HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-18, Page 8C7
. Itui .gry rig.
When teboy and viewing with asbon•
ishmentDome very fat, dressed hogs on
the Ohrietmt s market in London, it was
a wonder to nee how they oouid possibly
become ea fat, I was told that the owner
would Arab give the pig all it would eat
and then turn in a hungry one along
with it, Those who know anything about
pigs will understand that, not liking to
see the hungry pig eating everything up,
he would go to work and eat some more,
and by this means would pub on more let
than withont it. This plan might do
with Piga, bub it will not work when fat.
tening cattle. Three things are required
with them :—let, They must be kept
comfortable ; 2nd, They must eat well ;
and 8rd, They moat digest well. If an
animal once loses its appetite it means
considerable Loss to its owner. You oan
avoid this largely by using our Condition
Powder, made specially for cattle. It
will repay several bines ite oost. I know
of nothing better to keep your animal
healthy and quiokly put on flesh. We
make another Powder specially for
Horses. You will find both good and you
cannot offord to do without them if you
have either Horses or Cattle.
G. A. Deadman,
Druggist, Optician & Bookseller.
000011000 EXTENSION w. a. & B.
Trains leave Brnesele Station, North
and South, es follows :
express 700 a.m. I Mail 2.10 p.m
Nixed...—0:40 a.m, l Express 0.,..10:01 p.m
rat stns 5t.ems.
A ahiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Ammon sale bills printed while you
wait at TInt Poste Publishing Howe,
Wel0 can boat tbie 7 Peter Dudley,
Brussels South, baa a dunk that laid an nesday of next week.
egg on the 1011I of February. Hoo. 8.. B. H.iunr, the bt urea Premier eral yea's am,
BAD colds are Common, but as few pee. of this Province, will not ha able to visit Jelin Robb sr, intords taking to Irip to
plc ever get a good gold vary little gym- 13ruesele before election dry owing to e Dike! o 10 visit re!. Om and friends,
patty is bestowed on the ailing, prose of engagements. lie will be absent fur several mouths,
AeL the grandchildren of B. and Mrs, ALEX, McLe0ctente has been appointed Tho Nilsen Kelly will oeenpy Mr, Robb's
Gerry had their photos, taken on Mou, as auoceaaor to John Weight as oft
residue() until hie return or at leaMt
day. There ware 7 of them in the group. utility man for the aorporib an o. Brno• mall their bonen, to he erected on Thos.
le n...11yiU4Gd,
T.STi I ,i'itt1i`b LS PO E; 1S, � ')
ST..:1 NIa,ZL It'.7) .11/1.K V 0]! C./1 X..1.ia.,Z
:meetx,.A.xlxxr= : _) n.170,
ASSETS, (Seven Million Dollars) • 87,000,000
CAPITAL (Anthorized) • - - • $2,o0C,oe0
Agencies in al! principal points its Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States of Enpdand,
6FRU i'S1I.4S Hotevecus.
Mies ]SATE Me'Ceer,ort awl Miss Sarah
Jamieson will open a dressmaking glop
in the Leckie block, Brus.els, ou Wed.
Thos, Skelton, 01 Drayton, was renew.
Ing old frieeidsltipe in lleueeele and Morris
tide weak. Mr, Skelton was a grain
buyer. On our market for some time sov.
Bnuse2La School Board did not meet ou
Friday evening owing to the Whitney
meeting but met on Monday evening ill.
THE Poev subscription list =Hues
to grow. We never talked to a wider
tield and we believe THE POST was never
better read.
Bonnet's 000110uea to keep up its
record as a shipping point for live stook
and grain. The G. T, R. has a little
Klondyke in Brueaele buyers.
Sex oandddatee were initiated into the
mysteries of Odd Fellowship in Brussels
on Thursday evening of last week and
six more are expected to ride the goat
this week.
E. A. Tn0000veo has disposed of hie
stook of groceries, &o., to his brother, of
Kilnybh, who removed them to that vii.
lage this week. Mr. Treleaven will re.
turn to kis home at Dungannon in the
FRED. McCRAOIIEN and Watson Ainley
have the ()entreat for the necessary paint-
ing, kalsomining, lathing end plastering
at the Publio school building. Tbeir's
was the lowest tender, viz., $48.00. Work
ie to be done forthwith.
Ammo this week's shipments from
Brussels were 2 care of wheat, a car of
peas and a ear of hogs by Baeker & Van.
stone ; a oar of cattle by Clegg & Denies;
2 care cattle by Scott & Jones ; 2 oars of
sett by Enterprise Salt Works.
Mns. GEo. PAnEER, of St. Mnrye,
formerly of Brussels, has disposed of her
house and lot on Thomas street, in this
plane, to Geo. Edwards, of town, for the
sum of $150. It is a snap for the pur-
chaser. Mr. Edwards and family have
taken possession.
