HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1898-2-18, Page 5Till. 18, 1.898 lG ;. THEL aw, i$hlig1e Planing Mills. ell ]tinge of good loge wanted, A good n in the yard to measure logs. )uetom sawing will begin on Menlo 1st o before 1f open weather, ;,00d Maple flooring cheap. Aeh V 0 nt from $0 to $14. Bills cut to order. ihingles for sale. ti c S. S. COLE, .1ondike AALi- CANADIAN GOLDFIELDS. BRUSSELS TO 1sT CLAES END OLAse RANGEL 6 87 20 $70 20 J READ 05 20 74 20 0 PEA 108 20 79 20 0 AGWAY 108.20 82 20 I 'EA (Taiya) ! 108 20 82 20 er tickets, rates and u information ap- p to J. N. KENDALL, Agent, Brussels. re GEO. HEYD, " Ethel. McLEOD'S e yst®xx<a. Iler,ovator —AND 000E11— TESTED REMEDIES 'ECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE I Impure, Weak and Impoverished I od, Dyepeneia, Sleeplessness, Palpiba- ti of the Et art, Liver Complaint, Nenr- a a, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Oon. e tption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney a Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, I tale Irregularities• and General De. bility. L 30RATORY, GODERICH, QaIT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. S 1 by Sins, Pox, Druggist, Brussels. BRUSSELS I "UIP WORKS. a of 11 tt a lc V71111 to inform the people of Brinsele surrounding district that I have pur- sed the Pump Business of JAMES LL and will be found ready attend 11 wants either work or repairs i in new v p noderate prices. o better Pump in the market. rder left at my shop or residenoe or '. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly red after. .Orders taken for the Digging of Ile and Cisterns. Cromer Green, 74 LL STREET, - BRUSSELS. 11IILES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles exD•— North Shore Pine and Cedar F R SALE la THE )russeIs Planing bills AI s Doors and Sash of all Pat be a on hand or made to order at .bort Notioe. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. P. AMENT 114 ' e After' Wood's Phosphodina, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by aI druggists in Canada. Only roll ado medicine discovered, SL� ckages guaranteed to cure al for of Sexual Weakness, all otfoots of abase ort ass, Mental Worry, llxceseive use of To. bac,Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt bt 1 e, ono package 81, six, 75. Ono will please, 141 .101100. Templeton free to any address. ''Zho Wood Company, Windsor, Onto , I 'd iuli-rtteols by 6, A, DIIADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller k Optician. 11:01)5, its , Moltitawortla. ClntosE Feoxonr.—The annual meeting of the Molesworth Cheese and Butter 00, Waa held on the 25th alt. The total quantity of milk reoeived during the BOA. son of 1807 was 4,448,087 the,, making 405,412 lbs. of cheese. The total amount reoeived for cheese was 834,418.50, out of which the patrons were paid the hand- some sum of 820,010,27. The average prior, per Ib, of cheese for the season was 8 4Dabe, Average lbs, of mills to make 1 lb. of cheese, 10 07. The old board of Directors was re•eleoted, namely, II. Cummings, 1I. Coghlia, Wm. Fraser, Peter Crerar and W, T. Mo1%ee, 11. Cummings was re•eleoted president, H. Cogblin secretary, W. Woods salesman, end S. MoGeorgs troasnrer. Molesworth factory has nob gone into the oreamery business, the pabrons being well sablefiod with the Klondike nuggets derived train the oheeee business. —� C cele rich. Howse Gmanee.—A oar load of bath furniture was shipped to Toronto on Monday of last week from bho Godsrioh organ faotory.—R. ltadollffe has been re. appointed ticket agent for the 0. P. R.— Dr. Yeomans, of Winnipeg, will lecture in Goderiob, under the =spine of the W. 0. T. U., on the evening of Thursday, Feb, 24th. Subject, "The Story of Christian Freedom."—At the meeting of the Horbioniturs society in the Court House, Thursday, the 17th inst. The subjeob for discussion will be the "Vege- table Garden," with Jas. Wilkinson ns leader.