The Brussels Post, 1898-2-18, Page 6TI BRUSSELS
I caved orders to hold themselves in
i a [ 1 S Ili
j rmanlent.'eadrnesss$rloto si[•taert for the scene at a
� � � + The request of the Bell 'Telephone
r_ Cami'uay for permission to iucreaso
their rets in tee loading cities of the
• 11e for a
1 mine u
't o l p
Jl,� �A��� ��Um Dominion 1111 all r Y
decision by the Government. Ald. Shop -
yard of Sieveto was in Ottawa asking
for a postponement of the question in
`-" the interests of the palate.
Interesting Items About Our Own Country, GREAT BRITAIN.
Great Britain, the United Stator, and Orae is being cut in the parks of
MI Parts of the blobs, Condensed and Iron al •n,
Assorted for Easy Reading.
There is said to be an epieeinie of
threats to kill actors in. Lr n l ,n.
CANADA, Sias London Itforninr Post approves
Another case oaf smallpox has leve- the earreestinn that C'anala eh[:uld or•-
Ibped at I n,rtreal, genus a naval wheel.
IHatantasta City Council has decided to The late Charl:•s P Villiers' seal for
ebolnah statrte labor tax. \Volverhamptoa has been raptured by
Toronto had 01 deaths, 55 births and the Cons natives, Di. Gibbons being
19 Marriages during January, elected there by 111 majority.
11here is talk of te Templar building, The War Off!._* has reque,teti the
to oast $50,000, beieig erected in Iltuail- re r nal len of Albert Frederik Cal-
ton. I' chargett with purehasleg the
regiment for ;$8.11110.
Chief Twiss of Dundas has teen ap- coloneic3 of a M}ddle.ex volunteer
High Constable of Wentworth the t;.• ith of Lord C lonmell wile e au.•-
County. ed by tris droppin„ a lit tie hal i.i ale
The Montreal Herald office has been
damaged to the errant of $10,000 by tralsonin ore i trove de eloped. 1-b' only
fire. , 1 succeeded to tion title in 1800.
Customs collections at Brantford for jIn the course of lei tour of the Cnit-
oiLer Januaryy an increase of $6, 56 1 ed States and Canada, Prince Albert
over M&as Leopold, the Belgian heir presumptive,
Mr. Mulack has given antic in the will pay' a visit to President. Melein-
House ce the bill to abolish the super- ley, it !s asserted in cr•nnec4iern with
amanmt:on system. the affairs of the Congo Free. State.
The value of exports from Manitoba The vielt will be of an offi:ial charae-
dnring January exceeded five and a fer,
na18 million dollars. I A m:iu known as Wilfred Lanny, he -
A pulp mill is to be erected at St. Jo- , lunging to the eth Hussars, was place
eeph d'Alene near Quebec, by a cam-' ed an trial on Saturday at Calver, Ire-
papy with a million dollars capital. I land, c ear.ged with murdering a rotu-
`F.he financial statement of Nova Sco- rade named All art Goodwin. The de-
ttux shows the year's expenditure as . fondant. according to the testimony, is
$850,658, and a deficit of $21,458. really named Warburton, is a native
The O P. R. 0outomplates making of Nola Scotia, and was formerly in the
United States army.
many improvements en the western ; The Duke and Duchess of Flee, a
section of the system during the Fres fortnight ago, agreed to teen the new
ent year. Hackney 'fawn late and the vestry, by
The Citizens' Light & Power Com- e
' a targe majority, voted to expend £2W
an •'s remises at Cote St Paul, Mont-
b d d by Etre The d against the ex -
loss is $100,000. ' penditure, and an angry discussion fol -
Lieut. -Col. W. E. Hodgins, of the' lowed. The local newspaper cuttings
taverner -General's Foot Guards, has on the subject were sent to the Duke
neon appoilnted A. D. C. to the Gov- , and Duchess of Fife, who then declined
error -Generale to open the Town hall,
• The Canelimn.cc4n Pacific Railway an-' UNITED STATES.
nae that their direct ble connec-' The price of coal has advanced 10
.ion between Halifax and Jamaica is cents per ton in New York.