"Twee NIGHTS ne A BAR noon[."—A aped•
al lantern service, "Ten Nights in a Bar-
room," will be given in the Salvation
Army Barracks, Brussels, on Saturday
evening, Feb, 19111. This thrilling story
will be illustrated by the aid of stere•
optioon views in a most interesting man-
ner by the Light Brigade agent of the
Salvation Army. Admission, 10 Dents,
ohlldren, 5 cents.
BUSHING man SEASON.—A. Cousley,
Bicycle Agent, is already into this sea-
son's business and ou Saturday last
made the following sales :—
COLD weather,
Se. VALENTINE is n, g.
ELECTION Day on Maroh 1st.
Her ie rather a drug in the market.
A. 0. U. W. MEET this (Friday) even-
QUEEN ESTHER Thursday evening of
next week.
Mourner Horse Fair on Thursday,
March 3rd.
No shortage in the crop of commercial
travellers this season.
NolIP.ieexon next Tuesday, at 1 o'olock,
in Brussels Town Hall.
FRmer's rain and thaw made rather
a bad mase of some roads.
Luton quantities of cedar poets have
been hauled Southward this Winter.
THERE will be three polling sub -divis-
ions in Brussels on March 1st, the same
as at last municipal election,
MeronIAL is being hauled for the resi-
dence to be erected by the Misses Kelly,
on Turnberry street, South.
Ger a program of the Queen Esther
Oratorio for next Thursday evening.
Plan of reserved seats at Fox's Drug
Quinn a few pitoh holes adorn the
gravel road North and South. They are
built a little on the line of "A Life on
the Ooean Wave."
Scam 24 members of Western Star
Lodge, Brussels, attended the funeral of
Mr. Arden, a brother Odd Fellow, at
Gerrie, on Sabbath afternoon last.
HUGH R. ELLIOTT should have been
credited with having the job of the fm•
provemente to Wen. Jewitt'° residence,
Mill street, instead of Thoe. Newsome.
Ammo the sojourners in Brussels this
week ie the old and well known Phrenol-
ogist, Herr Mark Mendelson. He is a
clever old gentleman who has made a
study of his profession and in hie read-
ings and Charts comes close to the mark,
MR. LIVINGSTON was here from Baden
lamb week relative to Brussels flax mill.
The old firm won't run it, but are pre-
pared to dispose of the property. The
matter is being considered by a couple of
our business men. We hope satisfactory
arrangements may be arrived at speedily.
A oomene ex is made of flagrant viola•
tion of the provisions of the Crook's Aot
in Brussels last Sabbath in which at
least two minora, if not more, were the
worse of liquor. It is said the end is not
yet as far as this ease is concerned. Those
who openly transgress should not tom.
plain if they have to suffer the ooneegnen.
AT a special meeting of the Village
Connell, held on Tuesday, at 1.80 o'clock,
it was moved by Geo. Thomson, second-
ed by R. Leatnerdale that Alex. Me-
Lauchlin be appointed caretaker ab sal-
ary named, viz., $25 Inc Summer months
and $20 for the Winter. Carried. All
the members of the Board were present
excepting J. D. Warwick.
day afternoon Mise Attie Cardiff was
waited upon by the members of her Sab-
bath sohool class in St. John's Unroll
Sabbath sohool and presented with a
nicely framed photograph of the clave.
The following addreee was read by Hazel
Johnston and the presentation made by
Barbara McKelvey and Lottie Sconig;
To Mies Cardiff.
sobolare of your class in St. John's Sun.
day school, come today to tender our
deep regret at your departure from our
midst ; our many thanke for your never
tiring efforts on our behalf and our beat
wishes for your fntare welfare. We be.
lieve that it fa. God's will that you now be
removed from us, and that your earnest
work be expanded in some other field of
labor, so we will try to be generous and
unselfish in our feelings remembering
that what will be our lass will lee others
gain. We feel certain that the kindly
influence which radiated from your
presence will bear mnoh fruit in oar lives.
We oak yen to accept thin photograph
group of your class, as et memento of our
high esteem for you, trusting that it may
help to cheer you in your new borne.
We pray that God'e ohoioest bleesinge
may be yours and that health, wealth
and,bappinese may ever be your portion.
In behalf of;the 190hoo1 and ohoir Rev.
Mr. Ahoy presented Mise Cardiff with an
elegant fancy glees biscuit jar in silver on
the day of her marriage, The two gifts
were suitably acknowledged by the re.
eipieot. Mrs. Beverage carries with bar
the hearty wishes of St. Johns ohuroh
for the ready end valuable aid rendered
in the past.
G. Barrie, Cleveland, Morrie
M. Blank,
J. MoOraoken, If
S. McCracken, "
J. Mo0raoken "
W. Grubber, Elma
Mr. Molntoeh,(teaoher) Brantford, Grey.
eels, Ile will assume his position in tee
course of a month.
Tete Sobool Board now hold their meet
Inge in the Principal's repetition room in
the sohool building. A 1ab10 and other
necessary furniture has been procured.
Their objeeb is to be able 10 inepr'.•b any
department of their work at any meeting
if necessary,
QUEEN Emmen Oratorio is billed for
the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thursday
evening of next week, 24th inst. Mr.