—About forty young people, chiefly members of the D. L. 0. E., of North.eb. Methodist oburoh, accompanied by Rev. Jos. and Mre. Edge, visited the League of Rattenbury et., Clinton, Monday evening of last week.—The offeoial board passed a unanimous resolution, asking Rev, Mr. Godwin to remain as pasbor of Victoria street Methodist church, and the rev. gentlemau aaoepted it, subject of course to the will of the stationing oom• mibee.—S. G., eon of John Bailie. of towu, now of Stanford Univereity, Cali. fornix, has boon ohosen one or, the repre- sentatives on a oollege debate, between Stanford and the California >Tniversity. The College 8o which S. G. Bailie is at- taolied has over 1200 students, and to be seleobed to represent so lsrge a body is a great honor,—Wm. Marlton, will shortly make a start relixing the dredge "Arn- oldf," and will partly rebuild bhe tug "Ortario," tints giving a number of men employment. .el.tvvooU. W. E. Alesauder has sold his farm of 100 acres, lot 30, eon. 8, Elena, to E. Mar- tin for 84.400. Mr. Alexander intends to go West to Edmonton, Northwest Terri- tory, where he has relatives living. Ilx-Reeve Dickson is getting material on the ground for a handsome two storey brink resideuoa to be ereoted next Som- mer. It will cost in the neighborhood of 81,200. There is a lot of building going on in Eh= this year. J. A. Turnbull met with a serious ao- nfdont on Monday of last week ; the team he was working beoame frightened and ran dragging him aboub 80 rode ; one of the horses kicked him in the thigh making a severe flesh wound. His bank is also somewhat hurt. He is confined to his bed but we hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Y CHEESE MEr•,TrN°.—The annual meet- ing of the patrons of Maitlaud oheeee fee• tory was held Jan. 27th. The Sony.- Treas. statement gave the following figures : No. of lbs. of milk reoeived for the season of 1897, 1,270,135. No. of lbs, cheese manufaotured, 117,785. Season's average lbs. of milk required to make lb. of cheese, 10.78. Average price for sea- son per 100lhe,, 86.40. Manufacturing rate for season, 1.16. IIE0E1PTs. Total amount of money reoeiv ed for ()been$ 0888 19 Reoeived iuteresb an credit balance 14 95 Total reoeipba 89808 14 DIa5D1EEDIENTa. Paid for manufacturing 6 1354 51 Paid for insurance 20 24 Paid for drawing milk 817 18 Paid to patrons by cheese 221 64 Paid to patrons by cash 7978 50 Other expenses 11 07 89898 14 Edward Broughton, John Krogal and John E. Rowland were appointed a managing committee for 1808. Samuel Smith, salesman ; J. R. Hammond, Seoy.•Treas., and Thos. J. M000lrt, audi- tor. that, After devotional vicereine, conduct• 1 od by the /enter, Julia 11ouutn11 Wes °looted Cheirin n and Wm. Cage Seem. tary, Reports for 1807 were preaenied from the Session, Board of 'Trustees, � Sabbath School, W. h'. M. Se awl Y. P. S. 0. le. Tho followiug aro automat -in of the reports I—The Beseioli reported tt membership of 273-211 now mmnimre, 12 on profession of faith, and 17 by oertin. cats ; removals 19---1 by death, 11 by certificate, and 7 without certificate ; 7 infante were baptized ; three communion servieoe were held during the year, at whioh the average attendance of eom• munioants was 200. The total receipts on account of Sisseton fond were $151,- 50,expenditures, 8113,14,leaving a bal- an05 of $58.00, 8235.80 were reoeived by the Session for the euhomes of theohurall, in addition to which there was reoeived a ooneiderable sum by means of epeoial Sabbath oolloctions, (71isa tows. LITTLs OIEOLEs.—At the meeting of the official board of Rattenbury St. Meth°• disb ohnroh, a resolution of sympathy with W. Doherty was unanimously oar- ried.--Conduotor Walmsley was ill ab his home in London, and his place was being taken by relieving conductors, -The Commercial Hotel property, together with the Curling rink, hag been sold by Mr. Shunk to J. J. MoOaughoy, of Blyth, for the sunt of 85,100. The purchaser takes possession on March 17th.