D 5 .p to enter•taiu them' but the minority
real have een estroye in the vestry prate
r1E SUNDAY SCHOOL.' b.,1 to do only with the mitelon on! probably front the Jewialb urea, that the
9A l.a welsh the twelve were now sent; that; dust of a, heathen land brought de -
Jesus had himself taken his clisclplos fileinent with it. A quiet, solemn
INTERNA'1'ION AL GESSON,FEB, $O, tato a city of Samaria and told them protepl
1 I
• ••,b _ for the au
More to'i z,t 4
white for ,.1, lYI x
were 45 i
5 there w I
fields 1141
the lhermit; and that one great (ea-. �Solom end (Ionia teeth. 'Mee [tilde
"She Twelre sent totem" matt, le. SO. on underneath it may have been that: Miami nut le early Watery for cun5pn'u-
4iM51eh'11 Test, Unit, lo, 8, the disti(dea wore nut, yet fit for such !01114 }Infamy, and yet 1.,b4 wore not. n'4
PRACTICAL NOTES. Jiol3• and delicate nark. Before the; lnfamrnte as thn.41 who rt,jeetc'd the
1'entllen could accept Christ as their . worm gees nr5 Jesus. In the dna' of
Terse 2. The word apostle meatus nee- Itedeemer they must reognize that judeenent. ,Not erre to Le cun•fi'ned to
001(4'.er. The first four alinstles, nam_ the ;Jewish church wets the fold of ( i what wo call thte juclgeriont day, but
ud in this ver. o. Sim n Petry, Andrew, even though the sheep had tvandr)ul to+' teifiug the constant unit un rrillg
7. As ye ,go, preach. Hake proelrheasa- lir, rhes of Cod.
James, and Johd are thaw beat known
Linn as you tiara}l. The kingdom of
to true Christian Chuxeb, By a coin- Heaven is at band. Choy prenchecl io
veleta they were all (lettermen at the establish the fellh; they preached the
Crr'ut., 11101, all appear with pruutincnce kiogdom to n;ttle'te hove! they preeelt
ed of heaven to inspire love of heaven -
In 111 New Testament record. i Ir things and the cIOLempt of eartb-
Ito Murdered Plague ('enunisslnner Mind
P. Of the second. quartet, Philip, Bar-; Is; they (teetered that the lcingdona of A despatch from Pocinah, Bombay,
t.h,.luruew, Thomas, earl Matthew, nano heaven 10as at ruled, that men uilpht' Presidency, says:—Damodar, Chapekar,
Philip. like :Andrew of the first group,' pi pare for It w}tllz t11 delay:'—(lues- the greenlet) lawyer, who was arrested
1 nl. 'e eu•o Lo tltlnk of room going
Lear:; a Greek name, and it.was to these! out el pairs and standing in lile in October last on the eleerge oC being
Imo apostles that the Greeks of Julia gateway of a tomo to announce in a connected tvklh tin murder of Lieut.
12, 21 came. BarLhrc,t,anaev, usually I\fes iµhi mushat lrat5 ite g n ttgtlolnnd then Ayerst tied Commissioner Rand. on
assutteni to be the sante as the Netball,- 1 '. ' June 22 byshooting them from an am -
when iho cro5ccls gatherer , urging to
ael of Judtn 1.46, le not really a name,) personal repentance and to., ing the bush ns they were lea'vitng the recap -
but a descriptive title. meaning "Son! diseased by means of their ntir.teulous tion given by the Governor of Geuesk-
of To{,mai:' Thomas iscalledDidy-I endowments. "The kingdolu of het- bind in tumour of Queen Victoria's dia-
mond jubilee, has been sentenced to
Damneder Chapekar, the Brahmin and
Indian advocate, is no ordinary crime
teal, When aa•rested on October 2
mus, and both node mean "The twin.' van" was ct familiar phrase to the Jews•
and was always applied to the efes-
James the son of :Alpheus. Assuntin sianin kingdom,
Unit there aro three persons of the 8. Heal the siok, cleanse the lepers,
name of James mentioned in the New raise '1)a dead, east out devils, This
c+nt—Jtmes the brother of John, is te direct communication of super-
lestumnatural power. Leprosy was made
none open for business. 15 C. Frick, of Pittsburg, Pa., has
Sia AdoLpihe and Lady Chapleetu,have' purchased at Paris, Pascal Dagnan-
taken up their residence in Montreal. Bouveret's masterpiece, "Blessing the
and his Honer annourt1es bis intention Bread."
of resuming his practice of law. I The new United. States peerage
Dr, Roche, M. P. for Marquette, is ' stamps are out. The one -cents are
lying seriously ill in the Winnipeg green and the five -cents dark blue.
Hospital, and. will not be able to at- •1'lie. new American past cards are a
tend to 41'e parliamentary duties for trifle smaller than the old ones.
Some time. The young whit: girl recently discov-
The duty collected at the Ottawa cue- erel nenreig tt land of Indiansnear
lams house for January last, was $3.1,- Plerro Smith Dakota, has been 1„enti-
'14, vomnared with 5.0,303 fox the same feed by Mrs. lrurton of Cannington
month last 3•car, an increase. of $8,091. Manor. Moose Mountain, as her long -
lost. daughter.
