as usual. ADDRESS AND P8E00NTATION.—Duriag the Winter Duncan McInnes, 14th con., has very kindly driven the pupils in that neighborhood to school on the 10th con. Last Friday evening a number of young people visited Mr. McInnes' residence and after reading a suitable address, pre- sented him wibb a fine pair of fur gaunt- let driving mite. The recipient made a suitable reply. A most enjoyable even- ing wee spent by all. During the even. ing the contents of well filled baskets were oarefally attended to by the jolly crowd of yieitore. Morrtca. Mrs. M. M. Oardilf, 5th line, has been on the sick list. Township ponnoil minutes may be read in another column. Mies Rebecoa Jaokeon is visiting Mies Pipe, in Brussels.. Some people are wondering where Mount Pleasant is situated. Mies Ella MoOracken, 4th line, was visiting at Will. A. Turvey's for a week. A large number attended the funeral of the late Miee Bewley, on Sunday last. Joint politioal meeting at the Stone school house, 2nd line, on Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of St. Helens, were visiting at John Mooney'& for a few days. Frank Scott, of Bluevale, spent a couple of days at Geo. W. Turvey's lase week. Enoch Detwiller and wife, of Roseville, were vieiting at Wm, Cochrane's last week. James Davie, 5th line, was laid up last week from lumbago but is baok to his work again this week. Thos. Bone and wife have returned from a two weeks' visit to friends in London and Woodstock. Miss Mary Townehend, of Goderioh township, eves vieiting her aunt, Mre, Wm. Cochrane, last week. Wm. Sellers, Srd line, was presented with one of Job's comforters the other day. Will, don't take kindly to the critter. A tremendous orowd was present at the nomination at Brussels on Tuesday of this week. Tuesday of next Week will tell the tale. R. Russell is home from Toronto. Mr. Russell says he is on the sick lief, but we are under the impression that he oame tip to lend Mr. Mooney a hand by polling a Tory vote. Jae. Kelly was married on Wednesday ofleet week to Mise Gibbons, of the township of East Wawanoah, We wish Mr. and Mrs. Kelly every 000oe60 in life in their home on the 6th line, Morris. DIED.—Last Friday, Eva May, young- est daughter of Richard Bewley, 7th con., passed away after a abort illness from stoppage of the bowels, at the early age of 8 years and 9 months. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, inter• went being made at Brussels cemetery. Rev. Mr. Forrest, of Walton, conducted the service. Mr. Bewley and family are deeply sympathised with in the removal of the bright little girl from their home. OBIT.—After a long and most severe illness from Dancer, Jane Mark, beloved wife of Allan Ramsey, passed away to her reward on Friday last in the blessed hope of a glorious resurreotion. Deceased was united in marriege to her now bereft partner about 88 years ago, 85 years of which they spent on lot 25, oon, 1, Mor• rig, which they puroha0ed as a bush lot. Over 10 months ago Mrs. Ramsay began bo fail and despite the best medioal at- tendance and ell that loving hands could do she gradually failed so that her demise was nob an unexpected event. In ad- dition to Mr. Ramsay there are four daughters (Mrs. Jno. Pugh, Bruesels ; Mrs. James Pugh, Bluevale ; Mrs. J. Earner, Souris, Man.; and Mies Myra, at home) and I3 sone (David, at home ; Samuel, of Galt ; and Allan, of Wroxeter) remain bo moan the foes of a loving wife and affectionate mother. The subject of this notice was a member of the Presby tartan church for years and enjoyed the high esteem of all who know her. Rev. Mr. West conducted the funeral service on Monday afternoon, there being a large attendance. Interment was made at Bluevale cemetery. Mrs. Remedy was in her 05th year. A favorite hymn of here begins as follows :— "The hour of my departure's come ; I hear the voice that mile me home ; At last, 0 Lord 1 let trouble Death, And let thy servant die in peace." Mr. Ramsay and family have the sym- pathy of the oominunity. The pall bearers wore Joseph Pugh, Atoll, Patter- son, Hugh Roes, Jae, Maxwell, Whia, MOOS and Wm. Musgrove, Manly Mark, a nephew of deoeend, from hamburg, at. tended the federal. Wm. Hanna loaves soon for 'the West' Look -out for another wedding on the 2nd in the near future. We will not say who the peinoipals are. A. 11. Cochrane is beak from Toronto. He may return to the Queen City later to a permanent situation. The weather is very changeable now. The big storm of Monday of this week blookaded the concessions badly. Wm. Tarvey has sold his driver . and bought a fine farm horse. We hope he may have Ou0oee8 in the line of farming. We think the item in the Herald of last week oonoerning Mr. Hardy stopping off at Dublin to feed his hogs, will do no good on election day. John Bndd had a bee drawing logs to Bluevale on Wednesday. ' Morris Township bee abolished the an- nual collection of dog tax owing