The Brussels Post, 1898-2-18, Page 1Vol. 23. No, 82. .++vm�q,s:n,m.arms:nS�RP.•NM�..*+mwn'_>v-¢,mN�.,�r. .. _. .. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, MAL AHD CONVEYANCING. 7 M. sINOLAIR, BARRISTjR V • Soliotuoe,0onvo auoo 'Notary o r N t o door &c. O nbs'ol 0101, Ws lJ oak, 1 door .h of Conb8, Hotel, Solicitor for the :Waal Bank, G, OAMERON, e (lrol'inel'ly of Cameron, Holt & uoron,)13arriater and Solicitor, Godorlch, noO1Eao—HninflGoa St„ Opposite Col Itotol, L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, be Solicitor and Conveyancer. Callon, a made. Oi'lloo—Vanetono'o Blood, Bras. 21-3m F. BLAI1i, BARRISTER, r• Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & udfoot'8 011180, Godorich.) 011ioe over lies & Smith's Bank, Brnasele, Money to Loan, 47 BUSINESS CARDS. • 1 " N. BARRETT, J J• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door 0, d1 of A. M. tdoK.ay & Co's hardware store, L le Wand ch11do0ue hair cutting a spoo(alty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1Na0116N0E, FIRII AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FL.ETCHER , / wei of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE LT JEWELRY i32012E, r: To Witness Required. T. FLETOH111B, Brussels L 0 r t T LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Enron. Conveyancer, Notary Publio d 1.010.1 an$ 1n8n1118100 Agent. Panda .Flied and to loan. Collections made 20 in Graham's Blook, Bra Eisele IlOS. A. flAW1 INS, Will gift, 10880AB to pupils dither on to or organ, at his Music Room, oppooito aodt•oaice, Brussels, Vocal lessons also u. Ten years experience in teaching, .ns moderato. A1:.CTEONEERS. ' S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • EEn, 1,111 0011 for better prices, to er 113011, in 888 time and less (barges a any obb.'r Auctioneer in Itoot Huron 110 won't charge anything. Dates and ars can 'al s.ayo be arranged at this oftloe y llorsona. application. PROVED YORKSHIRE BOAR FOR SERVICE, 10 undersigned will ,keep for service on 28, Con. 0, Morris, the thorn' -bred Im- 'ed Morton ,re Boar, "Oak Lodge Long - 'w," No, 2480, bred by 2-.31, Brothous, Bur- te whish a limited number of sows will alien, Terms, 01.00, to be paid at time ,rvice with privilege of returning ifnec- ry. number of choice young 00188 for sale for rliig purposes which will he sold at 1 to sofa ROST times, Proprietor. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfullyused monthlybyover ask • IO 800 Ladies. a effectual. 9 frk'Cotton Ladies a ek our druggist ' 0k• y for 1 a Condo Hoof qg tem- in1. Take to other 0s all Prise, 11 pills and anions a dnaees ser Prue, Ne. L, $1 per Pt No. 8,10 degreooOtronger,$8 per box. No. 14 3, mailed en receipt of prloe and two 8 -eon) et , s. Tho .Cools CornparylWindeor, Ont re =Mine ible Dru 2 lsts in Canedpmendod by al) gg es. 1 and 2 sold in Brussols by G, A. DBADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller & Optician, .rAIL NE 111. G. Richardson It prepared to do all ,finds of work in his line. 6 xi Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. tarssr STYLES. S its made for $4 and upwards. t 'Shop in Barfield Block. COUSLEY deal Estate Loan 1 ''ENT, BRUSSELS, 1V coy to Lean on Farm Secur' ity at the Lowest Prato of Interest. M Rey Loaned on Notes and 01101 Notes Discounted. Sale Nota a Specialty. F 9 LI Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to Conveyancing. 0 ,aY. )flits over Doadman's Drag Store, BRUSS11ILS. New Advertisements, Politioal Mootiuge. Locale—McKay ce Co. Gold Fields—G, T. It. A hungry pig—G• A. Deadman. Jerseys for sale ---G. A, Deadman. We aclvertioo !sats—lltoliinnoo & Co, t5tr•I.ct g41,115, t;tllaei. Politioal meeting horn notch Wednoeday night. Both oandidateo will be present, Tile I. 0. F. concert, which was billed for the 8rd inst., will likely take peace on Thursday or Friday of next week. When aiming from the Presbyterian church last Sabbath, 11Ire. McIntyre, 0i8' ter of Mrs. Wm. MoAllieter, stepped to the wrong side of the road and was knoekeffelown by a horse. The sudden stop of the bor80 prevented what might have been a serious acoidonl. The 100 acre farm owned by Dr, him Kelvoy, of Brussels, known as the Bate. man property, Weal of Ethel, has been sold to 10 1110. Earl, of MorningtOn, for the euro of 95,000. Ile takes p0800esion this coming Spring. F. S. Scott, of Brussels, effeoted the sate. It is amine piece of property. Considering the stormy night on Tues- day quite a large orowd gathered for the meeting of Ibe Bible Sooieby, in the Presbyterian church, In the absence of the speakers from Brussels, Rev, J. Walker took charge of the meeting and gave a short [When on the work the Society is doing. A union choir furnish- ed the music. Misses Spence and Bleat. mon were appointed oollec1ore. _%io a'i'l:,:. W. Fear spent Sunday with friends in Brussels. Argue McCallum will 181180 fn the near future for British Columbia, Neil MOOallunh is at present staying at Wm. Taylor's. Flo is engaged for the tennemer. S. White left last Saturday for 0740008 River, Man. Ile was ticketed by 0. P. R. Agent Farrow, Brussels. Oa Saturday evening, 28111 inet., a joint politioal meeting will be held in the stone sohnol house, 00minen0lnst at 7 o'clock. 