—Jamie Steep, of town, has sold his farm, being lot 45, on the Bayfield cod„ (near town) to Alex. Elliott, for somewhere in the neighborhood of $4,800. There aro 76 aores in the lot and lllliotb bee had it rented on shares for some time.—On Thursday evening, Feb. 8r8, A. 0, Patti- son and wife euterbalnsd a number of friends at their residence, it being. the 25th anniversary of their marriage.— The erection of several valuable brick buileings in town hinges on the carrying of the loan bylaw.—'Lbs Canadian Ilotne Oirole ban promptly paid the insurance claim of 88,000 on the life of the late Mre, EL R. Walker. -Hon. A. S. 1lardy and W. H. Perrin, of this town, attend• ed the same aohool in their younger days, and the letter hos watched with mall in. tercet the progress of his boyhood ootn• panien.—Jacob Taylor a has 'rented the premises in the Palade Block, formerly occupied by Dr. Shaw, and will open en insaneness efface there, he being agent for the Confederation Life and also Fire In. =mum Co.—Bleak Clark, of Exeter, f0 the latest addition to the Home of Refuge inmates, making the total theeein 80.— All the inenranoe adjusters oouneotion witb the Dobeety Organ Factory flee, have been hero and made satisfactory adjustments of the claims.—'Tho anm1ai meebing of Willie ohuroh Was 11e1d in the Ware room Cot Wednesday evoningr 9bli Lamm aLINna, —Writ, Brednook has loft to attend the Owen Sound College.— John White and wife lefb this station for Manitoba.—Thos. Bennett shipped a our load of cattle to Manitoba Last week.— Joe. Eaton, late iu the employ of J. J. Doyle, of Conn, has seamed a situation with Ione Sandorsou, blaoksmitb, Vie. toxin street.—Educational sermons were proaohed iu the Methodist ehnrsh last Sunday by Rev. David Rogers, of Blue. vale. Robt. Moleanghlin and wife, just South of this village, has returned from Hibbert, where firs. MoL. had been at. bending the bedside of bee mother, Mrs. Dow. The old lady is very low.—Wm. Walden, who has beau engaged with lea= Sanderson, blaaitamith, Victoria street, for the past two years, has left to visit friends in Mount Forest, prior to his departure for Treherne, Man.—After their regular meeting the L. 0. L., No, 767,110111 a Royal Aroh degree meeting, and four members were initiated into the myater150 of that Want -ions degree.—The horse fair beougbb a largo number of peo- ple to town. Several buyers were pear- ent, and quite a number of borne were offered for sale. Very fety sales.—A couple of weeks ago, Jacob and Jos. Bee- witberiole splib and piled 23 cords of maple wood in 19 hours, on the farm of Richard Earngey, 9th con, The day be. fore they split and piled 9i cords in 7 hours. In both of these instances they felled their own timber. ]Bluevaie, TunusumUY Corvom.—Minutes of Coun- cil meeting held in Putland's hall, Blue. vale, on Monday, Feb, 7th, 1808. Mem- bers all present, Reeve in the ohair. The lnin,bes of lash meeting read, approved and eigued. Oommunioatious were read from J. Ross Robertson, re Wok Obiid- rens' Hospital, Toronto ; J. A. Gray and Patriots McGlynn, re. culvert on 15th sideline, con. 12 ; and from Geo. S. Homestead, re municipal drain deben- tures, and from township of Morris, with a000unt of boundary expenditure, 1897. Cruickabanks— Mosgrove—That we transmit the sum of $4,00 bo the Hos- pital for Sick Children, Toronto. Car- ried. Coupland—Mitchell--That if any ohaege in patbmasters is required in any of the road divisions of the township, the ratepayers should notify some member of the council before the April meeting. Carried. Mosgrove— Oroiokshanks— That Mr. Coupland be authorized to in. speot 15th sideroad iu 12th oonoassion and take sn01t action in respect to culvert as may be required. -Carried. The Council. rt auditors report was laid before C P Mosgrove— Oxniokr,hanks — That the auditors' reporb be received and adopted. Carried. Mitoball— Coupland — That