(line has his oompany in good shape end
the program promises to be first -Glees.
No one should miss it, Pan of reserved
seats at Jas. Fox's drug store.
W.0. StrrTnhas pinoed anew drop oar -
tato in the front of the platform in the
Town Hall, The scene fill the whole
apace and is said to be a reprodnotion
from the Blondyke. Mountains, water,
trees, &o., are represented. If arrange-
mente can be made e. °outlet will prob.
ably be given to purchase it and attend
to some other neoeseary fittings required
in the Hall.
FINE PENn1ANSHts.—Laeb week we were
shown a postal card, written by Leon F.
Jackson, of this town, teat oonbained
1,100 words. The writing w is done with
an ordinary pen and was readable with•
out artificial aide. Mr. Jaolssou hat
written the 28rd Psalm on the bank of a
1 omit postage stamp. There are 114
words in the Psalm referred to. It ]e
not many outside of experts who can
a000mplteh that felt we imagine.
EDIMAToONAL.—The Exeantive Commit-
tee of the Beat Huron Teachers' Insti-
tute will meet at Winghan- on Saturday,
19th inst.,in order to arrange for the
next meeting of the Institute.—The next
Entrance Examination begins ou June
281h, at 8.45 a. m., Rod centimes three
days.—Tho Revised Regnle.tione do not
oall for the presentation of book work in
writing, drawing, eto., ab either the High
School Entrance or Publics tiohool Leav-
ing Examinations.
THE Atwood Bee speaks as follows of
two Bruseolitee :—B. Cochrane, of the
Brussels Marble Works, was in town
Monday, This firm carries one of the
largest stooks of marble and granite
monuments Wesb of Toronto. Couldn't
do better than leave your on,er with this
firm.—J. J. Gilpin, of Breseets, was in
town Monday, pushing the Raymond
sewing machine bnsinese. He planed
S870 machines in the village during the
past two weeks. The :ttaymond ie a
good maohine, and the pri, e very reason-
These, with two or three orders taken
previously, gives Mr. Oousley a good
send off for 1899.
Lew Monday morning G. F. Blair was
called to Hamilton to attend the funeral
of hie sister, Maggie S., who died on
Sabbath. Miss Blair bad been seriously
ill for a time previous to her decease.
The cause of death wee paralysis. In-
terment was made at Goderieh cemetery
on Tneeday afternoon. Miss Blair, who
had only gone to Hamilton three weeks
previous to her death, was a very sue.
easeful Publio sohool teacher, having
occupied the position next the Principal
in Goderioh for a number of years. Al.
though very busy during the week, she
always found time and pleasure in meet.
ing her Primary elites, numbering 115, in
Knox Sabbath school and did a work
there that Eternity will only be able to
show ate real merit. The deceased was
also Seoretary of the W. F.311. S. in con-
nection with the same ohuroh and en-
joyed the high esteem of a large circle of
friends. A widowed mother, a sister,
(Mrs. Atkins,) and two brothers, R. F.,
of Parry Sound, and G. F. of Brussels,
are the survivors of the family. They
are deeply sympathised with in their
sudden bereavement.
INssecroR Roan's Reeonr.—D. Robb,
aobool Inspector for East Huron, report-
ed that he had visited each of the schools
in the inspectorate twice during the year.
Under his supervision there are 126
sohool departments, in charge of 125
teachers, classified as followe : One bold•
ing a first-class certificate ; 69 second
class, and 65 third class ; 67 of them
have received Normal School training.
In 89 departments a change of beechen
oacurred during the year. The toter
number of pupils enrolled during the
year was 7,844. In 1897 the total re.
ceipts were 867,761.85, and the total ex-
pendibure, 957,945.85, of whioh $40,881.48
was paid for teaohere' salaries. Tire coat
of education for each pupil for the year
was 97.89. The average size of the
school sections in East Huron is 4,874
acres, and the average assessed valuation,
9148,216. Section No. 3, Teekersmith,
ie assessed at 9248,000, and pays a teach.
er $600 per annum. The sohool 000110u
with the lowest valuation ie No. 11,
Turnberry, the eeeeeemeot of which is
939,150. Three new sohool houses were
erected during the year. An excellent
brink school, with basement, furnace,
ebo•, was erected its sullen No, 1, Morrie,
at a poet of aboub 91,200, A thoroughly
equipped brick sohool was oleo erected in
union sohool section No, 8, Turnberry
and Morrie, at ooet of about 91,200.
In union sohool section No. 12, Grey, a
brink school was erected at a cost of 9800,
The frame sohool in No. 4, Howiok, baa
been thoroughly repaired and veneered
with briok, ab cost of about $600. The
following table gives the number of can.
didatee who wrote and who passed the
Entrance and Public School Leaving ex•
aminations last mid.Summer :
ENTRANCE. Le/voce.