0n Thursday evening of last week R. Fear, accompanied by three fair ladies of the Otb, spent o very enjoyable time at the reside:me of Thos. 28rgueon, of Mc, Kilt .p. Gac. Kelly, jr„ of the 8th, 11828 par- olee' ad a first oleos roan driver from Jas. Oarier, Walton, Through the careful management of Mf. Kelly this beast may yet be a prize winner. 112 fireball Hughes, who went to Esoan- aba, ,Michigan, last week, bee secured a good job at the new ore docks being built in that olty. Mrs. Hughes will likely remove to Escanaba in the near future, On the morning of Feb. 0th a large white owl wee seen flying Westward on the 6111 Ifni of Morris. It rested go the ridgeboard of Mount Pleasant," dear Strule Well. Ib was of the large English 1Y00. The township printing for 1808 was awarded to the Blyth Standard at lash Monde 'e Council meeting. He gets 620 for the year's work and is welcome to hie job, which is well wroth double the amount of the tender. A big time was spent at the residence of Charles Wheeler Thursday evening of Met week, when about 95 young people gathered to a 4810ing party. They kept it up till 8.30 the next morning. Messrs. Bell, Davide, Rands and Stewart were the musicians. A resident of the 6th line claims then there is a dootor in Lucknow, who can take oat a man's eye and graft 10 rabbit'e eye instead. He must have gone through the operation, as e olai h ms he taw the p w timber falling in the fire at Clinton and heard the men nailing. A abeamg gale wao•blowing from the North the Flame day, Virroxetma•- Messrs. Gihoon & Barnard shipped a oar of oatmeal last weelr, Miss Minnie Hemphill, who baa been visiting Mrs. (Bev.) W. E. Kerr, of Hen. veil, arrived boors this week, Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., was away at Dublin Last Monday evening addressiig a meeting for Mr. Mosorip, the Liberal oaudidete for South Perth. He will oleo give Mr. Taylor, of North Middlesex, and Mr. Soott Wellington, ton lit end, of W ig ,1011 nd, The political meeting, addressed by Messrs. I4islop and Mooney, was largely attended bare Thursday evening of last week, Mr. Hislop gave an excellent and strong speech in favor of the Hardy Government, so 0troug, indeed, that his onnonen t, Mr, Mooney, could notAn d an opening to eontradiot the healthy state. meets of the Liberal oandidato. At a meeting of the native membere of the Preebyterian Christian Endeavor Society,recent, 1d 't Ile h was decided to work thout the pledge for a year on trial. A(tiolee were drawn up by the pastor as a substitute. The repine meeting of the Satiety, on Sabbath nigbb 110et, was 111 11011 enjoyed, there being an excellent paper rend by Miss Mary Miller on the 'Pioneer Bietory of the Wroxeter Presbyterian Cherub." Nothing in the way of entertainments i8 patronized in Wroxeter like a 8011001 ()omen. ' This was much En evidenoe last Friday night when, in spite of the down. pour of rain end slushy route, the school house wee peeked to the d0or0 to sec the program given by the children. The seating capacity of the school house was much enlarged by some alborations made, 8o Mutt the !mega company was fairly ao- oommodated in that line. Groat credit is due our Principal, Mr. S4ott00, and his I My aesiseant for the manner in which the propene wag carried out. A play by the older 801ro1are oalled the "Irfoh Voter," 1n 9 mote, is . wortly of notice tat tie 8itu0ti088 at them wore mom cal and olioited much applause. M(, Ellis, of 'Mount Forest, comic vocalist, added much to the night's fun with hie 4400/0004880=0000,.,00444440 _ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1898 W. I. K E R R, Prop. 1,10 .1,11,1 Bath (tongs, The Gerrie Urohsatre and the Wroxeter Quartet rendered goad mn0i0 in clillorent lines and everything went off welt. Alex. Munro, hardware mehwhltnb of thin piece, and an ardent eepporler of the Public eohoolo, Rated am °linirnian and 111Ied 1110 hill to 10 nicety. Wroxeter nen bald her own in any line of oompetition with neighboring towns. Mr, fepotton, Prinnipal of our Publio sohool, and Alex. el mire went to Delmore on Wednesday ot lent week and debated with Dr. Mauldin and Mr. Ward, of Mild. may, on the saejcot, "Resolvers that Im- perial Federation would benefit Canada," of which our boys had the negative and, as usual, came oil victorious. The So. oiety here will lobate the "Silver Ques- tion and the "Single Tax" with any Club wishing to take up the eubjeot, e. 8'1i116le yet() Ir. ldlee Ada Billing le borne from London 011 a Visit. 