auditors be paid 810 each for Choir nevi. ccs. Carried. Mosgrove—Ooapland— That Mr. Cruioksbenks see Thos. Scott at John Little's, and take any notion be may see fib towards getting him to the Poor House or otherwise, Carried. The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—A. MoEwen, auditors' salary, 810 ; D. Fraser, do., 610 ' J. R. Robertson, Fink Childrens' Hospital, 6200 • Mnnioipal World, aseeseor's guide, 50e ; J. Burgess, balance of salary, 810 ; J. Burgess, postage and stationery, $12 ; Peter Mol ares, postage and stationery, 67 ; Jas. Mo1ardy, oleaning out culvert, 81 ; Wm. McPherson, attending audit, 62, Coupland—Mitoball—That this Council da now adjourn, to meet in. Put - land's Hall, 1310evale, on Monday, April 4th, at 10 o'olook a. ne. Jolty Bun0Ess, Clerk. Trosvbrideere. W. H. Code has purohased the park lob belonging to Mrs. Graham. Mrs, Graham intends moving into the house on the 2nd concession, PEsssie0ATION.—A very pleasant event took place on Monday evening of last week in the basement of the Methodist ohuroh after the regular meeting of the League had been oonoluded, it being a presentation to Stephen Oosena, who in. tends removing to Parkhill in the Spring. The address was read by T. J. Later and the presentation was made by R. G. Code and Gey. Mozell, The address was as follows e To Stephen Owns. DEAR PEIEND AND BEOTmEE,—we, bhe members and Mende of the Trowbridge Epworth League, 11140 learned with re. grab of your intention to remove from our midst, we feel that the life you have lived while here has been of help and pro- fit to the ohuroh, the Epworth League and to ourselves individually, It has al- ways been a pleasure to us to see with what ready willingness you gave your as- sistanoe in all work, ordinary or speoial, pertaining to the ohuroh, and while we lay great stress upon your work in this department, we would also assure you of our most sincere eppeeoiatiou of your Mom in 0onuec8ion with the League and the oa10e of temperauoe, We have also merited the Christ -like spirit whioh you ab allaimos manifest as well as 1ho en- thusiasm you haveshowu for the 08th0 of Christ• we are very sorry to part with you, bub es you have been a benefit to ue, so now a0 the give you up, we do so be - Raving that those with whom you go to reside will be benefited as we have been ; and now we ask you to unapt this obaie for yourself and meet and piotnre for your oietoeas a memento of the affection we do now and trust always will boar to - Weeds you. Signed in behalf of the League, Yarns Cons, JENNIE 1411111000E. Mr. Coolie although taken quite una- wares made a very imitable and fooling reply, in which he said he was pleased to know that as he west away he took with him the hearty good will of the young people fie ivaa nlanitdtt by the ovening'e T11F likl11 S SEi,S POST prnror tings. Ito said that if his life amen,; 111811 had been of benefit to thorn nothing afforded hint more pleasure than to know that they appreciated It, Ile had always tried to live a life aoneptable to his Master and it was hie Intention to continua to do 80. He believed that his liepu'ture was divinely ordered. Ile con- cluded by thanking the young people for Hole manifestation of their good will and neared them that he would ever °twelsh fond recollections of the Trowbridge young people. 1)'orUvc•ictle. nue-rens.— Dort, Young, who has been worlslug in a furniture factory he Berlin for some time, has returned to town.— John Hooey, et Belmoro, purobaesd a number of horses ab the Horse Fair in Lowe, which he shipped with others from Harrisbon to Glasgow,—OnMonda after- noon of last week the choir of the Presby. toriau church of this village enjoyed their anneal sleigh-rids,—F. A. Donaghy will open out a now stook of dry goods, gee- erne, rogertoe, boots and shoes, etc., in the Arling• ton House,—W. II, Kerr, who ran a bakery business in Wroxeter for some years, moved to town on Saturday and has taken up his abode in the Downey block. Ile is having au oven built.