Miss Cole of Hamilton, about 65Years Deo. L. Thompson. ex-tnited States
.f age. ten Tuesday was found dead in hlinister to Brazil, ex -Congressman and
e miserable. houlsc in which she lived editor, committed suicide at Santa
alkene on Jackson street, her body he- Rosa, Cal., an Tuesday, by cutting his
ng frozen stiff. threat. Deehn1eney is supposed to
F, W. IL'.loktfsky, of Vancouver, has have been the cause,
mewed ee,000 damages from the Bri- The trial of sheriff Martin and his
tia•e. Columbia Electric Cami'any for 8:2 e"epnties began in the Luzern Coun-
the loss of his right a.rm, as the result ty Court, at Wilkesl:arre, Pa., on Tues -
of a tramway accident. day. They are charged with shooting
The annual report of the Depart- an 1 killing 22 striking miners, and
ment of Marine just issued show the wounding over 50 snore at Lattimer
eepeaiditure for the fiscal year to ie in September last.
57,12,970, clout 339,700 less than the The W.ghlend Park hotel, at Aiken,
Parliamentary vote. S. C., was destroyed by fire an Sunday
Graham Waddell„ a farmer of New- morning. The loss is 3140,000, with
d d rad
James the sots of Alpheus, and James distinct by special mention from all last he promptly confessed hooting mur-
thee Lord's brother—end that the last other diseases. The lepers were to dered Plague Commissioner Rand with
was the author of the Epistle General he eleansod because they were ritual- the aid of an acromglice5 and
of James, nothing more Le known Can- ase}tally to ph t a. na ether in dead" also that he was the telstigator of the
were. The phrase "rake the least"
cerning this Jambs; who is generally should be omitted. It is not tarring of the Queen's statue at Boole
in bihit:al literature distinguishe lfrom in the best manusarlpts, andthere bay, gee is about 28 years of age, and
James the brother of Jobe by being Is no rarer.. in Gospel .history well educated. About two years ago
of such a mdracle bai•ng wrought by a
entitled James the Less. Lebbeus, d4sciple. Freely ye have received. he estebliehee. a club or
lbuddeus, is elsewhere represented by freely give. This is not in contradic- at Poona11 and after a while he pro -
Judas the brother or son of James. I twee of that outer Injunction, "The posed that the members should, es far
laborer }s worthy of his hire." The mean as possible, collect all the arms they
4. Simon the Cananite should be tian- ,who gives of his time to the spread of
slated "Simon the eealot," el bleb. in- the Gospel should receive a comfort- could" Thereupon one member of the
dicates the religious patriotic Prater- able support from it. But anyone who club stole feud swords, two guns, and a
nicy to which be belonged before he be-' does religious work for Lhe meie sake
c a follower of Jesus Judas Is of earnelyg a living or• "making money"
'I Th' 1
ams as deeply gni ty, is saying 1ai•mcm-
cariot is getnerally understood to mean izes closely with that other saying of
Judas of lierioth, e. small town in Ju-' Jesus preserved. by Paul, "Lt is more
dee. A.11 the other apostles came from b'IPssed to give trail. to receive.”
1 9, Provide ,neither gold, nor silver.
Galilee. 1 nor brass in your purses. The mean-
s. These twelve. A consideration of Log of the word translated "provide"
the relationship of these men to Jesus is that they are 'n.:t to wait to get
and to each other raises one of the most ma'nhy before they start; rt does not
interesting questions in all history,sac- prohdbtt their takilog• what they have
on hand. Brass" should be "Bronze,"
red or profane. We know that Peter Ibe common coinage of the country.
couple of pistols, which he took to the
oleela-houise. 'Mats member's example
was followed by other's, and when a
certain quantity of arms had. been cele
lected Chapekar began teething the
members to fence. When questioned
aa to his matitve in collecting arms
Chapekar eaed, at table time, they would
prove useful in the event of further
disturbances with the Mohammedans or
['garnet the ltel.enalias, t&ut being twit -
and Andrew were brothers, and that'' 1110 coinage 0f Herod the Gletrt was ted about Iris valour, ho grew angry,
only ion broncos or copper; Greek acct
James and John were brothers ; wester- and in tris disputa whish followed
mise that Matthew it w and Thomas were Roman =nee, vvhltah in Galilee only
brothers ; an 1 it is possible that .lames U11e rich could handle, eves of gold and the club was broken up, and all tbe
the son of Alpheus and Judas the broth- silver. "Purses" were twisted girdles, arms collected were taken to his
er of James were brothers. if Salome, • 1° `vhfth the orientate then hid, and now house while be was absent at Bombay.'
the motber of James and John, was, litde, their matney. "In" should be On his return, Chapekar buried the
as is supposes, the sister of Mary, the , for,"
10 Nor scrip for your journey. No arms and sbortly afterward applied to
mother of Jesus, then the two eons of leathern pouch or sheepskin bag, such
Zebedee were first cousins," of as victuals were commonly carried in.