14ev, D. li. 1120R.te has been bothered with a bad (told. Noss counting p(Oparatory to March 1st ie booming fashionable. Mies Lizzie 111011a0 has taken n posi- tion in Toronto and went to It this week. Politioal meeting in the leech IIoll on Saturday evening of this week, eo cone - month at 7 o'olock. On tho afternoon of the Barna day the cendidate0 speak at Sprain's school house. Wednesday evening of this week a Bible Society meeting was held in the Presbyterian 011ur0h, Addressee were delivered by Rev. R. Paul and Rev. S. J. Agin, of Brussels, of a most suitable character. Oolleetion, 93.46. Vias ahteraa. Court Wingham, Independent Order of Forestere, will hold a sociel in the near future. Wm. Halliday hoe bought the residence of R. C. Sparli031 on Minnie street and will move there soon. We thought all the b6; saw logs had been brought into town last Winter, but there appears to be more coming this Bee. son than over. Rev. J. C. MoOraokeo, of Obeslo,y, well known in Wingham, was elected to the officio of ohaplain of East Bruce Co. L. 0. L. et the rooent meeting. The Epworth League will hold an en- tertainment in the Methodist (thumb on 81081(lay evening next. The Empire 00. will furnish the program. Posters are out for West Huron pro. claiming February 22nd as nomination and March 1st as eleotion day. A. L. Gibson, of Goderich, is returning officer. BUILDING. — Button & Fessen1 will build a brick addition to their Chair fee. tory this Spring.—Thos. Bell di Son will build an addition to their factory in the Spring,—Tae Union Turuiture Co., will enlarge their factory this Spring. Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian ohurch on Sunday lase. Rev, J. G. Stewart, of Loudon, preached both morning and evening. Ou Monday evening nn old fashioned tea meeting wee held. After tee had been served Rev. 1171•, Stewart gave n very interesting lec- ture on Curious Chinese customs, PEn00NALs.—Wm. Martin is home from Manitoba.—A. J. Irwin, D. D. S„ visits Blyth every Wednesday.—Miss Lotbie Orr, of Wroxeter, is visiting in town this week.—Mise Anderson of B l th , isat e• ing Miss Tucker—Thos. Gibson, Ex-M. P. P., was in hewn on Monday.—Mrs, Allen, who hoe boon living in town for some time, returned to bar home in Woodstock on T'aesday.—Mies Scott, of Bruesela, fo visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Cattery this week. GUIT.—I11 Wingham, on Friday, Feb. llth,•Mise Minnie Drew died at the early age of twenty, ono years. She had been ill for some time but the end came cud• de11y, as it alwaye does, to the loving watchers at her side. She was a young lady 10110 was highly esteemed by all who knew her, a member of St. lecture eharch, ah and e°tit% 'aur' iu good works. The funeral was held on Monday to the Wingham oemotory and wort largely attended by sympathetic friends and acquaintances. 2 TO 1.—Lively game of hockey woe played in the rink here on Monday even. ing between Wiogllam and Lu0know, re. milting in favor of Wingham by a soon of two to one. Both teams played an aggressive game and at times it was hard to tell whose game it would be. The home team scored first, tion Laoknow scored and then when the time eves near. le. up, Wiugllam scored again. Wing - ham lies a good team this year, C-4 IV Two Ethel youths visited the 101h eon. on Sunday evening. 20(3(10101 meeting at Sperain's school house on Saturday 10ft080010 of bbis week, comm0noing ab 2,80 o'clock. Jno. Brown has hie chopping hill run. nin al lob 10 coo 10,1 ' 01 rtleBd gn and Y Friday of each weak. Ills pride is 4 ports per 100, A joint, auction shale, between John Mitchell and Edward Denyer, will be held on Thursday afternoon of mut week, et the home of the former, 0th con. Farm stook, implements, &c. F. S. Soobt, of Brussels, will be Um auctioneer. J. W. Stott, Listowel, has sold lot 84 in the 8rd 00uo000icn of Grey, 100 scree, to William Lucas, for 92,500, who Don- eiders that he hoe gob a bargain. 