HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-18, Page 74
]'ilii, 18, 1898,
n 'not enders W
flame TUnughl4 for 4. I
naive alrochers That Need Loving Caro
-3losos, wham ]airiness PnEhinl taro
Saved Email (Ito Teeters That infect
eine waters, A Boss rophized,
Washington, Feb. 0. -"And his sister
stood afar off to wit what would be
done to him," was the Lext, Exodus
ii, 4, chosen by Dr, Tannage for his
powerful sermon this morning, fie
Princess Thermutis, daughter of
Pharaoh, looking out through lha lat-
tice of her bathing house, on the banks
of the Nile saw te curious boat on the
river. It bad neither oar nor helm,
and they would have been useleee any -
bow, There was only one Passenger
and that a baby boy. But the May-
flower that brought the pilgrim fath-
ers to America, carried not so precious
a load, The boat was made of the brood
leaves of Papyrus, tightened together
by bitumen, Boats were sometimes
mala of that material as we learn
from Pliny and ILerodoLus and Theo-
phrastus. " Kill all the Hebrew chit -
rem born," had been Pharaoh's order,
To save her boy, Jocheberl, the mother
at .little Moses, had put him in that
queer boat and launched, him, His sin -
Sae Miriam stood on, the bank wateh-
ing that precious oratL. She was far
enough off not to draw st at-
tention to the
boat but near
enough to offer protection, There she
stands on the L:ank,--Miriam, the poet-
ess, Miriam the quick witted, Miriam
:lto faithful, though very human, for
n after time o sh o demonstrated it.
,Miriam was a splendid sister, but had
cur faults, like all the rest se us. Ffow
carefully she watehsd the boat con-
taining her brother l A strung wind
night upset 1t. The buffaloes often
found there niig'ht in 0 sudden plunge
of thirst sink it. Some ravenous walor-
00w knight swoop and pick his eyes
)ul with Iron beak, Some crocodile or
hippopotamus crawling through the
rushes might crunch the babe. Miriam
watched and watched until Princess
Tbermutis, a maiden on caeh side or
her holding paha leaves over her head
to shelter her from the sun, cause clown
and entered her Lathing house, When
from the lattice she saw the boat, elle
titt'dered it brought, and when the
leaves were palled back from the face
1f the child and the boy hooked up he
tried aloud, for be was hungry and
frightened and would not even lei the
princess take him. The infant should
rather stay hungry than acknowledge
any one of the court as mother. Now
Miriam, the Metter, iueognilo, no one
cuspeci-ing her relation to the child,
leaps from the bank and rushes down
end of teen to get a nurse to pacify the
Mild. Consent is given and she
brings Jochebed, the baby's mother,
;neognito, none of the court knowiug
that she was the mother, and when
,Tocllebed arrived the child stopped cry -
'ng, for its fright was calmed and its
nunger appeased. You may admire do -
shawl, the mother, and all the ages
nate admire Moses, but 1 elap my hands
111 applause at the behavior of Miriam,
the fitithf111, brilliant and strategic
"Go home," some one might have said
to Miriam. " \Phly risk yourself out
there, alone on the banks of the Nile,
breathing the miasma and in danger
of being attaciced of wild beast or ruf-
fian? Go home t" No. Miriam,the sis-
ter, more lovingly watched and brave-
ly defended Moses, the brother, is he
worthy her care and courage? Oh, yes;
She 00 centuries 001 the world's history
Have never had so mush involved in the
arrivalof t ' 11L 1 at any ,ort as in
at s
tt J
the landingtut t awns boat calk-
ed with bitumen! its 000 passenger
was to be a nonsuch in history -law-
yer, statesman, politicians legislator,
organizer, conqueror, deliverer. He had
snob remarkable beauty in childh'oed
that, ,loseplius says, wheynt he was car-
ried along the road, people stopped to
gaze at him and workmen would leave
their work to admire bits, When the
king playfully put his crown upon this
boy, he threw it off indignantly and
put his foot on it,
The king, fearing that' this might be
a sign that the child Blight yet lake
down his crown, applied another test,
'According to the lewisli legend, the
king ordered two bowls to he put before
the child, one containing rubies, and
the other burning rants, and if 110 took
the coals he weal to live and if he took
the rubies he was to die. h'or some
reason the a11im•d tools 000 of the coals
and put it in his tuouth, so that his
life was spared, although it burned
the tongue Lill 110 was 4nd4siinet of
utterance eves' after. Having come to
manhood, he spreads open the palms
of Jile hands in prayer, and the .tied.
son panted to lel: 2,500,000 people escape,
And lie putt the, ]:alms or his hands to-
gether in prayer, and, the lied sea doe.
ed on a adraug'ulatoe. host.