to a largely signed requisition by the rate- payers. It is a move in the right direct. tion. Robert Skelton, who has been visiting here for the past few months, left this week for Toronto, where he will spend a week before returning to Elva, Manitoba where his home is. Robe. Turvey has secured the milk route for the 2nd line to the Morrie and Grey cheese faotory for the coming sea. eon. Rob. ie a good lad for the job and lehodld meet with dueness. Will. and Josiah Pratt, and perhape Geo. Pratt, of the 8th line, expect to leave for Manitoba next Wednesday. Geo. Pratt, son of Richard Pratt, 7th oon., also talks of going. All bachelors. On Thursday evening of last week two sleigh loads of young people from the 2nd and 3rd lines drove up to Wm. Bray's, Ashfield township, to spend the evening in fcolio and fun. They have not been beard from since. A hog pen is being built by Wm. Skel- ton, 8th line. Somebody has suggested that Mr. St. John, of Humber notoriety, oome up and inspect the building when completed. Albert Howlett, 7th line, will also pat up a pig house. David Errington, who disposed of hie farm on the 2nd con., has purchased a 100 aore farm in West Wawanoeh, 2 miles from Dungannon, and will move away about the 16th of March. He has adver- tised an auction sale for March 10th. J. Meiklejohn, of Molesworth, was ab Brueeele on Nomination day and is greatly tickled over the Liberal oandidate. He will spend a short time with hie brother, on the 5th line, near Belgrave. We like to see Mr. Meiklejohn in our midst. He says he will make a few Grit votes before going back. Wm. J. Jaoklin, Ord line, has purohas- ed the livery business of Hebb. Gemmill, of Wingham, and has taken possession. His many old friends in this locality wish him good look and we are sorry to lose . him from this part. We hope the Wing - ham people will be good to him. Next week Robt. Armstrong, 4th line, and his eons, Robert and James, will leave for Willow City, Dakota, where the family own 1,400 acres of land. Thos. Armstrong will remain here and workthe homestead. The going of the first men- tioned gentleman will depend somewhat . on the condition of Mrs. Armstrong, who. has been dangerously ill but is improving considerably. A new Bell cathedral organ has been purohased for Jackeon's.churob from R. Leathordale, of Brussels, and was intro- duced to the congregation last Friday evening and Sabbath afternoon. It. wi11 prove a valuable aid in assisting those who so willingly have lead the service of praise in the past without its help. A. platform has been arranged for the organ. Everybody appears to be well pleased with the instrument and a good feature about it is that the neoeseary funds are all snbooribed. An Epworth League has been organiz- ed in connection with the Jackson ap- pointment. The following officers were elected :—Hon. Pres., Rev. W. Rigsby ; President, Wm. Jookeon Mies Lizzie. Kirkby, Vioe•President ; ;re. 1Z. Skel- ton, Secretary. League meets eaoh Wed- neeiay evening, at 7.80 o'olook. Meet- ings are enjoyable and well attended. Friday evening an entertainment wee held under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Jookeon church. In addi- tion to the wonderful gramophone, manipulated by H. L. Jackson, of Bras - seta, which talked, sang and performed wonderful things, there were reoitations; by ROBS and Lyle Jeokeon and Miss Jen- nie Kirkby ; dialogue by Laura Fear and Maud Jaokeon; solos by Miss Lizzie Birkby, Mrs. Wm. Jaokeon and Minnes Mille ; address by W. Jookeon, who per- formed the duties of ohsirman ; instru- mentals by Misses Lizzie Kirkby and Sarah Clarke. It was an enjoyable pro.,' gram throughout, all the performers ao• quitting themselves admirably. Pro- oeeds,310.00. 11Moletewortl1. PRESENTATION,—The other evening the members of the Molesworth Presbyterian ohuroh presented their ohoir leader, Geo. Brown, with a purse containing 346.00 in reoognition of his valued services, am companied by the following address : George Brown. DEAR Stn,—We have assembled here 20. night to express our sincere thanks' to you for your groat kindness in eo cheerfully and competently loading the service of praioe in oonneotion with our church for the past number of years, It is said "actions speak louder than words," se in addition to what we have said we ask you to aocept this purse as a memento of kind regards from the Molesworth Presbyterian congregation in your labor of love. We hope you will he spared many' years to sing the glad songs Of Zion and enjoy the blessings and oomforte of your home ; and when this life is over may you join the heavenly °hair and With, that vast Con- gregation enjoy the rest that remains for the people of God, Signed on behalf of the Molltewortll congregation, ALDER 00oa 13031820018, ToIouohs Mixon, JOEN G. Menem,' JoeiN A,. AitoDoNl,D. o _ HenryV'arley will begin re nested of meeting(' at Brantford on March 10t11.