11Ir. Lew recently sold his flfly 100110 farm on the Wallace and Howiok boundary to Chas. Shafer for 91,050, roe emu KLor1n11cg,—Wm, and Peter 111:oNsil, of the 14b11 con., left on Moaner for Vancouver, B, 0. They intend par. chasing their outflt0 thorn and paehing on to the Klondike about the first of March. They purohaeed their tickets Rom le. Farrow, 0. P. R. agent, Brnssele, A politioal meeting wee held al Duke's school .louse on Wednesday evening. Mr. Pieie wee voted to the °hair which oli'hoe he filled with 010ti0f10otiml to all, Mr. Moonoy woe represented by B. Gerry, of Bentonite ire aid Reeve Bowman, 0 orris while i t f Morris, . Liberal nl,e lasts were ebaln toned by Reeve Stn.hanl of Grey, and W. 1L Kerr, of Brueeele, lfie0anrli. elates wore etteuding a meeting in Ma- Kilicp, Sidney Ennis, alio wee vlsiting here, hoe returned t0 Manitoba, Onite a number front elite 100101117 at- tended the Doig—Patrick wedding an Wednesday of last week. 11 einaNd Berms. —A happy company, comprising about 40 relativeo and near relent., ttoecmblocl at the aomtortablo 1810idence of John Cardiff, 8th con., on Weshlesday forenoon, to wit0e88 the tying of the nuptial bow between John E. Beverage, of ,fey Weot, Minnesota, and eliso Arne M., the estimable daughter of the host and hoeteos, Rev. Ce, J. Ahoy, incumbent of St. John's church, Brea. solo, performed the ceremony, bio inter- ested party takiog their plaoee at 10.30 O'olo0I( while Min Eva Cardiff, 0011efn of the bride, played the Weddiug March, Miss Lizzie Cardiff, sister t0 the bride, was bridesmaid 'end George Hamilton, of Walton, was groomsman, Very hand Fenno and becoming cmet1m00 were worn, the bride's being a Dream cashmere and ,ler attendant a white muslin over pale green. A bridal veil and orange blossoms alae added to the adornment of the form- er. After hearty congratulations the 0omp1011y eat down to an elegant spread prepared in Mrs, Oardiff'e well known style, Tho wedding gifts were of a valu- able character and Pipette the high es- teem in which Mrs. Beverage was held. By the afternoon brain the happy couple loft 131000els for their home in the West followed by the hearty good wishes of many relatives and friends for their future prosperity in which Tao POST also joins. Mrs. Beverage was an ioherested worker in St. John'o church Sabbath school, choir and Young People's Society. She was Treasurer of the latter. We have no doubb bat she will soon find a field for operations in Key West, %Val tole. 2011110101 meeting here Monday night before the election. Quito a number from bare will attend the nomination et Brussels next Tuesday. The communion eervio08 in Duff's absinth during the past week were profit. able. Birthday Party under the auspices of the League of the Methodist •ohnroh on Tueoday evening of next week, A flue prngeron will be presented. It is hinted that the regulations of the License law are not being very closely ob. served and that the Inspector bas some work out out for him. This is merely a note of warning. At the political meeting held at Lead. bury last Monday afternoon the eloquent Bernard O'Donnell aesieted Mr. Hiolop, the Liberal candidata, end Co. Co. Tboo. E. Flays supported Mr. Mooney. It was n good meeting. Ontario vs. Kiondyke. 0 'slvie'e Klondyke book is the beat sell- ing one of the year bub a book,—free for all who ask,—that excels it in real merit, because treating effectively of a eubjeot of more lasting important* to the people of tlhisro i e P v no , is the Anneal Report of the Ontario Agrioultural Oollege and Ex. perimeutal Farm at Guelph. Where one man will wax rich in the now famous gold mines of the Yukon district of Can. ada, a hundred may acquiree competence if nota great deal more by Woking to the farm in The Ontario. e 0 b w alta of matter in the Report i0 of incalculable value to the country. Agriculture is our greatest industry and the information 'given thereabouts by this publication of the Ontario Depart. mart of Agrioalture, Toronto, is up -to• date and reliable. The Report is, 1120118. over, well illustrated, and foe a govern- ment bluebook, written in a most inter- esting style: The Ontario Agricultural College is beginning to feel the full 0nmi. Wive foroo of nearly a quarter of a con. titry's existence, the past year having 11001 the most snooeasfel in ire 24 years' history. Proof of this is found in the feet that of the otndente now in atten- dance over 95 per cent mune on the ex. press recommendation of ex•atudents. President Mills in a000ttnting for this 4len8105 feature of the College's prosper- ity says ; "The greet majority of those who have been with us long enough to get a fairly thorough knowledge of our coarse of study and apprentioobip, are giving a good n000nnt of themselves ab home and abroad. They helm goes baok to 10orl8 with an increased liking for farm