His life sit 1:5sutl:crably grand, his
burial 'must. be on the sante scale. God
would lel, tirithe.r mar nor saint not`
archangel have anything to do with
weaving for hint a shroud 0r digging
for him a grave. The omnipotent God
left: his throne in heaven one day, and
if the question Was asked, "Whither
le the Ring of the 'Universe going?"
the answer was, " 1• am going down to
bury Moses." And the Lord, tools this
Mightiest of men to the top of a hili,
end the de& was' clear, and Moses ran
his eye over the magnificent range
of country. Time the valley of IUs-
drael°n, where the final battle of 1111
nations is to i'o fought, and yonder the
11(ount,l ins Hermon anis t.el1'an013 and
Gerizinl and tills bills of Judea, and
the village of Bethelel iu there, and
the city. of aerie(' 400(101', and the vast.
' Wretch of lendseene ghat ((moss: took
the Old lawyer's breath away as he
leaked s' if. ,And then without a
pang, as I learn from title statement
that the eye of Moses was undimmed
and his natural force unabated, God
touched the great 11334)0113 'yon and
they olusod, and hie lungs and they
tensed, and his heart and it stopped,
and commanded, 843434143, "To [ho eletes,
then immortal spirit I" And Lien one
divine hand was put against the back
of Muses and the other hand arainet
Lilo pulseless beeast, and God laid him
softly 111148'0 On Mount Nebo apd then
the lawgiver, lifted tie the lsnlgity'e
alms, was carried Lo the opening of a
cave and placed in a crypt, and one
stroke of the divine hand smoothed
the features late an everlasting calm,
and a rook was rolled to the door, and
the only obsequies, at ohie:lt God did
all the offices of priest and undertaker
gravedigger and Mourner, were ended
(111, was not Miriam, the sister of
l3doses, doing a good thing, an important
thing, a glorious thing when she watch-
ed the boat woven of river plants and
male water tight wilh'aspl?allume, car-
rying its one pabsengee? Did she not
part all the ages of time and of a com-
ing eternity under obligation when she
defended her helpless brother from the
perils aquatic., reptilianand raven-
ous? She it was that brought that
wonderful babe and his mother togeth-
er, so that he star reared to be the
deliverer of his nation, when otherwise,
if saved at all from the rushes of the
Nile, he would have been only one more
of rGod-defyingPharaohs;or P
eoss�'1`hermutif the bathing house
t crown of
inherited the , nhe t 1
would have i
Egypt, and. 3 no child of her
'ishe <
J as .
awu 411!8 adopted child would ha have (tome
to coronation ftad there teen no 0lir-
iam there would have been no ,Moses
What a garland. for faitlful sister-
hood I For lies- many a lawgiver and
how many a hero and how many 11 de-
liverer and how many a saint are the
world and the abureh indebted to a
watchful, loving, faithful, Godly sis-
ter? COMO out of the farmltonses,c•ome
wp out of the ine0ns11i(IOouS homes,
come up
banks of elle Hudson,
from the n
�>Savannah r.
he acann and
I/• of and t
the 1'Iobile and the: Mississippi and all
the other Niles of America, and let u,e
see you, the Miriaxus' who watched and
protected the leaders in law and medi-
cine and merchandise end religion! if
I: should ask all physicians and utter
nays incl: mt'rrllanLs and ministers I st s O1 of
religion, and successful men of all pro-
fessions and trades who are indebted
to an elder sister for steed influences
and perhaps for an edit:itlien or a pros-
perous start to let it le known, hund-
reds would testify God knows how
many of our Greek lexicons and bow
much of our schooling were paid for
by money that would otherwise have
gone for the replenishing or a sister's
wardrobe W'b1le Lhe brother sailed
off for a resounding sphere, the sister
watched him arum the hanks of self
Miriam was the eldest of the fam-
ily, Moses and Aaron, her brothers,
were younger. Oh, the power or the
elder sister to help decide the bro-
ther's character for usefulness and for
heaven She ran keep off from her
brother more evils than Miriam could
have driven back water -fowl or cro-
codile from the ars, of bulrushes. The
ulder sister decides the direction to
which the cradle heat shall sail. By
gentleness, by good reuse, by Christian
principles site can turn it tusvar115 the
palace, not of wicked .Pharauh, but of
a holy God, and a brighter princess
than Thermutis should lift his} out of
peril, oven eeligion, rl•llos° sways are
sways of pleasantness and all her paths
are peace. The older sister, how mush
the world ones her I. Born white yet
the family was in limited circulnstan-
ees, site had. to hold and take care of
ler younger breiltors, And If there is
anything that excites my sympathy it