Jesus. And if Alpheus, the father of
James mil Judas, and possibly else of word "provide" in the last verse. The
Remember wloat was said about the
the British miltiary authorities at
Simla to be enlisted as a soldier. 1n
limey, he was told that his application
coati not lie granted, as it was im-
FE13, 18,1898
Matthew, was the husband of a second disciples were not prdhibited from car- possible to enlist a man of his par -
Mary, who was also sister of Salome xylem such a scrip, but they were not, ticular caste, the companies being all.
ant of the Virgin Mary, then those to wait to have It prepared. Neith-1of one caste not his pwn. He then of -
three apostles, also, and, possibly Thom- er two coats, neither shoes, nor yet ' fared to raise a whole company of
as, too, were our Lord's first cousins, staves. The coat was the tunic or I Deccan Brahmins, provided he was
That Jesus secured his earliest follow-; shirt, and. he would be regarded as I given some rank in the company. This
ars among intimate personal COI1ne2-, poorly prepare[. fortraveling who was offer was also declined, and from that
Bons, and at the same time was re without a dean one for change,
ejected by his very closest relatives, 10"Shoes" should be ' •sandars." Mark
In any rase evident, and very note- gives our Lord's command on this oc-
worthy. Another interesting cowed- rasion us a direction to be shod with
eratioc is that these men were se- sera : els and to have a staff, The explan-
leeted from the heart of active Pales- ation of the apparent ineonsislenry is saults on People belonging to the Re-
tinian life, Ilhey were all, so far as that the apostles were to have no sec- I formedparty, and finally to exclaim, in
we can tell, what wouldan
be called In one pair of shoes, d no second staff, the midst of excitement, over the
modern phraseology (1045ness men. or at. leash not to wait for the prepur- I plague restrictions at Pommel last sum -
There is no indication that they were titian of such, It is well to remind mer :—" So many people are dying of
exceptionally pear, except as they left ourselves that these directions were ' the plague; is there none prepared to
their all to follow Jesus. Jame:) and for this journey only, ane that Lhe mo- ' die putting an end to the author of
seems to have arisen his hatred for the
British and the Indian Governments,
which first lei him to cover with tar
the statue of Queen Victoria at
Bombay, then to commit several es-
market, Ont., is in the General Hao- 808,000 ,nsuraner• Oris bun re t1' John, indeed, were apparently arent.l, well -to.
l Toronto, sufferingfrum what Sixty-eight guests were sleeping In the do and Matthew's position as publican tree was the great speed with which all this tyranny The pollee Inter -
is k , n , the Gospelpreted
known as all S. -rays burn in the ab- hotel, tart they had net trouble in
geC- 1 ryas probably lucrative, 'Thera is over message was now to be natal this to be a direct incitement
Ong away tai -1.11 their baggage.
I p e sounied abroad through. Galilee. The to kill Commissioner Rand, who was
domen, which refuses to heal, g t •ll' 1 rzasan tt, believe that the twelve • impression on the mind of the apostle superintending the plague precautions.
Pressure is ,.eine brought to hear A. E. dten'en, of Chis a0, rave tag were men of mental force and with would Le twofold; first, they were to
upon the Government to place an ex- salesman, is al out to start a campaign good education for their times. Their go forth unincumbered with unneees-
ort duty an nickel ores. The matter of a'}vertising religion. He is of appreciation of the discouraes of Jea ear luggage; second, they were to he
dr 1• 11 etc can he Y
Chapekar killed. ;Lieut. Ayerest, be-
cause be anti his accomplices thought
the lieutenant had witnessed their kill-
ing of Commissioner Rand.
Will lx, left until Parliament has been use anon .
to advantage in tthe sale of liquor,
heard from 0)1 the subject. tobacco, eta, they can be put to tbe
The customs ,ism,returns for iesmil- same use in the sole of the Bible,
ton for January, 1808, show duties col-
lected amounting to 844,753.82, as come' GENERAL.
pared with 343,043.08 for January, I vire on Monday destroyed the village that the companions of his public life is mea
1897, an increase of 81,711,14, of Rancleguee, Switzerland. Three lives right to expect his maintenance. Ar.