life ; they are pushing to the front as penoti. eel,peog8essivo man, and, wherever you find them, they are warm Mende of the College at Guelph. ' At the present time every bed is the Resideoee le °templed end 27 students aro lodging outside, moue of them in the Im. mediate neighborhood of the College. The total number on the roll in 1897 was 875-212 in the regular mune, and 68 in the spooiai dairy oouroe—the groat ma• jority being Ontario farmers' sone of the very best class." As an Ontoom0 of the tuberculosis agi, talion, the Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture, decided about a year ago to provide for the manufacture of tuber' culla in the College, The neoe0eary ap. prattle was ordered at once, and the baoheriologist, F. 0. Harrison, soon gob things in shape to commence work. The first 14 donee were sent oat about the end of last May ; and sines that bime the de. named hoe increased Bo rapidly that it was found necessary to order an additional inoltbetot and add a room to the labors, tory. With these additions, it Es hoped to be able to supply what i8 required in the Provinoe. The work in the department of 501d exporimento is growing in importance from year to year. The experimenbe With vevietie0 of wheat, oats, beriey, peas, 00(81, turnips, mongols, potatoes, wombs, green foddors, grasses, clovers, Mixtures of grain, etc., have been oarriod on sy0tematloelly and persistently on well defined lilies for seven or eight yenr0, 0n plots Eu different poets of a flfty-aero field, and under climatic waiting which havevarietl with the years. Howiethe results now begin to iudioate very °lenity which 88830110e are best adappter, 10 the soil and etiolate el the Oolloge farm ; and the 000peralive exporimento throughout the Provinoe, parried on elmultanoouely by the College Experi. mental Union (largely under the direction of the Experimentalist, 0, A. Zavitz,) go to chow that the varieties which have done best at the College, give the best re- sults all over the Province. In ibis way some exoellent foreign varieties have been introduced, tested, and dietributed throughout the Provinoe —verietioe which yield from six to eight bushels per acre more than any varieties previously grown. Io oats and barley alone, the varieties introduced end die. tribeted by the experim est etatioo have, within the poet four or use years, paid to the Provinoe a good deal more than the past four or five years, paid to the Prov, ince a good deal more than the entire opt of the College for the last ten years. Brussels School Board. Last Mendel, evening the Publio School Board met in ebe Board room at the school building, all the mambos being present excepting Jas, Twang], who ie still in Toronto. Minutes of hast meeting read and passed. The following accounts were presented t A. H. MONeiI,rebuilding fornaoe.,918 50 R. Leatberdale, spriog roller .. 50 G. Lotb, watching on night of fire 1 00 T. A. MoLauahiin, teaching during Mr. Jackson's Mune ... ,.. 10 40 Wilton & Tarnbnll, oil and pails.. 80 '3. G. Skene, cloth for dusting .... 50 Moved by A. Koenig, seconded by J. G, Slcene that the above 100000nte bo paid. Denied. Moved by J. G. Skene, seconded by W. F. Vanstoue that Mr. Muer be paid 98.00 extra for oleaniog oub the basement. Carried. Moved by J. G. Skene, eecooded by A. Kceuig that the balance of D. MoNaogbt. on's account, $5.80, be paid. Carried. The following tenders for kaisomining, painting and plastering were opened and read : F. McCracken, whole work,..,948 00 W. 0. Smith, paiotog and liaise - 58 50 A. Sample, painting and Woo - mining 45 00 T, Snider, painting and kalsomin- lug 87 00 A. H. McNeil, plastering 22 00 Moved by W. F. Vaostone, seconded by A. Consley that the tender of F. Mo- Crnoken be aooepted, the work to be completed by April 181. Carried. Moved by A. Konig, seoonded by J. G. Skene that the Board hold their regular meetings hereafter in the Board room of the school on the second Friday in each month, at 8 o'olook p. m., and that any former motion re time and place of meetings be and is hereby rescinded. Carried. The Board then adjourned. POLITICAL POINTERS. Give up the tried oorvane only when you inn get a better one. Ili will be time for a change when the opposition can show a good reason for it. "Ontario has done well during the last twenty years. To reduce the licenses from 6,000 to 3,000, so that instead of a license for 800 e clef iso d t now license for 800 people, le encouraging enough to work on. Abolition of saloons, one-half fa July, 1898, the balance in July, 1899 ; prohibition for druggist exoepb on midi• cal oertifioate ; fixing hours of olosiog increasing age of minors from sixteen to twenty-one years, and. other similar pointe are demonstrative that the Gov. ernment have heeded the demand of pro. hibitionists, and favored, as now appears from the oppoeihion to the movement, to the extent of their ability, this great leg. isiative reform."