is a little girl lugging round a great
fat child, and getting her ears boxed
because she rennet keep him quiet. By
the time elle gets, to young womanhood
she is pale and worn out and her at-
tractiveness has been sacrificed on the
sitar of sisterly fidelity„anct she 4s con-
signed to celibacy and society calls her
by an unfair name, but in heaven they
sail. her Miriam. In most familiea the
two most undesirable places in the re-
cord of births, are the first and the
last: the first because she is sworn out
with the cares of a house that cannot
afford 10 hire help, and the last be-
cu.use she is spelled as a: pet. Among the
grandest: equipages that sweep through
the streets of heaven will be those oc-
cupied by sisters who sacrificed them-
selves for brothers. They will have
the finest of the Apocalyptic white
horses,and many o on earth looked
a who e
down apart them will helve a torn out
to let them puss, the charioteer err-
ing: 'Clear the way 1 A' queen is com-
Let sisters not begrudge the time and
care bestowed on a brother. 11 is hard to
bel iOve that any boy tent you know so
well as your brother COT ever turn out
anything very useful. Well, he may not
ho aMoses. There is (linty one of bleat
kind needed for 0.00() years, But I tell
you what your brohb,.r will) be, either a
bless'ing' 07 a curse. to society and a
candidate Pei' ha:ppiiness or wretched-
nl'ss, l.E's whl,l, like 1341ses, have the
choice between rubies and l'ivin'g coals
amt your influence will luawe much to
do WW1 his derision. ,311 Maly noir, like
Moses, be bre del'Sverer of a nation, but
he 10113', after your father anis mother
are gums, be the deliverer >1 a house -
bold, 1\Vhut thousands of homes to -day
On) piloted by brothers! '.]'here are
properties now' well invested and yield-
ing biome for llhe support of sisters
anl:1 yon3ig):1' brother be(x3uSe 1 he older
brother rose do the laladershi,p from, the
day the father lay down to (lie. What .-
ever you do for v r.'r brother sv'1,11 cone
hock to yolu, ain',:..30 you sett him On
not.used ct'41Bori0ns, unaccottmodel-
ing example, it will recoil upon yen
from :his Ow11 irritated and despoiled
nh'tu131. If you. 1:y palettes with. his
inlirwities and h,; nob1.lty cif c,Laaacle.
nevelt wiltb him in the Pow years of
your e1n11pnm;t0llsl.ill, you will leave your
(puusels reflected: book upon you some
clay by his splendor of behavior in some
crisis where he Would have failed but
for you.
Don't snub bion, 'Don't depreciate his
ability. Dant talk discou'agengly about
his future. Don't tat Miriam get down
cif the bank of the Nile and wade out
and upset the ark of bulrushes, Don't
testae 'him. Brothers tunes sisters oto net
dons''tit'r id nay harm to lease. That
Spiltid abroad in the family i8 one of
Lhe nlea,nest and most devnish There
s a leasing fleet ie pleasurable and is
only another form of innocent la.Tlary.
but that which provokes and Ir'r'itates
nnrl minks the eye flesh. with Anger if;
to be reprehended, It wo0ld he les'
blameworthy to- take is booth or thorns
and draw thou" across your ester's
abselc or to lake a Jeninfe and draw its
elea.7p edge aerQSs your brother's hand
till the blood spurts, for that would.
damage Only the body, but teasing is
the thorn and the 1(11315 srratclling and
lacerating tete dis1iilsLl nab and the soul.
It 4N the curse of innumerable house-
1tnl115 that; the l:rotlturs tense Mlle maters
(1,11(1 the sisters 143 b1'3Llu•rs. Sem01imuB
it in the velar of the hair. or the shape
of i. +
1 the
i feat '� • o
features o' 1 f
os i x offal
111L. Sometimes it is by revealing
s' cret or by a suggestive look or guf-
faw, or an "Abend" Teasel Tease
Teasel5 •'
For 111crcy s sake, quit 41a11
ill, st
segs, "1La that 11(1.1111 his I>r,,Litsr is
a xnur(il'res," Now, swan yau, by
ing, teas -
melee your brother or sistee hate
Orap turn, 1Lihrl oe her into a murderer
Don't lel, jealousy ever touch a sist-
er's Saul, ns is so often floes, because
Luer 'brother guts In honor or more
7,vem Mimiam., ]:has hiertlhne olf aha toot,
141)8 Rtl'nek by that 31.011! passlan of jeal-
ousy, She hat possessed unlimited in-
fluence over Mosns, and now he mar-
ries, and not duty so, bun marries a
blade woman from i(tiacspia„ and Miriam
in ao disgusted and outraged al, Moses,
first boeause he load. married at all,
and next het'e, se sus had practiced inis-
cogmdL'on that 14113* 15 drtuwn into 0
fr5uzy, and. t'luzn begins to 113x11 white
and gels white as a (trnpsa and then
111 a corpse.s"
. Per complexion
its like chalk -dabs feet le, she ]las the
Egyptian lnpeoey, And now the bro-
ther 4 1 wltu
'n she had defendedi
on the
Nile cn:•
t? i.9 toS•.