The Customs Department has re- were not chosen Creat; among specially- Plumptre calla attention to the feat
were lost, trained rabbis or the niealthy IIerodian
+etvecl P47,000 from the collector at Deaths from tbe bubonic plague at aristocracy, but emphatienlly from the that Lhasa ll ores, which our Lord makes
secs ed from the making
the (3otnhay during the past seven days "common people," svlio were alike de- the groun:I of his command that men
number 927. seised by Pharisees and Herodiann. dos- shoo}:1 make do preparation for the
np11 18 of navigation last year,future aril commit themselves to their
It is reported It Lethbridge that the Latest reports say that 20 persons ,ant. forth. 'Ib travel through the htlther's care, are quoted by Paul, 1
Allsold to Railway e Coal ('om1 any have were killed and 50 injured as a result eountry i,y short trips, and repro Tim. 5, 18, as a plea for an organized
sold to ^r:Kenzie and Mann for the of the recent earthquake at Ilalikeer, sent him as tee Meosiol Commanded '.stem for the maintenance of the
Stickeen-'Perlin road steel rails for 80 Asia Minor. them, eiying, There. foliate three ser- 3.
and also four The Saltation Army has proposed_ to ids of dirertions, the first of w•hirli ministers of the Church, This is "a
Miles ti the roadbed, i n singular instenc0 of the varied appli- I
loaornotiwes, the Government of New South Wales is only the study in our lesson. It has to cation of the shrine truth. The same
establish a farm as a refarntalory for do with the brief azid importalnL mix- late reifies itself in many ways, now
The Vancouver P and of (rade bits boys ani s0:,1 011 wh1••11 the apostles were sent,
established, an egrney in Seat tie, girls. wh,•r+ they were to go, the. works they by heylitig topn.y the biro ofl.he 10b -
Wash., to aff::rd information of Van- A Government inspector who paid a here to do, what they Were to see, and oyer, now' by full confidence that. the
eouver's achantages over the United visit to a diamond mine near Prtlptoria. how t•hey were to ftel, The second ser- payment. may he left to God and to the
Mates cities in supplying, outOts for saw diamonds unearthed of formation ids, which is to be famed in the eight g1lceful }aaarts of men."
the Klondike. similar to Hie Limberley diamonds, verses immediately tale -twine the les- 1t1, Inciuire rv,ho it, it is •w•ortley,
M. Hays, General ,tau-, It i' re}:orte 1 at Perlin that a ran- I son, refers rather to the "permanent According to !Eastern custom• many
Mr. Mules 3 x Tracy lees been Tope 1 at Teheran, IMouses in each vil•ln.gie would be a, en
that. of the G.'C.(1„ denies the report p eiordi 1 of the el Gomel ministry,' Thetto the travelers, They must make sal -
that. the Grand'Tlun-: is inlereslinp' Persia, to mur,:er the Shah and to in- I third port, witioh clunes .his uhnpl:er
it 'lf in Premier Greenw•ay'4 scheme Mal a ee anger brother at the palace, of instructions, has to do with the min- lotio1 so Mat their hast 511511 not
sebrig cin their nlissluu an evil report.
for building a line' from Winnipeg to'. The export fan or hs pt trade ah New wo l of the Gospel.into
to the end of the 8
lake Superior ; Smith Wales for the past year showed I world. Go not. into Lhe way of the The d'isti[1e.tinm is not to be made. be-
An of £1070000. The exports of Ge-ntiles. Jesus himself van- cause or rank, but Bettors of disposi-
erted Teak of Meek amps. 1 e go increase p ye go thence,
is un the gala showed an Increase. of £807,146. I t I td. l• oundary of the tinnln thtromlibon till
reported at ono of the camps er I I t t and took his Go
Crow's Nest Pass Railroad, Two young It is rel10rted at Constantinople that
men from Nova Scotia, were left to die Emperor William of Germany has nod-
i bo se • without !nettled. attend- fled theSuiten thllt he maintains his
Prince Georgefn
to r1 t
0 o f opposition
ar[ mfr
nal -
in a x r i
II% as has often ,.teen sacci, Is proof of immersed and engrossed in their mes-
a good degree of mental development, sae. Socrates, the Greek philosopb-
At. the sante time, it is notable that not. err, more only a tunic, went without
only was our Lord himself born of a sen':als, and lived on the barest. necess}-
despised nation, of a decayed family, ties of life. The workman is worthy of
of poor parents, and in a stable, but h, t.. 'the ansier of God has a
nret 1(10x•1 10 se to house," Lula.