—Rev. Dr. Garman, gen- eral nde snp print e n t of the Methodist ohurabhn canals. Mr. Whitney opposed the appointment of a Minister of Agrioulture. He opposed the bill which protects children by fixing a limit to the hears in which they may be employed in shops. He opposed the appointment of a drain. age referee, He opposed the increase of 0000mmo' dation for the 11105110. He opposed the bill to establish the De- paxbmelt of Neglected and Dependent children, which has saved the Province over 9100,000 and found homes for bund. recta of orphans and worse than orphans. Ile opposed the appointment of a Clerk of Forestry. Heol•p opposed o d h h o appointmenh of a High. way 0ommiosiouer. He voted against the reduction of the number of County Cottuoillors. What has Mr. Whitney ever done that he should ask bo supplant Mr. Hardy in the oonfldence of the people ? On April 8rd, 1986, the e Tor onto World (Conservative) said :—"At the beginning of the present) session there was 801110 talk among the opposition membol% of electing Whitney as thele leader. It wee maid that the member for Dundas was able, shrewd and clever, and that he would melte e, better leader than Mr, Marne. The prooeodings in the House cturiag the past few days have established the feat that the opposition were right in stioking to Mr. Muter, who, although not as well adopted to the position es he might be, is yet superior to the new claimant. Mr. Whitney may be able, .levee and shrewd, huh he team rover ex- pect to bo a public. leader melees he is a fighter for the public welfare. So far he seems to have neither intuitive or ac- quired knowledge of the duties of a mem. her of Parliament." `Pine Pico -BM Pow:tr.—The opposition, instead of deVotiug the last flours of the 0008i0n to framing a policy upon which to sook the suffrage of the electors, heel oo. 0814101 thole attention with the "swina- Mfum" or "lhogorium" (sane. He would thee go into the evidence, but gave the statements of the opposition an 1013001ut0 and ulocnditional denial, end ridiculed the idea that the people of this peo8in00 should bo naked to degrade themselves by making this an issue nr tho campaign. The policy of the opposition 0111ug04 with pooh election. A0 Mr. Williston, of 111e Globe, had aptly described it, four years ago it was "No Popery," and now it 10 "No piggery," They had a few years ago au "egg" policy, thou ft was the "hen" ; last time It wee "the calf with a cough," and true to instruotions they now had a '"pig.sty and a pig" policy. Apparently they must have a live animal fu it.—lion. A. S. Hardy at Brookville. Under the present Ontario Adminis. tration the timber has been kept as the heritage of the people and the proceeds of sales used for the benefit of the people, Alves not given away to favorites and friends, but sold by public auction to the high001 bidder. In Ootober, 1892, 433 milds were sold for 92,315,000. Since 1873 the sane realized from orown lands sad timber was 923,128,758. It was nob wasted upon a horde of useless officials, as the report of Mr. Whitney's opeeob wouln load one to suppose. The pay- ment of officials is one of the smallest items in the expense account of the gov- ernment. oyernment. In 7.897 Ontario paid 9250,945 for civil governmout ; Quebec, with a much smaller population, paid 9277,845. We paid 9159,392 for legislation, as maltase 9288,862 in Quebec. le any ono asks where the bulk of those and other incomes have been expended he will find it in public buildings, in railway grants, and in sums direotly returned to the pm pie. Here are the totals for the entire Liberal term : Pnblfa Works and buildioge nearly 9 9,000,000 Distribution of ourplus to mun- ioipalibies 8,325,878 Grants to railway Education Agriculture and arts Hospitals and charities Asylums, oto Administration of justice 14,855,186 3,471,715 2,768,998 15,480,076 8,694,594 Colonization reads 2,868,087 Here we have, in public buildings and in sums directly returned to the people more than twice as much as the Sandfleld Mac. donald surplus medal, the receipts from timber and Crown lands added together. What folly to tell the people of Ontario that these resources in money and timber 111178 been "squandered l" CIiURCii (MMES. Service in the R. C. ohurch next Sab- bath at the usual hour. Rev. Mr. Locke, of Park Hill, has been