liar resone i,n a. prayer
that 1>rulgs her restorati',n. Let tiers
Ise no nem its tel your 1101.1r^ for jeal-
Mae either to sit or stand. It is a
leprous ah'„lni cation, Your brother's
sol+ease, d) &biters, is your snt'.cesa 1
1-I;s victories will be your victories. For
While boost's d,he brother led the yore]
music after the to ctntsslaug of the Rc+el sea„
bliriam the sifter, with two sheets of
shining brass uplifted and glittering
lei the sun, led the instrumental music,
x11,1,1: the 070115ls 'till the last
11 t3 h a
neigh of pursuing cavalry
horse was smothered in the waive and
the last legyptd,n hsltnet went under,
'llesv strong it makes a, fatuity whoa
all the. s:sterrs and brothers stand to-
gether and w'lle,t an awifiul wreak when
^ '
t4( s d.slnimgraCo, quarreling about a
01140r's 141,11 anal making the surro-
gni•''v office 'horrible with their
ss r , 'l; le ' 'lb'tler, when you, were lit-
tle. trh'ldr•dr in the nursery, that with
your pliyhuus0 mallets you had, acci-
ccidentally killed each other fighlin.41
across your cradle than that, having
conte to the age of maturity and hay -
let In your ovine and arteries the
bleed of the same father and mother,
you Light emelt other across the par-
e,.,t,ul gruve lel the cemetery.
If you ehlry knew it, your interests
are tdo21@ical. UC all the families of
the earth that ever stood together per-
haps the ,most, conspicuous is the fam-
ily of the Rothschilds, As Mayer Ao-
seen Inethlsc'hild was about to die, in
1012, he gathered his children about
himl - Auieehn, Solomon, Nathan,
Charles end James -and made them
promise that they would always be
United en 'rllnnge. Obeying that in-
jalu:tdcul, they have been Lite mightiest
commercial power on earth, and at the
raising or lowering of their scepter
03114. ne have risen or fallen. That
idla1s(.rates bb s', muen, on. a Jorge seals
and for selfish purposes, a united, fam-
rimy achi,ate. ;But suppose that
111411ad Led a, Magnitude of dollars es
M.0 Object it he doinitr good and mak-
tag salutary. impression and raising
talcs sunken world, bow much more en-
nobling I Sister, you do your part and
brother well do his part, If bliriam
will lovingly watch the boat on the
Nitta, Moses wilt help her when leprous
disasters strike,
:Viten father end mother are gone -
and they neon will he, if they have not
already made exit -the sisterly and
fraternal bend will be the only liga-
ment that wilt hold the family togeth-
er. How mans' reasons for your deep
and unfaltering affection for each
other 1 ,Rooked in the sante cradle ;
bent; over by the same motherly ten-
derness; treed for by the same father's
weary arms and. aching brow; with
oammon inheritance of 5111 the family
1ecrets and witty manes given you by
parents who (Ratted you with the high-
est hopes for your happiness and pros-
perity, I charge you be loving and.
kind and, forgiving. If the sister see
that the brother never wants a sym-
i;sth'izer, the brother will see that the
sister 'never wants an escort. .011, if
the sisters of a household know
through what terrific and damning
t1 mptatdanls their brother goes in city
lite they would hardly sleep !lights in
anxiety for his saivaticn I And if
you would 'make le holy c0napiraey of
Ieind words earl gentle attentions and
earnest prayers, that would save his
soul from death and hide a multitude
of sins. But Let the sister dash off
In, o115 dirootiun in discipleship or the
world., and the brother flee off 4n an-
odes direction and (Iissil:alion, and it
will VOA Is> laag before they will mese
againalthe irc'n gate of despair, their
blistered feet in the hot: ashes of a
consumed lifetime., Alas, that broth -
ars and edsters though living together
for years very often, do not know each
teeter, and Quit they see. ,•sly the 4m-
perfecti:tstt,S Out( none of the virtues!