Place Wrote—Pae'd Wrote—Pae'd
Clinton 100 74 48 28
Wingham 65 49 62 26
Blyth 25 13 20 6
Seaforth 88 68 17 8
Brussels 62 40 22 11
Wroxeter 29 22 24 19
Fordwich 28 15 11 6
The total Government grant for cantina.
ation olaee work Was 9506,$290foePublic
sohool leaving and $276 to soboole tion -
dilating a continuation class. Daring the
term there were 51 students in framing
at Olinton Model School and 28 at Gode•
Heil, hardly half of whom secured sohoole.
A very stloceeefttl meeting of the Teach-.
ere' Institute was held in Wingham on
May 21st and 22nd, The work done by
the teachers was on the whole satiefae.
tory, but he deplored the break in sal.
arioe, a5 he feared it Would drive the best,
teachers out of the profession,
People We Talk About.
Mrs. Thee, Danford ;5 visiting at
John Kendall returned to Toronto on
Gus. Goebel, of Mitchell, is holidaying
in Brunetti.
Mrs. E. Grimoldby and son are visit•
ing in Blyth.
Welter Wake was here from PLlmers-
ton for Sabbath.
Miss Olare, Peebles is home from
Detroit on a visit. ,
Mise Emmeline Wallah, of Grey, wee
visiting in Brussels.
Mrs. Harris enjoyed a via it with old
friends at Mouktou.
Herbert Mitchell is giving the Atwood
Dee a hand this week.
Miss Lizzie Sample was at Listowel
during the past weak.
Mise Maggie Smith is home for her
holidays from Wiarton.
Mabel, daughter of Geo. Colvin, Brus-
sele South, ie on the siok lint.
Mrs. W. H. Willie and Gerry, of Sea.
forth, were visiting at B. Gerry'''.
Robert Armstrong is attending the A.
0. U. W. Grand Lodge ab Toronto this
Thos. Brown, eoobioneer, of Seaforth,
intends moving to Brussels in the near
W. II. Kerr attended the Hardy
demonstration at Clinton on Monday
Misses Lida Crooke end Lizzie Mo-
Lennan were vieiting at Wroxeter for a
few days.
Mr. Halliday, of Goderieh, and his
granddaughter, Bessie Smith, were visit.
ing friends in town.
Alex. Stewart and bride aro vieiting at
A. Sbewart'e, Queen street, before leaving
for tbeir bone in Dakota.
H. E. Maddock, of Newmarket, was in
town for a few days this week. He was
a former merchant in Breese's.
R. F. Blair, of Parry Sound, WEIR in
town with his brother, Bi.rrieter Blair
Hue week, He carne to attend his sister's
Mies Breaning, of Berlin, and Mise
Keiser, of Buffalo, N, Y., were the guests
of Mrs. Kalbfleisoh, at "Fairmount,"
during the pest week.
Lewis Het -ably, of Palme:ston, an old
and highly esteemed former reeident of
Brussels, was in town on Tuesday renew-
ing old acquaintanoee.
Miss Bertha Cunningham, who Lae
been visiting with Mise Norton for elle
past (1 monthe,left for Toronto on 'Sues•
day, where she will spend a few weeks
before returning to her home at Mont -
Dalby Bendall is home from Chatham.
He is on the sick list, his trouble being
ooaalioned by en internaletreis, suppos-
ed to have been brought on by attempt-
ing heavy lifts while employed ab the G,
T. R. here.
Jas. Turnbull, of Messrs, Wilton &
Turnbull, is expecbed home from Toronto
hospital on Saturday of thio week, We
are pleased to bear that the disabled
limb he went to have treated has been
greatly benefitted.
Oapt. Second, of the Salvation Army,
has recovered sufficiently from her attack
of meaeles to be able to got nboub again.
Lieut. Harrleon is seriouely ill, however
from nervous prostration. Her mother
10 11000 from Bayfield waiting on her.
We hope she will soon be better.
T. F. and Mrs. Fletcher vete in Lila.
now Dile week attending the wedding of
Frank Gordon, Mrs. Fletcher's brother,
and Mee Annie West, of thesame village.
Rev, I. B. Walwin, 13. A,, tied the
matrimonial knob on Wednee lay evening
at 8.80 o'alook. Mr. and Mao, Gordon
will untitled to reside in Lunknow.
They commence married lifo with many
hearty congratulations and wishes for
their latero prosperity and happineee,
BuS lnesn' Locals.
Fon fancy rookere go to Inc. Walker's.
Unite value in single harness for blue
month, h 0. Richards,
SEE some of the fancy parlor tables at
Jno, Walker's,
Becie use: -Good 2nd hand wheels, from
925.00 to 950.00. McKay &; Co.
Tnumee and satohols ; ntoe assortment,
low prioes, I. 0. Richards.
T.vo etre of feed c. rn received. Becker
& Vanetocs,
a;+Brorcooe:—The ons -piece axle crank on
'Wellandvale" wheels. McKay & Co.
A raw robes and blankets left which we
offer at cost. I. C. Richards.
ANT quantity of good feed corn at
National Roller mills.