—The annual missionary sermons of Trinity choral wore preached on Sunday by the pastor,—Anniversary sermons and a lecture will be delivered in the Methodist church here, by Rev. T. Albert Moore, of Palmerston, on Sauday and Monday, Feb, 20th and 21st, rsspeobively,—Mies Maggie Rogers, who has been teaching sohool at Never for the past few years, is at prolene at her home here.—James Lit. tlejohn, a guard in the Hamilton asylum, is at present visiting relatives and friends iu the vicinity.—Mm. Robert Gibson, who has been attending her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Williamson, of near Mount Forest, who has been very ill for the past few weeks, brit is now recovered, returned home.—Wo am likely to have electric lights before long, as Mr. Hooey has three powerful looking engines sot up now, and we hear expects the rest of the machin• cry next week. Listow ----d-- LINELEes.—The Morgan Wood lectors, which was to have been given in 000050• tiou with the library, has been declared off.—Wm. Heppler left to resume his duties at Chinago. On bis way back he paid short visits to Stratford and De. troit. John Heppler left also for Toron• to.—Sheriff Hoseie, returning officer for North Perth, was in town the fore part of last week arranging for polling booths and deputy returning offiesre for the On- tario eleotions.—A. McDonald has closed his branch store in town and is shipping the balance of the stook to hie Stratford store.—J. S. Gee has fitted up the store recently purchased by him on the West side of his grocery, and has moved his stook of dry goods into it.—Listowel bas another laundry, Val. G. Rifler & Co. having opened a laundry in the Morrow building, corner Main and Raglan streets, This makes three laundries in town.— Zinn 8a Greve are removing their boot and shoe store to G. Zilliax's store on Wallace street, lately occupied by Van - deices Bros.—Miss J. M. Green has re. turned home from Brandon where she holds a position as head milliner in a leading dry goods house in that western town. Tho reoene falling out between the G. T. R. and C. P. R. has bad the ef. feet of causing the former company to re- open a number of its town offices. The Listowel elfin is one of themand J. A. Hacking has been x -a ointed ticket a pp agent. Court Listowel No. 519, 'nee - pendent Order of Foresters attended a special service fn Christchurch on Sun. day at 3 p. m„ when Rev. Bro. H. W. Jeanes, rentor, preached a sermon to the members of the Order. 3.,ueli.pno-1v. LITTLE LINES.—R. J. Cameron, of this village, has secured a patent on a DOW pomp.—J, C. Lyons, of this village, has been eleoted lsb Vioe•Preaident of the Huron County poultry association. -000. Douglas has disposed of his livery barn in Ripley to T. Yemen, jr., of that plan.— D. R, McIntosh will represent Lnoknow Lodge at the Grand Lodge meeting of the United Workmen in Toronto this week —All the old municipal officers were re• elected for the current year, as follows : Hugh lviorrison, clerk ; John Murchison, treasurer ; J. N. Ross, assessor and col- lector ; Thos. Douglas, water works engi- neer.—Ab a meeting of the Official and Trustee Boards of the Lucknow Metho- dist ohuroh on Tuesday evening last, a unauimons invitation was extended to the Rev. W. H. Looks, of Parkhill, to be- come their pastor for the next Conference year, beginning in July next.—At the re. oent meeting of the Orange County Lodge at Blaokhorse, Wm. Taylor, of this vill- age, was sleeted County Master, and Rev. Mr. Hall, of Bervie, Deputy -Master. It was deoided that all lodges North of Kin- cardine shortie celebrate the coming 12811 of July near Giammie, bub the Southern lodges were allowed to attend any de- monstration they desired. — There is likely to be trouble over Joe Armebrong's cow. Armstrong bought a quantity of what he thought was salts at Hodgin's store in Kinloss but through a mistake he was given saltpetre. Ho administered the medioine to his oow, so he alleges, and in a few holm afberwarde she was dead. Now he claims damages and we understand there 18 to be a suit over it. .13lrtli. BLINStLET0. —Joseph Hablcirls is chair. man for 1898 of the School Board.