General Batter ur the Rtu:elan eavulry
.had in early life wandered off in the
army, end thea ramify sullpoeed he was
lead. After he gained a fortune he en-
camped one day to Tlu+tut, his native
nave, and Glace a ben me., and aln1041
Lias great military mea who 11 01-0 to
Isla he invited. a plain miller and his
wife, who lived. 'tens by and who, af-
flightd, came, fearing some harm
w'oul•I be. dome them. The miller and
his wife were placed one 4.11 each side
ft1:(+ general at the table. The gen-
eat a' ked the miller all about his ram-
4ly,and the miIler said the the had two
brothels and n sister, "Nu other
brushers?" "My younger tiro( her
wens: aft evil.U, the army many years ago
end. no (101114 wits long ago killed."
Then the general said, "Soldiers, T ant
this 'maul's younger brother, whom he
ih,oug'hlt was dead," And how louri
was the cheer toad haw warm Lhe c)n-
Brcelother Oa sister, you need ns meet'
"1 an introduction to each other as
they d ld. You • to n,ot know each ot'h-
onderful Urea
ChIlel Was Plot Well a Dingle
Day for Three Years -A Fath-
er's Grateful Words for the
Oure of Hla Daughter,
'terry little girl, whip is now seven,
old, weighed oats' three poundsa
at the time of her birth. Pim three
years and a quarter of bar life she was
not well a single dla,y. T was persuaded
to t(hlougve ht I wer euldasiveaitaaafele trial,
7910 child began taking it aecordingg'
t%1 di1'ectians. The result was a perfe" t
core and. bee health has been go et ever
(since her recovery, due, we feel. sure,
Ca the Igrlod effects of tits wonderful
medicine. You do not know what a
cornf"tct it is to my wife earl myself
to have her rest:rred to health. I le -
Neve the cure Ls permanent, and/ I shall
always feel thankful for lil,od's Sar-
saparilla:' George MoJ:farinnd, Wail•
acelturgh, Ont,
c Sarsa-
Is Canada's Qrnatest Medicine, Mold by all
Druggists. Price, 51; six for S. Get Recurs,
Hood's P1I15ease lea elIsel026 04a ettd
er.Y .n uth i
k your our bre
thor is rrroutY
andcross and queer, seat
, n l he thinks o
'q e k you
are selfish and proud and unlovely.
Both wrong. That brother will be a
prince in some icuman's eyes, and that
sister a queen in the estimation of some
maul. Tlhal brother is a magnificent
&&Row, and, that Caister is a morning
in one. Came, let me introduce
you: "I!.L ses, this is Miriam, Miriam,
this is bioses." Add 75 cent. t. to
1 n
your present appreciation of each oth-
er and when you kiss good morning do
not otic
your mild cheek, Nvet from.
the ler
e Iwashing, ng, as though you
hated to touch each other's lipnaf
Sectionato caress, Let it have alt the
fondness of cordiality of a loving mis-
ter's kiss.
Make yourself as agreeable and help-
L each other as possible, rrmem-
n that soon n yqu part. The few
years of boyhood. and girlhood will soon
slip by, and you will go out to homes of
your own a'n.e. into the battle with the
world and amid ever changing vicis-
situdes and on paths orostied with
graves and op steeps hard, to climb
and through shadowy ravine. But, 0
my God. and Saviour, may the terminus
of the journey be the same as the start;
-namely, at fritter's and mother's
knee, if they have Inherited the king-
dom. Them, as in boyhood and girl -
hoed days, we rushed is atter the day's
absence with couch to tell of exciting
edam:dare, ant father a.nd mother en-
joyed. the recital 115 much as we who
made it, no we Sha'11 oa the hillside of
heaven rehearse to them all the scenes
of our earthly expedition, and they
shall welcome vs home, as swe say,
"Father and another, we have r'Omeand
brought our children with us." The
old revival hymn, described it with
glorious repetltioa:
Brothers and sisters there will meet,
Brothers and sisters there will meet,
Bothers and sisters there will meet,
Will meet to part no, more,
I read ofa child. in the country who
was detained at a neig'hbor's 11: use on 0
stormy night by some fascinating stor-
ies that well, being told him. and then
looked Out and saw it wan so dark he
did not dare go home. Th:., incident im-
pressed me the more I ehtuse in my
oheldhood I had much the same exper-
ience. T,hre boy asked his 1011)1a404 to go
with him, but they dared not. It got
later and later -7 o'clock, 8 o'clock,
9 o'clock, "Oh," he said, "1 wish f. were
hornet" As he opened the door the last
time a blinding fla+ll of lightning
and a deafening roar evereame hint.