invited to become the pastor of Lacknow Methodiet church. Rev. Messrs. A111n and Paul addressed e Bible Society meeting at Oraobrook on Wednesday evening of this week. Next Wednesday being Ash Wednes- day, servioe will be held in St. John's church et 7.30 p. m. These eervioes will be continued during Lent. Next Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Rose' eubjeot will be :—"Ohristian in the Valley of the Shadow of Death." In the .gen- ing a second disooureo will be preached on Apollyon. Rev. Mr. Allin's disoourose last Sabbath morning was from the text found fn Matthew 9th.ohapter and 9th verse and in the evening a continuation of the ser- mon of the previous Sabbath evenio31. Rev. S. 3, Allin will ooarlect morning and evening service in the Methodist ohnroh next Sunday. Morning subject, "Home and its relation to early training." Evening, "Who will be elected 7" Sale. bath school topio, "Tile Apostles sent forth." At a meeting of the Official Board of Brussels Methodist church, held on Thursday evening of lost week, Rev. Dlr. A11in received a ananimone invitation to continue as pastor for the next Confer- enoe year. The Rev, gentleman swept - ed, subject of course, to the will of the Conference. Mr, Ailin's health, whioh ryes very poor a portion of last year, has been fully restored, and as vigor of body bas returned ho has given ample eve. dance of it by the exaellenoy of hie pulpit efforts. There are few betterreaohere in the conference and we are pleased to know that he will remain for another year. Last Sabbath moroiog Rev. Mr. Ross' text was "Fight the Good Fight of Faith," let Tim. 6:12—Christian's con- flict with Apollyon in the Valley of Humiliation. The divisions of the sub- ject were :-1. His Preparation for the Conflict. This consisted in ; (1) A sea- son of Spiritual Fellowship. He had partioipated with the inmates of the Hoare Beautifal in the sacrnmental feast. (2) Special Spiritual Instruction. He was taught many important and tumour. aging teethe in the study and in the armory. (3) An inspiring Spiritual Out. loop. From the top of the House he was shown the Delectable Mountain end lm' manual's Land, to which he would by. come. (4) A suitable Spiritual Equipmeal. He was harnessed with armor thee was complete and Empen. etrable. 204—His conduct in the Con. Mat. This was marked by : (1) A tem. posey Fear. He began to be afraid, (2) An exemplary Fortitude, He resolved to go on, (8) A noble Sbeadfaetnese, He firmly withstood all Apollyon's per. 0080io00 and intimidations. (4) A heroic Courage. He wielded hie sword man- fully against Apol lyou. 3rd—bile Victory in the 0o"Biot. 11 was ; (1) A Decisive Victory. Apollyon fled from the held. (2) A Joyons Victory. When it was coon he smiled. (8) A Gratefully -acknowledg- ed Victory. He thanked y Him Who did help him against Apollyon. In the even- ing Mr. Ross spoke of Apollyon, hie Personality and Properties, The Methodists of Highgate will erect a new °hutch foe the coming season. It i0 expected to web upward of 96,000, a considerable portion of which has already been subscribed. The entire family of Titus Boob, of Chatham, 00128iseing of six children, nearly lose their lives from eating fresh oboes°, The symptoms were like those of Asiatic cholera. Geo. M. Bose, of the publishing firm of Hunter, Rose 61 00,, died Thursday morning of last week at 4 o'clock, in To- ronto. Mr, Rose was born fn Scotland in 1829, and came to Canada when 10bont 25 years old an agent fora Scottish publish• ing Aim, (7nnfr.<3ilila 7'!TevvslJ, Tavishoolt opera 617,000 In now build' Inge during the past meson, Within an hour from the time of Olt. ting hi0 cell, AIliooa was in hie grave, New J0000y proposes to tax baabelors 99 a year soca. It is too little to pay for the privilege. Hamilton public schools have set aeido ora day each year for inculcating parrot. otic sentiments in the minds of the scholars, The carpet factories of Armstrong and MoPhersoo Bre,, Guelph, have amalga- mated and will enlarge their bueloees to double fee present ospaoity. One of the very cold mornings recent- ly four gentlemen, who were passengers on a Bioor and MoClanl street oar In Toronto refused to pay their fares be, 010080 there wee no lire in the stove in the oar. Manager Barron, of the Street Rail- way Company, Brantford, states that during the past four months the road carried 12,000 more passengers than it did during the oorretpo0ding period' a year ago. The el. 0. It. train on the London division, was suddenly brought to 10 standstill when it reached the Hemillon road, London, a few nights ago. Some person did the triols: by shutting