Tun balance of men's felt boots at cost
to clear them onb. I. 0. Richards.
WANTED in ex'slienge for harneee, 4 foot
hardwood, green. 1. 0. Richards.
A rev utter.. mel sleighs left to be
sold cheep. D. Evan, Brueaele.
Goon second heed natters and sleighs
for sale of D. E wait''' Brussels.
GOOD, dry Amerinan Dorn, the beet for
feeding pufpnees, for Bale at Roes' mill.
Durum. -To , ids •t "Columbia" is to
ride the world's 1rcatest wheel. MoKay
& Co.
Mrasne. Ross & 1,theanAr wanb 500
cords of cordwood, either hard or soft, in
exchange for goods.
d,e BloroLNe. —Tho only wheel in Canadn
egaaranteod for a year, is the "Antelope."
McKay & Co.
Smx handlserehief bund on sidewalk.
Call at TUE Pos'r, prove property, pay
for this notice and bake it.
%ileum & BANTU can Bell more work in
shorter time, for less money than any
shop in town in our trade.
Walker & Smith.
Holten clippers and 001000rs sharpened
and repaired by Saw Filer McGregor, of
Brnesele, Queen et. East.
Tina largest and best selected stock of
pictures and picture moulding will be
seen at John Walker's.
Tire our collars, They will give you
satisfaction, They ere made by one of
the best collar makers in the country.
We guarantee them. I. G. Riobards.
Fon bedroom suite';, sideboards, exten-
tion tables, lounges, parlor suites, parlor
tables, couches, and in fact anything to
be found in a first-olaes furniture store,
WI on John Walker.
Sem Jame', Ballantyne before buying
your bicycle for 1898. He is handling
"The London," "Or•'ital," "Ohio" and
"Alert," end le prepared to quote you
close prices.
HAVING purchased a large and well
selected atm 'r of window shades at a low
rate on the e. I will tie prepaed to sell
for the next 50 days at about half the
usual price. Jno. Welker.
BARGAIN Orrznun. -That eligible half
sere lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die•
posed of belcw coat. Very easy berme.
Write for partirnlare t JOHN HAnoiEAVEe,
174 Queen s•. West, '1 pronto.
WANTED.— Politer, .tried apples, and
poultry. Highest prides, Largest
stock of dr' goods, 'rooeriesboots and
oboes to select from, G. E. SING, Wing -
Weexin & SMITH intend getting in
stock for buggies in car loads. This will
be good for onr oustomnrs, as 'we will get ,
the best as cheap assn. 11 dealers will have
to pay for the Cheapest, Keep blowing,
Walkes & Smith.
GREAT MUSIC OrsEit.—Bend us the
names and addressee of three or more
performers on the piano or organ together
with ten Dents in silver and we will mail
yon ten pieces full ebsat music, consisting
of popular songs, waltzes, marches, eta.,
arranged for the piaro and organ. Ad-
dress, POPULAR Mute PUB. 0o., Indian.
apolie, Ind.
est oral N owsa.
Mrs. Mo0arthy, mother of D'Alton
McCarthy, Q. C., died at Barrie.
In South Bruce W. R. Thompson, the
Independent nominee, has retired, and
the nomination was offered to Roberb
Long, who is oonsidering it.
D. MoNaughton, the Independent
candidate in North Bruoe, and John
Senn, the Independent candidate in Hal•
dimaod, have been withdrawn.
Two oonvicto escaped from Kingston
Penitentiary. The guards gave chase
and Wm, Oarrie from Berlin turned on
Guard Giber;i with en axe. Gibson shot
Carrie fatally.
A deputation of letter earthen from all
the leading °(ties of the Dominion wait-
ed on the Postmaeter•General and pre•
vented a petition for inoreased pay. Hon.
Mr. Mulook promised compliance.
Talk about hie twee, Well, here is
something to balk abort. Ib was an elm
whioh grew on the farm of the Lung
Bros., near Chepstow, and which was
hauled into the mill there last week.
There were four twelve•foob logs in it,
and in these four loge 'there is over 5000
feet of lumber.
A General tlanlung Detainees Traasaoted. Farmers' Notes Disoounbed.
Drafts leaned and Oolleoti"ns male on all points.
Interest allowed ou deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date o
withdrawal and compounded bell yearly.
Every facility afforded Onstomere living at dietanoe.
GORDON—WEoT.—In. Lnolcnow, on Feb.
lab, by Rev. I. B. Wallwin, 15. A.,
Mr. Frank Gordon to Miss Minnie
'est, all of Lueknow.
Dote—PArnaoR.—At the reeidenoe of the
brlde'e father, on Feb. 9th, by Rev.
Geo. Ballantyne, Mr, William Doig
to Mies Janet Rose Patrick, both of
BEVOneen—Canine'.—Ab the residence of
the bride's parents+, Grey, on Feb.