But after awhile he sew 4n' the distance
a lantern, and, 1o, bis 4,rolbeS1( 4011,5 Pool-
ing to fetch hien h^me, and the lad
stepped out and with swift feet hast-
ened on to his brother, whir took him
hiome, where they were s, glad to greet
Mien and for <a long time sapper had
(leen waiting. So may it bel when the
night of death comes and Dull earthly
friends cannot go kith us, ands we dare
tot ge alone; may our brother; our
elder brother, uur friend doter than
a brother, 000(3 Sul to Meet uso111
the I'ght of the pie antes, n•hirl1 shalt
P. a lantern to uur feet. and: then see
vidl go in to join our toned onus wait -
lug for us su>1el all ready, a marr-
LI ea 1 Uh
g 11 \,
supper of the Lamle!
Permanently Cured.
Ai Melted With Ln 4lrippe Which Left Ilio
Neal( ant! IVern Ont - Kidney Trouble
Added ILa 4'oatpllrnt10114 Anil the Sapi+r•
er Wal Dlsfournged,
'['rola the,lonrnal, Summel•sitic, P310.
One of the best. lcilown men around
BBediquc and vicinity is Mr. Alfred
Sohurman, who has recently removed
to North ('arteton. Ili', Schulman was
born 4n 1?esiiqu,l about ses'enty years
ago, home tstenty'-five years ago hal
ewe sworn in as a justice of the prase,
and ai:oul teienty-one 4eur.e ago Ise
was aptoinled. clerk nr the county
'•Ours, in both of v hell offices he has
given every satisfaction, Sir. &inte-
infale was sale° a farmer on a large Beale
and hies host sten engaged in that
occupation led a limey life, being com-
pelled to attend sl.r[etly to business,
batt Less than a year ago he reL•4r-
enl from farming and now lives in a
,'ot1ago in North Cna'leion, Before. his
retirement, worse suleh as only a man
engaged in that. oceupatiou knows any-
thing ;Mout, claimed his attention. Ilis
increasing years 1110110 the burden heav-
ier, and the spring work of 1893 wore
him completel • out. 'Chis is what, he,
]ells n.L03lt it, and 11oW he WM cured.
'111 the spying of 1.898 the anustnnt
'oil cines drudgery connected Stith the
sock of farming wore me out oouiplete-
ty, and the broad: down was the more
rom3lete because the results were con -
Two Hundred and Seventy -Five
Cups in each pouted of 40c, UD`LA Ceylon Tea:
1)o you realize the value this contains—seven cups for one cent, Try it.
28, 40, 50 and 000. 111 fete Paokagos, Froth Leadilttr grocers.
pled with the bad often"; left by an
attack of 1a grippe. Gala of the rs8ulLs
Of la grippe was u nasty cough, an- 1
other was the complete lass of apps- 1
tile. My spirits were greatly depressed
and !felt that 1 lead lived out my days, .
1 always felt 'cold, and consequently
the stove and I were great: friends,
but the cold effected Moro especially
My feat 111111 caused me groat annoy -1
rums. •o. A+ r r 'r
Added to this c u ,11 aft m was'
It xif"le 4
serions kidney trouble which tires-;
taped to prove the worst enlny of
all, 1 sons unable to do any work,
h .'
ad no 0111 Midi t son and less serelluth, end i
was not a hit the bel.Ler of all the
doctor's Jnedic'lno T had taken. It was
my wife who 'Mewed me at last to try
Dr. \\'illianls' Pink Veils. 1 bought
six boxes and began taking thein. My
11opo revived beesausn a change for the,
leiter wets soon taking place, and be-
fore they were done 1 was cured. The
six loxes brought hank my appetite,
strength, and ambition, in short, all
that 1 had lost in the way of strength
and health. The. next spring, howos'-
CEO x• .A,4I IO--
'rl,e selih,¢ doe; not amount ,,
to much, eley alfno.t !�D
e -Flex
You obta
In trot of n11 a 3418 of the
alunx4l' anAua, built of the mire eV
prA•tgttrN., mud subjected to eeYef9
tests. 'These are points Mut should.
...tes.k. establish the onoadoaco the Etre do•
serves, 001r catalogue "'r" Pully es.
¢ plaint:, Stadler it. Dealers quoted.