off the air•eogk. Tho conference between Mr. Hays, General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railways, Mr, Sbaughueosy, Vioe- Proeident 0f tandhe 0. P. R., apparently did not settle the differences between the two companies. A rumor has been in circulation that the Wabash would be asked to run their trains over the Air line. The Grand Trunk were alleged to be dissatisfied be- cause the Wabesb was taking Western busineso from ahem. Sixteen employees of the Willson Car- bide Company, Limited, of Merritton, as wel! as the President of the company, Thomas L. Willson, are heiug proceeded against by the Lord's Day Allianoe for desecration of the Sabbath Day. The deadlock which h10e existed in the Seaforth Council since the new year over the election of a Collegiate Institute Trust*e, was broken Monday night, the Rev. Mr. Hodgins being elected over Mr. John0ton,the late secretary -treasurer of the Boad. 12118 Mrinioter of Railways at Ottawa heard a deputation from Tilbury and other pointe in Essex, the members of which desire that aid shall be extended to the project of cutting a oanal from Lake St. Glair to Lake Erie through what is known as the "Great Too of Ontario." The Board of Councilmen in Buffalo bas passed e, resolution inotruoting the corporation counsel to prepare and sub. mit to the board an ordinance providing for the licensing of "department shores," said stores to pay a license for every branch of business carried o by the m, ex. oepting their one legitimate business. Chatham Planet ; Ex -Al d. E. A. ?dorm - tear has stretch gas upon hie farm on eon. 6, £taleigh, part of the old Keefer farm. The drilling was stone by Mr. Chase and gas was struck at a depth of 65 feet. The drill punctured a point, but the pre8eare behind it leads to the belief that a rich vein ie nob far distant. The men are stili atorkat w the new] wet and the intention is to prospect nod see just what ga0 there is to be had. Jas. Stanbury, wlio held the rowing, championship of the world until J. G. Gaudeur,the sturdy Canadian, wreoted it from bim, warts to row Barry, the Magliate bluffer. Replying to Barry's challenge spinet the world, Stanbury says he is willing to row him either on the Thames or the Tyne for £500 a side if he receives £50 expenses, or he will allow Barry £100 to role on the Parra. matte. Of course no raoe for the world's championship can be arranged without oo0eulti n Gaudette. Thomas C. Wren, who resides near Cbiselhnrst, met with a very serious accident recently. He had bought a number of strange steers, and when working around one of them the animal kicked with both feet, one foot striking Mr. Wren on the side, fracturing some of his ribs, and the other on the leg, breaking ib. Tho injuries are serious and painful but not dangerous, and it will be several weeks before Mr. Wren will be able to around again. There was 10 hot fire iu New York the other night in the disbriot of Sky -scraping buildings down -town. The Menu Chambers, a largo and old oight.etoroy etruoture ou Nassau and Ann streets, was destroyed, entailing a foes of 9800,000. For some time a conflagration was im- minent, no lege than a dozen bnildinge being ablaze at one time. There were 85 fire engines at work on the flames, oleo ten trucks, and three water towers. 850. The nuThmbo erof&Naooan rem n e enOb n aborsdwaFlabwoaut0 Gong: g owned by Levi P. Morton, ex'Governor of New York, and late Vioo•Preoident of the United Stone. Daring the lire's progress be was informed of ib by a re- porter, just before going to the abarity ball at the Waldorf-Astoria. ,,Are you going to the fire, Governor ? asked the reporter. "0h no," replied Mr. Morton "I have a previous engagement. I am going to the charily ball. FOUN1 6 Nan or, Rncoo30.—TheDundee Benner says :—John Lumsden went out a'few miles along the Brook road Taos' day on a shooting expedition and oame baok with game that he had not expected, and which hag been the wonder of the town all day. He Dame aoro0s a big tree which bad every indioation of oontaining a racoon's Winter home, and tet once set about to fell the area, When he got it down end split open, he lotted not only a noon, but it whole nest of them, all rolled up in a ball and air in a dormant state. He bagged the lob without disturbing the slumbers of any and Look them home, Up to noon Wednesday he was not able to tell whether there were three, four or Ave V in the ball hr ball, there seems to b0 four, ,411 are full grown, in good condi. tion, and have epiendfd fur, They are 0ti11 in a sold plane, but are . expected to acme to life and untangle themselves when put in a warm plaoq,