111(1,,0 Lnn• once or • .+, .tetion was to avoid
with him, but even hs dealer- 10. 7. i'.his
opus that
ell that during his !Hotline at least arousing jeulauynes, and orilrrisnrs, orad
his mission wits to the lost sheep of the geese?, and to fail
r the Goy- lose of Israel, into any city of 111e rtl•ngeme'nt of time that the hest re.,
if. neTile neral
h e
1rwouldattained, ane bet t
nof Crete, n ul g
c n..rsh. i C cold
[rIt o
of -sir
weer t recording e• not. � The Saan
e .e rayl i he
Inrfrater e
d.3Samaritans •ileus e v
tF,. am t
i 10 the
warship mac
rights under the irrigation art will Terri- Oldo'nl giro the German ti a P uritans were 115,1E Gentiles, and were hospitality of the }+east bas
t ogles Depar l.,Y the l elite, ash rsaOlA man
timet C,0(01 nacre ranted by the Jaws than development of Ions and hotels in that
Vales Regina, instement. of Putti rets l.' Aman named Luis (1.11 I, azo, who were even the heathen, '.Their country tardy,
gory d Otta of as heretofore in Cal. I African r risons, :l p ('aha from the ancestor'! were leri'arians, whom 12, \WVhen ye (14Bmle lmi:o u,n house,
ginrY agrl Ottawa. Ie ,11 prisons, exploded a bomb at the king of. A8301(1 ]tad top salute tet, le shield_ be 'tile" house-
- Su trema Court of British Cohan.' the private reni[IP.nre of the Conan l'- ttlred and dragged Wogs the wilder- that its, the pause, CMP family, whish ,las
1 y,nor been found worthy, The sal.utatien of
I'racticttuy All the Anleriean Cornpanlrs
Now Inkier ORO \Itutage,nrnt.
A despateb from Chicago says:—All
the biscuit and cracker companies be-
tween Salt Lake City, en the west,
Portland, Maine, on the east, St. Paul,
on the north, and New Orleans, on the
south, are now under one management.
The name of the n 1w concern, which
was incorporated cm Thursday in the
State of New Jersey, with a capital of
$25,000,000 of preferred and. 930,000,-
000 of common stock, is the National;
Bisouie Company..
The actual trausilrrs of the deeds of
the various plants controlled by the
companies merged. into the National
Company took place on Thursday in
let has quashed the conv}ctlon of a mane ear-. sear of Havana,
coal mine owner for employing Chin Miguel Diaz. ,5. number of doors were
ase in the mines, on the grout that, broken, and a large hole made in the
while the Act prohibited the employ- house. The Diaz family au'l those In -
melt of Chinese, it dict not provide any habiting neigh) curing houses were pa
penalty for its infraction, nit-etriokon. 11.80 was captnresl while
er- attempting i.o escape.
ri2r. Charles Stiff, formerly
intendent of the Great Western Rail-
way, will probably succeed Mr. 5'. 115
Smith as Seorelary of the Hamilton
Board of Trade. (r, Smith's resigns-
lion has Leen tweeted, as he is go-
ing to San Francisco.
Another fire ip:urappce comprintq has The Merlin Lokai Anzeiger prints a
Imva fvrnlecl to have Its head. drive In rtes arab from its Athens correspond -
Toronto, The. eomp•iny will he ltnovvn p
,.the Equity Eire. Ineluraire Ct:m- ant, saying that Bing George is great-
'�n'ny, :'It has an autltor1zed melted of ly depressed by the situation in Greece,
.31,000,000, 'subscribed capitol of $800,- In ronvereation the other day with a
S 1 C't ha was vvtlhng L abdicate if h
oatmeal, ,pollee, orad 0110 Amrrienn re- a suitahlr, President, hat he gnestionad
d po li e :mrd. b1.}s aid the. Whether such „a Mall could be found.
tn0ulitad police mC'l,eltlabridgr, have re -
says, Ur Io Stoutly To 1r the Orreiw Want n
nMO, ant, 510(11115) 18.4)1(01 so far of $3U:
Y•, aiurnller of prominent Wren he de[lared
„00 the
t comes from ,'alt ].a"ce :rd.,,y
wished Lo estab Isla a r•,Q.,lblla, Tie
of trough in the Yukon htstn.1 the tv ul1 even 0,88)01 im 501001,1On 0f
�n net -tie t Tlabrew s amp
Hess t n
liedof their native IIchrnnv inhathl- the. East ill, "Pewee -be with thee, partes
tants, 7'he desolation of the land he to this .Ionise,"
hronghl many scourges, among them' 13. If t'ilb 110035. be worthy, let your
the reel l inerecuse of lions and other pone a come upon it. This is an en -
wild beasts, and with a very Ila1ural n,'r )) ,anent; not a enminenll to Ile
superstition the colonists turned to die doles, but out. .edict from God, Their
the gods of the land for protection, g • et'. ewes not merely aform of
traveler, if thvi host were. realiy in
James A. Bell, of Beaverton, Ont.,
brother of the .Rev. John 'Wesley Bell,
BA victim prostrated
the by
eufor headaches years.