AM4010AN 8„ ,
164 and'419008 5304100eLimitedt, W„
44^.6041,A,V.iy, gets
or, my health again gave way and. I:
Apples, Poultry, Eggs„z11„,
Immediately began using the fink PUN!
again, and f am happy to say that they
effected that time a permanent cure
and to -day T am well and hearty as if
f were only forty, I strongly remain'
mend Dr. Williams' Pink fills to all
who are suffering as I was,
Dr, Williams' fink Pills cure by go-
ing t n ;
r 1118 r n1 of the di$ease. They
renew nod ill
u up the blood., and
strengthen the neres, thus driving
disease fm thee3atom 'Avoid imita-
its -tions bY
ox you.
purchase 1,s P rlowd in a scrapping
the full trade marts, Dr, 'Wil -
Items' Pink Pills fur Pale People:
Persons suffering from, Rheumatism,
Salt Ch Rheum,
Pile Tetter, i lblalns
Pczpnla SkiDi Piles, MUM'S, sass rte. who ha sears
a two cent stamp (for postage only)
with name and address, we will send
a free sample of L
risk's Magnetic. l
ment with a Ransom's
Cook Book free.
Francis U. Kahle, 127 Bay St., Toren,.
W. P. C. 906.
We utter nothing but the
hure truth when we claim
IiJ0131.11 so
to be the most economical
in the world, TRY IT II
The Dawson Commisslon Co,,um'tatl
Per. of Wast Market and Oc;norno et, - TORONTO,
Toronto Cutting Schad.
YOUNG MICN, Learn to nut Nu bitter (rad(
or profession. Write for pnrtleu,ars,
316 Tondo q n a Bt.. Toronto.
R. SPROULE, B, A., (graduate of Dublin
University, Ireland) eipeeialiet C'hrm a
Diseases of the Nerves, BI,,ad, (IOW nutlunppl Adn,oi,tl,
4IoipoeedVitol 15o0rgy. Letters omadootI0 1100' creel.
U8 Carlton St., Toronto.
Mills, MTlllti & Haim
Barristera,eta„ removed
to Weals Bidffr„ Rich
mond Et. W., Toronto:
1, N. A110185011, M.0„ No, 5 Ooiloge-0t.
TORONTO, Ont, p�
Iltosb widely Attended in Amerioa. For
lllu et!•ated Oatalogue (Nth year), Annaass-
Klondike Suppler
eceser145 0 4453, 8101381 (BOOMS, .11'feagtll'kt�.
143114, NNow811005. Bene, limeys MOannsuNs.,
lrlsu(410 Tooltr.a, Oro. sone for ltlondtkolt4P,
The Wightman Sportinz Goods
00., 401.8r. P.uuS'n, MQN'flilt eiL, QUID,
T� p
U I�:U
nt ll gqent!adieuq and gentlemen an boa e.
plied With genteel and Ve1'y 11100'1TABf.ID
ons 10 ell, Iniestry 1s 1 he 0448341114/ MEG.
SHEA 1`10 to scours G000 RI0)2tYNIDIld
TION. Oa08lve the addron orreprennitetive
who bee. luta ote trail 4113 la 21 D AYS, es cum
be made right ht AP von" own 001214,
5, L, NICfrOLS & 00
s6 nLlkeemoad Wised, Torenta,
Is So,
ggWarm -
e RRIS, M ne17ANT,
William St., - - - TORONTO, Oat -
210 CP 3
gCP, COTS Z-14:11111.
A Specific for female Complaints
are a tris boon to ivory Indy who suffers In the perform
nice of natures effort, They at owe ease the pain an
restore natural mid healthy oaten of the ovarian Set
sets. For youngand developing �yonlenhood 11;02 050
any remedy whch can lie neon. They aro ootnpound°
1 bstaoaes
the attire rfoal los
of . tab 000
colas from L C
y Y
ib k our draggle
t d •ellnb pps sats
n or perfectly auto n 1 A y
d a n
po y h does not keepthumb.; he ea
F Lem a d If 0
rat u
au. P Ian 1.00 r BOEWo t
pp��rocur0 them [qr y r e pa ,
SaTh. T meta a aeuta:
The Toronto Pharmacal On., Limited, Toronto.
oyal Safety
y� t
11 CO5
we wl``t giro ons 11a11'round P.Ing,
rant Molloa Goin plane s',vor-
rnnt0d, to anyone who 0(11 sell
i lox. lndesh'bctlhlOLeacF Wicks
(needand we*Inman trimming)a you Mefriendsls.p. 'fs. ou sal write
us and we wlil ma you 41)5'6+'latxe, You 1814 them
andend,s them0ae and wowlll munyoo tbo Ring,
0TAR O1U1MICAL GO,. Box618, Oeaterbroolr, Cuun.
finish. We fully
MPNTREAL-Windsor Hotel Block.