—Basi. nese is booming with the Canadian Order of Foresters and at their nest regular meeting they sxpeot to initiate six new candidates Gilbert Vint, of East Wawa. nosh, met with a painful acoident. While in the act of cleaning out a well the badder broke and he ware precipitated into the water. One of his shoulders was dislocated by striking the pump.—J. 2, Mooanghey, who has been the obliging landlord at the Queen's hotel for the peat these years, bas disposed of his interests to Mr. Sboena8oher, of Blake. Mr. Mo• Oaughey will go to Clinton, where he has perahneed the Commercial hotel and skating x1013,—• Richard Sanderson, of Hullett, suffered the fractare of a bone in hie left leg below the knee on Friday, He and his brother were in the not of placing in position a hoisting apparatus in the barn and were standing on a plank about six feet from the floor, when the brother stopped from the plank, which threw Richard to the floor, and the iron weight of 150 pounds. which was about 15 feet from the floor, fell and broke his leg, --Building operations fn Blyth daring the coming seas00 are likely to be very _.. brisk. New trials rOsidonuos will be built by D. I3. Moleinnon, S. Herrington and S. IL. Gidley,—J. W. Boil promoted,y Trinity 01100011 with a beautiful granite baptismal fount, Mr, Bell made the pre. notation in memory of bis wife, who was an earnesb worker for Trinity (thumb. —Mrs, A. W. Carter hoe sold her reel. demo an Qceen street to Wm. Bell, and bas purohaeed from Itoherb Howard the residence on Dinsloy street at present oo- oupied by Elam Livingston. Exeter. NEWBY Bnuers, A load from Hensall spent a ploasaub evening at the Exeter rink.—Ittram Davis, of the 4th nonoses, sion of Usborne, has sold his fifty acre farm to Thos. Mattison, of Biddulph.— M, Clark, one of our oldest residents, has moved, bag and baggage, to the House of Refuge, where lee purposes ending his days.—W. 1, Gandy, of Ridgetown, was iu town recently, on business in 000000 - tion with the late Richard Piokard's esbato,—Geo. Webb, of the 20th con. of Stephen, had a ewe which gave birth to a lamb over throe weeks ago —The Exeter Hockey team drove to Clinton and played a game with the team of that place and were defeated.—John Trebel, Exeter North, met with a painful accident. He was engaged in nutting wood when the axe slipped and came in oontaot with bhe foot, nutting a severe gash and severing the tendon.—S, Baskerville has purohas• ed from Wm. Bowden the property form. eriy owned by G. Bowden, Main street, and occupied by Mrs. Thos. Newton, payiug the sqm of $450 for it.—Ohas. Wilson, of Hensall, late of Listowel, hav- ing leased the Mansion House here from Robb. Leathern, bee parohased Ralph O'Neil's satire hotel furnishings and will take possession March 2nd. Mr. O'Neil has nob yet decided where he will locate, but intends leaving town.—Extensive preparations in the building line are being made for the coming Summer, and sever• al fine residences are to be erected.—B. H. Collins received the sad intelligence on Wednesday of last week of the death of his only brother, who recently died of typhoid fever in Australia. He was Principal of a High school and leaves to mourn his demise a wife and six child- ren. Sealortli. LITTLE SPAnsLEo.—Harkness Bros., of Toronto, shipped a car of fine horns from here to Liverpool.—The Broadfoot ik Box Furniture Co. shipped four oar. loads of furniture to Liverpool and two to Nova Scotia, one day last week.—We notice by the Greenpoinb Weekly Star, a Brooklyn paper, that Dr. J. M. Camp- bell has taken his son, Charles, who has graduated for a doctor, into partnership with him,—The Conservative oommittee rooms are located in the office lately ore copied by J. 0. Smith.