South American Nervine effected •
complete .care.
In their own particular held few men
are beter known thou the Rev. John
Wesley Bell, B,D., and his brother Mr.
James A, Belt The former win ne re-
cognized by his thousands of friends all
over the country as the popular and able
missionary superintendent of the Royal
Templars of Temperance. Among the
20,000 members of this order in Ontario
his counsel 15 sought 0n all sorts of oc-
casions. On the public platform he is one
of the strong men of tbe any, rattling
against the ovals of iutcmperanee.
Equally well known is Mr. Pell in other
provinces of the Domluion, having been
for years a member of the Manitoba
Methodist Conference and part, of this
SIr. Jams A. Bell, is nighty
respected resident of Beaverton, w•nere
his influerlee, though perhaps more cir-
cumscribed than that of his eminent
brother, is none the less effective and
productive of good. Of recent years,hew
over, the working ability of Mr. James
A. Bell has been sadly marred by severe
attacks of nervous headache, aecom-
workdby wheni this ttroubleWho
akesa can
do flt
Jewish priests were sent then, who
inetrueted them in the Hebrew rel'i-
TIintermarried ith the
words, Lille t11ta "Peace" of the average
glen. They yr herneetwy villi tbo message, the peens
Jews that were lett In rho land, or of God which p1tssel:h understim'1111
wlto rel:urned luta it, and seem to have would. really (0seenel upon him been loosely regarded as members of tr. Lt be not, worthy, ylet 7001'lustpeace
the ,1'ewish nation until Nehemiah's rriurn to you, A 10(101 0od•s wrore-
rigid reformation excluded 1110111. 1!rom
that time on they made tbn[nse}ves
daul,ly hotted by the Jews by their arro-
gant, maims, (1101 Lord afterward in -
streets the apostles to go t0 Samaria,
Aa. 1. A.
, to the loot sheep of
0. Go rnt.hrr
the house of Isre1. We must remem-
ber that this limitation was a recog-
1 fil'il,ror a m. end Merl. to, the rGentile ;' thatit
tern of. the stete'men' that'
shall not return to him void. The pray-
er of the apostle for peace on the house
in which he lodges will in no rase lie
mist. If the gene ly be morally un-
worthy and insapahle of receiving Ileo
hheas,ing, 2,1at hleesing will at least
Came (IOWA upon the head of the apes.
Lai himself.
14, Shake off the dust of your feet.
A sinn.iler emblematic action, arising
them and especially when it becomes
chronic, as was, seemingly, the cape w1
Mr. Bell? The trouble reached wens.
tensity that last June he was eo p' t
ly prostrated. In this condition a friend
recommended South Ame-rlcan Nervne.
Ready to try anything and everytnigs;
though he thought he had covered the
list of proprietary medicines, he neared
a bottle of this great discovery. A
second bottle of the medicine was takey
and the work was done. medicine
own language: 'Two bottles of South
American Nervino immediately relieved
my headaches and 1,ave bunt up my
system in a wonderful manner," Let us
not deprecate the good our merit/met
and social reformers are doing In the
world, but how ill -fitted they Mould be
for their work were it not the retie(
that South American Nervine brings to
nl ills overtake
them when physio
Ithem, and when the system, as a re-
sult of hard, earnest and continuous
i work, brealte down. Nervine treats t11
system as the wise reformer treats tbq
evils be is battllug against, 1t strikes a
the root of the trouble. Ail diet
ease comes from disorganization of the
new centers. Tbis is n seielaitle fact,
Nervine at once works on these nerve
centers; gives to them health and vie*
or; and then there co0saes through the
system strong, healthy, life-in/tint siniae
blood and nervous troubles of eyed
variety are things of the past.
Sold by G. A. Deadman.
111e office of the Illinois Trust and Sav-
ings Bank in this city,
Tile new company hes purchased for
tasil ell the assets, bills receivable, and
operating plants of all the bakeries
wliioh were controlled b3' the Amen -
min Biscuit and Manufacturing Com-
pany, United States Baking Com -
rimy, anti New York ;Biscuit Company,
t cd. os
all the, rodeI1 e n
Ie also assumes
aid in
The a
r les. 0
companies. 1
stock and cash is 323,000,000.