WINNIPEG --Winnipeg RubberWorks.
HALIFAX -Office opens lst April,
.dEo,.MEECII13ER.X1 single tube
and "GrXIVIC pebble tread tires come
from the hands of experienced work-
men, not lacking in one good thing
that goes to at once make a tire easy
riding, wear resisting and perfect in
guarantee every pair of road tires, and repair them
• Write for prices.
TORONTO 'ME CO., Limited,
9 Adelaide St, Wast,
12 VA RI ETI ES FOR 25 Cts.
This is a BONA FIDE offer made to introduce our Vegetable nnd Plower
Seeds to new customers and which we guarantee to please you or the
amount paid refunded and the S. given as a present.
At these prices we eau 00(1.3' otfor the varieties named below. Order
by number. Buy What 4 ou want. They are sent by mall post paid. Select from the following list 1 -
(Omer by Number.)
1.73eot, Eal'pse, round
2. Beet, Egyptian, act round
3. °abboire, Winningstadt
4. Cabbage, F011(0'e Bn merick
5. Oarrot, hell Ions, 00)0)01
3, Oarrol, Oneronde eoarint
T. Encumber, Chicago Pickling
8, Encumber, Long Green
2, Colory, Bolden selbBlonohlag
10, Horhs, Suge
11, Borbs, Silvery
12. Herbs, Marjoram
11 Latham, Nonpareil (Onbhogs
14. Lottuao Denver Market (curled)
15, Musk Melon, extra early, Nutmeg
la Water *felon, Early ()anode
17. Colon, large red Wethersfield
18. Onion, Mallow Globe Dunrars
114. Parsnip, 6collow Crown
20, Radish, French Breakfast
21, Radish, Rnsy Gent
22. Sgoos3,, Hubbard
28. Tomato, extra early Atlontle
94, Tomato, Dwarf °Lampton
25, Asters, mixed
90. Mignonette, sweet
17. Pansy, mixed
28. Petunia, mixed
58, Nasturtiums. tall mixed
30. sweet Pone, Floa mixed
8l, 14(111 Mlnwer, Ourdon 8)x011
We will NOT ACCEPT AN ORDER at these prices where
the packets are NOT selected from the above Ilst.
Rosy Gem Radish.
Providing this °nupon
la (MT OFT and sent to ns with
on order for 12 pnolio),, we will
Include 1 pnoket New Elan t Chil-
ton Relpiglosnis, mice 200, Free
of Merge TO SU114CR1B1CRS
OF 1011(8 PAPF,R,
c Ahs f cs,c • `i
t 'Eu�i✓'>r
v m
r :1�
ea% ��
Cures Rheumatism, Iiduey and Skin diseases
4000 Canadians testify to its Merits, Physicians use it daily in their practicey
Glergy7en of all denominations endorse it. The general publics swearar l�it.
King's Daughters, Hamilton, say: "No hesitation in recommending it. Ifnow it has ecwed a
terrible case of Sciatica, and other cases of Rheumatism.'
Bev. Thee, Geoghegan, an, St. Peter's fission Hamilton
, "Fromn personsinterviewed
the sante hearty testimony of pain removed and health restored. Twenty-five people."
Rev, Eugene Groulx, Archbishop's Palace, Ottawa: '`Marvellous cures affected in Ithuematie
and Skin Diseases which' came directly to my notice. Twenty-six people."
Patrick Ryder, London, Ont.: r'Had Rheumatism thirty-six years but "Kootenay Oure"
drove it all out ofmy System."
Mrs. Maggie 1\[eiilartin, ltadenhurst St., Toronto; "Left side completely paralysed. "Koote-
nay Cure" and nothing else, restored my health."
The longer you wait the worse you become, but as long as you have waited we can cape you.
Just think, 4000 people eared in Canada alone.
Copy of above testimonials and others (sworn tot sent free on app a
"Kootenay „ {.
l� i
:t aC and R
' 1 the MAY (� �,
There is no substitute for Cure which contains
your druggist does not sell it send direct to r ;,•
"KOOTENIAY PILLS", which o04tain thq Now Ingredient, aro a surd,0ure for FIeadeabe, 1II111ou1ti
noes and. Constipation, Insist upon Kootenay Pills, Price 26o, mailed to any address.