—Jas. McMichael received very sad news one day recently. The two maltase kittens, whioh he sent to Mrs. Henderson, of Kirkoonnel, Scotland, expired a few days ago. Apparently the Canadian kitties could not exisb in the damp Scotch climate. A plate glass win- dow for the T.13,. F. Case et Co.'s store was shipped bo town last week but was unfortunately an inch too large. The glace was made to fit by an expert of Toronto.—Alex. Scott, jr., met with quite a painful accident on Wednesday of last week. While at his acoustomed work in the Broadfoot di Box furniture factory he had two of his fingers taken off.—Jas. R. Aitcheson, who has been a member of the Expositor staff for many years, has and has Pub ed the Express a ro as P left to talcs charge of it.—Harry Beattie, son of Jas. Beattie, of this town, has opened a law office in Ingersoll.—Geo. Trott has purchased a photograph gallery in Hensall. A. G. Ault the other day boughb a dozen eggs from Miss Harvey, of Harpurhey, The dozen weighed exactly two pounds, while the ordinary Weight of a dozen of eggs is one and a half pounds.—John Tufford, the young man who was seriously injured in the Galt wheel works, by getting caught] in the machinery, is a brother of Miss Josie Tufford, of this town, and a nephew of A. Chittsnden. It is feared the young man will lose the use of one of bis arms as a result of the acoident. NIIMMMO . THE . . Prince Albert Route is bhe Shortest, Cheapest and Safest TO NE SLONEYKE GOLD FIELDS FREE PAMPHLETS WITli 11IAPS sent on application to the Secretary, Prince Albert Board of Trade, Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan, Canada. The :Ronald Fire Engine Works, Alaa, Aarb BRUSSELS. We are prepared to do any kind of Machine Repair Work with dispatch and on very Rea- sonable Torras. When wanting anything in the line of Engines and Boilers, stationary or portable, we would bo glad to have you ask us for quotations as we think we can save you money. We have also on hand all kinds of Repairs for Engines, Boilers, Steam Fittings, and can also execute any orders for Brass work. Niclale Plating a S2iecialty. Iola biro Encino 'Works, BRUSSELS. N EW SHOES for pring arriving daily, in all the latest and most Approved Styles. Shoes to Fit All Feet and Tastes. We carry a stock of Shoes, unexcelled in the County. Shoes that wear is our boast and that at LOW PRICES, We Ask your Inspection of them. r�.�lips Sewed Free of Charge. HARNESS - BEPARTMENT is always to the front. We manufacture all our Harness out of the Best Stock Money can Procure and with our long experience we think we can please you. Our motto is, "Good Goods at a Small Margin." Repairs to Harness, Collars, Boots & Shoes, promptly attended to. Don't forget the stand— Si,gn of Large Scotch, Collar. I. C. RICHARDS, BRUSSELS. genuin BARGAINS. OUR LEADERS. FRIEZE ULSTERS. al Ulsters Sold elsewhere at $11 and $12 00, here for $9 00. Ulsters ir9 10 00, " 7 00. Ulsters it 8 8 50, " 6 50. Ulsters 6 6 50, " . 4 00. Ulsters called a $5.00 bargain elsewhere, here for $8.50. Fur Coats and Caps. Out of the largest and best selection of Fur Coats shown in Brussels this season we have only two left which will be clear- ed out at a bargain. Also a few Fur Caps left which will be sold at a good reduction. Tailoring Departm.ent. 3 IOur Tailoring Department, which needs no mention, is of established merit, which you will confirm by giving us a call. 6I FURNISHINGS. The Choicest stock of Neckwear ever shown in Brussels will be to hand this week, also a choice selection of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Muff- lers, Gloves and Underwear on hand. Present of a Watch. All purchasers of $10.00 and upwards, at 0130 time, will receive a handsome Nickel Watch, stem-winder, valued at $2.50. The above bargains hold good for Cash only for the Holiday season. The L.eaciing Tailor and Furnisher,