Ask Tour+elf When it Begins — Then head
the Following.
Those who have been insisting that
the twentieth century begins on Jan-
uary 1, A.U., 1900, evidently do not
know what is the meaning of the
word " century." The following defin-
ition, should put an end to the con-
" A period of one hundred years reck-
oned from any starting point, as a cen-
tury of national independence, a con-
tury of oppression. Specifically, one of
a number of hundred year peri.nds,
reckoned Dither forward or backward,
from some recognized era. Thus, the
Relief 'Pkat. 4he. $1101) 14,tutterrell i'. s.
Certificates were glade 50 This Comm.
A despatch from \4'a,sbington saysT.'here is stong reason to believe the
counterfeit 5100 silver cert}ficetes re -
neatly discovered were made in Canada.
Secret service agents, aided by Canad-
ian police., are now searching through
that region.
11. is understood (hot every en-
graver who has been employed in Gov-
ernment offices, hotly here and in Pom-
ade, and who is known to be of auf-
firient; ability to 11ave done the work,
is ticlnw Miler constant surveillance,
ft (3T:eTievedanother Conn ter fettwill
soon follow the first, ilnleaa the rrtmi-
mils are run down and 4110* ,Il
About 30,000,060 o(11 of ;lt211,000,009 of
ge nii111 81011 rertifi ettes oriy,iml,lly out-
standing have been turned into t110
treasury for redemetion aryl nineteen
enunterfeiis have been found.
Oast century of the Cltrtstian era be-
gan with the year A. 1). 1, µn:1 ex-
tended to the end of the year 100,
the third.oentury began with 201 and
ceded with 900, and the eighteenth con-
tur3• began with 1701 anal ended with
1800, the year completing the hundred
year periol in cath instance giving
the century."
to d. v"
the mains
for' to .
lost sir torero a 3 t
isalt g
t 1
out that just as the series of ono hun-
dred years, composing the first cen-
tury, began with A. D. 1, and ended
with the end. of A. D. 100, than the
series composing the second century
begets with A. D. 101 and. ended with
the end. of A. D. 2110. So, too, must 2114
series of one hundred years composing
the twentieth century begin with
D. 1000 and end with the end. of A.
0, 2000.
minlster of Justice 'chinks 51141 Time Be.
t4weell Sentence and Execution Too
like 50511 (iet a Maar Outlet When 181(8•
alq (IIs Ilerared.
The London Times, referring on Dion -
A despatch from Ottawa says:—Mr.
Mills finds that the time between the
reception of a judge's report and the
date fixed for pea exeoution is too
short to give the 0ase proper study.,
Accordingly a letter has been address-
ed by the Under-Secretary of State
to the judges as follows:—"Consider-
able incoavenienee Ime resulted lir sev-
eral cap}taI cases by delay la the trans-
mission of the evidence and the trial
proceedings, and from the short time
allowed between the day when the
senten'e was pronounaerl and the date
fixed for the exeouti,rn. I have the
honour to inform you that in the fu -
thee, to give more time for the
study of cases Poor Council andfor de-
ctsian of the Governor -Genera{, a cone
siderahle time ought to be allowed be-
tween the date of sentence and the day
fixed for the oxeoutiaa, and moa'eoveil
that the evidence and triad pra•.oetlings
should be scat to the Secretary of
State Immediately
after r tho trial lvith'
tub very shortest Leatpossible delay."
seereible. Hato of an Elderly Woman 1n
• A despatch from Hatei1tan says: 5n
an old frame dwelling off Jacltson St„
the body of Miss Colo, an elderly 410 -
man, was found on Tuesday morning,
There was very little furniture in the
house, and nothing to eat, and it is
believed that the unfortunate woman
wan starved, She had lived alone in
the horse for soiree time. She was
last seen on Saturday, On Sunday a
day euol•n10g to the. claim of Francs 10 neighbor 'went to the house with some
an outlet on the navigable part of the, food, but was unable to get in.
Niger for her Soudan eal :Dahomey let morning,Mrs, Fanning, failing Lo
get into the house, looked in
the wine
est.ablislenellts, saysi--"France haseto
right whatever to such an outlet; and
a pretrn'ion to oh(a}n Ct• tit P,n"•latntl'e
OW, and saw the apparently lfe-
-less body of .her neighbor on the
floor. Subsequently the pollee en -
expense I
ense is a roposal which (melts Only teuedl the house, and found the body.
he 'aocolCed on the hy;:othenis that Judging by thoseanty furniture in the
Cheat. Britain had Inst the power to ,houai the woman' was In destitute 81 r
de fund her legit}Inate pasi05510ns, cnmlitaflee8,