10b11, by Rev. G. 3. Aboy, teeth bent
of St, Jnhn'9 ohur°h, Brueaele, Mr,
John E. Bevereee, et Key West,
Minnesota, to Mies Alfie 14'., eeoond
daughber of Mr. ; .the Oardiif,
Bnnnwr ,—ln
Blyth, on Feb. 6112, Della
Margenr.bo, infant daughter of Mr.
and Mre A, E• Bradwin.
Hamilton, et the residsnoe of
Mrs, Thornton, 3.07 Hughaon street
Booth, nn Sundt y, February 18th,
Maggio Ptrang, youngest daughter of
the late R, Blair, of Godetioli, and
sister to G. F. Blair, Barrieter, Brae.
THnnsnar, Feb. 24th.—Farm shook, im-
plements, &s. Let 15, Con. 9, Grey.
Salo unreserved, at 1 o'clock, sharp,
John Mitchel( end Edward Denyer,
Props., F. S. Scott, Ana.
FaIDAr, FED. 25111.—Farm stools,
implements, &o, Lot 4, Con, 15, Grey,
Bale unreserved, at 1 o'clock sharp.
Daman Sitters, prop. F. 8. 80011, nue.
FRIDAY, Marob llth.—Farm stools, im-
plemenbee &o. Lot 33, oou. 14, Grey.
Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. James
Mennie, Prop., F. S. Scott, Asa
3.e^v S.r,-^.F;pIS 1.rrA.Mmae. 012'07,
Fall Wheat 80
Barley. 25
Peas 64
Oats .... 28
Butter, tubs end robe ... 18
Eggs per dozen ......... 18
Fleur per barrel......... 4 00
Potatoes (per bag) 00
Hay per ton
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Salt per bbl:, retail
5 00
7 8
4 50
6 00
1 00
4 60
6 00
1 OU
Sheep skins, each 40
Lamb skins tank....,,.. 25
Hogs, Live 4 50
Dressed Hogs 5 00
Apples (per barrel) 1 00
Box BoOPALo, N.Y„ Feb. 15.—Oattle—
Reoeipts all consigned through ; the re-
ceipts of stockers and feeders yesterday
ware fair and prices 10o higher ; Cana-
dians sold as follows: Feeders, good
quality, $4.20 to 94.41 ; common to good,
98.75 to 84.10 ; stutters, light weights
ted prime selected yearlings, 98.85 to
34.16 : oommon grade sbookere and feed-
ers, 93.25 to $3.76 ; stook heifers, light,
common to good, 93.10 to 98.00. Hoge—
Reoeipts, 11 Oars ; Peed demand, and
prices for all grades were a shade strong-
er ; good to choice Yorkers, 94.25 10 94.27 ;
roughs, 93.50 to 98.70 stags, 93 to 98.25;
pigs, 98.15 to 94.05. Sheep and Lambs—
Reoeipte very limited, and there was
namely enough doing to establish a
market ; prioee remained unchanged ;
native lambs, choice to extra, 95.80 to
95.90 ; fele to good, 93.50 to 95.75 ; culla
to common, 95 to 95.40 ; yearlings, com-
mon to choice, 98.00 to 95.20. Native
sheep, choice to seleoted wether°, 94.80 to
96 ; good to choine m'xed sheep, 94.65 to
94.80 ; common to fair, 94 to 94.60 ;
Gulls to common sheep, 98.25 to 93.90.
TORONTO, 1'eb. 18th.—Wheat —Very
firm, owing to the auvanee in Chicago,
and red and while Winter were quoted
to -day at 90e to 918 West ; Manitoba
wheat firmer, at 91.10 to 91.11 for No. 1
hard at North Bay, and 91.08 on the
Midland. Flour—There is more inquiry,
and the market was Eimer, at 94.25 for
oars of straight roller in bo rale Weat.
Millfeed—In good der land and firm, at
912.60 to 918 for shorts, and 910.50 to
911 for bran West. Burley and book•
wheat firm and snchnnged. Rye—Firm,
at 60o and 450 West bid. Corn—Steady,
at 300 for Canada yellow West, Oets—
Beare° end firm, at 204o foe mixed and
30o to 305c for white Waet. Peas—Firm.
er, at 56o East and 56o West. Baled
hay and etraw unobanged. Seeds—The
export demand is Blow ; the demand has
not fairly started yet ; the deliveries in
the oountry are large, and the market is
easier for alsike, at 93 to 94 ; red clover,
95 to 44, and 91 to 91.60 for machine -
threshed timothy, and 91.50 to 91.76 for
choice flail•thresbed. Eggs—The re-
ceipts of new -laid are smaller, and the
market is to higher,' at 180. Butter—
The offerings of large volts are fair, and
prices are steady, at 14e to 165o.
TonoNTo, Feb. lbth In spite of the
rough weather, receipts at 'the Toronto
cattle market to -day were fairly homy -
18 care, including 320 ebeep and lambs,
1,020 hogs, and the usual number of
calves and sows. E.eporb cattle—Some
dealers were making up a couple of loads
to ship via St. John, and wore paying 390
to 450 per Ib. Shipping butte were selling
at 85e to 8$o and good ones are wanted.
Butchers' Oatble—For immediate local
nee 4.3 wee paid for a few choke. The
general run of good cattle brought 83o to
Bio, and medium, 510 ; amnion cattle
are diffioult to sell ; they are quoted at
290 to 80. About six once were taken for
Montreal and a couple for Buffalo.
Stockers and Feedere — Buffalo risen
bought a few loads of lighb stockers at
92.80 to 98,85 per cwt. Good half -fat
steers for feeding sell at 89n, and in some
oases perhaps a little better, Sheep and
Lambe—There was 11 good demand for
sheep, and prim are firm at 93 to 8.05
per cwt. for exporb and butchers. Lambs
for exporb and for the local trade are
firm at 94.85 bo 95,15 per owb, Bucks
fetoh 25e to 30. Calves—The offerings of
choice were small, too much of the stuff
offered being of poor quality. Ohoioe are
wanbod but poor are unsaleable. Prides
were 42.80 to 93.30 etcb. Mitch Cows
and Springere—There is still considerable
inquiry from dairymen for nowly-salved
°owe and early springers. Several of
these were uneupplied to•dey. Prices
were 925 to nearly 960 each. Hogs—The
offerings were fair ; melded steady ;
pekes firm at 50 for tate very beat sing.
ere ; thick, fat, 45o ; light, 490; sown, 8o
to 8o, and stags 20 to Pio,
ant. 1 ,B. ,.t.OTT, Beusoole,
..a., lend on mor tog.) et 5 Per cent, yearly,
A, 1111141'016, Demote,
eel Fero Brod Jersey Heifer, fresh calved.
Her dans has given over 0,00 Ma of mull in
0 mouths. 1 f Brod Jersey, coining 4, due to
calve iu May. tier dam good for over 14 lbs.
butter per week. Pries6400,`, each.
A. house, in excellent repair, oentoiniug
seven some, besides a good Sumpter and
Winter kitchen with hard and soft water
under alvei. The house, which will be sold
just as it is, is handsomely furnished
throughout with pew furniture and well
heated by hot air, There two large grounds,
Wail kept, and an excellent qur.leo, atcnlred
with choice apple,pear, plum and °berry
toes, together with all the smaller finite,
'all in good beating condition, This place
offers a most desirable home for a farmer
wishing to retire from native life, and will
bo sold on reasonable terms. For all par.
tiettlars appl to
20.1f Solicitor, Brussels,
nlnsromzn has several good Farms for
sale earl to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, 118. Bi OTT, Brussels
near Brussels, Great bargain, Lot 7,
Oon. 0, Grey township, Good bailding& and
orchard, well watered, suitable for n feed or
dairy farming, P000eesion give., next
March, •with privilege of doinerral' plowing.
Apply to W. 3, KRIt16, POST Publishing
I3ouse,Iirnssela,or to 1110e1A8 'L'GR1TAGD' ,
London West,
R tNT. The mudersigned offers his
eligible eon 'farm le or to
being South p ofLctOCus•
siou 12. Grey. 111 under oultivatt,n, well
watered and well fenced. There io a good
aorta bones, bank barn, orehnrd, welts, &o„
ma the premises Also a 515;005E4 atone
quarry from wbi rho good rave Luo in rvalfe-
e 1, o.,ly 2i m ilea from Ern ,els, Terms
reasonr ole. Pon further pal :hullers as to
prize, & i„ apply t
JOHN Iu ITOHPLL,'P•oprl( tor,
20- Brunets 1Brunets P, 0.
C mediating of the South i and South 1
of the r orth 4 of Lot 88, Son 2, :oast Wawa -
nosh. !'hie is an axoellent atop faros, being
well Sul 011511 with good spring matte, Itis
situate( about 8 miles from the thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A large part of itis under
grass. Buildings and fences are in a fair
sate of assail•. Easy terms of payment will
Lso a
1fan•For informationapply.BLABarrister, Brume's,
Toile; Articles
Al the Loading 1' dames,
So tp8 i11 great V0. 'oty,
Po vclol's for over purpo.4e,
Dr ltifrioes, Or.•''lbs aI
Seasena'ble lteErthes,
Cough Syrups.
Ct',tarrll Snufn
L oorioe Pelle . +,
Si Ives for Lips & Hand
WinterA ecialtest
Chest Proteetul's,
H.lt Water Bottles,.
Chamois all 81'1,08,
Fo2:'s Drug StvE
✓, EI. fstl'NAUGNTON.
0, Al., Trinity Uniyerear Fellow Pri
ty Medical College, Member •' 4lege of P1
51oiaus au 1/Surgeons, One. L. mblabe or S.
Royal Ool see of Phyysioiaue d Mom ;la
of lafidwi 007y L;cliohurgh, , 17e1e1 uo.
00.1.1, lir eidenoe, Mill St., B, assets.
^1 • lit nor Graduate 01 the 01 to
Veterinar; College, ie propel id to trait 1
diseases o' domostioated auto, la inn 30.
tontPartin cular
.ry dBr entistry. t
tended to, °Moo and Infirm. ”—Four 10o
,forth of b idge Turnberry st Bruaelsh.
Via Cl: icago, for Winnil'ei
Pcints in Manitoba t.n
Northwest, Vii' St. Pm
Sc attie, Victors , and Lb
D,'ea Route, fc
Klont ike and 'luta:
kid Piet St
For mope pamphlets and mpartist i
form tion apply to G.1 'Z, agent 1.
J. 1',. KENDALL, Af 2b, Bru'eel
GEI,. HEYD, " Ethel.
0('D FAP.MB FOR SALE.— ffffppAAii A�yy YY ^^ eeeeeG�s����.. ti
The undersigned offer two 103 acre a9A'e "�. 1 II �� -
farms fur sale at reasonable prices. 7 he lots t�1 ffiffi 00 v. y
aro NO, .10 and 11, 000. 0 (Sunahluo), the
sideroad between them. Good brie); house
and barn on lot 11, and house and 2 borne ou
lot 10. Orchards and all necessary ccuvon.
tenons. Well watered and imitable for grain
or grazing. 100 acres now in grass, Will be
Bold either separate or together to suit pur-
chaser. Terms of payment reasonable, Im-
mediatepossession. For fnrthepar,Aoulare
ply SO 008'0181' OLMGG, Bi %eels, P. U.,
oa 'B. L. 1 ICKIN5 IN, Barrister Aimhinn.
M.D„ 0. lit., successor to Dr, A. Moliolvey,
Licentiate of Royal College of Physiciaus
and Burgeons, Kingston ; Member of the Ooi-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,
Diseases of women and children a specialty.
Wight years' experience,t.-01ileo and nes-
irlauoe that formerly coupled by Dr. Me.
Telvey,'.Curnborry street, Brussels, 25.
PIi00601AN, BURGEON AND 40000000011
tat Close Honor Graduate of the Universi-
ties of Trinity(Toronto), Queen's (Kinston)
and of Trinity Medical 0allego; Fellow of
Trinity Medical College and member of the
College of Pbysioians and Surgeons of Ontar-
lo. Post Graduate Course an Detroit -end
Ohieago,1800, Special attention paid to dis-
eases of Nye, Bar, Nose toad Throat, and dis-
easesof Woman, • 15f—Consultation 1n Eng-
lish and German. Telephone at residence,
Ea 3t Rifling 0., iturill'1
Joint meetings for the disc,tseion of tl
Politi 101 ',Emma of the d t•, fn cot ne
tine with ''te coming 0. trio Pr. vi.
Bial 1 9et(cne, will be be ] as follow'
ATURD 1Y, Feb. 19, Speiran'e Srho
Hous' , Grey, 2.80 p, m and C ra
brook Beek Hall, 7 p.0
MONDAS , Feb, 21, Bluevt, ., FOre1 eel
TUESDAY, Feb. 22, Brneeels, Nc nit
atlon Day.
TUESDAY, Feb. 22, Belmr • e.
WEDNEHDAY, Fob. 28, Libel, T wt
ship Hall.
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 23, 11 allett, Se.
vete School
TSURRD 1Y, Feb. 24, Foedclioh.
THURSDAY, Feb. 24, Lon iesboro'.
FRIDAY, Feb. 26, Gerrie, Township Ia
SATURDAY, Fob. 26, Stone Seem
House, Morris.
MONDAY, Feb. 28, Walton, Sohoc
Both Oa•tdidates will ettenci these remit
Inge, excepting Separate School as
Londesbor r', and snob wil. be white
by another speaker. -
Eveuing meetings commenos et 7 o'olnok
Advertise Facts
a'aCi. Faoti.r 030
There is hardly a week but some store claims to offer some •'phenomena
bargaiuo"—values that loots (in the papers) boyond telt reason and p0005 Int ; but g
there, and all you will got for your trouble is droappoi ibment. It ma; pay to foe
the people—ib paid Barnum—it may pay others—and perhaps some . 4ople ei,jo
being fooled, but this business has been built on the platform of Hr omit Goode
Honest Prices and Honest Advertising, and we'll Wel: to ib, At 900501.1 our
February Clearing Sale
For this Sale we have seen rod m
1. Speeed lino of Oorsets, nicely trimmed, worth 76o, being sold at 50e.
2, Blaa; figured doable fold Dross Goode. No. 1 patten as, north 25o to b '1, for 1de.
8. 87 le 111 White Cotton, Worth 70, for 4o.
4. Lada lo' Vesta, all pure wool, worth 60o, for 40o.
6. Men'o Shirts end Drawers, really worth 30o, solo p:ice 20o.
Pootibly none of the above items are geode you r squire. It ie din" nit to'q,tot
every at Utile we would detain, but by attending this to le you will find any tb'ng
you ma pion up and cave Me ley ten every one.
hiloKinnon i3. B ri. V� tri
7 J